ME DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 Arrfimvr..i.eirerfs c.tans. INI ? Bh3 111 - BitASS WORKS. .04impor & CRAWFORD, Nana as of evirry Tuley of Onlibbi BEAM WO= toil Karma trnex OB CIASMITTIBB, staoqi?nare. AND 00rPINSIEPTHIL BEAN tasynses, of all bwriptions, mob to cads:. 82IAILISOLTWOB6, NMI AND IA& 71111120.and21PA131313 pcoript4 a:Ladd ta. Particoilar attention paid to Otttng op RUIN& 1111:8 YOB GOAL AND CARBON sa• sixataixr tho Watson Dirtriet of Pans. ghouls br the wile of MAEBN, LAN/DILL • Ott PATIN? STPUON PUMP, Ow bat sow infanta Barth as rains. It to not Why to pt out of radar. and throw sutra water than any puma of twtoolts alto troll lIIINTURS• wars ADD WOOD CHALLWI ainutea orri waoLszALa oa urrml. J 41.8. W. WOODWELL, IT bad liii , Thlrdstried. oppoitto Sismeadsra Co., led LI3 hard% stmt. intao Id. BARBOUB,-- NOM A. L. MUSA h 11110.. axis.. qf Pnal end Onsinent arests, HILTEMORA, 001131118SHON KINUHANTS, And Ayala kw the Ws of DUMONT'S GIDIiTOW. Dukrapri WWI Reothreint tondininant It binds of It'ootern Prco dais, and mato ottonootbozano. _ N. 11.--Ballrood tack in front at Wnrollocun. Wthhca eG thzdth It Co., litttriegb litllst 4k iLloketo% /pone& gatrird, Oalp Ifirstwastat Mat" Beth:core I 11. Yard ir Sow. YIA.I332ITED 00T-_B, 1861: PA _ Dithsidge's Patent OVAL LAMP CIBIENEES, ) Nexcidsotared et la FLIRT. GLASS. e • 1 Thew Cattrades stslitaaded to as 1 ant demo. which hosting all win cd..... ) the eqtay, door not =paw lite . " . 111. B. Dmmumik • / Wort Pitt Wino Works ' ..: : sat 17 .• ,4= l.. tnit . z... LADIEH FANCY FURS ; 0/lILDIMPB Duo 117/15; aura *mg caPs,oouGima oFonsi gATEI AHD OAP& 0••r7 misty ma styli ef the straw, goods on Ina IME:1:713 iroCORD a CO.ll, Do. Z3l WOOD MM. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, EMU U2o£l, PA. PABX, BROTHER & ==:l3 BIM QUALM 11.1=111:D CA.I3T STEM, kaallotrat Oda , gen, of all slim Warranted equal , a nt Imported or manalnottred m Info and Wareham. lama 140 und16111:832 l and 1.30 and 199 erllOllD 117111Wre, UullS.—kisving jtW talarn tla • tom Rho Nut, go 'MID now In ototoaa sit= alooftoong of scam sad dastrablo Boars AND urEcoms Masted to the seasx6 Deem an bo gowned with LAX 4312%; =BIS' and VHlLlALEErtimuore, CitaTl/118 sal rain MOS% at • otisht sdnotoe for etwh, at aso. Asr.s.xs, eoti TI. nrernow Wo&libud Ifuartii irta. 1 3ttillti ANL Biltlisei. aaaAT BEDITOTIOB Ladies' Ins. Last's Oong. Gaiters $t T 5 worth $1 50 C=I=:IiIi:MIZMMEI All ottjon goods ielll g wal low Allitg 'BOBB,sv tlarkot stmt. AGLEN, MoOORMIOK do 00., - VALLIT lrovirDzi, Ptitstnugh, Th aillgaiunsanta, no. LTherlyased. 000 Kg 11, PARLOR AND BIM IN* IITO A.=-lagomprgagegg, LIOLLOWAV WI Otos Ileallb4llol3. lag 111111 Clattap 3111 Eleasing,"Ogh Water sod AN 13. a Dag boas, Wig= Hozah Ito. sad llm~ C l=Of - • N Jobbths iaated Toeubb Zino 4111:atml ►! I 'AfitLEtNIIIIILAA3O2; Froth • • law: and Elbetelion Working, P 4 • 13111PMIrce. 111. 24 101 l 20. flats* rants tarp ylod atelhatte utak ersdl_to the mot Ls • • mactlautii We ate em zesenhoters , dasontettter eIISOLLESB to the beet matuter. • werreated oval to say autde te the 001:11 • CIIILMNITL, BUM= ~V 1811..1111D8. 82.24 rws4Looomozrmabmisa,oompinsick SILT PiNe,TANIIII,OIL STILLII.6O.I.T.A.TO eIEMLING PANS. BOIL= ,120 L I, SUDO SWAB Ehltre,and sole manahatutete se BA • alum. tAI-ali r;ITOILMIL Itatiattlag ikon • the ehortess wake. . Wadi CII . ).431` V. BAJALS Y, ?mines h. general Commtulon Merchant 81101111, And &miff In di klnat of COUNTRY PIIODUCti. t 0.179 LISZB77 111271 LET, mb4l► —Terms:am Ps H, ENGLISH Tort*By WsnTh --- atTirliiiilaripb, labia beat eupoluied sole soClot nu sae of Sp an k eon's aftluelClYEN ASTIAOSILOSIVI PIS. They an mom* laded by the tined !mum to the esti, =mg which 829 Uwe, Smut? a Co., rie a Co., Mooltarae *Oa, tux Om Tacit Oa., Sue, Femme Oa, ead others. miLITAILT 'CLAIM, BO AIL pargiggiei, tea PAY 432.1.34 1 Mil MAIMS am aseetptlas. Oa Tab. mew. 3 lbobUovtas Mos, ids $lO 00; all othar ciatuis t ii 30. C. O. TAYLOR. - Attorney at Lev T 3 Graaf aired, Illgtotemb, k B. B. NO es• =MU disclaim 410 es sat otem.d. si4 all atm emus. *taw L/Mortis AND Plait in L6inottlebatbntidaof amnia ELIMANA' 010AMoto3. oil Attob of tINOKING AND' OILIWINfI 70IIA 51=711'..NANOT Calton Prig, TUB ix kols c M tastott, - UNDIES - TUN_ pr. - Ittisbortb. Pa. N.B Triide easclk4 at Moil two. sovl 1 TM • CHABLB3 L. CALDWEILL, volcougor to Was Rolm I; 0D.13 PORE P AOSIB• K= BACON, LAIIMUOAR-OUSID SLIM WO I:o. 0011 -Aux roL_ AlM nESTlZlmilina. JAMS M. BALPH, alumnim. 'replan Esraart Dumas am Erscanin s ual, Mr a Val aildbis. s. and npnialmasthalt ampothal co nimasbi tin mat Am Asealos Mark Mimi Loosick and itaberann stare& Anaritrr.v • 1140 WBA - VMWMAA B WO bud agfocaca of Bodiamillooto obalf am oftl. a NVIIDOCWIS OAELIND 21IINSIBT. • moon 0•1 Isce them upU •••M e amt. ibr ogremaili. - Unlit IL 00afia' • -A. C i . 1111111110.4", #c. MOIL MITCW.L. WP. BECK & co, No. 185 Lib a i st, iltredj'ateburgh. fa, Wholesale Oro. 1 1 111 = l llOl itt n P 76 ra d , a Eri l. o7/ N to . I ° l l l l ll l l, BUM% Wig% MUM. IrthEl e &cue PBODUOZ, leLOl3ll OHAIN.IIIIIO9. Galt= AND D/1110 ra 4: 4. 4 SOW sad LUSH 710 UITILBB it WILKINSON, Communciv vv liffacisszes, Who‘dsalass to WIIieTZBIS MIL'S OHMS, DU THUM BUTTER, MG% Gleam& and plod centrally. Also, LIMIER I HIDES. OM. to., 217 Liberty -street, P mar Quit edvaciarmsab made. Consignments so licited *Mead = kit&IJKIZOWN & LINHABT, now. Lai Sao GIUMIITACKCIS. Paw= son 0010IntrION tssotturia, lb? as ado of floor, Grath. Pork, 84 K7, lard. Butter. Arm Chetah Dams. Tallow, gram. nottars, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Aram Warstas, Idassal sad Lord Oils, DOW and Gem traits, Timothy. Clam, Flat and Gass Seeds. 'NA ohm= made cartkarlsaataits. WAS No. 497 Liberty St., Plttgarali. JOHN B. OAVIB L D , ()alone , one min leawanDat alzwisaw and gawk. ire dealer tn, WEST RIESZI/VE ONUS/4 ItiTTilt, LARD, PORK, BAOO2I,IfLOIPLSR, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SAM:HATO LIN. MED AND LARD OILS, DRIED PR 1 And ' ,odor wally, Eft. 141 and ICI Front thee!,P • t.:,,... 003 1111D13aM Exton, TIL ooronmwa ti IMP & SHEPARD, Cazmnauxer Miss, maim and dealers In FLOM, ODILIS P ..AD AIIODUCIA, No. 243 Liberty attest, Pittabumh. a. Moira brands of Flour for B a ku. aad b"ly sinstantly on band. Particular attention raid to MU. 2 ordeal for iderobandise genendly. oo&dly F. LLEI6 CROMAKES,LANQ, CONX11310; Etwaaattes Rad wholesale &elm In 0110011. 4113, FLOUR, 1111A117, PRODUC3I, do., No. En Marty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.. eelddly I 1114113 LES a LEECH, .Ft.oaa AND Owl Numb am Clatinuan MILECIMT to 4. Ws Al GRAIN, STASO, OHM& PRODUCI, ka t and agent far the atlONADMajblootcarzt CM % MA, 116 &cata o ld Ll 6 JUIN iamb, bro. woo cod and alitmatalaLlo.Pittiburga. JAMES DALUIL It SON, ki•scrno. name or LARD 0110 L, and Oncommax Ma mmas far the Faramme and agile at CRUDE AND dalittiSD PrIEOLLITDIjka. 69 and ID %Urn. Plmehargh. Adroamo mode on cancigammaa. =I OLLANDAIDDA te r c7r toJno. LA:81 . 013 Na. 183 stmt, Pin= IngG PEO OCLAY AND 133103 111.110HANT. " • 1 CC= ICIRK.PATBaCK B11()THER, cr • ( n2.••••• 0 to Brown Al Eirlipatric.let.) !Facts. OItOCERS, Not. 191 and 193 Liberty Moot, Platsbargh. spLtly "Ma" WWII 1 0=1 ryn . I DAVID 101•1011111.. CUL 001T13. 1. I Elpootal Partner. NAMANS COFFIN, moos= CO LYL kPOondloso, Moan, Oa, %MOLYSAW/ OW =4 =nor of Wood and Water moot; Pittdomrgb. Penn's. hams LIMN"( VAN GORDER, Plontrcm Cloarcoaros libraozaar dealer LIM PLODS. D ns, M NI2,NDOOBIB, smos,LAnD, osesz, ko DALTAD AND NAN= YAWNS sad Prods= ger. eddj. ' Liberal lash edraocae sea& on co:i . lAlidudeate. Warehouse, No. MB Second drat, rlttabargh. CLLSIIIL 61117111... H. TOIGT. E EL VOIGT & 00. Imecessor to L. G. LA, GnrlL ITODUCZ AND COMMISSION WM -947 Liberty suer; Pittrburgh. Pa. sob ti:ri7vA lONN L 10D13 SDWAID NOVEL iOHN L HOME, dr' CO., Wnotratam Gaon= AND Comma limx&ins, oar= of Ittlleld and Water emit.; Plttabargh. P. jy7 nOOK, PETTIT & co., COXICISSION Kaameern, and die/arab PfIuDIJOS,If .01111, MOON, WOOL, GRANS, Ito., No. lit .ftithAeM street, Pittebmia.' nrylteis EW AHD LLEAESLTON, Wnoucamat A 2 °ROMS AND UOSINISSION HIEROBANT, Last earner of the Diamond, No. la, Pittsburgh. maittlyens vinikilLiTON STEWALVIC, VI sera Owens Aso (knout= liakccoANTs, No. tor Wood =sot, Pittaborgh. MICIL cau—nam z'an:euit. WILSON, - CARR CO., (Lae wam, P 4,4" & oa,) DIAMEaII LI P 0111102,1 AND DOILESTIO DDT GOODS, Mc. 94 'Waal groat, third been abate Dlaraond may, Plttabargb. iplOaltf AL. EMUS, Dwain. in FLPOI AND titans DRY GOODS, 010.1118 8 211AWL13, Mo. 21 Witstt sireet, Pittsbargb. D. D.-01.0A112.Dwie to order. c11121:1 !AWL 1114301.......1111 ntru LANE,MoABOY do CO., Dealers in PO 6H MID DOMMTIO—DIIT 6100Dd, 1t0.149 Fedora strrot o (oozosd door below now Mar bob Alloirtuory.oltY. olothlr VELUM, MA.ollint R CO., Wiugosale andltestail Donlan In 111111211/1125, Eld3itol. OnSIMI end DRY GOODEn of dinarlptisna. Sm. 17 and Di Fifth won, Pitts • • • . 160 0 200 ItifILOBECISI It GLYDR, Wholanais and 17J. Estill Dealers In PABOT atITADDJII DST O*D5, T8119111112D,66.020. lit !Luker street, bagmen Diamond and Vcarsbrrtetiberrd. J. BUROHFIELD, imooossor lo to • Burantlaid I Co" Who nita and Satan Dealers .n OTAPLB PANOVIKII-0001.43, Borth. Art =run of Fourth and Markel amen. sod JIIOAN 19 Wholesale and lin. to tall Dodor ta all Mao of TB1111:111%fl, DBY '9001)8. La.. No. t 7 and NI Norte atm. I W. liuktig-irdi & VU. , /Massa to URa u • Poop% So. 62 Salle% Watt, intraaa Third asi hank, Ptstabarg6. N .."113110N JOHNSTON, Daman rs PUSS 1.1 DRUGS AND GLIZNIGALS, PlMPUkflillir, TIECT GOODS, BUBSING FLUID, OILS, iLDY ZdXDIOI.S, Im, to. . of strictly prime val. widott ha offers at to at pima. Dormer Smith. ' Sold and fourth !streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Prom:di:Mom metal compounded at all boom. II A. FALLNESTOOK .t CO., Waota au.s Dana= end HaaabGnz•r of WHITE, LEAD LND LEEILARGIL corker of Wood mad front Amokk PtitsboneL mkt JOIIN P. eIAXYLV, Muumuu. Waal= al DRINA PAINTS, MLA VARNIIIIIIIS AND DIES Bruin, Na. AN Libert7 street, PDAstrargh.— AN orders mill road's prompt ailoatkm. mtat RR. With kJ. Kit 113/113, LatmunT, L.l HO Wood set, =am wood Mpg 1134 rtrgis atty. Patitairth.-Ps. LINDSAY & T4_WILD_ , L. Li/Alm Scram .CIED , YLODII LID PIO. DUOS DELLISS, 187 Marti ctmet, Puubargb. 884:Cia rolismE welisauutim—auittS d. CIOLLINO, Iftn=7 l :ld Onnusdadas lisr slsnt and &War In Dimas, LANZ ILISS and Prcdnos gennundly, 15 Wool stmt, CIO ItiAls. L. 011.4 D ISLL, (successor So kj hazes Mina A C 0..) PO= nem and dealer to PROVISIONS, °mar of lisrkss and Frani sta., Pittabargb. Ji.6 0. J. TOWN • • "DMI/043eSiOr tO - ‘lOl - o,Otri Townseada Ihns Parma aiD , pinals PaMiriOni Se. 12 acrth secr-Libaty, nal idraviadt.reig 4GENTI3. GARDINgIi 001117114 char ros U • Purim, PniwcuiciA mak Bauaza MOTT ThdThAIST cammr Wel sad Third streets. w JUN 0*- Aslant own AMUI nom oa, Compa nies, 800 nt AT Yan W nuinola aft. stud. awl Hartford In I ..ra JI• .1 a ; 140 r4lll ts 71' W le r I; Issmatcrs Ocawasi, Irl Water drat, Ipsimaiton Oosninr, n PIM stmt. MEAL JEBT4TIA AGE. TH, WARD, Daus& is Pao* W : I: sl9Tcriss, Dozoa, Iroasucats, and all am =Mad fad 000. Tama con moats LOARB throartilay spoor tosionabla lama. Thostrrlador to toasat.tbdr am, to rood ad. =tag% as ohms dud &n and mama clads papa al, Sar 04. All tOotamalatlosui and Marlow aridly ozotl. dtottal. 0 21 0 Gaut Ittrtot. aprodla Bt. Paol'a alothadCd• . Sal:dtl JOSEPH ADAMS, Dusuv, Donna Ufa Stdiatnigroarnar of, mimed Imo Grant atm% Eittskaugh. • Itannusaas--Dr. Di. Doilta, Land= BoUdanatasall Nada. MAD/ =IiEMMMENNIM = DRY GOODS. DRUOGIBTS: PRODUCE. DArrpriar. MEM PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1863 Vittsburph S. RIDDLE & 00., EDITORS AND PZIOPRIRTORae Publication Office no. 84 Filth Street. !SOMME() AND EVENING EDITIONS, DAILY, OONTATISTIECI THE LATEST MEW UP TO YEE HOUR 07 PUBLICILTIOZi ONDAY MORNING:::::: =SEPT. 21, 1888 NEW TEEMS OF THE GAZETTE, Idossaa inzrurs, by :WI. Par Yesz—Ss 00. link-- is dagle cop Les--....... 5711:11:116 MOW/. b,y cud, per year.--. 4 60. 66 isoatb... 88. ma k.... 10. c0pie5............. R. Wartm tarrioe, .I $ l . foPire, Pff 717..9 OSI. " slobs of sto 10, o 164 o dote of ID or mar." 10. —end one extra to the party mending club. lee a dab of Often, we will sand the ZYMlltil Mann daily. Der a club of twenty, we rill send MI Mourne Guerra dolly. Illnaele coping, 5 coats. aerAll rabecripttene cradle fa avow*, end pagan idiom ' , torpid when the time alarm. Rumors from Roseorens' Army The story that the division of Gen. Thomas, the advance of the Army of the Cumberland, was attacked on Saturday last at or near Dr Layette, Georgia, a little town between Tren ton and Dalton, by the whole of Dragg's ar my, and severely out up, was published in the Nuhville papers of Tuesday and Wodnudey, but disdredited by the military authorities, though eagerly caught up and eiroulated by the seoesh portion of misty. The report, nays the Nashville Nice, was brought by passengers on the oars from Ste venson, and was retailed by rebel eympethisers in beak rooms with grist gusto. The Union men refuted to beliefs such an improbable story. It would appear that the cheek which Oen. Bosley's brigade received, u stated in an au thentic farm in oar dispatch from Louisville, this morning, is all that La really knewsWand evidently discrediti the Nashville story of Can. Negley's being wounded, two Colonels killed, eta., etc. Yesterday the Cincinnati Gault., referring to these Nashville rumors, said : There L a phmtlfal supply of rumors from the Army of the Clambesiand, bat no news. The dispatch to the New York !Tikes is based upon a Nashville rumor oubllthed and discredited in iesandays Gavotte. Notwithstanding the great concettration of rebel forces In the front cf Roseanne army, we trust that when authentic and reliable alms roaches us, we shall fled that victory has not yet ceased to perch on Its banners. A Defender of Free Speech. The following communication appears toe N. Y. Events' Peru . Some twentyCllve years ago Charles G. Bur 'Gish visited Wllkabline, fin Pennsylvania, for the purpose of expressing free epceoh in behalf of freedom. Be was denied this right constitutional, and escorted out of that pretty village to a manner not provided for in the instrument which we call the charter of Amer loan liberty. A meeting of the people, in which George W. Woodward, then an aspiring Lawyer, took a prominent part, led to this summary expulsion of the voluntary free speaker. Mr. Barisigh can no doubt testify to tho feats, and the Rev. A. L. Post can pro• deco the files of the Montrose Spectator con taining the particulars. The Hon. George W. Woodward, now • Onbernatotial candidate for 'Pennsylvania, is the ideating person who thus denied freedom of speech to ono of his fellow-citteens. Ile is the candidate of that party so clamorous for freedom of speech in behalf of slavery and re bellion. His record to consistent. Freiman of Pennsylvania! pante, reflect, and discard the man who has shown himself capable of wresting from the American Millen his most sacred right. • BON OP THI KLYBTONX BTATI Slavery and the War In their address, the unconditional Union men tf Maryland say, "since the people knew that the substance cf slavery is already gone, and that only the skeleton has been left, we are of the opinion that the sooner the skele ton is removed the better It will be for the true Interests of the State and the nation." In regard to the use of negro troop: they say: We believe that the only way to pet down the rebellion is to put it dolt by force of arms. For this purpose we are willing to vote every dollar necessary, and give every avail/. DID man, block or white. We do not think enriches at all superior to oar aneostors of revolutionary memory, who fought side by ado with colored troops, nor to Andrew Jackson, whe commanded and complimented tho colored militia who fought with him at New Orleans. We believe it is the bounden duty of the President to nee all the force and every wea pon 'blob God has put within his grasp and the laws of the United States have authorised him to wield in defence of the nation. New Base of Roemer/ate' Supplies. A letter from Stevenson, Alabama, says that arrangements have been made to com plete the Northwest Railroad, leading In a southwest Broaden from Nashville to the Timone river, This read ins projected be fore the war, and all the grading had been done, except a distance of four miles, at the time of in 'abandonment. The entire length of the road is seventy-five alibi. The Iron Is nay for it, ands fens has been placed at work to complete It. Within the next two months It will be dashed, and Ronerane army need so longer rely on th e crowded Leesville and Nashville road for its necessi ties. Boats cnn mend' the Tennessee river at Et swoons to the point where the road termlnaten and supplies can be run Into Nashville at a more expeditious rate than through the old channels: The Memphis and Charleston road coed be restored without se rious labor. The only important bridge is that at Deaner, over the Tennessee. It will be teen thereon, that the adrenal et this army will not depend upon one slender iron parallel, when these improvements are com pleted, as was the ease Unreal. Horrible Tragedy. Os Thursday tight last, Mr. John 0. pa paw, a leading aliases and farmer in the town ship of Sylvan, in Washtenaw county, Mich igan, had been to Obelus, about a mile and a half distant from his »Winos, as war his (=tom, to see the evening paw, and talk over the news of the day with his neighbors. Ile lift for hii home about 11 o'clock In the evening, having $6OO or $7OO In his posses also. lib body was found on_ the following in a and In the rear of a hones of bad repots. The murders was committed di xedly at the railroad station, buss of blood being found where the body had been drawn across the track to the place where it was found. The - only wound was a deep eat In the right forehead, apparently from a slang shot. The Inmates of the house In question, air or eight in number, were muted. Mr. Dopey was Superrbor of his township, of whloh he era a native. He was universally esteemed and honored where he was known. FIZZ LABOR Peril n NORTH CAZOLI/Ar The Boston Joentol says ; We tutdarstand that measures are taking to melee the Now bun Progress as • foe labor paper and an earnest suppirsor of the government. Book • paper, prinnwl Borth Oarolina, and con ducted with ability, cannot fall to exert an Important Inflames on the future of that State. One of the editors of the Progress is now In this city making arran,gematite for the punkas' of Eistartalrawid to enlist the spa path, and aid of the libersl•ralndad In be of this lzportantentarpritt,", . _-~. The Construction of the Uarah Bat• tery by General Gillman A correspondent gives the following amount of the battery construated in a marsh upon Morris Island: I do not know why I should minutely speak of this marsh battery unless because, from the heavy rifle gun with which it, is armed, the first shot was fired into Ottesteiton since this war began; and became, more than any other of our works, it hoe introduced to the hot headed inhabitanta of the initial city of rebel lion something of the horrors which they themselves precipitated en the country. There is poetic justice in visiting them with bursting bombs. and scattering firs, while the prison of bnsggszts, who wrested Fort Sumter from Union hands, am gaverns them. You will excuse me if I linger a little longer over an coconut of this horrida weer= in GSA oral Beauregares eyes. The "timbered land" of Mortis Island is confined to a small spot on the bank of. Vin cent's meek, as the stream which divides us from the marsh is called. Hare are two soli tary palmettoes, scrubby) imarlsdemd almost leafless, constituting the entire wooded wealth of this military post. Thus the necessary loge for the foundation were to be had no nearer.than the forests on Polly Island, eight or nine miles away. Here the trees were felled, their trunks hewn into shape, and the timbers hauled in emits to Lighthouse Inlet, whence they ware rafted to their dastinetion, some live miles up the narrow,ulnuous dram, Here they 'meant:manly and Wetly placed ashore, their presence hidden by the green grass thrown over them, and before daylight the boats and the workmen stealthily stole sway. On the following night this teak was repeated, and laborers commenced the found.- tion of the battery, again. as before, conceal ing their operations by fresh layers of grass. Bo the work went on night after night. In numerable saedbags, barge loads of shovels, dozen, of wheel-barrows, and other necessary implements were brought up in beats, and four fest of parapet and Ma:versa went up with-. out exciting the suspicions of the enemy, whose batteries were located in the edge of the woods, Just beyond the mush. At length, on the night of the 18th of Au gust, the work was in readiness for the finish ing strokes. All the boats, barges, launches, lighters, dugouts and canoes that could be oeilected were plaood at Col. Smell's dispo sal, and being filled with sandbags, were rowed by a thous/0 pairs of arms tip to the little pier which had been improvised for their re ception. All night, in the darkness and still ness, these soldiers worked ae diligently as ants and the morning broke upon the com pleted battery, its sides rising a dozen feet out ;Ohs mire. Upon the rebels in the adjacent oods its appearance so sudden and unexpetet 6d, moat have produced : an effsal as startling ip if it bad been created by magio. he construction of this work under all the di ties with which its builders were obit to oontar,d, was, I think, a glorious Miumph itself; and lx the honor of this trines t. MoKenr.s, Lieutenant Nathan N. Elw and Lieut. Parsons, who were Jai immediate charge of operations, should share equally with Colonel Sorrell. Not the least creditable portion of the work was the trans portation and mounting of its hoary Parrott rills. This duty woo most admirably per formed by s detachment of the Third New Hampshire Volunteers under command of Lieutenant Wadley. Fifteen thousand bags of sand, each weighing a trifle more than a hundred pounds, were used up in the work, and these, after being filled, bad to be trans ported a distance of three miles. The Proclamation and the New York Colipptheads The New Yerk nit .01 soya : The leading Copperheads la this city are in a feverish state of excitement in onset:loon= of the do featof their fraternity In Malmo and the spik ing of their guns by the easpor.sion of the writ of habeas corpus. They had organised an 'regulation, collected floosie, and matured plane to prevent oonecripts biting up the wasted ranks of our armies. Arrangements had boon completed to secure the escape of non resist ant Democrats by on appeal to the Courts. Oakes bad been hired, attorneys had been en gaged, Jody), had been dined and wined, mid conscripts had been chosen for the experiment, when, like a clap of thunder' from &clear sky, came the Proclamation of the President, and shook all their plans into chaos. Now, they cannot redeem the pledge they have made to withhold the drafted men from the ranks. One condition on which votes bad been promised to theca by the conscripts and their friends has been forfeited. Their dis loyal zeal without discretion has made them oonspicuous traitors, and they fear the wrath to oomo. In vain they invoke the interferenoe of Gov. Beymottr, for ho le In the hands of Men whose policy like water suits itself to the inequalities of the through which it bows. in this dilemma they collect on the street Omen and In the liquor saloons, and In undertones swear against the Govern ment, and express the hope that foreign In tervention will soon give relief to their urt fortunate brethren in the Confederacy. Letter from Preardoui Lincoln tollr Ilackot Mr. Hackett, the well known actor ►f Fal staff, .hits Jeceived the following reply to • note which he addressed to the President: EXICOT/YII kIIIII3IOW. Wasassoroa, August 17, 1163 . My Dear Sir: Months ago I should have ookaowledged the receipt of your book and accompanying kind note, and I now have to beg your pardon for not having done so. For one of my age I hire aeon very little of the drama. The first presentation of Fai sal." I ever saw was yours hue last winter er spring. Perhaps the but comp otent./ can pay to to say, as I truly can, I em vary an=- ions to see it again. •Fialue of tihakspeare's plays I have never Tess), Whilst other, I have gone over perhaps as frequently as any un professional reader. Among the latter are " Lear," Richard" Henry VIII.," ." Hamlet," and espeotall ; " Macbeth." I thick none equals " Macbeth." It is wonder ful. Unlike you gentlemen of the profession, I think the soliloquy in "Hamlet,' com mencing, "0, my offence 11 rank," sorpasses that commencing, " To be or not to be." Bat pardon this small attempt at criticism. I should like to hear you pronounce the open ing speech of to Richard the III." Will you not soon visit Washington again? If you do, please oil and let mo make your personal acquaintance. Tones, truly, A. /irons. James Q. Haehrtr, Esq. Tan Cesramit ca Otap,--Meidasters, of the Pr fnlell . l foamed, Is engaged in canvassing Ohio in favor of Valleadighem. In a recent speed at Cincinnati he took open seceten ground, arguing that "the people of Ohio have a right to abolish their relations with any State or States Whatever ;" and at the same Sipe warmly eulogized Jeff. Davis as a statesman of the highest order. He was par- Malady bitter also in his denunciations of the Pollan Commonwealth" of New Eng land, and thought the attempt to spread its intitieno•—meaning free sobools, free labs: and a Christian civilization—over the email country ought to be resisted. The Onion men of Ohio are said to be anelons that AM- Masters shall go through the entire State, de livering (makes of this diameter. 11 OUTLET CRAIG, OUTLET OkW ALLEGHIFIY CTITY, Hasps mutant!, on hand o lugs and thoronghly Issoocal stock of DLQIIIIIO.I3O AT AND BOITOIf pi,nntg, wutDol4, raraus BTOPF, - -LINTILD3, 61:111431LL5, ;Ole% OPOUTING. LATIIIO, PAL. INGO, A. /to , o. no will Nil orders for SAWED am with promptnsar and at rotoo. N. B.—Patonut wonting LONG 'LIND= or POP. LAG. nn Sortionlorly invited to awning his stook, R moo on 0014 /VW, near Itobtnson. =WM • SAMUEL FEREUEON, BUM Of WIIIO/173 AND U114031:39. sor ote" Vo. 4, corner of Llteirty cod wiftb straw talloeopon ovary WIEMEISDAY and BAT• 1111DAIL LARD bbls. Edna now l an d beton UMW bad Mr S mo Ws by ISAIAw a OM ~. r, t 4.:~.~_~1.,ur~-~ ~ _....., a ..-~...._,~.. w .a.~.--~L- j~`x - .s-. tJ`t,.rxs~..,. , r~e. ~ ~:~~;s*a~G2z=~'^-,.:,.. EVE 84X•KS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PiTTSBITRGII TEXABOUT DIPLUTHINT, OmoWr On r C L it a y, Mr nU PoiMariT. WataltAL By eatl.famety evidence preaan to the uederaigned. It has bean made td appear that Om riga? Hamm& L B orrirrastracm, am conatyolAllegleny, and &Asa Pommies hor been dalyargapised undOr aad streordlog to the rartiremente of,_the Aot at 6Dgrete,. .Au Act to monde a National Or i trt z r goo 7. dbef fYi pledge belted Mat* liteeks, to Fonds - tar atkateoootl9B.lBwl redemption Coined,' approved oory 2.Sth, 1883 and ham compiled with 1811 provision. of tad Act rsquired to he complied will, ba&r. 03somettatritin.. boomed of Banking. ~1 ) 1.1 1 . therefore, I, Bowl Morjohidoa, Comptrolior of the Currency, do here!, certify thst the mid PINNY NATIONAL B 05 PITTSBURGH, co.", of Nlogbaoy, and grate of Penuaylearda, le authorized to commence the tautness of Banktog dor Om aet slew:said In taattmoay whereof 'Mosso my hazel I.BA. Kubl of ofilco in t i tp i 6Z 3 dat o t:gort . , CompereGer of the Currency. T FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP I PITTSBURGH., PA., LAY PlTTfir CBOT{ BOST . COMPANY.) Ciesvrvii, $400.000. *id% privilege Jr irterceim e/.000.000. Th. Pittsburgh Trott Cetwany having org•eized tinder the met to proetdewititstiotod ustrenty. wider the title ot Atui fLM tia'fiaLNALl B&BS 07 PITT itaitGaa would..stepsc rl gt oat he melte, for the catiotion 'of WWI lihokmegs, wetelieciatwey we'detwatitoah tad to its