The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 19, 1863, Image 4

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car AND „45rBuRBAN.
From SaturdaS 4 s Evanhl Edit i on.
Gesu 11141.ey Renewed.
We find the foyloilng
,pleee of news; In a,
Louisville lettei "to tho Chaelniati Getette,
dated tho
Gu. irsour EgLIZVED.-
I regret toles= that Omani . o thers rene'red
from command its /Asperses'. araty„since the
late battle, Ls tie popular and.officient young
Major General,' James Wegley - ,':l know
not why the pruning hook' has - touchlid.lll4
strong and healthy !Imhof the martial tree,
but I :venture,: the assertion that, if under
charges and about to undergo examination,
Oda. Nagler will prune as - clear a record as it
has heretofore been brilliant It has been
charged; I notiee,in print it least; in the
Johneal, that , Gen: :leak/ caused'
the disaster to the tight and tenter on the
20th by withdraWing his' skirmishers too soon
when ';moving to the left; and, else, that he
abandoned the 'held at ea.-early , biar on the
same day, taking with - him Reinvillo his
division nearly intact 'and tarrying off a bat
tery left in restivelyWohd, It may be that
charges to ale O ' ireCt maji.bitve been preferred
against bim;sbnt it is much mono likely that
this story is of a lien with the slander in
vading Crittenden. I hen stale positively,
however,-that Gen. Negiey. has bon relieved
of: his command, and that his old division, .
like: the twelve others of the army, have been
=tip Into six, forming the 4th and 13th Corps.
We unite moaf cordially in the regret :ex
pressed by this correspondent, that the gal
hut and popular hero ofEtone river ihoold have
been made to gaffer, howArer temporality, for
the faults of others. We feel assured, however,
that an early loves tigatfon will lead td the rein,
statement of "this strong and healthy limb of
the martial tree." We have ho few napablei
earnest and popular, lighting ganerals„that
ire eouldnot well afford to spare'-en. Negley.
Tip Criminal Court.
Very little basin°, of public interest was
transacted in this court to-daY. Wm. Croke,
convicted of We charges of assault and lst
tory, was sentenced to pay &fine of five dollars
and costs in oath case. Robert con
vieted of ,a similar offense, was sentenced to
pay a tine of ten dollars.
Mary Wilkineon and Belle Roney, the girls
who stole a large quantity of clothing, etc.,
from Mrs. McKee, of Manchester, and who
plead guilty to the charge, wore 'brought in
for sentence. These girls are over eighteen.
years of age, and in view of the fact that they
have been 'aiding degraded lives for some
time past, the Court had determined to send
them both to the penitentiary. Counsel, how
ever, appealed to the Court for mercy, and
asked that the girls be sent to the House of
Refuge. Judge Stowe remarked that the
Court would be compelled to lay a heavy hand
upon offenders of this character. The num
ber of young girls permitted to run at large
upon the streets, and follow their own incli
nations, were fearfully Lige: No Ono could
pass along the principal thoroughfares of our
cities, at night, without witnessing the
painful evidence , of this fact. The House
of Refuge was not a proper place for girls .
who had lost all self-respect and de
cency, and who -had entered -upon a life of
shame. They could not be eeparated.from.the
other inmates, and their influence upon those
lees versed in crime might be most pernicious.
Judge Mellon remarked that the Court bad
concluded to send both of these defendants to
the Penitentiary. 'The Managers of the
House of Refuge did not like to receive such
persons, and he was not clear that they could
receive them, under their mitts. The jail was
the worst possible place, owing to the evil in
fluences Inseparably connected with' an Im
prisonmeet there, and the Penitentiary was
the only alternative. The eel:dance, however,
would be postponed until Saturday. neat, and
in the meantime, inquiry would betende as to
whether the partied were admissible to--the
House of Refuge.
Killed at the Outer Depot✓
At an early hour this morning, the body of
a man named John Johnston, a watchman
employed at the outer depot of the Pennsyl--
mmia Railroad Was found dead and msuaglod
on the track. Coroner ElcClung was notified
and holden inquest, but no evidence was ad:
&teed tending to , show how hg
. came to his
death. Re was list seen, littiptithand, walk
ing about the 'anti and le ouppesed to hare
been struck and k nocked down by a T he P"iin
train at a later hair ' thinight. de:
ceased had boon in the
.emplo.f of 'UM, aka
pany for about a year, and had a family re
siding •at New Derry, Westmoreland county.
The - jury found a irenlict of neeitientel death.
The company:drafted Alia , ' coated his re-'
mains and forwarded them to his family.
Salt Alves Titket. '
Some wag haegottaa upit•lasititivur Vick
which is creating.considiumblu , amuse
meet. It is a very "snaky" coneems, being
highly emimilished with "uortierhell4l,"
Tarim' attitudes, but it guarantees , * “derad
head" piimage up "Saltiltiver,..""en the 'SMUG
Gauge - Road, to all who may' bold tickeil.
The train leones this .eity - &Hike 7,30
stopping only at the ."Central ClUb BUoms,"
"Poet "DuireS," and otherluiti
eipd stations: George-B. McClellan' is Lrres-
Went, and V.L.Valiondighani Vieeliresitlent
of the road. :The solar ofll
signed, Mad the' "bfitof Tgie ' is.ltery chalets;
Drinks shantliust, . The news bap have
nopolised the sato of the tickets, although a
very reliable agent has been assigned to that
LIST' Or LETTERS Toixtaining in the
POSSOVPICE at AitsalliasT, Pa., at noon
onAATUBDAT, October 11tt4.180, ,
El/CILISIUM 111 arruoarrek ,
* Pleaia mention the elate or the tin which
theletter le ealvertlial. •
Waco hours from Tx A. a. to Cr. ,
A lintablaion T At
Anuettonalllat 2 IluntJno 0
Antloreon Wan, Harper Su : ,
8.. `,>lllll Thee
Bellitobt '" ' Bunter Thee
Bennett WII •. , , Rantleld Me
Beatty WD - 1101 Nancy A
Baxter Win 1. , Hallett, IVos "
e . Braddock Wna Baztzell !Wm
Ball Mare ' Bier Way
' Burt Martha ' i 1 , . 1
-J Baum Marla. - Johnston II D
' Bleacher le M 2.`. Jonta.o W. •
BowarJ.A Jeukner named,
Ulnas Jae -•_ ..IG_ ;7.
Bromley/no , K e n ne d y il llenj .:-
, Bannon Jae Krasea Sal ..;-.
Bridling Jae..• . KUllan /up D
WoD I Jew- 7 Kunkel Tao ,
, Bowes, Jane , Lelly JUDI !I
Bennett el . P Brom Janina
Barnett Sarah 1 Blaster Mary
Beaner I ~ j e
Bllte Al M alk Laiilt Elliabeth .
Blackn ext E [ Lu iv
es 4 Ini% s
Barry IMta ' Leyte Isaac T 1
Bye= Chas 1 ' , rataniehlneJas
Hew Cattin •• List Jae v. , -
Baker Amos D Llnelsey Jai 0
Bunn Sarah A.' Ltitber.Jno' ~ -
_. 0' • : " Upham Jno ' -
Coki Barba& - • Lewle r Thee
Ooattagallin J Leech Midget ,
Gbrittlan Geo McDonough 0 A
Clark Ma Blt • 111eCkelty Kate
Wm:au& Barb McKeema 0
~... ,
Mintzer Et W 2 MeClurgDZ ,'
CoirmterlitaifE Meatotly Yalu'
1r isAllater Elba
Darbi Levi B McMullen Nes
DenthettJohnli McPlke_Maly .1
Dllita - lae Ir - mcKeemsrum
, , Duff Sarah A ' McalTen M
- z McMartin Wm
Awl= NV 0 AltOoonell W W
- Ewa . mar: eClethuta 4 J
0 ,
15,40 Gee M CC on
!' EbteWse 0 MeDottelJactL _
y . . ItePheasia Bar .1
trey Deid 2 McDowell laall
r i , Geo ,' liceime 4 D •
Silo L i lifetricko.ll4-
Gig g AC!eit , - M a nia ,tr , ..:,
Gahm-It:I*, Milligiiiano , ,
, ,Grentamilt -I 111 Martin -
Cloakthie 0 Montil fi la* -
Graylock'Jani Illnall ,
°milita.' i , 4140amistu i-f ,
om zusziaZ , Stamp Wave
olmotePoo - 4, , .1 Matilemviliw
- r p l emo RIC. Xamer Yaw" 0.
y ailibervEber .. - MoceteacUluv-4
i bottitis Assio-4 Mgros* iskarthlr,;.
• ...:.3".41-21-:-1 m • ', •:1
ThigitAinStr: ) - •." _ . - da•
. ~...,
' A r NFAMENT-I -7•,/00 bbls. N. Y. Cement Thr
I ' _ . _STIL COLLIN. -
, -
sale by
A".7.y. .4e':alll4`".
4Z.EpxS. t.,121.0
^ VW,'
The President'a_Repty to the Mis:
semi Delegation.
. . .
NEW Yose, OcL 114inme he the
Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Oct. 16.
..'!—Our. lines of battle were irialntaine d through
out yesterday. and today, but the enemy
harm utede:no,-Sorther demonstration and all
has remained Tho rebel. plokets apwsar ,
cies:, to. our Trost , but whether after hiving
been's° Completely foiled in all their recent
endeavors to gain.= advantage they will try
another flonk-movemenkor risks gestend en
gagement.ii as yet undeveloped by any dii 7
coveries W e have been able to make. lyre-
connoissance-- on our right has disclosed's'
heavy - body of infantry occupying .the palm
.in the Bull Run mountains, while Ewell's
corps is believed still to be hovering DO oar
A equatt of mounted rebel raidels dashed in
upon the headquarters of the 16th. corps,
betas= Chantilly, and Cerdievilln, about
midilightlist night, capturing the contents of
only' four flagons. ,
• 4llrmnors ; of alight haring..taken.pleoe ut
Fair*. Court Ilouse, that our artillery. bad
all etinatedthither, arotSbrieitions.
fist : Jt hp Coehrture'reached Wrier Court
House thisp. m.' • .. •
Between ilfty and sixty more rebel prisoners
were brought in to-day and this evening, and
despatched to Washington. Thu remainder
of our wounded in Tuesday's fight were also
sent in.
All antlers and other sdtaehes of the army,
likely to embarsse active movements, have
been ordered to Alexandria, and the army of
the Potomac-is minted to lightweight, and
awaits Ito southern friends.„
' The Trlltme'. Washington dispatch says
'The President's reply to the address of the
- Missouri delegation, mailed to Bon. C. D.
Drake, Chairman, of the , delegation at St.
Louis, yesterday, will be published or not at
the option of that gentleirian.
Gen.Schoneld is continued in command of the
department, and all military powers two con
centrated in, his hands. , Ile received new in
structions, a cory of which is annexed to the
President's letter to the delegation, mmtain
ing explicit and more stringent. directions for
• the, management of his department..,
All parsons in the service ; of the United
States are forbidden to return fugitive slaves,
or to assist in their escape. No colored sol
diers are to be enlisted except under ordciaof
the conunander.of the department.
General Schofield's course with regard to
Senator Lane and his followers is approved,
and be bordered _tome all the forces under
his command to put down guerrillas or other
irresponsible pinions carrying• on irregular
warfare, under whatever color or pretext.
There is no action in the matter of the en
rolled Militia; which Is left as it was before the
visit of the Delegation. All the military
forcia . are under Schofield's control. •
Gers. tifes and Solomon, of Wis., are here.
Theformer is , desirous of removing some of
the restrictions upon commerce on the Annals
gippl. The latter has questiohs to settle with
the \Var. Department.
French Still Hold Matamoros—From
Nl' YORK, Oct. 17.—New &loans dates of
the 1 th state that Matamoras is still held by
the each.
The citizens do not exhibit any desire to
oppose them.
The popular feeling let Texas is against the
Confederate draft. Galveston is very strongly
fortified. •
• _
T. WA.l.lrialit
103 YITTH STILEET, 3,1 dour beim( the Ontbadra/.
All wounded Soldiers, who bars been In the mili
tary or nasal service, are entitled to 11100 Bounty
and Pension. All Soldiers- who hum served two
yews sbenntitted to the 1100 Bounty. Soldiers
= " V i by
7.1:427,:„ dla or are hilted to
the panics are Ghillies' to pensimas end the 8100
Officers 'club:a cif *Vary description, mmitnaly et.
tended to. charger made in any Case until the
money .la oallacceiL Whlystx-is
NO. 114 PI➢TU BTJIE r. ro;=n;4l4,
Gollectima In Allegheny in 3 MUeidleg
Propecatee 13OLDUEBS CLAW. otwrery descrip
tion ; BOUNTIES thi . all i ßed - Soldlers. FIS
RIONS,Ihr.woOnded oilkoreead:Bobilers ; BOUN.
Tllilltand PENSIONS lbe W/Olown, Entente. Orphan
Chiktein, Brothersimi Edam mother:kV' Mr..
.sentathaw of those whobane died In OR ruled , Luna died atla illachazgo ttam Mame mntraded
; *ITN* charge eollectatl, sad so letter ',Elbe
awneredsiewea satese;p ..bulosed... Ildilartr• •
PMMONS. ,BACK rex :and EurrAni
CLAJthi,of entry colkmted by the rub
mazer, at thetofharbig rata, viz: Pamitnta
ail other claintss3 30. . • . • .
C. C. TAYLOff. Attorney at Ism.
No. 73 Grant street Pittiborgh. Os.
H. .6. itircbarger 'ere' made '
If thi'elatio , does not
Mar a mml. and a information gtratigrails. nobly ,
Eranufarturers and dealer, In all the diffarerit•klods
TING BOXES: dz.. With •Crt Bummed Wilk
Mrs for doing bushman, ern earntrCy invite dealers to
Ore nn a U. Manufactory, Temperatuandlle..•••
Wareham*, Ceedlaalary.assaldbatty St., PlUsb'gla.
•Joni; 'P.
J. H ALL ' '-
' oc2Xon JAS. J. BROWN.
jitney,* conntantly on 11/171il• Mo
nessoned stock of DECKING DO AT AND BO r t?
PLANE, %lustros , FRA3}I6 NV:M Immo:
sus.auts, JOISTS,, BiIiOTINGI. LATian PAL
' Er l
wfl? a fl c tiq t rdenn: for SWIM 131917 P with
and's/ fer , riarrn • •
N. Parson. inattlog LONG TIMMY or POP
tin are pisootgazz 14104 ipAIPILmPui
ON'Offirkforeerlip itrb•f, eeiritoblitsom•
auStd. .
P . .LarPN4 4I,
Pa Piny'
Peak Wax::
~1 6,; 1 1, 1 1.4,4 Cet° 1 44
Glued . and 1141 . ,;ed . 'Spool 'Cotton.
Smith 2
• , • , cralacii•M
tiobtatgin Wm-,
8004 Irni • ••• •
glogek "NV!:
TAcroay—TALLE:II. Mum,
; so, Uotit thi 'VIOTOBIA, fitAlVArtiliga
• intlcrik
OoilleT Vinirh“,,h; PAL'
dalria PH"- 7, T 7 •
Jinn gal
• • tt Minit6 1. .•
Striseue L• •
, Striart .3fro VT-
Stamm Lath's.
ShookMut L • •
4 Z=
atiOlet rAl4:4Ol'
1 3141441Uick - '
meepoectuiii, :`
Shiclr Abner
Strotid Air !"-
eilt,edgetr =I with marble ethgte—wittruckc
psteareleepe and thistle Cattentagt • Allikeie ari d
from the wwwwtheet to the Wp b eet., Ber Itllo4ll
mthanable be
..Wn. Cf. ip#kiroir a tix,"
Otlinaw:Wraw — • Wood MOW: •
j ~,-, .O. .. -- , . Ogtwur 0 and tastrows, . •
t .. .- .. r .•
.Waslawcon, D. C. Ss pt. 2Dtb, 16q. C. rgi. BE SOLD.AT PUBLIC A C. -
L_ nor cin thi'marr, acolqv mai mineo ,
NESDAVK' Tth; TIM -wad,f0etaborou.
tWCatrakowar,tho 4Niubtn#ati .otogrratory, .4
bwo lot of 11.0.1141ES.and.)1111W, pindesatied lw =-
Ii lor WO! scrykrei Epletsi onws . ls+lo3 iikt To o'clock
1 " • •
=Lou' Zia"
Wend;Wm:: •
1r.0218 Rnakz
Tittua..4:leikln."(krternmens bac , ••: •
(tloccooor to ;B•Fatil it.3l4*. ' •
• 4.1 : 011 PAK Ir Bs: ,
C,D; l gijj ' In slobli t '
. 1111IoNZD ;ate,
.7,Lrt/13. hi . :4-47
--- I
ki 8 K--Four AcrOs - of,Giou ~ '
flistallbstiatio.vtak Domini stow,
• firs and Ihelsiaary ; till adapted fa: a aL ao.
.. er
- ... ?vionsiowle lb*: aka „
aw~lts MOW ala i se
A 111),
0$ No, liatoptstrac PittabanA,
. ,
Sarrnaa , Oct. 17—The moat remarkable feature to
to notice in money a:Lathan la the;rantd decline 1114011
la New York to-gay, it craned at Lil; dacha hag to
puwi, advancing to 152 declining to 119 3 i, and cloned
weak Thls la a &cline of 0/ per cent lance
Srialay;ind 7 per cent below the rate of .Thurs d ay,
Sterling Exchange is quoted deal and lower at 16:101
166 for Aral elm bills.
The total exports of Specie, from liew York to for
eign ports oulaturday were 1,046,000, and for the
week, $1,3:16,980.
The !rayons of foreign dry goodo at Nev York for ,
the week are not quite up to Last week'e, but are not
small for the season
For the Week. 1861. 1802. 18eZ,
Eat:tied at the port.. $681.1711 P. 01,767 81,379,385
Thrown on the market 750.851 1,390,787 1,365,765
Shim San. Ist
Entld theport,lMS,ll4B,C94 5t6, 8 19,1n rm A, 5 l4
Thrown on market 37,174,31 A 61,844,587 b0,3M,950
The volume of business in Imported Merchandise
In this market, during the past few weeks, es set
ibrth in the Custom House returns, has been tuns.
unity; large. Thus tho total entries at the port for
September amount to fifteen and • half millions of
dollaer, of which only three and a half millions were
entered for warehousing, while in addition to the
Imports, about seven millions were withdrawn from
wareltmoie and placed upon the market for consump
tion. The excess of merchandise thrown upon the
market Last month, over the amount for the corres
ponding month but . year, Is about four Eatlllons a wbile
for the mac period In 113134 there is a gain of eleven
Such Is the activity In most kinds of Ino
parfait articles, and especially dry goods, that the
stock In bond is becoming rapidly depleted. The ex
port movement, on the other band, shows a slight
falling off, the figures being for September, 10121, ex
clusive of specie, f trifle over twelve milllons,neminst
a little under sixteen millions for the same period In
18a2. Ikx the yens commencing January Ist, how
ever, there I. a gain of rising twenty-two million..
If there Mould be a recital of the export demand for
our surplus breadstntle and provisions, which is not
unlikely, there Is no doubt that the exports for the
year will be largely In envoi of those for 1862. The
:receipts of produce from the West are on the increase,
and increased export movement Is confidently looked
for by many well-informal merchante—S. 1. /Ship
pew Lief.
Mirxovr, October, 17, 18&.
FLOCS. & GRAlN—There Ise meant& local de
mand for Stour but prince are without change. Small
sales of Extra Family from store at 5 8 , 50 0 0 , 7 4. Eye
fluor is firm at SOX Wheat iv firm and higher and
prima Bud may be quoted from first bands at 111,241
sale of 2 2 _00 hash from store on private terms. Core
unchanged: sale of 2 cars Shelled at 51,111. Oats
lees active, end, In the abnoom of tales, we 4note at
16t by the car load. Barley V Arm and 10315 c per
per bushel higher, sales from wagon at $1,3031,40
for Spring, and Fall. Bye—none offering.
GROVE.RII.7,--Tha grocery market Ls quint but
priers are fully sustained. Small sales of Sugar at
11 to 14c for Ihlr to prime Item and 16317y# for
Refined. Coffee is steady with small sale, of prima
Hluat34e. Holmium steady at former quotations.
SEEDS—Timothy Seed is dull and out of season;
sale 0(23 bush In the small walla 53,00. Than
Is en active ijemand for Flax Sold, and the market
rasp be quoted firm at 52, 50 00, 60 . Clever Seed—
none in market, and nu demand.
APPL&—The demand le good, earl with a Light
rtipply, the market is firm, and prices we well sae.
Gifted; why of I:03 bhla at from $1,73 to 1.1,25 per
A.9llF,S—Pearls are arm and a glade higher; sale
of 3 tons at 5Ne. No asks of other descriptions;
BEANtl—The demand is fair, especially fur Kano
small White, of which we nolo a ule of 2n broth at
*l,OO. Prices range from 52,50 to p 3,00, oceordisa
to quality.
SALTLeaIe of 30 bbl. No I Extra from depot at
E:,30 per bid; and small males from store at $2.,C019
CllEESD—rochaugod; saki of Wectoru floserro of
from 12% to 13c for fair to prime.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Oar. 17—There waacurelderable activity manifemod
in Crude Petroleum to-day, and while prices declined
about ono-half cent per gallon, the trirotactions ware
unusually large, amounting to the aggregate to Zr. 25
bbls. If I. but proper to elate, however, that the
demand is entirely heal, as, at the present ratei, there
I. Ito marble for shipment. The sales reported were :
400 bbl. and 125 bble at 2ty,, packages returned;
1300 bids at fliNc; and WO till at Mc, packages in
cluded. For Refined, In bond, there mean to be
no denitaul whatever, and the market continue* ex
tremely dull and neglected, and to effect Palette ma
teriel rout:melon would have to be made by the hol
der. Most of our iargott dealers am nuking no effort
to veil, or, in other words, have withdnawn their
stock from the market, es the Impression prevails to
sours extent, that an Improvement will fate plea
sooner or Later—a sensible conclusion. There are
other parties, however, who are NJ Mutated that they
will be compelled to cell in order to realise—no met
ter at what sacrifice. Free oil is in fair demand,
principally for the western trade, and small sake ere
making daily at former quotation.. Benzine and
Itesldlum remain about as lest quoted.
The exPoits of Petroleum from New York ear the
three days ending on Friday last, watched, reaching
only 88,839
New York Petroleum Market.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Genetic.
, Ns, Tors, Oct. 17 , --Crude is quiet but unchanged
with email sake on the spot at 31(4-14c. lielltied, in
bond, in unchanged, with sale* at 5405fic on the
epti Ste for all October; and Me fur November. Tree
oil rarigra front a to ac. Naptha Is geed, with
salts of reined at 'ffi@aoc. G.
New York Dry Goode Trade.
(Form the N. Y. Shipping and Commercial Lift
Yonx:Oct. 17.—The great activity which has
prevailed this department of trade during the past:
metal weeks, =Atones with but little abatement,
though the character of the market has andergota
,complete metamorphosia. Catil a week or two ago
tba demand was almost wholly for Woolen goods, the
'aggregate trade In_wletch, in so abort a time, Ls With
out • vandal. But during the season of ataltyand
excitement In Woolens, Cotton goods were to a gmt
extant neglect...l. Thie was owing chiefly to the hope
which ow entertained by a majority of the 'Layers
that the Army of the Cumberland wan destined to
ache= the nom decided enema, end that immense
supplim of Cotton would thereby to seem% and
with the least possible delay transported to the man
ufacturing distrait and manipulated into rations
fabrics In time tontine Spring =de. Brit ItSsoon so
it becemeapporent that Ella hope was delusive, buy
en began to aorta= .considerable *moiety test they
should he unable to FOLUM ;applies on such *Aran.
=eons terms to they had anticipated, and the sub
sesnent large advance In Cotton admonlibed them
that manufactured goods would soon be higher than
over before. Roping at once became activeilind the
market was much excited, while prices have steadily
edrancerkuntll the prevailing . sexy LiLib range of
prices mu attained. Them' Is uo perceptible nate ,
meat ie the, demand for Cotton golahstid too latr ,
ket is inn)r,bbOyant, , vbllo prices still teed in famr of.
• the seller. Stocks are, greatly ditaintelted, while' the
probabilities of pay considerable replenishment' are
becoming more and more remote. The sellers Mani
fest the greatestimindenice with regardto the Warn,
.trot thelrollotity a them anticipate a still further
appreciation. Manufacturing Is carried .on Leerily
e rei7 Ibialted extent, and at the prevailing pit= of
Cottotiomd =natatory*, there to no margin' for
profit, so that manufaaming Is not likely total lb.
craned toany extent. In elm of these facts, buyer.
have been anxious to procure a full rumortment, on
the best poeable terms, being apprehensive of a ',till
higher ran.° of attar the Spring trade elan
have set In, and thia — kellas tharefae been en.
abloild =manna ter, full Pram for all goods, while
there Ina boon a atoady. appreciation In, Tubas of
D or e n= 14°4 fond Q. lll=s= l ! ' • find ?f goal!
Philadelphia Di:whet&
. .
OCT. 17.—here Is Vat tittle ifloverseecteomineor=
ward and ills MintideS $7 per 041bs. Tiniotbj-nontai.
from 52 5003 75 per bathe!. flaxseed Is sauce and
beta tett 0,1,1 Mame likes doing ht . Trniaasttipiad
for Grain prlces am Oat BO BrOl. Theezport demand
Is eery moderate. nod the °Wyatt's reported finte°
bawls fresh ground' extra' family $7 plirdotrer, ,
101) Oh Choice do. d0:M.117,50, 00 0 barrels Bailout ,
and 1,000 barrels fancy Western on teint made
public; Tho sales to the retailers snd.oga togas
wide raligi:4sear from for InlPP.ene- by l 0 S 9 :
for finey 'lots—aecording to quality: Teem Put
little Bye Elour and Oohs Nal and nothing &dog In
either, The demand 'for Wheat has fallen od—tbs
mflltaadiriag bemliontribt Moulted mad 'War am Aot`
en firm. ,bales 0f,2,000 bushels-prbrte ,Penna. sad
&unbent. Bed at 51,60 . per InaidteL" Mato mgr.
Sinai $7 dust a . Bye, hem Would ( Command
1tt,25, Writ ts: dull; tam of 3,000 bushels! at OR
1,03 foe yellow, and 51,02% Tor mined WenterD-7
closing at $l, Vats off nt 83 cents.
..o,o7oldisli. ,
elsew:Tork - Batley sold at 51,10 . BalleY ALAI Is
mub.. Widaki Is -vinq s . nd
guiet. Small - atlesuf
Penns. and Ohio barrels at W6,61-cents,, and drudge,
rat 58 cents.
•ifetrztorrwimit , lllu ket:'
(fre."ll.—dieetive inquirisretails ter • Po:nestle
tebncemetnlylrom Manufecturere,lebo, nab
nitEPlCks.4 l ,o te,APPLO the ,cloth.narko,
and *dram inanities; annmetWireto . fib 'the .
ribetnVeldsh.Wednteday stud Phatedo; toci' been
eitaturihec-t - prtnteitthiftvitromAniu wage - kat..
that great activity albite *ni t ; sndlirleal s ito.very
needy most to tbeeeefferent -bere—Tbe Wee '.,Ia
cIudeXOPEOPM-Phippl= reViirteb"
7 * (2 , 1 ALGEWCO.tide . 1100, We WI
M64 ) nii -6 . s 4:PacOriul Debated- Callibinise` '614.16_
areembroadee 1140. ?1G eiejddiNdeb:
Meir/dPS born lib MeilW ft4e
n t ja
ISPrttlEtlit hais been needy. aa
provernent Dosteatio, endergobtialsr , Steettie
Oat% glXlCourtantinaple and Provence, NOM
Mikan, =Wend 160 Chilies, Tianr.c.
.'.~fiP:'e:.Y.3>3iC~~tw:-~^:a'~-v~;;xs.:s,h4'r"'""i+n: S ~"`..i.-,. { G""" , r.. --- ~•4 , .,.a,p~; , ~._,-..ic
. .
_ .
Cillitiliatillfitekets::.. I
Omuta 16.-1 n theitural market there wu bat '
little activity. Flour rellittill . and the demand
limitedly/2d local. 'Wheat nackengetterelainet ;-6.000
tor prime tud• sold-at $1 Is, to lardiolivenal between.
the 10th and 30th of neat mouth. Corn was held
higher, and at the close Ear Could not have been
bought hwe than.9oc; lt witsiliffiesti NEW York to
day. Guts are to better demand, and in balk could riot -
be bought lee. than 70c ; the amount of corn and Oats
offering WILE light. Rye Ls sauce, and In demand at
el 18. Barley wu more inquired for, and very little
on the market; $1 40e4;1 5o would have been paid for
prime Spring and Fall. Hay is unsettled; the goer
termaster sniected all the bids made in response to the
last adrertiscrocnt, and twat agents to the Interior to
make purchases; this disappointed bidders greatly,
and has throwit a good deal of Ray on the market.
Butter la fina. - Cheese in demand at full prima.
Cloverreed arm, at rz iv for old; no new In market
yet. Groceries arm at ran Wet Sugar 13@18c for
raw, and I.7ye -lbr hard refined. Gar« , 32 C. ,3 k .
Molasses Wok. Potatoes are selling from wagon
at $lOO. Apples 5001(41 per barbel.
ClllO a Mallet.
i .
Orr. 16-1 . 1 dull esal envy feeling pervaded the I
market tor Flom d Grain, and prime 1
.em the-leading *Aides= ed lower. The demand for
Wheat was light and the Market decilued.24@2le Per i
Mishel, with closing sales , of No 2 Spring at $l, and
Na 1 Spring at 51,10. Winter Wheat wu inactive
and almost nominal. Flour was heavy and inactive
to bffect sake holden would hare had to make liberal i
°once/Mons The dullness In Corn continues, and we !
to note a farther decline of 2e33c per bushel, the mar
cladog unsettled at 58X450 , 45. Oats were doll
and fully to per bushel lower.lndy sales of No I
were made at 59c, but at th e door the market ruled
quintal tee. Rye wee steady• and
. atilet at 906j91e
for No 1 and Sic fur No 2 There was a fair
inquiry for Barley, and the market was steady at
41.20@1131 for No 2,:and 11,03 for Beicasd; MO'
seines wen, dell and entirely nominal at 544484 Ne
Griverles are firm with a good demand for all staple
Wool is firm at 55@l6Ac for common to Cm
secs. Elides are In good demand, with sales of Dry
'Flint at 'Ak.
Cleveland Maiket.
Or?.l6.—floor, quiet sad unchanged. Wheat, sales
on 'Change 2 can red on track at 1306 ; 10.1 e ha do
in C. it P. store at 128 e ;'l9,'66) bk . do true on hoard
at 129 ; lest chola° white an track at 155 c. Adler
'Change the following sake were reported : :2100 Ito
rod afloat at the, aod 1 car amber on track at 131 c.
Corn, sate 2 ears on track ab 90c, 1 ear do do (ear at
89c ; 4 can from store at 90c. Oats, sales 2 can on
track at 66c ;• 6 cars at 69. Eye, no demand. We
quote it nominal at 11.i@1,00. Barley, in morn de
mand, and brings 1,18(41,25, according to quality,
Imports by Railroad.
bbla apples, II Gonsig; 4 do cider, B !Bebop; 4 do do,
N Angel; 30 rolls leather, Hirord Stewart; 358 bbl's
apple. and potatoes, E /10aile1C.11; 191 hlll castar 25
halm hay, 8 B Floyd; 185 bids potatms, Culp & Shep
ord; 100 Wee oakum, J A Csughey: cke peace, E
D Dithrhigw 41 do do. Bakowell Pears d co; 13 cases
mdse, II Childs & co; 8 do do P Tanner; 38 bbls
cranberries, W Butlhm; /I J
do do, A J Ilagon; 22
be, cheese, Shomaker d Lang; 20 bide apples, Van
gorder; 178 bgs barley, W wr Anderson; 16 Ltd, epp
pies, L R Foist d co; 1.5 ream loather, A A W Rick
rd; 63 has cheese, 13 Ewan A eo; 45 do do, Wm Ihts
loge; 93 do do, .1 II Canfield - , 24 tolls paper, Perkins
do; 31 eke wheat, I Wilmarth; 8 Ras apple's, Jos An
derson: 5 bblallour, J W Benson; 54 bills chain, F 13
{Volker; 2 Ws cider, J Craig; 14 Ws potatoes, Fet
zer & Armstrong; 18 bgs apples, A Balton; 10 lads
flow, McDonald d Arbuckle. 144 eke wheat, A T
Kennedy 4 Bra: 360 do do. Malone d Attlee; 4 Ude
tobaona, !as A Rosario; 4 do do, D O'Donumn; 3 .do
do, A Shaul,: 9u bp oil meal, 31 II Suydam; 42 bids
whisky, 8 II Watson.
Pretsurson, F. Warta .5 Caren, RAILROAD, Oct.
17-25 dos pails, Little A Trimble; gr dude, J Kirk
patrick Brut 10 du do, Lindsay Telfonhl 15
do do. McCullough, Smith A co; 10 do du, W M Gorm
ley; 20 do do, 10 bids fluor, Shumaker k Laog 26
bales rags, 31 McKinley; 31 pkgs twine, II Gerwlg;
24 bile whisky, A Guckenboimer k Itru; 75 blot wheat,
10 8 d L o trE l .lm l . c‘ rt ' o ; n 5 .1 ' ; —lin Li To°,rJAIII" lc
" wt n n:
150 bbl. four, Mackemrst Linbart: 2 lade bacon,
100 bacon shoulders, F Sellers /I co; 100 1,56 dour,
Jos Gardiner; 50 Lads whisky, S Mcerickart t c o ; 100
tigs barley, 121 Isgs oats, Mitubmack, Mcercory cc:
50 hides, / McLaughlin; 250 bgs oats, Jos Dossing
ton; 200 do do, Bingham, titurgeon,s 0 0 ; 13 shassgs,
Markle .5 co; 10 bbis apple., Fetzer A Armstrong; 16
bp potatoes. 3 dos brooms. 1 bbl eggs, CSlade; S bbl.
eggs, 1 bbl butter, 1 sack feathins, J Miller; 62 blabs
carbon oil, Jall Lyou; 1 car hay, 9 Hamilton; 12 kiwi
shot, A Garai; 2L3 bgs mill feed, J .1 11' • Paisley;
cars barley, Josh abodes.
ALLEGIIIMT STATION, Oct. 17.-3 1.1,1 s apples, 51
Fire; 1 car 11 h goods, 11'm Collins; 5 bbl. apples, J
Smith; 13 do do, X brawl. 7 pkgs notaries, If Hack.
enberg; 7 hides, J Taggart; 11 pkgs apples, J 11
Promensers brought out in FIRST CLASS !TAIL
STEA.3ILIIi, from Liverpool, Londonderry, Go',way
or Cork, for
Twenty-Five Elopers
And by sailing •mcln for TWENTY-ONE DOL
LARS, in cturoncy.
- • -
&ening Chronic/or 8y11,1114.
Fifth street, Pittsburgh.
Apply to
THE DRAFT.—Persona who are draft
ed, who are entitled to exemption fur ea.
laid down in the. COnstripticin Act of March 3,
or who wish to bo relierred by the payment of $3OO,
frxm, taw mama MO, or *Mb to procure a substitute,
to take their plan, thwelm ih. wor, will find it to their
advantage to call on me; m I am folly prepared with
blanks, 6c. J. K. afORANGE„
to 107 Fourth street, near Smithfield.
! jytklawxa
(Coma ELassoid The irellhnown evacuate of • e
Livetpool, Now York end rhibufripht3 Steaniahlp
Ciompiny are bitended •
CITY OF PAiTTKOII4I---...—.Salarday, Oct, EL
CITY OF NEW Y0RH..........--Saturday, Oct. SI.
ETNA . Nov. 7.
And every ;;;;;vlllrog Saturday, at goo; from Picf
44, North River.
Foiled& fa Cad, or tb varderd Carrenry.
run Asest--.- —B6O 00•Stigasor.,.. —A 00
do to London. 00 do to LondonB4 00
do to Parls--- 05 00 do to Part —AO 60
do ki Hamburg. 00 00 do • •to llandtg 37.00
Passengers also forwarded to Barre, Bremen, Fot
tardwn, Antwerp, &c.. it °quilts low rates.
Fares from Ltrerpout or Queenstown ; let Cabin,
876, 885, 5106. Steerage, $lO. Those who wish to
hand fbr their friends inn boy tickets here at these
For further lafornlatlon the OoraFaxtra
051eca. JOII. t fG. DALE, Agent.
15 Broadway, NewTork.
anal street; Snit bums bon the
• athlolt Plttatnargh,
ADRIATIC, 1.200 fforsapovror, 4,000 time.
GIBERNIA, 1,000 Ilorm-power, 3,000 tam
COLOMBIA; 1,000 Elorme-power. 3,0002 mm.
ANGIL lA.. I,oolllorsaporcr. MOO Mos.
The w 4411244041 Gimilloublp ANGLIA will all
from Novi Yark ibr Liverpool on tUESDAY, tho
of October. •
• riza ltatis oain of from I,l l verqoo ls iaara to
able orttapioltaloat in torrent 7.
Intermediate- 401
homage" [caws:dad also to London, Partt,'ltcp.-
g More, Bre:tabs, Bottetdato, Anturrp,•&e., at
tbtl7:nrestratts; • .. . .
rpm from Ll*l or Galway to Sow Tort and
7 1 k 4101 411 2 410 5 . 84 111 "
once oribe puts.
Gelmage .. $
Etritin Jona, Manager. •
1710:1,ov 1.10.1141.6.
7aaNo. 20 Ilrth tared.. Plltaborgh..
CUNARD t LINE.---Steam - from' 11 . •
Itra hi sold. or equlraiont r lp cip4anci
?nog NEW 1 . 011 , 1 V, Oa etimpiet •
itallsMtryirock.. Apply ,•
*O l. 4O**P A R.i
4 415 r ,
Vlll . 7 11X1134(1ED: WIIII,QII,
, hill,-,Ve "thfe triethod cif,itifOnahlgoar
Meade eta the treble getseralli that •eire'' sof now
prepaid to )IXIII,IOI , • >7“111 ,1 W11 , 110 1 77ran
.therpractictrof Deetlstry..,-.Thoet bck-haret hem : .
PoetPoatag *roma t.treadott.?Forar4 itaAY.-r )17,
.maidejbelr hare atel glrez , FP o a. t attsel , L al
L ate bate tek tua has blteut tit' 6
part tam rift; tedlY: flebil Whim& lath.:
len character of the operatkta. - 7.Naihrefe or Aheott
ode norflairatart 4attgri wok: etll those *Ming
the mortices of : a goat ropahlo DaPti# .7 , 111110
veil to call lad eocialt with
' or, Da .• Nor. 17, StiattlainctsteOttt tf.
burgh.: , • • - eL1040,41,",-
• 1 1‘ . 4
or - VTY , • s,- • :
Colored semifta ' Wanted,
irceLtfrui EIRHTIIrIIIandEIT
W Irblebis•Ww 9,4 14 .-;Fd
Penni C: iPh l46 4Phlist,_, v
T Bdtlbni the eagle tosi(opUcitrOb
ettttp amobel.
, , Capt-Ti
c'ENT,f14#,V4t7(. 3 11 3 r,M.,.i•-•:
Ctril6' ) 44 ' 4r f a i:l - q 7 ;
• (i1:0;4:4LTI.Vit2111!!°1..:;
.t -, ,,, , ;•-;f,i . 1.1412)12
-sirrhyitt . r &Mr:
< l,, '" •
, tt•
t` " - , • *
prim fresh tin
salsa* N 0.126 &cowl Onset. t
VAN aolum
pol 4
Hernia or Rujitnre
Hernia or Rupture eared.
Hernia or Minn cured
Hernia or 3upture cured.
Hernia or Rtipinre cured.
Hernia or inpinre cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
• Ruptire : or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture'or Hernia cured.
Ripture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
• Rupture or Hernia cured.
Marsh's Radical Cure Timm
Ritter's Pateat'Tniss. '
Fitch's Supporter Truss.
Self-Adjusting Truss.'
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace,
for the cure of Prolapses Uteri, Piles,
Abpominal and Spinal Weaknesses.
Dr. 8. S.Pitah's Silver -Plated Sup
Pile Drops, for'the support and cure
of Piles.
Mastic Stockings, for woak and -tar
icose vein!.
Elastic Knee Cape, for weak knee
Ankle Supporters, for weak knee
Suspensory Bandages.
Seltatiacti4 837thfims'; also, every
kind of Syringeo.
DtXlMlT2..liaa also a Truss which
will radically.mirerlierais or Rupture.
We - °Mos at Ws Data Swag, No.. Ito WOOD
STREET, alga of Nut . o.3lden Mortar. %Dello=
Ina fur Trans shoaldienst the ntunbor of inches
around the body, tatmeallgelrossr the rupture.
DR. styan will give Ida peacoat Mama= to
the application . of Trumi to adults and chid's°.
and he is uticfled that, frith an importance of twenty
years, ho will bo etutiloti tootte mattafection.
, .
SELYAti3EcTIEI;N;S tiltßEsGra
BELT-11M=If0 TrarNas&
Sou, AT Di, KEIDER'S, 140 WOOD
A dozen different kinds,
A boon different kinds,
A dozen differoptlthads.
At Dr. BEYMS, 140 WooD &num
ormas oossrarrnoli, emus mrozwiurze,
alit° attention to . ..savior Oa roost oxtrsoal
nary curet by nay . ,
They aro at bomb, and any offer who has doubts can
Inquire of thipereohsieho hireheem mut ti
4TTEIiD YOWL COLDS.—A estie of, are
7pm' standing curet by DR. KRTSKR'B MOTO
Pritutoutu, Jan. 11, M.
Da. Haunt . Ilg .irg{" „tau. berm al - Meted with a
:had cough and difilenl of breathing for tiro years,
Which for strvetraryearxback had gradually Incrusted
r iq'tsPe . }74 4 ? 1 , /AI" , ..*AUZIs end
site had been treated Dy sae physician' without
Lily relief In this istate of her caubj procured joule
of Your Fo,ctoritACongla Bgtup.. 4 potted, th e first
time, a • fifty 'rent Vida", whhh rolloved her vary
winch; I then;adied and rota dollar bottle, which
clued her entirely, and she has now bo trace of the
fOrnatxdbromta, exceptl would Oat state
that Ivied ttie toidiattle s itsgssif to a ("We mid tonal.
.The' medicine ; cored' Ma by taking ocie- dim I ex
prees my tithe satisfis isith:thwitteillelne, and
you are at Marty Us pabllsti this If you death to do
so. ; ;• ; '; mum!.
IVlNFulicia. Nor. 18, 1168.
Da...kkani% YAM lit., M ITV
likageclett II?" siiiaiiat of colds 'and hormones*:
At times my dupla would teconev so closed se to pre
vent my
o mpeddr.tog mires whisper, end by taking •
."Iv dowe of the Aim Syrup It would rslievraut
entirely. ,
In rob:taunt:optic this madlelno, I onatdahoelta
tlngli i4t; Is the test- rimedy I 'neribtaul,
purorllng tees Walt tew.aeltddiellitellY
lio witkont AO ?Talent.
, x ,r 59 ,0 ?5 ,0 iii v °o6l7,
c4ciocuon O s plt
s & irss,' •
Cot. Kurt attertm. same= =MB*
MVP— - •
, I D ililTuaL 4 0 % 07 Oki AczTe
M b rltlekin the;Alig,ilialt,Of /VT ' . ?enteral
• Oen& glltn? TT. take liteailga• all-
Itqlbat it Itau 71M.
vtith hareliotnlnt Mine Am onshaltof the
bottle, I resit smi i ts'tvtdi that all mho ant al
tllwatirobldrystv• It. Sibs trial as I have duns,
if 2l off winumad to 4 mv .. . it is mama mal
let:le:. •I weld anctimrsaidi an attack
tbr . any enailderatkm,o3 stanyso!t. orettlthmt
can amine mart a pet y than 3 Itteedat• • ratan
lawnywieiltniorledndi Near of posited* Ibr Invent
till/ so 6.mlleat •=ty" Yon wrest Minty to lfw
my naine this „io you think raw.
itesattier 12,13 ' 3* . it;
i' . 2414 5 , 1 1 ; i1 P ° :
4 1 , 4 4,4 to 41 *ito
Pxnummr•Agreil 1111, _
HUD-TIM TAlll7l...446lEssair I.bamea.
4teuittiter who hall takmornsalmedletomfata bad.
etV a r tt l n - Olt— lblM Area Chan
ponAiti4l: . thali ry44 , 114i&
ekerottati sum; ia tan bar,
bade ebo.i. riltkried: Phi byttliedled
etnlrelyinilme 4 , oo 6„_ • ,
4011N '
. • Robthimustreat, Allmtbmay.
PIC: I CE T 81 00
u-tsei k 4
I•,tlSet Siltat,scolookl-b
-avowle ijLlll6lt It mirk
AO Wood stmt. Plitilmegt,
Psuru~iLs F%
Curer QUAL
WAfiumearow, D. C.. OeMber 7th, 1803.
SEALED P11014.19A LS will be received a this of
fice until 'tITSSDAY, OctoLor Atth, at 12 o'clock IL,
for furnishing the Government (2,Cuu) Iwo thomond
Moto, to conform to the following
All to be In good I!lvsh, sound, eerviculble, and
mind& fur draught purpcsee.
All to be over (3) tbroo and under 0) bloc retreat
. .
ProposeLs to b. to. (WO) tire hind std and upward . s.
She full name and pottbilies address of the bidder
must appear in the proposal.
If a bid Is made in the name of a firm the mammal
all the partlea must appear or the bbd trill be consid
ered ae the Individual propatud of the partner aign
hag it.
Propeads from dislored parks seal met be coesidered
and an oath of allegiance, mind accompany each
Proposals meta be addressed to Brigadier General
D. ff. Rucker, quartermaster U. 8. Amy, Washing
tom D. 0.. arid should be plainly marked ?ropoea
for Mules."
The ability of the bidder toll! the caramel. should
it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two re.
sponalble persons, whose signatrae, must be appended
to the guarantee.
The reeponaltillity of the guarantors must ho
shown by the °Metal certificate of the clerk of the
nearest Distr . ict Court or of the nearest Vetted Statist
District Attorney.
Bidders must be present In person when the. bide
ere ePened, or their proposals will not be considered.
Bonds to the sumof twenty thousand dollars. signed
by the coning-40r and both of his gnarl:Wore will be
required of the sudeessful bidder upon signing the
As the bond must accompany the contract, it will
be nocemary for bidder* to hare their bondsmen With
them, or to hare bonds signed in anticipation, and
ready to be produced when the contract is signed.
Blanks for bonds can Lo procured upon application
being made at the tact, either personally, by letter,
or by telegraph.
Ferns of Guarantee. •
We, — 7 , of the county of —, and State of—,
and of the county of and State of —, do
hereby Vamutee that to able to fulfil a contract,
to accordance with tho terms of his proposition, and
that, ehould his propoettton to accepted, he will at
once enter into a contract therewith.
Should the contract be awarded him we are pre.
pared to become bl• securities, and should he WI to
sign a contract to accordance with the terms of his
bid, an, oursehros will become Ow contracting parties
la his stead.
[To thin guarantee moat be append...l the
airtificate above mentioned.]
MI moles contracted for under this advertisement
will ho saltect to inspection, and three not conform-
Incto the specifications will be rejected.
mules must be delivered in this city within
(23) twenty-Eve days from the date of signing the
Payment to Iva mar upon the completion of the
amtract, or ao soon thereafter is the Chief Quarter
mastic of this depot /hall be In fonds
The imam will he awarded In lots 14100) five htm
dred each, unless the chief Quartermaster may deem
It t the tannest of "he Government to vary the
The h.lfel Quartermaster river,. to himself the
hight to reject any or all hlib that ho. may deem too
igh. D. H. DUCKER,
Drig. Gen. and ChiaLcineutertimater,
oce:td Depot of Washington.
Was:mum - roe, October 2; 18C1.
, SEALED PROPOSALS will bo remised at thla
A= until the atc.h day of_October next, for BAND
ING and RUSHING the ik2-pounder Guns, at the
Patti and Amanda of the United States to the At
lantic States, =taunting to number to 100. more or
The gran erfil be delivered at, mid removed from,
the - estabilehment .whore the murk is to to does at
the cost-of the toted dtatee.
Propteals for three on the Pacific Coast—abent 50
hi number—will be received meth the 10th of Den4ne
bre nest ; and in case of thesa-the guns will be de.
livered at Ban Francisco or its vicinity. -
The guns are to be tyirriaidown to a trim cylinder
for the length of twentyeeven inches from the rear
of the bale -ring, preparodto Into a band of the beet
Wrought Iron, the interior diameter of which wM la
twenty inches, and its thlck.oces three trachea •
The vent La to be bushed with a um Bush of xutto
Ingot copper, on Inch to din:motor and about nine
and a halfcl an Inch. Inched litng, and bored with a vont of two.
Drawings erase gnu In Its original form and with
the band put on can be mien at this Are; st the
Watertown Arsenal, Rms.; at the Waterellat Ar
meal, and 'at the New York Agency, No. 44 Worth
street; eltj• of New York; et tho Arsenal at Brides
burg, Pa. ; and at Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsbergh,
Pa.: at the Fort AlonmeAssensi, Va. ; St. Lords Ar
senal, Mo. and Bettina Arm*, Cal.
The wor k Is to. be dime to the entire satisfaction of
the officer Mho will be appointed to superintend it;
and payment will be Mid in full for each gun spin
his antlikate of impaction and receipt.
Proposals will Oab the price per gun fbr the whole.
operation ; describe in detail the meaner in which it
is proposed to put on the band; the number they,
will hand per month ; and the time which will be re -1
golfed to do the whole work, The methal and the
time required for doing the workom well ea the price, -
will be important elements in considering the bids
and awarding the contract.
No bids will be coluddered from any parties but
each as are actually engaged In the manufacture of
teen and lusty machined. and who am, in the opin
" of this DePerDtwits full) prepared to axceutathe
work. Lithe cove of parties not knonaio - this Do
the bei..itaid to the finegoing effect must =-
roman,. pssal.
Band with satistletory =reties to the enema of
Eft) per tent. of the bid. will he required for the Ad
amant of the contract; and the Gorernment m
emos the right to reject spy or all bide, if deemed
Prey:oasis will be endorsed "Propane. fofßanding
42-pounders," arid will be addressed tcr Brismdier
General George D. Barony, 4%44 ef Ordnance, Wash
ington ciq. OZOBGB D. ItAltifidli.
ockeedid Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
)1121:111tUrr Qtrawniattuarres OPTICE,
13/tarWont V.,, October I%b, 184.
a' OPOSALS will be receinxt at; h
attire until 12 o'elock at noon of Qetober l'Ath, 180,
for hanlehing the Qaarternuarter's Deyartment U. S.
Army, with the tbllowing, all :
Two. hundrid thousand (21:10,009) bushels .of prime
; Oat; is lades, the Oat. to weigh thirty-three (33)
pounds to the bushel, and the lacks to be good strung
burlaps. The grain to be delitered _at .Whrellng,
West V., one quarter within fifteen days, one quar
ter within thirty days, onagtouter within forty-dee
days, and one ill:testes within sixty dale from date of
the Sward.
Two thowasnd . tons (:,OM) of good, soma; El k%
chandelle Timothy Hay, baled ; to be delivered In
the same rite with the grain.
Proposals will to considered. tor the entire int or
for twenty thousand (ffl,00:1). bushel. or Oats or fifty
(6ff) tans of Hay. ProPotude 'Wad nate the CRUnnUtr
offered, the place at Velddeuce erne bidder, and meet
be accompanied by r guarantee of at. hen awe .2% , .
sitde persona that the vender will MTh the eon:
tram,pons aw ar d.' t a _ni aa , thercessibi bidden.* will be
na tig a d u aanuakr an award is made as passible. ,
Written contracts - tall. to all cense be entered into,
an d c00 n...4 0 ..0 be required to give bonds Ibr the
faithful peiforroarm_ of—liOLJZahtrua. proposal
should to epdo med on the rturelopa "proposals for
gma, , . and be addressed to• the undersigned at
Whearig, West Va. The right to reject any or all
blarria rooked by the Govermunent.
No bade wlll be catertained waken the .foregoing
requirements am complied with.
Tuargrzia, *Kum;
Captain and Ain't Irmittermaster 17.2. Army.
L Proposals ere Invited till tbe224day of QCTOII
1862, at 12 W.,t.,r rtanhting the stibahtente-14.
paktum* with ty,ooo batelisof hoar. • -
%du/6ff be attolhad tbr whale-known as No:
Na: :'Bl,, & 3 and tot 1,07 S' ortk Pleßa am.
gl% In dnPlimil6 ibethe Prerenti 04141 : m4
ad= inmate sheets of spar. - , •
Tim Aelbreiyet the fiCUIr to• be eanteeitrid within 1
oat .oneklniot .the. opining' arida; Adds; er as soon . 1
t4reaftar as the Goonnment may direct,- at thetas
of :ihr) barrel' daily dellaanadyithar at tha Govern
nutmorarehonske et.thewrte, or at,
tier rallitell dew% ton
*"_ _
Pityiebtzlitabe itaAw - brOeitlA , :2il4Wbbleiiiiet,• l
baker trib earb *bar Annla they have ,
The 'tat OfmmuttelltbelnethelildbeMadepar.
tbe . A4r kieceliad. .
Afi tiath eUkgbillen *tat
Nelda eeltrbe e4eitebied'reia' puttee leer have
Ltr d ryllalled . to comply situ theft bids; or born
The Zytre to.ha t = l mole nu 42*
nee mateadela - • -
No Lour wftbarecelttd 711drh it not Dab g t oaaa,
pad to be 12.rected to Cot . A. literaVil A.
C. it C. 8. WS. , A4Washingtoii, D; C.4and dossed
!'ElvDema . • 'l 4l . Etd
-civ:AL.t; I..2vatp
.lIIANCTAMkg3). ; :Ot
Wiese &amp an inftndo¢ig,4bs ILO tame.
d s a tl n a 4 lpattautttleglne.en:VlßlPooo
tbVrickitllG, E . • * 41 4 , 44 1 41 -
•Irolt Pitt Mate . woinisr'lN ash street,. "
apIT -
PM. BROTBBItit - CO.: - •
• ligarmacto or
inter 4vAuty sun;
!aquanaut anwocutmeatvi miss: wanOted
mai wan. importid or naannEAtuldlar Pm'
mil and ATAXATALRISIAburAb :
P I E " S
elf We as the 411tiAnrs' Wot V
JOHN A. 111513.11 AW.
'Asp . l.ltra;
QU lit lit Elt AIL '
I,_) MANG/31E1575.
and after HONDAS, AppTll
leevm the Pittsburgh titration Asa). (except 'Sendai)
at 4:60 dapping-es-an Station betwaen Pitts
burgh and PhilOelphia. and making dircctintneg
Hon for New and Philadelphia.
The THROUGH MAIL TRAIN' leatialtha Yr
Winer station ererg ca0rning i1, 178, 34 ,4 4 ) m
Fa Wa. stopping only at Prnird stations, stud
tanking direct connections at hp, ft. m u-
More and Washington, and for New Teri nar Phikt
delphfa. - •
p. m.,etopping only at principahrtathisna .
direct connection at Harrisburg Reililehbnots=
Washingtoh, and for New York eta Allentown rout.
Sad Philadelphia. •
The FAST LINE loans the Station daily (moot
&today) at 8:35 p. m, stopping only at principal eta
thaw, corosetting at Ilartiaburg Riralthriors and
Wrohlngton, and at Philadelphta tot New Tort.
The Johnstown Accommodation Train lOW* day
(except Sunday) at 15 p.m ,;; Lt a lping at all Stations
and running as far as Cone
F trat Accommodation Train Ox Wall`s.Statitin
Rom day (except Sunda) 650 it In.
Second Accommodation Train Ear Natra Station
Yawn daily (therpt sothoiyyth
Third Accommodation Train for Wall'. Station
karat daily (except Sanday))))itfo p. m.
Fourth Accommodation fur Wain. Station
leaves daily (except Sunday)) a 6.10 p. m.
The. Church Train leaves Wallis Station ..,347 Sun
day at O:05 a. m.; returning, learn Pittsburgh at
p. m.
Returning Trains wrier , in Pittsburgh so *Mows;
Saltimero p. m
p. m.
Fast -12:50 a. In.
Through Mall Train - a. ca.
Johnstown Accommudation.,--...-.......10:05 lb
First Wall`i Station AccomModation.. 6:913 win.
Second WairiStatiork Accommodation..«.ol:33 a. m.
Third Wall's Station Accommodation...4..4:4op. ma.
Fourth Wall'. Station Ana:M=6,llMo... 41X.S.
Baltlmoro Exprnse will arrive With Phtla&lpAla
.Expreas at 124.1) p. m. cm Mondays.
Train for Nalco-with, and Indlana connect at Blair.
'lto Intassection with Through Aenostwondation.
Johnstown Acoutntruslatistn sad Express Train Bast,
and with tioltitnoro Expross and Johnstown Amain,
modatton Worst.
Trains for Ebeneburg cormect ateremon with Ex
press Trains and Mali Train West, and with ramtglf" '
Accommodation cod Expnm Train Eart. •
The public will rind it greatly - to their interest, to
going East or Wee, to travel by the Pennsylvania
Central Eallrond, as tha,sccommodations mom ofrandk.',
cannot be mrpossed on any other route. - The.ltood:.l
Is ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from Mut
We an promise rahty,emelt, and comfort .to all..
who may favor this road with their patronage.
T. New T0rk.,...—.412. SO*To /41111. OP•r f
To Philadelphia,_ 10 60 To lancaster......., - II Se•
To Elorriste— 7 65 1
'' Lake. -
Tholoom chockati to all dualotui cm tbe Penneylva.
nla Central Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimoes
and Nair York.
PaMengel. petehsaing tickets itr - the ears will be
eh:lmA an excess, accordingto thedistance traveled, "
• in addition to the station rates, excapttroni stations
when the Wapner has no agent. -
NOTICE.—•In case of lam, thdCompany will bold
themaelres responsible Gv wnal InatitsCculagal• L
and for an amount not eimo so
N. B.—An Omnibus Linehai been employed to
corms/ passenger. and baggage to . and tram the Doer
pot, at n dune not to lamed 25 cent., (Or east pee. -
stinger and baggage For tirke6 - itygdy , ,
• • - :.• -444 "
At the Pennejleante Central Banned .Terairreger
Station corner 'Liberty and Grant idreate:.
• . _
. . ....
CH L E - VI 14ND,.......
N..../ 'PI7fBBISBOIT AND -1 , 4_,0w-
MONDAY; April Wth,1863, 'halal will lane the
Depot of the Pentegloonte Railroad, to Pittabonts,
as Worn :
P2tsbarcrli rtnd tiledlyto Line.
Looses Pittsburgh
do Wet Myrna. I
do 13tenboneo
do Wboeltoj.
niros 801 l Ir._
LIX). m 4:10 4. m. 12_40 p.. 40
3:10 " 8:13 " ",Sp
4:10 " 0:01 " 3:63
3:10 " 10.143 ' " 4:56 "
025 " 11}.!..15 " • 6:10 "
Connecting at - Bientenville 'and llollair'erhi Bien.
Lamina imailndiana Railroad and Central Ohio EOM
road for Batumilß, Newark,. Columba...T.4m* Da_y
ton, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louitvfl Ulna, AL
Louis, St. Joseph, and all points west and southwest;
and at Wliee=th Baltimore and Ohio Unread.
ma Clerelmi
Leaves lAO a. m.'
do Wellsville '4,10
do Bayard------- fc4o
do Gas
do Ravenna- -.—,..—.-.- 7:24 n
do lludsou...— 7:56
Arrives at Clevelan d_.' 9:10
, Connecting at Bayard whit . was
'New Philadelphia-and Canal Davin at AM
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayno and Chipman Beilroad;
Ravenna with Atlantic .and Great Western Italinaid,,,„i
for Warren, Oreenetlla, 17eadtrille, tralatr..Catit,
Jaateatalraitad.Balamanci; at Iltalsott vlttittlattf , '
land, Zataarrilleand Cincinnati Railroad for •
Cuyahoga Fab and 21.111orsburg, and at Cle e 1 • .
With 0. A E. AB. In Brill, Dunkirk and Bu 10.
with C.. 4 T. R. B. for Sandusky, Toledo. and a/ad....,
with steamers for Detroit. •
Wellsville Accommodation leaves at &d1:1 r. m. ---'-'
Bataming trains arrive st 91D'a m., &SI sad 8.115
. m e and 2410 m
Throne, Tickets to all prcratinette points esti be -
procured el the arallit,eAAKV.i,atrlilLt
And at ca
Q. ogrulmi, Ticksi Agent. •
-For turthir batormatket apply to- •
Wly.t. rsit inEWART, Aged,
Al the Company's Mee b Freight Melton, Petik pt.
, . •
v. j
thrum werwows or tea CUILIZItCY, .
Washington City, Augustin, 1863, ' . ' -
Wmathstu.l3y. amistsmory airMmos to ; - ,
the undersigned, it his been made - to appear .that
In the County of Aufgheay. and Stata of Prabsibm•-.-.1
Ma, US been organised tinder and'accortng I.
the rettthereatts of the:AM of Congretef rutlded.. , A,
"An Act tosmside a Netkaud Currency, waned; hy.....,-
it PlodMl.Ndited SlOre 'Stock; and to provide 4r ~.1.
the on and tedereption'thereo;" . ispProwst _ ,„".
February '23th, 11363, and haw complied with all 'the '"" -
proridolui of said Art aqui:Ml*3o addipliedvith-•
before commencing the business of Rani:Mgt :. r.,.,..:
Nov, therefor; 1, Hum McCuszoms.• Comptrollmorz .
bf the Currencr; do hereby certify dud the Paid. ~,:'
FIRST NATIONAL - DANK .or rrinstriuw., '
ceuntysd Allegheny, and State of.Pantarybards,lit - .w.'
authorised by assurer= the business of Ranking Mr. , - ,1 '2
der theAci aforesaid.. ..-
.........2!, , ..
• ........, In testimony whereof Mess my band—,
I B f and seed of °ince, s sth. of Augast l y, ,
i f MI. HUGH
Comptroller ef the Currency: ''' - ','.. 4
PITIEBURGH,'PIL, ' .. - i,
CArms, 6400,00 Width Pthifte to 4 ert 11 : 1"
61,000.00 p.
The Val:am+ Trutt Company UTlngiorgintn47
radar Abe act to provide elratiodel
the title of the SULTS ..SATLOSAL,B6= OS -
PrIT9E11711011; would Mill,. otter ietticee
tor the collection &Soto; BlIta;ot trchang - -;
&c., maim ustiney caz: deport; and boy end set dungeon engem at tba country.,
'Met acmes Arida boa attended', Ote.-. .11111~t:
Intst Company, Ole* 'oli=dzation . 18311,stlt F,
ate • batlike, - be it' saftelent - gulaentre eat businas
cotruated to the nev organ t=tien yin metre the' '
same prompt attention. --
Y74 , OmPre rorTeaPsAdertottlitbasaki
• laud Tankers attend the country, we Wier, we,
can Gear. dazing thrtlitter to those mho do Weber'
• -Ilicebtudtcaim pe akiducird ej the knit , titElero_,
'Trawls G. ,
Mex. Bruttm: ,
Sazmuki 1;t1 - 7,4
4azons tintab,
Hobert& Hays,
Thossas - Ben, :
LAOGAL3X;?i'eikiea3-,=4 ~,'.
:e :MILS
4.044 64.1sia.
noudut SAVINGS Rom, NO:,W;t
C/t1 8 OUPC 1)1 N. 18 1 50 .
-opian - dab tecra 0 to "a o'clock. idio tutivianigir ,
and Batunlay . mains. from kW ; liana , Naceralats 7 7
,let; from 1 iol o'clock: emd-from.4ntaidmC la! ic5...1 1 .'..
Domain, -retched of all: stink?' not Viiii titii oiier. .
'Wino: andalthideld of the proiltadecdatattanoll ~,,
ram. in Jute .cd • Dectaiter.--,Jastansd hatbitincleamfi .'
elated ematantmlly, in Jane sad Decemtoriaigeo:tic
the Bank 'lris oniian*katilia rate of siiimr ant. .
sr.i., If not drirm' i 1 . 4 Laidan 4 in : iii. nalle
of the deposlicir le PtintApaLllnd ISMS tbellialt an... 4
tend tronfibotlStAllp of Jima and Ancendookemn7
goindbartaim At year withant troubling tini dimoal.;“ ''
' t0r,t0..W4 or men to momnilla man Makc - a4.WW A - . 1.:
'inio monCy:irfil &dbl. to /cm than teed** TOOL_ _ , ,
i limb,. containing :Wm , Carter,' liyaaira.. wanal.t ,
the ti dem. , ,
... - . pgazotri-.Groacrtraundr.r r:“- , ' , 1. ,-;"
-John B. maid*: ' - • Imo rt.tatinael.- - • -.
j o hn-iiebew ~,,,.. - • --. J o b.: i::
. ..1 ,0 1 . , c:
• Alaxonleebiaar.: ; ::,!, , . Janaill.:2l:llc.-Iln •
B°4l - 1 7 P % "1".'", .• A. W.P.O/10,41 , ,,, , :fc
Juno weiccdey,,
,_, ,
.11111.Thnra..- . 1 .; ! . : - ;.ize
''Tamm'4ni'lzmi ' ' ' 'WI/11ain ' AniktMai -
..34.1; ' 44.Waad r ilic ' ;p.:44 Ln'a
Wohn aled P..)lamb#,e; , , ay. .
'Robernitobla - ' ~. ..,.c
-hairy i
.Jaserfibtdia; a= ovi .021,
-.Jolizaralkaadonnarcinc in
7 Wi4lanCia-
a ilk/. e...•za
`'..aleoninina diae l
I ‘ l 9 l l l / 4 1
' lni: lg t, k .. ',..1.e.N.1.0.
Wm. I....Amnia. 420Zi
Clotalia rells ' .
- "ragt. a. onsoz.
Calrtn Adams.. -
~John '
John C. Bind*, • •
. &ono 81ack,,_.;.._ .
Akasta:LlDsrler r
801. T a c•
4amft D. Katy,
8. Lardy,
Itscarmr: • • • • •
112 4pp. in.
Er.lo "