The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 10, 1863, Image 4

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I. II i 1411,
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'S&TMIDO MOBIMICI:.••=;09T.10, 181 A
ra oo o ISTEUP ENaI
Prlal*terd;WW-enini Edition.
The StiOthisteace Consonittee..Open.
Us of - their New gnome.
OA Thunda eating the rooms of the
Pittsburgh Sabsiatenee Committee, opposite
the Pnasyhranis Railroad depot, oh Liberty
:street, ware timed for the inspection"( the
sad were visited by about two hen
dreg too and - pntlemen. Among those
present a l as the
,distinguished philanthropist,
Mrs. Nits% of Philadelphia, who has been
with Army of the - Potomac, as a minis
tering easel, for thethat eighteen months. She
be no her way to the Army of the Cum
berindiwith •fall ear load of stow for the
riskand wounded folding In Tennessee. She
expressed herself well pleased with the ad-
MI& arralgements which the Committee
hays made for the athommodation of sick and
weandelleoldlars passing through this city.
-We MAUI the, rooms ta:dayiet noon, in
-cioniaany''with Mr. P. Vire:man, a mem.
her of the Execnitire Committee, and a gen-
Unman whit has devoted a large share of his
Alm and enercrindartharieg Web : loots and
aims of :the organisation. We found every
•i' this* tactomplete order. One wan had al
. reels lathed, and thethdies in attendants,
Miss Kate Dennthton, Mies Maris E. Lane,
ud I. B. Satan, had served dinner to
esthatitt goldierefwho had last mashed the
env - - !The generous ladies' had renewed
the tables awl . were awaiting the arrival of
which was somewhat behind
- • I:lltheenamittee have now two large rooms.
'he Axon& and third stoles of No. 347,
"LibertyJthest. In the second story is
." theft Ailing room, supplied with neat tales
slain t 'And other conveniences. The bask
prt °TAILS room contains a cooking stove.
& OM for washing and, dressing crounds,
cite.; The conunittee employ goodeeolts, and
• a mai arefernielled warm, andin the vary
bee style. , TA 'young man, • resident of Po-
Crie.olAsay,. Blinds, who had jest arrived
- T"' freak Wasblagton, and is now on his way
home' Ow le ftulongh, and who had been
.shot through the left foot at the battle of Get
, ttribaith wee here busily engaged in droning
his wood. The Committee have always on
Itathl it fall thppth of bandages,. lint, and
bast articles necessary for dressing wounds,
togethe with articles of clothing, which are
tarnished to all who may need them.
The third story has been neatly fitted up as
seining atertmrsth. There are twelve tidy
andcomfortable beds already up and the num
ber $ll be largely inereased ' if necessary.
These are for the •acoorunodatlon el, !soldiers
who are compelled to remain over In cense.
gums of the eastern train. failing to con
nect with the western trains. InMei room
there are books, tablas, desks, eto ,and every
ththg is so comfortable and enticing that sot
diem w
quarter hare must hover, loth
to them The entire arrangements are ear
talelztery creditable to the ladles and gen-
tlemen‘composing the Committee; and who
cal estimate the benefits thus volumed spots
the tinvel.wornsoldlers—partioutesly the sick
andthe wounded f
The rooms will beeper. to the public again
on Siturday evening, and we woad urge all
who:take an interest in the weltered the sol
dier,- to give their countenance and rapport
to Barmy worthy institution.
no Oakland and Emit Liberty Pas
Banger RatltraY•
Sam of the inhabitants raiding between
thestation at Oakland and the township line
U*4 observed complimentary resolution! ?
pasted by • meeting of citizens on cheers ova
-111114 respeetleg the action of the above Com
pany, haring, culls Minereville branch of
rodnood the fare between the
Centro avenue Station and Ifinersoille, from Ave
to three cents, wish to eats—
That this is only a boon to trangent passim
gees at the expense of the regular customers
of the road.
It, Was the custom heretofore to charge only
five cute from PittaborglitteMinereville, and
oleo from Pittsburgh to tkilltainshlP line at
the second toll gate, on the East Liberty
road. Lately • cheese of ratio has been
adopted, by which, on the But Liberty road,
a few females who raide between the Station
at Oakland end the townehip line are made to
pay Wok Matte each more then formerly,
while those living between the township lice
and Squirrel Hill switeb, ate reduced from Ire
to' three ante, all others paying the came
• vitas as formerly.
lhensageardmlty of the Company cenobite
in charging transient paesengers on the MI-'
events branch two cents lees than before,
between Centreavenue Station and Miners
vine, and charging their regular custom toe
three cents more on the same line—and also
reduoing the fare on the Bast Liberty reed
two cents to transelent passengers, and chug
leg their regular customers three cents mole
than before.
We nenalder the discrimination .to be tiejtist
firwards no, and have, therefore, very saner
ally dial the change of rateh not' used the
ears on that part of the road.
- Now we respeetfelly submit that when a,
change of fare beeomee nthossary, all should'
be d 'alike. If five cents le too little
dirgetreate cents, or whatever fare is props
tee compensate the company, and we shout!
not complain, provided the same fare ;seal
obliged to the old established potato as for
med 72 that le,,let the fare be thalami , tit the
Owns* line at the mond toll gate, that it
is to Oaklanceetatien,whatalreithai fare may
\ ha.
gonit rroceedings.
In the 401111 of Quarter Sesslinu, before
Judges Mellon and Brown, this morning, the
ease of the Commonwealth against Joseph
illebold,'Telp Trapper <lnd Leopold Bolt•
ishe.for assault and battery, was settled on
payment of eons by defendant.
IpAhe cue of the Commonwealth spinet
John Grant, Thomas Luefend Patriot Camp
bell, for assault and battery, the jury rude ,
ad verdict of irflty. Sentence deferred till
gauuda7, nth ' ult.
Is the case of the Commonwealth spinet
join litoor,fer easenit_eard battery, on oath
of Jejleltillutjurrls ont, •
IA the Court of Cmulebn Pleas, before
Jody" Btarett,Jn the Moe of Wm. Prow and
"..lanedds_wlfe, In right Of said Jane ls st
'P AO Barker (a - book aelennt), the jury
suitared.a verdiat for plaintiffs for 8373 39.
Jadr. Sterrett then adjcurned his Court till
Wedneaday next.
Tfm..osse wer
C. Cde egainst Bre
Weasels k Co. is Clyde Irbil before-412dg:
A Ger.tent You° Prrrammaires.—B G.
Wlituides,formeril a messenger in the oon-
Ada* iliCtertiee .the =Adams Bawls
eriipszky. and stepson of Bar. Dr. Page,
..Beetor of Christ Church, Allegheny, exhibit
`-dd algae' comp at the late battle in Borth
In which he had horse kilted under
e bbi l T ili tp this, and on reveal other omaidons,-
he has naive& the denim of his commander.
1111 , 1 e Against of the Ugh Ohio volution.
-Elitists:lA his sew, I_7 young heroes in the
wales But and ,West. Lit them an to
eltarishedl; evert . heart. ;
Iftioona so, Trition Mu.—Snob gar the
a latch , strisie otiwoleozoi presented to the
nisiton Who iota Greensburg Consolation ; at
• orliflllaloa Immo In the town, a plated slip
vith &ban words, woo prominently potted
ire putsch of the open hospitility of
out Oat. Stuyeole, Eli, editor - elite
Arlin cosopsny with many ethos oaths.
MB; of whom screed that the hospitality
d asionsloug vas as liberal ss their patriot.
, 101,111111ligilllided•
IV owns Mr. J. P. Bunt,
Nalonlogolly nth stmt, his nostrod a
;t_:: f a y apply of thy rliostratod.and ethos Esst
, sta WilekilH; for' this: and ant rook, corn-,
%Ing, swop othors. thnfollowiniPorndar
slot Tho,Nsor York lacigar t Tif hiss.
*mad Nra*,:iymull Leak, The
TAr lodepodus,
ihsoirt r t ueltaih"rbirlretoerlJikspi&g ,
sad thal,idlodelphis &swag Imo Atxt.
oat sad choose; hess is flinty of watery
and seeps for stoles. - :
CAIALOGIIII SUS ov a Lroun.—Cill ei the
'Booms of Davis an moil vistrA
• Nifilretreet, for s oatelogne of the valuable
am, to. be- WS la their seeoad.fitior- yaks
rani so , ;tiurerow analog. The collection
sk way Stator eivi'espartot , oaris=4vot will be
;Apo to ailidliktiok.ail. fle/ r
.4 ...... 4... .4.
To Coarse 4 = r ou the Aft ettlia-', fitew'.76‘...watfilbkl)P,
tililiPMTe — edam the Iltk la*
°a d , •1 el laz
43 la. I
Tonna Ltawr Peonies otr.—As will be
semi bystfirence ta our ad mg eolumne,
- the trees Violas°. Committee of Allegheny
City Unmade arrangements for a Grand
Torch Idett prOCOSSIOIS and mass meeting, on
Monday miming Itisat=the night preceding
the election. We hope the demonstration will
be worthy the Ilnion men of the ssitunner
City." Let ail good Union men contribute
their share of time and effort to this end.
Acomenr.—A son of John Preston, of
Somerast township, Washington coat], was
injured as badly me Friday, at the Mononge
hela fair, by his horse falling on him, that he
died on Sunday. The victim of this terrible
earident was aged about twenty-three years
Both the Armies Confronting
each Other.
Rebel Adviees from Charleston
4e., be., d!sts.
Special Dlesteh to the Pittsburgh Genette.
PgILLDZLPSII, 00t. 9,1863.
Both armies at Chattanooga are confront
ing rah other, with advantage to neither.
The Pontoon bridge on the Tennessee river,
constrnated by Rosserant, wall swept sway by
the rise of the river.
Gen. Bragg has been reinforced since the
battle of Chickamauga by One division from
Itichmondpoommanded by Gen. Arnold Riley;
one from Western Virginia, Gen. Sam. Jones;
one from Petersburg and Weldon, General
Ransom; three brigades from Florida, Gen.
Rowell Cobb, and three famous batteries from
Lee's army, Cutts', Blodgett's and Walton's.
MI whole force Is estimated at one hundred
and ceventy-five thousand men.
Withinthe last two months Jeff. Devil'
rebel incendiaries have set on Sr. and de
stroyed fifteen first dies fdliebssippi steam
boats, mimed at three quarters of a million
dollars, and caused the loss e f twenty-eight;
' live,.
The Tendon Times regards the withdrawal
of Mr. Mason as evidence that the Southern
1 Confederacy leans solely on Prance, and ex
pects some immediate action in its behalf
from that power. The French Emperor has
taken a position on the American continent,
which actually enables this poor, Unsoiled,
unrecognised Contederay to confer a fever on
Earl Russell made en important speech on
the American question at Blair Gowrie, Scot
land, in which he instified England in
the Confederates as belligerent% and
answered sous et the imputations brought
by the people of the North, perticularly the
Rooth of Senator Sumner. Re asserted that I
although self.internet demanded that Eng
land should break the blookade of the Southern
ports, ye the preferred the course of honor,
as It would have been infamous to break It.
The latest from Charleston is to the 6th,
and comes from Richmond.
An attack was made On that day on Maid
ate Ironside% damaging her somewhat; and
alarming the Ikea
The Richmond Sentinel contains the follow
ing recommendations to the rebel Govern
ment and the people of the South'
'' Wner lira 11011112YRIT- hint Do.—Tax
as high as the people can bear. Rentice.the,
volume of the norreney by,,_ ....;„
means. Sontag's - high pricen, - .:, V„,,;;(.._,•
'' Wine van•Paoprit.ffiant . . o .:.-7 . ,iz. I' r !.,:, -- i
eleerfully. Sell to the 1'..,,.. b r, .r.
' midst tart prii!iets - 1 0, :- ; .3.7 i,:..;.,. :z
fits. Lends, ,,, ... 0 ,.,.. . ir-j - i . ;
GOVO2IIIIIOIIt. • A , -- c , '.... ilth;
Vide st the oar of " - 7- , . spinout."
Weenreorow;' .9.--Ths -- 29i 6 une extra
says s The GoreisiMent has advice' from
Chattanooga to the 6:h. On the 5111 the
rebel batteries opened on our position at 3 end
37 1-10 miles.
A dispatch from 11011t4111 1 / 2 1' Readquiuters,
of the 6h, says r Not a man was injured by
' the rebel batteries yesterday. Other dis
' plashes show the impregnable position of
[ Ltoloollllll.
There Is no official information of the rebel
statement that two of . Roseanne' pontoon
, bridges over the Tennessee have been carried
The telegraphic communication b. 12 been
restored between Nashville end Stevenson.
Threatened Attack op Pert Scott....
Haiti into -ffilasond or Kansas.
Sr. Louts, Got. 9.—The DeeIOCIVeI Leav
enworth tpecial says: Spacial intelligence
having reached Port Scott of a threatened
inset on Port Smith, Gan. Blunt lett the
'former pest for the latter on Sunday last.
'The rebel Gen. Oaten, with about 10,000 of
Cooper'. force, crossed Arbors. river east of
Fort Smith on the Ist lost: and joined eoffey
at Otookin Ptah* Missouri, determined to
make s raid into Kansas or Missouri.
On receipt of this information all the cav•
wiry in the Kansas dist:lot and a battery ware
sent to Fort Stott.
A letter from Fort Boots, aided the - 7:h,
says Lieut. Tappan of Blent'i staff, hod at
tired. Be reports that all his stall and body
guard had been captured ; also • command
under ,Lent. Pond, at Baxter's Spring.
Blunt had got ten milts away but it Is unser
imin whether ho had steeped.
The rebels are tinder goantrall, Hunter and
Gordon, and were moving towards Port Scott.
There ls,. no danger, however, at that post
teas .taken, it being sufficientiy strong to
mitt an*attiok.
nia. Peace Ques t
tion—siegeßragg Material
" 10.
Haw You, Oct. IL—The Herald's Wash
ington dispatch says that, notwithstanding
the denial of the Washington press, It is •
fact that for two months past the auestion of
the settlement of the diNicalties bitsreen the
North and Bonth has been under sionsidara.
Non in Washington and Itiohmond.
The frilasesWashingbaispeolelessys: The
Hassid's emstatnant that a pines proposition
has been introduced in the Washington Cabi
net L denied by the Tay highest authority.
• The Tribune also says: 11 we an trust the
ititelligenoelrom Riobmorid, Umpire pot 0:07
' imprOviiig the tiamby providing Bzsggpsin
fore:mitts bat they are also sending him
large doge materiel. During the bet • two
weeks guns of extraordinary ills and. range
Uri bon treat him. It is thought It is their
purposiiice erect 'batteries on Lookout Mann-
Skis 4 said to be In. possession of the
cyan of the reboil. They think that
11 these studies relish tihsttanooge, it will
aisle thi plies , ,
'Rebel Mild Into genital Illassoun.
Sr. LOMB, Oat. 9,—lleadquarteri hem km
remitedinformation Of Coffee and Shelby's
raid Into ,Central.
Prom they, moved Bortla-Bast,
with anspasted deslgurotilsiking the Paoleo
B. G. at Lunde Bridge,' burning that
etruotwe and datroying the road.
Gen. Brown, opeumandlng the Central die
tufotiwas at Calston,Benryeounty, yesterday,
In wadi of there'd'.
Thera Is also *large force mewing up from
Springfield; and nether from Ulan theyob
wili press the enemy mrolotely thatan
hardly do muelowsisehlef.
Gan. Totten MG herilast night for Js Ifer
son Cliilo take oommendof • on
force i ntended to sant tie rebel,. - of the
Opera%lose of Babel Gen. Johnston.
B. Lora, Oat. 9. The Democrat's Vicki.
berg 'pedal, under date the 50th alt., says:
Joe .14ot/A U at Canton, Mira., with 15,000
troops, WA sapposed design being to Firma
rehiferosmeate gate( to Rdirewthe.
tier: Stephen D. Ire ha( 4,000 rebelevalry
neer Viekthitit
fJobustorissy6 their iirtantheainisslesstisi
lesor 6 0
4136, ey crush Space/the -before rein
eetaati teaolshini;"; - ; - •
Aitiellialbene. 7 .4 hank sgie4g
•f• ,: . is Aliukolii.
gr~rg OeC 9._ U Atlanta ripped, to
- .21
poi*/ es.slo,lz neesnia.-stebattemege,
stall now be raearvilsett on.
titles mar 1114, 111 1'yoikuilkevf put*
f4O: lite, of 614 elopebsted the i
testMtkftWATATOORA 47 . 4IOOBka " ,
1/14111C 1,11
isx („,•:',l: >%44:
-7 - -
11to Es , imated Force 170,000.
Brooker Jrear Murfreesboro.
New Tong, Oct. 9.—The Herald'. dispatch,
dated Washington, Oat. Bth, says : By the
latest private steins from the South It ap
pears that Bragg's army has been reinforced
since the battle of Chickamauga by the fol
lowing troops: One division from Richmond,
commanded by General Arnold Rini, one
from Western Virginia, commanded by Gen
eral Sam Jones, one from Ikitersbutg and
Weldon, oommanded by General Howell Cobb,
and three famine batteries from Late' army,
vie: Cutts', Biodgett's and Walton's.
In addition Bragg hat his original army,
consisting of D. II:Bill's and Polk's corps,
besides four divisions from Mississippi and
Alabama, one division from Charleston, one
division of Georgia State troops under General
Walker, one division from But Tennessee,
seven divisions from Lee's army, the Georgia
State militia under Wayne, 5,000 cavalry under
Pillow, 16000 cavalry under Gen. Wheeler,
and three pieces of artillery. ills whole force
Is estimated at 170,000. It is now represented
that Jos Johnson has reserves at Borne, Bas
ses, Ifingston,Oarterrville and Btowh bridge,
to the number of 5,000.
''The Herald has the following special from
Nashville, October Bth: Up to this time we
have no news of especial importance regard
hag the doings of either our own forces or
those of the enemy in the neighborhood of
Chattanooga. Railroad communication has
not bairn resumed. The damage-done to the
railroad is greater
was Brat supposed.
has been received, which goes to
show that the enemy has divided his mounted
force, engaged in the recent raid, into eaveral
detachments, and these, again, Into minor
on, and th at inch detached bands now infest
the mountains sad woods, to those neighbor
, hoods, thereby rendering common road travel
dangerous to other than strong mUltery com
Telegraphic communication was still inter
rupted to-day between here and Stevenson,
Alabama. It is reported it will be all right
again to-night.
hew a gentleman to-day who was made a
prisoner by the rebel forces when they were
In the neighborhood of Murfreesboro. This
gentleman says the rebels had intended to
reach our railroad line some two day" sooner
than what they did, but owing to unforeeen
causes and detention incident to moving their
artillery, they were delayed and had, at least,
to make extra efforts in order so get op in
time to cause their movement to la a surprise
and effect their object.
Be also says that the rebels admitted hav
ing failed to carry out to full enemas their
main design, and they destroyed the railroad
and bridges as much to protect their retreat,
and for the sake of doing some mischief, as
they did from any consideration ot interfer
ence with Roseanne' 'applies or reinforce
A special to the Herald{ dated Nashville,
October 8, say. that the Government is ones
more in oommunication with Roseman..
Gem Hooker was near Murfreesboro when
Wheeler mad* his raid.
Communication Is about fully restored, and
everything will go forward as usual.
New Toni, Oct.' 9 —The Herold has the
Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Oct 8
—Daring the last twenty-four hours indica
tions of a collision between the two armies
was imminent, but I doubt if any will 'pood
ily„ostmr. Our forces , now at the front,
' . Itt yesterday and night b , fore that there
ger of an attack, and made prepare
to meet it, but quiet has prevailed since.
M . -The report telegraphed to the press from
Washington that a rebel brigade occupied a
poslUomnorth of the Rapidan, is Woo:rect.
Our force" picket theentlre north bank of the
river to its confluence with the Rappahan
nock, and a single rebel brigade or division
would necessarily bring on a conflict.
The army has been paid off to September
let. Thebest feeling prevails in the army,
and reenlistment for two years is going on
rapidly, aad fully two-thirds of the Army of
the Potomac will es-enlist.
The following is from the Richmond Brent
finer of the Bth:
Oardonrcitto, Oct. 3.—The report that Gott.
Meade had sent two army corps to Rosemarie,
and the enemy was preparing to fall bade, is
contradicted. Our scouts say that bat one
corps has been sent to Rosanna', and no indi
cations of the enemy falling back.
McFarland, Collins ,& Co.,
71 AND 73 FIFTH ST.,
Botwest th. Post cow and Dfripotcl4oll(lll4.
Having last porcbanal b3l cab, darinig lb. racant
favorable condition at the mutat', a rocket eittenalre
scl complete asaortocant of tba newest and asked
styles of •
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
We in now C&1174 pas
87 oar reduction In prices Ito turn almost closed
end mu former ptumbnua, and nem nder to bnyen
at wholtual• and retail
tinialwind by any war eared In MU city
0 ' .A. IR, 1 2 ' IC T 13
Tit' CI a, 1113. ra, EA.
87 FOURTH spngET,
A barge anortmant, which 'rill Be sold at a- very
put reduoilon Liam bils prim.
• • minima, PA.,
Naattacturars and, doolara to all the different Mods
of PLOWS, PLOW °avow. O0':0113. COT.
Tll3O DOES% do. Witt greatly Inoreasal
tlor for &log braloru. we carman: invite dramas to
en no • aOL Nanuf.ctory, Toroparaatoslllo.
Warahoaio, Oodla alloy seS Marty 19., Plttatig.
jaa..l BROWN,
Ynvivuttdrn MM... MY • nave
the largest sad host sasortmeat et
is the My of rittebtorsh, sad Olsen u tow, sad •
Utre lower, thew geode 04 shahs quint, ere twasl..
17 told tor. Dealers la the couritry es 7 Maw they
tartan Ulan oar seeks of Albion tree can't Halsey
others 7.1.. teahD.l l l fourth st,e•t
Vshu as, as efftirda YAW.
o MITT WM A.l.lll—Taro lato, 23 fat 4 In.
tome 41110 loot drop to an alliy, oath slogs doubt*
Am% Wm= Zama in 4 Howl AMA. • dial.
table loanton for • Medan or Dottier.
Alm, norm fine bnlining atom Anytime° Moidonoon
nom Allnorsollto, Irmo 34 to 1 tore men.
Alas, a large number of tadtdlng tote, of MIMS
slogs, of from 83 to 60 nod treat 1710 0 to 120 hot
dap, Muted at'_ tbo leito.m -of it. Wilk Strad
B•Elwo. . .
tuntardgned, fito Mato
of lianOn; Aso% W. A: 2/2/1/1011 N,
1111 D.
VIM tfAleS*- 1 / 9 ur Aims of Wonn.
c.Eletailielisahre !mire sar i
ais llerlelitt .
1001rot.bylt0, 3 47caul4 a tekies4 tee
NoOtreleassfareek Pittetremiti ;
FIUDAT, OCT. 9 —Colt box spin advanced, cur
Esse York dispatches quoting at 147, tiros& private
- advices received reported it at 11634. Silver, too,
higher, having advanced to 14234, The rates for
min her, are irregutar, god rie greats nominally at
143 for g• U and 1583139 for diem Eastern ex
change ii steady at par baying andY,,,gtX plum
milts g.
In the Nev York stock market orC'edoesdey,
Olevotand Pittrborgh shares sold at 1074610734, an
advance; and Pittsburgh, Pvrt Wayne t Chicago
at 87";1ge7%. Marietta & Cincinnati at 7034 for
first and VOX, for the torund Premed.
rIIIaLT. October 9,
YLOUB A GRAlN—Wheat loin demand and prime
Bedcellareddlly from wagon al 0,115. There is consid
arable inquiry for Oats, and with huts limited supply
rims have farther advarced; see of 1 car to affront
733(0. Gun also is In demand, with an upward ten
deny; ralavei 5 cora Shelled, part to arrive, at 57 .0 0.
Darla) may be quoted firm at 51,25 from wagon, and
but little coming In. Flour is quiet bat firm, tad
grades cf Matra Family telling readil7 from glom at
58,00. Bye flour la le demand, and we note small
galas of choice at IG per bbL
61100151112.5—We lama to report a continued firm
Market, though the transactions for tome days hays
been Dmlgd. Wo me small Wes al 15 to Igo for bale Sugar; Ste for Coffee—holden generally ask
ing 3N)—Nolasees 63, 63, and Cho. Bale of 10 bbls
aoolden• e ,6yrnp at 750. Moe is quiet andunchanged.
HAT—Is quiet and wlthoutataterlal change. Sale
from maks of LO lead a at $32,834 porton , and 20 balm
prim from More at $3O.
BUTT= & EGlGS—Pactsd Butter Is dull aud
nominal at 170111 c; 801 l to idling at 20 to 23a, and
print 25c—for choice. Eggs to fair demand, and sell
readily at 15a.
POTATOES—smaII sales of prime lieshannoska
and Poch Wows from sore at 856950. New Jew/
Sweet Potatoes are selling at $5,00..
BAOON—The market is less aril» and the stock,
comparatively 'peaking, isalmcot exhausted. Small
rates of Shoulder, at 13%c; &Ides (PAcre for Bibbed,
end 10)010a,fic for Plain Hams.
0119.15BSBOILS—There ls considerable Inquiry,
but there are nano in ma: kat. They would dal read
ily:at:2l2 to 513 per bbl, as to quail y.
CHEESE—Ie etesiy with a eon Inned.good demand
but unchanged; mile of 90 hos Western EMITS et
APPLES-Ihe demand for trims Apples appears
to be folly egad to the supply, and, for such, the
market may be quoted firm at 52,7520,00 par bbl .
BEANS—Ore beginning to come in mon trendy,
and we mince our cootati. me to 52,90132,75 per bosh
I.ldere generally asking the last named figure.
Pittsburgb Petroleum !darker.
OcT. a —Tee oil market median. dull and deprea•
sed, with but a no 7 limited demand for either Crude
or Refined. Theta au a percer.ible decline In Crude
and there appear to be no Limn ear ti at the con-
Qtotatium may fairly be &Wen at 15, pack
age rsturued, and 31, peelers Included, though
some bolder are asking higher ta'ins. Thera war
not a single, transaction In Refined in bond, and, a
the market l umsettliod end Irregular, It is Imps&
bla to give quotations. We netice a mile of 25 barrel
light straw free ell at 62—to go to St. Lnuht. Den
gue and Saddle= remain quiet and tutano std.
Pew York Petroleum Market.
Special Myatt. to the Pittemagh GlaceMe.
New Yoam, Oct. 2 —Crude le nominal, with omen
min on the .Got et=VS. }leaned In, bond is quiet
bat =changed; .&a at 6106 for present delivery,
boym• . piton, and 66412 for November, buyers op.
tion. ' Itefin.d free ringer from 62 to f 3 Liapths
unchang.d, with sales of Itefinel at 27022. O.
A. 8. laticrae's Petroleum Circular.
lavaxeoon, Sept 2.s—Me hate had an emu:tomato
bly dull sock, et , rtlmtebbs only to the ettll
lion of Bogdan Befloed, whlott foet bang xenl UP •
Our of the most exttnordinary events connected
NUM= Is the tart that IMO eta Refined ere being
shitqw; back X. How Yak ty the 4 ,0 mit." It
Would septet [het It he. 00.0 porcheed here, and
cold la hew York for forward delivery, at rates mak
l, but e the nenotorratioa rot • matter ol oubt
ful mu one of certain aelcalatiou. B d eyond
the ~,e e elty of the altar, tbere to nothlog in the ship
meat to create much marvel . Ootton, Brittle o
Torptottne, he, in, ham of lute frequently beta le t
tonged to atomics. Oro ii-7. 0 olte of Amencatt at
X2l. and 100 eke cf Canadian at LH. Refined 2, 0.1
to Se 7d. at whlebt it to doll. Spirit, 750 case, et le
td—ts Id demanded for mks.
SCSICity 01 Coal at iiincinnall.
The Omelet:ail Price Cothent, noticing the scarc
ity of coal at that pls., and the exceedingly high
price, ass.:
o•The deer still 1 eeps deem, and notwithstanding
the tact that of tailbone are mined and It
bonze et and above Pittsburgh, none can be brought
down, sod the people of ails dry, admonished by the
et Laing winlry winds which have prevailed during the
week, an grettiy gannet. The price ranges from
$l2 to $ll ger hied of 2.5 bushels, but tho coal rather
than the rice b the otnalduatiou, ex there is none
to be hod orolasequenth. She City Council, st its
last erasion, appointed a committee, and gave It
MOLD to boy coal and bring it In by railway from
all potato where the cold can be found. sad s: h it in
small orient' les 1. the citizens at cod price, but the
amount needed for don retie and manufacturicg rut ,
poses cannot he obtained in thin manner, and mann
withers will have to step to a gnat extent. The
Intends cf thin city demand that arrangements to
made to have an abundant supply of coal slims on
bend, otherwise our wisnnfacturlng prorparity will
be grauly n carded In Ita enwerd nevem"
Chicago llarket
Ocr 11.-3 ire 'hipping acchmmodalione for Flour
and rolling freight an very limited, the Propeller
Liner aneliallroods tieing crowded to teek utmost
<vastly. Flour to coneenieently dull, and until there
is au outlet It mart necessarily continue so. Wheat
wro exalted and brrq sot; pew, 'gain advanced
122 c fur burbeL The demand was prlnclially r
!print; W heat, which sold at 111,02%Cgi1,07 for N fo o. I;
1140301,04% for Na, 2, and SIP/441,01 for Be
ier:led—the w ere in; bran. the receipts
ot Cara to day only 30.060 .busttels. The
market was very much excited, mud .vaned
rerC per bush,' or the ruing priers of yesterday,
t 'battik% made at 82.7.115}ic for No. 1, and Brkg,S2A
for N 0.214 store. Canal &km reed arm at 21@85c.
Oata were again et MVO , 20 per bushel,
with asks of No e l
a and kW. 2 at 6704,62.1.
Bye wee In entire request by erculatcrre and @hid
;ere, and the mutat edvanced Sado per Isabel, No.
I wiling at 9.2Ged No. atatore. Barley
ruled arm. end und er Ws &tumid for shirmont,
prices Improved to par burhol, with males of No. 2 In
'tore at 81,12. Lote by sample on track sold at
p ricer
ranging Wan F1,13g1,16 according t quality.
Our. 7.—Flour—Sales this afternoon: 100 bbla
mired red and white whist at 50,00 19 0 bbls aura,
rod, 0.0,76; 50 bids X.X. whits Mob. at $9,93; 100
bb s XX Ohlo at EIJI% 100 Ibis XXX Indiana at
2 0 , 75 . Wheat—Bsea jesterday after our report: 10,
000 bush No. 2 Bed at 21.20 o; 1,600 bush do so $1 . 19G
816 both do at 11,200: buth lubber Zillah at i,23,
2,200 ho do at same; 2,0. 0 boi whits Web, at 91,33:1
400 bosh do at OA - 9,000 bush do at 51,38 e.
Tab Litoaoon: isles 1 bosh and 300 bush white
Mich. at 138 r.., GOO bath do at a 1,3 7 30; 1,300 bush do
at $1,32a; 3,000 both ambot Bich. at $4230: 3 00 blish
No. 9 whde 1,28 r., 4 000 bush No. 1 Bed at 54 90 .
ainew N. N. report we ;loots market nominal at 1 20c
for No. .1 Bed and Paha far No. 2. Com—Balm this
morning, 6,600 bosh No, 1 retied at 9204 LOW bush
do at 83:1,41ada.
Cleveland Santee.
Oa% 8.-alhour...There was more activity gite at es.
noon. end the Idlowlog a alto were mart dr 405
bids XS. red at. S6,INOi 100 flo do, $5,96, and 60 Obit
tram white wheat at VP. Wa."' -131/.1 1 car
&Mee white at $1,46e; 4,000 ton& red gloat a tom , 15
Oorn—Better; neelptil na ry tight. Bales 1 On
trait We. Oata—A shade baiter with good No lewd
demand-811es Scars on tract at 06e. 14e— de
mand. Nominal at M... liarley—tiala 1 uir Intuits
Lee oa board at $1,19W. A prime article of No. 1
would brtns .-. 1 ." 1 "a6e. •
Imports am Railroad.
Pirrsilraall,lrt WATS - A &CHICAGO BAILIMAD, Oct.
9-505 bis cheat, 8 Linea & Co. 9 can lumber.
Lanshato; bbis molpuss, ”J /4" 20 dos yalls,
Aeans - & lft do do, I iloyd & orr, 15 do do, 15
bit tobacco, Watt & Wtmon; 3 dos tubs, Lambert 6
& flbloton; 61 do brooms, 61ms tobacco. J MACAW
/1a 3 lira; 8 Obis MI. B e sbirortbi t 9 Prgt toil"
11 Gamic 200 kgs looks, Allsilan; 270 pigs load. A
Gordon:6o Lb!' arbtaky, 8 11 Watson,• 106 bbls dour.
Res & Kali; 2n ban food,/ W ridden a can corn,
ilitchrank, eksary • ix,; SOO bides, ti Ilaffstett;
I car brink, 2iocunter ocaru4 a dodo, do. Z° 3 & " 6 "
um 1 do do, Graff, prnmatt & co; 9 sky muter. It a
.1 sow; 6do do, W Price; 9 bbls Melte, at Montootb;
23 DOI" dour, linos & Nolte; IA do aridity, Goa -
Mimes a giro; 25 de do, H
& Scam 2 Irbil oil,
Tbruson & c0;92 bblo bungs, P. liabioon & co; 4 bbbi
Bilor; 62 1 bbts ilosr, Graham & Tbomao:
175 by oats. Boyer & llarcley; 255 do do, Felt &
Strong; 55 bbis carbon oIL tooot S aka calm.; d
bbls batter, 1.8 Yolgt &co; 118 Mae, J T liLaush.
yin; 35 bides, J II itmatoo; 17 do dO. fibo ddmi a " 4
100 bbls emir, 0 /I Lovell; 2511150, nOinsrk.
Otranalcsi & , 11a21 October 3-
otcuss machos, I Hirsp.trick; BO bum barns, 0 Cr
WWII 0 bids apples, crocks -traitor, J neynoldr.
168 Ike aced. A L Brown; bbls door, Mebane &
Di M lno lem 66 bbla oil, Bogen & 881 1 4 5 5 1333 dwel&
& co. 41 do ilo, - 11 Bottom/ Soo; 16 bole c ider,
reed Weeselt• lrbtl beano, 8 Obi apples, 1 Mate cab-
NM, Valet &tot 60 bdla bbleri lanrkbard ;
16bss obarsA or Seddon; At bilillotito td .
Parser A
musucar, a uis taboo:Norisby; d. dr,
Hai; 5 do do, 5 W Taylor; 3 dodo, P °Tanana;
dodo, A-8Cba03llildleltiCII114111.11clatosbiln; 6
54311 tobacco, J A Karmic; 11 bbls *Om bu
'ONO and' aunts, Shortcakes -1k Lanai XI do do.
1111;rtland & Comm; 3 1p & Trimble; 25
or autos. J.llelnvilkS s bbid 911147 . . &610 n. 6
&141 0 0 . 4 P butt; s tads bscoll,y suan.
AttasMSST !WM, Oct bnitaieriasti
8 WM eirpi, 5 bks battei,-1, bbit Met d
do apslas, I do odor"; J s2l2;ii Ass,
erdOns, rbbl bulbar. X Illunba3 D Cldr=lt o , los .
8054 cc; bbis syllias, 10 24 1 dedn i f,....,
11113 Zit ti um lbliirso.39kkinsbritrgar. Mond:
121 "/LeAtlssllllsl6Bl34bblsißT
50 13 V,„ 4.6iMM&13 911X21 W W Anor a t
fer ItOnar: t,
L y t t4i 3 3
p N HD LARD OIL- 8 Lamb; to
1.1.1 antra Ind for rola kl
&DEO/ill% LIDO Done -powor, 4"0 tow.
131D5nN1 A. 1,000 Rona-power, lOW Won
001.,U Fitt, 1,006 Hors, power, 3,000 loom
&EGLI A 1.000 Norm-power , , 3 04:10 tons.
amagnillornt rdeatestotP ANGLIA will call
Iran Now took tor Llrarpool on TUM 3 GAI, (be
Mk of
Dam of °nobs'.
pump from !Amp.' to new lock, pay
abet to gold or tit motTarrir to trlirrrilrf
0.b10......57 0 and /101,1tarap-----.130 00
Intartardlata 1• 40 1
Passengers torsnu dad alao•
Loml or., Pada. Elam.
burg. all•rs, Dremrn, Boner •am, A,twerp, , at
lowest ratan
'are. from 1 norta or Galway to Now York so d
Bostoo, $l6 135, PS, SP 3'03.
f ora,
panmda apply at Ik e e
oltlas of (be Agent.,
CLaaasa lota, 11anager.
or, D 411111,L10.
gray Okrown4 tglautg,
too try' Net.hnnth
i ((bas Bassos.) The troll knotro stusmors*
sorpccil, dew loth sad Fhilstolphis linosinshir
Oontosoy vs Intended 1. all es toms
MIT 01 RA SOHYSTSB.....—....llsturdsy. ed. 10.
OLT OF Lon we- ---....—BianrdaY. ( . 71 . 17 .
0171 OF OALTI2IOII2. t
And Otif facceeaug eraturnsy, st stool, num F
lA, north Biro.
111411111 01 PLOW/11.
Poodle to 0.51, es Os etlal te &draw
Mart Clinui.--$BO (x) Braman --...10--...1 066
do. to Londo— MOO do. to London.. 05 SO
do. to ts.. n .- 06 00 do. to Terie-. id 50
do. to Ilembors 00 00do. to ilenttods 61 50
Pidangdo deo forwarded to rime, memo, Ace.
fades. Antwerp, ke., t orally low retea.
If Val tram Liverpool e
or QuanastOwn: Ito Oebtn,
ra t t* Ea 01.,p, 'PO. Thor who wish to
odd for their Mends as boy tickets here et the
Tor farther InesdnetAts spr et the Contralti'
Delon. JOHB 0. DMA Agent,
15 Brnedwey, H.
601111 VIONIPLION, Agent,
Bend street, first haws trout the Bridge,
robtger Prude:web.
_ _
CUNAtiI) IJNE.--Eteam from
Liverpol and gliectsttolni, IRS, Is gold, or Its eqsslv
.toot is currency, From New York, iss In cat
Toney. Batt t ver7 Took. A prly to
D—The pertnerittp heretofore extol on between
tae estwontbve, adder the fro of PHILLIPS,
THIN a On.. bee this dey been dhnotred, ORAL
LOCKHART end WILLIAM raMW having par.
awd the entire Interests of the othts partnere.
The business of the late firm will be lidded ty
NMl:torah, Aug. 1011, 1887.
Producers andßeflaers , of Petroleum
At ALBION OIL WZLIS, V.nango Oa., and
O'flOK—The undersigned having
£ purchased the entire stook from the long ea
tabliehed boom of J. IL HOO9
bib would
re ILlan o moval to
to hie old mermen end the Ime hie
'tore 169 Liberty aural. tufa/ occupied by J. B.
MoConej where • large and oomplede stock of see
diem' sad Stemmalutrit Loather lindlogla flidoe,
bits, Jim, an be found, sad ed loom% rate..
0. latiDiSSoll, 1M Liberty street.
commend my moaner ea a man of 'strict istegtm
mid good badmen qnslifteations /or some months
to come 1 will coatinsue to occupy Mr. ASIDEIL
lON'S cometingooom. sad trill Wm great &w are
baroducing him to my bulimia sequintester.
J. . Moollia.
Jetty 44th. 1681. jeidades
Toledo Elatkei.
ser Oma. Al a 174 WOOD BTBUT,
illzsbULUilUL4 ur lAAL
- ALF —The pertnerthlP heretofore existing between
th. oodentinett. anew the Otto sad Ono of
WOLTZ. MUNE LIT A 00.. tutu this rhy—ert
trams 17tb. 1863--Dean dbaolveL The buetzon
of the brat be settud bJ. s. WOMB or Y.
0/011`BILLI..will, they state beto y g
sathotizel to do so.
Plitttrargh, Beptuaber £O, 180.
Holing purclutscd T. T. PLUSEITL'S Intent& In
the Oliva Stamm, It will b carried cm Iteruktor
madfir thootlb and am of WOLFS, OSIIIIIIDLL
Pittsburg/to, Po ,ply
t. illd. 11383.
DI-OLUTiON.—Botioe i hereby
given that the partnentdp tally ardstlus be
town PUG naltd 8 SIONSI. Coal Merchants, of
Pittsburgh, under the Arm of IIMMICWo t AT° e,
viaa dissolred by mutual merest on the 10th day of
April, 1103. WILLI tII STOUR baring perchand
the ant re Interest of MealtZW9. Om hafnium mill
hammier Nn imnductsd wiLtaut
Ample arrargements bang been made to load ami
tosis, bargee, familan Owl, lint Cloal, ke., al reason.
&bhp prime. tittle. Itagalrfe litif`ding, corner a
Mutat and Water ingots, loom Me. 9, thlrd story.
eteinntost Asge's oasis at some plane. orPalm
ixL, . s
OLAS9IOAL 11175101
She collandroed a» fts 'do Wei toy the che Bl 2
yet moot comet edition of BMW Nolo pabltihao
by Hallo, in Wolhabatto, comprbdwi the DODO ei*
walks of Boottoms Mozart, flatito. Wow, Bath.
Biatmento. 8uh1.% sad Puts.
tart OfertareL Two awl SIX meta pot ma.
sa-can for °Maims%
S. U. HOllllOll4 £ IMO" 61 Fifth st...
8010 Agents tur Docket% Plows.
The best In the staid.
OLLESBC6IP3 N.T.—the best In the caret*
tbr the peas.
HALM'S H. T.—Cits cheeped Plano mad&
Jost received aad tor sale
Ebb Agent' its the above Muth
Da. 83 PM emit.
V N&Blrd PIA Li 013.--fM
.136. led received, th. OM ono
plete anortnielot of th. =Melted
KNAPE PI Anna ever inm la this cdty. They ire
beyond a doubt the Ban PI allos MAD&
A call Is roporally edletted D.tore pcushadne
otII CS PM Meet, Sole Agent.
.61641.03 NAB" Aid door kilos Om OdkanaL
All wounded 6oldlen4 who Den been In the ndll•
tun of oe.el isreke, its imittled to SIEO Bounty
and Possum. An tiohnors who bon owed two
Jere leo onldtted to the I= Boom* froldlen
01 teem of Milli% &To =WM to pmo
done. Vllknnt otlloldlen who Ole et ars-Idllsit to
the smite ire entitled to pensions and the two
Bonn e Ao.i Ira
Mese auftly clew, desotiptien, promptly at
tingled to-
of amp ends In any gnu new tin
!acmes le aolleated. ligayswb
p• • • ; Ait):
Afttomq-at-Ltra awl Maio Arty,
Ho. 114 TUTU t TENET, Plttabarek Pa.
o;ltattlose ta Allethew - y ext4Al9blott =hew
Prwomtet SOLDLENN OWNS, al mg
tin ; BOUNTIES, few dlecluirged BolalerEVl
CONS, tor wonaded Maw hod Goldberg toun.
TUB aid MEOW fer MIAMI% Weal; Orphal
Ohlldrea, thathen owl Obtane a other lewd none
iemlativee *Lem wbolewe alai le the wswink re
bow Bled terse dlsehatp tram dbewe cantraeletl b
Rallqui chews antilewladad, tat is Wee will be
armed Wena sumo ta emelowl. ,1110Ine.
WNW .IittsUUSKI at%
15 VS& Porta ISlcoOrd Oat* Rosa;
BO do mime 800. tun
50 SSW &taloa do:
80 do “s" sod ..11" Coffee do,
100 do Tallow sod .0". do dol
S 0 do Pio." 1141...";
SOO do asserted broads 11 . , :r• d7ToPr.
100 bop good topr.mik Golleas
21:10 lxxsoo sad addles: 2g sod Si Toboroo;
• 100 lull shags Grim 1 0 0 k Toes}
sun* I'4 9u tali
b 7
ap p'
117 sad IS Szoilbtirld amt.
NJ lends. obako Palo like Enter;
id ao lOdo 120bo. .do:
E do cosmos 8.0. doi
70 blo. b .Colloi
Id do B d d doi o;
do 0 ao do,
• 0 10 6 do -.Gradiod Pulfol dos
• - drl! do: Dobsd Dab" dal
aopuur ciqu#l tad to isoM
-easoAna • i dut
aid' r: ' - Leafy Wool:
Kv a rj ,pvtikw.,,, ; ;,
pi (I R AE-
LI InNprmtvr.-ur , & yrtl'Vi ztk t,
tiONDAT, fAtvll
p uN I,v N 1 A rtSTIIALA
118 It DAILY TRA/Nli
T NO 00ti A OC,Orl 5100A.T1011 1" BAAS
(8. raseeepst StAtlon dalll, (estop!. En.dayj
al 4:6 , ) ttorptag at an Matt= bottrest Pitt.
beretstd Phit•delpbl3, stla. A.lllns, dims comm. ,
NA. Int (fin Tort At Pbtlottladv.
-MA TIlittoTIGEl AMU. VIA Fa ham tVi
wry Station oven c.0213/213 020 , 0 thla4l)
11,5, 0, 91 7 tat only teuctpal rt . aticrat. ind
stalil3g *tree! ettauctitßui
Vert tbara
abet Lat.
mon , and WeiblArtaa, er„d rir Too A nib.
Tba TISSIO (TOR =FERO TWO lama daily •
0:50 o. rt.. Vat..,,lng nBll IL atatlcia, asallaa
Brest cona , x3lDl al Earrishnti 6t /Wham al
and rfew Tort vle Allantown Wei
and Pelivirled ,
The TAM LUSA hard its Stathra dally=l
lianda7.) ai 8 : 38 ta..=P i ng o wit a 5
nation',toonading 11 itmi tor *Macanese
Waabtadso, and ai Philadalphis dor 113 w Toth
riOOOI33I.I7DATIOU 210.101 n,
S At3tvosi AC:O=ModaTIOII . 'llllll.l ll, Ca
(.5..7 1 Gondar) at r. dapping at ell dada
manina u far t: fluarmanalli.
11171 Arcm.uswidion Trail h.r Weirs iltatitalratria
nay Ora xere Stuallaa) at rag a. a. •
Omni knoinanrAtilosk Trails for Wars Chilies
kixaca deli (=apt oanday) et U=6. th
1111... d Lco.ramolatin Tsain Wafi'l
oartb alla4
larva daily (ornapt braLinyi at 110 p. m.
nceommodation Train for WY- atalln
Isamu defy taxotot Sandal) at tninp.
Tha. Much Train leave Walrelitstion ovary lbw
bay at Mb o. EL; ratexotstr. tool., Tittri - area
19:!60. al
Mararal¢i Vold ad.'s le Fittairarra sa obew
Oratisoora 11:5U p. an. • Pialidelpda
mem 14,4,0 p. a.; Vert tine, 1&W a. m-; Thimutt
Train. WO a.; Johnstown docamtsodatioa.
10:05a 0.; EL-tt WON Bntatn dnuotrna , latkw
end at. tn.; Er- - onJ Wan Matto" faccassmodatkot
8:55 a. m.; Third Whl2o Jkatioa Amanaistken
Lb) p. ta. ; Tor.rtat Wain Statioa horammodation,
305 p.Baltimore Tor
p will antra with Phil
adelphia Esp.", at lie2o p as goad'!"
Naas fn Nalmble and lzotannwimedmilltnin
vine Intunactima with Tlaroni t irtoodation.
lekantalra 4,toraann , latlon and a Train But.
ai U
d with Baltimore pon end J "trim" 10mcan.
coraidion Wert.
Trains tar ibansbutl =tact at Ornis= with Si.
prod Train' and Train Weston:ad with Throrsigh
/to:am:Math= and Tapresa Twain Tait.
nahneThe podia will trot it dna, WIN& Intsruthh
Mad ar li9ort, to trs eel by the Transylvania
omtral Sailrood, as *arosd, arodunadaticom tow add
wand superawd on any oars rents. Um Boat,
balabstal with stonr, and Is entirety hes btu dna
Ws promimaddy, coed and comfort to all
Buy favor OM Road with their ratramacr.
Ye Om Tort Sara 13ar15arta......... , I• IX
re to 50 Ta t
Pa n. Tatrara _— OS
• abastei to all USURY 02 NaliliTl4
ale teal and to Plthaololtto. Ssitttotti
uut Now York. O.
Paetaylari parZle-x3 tiarbi tarpon orfEl
ga* as woo, aottintLiz attinos travois% ti
Lidilizo to the eat= Walt oltorpt tram ototint
store Ma aortptay tr., so &vat -
150S1011.—to out of tau, the v'3l
toosazolot respaaalLla fet
. 7 . 411=d
H eati•
kr .o oun
mt rot it ll=
D. -11 n Ozottbat Lint boo bolo Estotcyod
and ber...,C , to I=4teaso to 1:19.
ad. al a dotty 1221 to timed mak! tr nth pa
magt , rad I.Aggua. rat tlakata. Imola to
J.147= 241211.
AL I: r ailazzla CetaUsel
tratl- , a L'2..era Glzzat rated& rMall
°rocs or Orderredusa cern. Comma,
Wan Moon UM. Angola MI6/TM
Menthe% By ratotentory evidence presented to
the omewelened h hes been aide to spprar that
In the County of Ltheghoor. and Elsie of Nursltts"
of.. bee teen drtly 0/ gsaud under end maddlng to
the revirements of the Act of Congtia, entitled
"AD Act to provide • Nalimmicarreney, emend by
• pledge of United Mateo letecke, and to Provide Iht
the dm:Vatic* and redereptbea wpr
February i1ith,.1163. and has intoplled with
ail the
president of mid Act required tete complied with
dare commenang the temthem of Bastloll
- therefor% I, liras 1110ComOne% Comptroller
‘ ,4 Ollmscr, do bendy certify that the aid
comity of Allegheny, and Stale of fenuyllania, 1$
entherized to commode the Maims' of Banking AD.
der the Act at,rensid.
In teethacmy whereof witness to; hand
sgs. land wed of offles,_ this Ith de; of Angant,
••••-• Comptrollerof the Onthency.
(LASTIO7/11.-1, =OS HMI =Ph NY.)
CANTAI, S46Ci:O 00. with PliviieNs to in=ww ,
to 01.000.000.
The Neuharth Trust Company haring orgadzed
coder the act to provide • Natlowa Comm,. Gadd
the titi• of tee /lan fiteilotiAL ig OF
PITTODNIGH, would reepectfull• offer W *Warden
for the collection of Notes Drafts, Dille d Exo_ge,
&a, receive money on depot% and hop and ire auna on all parts of the coustry,
The BUCCOU which has Wended the Pittsburgh
Treat Oosspany drab It. organised= in 1854 will,
we believe, be a sniff dant guarantee th.t imhum
entrusted tp the new organised= will metre the
same prompt attention.
flaring • very attendee corrrspondence wit"
Danis and Bankers throughout the canetry, n be
tters we out offer =noel facilities to thole who do
badness with us
The badness will to conducted by the same Offi
cer. lord Directors.
Bobs:18. Hark,
Thos. Poll,
Tiros W1100= 2 4
Wm, S. Nlmlck.
Asyut 64. um
Dories ISAVINGS BANK, No. 64
rom emanw.
Open daily from 9 to 11 o'clock, also en Wedosehr
and Bawdily usenitige, Dom Iday LW to Namibia
from Tto I ecaock, and trom harember to
flay bit from 6to o'clock.
Deposits receteed of all am not lent than Ong'
Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared helm
Tar, in Jima and Deceroba. Wend fun been da
chiral senal.annualty, Jose and Deannberodme
the Dank was arganbra, the rate cd du per omit.
a =eh, if ad drawn con, is plated •to the craill
of the &pallor no=olll4 and bean the same
tenet from the flat o June and Decamber,coow
connillni twice rn a rear
m without troubling the dew&
tm to call. or eto ount hie pens book. At the
lngo.isonsy inM donta• to 1w thin twelve yarn
lerh nng r nitehho dC h g ar i t l e l r s o ln a - p l p w l e cr e a .t i M on ice
lb* ohm.
Passingsr—OZOßClD ALIIM
John S. McFadden, Inn It. Pennock,
John Holmes, I John harebell,
dimander Spoor, Juan B. D. Mods,
Benj. L. lidincstock, H. Pollock,
Illokeley, Hill
minim Lem:tiro).
o.Bvln AWN,
lola G. Bs€AoBm,
John 0. Bindlay,
George Bl ia4
Alonzo A. 01Min'.
013111ili A. 001i011.
WilllAlD NUSISto
AAA 70,11318.
Ulna Ham.
Peter It
lamps D. HAW.
WWl= 8. Lusty.
WANTED.=-160 A MoNts.—Wa want
vir=t v ie at W
i z tiat i sipaticle d di u to NU
o other net, natal and cud= 'articles. ilatoll •
aulaissent fres. /Odra*
ritismaawY Bri *WA tIL/1411Edliadalbee.11•4
. TAO,
far 'blob the Meted maim price will to red,
N 0.120 twand stmt.
rI acersa; one who bee a vottkal knowledge
sad eau ono* well eszonwoundeL
Adams, BOX. 6TIL Pon Odle. WWI
'MR RENT—The throNnozy BRICK
V WLIUGHOI3Br, Co. 6 Want strast,tro doom
Oxon Watar strut.
We tams apply to TURN MEM,
(Hailman, Bahia t Co.'s.)
or to /081 PR WOODWZLI,
CORM Std tad Wad strasta.
IGIOR BENT—The third _atm d the
rELET—One, Two ~os -Three Booms
n the third or fourth stainof Gasmen sine.
, NUM stmt. irttly or without deem pryer.
ciww. Lubriestlai
C5 l, warnattid tureens
for all kindt of matanory, corman•ly on haad.snir
toe tats bi JA&D,ILLEZO. BUY. .
' on and to Water atroat:
we ito
lnok tmallaClattes. .
- 1. 1 94;g 41 1.1 1 / a mr
ill tate IEI6 8 b i 4;141=1.
PR.OO•A As knoN.—Waszus, in and
by the Litle section of the Act of UP aghast A.l.
ratably of Penn lsanta, paced Julj fan"
tied ..*An Ant ht the glectiecus ad this Caws.
moots lib," tt tieaMnedOS the /Sheriff of
county to give a.... of each electlous Oo bo held
enumerate :o such notice what offwereare to be elsaftwl.
le pnun,moa thereof, I, lAhiflKL D. 01.1MIY.
Shertll tJ the county of Allegheny, do therdhre make
known, and glee this public notice to the elector, of
satd county of Allegh eny , that a GENERAL =CO
TTON will be held said minty on the 11100 ND
TUESDAY. 11th DAY 07 002u8l01. MEM at the
several Ehstion Districts therein.
And ea directed by maid /Zth settles. ef the Act af
July. 1K W, I hereby give notice, that
(exceptthg Justices of the Peace) who shallay
office or appointment of profit or trait, titular the Oar
ernment of the United atlttalMft of thbfitsfamor
eity,orincorpireted Cattier, Whether a
allow or otherwise • Subordinate °Scarer agent, who
le or shall be employed miter the letPclatimateentin
or Judiciary deportment of this Bate, or dais Dolled
States, or of any city or hiccipurated &anti also
that every member of Cowen, sad of t he
Islarnre, and of the select or agate= coonea agar
city, or canualsaloners of any tratmoraud <tablet, to
by law incapable of holding or outdoing at therms*
time, the daze ar appointment of Jody, Inspectarar
Clerk, dotty elation of this Cammantrecat sad that
=or, Judge or other officer of GM such elec.
be eiiMble to any cake to Wham voted IDs.
Aod farther, that by the ah action of the Art of
April lOth, 1840, it is prcnidecl ii tl i i a ud the "balsa lab
section of the Act of July 2.1, • tall not be so OCCI.
Armed as to present any militia or battatgh
oar from serving ea Judge, 11:13Tcctaro.= say
general or steeled elation In this
The electors of the First Ward of the city Of Pitts
burgh to tooet at the Public School House insaldWald.
The electors of the Second Warded the city of PIM•
burgh to meet at the Public School Ward.
The elect.r of to much of the Third Ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, first precinct, to meet at the home
of Charles Kennedy. corner of Tunnel and Wylie
stmete; emend precinct to meet at the - hones of
Fronde Jamison, corner of Math and Eimithlield
The electors of the Fcmrth Ward of the city of Pitts
burgh, to meet at the Pane, Bohai ,Hatue Ia Dahl
The electors of both precincin of the Fifth Ward
city of Pituburei to mast at the new School HOW.
House, corner of Pain and Adams street&
The electors of the Sixth Ward of the city of MM.
burgh cornet at the Patio School House tumid Ward.
The electors of the Seventh Ward of the city of Pitts
burgh to meet at the Public School Llama to sold
The electors of the Eighth Ward of the clt7 of Ma.
burgh to meet at the Sahli° School MUSS to mkt
The electors of the Ninth Ward of the city of P 1112•
burgh to meet at the Palle School Roos to old •
The electors of the yin& Ward of the city of Alleglee
Ely to meow, the Public School House in salt west. J
The ela-tors of the Second Ward of the city of Albs
Th y
to meet et the Brick School Wove, carper of •
sato alto and elannapin streets, In sad ward.
The electors of the Third Wart of the city of Allegle.
ny, not precinct, to metal, the Public Scheel Rome
to mid Ward; the electors second precinct, third
Ward. to meet at the home of Geo. thult,to vid ward.
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Alb
gheoy, fret precinct, to meet at the new home, am•
na al Lawsai r Andersoo stream amid
at the home of sob Peck, corner of Oltuennt Pgai =
Main "Meets.
The electors of the tetanal' ofill.rmingham,find pre
dna, to meet at the gather School filmset second pre.
chin, at the Borten' of ice,ln aid beroogh.
The electors of the borough of ghat Birmingham to ,
meet at School Elms No.l, In said borough.
The electors of Duquesne =fr to meet at an
Hoe School said borough.
The electors of the borough of Lamenceeille to mist
at the Publlefichcol Rowe 'nab borough.
Theelectore of the borough of &carpal:mg to meet at -
the house oflemee Sheep in raldbareogh.
The elector* either borough of liclineytat to meg at .
the Torn Ile/1 in said borough.
The electors of the borough a Temperanowille b
meet at the Public School Rouse In said tentiagh.
The electors of the borough of South Plitsinugh to
meet at the Patio School Rowe, carne of Marko'
street and Brownville turnpike reed.
The electors of the Immo& Gilled Pilisburadi to
meet at the School House Medd bonxigh.
The electors of the term& of West Ililtinbsth to
meet at the Public School Mare lnatdborough.
The electors edge borough of Threat= to meet at
the Palle School Iloom to said borough.
The tekt tan af the borough of lionelmater to mast at
Me Patio School Rove.
The electors of the borough of Elizabeth to meet V
the house of II 0 Taylor, teary templed by John
Walker. In old tames •
The eloctms of the borough of Beekidty, to =OS
the Public School Some In mid !wealth.
The electors of Manengabal6 borough to meet et
the School Hones ha old borough. •
The electors of Election District No. 1, of Peebles
township to meet at the house of John Bidder. in the
Milne of Enst Liberty.
The electors of Election District No. 2, in Pa da@
township, to mat lathe Glen llotel in aid township.
The cleans of Pitt toymbly to meet math' Mlle
School house, new Oeklend„ Wald stow
the qualified Totems melding In makes Eta - A, end
14, in the oily dlMktodw shall TVs at all the gab
oral elcctiaoa, In the Muth Ward of the city'st Pith.
Theelectors of Wins trenship to most et Qui bone
of Wm. Je, tn the Milne of End Liberty.
The electors of WlDdas township to met et the
Public School lbws In the tillage of Waktosbang tit
sold township.
The electors of Plum township to met et the house
WYohn Sommorrille In mad tbraship.
'The electors of Panto towittdp to meet at the house
°Minh= Taylor, on the Northam Tosoydb, sold
The electors of Poen township tones et thebmse
of k , Donaldson, on the lexchharg Reed. In WS
The electrei of Tessaillee towmhb to_ meet at the
Pablo School Mope, on th e fame rid Elbs*, mar
the White Raw, formerly a: mad by Thaws Bob
WM by William A. Shaw.
The electors of Elizabeth to rte* to inset ed the
ham of 11. G. Taylor, tomcaty occupied by Jobs
Walker, In Ellmbeth borough.
The e lector of. Jefftwon township to toed at the
house of tithed Eines, bitterly corny isd by John
King, Mudd towashi •
The electors Of Ml • •• towfulbly to met at the boon
&meal Wibon, formerly occopled tyJamos R. Seel. •
In maid township. •
ma electors of Upper Si. Clair to= mist at
the bows of Beth morrow, In aid
the electors of lower Bt. Char tivrnahly to EMS 5$
the home lately kept try F. M o d tlauction
the Binidnihem and Coal= In
The elect= f Clowlime norat " "M
house of William Obey, on the Plitsbagh mid Ems •
beaTillA Tturdika
The elecUrrs of Robinson towintdy to meta el khe
hove of Banda liffarland, fonrouly Andley lilfaidand
in bid township.
The electors of Lindley township to meet at the
home of Welelland A. Armee, formerly am-
J. flharles,:tn the ?Wage dOlintan,ln odd ..Mbp:
The electors of Roan township to meet at School
Haase No. I, In cold toenglis
The electors of Ohio towtehlp tamest at the bows
otg=lient woo. In Ha tawfoldp. •
of Yrankltn.townsblp. art prechnitetb
meet at the Muse occupied by lea Saely, is ,
old lownahly; the *beton Of wawa Woldnet to Mirk
al the store hove of_ Jostle Nab fn mid tone**. •
The electors of to meet at the
SchoolBMM N 0.3, labia tea ?.
The electoner Baldwin to to Meet al IWO,
booms ofJoba Canon, tn odd
Tbe dictums of Memo township to toast at the
Schaal Howe, near the noose it Reflation Wafts
Run, In said township.
The doctor of Snowden .township to mod Atha
'house of Pew Boyar, tn said township. q.
• Th e electors of South layer
to sassie r
the lux= af RIM on the Om do. Y. Orulter.tW, .
The electors of North layette townsldp to =Ad
'the house formerlyoccupied by hands Jaaleonm .
Bodges , . QM, In and breatabhs.
The eleCtare toot Boas towoobfp to meet at the arra .
of Hugh an the Bold, In aid tans
a tto electors of Pine towmhl to meta hofen.
of James Trimble, In said
The electors of townsidy to mset al thiK -
house of frank Morrison In odd townnahlp. ^
The electors of Wert Deer township to mod at des •
house of Nation Conley, bald tennuldp. , • -
'Jas electors of East Deer tostoft to most al Que, • •
Public School house el the swa th of b&re Run. '
The deacon of fain townehfp. Mut p•e• to
metal the whoa hoist at Soda gleam Ingle sTa. ,
reutam; moot pre snot, at MI home of .7 am Ma
The electors ofNerMetownship to met at School
Horns No. 1 (bsroafter to be Mind Clandhs)
The electors at flewiskisy to Mei el ea'
brow of Sumnel Ritchie, in matowneopd tellttedle• • , •
The electors of Wino township to meet s$ Om
Wale formerly eccindral by Also. Toner. hi 'told
The coal/hal Voters or that part of bates bri t .
ship, In Allegheny aunty, realdhig within the Wow
atdannibod bonahrdee, to vits—Begbuding at
on *6411601V Etter, at the upper line On the -
of John cable, and running • northadr =nob
between the Dons of sold Cable and John ISoyd,,
the Dettb east corm of Cable's firm-theme rum
Slog a veduty mom to the Dalai townetdpUsiet'
Jn soch &manner ea to embrace all firm or bar Mei
aced to Cutenietheall •••• end known as th.•
Blear trade, within odd sball lieradter
vote at the general deetlen In the borough of Shook
burg; at the election poll of meld borough.
The electors of Ruda t crumb* to meet at Jan `-
fibinem Nib, Weald township.
The thence of Crescent twanablp to =eel lathe
School Bowe inihousetturn.
The elsetant of Hamptontentlakth =et et the
hems of MMus Pstere.ln arid ;trembly.
The aleeturfut Union ttwtdLlplo meta the bete
Jamealleks, Maki township.
of The elffetorm of lloolatowsr.hlp. **meet at the boww
of Andrew Offen, In add townedtp. „
• The elector" of Skbland tonal:flu meet at lb.
lOWA School Boma In _
width time and pleas the Issalldell elect= so
eforsodd mid by ballastta Rue _ •
tg i Pllttoolor Gonna Prowyttenhs
person forl
atifs of the Samoa Pant Of
One parson fir Prtaldent Mrs of the tddellit
Ons m et
inn panne tar numbere Lr Ely Al oPra mu . ca Vitepro. '
mental:ha of Pertroyhtnia.
• One person for Clerk of Coons of (tartar Wl* •
One person far. Treasurer Of Allqlenty .- •
Chaperon far Boxadar ot . Dodo Ara* of
Ely bounty.
eosuty Qua person mr Won: of 71111;ait4ounioar'
One perm Olowdeltalonar Alb:igloo twestlV
And 'be dilaex= of
piths torreall boreashamettelot_
ably will elect one Derma fa Macke 91roorwr'
. Gt ea nada al bine end sisLis
.10th day a 8001Mbete WA tad of thi
cif top ilslitsaAtatai ditt1ed7434036...j ':':
•1 1 : 1 4 1 1 - delltfer SAMMY. D. OWLS'.
•lessadar Byer•.
Francis O. Bailey
Max. Bradley,
Samuel Bee.
UGHLIII, Pry:admit.
Pain A. Eatslns.
Winer P. Idanhall.
Bogart Orr .
o lab.
H.smly L. Atom% ,
Jams Bhidloi
John H. Shoonborger.
WOAlosindor = &Bohn's%
Whim Tankfrk,
Luse .
Wm. P. Woymans -
Ohriati lhozor.
Oat& A. oolan.
AR 1 efik clodsbAtitsboUalMoti lo 9 lo , oi :::_
Mort • . '
/00 bblll.W.•• ttr mi , :, "" 4
11111 - 110VIrrilialtIllAy "
We by
OM 111111111114.