The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 15, 1863, Image 3

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    • • .1 if- ;
1; I
. 1 ,
- SUBV72B4N.
patent Mondavi.
~Tfjo amtunt of petart medicines which axe
sold every year in this country is enormous.
: Pertnnes are made at the business ins very
'.shot:4-tinic. That the use, indiscriminately ,
et itverjiitostruna which is a dvertised does
malt hatin, as well as some good, there can
be . dead; but there are, nevertheless, a
large proportion of what is known as patent
medicines, which are beneficial when properly
.Itsed. The patient is rarely the - best judge of
his own' ailment, and fen are competent to
select the suitable medicines for the physical
143 width may Millet them. Practical ex
`Portetioetrid scientific knowledge are as es
satllY requisite to the proper administra
,tlen.-of patent medicines as any other. If
the medicines themselves, as many of them
,nntlbubtedlY are, am of a healing virtue, they
willeertainly, do the most good to the sick
intintvloin 'aireeted by those who understand
his.disease • and the nature of the remedies
which a-^ adapted to its alleviation er remedy.
Itisin'tt—m view of the subject - that we think
leach establishments as that of Dr. Ogoaca
Unsay of this city, a public benefit. This
gentleman is a regularly educated physician.
He-is able to give advice and to preactibOM
ptoperMedicine for a particular-disease. He
cei distinguish between n 4enuino and
counterfeit article, and can discriminate be
tween medicine possessing valuable properties
and: mere nostrums got up for the sole pur
pose *Oaring doll ars from the pockets of a
too credulous public. From the bands of as Dr. Snags, patent medicines
maythe.safely administered. In addition to
an cilniest infinite variety of other articles,
the'eMstioner may obtain at his establishment,
41 , . -com
er of Wood street and Virgin alloy,
almost' every valuable 'patent medicine now
before the public, and the customer may also
obtain - Irian the Doctor, himself, what is per
ttapftgreater value than the medicine—an
opinion An regard to the necessity of its use,
and if necessary, proper medicine for each
case, and-proper;directions how it should be
administered. The Doctor is no charlatan ;
he has character, reputation, _and honesty of
PurPoStb. and in using medieites which he re
commends, the public may root assured that
no deception is practiced. Health is too imi
table to be trifled with, and those who are so
unfortunate as to find themselves in need of
medicine, will find Dr. KtYBSH'S establish
ment.a safe, place to purchase.—Morsin9 Poet,
July 4.
A'Brn Tatao.—Goodwin Co.'s gigantic
robrorairm of the war opened at Masonic ,
Rail lost night to an overflowing house, and '
tho: highly wrouht anticipations of the au
dience were more g than realized. As a picture
of the momentous( struggle in which oar coon
tr.* le involved* iris vast, comprehensive and
authentic. Al a work of art it ranks first in
the, gallery of American paintings. Sir. Ru
fits Souterky elucidated the various scenes in
iiliernie remarkable for Its graphic and de
scriptive power. Mrs. Some rby favored us
with' -some choice music,her 'selection v
music bring chaste and appropriain. All lo
ers of refined entert,allimente should visit the
Court of Commion
'Wkoansmsr, Get. 1.1.--The following eases
Witil'ap rposed of:
likrotts'lnnotEnntra.—ln the case of Glydo
vs. Brewer, Watson A Co., the jury found a
verdict for plaintiff for $9,0 00 .
Hanna, Hart & Co: vs. Nathaniel Bailer, tine.
Aotion iTCOVer money paid 'by mistake.
Vercliot - for plaintiffs, $.56--sabject to opinion
of the Courton questions of law reserved.
John gown vs. Thomas Kaolin. Action
on 'a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff,
s 3 g 9 r . gg•
Rabertlfill re. James B. Hill. On t rial.
Barons JCOGII SIESLEEI2.--Ctaharill e
mar as. John . Shrober and wife. -Plaintiff
takes anon suit . :
Chtlatian .K.Mderer se. Jain Blorrow. Ae•
tion of ejeament. On trial.
. .
ATiIiTiTED TO TEE Ssu. 31 1:110tiOil of Geo.
P. Homilton, Ezq.,, Stephen C. McCandless
was yeaterdayiinlyJoinatted to practice tow
In the several - Conlia of Alleghen county.
Mr. licetidlett lO,aloungir_ittn of S no natur
al-04y, Oiid.l4.cloootitteittoOti to hie stadia'
ho h a t ' qalited limselt for . the fall
antlialthful cliedharge'of duties as an at
tome .
lataturnoso Coorry has gone Curtin and ,
4gqevr,about. 300 majority- Who entire Union
county ticket is believed to have been elected.
Being united with 'Westmoreland in the login
latiie district, the Copperheads of that county
have elected the candidate of the minority in
Armstrong, in addition to their own two.
PSOPICZ AS/. BAita's Szwrco Iliscumss, for
family and manufacturing purposes, are the
bait in Use.
A. F. CusTorr, General Agent,
No. 18, Fifth street.
Tnostss Pansor, Plain Jukd Ornemen
Slate '1 c9for. dealer La Pennuleania and
Vermont slate of the -best gruslity at low rates.
Oftlee':eiyAlex.. Langhlin's, near the Water
Werke, Plttsburgh,'"Pa. ' 0
dersignia esiirild mostldapeetfully call the at
toutiart oLtiteli friends, mad.thepublio in gen
eral, to their Fell and Winter stock.of Goode.
They consiet? of-all the very, latest etyles of
Cloths, Cesimeres and Vestings, English Es
kilns; fteeier,TrKO atid.Eliot,Cloth and Over
ehattigs.:. Also, a Serge assortment of Erenelt
Clibsehila--,thrssreosttings -of the very fineit
=44411,0f •I'Mcli fiejoeted from the
tziii.pettitieneraitd4lll-he made in the
most fashionable rilaritteti, and;at &trice lower
than any oirer-miiiefilint tailiring establish
ment in, tho city. *Gila elLearly call.
Salim. Cleanest L• Co.,
alerehant Tailors, 3io.4l,3lierket et-
SAMUEL GRA11444,., , • AE.O.-31CCAISDLIS3.
. ..
' J
- I
. :i: 7.:
.., ...:
Pawrscror Skrasucrorrov. Jas. noyt,
pastor Pipit Prmbytmistw Church, Orange, g.
.1 445riiteiLmt•hava_used Mrs. E'. A. A.lloo's
yotftibalattiortig Vorld'a Hair Dressingnsing with
cy givakbegettiin my family. Its clea
and healing properties, removing dandruff and
giving elrebitir 4 htitiltlif luta 'otttuntl Moo
and softoelpltriplum F1:10110 any psoparation
kriPsalliKtOo '
Sold by Druggists ovorywhere. Depot 103
Oiseiisiolvotmr:t, Now York. -
'lsrgr•REdElitz Asp" RICAVVION. Sitt.--The
Ono -saisraiment of l'a4L,Ful,Wiater clothing,
lately remiliiid by hieing. John Wier &Co.,
Xieehant Tailors, h•lo. 10 Rodent' street, Al
legheny. The , stook of elothyig amidst Te ; of
the !Moat: id- gents' as,
omits end.overeords.: The style 011atturna
tasteful anti-fashionable. •We would Wits
ell of our Feadets to • give thdiabove gentlemen
' 1
Tire harroreof war can be greatly mitige
teCle.-.ther. -,vevereiga,:mmedy, 1101lotrere
'Ointment; if will care any wooed, however
!Lapointe, if -it ba pal?bed aronna the
iFooAda. "aini.:they clip be kept
tAptcMgajyr'coirereri with It. A pot of olut
stvsatskoaidkinerary knot knapsack. Only
26 mats .r pot. . 227. •
Fetta)t =me, four dollars. - •
,Pli#lllo, four dolArt.
Dentai /nsatuta.
Ross Cheap Dentistry, beet cbespDentietry.
Irec•itatettlicoptprie, no mmtbine
- •
Odlto or4l be taken at '
thoLkomitoso tifLool go. tiq Penn itroot, dal
or Ilisllß,orders lo ft at -0 1 0 above , place.
*lllterfrortdptli titeredbd to ;Ad 5 :Duo
britald •••
CcomfAtilt icceiviia per Auctliais k Com
wini*B,Sniress,,ii Sib of" Maio in Silk,
Valvot;lind. Warn; Oita CO.
C. biariptiiklitr 248 Penn street, will at
tend to ell business of his profession.
ISOPZYSNY-PSSIMES—Ozt Taostatty smith&
OetdDl?t ,U,at , tbtCamencoofthe b,rge e
Anytta, by.itot..B. P. Swift, D.
Ittebad4* 8VIII;11c,ZLIMItl e and LIZZIE
ttk.*IFPRN:StAtIeOA/ atr• *:
TO/WINGiMUTII—it the test Owe a the
blide3feldt, ~Seltllte4eY ottiotig, Ort. 14tb, by
NeT•pyp t Ur. tt; itOwnie io
Sim 11634-71.,:14pfdar: of witt. , ;.‘Fttue, zwild
farGareTßON - •
- — The following table shows.the actual returns
from the State se far es heard from, with-esti
nu' god "tiajOritioi ;in the remaining counties ;
we ship give the actual majorities for Curtin ;
and Foster in 1.860, for the purpose of showing
OCT.IB, 1863
the gains and leases.
We cannot see any warrant for a reduction
of the Union majority below 25,000. It may
be increased considerably above our estimates,
but can scarcely be reduced :
Cattalo for Oacia. lifitioriao for °wan.
1880. 1663.
3,144 -, 9 500
2,099 2,000
650 500
1,898 1,500
. 967 1,000
562 350
6,689 7,700
978 350
. 449 400
.776 300
. 1,788 1,800
393 250
Mercer .
Allegheny .
Butler . . •
Yenango . • •
Armstrong . • •
Indiana . . • •
Jefferson . • • •
McKean -
Somerset . • . .' 1,
Potter 1
Tinge 2,131
Bradford . • . . 4,331.
Buequehanna . . . 1,654
Wayne 73
Clinton 47
~• •., . 941
Blair 389
Huntingdon . • . . 956
Franklin 674
Juniata 38
Snyder 569
Union 801
Dauphin 1,253 1,1.
Lebanon . . • . . 1,613 1,501
Schuylkill . • • . 234
Lancaster . . . . 5,859 8,300
1,627 1,200
Chester . • . .
1,187 1,000
Delaware . . . .
Philadelphia, . . . 1,863 8.500
Mcioritha.s , ..
Caustics fc, Woodward. Fe4rr. Wood.orrd
1800. 1063.
Bucks ...... 53 :.400
Clarion, ..... 502 ' 500
Face• •. . 1,140 , 2.040
e et ,
te, ..... 174 500
Westmoreland. . . . 446 800
Cambria, .. • . 405 350
Bedford, 91 300
Fulton, ..... 129 250
•285 200
Elk, • 212
Cumberland, . . . . 91 500
76 150
Adams, . • • . .
1,343 4,000
Northumberlsn 1, . . 566 200
Montour, ..... 237 200
Columbia, . • . . 733 600
Sullivan, ..... 119 200
Wyoming, . • . . 174 200
Lucerne, ..... 254 2.200
Pike, ...... 510 500
Monroe,. .. . 1,241 . 1,500
Carbon, . • . 208 500
Northampton, . • . 1,742 2,800
-Lehigh, . • „ 390 1,668
Becks, ..... 3,485 6,000
Montgomery, . . . 1,580 500
Curtin" uutjority,
Vote for Governor and Supreme J,
= a : 3_
Pins Watd ...........
Third B i t
Third Ward,2d t
Fourth Ward......-.
Fifth Ward, bit pct
Fifth Ward. 24 ,t
math Ward ......... -
Seventh Ward...-...
Eighth Ward-..-.--
Ninth Want ......
wins Ward-...... ....
Second Ward
Third Ward,Dtpc:t
Third Ward, 2 d Pt
Fourth WardAvt Pt
Fourth Ward,SIVI
Birmingham: l , l st ft
ii smirulinittii 2d Pt
Bait Ilirmlne.
Sharpahurk ...........
McKeesport ......
flout Pittsburgh.
West Pittsburgh....
Were. Ell.abetla
Tar entum .............
Manchester ...........
Elisabeth ..............
Sewickley .............
Monongahela ........
Peebles, 1 st ............
Peebles, 2d.— .....
Pitt- ...................
Collins .................
Plum- ................
Batton.. ...............
Penn .-....«.«..... ...
Versailles .............
Elisabeth ............ .
Jeireison ..........
Mifflin ................
Upper .B.t.
Lower St. Clair.-
Ohio-- ............
'Franklin ...........
Reserve ..............
Baldwin ...........
McClure ........ .-
S. Fayette.........
H. layette
Pine .........
W. Deer......-....
K. Deer--- ... . .
Fawn, lit Bret
Fawn, 2d Prt . t.
.... ..
Sewickley .......
Mullet .............
talon ........
T0ta1......-...... ....... -.19,730 9,1
Curtin's majority in 70 Districts b •-
with six districts to bear from,
berme the Calm midority to 84000
. .
..... ..,
annum a:awl:la. vizales.•
~..---,---, _..--,-.--- -- .^ ---.-- ,Z
1 1 - . r . , 5 1,.. a
DLSTBICTS. So• g \ 1 \ 1 ! C. g
------ 2.
rlrd nd ' ,, '"' " -I rd... .1 1
91 ' 1 - ji
j ---rj
j — \:) ° 4 5
4 4 9 ;fa I r. 195
1 34 84c
ward, Ist p. 274 'M.S 278 237 000 000
34 ward, 34 p. :WO 5,01 233, 550 236 655
Fourth ward_ 450 167 458' 176 459 177
6th ward, Ist p 188 179 185 192 183 170
6th ward, 221 p 395 3011 405 361 307 372
• Sixth ward.... 684. 334 725 350 724 357
; Seventh waid. 204 14-8 280 130 ODO 000
' Eighth ward.. 332 218 OM
000 WO 000 0 . 0000 0
Ninth w-ard.... 000 1.03 1.1011
Finn ward__ 000 000 eon 0 0 0
Second word... OW COO OOO COO
34 ward, Ist p. 572 147 1 694 1.2) 579
14t ward, 24 p.. =I tan v 7 275 ow
1 4th ward, p 519 20 645 MO caz
; 4th ward, 24 p 211 117 222 171 214
' 1108001301, I
1 Bireg, lst p.. 212 1511! 219 1491 119
Blrmg,' 24 p... 295, ••16011 302 154, 303
1 Monongahela.. 771 861 85 781 83
W. Pittsburgh 102 1 781 101 77 COO
ITtroponsncev'e 164 ICS 159 163 103 7
E. Biroalng . m. 401 248 409 243 405 'a
I queen... ' 1/S1 991 193 95 193 9
Law renceville 1384 2091 970 203 COXI 0)
31anchostor .... 312 212,1 326 2081 am on
IE. Elizabeth_ 95 6711 107 551 106 8
1 Tarentum 117 3711 118 30 118 3
Sewickley 133, • 1211 143 17 138 1
rownenire. 1 1
1 Chartler. I Ell 1 971 71\ 97 '1
Union ..... „..... 186 98 0001 00 000 , (
Scott 103 1101 61 111 I
1 Peebles, lot p.. 294 65 2111 68 197 i
1 Peebles, 2d p... 001 54 la g 1
1W I
1 Collins e ern' ~,,, 249 221 247 2
; Collin 3011 901 271 112 2P3
1 ,
Upper St. Clair • col 06! i 72 601 73 •
Versallios 201 101 241 159' W.) 11
Mowon 177 1541 189 225 186 It
Jer ,. mo .. .. 101 132' 113 121 113 li
Richland ...
75 401 74 41 74
Ito. lin 11.5 167 134 109 I:
Sewickley WI 371 14/1 27 1121
Sitalor 3141 2161 2721 225 215 1
Stkowarn . -... 11.31 7(11 16011 681 140
Elizabeth 520, 211,0 6271 051 ...
Moon 991 1011 791 1021 99 I
Penn U 4 44 , 2241 48 224,
Baldwin lin Viol Zell 132 2:se 1
iihio 148 00 1491 I* 148
Patton 114, 8511 117 ed 117
81 Fatte 1371 621 1:2 1 1 62 138
Findley 1001 136,1 1031 1341 1021 1
—. --_
First ward... 1 496 193 j 481 1891 rikti 1841 4!
Second ward. 418 1801 420 100 • 1 18.01 4.,
3.1 ward,lst p , 278 272 •576 009 , 09u , 0(
3d ward, :Y1 p' %11 542 1971 559 203 5501 24
Fourth ward 456 182 464 174 4418 172 44
sth w' p 191 181 185 115 192 172 li
!.th sed,slp 402 389 405 394 406 368 31:
I,oth ward.. 728 373 727 3 120 349 7i
ii. ventb w'd. 1 2771 150 Cul 000 001 00 9
Eighth ward 404 224: 090 • 0901. COO 680
Ninth ward. 009 $0 ) 000, 0/01 010, 0011
Find ward... 141 168 r -
Sevmd ward MO 000
adward,lat p 581 142
3d ward.2d p fr.s 262
4th ward,lat 632 2121
4th word.2d V.B 1681
]lane haste, 361 '..831
Q i BBl'3 '
: F, i rt e . : i r. m . ''
rg i
r g i n:n;
K e tt , v :
b l llie 2 21 :
'g r
n .. t. i .::
. rall
406 0 5 :6 ' 11
243 1 4763 76 :
1 ' Lalealrlol:.. 1 3% T 'Z i ...o s
1F S Fittsligh.. 000 WO
Sharpaburg . 161 125
Sewickley.- 142 12.
.1 . --I. 1E: Elizabeth. 103 54
ioakonirw. 1 I
t 2.• 1 841 , MCChlre ... -. I . 1' 501
..: I Fol. I 171 ' 04,
... ... ' Scott ..... ......4 ~.. 591
HI 171 ; Peebles, tat
'2OO 571
198 180 I Peebhm, 2.1 p 199, 521
l iii 3. :,1 , i , 1 ChaFtiera-...1
, 1191
.. 81
! Ijeserre 2491 -0
11 1161
405 319 1 Moon ......_.. 1 roi, oi,
......, Findley ......., 1030%1
Snowden 'l6Bl 67,
. ••• I Elizabeth....l 000 000
.. -• ' Staler ..... _... 2211 12
- - , Baldwin ......1 :Ski '
612 ' 417 i Penn .....«. 2.25
tn 112 . 0hi0..._.._... VA
I , Patton ..... .... Jl7
31Y3 162 1 :.,,,..V.Vott'... 2'
4 08 2 44 1 licibln.n. Y ...::
191 91 ltleblend.....'
395 264 Jelleraon....
52,848 27,318
• • . 25,580
;1g 4 r
2 T
691 77
423 lid
284 229
209 610
461 179
192 173
403 sta
721 3 34
278 139
410 218
600 236
44 iso
347 1 99
339 5:18
243 630
409 236
199 21 9
490 34 E.
62.1 356
2XI 146
443 196 ,
43) 219
64 IrL
Gl6 2V
50 139
124 470
6.56 4115
zIS 168
ea 169
471 168
62D TM
213 146
306 160
403 242
194 03
375 262
164 121
245 117
167 164
213 124
105 Ti
63 15
118 36
364 235
168 53
148 15,
slit 182
375 T 25
Lm 05
ne va
254 lw
146 107
218 12'
C 74
50 3 3
72 47
WE 251
104 80
183 W.
114 83
VA 117
106 77
lie Sr
1m 51
142 16
200 5 7
101 53
289 142
279 114
480 118
151 89
118 83
157 65
92 45
244 141
242 74
244 61
194 103
103 7 6
197 60
270 147
526 1 68
161 114
331 21 0
185 16 1
sse 311
222 140
149 120
93 VS
73 105
90 9 8
214 1
226 101
95 54
176 63
134 6 5
111 601
168 1 05
4 , 8
109 60
154 45
27121 . 49
7:39 163
931 198
113 121
719 28 8
75 68 '
79 1
186 128
101 124
99 101
148 68
53 70
212 136
129 se
-167 68
140 64
131 90
168 133
81 6 0
74 86
141 44
It E A D .
T nr. LATEST "]folic"--Good, fashionable
authority in New York vouches for the fact
(that no lady,of toe will dare to appear on
Fifth Avenue or Broadway with trailing dress
or long petticoat. Short dresses are now in
style. They ere scalloped around the edge.
and are 'worn over Balmoral jepolts, at length
to display the kid boot, or else the skirt is
hoped up ti the
every scud, nearly to the knee,
• showing the colored petticoat, of mohair, ,
... cashmere or silk, trimmed either to match
" the dram or to tasteful contrast to It, and In
.correspondence with the shads of the hat or 1
it 'mantle worn. The leather boots have vary
high beds, colored, perhaps and strings and ;
T,l tweets of Bather. also. The petticoat is ettort
enough to disks. tho instep, at least. To t
~ ovary dress meltable for walking, French mo
' disks now attach little rings, through which •
cord., running to the waist, to join another
cord, which is drawn at will around the waist
when • lady prowls' to promenade, and lon
ermd within doors, thus allowing the dress to
resume its original length in the colon. 11.00p 1
---* ' 2
dg= skirts .UtetlenlPMeellinsintreaarl'ocemnaltre
.6 El
~ the dram to fall gracefully.
6 i - 1 -. 7 1 t• soap BALL AND KID BOOTS, for NTenten
? ,y P . w I: ! 3 )1 1, 0 B u ra : ' b
u d y C a: dm"fuo'r and
d sn a g tV: oft a u b rs i t
ro n w t h t
. . atom r , •
, t 1 • ; . 80. 02 PM street, newt door to raprtill Oaks.
jekHitlr ' 002
122 21
130 23
TO 2 3
42 1
n 42
972, 165
211 n
23 28
4 191
40 1
189 137
220 123
03 60
173 63
113 6 0
76 40,
20 88
For 0011150 of Representatives.
mg a e
ia 1 9 4, 17 --- ;. 1 --:--------,----7---- .
233 231 Wlt 221 WATCLIEb, CLOCKb & JEWELRY.
550 559 599 558 Ma
TIC lri 171 17 5 1 75
389 Importers wad Whalenle Dealers In
IE3 ICCI 183 183 183
9353 352r 8 5313 511
7 . 73 , / 39 ,,,,. 1 24 .,„ „,,in „, 39 ,, WATCHES,
u S y l7l6l l . AHD
000 000
000 COO 000 . 000 000
C 4 ° 013 ° °C 4I CM " L And Wholesale Ages
t@ for the celebrated
139 143 135 137 138
287 267 VIT 257 OH
212 212 01 211 211 AMERICAN WATCHES.
1 7: . 75 . 13 , v 2 i l ,
pil >, 12 TIFTII STREET, one door from 1/7d,
CH .22 62 262 f'2,-------,---------- _ ---.
a° °a 143 A DDy ,k, EWENS,
63 64 6 54 64
57151103 6858
1 71 6 9 8 illi la iv ' GAB AND STEAM FITTERS,
77 77 77 77 TT
76 75 73 75 76 165 WOOD ST., opposite FDA Church, Pitteburgb.
152 152 152 152 152
les 166 165 166 11:I3 PIMPSL 11TDRANTS, MEET LE/13, LEAD.'
92 03 93 0 13 • rim Tlltir end DAN LEAD, mad Plumbers' =Melt
241 241 241 241 341 In gears!, Oil • rednerles fitted ay 1n the ot tat Bp.
221 al 221 20 en, vra rtetane.rithT=
alriagZiftir. co pper.
0 8 16 2 Nn.—AD orderssully sae tied to . . apl
C fl? I I I ? re 121 141
".°°° 1'63
103 10 10 1 000
124 IN ki t ae It'
se. Thls Improvement has been gotten. up not Up-
!. 26 A2 126 a I* ,ir? 1; - 4 1 basard, butt . le the molt of struiT, exPethwalls3,
-ii—go, ' "', n r 2 labor snd airman. Thome annoyed with smoke iota
c . - d i s - a- ra dust will please call ;If not satisfactory *Me end of
isg — .thg i za ~i 6 135 tan days, the apparatus taken ont and no charts
EX EN ED Eft 203
101 101 101 101 103 ,l,0 2_1"
3"3/11r street.;
60 te 60 60 60
is is le le is aruCCO WORICEIL—JAS. OWEI
37 37 .37 0 37 0 , sumo° AND MASTIC IVORKrist'
V - _37 . V .37 RANGED AND FSAST32%.„aort
0 0 •CT ' 0 0 01112,131=Td of aD kinds in
6i .64 64 LSI 64 All eiders left at No. 23 OONGUESS STUMM, land
Ws• 229 / 90 10 doors from WYlie. or at mew. Wall Paper Store,
133 1.24 1.13 No.lll Wood sweet, will be prolnptly attanded to.
VWO 133 50 0 4 45
- , .
'lttebg 1 .... 503 603 603 ekti Um
415 117 415 414
: :: 'I L I" ! 43
283 3
205 rO l 5 20e Los\
. 6 isi 6913 61 3 6 66 3 6 r9l it
....5"24. 408 407 406 410 404
" 7 .- 575 275 275 975 275
' S ... 409 4C13 409 409 iCI7
- . 9 ~ .... cOO 000 000
sdueeny .4, .0. 011) 000 000 000
.. .. OW 000 000 COO
•• 3 it 686 531, 555 580 585
. 3 2d. 728 227 El 7/7 227
:. 4.141 626 010 go 606 Gm
3ret ' are 9 ... 21 .... 225 191 226 \ VA IN r 27 22 12 1
Seett..—.. UO 110 110 110 190
11n10n,..... 177 177 177 198 177
Feeble Ist-. 99 99 160 99 98
• . 3d.; 198 198 198 195 198
Chartism.. 118 '9B 98 90 22
Collins .......• 275 221 2111 0 711 273
Temp 41114... 160 70 100 152 150
W. PitUbg. 161 105 105 105 105
llemsrelsi.; 53 .38 98 87 75
Drmitig Ist. 219 219 219 219 316
" 2d. 297 297 507 297 297
r tiestil i. .. : 109 13 111 r s 1 4 :
worse ....... 255 255 20 am 255
u 1 e,1,0e.... 973 371 371 971 911
•P1a1it5...... 000;Cr a io ao 000
a. Pitieb6-. 207 2Crt 200 2or 291
2r, rAyatte,, ... 000 000 000 000 •
Prentiut Ist ... 030 000 000 ,
Versailles. .. 237 237 Ws 077 638
Rcia..... 160 1.1/916 9 PP 169
Jefferson ...... 114 114 116 11 6 114
Robinson-- IST 187 167 167 196
Rim e.._ 72 n Ti 74 .74
trir........ 117 0 DI
1 .1 1 1 ly e FA
\ \
Baldn'in:„.. 206 206 738 208 708
Nandlolter.. 365 3151 364 364 363
111909..-..... 99 9 9 99 99 •99
Penn... ... 725 225 525 725 V• 5
Seatekleyß. 142 143 \142 14t 1 40
&wick], tg4 SO 80 80 GO
Umtata ...:, US US US US
510.11111.-:...166 1t93
106 DI 4. 9
Mabel 1 4\1 , 2 3 1 i
...„.:.,., 2..
• • • - ,r;!,
Comity T re alU
Special Dtimatche to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
. WasolSores, Oct. 14,,,1873. ,
The Star of this evening contains tho fol- , Sii•etal niqatelies to Me Pittsburgh Gazette .
lowing aceount'Of the late cavalry fight : , OHIO.
The whole of 'Gregg's division was ordered
Craft Bolton Station on Saturday towards Ohio has gone Croon C 7
ba C b i O mil u .' tSi; t O y c 'Th . l o 4 rts .
Culpepper, and arrived at Culpepper at 4p. i and majority. How is Pennsylvania 1 S.
ra. From thence the 2d brigade of the 2d di- 1 • COMINsTI, Oct. 14, 1863.
vision, was ordered to Fox Mountain to sup-' , Large 'Union majorities in nearly every
port Kilpatrick, but finding that Kilpatrick I ward. Glorious prospeota. Great enthusiasm
did not need reinforcements the brigade left I prevails. Copperhead stook very low.
him on Sunday morning, and returned to the C. R. L.
division at Culpepper, on Saturday night. E.:. Oxvlttr, Oct. 14, 1863.
GrOgg moved to Sulphur Springs at nine o'- Soldiers rote in the 18th 0. V. I.: Brough,
cloak at night. In the meriting two "fibnents, I 342, Vallandigham 169. 111th 0. V. I.
the 4th and lath Pennsylvania, were sent for- Brough 464, Vallandigham 14. 45th 0. V. I.
ward to Jefferson, about five miles from Sul- ' gives 350 for Brough. Tho other regiments
phur Springs, anti the first were sent out to- I have dot been heard from.
wards Little Washington to reconnoiter. The The rebels aro still falling back. Shackel
last named regiments encountered a large ford is in pursuit.
force of the enemy just beyond Amosville Jones hoe again elude
dun, Oct. 14, 1663.
d us. n.
and were surrounded, but gallantly fought CINCA
their way out and crossed the river at Walls- We have returns from tbirty-two cou
nties nties in
ton, about twelve miles above Sulphur Springs, Obi., which gives a net Union majof
About 10 o'clock in the morning the enemy forty-four thousand one hundred and sixty
advanced on the FourtitliernrisylvtiniaCavalrY , two, being, a Unless. .gasafilatirtf:sis tbott:'
which were at Jeffersoit, with , cavalry, chow- sand these lumdred and nine.
cou Vallandig and'in
leg heavy infantry appports ip their rear, soilr e hastoirried only four nties,
when our cavalry seeing they wore being over- these there are Union gains. The majority
powered, fell back slowly, contesting the ion the 'home vote will reach seventy thou- I
ground, to a large forest this side of Jefferson, sand. r', 1 0CII- 1110 veto of the Ohio
where Gregg, who led these regiments in per- BlvrixOilx.- 0
son, dismounted a portion of hie mon and soldiers in this city at headquarters to-day,
sent them out as skirmishers, their horses I resulted as follows : 95 votes east. Brongh,
having been sent back to Sulphur Springs. 87 V allandigham, 2. One ticket was !rased.
After stubbornly contesting th e ground for PNNSYLVANIA.
nearly two hours, they were ordered to fall PRIERDEEPUM, Oct. 14, 1663.
back slowly, and as they were doing so a heavy Lehigh en., 1830 maj. for Vihodward ; lose of
infantry force of the enemy was discovered on 114.
each flank, anti at the same time three rogi- Delaware co., IEB3 for Curtin . gain 516.
~."`..' merits of cavalry having made a wide detour, The majority for Crutin, as far as heard
attacked them in the rear. At this time the j from, is 15,000 ; thirty-six counties yet to
Tooth New York was Sent to the support of come in. If they do tho came
be as at tho last
M, Gregg and Rood. Battel7 ,of the Second election, Curtin
's majority will 20,000.
-I--- United States Artillery, opened op the rebel Barks gives only 0500 for Woodward , a
.6 96
al n cavalry, but owing to the short range of the gain for Woodward
~,,,,.., 2, guns, which were brass Napoleon's, no serious Wyoming co., IV codward 40 maj
52 1715 damage was indicted on the enemy by them. 'Fulton co., Woodward 260 um.) Doniocrat.c
j g 111 . The Fourth and Thirteenth were now pressed '. gain 137.
%IS 360 severely in the front, and our centre broken, Backs 00., 310 for NV oodward.
ow an and at the name time they were attacked on Bedford eo., 300 maj. for Woodward. All but
me ( 00 each flank and in the rear, our mon cut their ' Fulton a Democratic lose.
000 1 000 000 000 000 000 way through and escaped across theriver with Returns show Curtin's majority in the State
WO Ow 000 an ore too heavy lees. ' to be about 18,000. S.
64 138 677 136 672 131
CM MO WO OM 000 am The 16th Penn's was now dismounted and ftocntsrrs, Oct. 14,1883.
t e l' e a l r e 'l 2 „t ' , 1 ;31 5 8 , l i c f; thrown out along the river banks as skirmish- Curtin's majority in Beaver 900. 8. D.
I I ers, while the Bth was also dismounted and 13631.ta, Oct. 14, 1663.
2 - 18 147 218 - 1M 000 1701) ordered to support the battery, which had only The whole, oounty ticket is elected, and 300 i
295 70 M 5 108 1,30 000 four short range gum. The enemy opened on for Curtin. J. J. S.
76 85 78 80 81
us with some twenty pieces of artillery, but Pfitl..4DELPets, Oct. 13.—1 n Butler county
105 77 101 77 1.3 so
164 161 157 166 0.3 167 our troops gallantly held the ground for eight districts giro the Union State ticket 400
tee 241 402 243 " 242 sere 1 hours, ro Is' rho h
193 95 104 04 197 91 rs Ours, pti Ina e c arges of the majority. Crawford county gives '2,060 major
rc, 0 %°,, : 8 1 ( IP e c, T ...„ , enemy, end gradually fell back on the Fay-Ay for Curtin. Frio City givos 300 majolity
0,.., to ee 000 000 000 0c „, ettovillo road, the enemy following, but keep- for Curtin. Fifth Ward, Woodward 150 ; 1
140 17 I'M 16 140 Ul mg at a respectful distance. Twelfth, Curtin 02; Thirteenth. Curtin 79 ; I,
-105 24 104 53 16C 54
oz I
t.. Co n l. ta G
'Martin ggWa and
a t t eu wo tt a e i r d , s
= wi d th h bo ini th , L . leti ro - S w iLte d e w n . th rd ,
re3ltuBr,...Seasy•enaltteeeynttlahe, II
1071 60 105 CO IXI to wounded, the former severely and the latter above figures, bat tho majority will probably
Mt, 51 99 53 99 53 slig htly. exceed 8,000.
19e 07 W3l\ 56 293 58, .
9; ;11 %I SO !s1 03 Ident. Adams, 4th Pa., Maier . Wilson, Bth Lehigh county about 100 for Woodward,
' ffte, 711 1 :2.: Zso
105 ' 27 ' 41 W 6 Pa., L i eut. Col. Kettler, lot N. J., Maj. Ras- and Monroe county about 1,500 for Wood
, Ti , lot 4 ; 3 it
1, 7 1 1(11 • sell, let Md., were Woutlea. The loss of ,ward.
~I r' 66 . - , I t,' 14 ` 6 , 7 16 , 6 134
68 the second brigade, it is thought, will amount
\ given I
1.225709, Ps., Oct. 13.--Wayne County
JO 624 196 4M 1831 000 OM to about four hundred and fifty mon in killed, t Woodward 55 maj. Suscknehanna gives Curtin
4 .*
423 22 1221 216 1.2 wounded and missing. TAO 4th and 13th Pa. 1700 maj. Cumberland gives Woodward 500 or
37 1M 37 118 31 129 37 600 maj. Berke gives Woodward 600titnaja
134 , 212. 1 1 . 3 t .,
. t:15 4 IL7 MI 1 . 4 1 ;
regiments ouffered most intverely. ' !'Carbon giros Woodward 500 maj. But4rs gives
est 14s 0.9 130 681 149 67 Col. Gregg is highly spoken of for the man- N l it t oolwar ri d ' 1 4 6 0 1 0 0 mlj . . Lehigh complete gives
oar in which ho fought his men, and it watt o° wa ' m 213.
81 , 117 et 117 82 110 NI
M i 138 631 1.18 53 132 63 --- - -
:31 0') 31 DI 37 80 = owing to his skill and bravery that the 4th An Attempt to Capture Negro Troops
1211 181 124 184 126 161 120 and Frustrated-.Mosbys Force Under
40, 75 401 75 40 74 41 13th fought their way oat of a precarious
1251 1111 1.21 113 126 113 125 Situation. Ile was at the head of Ins men in rated..-Resulta of General Foster's
1112, 236 164 23: 161 2421 163
581 ~,,,, ~4 ) n , x , az i co the thickest of the fight, and in several Second Expedition After Guerrillas.
WssiliNGroa, Oct. 14.—Az official report
charges he took the load during the engage- states that on the second attack upon our
- moat. The rebels charged the battery and ' forces at Vienna, opposite[ Natchez, the ob
raptured one of the guns, but the let New I •I'L t r : , ' , f te t , i l e fo r r ebe Co l t s . Tr rra to :, ll l ) , t ii 7L' e t u h t e , n e e n s
Jersey cavalry gallantly charged back and re- etroy a :pontoon train. TI e negroes had all t
captured the piece, which wee immediately bee n n transferred to the
oth e r otr t ide of the river, I
turned on them with good effect. Our cavalry ,
T r:: ng -
. t e h ro o e
awaiting outig k tra y
ndpuotriation and
yesterday held the enemy in check, and there , Ferrets ' with a few men attacked the enemy
was some little skirmishing, one man 'being so vigorously that
ect the yhut bad riot time to So
wounded while on picket last evening. , comploh their ol in twenty
after . their first appearance were in full re- .
TIME NEW 11403-811M 9 UNINJURED. t
The new ilOl3-eido2l was uninjured by the 1 Crept .
Cole, in a report to Gen. Lockwood, who
sixty pounds of powder contained in the rebel commands the defenses of Marshal Beights,
torpedo, which exploded under her on the Saps that Mosby's command has been greatly
Bth inst. Admiral Dahlgron's dispatches are l
unnridseonertsedLtflorrensl and eon d :ra b t!is fo that his 'y
positive on ibis point. A little copper was off t om e consist. of a battalion of throe hundred
in one place, but no Moro than in other parts men.
has been Mosby is one of
for [he 's staff
of the usenet from other causes. Tbo craft and express
which pushed the torpedo before it was named °f th e
eydt.o•ittrtohyeirpotomeoamernunication below , i
the Davis, as if intended to do to the new Gen. Foster reports as the result of the
Iron-sides what the Jew did to Gollah. The second expedition under Gen. Wistur, after 1
captain of the vessel was picked up afterwards, ittenrroilflaas
bothut Matthews ii t
e ats county, t t h
e h , e .P u ti
t e n s
r t r o u c o - f 1
and papers found on him which showed that I about eighty bead of beef cattle, bound to 1,
the plot had been long concocting. The three Richmond
teon, 'a few rebel officers, and twenty 1
rebel iron-clads in Charleston harbor aro men aa prers.
armed with similar torpedoes. The Soldiers , Vote.
arrOtsrr.D.U•mo, Oat. 4.—The solo of the Ohio sol-
Ex-Congressman Sedwick, of New Tork, ' diens is as follows : Broogh, 06;
has been appointed COMMiSSIOOOT under an t ham, 4. lowa troops--Stone ,3; Tuttle, . ;
act of last Congress, to revise and modify I 11l ows. 14th
Siteonwee,'2sB; at Colutrtlieb, 68. us, Kli.. ho vt l d an as ee
, f..,1 .
navy laws.of the ticket is strongly Republican.
A dispatch from Philadelphia says: Mc- 1 Admiral Porter has issued very stringent or-
Clollan's letter endorsing Woodward, hart , dreers”,ow.itahndaotbr 1:7 to ro ti r ..t OtO ro ttn ni g ikro GO , b . ort i tm c c e n n t
nobody but Its author. Mac's more judicious I
, diaries. All nenfirol and watchme y n are to
friends hero believe the letter a forgery, but bo armed with Colt's
elvers. Tugs con
admit that if it is genuine, its the last of him. I stoutly ply in the barber.
Gen. Augur Is acting commander of the 1 ohfcl:".:;:liaraN' in r. ;h o . e i t.. „. l .l 4. i — d 'Z' , l , i_e
s v h o o t re e of at the
Department of Washington, Gen. Hointsle- I Ei myra Barrack, w as
7,„_,,,y, „ n d i t ,
man being confined to bed. ruulted in 62 vot for Brough and ono for
I ,
\ ------------.
Tux scessr CIITASS rs ressavi.vsms. :01100,4b0m•
Union speakers WhO arrived to-night from Skirmishing on the Right of Mcnsie's
Pennsylvania, soy that the McClellan letter Army Cavalry lPight at White
hurts only its author, and that the Callyollll 3111 1 1 /"Ir SPrings•
was high-toned and bold in its advocacy of \llama ros, Oct. 14.—Passengers from the
radical principles throughout, on the 'Union fifoo.nytyto;tiliaj reporat
totha tt,,,,ee:lngriiti:y..lileerier,,Z.:
side, while the copperheads resorted to the centre and on the left, there was only occa
lowest appeals; also that Montgomoty Blair's atonal picket tiring, by whiCh ono man was
recent speech formed a large part of the am- I killed. ~
It is reported that Gregg's division which
Munition of the copperheads. Prominent I had severely contested the fight at ' White
PITOMitIIIII Will urge his removal from Sulphur Springs on Monday with a large env-,
the ODOly
Cabinet. airy force; supportedby infantry and artillery,
rum TIM RIMS OD MIR MORO. was compelled to fall back on account of not
byWan and
The only real news from the front to-night t r ei t "!
irFt:ir.tlo pro perly
which try, fifty
is that yesterday anti to-day there has been lof tho Ist Now J m ong en ey r . ang
w were
a cavalry skirmish along the whole line, end 1
that at 7 o'clock this evening the sound of
cannonade appeared to have , receded, as we
were getting thh boat of it, and that Ileades
present position is somewhat nearer Wash
ton. .Tbe qnistion of battle or not is proba
bly in Leo's power to decide,
new but !leads can..
lot be easily drivon from his position.
i Vote for Judge Indite Court. RCCOrde
Re inter and County Contiandoner.
Judge L. C Recorder. Register. Co. Corn
F'lflt F.
i 4
D Ism -Ts
L,WRENCE county gives Curtin 1,1320 tan
ority. Mercer gives Curtin 569 majority.
BOTH SEXY.3.-1L rerarend gentleman har
ing boon restored to health Ina fOr days, after un
dergoing all the nstml routine and irregular
.11u modes of treatment, without sucoes., consider. It
his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow
creatures the means of cure. !fence, on the receipt
of an addressed anrdopc, be will send,free, a copy of
the prescription med. Direct to Dr. JOHN
DAGNLLIA,IBe. Fulton street, N. Y
nth' lydaw
121 113
456 119
11 .- 82
225 48
242 161
5Z3 192
115 122
°Moe and Warehouse, No. 23 BARRET REET,
Manufacturer. of ILLFMINATING and LEBRI.
CD - No. i REFINED OIL, warranted non.c.rplo
sire, !Own' , on hand. _ x 12171
30 76
134 IZ
-104 134
101 101
151 68
209 13
128 78
167 07
138 5G
Y E TIII 31!
160 In
218 130
lii ea
70 40
from is
bleb will
rrEPY 2I . O4I ;
- -
OUR, armpitDlA ORES.
Missouri Raiders Defeated - and Router.
Sr. Loma, Oct'. 14.--DirpOtehei fiOrn the
West state that Shelby's rear wits overtaken
on Monday, near' Boonville, and a running
fight was kept op for several miles, ?uniting
in the death of many rebels.
o Monday night ai artillery fight mitred
at Dug Ford, in which the rebels were defeat
ed, with a loss of twenty-eight killed. The
rebels than divided into few spade, ope go
ing towards Lexington, another towards Seda
lia, and•she other two on Intervening roads.
General Brown is fighting the Sedalia suads,
Phillips those going towards Lexingto n , and;
Major Laseer those in the centre.
Col. Coffeeis reportod badly Xotuided: The
rebels plundered- everybody Booneville,
and stole the rborSes along this rou te, 4 ".
ing none for our troops. A
elspatcli d;."Passlpsii, 'Was c ointy,
Oct. IS , train taysx)After a five
: Om, • tbo. .cantiring
their utillerir,'s largo °Liman a noi•
part of :their trails, and and Ming
• latVutios.,..
A ili says OW"' row& arm ippoi-i
s ang e geb4lll &It disestioarr bat dor
locate the battlit c9Flog
~IYEQ,~~~?N~~ I :~ AT ~ .,
rlt'ors. 01110.
. .
CeStsovatilp of tbo Press.
Nsw Youx,Pit. 14.—The Washinglriti
respondent, or the Cestmerciat, states that for
some reason, certainly not becauSo.tbere was
any bad news to be suppressed, the War
DepurSmentyesterday rammed its old =sop,
Ship user the telegraph, and foredo the trans
mission of any intelligence bearing either
upon the rebel or federal situation in Vir
true that the eSening papers have
pabliihed the news that Meads wee tailing
back en . Washington, pursued by Lee in large
force, and it ie equally true that those pipers, -
if they contained - any improper matter, are
only three or four hours ride from the enemy.
So the discrimination Diode between them and
the distant luau, is hardly Understorid. 4 '
Frome anfon"
. .
flan Fassuisuo, 0ct.14.--The IltatiterColi - '1
stitution sailed, for Pinatas, carrying one hOtis'
El pa k n sds2 ,
4a1,0d0 68 f l o o r % Noeoow : In
a tran Suris
• tr
Five hundred and Maim thousand dollars
wero ishlpped by an agent for pi Aims6 ;, u . 3*
supposed to be part of a general errangensent
for paying the, troops. in Mexico. 1..
(a — r — li a --- W .-- : - 0 ----- 0 0- 1=
_. ratiadras of -331.01( BLUM:: 1
VAIIITS'AND vAuta Doom, wativ-
ID -
Tam,Avnittolt G Y"t . tt Miltsamt.'
:Nebraska 161 "4 1 .,t?" "2 ,1- -r - -• *4litotriiiiig , titterui.twl!!' d
o wi .,-(iit.:l4.Tlici.eleetiouyetteretay for : banowti e• s a t - 4 in a i px: '- ,
membars of
1119.14gisiatxm' thilas '"Imivfji can:ll witiiiiiiiegtetbiti-pla a .4.1.4 0. 1 . t.
Ra i : mined st Pment , ' I -- -115 P I MP " , d , ii iii d i i kt c .l...7 -i IP?
un ”...i : 2z..0 3 40pa 124:1001/10144-0111121:0143 3Obbinit 01 .,. - . - 'M",,
ir — g", &Dig.ast..." Tht •P dv e . aM it ed o ilialX. , . • _'211113 11 - um limn—
i,eutteeessfbmgar'thl!!l:llleqk we - vomit"' V s sposimixte.wee --
,41°"!..-..14,::,;e.0ir, ... :IA ..1
,4„.,, i
Rebel Soldiers - Voting.
GOLD .3 G.ivr .11117.1.41 C ED
gpocial dispatch to tho Pittsburgb Gisotte.
PIIILIDELVIIA, Oct. 14, 1883
Passengers just in from Washington repre
sent a fight going on, on tho old Bull Bun
battle ground. • 1
Tho rumors this morning put up gold to two
per cent., and closed on tho street at 158.
At the headquarters of the 'Knights of the
Golden Circle, eighteen rebel soldiers, assess
ed and taxes paid by Democrats, toted yes
Markets by Telegraph.
!its act iv e 14.--Cotton natio firm at 91692
Plour leas and 6to 1013 lower; es decline to
chloBy In ninilum grader, good fresh ground source
and wanted at 5666 25. Whisky Is deektedly lower
at 55600 c. Wheat lwavy and 3to 40 lover at 11l 33
f a o t r '9Eol'.l'''gf(lll..`,l'Ze=cu.dlngiru" ?I ° I gUre e t. T
a nd steady. Pork open - id quiet and closed dull
and lower. Deer Is quiet and stead f. Bacon sides
dull and nnehanged. Lani opened firm and &god
Gold Di firmer but quite =Betted, openll3 ate
declining to 61%, and closing firm at M 6.55.
ernment armor.
Neer Tons, Oct. Pt.—Flour less Wire, loe. lover;
mgcrit. Extra.Bratis,../9 764.11418:,&g.4).
Whessar=24/813.107P3Wilieldrill and unseliled, and
.1434 i lover, at 51 - 245.1 2$ lbr old Cl:a pring ;
51 5561 38 for New - lio; 51'261 33 IbMwenkess
Club; 51 37(31 40 for Bed Western. Corn—recelPts
55,42 bo—ctosettled, and 263 e lower, at 63628 e for
shipping Mixed afloat and ashore, clueing at the in
side price. Oats le lover, at 856230 for Western
Pork quiet. Boef dull. Lard quiet at 11%612%e
Whisky dull and lersier, 5060:8.. P etroleum 5....0
Mossy tai
Exchaneobsrer, dull at MT . °
Gas, Id% Crafts!' Sues Vs 72 4 11 ": 2,.114'
needing 3. - 1%; Erie 105; Burlington 30; New Poi
C O upon U. 8. Fa, registered , 04 5 ' 4 , 74 4
Coupons, ; one year certilicatk, 235'
Persona of sedentary habits. troubled With weak
new, lassitude. palpitation of the Mart, lea of elt•
polite, distrees after eating. torpid liver, eonstips.
lion. dc., di" to metier If they will not try the
Which are now recommended by the hignegrmadical
authorittee, and warranted to produce In fesetediate
beneficial effect. They am exceadintly agreeable,
perfectly gum and mast impercodeall other tonics
where a healthy, gentle stimulant is required.
They purify, strengthen and Invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are on antidote td change of water and dint.
They overcome effects of elimination and late hours.
They strengthen the system and enliven the mind.
They proyent mLeamatie and intermittent fere=
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They more Dyrpepsla and Constipation.
They core diarrhea, Cholera and Choler. Umbra.
They owe Liver Complaint awn:farrowheadache.
They rook. the weak strong , the languid brilliant,.
and ars exhausted nature's great =starer. They are
composed of the celebrated Oallsaya bah. winter
green, sassafras, roots and barbs, all preserved In
perfectly pore St. Croix Item. Tar particulars, see
*circulars and testimonials around aachbottle.
Beam° of Impcsters. Examine weary bottle. See
thatit has D. S. Barnes' signature on our pries= tr.
S. Stamp over this cork, with plantation same. and
our firm eignature cm a duo steel plate onipluir4
aide label. See that our bottle is not refilled with
spate= and deleterious stuff. We defy any parson
to match the taste or character of our geode. Any
person pretending to sell Plantation Bitten by the
gallon or in bulk, It an impenter. We sell only in
our tog cabin bottle. Any person Imitating this
birth*. or welling any-other material therein. whether
'rolled Pbuatation Bitters or not, la a criminal under
the .S. Law, nod will . so promented by vs. Ws
already have our eye on i.e parties re-fllling our
bottles, dn., who will succeed in getting themselves
into close quarters. The demand for Drake's Plan
tation Bitten from ladles, clergymen, merchant.,
Ac., le perfectly Incredible. The !simple trial of •
bottle le tha evidence we present of their worth and
superiority. They are sold by all respectable drug
gists, groans, physicians, hotels, steamboats and
country stoma
icV - 31 ------- 3.A K larinfirfr INE BIT
TEBEI, ter sale wholesale and retail, by
Corner Eraltbtold and Fourth streets.
loilio-xs.aler AA, _ _
rt -
B. a M. 13OLLMAN, Germany,
(rwrtserly Mad @ Co., Bordegps
The only VlDag/ir ovearled with a Prise liladd, o
oixt7 exhibitor. at tho Intenantions3 Exhibition
For ' lle 11
Dr. Ludlum's Specific
I. the only naloble moody fctr dLseasos of the origin
of generation. It is the discovery of um crobissit
'Mph'tan atm IA tras devoted to the treatment of
thlKelsos of dlsesere, and with unprecedented ■ue-
Itself, requiring nn injoetitine, ♦nd difieting entirely
from the misMten practice and Um numeroas smite
less compounds offered to the public. IS Is entlnely
segstabls and perfuctly sate• ft acts like a Stuns,
arid imparts itrongth end Tiger to the dloossod
Cantrox.—The great enema at nen meson:: In at
by unrrdnetpled man. Obeero, thentete, thit the
ifirtatose of the proTlttetor lietzootad eteeitipos. None
other h vattalne. Preperc4 mill
• r
Proprietor. CtneWWl, 0
kW by all Dramsp et I bas..
tor For ads at wliiikeslo by B. L. TAIIN,PSTOCI
. .
The rotOrnispied baring been_restorsd to heath
s ins weeks by • reb arta h 5,414
inferred tenet d Mit Vlrlth a swore bag lactic%
find that dived dime% esonortopthni-4 .moos to
maks known to his Sallow suirerarstbe means °lege.
To la who 'lntro it• he win wood ooPy of tits
prescription wed, Mew of charge.,) with the atten
tions for preparhig and using, tits aura. which MI •
will . find •act csrs for COBI73trr;ON, • AiiTIUM
DUOKCIIIT B ,CPUONS; COLDS. ite. The t artly
object Of thendrartiser LI sending. the prescription
to to bandit , the Meted, sral speed interoottoi?
which VI, =mires to be tnroloatie ; and h• hopes
*vim =Serer will try .10 nrmedy, u It wfll •otn
them nothing, aneatay press a Meath& '
Python wishing the prescription 141 &MC
• Williascaborgth Zings eonnth Now T M L -
,I4AVE NOV prp'Ett 101
/sways snot 0?
Nevv al‹):::41.1s 2
Very =any amides wan cabled tarn bilow
the regular market prices. Our WOOLLS 000D6
coYmPTIA, =MMDtI'"%
600 DOZ. OP 805T0.3 DMIED BOW
200" " Sous ;
Double beet', the Wirt tn tbe motet ite net
KNIT nears, th. chm Vet 111 th. car.
Ladies' Knittkirbi, Miderllatincatta
HOODS, of various tinder
Our dodo of, BON= lIIDDOND. flL V
DifIIMS o ow, extomahe and =O a&
Abo, nor Insnic• of
500 it &I.Ainnst, BlaitTS.
1,090 paa SASAIOO/ dt Peals TvXismta
Oar trim& sad tha pnbUo gamma? 41 .. 1 " 214 114
gin as a c&IL
-7splflzottuas uooNs trP
A Aim end cilei,dld eissOtEctegt of
Embrsoiss th. tatosing popular. st9U•
riansr.tic "mom =5;
nrvurniat NgXB,
Liao, a now lot of
fay, Silks, Velvets, Trinuill:
Sow open and for do uport our utast tetirltale"
rata prim in OLSEI.
J, W. BAMR & CO.'s;
g3l X 3r_. 32L ,
Ineompusbly the LARGEST BTOCS, the CIMa-
EBT vlaurnr, andtho " '
03Lli ItIVICHANnI gaptgled
Is' swvLs
gmaTING. arc
P. 11. DRAKE et CO.,
80.0. LET, BLUE, OUST, rises and Oltdaddl
On Brtudyra, x. 1r
x. B. oax. roman h awes= Era
We are now opening one of the largest asaortients : or
WIST 1113,CIFOrn"..
Si 11. NAT Et;
We are thentuteetutteig deny, from the lawn stt.l
must desirable Esmsrn T4aMbrlA
CLOANS, „. :*
or styli !ad at srity , Fie" . IllEasiat
name In want. of !rah sadia,iialiiqelie4 74 4 l, ll 4
to all at
, tbs attsotlo of boles
• -
BAlatows, • ,„
LINEN/4113 ! '
p053:011A4 , V03
Ea 17 Fifth-Street
'Om annfbited In tie? en/.
And a Tull aso)rtment of
Together with s eareftaly *elected
AlJrim /WEN , -
21 . F IF TH : STREET:
lir Country militants mob& has E
0010 MD BRAM, - , ,
Mach OW en thr plait
• • N'es: 17 AlOl9 MATlg*grilarL'
gar Orden nepecilay
• 0014 . • ••••.,•,.
~ •
VANE' #l7/O.O ) X* - -
, r '1-
b 411440.41410-Igh:::
• e • 2 C :AAClttrileirlifier.
1"' 611C61650/ ffSMila irr i Car
.aaregerfaiei# 4l44c r i.-
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J~s r:tlCi .
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