II ,et M siltsburgh ignaltite THURSDAY BLUSHING-- Union State Ticket. YOB GOVIINOB: ANDREW G. CURTIN, of Centre 1011..T0D911 or TUB 1:1179111= DOUBT: DANIEL AGNEW. of Beaver. • Vaioa Cloasti Ticket. MOM RAMON. 1153. AmWait 1,40_ of go Dtstrid Ocult ler dens*. I. JOHN P. GLASS. n. ALTRIED ELAM m. MANS D. HICHIIO2I. nr. THE.H. DENNIBTON. v. BIGUAX. 14, EAdrUf. JOHN 8. STEWART. 14, CLAD d Cburn. WM. A. HIMBON. 14.• Gm* Troonve. DAVID AMON, alt. Par Beeler. ADDLEL WM. J. BIOHARDtr. /kr Omni Gonelmorn. =MGM HAMILTON. For DkerAor of lAA Poor. JOHN F. MM. The National Debt. There have been three periods when the National debt of the United Btatei ran up to high figures. The first of these was in 1701, when it amounted to about $71,000,- 000, and bore the proportion of about 14 per cent. to the aggregate taxable pro perty of the country. Between that period and the war of 1812.15 this rerolutienary debt was reduced to less than one-haiL In 1816, when the debt of the last men tioned war was funded, the aggregate amount was 'upwards of $127,000,000, Which bore a proportion to the then ag gregate taxable valuation of the country of about lin per cent. Both these debts iirere-Aild principally by foreigners, and ookni ! ently the payment of interest was , .4111ilittial drain you the coin of the -tter - Oltry. At those pariah we had no mines of gold from which to replenish the ettitisted channels of circulation, and but Millie:port trade to maintain a financial equilibrium with Bator). We had then hardly toy manufactures, but were de pendent upon Europe and India, and upon the 'good old family spinning wheel, for all our clothing, and upon foreigners for almost every article of comfort, luxury and convenience. Under inch circum stances, and in such condttions of national industry and commerce, a national debt due, mainly to foreigners, was a crushing burden, and public sentiment sternly de manded its liquidation, which work was begun by Mr. Mosso; and was completed during the second term of Mr. Jaoxson i s administration. The war with Mexico created another sepal national debt; but the amount was so trifling, compared with the national re sumes, that it is not worth 'iliantioning in tide connection. Then, again, under the raacally financieringlhat prevailed daring M*. But:menus!. administration, money was borrowed to replenish the national coffers at the enormous rate of 12 per cent, and .another little debt created. Bat as it wait therpolloy of the democrats he had Wood him to bankrupt the treasury and ruin the nation, it is hardly worth while to men tion Lie national debt in this connection:7 We now come to the great debt, , creited' by the present war, and which is still, In creasing. Its aggregate is over twelve hundred millions; and before we are through it may Biel up even to two thou sand millions. But let us speak of it as It LI, not as it may be. AL present it bears a proportion of about 9 per cent to the ag -.visite valuation of the property of the loyal States, and consequently is about 17 per bent less, relatively, than was the debt of 1816, and not much more than half as onerous as was the revolutionary debt of 1791. Bat our present debt is altogether unlike the I farmer great debts of the nation. The national bonds were then, as alreadyinti. mated, principally in the hands of foreign bankers, while those of the present are held by our own people; and thus the semi-annual interest, instead of being car ried in large masses of coin to Europe, never to return, flow through thousands of channels among our own people, causing, instead di' a depleting and exhausting drain, a wholesome and vivifying current of sound circulation, stimulating every kind of badness, and affording a basis for safeandabundantourrency. Its weight, like that of the all4urrounding atmo sphere, is great, yet unfelt—imparting buoyancy, not causing depression. There are any advantages arising from this domestic debt. It binds thousands and thousands of influential citizens to the Government, and insures their fidelity to it, by the strong bonds of private, Indi vidual interest, and secures all Guar influ ence and' activity in the maintenance of he * integrity, power and credit. tther ii, that it seism a perpetual Irobeatimt to the manufacturer; and see mils.bls intend and capital from the el ciesitudeS,Wwldoh they have long been whicitei from inirty cluinges and the whims, sip:lcss(tied ill:digested theories of poi -144,11114,3.:•41i WOlll4 maintain itself, the vreerantimild.i!ound to sustain the great Indtuifrist 141reitiof the country. Azotltas.bSnillt Will bo" Wit men will.be isen4, , aretalla - lheiehation of the agents .'commit the Inter line of ptilitti(ifit for they will feel that they ~s ' tiio _at - itake than they flier bad before: 1 , • Whitens also we may • fear in these troubfeente thine, tro may dismiss all ap mliaMgatia--.,0n actekitt of .the stational dsbt, 10 los as that debt is hold b 7 cur °11"1' 14.-wol by our bazaars aid bap a " but: by our own rpm,' our ,- , -- '* - Li mim ' - : Our voters. It is *or great-an. 1- • W '.l;iv. and already we are feeling its be. -- 7 7 - - ' mei of State tosses -.. .silitso2. ll Pflre; al the e billows. one surging LupoMit Decision. The-Neer York Court of Appeals, iron in Albsnyilisa decided that the legal tender notes Issued b 7 the National government OenstltatlonaL : - Ther New York - Gnaw of Tneadny, Thai ihoishus" affirms , a decision in the i3esnntir,Tudiedal illetriet and ovetTalee one made in thiti district, and is of • the utmost ispostanea, It settles a mod question sad sawn sloubta that have been felt by *NW people. R b gr atifying to ebronfolif fit bairmasy 4 r oar Etats Gouts with the lairs of Congrup,esuf the pomp of the • -Traall 'WM be no died In lows; tlieala keying Insnlehed 3,827 mon In exede ttf' - f2Z -1- f - N' , 4 , ' ~,,,..;,~..:~;,,~ ,~~-~,a;~.~:~-- . -._..:~.~~ _•-~~s ; ter`°°° Ell The Political FroepeeL Unless all the augnries are deceptive, the friends of the Government and the Union will carry Pennsylvania by a tre mendous majority on the 18th of October. A somewhat extended canvass of the State, and a careful reading of the newspapers of both parties, enable us to make and to emphasize this prophecy. It is cheering to observe that in every county hosts of Dem ocrats have decided to support Gov. Cur tin and the whole Union' ticket. There is scarcely a township in the State in which this fact is not omitted. It is the Demo °ratio element that will expose sympathy with treason, and rebate armed trea eon itself. Take Lancaster county as an example. In that great country, an em pire in itself, nearly ever recognised leader of the old Democrat:7ls for Curtin and against Woodward. Dr. Frederick Augnetus hinhlenberg (brother of the la mented and beloved Henry E. Moldenberg, of Berke county,) Hon. Benjamin Champ neye, James L. Reynolds, Dr. Patrick Cas sidy, James McPhail, Dr. John Dunlap, George M. Kline, men who have dig nity, energy, and force to the Democratic) party—are all ranged under the flag of the Union and in favor of the Union State ticket. In Chester county, such Demo cratic leaders as Dr. Worthington, Geo. W. Pearce, P. Fraser Smith, John -Marshall, Colonel Samuel Ringwalt, stand at the side of Hereto John Hickman, and earnestly advocate Andrew G. Curtin. We need not show how this feeling has spread In Phil adelphia, where thousands of Democrats are openly sustaining the Union candi dates. Nor is it necessary to enumerate the leading Democrats in other quarters of the State who have broken the chains of party and rejected the dictates of the new lights of a perverted and Wee Democracy. Every hour adds new converts to the great army of patriotic men in this State, and increases the chances of Gov. Curtin's tri umphant re-election.—Phi/a. Brea. OCT. 1, 18,63. Arrest of a Clergyman and Closing of his School Rev. Frederiok Gibson, assistant rector of St. John's Church (Protestant Episcopal) at Huntingdon, was on Sunday arrested about l2i o'clock near the church edifice, by a cavalry officer and conveyed to the headquarters of Gen. Schenck, according to official orders. The particulars of the case are thus narrated at the quarters: Some time Once a gentleman named John son, formerly a member of Congress, who is the principal of the Chestnut Hill School, stating that he desired to send hie eon there, and at the same time inquiring the terms. The reply was to the effect that his school was full, and he added that even if it were not he would not- receive his eon, for the reason that Mr. Johnson was a Union man, while all the scholars in his school were Southern in their sentiments. Soon as Mr. Johnson received the note he for warded it to the Secretary of War, who, In return, forwarded it to Gen. Schenck. An order was therefore issued for his ar rest, and upon his arrival at the quarters he was questioned by Col. Platt, chief of staff. Mr. Gibson said that as a minister and school instructor, he had no political principles, but as a citizen he contended that the present condition of the country was caused by an unholy war. When in formed that he was to be imprisoned he asked whether he, as a citizen, had no rights. CoL Platt said in case of his death he would not be_,deprived of the rights of sepulture. He was confined in the build ing of the military provost marshal. Con sidering Mr. Gibson'e bitterness of spirit in opposition to the government, it Deems surprising that he has so long enjoyed personal liberty. He was accompanied by one of hie scholars aged about twelve 4r er . e who also declaimed against the uun war;' falsely so called.-Baltimore • - ioan. li., • A National union Movement Among the Germans: Among the progressive liberal Germans of the country, says the "New York Tribune, 4 political movement of some extent has been carried on during the past three months. Its object is to organise the Ger mans for the next political iesnes on a dis- tinct platform, and the movement'has been a success. The organisation is already very strong, and will meet at Cleveland on the 18th of next month for the purpose of preparing for a convention. In this pity the movement has been started by the National Club, an associa tion ofeithens, adhering-to the same po litical principles and pursuing a common political aim. The outlines of the -creed of the assoolation.are found in the following propositions, since adopted as a platform: L 7 he several Bette► aro aullect In ell Ural nal attain to the .or Manly of the peasif &of the United human. Eaminalon from the Union la nal-hex more or lass than high treason. 8. The Union must be fin:nerved throughout its entire extent of terrilto 7. S. The war against the Sabots mmt be prosecuted to their unconditional surrender. 4 le recesses the tritioe, the Cotudllution must adopt s. its fmadnium , al ptinciple the pommel lib erty end clvii equa ity of ell men, and mart guaran tee the extinction at &every in ell the States. Wherever the war power can be exercised, nanny most cam at once 6. The Canstitution of the Lreited Stater need' re vision In the apirft rf the Declaration of Independ• env, end of the foregoing maxima. 0 The maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine la ne. canary to the Independence of the Republic. Serenade to tee Ville of General Itasecrans. The wife of General Rosecrtuis hie been stopping for some weeks past with her bro ther, Mr. William Hegeman, at Llewellyn Park, in Orange, New Jersey. On Monday night a serenade and a floe entertainment were given in her honor by citizens of Or tinge and invited guests. The residence and grounds of Mr. Hegeman were deco rated and brilliantly illuminated, and Mrs. Rosman, was introduced to many of the persons present. In the supper room, pleasant mean were made at the pre sentation of a flower stand and aquarium to Mrs:Rosecrains. Theodore Tilton made the presentation address, in the routes of which he said: I remember realms ef • &avant Wks! Of man. tainsersorhus Ivo mountainsetandhismar topt.Wr weft volted - by ate loonies and welched pll7 be terms. And in to-eight vs sib=tc . on Orange; If ountain. RIM fuser, but v thoughts art - anon Um distant menintalns of Tenn now Ilia teem together with • chain of towers Pipplinve. I This Mo=4ll} of oars In ,eled weight, vita the tem. tic( moonlight and Ititlithe grenettll Of t, but pet haps Mae distant peaks in the West Mend at ibis hour capped with twleinnoke. If so lse, may God grant, while here the vlfe le reschles cut be: hand to ;tate HMO Slums, the hand of her husband to lifted tato that battle cloud to Week • thunderbolt like Jupina's frr rengentee wan the foe. Lapplansal Mr.frlegeman responded in behalf of Mrs. Rosecrane, and after three cheers for Gen eral Rosecratus, and a speeth by Rev. G4O. D. Bacon, the company separated. Ms authorities of Baltimore have pre sented Ben. Baum:Yam:riots of resolutions cowiplimentarx of the .polloy he hut pus sued in that city. In acknowledging the compliment, Gen. Schenck said, esplana tory dills dacha course, which some ban denounced as severe: “I would recognise for all practical pur poses, but two classes—the royal and the disloyal, and have. placed this principle in our platform t for there can be no middle ground; men must voluntarily sustain - the United States government, or engage in some measure to put it down. I cannot make an example of men onsecount of their thoughts, nor seek out others from the pri. ♦ate circle of their famines, but where there are open-and avowefdevelopmenta of hos tility to the government I regard the an thers as dangerous to the country—as strengthening the rebellion ; _Amid I. have deemed it my. duty Intake notice of them. There are thousands of itten,l was going to say -hundreds of thousands, opposed to the government who deserve to _be sent across the lines, but they have not been dealt with basun their conduct does not exceed the limits of a reasonable elution.” ribele ire out in the =Bushes wad inampi orlittselealppl.huuting- up- con eotipte sad "Wait men -with: dege,,llt, l i: man open hie mouth lateen of the 'Union; he b buns upon the spot z ti .' rr : ~<, x ~~. r . rte , .' r.Xiyt':>`.~, s' j>~i :w..~s~'~sra_ ; __ ,~ ~-.,.. S.v.~tw;. , uaF;~a .c _..,-.~ u.-a_~....u:,,L., r,=.5.,=..`, ~~ t rN_~ s ': . .. ...;:t•~_,~a.Y. <.:.~..~r,,,,,x v .-_„Y`~.v .._,.,. ,~ y,.,.:~ - ~' ,° ae.::%`;fs.;-„ s6is ~=-"~s~,. MI=EMIN= A GRAM Consumennox.--tiome South. ern gentlemen were disowning, s few days ago, the possibility and propriety of giving votes to the freedmen of the South; a mew- We in the expediency of which Southern Unionists—more particularly those from the far South—appear to ho tolerably man. imous. -One of those present--a loyal Tex an—announced himself inflexibly opposed to such a grant of votes to the blacks, "be cause," said Ilk "in six months after you give the right to negroes to vote, half the Democratic politicians in the country will go about sweating that they have negro blood in their veins." EXAYINATION Of Di/a - fin Mas.—The War Department is convinced that It has made one mistake in reference to the draft. It has permitted its surgeons to be too par ticular in the exatoination of drafted men. The department finite that where it has had poor surgeons, yet men of practical tense, it has obtained most, and were the most skilful and exact surgeons have had .the handling of drafted persona, the gov ernment has fared badly.— Washing ton idler. DON'T Lune via NAME.—The pirate Mar tilt writes to the Parte Petrie to eay that he is not a pirate. He quotes Noel and Chapel to prove that the Florida is not a privateer, because she was not armed by private individuals. If not, then the Brit ish Government did it, Maffitt shifts the responsibility very oleterly, putting it where it belongs. Tim Port Royal New South says that agents of a company of capitalists are soon to visit that place, for the purpose of sur veying the shores of Port Royal harbor, with a view to selecting a site for a city. POLITICJL .TOTICEII A UNIO . MEETING will be held ••••.,6"' a HU/THAWS, Woods' Ben, In DoOhne tovroxbip, on 81117BDAY IVEIIIIOO, Oer. se. st T o'clock. Addressee .111 be delivered by B. 0. OHjI D Yee , end Don. JAB L. 011&LIAM. oolnd EIGEITH WABD.—A Cnim Meet be bold at the corner of Ptereceon greet and Namlran% •ret lie, /MOAT LVESI. ING, Oct. 21, at 7% o'clock. Addrcatee will lo de• Useted by act. T. J SIGH abl, nig& Id. USA /MALL, N. A. WOSDWIJI.O, B. F. LEO&S, and others. ocl A UNION MEETING will be held hi the SCHOOL HOUSE Seventh W.rd, on THEIISDAII XYISHING, Octz.ber let, at I o'clock. Addressee will be delivand by WM LITTLE and H. 0- H I.OILItELL, Ne3o:td Obi. UNION MIiETING will bo held In br.8 . 7 LTBEVTY, C.Mai township, on ISANCIEDAY EVENIN3, Colt ber 3d„ at 7 reelect, !admires will be delivered ty do!. THOIIIII3 11. D►YNZ, TCO3. HOWARD, raq , sad Wll. 0. 1101/21.1111D, E q, se3o:td [O°A UNION ISSUNINO will be held at HAT 71019,1, nesr Tart Mum, CU TITUEI3- DAT, Cont', et let, at 7 o'cicek p m. The train lewea it 3.45 p. ro. Address. is .111 be do:bared by OoL TEEM EL 13.1TH1 and TIIOB. ROWASED,Ist. 11:3i.A UNION hililfalNG will to held at PORT PIRRY, on TIIIIRSDIY RUN. I 9'o, Oct. let, at OX oNeotk. I ddraesta wig be de. livered by Hon. J. E. HOOP MIRO, ROBERT B. 0 aRTIARAN and W/L H. ROPPITZ Rale. eeV23:,d IWA UNION MEETING will be held at MoCOBSILLL'EI SCHOOL ROUST, In Wont Liner township, on TILIDAT, October 24, of °Vont pln Addrenwo wUI be &Mond by the Hoc. JAB. L. GEAUAbi. nod WIL N. BOUM, • rw Bid (O.A UNION MEETING will be bold In the If LEGE I SQUATS, Dirasingbann, en BLTUEDAT, October ad, at T o'clask p m. A Mos Olab and Dram Dand be In attendance. Adirraree will be delmed by Hoa. J. E. MOOR_ RECD, THOS. H. II IttIIALL, Esq., a•ld J. LUD WIG SOETHES, Eq. aa2Odd 10. A UNION MISTING will he held at JOSH 4 RIBBEL'i COAL WORE% near AlclCeerport, on THIDAY EVES! 50, October 'be Ad, at 6X, o'clock. Add:curs WTI be deliver; el by THOS 11. AI 4.IIBHALL, Rig., Hon. JAE. L. OR MAK, awl B P VON BOHNHORST, er23:td 04 UNION RESIN° will be held at 03117 ONO WEI. on SITUIIIiDaY, Oct. Bth, at 10 o'c'et k a m. All trial citizens who are In fay:, of a 'aroma. pron•ntlon of the war and the tcpereriton of the rebellion. are eanteatly re po...tat to attend. Ihe trvet , rg will be adderced by WM. 0. OICII6 D. Eq., Co'. J. D. CLUE, and other. se26od 10.1:11 , 4ION COMMITTER ON MEET ING! AIM SPEULZOI2: Slum L. WZMII, H. 0 giceamg, Jong K Stows, J. G. Decharms, B. &mots., Ja. The Committee mer ta EVKIIT D&T, at 2 o'clock p. m.. in WI4ICEN2 HALL, when arrangements will be aide for meeting" and speakers. Paden for meellegg can be groaned at the hall. son o.s.sva 0021111 Bobt Thompson [awls BAH . TH WARD TT VA R 1 WM H Pt ederick B B Nahumlock MON arnith Bhe•D J 8 alohardoon Hu Dotygh Young 2 W 0 MaNsiby Jacob Roll roam Backlzy tialnly It Ring J Ineetb Iriffriluis T B McMillan J T rtmb4 27CIttl MCI=I B3:=I == 11101 There • f 1 be • •ef of Orton atr • Dia ivzsiro Lt O. 11‘vKlIZ Erg., •nd others, writer. meerlr.g of the • • et and Centre de , Oct. Ist. nee, Z. , JAMB oUI be ',emu IkiABl6 MEETING FREPOELT, Wednesday, October 1, 1.863, AT 1 O . OLOOI P. 11 &absent Epsilon will be present. no dttnas Cl Ittrglses, mid the adJolnlibg coml. lam an maid!, Invited to In present tr.30:21 O.ONION MAYI3 MY.ETINN. TRUAX WILL DI A MASS MEETIN(} 11118 EVE6IIB 0, October lit, 1868, IN'THE ALLEGHENY DIAMOND. All lover* of the Union, and thole •ho ire In favor of the enariesion of the rebellion, are earnestly In. aped to be relent and boa the following speakers: lion. JOHN P. PENNEY. Ron. JUDGE VEBER. ool:td GRAND UNION RALLY, LAWRENOEVILLF, (Neu Ms miaow of John Obtain, itsq ,) Thursday Evening, October 1. =EI 2HOL ►L minammt. L.q., B. Q. OIIILDB. LT. JOIIN M EIERPATBIOKaI4 'Br The rends rill be BRILLIANTLY nix- MELTED by GB.LOJ L 101118: 1 1 10 :LBT-4 4 1comfortablo_ Brick Dwell. is lag. of hall had arra lonia; lard. do. / 14 tanawrt. AM Pp O. BONS. a MOM ZEE PUBLIC Norwrit. 0. COMMITTEE ON NATURALI- NA' lON !ND ASEESiIIIgNI Jima W. RIDDELL. Chairman. Wm. M. Ellira, Join EL Brawaan 0.8 IC "UT.. Itoe. 11. BAnia, Wt. Ja. MEET DAILY, AT 2 P. If., AT US I'ON HeADQUARTEBB, WILKINS MILL, (Tommit azazar,) And wfl &find to the soplicaflont of More &midair to too nof unitized or wooed. .40 231.20, OpTICI OT PIT 91)117011111 Oam Criscesar,} 19th neptssibm. 1803. EWELECTION.—The Etookholdere of "The Pittsburgh On. Company" are hereby notified that an election for Otte TTIIIIWIC to sem for the tens of three years, and of one Trenton to same for the term of two years, Will be held at Ma (moo of the illicospany, In the City of Pittsburgh, on the Flalirr Mt,BDa4 (f.th day) OF OCITOBII/1 NEXT, between the home .f k and IS o'clock W. in. selth lard," JA. 11110) It, 011R1hT7, Trimmer. -, ;T3l 'J (1 I-) wd I pllllll3 BUTTER-10. Jan this day reoalTol by Exp: nnl LARD -4 len received by Exprom. 0 , 1 11ZNITIT 8. OOLLINS. BAGB.-10 dozen Twilled Fage for Jur nor try ITZWILT 9. POLLINEI REMOVAL —We have th's day taken peer N.lon or the Office 'lady complete by alder I Wart, be II e hID MIES!, at which Voce we will be (led to sae ear fti,nie. LYDAY ► 013011PE5157 NO. Ottoter Ist. 18 3. cc 1:8, REMOVAL.—We have this day taken the Werth use late accepted by biterrs. notably°, Co., no. 98 WATER and 139. 111.0hT WIREETS, end will Y °talon° the Oomichalco bud- am end receive Banned Oil on sterna, for which we hive capacity tot 3,10.1 barrel.. Bate of stings moderate. 111 Dint 6 CLAIM. October let. 1553 , °al ylw FOUND—On the 23d inet, on.e street in Pittsburgh, • Bld POBeN, cant elnlnS a fete dollars In money, which Ms owner can have by describing toe property end raying for !hie ad. vertfeement. Apply to DAVID MooOtili DLL, New Alszandels, Westmoreland 00., Pa. RAO 2e $3.000 WILL PURCILIAISE a valna. natal lot cf I roa•.d. in pleasure loss• tam, .4 fear front on berth Venal street by IYO deep; a boat of 10 feet &et Late, frame derailing tome, frnit and shads tress, grape. vines, ehrobbery, eta. a. WPM D LAT dt Sono. bt .fark.t at. MOM 1(0 T,/ 70118 0)06 FURS 10X, For tale by I V 9 rir WAlaiii), TWO GOOD PLOW MOULDERS I toad, wo. k, ud gxd wage" plld WO 3 Jorry itet.t& 13/ 1-11,,t. •t. - UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGEIR —Aeothar supply of that molt dedrab'e and nee%l !wild,. and shr.ted be in every home. Call .d ate that t store reteceaslng other msobleee that do Dot give ratlesetiort. ror We at the led'. Hob. r tarot of J A B. Pot td..lPd, o'e gent h r this COUIty. o 1 No. 46 and 21 It. Glair ••. FALL AND WINTER OPENING Ills. C. BTOGB sill Open. on SATURDA y, Oct. 3,1, a headoono. and elegant issortoapo of the latest gaits of BO NSICZY, H&7B AND 01 P.l; Abe, CLOAKS, 8 ,t( WIZ?, OIROVLititB Of the nesrett end must desirable patterns, constant ly to teal oelt3t CH ISAMU' PASNAGH 1 7 110 H IHE "OLD POl7lMtl." Parunginr, brought out In FIRST CLAB3 ?AUL BTCAtIIiBB. from Llttrpool, Loudordenel, Onlssi or Omit, for Twenty-live Dollars Ard by tailing rends .fcr TWESTY•ONE DOL. LASS. In currency. Apply to D. O'NEILL. Enuftry Ohrouicts tnyl-gmend bah wrest. Pittsburgh. STE 61. COLL &tus 1 EATO f, MACRUiI & co., Non. 17 LED 11 TIM" hTHILIT, Pem-mom Bole Ligroin for Atkinson's Steel Collars and Cuffs Kasai*Dad White, baling tta appearance and eom• tett or Linn, 7o military mom and trsvelns tits, an Invaluable. 1.L7114. PIICTI Ol STEIL COLLILES LOH corn Gent's Standing Colisra--....—; t 00 ?stk. Thruover •• Ito •• 50 per pair Lodi's` Narrow Collars—..--- 1 00 ea - A. -- 1 50 per palr Swot PI pent on receipt of Si 16 teel • odes ra-ansionkd for 26 dote; or Ire nil exchange • SSW GOLLA It for tit OLD ONE, pre it in net broke cc bent for Y 5 cents. To. trade supplied at toe Nem 1 ork A raft prier For price Wt ad dr se EATON, kid CRUD A CO., celtf Plueborah. Pa. orEN AMAIN I DUQUESNE EATING DOUSE, Na GT BIUTIMILD Brant Prnterzara, PA ralessed and fitted op In elegant style. Ali dell mass 0 , the arson 'amyl 011 hand. Dallclone OlfaTil3, the first of the sawn. maim lOLLANCE rill" vAbu/ YriNtllVNltkte —The andetegned will enemies INVALID PEN IV ONLY% at the opus of DEL EtooooK, No. 110 WIDELY, Pinata:tab, ea the ler DAY OF 00TOREE BENT. Thome wheat panting con. minced prior Id the 4th of !Ewell leer, are regal:ad to be mtimarnod before they tan obtain the game. lbe chargewhich will-be reloaded by the PISLIZIOZI Agent: GEO. IdoOOOIL D.. J. W. NLAt E.BITEN, IL D., esT:gereed Examining Stlrje.M. Jan a ttinson Jseon Robb T T Iffrorbekd Wordaden R tont Wm ram f M atm.'s? f It bog. 1.1 Back!. y 1 t Id swum J lintioy VoRTIFIuATION BILI4.—NUTICE v TO THOSE INTERESTED.—Rho ComoHere appointed to eollaot the aciculate for tabor on the fortlPostiooe, aretood the City of Pitteborgh, would hereby notify all perms having Dille for labor or otetarial osed, op= the bottenahmeats, to presort the worm Woes the Lt dey oR Hoer:ober, to GEO. hiringT at &be Board of Trade BOOM% ha rib lostracted to attend to the doty of bay log all loch Dlllr earictly mode oat and properly aralentioeted. Cyan. at ato cor nea, on TH taa. Dr D alotoiD, 80111MBLIN 0, to andrros sone:le Hy order ce the Committee. ' GEO. U. Td CrE6TOE, En. EL Com In pommies of Um abovo none*, I will attend daily for the wpm of innifahlng U. prow farms for manias. out said bills, and, for romialog the lams anew aaihonileatlma bf claimants. at the Board of Trade Rooms, daily, from to 12)4 a. m. ladittf OLO. H. THURSTON. MASON & IiAtiGAN tl CABINET ORGANS ===MM5 ==l oaTh _m m o l 4 i l ta [ • o , w t i h th l m co m c m s e o n f hoe 7 Mlaladroit both, such ma the AUTOII4I7II lIELLOITS BWELL. KSLT ETOP, , CONDINATION..VALF.E. Jost the Instrument, tor Palor, MIL, Church or school Is 'Oast, !nit Or rsoogrooti calla, _ nosing pilot hum $7O to SIM D , ooripti to catalogues loruishrd grat taloa sly. Oar Woreroomo la Pittsburgh, 81 Woo, Praire, eta . • Ong. 111BLIpB, Zia:Wu Agent. FLAW t irLAtiti i tei.4lolo I j. trialcaa Flags I TOO HOUBEB, POI:138, COMPANIEB, ikon Or BUNTING, MUSLIN OR BILK, All atm, from TM IFICAIIB TO 711rTY MET, AT mos or Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, PITTOCKII 318W8 DEPOT, airs STMT. oPpoarri TOL ENT MUM. Isle LAUD 0/14.. Lug Dago _'ate 9. 1 .49.6 d Oil; blanaho:umi and iold by J AB. DAISELL Els 606 b oo!9 69 GM ro wiggle wilt. II =1 SIEVE A PRINTIS., CI Wend. CM% Z. lit LIE 111 LNH•B DOUBLE DRUM, awl .r*w .inprzoarzsg.muurrs. G W. DASH, MERCHANT TAILOR., 91 EINITEIVIELD ETEIZIT, Wri ent .4•941 , 0 , ash • tool UNION SUIT FOB : O. SSUIITB4, ALL WOOL, 525; GLIM OLOTH a? IT. 1 mar A koh of cloth msde to Iwlre st O W. DA 4 W9r No. 04 Peolallehl 99. , a. =MEI STERLING'S AMBROZ4IA, 7011 Till lI►II%. r 1111103.3 D3OO BTOET, 12:TEM = D R. HALL'S LSAM, TOG THE LUNG', 13251E3 Fi L ON'S p [MG 8 ORR, ===l A lejiEt , ll ARRIVAL OF 8015 Or It &L7A 010ATIP, IMIEI9 YULITN'S DELO WN)BN, Won. 67 and C 9 19Mb street. BELLINGHAM'S O!GUBNT, FOB TEM DAIS AND WITI'KULS, =ES FULTON'S bRUO STOMP. I= F ULTON'd COUGR SYRUP, YOB 0 COLDS, dt.3 Pnrpued "zd sold bi J. BL FULTON, r,ut et , re. YUth DRAKE'S PLINIATICIE BITTER?, LICIEEEI 11111LTOW3 LEW ETOBC, t. 22 67 and I 9 1• fib it. 2d dter Win. P. ft, wisHicit's TIRE TBits ocraDIAL, FULTON'S DRUG sriiam, I= Pa 67 •nd 69 7lfth tlrrt HOSTETTRIVB BrONAOH DITIEBEI, 171223 n NULTONII DUG BIOBE Noe. 67 and 60 TIM dread BROWN 8 BRONCHIAL TROCEIB, P.M BORE ?BIWA% MEM JULTORII DRUG 6TORE, Yoe. 67 •nd 69 filth street A FRZSEI SUPPLY OF DE. HIIIIPHIMITIF HOMEOPATHIC REMED:EB, Just realised at FULTON'd DRUG STORM, Hot. 67 aad 69 87th Wort. Orrice or ram CONTIOLLZI or OLIZOHINT Plitthoinia. Sept. 88th. 1883. TO THE HOLDERti Oe PIVB Pisa TO CENT. COMPR.OIIIBII BONDS Or TIM COUNTS Or ALLIGUINT. Puma —By note of Anambly, /winery 29th and •yril 931, 1883, the 431akiog Yard Oomatimionere are directed to par. chute annually. at the low.st offered rates, three bonds, to Ma aroma of the Sinking Fund, MOM, eporopriated for their redemption. • SE LED PUOPOSALS, •Ph price for Cooper. or Herrera:l Donde, addressed to tide office. marked Sisking Yazd Conuenstosere," trill be receirei aatil Ootobe 80th. EtaNEY LAMBERT, ee'9kuteltrer Onitroller. TER CENTRAL BOARD OF RDITCA TIOV, of tOs City at Pitianurgb. wish to ammo t.• mentor of o Irild tLI TBAOIII/Ftr, to supply • vacancy In the Crotral nigh School. Oandidatsa for the ;coition will bs required to post as eassolns. tion by the raotilty in the following branchae fontanelle. Knaltah Grammar, Geography, Orthoy. espby. History, Alhabra Geometry, Physical Goon. raaby and Latin tionsagb the Primary Lemnos lima tsetse; Ornamantailon Sha aurciination miltann. winos TIIOIIBDAT. October ht. st f 1 o'clock a, 10. Bstaf7 IWO Par loam at tan months. M Omy order of Board. ostribr 'OHS A. BLACIZ 15", reey. NEGLEY NIIIISERY.--ROSES, BHA OD AHD OIN4IItIiAL TELE% SWIMS, Yllfle and IT1111011111118; (habit and Ms ornamental °Oa); F BUIS Taira and bteroans pima, aB to rear wattle, and ry Yeti. bOIIII.VOII, 01113A,1101 and NOIBB BOntB. u rue los pica of $l5 art bratty:l, If or. dead Wore pottlng Um.; and an otbst Haunt" .took of ant gall ft. and,st reduced rites, Is order to cloy out durfng the totant Yatl endentrt Pprlng. I cquire et 08. 150114 T, Dam tnd ; yr, T. A. )1111.LON. netefladaelf t n the amino. SCHAUB & M'DDNALD'S BABII AND DCOB FACTORY, ANDERSON MEET. soar Ow Band Si ial Bridifi, . ALUGUm ChTT, R&.. SOH. DOOSS,TII4III.II, 'UNCTION BLINDS, Do ULDIdQi and PANIL pUULTUBi ins& to order and conetanDy on band. inkSo:IT le" NEP OONIiTANTLY ON HAND— Lishey's haprogred Blood antrelair; Bakes'. Cod User Oa; //dubacrs Ducks sad Sumps DU; Beeves .Itrosektal Troches; Esdaa's Diptharids Lounge"; Mrs. Was loves &Whip Mpg, ; Mame* Phis Trse Cordiat; Dircssius, Ones ad Rum fan; Era. Ation es Hair Ratsrer; At Olf.O. A. LILLY'S Oentral Lees [tore, •,3,3 In Neckar flosto, •11subsoy. IVICW GROOZEIES. AA 75 bads. Porto Bic* sod Ws flog.r; 60. do crime N. O. op 50 bbh. Orushol dat 60 do un" and "1" Code, do. 103 do Tallow and .41“ do do; 2.0 do ply •B. 0. bobs...; 250 do sacrist lauds N. T. Ilyrtro.in ROO bags good to swam no Oars; 200 boas and caddis. la, 30 and Si Tobacco; 100 half ohms anon sad Bloch Tons; In store and far sale by swam LAZTAS. 14.23 117 sod 29 Inltn&ld stmt. LOST OZETIFIOATS.—Wherein the cornea& of tau shares of stock of the Beak of Plitabedgb, number 181, hued Iforetaber Ma, to Mash Istildectsial. ban hies mislaid ar lad, notice le hanky elm that sales the nil cer tificate Is rweemnd I , ,re the optratkos of few weeks tem this data. appllcatloa will be wide Wale Bank to tante a duplicate cartferate of Ms stock. W. ff. lalleklD. admintstailoe of the Mate of Kula /am Ocp Imam. 11. 11161. lands JONES' rangy Dyeing Establishment, 39 onto sr., ALLSOIIIINT arrr 4A II toogtottoold to two weeks. soft tm MEM= Glum=zings% ernes, OCIII4 0 and le r strut; D. IL UM, 11=1 WILLBB bOLD ATPU BLIC AC- I iC LI K Um 111113?. OZGOID ADD WM wztonstosie, Ith, 14th and flat of October, at the Canal, :nsu tae Ilkablagtos Obnovvtory, lam lot of 110118 IS and Man condemned an nuns for public 60111i0114 elle to comae= at ut o'clock a.m. • Term —Dub, In Government *mat. NUM Odd& ea ammo% A. tl A NOTRIIR RIODAIOND IN THN AUL. FIZI,IId—We are now maned to Width (Uptake ud owners Of tteetobadt with 81:11ill Ilb 0 MPS, atm* else and stride. We totabh all the waohloa7 of • boat, end — mood In petal of revellonoa to noon We bomb, 011 r heoniptaew to cconlei up to Use, sad The quality of our WOlll, to elute the owning of oar own lifer toga. H. Id. BOLE, felt HasY cd AtewtHore Blew. WANG ENTREOID INTO A. CO- PAIITIISE9IIP TOE TRY ed WI or BoyeYonth's & Childron's Clothing, We it. prnpeted to otter to the potato ore of the largest and Cell Waded Works that boa aser Iwo opened In th , s dt7, comytittag 017110 01 LLL KINDS, or Dram and School, and In dna treat Ildo 111 jean. It Wag out WWI. Owen to keep on baud • Inv and TsTt.d eisaitstent masofeetUted by the bed bonne In Non York rad Barton, ws inn andideat Ilia ire ain air tidnartuata Equal to any Easterss Houses, And at Wars Jot o rassonabla. CULT & LOGAN, roe lb. prementoccaiiketig poi of Ekes Na 19 Finn Smut. 0/411724 GRIT sfilaw JAIL G. J. LOGAL rytRIORNAT ART OF parrnmeretraugui, VlboompUllidte WIN '' • At litescalo at= by Prat. Aldan% 41" E Ilr .11D rE R7l I(MIll CJrT 8 V 41a F IFTH STREET, Prrrasuman, PAL TOCITIDSD m 1810. 1310011.01.4T1CD BY LLISITLITITZ CIUSTSIZ, Boling the only Comment!al College to the Union woaducted by a PILAOTICAL hiIit6ORANT. OVER 7,000 STUDENTS Have been educated In the principles and practice of all the details of a bneineve education from as There Mt= of MZEWANTILZ Awarded four 81hor Medals 'and unction, d by the fteciel Committe. •of the American It:ethnic end the (-lumber of Oommorte, Bei York. Also, Doll's SITAIIBOAT BOOK-KKEPRM, 0 2, perfoct epetem for each books and accounts. Also, Dnfre UM gate= c I' ILILICOdD 11011C-EXEPING, Alter the forms of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Aim Duff% new netem of PRIVATE DARR BOOR-KEEPING, The only one In ll= h tho city. The above &pignut of scoounta are an taught under the daily supervisim of the author, and it is believed to a &grays of perk. [lon raver attained elee•hnrn. TWELVE FTRST PREDIITOIS For beet Business and Onmamental Peurnonshlp, awarded our prseont Penman, by the United States Pair at Cincinnati Pennsylvania State Pair ►t Wyomlng—..--....1860. Western Pennsylvania Fair at Pittsburgh...--1860. Western. Virginla VW at and the Ohlerlitate Fair at C1evand......—....1802. All of which are eihibltedat our office. at E agg ri l emerged edition d purrs ROOK We by Booksellers. Price $1 87. Sha Liberia, teellmontala Indicate the character of this work—the on'y modern one Illnetratlt g ftr• nip and domeetto account& : "No otorr .mk upon 13 eok-Keepin g explains the gabled • Ilk so much dearness sod steep Idly." E W. EDMOlia B. °sable,. Idechenlc.' Bank. Well sterol, B. Y. ..lt `tr,• a deer lamest Into all esparto:mu ol this relates." A. P. WitABZEL, Cashier cf &Tenth Ward Burk, B. T. .It contains much Important matter to the met. chant." 0. 0 II lAMBI/LB. Pre.[dent lienhattea Hank, N. Y. ..Tha =oat complete work of the kind I have ever men." JAS. B. 1411:1BRAY, Poshlent rithasme Hank, PitUborgb. maag dear mil cr.,mprotoosiva Out 1 bays Ent "Oa." JOHN SNYDER, ' Cashier Bank ol Pittsburgh. "Tau have pat yam own lowa . esporinte es a mer chant to good use In this work.' lIICHABD Merchant, Do. as Front street, N. Y "A. en embirstre shipowner, American end MVO. peen conchent, Bent bireomr, eta, he ha borne the reputation ofehs highest order of Imainses Ware." JOHM W. BIIBIIHAM, Merchant, Mo.l South street, M. IT. "Mr. buff Is • min cf.rare qualifications for but arm" SUEIZI M. D. reiLos. Merchant, Linton street, New Or/.Sal. qtr. Daft lea marchent of the Bret reepectabillty J. LAND:B, atersbant, New Orleans. "I graduated In Dote College In half the thus I expected. Ells ads liable system includes 'fettling superfluous, nor loam out en thing cumattal." 7":11.. COMPTON, Mahler Mama Tank, Lockport, n. T. "The fey-redo opinions already expremed by gen tlemen of competent authoritp ars well deterred and properly ketowtd." °HSI:ILLS M. LEIIPP. I.COPuI.C. tIiftWILTH, ROBERT If EtA,Y, Special Commits. of Chamber of Comm •ros, N. Y. Extract from the Minute:. PRtroPiß M. WETMORE, Bessie y. "Tons Committee unanimfusly amour In the spin ion of the utility of the imptovel method of Mr. Duff." NOBINIIN/.LEEDB, Remolog Eeo'y of flu Aar flaw Inattate, 11: Y, 019 IYII. 11. DUFF'S • 'perfect game of tbe penmen's art."—PMMorde Poet - t•rheemparrarientres not only he eteelledhy the anthor."Pattbsrgii Oaatta. All hte ornamental &Own are new end renurk• stile pertormencee."—Rerning sorbs I. Western Remelts - ante Pair awarded him Ent Trait. Futuna' In ali Drenches ct the est."— Ohio 51•14 Anosal. fafrior P.ta particulars, send for oar elegant saw dr:War, pp. ea, atdcb.vith sample of our Penman's Dastans and unsamastalMug, ass matted to thme atm latices as Its mats. `AY P. DUFF & 80fl, Ilir Ingelre for tbo Optima whose teanbers aster nude $U1,64:10 aeon Ina balance iheet. ooleltasalt, 815 V =4 SUM.* BMWS, Conttitafrg 78 NEW AND POPULAR BONGS 1011 MIS czars, Imbfaclng When Ibis Onto! War le Over. Bally Around tho Mg, Hays. Who will are tar Hotta DOW kly Gantry, It Is of Thew. Moths,, I've Com* Home to Dlo. • 1 have no blather now. Tim Oar Mg is Mors. llnalgana Wake. Lannaisn's Hall. The Dying Oeltralen. • Lim ins hood•Nlght,Atatbor. ltsagdcm Claming. Whore Maly Marty time Is my o..untry. Sind Wads can now., die. Was ay Brother la the Battle t Do they thak of ms at hams ? DO they mks me at banns Jahn broan's t mg. Thu rAmerica. Let me Mae Wm fur Ids Mother. Il lihrth attials Ah lidthe tla met boas one to lows. Ito ens to iota. Hear of ths tbs Dtai ta D aftt LIDS star. liar l Oar good Ship sails to•nlght. Kathleen Itssournean. - And attars too nanisrato toms:alba. Mulled, post add, on afelpl ot. 10 ants. • MIN P. Orstikhes, MY/ Hasa& 80. FM stmt. ueriaarartisr. 1\ INANOR'S HOTEL AT AUCTION. AU. —On "XIILIDAY svaButa October Stb, at o'ckek, will be sold, at the Oomsterdal Sabi boobs 6i 1111 k street, the property blown SS Itosapes HOSekdittelo on Routh Wtreek , bet+ren Terry and Market 'streets. The lot b forty feet front an Fatah 'beet by eighty•firs bet deep. Us Dotal Is a three obey trick, harbg • frost of bit, 'tramp OM, by serenty•Ouse feet insp. Bar•rocan, aittiniprons, dintogreent and Itttoben on tbe fist !tom The sada. wash -zoom and twenty.gre red nobs on the stead and third 000311 NW tinder the stabs homes. Millions wastately built, and Is now doing a good busittsesii • Ntass,one•ball cub Wince In ens, two and Ouse years, with Intone; snorter by 'bond and For particulars eitpar• of J.W.11 I. No. Bo littb attest, or on J. B. Rumor, on the Bram tau. DLYIB 11 mamas's& Atk-Vris. rinoLoGioAL, *ND: 241.80 ELL A, .a. BWye BOOMS BY CATALOGOA,' On BAT) DBDILB lirßdille. (Mobs: aa: at 73040'alock, will be old, mtal, on second Boor of Couimatial Was Bouts. 64 Mb Meat, alarp stock or Rhea: lottital and II eceßananos BMA" ardirelyntam, and of beat Znallab and • Asetricadaditions, centyritine eyelet maga et Ma inrattint, volt ; Anon% rooan B l dDf k Litt dlienary, Ettiol Oyeloyek• ia of Winton, toes gook of Martyin, Dick's Iluoicigy, Suite's Abdo oreburok and bit. Id Saarland, e vela /Whop Biol. Waren 3 noir, Rieetwood'a Lint of CluittLatninneua "celebrated Contmenteriee, Mexandeeir Hbtro .Itrulltirn Na tion% Ufa and Speeches of Wehrle, Clarke Bum. wee uratiou and Speedier, Snag BrogslanY Wh et, Bahasatd.,B Warr Poetical Works ot Bonn Boy% Bowyer. Ombra»; town roar, to. Cat alogue are now ready far distriltution, and the Boots can be ansintned on day atiele.* Col imirte al iftlDWAiial, Annets, j L l iactriltiti AM! , BINJA. lattire. —THIS frhundel) ArTZIBOON, Oct. Ist, at . 11 o.oaxit, wilt be WS. at •the Oocamerttel dates BOMB, be BIM Meet. a tarp qtauktlty of Beam. bold Seminars, cotaististas oat rowan Jean, laud Walnut Bedstead arllte apAagbodom...Alagbi..top Walnut d'andi Mocked Weah "Itavd; ktattopar Bureau. large Wale= WkeS4leS, .11shogaay and Beeeirood Bpting Boat Chides lad Becker, Parkes render, Bedsluda, Olialre , Biddlag,'Oaneta, Blear MatUag. Matte Olga% sad Tist ,straze ice Cheat Coot. Ineibtona CopporiCgOo,CUPPOirdp KitallZlPlolll, fito. Mao, Waco Zook Coe] oral Ilomotary. oat DAM • KeLLWALIIM. &arra pIAnQ ANDI:IICW/NaIiAO*UNE. Tit% Mande) r'arIAlli005.:04:1::. 114 at o'clock, will be mold. at ta• Oammacial re• Mom1.21o:51/1fth Ma% an• amnia Chicks:lr Plano, 06 cauvre, Bony thatthsil roorwokl - rani augers. -Also: one lassilyterlarnschlas eel D & VlB cILM MB E. a ectis L.EttANT YAM .12 Ou seTORDLY 111011 11 1 110.0olmr Mut it 0 dock, Fill be 6 9 11104 1 / I •Vousulatal Salts Rom* Ei sine suntel, oae elessul lizi7 Carityp, ehlub Cat ma, atilitalsearly art. MII3, IMO 100 d eel Dana A of oll.W.1111111: Auden. A" the antrpz-t i t id oxiblo wonders of Ar• portarized d.ho at MO an a appiustii of 03, spiiarsis thowituti to - n 1 geitti ~. TBl PSNINSULALIOAMPWONIT ngonizA t • v•ttliOD4l4l AND 80E NW ON TBE BLSAWDB. AMR( . • By am J. J. nits, D. D. Pike for nie by EAT • 00.9 48 Wad strut. MINES Dar 0001011. GRAPR VINES MEM DEL&WAIX/C, CONOOIII , , DIINA, HARMED PEOLIIf/CI, cauxitsra, runsiano, BKIIBICUOST, L"GA 10 g A LON, UNION VILL•01, GIITAXO3I, ANNA, TAILOR or HOLUM, And all the other leading kinds, It imtarpargad eV, where In i hi country Parties whhlrg to port a." and who snot Vide OUT grounds to swordue car des and vtneyardei (whores/I the above and many other kinds skirt* urn In fruit,) would do vett to wad for oar new roue LIST, which will be coat} to all appllorati of charge. J. KNOT„ , --, BOX IES, Plttatrecriblltil' selo4tdalty 1863. SKr-pi/WEB MI EATON, autenun & Nor. 17 and 19 Fifth Street, Invite the attention of the Ladles to a trogriltloint sasortment of New WIELCH THEY BANE JUST OPENED. The .lock Ii ocatplete In every department. Mid (boy would respectfally ask the exszoltustlost of the Many Rich and Elegant litrigi Got out snugly for the present sawn. They feel =Meat they can offer impala Woos. made to all dams of pi:mobster', he the wily of =dente piton and en attractive etook. Merchants and other, who buy to wsit again, wfft be anyylled with D 7 emantlty they require—ane. we think, la cheap as they can buy In rbliadelphia. aelo FALL, siuutm NEW GOODS Jut =dud at LANE. McABOT & LOOS, Er 0.140 IMAM 8T31112. Aftbssty. nib= CLAIM AGE.XTB. pIiNBIONS, BOUNTY & BACK PAY. T, WALTZB DAT, 611H311.5.L . CLUBS lair, N 0,4105 Pifil /X, third door Wow Go Cloahoiral. 11l wounds° Soldiers, whe have been to the milk tan or naval ter*" are =Wield to µop Bounty and Pension. AD Bother" who han d served two entitled to the WS licr. by reason of dimes% etre entlihd_ to pim.. den= Widows of Soldiers vim die sr ere Med Is the service are 'entitled to mitt= and the Sin Dcausty, Sc.. do. Oaks& atoms, of every demi:AM promptly tended to. Bo charge mode In any awe no the money tv coned:wt. firiblyweide pENBIONI3, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. il. C. EdiIIERELL, 41101•0117.64Lza .64 Mks dm/. N 0.114 rirra [Trim, pitturarge, Willa foto to illinbatrikododjetolog anzaki. Proosonta SOLDLlBllefcrery Wm: LIOUNTM, for aa dial:urged &Mane EOM, Tor =coda 'Moors tad &aka; O r TUB oml MINORS for Wldcnn. ?whit% OW= Clakbro, Brothers sad Stamm of taal lotarocro. entail**, of those Ina tun dkd ths wrap% at bon Mod altar Malmo tram dhows contradal b abbr. 111PRio 'than's main calsatvi, awl as IsSiar bb asswand tube • stamp 6 *salami. YZRITtp , . WAIXTAC IMRM WANTEDA "Form of LE4 L t on any of tie reilmed line; not into CI table from the city and not ono two mike tram a Maths. It meat be that guaty doll, with good tudldlnp and other Miptionionexate, and mar contain from 150 to 180 ••aalar mon itt Au, pax tablas to oat ter:Nang fad purcamer _address:tog 'I L n L. Gammon Ofiloe, Pine bit, Pa.," dating per- Mud= about polity of kmatlon, number tit eons;tmerommtnta, DAMN as authlS WANTRIEIe-161) A Morra.—We Mai II Ifi genls at SCO mope". npsoin pad, tonsil ant Soatasfiag Eneffs. OrisiAlltermre, and thtelaat otier new, nwita and =law arttelso. /Moen nit whys sant pen A.ddrew, sal2,lwdawP MOW UTADIC. Blarbni.llll. 'IN ANTED, 10A0 ounastravg, wittelt ths htihsat mast price Ida bop .% Itr: N 125 woad Amt. NMI /41Alirit. VAN GORDEN. tt W T eNTSD-A Ikesr CLASS .1 Boot.;,. Wir =cm; cos wbe bas • przakal lorndtdpi and can same well razaardadsi address. MX. an Pew Oaks. , roffititt A N A LYBLS.-. / ti l FILICII ....1.......4950 ,e, bi — 1 1 74 --- - . , -qw ALmmu --OVA. ~ ~,,n . atm . Pan Ox.. hoz. SA. . .4.......1.7 . lan_ .02. 04 4 . IhrttOlt 1 88804 ths Amoy the Islitsitibe (=Pia ',LIM, 84184 mar It. Louts, No" tits It, littestitm 6111.848114484 Jelssalsotasso: - soot Asap& glnas abase, reportsdl= A, . Hays, et Ikstou, sad J. 4.800tb. at by wbkb. bee Id% ths otactsui me Ix Pttlabussa. ObishtsBa., witt tts. losts. so' t 9 to be eSss!_ amostaabsabls Play tsur-ks o 4B.Bbitisot =wawa, Asoulasa. Pots made tram St turto stOod /a, Wt. Mame Samos tram Mt* 9 ausatts. ' Tbs Anaysis at the (Day as Was tetsi tle withoal aty traddag ar mants' *LIU ups. It per put adbastaraces aal sioslitio. whist! sts not stcnns by Os vbtsb admit alas Mad:tars 15548P199911k0, lam pow D n to err orders Glsy, to bo an7ped toBBl %.l oll Thlat.! 39l Mrad /F.? . - AIEXAVIDN, . 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