ME • t rt. z • :-'; - • ,44 14 .4+ 1 4* 11 4 1 4 . 4,;MA.1r? ;4 ; ' t : 1; 4. ' IMINd FilSi MIME • .• • .:•I .• . RPM :;~;:, NEM ME ==l MEM SIE3 • , Ini ME lEFM==ZMI El r• •-• • •••••.. • .'. % %.; •.: t .tn `l :4 • -.. 4t):4, • •••••;.: ' t ; 4, .•; . i.„ 1 ,; , 1 ;V::c11".••• - • ; •;•* ;!. - 0 t.• ;.% 'o o p. • • , '• ! MEM • ME ,:~, %;, . MEI =MK= M ERR ME ,'; MDR MEE UM CEBIN2 •••• EIBI THE DAILY • PITTSBITIGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED LN 1786 00.49X181110Jr, Arc. 811 "-^ Tam imciszta. "Wg. P. BECK it CO, No. 185 Lib. V arty Btring, Pfttexargh. Wtokaa•Oro oValielon literahants, eat dogleg Ix 01211 N. DUCIr4 , EB.OIrIBIOIII3, IJAOON, LARD, „ 1470431410 .% IIIISD, PHOMICIA ...U% ORME, !MID GRIM AND DEIID 1910 1T13.116.; 84 VC and LUIZ. ill 6 WIEBB k WILKINSON, Com:imam nctourrs, Wholesale deafen In WESTZEN UNNIIIVN Dawn*, wisp PSpl76. BUTTNX laGs. 'O2/115r8. and "roan:. termsny. Also, uttanra, HIDES, MIA to., No. 2.47 L.Norty street, Plttabargh. car Cann adlanonn--- • nada Coatlgnmenta no ne:had- Jeltemd • ACKEOWIC t LThiIART, noun 11./L ArD GLEN Yandona, Panama aso Ontisuroca linacmarce, for the ado of Flom, Grain, Pork, Ba ld). Lard, Gutter, . :,..d Gbaceo, Baum, Wiov, Grasso, Isothers, P Pot and PLarl Ashes, dattaratmt, Litmeed and, Oils, Drktd sad Green traits, Timothy, Olcisor, Flax and Gnus Beets, Oarh advatux• made on Oonalimments. 4 PLIT WO. 227 Liberty at, mutant. TOIIN A' CANFIELD, Coma tv aos AID POSIMIDINQ M/1014/7 aid whole ale dealer In WESTERN =SERVE MERSA Bums, LARD, PORK. DAOON PRoalfll3ll. POT AND PEARL ARAM, sairshat LIN. GIRD AND LARD OILS, DRIED sad Pl Prothro y, NaA 141 LA 143 Want street, ,1 SX. COLT • • nULP & SHEPARD, Conium eTti oN Na.aurn and dealers In FLOUR, GELLIN AND PRODUINC, No. 1443:LIborty =rod, Plttatairgh, PIL Choice brands of Mom for Baku, and Family mo imaginal, QM band. Pmldsulm attention paid to °Mail for Etterclumdltilgonorally. oed:dly ti IMISIX F. WM. QCHOMAICIGI. & LAN_ ,G Comm= ij tilwaidri and wholesale dealers In 0110C1:- SA 81,01JE,Alli, PIIODUGrs, tr.o.. ..Ta Maras street, Plata burgh. Ps. saMdly 011ARIMN 13 lili,Eoll, FLOUR AND Gam lath 1 Cm Cott Itlrscassz br tale of Qum. DUDS, CRIZEDI, PRODUCT., to asa sr -4 for ths tabasstett Unkatown DjT H. ' 6 Second sad 1.16 Mot tTssott s Dow 'weed Ws. PlOsbursa. 'TAME: L'TELL & SON, MAIDNALO. rtilmit ADD OIL, and 00.10021203 Mn. fauna for orange and solo of MUDD AND RZYLNED uoullitalco. 69 and ID wet= it., burgh. Adman made on enoolgronentn. I...TOLLAND RIDDLE, saccessor to Jno. aeon, If& 153 Libartg street, Pine bargh, GEIMUI 'PRODUOE, GROOM' AND 00 /JarMITOIDMIICHA.INT. Catuaiplamis rampactrally .elicited. beaqlly • • - I KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER,, CP . (loteostson to Brown 3 Ed.rtpstrteko.) - Waoz sass GROCERS, Bak 191 sad 193 Wert; Moot, Pittaboysta: r ' , MUM ILIANAI G en maj navEa: s'osionsit,' am a. owns Bps:Wl Punnet. 21M8 , CO • ,suoioesiorlLEo leek Neva a Co., WHOLESALE IMO.' MS, °nun of Wood and Water Wows, Pittsburgh, Puns's. , . WAS • T:.l BROOM, =DS, oarzsp.pna, AND OEINN rsurzs and Produce . pm. mak,. Liberal csah advance tandems corix. Warehotise, No. I.olBecond strent,-Plustmrgb. 114211iti ' TON -I*. a VOIGT & 00.0mooessor to L G. 1.11. Graff, PEODOGE 00111m 1 R3ION =II aIIaNTEI, SO Marty street Pistil:wet, Pa. sa i=!! " " • TORN L HOUSE 41; CO., WacaatuLa amain LED Coma=Mrsaxon lu corner of ItEkl dle usid.Watar 'tree • --Pittel EMIT Comiitasuni azd &alms In PBuDOOII, IrtA t i/a WAGON. WOOL. (MALLta, o. B 18 ,B=l at Pitteberet., rerliblt • ALC4ZiUstlthi, WHOLJKILeL3 Jill UMW= AinD (10181115SION MEIIO/IAIIT, ems coma ot the Diamond, So. 18, Pittsburgh. tohltlyaer 1111DUENX(Thr WART, Waoza aux ObX111:161 Azo Oaitrizaccs Thuairaura. Ir Iff7 Wood stria. Pittanrgh.... c 4 - DRY GOODS. JOIEN IFILIMI.J113:19 471111...141.1113 E . C.1.1111=16 lip3ON, WAR lc CO., - retourwalAsis Am) bonus= Invi GOODS, Ea. 94 Wixatitnitic third *Mill above Masud -11tbancrth.: , • a Itivitt Raman) .matieta Terlpiore, MOILS'S' WRAW,I4I, . A tb . • toldiNt :mar Tarisa,' Ki_EiLAClAtiXtr co, Dealkila imintati . 412 Tit DintILTLIu XlOO/X4. * rldetaitilisVPXo3oPow Now atirXir• kit Boma Allipeitair tr. • mlitat T: ';" - • CA - Nataillide ladkii4l - Dellaito.T.suasugiAL lama. .1414,1200t4 dimufplicas. 174141;141lifitt otneialits • • • .• . Nteignit %TDB, -Whoiosate - And Agaik beam ba soca aarout 099 asitutao, a ts Wrist DllllOl4 krofigh7rttabpreh."ll4.l4"4:, i l i tauxiar eetits At"AN wh er ks tr temesl {c! # .44 astsirosta,..l ”siAl• Intoorpar4:4 north 11.0aNa Whiatildosnal Itep WI Deja tti Al, lan& of 1111213UNCIES. 1)29! p4Xl=ks4 "aim mad 19'1f/}kit Buser. TBatmits auth i Thwassulur eralkioa4 iciiiinuFt4 airs / . 1;, - 11. , Iii'!:11th ) liwit , ; p ea mi ts ak s o,- . : • - • • • me, 1213M. - JOHNSTO2r Thiliai*oittill'inii ajopplAies473DaDlODlU rintlittfril % row , upuf , OUl3.lplitl , UM Se 'Drina VI& 44 .8 " e St= rw ir ss6 =l . adtlu , Za,; r:: FirMWMlO44O:4lO=Wl4Ol2cM'.- A .' ; : 4,,..._Wii " ' 4 '. .' 2 ' '1'0919 AmtNildiiii4sniiik i , - art Minas k ok ~p..... . ~...........„.„:. ,AA.u„.......a- LiAnalrCPS 1 ItiNef PO= IC Wac , 4Actred and Uzi* OW PitP l ± l .l l W PI!. 4 , gri c C , BA"' wow " ri:Tcgoa4. Snug rig., _1X1114,-1137 ZabertA • lithtrarsia. • , , ; irl:l4rs 84' • . 1 , rugg - •.4447gariZAEIr • It' c. • " • gotieWit.4„ ... )AWllr i = talerriSf •1: 7-). ~ 1 10 Gpig 2ll l 4 nl itizi rciadk ; MLillteSW 1041/11Z P1116411011rUP:4 4.W. L - 1 410 14GMNIVI. , TAe- "IVIS' :4: :00171fitizit 1 Lop mama w iti ob,11", reMarns•Dicarnsluourt -z 116:44416491,441441441pc, ;:- • ,13sidiiitguriOAS' ,-, ' . 9 4117 ..frirrie r AIIM E A:ffal :: tivit,4llokl6l4,l4asMramou - , arilDrimiiidilloridir' . • r.ll-WaterrataL- .4,,, , ~ 1 i , crT7rl‘!V.7?r•prVtsllroril ' -, =_TaankA 9 • , , .***l2= 4 := 0 ,A 0,0 4.0_0. 1 ilte.staaiiiand cOO% 41404.0ish:Mpidie - in. PIM 91114.414 ztt - - w ~ Jlkal:ll4l3Wil °l9l -"la MISCELLAXEODB CARDS DIIQUE&NE BRASS WOIRE - 3. CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Dianulactarere of every variety a inlabad BRAM WORN FOR PLITIOWL, mum Olt `. 6 -710111.11/STIS, AiND 00t CASTINGEI of all description:, made to order. irnuautosi soma, aTZAN AHD GAS - and HEPATaII9O prcnaptty attended te. Particular attention paid to dtthig up =PLY& RIM PUB GOAL ASD °LIMON OILB. Also, Bole agettalcrltuiWadern Markt of Penn. "plants for tho ado of HAWN__ , LAI7BDII4, a PATILHT SYPHON POLE`, .Alto has ant Invents& Baring ao valves,'U Ii not liable to gel out of order, and will thrcia more vain than any mato of tate, its du. FURNITURE Odlsll AND WOOD 01:11.129 eradalid oast 1111DIJOID IT1(1103, WHOLLSA.L.3 011 lIETAIL JAS. W. WOODWIALL, of and liii Third Street, oppaelt• II Ildiarradam a Oa. and 111 Poertb mast. aiiilo fl M. BARBOUR, A. 4 wsnnt am, arm. of Fran and Omura. Boa" BIMORE. 01111113fAir 0011.1118.41015 CIAUCH ALT ANT. And Ag.nta for oho a& of Duroars EMBPOW. DI% AHD BADVIT MIL Itiandos on comolgnment all MAI of Worn= Pro. duo, and Enka adman N. 11.—Ballrood trick of Wareham.. EMS TO WMloni 111 H. Bmlth A On., Pittsburgh 11or Dickinann. Sponsor ft ems:4 ' 1:42.19 flbspbsed, Morobanteltank, Badman 1 n. Word • anni. • teams pATENTED OCT. 8, 1861. Dithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP CHIMIOMS, Itlauutectated of i Zi FLINT _ GLASs. non Chimites er ktandott est fsase, which heating sil parts of c =eqUallYg does cot sopar lota Lao. D1T5811143r, Part Pits Mails Warks Wukingicat 'trout, soil Pittsburgh, Ps. LADIEtir FANCY LIMO ; OHILDILINI3 FAROII 111/ 1 / 6 : GMT & /Olt CIAI9 I OOLIABE3 GLOVIA RATS Atli OAP& Lvidy variety and ftyle of die above geode= bud and Simla id - • .14104 D 4 1 00.'8, - - nag 80. 181 WOOD 13TRIZT. BtAcKmaE!ifoo - waskvFoluP3. PIiTHBUIGH, PA. PAILIC t _ BROTHER,* CO% lisanfactunrs it= QUALITY araitizAoAßT Spam 714. and *a:Aat all , emos. Warnated Kcal . 1 9 AuS . . 9r. Apanuferarel. Ali Wikehms; hes:ll9 1.51 MIS /21$831002W=M; Mame; • wiJou l vaiilog jail retuni • Bre 'amithil tiiiTii =Fon Wartasetkyof .arp2 mocrimit:..Azin Ainaccoms Adapted tntla Wane. Dealers ean be =n - lildi . ritb tatinirk. listeekr and OBILIMEWS SMII•GAIZILLS and /AIM 5110113; at a Wight advance toe milt, at OZO. ALBII/116 808 a c 0.% a fyli !la. ft. encamp Wood aid Wow* ate . BOVA ti MU/ eHUncl. OBIAT BM:0001'10B LidUs' Zug. Lao.' Cons. eaten la 76 Worth 6/ 60 II w.« HI MI 160 " co u u u tr. ,144 a All other goaa ailing ray low 1123 JANES EMI 8, to Mutat drat. URN, 41000Bidl 90., Vasa ,mirouspay loirWaszE ik i fiatinat HOLDOW DUO gag Obis MmHg, Bath tag KM Km - esuia& Go, Wein sad Wes ND& Sad Dog Dow, Wagon andmatialy OarliTbsdk Orgings Alievlob tr t Naar= arble.. Ti3agli WILLLIBI CooPOUSt 681111' Nos.trita ll: l• 1 • 1.•••• •• MM =e ry asul ttuttlits ••• orf E a ran tir m .. . ; tad aqual_to., pada': ••• '' • • I t r UL - T 12 14189,T 0 . SIZSG PO% ••`• WM' ••N - • -1 .• • dlnl__ L iadlood z A an tidat • V . 7 7. rmpuir- Biogilrpnir_ caloit dicataat tail& - um- CUM,. 9* • - - - Produce & Generallommhalogierettant. • Emmultdaz pima,; End &slew man ktads or ootarzir Minx& H 0.119 L1Z11827 BraltrA_ talk*, .1111 A . H. ENGLISH lopes:gaily IL tafcaste , tba ti gaaLit ibr :b. a &ale a= 0111LatiA112.00aNaliffi ;NM ,Thigy anammasarlat ba Oa Laval Lamm ta..tho oh mom WOO art 'alWrr.BOXirert- oa. ' Ma Cl!! Wow lava Panama .ad Wawa WAS AffiLITABY OLAIMB, -, BO PINOMMAIMIAL PAlt.lad .11 1 M 2 41 :MAW smismilaiodetlase aolleded by*, sub. la th e; s e the ethewthe thtee, wt. Paidone4ll) CC; can daft* 111 pl. o=3, • anal, : tl: 'and. Plltattriti. .8.111. "bow Ns _ambit llaitbla, doss pist eseeeid and AO thfts== aihrsa irratia.- - okay fiXtee'4 l ooV ;‘Met.Orlisivtiain D m tbeatios* L ot gloitrOrni, MAUNA anine,_-armilw te-11110101101 AND WSW= TO GMT. • FANCY lIILIEWKERWIVPIPIar Ma l = mulety, CND= TE9II, • ftiabutero 4 •4 • 11 . De-The bade 'Mad CI Mit!' SW. CIiABLEB L. CALDWILL,'' OulOgginle4R/44 OILJ P °M.: 4 410E5A • Mau tittuoins,usektquAlrosp ea rs, MOM BICITIar ' OWL Up alarnor mom 7 - L win kt =2411;1411111 011017131=10111. inatleungaliMbletiamluid mar thar Ms ea imam amium.4 , i,11100310414.Y8EL10 , ' namartii.witholdikeitediittii44lo.oo bug atentis Ilaidiag absii 04.4 ZOZDOCINI r milisie aitirai.c,l A 1,,,,. ...L.111W 4f. • --" '=vMM! Flk , %*bn.l PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1863 t3itifillurgh 115azett4. S. RIDDLE & 00., EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Publication Offiee No. 84 Fifth Street. MOWING AND EVENING EDITION% DAILY. OOSTAINING THE LATEST =WS UP TO TEI HOUR 01 PUBLIOATIOS. fr II: IsPrziW.VW[rolf4;tlelw;mo 1:621 NEW TERMS OF THE GAZETTE, morsa inf t nos, by many per . 7 7A -43 %L. " tingle oopler---. 0. lEviornre Mercers. by mail, per Yrs.-- 4 40 . month- EL week-- 10. " single coptes---- 1. - WIMILLT tarnoz, eines copies, per year.. 2 00. 44 u clubs of 6to 10, " 160. " claim et 10 or more" - 12. -end ors entre to the party tending club. Tor a club et Moen, we will send the ETIZEIM Gummi ter • dub of twenty, we tilt send the Ideirase Germs dolly. &Ingle copies, 6 cents. earALI sabeniptiene dr:cap to advance, and pawn sheep stopped when the time expires. Depreciation in the Value of Gold. In the Economic Science and Statistical Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Soignee, which met in New Castle, Ragland, last month, Mr. Henry Faw cett delivered in address on the 4060 t of the Australian and Californian gold discoveries. Mr. Fawcett, after • few introductory re marks, proceeded to say that the public) had not yet in the - taut degree recognised the very important results which would be pro damd by a depreciation in the value of gold. It wu no-exaggeration to-say that ouch a de preciation, affecting the value of every Axe d money income in the country, would be felt more or leas acutely by almost every family, and be proceeded to show that this deprecia tion wee sufasienUy probable to indues every prudentparson to. take every precaution to obviate its consequences. If the present yield from Australia and California continued dar ing the next tan years, and this seemed not improbable, £200,000,000 of gold would have to be absorbed. Mr. Fawcett stated that, tar making the most ample allowances for the additional gold which would be required ly oonssquamonot thstinarease in wealth and populatictz, thaiiiitnint tits next ten years not more than £60,000,000 of gold mould be absorbed by Europe without a de predation in its value. A letter from Havana contain' some late and Interesting news from Mexico. We quote a few sentanoes :—The Minister of Peru at. Mexico, Eisner Corpaneho, has rte. calved his passports and ordered to leave the montm because he had committed the high crime of writing a letter to the President to to whom he came accredited, Jeans. Mr. Corwin was also to be placed in the lame Frpant, and for the same alleged conga. x.Forc7 thus kicks oat our...lsftr it wiltdonlitleas .In:truss •olar MU :Mier with France and perchance hasten the ..Irnpres sible co nflict" with that nation. God grant it, and , mite the Amadeu eagle teach - the Branch eagle not to soar so high In its ambi tion Bsmry gems banquet on the 15th of Au gait, osiabrating Napoleon's eallit's day. At nate he said that the Emperor was determin ed to continuo without °elution the task of Unless neonsknstlosi that ha would not abandon tfie good Work for any consideration till "the new'Empire be bad founded." (Weave the clam foot at Last." We him hitherto been told it •was the. Assembly of Notablis who '"unastfmously,' with the ex. , option of two votes," founded this um "new llospiss.") Negro !Soldier& The following in from an editorial In the alahmond A Southern paper, some weeks ago, War out a wagpstlon that tile Confederacy should arm some Ave or six hundred Shamed m gross, and precipitate them upon the Yan kees. The ingestion was douhtleil to fright en the Yankees; bat it has imposed upon ,a few of ma own people. TA/ preparing,* se too prepostercin for axiom inerwenos. Is is magi' 47 say it would Coexelswaybir °profitable tabor er for o wry toprofilabit wsdin. Let the Yankees have negro armies. Nothing but their cowardice could have belayed them into snob a folly. They - use the poor creatures as tiresetwats, bat that far with vary little ad- The • ge: floithern-peoils are willing to employ their slaves in any way that would tell best apinat the . enemy. BP ii Atm oypiar thai thy inkeloso is amp escuther in ;paw a fa rained for CIO anion. Boma Rar be °auto used in ' ditoltiagiutd throwing up Orcaitwa , audit Ls Oath!' a limited num. boy might be advantageouly onabaltuted fun teametarei though, In respect to the WM, Erna" bedoubts. • In the maitt.itti doubt, blest `add fmatia" cerojetible with ood espaoltise lethal ti they are eq battated—f Wang. ! A lama iii; the "Olaidanati Cbassacial, tad 1/m*lo'4lly., on the dist alt., says : dated IL Oran insiendtb Coegreumaa ;elide jestrowned from Washiagton. lineal witb him firm 4lotington to this plain, d dung our trip he told me that whin at National Ca tai he Ulan in tinny with . Lincoln relative to the Issue of spoon inatiolt-offering 'a_gsnaral musty to alt now in , Amu egalast.iho gotomithent whOsproand their 'same of rebellion sad coma beck to thud' alloplanees% fbadvlshi OA Prubbinsto inaraatyldl:proteollon tio .110:pormos and property of alkutandis_pueligale.wsing the genital term "propernicto Mande slues se well as harass and lindr.v,4lr. Lincoln add he would not revoke on line of Ms proolica int. • eat. SW* did not want "Pluto dOeo bat simply-Wad; that repentattrebeta be per mitted to test ther o p it if timodlot In the pielianited The daprotsedhinuelf perfutis williaa that _ es Wulf dollar. sad laid lunienid ibldely the jadleiilAwisions when mad.: : Thelintanimr. warqdte salls *tory.~ to both partial, =ld ohardasle* lir. fandon hild that iferiblnted =Wimp, the blood. nor the posepern.erths rebels. The War ' goad - nit" . Min. -. too soon tot him I Udall at Ha Wolin was found that the 'nal. antionlof descry harmful. / ',pleads Eli' 10;4s to. Mum: - = Devilish invention the loath Carolina Chivalry. OW)! the torpedoes .Lttily plated in its t ottworiltano Inlot;Elonth lialcUna,lor the purpose of blowing up our gunboa t., _was pi ohein up by the mortar Jahoonar 8. Bk. WS. ilium The machine Is about twelve feet hem L composed of tin and alno, and when :jawed gloats uptiglitiothe Water. There are 'two cylinders connected by a tube, the lower cylinder containing the yowder,,while tba upper cylinder acts as a Mat. , ail that ap peal -upon the surfecels "a mall plea of board connected with an obi musket within a fiat rirthe Water. -Any tented 'with this board diadarges-the thee the musket and "up she goeauto Vileartrivh ei the torpedieontainedelnely pounds el pow. dercestgedln a-Ctbarhatos piper of Anna Ist, 1863 showing the glide to be of donne d* teak I TtilitebAo , 4ll4l7.b•- neatlip rout it would prom/7 destroy it. IF=IIMI Flu English inns dosealbo tits privatee r Florida is Inking old fent lb.. Whits of long auto. of pan month hung during all this timuloitit'UOrpra of a few la p p stri liwi idle% an _cop to roan all and nab upon ann. litafiltt datum - to liandostropod so Ins On $9,700,., 0001trialifol - 2Waraiiingtithrind to ban el4id tbitteet te4tL d var;steddizisid to nun for kdro-gillt gorltjaPess of ea Florida a anew a stomaztraurdinary nifianliadd dialkiflinaar asicialult 1 2'1,re.. 40 ,aria. ido a. ksi w‘= .- nits 1,1.719491! . ' -** Tea Beams Bmsroviso Mem phis dispatch, of the 12th inet., snys Joe Johnston Is reportod Marching to join Bragg with all his form. Beauregard is also sending troops from Chatleston. Bnokner has lofted Bragg near Chattanooga. All the rebel trees that can be Spared from other point. are hutenbg to Join Skagit. The rebels re gard the onward marchittg of Guts. Bosserans and Burnside as dangerous to their safety. Every nary will of exerted to prevent their farther progress. RICHKoND MAlKe2B.4—TOStateee are Ben ing in Richmond at tittpoanto A quart; Irish potatoes and peas at the same prise; 'meat potatoes at one delhir a quart (the Wbig re• porter counted six in • qnart measure, mating the east one 'ahlllingeach;) and corn at $1,50 pad dozen. In meats, the lame exorbitant prices prevail. Onto of middling are selling at $2,80 a pound, joints-at $3.25, salt !had at $2,75 caoh,and herrings at $3 a dem. But- ter le $4 a pound, and eggs VI a &stn. Bantu:mut° Xurapts..--An Indianapolis dispatch of the 74th inst.; say': Orders have been rdooirod from Washing ton for 'Mum new r‘gtmouM, one for mash Congressional DistrlaL ilaw recruits will be paid three hundred dollars bblinty, and vet erans four hundred dollars. It is expeoted that they will be ralidd in a remarkably short space of time. SUDDEN DEATH OS A DANE PRESIDENT. —Mr. Isaac Seymour, president of the Bank of North America, in New York, died very suddenly daring the services at Trin ity Church, on Sunday last. Ho took ill during the reading of the Litany, and ex pired in 'fifteen minutes. A MODIL ADTIIHTIIIIMSNT.—The i011097/17g is considered rather a good"specimen of an advertisement : If the gentleman who keeps • shoe•shop with a red head will return the umbrella which ho borrowed of a young lady with an ivory handle, he will hear of some thing to his advantage. dr a crowded concert, a young lady, stand fog at the door of the hall, was addressed by an honest Hibernian who was in attendance on the occasion: °lndado, miss," said he, "I ehoold be glad to gin you a sate, but the empty ones are all fell.° Tex Ruins is Aastsams —A. recent Mem phis dispatch sage : From Arkschal I learn through Southern sources that it is sot contemplated by the:obeli to makes Asia, but abandon the State Capital, if not the State, to the occupation of oar tomes. A Nzw daily newspaper has been started in Memphis, under the name- ef the Memphis Dairy Jaunted. Its editorial- . management willbe tionducted by fdr. William Randle, recently of the Ratio, and formerly of the Anna. Mexico. A Dterartrn from the Army of the Potomac nye :—Refaircea and deserter* from the coun try between the P,otomso and Rappahannock come In at the rate of ten firer) night. A PERSON can live comfortably Itt /spin for two ante 111 day, or fourteen outs a week. A first dais house mete thirty dollars l D MOWS PlaMlB 1— TELE BEST IN AILILBIOII s' ! We hem received • let of PIANOS from tip ode. heated menefectory of DIGKEIR fiBCM. Them Plante ma 44Mb:ribbed %folio, cemeidered so the bat In America, mad Archie preference to other", mad et Concerts In A ei rack.; Ws Melte-the pftbile,aelfetiedhlie the elmi rime, to mil and menahm mid are 'cordldent that It. feareama mcommend Mama/ ft DM STEINWAY'S P1A.1 4 108 z' • -P -evestived the /7847 CLAW Path, ' 111D4L, at the Wow's I n, Loadcx4 611•Warrantad imparts/ to all others to wag ni• spas,. a catr stook of ltpoban Jos: arrtvits. RT eoL Agra 4 ter tlo dittrlail ia lbr o ttle Stalnuay .ats we o "OM mod Kff"IVIEI PIANOS ABS: TSB .13187 FLOCS IV Tam'-' 0UM1T114.. - Wattaatad afitt pan. ' SRO& PIABOd an nu but Mama Md. at the pito. 114111AHALL• TaAVZ/111 .PAIILOB GINS NAM 8 at II O. Alio, PB.NOM i CONINE: ODEON& OHABLOTTI BLURN, Vllth West, re! Bala twat brt6. Maathataxers. Nonoß TO 00Ale - BOIROHILNTP.' V: el. 009 f0111:1101:11111, firma:amt. fleptetabose 9th, lee 3, By direction of the Becretary of the Tammy, 19021011 lB 11111111 BY 4719115. that attars% haW and tarps, Wen with c64,lltettatel io' say place la the owes of lament*, Aeltammt„ Me, CFA or Lantana. (except New Orleans,] are es etetred to be 111111OLLZO MID 1 4 011118tD. imut obtain a clearance, tad pay Me per mettle; far 6 OPUS It, on Wm:kat value of tke mil In bottle at thb Pelt. Iknite darkbatettor Now Orionis 1119 nqatred to oh. telsehrizaaesatuteate hoods that the 2011 treleand pmt be &livered at any pine or rut ell at oar e plater other rhea ilerlirouted on the reauthot. Bach dramas 'put be curdled by the Main at Ilstrerleaus;ayelmuturast to ttite rage, pit rltdet df erbleh thehoua earl contracted tor, tar the nee of the Oohed Make, VIII not be exceyteroaloor moving under ary or Din] orders. I Ally debates Cl Ibis orilu'irta rubject the boat Id largo to tortilla's. t• the United &atm I Te teoOUat► trade sudNrold dash I woult sup .l that the sealter7JP•Pos be ;mend a terribly* before the toutesupW•l /mean of tee ball& - tIaAS - W , B•TOHILOB, erlktir Be or rreloot.. WILLIAM . A. WARD, DENTIST, Booshow's BuS4log, Ed door. back; =tuna ilitLibtety stmt. Ma bmro tram • O. m. 11113 p. i n in du to amp* tisolmodthi on th e port ;boar rho am call,coos caa I doom it m, azt7 deasinto pm. Of 60 thlop comics ta Worm. .1 dantbuy, lib Ic 1 i I do not do. ln tho lint 140 not eto • 4ar's otodlt to au on& 14 ske clump We or tam I : do not maw% 11 .nt.u.,. goundchealtstrterib.- In otior -to attlActal on.X. DA to any tattittfo do: Itbanattos. of • warns roftbig ib ia, 6; l ' awl 1201 4111 1 0•1 ant allaylillif Vgrli @OM laft 7 14 4_•••.tustroutottq 0/42 , 4 m g& as .d&it 4 oAtot do. /rs r etkolop of atstutt4 prim lot -11gft MI Wily WA. bat -• Unita and golf. wi ns wood a Ito hat of •11 otbettil in taste aos, maim. Um lit all cam tinonir. Involitza the onnennkon Of tb• tostb.l4o cot bateau tit make ass ant. Ai to th . m o n , n i. gaup or plop c 4 ADM • swam of wida- I- - tesottal la • thwimis of-wo in u nt. tomil•titittoloati to sof ttortola Or Patine! .111101334211111#0 1 11111/0111 1 1 1 1kin. , : iti f i rancatlo, OtITLIF ILLW,NILL9, ju i p pl cans t i mly am hand • tup and thorn/his lossomsal iebek 011:01[80,1t0AT AND =Tom WAAL WOWS, /Mita Burr. LlNtur4 141543114114 301011116 Ilirounao. Lump,. m. 13011. to. at, as. EC•II3 Alkonhrir tor IaWID etta rrenAu is telt Wu. p enoss =ant Wig THOM Of POP. tA_oto omit:dull' Invited to .nanoit 4 ,o 4 Aar 0111141 co pals ottee4 sear BOSUN. ablattl OPICN , AGAIN! , I.3lllumuBBe IEO. 87 811111111TILD 6>BUZ Postman, Pt saursidisi aital opts dor a lmils. en &al. cedes of theme= always on . wor Delletoes OlltTlhil, the hat ol theketexe4, setts , JOKES' Fang/ ThfeinsirEstabiishment, ' 11111P111 'rah eiftegai to Iwo 'mks &Whim Amu, XIMIUM• -TEMA 11: Mid", Haar Pan gi u m _ plp - SYrr itto irofrikthi n e . • 77, Nina "Wianotinitrup4= Widinfachie.l* alma AdValatelao; kat fi l a ac, lio n diekiiitoft • P 14,41011. J. M. 11011FMLE t DUO., No L qfl FlRtk dame. atfuogis . ,7 arr. RVOZEINE E&TING Hamm 081.0 6z., AIIZONRIT Calm L 7-4, ,e .Iv7IUSEdIIE.X7I. iI'ITTS.I3IIIIOH THEATRE. Logan and Diartuer---Wit. n 11213:1 ZlOOl4 Trourarer---. ----.......11. Ovinnurres. moral it mot:tent of the charming yaung ad:ress. Miss SUSAN DENIN Wbo will prremate, to the last time hare, the . oolleen Dawn." in as pant Irish a.matico drams, brought out with new mechanical and oxidic tint% Llisa Dentn will dog the origlael lonse el ••Pretty Girl !Vain,/ her Goy,. end ..tdrulakerti 1.191,12." Tlll5 (Thamday) EVE/SLIIG, will be yerforTd, Colleen Baton ILLS O'CONN OR . . . . , Ali ND hzth r c EDE/ILI/4 eaaLse WAY.% 111YLI/3 j.irx. crai r. SEFTON. DONNY MANS_ .hir. ealcs. No other ohm on the rrt , a Drentng. CARE COMING, &T CONCERT HALL, SON 511 NISNTS ONLY, Commencing Monday Evening, Sept, 21st, • iiNORRIS' hfIINSTRELB. DEMI BAND, BUBLDEQUE OLD POLIES' OON. MUT. From their Opus Bone., Boston. Return et the CHADIPIOBB, after to ebsence of throe years. Dvaryibrng new; notbi , g old or worn oat. New faces new barite., and tow ettractiorm lONVIN- T6ES 18 tAB LlaH ID ART ItiTB. ttlso. the won der of the world, kir. 010. F. DOLL, the Midi.. wel.bad musical geol.. and his 'modulo' OBYISTA- L'e NIA. the Ent and only inshom‘nt of the Med over exhibited. Bee mammoth patens, pamphlets and programmes. An n Ire change of programme every sight BR more and read the new programmes. Q Doom opoo at 7 o'clock, to commence at 8. Carde f sdroloinn, 26 cants; Orchestra Brats 60a. Ciakteen magndloent pictures of the member' of this Troupe, Caen by Karl Bweatoo ' of Quebec, Pho toyraphht to toe Royal homily, London, will be on exhibition In front of the Ball daring the week. O. A. MUEBIB, Ilsneigar. W. A. ABBOTT, Aromt .al5lOl I`7 l - I A , MAIt , ONIe HALL TUE FAR-FAMED SANFORD OPERA TROUPE 171011 PHILADELPHIA Ito shore celebrated Troupe ev 111 make their - pearnrtco. for • abort wasoe, at thle yopnlsr Han, commeaciag on BIONDI Y LPaISINO, Sopteuttor 14th, 186.1. This Troupe., erd!ch has eltruys bran cheractstized for Its spirited sod attractiv entertainments, has httelv received many additions of the moot ta'ented pert:rater. in the pr.feesion. And POW, In addition to being the oldest, It Is the thirst Operetta Troups in the United litotes. The programme for each weeniat will comprtee mazy choice gems of hum v ent comedy , eeritlmeut, burlelque et d ma ting op the moat delight fut Ina saltectir• ectectenuecut. Prot CILIBLE.9 A. 110811.11 will preside et the Entire new t..M Go the opening The whole cinder the harcedmia direction of 8. 0 BANVOND, who wiU appear In porton. No repution of acts, Grand change ul rbtl7. Admission 25 cent.. .ests 60 arra. Ansrumn perLinne .co on dATUEDAY, Se - tem for 19th. 134.111101. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH TaNABUI/I DNPAIPfrOGNT, Orme or Oriagraol.l.l3l or tug etnittinat, Washington tit,. August PM, 1663. Wntana. By earafactorp evidence presented to tin urderelated. It bra been made to appear that the FIBAT NiTIONAL BANK OP PITTABONON. to thetatmly of Allegheny, and State of Fenney ita- W, hue been duly organised order and according to the requiramenta of the got of Ormgress, cuttited "An Act to provide a Notional Gorranoy, ennead br a pledge of United engem steak and to provide for the cirruntkin and radtraption thereof,. approved eh , uary 23th. Lint and km compiled with all the *mittens amid Act requital to be compile] with ormmencieg the bizabiese of Banking. Bow. thenfora I, Boon NoOvbrcCO, Oomptrcdler df the Curry an 4, do henry wittily Me mid td NATIONAL BANK OP PITTEBOEGEL county of Allegheny. and Otate of Pennejleanle, 34 authorised to annotanto the bushicas of Banking on. dor the Act afareraLL .-•s. In testimony Witted Tam en toy hand 1 and seal of ottice, this Gib day of smolt, DSO. Enron atomizooa, ~+ Oomptrallar of Ma Conaticy. PILE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA., ! ( LATE PITTSBURGH MUST 0011PAHT.) Qi,iw, $4.90.0000dih priotklro to worm. w z000;000.. The Pittsburgh Trust Company hating orgashtel Whir the act to provide • National Onmeacy. under the .title of the YOST NATPOBIIIIIIOIII. DI PITTCHUABB, would rmymtrolls offer Ire serricia for the coffectlon of Motes, Bills of Mohan., doe, moths mousy on &pad, andhuy and sell 11. Change on all parts of Ow country. The aims "hi& bee attended- the Pittsburgh Taw} (kingiany since its organisetlon In IESI, will, we Celine; be • matbcitist gowncaul thu Inudzuns entrusted to the new organtssUcm will remise the aime prompt attention. Harms, a„ marts • entendrn toroupondimce with Dante and Bankers ihrtroghont the country, Ire be • ben we out offer natural realties to thole who de Itrulttemi with us The budgets still be comitusted by the game MO- O= Mid Motion. • PLUM=: JeIIIIM LullslM. Ala:sada 80er, 13obett 8. Hays. hands G. nsk ' Alex. os Witt!twan. Sammillas.Widish Wm. K. 81m1tk, JAW= UGHLIN, Preabiemt. Joni D. /MULL! Aar/VOA. nOLLAB ta&VINGB BANK, No. 61 A" lam thaur. OELETIOn 1$- 1866. , Open daily tom . to loNelmici Apo n Wedneedu L6aturday Ili tram Nay id to November ream T to II o' and tram November ler tr let hem 6 to II re to recalred of all alma not lam than One :ter',, and • dtrldeadot the mite dealaled Moe 6 .la Joni and December. latereal buboes de. Wed aena-annitillty,th Joao and Deamster e elms {ha Bank eres'orentseir, aril* rate of di per opal. . 1,1 Vettelet, V noi &Me 01031 plamd to Memel a t tis en astrau t s=ks o na si taus i a za ks t ra tip . Minfo -avow slthemaroabllns the dept.& .er !yen toplamit bli pan book. ~ 86 Ode as.mow .. wl l l &VAC in less ylum emairepeara,- tookh caotazatt. ther . Cl4l4l4 87-141% tido .. Ilaitiletkeseilkilligeo NWIS/ Pa •IN Pada. - a 7 piltisittncotair aißigii... ' V= twins's: 1 ! Joho B. itgriann. tem B . rinno4, 1 Job* Iledatee,, John llarahall., • A/slander epee - - Jut,. B. Allude ' Billg.b. . • ~ B. It. Pollock. LB., haw fi1r.0.4 . - ilill Ihteggin. . Jima M,V,Maa. ". Ville= J. Aridenosh, . .. Gado lama," labia. Baakafen, rabh 'C. Wadley. Omens lack, - Masao 4 B Wank ton 6 Owlet, Marla 141 . :U, !nuns Wbs illiem B. Ham. Peter Ilbelumi a 11, El Haiku,: m .Tear D. Lam William B. Laney, MAI ramzerais 4 -- , , Tarr .li . .kradatrs, %Orr P. ktendual, lotto Orr, Rebut Bab, Hwy L. Elam% Jessai Ethltlfr, lan U. %Mum L e illeMarior 'Ural% WMlrmi VirdOrk, Iwo Whittier, Wm. P. Wmman, -Obviddia•Yearsr.' ORA& &COLTON. 1 111281• N PBBBLII SPROTALOLBS. its attatti or _bigots =dal, Oomph" kinks h:4¢ll of pseik. 1111138141/1 1210311I.SPEOTAOLES . . . Are iiestries 40.1741tiannseitsof ear Mithad IsigeCUttp =gad= in of than ma red mastano- Oa gumbo imeo. 10,161:61 , , . /;:DLILNOZEP. its•A:33 4;vtigtm FERR;iRiER _ANGOIIIWRIAI4 Wows, A 'ass i b = " BdTA. 7- N r 2ll , - .err f " sonnies saa ii.l3ftesi• PLUM tAldknallilliittltto iota* 7 - Y1.117 "1 11 1 I APAO t ! ef,s ; 7 • ' • OILS, IY c. TACK & Bliii, Benkan In Crude & Refined Petroleum, Benzine, &e. ~ i ~:~ Bashms tot trolled to our me vat mein oar prompt . korrooal attentlea. Hear to Hasa Ittobard•on. Hark/ nomet. Plaits a Co.. and klanalland b Doti; Pittabugh ; Thos. Smith, rao.; Pratt. Bank H. AL; N. L. bettor • Os , obiladololita. iantlad - D MILLICB, JD., doinft . , 123 WALYIPT ST., PEATIADIZ.MELL °RUDE & REFINFD paraoom On Comalafon mins:Way. M dares at moll ramorcabla rata. 1310.1340.11 NOR =MEM In ma collars. Sol MODE, lindarion goodatiodo. Mr Unist ottontlon paid to OIL ros xr, SORT. rarnalo—OAOSTlO SODA, SODA ASH. to CAB(Yr k PEMBSRTON, ' _Vasa DENIN OZNEBAL KUORANDIBE DEOE-ERB. LIS earn hen Brae, Crude and Refined Petroleum, CIAMITIO SODA, 80D& MIL 81/11115TOES, DROG9, 0114 at, ,te. MillrCrdero to boy or sell promptly attended to. ma:ly AL LEN ,t NEEDLES, PEITUDELPHIA, Commission. Merchants. Particular attention paid to amalgam:As of CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM A nor Liberal adrazuxa mada. HENRY ROB, No. /I Nonni Purr Slllign PHIL! DIM PHIA. BBOENE AND 00MALIESION ILT&CNIANT to Crude and Refined Petroleum, LIIBBIOLTING OIL 4LIID BESZOLI. Aad dialgt to Grads awl &Amid Pr/ROLM:3I BAJIBELL B BEWEB,_ BURKE, aOO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agouti et ide GLOBS, PAULI° AED LIBZWIT OIL WOREB., alis or Literal ouh advances mada on nocudininenta Relined or Crude Petroleum. ClO6. Dvgomo W AT LIED HANCOCK Snow, ,21:0:13r IKON urry OIL WORKS. LY DA I it CIIOI2PENSING, I= (110/130151 OIL, BEEZIEri L.ND LTIBBIOATUre as ups pgrsozzurt. ego - Works, oppollts Bturebecri. Office In,Plll/31 BWQK. Daqplecas liNeh /itmauseus. WALES, WETMORE 400. cobaanaszow zasatmEE4mxws. lIIIIPPEEUS OF PATILOLMOBI, IL MAWS'S LAMA, 11W YOZI. car Axis* batter la aTOBMI MID UM each at taalz yud aalli witirs. lm ans. ~ maylirtl OIL KEN need not be examined be , the estormarmat of the Balk whim On an ban their 011 Waded sad= aithoat hterldae the elp Whams.*ohelmostas prompt, with hmt MA, lam trouble sad to NOW cedar, et areas ota 7411 D, . • On tha Weels, Tansy Weak Omni lantrahea.. Iltle, wham Oil la pumped tram the boats Waal to the aim ectil ix ed to plat, Zed or Wed. *thud atO i ° I prom Do at Yazd. lin Cdtioon •PLelethelt X. X. . pat Whoa edema. BOX ON. =nautili; et A am Do nen Aatiy at the 011 atchongs. WS DAI7II/ arm R/OHARDISON, HARLEY a co., Comminion and Forwarding Iliordiants, CRUDE . REFINED PETROLEUM, • hin, tP Thir/i/ 427itain Presuzem • r Lead oaks arm= cal‘ PittOarg4 yr Mast= nutdit. MCM=I taw& J, L Vamonse 004 Etraxmas Etazgares, Os. ' Tamersos Dm; 11414, Piles • ' mblCteal ROBEAT. 413HWOI$TH, iso I tr. 440.1irrtuirr — tats, Formable it CoitiagOon Meroludit saintiuturetnia i imistatria t tairai NUROLIOII otas. a coostaagrag 040. mad obo sillukkma, ma nn wow .oamprzses itamaiK wow:mum offaisproami extos,6l-matlamaasur vas RtnunsooLk stlWilinlartna ot4T, Fsamasagy aa bank the Ilfr belt 0 1 01 01000/40 movettbou lti M i Vig gifiraLT9ss simMUTE cramlsfi 4**,13 Salmi iiiiseariiik plcoks r r ozatlicats bamadatisa las *IIABIOND Ons WORK& " fru Auzuksourmi,. Ward* i:l9li plane up cLUukiik On, m umw od brinnm ths. • VA/ DOW ta la , 80:41 . /Wart wrinalTs at Id =CM vZIOO44OMILI WENT Oils WOMB. : KitisQUlnned rocs watnisiimpla omen me. eamotolgiiss4shist, . mom= L nraintsia.•PA. atrAND • " Dads* , can ASD -BIM= 0114 nin ZAPIBIN 1 7" 1131116 4°,* alleCtaantallUlZlEMT,,,fros,lnAll4lol7 Inas% Ittubing4 Pim higraysi JAMAS IRWIN; - 1171',,r1 * C1ia11 6 0 11 0 101114111 0 11161 7 111 4,411.: /4 - 4 1:14W 1111 VOLUME LXXVI---M). 262. rEcm%i'mii)nu. W . - PAWS 7 j WU,ady prolla trout yrytdona whickStek . ; OemYiny COM air* bY low •of frosCrigka vblol ban bean deteriatrod., _ losoranto mole on non Qom- Om * l =4 and Jo toe • : coantry, et Wee •• knit sitars • yitimee#Q. ' Mom Opb• bkorittablon. • peikerdi th . irty yeas Qey Itne_yealosses by Om to an umem•aearliorz Arbor Million of Dqaars, thereby Medics errkbest• et ilbeadvani honnexeias go Utile Q(5. V il a& dimoWes, to ;ma eitib wampum OILS. I=l2l • rssuaoca COMPOC Vlrr 0 1 7 1 14TE581111611. - GOB MU X)/Pxrdfro• Uhler %WU* ova WClTrensl4 , llll7ZU Was. Iliporiedbiloraraigatir Discise yip iiis Orissa is;00 pOsimis , !MAW* .fipar. ey e fia OW& OP filMilleaja id/ 0•41410 a gkoa Oaks to is 4~14 lsesse,varozza mow • BM* ismis . =Yr rani.' ' . 117^ U Nafittki 2 4 3oll i rcesirt_PWlT4 /12, fildUttaliNUEL /IfatatAliOß *CREPT "OR irOzent: ana t iaLl ; insuFancieckgelfilitateof geaues.;;: Hartford Piro Irn*tat ChuolOtait: wringraius Is Um 'bon palm "ni miKatsed by miltake _ _ . Disko 01.22081SEIMANCE PITTINIMQII. atrod , Wouecedlleari - • - 4 - • 4: • • • ~ - • SWUM 11,114416, . -- 4:'s1;: - . zzAti Imialiataimbastessal • • . ; lenriffielptull Mend daEnska gulimilithß: telbaritabissiltil Mehra - agizig es 11=14111 ..... ...„*Pliaa=Z uw, i11a11,.....5is 3.: vatc,/ 1 • "Flrl:- ,- 1. - -.1.:' 01 Iliac: ug , ~:,, ,LIALI t -, 1.1, ~,,.1.1 • jr- i im i .,„ ~.. ..., M r, smi , :o ", u. ,:,...: ... r k iiirn, , : i . -:, ~ .., , ,,i -1 ' lkaP ittr4igna. -'- - ‘-'''• • . . _ ... pEOPLEEMMUILANORO) i• •• - 1 0 1:141. 1 1:09W*trik4iiitilnateis s intitiotoittato - ti . tad - iiito. Dirpßffluatiiial :,.i., . 4 sassi,..i.,, 1 ' IMO W&U. • • • ~.. '.. ites L. Maripv Var. 11.1144. 4 _...-' •• Pi Illathw t , Sola Z. ?win. gam 2,, km% • r. 11. 1- Ottuive IL 11.1.4;... I 41Elokilfailow.' .1. i ..110116, LikiLIDIUM . .4: t ! A nrectliggr - INSIMINCIIII::CIOW &Cum, aimr,z,,p,p)pttopiPAPN stesscamakintax- .:. . , - U. _ imps uponntmacir IN nurraempu Air • !.)! /I F4 4 ;9 l 4lMblifiraiiii i ., , - - ---• •,-,: .trolitagEsin.}i t ur ,..._.':•-•et '::-. ;.-si.x• - limeialso, . .hialL i size,igftkzt :r.t.:. - :Xlie; Adak " .- " , t 1 • . :724:1/ - % - : - lai lit urai ii 7., , m. 11:WW.; I late r f i rt • 13 1 0 1w Ar all i "14 • Era IPPOLS/F1F,AP5 , 1140 3 k4 11:;p11;11111011111411D•41411114 fia - 161100;I J,lter7 ,2-4 7777,7 .44. r; v:tk 011.5*,..*,9 • 4AZ.l'in.4 . ! , 4 .4fraPlN4,ll. j 3 4"76.1 !. .11 M 711114412446147. 4Z,s ''iinnajgarg "; - 0/3461, fie. itIDEB B GLUM' coxrazalog rrrrl•7:t"T!" muumuus Lan F JrsoncToolui. ctiaiiss, 61 BROAD ea WOO MUM. ar i tta ks tits PORTIA= 5Z80913110.11. WO BE D MIK ELHAIMEIN CWIE/A 00X2 , W. CIULTMAN 4vMt. 60 Hand stew =I 11/000 CAIZEEIDER. OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 south Waite* SC. QEDiIiGO LID AY d CtIMMEINISIN Ina City Oil Wceka. JAM Finns', J. Painter AO% Jim R. eluima••.RDlS6.CLp3Lnta 172.k1id wALue,c4 aIICUBT/SSI OCRIXIMOS JOIRCULASTI9, ' - /Loa dialers to catat2 dkitartilp nuouont. No. 60 NOIITHAILOONDMILIST. ittr Morns tattidtt Wider wirer) tii-lb,0(51 eteelleat 0;447ta *weft= sad Foreign pens. It mr oh the &WWI Unt, mei the &Mani of the Puna. Wit Jll2.lKy al .M. IWI. pI=)LITB OIL WORKS, 1LU1914171411111 EMU QUM CM= mum AXDIITIOLZOIII L9111111.11X11 Clapeltrarostioamod blankipat ImPal4 88898.4 G 543 71 Propristors. sr Mae, hicumgebals Emus, Plttaburgh. mit isra 17 , 1 .4.111.41. Vt• TNDEhibiITY =8 1.0138 .L 11.111. 1/13.1131X,thavaLNaitam. , pear tar . osacs, 43t! oak l Obratant 'treat, near rinll. , Inatanzent of Loath gums, lot. InA ptaLlahltd • at • I to an i a m cild,Aseeintay, beiajr• F„.„l6: l Beat :I.ll 4 l renes alllo3,ainEl)norr ne.,OllM , - Tamporary Loans. on amyl. Oellataral &marine - SRAM 1 Stoats, (prima halm 580,661 cat., Allinake, Noted and MIL Lana ants INdrat : Las paid i iidas tn. you i5ea,......40140115, samonflti j r: - .1 gab itszabir . . 1 to. 1, i Lt a H . , i , i k Toblarlfoiplwi • . - EDWARD O. DALE, rke tri,06 , 4 ,1 " ILl"s Y lardim . Amoral:l6w . .., =ir e , iWtoolgoitholot act Wood k . . ... . B.iolllinislu,tle., - 1 - A 1 idr i .P r-a kbh - i 1 . Jaa r AlcaiderßPr t raitnslHm .- Dotilak'&" = o Alra • lbokki • , : L am4: , „ O.W. mLaaili. lobs X . : l , l : ol Rti - - , • IZMEIII ~-t Tv • •ii• 1-J • . ..„ et Willeakisk IN II E7:31 =1 OEM