--' ' - ' . • 1- .00 . "! . • , Ts • • ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PO* S.4LE. pOR GALE.—'A =convenient two story le Ptoitbrck nset, Pi l ttsbu diroUar home ; with back building, No. e i Alb,ll largo, coneet and well flubbed throe. slog brick dwelling Louse, with brick dwelling, No. IN Boni street, between First and Second strarta. bat on Also, a two-story brick dwelling house, with back try Second street, near Brass. dV tha shows ars In good order and sapplleduri.b gas and water. ; dint One.ahrry'!retie cottage dwelling, No. 214 Monad street; and the two-nary frame dwelling ad- MAW& -, Bath antes. hoax% are to good order, and Imitable for mail fautillas. Aleo, a lot of ground on the northeast - van:2y able of Find inset, batmen Bon and Try Anson, near Boas street, having a front of 3t feet, on First street, and extending back Wind. The above property is notated In a desirable part of the city. For terms of tale and particular' Enquire of WM. W. THOMSON, No. 108 Filth street. jyl7:td ARM FOR BALE—The undersigned F. 01511111 at private :sale • very saltuttdo farm In Ohio, Township, Allegheny County, Pa. =staining about Br acres. It 11 eituated on the Ohlo Meer, about 4% miles below the city. The Improvement. an , • ism , a sums dwelling bosom, log barn, and other nut-buildingsl about 1 50 apple tr.. In ,U°d oar condition, and other fruit trees; about acres good cleared land, the Delano° In good timber. It Is the '?f,rme formerly o'ned re Bi.jA CK TNTacs will b n a body , or I sufaciant inducement is ofiSrsd it will he cut up and sold in lots =table for country reeldenws. As the subscriber intends to dispose of tbe property soon, those who may se a to purchaso should call upon him without delay. Pot farther particulars enquire of J. W. P. WHITE, 1:6Q., 106 TUTS STREET, Pittsburgh, or of the =6=oo, In Ohio Township. oelltgerd WILLIAM JACKMAN. VAILTABLE PENN STREET PROP- EaTr 'SOB DALE.—Two Lots, 22 feet 4 Inches hunt to aix alley, with a large double house, between Hancock and Rand !treat,. A desixabla loca tion for a Physician or Demist. Alio, Some lino building Wet for prirate residences near hfinenrrille, from to lucre each. Also, a:large number of building lots-41 raHmis aims, of from 22 to 60 feet front, by 100 to 120 foot deep, situated at the terminus of the Wylie Bacot Passenger ltaihray. of li o pEl o y f r or the. , EuidFlignod. roc: t n . r E ig io tl . r f. estate JOHN D. HERRON, Jr22:3m H. G. HEIMON. - POE SALE AT A BARGAIN.—One iooond.hand STFAX.MIGINE, 141 a cylinder, 4X, foot itroke, poppet oat off, 12 foot fly wheel on counter abaft, 40 foot 3 In. steam pipe, with , two 38 In. double fined . (I4 In.) tam boiler., 26 feet long. steamdram ern7604.4r00 stand pip, breeching and Ere front, An In pea working order; rated at 60 horse power. .4.1e0, oce Steam Engine, 6 in. eylinder, with By-wheel, Ac., In like condition that hangmen driven with the other. .of FWhor partietVli rotor to HOBBS, TAYLOR A. CO. eel log. • • oc2:3lrd COUNTRY REAIDENCE FOR SALE. The undaraigned offers at private We bis country residence on Troy Hill, containing about Six acre. ,of grad , a splendid Brick Dwelling Rouse, an azoalla Prams Barn. with room* for hired man with ily ; 3 acre. in grapes, in excel a . lent bearing orde r ; ataaut as choice peach trees, and about 1130 apple trees,. polar OWL cherry, plum and ether trees, &c. Title Indisputable. Conditions easy. Enunir• of stertlm . , JCIIIN 0.. ELEINEII, on the place. poB BENT.--,Four New Two Story Dwelling Ifirmes, wittl a t s b4l"Mr• mat 1,4 eta MOMS, M the corner of Lane and Tialm street, near Market street. Also, • well finished room under 'Mrs. Wlable's barber shop, to the Dia mond,suitable Ihr gardener's mars room, or efdroe cat ps,,water, etc. Apply to J. LYNN' McABOY, of Lane, bleAboy & Co., 140 Federal sum*, Alle gheny. ocllawd wua.PUx 4132 1. 500 . ( 1 I'WO Elt A BY V A II ICN. uWELLING of vlight room', finished attic, ball, bug. bekment. Jtc. Lot 24, by 94 foot; now occupied Abttway 'Wetzel tin e bop, being No. UM Peaurylvarkla Avenue. Apply to 0. S. DATES, Comma•cial• Broker, Butler flied, Lmn.e.oierille. Xl4l# • Tour Mary Brkk Balding, Engine, Bothin and Machinery ; well adapted tore mean. /00 bet by 120 feet ; can bo purchawal oca- 1 its original cost, by calling on WILLIAM WARD, - see No. 48 Griot meet, Pittsburgh._ VOIR SALK—Fou - R. NEW Com. Furs, 1 In colo t ordar and coadttioa. Dtroansions, 00.11 W 14 'feet In Isiah and 413 i depth Thum ant Coal Fla% and arlll be 'old at a tar itata. Enquire of =VII If MELVA' . at th e °Eva of John Black, aaddetf Datpleata, Way, near the. of Hand at, AUCTIOJr S4LES. ORPHA]s-s1 couRT SALF4.OI , ' LAW RIMCETILLR.LOTS::—TVESDAT 110113- LNG, October 27th, at 10 o'clock, .111 be mold on the premises, la the Baronet of Lawrenceville, by order of Robert Bell, Administrator of Malcolm Leech, ei•ed, the following twenty-Matt daairablelots in the plan laid out of the homsttesadd property, via : flistieen,lots, Mckhaving a front of 24 foot on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Pike, and extending beck 100 feet to Fairview alloy. Two lots each baring a front of RI feet I Inches ea . an the Pittsburgh and Giveruibutt Pike, and =land lag tisteß 101 4% inches. Bii koron Liberfy street, etch having a front of in and extending hack 100 feet Oft Fairview alley. Three lots on Liberty - street, each having a front of 24 feet sad extending back an average depth of 71 foot 1031, Inches. ne, lot at the corner of Liberty street and Fair view allsyr having o front of 103 feet T inches on Lib erty street. and 118 Test 1044 inches front on Pale- Tapes or p ayments crab pad the rwiduo in two equal payments at one and two years. with In. teresti seenrealTiodanum bo.d. "'Plana of the property may be had at the auction Rooms, No Si Fifth street 'Di'Chi t McTtWAJNE, Aact're ;ITO USHEROL D F(.lliNf, TirTlTTßrer TEDDIASDAT MOILTLNO. Otto ber 15th;' at-10 eclat, will be sold. at the residenos ot John -o:Fletcher, Esq., on • Franklin strati,. oppo vita the bisth Picsbyterion Church. Sixth Bard, the antirODOsisbinant °trope:ice Household Furniture, , xxc p. at* Hair Pant Chairs, Vhat-Bot, Out Franni- Mirroble: Top _Mahogany Dooming Bureaus, .Druseals Carpet, Parlor Ornaments, Janny Llnd LW stead, High and LOW Pen Bedsteads, We.h Stank =Beat Chain, Feather Bala Busk Mattrarma, , Mamba Carpets; Looking Gismos, Window Blinds, Dwain Carpet, Dining Boom Dell, owe set fins china; "Mantel Clocks; - Flair Oil Cloths, Bugs. Hooking Store and utemdls, Bitehan Furniture, he. otiS PATO kbIeTLWAINZ, Ancers. FURNITURE,: ROOK CASES, 4n.- 4 :in THURSDAY HORXHig:Ogt tithi, at J elock;arffill siga wo: a Third - 014 et, the' :wi no torupholopt at s.Boarder's Room, comprising Ingmln . oopet,llutdo Top, lir,shogiarDressloso Rnrsan,', Xisbla Top' •Enelos Wiabscood, w Woos -,P,AntrOo, Two Walems Dc.ok Cries, • Itti;l2l A HcILYTAME, Al2errO: ILis - ffi PLZ#OB. - SECONDHAND PIANOS. • s OCtIVIVIZIell 1 7 0 ( 1 OM, found ear- l •r / sars,"#,lpp fead,• , '" A Yol3looslooldiogfaszroineat. pype - Y OO A 6..wi1 - " . isiahogitar eau; dotal 0011:reTt, - aoadi.br'Clidebarbog. . A good Plano, Mg /AO 00, • 6 oct•TP.: eala, square e o r o4ol . • inadio , by Cillberr.l . ... ' 120 00 • 6 Et tsvo,lnattrogesty also, squats cortunk. • 0 (Klan; 'toiltogany cm, square 0531204 made by Cbtckeeng. .. . ... VI 0 0 A 6 oatimorabzut Comm . 11411.11, * Ger. 03113 Make.. .... 00 00 • 0 Moo, c•r, 4•1 . ;1 7.-- 40 00'1 . • /ORME BY • t . OtAIIV:-M=0/1,2- Si WOOD St. EVVPIAVp f . rom i'2Y5 to POD. . oclo m ; 11J8,1CA r . ayQaL "40I01' irti:itsdastipsedSirs the . sale sputa Lc tlish amp mt Mat 00171 k 114 4 ,. VII et Cb1116:4X11340 by allnew ta isoMiSbuttiii ecitspeistestbe• - elliteplete matt. 6ftleithorMii• Diesset • lisrin. Welmi•Beel' Dertini. Clemente ; Stiles, Hunter, and elmlitise:. v Tyro lust CSAUI PQ . par!. filiektelarie. • -'' 74AVEI1)16"ItrAN'& mto., 6/ iu: BTAIET. titie biipcklA Nana' • N PIANOS. • • aleortmeat Of Zhu sairtralleriCNAT YlANOester este hill& do.' 'SW ars boxed a doebt 10031EVIT PIANOS ASADA A call la re. •t-f.) initia l: 3- ' 4 'rinitsertsa%Eoib.ateaFa FENN rim iti f irD FALL STOcKierill ._ W-R+: 4 4' - - .... mita „T,-ov.. iti!ieri "....,_,..,-t *hi or lir-4441 .. l 41111 - cine. , . - :11erilii . no , ..,, IR fr - Rousq , F. ,V,. V rtsh A i, . ime . i„ &I ~.,,..1 mirseELLarrrous. pPORTANT TO RAILWAY COM PANTE.% MILL OWNERS. We hate erected and have In operation, near the tidy, an eretesstre Labratory for the manufacture of LUBRICATING AND PAINT AIL. By a new and Ingennona wientlac pcowea, and now OftT ►nd commend to public notice, and patronage thew grades, A, II and.o respactively, of I Wherever these lubricators have been tested, they have been murmured greatly superior to any of the preparations lately offered in the market. The or beet quality la designed to take the place of the beet Sperm Oil, and for use en cotton, woolen or other machinery. The “II," or 2d quali ty, fat railway end other like machinery; and the "C," or 3d quality, for beery and mares gearing, &e. The PAINT OIL bas been tested by numerous Painters In tbls city, and proved to be a capitol rut statatefor boiled Piqued Oil Indeed many Pointers give it • decided preforenot. These 011 s ars POW extensively manufactured at oar LVIIIIIO OIL OIL WOUK& Js tho pewee le scientific and melform, enetom , o3 tin rely on the melforrnexcolleneo of thew eloonomic eluledente of Sperm end Flaxseed Ott A trial, and tett Is confidently Incited. For sale as No. 30 MARKET STREET, comer of second. PFXNOO%. BALL & CO. COM ESTABLISHED 1760 PETER LORILLARD, BNTTF AND TOBACCO X.kNUFACTUBED, E=l (Thriarrly 49 Chatham street, Now York,) Would call tho attoutinn of denim, to tbo ortlclel of him tff.ufacture, •ts : Member,. Flap Bappen, Coarse itappee, nuterinan Clontl6men, Demlmo, Pais "ilrgfate, N►ebkoehes, Copenhagen. - . •Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Taut or Latodyfoot, Honey Doss Scotch, Fresh Hooey Scotch, Fresh lileotch. Attontion la called to the largo reduction in prices of Vino Cut Chewing and Bmoking Tobatcoo. which will be Arvid of a ouperior quality. TOBACCO. 'Boloerro--Cons, 1, \o.:, N.. 1 arid 2 to:zed Grumlated. Tra - cent .0211171t0--P. A, Caven dish. or Sawn; tivroot scented Orovoco ; Tin roil Cavendish. Sriocrwo—A. Jairo, Byanl.6, Canascor, N. D.-2i circular of prices wlli be sent onapplies lionaplo:ly HENRY O. I.IALE & CO., I= Fall and 'Winter Scock, dtd Invite their Mende and the public , to eentolne their stock, which I. the Maori and .net complete I= Always on-hand, a largo ueortsontit of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. CORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS I=l orcutro OVT ST ILED[CII. Miter. VrIIOLESALR 011 RETAIL. 97 and 99 Shied it:eat, opposite EL Idnatuvisect CO tod 111 Fourth irtraikt. - mhlo LADIES FANCY FURS I=! 41.CNT8' TCH CAPH, DOLLARS AND PLOVER, UATEI AND CAPd BYeryvarielly sod style of the above geode oo head _14715 151 WOOD STRIET. OUICOBF.H. 8, 186 1. DITHEIDGE'S PATENT CXV4!.I. I,A.MP CH IMN FUICR, XX FLIRT GLASS. these *anima," are intend/4MT the tat ' tiinmi, heettrig all parts of the glass equally, duos not expose It go tacking. E. T. DITiIitIDGE, Fort Pitt Meow Works, Washington street, *MIT Pittsburgh, Peons. .LACK IM 4DIOND STEEL WOR)C§, P/ITS BURGE, Pd. PARS. BROTHER & 00.. pan cire.Lrry )11:3121ED CAST STEEL, • truant, flat and Octagon, of all also". Warranted *Vaal t 6 any 1 - imported or manufactured In this cam. GGIr Mee Ind Warehouse, Noc 149 and 161 PIES? iafaan 120 and 122 SECOND STREETS, PIttebPIES. . LLLiA.M BARNHILL .t CO , 13ort.us Maker". and Sheet Iron Worker', PENN zrz Nos. 20;22, 24 and 26: Hewing secured a to e yarvl and furnished . It with thd most Improved 2014 916ar1, we ere prepared to miumfactur• 'um, die .l. MAW". of BOILERS, to the hest- manner, and tented equal to any made to the country. OH GENETS, BRICUEN, TIRE BEDS, STEAM PII 9CB, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSES/L. SA .T PANS, TAXES, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, 111 LING PANS, BOILER LEON 881DG.E.9; SU lAR PANS, and sole umnefactunue of. BARN . gt: .L'B PATENT BOILERS. , Bajudring-. doss pa - tha'tartest notice. delgtf G HOWIE W PORCH. 13enersi Commission Merchant,' itiMnreinausis &Liar= tows. B. if. /stk& Co., Pi r titburgh ; K. 0. Knight & 00., and 0. P. Knight & Bret., 210adalphls. ne&hmd f. ARLES C. . Y,- Produce and Comminfion Merchant. IifSRCLEANDIHE 113010E11, And aaalcria all liiadactf VOL - STTRY FILODCOIO, ro. wizen' 6id= - 111= ..... —cam. c. aura. M COLLIBTER & BAEE, tcs a ufactoters sad dialisron aU 1!.lutl. of TOBACCO, 611:1111 AHD ClOilths 03.F00D EniF.T. 1 .77 11 Fr ask . Kiejlioolisisifll b y On' mita . ijlity of d amo • Tosem • - ri Iri dr.' RIO u : jr.. , LAD ttv of -saxrexs#u • Al oe tumnislowniny.-FAI irmirmw- FEITIMMM 17= Am new revel, ing their PITIMPCSIOH. PA JAS. W. WOODWELL. IdoCORD & CO.'S., I= Etannfacturers of NEW OBLElilfg, LA r== PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1863 pittiburgh 6azettil. Pitt WEDNESDAY MORNING OCT. 14, 1863 Secretary Chase In Ohlo—.llla Speech at Columbus. A dispatch from Columbus, date,' Saturday, the 11th, to the Cincinnati Gszarrn, gives the following account of the reception of Secretary Chase at that place, on Saturday evening, and a report of the speech which the occasion drew from the distinguished gentlemen : See rotary Chase's reception here last even ing was remarkably enthusiastic, notwith standing' the fact that his intended coming was wholly unknown and Unexpected, until the arrival of the Cincinnati papers Saturday noon. Ilia train on the Bellefontaine and Ohio Railroad was delayed over an hour by a trifling accident beyond Cumberland, but Judge Hugh J. Jewett, President of the Ohio Central Railroad, who had gone down to Bel laire to meet the Secretary, delayed the train on his road to make the oonnection. Another delay occurred at Zaneerille, so that it was half-past two in the morning before the Sec retary reached Columbus. Notwithstanding the lateness of the hour a large crowd woe waiting et the dept. As the train approached the building the &en ters- was gaieted with cheer after cheer, shouts of "How are ye, greenbacks ?" "Hur rah for our old governor." "Throe cheers for the model Secretary," etc.,etc. A pro cession was then formed, preceed by a band of music, and ho was escorted to the Neil House, where, often renewed cheering, the Secretary, evidently the most surprised man Columbus had seen lately, briefly made his acknowledgments. He was profoundly grat ified, ho said, fur this unex,pected welcome. Ho only regretted that they had put them selves to such inconvenience on so cold a night and unseasonable hour to receive one who was certainly no stranger to them. [Cries of "No incourenience"—"tilad to see you at any time of night."] It did him good to stand once more upon Ohio soil and look into Ohio faces. [Cries, "$o it does us to Lave you here."] Ho Lad been absent from home much longer than hu had exported to be when be started. It was now over throe years since he had gone on to Washington, and though often seeking eppertonities to return, he had never Leen able to leave the Capitol except on business, during all that period. Indeed he had been gone so long that ho hardly knew whether he even had a right to vote in his own State. [Voicea : '•Of coarse you have." "Certain ly you have." "Von just come down to your old Second Ward and we'll show you."] But in ao grave a contest as this, he could net rest easy in his -place, and be had resolved at any rate to come home and try. [Voices— "Bully for yon; that was just like you."] Times had changed sadly during the interval of his absence, bat he hoped and believed the darkest days were poet. He had said at the outtireak of the war, that the rebellion must lei put down, if in doing It we bad to come to the old revolutionary standard ands thousand diallers for breakfast. [Laughter and cries of "Well, guess we can stand it.") Bathe beg god them not to understand him ea meaning that it was within the limits of possibility some to that, or make any approach to it. He had no fears for the final result, and he trusted the end was even now approaching. Our armies must nttw largely outnumber those of the rebels. Alrendy we had half their terri tory and the rust nearly twice cut in two. We hold their principal cities—New Orleans, Vicksburg and Nashville. Our fiesta blockaded their whole coast and held nearly nil their ports. At last,Yhank God I we had the deliverance of devoted East Tennessee achieved end the Mississippi river opened. [Cheers, and " What we gained we held."] Thero were and must be no steps backward. Soon ho hoped wo should hoar of the fall of Charleston, but whether it fell soon or late the end was sere, and in that faith he reefed. [Cheers.] He had sometimes thought tho war did not go un as fast Keit might, that some mistakes might have been avoided, and some misfortunor escaped, and he had no doubt they had at all times thought the name. Doubtless ho and they had alike thought that if they only had the power they could push some things fruiter, or could cor rect some evils without so much delay ; but It was easier to stand off and calmly criticise than it was to do. The President 'MAMA unmindful of his re sponsibilities, and will honestly and earneatly doing his hest. Ile was sure he might say that much too for himself ; (Cries of '• That you may,"] and Gm best thing for all to do was to join in without carping co fault finding, which, whether just or not, Could only do harm, and . bir upholding the halide of their Government, hasten its triumph. [Cries of That's so." and cheers.] We wore in the habit 'of tracing ear evils to a peculiar insti tution. Ho had himself, endeavored to do somewhat toward removing thole evils by an other peculiar institution to which they had been pleased several tines to refer. [Laughter and cries of " Hurrah for the greenbacks."] He thought ho might felicitate himself and them too, that the currency was certain not to break, so long as anything in the nation re •mained unbroken., It was his faith that this struggle WWI not to end save in the complete supremacy of free labor, and of institutions founded upon it; in'a general policy that re cognized only free labor and a financial polity that should be so shaped as to centre to that labor its just rewards. Ile looked for a safe deliverance from the perils of the present, and for azieh and generous national future. [Loud and prolonged cheering.] The Secretary was then besieged by crowds eager to take him by the hand and welcome him back to Columbus, and finally, after more masse and mere cheers, the assembly dispersed -et between 3 and 4 o'clock In the morning. Numbers of loading citizens called on Sec retary Chase this morning to pay their re !poets, but he aeon left the hotel and retired to the - residence of a friend. Another Letter of Vallandigham)e..—. T4e Proofs or his Treason Aeeetau. late. 774 Ohio State :/ourstal publishes the follow ing letter from VALANDIGNU/1 to a wawa Col onel—a copy of which wu sent North by James Flina West, Co. A, Ninoteenth 0. V. 1., who, in a letter to his brother, thew ro latos hots the document cow, into his poem- mai , While out on a reronnoisstuice yesterday, we captured the baggage and privato papers of Col. D. D. Insholl, of the Bth Alabama, (rebel) regiment. Theo following Interesting and delectable letter, written by 0. L. Vallau digham, while hero, was found among .bis papers. I send you, a copy of It, so that you may know 'where this man stands, and be gov ernod accordingly, as' from the tenor of your last later . / was led to believe that yed'was inclined. to favor his eleetion as Governor of Ohio. Bob when you come to .understand his daoutob/s woolen, I hope for the 'sake of the good name, Of our family,,and. the 4111/86 of our country,!-you will withhold your vote from so had wawa. The original letter will be sent to headquarters for l'ltosers" inspection. [Copy. of /atter captur.d.) Doss Cob.: Your kind 'nottranti.invitation of yesterday wee this morning hitUded me by your brother-In-law, who will hand you this in return. -It would give me much pleasure to visit you and your command before leaving the Confederscf, batik is now imposaiblo to do so, as I itivro made arrangements to stem this A. 11., ,with the earliest train lor Wil mington. • • t Yon surmise ecitteetlY, When you say that yott believe me to be the friend of the Booth In her etrugglo for freedom. My leolingi have been publicly ex . pressod in my own country, hi that quotation 'from Lord Cho:lotto—. My Lords, you cannot conquer America." Thero is note drdirbt pnrttariblood hk my veins. I hatedititiets Mid tidy' the tyrannical Govern-. mentwiuelaas tent me among you, 'for. my opinions' sake, and- shall never give it My support In its crande -upon yourinstlttitions. But you are mistaken When•you say-there are but fesi snob in the United States, North. Thotuiands are theist Who , wriald opt:ACC:A tmt for the miiitary 1 tteep?tism,thui, spur:glee m. Altb°4o't4l,NPUS-a.'l4on, aid' will. anititioxlieyeagolidy Vae,youliam but to lkirsertie;And , the',vittory , lurilly bd Mil. You must etrike, biome I Ttiefut l iii j i polleiltingthent the must. The Aloft,' 'AO rt1id,0414“404. „rag in have your own terms by gaining the battle on your enemy's soil. Accept my kind regard. for your personal welfare, and sincere thanks for your kind wishes in my behalf, and hoping and praying for the ultimate cause in which you are fight leg, believe me, aa eve4your friend, sir lilotn night of the WONDER OF WON ' O. L. Vat.t.strozonsv- DEWS, the Great Pryco Opt !cal and Spiritual Enigma Col. D. D. Dtattitrl;Bth Ala. Vole. of the Nineteenth Century. The Vote for Governor In Oct., 1800. TLIE GrIOST ! TILE Gil%2 TIIIS ill'ednesday) EVENING, will be performed, C".ti" forC urtin— r e ' l , oo l :,; . m e ti..7 1 ,1 1 " . by request, the new three act dram.. of wonderful interest, written expreesly for theintroduction of lb Phantom entitled, 650 I TEE DREAM SPECTRE. 1,888 80:5'; Sir e'figegirr. 987 To conclude with 582 ! WILU'S GO VARNOB 6,880 978 IS; TILE ORIULNAD PICTURE, 449 776 ' From bible's Saloon, New Tork, rat 1,786 993 ao !MASONIC HALL, 940 ! 392 i 1,805 795 2,818 4,336 1,854 Erie . • . . 5,613 Crawford . . . 5 , 277 Mercer . . . 3,624 Lawrence . . . 2,645 Beaver . . . 2 , 682 Washington . . 4,768 Allegheny . . 1 8 , 879 Butler . . 3,526 Venango . . . 2,581 Armstrong . . . 3,474 Indiana . 3 , 672 Jefferson . . 1,880 Forest . . . . 129 Wa rr en . . . . 2,112 McKean . 1,098 Somerset . . . 2,977 l'otter . . . 1,410 Tioga 4,147 Bradford . . . 6 , 0 " Susquehanna . . 4,110 Wayne . . . 2,810 Clinton 1 750 Centre . . . 3,185 Blair 5,560 Huntingdon . . 3,070 Franklin . . . . 4,053 Mifflin . . . • 1, 7 2 3 Juniata . . . . 1,503 Parry . . 2,416 Snyder . . . . 1,704 Union . . . . 1,820 Dauphin 4 555 Lycoming . . . 3,015 Lebanon . . . . 3 , 847 Schuylkill . . 7,301 bancastor . . 13,012 Chester . . . 7, 5 4 0 Delaware . . 3,183 Bucks . . 6,383 Countlea Domomat 6,330 2,238 2,836 3,556 5,2 - 6 2,583 2,561. Clarion, . . . 1,785 (Insane, . . . 1,529 Fayette, . . . 3,382 Westmoreland. 4 , 830 Cambria, . . . 2,177 Bedford, . . 9,464 Fulton, . . . 828 ClearOold, . . . 1,755 Elk 421 Cumberland, . . 3,625 Adams, . . 3,773 York, . . . . 5,322 Northumberland, 2,429 Montour, . . . 983 Columbia, . . 1,848 Sulliran, . . 394 Wyoming, . 1,192 Luzern°, . . 6,662 Piko, . . . . 324 Monroe, . . . 822 Carbon, . . . 1,722 Northampton, . 3.507 Lehigh, . . 4,060 Borks, . . . 6,833 Montgomery, . 5,812 Philadelphia, . 40,233 95T 2,040 638 3,716 2,849 6,656 2,995 1,220 3,580 Sit 1,360 6,910 043 2,163 1,950 5,049 4,558 10,310 7,342 48;114 263,387 230,269 6rling4l.2Y. Counties for Curtin, Comatiee for Poster, Majority, . 13 roman VOTE. Colo of the Paople'd Party, 263,397 Democratic cote, . . . 230,268 Curtin', majarity, . . . 33,129 CONVERTIBLE COURTIER. People'■ party—Woytio, Clinton, Bucks, Schuylkill. llomocratiledford, Cumberland, Adams, Payette, Lutorne, Philadelphia. Ti aw Cotorrir.--Cameron county was formod in 1859, from McKean, Pottor, Elk and Clin ton counties. UTIO.ArS ire OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore enisting between the subscribera, under the firm of .PHILLLFIL FREW d CO., hu this day been &moire!, CHAS. LOCKHART and WILLIAIt FREW having per. chem.,' the entire intonate of the other partnere, The bust/helmet the into first will be mantled by LOC li- HA RT k FREW. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. - WILLIAM FREW, CHARLES LOCICIIART JOHN VANANBDELL, • ABU'S! V. Km . . Pittsburgh, August 10th, 180. ra•RLL LOCUWIT RILLIkId LOCKI-lIRT & FREW, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, ALDION OIL WELLS, Vca.g. county, and lIRILLIA.XT OIL WORKS, liesidry's Rua, Office, 172 1 la WOOD STREET ELM FIIHE PARTNERSEILP heretofore ex timir Nay.% the undersigned, under the style and limn of. HILL, McCLURE S CO., has this Sae been mutually dlsoolved, IMO& HILL and. AMOR LEWIS laming purchased the Interact of ROWER McCLCRE, the 'Goatee.. of the late firm sillhe set tled Iv by HILL a LEWIS. THOMAS HILL, ROWAN McCLrItE, AMOS LEWIS. Pittsburgh, Oct. 7th, T_TILL .k LEWIS, successors to HILL, I.I..3IeCLUIIE t CO., will continue to manufkature at their old stand, corned of Grant and Seventh sta., of Good Dry 3Latortale to the bad meaner all srticlos of Carpenter'• Work, for finlahipa tech as Doors, flash Frames, Mutters, Mouldings, D.A., de. Builders, and those contemplattng building, are invi ted to call and examine our work. oce:2lrd lIILL d LEWIS: NOTICht The undersigned having -LI purchased the entire stock from the long ea. tabllshed boom of J. R. McCUNE, would announce to his old customers and•ahe poblle hbe removal to the atom ID Liberty area!, (lately occupied by J. R, McCune,) where a large and complete stock of Sad• diens' and Shoemakers' Leather Findings, nide., Oils, de., can be found, and at Immt rates. G. 11. ANDERSON, Liberty etred. IN RETIRING FROM THE HIDE AND LEATHER BUSINESS, I most cordially commend my euccessor as a men of strict integrity and good buainout quallauttons. Por some month' to come I will continue to occupy Mr. ANDER SON'S connting room, and will take great pleasant to Introducing him to my one. acquaintanoun. July 24th, ISM. 1125:3Ill J. R. M'CUNE, DISSOL UTIO N.—Notice is hereby gften that the partorreldp lately flillting be. talon McGREWS & STONE, Coal Merchant+. of Pittabh,ao&s: the Arm of McGILEWB & STONE, muted coolant on • the 10th day of April, 1863. R ILLIA3I STONE baring purcheard the entire Interett of McOREWS, the buelueas Mli hereafter be conducted by, WILLIAM STONE. Ample arrsogomonts bare been made to load coal. bo a. , t om ., tu m ul t 0:41, Nut Coal, Sc., at ream able prices; Mice, ElNieblVs Building, corner of Mato, end Water omen, Room No. 2, itdriatory. Steamboat MAW/ ogles at lam place. CLJIJI AGE.r7S. PENSIONS, iIOITIN'TY, BACK PLY T. *ALTER DAY, GENERAL CLAIM AGENT, 100 FIFTH SWIFT, hi door below the Cathedral. AB watin d.dykddlayt. who bare been in the mill. tau or naval:serviee, ant entitled to 1100 Bounty and Peadon, All Soldier. who barb "erred two years are alto "raided to the SIDS Bonaty. _Soldier' Enchanted by , eason of diseame. are entitled to pen. done. Widows of soldier" who dle; or are killed to tho Berth* axe entitled 'to wait* and the 5100 Bounty. Ac.. Moen claims of every description, prompt) y at tended -to. No 'harp made in eny ease until the money tacolleeted. biblyna-le pENdIOIII, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. H. C. MACKRELS, ATTOUNET AT LAW AND CLAD! AGENT, • KO. 144 TISTEIISOKET...Ptersnitan. . • • CoHectic= Al le In .ytrl Intl* =WM. Protecuto SOLDLia. .of may desedp. Om:t ; DOKNTIP tOc a gythA r t B°411 " 1 * 238. MONS. tar wounded sifters , eue Soldier.; BM.. Trim and rallevnts Widrroi PEnlals.- 02 1lbda Cbgdm.-13rotherd 'Slaw% or other lqpi-typc., , slatalivie , pram who.hollidSed in the lerlloo,' at 41404 aftit dbalsTr •frlovdieNie em,rfcalialb WPM*=ISMS oll*SleN Ad , letter.llll W' rasswprea m is le= soded• .I.2IIUSE.VEAVS. PITT~BURL H THEATRE. t..w and ?daratger FOIL A SHORT SEASO2II, Cutrtmenciug WEDNESDAY, Ootober 14th, 1883, GOODWIN d CO.'3 GIGANTIC Polyorama of the War. The largest, meet onmplete and only authentic HISTORY OF THE GREAT REDDLLION ever de picted on canvas, forming a perfect transcript of every event of Importance from the Bret dread signal at Sumter dowl, to the capture of 'Vicksburg. This i• the 63121.• COLOSSAL PICTURE Or THE Wilt that cm exhibited in Pittsburgh in January loot, and gave such universal satisfaction to crowded and delighted audiences for three comecutive weeks and the some from which marked its advent in this city also greeted Re appearance in Cleveland, Cincin nati, Louisville, St. LOUIS, Chicago. Baltimore, Waah ington and Philadelphia, the most CapariOts halls in those cithe being Insufficient to actsimmodate" the immense thottig• which flocked to winless it. M' l cater. During theitnenths of July and 4p.i. thie Fie tar, was placed in the bends of the talented Artiets owlet oho. umpires It was originally produced, end for nine works their united energies were beetowed in retouching the picture and exectumg stew scenes of absorbing interest. Each mane has been entirely repainted. and stands forth in all the fr.hriess and lustre of Its prestlne beauty. The immimie OUCCVag and unparalleled reputation acquired by this match. lees painting. brought Into the held • host of misera ble Imitations, which hare vainly endeavored to compete for the public favor. The efforts havetroved utterly futile, and the press and public, with une ac cord, have pronounced GOODWIN A CO.'S POLYO - OF THE WAR unrivalled and unapproacha ble. Tim .hlbitlim is now under the exclusive direction and control of Mr. RUFI'S SO:KERBY,. who will pcaltively appear at each exhibition and de liver an elaborate Historical Lecture, Om rendition of which. In the principal cities of the United States, hoe extorted the unqualified epprobatlon of the en tire puha. ll,'. Geo. D. Prentiss., of the Louisville !ow-nal, In commenting upon this Lecture, awarded to Mr. temerity the proud title of the MOST GIFT ED ELOCUTIONIST OF THE DAY. Still further to increasethe attractiveness of this elegant and m aned cotertalnment, Mrs. RUFUS SOSIERBY, the eminent Contralto Vocalist, will introduce, at tosh exhibition, a variety of popular and appropriate gongs, ballabs, Ac., many of them written expressly to illus trate the yarhru deeply, exciting scene.,. The charms of melody are the. wedded to the printers' art, and the looses of ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE, CLASSIC/ ORATORY and REFINED MUSIC will be presented with an eutertainment which etands risnfrasedly WITHOUT A RIVAL IN THE WORLD. bO2 1,140 174 446 406 1,343 586 2;7 733 119 174 319 1,341 2O 1,742 390 3,483 1,680 1,803 OirTickete, 25 CENTS; Children under ton, 15 CENTS. Door. open at 7, comancuoe at 754 o'clock. Grand Mealtime WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3 o'clock, when chlldron will tie admitted for 10 come each. HUYCs SOIfRRBY. -Manaicor. C. AMORY BRUCE, Apo, oclo3l. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, NC THE LARGES7' STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, &c., ever offered in this city, is now opening at prices muoh below the late factory IM!!13 OLIVER II'CLINTOCK & CO., E=Gl N EW FALL KrocK JE:::rr OPENED riz=r3 NEW C.tRPET STORE McFARLAND, COLLINS dt CO., 71 and 73 Fifth Street, t 6 Poo .otßee mood Dsvatch aradiacr. Raving' Just purchased (or cash, during the recent favorable condition of the market., a meat extensive and complete mot - Uncut of the newest and choicest stiles of _ _ CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, We tre [lna offoring prxl4 AT PRICES OF A YEAR AGO 1 Dy our reduction In prier. we have almost closed out our former purcbaees, and now offer to buyers at wholesale and retail ENTILTI L'W AND FRELSTI STOCr, Übeurvetem,l by way cm . offered In this city ing BARGAINS 1N aAtaL Et 3P',3E rr gRo, JUST OPENEio AT MoGII a, .1 1 um's, No. 87 FOURTH STILES?, A large assortment, which will be *old ►t a very crest rodueeou from late prices. W. D. 6tH MoCALLULL sol 2 SEirldrG .111.1CHEMES. GET THE BEST. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY IN THE LAND (From the &kat/ enerioan.) We are having a great mony Inquiries for Bowleg /Machines from ♦nylons pane of the country, and as we cannot conveniently reply to them by mall, we thought It proper to mato our opinion In regard to thorn-fn this public manner. We ttm the - Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, iefid ' 84 4. in regard to it, that It is WITHOUT A No other matbine exceeds It In' its-adapt ation to all purposes of domestic use. It Is stmpie, not etutity put out of order, and in point of effec tituneorAnd Web, no other nutottine eta,* ahead of It, We 'tato this - . much In regard . .to this excellent machine upon one own . respousibilltY, find hope thereby to saveatAolice considerable time and poet age in antrwering*ters." 041 at the Agottey, :Ca St FIFTH STREET, atel Its them 61 operation. • Theo Kaaba warranted arse WIL SUMNER sta. ••! , «liiiiiiiet • Nrztrnitx RICHARDSON, HARLEY d: CO., licaDestax ...H. OVILESOTOS COMMISSION & FOAWAIIDIXO BLEIWEIANTS. Crude and' Relined Petroleum, No. 19 IRWIN STIIKET, ORT Liberal Cash adratkceu ort consignments for Pittsburgh or Eastsru Markets. • : Meow.. J. B. Dilworth & Co., Bpringer Ilsrbangh, Esq., ThoMpson Den, rag., Fleet. Commereisl Dank_ mhlo.6m TACK & BRO., lIIAMPLI Crude and Relined Petroleum, Business entrusted to our are will receive our prompt personal attention. Rater to Mann. Richardson, Harley d Co., Brewer, Burke ,t Co., and McClelland it Davis, Pittsburgh; Thos. Smith, Esq., Pmt. Bank ; 11. L. Sorer Philadelphia aulkly IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY & C.IIOIIPLNNING, Itemotseturars and Ildinars of CARBON OIL, BEN ZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS, and dealers in CJ DE PETROLEUM. %Corks, apposite Sharpsbarg. Of .<, No. SO HAND STREET. apll:6m Iressrscn, PA. D. L. MILLER, JB, AGENT, 123 WALNUT BT., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM On Commietlon exclusively. All china at moat reasonable rats. STORAGE FOR REPINED In cool collate. Far CRUDE. under good sheds. V ' ort VeuLc..r--na7II4V4StL,OSILII9I, EXPO RT. auDly PE3IBERTON, CABOT General Meroluuniize Brokers, 133 SOUTH ?BONI ET., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, CAtkITIr SODA, FORA 1.811. BIIIINTONE, Orden to buy or tell promptly attanded to. ALLEN & NEEDLES, Particular atlantic/lc paid to consignments of Crude and Refined Petroleum. air Liberal &dewlap made. euLly HENRY RUE, - Broker at Commission Merchant rx CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, And dealer In Crude and Refined PE'TROI.EI.73I BARRELS. • au.3:ly BREWER, BURKE az Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents of tho GLOBE, PACIFIC AND LIBERTY OIL WOBES Liberal each advarmea made on ck3wilvactent. of Reared or Crude Petroleum. COR. DUQUESNE WAY t FLANCOCIVSZA 162ntly JOHN I- Wwc[..- CNOTINI. WALLACE Sc CURTISS, And &ode:vizi CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEIIK, BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS, No. 134 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADBLPHIA. far Storage capacity (under rover,) for 15,000 bbla, Also excellent facilities for shipping to Matt(= and Poreign ports, at our wharf on the EiclanylkM ither, near tha platform of the P. B. 11. pod) , WALES, WET3IORE A: CO., MEM • mpla tactlitla. for SIOUAGE AND SHIPPING at their yard and wharf. Rim lions. myli:tl MEN need not be embarrassed by autorrennut of the Bulk OrdittallCC. Winn they can have their OTL barrelled and shipped with out touching the City Wham... as cheap. =no prompt. with loam risk, less trouble and in better order, at KIRK'S OIL YARD, Oa the Allegheny Valleyltatroad. game Lawrence. whore ull le pumped at the boats direct to the care., and ehlpped to any point, East or Wen, **thoot any drsying or re.shlpplng. All orders promptly attended to. acirOMoo as lard. on Citizens Partner R. It. Poet 00los address, DOE 94 Pittsburgh ; or I can be mein dully at the On. Eat:RA=2.. apm DAVID KIRK. aro. w. noLDsna —.IMVILT eosaten. WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. Mattufacturees of BURNIISO OIL AND LIBBICA• TIRO OIL. Keep constantly an hand the eao best quality of BLItNLNCI OIL, clear and without color; also, a gad LUBRICATOR, pure SMITE BEN. ZOLE and CAN ORE.tBE. ti'All olden left at No. 31 /MR STREET,. Bank flock, second Roof. will. to promptly attended , atoll D IAMOND OIL WORKS. NAYLOR & SMITH, Refiners and Dealers In Carbon Oil, emu:puma br say In the toartraa. car Olden left at their QS* 210. 41 ALUM= BTmT, or at their tenths In Lawrettenrilla will be Promptly attended to. Bum of MUDS OIL. mhll. LUC '1 OLL W ' . DUNCAN, DITNLAP & CO., itunafactunors of Pure White *fined Carbon Ono, Offlos, zn umEiTy sum, I my9l3nnor RMERT AS WO.RT ' No. 1 BT. cLaut BT. prrisoccom - Forwarding & Commhodon Merchant AND DEALER IN 01L8. ittnersarrge, tosemarso, CRI7DE PITBOLEIIM OILS. 3a.. constantly on -bath and Ibr sels as the Laws: =dust prime. Oonsigruasette mid orders eoltoised. , 07:eas • ELILANDS., Couunisusion Merchant. ---Ztaisr OLUDE RIEM,BID OILS, ' njor'tOATe. LVENS, nava% *a trizeler Stetir,, pea** WI N i n. r t TOM— VOLUTE LXXVI--NO. 285 OILS, BENZINE, &c., 132 WALIirT BT., PHILADELPHIA =I I= COMM /ESION If ractri Itr& 11 NORTH FllO.$T ST., PHILADELPHIA LUBRICATING OIL AND BENZOLE I=l Commission Merchants, 0. lL GORDON, Secretary. Wks, No. 98 Water sante. Span t c0.'.2 Wars. holm, up stairs, Pittabmgh. 611481311 apsinat as kind. of Fire and Marina MAIN A Horse "mated= stertaura by Directors %rho an tenltt bass in du cononanitu and trim ore diGer. bY Pr.Pto.e. and Weetliti to moiato.ie the ehsearhr addeA Clay ham asenno%t-Kap kcal pm:notion to those who desire 62 ASSETS, OCTO/1134 COMMISSION I Stock 6 00 310.1 o. .... 2acu 00 Otsw Surnitcana-.---... ... SUPPERS OF PETROLEUM 111 MAIDDMi LANE, NSW IVEY. GEO. W. HOLDSIWP . CO., PrTIEBORGH,PA OILS, iNC. AlcCi3i3tlCfi .4 CALLS~DER OIL