al IE NEM 1!" - IS . is t „,„ , -sa lt • 7 0} • ! itt/ 41:4 t: LOOM INTELLIGXBO.a :From Yeiterdaro Evening Edition. copt4theaa Mot_ al Irma* . ~ _._ - A diagraoeful flit was raised at the village . _ of Etna, an Friday evening lest, by a number of Capp, daring which they attacked the post OM, end amanita U. 2. Gmhazo, Justice of this Prat" with bunting. D. A. G. hloQoafdi, Copperhead eantildabo for As ambly, presided, and addresses were deliver edby Comocedore Roan% end °that, who ouseadhe Government in the most ap proved boa WM- Ile chationerised Gen. Grant aid Gin. Batter as tyrants, and said they , on to be COnslgnscl uto the lowest depths of Ivan Audit this time a boy named Sutter shouted for hart n, when James Eller, of Law renceville, rich out of the crowd, hat in band, to catch tholuv 'Squire Graham and Mr. Galbraith, tionstable, both asked Saba to keep' quild,' . ;and ha wanld have done so - bad It not boon, for an old man named . Tilly Porter, whs . kept pushing him up, say ing: "Go in, - -.lmarreneevUlo I Give them hall t" and ' eimilar language. Several other rowdies Jolvid ratter In this disorder. The Squire than , caught hold of Beier, and told him and Potter that they must keep quiet, .=afar which , ":they went away, and returned -with Jame Cagey, of Sharpsburg, who de manded the: name of the man who caught Bela.- Squire maid: "I did." Casey 'replied: "Tau are a nice Democrat, to insult one of our Ion." -The Squire retorted: "I am it D but „not 'PM kind of a Dem ocrat loft any.” gam stopped back, V I MA% it! '. ' be s flue hem, and Graham viii getV*t he wants„" The Lawrence ville 0071*Permalled together by Cenly, and an. . v . soon after made on Justice Gm. ' al • doses ruffians, One of whom • . - Oaths arm -with 1 pelf 11& MICA len, therethes Indians and kicking it WV. Be beeketiconsiderabla distance,lighting themowd. as he retreat ed ,' until bo l gtt oppo. - site the poet aloe, in ,- mhlch be tooktefoge. A &emits rash was then made by. the rowdies, and it was with great difficulty that the crowd Maid be kept out-of the postefics. One run did get in, and was seised by the seek by Mr. Graham, but he was let all en mating that he only tried to keep order.. Tho crowd then attacked the house with stones, and two it them, named Jeffries and 'BF. ler, em =m the glass -in the door with liseSis itnithlaro. Jeffries had his hand oat on tali. glue. They threatened to tear the heal down, and kW - -Graham, bat were flaali o j thi permaded to desist. One of the Lawns crowd flourished a knife, and threats:until* cut the "insides" out of any abolitienlit who dared to show himself. Cap ' tan Knipe is charged with hosing aided the riot, by shanties: "Give them hell-" "dean them out; ato. A deserter from the 63d reg runt agniod. vary Wisely In the die turbanm. 'Squire' Graham came down to the city to day, and has instituted - a proseeution for riot ligainst t h e riagiesders, who may rest inured that they are, not yet entirely through with that affair. ,'t Freaks of a Lunatic, At emit o'clock Sunday morning, a 'strati° named Itoligation, a resident- of Brush Val kb Indian . • ,county, escaped from his rune in Diamont Hospital. by biting through a portion of the window cuing, by Winn means he was enabled to remove the suh. He had been in the habit of tearing his clothing from his person, and had to be kept almost nude. When he got the window sash removed, it te sti= nutting for him to clothe himself in some way before he world startbeme—el that was his intention. A large blanket was ob• tamed, and with this single artiele he dressed himself from top to toe. With hie teeth and hands holtore a hole to the blanket, at one end, large enough to admit his heid. Two toles were then made at proper dis tances, through which he thrust his Moe., -, Ate. then tore the blanket up thst centre, and with 'soh hall covered his ingsAy binding the blanket around Orem with strips torn off for that purpose. he whole body was covered In this Way—even to his tent, over which a portion of the blanked had beet turned and tied. He had taken off his ehirtoff red flannel, of which be made a most mated looking cap, or turban. It was keptin shape by weeds, whioh he had inserted for thaVpurpose. In this wild and fantastic) eastaine ka left the limits', before daylight, end tookever the hill, towards Allegheny. On the way up, and after wandering about for - uvula hours. he got very hungry, and stop ped at little log home for-Imakfast frightened the people almost to death, and they barred their doom against him. He then went so ens of the windowa, and ki r --mu: to get rid of him they landed out • large honk of bread, with "Dinh he made off. Toward!! ,the middle of the day be reached Allegheny, and the remotion which he created. may be better imagined than described. He was seen after'taken in custody by Mawr HoHabi l and ditainsa in the Ifloyer's 01Beli =tit the aftumeonrwhan ha was conveyed te Ws old quarters at Dixmont. While in the . °Hee he :elated his adventures la a very rational oiuromancirted manner, and wee nory much mimed MU* trepidation exhibited by th• people to whom he applied for breakfast. He showed no 'riotousness whatever, and although willing to, go back he decla red he would not remain - there, as there was nothing at all the matter with him. The Neptune at Detroit. The treaten's tournament, whisk took place at (Detroit on ,Wednesday and Thursday of last week, was a very agreeable end BMW affair. The engines In this contest wore three in number, and from the following places: Toledo, Pietas:Rh and Buffalo. Ds troit steamers did not compote. The Plus bath 'atlas wo eland as meond raw. No competitor of the same grids being pret est it WON however to let the people see what It could do, an d smalleat work. Milano 2214. , The following'sO the prim awarded, and to whom: Company miming the greatest dis tance, Playtime No. 4: of Pittalmrgis, $100; 'aiticad polio to Eagle Hose, of DOW°. N. T.; -fret rata* atoll* 94 1111 1 11000 , 10 - N O . 2, Buffalo, $l2Ol - seonst otos, $lOO, to Nen -tau 2, of Pittebiagr*lit slut hand na- - •• glafie on ,Noi of Toisdo, 3150; mead blase; Phobia N 0.2, Loudon, C-*W., MO; 'Bard .olass, No. 2, ot Motto $100; Nose Company No. 2, ci Botta* / .$7O for 0 1 1 0 2 champion bawler to Torrent No. 1, of PotWoon. - The Neptune Company returned to the city, arriving on Saturday srrening,st eight o'clock, footing perfectly satisfied In every pertlersiir. We - congratulate them Up* Our msdosr+r, 'Mena Tort' OLD vo Issmui.l l .%-e1;71/Toi. Pons, ridding in Granberry lamlshlPt Thong° county, at the age of Ofty-six pun, odd seither read nor write. lie male to the coolusion that it was high time to commenas his eduestion, mid accordingly made .s start by puoltasing a family Bible of urge print, sat by the aid of the district sehoolmoter, oils sr two 'ventage la the week, he could In lees than one yearmadlicently, andoorrotly, would keep his own artonate,ond hid leamsd his wife (who wawa Gorman soholar) to Mad fa the Saga language. He is now slats four yore of age, -end takes wend papers and reeds them undinatonoloBl7... . IsmOirsomt.—,The reported death of Wm. Tsieit; of hteSemport, a member of Co. I, 9th nimerves. is entirely !Walloons, es he Pimpled his home et licSeesport, yesterday, at, won The stateniint originally append tit the Now IforkEeratd, to which it W 11.3 :epdd mkt Teich; while picketing, ha d been shot through the bout by nbel Lienfanant. It tow that a the boot is on the other leg" fa 11111 F affair, and that Teich shot th e robot Tdowiciant. Ile will be eau much imprised to Sad bit obituary notice in the Despatch of thb inoraing. DIOS OP • Susolos,--.Dr.Chal George, of tits tath Wissonsin-Begimentidied on Saturday at the ruidenoe of Ida eouidn.whe keeps the obi Napoleon in the Diamond. Dr. &Cry was Asiistankaargegavldi isil; sent to Vlrstnia.but for the tall ihrm Months bee been confined in this 614 byilekneueot. Muted in the sung 111, fantral will take plies this afternoon'and will be attended by the Prelest!aud , -Thebodywilthtlliwislad ' eta Trop SAL- • Em mgt Bastin Ittbsit Iberia *boat far Adak 4tdi mond% for knokbg Ctoo r NerOs dawn tit tbs ter an Onto Avons6 on WWI Itilleft and rkhid Pod* rrit'ilgrid *Albin( sto isalltor"Za •• • • = Miel Ifitaterre thliiiftad lecturer. andszterptin --mennigerilalbouCtia.,Ovisit Pittsburgh' with lioadWin Oo.'j Polyorima of the Weir, U ent,Ye Its dsrstand, endalthAveluirepontrol.- , Tho Immense popnlazity eignired- by this inhibition instil the prinoipal - of the United States, is doe to the liberal and seer* gale malagerient of Mr, SOMOthy. 110 is thoroughly posted to all the regairemonts of hie profesthre, and while es a manna:, he can cater artromsfally for the "publio taste. As I teetaror„ "he ranks far above all 11U °tripoli. tom Never ell is - forget:the Patßotie fer vor with whith be reeountod the deeds of daring of oar have troops on the butte fioldt while his glowing pathos in describing the agonies of the wounded called forth the tsar of arympathy from many the are rosined to the, melting mood. The Polyonma will open to-morrow night at Masonic Bail, and a crowded houthisay be aonidently expiated. llatna M1L11T1643 - to 807111 PITTE2I3IOB. Az immense 'Union meeting of the citizens of South Pitt/bergVirasheld At the school-house oa Citarda - iwrening, and organised by elect,: fog the following- ordeal : Preddent, Bran Maris, Vie* Presidents, H. Morehead,. T. Tani, and J. Pl. Toting; ¬aries, A. Chambers, Jr., and John Neely. Bloomint and patriotic addresses were delivered by Wm. A. Danniston and Wm. O. Moreland, Ssgrs who administered to the Copperheads and enemies of the country • most 'loathing re buko. LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE SITUATION AT CHARLESTON HOT WORK ON THE POTOMAC TUE REBEL LADS Bpeoisl Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ' PRILADILPRIA, Oct. 19, 1963. Important dispatcher, received this morn log by high official], of the Baltimore Rail road direct from Char!erten, ssy that Brag 'regard hbd assured the rebel authorities that p hark/ton nor Its site shall ever be held by tn. Re bas cent a message to Gilmore likely to Cause the abandonment of the bembardment. Charleston can be destroyed, but the works around it mast be taken before it ean;be reached, and land forces alone can do this. The Navy cannot possibly pass beyond Sumter. This was told me weeks ago by .Naval captains from the spot. Your wantons gave it, and It proves to be trice. The present dispatch shows Charleston to be valueless natll Richmond is taken. The rob -44 now have twenty-four finished and eight unfinished Ron-clads in their ports, In view of the approaching great battle in Tennessee, the tails and bears to the stook beard laud at bay. Transude:it to-day are merely nominal. Gold firm. There has been hot work on the Potomac between Kirkpatrick's cavalry and Stuart's rebel cavalry, on the !moth side of Robert don's river. Our cavalry fell bean to the in fantry reserves, towards Culpepper. The re sult is not known. - No bets on Woodward can be had to-day at - any reasonable odd.. W. J. J. GEL UOSECII k. POSITION RETREAT OF LEES Alum ADVANCE OL MEADE'S FORCES Conjectures us to Lee's Objects. 111 10814111'8 URI TO Tll MISEOIII KAISAS DEMTION POSEINID. New Year, Sap'. 12.—A epeeist dispatch to the Von, dated Washington, Sept. 11th, safe:—As some feare have been produced for Genera Boa:crane' safety by the published statements that to reinforcements bad ar rived wp to the Bib, it may be said &deices from Chattanooge are satisfactory in this re sped. Be is not only stronger in the centre, but his flanks are now well protected by Beak troops. -Rumors again fly thiek and fast regarding the retrograde movement of Lee'. army and the advance of Meade's. Of the first noth ing definteis known, and of the last nothing definite eari be said. Gold Is accutcmliting in the Treasury, and will beicept there until spools payment te m -0121042, except at the Waving periods for the mama of theitateren on the public debt. . On ThUrsday deserters from Laes army re- Toted may two divisions of. longatteee's corps cent to Bragg. Plakett'i division, which was so belly usedjup at Gettysburg, being left behind. None of A. P. Biles wen sent. One divisionof BwelPs corps was Ent sant to Charleston, and subsequently to Bragg, thus leaving In f ront of the Army of the Po tomac, about 40,000 men. or two corps. The commending general's headquarters were at Orange Court Nouse on Friday, but Lee has lately - spent a large portion of his time at Richmond. A special to the' Tribsee,dated:Washington 11th, nye the reply of the President to the addicts of tits Misecruri-iteneas delegation Is again postponed. The President having received &communication from a member of the cabinet, whose sympathy with the wishes et the delegation Is wan-known, has resarred his amition a few days longer, and withdrawn the document whish was to tame been deliv er:id to Mr. Duke yesterday from the hands of the copyist. Mr. Drake, the last remain ing member of the Missouri delegation. left Washington last night. _ WABIIIIIGIONi Oat, 12.—Intelligence of an authentic character did not reach Washing ton until last night, that the :Orb had aban doned their lines on the Rapidan, and retreat- ed in a Bentham dinettes. On the fact be ing known at Oen. Meade, headquarters yes terday morning, Gen. Buford's cavalry, ware sent Borate the Rapidan and found ihat the enemy's evacuation of the south bank had been completed. On proceeding inland they came upon a portion of Btuart's cavalryevt dentlyaeovaring the•retreatof Me rebel bran 12y. Considerable skirmishing ensued but It did not result fat our masztednlng whether the enemy had fallen bark on Gadonsvllle or whether It vu attempting some tank move ment to get betweeneen; limb's army . and Washingten, be I. similar manna to . .Jackeon'e Movathent on Pepe, weer the lamegroned., Tkrprevauing Impression moms to be that therebels havegone to Oordonwvilleand Bloh mond, where sullelent garrisons may be left. and the remainder *lbw's aimy Sent to Bragg and Sesto lard. If,"un the (muttony,. the enemy are attencpUng a tank move:m=4 our forms - are ; prepared for M. Col. Comte,' Coninduary at Can. kleads'e_ head quarters, haw - come tp - to-night and reports the rebel evacuation of the line of Om den to be most complete, and has been very rapidly made. Bold-Operations of Gaerilllat—Artay chaplain' from Intahnould. Wiencoroo,:B44. 12.—Larl night s past, of mountsd guerrillas moved to various.. points on the soutit'side tUbs Polemic, is., "eluding Bailer ' s Cross Ros&,`lfilla Church . and Manna Mil, Ind robbed Individuals of ruin, moo - anti of ;money. and other value.' bias. They exhibited n little boldness in their depredation,as the lint nomad pious are within three Wes of lost Riohardson, and the other .poisits visited by them are In doss proximity to our lines. • Eight Chaplains arrived to this city; direct from Libby prison at Richmond. Their names are, H. H. Hemmer, 13th Pa. novalry; _O. Tityloribilt Michigan cavalry; B. W. Bra dy, Hay IL B. Shahan,- Bth Ps; Z. U. Boudloy.lsth 13. Y. cavalry; IL C. Amble, tifth Ps.; 3. T. VzoirsoStlt lit F lUddr.ipaiss 17,44 110th Ohio: Thine pathraula teen: lillroy's'oommand, • • , Pornuoko Nonos, Mg of th it io &par Now 1(004 sokiroat Isam Tks u. • g &all* POI4t. robolo do not app.& tefooldf/pored to. *sten OAT • • as orar,olf ootoopossily mil dog of gooi, bastabilitpionstok digtrititiptri or igulle• ~: 13% ..','..'':::',.'; , ;' , ..1',:i•;T1:?. , :: . : 4,- ; -=,,,-,,-,1•. ' ,.-,2,,,,-- &0., Sr.o., &a mon From City Forst. t. =II P'rOut Swope: - ' ' I CAPS Baoe, Oil D —The steamehip City of Etitimors, from Liverpool, September 30th, via Qmsenstown October lit, palmed this point at fi ve o'cl ock this, Friday, morning. The London Taws gives currency to • PI- Mort that thi Label Vies President Alexander Stephens bad railed for Francs, fully em powered to mate terms with Emperor Napo leon for the recogoitinn of the Southern Con fed racy on an emancipation bads. The Times also gives • rumor that Cali fornta is desirous of seceding and rejoining the klexlean Empire. The Mexican depute, lion would be received by hiazimalion on the • 31 of October. It was rumored that England hatprepared that the title of Russia to Poland should be ignored. Onawereiak—Cotton quiet. Breadatuffs (Met and steady. Provisions steady. Cbsemereial via Queoutowis.—Liverpool, let.—Cotton firmer but unchanged. Bread -1 'tat quiet. Provision, firm. AmerleaW stock market quiet and steady, with no utU. Combined Attack on Ceavleston... Rumored Yellow Fever at Penna. cola, Forivasas broasol, Oot. 10.—The steamer Chestslani froro-.Venoseola, Key West mid Charleston Berinitived here.and reports that thin was to bee combined army and naval attach on Charles 'on, on the 11th but. The yellow fever lo very prevalent at Pen moots. P7WMV.M . V I7 JI FINANCE AND TRADE MONDAY—Thera is a fair demand for gold, mind pally on Fast en *mount, and oar brokers are buy ing et about 146E1116%. Silver may be quoted at 139cgi1t0. The Now York quotations for cote to-day were 149 X for gold—an advanes—and 141% AM 811- ter. Eastern Exchangt I, Heady at per 1.11312111 End y, per cent. premium We tate the foSowing born the Now Eork Sven lug P. st of Saturday In view of the heavy exportation of the precious motels, it to important to knew that there is no due gee of any Ulnae al the empty, m cur gold crop 1114 CAM increasing to settee norlly as now. Al a ling• padre illustrattoe if this we msy instates the (loans 11111 Company, of llamado. with • report of which, for the week ending September 91st, we have lam bean favored. The yield for the week we 5,111,421 'pima 8850 kr the pomading week. Jli ammo. other gad mmiog mmptml•s m Wanda ere also pnwpn log,. we learn from medal Inquiries. The Imports of foreiga dry good. for thy week are sot quite as large al three of laat week : For the Week. 1861. 1862 . 1863 &Mond at the por. 2313,618 2336,889 $1,673,614 Tamen, on market. 625,81/6 011,804 1,661,461 Ste J 4 1 .16 Ist. 1861. 1862. 11E3. Intel od at p0rt....437,167,532 $45,04.666 $0,918,14 Thrown cm market 37 023,113 60,273,800 4E256,133 PITTSBURSH IIL&IiiiETS Itoxtuir, October 12, 1883. /LOGE 8 0151 N—Wheat Is Gem with tales of Eed from first hands as 51,L5, Corn le firm et $1,06 Ebelod by the oar lead, an 1, 51,07Q1,05 froze skim. Gate excited and 4@i53 per boatel higher, haat* asking from 73 to 000 per bushel on track . Bark y—amall sal, from first hands at 51,25 par bush and market Arm. Bye—none in market. Pima Steady with mail salts of Estes Tamil, from stare at 58,50 to 56,60. Dye rioter—none in mareat. (113.00ZEIES—The market ha been rather quiet during the past few days, but prince are very firm and haaymalutalnel. Smaltmles at 1801 to for Sugar, 83M131c for Coffee, sad 03@65c for I:lotuses. KILL YEED—Is firm and famer rates, are fully maintained. Sale of 1 car "Seconds," or low grads Ellildlbsgs, at sl,37%iter cwt. Soother Wee reported. GAY—isquiet butsteady, with a far local demand tit about former quotations. Sake from scales of 20 loots at 530 to 535 per ton; also 23 bales from store at $53 GIDEE—Srm with an upward tendency; isle of 100 Green Bolted at 11 e; end 100 do, to arrive, at 110. POTATOES-11m market is quiet with bat a lira. lied demand; isle from depot of 106 bbls Neshannoeks at 2,L75i0 per but, New Jersey Sweat Potatoes may Ls quoted arm al 55 par Dbl. SEE OS—Timothy Seed is dull, and to eat sales a emoomalon would have to be made. lien Seed ls in active demand, and sails readily at $2,881 per bushel ,.BEANS—less active, but not quotably loam; small sales at 52,50 to 52,75 per t n h fa . common ID rime White. ClitaSSESHELS—ateady, with a demand fully equal to the supply; sales of 8 bbls at $l2 per bbl. Cl/11131E—unchanged; tale of LO bra prime W at 12%. Hamburg may bs quoted at 1.54. 55/LOOS—The demand is host, but as the akek ls well nigh erhansted, prices a•e fully roalutainal.; Pittsburitt Petroleum Market Oct. 12—The market for both Crude sod Defined contlture to rule very deli and imunlve, with scarcely enough doing to atatilbk_quotatiolui. The stock of Crude Is very ligtt, but theirs appsais le be no de_ mend. and the market is dell and drooping. In the absence of Blies, we quote nominally at 250, packsibt• returned, and 2021X>io, packagesinninded. Tor Be amed lu bond, there is no 'rivalry wha•ever, and, as the market is very irregtdar It is impanible to give reliable quotations. We heard of landed Laing offered et fife, without finding buyers. Br_s oil li doll with no demand, aside from the local trade. In Benzine and Resldtmn. there Is nothing doing. New TOM retruieum •erker Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gantt& Kam You, Oct 13—Orndejti steady, and a shade higher, with ales on tho spot at 83@34c. Been• dln unckonged; sales at 631 on the spot for bonded; tdall .66e for October, 65c for November, and G0®624 for free. lieptha ts at £7Q280 for Itedned. O. Weekly Review ol she New York Pe. troleum narks te. [Etererted fisprsisl) for the Platburgh Gatttte ] New Tout, Oct. 10, 1861 The Petroleum market ruled very quiot for Outdo, dieting Notday and Trumiday, when peen, though without cuontlal change, tended in four of the pox. chaser. Hated wu steady with a felt' demand for import, chiefly for England, and the ale wore be a fair West. The European dikes per Pend; Nero of an adverse tenor and tended to restrict eau me. =telly. A London letter rated that a large tract of land in Banda bad teen topped, sad found to pm ducePetroleum of n Teti flue quality; and a Lin rpoot circular states that a yquel bad been taken up to carry IMO bble BetlneS o I back to New York. In view of thew =fumble amxamts, the market bag ruled dente= a lower range of prime bah prevailed.- The trausections to Crude for tes week comprise about sun bbls, in good part for butte': delivery, mutely at 3101.4 c, but closing dull and 110111111 Si at 330 The sales at Ibinmed oemprised about 45,033 bbis mainly at 13)5.605150, on the spot, 64034 c for Octaves, and 60067 c fierforember, buyers option. but closing dntl aid nominal at 530, on toe Spot. Fr reaperee bat old telModoreto extent a lower ces. Ma sales fbot op 2000 bible, at the market closing sr 02 0630. IteddiuM la dull nod lower. W. nets sass of 000 bleb at VOW, &girl at -lb.! 1 011 04 Oro. which telboutlbo per Dhi.iower for We Week. NaptlmbittuitanS we bale ins'y to =Se War of 100 =1 BeNaidat WYA _NO bids Doodoelsed at 2)50 Iffe; 100441bellteedo th ed at liderdy.o. Thera Magelmost nothing don. Ueda, 11 any Mud of oil, and prizes -nu =Null nominal, Chicago ilarket Om. 10 .The cxeltsment in thearain market con tinues with unabated fury, and cool a day me this Ina never before been witsmeted en the noon of the Board of Trade Ikons At times it was difficult to 'net within Tants of the market for either Wheat Comer Oats, and at the close prices went almost too moth unsettiod tO acute. Tenardar afternoon and night the rscitament - which existed on 'Mango wit mewed, and blfbeeptiont were paid La eteryteieg,, Tile monsioet MO state of Wage eserthassed, and Wheat sold at au dunes on OUT clasitig quota. None of yesterday, cf 90 p.r Dwhet. Immediately preceding the antral of the Bee York dispatch= a tall took place, and prima fell back So per bushel from the ex .reille rates paid at the °posing At the' dote an attoup t was mate to rally the marker, bus buyererofused to pay mar 51.12 for No. 2; an 4 tar No. 1 'Trims. ,Wlnter Whams was ywr q u i et ms SIM for No. $1,15 for so. 2 bad. A'her• are more activity ID Moor and Sim market ruled firm, but prima wore not quotobly higher. The alining accommodation, are still limited. • Corn Continues to to very much ezeitod, sell we . Ean to pole •Inither adman of 6aBc3r bushel; alma Ito. storearanged from a 11892 1, classless dull at 91e. , Gaul alornone quiet, ant ea at tilo afloat for good )Nixed. The Opts ! ?gasket is mere excilable ttuin any. of tha ahem, and stone Out Iset Ism. en advance of to par bushel haa tic pad, with elodng sales of .110, 1 at 7147110 Ininoto. ]Sys Via Arm and *21)10 higher, salsa tologinad• 22 %, i °° . bang wit In solve dernsod and withssla at .111,1801 Nike Hot 2in store. filth. wines were excited sod 2024.4 Wilbert eboulolt gain were ma. at tiON but. AS the aloes 416820 wore paid. Hall steady at 5170. • ' • ' Sugar and 11101111111011 in II ear Orleans. Bum 510-11a1M—Tho brink timinandrailontly as tics I hr, besn.obaoked to-day wont. of In° tams of transgertathin to the Wed by May of the deer, and the Eska are =Oiled to *boot 100 bads, la vapid tots, at 11340111%0 for fa/ far to Woe' Tram flatardslio V`,Apaifiv, usthysivei Obese mu ant ctirs demodidi a FUN moodily emling is tam Manors, Meads. embracing folly 11300 bbda at kg Miler claims bottoms, To for inferior, 10%11 ,1 , 96 for COMM 10 COW amnion amp% Dag for arw 104. kn. far so fatly fair. int r ) 11% ins 4 11 ma tally fair Myriam, 115M/5,1 0 .Vkm- cot dim , 3 allow elatised. 'ay igliction. Sys far to 'Melded so ld at ll@M%olitir Idotanlim=rodiro N brim sbontl3o o bbbi at re for inforttiri ibiefer gocg inn r ans age psi talloniar pima, 'Ma mai nun 'Sunray to 4eitantilie; !Islay **brim folly.UtiM btda, is enmeroasleti.ot s746,brialMlßlSoadinary, and WNW= , X,;lM . ' :a 79 tibta magus add ' "'Qlniel6nd ~[aitef: Ocr.lo-11our continues Ono sod to good denuthil for all grain of both white end red fresh ircomd. ta .rket letter, active and firm. gales 5,t00 boot 'e3 fob et 120% 2,1.00 bush afloat 120 ct 1. 8 00 bush f o. b. 120 c; 4 an red on track 121 c; 1 car choice arbiter% track at 145 c; 1 carthdlanslibite on track. 140 c, ail at the Board , after 'Change tho market became very kale* end mach excited, the salsa aggregating more than for way day in two months. M e note the following salsa befor e th e P. -11-esport wro received ; 7,503 bush red fr at 120 e, 4.000 Co. do at 1200; 2,200 do. do. et 1206; 1„000 do. do. do. at 190 c , 1 car Kemtecky white on track at 14th AN/ the report we hear Wm of two lots of 51,1300 both mach 0.1220 fee on board. r The market Wooed with an est:46llolod advance of 2c, and hoiden ukiog a stilt further advance. Own. receipts nomi nal andmarket better. &tee 8 care bee on board at 9 0 c. This *venlig holden advanced their prices. tut owing to the nuaettlad state of the market it is Impossible to, give figure. Oat. rte with Lair re aloe, Baca 3 care on track at Me, closhog gran and holders asking 4.4180 admire. Barley, eaka 46 molts at Ltho delivered. Imports Dy Strraionsio, re WsumnACtsiciatto Dailinan, Oct. 11 —T2 bbts cider, It Daher, lid bp whose, J 8 Us gait • ccr, HA death., el lila.; 1 car rags, Howard & tlettrell; 164 aka oats, 6 can corn. 70 Ks bare', /5 bows hay, Hitchcock, lifitOreery & co; 11,9 bbl. dour, 16 °enmity; 21 aka rap, D II Godfrey; O do do, Her kle I co; 4 bola potatoes, D Gattitis 1 hi butter, reborn & 7 anulyin; 2 an fire brick, Graff, Ben nett on 11 Ow barley, Spencer & kleSsy; to boy cheese, It Biddle; 8 Os rap, D Ittlygla; 16 pilaw B Townsend; 1 car firs cloy, 3011.31 a LlMO ilt2,,hittatt Trl'do l2 l, 2: d ANDI D '"- litt; 3 cowed°, Wyman Son; DO Wei, Dillauirt; 3 blade tlre clay, 0 Ibutssuill do do, Vomit' & o 3; / do, .1 &log; 176 bp barley, Lang & Hiller; 1/ kik& bacon. 25 bits Kap, V 134erii 25 bus tobacco, Shrivel & Laster, 12 bbls lard olt, BA lohnostock • col bbla liquor, 61 HcSerig.ou & co; 100111 s dour, Met- Lintiarte 9a bblii Inbila Dickey; & co; 10 bblii whisky, J Adler A co; 71 bbls flour, Knox • Nam; 219 by oats, Jos Dartthgtoo; 4 an barley, J Abodes. 131.virmaiD 1 Prrisirtrian aaczOAD, October 12- 10 ok[e OCP LittledD lO TU NZ I N IVII bbil • 1.17 1 tnk t • oats, Hiceihnec. 10;argeoe & Co; 13 bbls ac :rinherrlee, & B Hearkel Wald apples, .1 Bsrpatrick &-gro; 360 bleb corn, J J Mclntyre; 2 bbls barter. 6 ,pligs eggs, • beefier & Dahl; 6 Ibis aced, 2 do brass, 8 bbh; pota toes, W P Beck & Co; 6 bees tsp.-Wawa&Alnehdri roll. lea th er, A W Blchard; - 21 applss; Jan Herbert; 82 abs oats, Owens & Kkaziedy; 60 Uhl flour, Wm Repay; 1 big batter, WA. Poltit & Cu; 14 et& potato... L H Veght & ON 20 bbl, apples, P Vangorden 200 boxes thous, 00 Balder 10 blds Wee, B Behaalt; 98 bozo cbeem, J B Canfi eld; 40 do do Wm Huloga; 103 bble Om, gain. d Anger; 10 NU p.A A Fahneateek & Co; kegs shot,4l. wall, Leh & oo par. ; 14 do do Had & Metzger. 8 packages leather, Bachied Bard; 147 ale wheat, B T Nemnedy it Bro; . Auxin:miff eTATION Oct. 12-20bb's 011, 8 Hyde; Ge Lbts flour, Rom= L Boot ; 547 bags app., A Halloo; 15 the annum; Q Cbcl3 pkgs prodom, A Exasenol; 14 bbliapples, 2 bb a egp, 4 bbla older, Ininatdre; B pkgs prosnea IT Lenz; 2 Dbl. older, 11 Hsepankelds; bbia.; c ider, 51 Patera; 151 bap barley, J Straub; 1 ear sum s, A Taylor; 1 ear wheat. T Kennedy 8 pro; G bbls 011, I' Dakar; 7 do do, E. T do doa 0 Lane; Zi begs tend, Blmpoon & St. co 75 balsa starch, M C a Me; 10 bap beans, A Lippert; 185 bap barley, W W Anderson. Jrl4XOO. SECOND HAN D PIANOS. - • A 6 Oct Ildnevrond °lege. Boned Oor. •-• nem Iron Jr..a A ?my good lo7klngin strument; road* by °bickering A 00—....5140.40 A 8 Cot. Mahogany Owe, YE/tad Caren.; nude by Chickering. A pad Plano that will erase veil-- --. 140.00 A 6 Oct. Mahogany iraaWinpare lornam. rondo by. Gilbert.. . 49.00 A 8 Oat Mammy Once, Elinare Canna; inad• by la ni A MO- 90.00 A 6 Oct. Mahogany 045, moan oornere; made by 4/bickering-. 7O 00 A 6 Oct. Walnut Om, Ileand OnrnenrOcco roan wade... 60.00 • 6 eck Walnut Oacei Eleriann .-.....-.....—. 40.00 Par gale by Gait.o. INELLOP, $1 Wood tt New Macs from IMIS to 11500. MIIHICI hiIISIOVim °L naffs Nolo I nudendge.e.ere ti. eels 'lents ftz the Amp yet mat menet elides Cue... 1.1 Male published itsr Belo, ln Weide:Amalie, compelling inn =Mime works of Beedheren liardn. Weber, Bllth, Clemente. Kaden, Bunter, end elan Pew'. end Orerturee Two and DX was per peipe. sarcau car ostatrgus. A. ffi. Rom►ll LEH A MAO" 61 71Ali r. Rollo Asects for Dodds Mots SPLENDID FALL STOOK • aTutirwers PIAII3B. The b 0L1.5ti81,43 . 5 N. Ir{"Atte beet l 4 the onaztri tor the prto, • BAJA'S N. T.—the cheeped Plena and& Jot ',calved end fat Ws by 880., • Bole Apollo be the strove Phnom. No. BS Filth tired. • KNLITis PILNO Jun meted, the =cat am modem t ol the utimall.d ., • KINABC tF••• ever rya hi We city. ?bey l• • betond ► doubt the BAST PI %TWA MADE. A all Is nneetiolly othetted tam mamba elsewhere. aasawatz BUM, ot3 13 Tiftb Matt. Bob *Vitt To LET .FOB BENT—The th ree-story BRICK WARICI3OIIBI, No. 0 Wood stmt, two darn from Water anat. For farm apply to FRANS SALIM mamoon, Bahia 00. 6 6.1 or to JOSEPH WOODWILL, =on pd sad Wood tiros a. MEI Fox REM—The third dory of the building ram oneaugnd births Imbniniber, =CM of et. Oink nines mg Protean, Wxy. Iniskrtf 80111.. nalinnOWlll r LET—One, Two or Three Roe= rn tee third ar fourth storks of Omni Build. 1.1, gtiwt, with at Nihau I steam powur. e lb. ormaboa. meta 0 NDNANOR OFFIeg, WAS DBFAIITIIIIM WAILLIXO2OII, ()MOW 2. UM SPAM PROPOSALS .111 be 1•011Tei al thh until the ant Any el October nest, for BARD• IMO and BUSRIRO the 41.pearder Onus, Wee Porte and Animals of tbe Untied Mahn to thrAt• hatta sham amounting In number to LOO, more or Ma pas TM be dative. d at, and temoTtd Into the eatable barest edam the tort te to be dooe a the mei of tee Onited Btatee. Pn•poods for those on the Pardee Ooast—aboat 60 le neater—vill by received anthills 10thet Deem. her next; end la the cue of teym, the lath will be delivered st Es, handymen Its *faulty. The guns ea to be turned down to wires cylinder for Ihr length of thenty.ernra Inches from the rear of lb. type dog, prepared to take a bend of the but mooed grow the Wang/ digensta of whtch be twenty inches, and the Wotan, throe Inches. The vent is to be beaded with a new Both of port s fi z ' S i ll:ir ads@ lloottgcttetirc4tltllvagt ° l t tit: tinthend au Inch. Musings of the gun In Its original form and with the Feed pat on can ha Wan et tale office. at the Wa , ertown .thvgael L itimai the tratersilet lb anal. and at no Joon Annoy. 0.. 46 Wont' etryet, cagy atNthr at the azioael as HMIs. burg. Pe = and at Apeiteny. Prionele_ r• Tl_ttl_bultha Pa Let th e Ihreltheithe Athena. Va o ,zmws post, so.; and testilia.traend. Gel. Thelma' Is to be to ilutenare sttblunttiettaf the emote whit stub appenttd le•thPerldend it: end Payment wilt bapaid In tell toreaoh Rua wpm his oval hate et ltsoction sal notelt4. homing' will state the price per gun tor Moshe% operetta) darcrlbe In detail the censer In wbigh it le - -pr posed to pat at the bend; the number they will Mud pw =oath; and the dementia' will berg. pared to go the WI ole stmt. The method end the lime required for dotes the wakes will u they**. wid to peportrnt Weregate In oonildsring the bids Sad sea ding the coot:tad No Fide will be considered from an , Partin but Ptah as are actually ecispd In eke manneectrew at i n n an 4 hr 4, 7 ll lvobthrrh and ho &shin the opfn. hail tale Department, folly papered to umatetlut wort. la the cam of paths net brown to this Do. tritillMA, OVI6OIII to the levering effect mast s. compeoy tee proposaL _Bur& With rathtetory 'wetly, to Ihlll =Mai of 001•Ver cent. of the bit, will tathethired tor the tot. ilasunt of the contrast; std the Clovethment re. serves the I ight to reject any or all blis; It deemed uneaththatere.. • Prepuce w II be endoreed4r3posidaeor Banding 112.poundere," and will be addressed to &Imam Geuerel George D. Bamsy, Ohrf otOrdmace, Wadi. tos.los Otte. . • GTO. D 84115 At. 004:•01 , d lets. Can. Ohba ofthilethes • .TEW GROCIERINa td Nib. Poll, litho utod gobs/901;T, 60 do othroal.0:; do; • 50 bble. Ortmbod de,' '_ 60 do olk" sod ull'• Cattle do; 100 do 'fo ll ow sod 4 4)" do do; 9-0 do virlo •B. 0 nohow{ .160 do omitted tosodi N. T. IMP; bapsosd to print Uto CloSto; SOO busts ea alMtsals, IMo sad do Tilbscdol 100 halt attests tlrold sad Bit& Tsui • Is stms sad lbe by- emerria s iJagial, .as 11.. d td Stottl.6.ld ImroFt. SGAMS 1 KIGARBI • Ll bhda. °bolos Patio Ble; IN do far Cubs O. ar - II do wawa B. O. - do; 70 bbla. A Was do 11.5 do B • do do; 20 do 0 ' 62 ,do Cra ted k Poled do; • IN do Beim d Cobs aa band sod lbe do by 2,0 i 80210en.11/ fr, M I[ll LAN% sal I .04411 erry siOnst. IGAT G OlL.—Yore " Itzt • ..a.sAugewl LobsiastlAr Ol4waramtd to mots" for in MU .Of stahlitaty. cant/Lail, on Mae lutt ftesabgri.. paI.DAGIBLIF ISM - - - • 110C.10, 1111111 D LARD 0 blank* jcvsittervia lei& Int _ OMB DICUIT CO. ~,.,,,f .;: i4. tt ; .;: : ::- , ',, , i*.'g-;'",,k-.:?',i:i''': ..,, ; :i.-:.,-,-,-,:.. , ..::.:.,2i;,7:,:‘,..,,,„, _._. EMI Via SALII.-,4- 4oxivement two-story E brick Owning bows, with back building. 80. Stl Bert street, Pittsburgh. Also, larsa, convenbast wad well-lhibbsd three roory I.rick dvalling boon with back bonding, 80. kg Bow sweet, bra Stela and Second strata, Also, twokt 'brick availing homes with back braidings, Sio, Second street, war Bow. All the .1.4”. ars In good order, and supplied with gam and water. a an* Wong frame cottage dwelling, 80. IBS &woad West, and the two.story frame dwelling ad. Jng. Both of et= bonsai are in good order, and coital - berm eosin Sandlics. A lao,, a lot of ground on the northautwardly dde of Hest otiose, lintweon Ewa awl Toy streets, ober Boss strsot hostas a front of It feet on lint Mon. and eztendlog.bsce SO feat. The above property is shouted in a dominate part of the city. For ton= of sale and partlionlars Woofs* of WU. W. T 11011,021, Be 1011 Ttfth stnet. MIMI PSAI.E.—WM be =poled for a. siva ea the 571na DAY Olt oo , clegawtea old quarry, (better known as WALLA 03'8 QIIARBY,) oentalettcs 10 uses more or Ira., le uttlet from fl tsborgb,oo the A V. If. IL , Ie flew tosruLlp, Allef b• y moot,. bowleg • beg. of 47 grebes on the rtv.r, a Demo how. and abatis.* number of choice bearing mitts nes% • rarer eche fruit; aD. quality' of rack r grhAstotise, of ail phis ; !moral hund, red ;makes of caller alms, weedy gunied, sae a platform at the rattroed ready for lautteg. Shia lot would answer tor 01l uollonies, or soy one that would Irish :0e go la the none bad Term undo Imetwo oa Aa7 of 111 . • Gab to cora:mos ot 10 o'dotlt o. .1101118 De ana. volilmodfri ptato tn.. Peat. 10. UM UDR SALE AT A BARGAIN—One .x00..4-fundTIAN 171 , 31N5, It to. of lode*. 4% bat lento. poppet pat off, 13 foot 34 li b& on eauttor 'bah 40 Oet 3 to. Atom pipe, wi two 38 to. Poul3/3 flood (1.4 to.) sUata bolls.. E 8 feet bog, 'team dram wrociabt hoe wand pipe, breaching tad lire front, all to good wo , klog ced.r ; rate) at 30 h• empower Also, one small Steam Satin., d In. cyllod r with tly. ob. el. 40., to like coodltd.n that. 1114 bets: driven wl'h 4:13 01100. Iror p-rtleoPr3 rater to 80880. TA lt LOB 00., of Wheeling. 00143111 Q 8 CO. oe3 Sod COUNTRY ERBIDIaNCIR FOR BALE. --The andarsigued care at private rats his c motel nerve ay ch Troy Ha, 000talttivg about 'lx sm. of grtund. a apterodid Brick Deelliog Boum, au esceUent Yrs= Bash, with motes her • hired man with family y Same. In grapes, in excal• WO{ tearing eider; &boot SCO choice yea& teem, and about 100 apple trews. pear Isea% cherry, plow and otbar tree% . go. 'll lehitlispntabla. . °maniocs easy. Buquire of ,styolm youlf U. PIZINZR, Da the pia. B&LE--Tuan COPYAGII Hove, 11.: fronting on Bidwell stmt. (B.take. Lana) Broad Ward, Aktheny, on the toe of tits Alan d beater Pamemier Railway, opposite the residence of A. Milken IR. Lots kV hot deep to • • tee 43 elle,. Also, a Moire corner lot 61 by 18,E bet, **Mkt the above rowdy, and kon tins on Ake slimy &Tonne. The location is um of the moat de doable to the oily. tbrout may. Apply to W. 41A88011, Ho 46 Ohio et, pposite the M ajor's Cam, Allsatunki cos*. A GREAT BARGAIN.—WO offor for We mot lot aground hot/tog s front to Truk • lin street of lit lett, and extending kook the teat. to Decatur Moat; on which ore emoted two double from. dwellings, (so. 00.) both exceilant Blasted in the Illth ward, new to the HEM frothy.. torten Ohenth Building. nit progerty we on au threw.* to poll for what II would now oat to erect the baildlug-e. Apylif to B. orb • Belligr el 00. VALLIAB. , E PENN STREET PROP RIM DOR ISALII—Two lot. Yt feet 4 In. trout by 110 feet deep to an alley, with • loge doable boom, between Hancock and Head lama, A dent.. ruble 10Mt1D11 fur •Pic or Dentist. Also,soma floe tall sites for prirationsidentres near 01inerreflia, fr om to 1 mare each. A,lse, a bade timber of balding lots, of various WWI. of from 26 to 60 feet front by DM to 160 cat deep, ennead et the terminus of the Wylie Street Dowager Railway. Apply to the undersigned, Executors of the estate of John Herron, dao'd. W. A. HRROD, JOBB D. BERM:O9, gy m R. 0. WZRIIOI2 Vint tad4ls 'our Acres of liroan. and a /oar story !diet Balding, Itaglus, Sollars and Idankturry ardi adapted tor • mann. factory ; lib kat by 110 ; man b• purebamd Ibr oar-ball its original mai, bycalling on Wll.l,tall WARD, No. 93 Onuat Ine9.. Pittabn, gh. DISSOL,OTION OP PARTNSMBIP. —The partnership hereterfore existint between tes entecriberi, under the aro of Patrups, now *OR; ••• thie day been disaolgixT, OHAB. LOCKHART and WiLLLAId rum haying pur chased the Entire hatereata of the ether peruses The bestrew or the late Ana sill be settled by SATOILHART A /RA WI W LLIAR PHILLIPS, wiLLiam THEW, OH a BM LOCRII &AT, JOHN VANANADALL, AMYL V. HIPP. PRiallrAti.•••.joth, Isss. (111LIM racy. LOCICIURT & FREW, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum; At ALBIOD OIL WYLLEL VsnangoOo., mai BIIILLIAIIT OIL wools, Beglers Ban. 01140,1 n 3171 WOOD MY ST, =I VOTIOR—The undersigned having pnrchased the entire stock from the long cs Witched tense of J. B. HoOIINII. would snnounce to his old castoomes and the public his rennonl to Mom 189 Liberty street. MAW/ +=ROM by 3 . IL lficrenno,) where a hark and complete stock of Sad. elide and Shoemakers' Leather Mains, Hides, pits, ha, can be found, and at lowest rata. 0. H. h8D2118019, N 0.119 Meaty Omsk' TN RETIRING FROM THE MDR .L 631) LEATH EH 8116181128, I most cordially y succesoor an a IMO of aid istagriM and mcod commend b m rigand qualtacithata. tor some months to come .1 will cantinas to occupy Hr. ANDZIt. WlllicormUng.rocco, and win take great Osman to introducing him to my badness acquatatmoug B. NolnltelL July 114th. ilea OVUM 111d8OLUTION OF PARTNRIIBIIIP. LI —Theleatnerdilp Uneaten, Wilting Pelmet, the ander' n•d. nooer the atjte and Arm of WOLFP I:MS.lra A 00.. Us eye day—en• - Amami 17th, 186.3—bren .thadvid. The teams of the Ann will be settled by J. A. WOLU or T. CIAIAPBZLL, they dose being anthothnd to da so. A. Y. T. PLIINSITT, T. OLIIPB/11.L. Pltt.barih, Beetsininselo. lladns piOrpsol L T;PLUSICETVEI tutored to the Olys pastoons, it win to carried on hereotbor under dusty'. and lino of worirs, ChtIIPDIOLL a 00. • Joins &wow& Plitaboriftt. Fort. 1nt1, 1883. DSt UTIO .—Nolsoo is basin? even Mal theputtied:o lately sattllng tames ticasiows a 8103111, Coal Sferctustat, of Plttsbooth. =dor the Oros of ItoaBIWO t isso 4J vat dissolved by mutual mama{ on the 10th day of Awn, IDdI. wrixt4ir wrong basing perebased the tittle Merest of DI olittEWS, tha tneancet will borstatir bit iriatteeted by WILLIAM lITOISL Ample syrsogoatoots bon two cud. to Intl coal bate, balsas, furolstt Oast, Not C1051..14., as rown. obis plops. oflos, Daystay's Botdoag, corner of Itattst and Water stmts. loom No.i, third story. steamboat Atoll *Moe at same plioa edam - L milaugrousa—t.lmmurist—..2.P. saas. lIKAOKDP/OM,. WIELPKILL & 00., AIL saw rum sod Miro struts. near the CDT Maar .Works,TitaMszth, Dannbcturaus of NAICIMITO3H AND WI MADILL'S lIIPIIIITID PATENT OSCILLATING MAW =GLOM AND ILIDN VALVED. of all dos sad bad gips. • Nask' put tyitp ou ma tchlusty at farts capacity and at Um bast guil, ars prepsosd to do bury Job &up 11.111 wilait work In this Una, trusting that by prompttuns ngsdthe , an chgrantoi ot otu work, to omit subtle Wro*. W. bruits 'vadat situation to onr DALANCID TWIN OSCILLATING NNGUILS, ea combining %duologue tuarrtokas uosttabsod tn.. this dais of , jag& JOSEPH F. HAMILTON A (XL, Omer cf lint sad Liberty argots. Efria.n MA0111111E6! La, to. myliktf lINVERANCEB, No. 53 wanz tte., WoreMiusa, COI t riONSAILIIOAD: 4 .or m =itta Riv. Tr:V: `=?:.=u7ttad."."th2" Dk W. UNNETTMasmortnurse or WHITS &TONI CHUM IND OIINLIK COLODZI). WAHL , LID . WlllllBOl7Ol AI D. .711 Inns ISlXCM.Pretiooao. Po. mhlbarlioi J OHIO HALL & CO., VALLEY POBOB PLOW WORKS, prrraeußan. idstistastarsre snd dialers la oil the &fairest Ahab of PLoWS. PLOW OABI MG% bOOPId,' (A TING HOU% As. Vito greatly lot taad tscrlt. ties tot doles beats/se, se earosetky laths &skis to gin as ae&L dissoLatory, Testsetsateellis. Wareboase, Gila allay sad JOHN PlAt Utast, a IL, Plttsb's. ti T. J. HALL. 873PISHIS W003:4 ,JA.: DROWN.- C:1=1 l ama 81013 -4k ,Anew Ind 5111061 irsortaistifor Wirt" - 1•95 • ; ;JAW BOWC - 134,Wc04.1415it0 : • I T CILIY.-50 bbla. Ithsonri Male by =IST °OLLIE& 1 ,r ~',_ iIS ~t t .. THE L &MEW STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Floor, Oil-Cloths do., ever offered in this city, is now opening at prices much below the late factory OM OLIVER IicCLIATOCH & CO 43 FIFTH MILT. NEW PALL KOINE . JOST OPENED AT 733 NEW CARPET STORE 0, McFarland, Collins Sr, Co., 71 AND 73 FIFTH ITT., Betecan The Port 00ks and Dirynsai Haring jest Forlarei for cash. dining the recent favorable condition of the miutatiomod eztenein couplets asuntraint of the newest wed choicest styles of CARPETS. DiL Cloths, Ertrulotte Shades, We are now *lilting goods AT PRICES OF A YEAR ADO. oar reduction to prim we have almost dared out or former purobacs, and now drew to buyers at wholesale and retail AN tornsaror 11W AND ?BHH 13NOON, thwitzpassed by any ewer oficrid In Ibis dli. est BAIMAINS Ts - • A. R 133 T S . JIM 012109. A!2, C1a,13.113.232. a. 87 FOURTH STREET, A LuTe mortcpmfortiteb oesold si s may great esdiution tram Ws galas. WLD. R. 111141.1.1111. *an TH II A T LAN Ti 0 MOJ A ROTEL MASI BUM fiLIFIGM. , 21011 0010PAHTt ((MUMMY 14111.121. 4 6_ ADlttalo.loCo Benloofoneer . tan& / 111311 Wiar 1.0:0 Botoovirirob lain. 001.11ffail. km) Itanavauar, 11.1:03 tom AMU. MO Harm 1.000 tots. Vat mac afloat 0 LICOLIA lOU RD hoar Hw y Vitt tot en .21:018Thilr the atb of October. lota of km Lloopoct to Ift•sTott.tor. libel to or Its Karialost ta orotroney I Min and 010 1 11t00r0vr.................4: 0 CO Intorsiottato $4Ol Panolenra tervardol abo to Loados. Au* Cleno berg. Harm litemn, kottreaso, ftntorarp, in. at to rata. faro front ...frubcal arthileix to Nal Tat ishl Garton. fa bltS.s74, 04 VOL' for Ploblo era la taw ono of the AEU% ' IL Jr MIMI.= Broodnel. ler.auna Z. lataiwt. , fit D. MU= • . . adallASlClVldae Ban*, . fro. 10 rune Bust IbtrabernlC Mr7=l caTEAM WBRILLY TO LIVIIIRA kV POOL, tosehim QUIZNIMOM • (OM EASIOIO The sea looms Amuses Liverpool, Nov TO* sod Mdboli4llll ove lotwided tri , .M: MirrOP art or onvrimoii"--. oitir end avec, encizadlng Satinday, at notes. was Par 14 North Eton. anis cet muss. to Goto, or to cosinciall et °arrow& Iran Clunt.--453 (gim ...—.11 311 a. do. to Loudon.- 11.5 CO I do. to London. S 5 10 do. to Pula.... in lb. to Parb..-.. 40 50 do. to Ihonbarg 110 ,.. 00 6.4 Oa, to Ilatebarp 57 50 laacce tw aho as nroc agw4rw, innscan.Bol• bon Mood or 4101011ii01112 Ist OW% in It BM await% po. Thom who vial to ecn4 theix Wendt can ony Watt ban at am Yon further tokenutton sooty st the Chmarny • tinheee. JOHB - 0: DAL; 15 Sztaderattr. JOBB 111011POON, AM . Rana street, bet hoar kola es - Pittsburgh. ==3 CHILS.P.tfdsT PAna.toß eliUMjffik MOM. Namur !maybe oat m 11281. OtlB3 WritA"'"lihm, adralipcd, Lasubsitdarn. Gahm or Ootk, for . . _ Tvientlr-eve Dollars. Aed by Halm mega t TWISMONII DOtA LAMM =may., APPI7 to A IMILL. ZbieWlrotekto BoadAle. 'nerd. Ptitsblitt. mytemed CIINAED pia. LbwPool oFg ttootoottono, Ptts to gold. at Ito nob alemt V oatroxi. grim Now Tog, CO hco may. EIS ing7 yea. Anti So THOS. DATIIIO/114 sanausty r., ,K-1 A. IF ~4,10 pEINSIONtI, BOUNTY & BAON:PAY. YLLTIB DU. GIBEINBAL cruni Lanz //a4103 RIM 86.0dri doff I- AU womb= 41oUllobbanw luta b the 616 WY Oval ankootto =SUM to 1116 11626 and Poostob. AU boidiaw orbs bass anwl ti. also ontithil O tboafff."="oldisr , by twownof dhows, so tom. ifiliCl* - 14161 of 1614kr0 • wbodto two Mob 6 tto twin on tatitlod to pinions and Us OM Bounty, lc Obloura' al ono, booltfl**ll.l7lolol2 triad to. No wade tit say cow an tbo mown b fetbotod. 10.1168.6 IMMUNE; BOUNTY, BUM PAY. FL C. MAOIIII4 AtiewrivaVlass o 4 Oda 404 - 9a 114 nate Lisicer:Msbieth.ra. mentions ta AltdOrgaWasit Peareastee sous sod am: 14:al _llolllll=l. , air ill NOM.Mriresd Offeses diath a id TUC sad PaNBIOBB fee Whkens fewsals.ol9l4la Child:ea. 13raUsus sad aim bpi =FP sadatirce of than who hare,damd b theseeddet of We died alb: dbahop Erma Cams =Maw 13!: wink& OPE. thaw warn soilleied.ead as Pala will be pared yam. • ea= b soolcsed Masao • -. PITTEiBIIIIGH, fa.. WANTBD.--S6U • Mom.—Weinitt I nts ielOsiriattb..aspaSeivabt to sait oat btiatddtap P dwits, Oriadal Earars, sad *Maar cam. raw, awful sad =dam said" Magma &a calm oat ft... kddraa, .1 2 . 3 ,„d", BU •w • (LUI. Madge:ad, ldiv, W• TILL, . . WACO VIRIIIIIII O ILAXB UD ar which lb. highest atarka . plealilli gr. Wit 126 estersid stmt. •• • sel6Al ram= vaitecinniii: • IV/ANTED—A Firn Cuss: - Boo* iv mina; ow vb. bp a e rscOnt • - - sod an coap• von ranomoid Adams, BOX 6)1. Pow Ofiles. NMI NEW . GROCERIES. aro h babilsp B e lo Gl* LID 21 X ) b u Vrtett i alt Tuairraip itso bbY issl tibtAt.o,llttam anon old .x .se. M Lrrnaissnautai,-; 200 L b , iliih s thrUI 1+ 610 , Salif gnA 34 ' 1:444 9" fre Ntovrffitait. mits ry • * • - ~.„,v,i,. , r t 4. TIM .. OLD 001311721 Y." lE!ZU3II pie •• • tor oars . • I Wfil 1111111__• 4111. • 1.) siunnons...44. eag attar VOliDhle, Anil ; WWI. MilleggirWhßU vr: e Env DAILY ?HAIM . Tim T2IIOIIGH s tIrMODATIOII TSUI Yaw the Peram(er mAticiPt Th) et 40 a. I -se r m . burgh ma WA eltrant tows doe be Wnr Toth MAW 'Da TIMMS OWL bar= the res. nmstre.elbW4 =alba - z i t a z lnegs) ihall Mr 0017 al prl etate h f =kbi direct tunaosaintor se w ia t4 R op. sad.fze Zhu T it; FUN, M a temovau =Xi= IMAIITItarse gaga ben tmtl. doPultig tildi n t4 27 l 4 meld= grant axitintion - tor Beldam - mg Wasbiahlats, take= Maria& via rtibletawn reds red Pitibdolphim Sibe /1.13 T =them the edition 6;lli= Tlleby.)AD:h. l ls a ss cu e stopphtg=.o sham" amasetin•t•la•=l lks raltbrotedell s MOWS% PrrNese ACIODIgIiOItiITION SWAMP. Tits initsmswisaannotsmecadowittatz tams dans (stospt dq) st LOA. m h µoptingstto dotal; dad ruminitalikr ga Clonem=gl l . Pled imettentodmita Teats esrWanilentiss barna defy b•mi Bunsiold thlie a. M. lismad • Trida los Wan Webs lassi (gosept emblere)stlb3 o a. m. Third Accommtdation Ma= br WWI falba longs toy Want _ __Dcpatal_ l 4 um al% Worth A Taft for PlorT. Dalin tans (expert ihmasy) at Winn. la. Dm Chant Train DavosWateam n Staticat every thew day it 9: 05 a. Dertlehrhitie, Pitmeargh al 1 I 6 p. nt- : isetoralaw Trews arrivi d Pittobargh le sem Banton= =mak 1.1a50 oa. ; 11413d6=. 11:20 p. to.; Ii Line, MAO hi.l ilidd Train, e Waft' Mettexcaittaitese, Ippy m tu.; lint uttes Azcoamodatias sin a. ta..; &mad Walre-Stattaa AuxoaratedaDtat e3B s. n Thfrd Altadcs Satopustodsthett p. -W. /earth WargEtatica Anmettmedstins, did P to. Baltim or. Uprose will urea with Pkg. Manilla Tama at It aff p. D., os tlatelsyt._ Trains tor Illettealiis cad Isar= romum; 'EU Anforsoctio. with Through Aototamodadans Jrtleeetrahe totoszo and Warweem Train lir S. and with b.ittaue. Rem= sad Johnstown Lewd. modapat Wtst. Trona to Members canna ai Oman with Ti mm 'realm cad nail TraD Waatotrul with Thvocial Anmungtadatle. and Tama Tula :eat The peddle, will MA It greatly to Dab lettassi.l a wine Tod at Wed, to travel by the rauhryinahe chgana Bailroaa. as ths occommulelons now egged mad be sew ethartocta. Th. Smile ballads" =s; l ;:. 2 asid tznth*, into hams tail We Cla MU*. Ilabtri:,spapi sal =ant ta wk. mantwat this Dare irT their pstreastn. = Ti lbw Trydr—.....llll trors Salluasmi--..t Ts Thesaslslo6--. 10,50 To $01=10511........., $ To liardsbral 65 skrAgOrsokall is os Prodogitss rol 110.11rosil, as/ Is TElarlotribis, BOltaal• .• W NW Eui . ows =dads& =We tor.oala in all , =ea thissosaosl3o4's6 Abfaaar . ta .filar stilton abs, =opt from matins 'tan thi Canso, hjoi so AsaarL 159TICEL 4 .1n ens- Ed taus thirCtorpose balk Omahas raposalbls Jar pliwak \sesl4-;.' - sad for ea earini Rot J100:44, - , Oomathisii-Idas boa tairsfateplo s ete pot, 3 Tr 2 Pwito) tot g ard Sirr=eseli mot taqapsp. Itsre &Wats, inky fa EITIWAILT, as ha OA tortsaih . was Teaks! DaMmi Ergaloa. as I.,Fosati , eve rta-mti. 21414^Jita. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. littil81:111Y Oman or Oosrraotass or ors Cmossor, Washington City, Aaron 6th. 1063. Warm; By sathhotory Waimea prom to the andeisigacd,, it has teen made to ewer that the DIBIST - NATIONAL BANE Of rimmuna. thirOcranty of Aileglitay. Elate of Perosyleft. ms lila, has teen duly agonised und awl actordtog to rroluturtmuir of Oa Act of er Oongrese, entitle! , "An Act to Provides liattraalOarnmey, seattedby • • visage of United Mates Itoolia, and toga:idle drr the carcu'atiou and redrmpitou thereof,. approved Tebtuary gath, Itgit sad has compdad with all the provhkuts of mid A Otgequlred _tobe complied eta alma oommencing air Inuittem of Bashing. low. therefore. I, Boon MathrwpawOmaptscille of the, Ourreary, do humpy oertAr th at to aid TIBET MAMMAL Balla OF PISTIIBUBOB, imuntr of ABOthuur. and State of FaMayirsnla. authorized to immolate the Inufneti of Banking mr• der thOdkat aforesaid. , In teatimm whereof - wittiestt my baud land seal of eh 15th day of August, ,f 1863. 8008 MoVITLIOCIti Oostyttallor of ea clutre TEE FLU! NALITIONit LOX OF FITTOBIIROIE..PL, - (t. AU PITIZEinaGa BOOT 0311 PA 1511.) 'pootTox, q4i1 0 9 1 4: . Al 3 od c ,r . ll . lgo to tossers The Pitntongh Trot Company taring orgaitsed . under the wale prorldea Nattenalearreney. under - the t il ts of the FIRST Id LTV/IUL EMT. OP .PITISBOInTiI. would respeedully oder its treks kr the collection of Notes. Dretts.Bals of Tkoduto Pr Ira, roadie matey on &path, and betand Zs chane on alt partici the (marry. • - The ammo which has attends& the Pittsburgh Tread Ocanaisny Moe its araanleetka IS% VW, ire beano, be a sulactent is bushwee entnuted to the new Oen Will mates the rime prompt atteatkat; • Eterteg • my extendri. corrensmience with Banks and Bankers thsoughout the country, we be. nets we can odor tumor! tecilther to three who do Witham with us. The bmisers will be conducted by the rime Me cum end Director'. 0116620111: James Laughlin, A imandar Ikea% Dobai 8. Ham Francis H. Bailey, Um. Pall, Alex. Belau, 12ss iegman, Sams' Hs. Wm. R. liimicla, 131111LIS, Presidast. ions. D. BOUM?, Avast A. I. DOLLAR /SAVING& BANK, No. ei Von= Bynum , CILINEMID IN INa. Oisato o'clock, deo et end latarder seetS . !rom Nay UM Norecobel.'.. Dom T sa4 feen. NedeMbet Le ~ =Loma deo • as n• Ot emus net DM Una -" Doßae,andadltLleadortheplata &eland tyke er • Jaw end December. Worm* Ma boo de.4 : 4dadpi lembernmodly tcJer sod Decomberabee the Mak err cede rste at de per cot._ a bot &sink enkli Own tense:sot !Arms, co dormeltor seirinellod, and beers Memo bo Marl Eras tb• dap e*rie elellealleleXx can dlc i 47 CarMC. • Vllff troubling the •• lit . oar eves to Ur pme book. At is p os o un big bee thee Nebo re% .7:: 1,4 " : Docati, =Matelot th e Oharter. Woe; emem snd itagsbusnaktuntdad aatL,oaayplloeikw el = ' orke. Pnermaze4LlDlNlN MIDI= . sobs D. liiriditaa. • Sobs Minim Alaandst Spur, Root I rahlindoc.l4 haw alma airdsza. - Odds Je am% ttackalosy dianO. It .Ad Wittig. - George Manse ~is Jai Miss. 11•Imart Utak Henry I. atngwalt. Imo Wes, -W ot It. 8272= llns VlM=Mesaader Main% Tanklrk. lass P.W QAcbtlaa.p staiti MON:- .vitithis H. Siese. lodgeH.lintan; Blatant HAAN • las IL Sail_ Wll ss llaa B. W 'D ray. eseisnXt • htdav ~; sigfrLore GET TRH IMT. WHEELER & Intsows SEWINC MACHINES. In =MIK atza9uip' Sera LAND. thoollo *WONMariam] .1r• are bartaita pas asp" trassfpollortag /LaMar *oak earkaamets Glue oititry, fool U -I so =sot ecomatinsis. nArse Tani% vs Namelgit h prow to Oita cur Wain to rod to thaatta attla Roo omanay.' Wise tap 1117f1Et42 41D WILBOSEEWIZO - MACELMA, awl ay, arwa - sad vriituvat a rival. No nubble woes le to pm saga. tlos to all mem of accoloitwo:Oo: oft may outatst.of eau, tag -tor p:tat 41. 1 1. , tin , Ili Cat/kw hamaoblosauaeaabedd W. ails Wtstht}Deahto.geialttetiYamtloot asobin• moo cot 'Own hopoosibMl7. Wes • theroby to, ea* amber teladdstatis NA ;MT? sorautOg 'lrma sitteliacsislia sizsu, ITUIT; • . • -•• • SIIMMER as CO4 • odiaziar- t•-• Imeriatir ao*MIV, -.•• • •_• 1 7.; . - • - 'VAMErltiptivistuita;.-we,idds ' , 01,5614. piroTodgispegarsvp.-.41. of Pittsburgh. sad picas. tors sad a little krwan, than goods of dating 04 11 4 in 4DM tar. Desloge to the wa =to NU war maks at Albano melon ra J. L. MTh TI SRO. .niaema ImoU. ntsock. Jab& lionlis4 Jame S.D. Used% - A. U. Pollock. IL D. - 11thntilbu:BlfrthiAttanios. ME 4r^'