ECE ER • El fithibllig OM"' TREPAY MOBEILICir..:=:.-..00T. 2, 1868 • Union State. Ticket. 108.130TERNOII: &MODEM G. EITIMIN, of Centre. .li2ll ON ail MUM 00111 IT : DANIEL AGNEW, of Deaver. Vnion ()Dian Ticket. / YOS Ammidmol ..1440 of am Mirk( Cbsri. AWILPVO II . - - 11.ansbly. JOBS IA WASS. ALVAND eIoACIK. DA BS B. HURON. Iv. WIL - 11. DIZEIVITON. - v. TEO& J. SKIILLIL 7er Eby% JOHN 8. grawsat. fro Mork WfL 6.111.11403. Per awati 'haymow. DAVID ATILDIS.JA: ADDUCE. ReOLU sr DZII. 31138LIIDV1. "Of 0 OM& 0.811116. W.. , °sown smarms. Itir Under of al POOP. Han it • DRATO. Volunteering Renewed. •.The Provost Marshal of the 211 District ble.received Orders to proocedimmediately to' the work of recruiting soldiers for the regiments now in service. The moneys re ceived from drafted men as commutation is to constitute a fund for the payment of bounties to those who enlist for three years or the war• The amounts paid ehall he as follows : For veteran recruits, who 111h/111 have been is serviCo not less than nine months, and who shall lave beta honorably discharged far any cause except physical disability, the bounty, in isidltion to regular pay, is $402, payable icLregatar periodical instal- Monts. Shedd the soldier be favorably discharged after two years' service, the full bounty will be paid. To all other reornite, not veteran?, a bounty of $302 ahall be paid, in the same manner as above stated. The order says; 'lf the Government obeli not require these troops for the fall period of three years, and they shall be mus tered honorably .out of service before the expiration of their term of enlistment, they shall receive, upon being mustered oat, the whole amount of bounty remaining unpaid, the same as if the fall term had been Served. The legal heirs of recruits oho die is service, shall be entitled to receive the whole bounty remaining unpaid at the time of the soldier's death." A suffioient number of recruiting agents are to be appointed, to whom a apecified fee shall be paid for every acceptable re cruit furnished by him to the Board, and rho, upon being examined, shall be enlist ed and turned'over to the general render- Should this call be generously responded no farther draft will be needed ; but if not, another resort to the conscription is inevitable.= It is therefore as much the in ._, tercet as the duty of the people to sire all • • encouragement in their power to this ex perinient. ' _ The Coalition of the southern Reb. Oh and the Northern • Trailers. The Georgia Conelitutieraa2isi—the leading paper of that State—in a recent article de darer, that "thesueeesses of Southern arms alone could give strength and consistency to the peace movement" in the North,—and then, still more specifically "In order fa , . ' ' verably to affect the Ohio electron, it is to the last degree essential that the Confederate armies win one or more decilitre battles • within the next thirty days. If Johnston and Bragg can defeat Rosecrans and Burn side, then we may expect the most favora ble results from the Ohio election." This was written on the 9th of Septem. bar. The combined rebel forces of Bragg, Johnston, Buchan ; . sad hongetreet fell on Roseerans on the 19th and 20th, for the purpose of "influencing the Northern facetious this fall," and enabling the Cop perhead leaders to force a disunion peace with the rebels. Day by day, broader and clearer-grow* the evidence that the leaders of the Copperheads, under the cloak of constitutional quibbles, are in damning league with the Richmond rebels. A BILPORTEE CAl7ollT.—it is a pity for the reading public, perhaps, that reporters are net really, as they are sometimes rhe tori callyeabi to be, übiquitous. But as they are neither üblquitono„ nor even at all times chip-oosontt, they should not be lazy, and assume that they can report accurately what they haze not seen. All this is apropos of • dispatch sent from Philadelphia, the other night, written by some reporting genial on the a priori principle, saying that General McClellan, on being serenaded at his mother's residence, "retuned thanks for the compliment in • neat address," whereas the serenaders really found that .the object of their adulation was not there at aIL Be had bout there early in the evening, bat when his musical friends came to orbits?, they found themselves too late. The : reporter • was therefore a "little pre vious" in sending the aforesaid report. Tue Evansville, Ind., Znowoissys: "We lave reliable information that a considers blei'foree of guerrillas have oroesed the Tongues river, near Fort lielmsn, coming North. The number has been reported as Idgb it5..,7,000, which is probably, an exag geration. There is no doubt, however, that there are movements now being made by these roving bands of thieves and murder er.,who, hoping to take advantage of the. exigencies of the service which call cur available tarots in Tennessee and Ken . 'lucky to the front, are concentrating their forces in the hope of making a successful - totai•into Kentucky, or even across the Ohio river._ Already expeditions are or wised and organising in Kentucky to meet and baffle their machinations and in , ilot merited punidunantr on the Lrr rr ns Itermumuum that, while Mr. Justice Woodward has given his intellect to the service of those who ere enemies of the Union, and has fashioned many argu ments for treason and dialoyalty, he has not sal& a-word in favor of the country. We have a letter front him within the last few days, but, it is Bo insincere and un meaning that the people .regard it with • emitempt. When the war first began he had nothing to sey , in faiorUf the country, - - or against rebellion: .• Indeed, he unstaine d - the rebellion, for he told the elaveholders - Beath - Cannella; witen . they were arming, - - thst - they - "might lawfully fall back upon ,‘ • their natural rights," and employ war in 1 Wit defeaae.—.Phila. I' tea - 461;AVIST A DX7IIIII 7, 0 6 / 8 / TO • - • 001>i-Ccippetteld.a-divine institution, .10-0,00 -,same principle it ins3+ be' sad -- list - the Wieser lies, the old Diabetes him self, is divine institution. .rte-K'z'=s ,~+--'y7R, ~-a~sr.*. h+y~r~i~ _~..,._-- .. r , _: :. kir Justice Woodward and hie Mew oiled Letter-ail. Aieplg from Mr. Todd. The following letter from Mr. Immix. Tours more thoroughly exposes lies shuffling redo 'farrago to which Judge Woonwawn recently nutted in his letter to B. B. BRAFIRT, than weeonid do in our notice of that document, 7 -having remembered only enough. of. the Mr. TODD'S - cfplisob, to see the poor orardotiltrigeigoonwean did not think unworthy of himorhen he chose o to read, or mis-read, the name of Judge HALS as "Judge Hsu.,' and then 'delay that be knew, or had ever known, snob a man. As to the confutation, of Judge WOOD. WARD'S assertion of his put and present de votion to "upholding the Union and the Con stitution," if his own testimony, when he spoke as a free wttneis, unsuborned by motives snob as self-Interest and ambition now supply, will not Wine to dispel all man , nor of doubt from the readefe mind, we ask konly that the evident' of his friends and rap porters—the 11CORESIS, EMMA, Isaxasoma, eta—ha also taken ; and the-position, WW- I des and obligations of Judge WooDwase, spite of all etasions and denials, become all dear as demonstration itself. But we must no longer detain thcereador from Mr. Teen's letter, which is as follows: - To vse EDITOR OS Tea Puss :—Sir' My attention has been balled to • correspondence between B. E . Shapley, BK., and Judge Woodward, In which I am reported, by the former gentleman, to have said at a public meeting that "he (Mr. Todd) had been in formed that a senate Judge Hall Bald in a re ' °apt conversation with him,y on (Judge Wood- Wird)'had avowed yourself &believer in the doctrinal of secusion, and in favor of en im mediate recognition of the South." My =seer to all this is, that I never made such a statement. Judge Ball is an muob un known to me, as he possibly can be to Judge Woodward, and I certainly never named him, or referred to him an an authority. If, how ever, It affords the parties to that correspond ence any pleasure to put up a man of straw and then Crook h!m down, I have no objso tion but do most empatleally protest against being misrepresented and falsified. At the meeting referred to, I contended that Judge Woodward was a Secessionist, and that I could prove it by his published declarations, his political aseeciations, and by the reports of his conversations with_individuals. I then quoted from his grub of the 11th Dedember, 1860,and showed that Its sentiments never had been changed, Indflified or repented of. I re ferred to tee conduit and platform of the Con vention which nominated Men, as exhibiting bitter hostility to the Government, and evi dent rympathy with the traitor Vallandigham, whose proclaimed friendship for the rebels and unmeasured denudation of the war were widely know - n; and also to the hot that Judge Woodward's most prominent supporters. end the recognized leaders of the party, were Wm. B. Bud, O. Ingersoll, Frank Hughes, and others who had distinguithed themselves by acts of disloyalty, and made themselves bro mine by treasonable propositions. I farther stated that I had been informed, upon most respectable authority, by citizens of my own town, that Judge Woodward, fa • conversation with the Hon. 11. B. Wright, had defended the constitutionality of the doctrine of recession, and denied the power and authority of the General Government to coerce a State into °boa Ince to, its obliga tions under the Constitution; that Halo bad expressed hisuadt as being shocked at the sentiments avowed by Judge Woodward in a conversation on the subject ; and that Judge Lorin, who knew him intimately, whilst recently on a vialao Carlisle, had char , aderized Judge Woodward se a disciple of the extreme Calhoun acheof of politics, and by far a more dangerous man than Vallandigham himself. From these data I argued that Judge Woodward wee a Seceesionist, and unworthy the support of loyal men, and that his eters- Von to °Moe at this perilous adds in our af fairs-would be moss disastrous. The public will judge whether a denial ex totted at this late hour, under the pressure of Impending — defeat, and with the hope of ward ing off the just Indignation of the loyal peo ple of the Sat will avail to counteract the just and legit Ito offset et opinions and principles heretofore published, and which Judge Woodward does not, even new, disa vow, and of aseoelations with men who are notoriously disloyal, and particularly in ac tive co operation with the enemies of the Government. I am, sir, very respectfolly L , yours, uttraL ToDD. Carlisle, Ps., Sept. 28, 1863 The Campaign in Maryland A campaign of no ordinary interest is on the point of opening in Maryland. The Unconditional Union menet the State who, are in favor of e;eedy emancipation for Maryland, and of giving a cordial sup. port to the present Administration, have perfected their organization, and will have at the coming election a fair trial of their strength. They are op. nosed to dodging a longer an open contest upon these two issues, and will ran for both the State and Congressional elections, a ticket of their own. Each of the fire candidates of the party for Congress is pledged to vote for the candidates of the National Union party for Speaker, and to give his support to the Administration of President Lincoln, including, - of course, his emancipation polioy. Two of the can dates, Thomas and Webster, were in -the last Congress, where they were wavering as to the important question, sometimes voting with and sometimes against the Union party. They have 'pledged themselves to be more consistent hereafter. Henry Win ter Davis, who has been nominated instead of the mceseiettist May, is the moat out spoken advocate of the emancipation -pol icy of the government. In the Second dis trio', Mr. Calvert, who was not considered sound on the two questions, has not been renominated, but has been replaced on the ticket by CoL Holland, who sides with the Unconditional Unionists. In another dis trict, Mr. Crisfield, the late member, had again received the nomination; but falling to give those pledges, which the Uncondi tional Unionists demanded, a convention of the latter nominated in opposition to him Mr. Joneii.< A.:stralght - out Emancipation end Admin istration thiket killing been thus agreed upon, the State Central Committee of the party have Made] t e necessary prepara tions for bringing out the fall vote of the party. At a meeting of the committee held in Baltimori on the 231 of Septem ber, which was Winded by four of the Congressional candidates, a vigorous plan of the campaign was agreed upon. A series_of meetings has been pranged, cow ering the whole State. Two Or more of the Congressional nominees will be present at each of the meetings, and In addition, the committee expects to receive the assistance of distinguished gentlemen from other States. Among those who hen already given assurance that they will take pert in the campaign, are. Gov. Curtin and the Hon. Wm. D. Kelly, of Pennsylvania; the Hon. N. B. Smitbere and Edward J. Brad ford, Esq., of Delaware, the Hon. Rosen Consling, of New York, and the Bon. Samuel Oalloway,of Ohio. Tim Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows assem bled at Baltimore 'last week. The Grand Secretary reported a tabular statement of the statistics of the Order as far as could be ascertained. There are no reports from the Grand Lodges df Virginia;Nerth Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Misdeal ppi, Texan, Louisiana, • Aikansaa, Tennessee, New Mexico and the British North Ameri can Premineres. The reports from the other States and Territories show that they con tain 2,759 imbordinsta loans, with 182,- 179 members. Ihning the year ending on the 80th of June last i the aggregate amount expended for the relief of brothers was $288,165 46, and for the relief mf widowed families $50,94368; and for the education of mrphans, , $8,338 06, The report also states that in the same States and Territa ries there. are '6lB enboidinit& encamp ments', with 17,687 members. Belief was afforded td the amount of $82,817., 80 to pi frisrebs,` and 52,537 16 - for. the relief ed, widoweetfamilitg $62 90 were ex-, pended for the education of orphans. s"-Y ._>, ~.c x ...i :.2. a.-.,'~c _.u,...r-:.:.,~i...~:,;r....,~Li..._ .. a r i. S. -+. f• . ..r. s, , 3 - lliniAlrestes L. Saturation on !'ease, Demotxats. • Ft01:0 earns remarks of the Hon. Oitasrirs, A. Bnownitos, addressed to the Union League of Philadelphia, on Monday oven- I Ing, we make the following extracts. Dri Blowasor seems to speak with all the vig-i or and effectiveness which charm:MAO him as a writer. "On being introduced to the meeting, he said: I ant net here as a party man. I onl know my wintry and her enemies. It was one of Bolon's laws that every citizen who did not defend his country in time of I war was to be treated as a traitor. I look' lon every man who talks of peace or cam promise now sea traitor. Of a peace par ty in time of war Than heard in my youth. Patriots condemned them, and they have' 1 gone where nobody can And them. The peace party of to-day will fare worse than the peace party of 1812. This is the only question: Is the Government to stead or tall, to live or die? We are not fighting withnen with whom we can compromise. There is no medium. Either the Govern ment must crush the rebellion or the re bellion crush the Government. Flunkey ism is of no avail We meat either put down or be put down. I regard as rebels and traitors all who sympathize with the rebels. The Dank oratio party, as a party, Is certainly dis loyal. Every Copperhead is a Democrat, though every Democrat may not be a Cop perhead. The man who supports a party that is hostile to the Government, though in dividually 'well disposed, is but aiding and misting traitors. The rebellion was of Democratic pater nity and fostering, and cencerted with the governments of France and England, and in expectation of aid from the North. The alliance of Eegland and France wee made to control the globe, and Lord Palmerston said some time ago that, having settled the eastern hemisphere to suit themselves, they would attend tq the western. Those governments desire to divide us. The peo ple of France and England are opposed to slavery, but the governments are not. For were it removed we 'should be united, and the moot powerful nation of modern times. They are now waiting to see the two sec tions, like the Kilkenny cats, devour each other. The war is not a calamity. Nations have gone out and expired in absolute donkey ism. I hope the war will not cease' till it has made all the North men. It has been our supineness that has allowed the Booth for thirty years to gamble on our love of ' the Union. For thirty years I have voted under threats. In 1860, I voted to please I myself, and I voted for Abraham Lincoln. I have net agreed with him in everything.. I wish he had been more energetic. In stead of arresting a few, I wish he had ar rested more. And instead of arresting I them, I wish hi had hung them. Then there wouldn't be a copperhead to show his head. Men can't be neutral in these times. dow can a good eon be neutral when he .seea a man with a dagger at his mother's heart. Country is more than mother. If this is preserved, other generations may grow and expand in glory. The neutral is not only a traitor, he is a coward. I have no sympathy with a party that seeks to come into power through.peacs. Give the rebels peace and you give them independ ence. The copperheads are deceived. Some of their leaders expect but a tempo rary secession- The BOuth has no such an idea. They have used the Northern Dem ocrats; how they intend in future to treat them, can be seen by the Richmond papers. They will keep between them and the wind—and then hold their noses. .This Union once dissolved can never be restored. We must elect ;such men to office as will posh the war, and...maintain the Govern ment. If we could raise three hundred thousand men between now and December we shouldn't have another battle. When well flogged, they will love'us better. than they did before. Let us show ourselves their military superiors, and they will no longer trouble us. From Vicksburg-41°w Affairs Look in Dixie A. letter from Vicksburg, in the Ciuoin nett Gazette Mug the following: We see persons from the Confederacy 3 daily. They all agree that it is on its last legs. In the thing of railway machinery they are sadly deficient. Oil is out of the question, and the lubricator is turpentine and varnish—it. soon' gums up, and ren ders machinery melees. Engineers from the South speak of the disorder of things generally. All men are taken from trains, except engineers and conductors, and put in the army. None are exempt who can bear arms, except those absolutely needed in the transportation of materials of war. There is greet dissatisfaction among those who have been heretofore exempt from mil- Wiry duty, most unwilling conscripts they are, and bitterly do they denounce the war, now that they have to share its priva tions and dangers. It was a holy war while they could remain at home and urge others to fight—now It is different. The fact is, they wholly misunderstand the North; thought themselves the expo- ' nents of valor and chivalry; could hang a poor, defenseless school teacher, who was imprudent enough to express hit: horror at the ides of selling one's own children, and whipping women with stow hide,or, fatten ing upon the labor of ignorance and despair. Because the poor wretch made no defense against numbers, the whole nation were called cowards—but nobly have they vindi cated theintell_es-, , and avenged the past. The same people will soon be suppliants for mercy from tkransef. The indulgent uncliwill, perhaps, cut his children off with a shilling and bid them in the hereafter, as he was bidden in the garden upon the links of the Euphrates in In milli time, "By the sweat of thy brow," eto. The Contest in Iowa: In lowa they acknowledge the hopeleis• nese of their cause and the certainty of the election of the Republican ticket' by from ten to twenty thcroland majority. They tried the dodge of nominating nmilitary man for Governor, in the hope' of securing the army vote. The Union party was too strong for them, and beat them at their own game. A B.epublican Colonel received the nomination, and thus the race goes on; an eagle orrthe one side and a Mar on the other. Had the election taken place im mediately after the nomination, there is little doubt that the Copperhetois would have succeeded. All depends equally the army, the home vote being nearly equally Tuttle, has an excellent military _reputa tion, and the eoldiers would have voted for him in a 'body before the !subject had been discussed. Now that they have been enlightened, they will repudiate him en.' and vote 'tamest - unanimously for Co Stone. Den. Tuttle irons thing, and the platform on which he stands Is another'. As man and eoldier he would.get almost the entire army vote; as a candidate of the Peace Democracy the army will go almost nnanicamly against him. The Rent Platform of the Demo• eratie Pasty. F. J. 011UND, in his speech in Philadel phia on Monday night, made the following important observations : I know that these platforms are con structed by politicians, not by gatemen, with a view to entrap unwary Tigers, and not as rules of notion binding on the can didates after their eleation. I kndir thit the bulk of the democratic) Party, in spite of the Professions of its cunning leaders, stands on the peace platform, and that, if it were toancceed, the rebels woul4 take a fresh start, and the Goverameata of'France and. England, rata areflow,:by the of the. NOWD, deterred fromlntervening in our national ittaziel,;would siohagny heeitate:ta sot, 111Stirlire wishes, if not of the active coaepuration'of a powerful party in the free States. AZNION ussnrickliin ti.iirraztalreiTer ant:Lmint `ras% MANCIETSIEB, au 3311111 DAT 1311331 N 2, Oct 31 MMus:9lOllW dollw.dV_T. J. plait 11l sad 11 n. MACSBDtL Too ca:t4 A•131110N RESTING will be held to tbiati OharrlCat MITA CactlEr4oa vainAr XVX:811411. Oct:711. 001. 7. V. CLAIM •ILL adds.., the =Wins 00 ad Uate lIMON MEWLING will be held at ?LAB', Ohio strati. enetbua7 Citi , on 102151.513, Cat: vf, se % o'clock. Ad drama will be delln.ral by H. O.III.MIKESLL and Whom. • ocl. gra! UNION kLENTING will to held II 111111:11W8, Wogs' Sup, in tacClure teweship, on B &TUBDAI 11711000 3 , Oe. a. .0. 7 airlock. Addresses TI be dalharml by B. 0. 1:1071.1)3,Zaq , sod Elm JAB. L. Galant!. oaLtd Wit UNION 11IFATLNG will be held awry W. Bolds, In bIirDOZYLLLII. Up. 'per Et. tom slatp, On 12.1 DAY ILVESIEO, Oct bd. it 6if elcali. Addresses will in delivered bp THOMAS M. ILLSEIHALL. . 1 . W.l. Wan g " a IL O. lltraiLAw IA qt. . ode , d 10.1CIGHTH WAM).—kliftiton Meet ing • m De held at the carrier of Stevenson street and Pennsylvania avenue, FillDra" IVES- Oct. ad, at 7% o'clock. Aldreases will Lo de. um* by Hon. A J. BIGIHAN, TEM K. MSS. 8132.L14 81. A. WOODWAIt D, B. ).LUCAS, and others. oci 10•1 e. UNION IdAIVIING affil be held LaMar LLIEID,It.TY, Oahu talraablp, on 6A.TDDRAII EY NIHB. Octcbar 34 et? o'clock, /adrenal wM"la, &limed t 7 001. M. HAMM, TED} HOWARD, Zsq., sad WK. C. HOBIEL4.III I , Eq, sala:ld AL UNION MANNING will be held at mccosinmes' ecinOL Reuss, to went Dux toinablp, on 181 DAY, Ocioler 2d, It 134, o'clock p. m. Addranies salt be thlhot , dby the Hon. JAS. L. QUA.HAPI, and We. M. BARB, ae.fhtd 1C -, A UNION hiIiETING will be held ""'" ih. d 'nee of B Sidi . AiL M P Seth on the Sitlannirg rood, Indiana township, on TUIDAT, Ocatto.r Bib. at 6 0'.1..c a p.m . & dirtiest. will bo deltotred by Etna TII R. H. ItE.6.II.SHALL, 0.1 J. B. MASH, Em. T. J. 110116.1 d, and 13. 0. 116011otseLL, Teo. CHUsus are lnoltad to .rand. OnA UNION hISIITIIqI will be held In tba C KOLEZ 1317 t 071 7". 2, 1 va BLTOIIDAY, Octubar 34, at 7 p m. L Ohm Okub and Dram Earbi .111 be in ►tt:adance. Adlrtama trtil be de Mated by floe. J. H. azoort- HE Uri, TROL. bl. it at HULL., Eaq., at d J. 1.1)L 6 wuritosT am 4. Eta t.20..4 IE - .4klclUki ligliTING will bo bell ee J MIN O. RISK OiL WORKP. Dear McKeesport, on If BIDAY MEI G, Water Mu id, at 63/ o'c'eck. Addrar • will be denter• *4 by THOS. M. IndllSllettla net., Boa. JAB. la On %HAM, and B. Y. I'ON n0819110115T, req. seVitt • UNION IiffiRTING will bo held at MAUI CHUIIO7I, on THU StSDAirs Oat Bth, ht 10 o'reols a m. An I qal silliesti who are In tote of a sly:irons presuntlon of the was and the snypraslon of the subteen, en earnestly re quested to attend. pm nuetleg will tse addreewd by Vf H. 0. 01013111CAND. Eset , Co'. J. B. MSS'S, and others eets:td IWObION 001161IrrEN ON MEET ING 3 AND SIDIRIES Balmy L. Waaran, H.O nicaans., Jams BROWN. J. O. DACZOII2I. . bruotta. is. The ocuocuttes me• t IV LUX DAY, at 9 o'dock p. m., In WILKIE'S 114[4., when arrasstemasta be Tann for awnings mad apeakaa. Pastan 037 meastars onk Ee prosoind at lto ball. get MASS MEETING • FREEPOUT, Wednesday, October 7, 1868, AT 1 OTLOO4. r. at liniment vestal will be present. cillsean ct Lt gherty am! lb. atIJ Atittig coat tin moo cordially looltod to Us prom/. t0304C1 gW•IiE;ITUCKY EPEAK%3 I There .I I le a rablto nettlac al the UNION CLUB BOONA, IN WILKINS Hit T dlB (17.141) ITEdISCI, Y T o'cloct Whoa th 3 Loyol pnbllo w 11 two on rpponnnity o hearing Ron. GREEN ADAJR9, of Kentapky Prof. HEGERIA,N, of Now York C.mi an! hes? these et' vient of Fait =!3 9. , 1'E1E LOYAL PF,Ong ALLEGHENY COUNTY Lie n•gentl3 revr.ted TURN OUT IN THEIR STRENGTH Awl &Wood tho GREAT 11:1,NION RALLY, 'AT UNIONTOWN, PA AroJrDAr, October sth, 1863 o lIICRIBBION THAIS wdl Ie re the Cannon.. lee Dopot. ROlll street,at 8 *Wool a. m remain tho same riming. A BBABI BAUD vlll secomplay the doloiptlou. Lot all Ms men orb° orlth to glow their d,,,0,50a. don Mho dollop of the maul tzestouable Copfer hoed at Untoatosa, ~ RALLY AROUND TILE rLea,,, Ahd Will out to the taints XCURTION TICKETS c& be het at the MnVl Headqoarten, Wilktos HA on appllMtion to "ne ttles Committee. oaat_ JrQTICE& orDmasoN Will give a GRAND SCHOOL MATINEE, Og IiktIIBDAT ASTSBYGUN. Doan 2:10 ;comma= a' 8 o'clottr-nu whl , b emitted ULlldne will le admitted for If M. &IS °Rea& odk2t. • • " Cornrow twang/in .Ctee Cootrear, 19th rept...W..180. 0.131.1t0T10N.--The Etookholdere of eofbe 'Pittsburgh Chu Company" are ha•br salted tbatan eleot.on for three Trustees, to tarn ear the atm Dr throw Into, and of ono' ite. to serve for ttno term Of tiro rent. gal be d et fh• Celts If U. ambler. In the 'Oar if Phistrareb, on - the YOST tauspior els 7) OP OCTO 9 S 4 between the ixOwa el 9 end 6 o'clock p. oliOwdm Jdere9iL CattleTV. Insulter. • EL-/COTICIi FOREBY kiten to the •• - "w" enbeeibres to eh/betook of 'orbs Oda Yelkree' Teed Astociatlon,:ol Toripsnacoltio." that sae am leo ment of ton pre coot. Us bank levied opoa -Os eirok ratiteloble to ate 'Peewee. at UM. Wrizarvilla, at orpefout tbit Mu DA Ir Or OOTU. DIL NO. sae e imotrot amp thirty &le shoteraorcestil theetook. la oil up. • ... Bycedar cd.thattoard. • &I:otary*. ilittlltsodalweihy • • 8A138,-19 dozen Twilled, Fagutint s for nu es flintily 11; Fagg OE 6015 T.-100 bbls. fresh; of Ilia cell 'Anatol New Tett Water Lima.' oeS • • anigay. n..motrair* QALTLtho,make . of fotir,palf4 for solo pa at US Wad, ono, by - •- - - P.rtigoeit IltElliThlarpiniTrtlfaVoiLiir '-troviscrziotffe - ie. . Iwo% 6, 4 . Iv GU kind at Nos. Ss sad a Bt. Car amt. J. & R. PAILLIP& •Ng OF PITTSBIIEGIL PrilliantOlN Ott 1, 181111; eB Lam., 111114. Diecounts and Get t.ficatro of 1udebt01n.a.—.—....81. 4 2 4 Itt United .tatte• lionda,Ca and T3oo. 6511.= 00 Bad 'Galata and Ground 68,412 41 Stocks sad 211m1anist—:----- 9,691,96 Due by ether 6,290 Tt Balk Notes, Cheeks &Trees Notes. Ili DM 00 1:01.211 • Luansrus. - Capital 6tock..----- 151 ./ 43,500 CO Pronto and Earnings.-- 615 C• 33 Unpaid Dividends and Scupcsuse Set 15.160 Ti Due to other 1. 047 cO Circulation------ at 026 00 o /.7 15 . 51 5 81 11.3„11.117 68 The above statement is correct to the best of ay knowledge tellef JOHN HADPED, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed this Many of Oct , IBS. 13. SMITH, Notary Public. EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTSB'GH. Prnmsan. lBo3 - 'll5 485 91, 60,00000 bold sod &leer 311, • United 3fates Legal Tender Notes— 49966 D. (0 United States Boads, 7 3.10 per cts.. /00,000 00. 00 U.S. Bonds, 6 per 200,000 U. S. Certificated; 6 par cent e 49,030 00 Pannsylsanla Bonds. 27.6,11* 00 Check% and Notes of other Banks— 99161 03 Due by other 197 999 30 Capital Stock.--..---- ..... ..-.. 93P,000 00 Circulation 1,780,433 00 DepotDa ... t 27 782 03 Duo to other Baas -- 60 643 te Contingent Toad and Kan:dogs— 207 640 48 e 3,614.484, 17 The above statement Is correct to the beet of tery knowledge and belief. H. IL E1U8.11.2.Y. Cashier. Armed before o. me, this Ist day of Oct., 1812. H. ISHILEL. Notary Public. ERCBANTS' AND TAANUFAC /ILL TIITCZES' DA X prmaultiti. Oat. 1. 1863. Capital Stock_... .-._...8 600.000 03 DueDepoatton. L 19,909 311 Due other Batiks men us Lawns and Dlseounta Coln Notes a Checks of other Beaks Due by other flanks tenstmen wealth of Pool. lan —. U. S. Covernmera Loan end Ti.... 16 e my The above statement Ls correct sad true to the best of my knowledge and belleL JOBS SOOTY. Jr., rsetder. Sworn sad ratentibed belbse me thls La day of act., 1863. S. 81111711. 11TECHANIC3' BANK OF ITN& .13. L BVICOIL llnglman,lCet. 1,180 s kuILITIES. Circultion-- Duo to *that Duo to Dal 393.719 ASSET& D. ft. Loans and Discountsa---9 1 .‘ 80 CO Dao by other Hanks 4O r 09 —1 Treasury llatesandliatesand Meets Cu atter la'. Depleted la D. IL 440,00 OULU 81.967.905 91 The above statement b °arrest, to the best of my Imootedge and belief. OW. N. NOME W, (Sables. Sworn Wars me, thls Ist day INN. THANK W. SENDEOY. Notary Petah CITIZENS' BANK. Proinones, Oct 1,1869. Low and 5630,8t8C0 41 169 ET Notes and Checks of ether Burke_.. 142,711 67 laSed Tender Notaa--- 46,009 00 U. 8. 7 3-10 80nda.....*-- 61.040 00 U. B. 6 percent. Bundy 2'0.000 00 IL 8.1 pear fettLtkates, (6 per ant. =POO 00 Ma Oren Banks and Bankers. —...... 26,6C6 21 Capital Stock—_—_--- 603,000 00 976,600 00 20 L._ Das to Banks and Beuskore---. 1 1415 0 The ebove statabeat b correct to the best of by juowledge and belief. P. litlidittNal , /LaistantMem Affirmed before me this DAVIS, let deb of N. Octc , 18g. R. Z. Pottle. TBON CITY BANK. Prnissoos, OctobsT I. WM - - • • 400,0D3 00 LOS 490 01 p _ Leans and IT B. sad Pa. Donde it Cettleattan— Deposited to D. & Bub-Trassmy—. 335,600 CO Due by other Deese 1E3.677 S 3 Dotes aud Clucks of other Baas and United &aka Treasury Notes-- 775 211 09 = ti on 70,760 00 AM 1.11 Doe to other Due to Dcpmitats.--. 779.269 The above statammot la correct according to thi test of my Smowledge and belief. J. RAGOITLN, Cashier. Alarmed onto before me Oda day. 8. MTH, Si A LLEGHENY BANK. Oc " Li " - - Prretinizast, t , 1861. 1.1 M. 00 Oapital Stork --.• **-,--- Loan. and Discount* 099,535 66 Dna by other Banks...* tuster t 7 Notes and Chocked other Batiks-- 101.414 2 Bpscia MAO SS Insular, Dona and U. 8. tkancillas 60.249 00 Dm to other Ila”se Due toDepwltorn.....*-- 5157,163 The above statement Is correct according to the test of my knowledge and be W. J. . COOK, Oselder. Sworn onto bates nu Oda day. a 81R1111. Notary Path° 3 I AKA/ t A t , I ROOMB WANTBP. TWO 08 TRIM GOOD DOOM lo • mutt& partod city. WWI& lot • Anita. d4reee 11 , X 4 Peres latter. Pa. Al St D EMOVAL —We have thie day taken Lai PCW 400 of the Once lately coooptoby Meer a Wert, 59 U e bp liTar t ilit at which place we will to glad to am du LYDAT /11 OHOBPIISIBIIIO. CM] =MTI FOUND—On the 23d inst, on a street In Pittsburgh, I e>r►LL PIMA =Ulan • km dollars tit mum. which ths yaw casi hays by descrlblng to• ptoptirty and plying ktr Ws d• Tertfeemsat. ApW to DAVID Mt/OMM LL. Now Al•xszidtta. Watsonlaad Oa.. Pa. sasll2t REMOVAL. We have this day taken the Wereb.ris lately occupied by Mew& linicbtioa 44 Co.. O. 9$ WATER and 132 TROST ti2ENZTO, and elm roathm• the Oononlasion awn and rendre Brined Oil on Ocrags, tar Width hate capacity for 3,600 barrels. Bats of Oman moderate. 111D118 • Olaf R& October lat. ISM oelilw NITBD STA.THIS ABMY BEGULA MEM Now and mega,/ edition. Prtoo /LK Botbohrver Monza/ for Insoluffeng an/ Sart. taa doldlars. Z.TrkssLlso. Ooppoo's field Monad of Coostobiartbd. TB cis. 'I he Clowyloto Cowpony Clerk. Mal IR. Tor sali by RAT 411 CO., 8/1 wood street. SUGAR 3-25 hhda N. 0. Sups 36 do Cabsdo; 20 Oro.' do do 10 tbla Llogarbonsa do; . 30 do Ornabod do; 10 do - Pi& 41 Gran. do; 83 40 •a B Ootrao do; Jost noshing and for tar by oy N. GOMM% 471 Lawry ;divot Pa —2B I bbls. No. 3 bag eMsokerel; 1 20 do dos do do; • 27 do do 1 do del 96 do do I do do; VI do do 2 do do; 26 ts do I do do; 609.0x0s Honto2l 1,090 N. vow Cod VIA; In atm muddy Ws by 009 W. M. GORMLY. WI. Litortv *frost QU,NDRISS 06111 IN 6PPLII3-20 bbls. tdeksd /May 03166811—1C0 maid. Western Swam IlitOON-41 OW Lb. ribtod ribs; DIITTSB-3,C00 OIL pocked Salim 1113—Flons. Boson tlarco, Totowa. limps, Nobs so. Toss, Brooms; Baps, Casa% Wm, EU; trona Batt, to soda, Washbowls, BOLUS% 'lO 4 Itor ado at No. IBS Liberty almost. by P. IMO* a nn. Luria, STOVE ,POLISII. Nottexp •ht ti OibMtirr Otto en , PoWh I. It le attests raised. L /this so until stainer. 8. It produces no did or dust. IL It stands the not Intense hest a. It pestarree ttost rut. a. It n the mat act:masted Palish. I. It it net oie.barth the mbar. • for sale by ' 812102 JOB.IIBTOII .mow Vautl and eatthildd stmts. " W. DASD, MnaoluinkTenon, 99 131111THILIMD 61%1112. wtn dos* Catrosta b pod UNION GMT TOW $2O Os 6811121411, ALL WOOL. $25, ELAM owls en ft. vs.. ears snit of cloth tastia In twelvs holm, al t G W. DAM% We. 94 Oultbliskt amok, =1 STlttirit-t2O bblt Lovering', Eiyealc IS M.s. do LW" Ito Plot glidl doy Jot tood:vid r aisd for idols, • - col.- • - W. ludositur, irriLltilitv Wait. trSS JAI/Pa .WONDEB, , AS Mood; ' Nati hci. Madam. Ran 6)‘z1124 , E 49486.1.2 OnligN"r; .7;:/aCITAILlitt,a% LIIIMITT mum_ With Os tack trontousr, si yrotact ourykat by skaiss..azarbangsacio.— -.—.. Tor ts tot aptly to Iflrstry H. nal Itga 111T31T- FALL AND WINTER OPENING. Run O. 850011 copen. ea &MOW/IT. Oct. 3 4 • httldsnit ths4tan wryly of , Bosom.. Be_ D Abe, CLOMP. coca, ofionfaus I of the myna and wit dietatspitterm, =Ont. ly cn band. ooLSI, 63,119,717 a BISEOLOTION.-4 4 i.itioe i 1 hereby even tbattbaputosrtbip basly grading b.. Mau iloGintßB a !MOBIL Cana llescbatos, of Patattusa t wader th• lira of 11c6r1two a sro vs. Contra] Br mutual CCU tat oi nut littattity, of Aptll, MS. WILLI tX BTOtI intim pmeciaini the est re fatalist of llitaaStra. tbi balll6oll Win beroutly Mcontacted ~ If "WAX 11 , 01111. AotyletWittsecosstebavolltak lido to tad I:ca tcall, borsch forotia Cool, Sot Clod. to n tt Ws Woos. uidy, Batatty't Bantus', corost 0.1 Maks' arid.Warr One*. loom Ns.% shad atm. hustoboot Ogee at sow. ;Mira. nale lI KM BALE AT A BARGAIN —One M mond-hand fillthat XISOI2III, 16 b. Windy, A% riot min, poppet cut 0ff,12 fool Or •neel on master dam au toots_ steam with two ES In. double ta r t (atm) strito - boltem ti feet Lag, steam drum wroughAtron mud pip, bra...Mtn' out the trout, di In good eloAlog co dir out., at 60 we,. power. Also, one mall Steam Nadas, E fn. cottager. with 0j•oxoli. An. to tele candid n that as been &Ivan h the otter. Our radicalize rder so 11 TS. I 008 A 00. of Wheeling. OClektfUti CO octant 3110 BOUNTY. 111,6811,4114 17 COLORED RECRUITS WANTED, AT NO. 63 WOOD STIMILT, Tor tbo B MOUTH 11101112157 1. B. OOLOSID TBOBE'S. .bath to boor forolog at. Clomp WLlllato Nutt. nom PMlshath . b, Pa. - ?.y. Clotbius and I:tattoos the obso so totals soldleto. TrlOrPCliatiDll • Ll tothoottobott uteri spplfootlon to the futdelegeted, to KW.' of orb of my bomber. 863,476 88 7.83,488 4T em, M OTICE.—We have this day STEPHEN t•i witty u• the riew. Dastaist, STEPHEN WOODS =VAS. J. DHOWS. JODI/ HALL, T. J. HALL. 03 605 03 60,101 00 MO C 0 Itttsberst, Oct. 1tt,1183. JOHN HALL & CO., ~ VLLLIT FORGE PLOW WOR-116, QM! tdanulketareia and dealeribla all the dttletant lila. l or , L o Wii. SLOW CASTINGS. 10:- CPS, CUT TING NOUS, &a With greatly Inorree ties for dant Whams* serseetly &allay to It,. as • cia. • Manufetary. Teceperaacet:lla Wartime% CEila elleyand Liberty JOHN Natl. 'Ca. HALL HMIS WOOD% JAI,. 81. .3 I GRAPE yam:4. figs,C26 CO 51,`91,11:5 ti 3 re 2 6m ,816 la DZIAWA.I/1. CONOOIIP, HLUBCIIOtiT, Lca&kr, And all the ether !biding kindi, firalcupsaud ear whgroja the cammtry Putts wieldag to Waage, mod ith 6 canna deft oar greurds to nimble oar views sod eteeVErd; (shore &LL the &bow arid may othei dada au7 be stem In halt.) would do welt to mezd for mir aew ryas us; which will be tent to all, spelowite free of chirp. MMI N EW BOAT STORE. t.O. NA111......../. *. DATIDIIO34.-...1.... DLITDOCIS. HARRY, DAVIDSON & CO, - SHIP CHANDLERS, BOAT STORES, MEI MANHOOD; • HOW LOST I HOW .17.1 DOM= 1-41 wt pablidod.m a wart ea veleta. Maas Oents._.l.:Lentate ott the Notate. Treatment end Ethical Oars or Spannatorthow. Pt Netniail lavoistatary onslttirms. butOtt Debility. and Impedlintmta to darttaite IttininV7 Nerretwows. Onotuotelon,N=l Mt* Nen.. Sal seta Neynlnd teits. WS, Abu" do. by Bowl. J. Otitztviti. .10.• IND= of the One Book /to. Ikon to ittozwatdo cd entraets,'• mat tie ter rd. fa - a Oslo eneeloto, to any agree post.pgd, on receipt at Fr: cents oe two ebtinoe, try_ • DB. Oa. J. 0. SLUM "ta Sl Bowery. New Took. Pod Otto" Box Wt. MOOLELIANA, NM% MVP A 211) YOUTWB BOOTS, SHOES AND BALTIOBALIk co and pm the goals. =====l TONES remq/ Thleint Mltab/ishinent_, 39 onto BL I ALLEGUUT au WWI lax& Mama to two weal'. aortal SCHAUB & M'DOBALDB DABS AND DOOZ TACTPIT. VIDEBSO4I MUT. u Ow Thad arts! Thu" lemul VOtRMUO V oz E n S ITTMA3 Sarm isa&Oto order sad oxistauth cr , b a a seso:lT Jon i% aKOWDEIN, No. IR DIAMOND grtZtr. Momwog , bgeoortedpoodo or Dolga IMAM= ma al' Medea tabor,. gbo, Nob, licregagoe, Articles of ggroonaat, Lowe and Legal Paws ol =ld ogritten. AGM:* ALOUD 110901.11.62113 I B.E. Maim& om &ala itbdi b 11$1171 JarafillXia 118. bale now at *to* of go , Odsorhissh •111. NU TWIT law gus OBS. .17aaatty.• Nactasats *odd von tOall b.lbse pacoJadij~ LdrErY wootpCll7 atteds4 . to. ; WM • . OTETFEK, ( O7B2I3I3I' ; • ' tett place town num is's' CM DROTOGIIiVe hue A. tba lamed it test 11111121inint a • 0811/111, - ; ,• lithe dieji sa 101, ma R . Wale lover, than anotta - adi dmYar qullty ass osnal.l ly tat -Dolao L thstaintal ow slam Oaf othtn.Oman to nit ona laths of Albinos tem, aan't Nal say, ... 4.4.1u1a,1X 71 Fourth stmt. ONIC DOUBLE DESK Poluitilak icOIdILLANY§ /Main: MM T/U . S ali Z tuens tlP, az iaysteriona Clad na wsuuniw -- 4163 /004..C•ctr • nom wow" -;* EA At Mst Bali .s t, WIN by %Mane sat Prot , ilisdacou JOBII.PH HO/Ma CO., Lamm tat atm= of BUYERS To 111= ' i 6.l!finier:Kal os MILLINERY\ GOODS! - sann OlWwow, , • 'Cot. 51108. 8.131110We1% Tteera't'og releor PITTSBURGH, PA., Oar stork or DI VIA, lILETTORD PROLIFIC, cavil:us% ILsn luab TO EASON, UNION . V 111.41311, CIITAIIOfIA. HEBIOJA, A2lll A TALIL'JB or BEMIS?. J. nci And dealers in Of avers dacdpean. Ho. SS PUBLIC ratnnsa, azzrovrrivL 0 55 717TH STIEET, Ho; • hip &madmen& of mmlmn NOTABZ.P.UnaIi -DYER'S, SVULlT.lADAgtint;rintr: itILLUOTLAXII. HoBlllllr, InetoThlllattik, 111813085, OtOITIS. 102119MSSi LINEN HAIIDIEERCHUIF B I TABBS. - 1/OaPP/A AD% fiLliPPla Pa lT ____-- 0012BP'D BRUM Rasa Meows, BOCK wants, N0T.038 AHD TASOT GOODS; irktio`t they olltr on the mut Womble tams. No. TT LIND T 9 119A3EXT 81BIMT INFOrdera nairettelly tolkit., STE&L C0LL2.103 I EATON, ?MACHU'S & CO., Nos. 17 ASD 19 7111TH 5T1171?. E9M202411. Solo Aguas for Atkinson's Steel Collars and Cuirsi • &mulled Whit., boring tba apposainoo and tOgr• fort of Mom. 10 WU/a* 1= and undies th. oro Insolszablo. IZTAIL Hi= Of GAUL COLL= Oaf Mill Gant'. Eltandlogs l 00 Garb. Tozoovor 1 f 0 LOW Narrow Uollars—. Oafs. at by past ea rsoslpt ~f at 1.5 toel l odors rsseasmeDsa or s 6 cants; or ws VIII am:hinge a 19119/ WILLIS for in OLD ODE. pro sidtver It U not broke sr boat torah ants. Ths Dads tappltsd at tas Hey Tort spars prick For priori list address ISATOD,III OBI7 ff Pitrabruzb, ta. CM:I A N A LYISIfs.— L. rtuas. ALLInaiLL 112.0 „") —lll.OO. St LOUIS'S°. 0/ Pzz z. how \ 100 Efisd_un waclttod nto AIMS be th e waloCet Oa 8111Pbm 01/a. Lobed war et. Loa% /104 s. mite Ow abaft of Glom wa need Iteabotaws to the eadide even Om. a swotted bk=. A. A. nmiye , , to BONICOO. sad J. G. -Booth. of Ob. na vlth the tot amnia Men* ease by wilinbu bor wo In Pntobaub Oboe cadet. Loan detenotzee ti to bo tie tout ad mot valuable Clay now know% whdborMilp Amertcon: Pots nob train It boat- stood to al Woo Yuma nom 634 to =atm • • the Mara b of the My se tam boa tie an% *Ulna any vaunt or modal= •IW Mr. possme peat edhethwaro ar s = onan" al& we not dawn by nu ot the adattore as bap volution of I am now to On orbso fcw Ow awn ow, to be bocalt. Inas ar danced tow& ALEX. GOIWON, ID. is MORD mum, Prevmsaa. pIIKVIANCIEI3 pnoTooßsru Rooms, owuna zirm An EABW arum& (id end ad Ito** over Bkhardson'a Jewelry atom) PHOTOGRAPH% at may dm and Ay% phis a carp% team %Re maks/ thole de Vidis to Odßod soPLIfe tßox Ihr.rtritYLS.Seh would pertlehlettreen the 11. tattoo Of the MOO axe renza talk/Ys/sow& Ellin at thu anabltdaamat; beim riathad by es Agst 11101 at Mtn. Mr Ps= coacianocul a mess. MAbOti tiA6ll.Ol CABINET ORGANS gm Deft aad irarkig Vassw, &Pa& sal aid Staab= 4.ltemi. no combine all the ettollawst of the Yoloiltoa and Harmonium, with faisoiroatiobi one both. satttastlio AUTOMATIC! BiLLOWS OW7ELT, EMI 6?OPi DOUBLE BELLOW, mad 091113.171427071 ?ALM Just do todrszond. tDt Pasta, HuU, Chard tir idiot; Is vulva% odt or nawood faith esoabgt _ln pd.* tram fla to WO. Dtscrldits caldippits forddi Mr Warman' to Pttist, et oeilli;ce. - OWL& O. IIiZEWS. MOWN, dad. pußuo 13A.LE.-19B140,:ex t for 4... stahozi ea Ohs DV! 07 OM at 4=6, g owt. twin as lIIALLACIWS Q Alno) ,10 oast, mere cm Iwo. 16 Elks leis ntabagykon OM fo. V. B. 8., 111 Met toonnkkpo Alkikosy county. bootee • bone of 41 podia filo lb* rim. a nom, housed state,* aaMr 1 chrdoo mma boireog iuuidrid sp wam ple trece,:bkb uir omor atew sk•keff 1 . t • Mio 4=W, of rock for :grindstone of eU *dial . =sod • yisUarm ea t a bs Whoa reedy lE. This 100 *wet acme far on nesodieb or bayooselbst scold doh to go fa the stoma 1.11. new Taws imoko bosom on day drab,. Bala to ormosuco• 6810 o'clock a. IL .. Jane XANTIZ. Plum Va. &Mt. 110. VW • aeltoodil --- N4l 1. .19 /NUMMI:M.—WU MILD/ MID 011111113122/11. SIMI% TaliZEI as 21/i011111113: t;11. Oakes and tbo commontal cdso,N 71101212103 and Urban= alma, all la rat quallad sal or slay. _ DOUSOOII. cam, tin eat 310182201 SOUL a tho bir ot 515 nee, landent - idise data Worn potting tasso ; and all • othot Alltaff ant of bat quill% sad at rod notoolglelndle to ciao out doand thonsana Pall sad nailtsatod. hanks a 0 EMMY ST Mammas& 4 cr. T. M. UILL6II. osdndindiarY en the vissaa. WJOAO' tiTUN &M t • ' 137417011125, STEAM JOU PRINTEBB, ttleTommo, BLIANS. BOOK mairatinfh W WCOD i WS THIRD en sot 'mar • I\ll6W o±lool4l , lSeb 13 blob. Porto Itloo and anti. Emir; 60 do 'nem N. 0. • 60 Ws. Onsdesd 10 do "d" and NI" Onffaa do; AOIOO do Talky and do do: do pdce 11. 0. Nolasesa 260 do snorted Wands IL dyropr, - IWO bags dixd to 6rtata Bki 00160; 100 born and osddar 143 sad 6a llama* 10) oheatafftean and Nadi Taman Isadore and dd nab by BHICITI2.LAMA, sal 111124 01 diantradd mama. •• • • •• • VIM* Ceres 10 sad= street% , • Withcegtome_D. ellitth, AA. m BB bOW AT 1"Mil0 d I WSioti,aaltl Mat 8110011 D ANDSULSD 1,111111=4110.1114 11th aid Est ac October, at the Casa4 one to WISION I O I I - Oblirrataiy. a WWI tot of BOOBS ead-UULIII, egadmallas =III fix pall' affirks. Ma to - comma 61 10 teckek le se. Sime—Clehe httlaveseseent resift NUM 0 Bilk OYBEWII3OII, A. Q. IL I'OMM . . not :Imams annuls zit niumi4: • ge.nicriosars AND BOOM ON THE WM rLE ITILDO AND IN RIORMOID. Dm J. B.lssflati - D. 4de, 50. Vat Ws by • .1L1.141 OM: 111 Woolf am& Varuatila.W.N Welitsv, ttie 1. stratter,af 1f0.19 Patera Ann% of IRA SOBBili slur WS Mu We Eel bluillssindif late loft= p1inc105...1361 lea 10 est flosifoitk mall* pude astil Wolk both Wino tat at lbw, k =SO at& mud 50 Di paid for binsise3s of Ids visor 1./ROPALETABY STAMPS far ale si I. pal 012•6' al Wang awash $l4 Odd* iftesta,Ho. water merest. vat dar to a• UNNAT , tt • - MOMMGIVIasIa I t a. 131 ! lII°II9 •Ailtsoise -7 6. sta re. ITICMAEf—AO4II"esn •Ititk A. • tom bt it saassigitoWllo4,l6 is. • MD itame. $ amourow PO II • El El N 51 PR, Pa.