The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 02, 1863, Image 4

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74'0131 Yesterdays Eveniiir Edition.
Therlltifte Pain - •
.The . Pomolranle Ur opened at
Elarristowinot Wednoslay,withagrand tai-
Wands *flat the animas ens-the VOUS& /11
the afternoon , therni.-Viart metal facing
mitohe4' The ittiliaaaeo TOM
and the exhibition: promises to be entirely
: . •
"Th e diepisy of ibises 3r nuunally land.
BeeryStentri n aeocipled, sad new 0111211. bad
mho erasted.:' 9itany of the animate are drat
sties, Senlinleingspme of the meet celebrated
stetting in!tlie country, together with 'large
Stiliber ef - orinttrotters Old 'paters, as well'
Ntresdatert arid family rage,
'The ctiteeler nun gs attract a lirge
stare - of . .attention, and the inpronnont in
Ude department of "Ittenkra.iling is very
marked'aud gratifying. - - - •
the:itoek - depottertt ;he =entries are
late; no the'ardente- goad: The Dar
la= anriotioularii•tne, dieting general
idirsiiatiin.- - There ire also some Alderney
and `Devon - 4We on the ground; • few
Ifereforde; and -• falr show of natives and
grades, • ' •
The pheeil'arc good, though not in very
loge numbers: The touchdowns and Cote
welds are the best on ,the ground, giving
unmistakable evidence of being „thorough
bred. - •
-There to but a email airplay of poultry,
but' the foils ore good, end the roosters
keep up'oroving- enough to make the net
ton Wien that they stand at the top of the
Ix' the Implement -Department there is
everything to cattily then interested in agri
ninon implements and machines. There is
a very large Show of reaping and moving ma
chine* which attract great attention. The
immensely„lmportent relation which then
machines Acb Hold to the gathering of ono
, hey and grail harceiniinctitits them with pe
culiar Interest. Every Improvement made in
'their onistruniorr, every peund-leas of draft,
and every removal of complicated machinery,
'and the ninth:don of that which is more
shaple,,easy of management and durable is a
national benefit. There are man; other ate
fat machines on exhibition. inch as threshers,
hotel powers. straw and fodderantters, grain
Gin, Imperatore, cleaners, corn "hellion, full
en, barrows, &c - , all of them built in alwork
manlike meaner, end evidently intended for
TheTiontl 111.11, with its really handsome
errangements, is the theme of general praise.
The display of its traits is, by ell odds, the
best ever made by the Society. Up to the time
of our Waving the grounds new contributions
were canting
princiPet Elan, which is devoted to or-
Voles deatilitinianufacture, such as Needle
work, with:4ll.lmi; preserves Jellies, rested
fruit, wines, Art, - pianos, utriodeons, dewing
InsehMts. photographs and other useful Bad
oniammatal articled, is now fall, and presents a
nay handsome appeetanee.
As a whole the exhib.tion is a very good
one—far batter than was anticipated, and all
that could have bean expected when we have
had 10 mush to interface with the industrial
pursuits of our farmers, meohanicie and ladloc•
An Attempted Swindle on Country
Tbo °Caere of country banks are pat on
their guard the attempt] of a ,wind
he calling hit:wolf W. B. Howard. We Out
hear from him at the Harrisburg Bank, OA
Betardsy, the 281 inst., where he need the
name of the caehler of the Girard Bank in
Pfilladtdpide a, reconuntliding him to open
t. amount with that institution. h a alto
hadletraz purportioe to came from J. W.
Caldwell, No. 68 South &tract, New York.
• which prom'seilte tho bank considerable bus
nese for general account. Grinnell, Mintarn
Co 'e check on the Merchants' Bank of
NOV York, for $7,000, to the order of J. W.
Celdtrell; was then 'offered for deposit, end
was duly entered, to the credit of CeidwelL
Howard then presented Ceidwalt a cheek for
$3,500. This awakened the_enapicion of the
cashier, who declined paying it without more
sethfectorj reference, whereupon Howard
guttered up the two checks which were still
kilos 011 the counter,. saying Mr. Caldwell
would htneelf he to Harrishurg on the follow
log Tuesday,. and as this 'agreed with a state-
Mentin the New York letter, be wee permit
to depart. Though a arab:Awes set upon
hite,stot being !my vigilant, he eluded It and I
1, ea:aped fiehtladZiia the afternoon.- Oct
MondayaiigCared ate °wintry bank in the
'coal rehiain'ari went thl'ottgh pretty much
the same programme, still using the name of
Mr. Schaffer, of the gOard Bonk, la ream
' mendloghtm, but substituting that of J. A.
lier - Oley, No, eß;Houth street, New York, for
, that of J. Caldwell: '
iy..':-.'Dt4tig . :)tte negotiations at Qui/allow back,
ihi.. 7 tater's goal:deb= 'Vera so itrongly
-1,-ainakon that be gave - depression to his
s'' 'tat 'tbat.''the trauseetionmas fraudulent, end
, ftrreated. At this
his thiopental in the matter, de
-editing thit if • there was soothing wrong be
wee the victim of those by whom ho was
engaged to Irma the , prooeeds of the moray
teethed In' the 'purchase of coal, etc.
snantfaati4 illatioto*uth to, tears at the In-
Jur,' An hts . .reputatlon, and the sugaring that
. would come to two dependent deters, should
, "he ha'arristed fi satibe wee allowed to copart
Howard te* repretented. as • arelingllebman,
&Vont S3i feat high; quite stout, of round
full faro, and agoarant.4.sume thirty yearn
! of ago. He wonawlightiray
.sseir, a stove
1,- ;dee hat; and-tit-appearance cams within the
4 ..." tank t 'sbelohyt-gieseil."' -Yellowy f the New
York liaridet antLef.: thi 'hastier of the Of
card Bank, :hose taro, "Wer6aged, prove the
- trzawsotlon et theaconntg haiks named bald
attempts to swindle. Asa guard against any
fatale "dints of 'this Howard in the came
line, we aro informed that he has lost' the
thumb and two of the Lagers on his left band.
- iToutioded.fat Chinaman/to.
There aro tbree , i'enneylvards regiments M
rk. Army of the Cumherland=the 78th, 7711,
•• :and gih—originally.lorraing Gen.; Neglicre
,Bripde t and 'commanded Seepotdirely by
. - -•Gofi;GaMleugh, Glrwak ;and itambrlght.
idfunterous ehangcs kayo. taken place In their
ifdoeilifimii - binicil - Ffeslei . fed, them into
';-- - -f4glintocki,- - but.they ; hiva r rilways enstidned •
:.higit reparation for /misery, and it - would ap
----paar,thottleilukvolocenengagedln the great
- battle of Chicken:lingo. Tho le a
list - of - Wounded; heloagicir - to ibis
Monts, who had reached Nastaqle up toElou
ifficenty•tenieth.T-JohnlSelley, Co. S.-
-- &gory- 11. Frishir,Co. C;
-*- fießrfele, Co. C.
. &mat/ math —.T. Bennett, Co. B ; John
Crawford, Co. C ; Charles Ete7er, Co. E; Who.
Preatoo, Co. C.
Fatal Accident.
. On•Wednezdaymorning;•botzt nice o'clock,
=idol% of a fatal eltaraater occurred at
the *stink mill sad hex maturaetory of Mr.
Z. P. - Plmon, tear the lino. of the Ninth
Ward.. A workman named Anthony Broad.
Must, was /tenet in the itomaeh by a board.
*Utah spines bast while - be was sawing it
with • power sac _The ligured. man was
taken to hie home, en Clarion street, near tha
An•ilben7 Valieritailread, where ho died
about/even o'clock the same evening. its
- declassed mut thirty-two - years of age,. and
Mina - se wife. and aim children; the oldest
eljild being eleven pairs* and the. youngest,
Ire weeks old. Th•Coronar held an , inquest
thillitiCrynlng, and the jury rendered II tadloj
hilecti)i6ne7iwith'ilitia l &ivi stitmt.
, .
' 4 therera or CONTIOTS,-012 Thursday too*
log Lest threecronviets grasped from the Lan
cuter fall. Their names are William Beat,
JoliA Prankfort, mut WlUtesn Dorwar4.l.Boo%
11111 MlSTiOted of robbery, and; sente nci a
sin7=4 and threeitiontbr , frofiltimient,
He le of fluid complplon r irlth bbstreresand,
breve hatz, - and - emudir about- Irafut e4bt,
Pramthre-dig of florid catoldmdoo,-
; pro arse surd brows hair, Ind drittertelado •
jhOlai la height. Si wu oonribtedhtlizz
• werinitad . .sentaneed to Ave pais ligniiep,
mew ' Dore n= has stay eyes , and . loom
tiafrisnd Is Ira: feet elebt andes half inches
tie ‘kkoi?Tic!.4o ilk tour char- gai t let isiitany t •
- -
riklikr;Coilinrcallass Donal*
ofiro:P,85111 Ponsylvanls ( L Bowel's)
mem% was among cha woudO at Charies
t= tai theists enpsoloti.
- '
, , ,
rhea '5
::;::::: - ,Z:',7,:z .,,, ,r-q c. - 1r,.. aS;t7 tri4,:-.1
"'ail:Pa/137*ft er.
°Mitt ell an Id r eds hioirthe ea the
bavift Lents iflattedlrerap t • • years,
hover nitt le n trltiqktfapalitit. •12 2
-tho-Catisdds Rassentger...usum.. / . verdict
of aciddiiiitid death Mal rihdereti,
' littlelor -11faillioth o "ad• pr
away frjurod:st-dh*.zialoalscso. gun-
T he t imiderdldcraordDig....llls ; Wo • ran
druzial LT Di, V•• e• • Ho
le itiiiettlag tricryi:ttentlen . be be
tioired—coselallyl b3e. the 7dbatde • d th•
lather hi- Dui Ouch Fi A 4 9 104 that ' 11
11 acactalaisretscro—aida. ztt• .1: while
&netted oo sod litt d
- ay
' RV?
g memos' the oanN bsidge,_on Rena • Pate
iiieklirtS4oo - 4 Mid! : • • leided
vltit ther - liantiat=tirget .• • • •r icing
vagons,. WU, Isliiimi Arlo .wiio
aiW lo 7.mhi* . bil gray to
.throw. the jrase , out andel , the • 1., no
. 6141 Litifrerat - severely final* the . °Milton
'atilfidnted - . , The men Brae not. UN bet thi:
lady had- not recovers:l ,whea ultift. The
enarsltut lemon vn driv en whits. o es soon
It got oat of the jam. -
Norma. Oututoun the mut -of
Quarter &mien s, thle teeming. In Me of
Rosanna, Bannon, of But Liberty Collins
townitilp, (ndlated fortelllng Uquo without
tioeue the Our/ overruled • rt for •
new trial.
In the care of the Commentrial iga
Chapman sad °than, for compile., ,
monly known as th e coal dlggate eons
arty, tab!' wu trled tome two Wm; •,)
Curt overruled a motion for Pune!, • ltd.
In the muse of Sarah Tonne (kb e. of
(.me,) the rule to remit recognisant , was
Tia Glacar.The greatipeotril • im
the Glow, which him produced Mach aau
dealt' the Old' Wald, and is the •rinz
titles of the New, will be produced .
few dare, by Manages Henderson.. no
nary arrangementa are :Ow beibg i••••
and the phantom will be introduce. here in
an entirely legendary drams. Loolt out for
the °hot.
EDIVOIS Ganwriff : Nereus the s tistents
of a Union Goldier, regard:3gram mediate
for Governor: Andrew G. Garth: t a tree
patriot and Union nen,and as Inc. doierves
the votes of all Union-loving old% s, what
ever his fallings may bo. George '' Wood•
ward in a traitor, and Moils aufacds• to donut
whatever hie virtues may be.
d Slusw.—The Het. Pemmican , Volun
teers, now stsUottedott Oreb Ora , d,
and which his bsen reduced by t o yaws'
ha•d torvioa to 300 man fit for - duty of whom
236 are present with the colors, 117 con
cluded to take • vote for Garer.aor.i The m
imic was as follows •
Cartln...... 208 Woodward. 28
MICATI7O AT LOISCra 810112, QUI. 'lova
in:Hr.—The citizens of. Union Mew p held a
largo and anebaelaatio Union nue gat the
above named plans, on Wedneida evening,
the SOth inst., wh!oli was addreue. by Benj.
Whits. Alex. H. Watson, Wm. H. • annlaton
and Thou. 4..Bigham, EKE
Lasoser or ♦ Oszia.—Jobn " awn wail
arrested to-day by Meyer Atexatide a pollee,
erre chino of stealing s cable from be house
of Alm, Moat, Chabot street. .0 stolen
property was recovered, and Weasel waeteld
for trial.
Coxxxxran..7suass Cols oolorsd i fonnd In
possession of a ham whic h he a stolen
from the stall of !dr. Partridge, in he Alle
gheny market, wee committed to trial to
day by klaror Alexander.
ADVICE i'Fflo3l BIC 1111110 N D
Rosterans Reported Retail y E jinforetd.
IMORID PIDUAL BEY1"1, 3 6111811
Bebe! Fruits of the Battle at Chaittutoola
etnu e " I ea
Niw Yon', Oat. L—The Rickm ed Exam
iner, of the 29th, gays that Lee htis °Wally
eommunicuted to the War Daph*ent that
Howard's and Sinuses Corp*, et o army of
the Potomac, hero goon to lime . Also,
he - said that :Braman/shag „bon r forged by
Granite the amount of 16,000 moil.
i t
The Examiner says Non. Lee.wili solos his
military j udgmenkbest dictates:
A Mobile dispatch, of thetleth,adys taillike
New Orleans Era states thatatnesi dleartrona
revolve has occurred to the Fibrils In Los-
Warts. This concurs with the rumors lhat
Neu. Weitsel-has ham defeated_anii killed by
Gen. Dick Taylor, at Napoleon, lie.
Gin. Dragg skaters the fruits of the battle at
Chioamauga at 7,000 prisoners, of Whom 2,000
are wounded, 38 pieces of artiNvy, 26 stands
of colors and guidons, and over PAN Mall
Gen. Lee has brand a congratu4atory order
to the army of Virginia on Gen al Bragg'.
' 1
An Atlanta &Vostok says thaVragg, in
rept,* to aolcarsitie request UT po leston to
bury the cload sad relieve the woanded,sald that
helped enough Yankee prisoners to bury. khe
dead, and Yankee ;agora to 'Mond to the
Another Atlanta dispatch reports General
Wheeler, with bit - eavalry, across the Tan
i:Lessem Another dispatch, of the same date,
reports the lookout mountain held by Hood's
Division, now under General Jeakins. It Is
not supposed an assault will be made, as we
command the situation sad need not saaridoe
oar troops.
GenezaLitorsorans has two Linea of defense,
600 yards apart.
CkmeralLongstrest commands the river and
railroad below Onattasodge. ,
• Oar loofa killed andwonaded will not ex
ceed 12,000,
The Yankee Joss in Mired wounded and -
prisoaars will reach 98,000. •
Elsa Yankee ihospliats -Me It our hands,
tall ascasded., •
. _Oa Tharsdisy• iiiithl;the anew mad, two
altalliPla on cur hues, sub ware Orissa back
- both than kola? astraarharsatt.
The Lynahhars .Btpublicess, at thinib, re.
ports slight sktrialsluag Ist trppsil East Tea
semi Agorae' Zipieltelter. 6. battle hi that
quarar is hardly , yrdbabir,, as BassialOa. will
oo forced toroth' dto Mama Oshawa flow
. Oidykitiii, Zeit 97 .— The softy Ise est.
aptly making hidisalthapresaahlt CO Moto
tie Leland.' - , " -
Brirrot,,Sepf 28 —Tha straw burned lit*
Railroad bridgo at Onto's oration, twenty,
miles from 1?n Baratta', rroonattoir 6r
pp aid dorm ritzosting , tuba, direction of
Knozoilia. Our forces bra , " pursuing. - por
ottalry cionplod Jonoribero it lil'o'oloolt kit
nithL: - •
Goalonoillo dlipatob, t10a2814 salmi
no federal foroirboyond tha 'Bogdan Is rot*
minted at 60;000 onaotivorraorr. Tboopinlons
ate Waif:tint u to'whether than wnl bo a
light soon or not. -
Important frets alextco..,Orgeulizas
rion of Troops by Jlttarez against
the - French. , • •
" !Yew Tom, Obb L"--Tbs•-friihss o falter
bus Querstaro,lfoxfoi; Angus lltiortish
i4yi, Jaws and , his goOsennost ts st Btu
Lois Potosi, half df,ointsgs Asa hops. (tea.
DLLs bad been ipptistadioninAtithe-In-shfifi
'and'hit slate of keilirrain At Ban Loh,
thTaiWirgitattssi. And armed., ,ms s
'Do bliolit.l4 altrAsjaite E laii- moo =Liao
tbOrcagijdzysebial ifskartiol. Querottro,
Ajtofotinti'dttiOnstiresitt assail)* forou,
and bill Jams iidiotanissr sill -soon hi.,
itfogrsi 40 ,900 ) Insa‘br aerial igsbast tbs.
Frosehi•whoarthi, 'Jaime Voirfrittert
14 0 fightraltaial firma •'
- The &era labia II latter faint pia latia
641. - ditsii hugest 2 1 storhichstys 1' Gulag'
Doblhdo bid beitiiipbtoted MiSatite of Net
'MC 43erdo l'sjsdsi
p tafe
totably the tireiitlett teams bide
-bibs, tenilsdrizbi t i r i g t tiow r i
AbilfAke Xamk:•aatiosid earl i ? Ke w
and Telatoabt. The
that Magee will be ebb to /00.000
la the held spinet the ins*
, 1
Union Spy Hang in Richmond
Return df Franklin to New Orleans
Rebel Deserters Shot
Spretal plipatelt to the Pittatrztzt Gazette,
The Richmond Enquirer, of , the Ugh, Ems
that in the late battle the Utility ;Wong the
craters was nnprsaedented." The battle of
Chiohaztangs was the most exteasir sand des
perate of the eampaign, and it is not yet over.
The fruits of victory, as dallied by the reluds,
are 7,000 prisoners, 40 cannon, 12,000' small
arms,and we ware driven beak to the fortifies
thins t n the river. Gen. Lee tuned ; compli
mentary order to Brig& The rebels claim.
I command of the situation.
The New Orleans 'Era rays that a most dis
til' astrons reverse to thn,Union army has oeenr
• rod. This canna with the rumors that Oen.
Weitzel has been defeated and Mid by On.
of Mick Taylor; at NapOloon,La.
A Mobile dispatch, of the 26th, to the same
a paper, says Magruder had whipped Franklin's
a. Yankee Corps, taking many prisoner", sink
d- frig two gunboats and disabling several trans
ports, at Sabine Pass. Franklin returned to
New Orleans.
Kellogg, the western Union spy was hung
In Itiehmond. The Enquirer says hs had
hired himself in the Confederate engineer
corps at Island No. 10, for the purpose of
gaining Information for the benefit of the Fed
eral government, and though at lut detected
he died with the conviction that he had furn
ished more valuable Information in the char
acter of a spy to that government, than any
other ten men In the United States service.
He died like a hero.
The Mexican States are inking war prep
arations. Senor Fuenlln has been appointed
Master Plenipotentiary to the Baited Stater.
:awes has made a new cabinet, with Glen.
Doblado Minister of War, and Lerdo de
Tsuder,l3Scretary of State. When arms are
got from the United States, It Is expected
that ono hundred thousand men will he
rased against the French.
There is nothing from Charleston, erupt
that the &wrier says our troops filed upon
the rains of Fort Sumter on the 28th ult., for
the first time for several weeks. The labels
report no damage done. The rebel batteries
were still firing upon the Union working per
The;frott-olad fleet ware at their old anchor
age and perfectly quiet.
The Oharbaton Courier reports that the
Seat fired a salute In honor of Admiral Far
ragut'h mint at that port.
Itsbol amounts from Gordonsville, Va.,
dated Sept. 27th and 28th, state that seven
North Carolina deserters were shot at Orange
Court House on theleth.
kleade's army is stated to be sixty thousand
strong, with the commanding General's head
quarters at Culpepper Court House.
The rebel dispatch states that opinions are
conflicting as to whether there be a light
110011 Or 110 L V 7. J.J.
No Nebel Demonstration for Bev
oral Dap.
'ens. recok and Crittenden Relieved o
tneir Commands.
Maw.Yoae, Oot. I.—The WorkraWashing.
to diepateh says it is understood thit General
Hslleck hue vtenininotts dispatches from Gen.
Itosecrans, of a vary catialsotory character,
bat Improper for the publlo. The enemy had
made no demonstration for several days.
New You, Oot. I.—The 2W6osee'c Wash
ington epecial says The statement that a
new draft for 600,000 men to about to be
made, is believed to be premature., No steps
will be taken towards making a how draft
1W the present ono is completed in several
of the Western Skates whit& have sot yet en
oeeded their quern of volunteers :Suffisiently
to cover the craft, as Michigan, Minnesota
and Wisconsin.
The !ribose taps Gent. MoCook and Chit
tendon are tailored a their lootrunande, and
orderod to report at Indlanaoolls.
Theßebellion la Clanee.4lole For
midable Exploits of Burgoyne,
Leader of she Fillibustere.
Sax FitiIMOD Sept. 29.—Hong Hon
data up to the 2 . oth of August have been
received. The Moping rebellion L becoming
more formidable owing-to the evistenes of
numerous finibnaters. Burgoyne, who ego
oesded Ward as leader of the American dill-
Imbue on the impulallete side,; hod gene
ova to Teeple& taking many Balled with the .
ride with him. Ms diet exploit. wits th e imp
airs of an imperial steamer, and immediate
ly afterwards the city of flansily. Bong
Hong papers attach great importance to his
movements. They ask, who can tell how
many thousand Mannar' will dook to the
Burgoyne standard, sines every inducement
la offered which Sanas to gratify dllibustaring
expeditions, Inch as ardeloalty to England
woolen, and bonadime drains of conquest,
Def of Richmond—Sailors
Bent to taarieston.
WASIIIIO7OIf, Oat. I.—A deserter from the
11,lahroond City battalion arrived ham ma.
states that there are about 11,000 lroops-In
Us neighborhood of Illohniond,,thiathi Mit.
elms° b Iytuj . near Jones' Sluff, the
Lady Dolt Ii fully • iron plead, a third
fron•elad fa on the static., and Arsenal' gun
boat. an near thabbalf. Nearly all the sal•
Tors than, about 6,040, bare been - .ant to
Charleston under Capt. Pepin/. •
Terrible Accident to Babel PHs
Vnionotarri Ost. 1.-41 spacial to the (km.
saersial, from Nashville, den *taint 300
'rebel prisoneri,ltonlined la the extensive un
tabled hotel . , known as the Maxwell House,
were precipitated from the fitta stay through
• gangway, fitted up . with temporary stairs,
torts stocusd door. The prisoners made a
simultamsoui rash to breakfast,iwhen the
Min gate way under the unusual weight.
Two men ware taken oat of therulne dead,
two Aare ohm died of their *miss and
ninety-sin others were feinted; moms ' hare
both lip bad arms broken; others are more
seriously mangled.
Conspiracy to Bora all Transport* QS
the Western Rivers.
Sr. Loma, Sept id _lt!, undirstood here
that s plot has been barn /GI the
Gomument traniports on Um wasted:o3nm.
Sabral men have been arrested' and an dm
b bons, upon= whom a mbar les found,
whioh, upon; being, Wienaletsd, dlsolosed in
strnottons to destroy, ell the ebtamtau that can
he of any iloryloe;to - the Government: The
Matter Is tieing thoroughly lavostliated.
invalid corps oraanigeo.
• - Him Yoac, Oct. I.—Thi Ain* Wee bog
tot' dlepetb says: The Unlit Corps has
bees'argealsed btu sixteen zeglomatsr, wed
be colonels appointed to command than are
selnoWd.atom. atlas pr,evfouslp appointed.
'Coltnel Hams!; Upbeat-a1:0614W Br !dies
Genetal and asifignid *harp of
• thcOrdnitsuelforuu whlaltposlden_bchan.
dlledohm th o ntlnotoat of ges:lll,plOp
Wool aalaso+fteeeialoa - ,10 i e Ilia.'
You, Oci;.i..—Wool*Toki;iOtfiii:
m - 140700, - .lalf largoailos forolpr a
to; r:44,1 o
• baba
aßusin Madill awl alt are baba
a mud pabliolsopptioa fa Oh offy to.doN
tEro., 120., .t.a.
Altogether, thee° drclalene to their taupe and bear ,
try could sot have be. u outdo more comprehenelve
They am, of course, flue'. The loomed Conch stood
ale to two. We presume that our c.ty banks, which,
undor some sagas apprabeation that ills dedialoo
might be otherwise have of late reduced their own
circulation from eight and a half to Lo than live and
a hall culdhins,,ll now rota up heir Issue, to
toilet bias B►e toe sum total a lita a and United
Stake ■ amities, which they have, la pledge. la Um
Bank Doran:next The ()mere Banking Law, as
amended last'wll, ter, would authorize the pledge of a
mu h larger mu of Ustud &ate. dank., soy two
dol:ars to one of New Tort State stocks, la Woo, of
half and-hall, a. iteredolone.
TIII.I.EDA.T, October 1, 1333.
AND FLOC/it—Woos!. Is firm with an
upward tendency, and Rod front wagon may be quo.
tad at 31,12(in1,15. Corn in strong andhlgber, koala
• see of 3 cult Shelled befog reported at 0.50. Gate
eery Iron, and we note • gala of 1 car at 71,/, nut
car at 73r. Braley—prime may be qcoted at st,2o@
1,23 per bath; axis of 800 bath rejected at 81,10. aye
Is tubing at 85E0103 from first band.. Flour le steady
with • fait kcal demand, end we on e es:e. of 100
bbla at 55,35 for Extra, and gti zu to 87,60 for Extra
Family; 60 bbls Extra /sadly at 56,10, not 60 do do
at $6,25. Bye flour la steady wl th small salt, from
store at 55,23Q5.58.
GEt(itOXILLBS—The market c ntlo nos flan and mi.
rem •re strong and well maintained. Saletof 10 Mt&
Cubs eugar, prima, at 13c, and 5 hhda good Now Or.
leans at 1 3 K0. 111olastes s'eady with considerable
inquiry; sale cf 50 bbl, old crop, to the trate. at 68c;
; 100 bbls new crop, to the trade, at Vt., and 25
bble our et Coif,. le steady with small sa!es at
311a12,1‘c—some ho'ders ask•ng 33c. By rupt•—•alo of
10 bbl, .41 Adel," at 752.
P llOl7 / 1 1101td—There Is only a m /Aerate domand
for Bacon, slid dm market Is vat, t bat prices are
steady and fully maintained. Lard la gniet pith
small rain at 10.343/Ic. ffirra•Pcrk—ao tram°.
31AY—mslit on trivk of 60 bales prime at $1,51 par
owl. from train prima ran go from 330 to 395 per
too, aceordiae to quality.
BIILL PEED—yule on track of 1 car Second. at
81,35 ;or cwt. 11111dlingx may bencotad at $1,65 to
it.fdl far cwt, by the oar load, and 011 Heal 51,76.
SALT—There is an Improrrd demand, arid price*
are • shade Mahn; sale of WO bbl. No 1 Extra from
depot at $2,60 per bl,l,
BUTTED. t EGIGS--Butter le unchanged; sale of
28 kg, packad at an average of 16}(c, and 2 Lbls good
Eon at 22c. Yggs steady atlifQltio.
01 1Z/CBE—finn with an advancing tendency; Was
lu torso/ 03 has prime IN 11 at 12die
POTATOES steady though the demand le limi
ted; sales 260 bush diethannocke at 00c per bnshel.
APPLES—In good napply but unchanged; tales
0(259 bbl. at $1,60 to 5176 per bbl for common to
fair, and 150 bbbi auk* at s2,'
BleariS—ln geed demand and firm, with sake of
75 bosh prime et 3475 Pef
ONIONS—in active request; tee of 10 bbls at $l.OO
per Dbl.
ittsburgtt retrOlotiat Market.
Ocr. I—The oil market on:Moues v, ry quiet and
dab, though Palm bays andoraino no Etta:aria!
titan % Crude is 'toady with c modal 'is local do.
mud, and Quotations may bs tattier gtran at 2/E6
0 2 7* Pangu retuned, sad 32 5‘4 132 .X. Pprikalvo
included. there la na eomand whatever for Eutaw
the markets, as prices harems rotatively bights than
flow.Yarit. Baud; in bond, lir exceedingly valet,
aid has bean so fornerroral days past. A sato of 100
Mir for prom& &limy was reportsdat 630, and Wm
wag thy only one. limo oil it aloe quiet:, though we
note Wall rale, at farina rate,.
ThOw York Tribuce, Wednaday, aays a large
bralitesa meg be trannityted in Petroleum there,
with the Improvement in exchange,: if holders were
te mobs flight contusion in rota..
• New York retrolounr Market.
Bipedal Dtigetch tol4, .PittitnugA Gazette.
- Nair Ton, Oct. I—Crudo Le quiet and almost rpm.
inaterlibtalat at 84 350. Itefinod In band, le elsall.
and 'atm, being ollenel at aaa an the eralt ; Icktcber'
dellrerg tirttillm ant Notamb.n. - Bane!, tree,
h quiet at ttthe. Naptha L seemly with ew e . 5 Ea. ,
fined at 28ai80e.
Barr. 22.—ThedarBue of Gold calmed a rttioll9a 4
the grata markets, and,:witlormarPelY•ell IleeePtietla
Prices 'ruled lova un deeryildng. Wheat wan
modarate demand, tut drobned tali" 2d par
from am ruling bgorem of yesterday, and agate:
than law buyme-of No. 2 Spring at 244_
Bale. of No.ll ad ware sdada at $l,lO, No. I. tag
at III,0801,07X; No. 2 Spring at $1,011X01,24Kc
Jactad Bed at 2403, and &jazzed Simian at inalinom-
There was lint • Monad demand km "o u p
mullet ruled dull and heavy, and to erect lug, dales
• &chard 61310 par barril would hare to •ba
milted to. The to n market win q, and 13020.
lower, with delta of No. 1 at 72572)fic,az d No. at 7 1
COM*. The aiming, of OAau Odra was light *rod
silks confined to • lot of Bed /Used .at 74 , ,atich
There wan lest lonely in Illista and prior. •tamadsd...
lyoper bombe,. with take at 61@a520- Yoe No.
arming•atudyit rho Bye -- wae quiet
and sailer, saint Nang made at tor -.-210. ti.
principally at the Inside Ague. Badly to
dim ant
Ineddir with a_gcod demand fir No. 2 atom at
smoat. it. Holders of Illghwhira wars eel:dna
Oetr rims, axed raw acsw 9 , but huYorr betel and sales were llitbt at Weg,c Erode wem Iready
and Am. Timotoy sol a t $ 2 . 1 34 2 2 3 Ihe tOrdltled to
t b e • cs, * a pin. Ira 2 , fj2 760 Oattld and
Bop wen lea mire and 24 pre cult lower. Pia.
?Lions dull and n0mina1. .... .
, .
Toledo .niarket•
iserr-13—. The.sairtet. aratu 4l bll raubutug *Hit
constdatabbt amount, and ruled loth, at au &Imam
of about U. - . Tba sake ancrapt• Pr/ 660 .000. Moor
—No is* itporlad. Wheat—flalta JAC bu No 1
It.datl2oo; 2,000 bti NO 2 Rod at 'LIN 9,600 by No
RBad atltgoi 3 000 bu do do at 1100 LOX bu 'VIM*
Ilkb it U10;1,005
by meat latch at ;op b,
irin al:Er 23l c: l A9tu'and 6000 bu go I Rad.
art 206 04, 7 001ci , nait 'at a lit ;; i.too el l fl e d
KVA itt.ssao; ;too bu.Wbits • utttb at 131,1; 3,000 t o
amber litsb 723 0;1,000 tut Nu /Rad lit 1 10q3,600
ming, sass Inc %a) ba NO 2 Badattlici3.o3o
Ntrlao4loo tiu Malted situsq- b.%) bet Sts 1 Welt
:st lean ACM blt amber Kith at uft.'l3lt ee Mon.
=Ow* keel mown tbsilte , esaid bur st. ?ited
Nerer - York :WM bre
R IsestAllthey,,u ehuytbism lae =nada has bees human thereby.e•
Cota—Not meattched. 9Sbor Crass
Tousinai, 0ce . 21.4201d fa atlllimEdillyg
:a Private alviries itteivrd from New Yak to day
quote at 114_1N 7 a decline of per 'mot. below the
ran of WedoesdaY; Silver, alto, le re shade :lower,
being quoted In New York at 136. The coin market,
hue, It,o Irregtrar that it to almost impost:lWe to
qubbi correctly. Cur hankers and deafen are beyleg
what 'lids offers at 1344136 far gold and 1,3041,81
for slitter. Eastern Exchange lomat= michwaged.
To-morrow the serni.ameoal interest of $3,C5 will
be paid on the 7-$ll per cent. hoods of the Govern
meat, at the Volum States Mat. As =LI sum of
3,65 per cent. is payable in gold, which le no a worth
some 41 per mot. more than paper eon nu, it swells
the semi-mmual 'menet payment 0(53,60 to VP spi
=at cr 510,60 per annum, nstead of 7,60. Tim la.
tereet on the 5.8/ty year. 613 °mt. toads will be pay
able= Violet of November, one month dlstent, also
gold, which, lithe -premium" should!. no groat.
er then than It is at preeent, net a I rat.auhunt
dividend to =Pent" egad to $4,42, or sB,s4 per an
numw-Bitiki Ledger. Walmaddy.
In noticing the x•xntittlrence fa gold, the Ph le
delphla Prim eery omultlis remarks:
"Of amuse the dlact Male of Ode Moat= is the
news of :haulm to our army la Tonnemew, which
puraly *horn how completely gold is • more coal
me'dith like sugar or tea, only =mg worth swMuch
weper pound. Not the wants of the mercantile
aaity effected It, oar in. legAtimate clue of
boyars who dad= to have aomethioy, tangible Mal
11 '41litre nation', we eck, hot simply • anatomic,
of oteretore who• parpoyely by he the sea rang one
hundred itOblarle dellartat a urge advance, In order
to salt In tie afternoon about • million aod a half
when the advance - Braes hem been maintafaed, sod
even • higher prior reached. Why should ,gold be
worth any owns Sow than It was before 7 If the de.
mead came from the merchants or the male of the
people Chars would be at knot rest= in the =sauce.
net vitt' =man than the moat &Moan; In demand
bythaes persons, gold II w.nb five per cent. more,
simply because eau shrewd operator suave= In play
ing span others somewhat lees shrewd. It is a mere
Matter of =Anew requirlag batdut se and nerve, In
which thefeerare beneotted, end thesueJority become
The Impart, of foreign wools at New York lest
week were 3,662 hales, Tall= at 5259,646. The tole.
grilph this afternoon r.porte wool as beteg very or.
Use In New Tort, with saki of darnel:4lo fleecy at
011,1270, and large saki of foreign on private to
The No* York Timm of Wedomdtty nye :
Tree Courtof ppreda cf lbe Slate of New York, In
term at dlbeoy tan morning, rendered two eery im
pirtant dectsions, alltrmlug the validity of United
orates Noes of legal tender oe fairfal roomy of 011
oeifed Lta,e, receivable ,the eater a, gold and t Lvov,
es payment if eebu, iubho out lag gate, reLacpt
for Caned flume Co Wass sod trout the Ger...nano&
in C
payment if Intirest on ao mac of the public deft
which onaway bus ceolared shall be told exclusively
to Troia The Sue on a decided tree mash by the
Boot Department of new York maiden [O. kletrop
,uitraa and Shoe and leather ftvitais of this Mi 3,
compel ens p imeat of their note, of circolethio th
riot= Lieu ad of Got edcates act Noe bleb were t s
acred to the holders or their owe., before protest,
The Court affirmed thodecielan of the (kart below,
agate= the Bank Department. In other worea
LB mode the supreme to of the busts of bow York
that all dentanom upon the bmke of Oil I .htale, tor
eludes. the tfornend for tha p t 1 moot of their ra ea of
circulation, may be p. 1,1 10 Vatted States notes, as et
legal leader, and tastol rainesy of the IL lied states.
The second caw kwas made tty Alas J. Itooatvelt. of
Ltd, city (late of, :be hoprente Court,) 06,1041 =a=
H. Rimyee to compel tilt otabotttutona Of gold for
United Stllottlutea, which 31tyer tendortd In eat:R-
W.o.°a of a mortgage, mole and detect pots to the
paessge of the act eel tono,. of Pobripry 23, 1862,
creating these Dotes of legal tender. The osti tof
appeal , In this caw, revwes the decision of Its
0 art b.los to fever of liSetorel . , or la other word.,
decide that Mayor had lb. right t pay off the mort
gage hold by lioNevalt n Ctaltad amts thMl, m
lawful money of the Vatted States, la payment of all
mortgagee sad other debts, whether comPaoo d be
fore or stone the act of Coogan, cresting such notes
M legs! lender.
Oblong!) . Market.
Aileitneiry Liv,is Stock altarkeq.
TEITLID4T. Oct, II 180.
Thrreitaa bun ratig' more acilrley In tLro mu*
tot dosing tali put week..awri rapectally wu this
the castor best grads* an admos fa sot tispeeted
enamel and toted r uttne,ior the sea on that large
nambin ha <lira .1 mails are almost war:tics
at home, and are guile u, bare. We .aw cat
*, wslghtbg from fire testa bandied pound, lilt toe
raven tar fight dollar., per teed, whin) tta heel mho
sold nada, at to to kw and 0ne..2 tartar cialklian
pound. Itaiums very crange that tarmac" Will gat•
slat to forcing this &malt and Inferior stock upon the
market, and It i. wo se thou folly to .hlp them hue
with the ezpectclon of erallslps Ketbfw s itjw e
profit. Ice ars eatiell?d, tutereio, all .ho Put
oi.leekndized a rod profit, 4.3 L alw eye the
GovernMenl buyer& bought so Me km hundred Mai
at &bout found prices, and • aid nun taken moor
mom, bad they be,, dm as the enpply of this grade
of bottle was not large. The.. government buyers
refuel, to take al light cattle aalhd have Leon tub
leg lieriXdote, es they bays found out t 7 experience
that ibis 11 * ht stack will not stand lospeetitm, which
to considerable cf an 46111 to the &dd.
There eat a moderate demand fors oek Ve,
btn +bete Were very love offered, and pried receded at
lead one quarter of-a amt par woad. Übod doers
wiiightug 1000 Id sold at .3934 e. sal etwd aver
aging biV Lbe could not be auto e. o for 43,2%0.
To. folknel g are the correct quotation* for the
different grad. of cattle:
Prtanicto—None In mutat.
4 ANA kl
hire 3%64 a tt
Second 3 OW* tt
Third 3 gd
Inferior Wet o tt
The •11,1anumberof midis bold thereat emceed*
ed, to Ms aggregate, to 12G9 bead, Da nt 430 heed
lots Masa last tweet. Ti.. 01:11, sohl were from the
t.llowing insured Stasi •
402 bead from /Weds
47 head from holds,
000 brad hem Ohio.
110 hoed from Poomey
Tee following 1. a correct report of all the leading
.else :
X eiblttleloy, oold 20 head of Email steam end bor
ers, from ,Portage Co, Oblo at 203g0
0 A 2 haf er,. retailed 20 head of very erect cola and
Looters at 11040.
U Hudson, aold.lo halal of .teen, wolghbag 1000 20
acb, at So.
J Ortatt, soil £0 head of pretty rough cattle at
t • Co, .old 40 bead a Panttsttcel at
the Co. retaCof 80 b. ai of very fear stein at
tIA Merrick, retailed GO head et late small cattle
" i ' ett a i
fate cond ition rnta, ,
at evIJ 19 head of rough Ohio men, in
J Dolan to head of western cows and helices, ne•
tailed at Ibiat3go.
A Carterlimn wboleallod (0 head of rug go d halt
er. Ines Northern Ohio et It.
Z Seymour, told 18 head of fear Ohio item, welsh
leg 110 dimmed. seek at 11Xo—about
.14 emit abate
the market.
sh wa at iljant Zia. vhalaaalad MO bead of fatt western
344 a.
blerara ii Wolfst
tatallasl 17 head of plat Ohio cowl and
0 Jambi, *OW 78 haul of ravish I:11130II steal at
W Barker, sold= bead of steel. oat ROI Tar: fat.
al 232(2332e.
Wm m oa'oddea, add 20 brad of inflator 'dock, bat
nimbi, far beat, at IVO Por
stocW-II eraidm, 3o. retallod
a 23 bud of Haan Ohio
W k at 20 •
ParrameN SO'd ah bead of:oath- Ohio Amara at
229 por haul; or about 3 0:1644
ram: Prmdd-
I Karla, Bold 20. head 01 p bard stock at 2
W. Kline, sold TO head of lilltada stoats, In tale
ass's, at 55.30 per cwt.
B Boone, sold al bead of rough cows and steers
from wetter.. Ohio at 2%0.
B Roberta, coA 29 hood of small Ohio stock at 03
pur head.
J Baldwin, soldri bead of good ipninteuent stock
at I,cia.
it ....Wand, 37 head at an average of /kale.
Wm Murdock, 1014 MI heal of matt cows and
h. lien 2,4i0.
D2l Bata, aold heed of fair Illinois steers In
good nab at 33 , 4 c.
Verner AI 00, said a mixed lot of 32 head of Pa Dna.
stoat et kV*.
B Butt, sold 37 heed of fair Illinois steers at :No.
Oen Boastolck, retailed 20 head of eery fair Onto
Steers u an &MVO of ilgeh
Crum 6 oe, Rota ltl7 heed of fair Illinois Vita,
little rough, at BXe.
Webb 6 Clo„ 35 head of Illbraie ateere—good gov
ernment atock—at 33i,.
.1 Bybee, mid 23 bead of fair Ohio stock, &Tara/tug
about IWO me each, at grfrity3Me.
If Bina, eold a rolled tut at 17 head if Ohio stock
3 52511 3 .4 0 .
Ttene were many more null iota which we do not
take time to mitt, as we report many lota of the
same kind, 10 tint rrery ome can fore hie own Judge.
Whet, A llerrick, 0010mtesion Harem:to for
the, we of hop, report the folk:maim Wet: Lawry
4 'derrick monad 12.2 head of prim. hoof hop at
6%@63e; 11.7doseeir, 120 head of good hop at IT ,
6c, J thichrist wholesaled MO head of priori at c;
DI Sheeler ISA heavy atlll•tad at Op; Holmisk
ko common at 0,35X11. .
' Baur.
The demand for abate le rather Waited. aad
Aced &local entitsl7 falbao that am strictly prime.
W. quoteat 3 3i t° 6 4 SI I. %%MIN and about NCO.
head cbangtd anode at Om eta.
Import. by itiViroalt,
Parravaanilfr. B,,Onscaoo Bassman, Oct.
1-477 bldm, an 42 Livingston •, 100 btbelbar, Do
conuanse; 1 car hay, J &Mu; lid mks wheat, 146 bp
corn, /7 U Wallace; 13 sks rap, X Gadtrar, 3 bel l
es pelts, Wm Meccas: 31 1 11 6 Omer.* llctiar;
7 aka wool, 8 Barbaugb, 10 WI. 1a5116•4 Weamsr,
70 bells Coops, J Tarkw; 3 OW. spplar, MIND. Leek
' Co; 67 .162 rap, Darkla els Co; 10 kill soap, 8 April II
DMA potatoes and sppot., J Brown; a /Ads apple's, .7 •
Drown; 25 bra candle, X asszlaton; 37 Op potatoes.
44 Op oats, John Elandltos; Y can bully J Moder;
161 bp min L H Yoljbt A Co; 2 ems mall. Jolla
Moorhead; 100 DNB tour, Culp a ilbspard; lb Olds
aridsky: Woodd A Walloon 667d0 do U llicOalkatgb
A (5o; /2 OW& o 1, Isaiah Dickey.
Cursaaim A Preastraus Ransoui, Pagan 1—
St auks pearl', McKee* Bro; 23 bbl' tOrnipa 10014
onions, 27 bbl. apples, L B
8 • Co; 42
Ycight a p 70 Labs
h e y, • D piord; 600 661.f100 r
:mom copper, T Bova; 202 bap or/ J G 06.11176
• Lb. 21 racks onions, John Berters; 200 pm pipe, H
14 ekng; 96 pkp ak., Was Bdmnadm 2946 buttery
Garrett & Mania: 10 bbra apples, 72 aelp4 16 bones
B Dalsall* Oin 88 dodo, Wm Umdad;s; 14 do
do Wm Seddon; 2 0 3 do Jl5 lintialo; .521 do do,
madly; aa btu apples,L H Wight • or, BO do,Dotter
a darn; 110 bola flour, 0 B Leacb; 27.82.0 amp, Mc-
Donald Arbuckle; kep Imitar, Botdaon • 6145;
I 3 bola rags. John lUDs; 2* bag chug 8 Swart •
Cleo x 9 do do, Webb ,A Walk/mom 23 pith butter,
W Mobs . ; 90 bbl' IrlusP.Plobis A• kagal; 2 bbl.
seed, Metier I /Dawson& 1 plapai Meter.
Imam= Brava.-6 bbls apples. • Birk • CO.; '
3,,pkits egesa:W Baum; 1 dodo, Tower; 6 bozos
candies. nabs 3. Bides; 90 Nils 11. ter, 0 Iterrint,,
26 man flag seed, liver et Umallton,Bs Rep butter,
Aleroar Itobitui6m; 2 Obis %Vac J Bran_ ; tap
what, 1 1644 cider, W 1 , 14trun;23 beer Inks, Luta
Waltr, 165 aka nimata kobbn 257 ado baltry,
John B Wale. 22317mb osta44 Ta lor, 1,003 bulb
corn. 1.210 tomb oils, /31mmon dKam 28 Juts
onions, 40 aka cloaar Led. Jmeph Crain; 2 tabs
shams, 0 Kern.
•lIOYAL MAIL 072161 l Reyna
!lSM 0011:4311113.
A.DttaTLO, 1.900 klarselevit. 4000 tom
HI BUSIZA. IWO Borolountr, 11,003 tons
I . oo nllotowponte, 14000 Wu.
&NOLIAI - I,o7olfolon.pawsr; &MO tom
trAroNamt itemaship WU& .111
horn Von York kyr, Idirpoot on tiltfittAlf. the
Ot4 of onto T o,
• Wes Fob to:on Itrorpnot to am Tat ! Pll7*
anal In at Ito oganntient comae
/bit Er...;.470 sad wietsens•--i--,04 PP-
Swi •
Panorgent tonroadad Woo to Loadonaozin Iran.
trnrir. ll nTroil3taintit, Bottiolany, Lotion% !0., II
• I
14 1744 ra ftoln7 ... itnorpoot fialmto N n: Torn SW
.B* o3- 0 - Pr 1 35 i 874110, W
PutottolMLlkanthoo QUO, LOWS. :
ftedllllf •
rßk 'Eta
rem Fri:n-1m
", ybR Joh -Irotow ot _
. ...,,. - . ~ . ..vmedep . - .;T f iat. : ./14 .
. 44,4• .. .., otazieview.gook ----
- . NHINNTON.........sotOrdri Opf. A
INTSII. , 04.10.
OITY'ON-50ND0N............a5tmi5ys OM -17..
ASod 0.. mowing.... littodot al 110 0; agek
44- i":". ; iii ftr•
:i .5,4 ~,.,•:- , . sumo zasuuk,' • ' 1 ,
•i . Leilliwijo i•-, R A K I r#C 4 *.li":. : ! 1 . 1
; :iii.T. 442l.4 .l4LcoSou""" i g 11:1 ' 11 r 441 ..,t0,-X4OOl NI
I. lawirib,,,oll. Swutr.POSS SO
, ell . .14 KRACC.O OA. Malabar, ST iN
• jiasgaits tower:fed to lons, unman, ,m.
'airgasotokw, 4116 a.kosoNp.lcow now , _
' •Irtwwhoto ) WTOl.9.l,hsoostowitaliCaeloi.
*V_ _
.- , MkolS who trim to
. Iw4 hte j i hr hitfahr ow - ttyvotWo herb st-thow -
ra ni halt* Info: oho owl, at UM Qom"
, .
_.• IS Urootwor A flnrA
; Hod ono. that looktrostbo
critlelf -
. .
.OPA-Ki. LIIMr!eO4I :i!ro ok
iotiow 4*.miicini; Or MI War*
WO fa annsnoy. ,11**6 • En- Yet, ine to ta.
now/. `Eel/3m m 61016 apply 63 - •
raw. asaTioAs.A4=o.
TAW' AND 'WAGQl4 puar.-60
bbls. Iztriffr rib tri • • • '
60 aall 10 Waft, *trot
U .
mortals:id for We ' , V_
Jams New/. *Weal stmt.
004 841 , a
1 1 / 2 - 2A111.150 at costs
All under fiosca, and ft • good d•b nr cn1. 1..i,
Ttto Lopro•ca+eau co:.olot of • cow Dal CS ',WEL.
Ltd% ooatalnlng 10 roots.; largo . ThA.ll: DAIIS
*RUNT FIGUSZ, with 6 raanie and goal orchard
of toad trees. GOAL cumin lf4s whole Carts.
nat. In /lalalwin township ahont Or• mils boa lb
city. Invln of
BAIL/Y. X tilllttLL a
EOII BA.LK—A convenient two-story
kick dwelling Zones, with back bonding, No
SS Aces street, Plttsbuzak
Also, • large, eousetitent end wellatitshod th rew
. 2 ' 5 '7 WC* OWlbog boos& mutt bra building, No.
Ekes street, betweeto abet and Second stmts.
Also, s two,tory - brkir dwelling bowie, witla back
balitlage, No.lllSecrind atreet, war Hon.
Alt Ike above aralti good ankh and =SPUNd sni ,
gas sad water.-
A 40 2 4, rtb. frame cottage . dwallinr. So. 411
&nolo stmen,.inalte twowtor4 frame dwelling an.
Bolgin forstostfAcem t Ones home are to good order, and
/I iso, a Ins of grocuad on the nartintastwordly aide
of non d between Boas d Try strewn., near
gurut ha rat:
ving a Pout bf E 1
toot on first street,
end utendlog. back GO bet.
of Ma city. abcroa property is situated to c dealt able part
For terms et cab and particulars tuquire.
Wlt. W. T 110211021,
rYfitt Ito 1115 Fifth mar&
/31,1•71,—That frye sod enteral:6 Geist NW
prownty, consisting o • Lags lot of yroutd housing
on Wets, street and YOughlogheny river, so which
as erected the .-Phrmer Mlle: . which la rt-sielted
with flea ma of burrs, s chopper, and all other ma
chinery Melly found is s liras clan Dlrrchant Grist
El ill. The 11111 la profelled an noleillatt water
ismer boa the Yonghirghoor :Ism Connected
tharenef.h era s largo listen Dwelling and Lot. Coop
er Shop, Stable, 1, The above property Is leas 01
within 01 porches of the Railroad Depot, and in toe
midst 01 an entertains gni. paving rs iron. To a
pasty ,r coneputy who C. 0301121111:1 , 1 s ens capital,
aot with isdntry and energy,a forgone fume, to
lonnlng in the above described prop. rty.
for and terms apply to
B Mobs ti a nn P4mrt,
PROPTETT TOE GALS, altuata near Cooks-
Irma Payette county, Pa. A /sr= of 41 'arca, un
der good Imp}minterta mg= *teak there la erected
• two.atml lame Aoutlitg.hl.lll. with four run of
stone and modern imp oramanta alas • taw OM
toasts:tad, The whole is nearly new. sad In good
nattlag order, end Is gazed to. roe by Rem sad
trate* masa or segaziora may Do
an d.dealra MAO,
• two dog rrsma Drain sum Barn. h Do.
awl outbeldings.. hs laud la undatlayad
t o
sun • bank now open, whlok anyikt tho
111114 is.
Tors au-r• minute datcrlpiloa sod toms apply to
O. e. BATES. Baal Istata and Lurarance Agana
BOW, Ono*. Isnrnmesal la.. 1.23
vatu4smew PROP.
• itatir-tou etra- ?ma Tot,, 01 feet • to.
front try 110 feet dairp tom:tansy, wtth a lane doubts
tertwisaassocook and End street. A dad
onto hz a . PtipaNs. or Dentist. -
Alas, Naos Ras bulging ts tor sairata augers:es
nesr nthwassfils, tram )(, to 1 sere oath.
Also, • large 1:1121a. of Building lotr, of warions
atres, of hum 15 to ED Seethrsnt by 100 to 160 teat
*sp. rd ger lnated at the tarlatans of the Wylie fitratt
powen Railw
on ay.
(e st= t a the tut , &Vaal, 4 . .ro a uto i s i fr the estaia
FIRM FOS SALE.—I am authorized .
to oft., for welo, on menembhe term, a asaor
OP LADD. sentillotraz swot 403 sent elneated In.
Ghto and Itraoklho towcwitipa. near Penwell. Al.
coackt, and new emoted by Jolla ItloDcin•
old r amearal.
Than are abort 100 ems ekteed and In good
TED tract Is wen tlmbered, confabs coal, Ind Ls
vcry ♦dsbla for farostos pzrpoise.
Lus fourth stnet. Pittabargh.
rßALE—Tinpm COTTIGB Houses,
r EL entfog oa Bidwell street, frietelt7'. ImeW)
8 : 00 ed • Mud. efaliSkienYe oa the - Hos of the Man.
cheater eamenear Beltway. oppoene- the mantes of
A. litalloo, Seq. Lot. 120 teed deep to s tee boat
Alley: Alio, a cholas come lot G7ji.b7 192% het,
edßiteßlS the gems Pr - efel f 7. sad Waning on Alit.
then amine. The location le ore at the most de.
drab to the eft,. Terms mem
apply to W. BABSON, So te Ohio et , •
etTerill ppcdta the healer's Odtce,Allethetir Clip.
—The undezalsnad offers at pirate tale hie
country rtableisne on Troy HUI, contslarg abort
eta wow of grand. a splendid Brick birallhig
Baum, an exotaint Brame Barn. , alth rooms far is
hind own with family ; 3 Eno In rupee, ht excel•
lent towtew =dart shout ZOO clunks head; trace, and
about 100 mg* Uses pow twee. cherry, Van and
alit Ems, ha. na. lidleputatiles (Joadflions
W 7. toqutre of
eetklin JOEBT O. rtzrzure. ea It. visas
./ 1 9119 7 1811, latrioxi
Ends Wand. Thole good Hamad and Barn.. Ccal
tin 7 now: &aka !tont &ad /amen; Implmmix.
Mai $ l l4OO.
for infornaCon crier. of
brad* w.?. nom,. No. 106 rm.:.
leUff, • ISALK—rornr. 21111 ff U 01.4 rLATs,
tzt =mph:doormat. and ecntlltLio. Dlmentlera,
id kat In length, j 4 toot towile' and 434 tomtit.
Thaw us No I lata. and irtll to sold at •
bargain. Znqutr• at P
1117(18 McKaLyr.
at the aka of Juba black.
- leo* Way. cyst. ear of Rand at
LtAl.lS—rofq Amos of llrocuu
AZ and a rairr limey Brick Ballatog. 3We:et,
Bono, led Illaddnary . dl adapted ice a mann.
Motor, t Ito bet by h 0 tpet ; can t* purthastd to
line-Cal! Its artifact 9ast. by Calling na
.8 No. el ill.ant west. Pittatarnt.
DlRSO.Leriorra, SC.
—The putnership heretofore ezhtins between
the sebtoribers, trader the Area of PLIILLIPS,
. 7 / I ZW /kW., tun this dry beep diseolrod, OBAB.
LOCKELET sod W/LILLUI iriLEW hsTleg Per.
eture4 the entity hterelltt of the cilia. camera.
The MANZI or the late Ann will be settled Ly
CFI • 111.113 LOCIEH &HT,
Pittsburgh, Log.loll, 1861.
=WA/ 1.001:11•11T
Producers andßetluers of Petroleum,
A.I ALBION OIL WELLS, Temange 00., and
etts„Lustr OIL WOBN.B, Ziegler" Run.
11111" Offtn.l7l a 174 WOOD BTEUT,
NOTIGE....Tho undersigned having
tibu cralr j r a tl c r i al r i roz tba loa d cap
Soak and the cattalo apaoral to
storille Marti attest. taday occa k tod by J. It
- }lttrliert • largo' andoomplato stock of Bad.
wa l e aid latooosakare Lagar: Pindlogs, Haim
alkikas'aut be bend. end at krona rotas.
'-. G. 74 1.2tDX85011, 80./g7 Liberty stmt.
_IRE/113010. REIM TER BIDE.;
AND'IMITHEt $1715M184 I moot: =W Y
oemmeatt ses Id a man id Mkt btegtity
1 lad good budlike
ttour oedema. for some month
to moo Loin toato at. Jaladit.
PONldiaaottuoo mi sad trill t w
it: dlr gnat &more
in PO:4 to Lai btlaloola odootta.non d
11. worms.
.Tedy lath. Ivdtatat
ALI ,— Theyortaership beretotore alstiveetWeen
- the - ottani otiod. ewer the nib &OA - Am of
WOLT&:PLUNCITZdt 00... has this diy--xp.
Maas Mb,. IsB3—beeo diteolrod. Tbe
- of the Ina vi/l/le tattled by-J. A. WOLTZ or T.
auxerrzw., they store Wag authorized to do so.
Pataeftb. Seigeosbor 20, Ise.
. -Botha Eatotiod.l4_LlTNlAlV Intend la
tb*Glgvanift It .wor m ca rded on kflisena
- ender thidyle ilia, Atm of WOLTZ, CIAIKPBELL
CO_ " 4011/1 A. WOLU.
rugaburo; • srmosa. *Maw
4413 FOR - HOESKS;
e~narcants Dim Qoassitarms,
Atli& Wle63.'
Proposei scdiettod awl .111 bo xi:coked st Wa
ogre br tbo ficruirldos 111.141.1tir Bonne, to
be 41112 it Pittebstab. Po, Plitlidolphis; Wash.
firm ilEirscarbar. if'or tritlioiropono, tad.
ero tbs forsishise of
borrriumetiotact is a...trot:4We P i tt Dr,
Donn to bo.- i irom Sitatal) to shaft (1 hands
._ititterttott Os (6) tritice Sloan old. web token
nad di tritost/ht 4 Si good Dab. arid tow
Star Ability*: till . bidder to Wall ID mama
tl e t k o amatt
~rmia toorbo gasnoteid 6.1 goo Fightnia r eJ 4 "".. w#e"
'gnomes appooded to the mrstatook.
of tire ituonton zombi shown
=stow oum aft of. Cratk of du riserrit
.0:4116 sez,Dte DoiSid Sta.. District At.
odor be adan.ii4 te - 24.4 Got ti ff.
11410.1" ebbe clurtoreustor, Carib, n orm.
L r A be' end orso4; art *lrldePll, 4
Tsai ad. fad 04 Q.* Quill Bososi...f
EzzeiirM• .roriez.
PROCLAM;WMN.—WnSamia in and
by the lath sedebn of the Actalb. General As
e^.bir Penneybenth, passed JIG! W. ItMl• euti.
med "An Act
It blether to the ELS4I6IIII of this Om.
onwesith,. la ezdthred an the Sheriff of retry
county to glee =lice of inch elections to be held, and
enumerate In such notice what dlicemen to be aIUEIs B. viinitaL
In pursuance thereof, 1, lid CLULIT.
Sheriff of the comity of Allegheny, doeharefore make
known, and give this puha notice to the elector. of
mid county of Allegheny. that a fileilFEAL ELEC
TION will be held to mid county, on the 01001.0
TT:Lei:74Y, 13th DAY OP OCTulsEll NE r, at the
several Election Districts therein.
And as directed by said 13th cordons' the Act of
July, lCv3 , I hereby give notice, that every
(excepting Justices of the Peaty) who shall by
once or appointment orsireth or trust, trader the Gay
y .
of the United States;er of tb iableostiof any
city,or inthrpornteddhtrict, whettmr a colanduknal
dace or otherwise a subordinate cantor agent, who
is or salt be employed under the leablictive,ezecutive
err mlichuy department of tar ante, arena United
Mater. or deny city or incarporaWl ttlxtrict, ind
toot every member of Convey, end of the State Log
latare, and of the .elect or common coroxil ef any
city, or commissioners of say incorporated district, is
by ISW Incapable of holding or webbing lit the mine
time, the canoe or appoinummtofJtudge, Inverter or
tact:, of any dretion of title Commeinwealtte and that
no Insp.-ewe, Judge or other °Meer af say such eleo.
den shall be eligible to any tees to be then Toted for.
And farther, that by the 4th section of the Act Pi
April 16th, LW, it L provided,thel the aforesaid 11th
roc bon or Ger Act of J Lily 2d lea, shall not be en con.
creeds. to prevent any militia atecer or borough oft!.
err from serving as Judge, inspector or clerk, at any
general or epecial election to this Cummenwealtb.
The elector. of the First Ward.of the city of Pitts.
burgh to meet at the baba School tint= lb add Ward.
The elostors of the•Sceond Ward af the thy of Pink
burgh to meet at the Puha - School amain said Wad;
Tho electors of so math of the Third Ward of the
city of Pittabargh, fleet precinct, to meet at the bourn
of Casks Se moody , corner of. Tunnel and Wylie
streets; second precinct to ( meet at the boom at
Frauds Jamison, corner of Sixth dad Sualdlaid
Tho elector, orthe Fourth Ward of the city of Pitts.
-burgh, to meet at the Public School Noun in old
• ,
The electors of bath precinct, et the .111111 Wad
city of Pittsburgh to anat. at the new School Homo
Bones corner of Palln and dams abed..
The Oaten bf tire Sixth Want of the 'thy of
. burgh to meet ai the Public Scheel Doom to mid Ward.
Tho electors of t h e Seventh Wiwi tithe city of Prue
burgh to mevt at the Yuba School 1.101.0 in said
2110 electors of the Eighth Ward of to, city of Mt,.
burgh to meet et the bailie School Dome in mid
The electors of the Ninth Ward of the city of Pitts
bWard.urgh to meet at the Public School. Boma he said
The elector. of the Ftrot'Ward ofthe. of fragile
ny to meet et the Public demo Dote, In mid were.
Tho electors e 1 the Second War/ of the thy of
gbray to meet at the Brick School Douse, turnery
tale Alto and ammonia streets, In add Teed.
The eleeton of the Third Ward of tho city of Alleghw
ny, are. precinct, to meet at the Pthlio School Home
in said Ward; the electen second precinct, third
Ward, to meet at the bane, of Gee. tiereLin add vied.
The electors of the Fourth Ward of. the city of Alla
gimay, Lust precinct, to meat at the maine boase, ow •
per of Mecca and Amman creet4 edixaul precinct,
et the hone of Jacob Pack, corner of Ohm= gad
Mein street&
The elector:sof the borough aflaxolz, &et pue
dad, to moot at the Public School llowresecond pre.
dad, at the Enigma' olllce, in said letrough.
The electors of th e borough of ast Illuningan, to
meet at School House Na.], In aid borough.
The elector. •ot Dooneace borough to meet at the
Public School Llonsettrqbonough.
The elector. of the of Lenclutherrille to unit
at the Public of
Rowe add binnagli.
The electors of the borough of SharPthorg to mad
the house ofJazioest Sharp in said borough.
The elector, oftbe borough iotMdur;,tugu,t to media
the Town in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Tetoperancedlle to
meet at the Pobtie School Doan to said borough.
The elector. at the borough of South Pittsburgh to et the Mobile crbool flosusir,. earner or Marian
street and Brownville toimpilkeread.•
The electors at the borough of West •Fittsburgh to
meetut the School Ithose Weald borough,
The, electors of the' borough of Wed - Elisabeth to
meet at the Prin.:School Horne bold barmogh.
The electors abbe borough of Taretama to meat at
the Public School Roam to said borough.
The electors of the borough of Manclunter to meet at
the 'Paha School lbws.
Tho electors of the Iwough of Eibeheth to meet at
the acne of II 0 Taller, formerly occupied by Jelin
Walker, In said borough. •
The doctor-sof the borough of Sewickley, to nosoCat
the Palle Schierl Douse la sald borough.
The electors of Monongahela borough to meet at
the School Rowe in said boreliel•
Thoth -chars of Election Diendet No. 1, of Peebles
township to meet at the house of John Solar, to the
Wage et lint LitrerG. .
The electors of Election Illstat No. baubles
, tomeet at Ohm itrinnuldp.
The e tom of Pitt tho to to ai
meet a
et the Public
School house, war Oakland, tumid township, except
the quellflod votary residing In specious Nea.4,l and
14, in the city district, who than vote ate/I the gem
oral elections, in the Ninth Ward a m, dile( Pub.
The ekctors of Collins township to meat at the house
of Wm. Wall, Jr , to the village ofEeet Liberty.
The elector. of Wilkins townthip to-nreet at the
Public School house la rho village of Walusbnrii• In
said township.
The ,lectors of Phon township to met at the home
swammine. In raid towaldp. . • u
Thee eiwtins of Patted tineastdp to Meet at the heave
o to fAhrshant Taylor, en the Nmt era Turnpike, in add
The electors of Perm townehtp to most at the awe
Rith-rt Donaldson, an the . lereclabarg Bred, to add
The electors of Vernellee tows:ship to meet at the
Public School Mum, on do faun of Deed Shaw, wet
the White Meuse, formerly nstgad bynames Beak
cow by William A. Saw.
The elector. of Elabeth towneldp to meet et Ida
house ale. G. Taylor,
fotmecliy acconded by John
Walker, In Elletheth utmgh, - •
'The electors of Jean=township tO Meet at the
house et Micheal lbw krunerly.canopled by John
Zing, bulb toworthip.
The elatars °rattan township to meet at the hams
of amid Wilam , formerlyoccupWlyJantes /Lad,
in said township.
The elate...armor St. dale totrn s blp to meet at
the mem of Moth seven, in Mid towtnblP.
Tbsalecton'of lamer St. Mir towentthe to meet at
the house lately kept by P. d the Junction of
the Birmingham and Oral /WI o In old tow
Tho electors cf Cara neldit•
Carats meat meat at tha
awe of William Obey, on the MGeterigh and Stmt.
Nada Turnpike. '
The electors al Soblawm howelrlp to meet et the
home of/brat 3 Yrachad, formerly At ld'Farlsod
in said township.
The electors of towithig to, meet at the "'"
home at 11PCbiland A. Armee, fotmert,
J. Charles, In thwrillege cf Cliatiss,th slid towesyip
N aec b,tors
la o old kamishi f Mean torah* to Meet at Schott
The electors of tab Levw...,..t.p trunk eg taboos
of henry V. Thempetn, In add township.
TheeleoLos et Franklin towship, pradukt*
meat at the house cceupled hew Natty. b
said township; the electors et secuttilltuschent to moat
et the store home of Janus Neely ..tit said tower*
The electors of Eberle fownship to meet at ttai
School Nona° Na. 2, In selltownship,
Thu elector/el Baldwin townthfp th meet et fbe
bonse of John Cionnu, to said uneestder ;
The electors of McCune towestdp, to suet at the .
School Boum, near ok. - Goose of Befog; it, Wood%
Ran, to mid township.
The electors of Snowden township & meet alai
house of Peter Boyer, Ir. odd tmenthip.
The elector, of South- Audis townthip to 11111eg
the house
townshi of 11. fay; on the farm at G.Y. Omar, hit -
The electors p.
of North Payette 3 = • pto wed it
the home formerly oompled Jna:4 . ad
Dodg Mill In
er's , mid township.. •- ua . .• •
The effetely tear/has tow:chip te Medal the hat •
of Hugh altei , the Freeklur kW!.
1 12 election of Pino tatnuldp to- itiet k . boat
pf•tatties Trimble, to said totraldp. - -
The ehochon of llPthundlom town/der to Ethel at the
home of Prank Moeda:nisi UN tOWllnlihiP.
The electors of West Doer towu th ip_to mod gt fat
hone* of Nathan Wiley, in add township.
The elector, of East Deer ow:alder to :pet al tics
Scheel Mouse at the mo a t
h of itellsy'a /Sun.
The elector, of Pawn togrieldlh •Ans Pomba, to
meet et the school house at Bala Works, to thut
rentem; moth pnxinct, at Our Lem' of James the
The electors &Neville township to meet el Mend
Douse No. 1 (bernaller to be caUed Caudal
The electors of Swickley to meet the
Loam °famed Bitch* In Mkt tottanatupe-whip.
. The electors 'of kebob, township . to meet at tics
homes fonnerly Occuplod by - aex. Term, fa aid
1 The qualiflod raters of thal gad .orradium ban
eldp, All,hesty coon% kiellihnewithdo the follow
bg ascribed bausidrme, to wit :—Beghtrdng at
paint CO the river, at the mop= line on the
term of John le, and
a nertherke um%
between tho boots 'amid lahle soot Jchn Dopf,,to.
the north east =du orXklihres farm—thefts tax
Wag a westerli CCM= to due Shakes township VW
hi inch a manner a. to can ea an DIMS . orlotlildtai:
dad threntnenurknovn • sit
River beets; within ' . a s
and ,
td bsr,a 11c,
vote at the general election In tic of Sbetpec
- bong, Witte dethongrell af cold borough.
- The electdra of 'Studer t ow:04
&haat Haman p, moot at .Tob3
abawttsaid - Unita:rip: • .
The !a d ea ths of Growth itearaid4o , lll meet .11
Tented= ovnamotaa,tOwciddp;ta met . st
bona arWiniaas Pottra.ta mid temptable.. •
The. elertarfor Union tawnship band at Meal=
cf James Moletzln add tointilup, , •
Tao alatikra of MG townlder„totteet Wks Imo I
Of Andrew Gifila,;th atatairatdkr. ,7'n •
The. &etas of ateldand
14 tawnehlo to Meet ades
Public School Sam fa k•artolra. •
At 'which time thtitt electors a ~
aforetaLdwill by Wie 'for • -
One won for Governor at Pitntiarana.
" Ono :MEM itsJudge-Alta enemas Court
.• Ono pawn far 'Prteddant It
. 47 - . 4 ibv
Cart at Allegheny comely. • • • •
oca Daum far am= nt - Allegtusa4 a laty.
Phu verbena= nwathere ar-the of Item-
Rotating of Pennsyleanki.-_-
Gee person for Olarko4 cutup of Quote? gemOnts . ; •
of Allot bee/ _
One persoutor Treentbir of 'ittregiiay 021111114 ‘;
One pea.? llecordirref Deeds, La, of A
Oas parson for Zeigilint6f** of.inallb4D7
Oise piton fir 'donnartifiltir ArreiharY
• And the eitisens,of the newel bdrongitiand
AMP. WU elect aza PiCntra, "treblreeter of the Poor of
AtvertnEder My handind rical.StlMl=lll
I°th " .2° Pbumblirel-Sfaesaid tta
cf the died alto the eithtyndelith• • • •
ralldaydarter filAMh.
GEwatiluar. audit
Hi , In roarth wtrmt...
ANTIC/A-All &Celia:lntend Ara
olhA tootled eat tba titilotatottflevera tba
Mater of tb• (pain of MO —MB= BMW, OIL
•W betead• .Isclasti th• Db.
bite Onzt afAlbgbay
siledw lkacazatAngslkwi