The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 30, 1863, Image 3

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CITY AFF.4.188.
011171XULZ PAPER OP VIZ ant.
01 1 / 1 1TAT10113 for the Go-
Bette, by (f. IL Ms, Optiatan, bro. IS /Mb
nred—oamted daAly
. (Meek, 4. x ...
... pp
12 « 61
u..--..... 00 64
u p. x.—.......... 49
Samster.... -- --- 29 4-10
8121 h Ward itaton Meeting
A large meeting of the cations of the Sixth
Ward was held bit night In a lot on Wylie
street near Towndson. The mooting was
organised by Coating the blowing odloors
President—Rsr. Mr. Boar.
Vim Pruidado—Captain Cooper, Chula
Bounds, Jas. Chambers, Mr. Thompson, /no.
Boots, and Mr. Black.
Ssorstary—.7. R. zreiroars.
The President retuned his thanks for tits
oomplimemt. Re said that in ail our efforts,
there should be but one great Lk* kept In
flew—that in, =stain the men who are en
gaged In proper ants to sustain this great
. Hon. T. J. Bleu= was introduced. He
spoke of Ake great LEM at stake in the own
ing eleotloa—whether we have a country and
constitution. He referred to the articles in
the Richmond papers, which say that Gen.
Lee mat turn politic ian, and make • fall
campaign into Pennsylvania, for the purpose
of electing George W. Woodward. He ask
it was well understood by the people of the
Booth, that the triumph of the so-called Dem.
• **ratio nominees, for Governor, in Pennsyl
vania and Ohio would be the triumph of the
clue of secession. It Is this, which, to us,
sundae the present political question.of trans
cendent importance. In reference to the sue
,pension of the Writ of habeas corpus he
'wished that Abraham Lincoln had more of
; the old Jackson style of exercising authority.
- Be referred to the suspension of that writ
by Washington, during the Revolutionary
War, and the Whisky Inn:ration, and by
Jackson at Now Orleans la the War of 1812.
He said that now, men in the Booth do not
exercise one-tenth the liberty man exactas In
the North; that no man in the South would
I- dare to spook In favor of a candidate placed
in the same pSiltion to the rebel government;
se George W. Woodward is to our National
Administration. He wanted any follow, who
was tired of taxation here, to go down to Jeff
Davis' dominions. '(Mere an Irishman in the
crowd gam . 0 I will go down with a gut in
my hand.") - Mr. B. also referred to a hie
tortoni fam that, dozing Jefferson's admin
istrationwhon Gen. Wilkinsonarrested Aaron
Burr at New Orleans (or conspiring against
the Government, be brought Burr to Weal
ington, and on his arrival then, the Senate
of die- Hefted States passed a resolution ask
ing the President to suspend the writ of
habeas corpus—not knowing how large a re
bellion was on foot. It was seat to the House,
but being laid over for a few days, it was found
that no organised rebellion existed, and eon
. suruntly was not passed. This Shows that
fa 3180.2 or 1808, Thomas Jo/teasel and the
UMW States Senate understood what was
tweeesnry to be done to arrest rebellion.
Hos. John P. Penny was then introduced.
He said as he formerly lived In the Batty, he
knew-something abort the incitation of sla
very. This contest is between two ideas : cur,
based upon labor am:the subservient class, St
only to be enslaved, owned, tasked and driven,
having a governing class above them whoa
eels duty and privilege is to manage the pol
itics aid government of the country, making
it subservient; the other ides is ours. We
have • Constitution which says that every
man has equal rights—has the same 'voice
with his loom-men in the Government to
which he is a subject. We should now
know bat two parties—those who sustain
the Government, and theta who are opposed
to The men who opposes the Govern
s/UP, la any of its sots, whether by restating
the draft, opposing the taxation or Counsel
ing words optimt the administration, n as
mob to be opposed as the men who marches
manly op on the &id of battle with a bay
onet spinet ova bistars breasts. The Gor
dian:au% gssea_down when the President goes
down. Abraham Lincoln was elected in a
Conatitutional manner. 110 is the President
if the country sad is entitled to our alle•
glance. It the President la nut down how
are we to support the government?
He well illustrated the right of the Presi
dent to take the negros3 of the South by sup
posing a tow of houses stood between .our
army and pos erossof—whetiter in that OW,
there should be • delay In order to have a juy
to aseertela the vales of the property before
it was battered to pieta. Mr. P. referred to
the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus
antacid that when the Constitution Its at
taakedimo true, loyal man can throw impedi
ments in the way of the Conmitutional Ex
ecutive of the country in his attempts to ad
minister the government, sad enforce the
lees of the land to put down rebellion.
Dr. McCook was then called for and intro
duced. He delivered one of his u.nal cutting
speciosa against theDamearestio party of the
puma day. In respect to the conscription
act, he said that Abraham Lincoln should
not be charged with • crime, when Janson
was justifed in doing the same thing.
Hon. J. K. Morehead being observed in the
crowd. was loudly soiled for. fly came for
, ward and delivered a short but effective
sp A ec v otee t
thanks was returned to the
/ton City College.
This institution has ben to long before
the pablia i nsid its character for thorounhnele
and else it se wall known, and so gen
gray &dialled, as to render it anneesssary,
and almost Impossible to say anything, that
crould. add to Its wall-earned reputation.
Isom the first Ito constant elm hu been to
felerate the odao►tioaat standard of the bui
l:ten eeramunity; bow well It luts mended.
in itanforts,ll beet shown in the tueleareal
praference given by business men to the
gradustei of this school- By insisting en
higher standard of qualificetion than that re
quired by other comultnial yahoo% and by
persistntly relating diplomas to all but
thoroughly qualified accountant', it has not
only obtained the confidence of the business
Community as a first elan institution, but It
kis neared a patronage which makes it the
anstiargely attended Commercial College in
'the United States. The young men who is to
lortsteste as to be able to obtain its diploma,
if industrious and possested of good habits,
Is certain of meets. -
Accident to a Lady.
A young lady camel King, residing In
Allegheny, fall Into a agar way in one of
the new buildings baths erected on fit. Cllair
street, on Monday mining, and was vary se
lonely Wand. A delegation from this illy
wee passing alone the sidewalk, on their way
to s setting in ALleghany, and the lady, in
beak to let them pass, fell into the
ezc .Tb• stontraatore are responsibte for
.dawsagn instalsid ander snob altatunstanees,
ipd'abonid be held to a strict aeconateblligy.
1 / 4 ,Th direst flommissioner should keep an eye
/41. All such dangerous Veal, and remind
- than who may bezoms negligent of their
daft!. -
Otraatvr Sat.n.—A grand ballwlll be 'Wen
al Lafayette Hall, on Monday evening, Onto
fief foth, for tbe busflt of the widows and or-
Oasts of Jorlibri
WM: b iseellent h ands. and hen The
doubt the- resolon will prove piers/mt. and
Mems. H. Itosenbaoh, G. Graf.
,tiar. J. MI6. A. Miler, L. Blaishman, and
M. Kraal.: estsposo - the Committee of dr.
Sawn Weep Union bleartion.—There
•mill be a tielort.mus Slartiag On Thin seln7
areettng at the corner of Gran dna and
'entre Anna. Some of oar emlneat local
RpNkm.wilt dethrer addresses.
Thin ettlelso be tneetLog 1p the Seventh
-Ward Patina 801100/ aOlllO.l Promfr.ent
graham min be to attendance.
:'!l: TAhirovsza Dwan.—ftlortlo Connor, ono of
the man who woo Worst by tho has aeotdont
blitholido of tho Btenbeholito Ittlitoad. Mod
Way - from AU stints of his hdortu.
I asim lb. third death from that terrible
isingiltW Colour Maeloas held 'an Inqsmtt,
•• `s• Naget 01 widest/4 bath Irfolik .
*NO: ; •
, '
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Distressing Ateeident.--Woman Killed
Oa Tetesday sibirnoon, between three and
four echoic, most distreseing aeoldant co
carrell at the Pedual street depot of the Pitts
burgh, Port Wayne and Chicago Railway, re
sulting In the instant death of Mrs. Elisabeth
Robinson, wife of Joshua Robinson, ERI.. •
well known and highly esteemed cithen of
Allegheny. It would appear that Mr—
Robinson had left her ruidenos, corner of the
Rut Common and Sharma* street, in
the Third Ward, in company with her
daughter, a young women, for the par-
Pore of taking the oars to visit some
friends residing in the vicinity of Blew
Brighton. The Allier= Aceommodation hid
backed in to the station, bat before It bad en
tirely checked ep Mrs. Robluon stepped up
on the platform of one ef the ears. in doing
which she lost her balance and fell betwen the
two cars. She was caught between the bump
ers and blared eonsidirably, after which she
fell upon the track, and the wheeh of one of
the trucks was Wised over her, breaking
both legs, and almost dlsembowedling her.
The body was taken hem under the
cars in a very short - time, but life we.
tinct, and she luidevidently expired instantly.
The, deemed was In the fifty-third year of
her ige, and was a mostestimable lady. Bar
sadden and violent death has flied a worthy
family with the Most Intense grief, std
has last a painful gloom over a very large
circle cf relatives and friends. Coroner
McClung held an inquest in the evoninr, and
after hearing the statement of Mice Robinson,
the jury found a verdict of accidental death.
Discharged Soldiers
dad be it /baker enacted, That any alien of
the ago of twenty-one years or nowards, who
has enlisted, or shill enlist in the armies of
the United States, either the Regular or Vol
utes, forces, and has been, or shall be hare,
after honorably discharged, may be admitted
to become a citizen of the United States upon
his petition, without any previous declaration
of his intuition so become a citizen of tb&
United States, and that he shall not be re - = - :
quired to prove more than ono year's resi
dence within the United States, previous to
his application to become snob citizen, and
that the court admitting meth alien, shall, In
addition to such proof of residence and good
'moral eharaoter, as is now provided by law,
be satioded by competent proofs of snob par
son haying been honorably discharged teem
the service of the United States, as aforesaid.
Sad Death or a Student.
A most distressing accident happened in
Meadville on Sunday afternoon last. A stu
dent of Allegheny College, Clark T. Lindley,
was shot by the accidental discharge of a gun
in the hands of a follow student. The acci
dent omitted In Mr. Lindley's room, the load
(of shot) passing through the fleshy part of
the inner side of the right thigh, severing the
femoral artery and causing death in less than
an hour. Medical aid was promptly sum
moned, but was unavailing. Mr. Lindley
was a young man of fine talents, highly com
mended by the faculty and his fellow stu
dents, and respected by a large circle et so
quaintances. He was a son of Dr. L. Lindley
of Cennellsville, Payette empty, Pa. and was
about twenty yeah of age. His rem ains fore
forwarded to his friends.
Bleating at Wilkins Hall.
There was a spirltsi meeting in Wilkins
Mall last evening. William M. Shinn, Big.,
delivered an able address, in the course of
which he proclaimed himself to be a military,
political end moral Abolitionist, end this, too,
although born in a slave State and perhaps
nursed with slave milk. He woe followed by
lion. Thomas J. Bigham, who pitched into
the Pod, Woodward, Lowrie, and the Cop
perdeads, generally, with a till, amid advised
all who complained of their liberties befog
restrained, and their taxes being enormous to
try Dixie for a few months. The last speaker
was A. M. Brown, Brq t Mr. Brown made an
able argument on the &neat:atonality of the
suspension of the writ of karat coypu, and
the right of the soldier to vote.
&HAULS LID BATTIIIT eases.—ln the fol
lowing assault and battaryoesse before Alder
man Taylor, on Monday and yesterday, the
parties were scot held In 000 to answer at
Sarah Pent, ehargod'with hiving attached
Barbara Scholerer, and threatened to strike
her on the head with a briek-bet.
Barbara Hubert, charged with an/whine
Rebecca Paul, the iafant daughter of Sarah
Paul, and beating her &aural!.
BAUM OF STOOKS at the Commercial Sales
Boom. No. Si Fifth street, Tneadsy evening,
September 29th, by Dark &twain., Ano.
Rouses c
Exchange Bank ....$7l 50
Bank of Pittsburgh.-- ...... 60 50
Pittsburgh Insurance Company...—. 31 75
Pittsburgh & Oonnellsville E.. R. C 0.... 8 75
Sztruarts. The Wheeling isertlisrescsv
states that - then are not lass than twenty
drafted men in that elty—man who being
absent from their beams in Pennsylvania at
she time of the drawing, have sonainded not
to go back. Ia cue they are arrested they
alum that they cannot be considered at de
serten, having had no notification that they
were among the lanky ones.
EQUIMIL 111712710,-.A squirrel host took
plaas to Eladsbury towsoblp, Crawford county,
last week, batsman two oompaalse of man
moo aaoh. Capt. BMWs Road brought In
185 hsid—Capt. Bash% 20. The largest
number killed by any Slagle hoots? was 73,
by Henry Mast, of Capt. Bosh's squad. The
time stipulated was tea bolus.
loyalist:on fy desired of the whereabouts
of William Davis, who was recently engaged
as • Colportettr In Crawford and Erie 001211-
tbs. Any one who knows of Wi palm* lo
cation will confer a favor by sanding his ad
dress to the data of the Crawford Journal, et
CLEm.a.—Matilda Heron has consented to
give one more representation of her great
character of " which will be pro
dnee4 this evening. She will not again ap.
pear in this role daring the present engage.
meat. Those who would witness It, there
fore, mast attend the theatre to-night.
Tan Groter.—We understand that Manager
Henderson will soon announce the groat 1110-
iitlon play of the “Ghort." The eight-bea
ten will all be =lona town hit gholtablp.
Disoausair.—David Maslen, J. Hamill
and James Rodgers were, yesterday, arrested ,
and fined tithe dollars cub, by Mayor Alex
ander, for disorderly conduct.
Waxen? Yawn', eon of Brig. Gen. Kelley,
DOW reuniting 11. MOW' °unpin, In
Axons AID BilLllol BRIM EAGlllia, for
brolly zed ounuhroturing purposes, ere the
Not b us.
A. F. Ibbost, G.uul Ape.
No. 18, fifth street.
Tutus l'aiwv, Plain anftizzantotal Mato
Soder, istd dales In Pommylmam and Vet
moat ,late of Um iost litiallty at low Tatou
Oldce at Max Latigatllift, mat its Wata
Works, PltttlnuglOs. ' _spßsem
007 of the Wheeler and Wilson
Sewing &salmis.
Moro 11 but one Bowing Machias, and that
Wheeler & Meigs, et
Aserias /waste, N. Y.
The Whaler At Wilson Koalas his no
It is Um nisabbio for fastaty use—Advocate
It Is emlasstly npertob—Dietiosary of Ms
!very one should melt at Wheels: WU
mon'e rooms, No, 371ilfth street, and examine
epoolmena of work done on them machines.
Wm. Butner & Co., the Western Agents
for Wheeler & WUioa, hams DOW Oa "OM.
dolt i flee stook of =chines, Ia Rosemead,
fifeltogaay and Walnut eases. ,
Stainno I soy Tan —The tole:teen are
bravlog the ductal or Neer, Boraly,Wounds
sad Chotsta; Noy A itallatt fallow sill reeve
Irle bons to bleselt, who.. be the sue at HOL
bsn ntstrwedtatdetsmily stens and heathy.
Wan, try their I Only 26 eats pa be: or
Neti ' U.
, .
• Or Termer re Laters..-4er•
''l6 CBI r
gyms tb. aewlag Mackin, as • blessingto
woman. - Tt has bees the caving of mach
misery, aa•Probahly of Weikel!. The "Elpisk
of the Shirt" is now obsolete; the more eman
ating ballad, "The Bong of the Bowing Ida
chine,' hat to its piece. We had heard,
through one lady friends, of =whines that
would stitch, tow, ham, and of one that could
make a perfect button.hole in • garmeak
We Lad supposed that perfection had almost
boon reached, knowing that those Smartt.
meats performed all the neesseilies to sewing.
Bat it seems they still had the "aecompilah•
meats" to lam. We are led . to make these
remarks,, having recently seen some ladles'
Admits elaborately embroidered with this Baw
-log Mashie*. The work seemed to excel any
thing executed by band labor. Beside being
more rapidly and cheaply executed, the work
has a more regular, and coneequentiy a much
more beautiful appearance. What is most
remarkable about this novelty is that the
machine wkieh executes this wonderful
workmanship is the most perfect in another
respeoM—the embroidering quality being
only on addition to its many other abilities of
stitching, hemming, ko. Thee* of our lady
readers who wish to view the instrument en
gaged la its charming atioomplistiment, can
do so by stepping Into News. Grover h Be.
key's establtsbment.—New York Items Jeer.
Boe Advertisement.
JIM 7 Bavtraaan /1011 701 Eart.-WThe CM.
'dersigned would MOB respeotfullissall the at
tention of their friends, and the pabilsain gen
eral, to their Pall and Wlnt stook of Goods,
They consist of all the very Lttasi styles of
Cloths, Cecil:acres and Vesting*, English Es
kimo Beavers, TriO3 and Pilot Cloth and Over
costing*. Also, a largesseortment of Preach
Chinchils Overcastings of the vary finest
guslity, an of whictli is:elected from theletist
importations, and will be made In the most
fashionable manner, and at a price lower than
any other :merchant tailoring establishment
'in the city. Give us an early call-
Baumis. oma Nes h Co,
Merchant Wirt, No. 54 Market st.
FO2 BALI. LID WINTII Wian.—.The ram
mer is past, and by the morning's tryst, we
begin to apprehend, that fail and winter will
be shortly upon us, and we must provide our
selves with the material to keep ue comforta
ble. A nice fall suit, or • good and well-made
overcoat are the very thing, and we do not
know of any place where our readers would
snit themselves better than at Messrs. W. B.
Mass &Co.'s clothing establishment, sorner
of Federal street and Diamond Square, Alla
gbeny. They have also received ■ complete
assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods,
and a great variety of new patterns for waist
eoatteg, Ao.
Mumma, itututuren Vinnweassa
etc-ntion of our country% brave defenders M
-05104 returned from the seat of war, and of
the public in general, la again directed to the
very extensive and handsome assortment of
the latest styles of French, Buell& and
Anse:lean pleas goods, for panto coats and
vests, lately received by Dieser'. John Weiss
k 60., Merchant Tailors, No. 120 Sederal
street, Allegheny. A tasteful gala:lion of
putt:neon%.futhstang goods will also always
bo toned on the shelves of the establishment,
together with a let of toady-made clothing,
got up In the best manner.
Tease banutifal lota en Nunnery HUI,
widati overlook. the city of Allegheny, at the
bead of Federal street, are to be Laid at A.
Lagote's Auction House, 159 Federal street,
on Tuesday evening Oat. nth, at 7% o'clock.
Plana esat be bid from the Auotiotieer, end
the grounds will be shown by Win. Stedeford,
who am near the prep:Mee.
RIMMED Me /Los: —Bev. B. 0. Smith,
Prattiburg, N. Y., =Hoe t "My gray hair
is earned as b;uk u wbui I wu a young
man by suing hire. S. A. !Aimee World's
Hair fteitorer sad Zylobalsamom." Tam
preparations have been need and approved for
twenty years.
011101111311 and carriage calls will bs tem at
the Omnibus clam p No. 410 Penn street,
day or night. All orders loft at the above
plate will be promptly attended to. All culls
most to paid in advsnos.
Pena notiesa; lone dollars.
Foundottars, tour dollar.
Dental Institute, Dentatinstleita.
Batt ekoap I:tzarist:7,l;rue cheap Dentistry
No icartano work, no =saltine work.
FLIOB.-Ali sizes flags, at sal orlon. Flags
for horses, flags for beildiegs, jisgs for corn
pantos, at the Pittsburgh Pug hianufastorg,
Pitteet's, opposite the Postt ales.
raosised, a large supply of Uoiteti &ales
gage at the maeafeotory, Pittook's, opposite
the Postoflee.
BUSTING and muslin flip made to order,
from elz feet to fifty feet, of the beet material,
at the manefaotory, Pittoeles, opposite the
—Tan extensive rope works of Ir
win, Falcon ,k do. Those in want of manilla,
hemp or bay rap•, twines, oakum, ka, will
do will to call at It Water street. lw
C. Dont:it, 7,48 Penn strait, •toad to
V.MOitirt of las urotimalorn
FLOYD—LE ITEIDOS O—To Ylckatrog, o •
Thursday eserdng Stptetaber llth, by Boa. L. 8
Bouteo, Judge of the Probate tkart, BIXBY M
FLOYD, late of Oda plac3, to Mu LM ILI L ABM
trraove, of Vicksburg, Mks.
CEA bK. —en Tuesdsy morelog, 2Stb Inst., BEN
JAMIN ÜbAEB, eyed St years.
Faunal .111 take Owe sinunoiow, at
1 frsm bta late -esid.noe, Trankstown road,
oppoolb Vomswood Station. Berlina trill leave
Moreland Is N Admire Stable, Liberty street, M It 3,
o'clock. The "leads of the family me rerpsetharly
Invited to attend.
tin nrnn hive
Mee, azd are ra
be bid .4 001
• 1210. 80th Int•r
CNY.—The folio.
Vls'lure Comm:
d t, mvetletig to 1
boon added to tbe
treated to Weal
OE• Ors. oo wri
at 1% o'elo - k :
Alexander A U
, Clieb etalatlan
Alston Jonn
Armstrong A D
Annstren r DMA
Andersen The,
Owen. William
Orr w 111 yam
Park hates Jr
Patterson Bari
Patterson James
titotm. °baths
Gray W
i'astinto fianstiot
Holmes Joan
Rioting% %ob%
Hast!ami David.
Antic as John
flardon .3 li
Boa Wm
Dna Ch,bt
KAM J.kal L L
snow Volterra
ropalts Adam
Lindsay L
Lacy Vdeitaick
Ma , &ban V B
alcßriss Jao.■
Itstlausattz J
Mains W J
Bat Jobs 17
Harr Alex
Bell Hebert
Beckham 1 1 4 , 4
BlVettici Phlltp
Bold WtHisaa
Hsrclay Therm
flratC Wilt=
Bolt. Haar,
Oamphell Jeut H
Danesh Fames!
Dothlrt Jalio
lietwee Rho
tails Isotert
B !Worm Joshua
Bay Bobs
Bawls Hoary
its.sousts bassi
Bstestar BloWs
issessit Dayld
Stalwart Jobs
'cbssib Jots
Othstsatt Goo
B , edogord Jame
! Steel Ito, J 0
•adtts B B
Shoals Jos
McCurdy Jamul
Meyers John
21ba1 Gut •
IlY•in A W
Glen Paton.
Oarwt Mnry
, stnner Ch•.
?tom J.. 8
Walt* Jobo
Wolin John A
By ordtr of County tosutoittAA tcr the Witt.
030. °MUM.
*WHIM 11 ,1 13i0N,
Dr. JAB 150110t/GB,
.1111Lrrall .roricEs.
rtiovuer neussava °isms. Tv
920 Bursar or lhoweL ,
98 Tomtb-St., Pittsborgb, Boys. to, 1863
Insocordsnes %Mb, Wore, I publish Ms Ibb.
lowing list' of poroOnl osealphd from daft by Ow
Board of Bora/sent In this Dhtriot, to Ms date,
with lboioSsons of noir .xoroptioni
11 - 174 Ear of TOZVISM4O AOCIPL3:I3 111111111117113
Bum. . Itatieus. . Eabsttbsta.
John Mtge% Eut Dlrmingbam. n'tiry G. Johnson
at.':d Vous - ' PS I :Lt . :I S . tt °1,,1n..
MAN 110010 ; . HOW LOST I' HOW
BZEITOBRD pablisha, Ina salmi es.
vents; Price Pfx Orton. & Lectors en the Enna
Westmont std Indoo.ll Cure or Er ronstontoces, or
&masa Mennen, Junin:Amy smt4oos nomad
pallity. and Itopsdatents to Mariam isoursty
Penommases, Coreasoptlon, Tpllspsy and tin Nen.
tat 'Soo Minot toaipsoftr. resattof yroui roe,
atm" Mx. by nowt. lILTERVILL, ja. D.. erdar
of On Ones Beek so& woos t lb wads of
Buff tent: sent tre,ortield. Ins plan anslops, to
tar mho en p•st.ptid, co rued pt of s x ante or two
PanioXlsotoos. b. PE. Ott. J O. IC LIS%
pooerryara Pak, Post Oaks Ban 4155.
esollottodsmir Is
-11;rri POORP.atit i gignYtri,
at HUMID Hat toadett.
tate • trt A• 2 rna•ewa.
bxs. Western Reserve;
No do =doom
Stoned tad foetus by
JO= P. =MIA 4
rk) rat•
Owlet Dispatch to the Pittabargh Garotte
Wastatorox Crrr, &opt. 19, 1893.
11111011..leCOOr. Lin 91WITINDIS
It 11 stated that Gene. fd'Cook and Crittenden
are relieved of their commends In the Army
of the Cumberland. and ordered befsre n Court
of Inquiry to investigate their conduct in the
resent battles en the Chleinsursuga. General
Bourret iris understood to have made tortoni
complaints against them In his dispatches.
The twentieth and twenty•flret army eorpe
have been consolidated, and row constitute
the fourth army Corps, nader the ormmand of
tGordon Granger,
IitIRILI Or ORS. ROOKIE 10! TEE 111192.
Gen. Hooker left Washington 7esterday to
enter upon salve service. It is understood
that Gen. Butterfield eonthuses as his chief of
staff. Gen. Hooker went west.
It seem pretty well ascertained now that
Gen. Ns!look is to be regarded as the author
of the Texas expedition. The Navy Depart
moat did not favor it.
.1111 11100111 t DILLIOLTIOI
The address of the Missouri delegation - to
the President will be printed to morrow in
pamphlet form,and (sr distribution after its
presentation. The President has appointed
ten o'olook to-morrow to resolve the delega
The dentition from Missouri had a reorp.
Lion at the Uctort League rooms to-night
The hall was crowded to overflowing. A
epasoh wan made by Bz•Gov. Bell, cf Ohio,
welcoming them, giving them assurance: of
sympathy, declaring there was no half way
ground for loyal people, and that slavery
mutt die.
Judge Mitt, of St. Louie, stated the
wrongs of the citizens denouncing General
Bahodeld as a Coppathesd—uniting with Gov.
Gamble to hot this loyal people down. Son
ata: Lane made •characteristlo spseoh—full of
dune, Mot:area and ex tremevie ws. Speeches
were also made by Mr. Jackson, of Missouri,
and others.
The President received an address from the
Bans of Temperance organisation this after
noon, and replied briefly by Keying, that since
a long time before the organisation of the
Bons et Temperance, while unite a young man
ha had made four temperance speeches, and
had tiled ever due to support it by the ex
ample and principles he then advoo.. tcd. Be
regretted there was so mush dinnk.unes In
the army, ani had done all he could to pre
vent it, but It might be a oonsolation that
there was some on the other side, too.
1.T.0111.10R or P 115012113
The reboil have boon trying to force ne Into
an exchange of pileonere, by representing
that they have no amaze of making our mis
time in their hands comfortable through the
approaching winter.
Lieut. Col. Cahill. of Maehumid, has boon
promoted to a esloneloy in the Invalid Corps.
European ldews
Naw You, Copt. 20.—The City of Wmli-
Migton, from Liverpool CM, Uts /6tb; IRS
Queenstown the Itth;eirrived at 0:30.
Tha fimancipsttlon Society has written to
Rouell, thanking him for stopping the rams
on the literary, and begging him not to lose
sight of the movements en the Clyde.
The Tories editorially expresses satisfaction
that tho Ironclad, In the Mersey will not be
allowed to leave until semething more is
known of their ownership and destination.
The Paris Moritosr air:lain, that the Flo
rida I. not a privateer tot forms part of the
Confederate marine, duty commissioned, and
has all the character of an ordinary vessel of
Part of the crew of the Floridahnd arrived
at Liverpool In a state of destitution, and
say the report that they mired large sums in
wages and prize money are fabrications. , The
men wore mostly pressed from the Confed
erate army. At Brest they boldly demanded
their wager. when they were all discharged,
with notes on the Confederate sprits at Liv
erpool for sums varying from $lOO to $l3O.
These claims were repudiated.
It is reported that two federal war vessels
were en route to Brest to prevent the depart
are of the Florida.
Paris, Sept. 16 —Rumor, say the new Em
peror of Mexico has recognised the Confeder
ates in obedience to inpruotlons from Napo
leon. Aloe that Lincotn's government will
not throw difilaultiea in the way of the Brunch
schemes, but will quietly watch event/.
Tha Tim,. lactose the Canadians on an
nexation to the States, and says they are free
to do as they like, but argues they have noth
ing to gain, but everything to lore by nett a
The Russian replies to the Western Powers
have been delivered. They Indicate that the
Csar to immovable on the Polish question.
The six points are agreed to, and farther con
sultation bt uvula ons—Rnssia assuming the
full responsibility of her act".
LATUl—Liogrpool Sept. 17.—Cotton quiet;
the advance was partial at about 34d. Bread
stuff' quiet and steady. Provisions dull.
Produce eteady. COl2lOll, 91%@33,44.', Illi
nois Central, 13 dilatant. Ens, 75,
Vessels Captured—Advance In Gold.
New Toxic, Sept. 19 —The schooners Ire-.
land and John fiousemen were captured by
the retell, in Zberapeake Bay, previous to
the 234, and plundered and les adrift. The
Alexandria was captured and plundered and
run ashore- The Gsvantment schooner Al
liance, laden with provisions aad sutler's
stores, valued at 430.000, was also captured.
The crews of the other Tomb; were putaboard
of her, and she vas last seen c$ Sands'
Shoats, bound South.
The Commercial says gold has advanced to
$1 41%®l 4134 last evening, after the regu
lar business hours; and has gone still higher
to-day, partly under the failure of • heavy
speculator, said to be nearly half a million
abort in his deliveries, and pertly under
reports of adverse private intelligence
from Itosecrans. The price opened gl 41%,
but advanced to $1 44 by 11 o.ol oo k, f rom
which it leaded to IL 4234, r uff oo m g • up
again to $1 4 3 ® 1 43%. Bahe at the board
of about $lOO,OO at fl 42%@1i. 433, ant at
4 o'eleck, $1 43.
Worry Dr BD
Gen. Robert Anderson to Retire
from Service—From monis Island.
New yeal t ilapt. 29,—Brig. Gen. Robert
Andaman, now In the city. haa bee* ordered
before the Army Retiring Board, end It le ex
parted that he whi be retired from satire eer
trio% ea,einew the bombardment of Fort Sum
ter, he hu not been equal to the fatigue and
incitement inoldental to the sembre in the
A gentlemen direct from Morrie bland says:
A few dap before he left, seven dentine ar
rived then from Sallivane Island. Their
story b that attar the blowing up of the Mag
nin* in Tort Moultrie, and fully expecting
eentinuncte of the shelling on the following
day, the rebate made preparations for the re
moval of their hest run, with the Intention
of svemlatthi lholtiande hut finding the next
mo rning that the ehatildg was not renewed,
they conoluded to welt.
Banimoirane Attested.
Bsternioas, Sept. proprietors and
editors of the &Mar, formerly known as the
and then the Rows duet, ware sr
mod g. } :day for the .pubtioathin of disloyal
in thunas, A guard was seat to seize the
estabilibmsnt. Only one of the proprietors,
Mr. Eiward Carter, was found there, who
was arrested. Mr. Nielson was not found.
Mr. )1...47up00ter. editor of the Doper.
will also absent, and neither have yet Dien
Mama Ivii7 Ind M. D.Plotinn waited
t o . diy,) .tha mllitory enthoiltbn for Whip
&hop eatitiedi Rona= Meat&
xsprinee , ii thioVith ti -Battik," 117
Minds • ..
~::~ ~~
New Toni, Sept- 19.—A. oorrazpondozoe
of tea Poe: dated Washington, Sept. 29, says:
The reverse in Northern Georgia out:psis the
Government to rake more tro:pa than it had
oontemplated. The present draft will not
give the Government over 75,009 men, and is
Is said in some quarters that this It too high
an eetimate by 25,000 men. Another damn
will undoubtedly take place vory icon, !X..
*apt in those districts which prefer to Wee
their full quota by volunteering. Nearly all
the Western Statue will raise their quota by
voltintsers, as the Gevornment,offire a bounty
of $3OO. The nett draft will probe', bsStor
ammo men, and theexpeotation of the VDT..
ernment, under the new instruotions, to to
obtain one third of the men drawn as sol
diers. The two drafts and the volunteering,
it is estimated, will give about 300,000 men
by the first of January.
A oommittee from the Missouri and Kansas
delegation called on the President this morn
, Re agrees to receive the entire deep.
Lion It ten o'olook to-morrow morning: It
Is telieved hare the administration will change
ita policy in Missouri.
Unfavorable rumors respecting Buruside'e
situation were afloat last night, none of which
an true. Them it no unfavorable news from
eny quarter.
The Cabinet held a meeting to-day
Br. Louts, September 22.—The Democrat's
Leavenworth special 'aye:Authentic advice'
were received there from Washington, to
the effeetthat Beasae will be mado h separate
department, under the command of General
Col. Maas' moo are disarming the loyal en
rolled mititia in Platte county. Several Union
Cl2Bll Were killed yesterday, and a perfeot state
of terrorism 11.114[21 there.
Fire day's later advice' from Wasters
Arkansas, state that the rebels Coffee sad
Hants: are encamped on Cowskin Prairie,
Mo., with a thousand men.
Sr. Loms, S spa 29 —TheDamoerne,
field spaniel's} a th.t it to stated and believed
amoog army men there that Maj. Gen. Pope
will be assigned to L. command of the De
partment of fdleseuti.
Gov. Yates /0110 J to-night far Ohio, where
he will speak to the Union men.
Gan. Pope to now in St. Louie.
Kirby Smith ie at Arkadelphia with the
mein body of the rebel army, said to number
35,000. Gem. Cabal', with Texas troops trod
Arkansas conscripts joined him.
The powder mtil at Arkadelphia, containing
upwards of ono handrod thousand kegs of
powder exploded OD tho This lois is
regarded by the rebels as most fatal.
Orem dissattlfaation txtits avant Kirby
Gen. (Isbell ie tegteded 13 the best man in
the E. we.
Gen. Btont is at Fort Boom organizing new
Kansan regiments, which he expeou to lead
into Texas in a few days.
Seven aro arriving here la large nombere,
to jut the Kansas colored regiments.
Vessel Wrecked•.. Repulse of the
Lntish Fleet at Kago alma.
Sir Finerozeco, Sept 99 —The war steamer
Norwich, fast from Ilskadi, wiser - reeked north
of the entrance to thte harbor on the night
of the 26. h. The Ohms - and mew were
P1,01101 . 11D
They report according to the Japanese ac
counts receive: et flaked!, Aognst,Soth, that
the British flea: had been repulsed from Bap
Blois before It had demanded from Priem Bt.
Stame the surrender of Kletterdeon's mur
derers. A. the fleet entered theinctr Luber
an armed Japanese decoy heat draw towards
the shore :rd was pursued, attacked and
epeedely sank. then opened
on the fleet tram the shore, riddling the set.
ranoed ♦emote before they could get out of
range. The J &panes° claim to have destroyed
the greater portion of the fleet, and the bal
ance retired iron the contest.
8011 MUM MONR.OII, fiept. SS —A dispatch
from Atlanta of the Mt says: There wu
no fighting yesterday. Gan. Roseorans boa
seat ia two fisgs of true ' asking permission
to bury his dead and rsllove his wounded.
Asti. Bragg rt.' toted both of them.
The dig of taste boat arrived from City
Point this avenlog wilt 300 Voice - soldiers.
The news In the Richmond papers Is mea
gre and of no importance. The editorials
are hopefol, but urge the most strenuous ef
fort: to redeem Chattanooga, mid repel the
advance of Meade.
Char. .0 on, Sepi 25 —AU i qziet this more-
&ming Rcbel eoldiers in ilium:Rl
--Untont.te Driven mum the etnte
LIATINWORTH, Septemlter 29.—Gov. Gam
ble having authorized Oct. Mon, of Liberty,
blinouri, to arm the mon In Platte, Olay
and Clinton emulates, he bee armed mostly
returned rebel soldier', and men under bends.
Mesa and his can are now driving the Union
men out of hitasocaL Over one hundred fam
ilies crossed the river today. Meny of the
wives of our 1.41103 soldiers lune - bun mu
yelled to leave. Four or five Union DM have
been murdered by the Mors men.
!deception of the !lissinne.
New !wiz, Sept. - 29.—The Russians are
to have a grand reception on Thursday. The
Committee of the City Council waits on the
Admiral end prosente the resolnlions of wel
come, end will be accompanied on their re
turn by the Admiral and his officers. They
will land at some point up town and willpase
down Broadway to the City Bail, escorted
by the entire division of the State Militia.
The affair promises to Kcal the Prince of
Wales' reception.
Murkete by i etegraph.
Now Tote. Sept. YD.—Cotton ezettel and prima ad.
vetoec 1'463a at et@B3e. for !diddling Upland. Flour
owned at tic h gber, but with the decline. to Ma
g. 1f mat bat tweatat bevy, and buyers generally no.
fused to ray the &wane*, at 5t,7;4015 1/0 for Sifts
Stale, sa,ooroso 33 E.t.a, Bound hoop and Ob'o,
1111,40a7,65 tar Trade Wanda—the market eosin&
berry and declining. Whisky dull and heavy at 423
for Wait rue Wheat tip Ind more active aid full go
batter, but clotted doll. oAill quiet at 681,72* for
%Vattern. P. rO more salve turf firm at pro har
0 d kee, st 4 for New New, 1110,336110,60 for Fa*
Prime, and 613,2566116,03 for New Seim. Nast Beef
dull. Lard Sneer end In good di mend at 654,41100e1c5t0g
elcstog at 10,Vaillc. Claws. firmer at 100 K
Tweray4lve ihontand ton. of 0..1 sold, by Inaction
to day at , $5,0307,35 per ton.
Pun.tatutnte, Sept 22.—Ylrar dull; sales tf 1,000
barrel. Superfine at $3. What dull; mita of 6,000
brwhile Bid at $43540,40, Mite 51,4651,70 Corn
dna; stlea 1,0 barbels at °ulna Gude, V Ea
fintd, Ed Whiely firm at 64gt613.6.
pal:rufous, Sept. lio.—Flottr firm; Extra Sista at
g6,35g66,37. Wheat bray,. Corn steady and in bet
ter demand; Talow INce,IIL Whisky thinly ; Ohba
at 63.
New York Stock and Honey market.
Now Tom Sept. 21.—Ilionvy eery at 6 per one.
Sterner armed ant clan dull and acrolnal at 15763
157* Gold firmer. Dip market eery lirreanlar and
onevttled, cloning at 41% advancing to 44, deo:U
lm to at and elating coma at 43.
Govionment go e a nrm—U. S. 410. 1811, Coupons,
107; 7.30 e, 11.6%410754
Stocks trregaiar and doll
OIIA ll 1—....—.-1011 11------ --- 30
RI A P D 0..—.... 675( it &hymn Central— In%
A A T H.--. Ins n& P---.....101i
Ob'csgo A A--- ta galena A Chlcago..-.109%
31 AO, t0t.__...._.... CAN T o_.._ 138
I.linetia 0 Berip.-13 P.M; ha11..,..,.- 410
11/ n----.----- 1 h Cumberland .-.--130%
Erls---.--10.%. • overlain C101d..--.149,
Endion----133 Tr a5nry . .........-- —lO .
Harkm—,—..--14 1 1 II 13 61'81 Conpana-11:11
Now York Cattle Alaract. .
Now You, Sept. 1:3 —llevivelpta of Beeves 7,0711
Coin vied Calves, 105; Teals, 601; Sheep end Lunt.,
16,23% 8e1na110,244. BaCOn 3.des &me wino Deer,
extra, at mail; wedlock to. good . 800%; eomoven
d e
OW Average, of all Dales about 1
11. Veal Calm l r o
p att.) good demand. Priomegal
malntalood at 51 fa Darner, OS% for mum to
goal, 7417% for choke and. xtra. Ina markat owned
a Soler moni brapeculame bet inerrant! Ripply.
A moderate demand and the warmer &Whey hays
all produced a heavy Dello& and al the clove prlnle
ara not eo II sundae& Lambe' ate . alto drupe,
& t ap lice. 41,02gWit few vay good at %audit:M
alta 4 A.1.b.....ttr5ia.:441e 15,10 In head In
Bathe the apply I. agalt.-.WaY heavy. awl &ay &
or dotal& C•mand. TIM mast bleak aid is IVA
*muff remain all Ildl4, . ((Fa /117d 1 Unto 11136:ft,0
sou ea 4y,gpx - -
ABBITT'm 802,1 , POWDER; for
clot i sco o lng pojittver wretsidelbrit. bat *nitro.
Le Xibtati._="Artinc24,4/Zglig=
=mar IdiertylailtgatiANft
I .
The Missouri and Kansas Delegation
Westera Items,
Fzum Fottgess Monroe.
.-Crt,zeue Murdered
Oar= or Oinfamissa or as Coalatatj
Weabington city, Aiwa &b. INN.
WRIIIZiII. By satistectory svidanom moon to
theusdassianod e It hm been muds to spew that
In the Omit, of Allegheny. and Etats of TontraYin
ani, has bum dui mssniced tinder and secordirit
the requirements cd the Act of Magma enthral
"An Act to melds • Nat:l4W Ourrener, mesoad toe
• pledge d Bailed States Mocks, and to provide foe
the cirslOatton and redemption thereof." eaffoltst
Ifehmtsty 23th, and boa onspited with all Om
=14:lof mid Act tes as to leo complied with
j ampaandtti_tba of Banking.
Now. insinftioh Ie Bryn floOratoca, tionaptmUsr
of the Chrrnacy,_ do benvoy esstofy that the said
coanty of Allosittroy, and Soots of reampleards, to
antbortsed to ocomments the business of Bantiog no.
dot the Act abrataid.
es.-o In testimony wtaliair lama mi haul
s& end tag eta:ea r n f a t lt h . ,.. 3 dat o t , rot,
Clompirsßor of the Ckuretacy.
prrreßinica PA.,
anThig 6400.000..1th oritilep Co increase
to $1.000.000.
The Pitutrurgh Shoot Company Irving coganlzed
candor the act to world* a National Currency. combo
the title of the MST NATI oIfAL BASH Of
PITTSBEIMIH, would nmpectfolir offer b■ sere=
for Meoalloction of Botts, Draft& Mlle of Exchas_ma
to, retoire money on depot% end bay end toll in
dump on ell Ram o: the country.
The moon which hat attendrd the Pittshurgb
Tont Compaq Mum its organisation In 1054.
we believe, be a sufecient gnarantre that bualcoe,
entrained to the ntw organtamiun will realm the
tame prompt attention.
Hallos a rep ostensive conserrandence • wit"
Banks end Bankers throughout the ommiry, we be
lime we ma offer tortuniti falitini to shoes who dr
bathos' with us •
4M budeats vlll bo conducted b 7 the tams OM
cm and Dirsciora
Jame' Laughlin,.. Issaailar Speer,
Hobert B. Hays, • Isaac!. B. Bailey,
Thus. Pall, Ales. Brsdkey,
Thou Wfaistmao, Samosa Ras.
Wm. E. Nbakk,
/oils D. 8017LLY,
Amour( 6c6, ISO.
3Pla,gg A
All aism, from HIVE mania To rrrnr rim
Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory,
UULent If LOW A e. 114, .
a) TO
J. D. rialth
eo:o ros! for Z. EL Bfrort's Odoltratad
Glazed and Unglazed Spool Cotton.
tumor—TALL Ram. E
COIL 1 , 11711 AND MAIIHNT bra. lop ashy,
Pirarsusart, Ps.
sir The wholayol• trade rapptted La caontiVes--to
rat. by Mr ray. or lon. w9l:lm
a: TO THOSE INTRILTZTID. —The (latamlttr•
appolutod to oollaot the or labor on the
forth:legion% votind tbs CIO of Plibbcriti, would
hereby aoldlyW paracras haling bills for labor or
aolatirl rood opal tho latronchtsonta, to forserat
the same, before the let day of Norotobar, to ago.
TB 0681 , 0111, at too Bowl of SIM* Room% h.
twin Won laotrahlkl is altard lo lb. duty al Flor
in all shah bills oartotly curls oat sad properly
By order al tb Commdttoo.
Ora H. TB El ChtME, Cm Hi. Com.
In pommies, of the 'bore moth., I will attend
daily foe the purpose of fasmishlug the wpm time
for math, ont said bill,, end for remblog the same
after authentication by claimant. et the Aar/ of
Trade Home, daily, from II to 1234 a. m.
eeliktt OT.n. 1L TEIrIVITOTi.
.A. RI ON, of the Oa of Slade/rah. with fathom
tee services of • 'tiff ILE 711A0dEB, to replay •
emithey In the Ointral High Selma Oandidata
for the position will be required to pan so modes.
tin by the Yaonity In the following branches I
Arithmetic), Inglis h Grammer, Geography, Orthog
raphy, History, Algehia. Geometry. Physical (hog •
rano and Lathe Omagh the Primary Lama, acd
Caw.' Oommentarits. The examinatton will ann.
tuna THURSDAY, Mahar 1.1, at 9 e'elbekA. in.
Sabo goo per yew. of in manta.
ny order of the Hoard.
naltNer JOHN A. BURGH iNT, foe,.
Omu or us Cosmos= or iILIMIREZT Co.,
Prttebrusb. Sept VIM, 18M.
Arteaddy. Janhary 29th and April 22t, 1893, the
Shaking turd Ommirstosers are directed to per
ces.* mermaire at the bout offered rats% these
bona, to strummer. of the Mains rasel,s2s,otO,
a ponmristrd for their rediriapthm.
OE +ILO PHOPOOLIII, nth rim for C011;1=1 pr
BuWarsd posit, Mirrored to this Mks. marked
81441 9 Ara Oilmrdermese" wat he reserver Math
•n 9 atistrwS Omtrellse.
B. A. H. ENGLISH respectfully
ail Worse the enlaces of Pittsburgh, that
he Me NM mole meat *rib ,e sets ot lg
e= &eV CX/11111Pr AbITI-01026091V2
PIN. They ere tesemautedul by the largest hams
to title city, anon which an
ewe. Itausrri Oa.,h
Itoolisaaa Co., lass VIST Tit= (144
Us, Parma it Oa,
sad other& led/
03 to
EAM. 33. M MOB,
59 Market Street.
ps L. OULltiii 11 )1 AMP, •
. .
P111241111D Drt.iptlSTS,
la the wit effratall 'sad apseabla, comb Tweedy
ana*wOsbibea6Ml7l , kuns and .tliscsitkint the
muotry Lamm tea* tratottat the utmost IRAs.
faatloa. Z tattles at ISO oats amt.
Wrens ab.ut Wei Wm . at* qsatilti at the mil.
naty ant maim ' •
rot sals br • &NOE JOHLLBTOS.
WE • icessolferartl see eastiMbiet irtijets.
Pen loatiodot sainakis to Ow ,Itzllama of
MEMO DIBIIIABO, tb. Snood ILlat tam.
MAL PUPIL. disselo.AlllllllolLL eat
trial al 1/1111VOILKANOBY 1113131 aa ELM
WILAJMNI. =dig alma ialco2s; 4t,
18 =tita lla rarrillit'll i filrIrt. - 2
taatiblite '
rpHS (114BAT= ART
i 5 .11, 1
• 1tamr4441•111045 - 1 ."
. - .
-!t U -
imir4i_a *OCt l / 4 0,46
00 bap nallriitid ,
Taregqi 11..
- •
, .t"-
r: -+-j
Era. T.1860--X
Pomo sedentary Ware farabk-1 with vat•
ttak bettedie re4ttedloa of the bad, bto ct ap.
pitite,dlitsas ear eelthe, tca..l4 Urn, etreffe•
tlach Lo.. demensto eclite >t Orr will Dot ra tba
Whirs an ram noararended bp the highest rozsites
authorities, and warranted to yeadoot an trxnel kits
herald effort. They an enoehilogly,,
Perfect); pouh and utast anyerrede sIl otha =tat
than • healthy, nratle etiseulant la required.
They purity, eusrithen and Intl/rotate.
They create • healthy appetlbis
They am an antidote to change of water and a.' Loa.
They overwrate afteeta of dissipation end lam horn,
They strengthen thstigratam and enlir. n the ctlef.
They prevent, reteraelloand Intermineot P.esra,
They parlfyths breath and addl., of thy st=aih.
They eats Dyspepeta and Cceatipation.
They ems Mamba% Molars and Cholera 'Soria"
They tars Liver Ocis plaint and Nano,. Ilet.dsol. ,
Thai maks the weak lames, the langold b it:haat,
and am ashamted nature, great restorer. They aro
onagoted of the celebrated CaltsayS barb, otr.tar.
green, osealtraa, roots and herbs, all pewees.: ho
perfectly pars St. Croix lima. Tor partleale,m, tea
eirmilars and antimorattlo arcentd each Dot.!..
Beware or loolsatterS. Thandee entry tout% f-eo
that It has D. E. Itarom• regir.atnre on cur privet., U.
II Stamp ere; the amt, with plantation 00004, sand
oar firm "igniters on • Ore 'tad Vale engravlo; or
sildo LateL Ewe that our tattle to not re :tired vita
eparou and deleterious ate= We defy say vC77,1
to snatch the taste or e.baracter of oar ',oda. Ar.,
puvotopestemllng to all Plantation Dillon by taa
gal= or bta, Lan trefe.stisr. We toil only to
oar log cabin bottla Any person lentaling talc
'battle, Or any other Material therein, sbe th,r
calla Plantatton Bitten or not, h a ettoolost coder
the U.S. law, and will be .o prosecuted by as. n's
almsdy -bariyonrayis ea two laden is nines oar
batiks, to., eltdo will =mead la getting tbemse , res
Into clan anarters. The demand hr Drate's Plan
tation Dithers from ladiee. clergyman, msrobaute s
atm, ts pawn, lacndtbao. The simple trial of A
bottle ts the evidence we present of Moil, wort., sad
vw - loriey. They an gold by all respectable drne
gidat g n xanr , ViPlotone. hotels, attired:ate and
wintry darer.
. . .
tIOLLIII, President.
ma, Mc aslq itholuas and retail, by
Comer BadtblUM and fourth :itrosta.
(Tannerly Muds 4 Co., Bor4onno )
Tie only Vinegar a•ra-ded with • Plitt o.
sixty exhibitarront the Inrarnotlonal
Low Lon. For iz:o bl
E 33
Pulmonary Cloacumption a Ca
ss/kg DIk;AEZ.—A CARD.
rciaossolltPTl Vl*
cuattorstigil biding bean restored fo health
Ina ow weak.: - by a Tag Warts retssfey, After b.r
fnj taraial jun with a aware len. stho •
don, and that dread ff:masa, Cenfroxel (ion—ls sta
tor. to make kr.oint to ht. labor refines L'_° nosed
01 0000.
To ell vho &are It, he erm send n ropy of tL•
pwasriptios reed, (tree of chirp.) with t,, MS,.
clone for preparing sod ulna the elms, wbsc't they
will And a ears ewe for Concirizow, LAT ena,.lltroa•
cams, °atoms, Chu% An. The_.a-nly oa J of of tl e
edwerthser In stadia; the •presifOrst L .o henent
its and epnai lrfarmftlttl larch he a ne
Cato,. to tar Invaluable; and be bopas teary suffarr
will t•y Ids remedy, es It will cwt them std
msyl.rove a blessing.
Pirtle. wishing the prescription will plea,* rdiraw
Wllllsrosborgh, %Imp rarely, New York.
weid:34noe •r
M'The Confeszioas and Expel ieno e
or AN INVALID, pnblitted for the benefit tad .3
a warning RedOAUTION TO roppaym es aibcs.
=Mr from Norroas Debtoiy, Pregiatarit Teitay
Daabood, ego., ',applying. at Out lame 11r.., TD
MUSS OF oxbr CUED. By one who bat cared
himself attar batag put to gnat expense and injn• y
through medical humbug and gaszkery.
By analadog a toot-paid addreated envelops, vie.
glit °Wu may be had of lb. author,
tayliarinvar Radiant. Kirin arvoc• 14 V.
'Lake Superior Copper gill and
11111=3156 WOlllO3, Prmitruut.
tfanntsein=o et SHEATHING, BRABISRB' AC:
oleoLapertenanddeoluz to NETA.LI3,TIN PLe,
sax= IRON, WARE, kee. Gonettotly en L trod,
Wizeosonaz, No. IS➢ Tint and LW Second =met.,
litsebecrigh, Penn's.
eillpocial nem of Own ccl to any doesed
tem vovv-e.e.ilT
To Nervosa Sufferers of Both
BILICKL—A firewood gimtlocion horlog hew re
stored to health t o Las days, oft= =dewing . I
the anal radios and twegulaz =melee rnodtf
tostninot, withered oancese, =ashler* ft to, :a. ,
dots to cornzioanicata to his 10M - tad fellow woolen e•
thyme= es COLL lime, an the receipt of en
drained envelops, he will loud (flee) a copy el V - •
pracription coed. Direct to Dr. JOHN :I. DAG.
HALL,III6 nit= ittroot, Brooklyn, TI. Y.
E =3
7LY•HILLEa sapplles a want felt by ma s rota
housekeeper. Every sheet will kill a qua, I whet.
Elea ate thick. Bateember that it Is DCT - BED'
that dos thle. sad Woes the bete imitellote mat
an offered Mortal article is for sale by sil ntpeos
able Draztilsta.
coma of first and Wood streets,
jelfrAnlamlr PI ttOmreb.
sr. SILI-a r ICELII/11 sous O.
OrROBLNBOS, BkA CO. (oilc•
comet to Scrisssoz. Mnn A Iffluns,)Watamaros
Worm, Tcrozosaa am El•caumers, Plttabonb, Pa.
Platmfactann of BOLT AND • sieni,n nay
snag Mums, BLAST muss, DILL
13013, of all duo Ipttaits ; OIL SWOP Ji STILLS,
Boum/ Am) sazi7 uya wpm.
goats for eirreat . .11 PATEarlanoroa„
Ibr, bodta Hailers. • • • *lf
arJOHN .00OBBAN. dr 880.,
Manalactanta of MON NAILING, =Old veu LTD
WINDOW MUDS, das., Ifo‘9l, daomd limo dad
lb TAW Most" betwami,Wood dad iterhoi.
Han im baud a mid, at caw Pattaiaa, taw/
and 16,th,mattable tar ali wooded.
Particular &MAIL= paid to eackaddi erase Let
lobbtnx doer ad shoot notice. • •b 2
Long, Angier 4 Co.,
Itotil at elanabarg Statkm, Alteghens7 Vann
Railroad. mai and Wanbaose, 84 103 BLUM=
BUM littztergh.
floanbanzma of zuarszczrAzisa and LVB
asswo CARBON oath.' aNNzoLs.
mar No.l urn= OIL , vanalcited cen-entg
ers, away" cos buld• 0.112:771
bib - 104_ Asp .Dolixerto Druz of tx.
ausin), oirsurzwars DIR(ISIT,BANK
150173 LID BP.ECCIS, No. 6111stik:qatzoot, Pitts.
.111111110 mad. ea all the PirdPel dues throughout th e Maned 8100. . ang
ft - BANAT B. COLLIBb, "tor
licaLDlNG AND 0011:1118310N iIIMEGRAIST gad
wholsid• dealer la Calpiaa, opal*
aid Praha gestatipic: HO. StS 'Toed t ro3
Plitabarth. '
nttHUT GUNS, dattide end a relit:int-rel.
rtssieitootimmtotonrom trout to
t an' 1111104. ,
_ ' nines Nom.
g - atZL a.tor aote
• • •-.. aiIIaikrIUMWELL.