The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 19, 1863, Image 3

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    .3~~}"`a . i'xi r a
Vilisharerf 6,1
TIIRDAY MORN ING::::::8.EFT. 19,1863
CITY Alf If 4.110.
sir oiworAr. Fe PZR OP THE WIT.
Z he George tlobbery.
emir Cr Qatavitit Bemoan—renown erne-
Iterr. lIILLIeoe, crows• aSD scowl.
SEP? 18 —ln the case of the Common..
wealth evilest Thcenbilus George, charged
with the larceny of $2,000 in money and
goods front- a traveler, stopping at the St.
Charles Ho el, last fall,:D 8 Maßsne testl•
led that, on the night of the 28 b of N vem.
her, 1881, money, amounting to over 21,100,
and two gold "ratchet of the veleta of $250,
wee taboo from hie room, at the St. Charles
Easel, in ibis city There was one note for
$5OO see tb• Eachstege Book, Pitubn•gh. one
f•st SILO oo tee fittegoooy Bone. also four
Tfattea thaws Treasury note. for SI 00, cod two
for ISO each also sever•' small bate of other
bealts—donneninations not knowu. Mr. D
Taylor, bowler, of Indissapnite, Indiana,
testified that. on the averting of tee 29 h of
November, ten, the celendset tffsred him
bill for exob•eae, a rreeponsling to vales and
aPpearaece to one of cools above described,
*Mob he refused, thinking that something
Was wrong Mr Davis testified to the same
state of fame. Othaers Hogue nod Gumbert
testified to soetng the defendant in the city
on the evening prevfons and morning cubee
•gaenc to the iateeoy. The deletion declined
to offer any toettmony—hoidiag that the
`Commonwealth had failed to identify the
money !Moped (or exchange, as the bill kit by
Mr. Mc Bane.
Judge Starrett delivered the charge, and In
a clear and forcible manner laid down the law
of eirinamstantial evident*, reviewing the
testimony of the Commonwealth, and apply.
let the law to the testimony.
Thomas Ewing and J. 11. Hampton, Ergs ,
appeared for the Commonwealth, and T. at.
Marshall, Erg , for the defence.
The Jar/ reared to their room, but they
had not agreed upon ayerdic t when the Court
Arrest of an Alleged Murderer.
Our readers will remember the horrible
murder committed In Medina county, Ohio,
about the first of last Jaly, by whioh Mr.
Shute' Coy, his wife, and child, vere butch
ered in cold blood, and the house then set on
Are to hide the traces of the inhuman deod.
Since that time the officers of Medina county
bye been Indefatigable In their effarta to
trace out tho murderer, and finally arrested
in Wisconsin amen named Copt. Brod. St:es
tor, who had formerly lived in Medina, on
suspicion of haviag perpetrated tho crime.
He left Medina the morning after the murder
and went to Cleveland. Fie was absent but
twenty-four hours, and returned very flush
with money, which be said he had won in
Cleveland by gambling. He soon after loft
the p!aoe, and auspiolons being aroused
against him, he was followed and arrested in
Kenosha, Wisconsin. Be gives no satisfac
tory account of his whereabouts on the night
of the warder, or of how ho got the money,
and his whole story is improbable and con
tradictory. About sixty dollars were found
upon hie person, and among the money wore
two twenty dollar greenbacks that had blood
on the edges. When Mr. Coy got his moony
from the bank it was put in a moiled envelop.
The envelop vas In the pocket of a vest, ,
which was under his pillow at the time be was
killed. The murderer, after doing his bloody
work, obtained the envelope, tore it open at
the longer edge, and takleg out the money,
dropped the envelope in the bed-room. Theta
lo the mark of a bloody thumb on the center
of the envelope, and marks of bloody flows
on the edges, evidently mace by the mummer
In taking oat the bilis Oa the $2O bills
foiled with Streator are bloody marks, which
upon trial were found to At exactle with the
torn edge of the moos; envelope. This of
itself is moat damning testimony of guilt.
Streeter wee oat:omitted :vial to cosh his
trial. Be cheered, during too guanine:too,
the tamest coolness and utioneorn,
Tke Alleged t.imaperacy to Defraud
Dreitod Meet
On Friday afternoon, et three o'clock, tho
charges of conspiracy and fraud, instituted by
the Bcerd of Dun liment of the 231 District,
against De. Smogs', Dr. MsQsalde , and oth
er', came up for heari , g before May or
ander. Messrs. Sorrggo, JSItQ, /tide, dart ha
and fdeGee waived a hearieg. and enter d
bail for heir appearsoce at the Orrodir term
• of toe Doerr, to endwise the charged ailego4
against teem.
Mr. Bard, of Bader ow:mt.', and Medic
Darning and Dugan, of Araisirorg o.itety,
demanded a beetle g •
Dept Hither, P.uroet Karthel of the D..
Digit, broil", explained the merroer fa irdcti
the prossootione digitated, Dad on
over the flit of witnesses he (toad that Beyer.
al of them were absent. Tune or four wit
tiest.. were oritha,,but nothing was oliotted
tending to Implicate either Dugan or Darn
ing, and the, were dieobargaa. The tea unto
ay against Bard wu not very pointed or pos
itive, out It 11113 deemed onfloloot to warrant
the magistrate 1.13 bolding him to bal for
trial, and he entered into toe necessary rtoog
oblate. Thus the matter rests for the pres•
eel, turd we presume we will heat no more of
It nowt le comps before the Court far deal ad-
Corowcr's Itiqueste. -
le all oases of sadden or violent death, It
Is the duty of the Coroner to gammon a jars
and lavestlgete the cause, and we believe
than ii a mere penalty prescribed against
those who bury or uuso to be buried the u
nitive of those who have thus dled. without
-"plying duo notice to the Coroner. There Is a
general repugnance to these Irv:testi, end the
friends of deceased various would rather
avoid them If possible. The law, however, 11
necessary, audit should at ell times be faith
fully snouted. We hare beard of two or
three 'Estancia, of Late, In which the Coroner
was net actillsol,and the law his been treated
aa a aullll7. Whether this Is the result of
Ignoraiocc, or antigens, we are not prepared
to say, bit it is an evil which needs commo
tion. The Coroner Is not bound to hunt up
then Dues, but it is, the duty of those hiving
dune of the body to notify him, that ,the
Omni of death may be legally detrArdneri.
BOVOILLET Dwells —The degree of Doo •
for et Divinity wee conferred upon liar: Bam
rusl H. Hoehn, A. H., editor of the Pitts
burgh aviaries Advocate, by Allegheny Dol
lop, lifeadrilar, Pe i , at the recent enniventary
*zeroing. Dr. Nesbit is the ant cilaweve of
this College that bee received this
though quits a number of distinguished a
rises hare been honored by this institution.
The degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred
at the same time upon Hon. W. T. Willey,
trained thataa fienator. Watt Virginia.
L'HIATIII.—To-night Albs SCUM Drain
mks/ her last appearance. The bill for the
aeration is an unusually strong ono, even for
daturday night, being two splendid dramas
edth Ulu Damn in both. The drat la the
"Whew Dawn," which beautiful pleas has
sun all the week to • ray lino baskets, and
the, last is the thsilfing drama ct "Olives
Twist," in which Miss Duda ploys the part
of Nano, flykes, 'bleb Is said to be her very
greatest sensation past. •
IiILSIC LULU'S Ltire_e fdeathiss, FOR
Oitollll.—Thu btawatifnUmontidy, devoted
to Itithitteth intnneting te lb* ladle, ' SS its
tthth theta. &Opfers to ha °author number
irith a moth Impelling and attractive aney of
illustrations. Bat it ti unnesassary to et.
;imps an enomeretion of these, OM If we
'Wire equal to the teak, for a call at Pltucoh's,
Opposite the Poobltelohlrill be far more est
Tag TOIL —All the New
York payers, ro:-thle and next med. Will b.
&Mad 01 theorem:4u at j. W. Pittook's Nees
and Paiodtau Popo, opprilte the Penedos.
Among the most p.poist we may oseatora
lip 11!swaged Newt, /Prank leek /Veto Yori
"Imre !le .
0011 rlOllllOO Itimetkozs....The New York
freleasie repute of the 800 Ohat/as Boom%
speak Au shit Important Napa, has been
published separate!: La tbelchm of ac eztre,
aid mkt be obtained et J. W. riltoorts
paelu the Pittoebs.
moues Oloossia.,-/Trank Mori.
awl, for Oofollow, a member proludo In ILI. 1,-
folitistf coo of Q. Rod Liman', ono of coarse
laslioponasblo to Qs 1.4.., cum be had at
Ha l'opiloctioal dopot,"lionolo Hon g infLt
*lna AI% Iforpeet Katy for sal uuk.
fi .
• s.N
..„ r 14. • I, •
. -
WiMisdoing Upton Moans'.
A westing of the citizens of Wilkins town
ship was held in the sehool house last
night. The meeting was called to order by
eleating the followins onlosrs:
A-esi‘leat —W. 8. Haven.
Pies Presidnut —James hielCell7, Hugh
Secretary —H. 8.. Chalfant.
The President having stated that the object
of the inciting was for the purpose of dine:s
log the polities! Danes of. the day, introduced
L enc. Soodgrase, of Camp Copeland.
Ll•ut Snodgrate said that he could not see
how, In Cola oriels, there could be two ;lenti
-1 cal parties =moistest with the wall being of
the government The rotation before the peo
ple is, eon we ling..lo oar glorious iodepenti
eon and freedom. Alt other isnot are utterly
ice go,flo a nt.
He referred to the exertion of GOT. Curtin
fur the welfare of his native State, and con
trite:ad hi. claims for the poems von with
thine of averse W. Woodward, who had not
done any thing for the collier. He said that
the Sono of Penneylvania dare not adopt any
otter policy than the true one, for if she does
It will be a 'Weida! pulley, It takes forty or
Otto thousand mon in the tarry to counteract
the it firetee of Gov. Seymour, of Na• Took
It Peoneylvania has George W. Wood +aid
for her next Governor, It will require fifty
[boomed more men to the field to counteract
hie Whence against the Government. By
eleotleg Gov. Curtin, the rebellion, whieh Is
tottering, will soon be overthrown and the
soldiery enabled to return to their home..
He thanked the ladies of Paniorylnutia for
the interest they have taken In the welfare of
the Golding.
Air. Stone, of Pittsburgh, wag then [atro
cities& He sold we man put twat meta In
power as will help the Administration. No
President of the rotted States 'has battled ,
against curb diffionities all Abraham Lintels;
that nowhere could we find a man who was
such a honor to hie State as Andrew G. Car.
tin, for hiestands preeminent above all the
Governors of oar dater Stets,.
lie alto, spoke of Judge Agnew 11.1 a man
whose dm/eater a - apropos:an° party had not
undertaken to usall. He evoke of the sus
pension of the writ of habeas corm end laid
that It woe for the general welfare of the
country. He urged the election of. Governor
Curtin, toying that the rank, of mar armies
would thee be Wed and the rebellion width
le not tottering will fall after a few more
hard fought battles, and pan be seamed.
He said that if our forefathers fought seven
years for their independence and liberty, we
could intent fight three or four years to pre
serve those Shoran handed down to ns.
H. C. Mantra'', H q , being called upon by
the Ptesident, nine tor sesta and remarked:
That in appearing before the meeting, he was
the exponent of no poinioal party, the cham
pion of do parttime- candidate, but desiring
tho prosperity and perpetuity of this great
and glorious nation, came to raise hie hem
bill voice la the support of its Oontitu
tion,,its laws and its life. And, having cast
aside all his former political prejudices, as he
hoped those present had done, with no party
but our country, with no feeling but patriot
tem, let OS bring that toes of country a sacri
fice to be laid upon its shrine that it may
ascend an acceptable incense from the altar of
our common country to the altar of our com
mon God.
After showing that there is and ran be but
two parties, one for, the other epithet the
country, he went on to show how the laboring
man is Interested In the coming contest; that
this is a war between freedom and slavery,
between paid and unpaid labor. He then
turned his attention to Woodward, and dis
cussed that arch—copperhead's regard in a
manner that left but little doubt that the Do
mooreay hart .rooted a man for their stand
ard hearer who had no sympathy for any
thin bet semostion, slayer', and oppression.
Mr. hieekreil then took op theohingee tea
by the Democracy against all the act, of the
present Ades nistratlon loaning this part
of hit areomene, ha emboli the Demccoatio
party and candidate in the following manner:
''After having 'bus fairly, as I think, 'hewn
you that the administration has acted wisely
and jostly, as well is constltetionally, In all
ita sots reopeoting the means to Fe atod in
putting down this accursed rebellion, and
haviog sheen you that all the acts have been
impeached by the so called .D:mocratio
party, as unconstitutional, I am. forced to
Bay that any and every act the Admin
istration might otherwLe hays thought
tents ory would have met with •the same
opposition. Nothing has, nothing can, and
notelog will satisfy them—everything is we
coonitotionel If this night, the angel Ga
Intel ea. and sound the last trump and call the
dead forth from thin graves to some to mea n, I eolemoly believe the Supremo Court
of Peeneylvet..• in its puny Oteelpotehell
attempt to reverts the deem, of Al
mighty God himself arid (ieorge W. V7ood•
word delivering the opinion) would plowmen
it "onconstitutioo.)
Capital. Grainer woe than introduced, bat
onto( to a cold, could not epeak coca. 110
eald there aro na political Isaacs 332 w before
Lae peoida. Jail issues of to slavery, twit
centralisation or power and internal improve
ments, hire enured to till t. There Is bat one
rise° now before the American people, and
that is whether you are for the government or
against it 1 for, at this time, there can tut bat
two parties—one standing by the government
and for liberty, the other embarrassing the
government and sympathining with a slave
thorn Lim Baxis'a Bzwiso &lumina, for
:wally sad manatee:arias purparos, an no
test to use.
A. F. CIASONT, %Wig Agent.
No. 18, fifth strsot.
Trones Punt, Plain Sktt
Boort!, end danlar In Poonclearle end Ver•
coon elate of the ben gutty at low rated.
Ofeco at Alm Laughlin% near the Web?
Work:, Pittebtrgh,Ps. aphid=
Da. GIORGI H. lEWISItiI." Scientific
knowledge, great experience, and pre:ideal
skill in the medical profession, have rendered
this gentleman the—means of moat extended
usefulness to the community. The feat that
he has adopted a different manner for the ex.
melee of hi. talent end the diffasion of hi,
usefulness to the stet and diseased from that
which other 'members of the profession pur
sue, does not In any manner derogate from
the confidence reposed in him. He is known
at a man of thorough medial education and
great elan inprevia". The articles which
be sell s in his large drug atom in the city of
Pittsblugh, are all of to beet &ern for their
designated purposes. ills hairnets' know!.
edge of the human constitution end the dis
eases to which it is subjeet, has enabled him
to perfect a variety of appliances for the pre
vention and care of disease. Hu shoulder
braces for the relief of morbid tendencies in
the vital organs of the taut, his tresses for
the permanent relic( of rupture or hernia, hi,
peoteral syrup for the xellat of lung ailment,
and a great variety of other medicines which
ha pupates and prescribes, have long been
celebrated, and have relieved thou/tads of
Tenons from the lint inroads of dines.. The
mechanical contrivances which he ream
mends and rapplles, are based upon a thor
ough knowledge of human physiology, and
their ease is attended with the most beneficial
rents. The inetnotion whloh he impart',
and the remodln Watt he recommends, II
mud be borne In mind, come frem angularly
educated scientific' phyeloism, who knows the
afoot of thee which he prescribes, and, as •
practical man ands druggist, is able to insure
the pertained of hie remedies. I; h Inch
practitioners as he that are of teal use in the
communlty."—Pittelergli Porn
Cauca Patron ny —The bestan d deoldailly
the most exuruive assortment of perfumery,
fano, soaps, bait bribe, tooth brushes ' and
other toilet &Melva, will bs found at the drag
Mon of Dr. George H. Keyser, Na. 140 Wood
rt.Sts where for years he boa stunted the
wants of the community, not only In potful
ery, but also in every artiole of medicine to
_Ds found fa the hewn world,iu well os every
mesnaleal span:ice teed In the cons of de
formity or disease. In face, tho Dana's store
is a complete "Osaka Gotherme,"abd most
personr a lf they feti to flad what ths, want
after alruttlesur mush of an hour or two, wilt
moat invariably find It at a Keyser's." • Eli
late supplies of perfamny riollll2 the 42-
e:orig, dad every person Oh be accommodated_
at a price that IJ as low as any of the eastern
haves. • a
0111111131 sad Coamoas Oatu•adf bi tan
at the Ouloam oMoo, No. 406 lavas strut,
day or algat all olden lidt at the above
y 446,111 b. prollapily attended to., All mi ll s
mturabapaid to oavoaoa. Om.
O. arts, Deallire,:tz Paul Mut, eittod
sU Intaineu Noteistos.
Opliuone of tee Wbeeler and Wilson
Sewing Waebine.
There is hut one Sewing Machine, and that
14 Wheeler & Wlleon's.—Judge 11.425, of
America• inititate, N. Y.
The Wheeler .1k Witenn Maebize bee no
It le the machine for family Use—Adoocata
and Journal.
It is stsimmtly superior.—Dictionary of M
Every one 'herald call at Wheeler & Wil
son's rooms. No. 27 Fifth etreet, and examine
Freedmen* of work done on thee. machines.
Win Sumner &Co , the Western Agents
ler Wheeler & Wilson, have now on exhlbl
don a file stook of machines, In Rosewood,
Mahogany and Walout cases.
dereigned would mot reepeeduily call the at.
kaftan of than friends. wad she nubile In Gen
oral, to their Fail and W.atar stack of Goods,
They consist of all the eery latest styles o
Cloths, Cssimeree and Vesting., English Es
kimo Beavers, Trios and Pilot Ciotti and Over
coal one. Alto, a large assortment of P/50011
1 Ohltebill Orercoatings of the very finest
quality, all of which is ee:ooted from the latest
importations, and' will be made in the most
fashionable manner, and at a price lower than
any other merchant tailoring establishment
in the city. Give us an early pall.
SARUM G it Co ,
' Merchant Tailre, No 64 Market at.
SAMUEL GRAHAM, Geo. MoCsent.ass.
Foe PALL AND Wrezaa WilAlt.--The
mer IS past, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
be shortly upon at, and we most provide cor
seting with the material to keep to comforta
ble. A nice fall suit, or a good and well-made
overcoat are the very thing, and we do not
know of any place where our readers would
suit themselves better than at Messrs. W. H.
Edifies A Co.'s clothing eitablhhosent, canner
of Federal street and Diamond Square, All,-
ghaoy. They have also receivea a complete
assortment of gentlemen's tarnishing goods,
and a great variety of new patterns for wain
scoting, .40.
orraurroa, RIITIIISMD Vow/maims I—The
attention of our county% brava defenders re-
Rattly rotnrned front the seat of war, and of
tha pabllo b general, Is again directed to the
very entangle° and handsome assortment of
the latest stylos of French, English and
Amor:inn pines goods, for pents, *oats and
rrnta, rotelted by Nous. Joha Wolfs
A Co., hiershant Tailors No. 1.20 Federal
stront, Allothony. t asteful selection of
gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always
be found on the shelves of the astablistunent,
togother with • lot of ready-made
got up to the but annum.
6 Washington Place, ?WO street, Brooklyn,
L. 1., says, in a letter: " I am happy to bear
my testimony to the rains and Olney of Mrs.
S. A. Allen's World's liar Restorer arid
World's Hair Dressing, In the most liberal
anise. They have restored my hair where it
MU bald, and whore grey to its original
Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, I tiB
Oreenwich street, Now York.
fdesaras are prolltiatkig the volunteers by
hundreds, - the hospitals are crowded 'with
them. Soldiers, be warned In time. Hollo
way's Pills are positively landlible in the
cure of this disease; occasional doses of the..
via pre the health even nodes the great
est exoosuroa. Oaly 25 wants per box.
FOl7l DOLLARS, four dollars.
Pons dollars, tour dollars.
Dental Institute, Dental Institute.
Best cheap Dentistry, best °beep Dentistry
No machine work, no machine work.
TUBBLES—PitiLbrt—On Thundry trrntnz , the
lath Instant, by ths nor. (lanolin, Z. Swops, it
Trinity Chorob t Mr. TBOD. TOBtirka end gin
nilitT P. EIPLABA, both or ALleghony City. bio
MITCWILL--na SM.) townicg. Sept /Salo at
half -put 5 (id* ANDREW DilthatLL, aged
37 r...
Tee trtrafe of the tenally sot rove - Valli Invited
to &Lucid the A:Marini. TIM DAT, at 10 arlock. at
tao reedyneo Ma father. r au?, Creek. Pena tp.
LAVS..II—Ca Itrlday mentor. Papa 19th at
o'o cot. Attllttl L Oil/LT.Of tal+osp.
The funeral alit take pla a from tho reat , eneo of
Iles. Chaplin, No. 11 Ihlr4 erect, at 3 Wax k Ten
ruoy,", rp,=.B •t, urnam,
120 DlUniller of Pao...
98 Fourth PL. Pittobstrgh, &pt. 1111, 1861 j
jr".EX eI'ED FkttaM DHAFT.
In u=rdooco with ord.rn, I yoblha the fol.
Itpt of pormos , xemptod from draft by lb.
Doom of Enrol ment In that Dhaka, to rads dot*,
with tap nom= of tapir azoroprion
wire. McKee. Hot& em Linraablo. distbillty
NS,I SI X au ['owe ~ ocso s ,o.D.bip,
J. HESvti IrOsT6.B.
Capt. end Pnrrogi Mariam!, Itd DLit. Pa.••
reworks why It 6 bcthr dam rry Pahl
I. 11 Ng rrat'y rolzs4
V. )g bn so anab ntateur.
ZL It prod 000• no din or 4nst.
4. Ti stands the gcogt but.
It pro !Inv., from nat.
4. Iv Is lb. most ga.noinftal
T. It 11 Int ono Intrth the lab r.
lii lisle by 81.119/1 JO/1151110/1
r 4.117. 'pore% fimlthPrlel stow..
yosi eon POIIaDIL
Reno. orshlo vary Ant.
inserni BOA P. for mooring any Otaasc Tar,
Paton.. An.. from .11k% Patina ea, wltlnut Injuring
the G. Wt tabrk.
aTEIILINO's • 11BROal a, Ow the Heir.
DU ILE ET ti t OL'OetliE end KALI.TON
every easartptlon at
000. A. a 'ILLY.* 0=14,11.1 T. DEL•O IttWl,
eel In the Asa Alaska% Roan. Alleahanr.
a. nirontanza......
Mina twotaters and &dere in all dada of
Tfaitooo, 6151117 r Alit OZOLIZ.
1011 µ 001) arson, rnicesuips,
Emp =day ron band s tugs variety of Pipes
sad Saimaa. Intone°. sands
Fate particular attantlon to tho trostotont 01
t WNW D'o ,&8.8, lb. LfD and BAB elan
u OPL, IToEteS,I k a 4
.11 IU.AoWtA
MUSING, and ON Macon allatlag th y ,
Eu sad
lesdinia to Deettos.
arum., 883 PENS 1114EICE. carillBl,ls
23 bhdi. cholas Porto Eke Fain;
S 3 to Mr Cobs doi
d do cosmos H. O. do;
7U tads • Codes
do B do da;
Id do 0 do
Se d — Cr read lb Pelted d
a do !bawd Chiba do,
Actsalty os hood sad for Ws by
210HONANNB & Lamm.
08111 No. VS Lltooly street.
11101OLLIt TAB 6 BLIB,
Wtoltate• doaisei to mars AND 1360•68, bon
ono to on to Mgr frlrue% Of goody iddeb th. 7
will.ell Iftk f WW F. Et 06611
Coottry lloroustta scold do ..j to call beton
pwabsemg eldowbons.
•••• • II =tin p•OIII•07 .UMW to.' OW
60 btehele petals Timothy SW;
WO atm a ppm;
is data batter;
To antra =a tar gas or
PRANK VAN 0011D171,
, UM esenod strftt.
[)'FINED SIIGAkte.--40 !Oils over.
LL furs Iletted, thoihsd and Pahoned Lee , „
and laza. Whirs and Ilidoss Palsos.)ltss rsestwesi
sad for silt, smote's!' aai mall, u the /ashy
Groan Stars of
JOHN A. BorturAw.
awns Eaton, tied gaud stmts.
SUGAII Otiftgo HA6in.-10 tierces
bast pas'! y r7ncf.adl O. O. time Jan La.
Weld and for sea vanlesals and Man i a t tam-
Oftiren Map
• aalra;4. sitimusw.
rem's/. ILleivt, sad }had itniati
100 bbia ? pve i vick Ore* cu,
uhlawaklLl .L JUL
• OD O
TO WOretriell,
Report of n Refugee from Charie stow.
Now Sept 18 —A refwgee from
Charleston reports that the lice of torpedoes
does not roe entirely stress the chancel, and
the main bitruetion is an 'Mgenta net-work
of ropes, formed somewhat like a ladder,
which extends sorose the ebannel. When a
cereal dmigns leaving Charleston, word is
put to Sumter, and the rope work is drawn
in to one vide to permit the blockade runner
to rays. When a ship comes in, she lap to
under Sower until the same process it re-en
acted. This obstruction is supported by tor
barrels There are two floating batteries,
ribbed with loop, and only two steam iron-
Mod rams in the harbor—the Chicken's and
Palmetto State Upon these the rebels rely
very much to their defense of Charlesten.
Ite reference to the feeling of the peewit.
eancerstieg the burning or rurrecder of that
city, he says that the universal resolve of the
Inhabitants is thet they ore willing that it
should be both i rather then surrendered to
Gen. Gilmore,. There were cot over 300 non
combatant:l in the city when 'Gun. Gilmore
shelled It with Greek fire.
The math body of Lee's army is below Gor
donsville, and Is about 70,000 strong. The
division which was reported to have boon sent
through Richmond, was Jenkins' division,
compared of South Carolina troops. They
were sent Southward to the relief of Charles
The feeling among the privates it In favor
of a peace, eepsol►lly If their property should
he guaranteed them by our Government.
Our Informant seys also there are more
Union people In the South than we imagine,
and that the belief or the rebels Is their aloes
. is fast ; they feel now that something
desperate must be done, or &Ilia loot. Branco
sad Nagland are dospisrd - for their double
dealing =rte.
Death of Capt. flateliklee--Pfieu
leers Running thelliocknde—reace
flawnams, Sept. 14 —The death •t Captain
Wm. J. Hotettkin, of the gunboat Gan. Put
nam, who was killed In a front testiest with
the enemy, has canted cnivartal grief in this
Tbo rebel privateers era ranting the block
ade into Itigtbingtes ton (earful extest. It
Is estimated! Vat the 7 are carrying in rebel
sepplies to he strianst tf s million dollars s
Peace meetings aro being held In pearly
every town lir Nortu Carolina.
The soarer of W. W. Holden, of the Raleigh
&aufard, meets with general approval and
rapport from the people. Ills name Is being
hoisted as the next cazthcleto for Governor
ship of North Carolina. The text Contrail-
Plenal election in this State will take pleats
to November nett, having been changed from
August. The conservative peace party Is
making its nominations with a view to send
ing Its representatives to the Federal Con gres,
In cue the army of Gen. Lee ehoeld be driven
oat of Virginia.
From illebuyea..tven Lee Gone
South.-Illoseniesits of the ltebei
PHILADILTSIA, Sept. 18 --Informatioh
from parties, arrived here from ittelmood,
who left the latter city on hiooday, oevertr,
positively, that General Leo has gone S..ti:h
for some porno te.
General Longstreet's mi.:tat/and bas boon
lent to reintoros Charleston, and A P Biles
corps is India - rod to have been root to too Is
astatine of Bragg .
There aro tow sixty thousand troop. about
Richmond, betenaing to the Army of N,th
ern Virginia This terse has fatten boot to
the Has of the Riohmond datetteea.
Getter al Samuel Joon' has two brigade+,
comprising about 8 000 mon, in Westoto
eats, commanded by Brigadier Osi+orsl Eoutes
and Jaokson it about to coolie enothor
raid toward. Beverly. Ike boanquartert are
at Elston, Monroe cioehty.
Itaboden ho. 1,000 oitvalry acting an parti
san rangers. Bra hatdqoartors are six calks
west of Ilarrieenv.ire V.
hua.tiero Arts!
iCRW YORK Sept. 13 mphia special
dated the 16 !JAW eh. W.../d, aa,et The Ho
bile Reiuter has a dispatch swieg tief
Joe J uattema coanaccder ol the army 0: u.
The Mayor cf Walla OpeaLt for aid Cro
the anff.rela L tbst city.
The aoldiero are pealing into Atlanta from
all porta of rebehi,m.
A special to the 8.-Id, dated "Month of
the Waite B. sew, Ark., Sept. 14th, oia Cairn,
says: Toe d'epatoh steamer from Rod river
report. alt quiet.
An expedition, competed of Gen., Grant's
forces, sailed from N.w Orleans on Wednes
day, the flih test 1; destination "rat tot
istorrn to the public.
From rorifeS. 111 00f 0 C 4
FOB:rases Mollies, Sept. 18 —The dig of
trust. boat Now York arrived from City Pokt
last evening.
Three men belonging to the 28 Connecticut
end one man from the First regiment, arrived
at Fortress Monroe. They were captured at
the time the important *barge we. made on
Battery Wsgoer,and taken to Belle Lip
Prism but suceeded in escaping.
The Richmond DirpateA of the 16th Is re
ceived. It hes the following Charleston
news of the 14th t The Yankees fire ocoasion
ally from Battery Gregg upon the botite ply
ing in the harbor.
A Yankee nmonttoltertrig party, !Deluding
• Chaplain, Lieutenant, Telegraph Operator
and a negro n lifer, was captured on the Sa
vannah Railroad near this atty. They had
tapped the wires to obtain some information,
but received none.
Napoleonand the Boutbern Conte&
Nay Yost, Sept. 18.—The Times' epeeist
from Washiegten rays that tote ligence has
been received hare that proposiGons have
been made by the Emperor Napoleon to Jed.
Davis to abolish slavery In tea South, and re
established In lien thereof a system of peon
age similar to that now *static; in hiezli.
Should this be done, Napoleon believes th t
no opposition would be made by England 0
the reeognition of the Omifedersay by France.
Napoleon farther mares Davis that if he
adopts this polloy, the South might arm their
Degrees, and prevent their beteg used against
them by tho Government.
Indians Surprised and Dispersed.
/Wilmot:mu, Sept. 17.--1 b Ma for General
Ha link, Washicytoar The following- dis
patch, dated ilseccunrters Northwest Rape-
Mien, Camp White Stone 1 / 1 11, Sept. Ilth, Is
Pat received
oTaisrat—Yestorday we surprised over 400
lodges of hostile itaa l a „ and fought and dis
persed them, killieg over 100 and - destraylng
W their camps and property. I have In my
heads many prisoners.
. SA. Commanding
A. Sow.;
Brig G
.11, Major General.
To John Po
Death of Richard Brodhead.
EAMON, PA., &pt. 17 *—Hk:hard Brodhead
died here tide morning The deceased has for
many years taken a prominent part in public
affairs In Pennsybratils, haying represented
Northampton eennty le the legislature three
yews. this district in Canvas; six years, end
Pennsylvania in the Senate of the Unlud
States di years. Be was greatly , espeoted as
a good cities", and as a man of boosat ten
pubes, and iltriet integrity. B , death h.,
out I general gloom over the community.
From batleston.
.Now Thin, Sept. 18 The steamer Merri
am, from Hilton 11.. a, Ilan, sod Ourloaton
Bar noon of the 15:0, arrived at 2:30.
Oor toren now bora IoU po ssssss on of Kor
th Leland. Battery Ehogg bat bean plat In
order, and la sending oorasiooal shotand
Into Moultrie, but to what ffoot Is not
known. .
Among the passel:gen by the Merrimac la
Brig ihe. Stevenson
Tee member Is vatiablk -I
pies are dally expomed
Fresaet in tha East.
BarrotkPe.,Bept. /8 —Er has rained here
all dep. The theta • it. rising rarodly, and
meek danger le apprehended. The Delaware
divlslop of detentei Is badly damaged below
hate, and it will take at least a week to repair
It. At litanneb Chunk, the trestle bridge of
Douglas, epee: & Co., the bridge of A. W.
Let , coring, ano N W. Omar, bridge above
&launch Cksolt.bane been washed away. It
la reported that the Colors' dun, &bore there,
II 'maid away; 'No damage is the railroad
or canal to reported ay let •
A101..0 tLI! C$ OL
, ,
1 11,7;
wiluito-f•alheoner . -lbe moo tens list
pliAtfla Beit gblatityi
'l' EST
AR/IT or Ilia Cr y 3Tyy odo
Ur TEI F.ELD, Sept IS — fr r T Si novnh
, is di at Dtttnt ski ^.....rb:ag cur..; the
lines and frstlnent dash...s of osvalry from
hrth ortuica ;La annoy doss not appoar
anxious to attack, although apperently In
tend to dispute our .f amber advance. They
rotassin In eons tint torrraseing force, icirnsdi
ately in front, a fele miles distant, receiving
hest.) , rein!oroomente of old troops from
Lee's army.
Longstrest nasrei thrcugh Angnsts, CIA
011 the 10th and II th ins ts , by railroad, to
Resiices. The oci taros is thought to have
roaohod Lafortio—tbo rehoie having moved
through the 9sp a: .d P;gcon mour.airs,
forming lines ell; aide as if to attack Rose
ersne. linsearat 6 has asstimi.d 4 strong de
fensive peaition on the Chick ataanga Crook,
covering Chattanorga, aria evinces no disputa
tion to attack at present. Preparsittorts to do
so cannot oil to oomplstid for * fea days,
when a baitts scout Oot se.
SWiDid2", t f th o Cavalry etror, la
very ili'and gone to the rear. thmeral R. B.
Mitchell tumieda him is the comm►nd.
All reports of ►n engsg , went hero sou fair,.
The enemy haubeen bury today feeling oar
lines. Artillery dooia have bee.. brit h. with
few ossualciea. They may be Rotting Into po
sition for attaching tomorrow. Little doubt
remains that either Ler Retreat or Errell'a
corps here any day mtv bring ..a an engego.
meat The public WM b, early iof,rined or
the beginning and the piogreir of the battle if
any cream
Lociavmht, Sept. IS.— Rumors wet! rev
Merit here for tho past throe dit;e of advice!
Iron Gan. Ftcoecrats' army, all of which have
11C.21 Cbore4i:r! Ly L, tithoricW.
They probably !trews from iho (act that on
Sundsy a rebel f trco of 16000 2trong ericaked
Negley's brigade, 5,300 strong, at tyro's
Gap, and drove them back three and a half
mike.. Nagle,' rocuseiod his grrund the next
=Wog, with • loss of 35 killed, wocaded
and tniering. Oar ferries buried 36 rebel,
found 151:14110 groand hlonday morning. The
number of their killed acd wounded which
had been removed is or known, but i is pup.
posed to be conelderaLle.
Wastriogtou Lay News.
Wanaisarorr, Sept. 18 —E!gar Snowden,
Jr., proprietor of the Aiexandti• Gautier has
barn notified by the military 0 irernor of
Alexandria, that n repititiou of the a :tot recog
nising, fa hi. paper, the Confederate Legisla
tare 11,6 the V liginta Lsgiolittura, will be clot
ted by a tutpreelon of the Gusei:e
The editor of the Star, who loft Culpepper
yesterday, In Hi raper today, say' that cn
Wednesdny rlght tie Union linen extended
from Soeveneburg through Culpepper to the
Stone Mountain Brute, four mute north of the
Court Brute. Yetterd•y =ornin t; the lice
was changed, to a 060 ore fitailty to the Rapi
dan ricer, inhere the r bel coop, of A P.
and Erroll ore be heed to be melt strongly
The army of rho f'..tomr.e was term la as
doe a coif ditioz: as it is at :ha prase:it time. It
I, worth to-day la a herd fiAlot try:car:a moot:
as It ever was before the of Co t 3 /burg.
VVABGING roe, Stpr. to the
strauFitti ot :he enemy on Or vlOO, 6140 of this
Rapidan are aumert as and coctotlng. A
telegram (roes too [leaf q tartars, dated to•
do., say. 00th-ag of :MOW laroee has occurred.
Oe• poattfort en too Rep...tan le deutainlag un
changed. •
Plarket. by Tel ,,, gropb.
Nrw Ton, a,/ 18 , ot las 6 , 000 and is be at
7.. 2 671 g n•. 1.0 in. V/ u 01 'alter,
l• d • taet y .t a . .. 5.% 13 fw Latta etwa,
3 , , N147..0 kr. 1 if 11. 0 sod 9,7547 t4l for
, uta rat,(l.-112a non ken Cosi g item AVI,IsSy
slrel7/001. dK•II4 jrc dy t o
"111. d •xpo tI. q V, 4.1 I'S Vr ' Chinks°
•it /.4e/ f if 4:1.00•" is 40 0. SI ak:31.23
, he• 55 in9•-•tern 5 .1)/ lar rrrrr I , -
• 1,1 11,11 ta• is •• tel 55/ (pr o rt-1 se-stern 55
11,1 y fl at, a 51 m
,as.tlys at 51 39e1 Co a
• • bad- fl• rat 7 Xtir.7u rlopte gig tnlxad 9 •4-
e r a 7d>i fr, .t. w..etro U en I sod
lower at 0f , 474t W..t tn. I rrk vp an.. • t •b 4.1
we..l •d• 11 toer a el< f 9 11, a, 5 1 8,79413,91
I r new 5I••• Lee pr.a , land
3/215 4410 r 2'.s, Etat( dot • awn
tildes 1. tualerste eqn at te% tor ‘• weep kbort
z Itns d and 734;15/ shorts. w arra, and lea sc.
lira •t 10545,11, 4 c, the lot tor an ea r• tut. IV");
firm w Lb lair dnut•od to 1 1,41.
• one) murk, I 5
9,, 1. e••y - ,7 s e, /or •Stors
g de. I tu/y, tie r u tt o . a;
t.,%.0 I ter 00, b ra ,1 orat.tug et dl
an••n9tog to 71, dti.llo4 0 .tad c wing
1 .14155,
Our.rnmvtotnt,cl; • 20.01, alid a:, co,pcn,
ritUl 7 IF . ' IOS X 190. 5
irtwlL b':. o'elt Ronk I•latad, 1 03%;
Clay, Ltd sod tttates. , 29; tI U. X. 11 le.,
Cen rat eerto. 12 ; e C . 4954. lusi;
fi'Lpn-ter,td in). •ic -roll, N. '3 v.
135; flu t,O/5 177, On letu I I:, re , .•Ourgb, Fort
NVarto •o' Col -no 5.% Ito 5 tx.g 11C/3i, L. X 7, 1186.
Missouri alx et, Cf 00 1:: -3.
CARPET.--011. Loru4
REOUtgar PPlit lESI
Pp [IC rteleblr cub on-ebre. mn.ltt dari n g the
nee nt untie In the leseltra weww . w e .w e .
bled to otter the Ore t everettntot &ends tier
broaihi to the clly, e,otl•tf or or
lEL,V6TB, BBC3eELB . IMPE ,lAL 3 P;.Y..?,
PSG 3 lINS, fl CI P A 14D Rd')
0 .A. Ri P I M a l Si
Window Ehades,
Alto. • vjel .a , •o.ed nook o , Rf ALTTISV, rot
oh 4/0i ft, t h e Sprier twe, h
at vastly taduroJ priors, to =lto rem for ether
g. de.
Futchurre wru'd di •el to call and tutu - Coe oar
stock. as Ire are c - . 1 fht-nt • e no otl-r grett,r
cluotateuts than s soy cater house :u the atty.
• Na. ^.l ►lTra ETAITT
N W PALL 61'buK JUST oviiblEll
McFarland, Coffins & Co.,
71 AIM 73 FIFTH ST.,
Dste•ao the Poet Offlee eted Piegate4 Da!Mins.
Us'toe jut parohavel for o sh, dozing the [nom
tameable cooditt,n of the m m.:Telm s moat ma becalm
sod oomyl• to ofeoftwent of the temrest sod chaloat
ItVes of
Oil Ci ltlndow Shacks,
we an tow offrrioc goods
Py our rrdoetlrn In prim" we bay. n'mcnt olorol
out , nr former purzbra cod m w aMr to toyer/
at whnlatal. sod rntall
AN INTIM:LP NSW '.:ND .P sraog,
licaurptutml by my era °fend la ills city
Bat,thilig el
0 49. .IR+ P .111 T S .
A , tuts mono:oat, vdlod srtll M told at • TO7
groat todarth.n from pricroe.
SW Ni. 1 MACKN.Khli.—Jost ro.
orlle.d, the first of the •at o:. N 0.4 hi reit •
10 Chi lot family tms .0 for 1.4. by lb. , Luad
JOltifi A. titticiti/M,
a LIGGILIFF .4 CO., Crnr FLorrignio
U • if
Chi. xims: Liberty and A.talzi.s rt..-44::,
4nn .4,14
WINDOW 81:11iDE-, of all styles and
sj Stalk in:MA/Tea 1•1•0 rn Oa* 03
J • pa &.LIPS,
018 • 10 •ol YS Si t.J.Ir
13 ti A hit:.
6 Ve l oh.. Pb+TN u MBA
t,1.01 bilOnto
/7^.-etto 7• q. fIODSV ¢•nr+
QT011461,..—F. r Crude and tlethtLed
en tot otter uceidcutai e.
76/3. DAL ZITS.* 99N,-
Saktf , 09 sad nigger grew.
From Roveciaos. A,1139
Piano and Table Covera
lA/ 41 4 %.1 eL ..1.2 • • most. e want
a r west Ws m-,tb p.p. •vadild. 1010
OUT Zdyti.abay Poteda, 0rk461 kat* rmsad
otha arc anfal sad cobra "Mal orowicto
mica sent /ma - tfdrad - • •
samenagis gam blass,L mistwook-
.U.X I-I 1331 T I 0 N.
September 20th and 30th and October
let and 2nd 1b63.
rietoern I, about Bonnet., morn test of 3441-
ade.rhts, Oa .Le Oct./lam river sod b orxesalid•
by railway to every portion •I the Beate.
The Emends ere benutlmlly sitssi s d. noarst a b,
21 a•ree rf greed. oth One ,ur ge On .1.11 eme limns n
vreCO d, together with Is. ge .minor 905441. g Tee
track 4 sail to to one of tot beat Is di mile t•sek• In
the nista. The premium, era the behest ever of
a, n ..1 by tk. ISedntr , a La:tinting t elbcrtt $7,0 . 0
The premium, fry all grade of c• ttl • exert d $ • ,ogit.
Ore of ettrizt. ere $0 each, 19 from $55 to 515. vibes,
ail g r own to leer.? talre, hiet herd Oct le.s
than 16 heel, • Der, Sod rnrsdoad
Ho re for ell 5r,..1 • the pr-13.1.3m• exceed 6%360
hirlo•t battery, 51/and 690, end etb-r.
(0. 10./I loom ;IS, SI . . and 15. Fr Shrew asd la in•
the pr. ornm ,note tom PIO to s3.d 63.
For Poultry !ben, I. • tong list of goem•ume from
52.0 81 ra h. In the !of owing close. mcnt there
ptoosiste• re off red: clone .% Cultivator% Drill.,
Vi rg .01, Rasp 00 siid ?Tod lox Mestdoes, Cutters,
eh. 0r.% 75 I a, I umps, !Socket% Tin
Les.lbar pad it• Her re, tsp., Gas 1 / 1 211110s.
Sl•re Is 51ru•e • Ihitiev, Grele 004 Pee6e,
• V. get f-r Preset]: sod bowel:told
Yen erector.% • I,lls. t er!e.r, re.l n t FLi meg.
f..h. , 6tlrs, P.n. 0.1. V . . 1/ Is nt eel, , Kett floods,
r . 5 gin e & on,. l riaisii . ea Ja:lita to
Luigi pr.t.:c a,. - e aoro r d io t. y stile y
Prolt !rid..., Its roof Trot ails be the
lerseet e•r en oted by the or. lad t, orm car
of toe most attrectire ti torts of Yxbiliotion
Yr•it, Grates aed %lora sill be sob [died In tide
Th• Pe:cejleseio Pear el and v , ".laeown
ro.l have or/anted to tarry artree. for or h
to tad !rote eitaibttlou 'wire t 'res. requiring the frwgh I. re prepaid, which •111te septa
•hera gores a a r turfed tt e .tattoo
wt•ri re eh teed. let, boyrd t "erect lb. same with
other .ni pl • t t rueqn.
• • .
11.2:n .one &t ridneed rates n illO r^ . -1 oc nit the
lemltug I ailtc...4,
En rl • ran bo entda it 0.. Odin In llcerStOme,
• ter tba 4th rt., B.pirreb.r. A:: artiche 00.1
hr ecter.d tut boot..n or Onion. bonus even
10g ere t. 29 h. Rah DC,. roc.c become member•
11.cnber.b p gl 01, ~en !Sat camput, tictt Ls, •sch of
bt h lot .d.nt, one t 0 non t the Fa& or
air A fiat of Pr. mlomm .nd largo &tux. “a to
ha.l by •ddr•••lnt empt.,•.
A. B 11.WCn LAJOILWLE., . re
N kVI.bKNOWN To Ft. 11.1
DI V.0',.4
raiz 50VZ11.31.1 SiBILDT F,.
DISESTZnY, DlAltLEita, rtri, 0110LYRI
The Immo., rates crctLp to the merit/ cf thb
tem Ay
nacneross daily tnorts art Nesting crate
ay.. it. mine.
It he. aesaeseges yet •'y other remedy, once
spring the mentos, asni hstrastins tone and strength
to the system,
to ante red herders to Its and pnwerflll ID
the .Gala ace
?a itike auldtear, aapachOly, U II Invecalqa, balsa
appraprlately Limed by them, to many cartiticatat,
Tlie soldlore' Friend."
Mother* Ood It sr:port,t,r any obatbibg MVP to ,
obtkineu toottitsa, rroret from the tolorloai eCooto of
gl;to met to the nurozor by mow - vial
the dissam.
8o d Ay F. 11.7. LA 411 AN A CO lama,
Flttsborgh, and by rcaptctaßls lea.tort orerywb
ear Prce. 26 CLISTB A BOTTLE.
♦ansCnr, ONLY IT
Iff.tilt 11 U. nALE s 0J.,.
dr. n>v ntroltiog their
And I;rito tbdr frits.l3 nod am pod It to mond=
dok nottlt, c hitt le the 'neat end ro:at ecmploto
era . broegbt to th!e otuket..
/Owns cn bid, a 10 - ge aasorthatzt of
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods.
2/1a I °Woo of :We rnetftlt' ntvata.on
THCBSDA Y , tta 22d r." Crate-, 1283,
and cOntiralisaao tea let LI Matob, 1&4.
Pro'woo•.of Throry and Practice.
ri 4TX:it, al. D.
Prof lita and Of. Women and Children.
Jona Dawo
Prop, ncr ea tnoy red Pbyalolrgy.
J, W. EfAili LT. D, M D
Pro , Fv g rry,—Eye and Tar Surgery.
Prcf °v. re t.
11. btrep,..t Med. Julep.
1111.0. G. ItiOall LI. D.,
Pr so. , Thenklatry and Toecology.
D. HALDETtitthrf, .111 D ,
Deno or rotor of At !away.
Retrdrtt Pumwiro Th• 1.11.6. will tvwe scam
to ell.wni hclaren to the Cht s Prolleol.ry Drop:tat
and tie two large Iltilitary flapplta'a at this piaci.
for inforcestlrn aldlreas
Qraorn • IffLllTan'a r rP•ariolars.
t. ant. or te•aarorrericar,
tar. , •
•••, W 26.
Tb• art of tbo eteacce• • orb
CH otrot
LI.T.•• ebe nt w item, are wltee telow Gali tia. in
Ise nnatorland r.v w.
Al•o, the eaoott of the. tom r . .Y.OLTH [ MA,"
near Ile bowl of fraarieth s otos% In toe Ctunter•
len I Tit •r
Tee ma - hteery, bolters Lai hare or the Om
name 4 beau ere rep •reel t r be if mi.
The te It he rite et pub , ,c soothe •o the hid:rest
Hider, o+ the ter DtY r P .1:1 tII , 8q • la the
of.l el 13 lief' Del Ile f e,ln 'root of the otltoe of Ceyt.
Oh At L eS 81: Li hlllh f, a. V. hi.
Terms elute, • Trea.ory titles.
by trier of brig, ce eeeear ahuse.
•pt•fe •e 4 e. Q. hr
11.1mIATAZ r tiu • ••sa • ..anus,
Curter 0 sad ztd eu,eta
w u ht x , ow; L. (1. ' , newt Vith, IBM
pustio th.l.ft OF CONDhItINED
A NTH *LB eettl take piece at tee Carrel, neer
the Obeervete7, In tataxs•e on It, la; 30 Mit,
Zeal WEDNEaDd Y 9 Or rEPTSIO3/3, 1563, the
Yd. leth mate 30th dela of the 1:1104i4. the psi/att.,
1.a1ed...1 .at ant r p tblic
!Wei to comma, .ee at 10 e emit.* to. of each day.
and b. ocattonetl hem de to day Until thlt unstsbet
en heed .balt Pe
Terms tuba Goetzumezit
0. 11 V11P1111 , 78,
it .od A 0 •••• tie ,
Al Wren gro..ts iestaa's t r a , )
o .4er %l and sr.d suet.,
areeldeat ee , 1) C., nett 111h,1863
.OOMB —v. DI be sold at üblie
•5111 a at lb. teoettareeraer)e Weimeope*,
ea the teoars between C &ad ► atd the sad td
street.. on WED?. E Dv', elm Mt Inetaet. • 'aril*
14 0 ' Gwen*, cower% 8 d, es, unwonted es earls me
public venire coeslVler 'it Par' CI tOd'AP 1.08
sod Llte7l.llB. •&D.LE OH DWI* parts of
a t P acn a,awl WeGl:lBe, "TLit re, Telol,lll. and
Tamil ash, In Government Ikeda.
bale to ottamente ai lb tido, 1k so.
U. U. T ..11411111i9.
(hot and • 0 If .14 •
N ol lC6.—All pan ea iotereat eve
no Mid that the StyrPre a • t V 1..." I° the
matter of toe opening of MON t 111 e, 81'68E1', In
.he rt cud UCH •all.sheog, h Med I tb•Dbo
trict Lour; of d llo.heng tht,e , y
It It rtirman. Jr
hto , fett, g for It ihstiong.
paRM. WANTED.--A F 'arm of Lan4,
00 any of ik.• railroad lima., act over 410 mll
Goa thaw) sod oot over too ml. :',l• Gam a allaiion
1t torsi ba On: onallty son, rl2b a . rot.boild Into and
olher Ito :laymen • and mar coot. im Gm 60 lo 150
1-101, mon. or lon Any ficilleni wit 1101 to PP 'Oa
faros. mar end • ;rural war by .d dmidag ti.
Gazzita 42190.. fittabolab, P. Maar PIT'
Milian about gaiallty of
11 pall. fcca wirobor of
.1 , • .vre•tt
Pinata of aidal"atiey Wits trembled .itt
r•-. . 1.3.4 h 4 4:p05ab0t0n et the heart, lad of op.
Petite. dlotrooli. nettaettephb. new. =au, e•
the. daverro-to anger : tt *
*Mill not try the
Mach are DOT recommended bi thai"jo va i = aim
anthoritim and warranted to prothinean frantathets
beneficial ,Geer. They are eaceedlney erased*,
perfectly pure. and meat sec all tater teal=
where a healthy, goat!. 11.1.1:112ot Ls reoclred.
They ;wiry, streng•hem and torigorata,
They Create s healthy app.l tie.
Tt ey axe an antldorts to change of saber and diet.
Thty IMITCI3.IO effects of I :aaloatfon en: late bet Ty
They strenrtheat the ele%En sod enllnn the
They rarer. t mlasmstic rdod Intermittent
They parity the breath sad arlily altos atomaatt.
They care 17yopepea and Constimatcn.
Thoy care Diarrhea Cholera and Chula, Vett e ,
They care Leer Orr plaint and tiervr. ea Headache.
y make the weak strorg, the languid b 1111.3,
end are ea:masted nature', rant reatOesr. They am
=mooted of the celebrated Cal:rare bark, Wit 1.-
gract, awash,, root. and bear, ail prmireed
',veracity pure St. Croix Enth. For particelars,
ctnnalan and te.tfmontals wend mat iotda.
Dewar. of Imposter% /amino every bottle, Coe
that It haa' D. P. Bert.,' algratere on nor private C.
V• Stamp over the loth, with olontstlon FrA no, and
onr,firta signature on a the steel plats et er.rhor on
aide label. Hoe that car bottle Is cot reLiltd tal!th
optuiono and et , lot...rlota stet We defy any person
to match the taste to Character of cm, Any
boson pretauding to sell Plan o!on Mr , rs by the
gallon or In On fs an Imp:Aar. We re i only In
eta log cabin bottle. Any person Wan, tog this
bottle, or tatlleg any other material therein. • both,'
nailed Thintation hitters or not, Is a ethnical under
the S. Lair, and .it be ea protein:tied by ca.
already hare oar eyo on two yartiza re filling oar
bottle,, On, who wilt seemed In Fettle/sr them. I.ea
into rime tossrtera :he demand ter that e'e Plan.
Intro Bitten from ladi,s, cloexusen, merehsl.4,
Sr„te p•rfactly lac:NAM:to The simple ,dal of a
bottle I. the Afttence we pros.nt of their wort% not •
teperfority. They an sold by all rerpectob:e drog•
est% grcome, physician”, et. , .acchcato !
country store..
t ==l
TEM, tcx yak., vholEmala and retail, by
13111(1:1 JOHNSTON,
Carter Eimftttflald and atreota.
nrrt/EN WINE V1Nk.011.13,
(To:merly NALL= it Co., Bardomm. )
Th. only Tlnmar airs, ded With • Pegs bhdal of
ttzty I:bib:tete, et the Intetnetlowel
• la - The Confea lions and Ex Fez lance
Or AN INVALID, published tar the basum owl at
a warning andlitUTlON TO TOMB° LIEN al:,
euth.r from Ziervona DeblOty , PrelDerLLTO Iraq •,;
flaohood, etc,, aopplii.e, at the tome tlue, IDE
OB IShW Bake. By outs who bat coral
himself after being pot to greet V1P011.13 and Wu: 7
through medic:al hrtabog and (puckery.
By encleelzg a pat-paid addreeuti eurelore, e:n.
gig =Ora may be had o , the anther,
mr9l:ledewV itedh.u. itioes le
WLake Bupener Copper LCII and
INO WORE S, Prregsrnan.
Itancisctur.s. of BfIEATIIISG, BIIAZIBIIS' A 131)
also importers end thane In ZIE2FALS, TEN PIA ti.
MEET /BOIL {GIBE, ma. Ooratattly no Ctrl .
7714 N BBB' ZdACHL24743 AND TOOLS •
WAiX.OOEZ, Zia. 119 rills end 120 Second 21.m1;',
Pittabargh, Penn's.
Ri7 - Bpuatel enisca 0! Ozrz,77 vr.: to my detired pzt
M'To Nervous Sufferers of Both
figlll3.—A reverend gentlemen having bees re
stored to health Ina few days, after undergoing al
the usual routine and irregular expansive mode i f
trtatmant, without nom.. consider. It hla sac d
duty to communicate to his aglizted follow ereatui es
the MUFF or COWL Hence, on the reapipt of an t
dressed envelope, he will wend (free) e copy of ti a
proscription med. Dined to Dr. JOHN M, mu.;
BALL, Odd Balton street, Brooklyn, Of. Y.
IL a 4CILLHE snppllea a want felt by slaty good
Innuskeoper. Every al est will kill • quart whet,
Mal us thick. flemember that It h T :BEE'.
mat-does this, and plass tta bate imitations Inv
tea offered. The rail article fe for sale nj •ll respect
able Dratesta.
A. A. FAILZIESTOOKE, 40.!: A 00.,
corner a 4 First •ed Wesel etreets,
J 1946wdadr
WA. 0. 010.
'K. MYR% .In,. ON.
M 1 1 ,0812180151, RZA CO. (MC
canon to BOSIINIO2I, 112111 A Humus.) WMCITIUOIVa
Wow, Form:mu Asp MAcarnurrs, Pittsbzlgh, P.
itannfacturers of BOAT AND BTATI , .I4IIiP
LIMB, of cil thee. islorts ; OIL TANEB AATILL9,
Agents for GliTABL'a PAIES , r 114JEOLOU,
for fredfog Boilers. sap
I"JORlir 0001 1 / I .IIN it BRO.,
zaanufacturrra of MOS BAILING, II:10.N VA ULTB
NVESDONV GUAIIDS, &A, Um D 1 B.corls l =ol 4.11 41
88 Third aura, beryl= 'Wood mad Iffariret. '
Rave on hand • mutiny of new Pa: tams, Lite,
end plain, imitabla for all pnrparca
Particular attention paid to enclosing arm Lot
Jobbing done et short notion. eh.)
£1931808A OIL WOW.
Long, 42111er 4 .
Works at Bbarpstrarg Statics, Aibayaszy Vann
ilailroaci. OM= and Worsham, Ho; 1:9 nevArt
EMU= Pittsburgh.
Illanutaaccrers of ILLUISMATESO atck
OATISO Z&121303 OlLliond BEDIZOLP.
leer No.l ItliP/ELD OM, lizrruuted ttau-aurgo•
alre, always on baud. .et2.lrd
—. HOLMES & SONS, Dealers
EOM AND SPECIE, No. 07 Marlon rtroot, mtg.
h, Pa
roads ou a 7 the principal cities
throughout the Oohed Stoma
AW3'.V B. •H. CO b, For-
wholesale &Ides In CHEESE, BUTTER, 5! LDS
MU, awl Produce generally. No. 45 Wood street
Pittaburab. Pa. net
cLaut .40E.475.
pßlitilObti, BuONTY ABACK PAY.
89 aCa Aga a., gird door Wow as cktudna.
troaridett &Mem tits ban boo t ths fell
re g s ' al k :A7l:4 4 o " tt a . b to oss s 0. ,v MC1 17"
'Om an she wattled tb. $l( 3 Boun t y eoldfefe
discharged by t visas of dbassi, am =aided to
dame Widows 01 &Idlers .b. dl. sr we kb:ad In
lb. ',mica ere =titled to porirroos sad nu IWO
Illourit7. am, &c 0110E14d every disalptbni. pramptly &S
-ulpha to Bo charge =dm Is any ease anti! th•
..e.•a..aa.w.n eo-t•.• a
pilAtduZir3, BOUNTY, isAla V.eLY
a macznazz,
dummy-as-La ar cod G6tre!. 49=4
So. Uf nrm ETr.*Fr, P,l:l4 . Csixab. Ya
Ckghelium is ISEttpliany_a_ndAtalatat cctuate.
Prow:atm somnsa• miry esorro
tloal 8017,15=6, tar all 41saareed &Adam' PIN •
EONS. tit inmeded Often wad 031411sny
iTZB aid fl IMS fro-WldowsePamts. Or - ,.b11
-Oldldtaa. Biaticrp sad atans, Ar_ceber itqpi
seiztatins Of than irbo twva Mod b tN tanena, Of
Iwoea altar areaupotam dlseisiazirkettni to
iii=dualpiasta •01011145541 War to
OW lo • 111 ! 11 . *UM
NAM rra: TIMID ■r
•or sea by
wisT 131&w0EIS