V El NE M .-~. ~- ~~~ ~_~~o SATURDAY MORNEG, SEPT. 6, 1863 CIT 44.P.FA188. or °MOM PAPER 07 THEI OITI The Writ of ilebens (*input—The .1 atiolitetioa of the State Comte— ... Important Opinion by Chief Jets. thee Lowrie. . . Commoninalfis of l'ennuivania ea rc.Srloas -r•, , McLain, Bug. :Iterwiek, Farquhar, Barra anti Barkley is Capt. B. S. Wright, Provost Marshal, di. ' BIZ irsits4l Aden corpse before Chief Jos tles Lowrie, for the ratan of the relators. held as dratted sottllers. Opinion of the Chief Justin of the jurisdiction of tier State ;idle: ny,in zilch tun r . '' _ When the firstarthes• gelatin' was tams op before me retaliate, - on Aare= corpse, no gateau WU raitielabout the jurisdlittatt,of the Stanandges to send this writ to a Fed. eral oilier. In the. sec nit care,tlto Dietriet - Attorney is; the Usti - Stasi, aotieg under instruetioos from the P. vast hisnlsi Gener al, at Worthington, did airs the quettion, and the case was adjourned ordatnat he might make snob a return ss weal put bin oilho. elan on tau record ; but a a fterwards detain. ed to hails the objee tlo in that ease, and it was heard and duell ed on its own merits. Of nano I woad not esi heard it, if I had not believed that no nses are wi th in th e Jadicial competence of this State judiciary ; for the courtesy of the ed District Attor ney could not nippy iti want of authority. In the present cues t • respondent, under the advice of the Di strict Attorney, has made a rotor's in which bees pis to my jtuladio lion, and I ;have heard all that th e counsel desire I. say on the to eat I find nothing in what hee been peas sd that 'inhere' my long entratainedeonvi one , and I feel bound to show I have not beta heretofore and am not now guilty of In lion . Even terns State judgewhave ta t, acted this jarisdie. flea to the State jedicia , and this mikes its vindication tho more i ortatt. I obterve a very :see deaden of the Ein. preme.Pourt of blbehig , Spangler's cue, In I I willoh two, and perha s a - majority 'of the judges, nem to have to on this prinelpie. ontrhey can tensely said tabu* diacasseci the qsasellon, however c fully they may have coas.dered it; for the do tot devote more than icier or five note tea to it It all their publiehad opinions; See Ace. Low Reg. of Augnit, 1863 And tliore, as here, the else was under the ghat of Conaren of 1881, end the Ewe draft. They seem to found their derision on the opiniorrof the Supremo Court of the United Sates in the ease of Ablemin es. Booth. 21 Howard 501. Bat that out decides onlyratat ia rhoner cannot be teken cut of the custody of the Judietal Department of the Federal Government by meant of a hol , ear corpse is. sued by &State Coon. Ido not understand the Chief Justin of the United States to have meant more then tide ; and it blond, be =mat _ . • telete than the cue eatied for, and all beyond is mere arbiter Wean and cannot be taken, by itself, it thilielent authority for to important sprinclplo. -• Thoprineipbs really deolded in that ease ii a most important emend I Melee to believe that it la not now questioned - by-any one.— It was insane all to Willnolleirt in a verydisor- Orly wiz, and ant of that disorder that deal• den aeon., It was questiontd to. our State in the oni-of.- ranatore _Williamson and twin decide - din bereorrect 2.oasey, 0: 8 Wright, h. 3 The point decided tn those cases does not at all support tin • otjecaan now wain ctn. sidaratban. • Judges art the fanistoinaries appointed for . the trial of rights; and they may commis for ~ trial or in consequence of it as a part of their __generatjhrladle inn; and therefore they are not caproted to show their authority for any Particraler riat.of of imprisonment, esoopt by their records, end to their judicial importers. - But all erecutive,-legisialivo and military funditmaries hearing no nth piwar, most; as . tify their restraints of liberty, when their le gality is disputed, before the Jades to whets fun/Along such guestlons annoy Wong; and the habeas corpus is the writ or suit by which they are requL - ed to 4o no. It is ir.tsnded to operate on all entre judicial rettraiuti of no uns and it, more clearly thereon, other rent. ady, Impresses and embodies the prized& that every man shell have a speedy hearing for his liberty', - before the regular Judges of hie Nitta, and by due oSuree of last. ' . • "Thlit lon been the law of ithreelves and our utoestrinlfor several hundred sears, and wo have always found it conducive to liberty., '. sadist very rare !nemeses her it been used in asellsorduly way; though It duo require the jadielary very often to interfere with and set - aside the sots of the very highint seekers of • etherdepartmentscif the government. No conflict,,nu between them , on this sot, is at; . 'all probable whin oath is timed: desirous of Wig guided by usages Col:dill:tint and the laws sad ordi na ry ean of the country, es' measly as is reasonably practical:oi, and_when each Is rossonablyruce allot of a.* fanations of the other, as each ought to be. Tide it the nature of the writ of habeas corset that Is granted to every ono by the Coastitution of the Culled States. It was an It otitution or remedy to wail known that it is • not described in the Gonetirotten, Ent merely eased. It Ls substantially, et least, the ha -bees corpse deecribsd to the Statutes la Chas. I, and St Or. 2, though not always limited at they were, and three von substantially in force by adoption or re. eratotment in all the Matelot the Union at the time the Federal Contitation wits adopted, and tbis declares , that the.privilege of or right to this writ cr ' tail than nor be asps:idea. unless invasion, ornbellion MOD it nemasery. Oar 'statute was and Li broader than the old English ouch &snot broad es the modern Begitsh one. As 'then used, ibis remedy was entirely in the hands of .the Stati.Tadges, ant was applea- Pete all sons of extra Midst nstratzin of liberty, ender loy. pritezt whatever. TM's, ' there omit thertinit or privilege, thnevery. whin silt fug by,Stato law, and no whets by Fedintl !wr i the& was secured gigabit sus parttime and it no where appears that it was tatendint to bo at all-interfered with by the Federal othatitinfon, escopt in this litbility. to szspenelori. It is a man's right to brief; his snit for his personal liberty, and bare it promptly triad., • Why, the*, shell it now be said that Fede ral caws shall not obey a 4 abeat corpus is sued by:a Slate judge? The Chief J intim of Dilehigan says, in flpengler's cue, that, be guile an qrs..' against the Unitsd.Statee IS axe/441140y cegnigable in the Federal courts, -titerefefe Nibs Gracia of power ander soh sew Witty Ls equally under each exclusive juts .dietion.g lliti after'a dune and rasped/al eft:tiro in Altai this eionsrqullsco follows, I oaten my inability to do so. The learned Chief JUISIOO quota Chaneellm Kent for hire catmint. but not for blicenehation.; Bat awn the Dreading page of the Conuentaries, p. 440, the Chancellor lays down the ruts to be, that, in at imprisoament by a Federal raw by otos or nada pretext of Federal euttort ty, nat. - Indicts!, the State and Federal courts have coacierreat juisalation by Micas corpse, and haeltis Many &Mho:like for this. • Another if the turned Judges in aping lees ate cafe, other' Is nosh appearing in the case to. that -the Commissioner, in, good faith, claims to hold -the relator under' . k.'sdersilottatotity; that this authority is not a more FriliaStebut that the Commintoner, widths auttuntaas ender: whom he eats, are honestly endeavoring to early Into elan the serinirementsot the eel of -Coogrese (of 1863 )= and of the Feder a Eximatireeth a matter vi . tat to the safety`of the 17niort. Tee quistion, --:- titers/ore, of Jim 'asibority -et the Oom.' salssioner to , held .his hone for the purpose stated .if ' ouci p , _ which I think . ippropriately ' belongs tei ths- Federal, and not to" the. Stets tooth?: Bore again I, Meat nitres 'my liability to perceive how the.' tioistilusita , follows from the psalm TS* gunk( eta° acts of the Federal caters doge not nom to me to Dross' the =derive finiediet' hue! the Feders/Sourta in. relation to them. I rather balite to think that ta• isarnsuljedge did not intend'so shots an in ferion.. - I find ,. therefore , no 'authoritative that decision excludes the jut:diction of the State jn. &OW yin slush emu. The Federal Cantata. *i Odin , that the Federal judicial Power 'hall extend to all ewe in law or -equity *gib* under the Moral Constitotion and laws; but' this hes never been haltle exclude the larbdietion of tha,State courts from the reed of Mltn.where one ot the parties founds his elsier in a Valtal law t though it fur. sashes. ACeesstituitostalluttlioatieu of laws latefaisitilli such Oates by the if s dost- adietarti.- Gases almond whore the ShapPrigie hatirthlWintarfired by habeas otp/s c pith , shesots ot,ltedorat Muss I 0 . , Attintliyitill; T-Blow,llllB ;12 Hew Ifam.. lief; • It ,Maretre'll; 131;133 * -24;P10tt.-1 17 ; 10 Jobs', 08; 7 approidij I W, 16), dupla% on MN C::•Vit**•l:4:44W*4°4"'.4“ • • the Constittitimp 2frd—l i t Etta on Hub. Corp, . Story : fnhis work , on the Constita tion, vas the'followbig quotation , from the Federalist on this' pone ntbjeot "When, in !addition. to this, we eozeider , the- State government, and the national itoveriamant,ns they truly ire, in the light of kindred tome, and as parts of one whole, the infcronMe slims to be, eonclustre, that the State aerate would have a concurrent jurisdiction In all meet. arising under the 'laws of the Union, where it wan not annually Prohibited." And thee constitution expressly provides that cues arising under federal Isere may be heard before State courts, when It declares itself and the laws aide in parmanes of it shall be the supreme law of the land, and that athejodese in every State shall be bound thereby," and requires all State judges to be sworn to support the Constitution of the Uni te! States. These provisions evidently saber the State judiciary to decide questions 'Kriging nosier federal law, end require them to be guided by It ; and they may arise - as well in cases of habeas corpus as In trespass, replevin or joetment. Nowhere is the inderaljurisdlo• bon held or declared to be exclusive In not questions. Yet In the exerotse of it, I admit the wisdom of the remark of Chief Justice Tilghman that " this power should be exec. cited with vary vest caution .and never where le any reasonable doubt." The State judge, in deolding upon a federal law, ought to be extremely veteran! that no State or beat opinions, prejedlees or excitements, should so influence his jadvuont -as to cause him to misinterpret or mbapply a federal law, which is intended to rum ep end express the general thought of the nation on tho mbj eat of which it treats, an not mare State or local thought. The Federal denstitution and those of all the States assure to every ran • judicial trial for all his rights-of lire, liberty and property, and the behest-holies Is his regu lar and vital remedy or suit for his Ulu If as others are for his property. There is coin ing pannier abontit to cake It a /pedal' ob ject of Federal suspicion, and there is no very tangible ground for striking at if more than at any °Mallards* remedy, unless it be that it is more speedy, immune -preened liberty Is dearer to man than other rights. It he snit for a meal right to ItlenseU, es debt, replevin and fiestas:eta= suite for his ripbt to his money. his bonocr his land. ,The objection relied upon, therefore, reaches much beyond tdle remedy by batmen corpus, and founds Haag upon a much bioeder priaoi plw It is this, that the eztveiss of praseoeseder I:ll'r:rein of enthral ems be eveeproised °phut only Wahl theleferal warm; and it ii taus broadly stated by the Cblefluellos of bilehlgan inBpengtu7cue. In other words It le this Mess any stet ie dosesprofessedis wader federalarthorith so are wart is eme rieststa-Cyl whetter priests rtabie here beali viewed thlreis. lam linable to state the principle in any narrower form. Wby then are State Judges sworn to rep port the Federal constitution, and Ironed by it and by the lave made ander it, if their an. dimity ends, when a question of federal law is raked ? This cannot be. It sever has been co regarded, and Rarely we can have no better evidence of what LI the actual law.of the land than a reasonably uniform purities; unites it be Instigate,. The history of oar jorieprudenee proneness rgelnet the broad .principle which I have stated, and that is (0 coneinsive condemnation. And wo cannot avoid this onsequnce by limiting the prin. eiple to habeas aorta, meet.. That would be a mere arbitrary limitation, bscaast founded on no reason. And it would be fruit:ass too; for it hat always been regarded as law that State Jades' may, by habeas Gorgn, try the validity of °Mittelman in the - Federal army and in the ,olunteerr, when called out by Paden/ sin-., theft, as well as other cases of claim; to Ilbirty. And I doubt not that the nomds of the Mate Omuta here (Pittsburgh) would show hundreds of curb outs; L have tried some of them, myself; bat only two lama this rebellion broke oat,one of which I hive already alluded to, ant hat was the only one is which my authority ..was questioned, ag ' rapt to my own mind. In the very fill; ens I ever tried I had doubts, but thsy' were -en - dryly removed by an loess ngat.on which I thew made of the law. Bat if the broad principle midrib I have stated be true, then all thts must be given up. Nay, bore than thlr; ranch more. If a fed eral marshal"wrongfully arrests a man, or wrongfully noes him when arrested; or wrong fully seises any mart* property; or ejects him from his land; or no:litter, Mon wrongfully I does the like; or imposes the ponlehment of the whipping poet; or arrests And Incas into i the army one who_is not-dratted cr enrieted;' or If an army surgeon wrongfully and by , plain male praxis amputates the limb of a wounded soldier; or If any foderal °Meer wrongfully quarters a; band of tiddlers in a 1 persons home, or enters • ruzlieloas protein [ tion or nit against Mil one; end' he deo:m(1 hen:Lade that such thieve vats done under 1 federal authority, then the mtfisa has no remedy in the stareetourtz, bat must seek the., ranch bets acoettible Mina* femur. This would be a partial. denial of the right, by I enduing nits unduly difisult to be brought.; ' ' Heretofore the law hest always bean that, ler every wrongful sot by sly person, the saffern had a right to see in a state aourt, 1 and if the supposed wrong-doer had any fed- 1 oral authority under which he could defend lf himself, he w bound to defend hinneif there, sad the sate colon ware bound to al low the defenci ,airterdlng..to the fall legal elf feet of the 'federal law. No doubt them is danger that the state courts may sometimes be ovenorne by local prejudices or nein merits, so as not to give fait afoot to such de fenses, and therefore it has boon thought! proper to:squire that, in rush eases, the Su preme Court of the United States should have a right of review. No doubt this rule is nee arsery, so that stateyjudges may not become, merely arbitrary in their dealing with federal. law, and if it does not apply to /tablets tor en eases, Ido riot now see any tenon why it may not be made to do so, under voter re - striations. , But, and I say it with great zespebt, I can not avoid thinking that, in the light of ell our previous practice, this objection indicates. an undue suspicion of the titan courts. I keow that in the trylog circumstances in which the Federel Government is placed by the present - rebellion, it la entitled, within the conatitutien sad laws, to the genersus sym pathy if ill Aerates's tit/ens, and that all its mesuerew ought tobe liberally Interpreted, and not narrowly eriticiesd. But on the other' hand,.. In can have no Government, union then be mutual trait be- Oman the Governomot and the people, and between the Federal -and the Stitt .Govern mats. iderepower In net carthiwity: An en gantlet element of .ail oattuel,inil enduring authority is the moral quality that is , involved in mutual trent between the- governors and the governed; the Union and in elements ; and this moral natality is newer neared, bat rather ezeladed,hy force end dlasnet. When then Isnot snob mutual Must, I venture is think that it is most likely to be wound by outtalk, avoiding all, even apparent, de patentee from the usual course of administer ing the Constitatien end the lass, so far an is compatible with the work to be done ' and -thus preventing new canna of distrust. Bea- Boni as well as law, therefore, forbids any de parture in this class of 0.401. If the State courts are not to ;be with any jurisdiction in emu lancelet's acts done under Federal lave, then our Federal Union Is peat!, *taloned by Melon of moral bond; mere, legal forte cannot hold the/Mans together. - There is ' • moral bond :Strong enough to hold them, made. up of the Moral fibres of retreat and arotion for the Consti.; Minn end /awl, is heretofore usually under stood; ant 'Athena! wands' retaliens - and tateroonen, end I essutet eontributs to -the 'enduing of et single one of thew We have found the old paths to be -paths of-pleasant ' mess sad peace, _midi. mane/ _kelp to Ind Into new and tuttrietor doubtful Inlet; _not, it bail, until, the moral enthrall of social custom and nothe her prepared the way. and made - the paths straight and :tidy, for coda Mesh *Maud itteyand disaust 'lot then social dhow . enspicion rand Milk 14 pits and meet bsetindes in those paths, and ro deos all sorts'of eittioes Ord dinners in the Intel movement. - ' ' • Not more than one in ineithiessadi of the .trinsamens of Beall life, requires the fine of - law for its protection' at tresonUon, when the itability el %kir la* anti of it i'ildr erdisistratlon, -mt its -humpy With smut itherale'ema. Ruth that its Witiallei Is sulholent to luipmees all qataitien• and dispute.:. And thee all eefieltmente ore inaosspatebly better fulfilled-than when the law ' U often caned 1 upon.to app.l It. force; betides beteg mere I peaceably done.. lint when the lair bonnet so unsteady, ant so &outset - with social antes, that ill may dispute' it, then litigation and social allanstions abound, and - the, smith bind gives 'tokens 'of nein dissolution. ' It. cur mutual allentloaltas gone so far the State - mutt cannot' be trusted to administer "the turreme law of the MeV' It .seems ta me ,QM POI Stile Bath for tie to begin to deitbkour IdeintY4e, fitslit oat gmletal 'Union; eloisgiorary,pelyirinay erefistir mate ibis daltpr.--Thei States de not now generelly..dlstrust the . Word flotirts ; and I think " there hi e heretofore but - little Peden! distrast..of State Courts; but if Fed aril distrustlies, grewn ,er is to grow to the - extent of tlicprtiseiple involved to this quiz. don, mid Federal courts and mut officers bi ratilUPlitd.b. every State euffleient to meet the demanded snob a miticiple, and if the State courts find themselves continually re minded, by the application of the prinelpt., ,of the distrnet intateind towards them by tho Bedard GoroMment; then Udedieter/et will soon lemmas mutual, tad grow up into a chronic alienation, and produce, or very strongly tend to prOdnee, Bedard dissolution. Lst to b. condone, condo; generous and free from partismier locel excitement in the ad ministration of the law; and let as reflect mach before we adopt so danprone a mind. r pie, tither by judicial interpretation or by welds. legislation. Trutt the State judges with the administration of such Federal law as ordinarily comes before them sod they will generally do right , as the 114021.211 - 0 e throe quarters of a century hex pored. Bob ,pit upon sham 'the mark of Federal distre pet and. lon invite the people to regard Pedant law at something alien Co their ',stain, sad enspicious In Its character, and therefor. as a law that is to be opposed or eroded. I feei t therefore. that I am bland under the penalty of the hams optima sot to entertain juriedietton adds clam, of antes, scathe rt. spondentoreder the mice pcseltier, tend obey the writ. If the relator appear en the heezieg to Aire replarly become • relater; he_must 11111 M for oil military amiss ow witted idler that before the military author!• des and cot before the did courts. • linter rule to show moue lily an attach. moat should not lune , againscreependtnt for want of edident return—returnable on Bat. urday, September 12th, at nine o'olocl,'s. x. Yvon Goa Noglo7 Command Cava EPPING, Mr-, Aug.:6,1803 Prottaining a latter from this department sill be soceptible, I have concluded toil,* tome infolmation as to our whereabouts. Oar dlr4fon, (Negbree.) left Duhard, Tenn, Aug. 16th, and after a very tedious, rearobil arrived at this place Aug. 19th. The reads wars in come plum almost impaarable, compelled ui to build °order*/ order. to has ten.our movements.' When,risg- Icymotet he surmounts all - obataoles. Out mateb in by the Witversity read, Which compelled Oslo mole the Ctreberland Mena. tarns. metimoe we would be among huge reeke,,then is irate weals, when suddenly beautiful valleys would burst on our view, la dewed witltgoldee °ctn.—volleys soon to be overran by our army, and ield in-waste as a military neoessity. Oar division is now the advisees of the 14th Army Corps, which speaks well for its gallant commander, in whom we have every cent duce as he hen provesrlay his actions, he Is worthy of our esteem—a atrial diaelmin , clan, yet kind withal. A eommander who takes every interest lit the welfare of his men, sad who hat endeared himself to them by his mney acts of kindness. With Neglay as our commander Victory Is • slue pnatigsa. • . it la imposelble to toll or even dale° fu-. tore mtvomenta. Tho .tmuntry : should await the loteltwlth patience, and I keva no ditazo to chronicle present paeltioni. Gen. Ito:imam Is Organising a Gory, di Ai ?fps. Au &wpm' who are notentsgedas vents, areplaced in-the unlit: Already Many applications have teen medo by magotata and privates of the three years regiments to command them, andmany have been &maimed to that duty. • . The health of ate division le generally ex pellent. 111 ° kd 1404, (segue,' division) is now commanded by CA William 9lywell,7Bth Penna. Vols.' He It en excellent brigade 'commander, and will leave his mark dwell he be engaged to battle. The ereetheeir opprinis aly wain. . ‘'. . Juane . Another Address by Judge Kelly. A large and enthusiastic mess mooting of the friends of the Union .assembled in Ma robe Ilstil,last evening, to hear on oddness from Iron. W. D. golly, of Philadelphia. Ron. Wm. F. Johnston preelded,,Assistei by Mourn. Jaokson Deena, Henry Leattert, A. Ktrighe, Same& K. Cooper, William Little, George liamUton, and!. ld'Donald Cronin at Vies Presidents. Beeretailes:-It.' W. 'bitokey and A. M. Brown. Judge Roily was introduced to the and!. once, and delivered a moot patriotic and argu ment:ilea address, telly sustainieg kb high repetition as a speaker, and rendering most etbelent genic. Ito the emus of the Union. . arguments meal a marked impression ape's, the large audlorate 'fitment, and will be need with telling divot against the copper heads during the potent campaign, The frequent andhaarty applause attested a keen spore:teflon of the more prominent points whisk wore mode Al the learned Judge, and his muted, 'exposure of the weak sophistriea and deceptive - hikes Of the so-called :by leaders wit keenly relished by every loyal hearer. 'The 'Judge& address was BO lengthy, and hie arguments Co exhaustive, that there waasnrcely any time left and but Utile.disposition manifested to hear other speakers. Cails were made for several gulls, meet but the lateness of the, hour 'defamed them from reopondieg,.,..., , „ Uov. coils 4a ... Addtdes ails People inolGth of floptember. •We ate 'Patti:Ml*' to , eutiounoit that, by errinleMint of the. gide Gemini eammittee b_f the thiten Petty; poverhot Orlin in this city on Welke:deb . the 16th or Sep tet:lila, et - tehlotr,l4 - 4,14 - prig eddrass the people of title county ! ! ItieChisigned mosecOtiliiitieikle.ttreit , ,htads7; PitTarli• Ilona for which sill he commenced Sit once, end everything will tiro dorie r iehich the limit ed time will admit, to - nieke'it stimulant by the tntlegieu itsviitigthetuitteitiu dem. „ To, Mace MoEamon. —4he aeries of Roe, Morton; of Indians, and Judge ,of nitadolphia, ere oil eisity 004 thellet of speakers ta'addinn ttio Mass, .floiveritlen at. McKeesport on Thursday next, which now promises -to be no of the most izterettleir peer lage'of the campaign. ' The COMmittes bay ing the amitosis' chirgeato doing everythieg In their poatz.in'sfyi ,to,Ucts Interest of the Arsem—AldennaerDonaldoon, veterdnintenlng, ;held ' , Maros loiter, Cheek* Ideltent7, Ohnelg frloriilon. Alfred lolls 114 Geergo PidtnettO ben In PA end, to ikppasr at sto.nestAerni of-. the mut and sneerer *setup of 'wanted and yoked assanle and better, on ik soldier nnutid fin Son. some UM". lake. autous Aoatimaro—lotra y named Albert Ogden - woe emu by tlso Esprote tab, - Pelday afternoon, at far , o'clock, otlho outer d.pot, and was' so eeriogel 111. Jared. that amputation of the log gat noose guy. ne,wles rot:toyed to 'Dr. Wale?' hoe- . . 4:lolgams3 , vo -Yore Knimisa.—The following', 4l ,P a t*r! I.,l94Yo4'Plltds aitj ISIN •111111i1110 o Eimpt,4,lB63,;=To ito ter St Clutrlullotel : -- r - winberts - Ktttan , slag on the tie: luk% A.,CfeCtratts. . As Joi.—Tho Mona of Prof. 8. J. Wilton, will be glad to learn that he hu tuned home vary allot' Improved, and vtli prima le-morrow I morning in Ms 81011 Church; and in the setedng by geeiat !opal, hie saki totitttl both. aerateotion." Ina BELL la anal at the theatre thti imenlng—"Tke DON'' Efignal" and 'Zba Demon Gamblft." ' • - . SPROUL LOCAL NOTICIIS Gsovil IID , liagAs'sl37tAti litsmuris, tW litOisinupttaztag putpittssi ass the beetle nee. A. IP. qursrv. Ottaral Apt& - e.IB Yifth stessi. TZOILUI Pe swallas watiOraamealal EURO Gooier, end dealer In Peanqlearda and Ver. mcnt slate of the beat quality at lota mitts. .0111 ca at P.a. Lioglallery mar the Water Works, P.Ntibtuab.ro. apSsea Wotan and (button Claus VW be takes at the Omnibus aloe, No. 405 Liberty street, do or nlaht.,, All, crdae, left at the above place .111- be promptly *Waded to. All calls mutt be pyQvuar. • . tHEiLATEST NEWS - BY MLUM:HUPH. OUR EIPE(RA OPRATCRES. FROM VtIASHINCTOPi. Epeeist O➢ima to t Pittsburgh Osuats. Wozauraroz, Sept. 4,1883 TB/ caurolica mann. The foilosisig diepatchas were reinived to• dal : Sas Frauisco, Sept. 3—To Abrahams Lia• cols: Loyal Calibrate sends greetlega. Th. Below State and Coogrrisalonal tickets awe eleatad by a majority of from:MOO to 30.000. P. P. Law. &pt. 3—To Zee. Edgarslt. Stanton, Seeriterry f War: The Union State tiuket wu carded by a tarp atsjority. Large oostsibutloee to the raldtari* lamb. By amnia:id of Brig Gin. Bright. • P. P. Lair. 5421 Fraaci. , a, Scpt. 3—To Efors. Edwia Stanton; Secretary of War: W. have moved on the enemy's vote, and they ate nun. California, by bar Tow. bids yon and the army God-spy:4 la year ardwade &ad glorlowt work. R. P. Law. ' A dispatch to Secretary Mass assyt : Bas Franciteo, Sept. 3.--The Union ticket Is sleeted by as overwholcoiag mei atty. Ity her votes Calgortia has at as example wor thy cf imitation. Tacor, H. Y., Sipt. 4.--The draft for this oily began this rooming, end terminated iSie altsrooon. The prooeadlogs were orderly, but great interest was felt, and the efroa of Provost Marshal Hughes, was crowded throughout the day. Only s small military Luca was on hand, although two regiments me in the city. Among those drafted, wore eight from the Tines race, including the local editor and bookkeeper, U. B. Hobbs'', editor of the Press;.and one printer from the Whig. Several city. adieus and 111:1210t0111 prominent citizens drew prizes. J. H. Hogg, cf the telegraph allleeorss also drawn. I This best of feeling pronatle. DIIB7IIIIOTION Cr ISLOCLLIM lIINSIIIB. I Burneldes • Arevements--Eastern Admiral Los transmits to the Van Depart meat the following report of the desiruotien of the bladed* runner Alex. Cooper, which was stooompilshad 111 New Topsail Inlet, North Csrilir.a, August 22,11 United State* Steamer Shockakon, off osiopton, N. 0., Avg 22, 1863.—Butt I have the henot to report that we bare destroyed the blockede ranatni sohooner Alex. Cooper, under the following eiranastanoes On the 12th I made a poonnoissmnso with boats In NSW Topsail Inlet, and was driven out by four pieces of artillery, stationed opposite the mouth, bat not before I had disoosured a echooner at a whirl 101313. VIZ miles up the Bound. T Lig sollooaor I determined to de stroy, and as it was so well guarded . I eon eluded to use strategy. On the evening of the 321, the Shooholt= anchored close into the cgs beach, about tire mites from the Inlet, and I sent whore two boats' mews, who shouldered the dinged, and carried it scion the neck of lend thaXdividee the see from the Sound. This wan about half s mile in width, and fevered with a dense thieliet. The crossing placed my men some miles' in• the lOU of the artillery force guard• tug the entrance. The dinqui being launched the facade water, six men, under my ex- Oleic, attacked them. Ezalgu Sol. 8. Oen', started with orders to des , xvy or capture any thing that could be of use the in enemy. Now, it seems thit the 12• pounder howitzer wu stationed at the point for which we were ex amining, and the smoke of my steamer being samovar the treas,the command set of the poet, Capt. Adams had come down from the main camp to insure s bried lookout. While the rebels at the a ohoonees mastheads were strain- leg their eyes in looking to the south my boat wee approaching in another direction, and the men succeeded in lending eb.iat sixty yards from the wharf without being dircov end. Tao zaaster-at-anne, rebel ChCares, crept into the rebel camp and counted the suer, and, having returned to hie shipmates, a °herr, was mined, and our seamen bore down en them with a sheet. In &moment the enemy, who outnumbered no three to one, wore ranted, leaving In Ur. Coney's possessioe, ten phoneys, including Capt. Adams end Lisut. Loathato, one twelve pound army howitzer, 18 hulls, 1 erdtooner, 'audio= catenate cat works. Air. Coney then Claim oat two pickets; dessioned two then to guard prisoners, and with the remaining two Arra the vessel end salt works. TIMID Were thoroughly consumed. The °Weal of the expedition being aenomplhthed, my men returned to the vestal without anytime, bring ing with theuteeven prisoners, all that the boot would contain. Itebel - iftlarra and pintas duu alike, sad Liz. Coney was at a km to know what then tosbtain ; be settled tbo matter, however, by pbtking out three of the but looking 004111 who ail turned out to be privates. Bo the of glom owed their safety to their look o physique, a new feature in military strategy. While this was going on at the main land, the pickets on the beads side, under Acting Master's Mate Freundtit, engaged and ro pnleed the rebel picket foxes in that quarter without any lesson our side. This schooner cleared from Now Yolk for Het Rsyal, with en assorted cargo. ...I pistil try to team the numbs of the patriotic olds sne, if say are, who Wood into this Uttle speenlatien. W. B. Coserso, Ltontonant Commas? to toting Bur Admiral B. P. Loo, Commanding W. A. B Squadron. VIII DISTILLIIS OP 51111112111 OEIO A committee reproser.fing the &stilton of Ohio aro hue for the purpose of procuring from litemetary Otiose a modigoation of deal alone In regard to the modes of taxation of the prodaou of their establishments. ' 0516 XIITGB...A PLUM lISPOEIT The report that Gee. !delis hu bean ro omed from the Qautermaster's Department to stUtine. Cisa. Helga hu just returned Irma an speotiois of the Quartorrnester's Department of the Imo( the Polonleo. That inspection hos determined him to mike it thorough, In spection of nil our armlet. Ile stertallume &lately for Great'' and Itosscrans° armies, aisdilll in his tour comps' aIL axcalsaa os ooi;oteD rusessas DUCCE2IID At a Cabinet meeting to•day, the sutdeot of Gm holing" of colored ;Manors of vu was folly dlecusard, The Government take a f.rm and honorable position on this question. No exchange, other than :soldier for soldier, of any dokniptlon or hue, will be consented to. meroicams snow XllllOO. DI/patellae - from 1I IM.i : Oondr, hom gale% were received tools, at the State De• parte:teat. No Intimation of the entail has boil made, farther then that they ;ma- Ulla Mitten ot intense Impertattoeto the eouatry. P/13011AL. - Colonel Bowman, Suportntondent at Wad Point, hal been tentovad, and Brig. Gen. B. G.Wright,of Ohio, appointed to AU the vs, insury. Surgeon Dacha, 11. S. V., has been dotalled as In Simla* florgeon for selantsor ofd• 0011 inViashisgton, in plus of Dr. Clymer. Mnfor Gan.Zuater..has bun assigned to active duty'. Re will . start for U. Wait in a her days. mimosa% 300 rouinsa. Gen. 0111tootte's great 300-pounder gun wee not Washitlobj the eiplosten of shelle hula* of Ite but ttay'4.hi ypsita:was lowavll. It shoots aa well; sa our; bat the ?spelt of the saddens casual the nspar!mett to betel him szother.whlsi eras sttoat, and on Its way to Mai fa terattprEstetheura slur the news was notdvotl.l : .3 .. ''siu`~L`,~.~,..;~;„i.a'3Tx`~-~..,3'y2'•mr-.60f.~-"~.?e'~~~sr'`3tiki~i~r~:~ APRON PlittiaDEL P Special Dispetth.th the ristitherith Casette. _ Pauanrisau, Soot. 4, 1863. iza'a rwgz. moraxErr That flank monaent of froo's army tarn; out to be a mistake. Nothing of the kind on possibly take plies. Tha teat of oar army was beset with guerrillas, Wave and murderers, not, attached to any nail* 4 6 - partment. A portion of oar cavalry named the country, awi all of this sins they captai n they bang to true, and loft thole bodies dangling u a waning to other vagabonds. SIX7III vasarrtvasru 00.1.01100 The 6th Peons7lnnta . Colored Regiment has now 560 members. It Is supposed that in two weeks its make sin be fee, when they start for Dixie. Quaassawseras G/ISSZLI. The etatement that Qamtermoster general Melgs had been ?tweed h dented. My in torment, direct from Wallington, rofdlt war' Vie ourront report there that the General bad retired into ptivato lite. 11. A. W. The Draft In Troy, New York. Tentisseen Avacnattd. Barnotrowr, Ar. 4 , Sept. 4 —Oen. Burn side telegrsphe that be took Kingston en the 2/. Partot liiinty's brigade, of ibis army, went in ,'aimultaneouily. Burnside Says he met with but little serious opposition. All putout Tennettee, except the Chattanooga region, is evamiated and free. Everything is working splendidly in both Barnette' s and this army. Tao great obittsles et this region and Lookont mountains will be sur mounts(' in a thy or two. La? obi from Charleston. Naas Yoga, Eerpt. 4 —The steamship Fulton, from Port Royal on the ist—left Charleston bar the same day—arrived at Erman o'oloek P. u. Toe siege still continues. Gen. Uili 'moro had eneeneded in running a parallel against Pert Wagner. Tho irortelads had been withdrawn from the otteek on hionitrle, and the batteries on Horrid Island. Charles ton bad not been bombarded for ton day,. Everything was progressing favorably for the Union troops. the ease of Specimen Cflomarn, Sept. 4 —The Co tumj ;FT kui= irrnisichihti thiri Q ensic.-Aer ot:ore Elea. t , tat Ono pp:aiding Flo sal Plittitilich,Billets PIP 0.1.03 111 eb .Piff4r. _ cia." car log cabin bottle. • Artfirfroft Ltaltating .thir bottle. Ileian_g say othirtioaterlal thirefir, Whitt:, cieJecrtattiftexißttiiia 603 eitatairrar , is, U. idliberinicroeithilgititg;:lYs 74re ...e2. 1 4 /. 4 AI!? FF 110) -FT 44 1 D5.,.. -4 1" wiko vlu 1 49r44 1 u ,sea r ing Ina dot! quartets . 7he &mend tor' Dulcet 'nib tathin Bliterlfroin Isar*. eleinhiew iiierehrhfr. prtact4 vas ample Wed of Briar it the atigrecrt wo peewit GI their wortrwwd !they ore sold by Ql respeetahle drop grams, phystrelairil hothl, sithiritioste Uri _ , . twilit* stole. sliteza Lida OCP DBAK E'S GENUINE BIT TIM, Vs isle; wbolnalti and rata; by SIMON' JoinisTorr, - Comer Szattnild sad lbarth Streets. IM"` PIM WINE VIZI/UM, ne only Vinegar ava:dud with aPriz, 11‘44,,e: .lily esbibttls,at t.ll piNanatioxukl E!!1=1 MED . . - WllleConfessituis fuld,Exlesience us .15 xErsaa,D, ptbllstidfCrthe begOt:zd vrarelni andO4I:ITIONIWYOntI7O' safe fttan 'Unions Debility, [Preinsinre Eeeieol A[lnnitoodo eta. aUPPlXthat,St. th..1111r3 291E 1 3114[10 OE BELT C [ 1:1[4 ! .;._ DJ one wholes curled bilis& Oer teng put to pea Orptialft en d lijir7 elitsigh tangent brantmg snit - insekexy. [By eactesdag • pot..pald ',Heaped envelope: odn. Fay In bad of ibiumtbar. • - - zanlianza. )I PALE. tu7li:lydair7 Bedford. Klwi.comaty. )9. , Y. Or/Ake lanpisnor Copper Sill and WOUICH, Frrnaimas. & E.B.Y.ATBIL a, ii3B.A.BITaItP.ATi BOLT COPPER, mum verr-E.vi Borrow, Runt' erna. BOTTOMS, ria , Avas SOL9a, Aso IslertAni and &al= in AIMPALS, TM PLATY. MEET ISOM VISA :ouittuttl4:au t.gni Tirmsas . rtaawsrp A.YD . ToolA - wAsznours, No. 149 Pint And Mil .71.c7rd stmt.. Pittabniel. - Penei- " -MlaPodgy:6= Ott:kr/Pr= tb taly 4:sired.ort .tom-. - • mripmfaidirl. M•To Nervous, Eadoreza. of BOth tiIdILICB.-41 amend seAthoneo Wring km'' , 1".. stared to hirelth In IVO dari, after rduhrriotru - , the and routine snd itrigaldr eaptiiityr trmtment,erithont sicoere,O=tidAt sth duty to ocantsuilestrtto hisitaleted Wets ertratits the/zeros or czdtd... Armco, on tho receipt od en ot• duzsed envelope, her wild send (dree) e,copy of rt.r presulption axed. 'Direst to Dr; 701131 21. D4O litair,lB6 ?Tilton s&et, Brooklyn; F.Y. - sahllardawT s • J. =RON -ten= • arshal 244 Dtgrlcs, Pa. It any, cv; - ''kio.ranistkoyrzon MD EVIDES_OR , . AIALIi Israel Co, • By W. D. DthiEsiors. Pras. 11101229 1, ~... P. El.pwrz Mit iiroadm, lI.LITIF/LI`I7ILD DT 4k N. BOLL N, Of RNA 7.71". (Totmait STud.ci 6 Co., Bordeaux.) 'tit WA by F. Ar. BOLLMIN, wrnlTZ;Tea. I=3= V. =II 1.011.25011 OrROBEINON, 11E1. r itt r eo.; Ow: moon to Samoa, SnitsDIDADIA) WAtortater Wcom, icroanou AsuklLAcrittetergbiPo. Manutoctorers .or .lIDAT AND 6TATICSITAT stram 14111:144 1 tr“, dneursel, - inerm.d, °Ler- LSD% of oil dmiulptlono ; 01 . tiTANED 6 ATIL. , BOUM/ AND fiIiSZT 1110.164FOSE:: • Aseats for GLISABVS PATE T- zzusoseir ftir boding Holten. ,roar COWIEWS2( - asa, blezutieterer. of filpad„tictii AND VAULT DOORS, wrztinw fininvra r e, WINDOW ?MUDS, lee., Se.: 91.43ocendetrimt end Tbirdstrevt, between' Wood and nave on band n variety?t pew rata:rm. II end . plain, ail wows. Tavtlentar attention faldte osiolotbsi .erave Lot -dobbin* deniat abort zones.' ' - JIWDI7TOHIIR'S — llO/12072111 ue• want' Mt b7; 47l ffir r 204 bcdnekespr: Tray at ih,ete Alm are Oita. Itonterolate that IL DOTQUILIV4 'that dote Ltd; and rifest. the We tadtetiOnsthit ate offert!l. llheael ertlale it for ula b &Umiak. / 14 A. natur3Togzaj4s dra corset 01 llnt . aid Woo strict,. Mr= WiTEELONA OIL . WOR KS. •. . . ~ . works •atltuiiriburi ststrap., Ar. 047 Vea, ird,Pfsfp JEfinek dff Coeq. liagraad. it:Cada Wksndidami - MN a diAßEirr liansdadureso Cl 14L1Tha1i43:145:13-and J. 07101- CATINO Cd 11131211 911.4 and Erairttatrw ' IlSrlici; 1 :10121±MB MI wiiiiii no - ik•exldo'• ' •"' ..'' .' • ' ber2:44l+ flerrl3:l3.'fr c: r; M'AvIcTTC, PiVa.` _ avireorossaeand eleabut BOOS, PILlitT, ALP; um= IND • * tr. =as or Inn - iiiraveramomilro PI *0 litS . srlLoP:ce4 l c 4 ift*litagiaditreat:Pittitaigh; Pi: :114M89 Olt TIXADEI 70E PACS": HOLNEEVeSONS; Valets lire-EOII2IION litifflßTls 'lms - tarsi. Anuitoz, orannonis ointro.sv.,BAsis 1101P,ANDR*PlOgo. 61.-MutaNtraketfrpo liairaTh; Pi: • -••immuoittais tistto 04 en?ibi pilndgaleittFs thMxtit.ad Wes- - ' CO 5 - 19 r ."(4-IWWQ AHD 09.41EFESICittalltarald. il'allsf,utiLir.the:_ . 'sprnra, orate ![BBratdPiodnc~gatieiie~~, Sc Wog! stns6% Tittemrat.:Ps. si *AV pIIRVIANCIEB • • PZIOTOGUAPEL U 00515 •- ::4611,111113 in= stwrAusitsriarts..' Oa lead ttosita, ova Biclutdi:ai Y ii Irethi ."- • - "z - , t'/I6Too2.l.lSiltefeiri7 rtse — astil etyKluta ai a° poral.eVsztaa. ' - - = mcdt.e acct iatelqiirtiet ',1 31 r r: 133 V. 1,00,11 * .ek4.putaccreisn '-:- 6 ' l a ° "ID 1* of tba*W7 ie Zia` '1;i6194 , ~telDottA Lt of ktal 7. « - 0,,,4. vit4 ,