. . . . ..r, . . . . ...., .. .... . s -••- - , ' -. , :- . , . ~ .... . . , • ,_,... ! ; ":4 „H • • •-!- . 17,c 1 -',' , • . 7 , _ • • .-- il ' :-. . - . - : ... .. . . 1' F . . . 4 NI kil ' • ''• 7i1'... ••••:,•••:, •-.:' vL. ~. • , 4 % ~.. ).. ..:, ::. r—„ , L • : .:1?.!: ' 1,7-.l' , • ' - --. '. . . 71 H . ... , : 4 . • S. - ESTABLIKEED ,IN 1786 .I**Ailitikr, .wiriv. • ' Taag. - mrtazas 4 , 11 • -P. iwal, a Am, wo. 45, 1 Mir ' -.. ' • -Ptttosnolo.,Suboaa. .1 Ti •P • f ume ll 33.6.000. , 1411D 44; 4 1 egnsrldoi aVrait A l ' ' 4-1 " . ins . 114 Indian& --- T - Wll5 t: •:.: 1* 4 : 114, INILKINSON, - Con ..f.s A: .1 1 / 1 1oriedsodervti _l : 4 ~ a amadtaurm Duran, us X eELDZO; 4I34 4O7O.;Mtia l''o a' Il m ai i4 4141 " 4 " 044441 : 14 4 Qautrnineasat.: aimilaastounrs , mums wins. . BI AZE LINHA, 1 GNUS OWN It a amosi,Pacazoca ßT aro uoiacaaaw inds.atirlotharal*, Pcir ir ia. I — 1014" Cdtrow, Haan; Otaan. halkara, Potato., Pot sad Peal* ilailiamillosori and Lard 0111, Dead and Raw It" Cowan Illaeand OMB Boa.. Ornith adman made 1311 4:412141224611U1. • No. 07 Liberty 0.4 Pittibagh. H 0 NITIILD, Ocupas- L ' Ran aim VOIWAZDEIO Ilzsosum7 and Ply ale drier to 11 , 1152=11 1,112111i44 013,118811, 110T11414 LARDPOB7I isicononairm. ra . aiai 2 D PRILE It SALM/AIR LIN ZARB,. OHM, MUD IS I ai34 Produce 7, Nay. 1111 and 143 7Toqatroot, Tu. PULP. £ &WARD_ _,_ _C03011010311 Aim _ N.,0 mum Ind dealers In--FLOWN, GLUM .ND PRODUCK, No. 243 Liberty Meet, Pittak4Pa . Clioloabranda of Floar_for Bakal' and tun alldne -, ailatently lb/ M erchandise gen era ,cs hand. . Elitllantar attelly. oo&dl nt y ion to =len Naos• CHOMAKKE & LANG. Xszawiro sad "baba* .41.4 c5 33 .4 t & 24Z21 4 =01401)11S_Oill 4.(ki .119 nelS4Ay . C UALILLBS B. LBBOLI, bloint D Clwa tunas LTD &annum ituccurs o. Mb of iIItiLLU,LUUMS, GUlZElitaiWa X.:WA 'WM' Pr. or celebrated U T, you. 1113 , &Nand and 116 'was INA sad amithdell, Pi • • • Imam. DAT:FR . Iff, soNi 16,irujj A c. Litl4l 0711111ailidi MILl• MUMS SY allt mad seIeotOBAJZON AND 1111.11 ND P ? OULM, Nos. 69 And TOW it., • b. 41dranair made on ccauditzunmatt. WILIAM) RIDDLE, sitoesior to .1no. & la WOW Son, Lthorty strost, Pitt GgligßAL PIIODOOII, GIELOONEY 411 D Oucuigumenta napectfal &May = - XIAKPATRWIE tBRQTEIrat, • • rooms ml ramiA atekistruksa woo.- , mit Bt 11 Noe. 111 and 10 Moray Wed, Plllabarat. .13:17 044taziatazr a 1 Gkel Part'L Dvw N.d = 111 MI. corm, UNS COFM mouton , to f oamot...tknohmataivio. ing ti • mord wood and r par ris Pittabsigh, • CA I, NIC VAN GORDEB,P/16:117011.0D Omura= lassettarr, deslasta FLOUB, DDT , BROOM, BUDL LARD, ORIZSE, PODS, D ANALOBZILERII/TD and Proles, gen. :, kat! ,:---Liberst alb stranaimisde anuxenkmu!rda, -- Waretaarse, Nci. - 123 Bearied street, Pitta • • •.• L 11" iii,M EVOPIK Ca t moosuorto 1,16. ATIIODIIEIE AND IXIEILOS 011A2M4SiT Meaty Weak 001 . • Pia. atls 301131 L 114011/ IDI/LID novas. TOLINI. HOUSE '8; CO. Waal, • 41.31 u Gnaw Aura Cknonsuom M *An& of Imittifield am 4 W stregtit;Pic • • • JO (1 • • 71'1 & (Jo V tot dadori P*DOO Bacon. -WOOLI,J3ItAtIf, to., No. 19 moot, PStiobottl4. mstt t WAYIAILD HISeZIthWZi WitoutaiLa AND UOSLNISSION mitltatArr, lad oar* of * Pkupcnk4Aco„ 19alttiburgh. toblDitom et 8 • sm.* aus Glum= tllOoMitlanoS Matanaris, Ho. WI Wood oWoot, Pictaburgh. KL"dl7 DR r GOODS. tom NUM011......F1W1 —DAVID WCINIMOZZIS. WiISON, CARE & CO., Vats Wawa. Paws, Chi.,) irtiowaux mums szi IDRAELGIS AND DOIRRSTIO DRY 000D8. 19' W Wood gu sii: 4 Vgbh°l! AIsEX. BATES, Drumm ur Furay L4D La, Bum, DIIY , GIOUDA, iILOAILS a BljeWlol, N 421 Mt groat, ritisbaritt, fa. 4 1 11..-OLOA HB wadi. to onlor. warn 'IC LIM irirnat.—tu =rms. .AIW MoABOY CO, Dealers in .11 - rooms AND D 01123710 DRY GOOlll. 119.140 Federal Went, eooon4 door below now Miir taiggruid,) Allegheny 0111. mb9l/41r ,a Wholev4e DegiribiTßlUMNo9, MORO DABII79 and DRY DOODY. of daauiptlan, N. 17 mad 19 TM strati. Yltfabar . • t4l.olWhi h GIXDB, Wholesale sad 11.1. Mall Dealers DI 76.N0Y l STAPLX — DAT GtteDB, TIILUBILDGB, Na Market street, bstareen Dia:stood and Fourth, Pittetrarsh. JM. LW saooessor t.co to . Burchfield A Co., Wholesale and Retell Dealers to BTAPLL AND YANG! DRY CIOODR, North land comes of Fourth and Market Knees. Ileit JUrs liatiNA Wholesale and ito• tall Dealer In all kiwis of TIIItICI tlOe, DUI GIOODtI, La, No.. 77 sad VI AI art at Wert. .IPARKJOS. B 4.XL, Mumma Li Diu GP • .was, No. ISO Illarkve bahron Third saA INarth,Pittabasgh.. DKIJEJGISTB. 0.1.M0N JOILNI3TON, Daman xi Pots DRUGS AND 011r11.10ALS, PZISSUMEBT, If& NOY GOODS, BURNING FLUID, OILS, TAM MY MEDICO SH, &a., &a., of strictly prime quad- Ity,, which he area at loose prima Ourum Suclib• kid and Xaartb Orbits. Pittsburgh. Pe. • Prtanriptkitil torefolly compounded at all boors. 1.1 A. NAU-Nittill.)UK. VirnFati 2..C.iatattsmiuirr and Bladrofilciarer of W 111731 LICADAND . LITILLION, corner of Wood =a /mat streets; Pitteliargb. rata WWI, HOLSBALII MIAMI %ifn DUUCIS, PAINTS, OILS, VAILNISUPS AND consTuird., No. 29.1 Liberty Woof, Pluaborgb.— All orlon repel.* Prompt Wootton. Toni i nu. GEO. H. KEYSiIt, Omelet, A d rtO.Wood ortfnot, cornet of Wood drag an d Vlrgto i ably, PlUabargh. Pa. PRO - 1141 N% mCtt TZIIOII4 LINDSAY a TED FORD, WaoLzwa &SD gessis.lll/00Z119, /LOOS 611 D MO. WWI =ALM*, IS7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. eol 6m • - • • uu" - ='" .400,4,umr.,.....,5ad0u a Nan thist••od - &obi In OBLESSA Dirrate, LASS 1118Enual - Prodwis genually. lio. la Wool One. sbcor•Wstaralttaburitb. y% Gummi UAW Blt • • ..• s Betto r Mow Hazes • Cu,) You Jain emr ta PitiMIERZUJi gamy of Market and front sa, • rr (sae:lessor to $0 tion a.Towaminda Pcna Flom AND vat LIII o iiMillanfi..ffejliDUlik It. war. Liberty, Pittabuigh. C 027 1,44/ • s >ls : 4ARIENER , &CM lax para= i 4 i sad 414 " Zt UT . ' .4- r - Mawr `speni maze Pansoltante rad sartfordlei etrasellf Wisterittlest. , • UMW , Ocansv, Inmattakst matt Watas 11..00.100, BszurrAzi Wien* B.: • lieniatEi *wpm Irrirstar land. D. r - ijyTwwr•-, Ajonv, • ° MILO= . BLITAti Dann iit Mina AND -*MOM , 88TIIIIIISM toisaratlbe-KELLltais 00.78-PLINOS,IIAI SIX 4111AVN4)110_501uswitutozaams MOM% ONEL fa nallitnetvemul 0001 . above WpA n. sarybugig 10 1014114 Wrap Ja /MBA a MU; 'Amu ,Er 4,7 104P rA IT ANFIEWIL l if ii=ul r Dam natutos ximparma irwakv Aram street,. Warms renik attest sad InsamtalsalmAltabiagets. Pa, .1.17 so •CNlFilk` :1: w tam grtimut Alain liab. Swab tila Inatrosiat. - •- • Y~ r' iJ: jU DIIQUBJEIB BRAM WORKS. CADNAN * CRAWFORD, itaanbctarers of rrsiT nobly et finished DBASEI WORK TOR PLDIDIRA. MAN 03 QA&WITTEII4 114011115181:13, AND OttePIBBNITIIA. MILO CA11134 cr aD-4sottons... mods to order. rructitsou , WORK, =UN &BE GAIN !MUM stiONDEIMINDADoOny Attoltdod b. "Partlealb siteabb odd to At ao apflitlts 9 / 118.7011 41 0•4 Asp Orsumlit Jul; ... A2s . l3oltAgssto Litho Western Markt ad Pam. br thi oodo of MOP WNW& W'IMATIIBT SYPHON PUNY UP WA MI layouts& Bobo so Yobs, It Is not UAL to get oat of ardor, sad will throw own biter thou an, •op of • lb shot. soil lIRNITURK IMUJIIIiI out 11/1101J53ALJI 011 1110T/Ll4 JAS. W. WOOMVULL, C==3 el sad In Third atreA, opptidte liaD*l Is 00.. and lii Tooth street. nthlo M. BARBOUR, J./ • 6. L. WM • al/0.. Orme qf Pra Omasena am% aavniross, Gramm, aiwansazoN itaamuire, eimstisketillio add A% , af-DOPONT'S GUSPOSI. DNB V Itsodn. osvoral kinds of titan Pro dim, and make sdnucesthersoe. ,11:1L—Valkaidltraalits Creator Wsribsoara 1111,1131 10 Wlllkszli.:ll***s*o*.,V***4:**: k Bleketion, • 98=64 I =6lmrphard, licashaate Bank, Haltimoest O.W Ward 11 Song. 413, .11 N. ■. WS, "'VISION lA7tElit=l) OCT: 8,186 I". Dithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP 01:1111NIE23, liansfeeltered of IX FLINT GLASS. Time Ghlmalee ar Icteaded tor the• Ma dam, which heating ell pert, the em egtudly, does oot =pow It to a'sd•f• DAMMSDGI &IN/ 1 lost.Pit 3Wesh m•Watits l stos 'tree . LADIES' FANOY FURS ; OEULDIttIPB FAINT STUB; MUM TUE OAFS, OOLIAll&i 121.011i9; 1:=1 tasty varlaty ma ilea of ik. above goods.= bid B r h&la UTAMUfW tsPtsnL *UMW, PITTSBURGH, PAIL PARK, BROTHER a CO., inan QVALITY MIMED OAST SUM, drum Blot mid 0 of all slum Wartaniad Knot to ot:ty InpottM or monnufootarad In tEL comtry. 811111111oaand linzietOano; bor. HD and 161 HUM ind IMO and US 820011 D 82111111211, rttlabargb. NEE juss.reiarn from' the Lot; ere base Dow In store an .:ten BOOTS ANT) ancomis Adapted to Us sawn. Deihl" can be Dappled nitt.lt LILDIIS% 111n1311S' and oathoustere ,OTB, GAMES and FA WY SUMS, al • alight advance for mush, at i=:tt B utyl AM) t• vAti 11.11.7' IrEDIJUTION. Keg. Itaurg Oovg. Gialen {1 75 ir4lti f 1 110 - " " 150 " 299 ea .• at 125 0 1 Tis MI Whet icode belling yffi low. JA1111:8 1101111,E9 Merkel wort. ALLEN. ItioCORMIGEAt CO., Vassar ronanzet, littabargiti-Dean gegrWanznorain, N. 801 Liberty strait. Mannlacianers of COOS, PABLOII AND HEAT. DSO BTOVIVB, PARLOR AND HITOULB GUAM. HOLLOW WAHL, ate, Bleed endGime Heald% liteD• W.,1 Mill Dunlop, Mt Gearling, Cu, Weiler sad As. tinnelr . 46d Irmo, Dog trona, Wagon Boa Pr Pulloya OarMonda.Cb and Oalting=araily. Alb, Jobbing and Outings to order. Patontod Portal& MN with Hamm ar Qmaa Ponta. . Lolebornel WII,LIAM - ; & Boiler Maims and NINO Itifin - Waken, -21111/ rfUNAT. Nos. WD, 12, Slsatatl. Raring etemniff imp y .r d. sad farnsd It with the most imprarod nachines7, .s ars pniparai to manufweinas erei2 description of BOILISBO In tba bast manlier, and warranted equal to any mads Io the sona i 0111111iNTS, 8131011111, FIBS BIM% NINA WIPNIff , I , O O GXOTI VI BOILS'S& GONDWIN EILLWPANII,TANNII,I)II,STILLS, AOITISTONS: SWIRLING PANS, El 011.211 MON B RISCO, SUGAII PANS, and sobs comnitsotutons of NAM. HILLS' PATENS BOILNB. Repairing don* co G.. shortest notice Ao111:t, 61d4.ti litAl.ellfitir, Produee k general gommlulon Mucha end dotter Wall nab of 000NTSIT PRODUOM MI Ea. 1? LIa1F?I 87215 T, 15:110 lalt. A. U. OG/111311, respectfully ALI hear= the elthteas of Plttstrargh, tIW be has been ',wanted pole oval for theist* of lay ers Ernes orel GUM? ANTI-001tit081V2 PZhl. They are recommended by the largest houses to the atty. among tibia are Ciaatr,tlasarra • 4;as 84110 Ei Alb., Ittooltaws Atd, Isom Om Tarr/ Oa., Zoe, Patersa A Co., sea what% lea:ly 11fi1LITLRY CLAIMS, BOWTI Lu. 1121BIONS, BAOH PAT, and vrnavesz 01,A11113 of every toserlptton, collected by the rob. actiber, et the following Wee, via : Petudons, $lO U all other claims, is 60. 0. 11. TAYLOR, Attorney etLan, No. 01 Omit s tr eet, Ilttaborgh, Ps. S. D. No charges are made 11 the oletm doe' net mow& and ell tolbrinatton siren eratht eektv 1 .1 UN =rams Awn AJ Inman in thitinoniambot Wanda of =num 13AVARA MAW, _and; all kinds of PHONING AND. OBZWENG TOBAOOO, PAY 11ZNEIMUUM MIS, 'MPS, *a., ft., in mai liartiab IJNDES VIZ 6Z. CUM= HO' Pittabinigh, Ps. • H. 8.-arlas Tads MOWS az Muni terms. oulladif C JIART.RI3 (sexcooor to Jima Italwah Otis Deanlti DAOON; LL811,11170A2-0023D BANS 131110 END DIRT /a CIM_IIA.PkiT ABB nasr 8711.11UP78, - Prrensisos. PI - j; ,13 ° { E 4 ', 144 angora . trim, Damns am arsomoanoss. 14 all Wilde of Bdidlw, sad impartneentb ttuds irealladnutifonstilatatata. - 11=1"sdalcommadtillat t4sawkatAl straw: • • -R9 1311/6 1 , V. 3 . 1 1113 2 4 4" LIMAIO• vu!ru, fterAlthatil extoptloo the largest ma bettptisotiatt of Beddlng Mats about 140117 rd X9414 1 0 -1- 4,* aziD againgn. wog? aitiok ~f ilk ollLamu. =I OkIII AND MOOD onAnzi 11100011.9 PlllOl2l, =I *WORD @ CO.'4, e =il I lhatalscturen c 4 41130. ALBSZII. LOS • CO.'6, B-. n. corn*. Wood end •Dart Oa post PAMIR, Era tfrn • 'a nt, or 1111)1117 H. COLLIN& ~ , , % ';• • 5, . ',., , '", ,,k ',- ,,, .:, .! ,::,, ••:' ', ; '. .k , -,i :, . - ,' , ' !.'.: 6 , ; . ,,, ,..,'- i - ' , .: ', .' •,.,.."',..;. ' '. : . ; ',.1, ' '''- ' i4'i.i, , .'. 2 :. : :'.';if';' ' ':::',T ' j.;'j:J..;',- .! :,.7 ' '. . ;.';'.,:' ' . --. :. . ':, : '.., ; ', , '-:', .. ,','' ' . - t:"ll,k, : ;' ' 'lt' : 'l. .' 4 ' i''i...l' W -,-. T.f, ,, ,' , ,R.; , Ai'T.,:i . -c - ',.._ir . ±Zt3 , :..Z , ; , =.',:: , .,? . ;A'-',- . 1::. , :-.' , ' ,. -E. i 't1; - :.::..::'.;'q;'_' . i•‘..t!.r.,:i: - fj,.: - ,.;,itt: - ,: ,;.:;761.';ii, la==E=l PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1863. Vittshrgit %a et. B. RIDDLE & 00., IDITOBB AND paopararoas. Publication Min 1i0.114 lin Mat NOBNING AND =WM =non. MLA CONTATIMIG THE LATBST BIM UP TO TM HOUR or PUBLICATION. • littolozpj.V.W:kefideirpf4 NEW TEEMS OF THE GAZETTE, NueSto rilrox• by gull, pot none year--13 week..... IL MusaAngie C05._..:.._ . L Eamon!, Ls am% W math.. BIL Par I 60. . Waste ooplr 2. Wrissa Cosmos, goes copse, pa year— 2 OS. dole of 6 to 10, 160. clubs ot IDer more. - I 26. asiextre to the pasty sanding oh*. for • Web of dlteen. we will wad the itincuma GUMP daily. Fer • club of twenty, we will send the Mown= Geserra WV. Single 0ep1e..6 anti. 1 All sitecattdiess *tads ie aware. sad pews elwele /lopped when the time nem. Vallandigham's Treason in the South...Re Encourages Ethel Its. sistance. A correspondent of tho Cincinnati Gaseas tends the following in a dispatch to that ps psr from Stevenson, Alabama: In conversing recently with Union . eithens of Alabama and Tennessee. I learned that ifillandighato, while In tide siction, repeat edly exhorted the rebels to hold on to Viols burg, declaring that the semen of his party In Ohio depended altogether on the ability of the . rebel Government to bate the Union armies besieging that plate. I confess Itas stagy:a:l at first by this stateaßent of Italian digham's atrocity. I could not believe that even his treason was of so dark a ohaftettr. I hesitated tamale the matter public, and I should not do so, did I not know that, the evidences of the fault are abundant and la &potable. Loyal man In b0tb , 1313111111 have named are ready to testify to it. —We think the reader will regard the cor respondent of the Queue as unreasonably faaredalous, when he "could not believe," what was so probable in itself, as the reported course of Vl:llan:l4h= in enocureglag rebel. resistance. Why, whet the would be eon. %Went with the declared views of both the copperhead candidate of Ohio, and his brother, copperhead. Woodward, of this State, bat jot such advice and exhortation to the robe:la—to defend and maintain their invaded "rights ?" The President to Gen. GranL From the Washthecerityptibllpiti of Madly. When It wu known that Woks belt, lad !plundered to nth victorious Lesions piQen, pi Qta, 'fizattt,the'Presiditat wrote the Goa, er4i pinto letter of ecknowledmnent and thanks forth, u Inestimable serthi" he led Rendered the country, and with that dame teristla frankness ishloletuthring a blush to the chub of the inaligners. of Gen. aunt, who hare attempted to rob tam of his hands and place them span the brew of another, the President acknowledges' that General .arnat noted upon his own plans, and not at the die tenon of any parson. Below is the letter of the President entire t Exuarrri Hamm WASIIIIQTOIII, July 13,1883 My DIAZ GIMUM 3 I do not remember that you and I ere, met immensity. I write this now an a grateful acknowledgment tar the almost inestimable service you have done the oountry. I wish to say a, word further. When you lint reached the vicinity at Woks burg I thought you should do what you dna ly did—marsh the troop. across tho nook, ran the batteries with the transport/,and thus go below; and I never had any faith, except a general hope that you knew better than I I that the Ysuo Pus expedition and the like could summed. When yougot below and took Port Gibson, Grad — Gutf,,i and vicinity, I thought you should' go down the river sad join Gen. Banks. and when you turned north ward, cart of the Big Black, I feared It was a mistake. I now wish to make the personal acknowledgment that you were right and I, war wrong." Yours, very truly, A. Ltacour. Ittajtr-General Gautr. Cbattitoogn. The city of Chattanooga used to contain about 5.000 inhabitants, (enrol Ave ehnsehes, live hotels, two printing offices, a bank, a number of very floe resideneso, ko. It h In lismilten county, Tenn., jut north of the dividing lib) between that State and Georgia, situated on the left bank of the Tennessee river, and is the northern terminus of the Western and Atlantis railway, the southern terminus of wide is Atlanta, Georgia. It is also the eastern terminus of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and forms the an gular connection with the tinsel railroad from Charleston, G. C, to Memphis, Tenn. It is one hundrid and !deports miles from Nash ville, four hundred and thictptwo miles from Savannah, and four hundred and forty-seven from Charbtaton. The city is situated on a high bind over looking the rushing waters of the Tennessee rider, which at this point spreads out to • greater extent than at many others In the vi cinity. Being the tannins, of two important roads ' and the most prominent point on another, (the Charleston and illemphis,)it bs tame the most available plate where the roll ing stook of all could be repaired and new stook manufactured.. Bente were established here numerous machine shops, foundries, &a., which op to the outbreak of the rebellion, were doing a thriving business, and contrib uting in a great measure to the advancement and prosperity of tke photo. Stevenson, Alabama. This plum, now firmly bald by a portion of General Romans,' troops, may now be eon- Addend the basset our army In thi operations against Chattanooga. no town wnsfounded by Col. V. K. Stavonson, President of the, Nashillle and Chattanooga Railroad, who laid out this depot in 1852. Five muss dis tant Is Coon Island, the site of Coon i Town, an ancient Cherokee rendssvous. Stevenson iJ located at the base of a spar of the Crunber• land mountaine, two ,and a halt miles from the Tennessee river, and contains three hun dred of a population. The surrounding country is a clay soU, rather broken; olliaataloiersbly healthy, and the principal agricultural produets are cotton, some grain, horses, cattle. mats, Andaman.; stook. Thera is one, steam circular saw and gust mill, four dry goods boom, one dreg storkonti two hotels. Staunton Is tho Mtn seating point of the Memphis and Charleston and the Rashvilbe and Chattanooga Rail roads. Among the natural out olitios In the vicinity in " Niekejaok Cave," at which a bloody encounter is sail to have occurred be tween the whites and Cherokee,. it Luken explored for seviosi mile,, and abords to matters interesting to visitors. Guerrilla Invasion of Kentucky. The Oincinuall Gamut, of Tuesday, sap : There were rumors in circulation in this city yesterday, that a large rebel force had =tared Kentucky through Cumberland Gap. Our Louisville dispatch meal ores the presence of come small bodu of gunnies in Nome of the souther& counties of Kentucky, who had cows through PoUnd Gap . Thetabel Preston Is also Willa hare amen regiments In Pip gide, Asar the Huta& border of Kanbacky. Thsreeppsars, however, to be no foundation for the report first alluded to, and even the advice* by the way of Looleville, are to be received with allowance... Abeowskte Mittel it headquastire bights city, up to • late hoar lan evening, are to the edict that there are no nbela this 'laser the 'Eumataaa. Vbe asinine that ties. Boybi Is and eqalyplag.wouembet of met 11!-IMILL14164 vat* has bees talawas an *MC sii d pateadottitotuist ItrtadogiCtiz beturplaised simply"by feet that any of Klima that =sac Ire flierectults peopirlilparidos, while otheri _ ;itrs oeavaiuseat so pawn. ins to daty.- • • Getettl" Gnat Restoring Beaty and Order in IlissinotppL. A read order of Gin,..Cratit, after an nonnobig that all regularly organized bodies of the enemyhave been driven from these_pirti d Stmtuoky and Tennessee west of thtTeconeissee river mtd from all of hilluiditippirliciit of the hdOelisdppi Cea tral,Be . 1 1 / 4 41, dielares dud the most rigor. one pensll3e t s win 'hereafter be inflicted on the feliskit i rebutseaof pritioners, to wit: All trietzderbodies of cavalry not =us toTod..and tied ,By the Confederate att . thoiltles ;44 person engaged in eon. octant offreing ths canto:lotion, or appreimudinir deserters,- Thetisr regular irregular all. citizens ineauriging, or aidlog_thelotime; sintilLterecola detected in Arlo; upOn _manned tramper% The oilereayeArtber orkeettlissis of Mississippi within the limits above deseribt4 are called upon to pursue their tesseful avocations, in obedi ence to the laws of the United Steles. Whilst doing so in good faith all United -Stably-form are prohibitedfrom molesting them in any y._ Lt Is earneatiy:rectite ! melded that the freedom of negtoelbe Oe knewledged, and add, instead of soldpul. gory labor, cdetracte upon' feir tame be entered into betiresen former -master's and eeivants, or between the lathe- and , flake othe_t_• pereone_tatt may. be Willing to girt them stoplolmi e t : Ouch a system pLe this, folb) will result in eutetan- Cal advantage to all, patties. "Allprivatetreperty will be respected, except when the use of it is necessary for the government, in which case it mnat be taken under the direction of a corps oom mender, and by a proper detail - under charge of a commissioned ollicer, with spa ' citto instructions to seize certain propel ty and no other. A aid officer of the quar termaster or subsistence department will, in each instance, be ,designated to receipt for such property ad. may be seized, the property to be paid for at the end of the war, on proof of loyalty, or on proper ad justment of the claim, under such regula tions and laws as may hereafter be es tab lished." • wmgc-, 10. A wan from Bpringhald, Wino% says : "The copperimsdrof the southern part of the State are fast -bringing on perilous crisis. &battalion of the 16th Illinois Cavalry, who bait bait errmilini.dasertms 1 / 1 /NOVA Ind adjardniroanties, were tut night attacked at Vandal% by roar hundred armed wom bat.% who atOrmpted to rebrasertite ilesere in their charge. They wars lad 'by in °Mom formerly bi r ths .United &stag , tarries. The copperheads ware repulsed, with loss of m etal ti led and wounded. • The eavaby force is folly ableto protect itself. Amounts from other parts of the SMOs show that the copper heads me ripe RIAD, movement against the United fitatea Government. _d aIIAS Outoi —3lnne the opening of the Missiallppl dyer the eostof the necessa ries of life In New Ottani has been greatly' redured... Flour to quoted at only 17 per bar rel, and everythinulle,ll le the earns pro portion. The Sup lerge'at New 0ct.... and tbe diesmans living Is having a son siblieffert upon the reputation who boys to work far their mpg*. The trade arid com merce et the city etr hotrever, Ina etagnani oondltion. lestriadpas are placed Upon those to prevent the tetwiefroto being swami. al they no doubt would be II the commerce ware free. A DIAZ HMO Ziff of four yews was saybg her prayers not long since, when bar rognbh brother, three years older mine slyly behind and polled her hair. Without moving her bead she paused and said : Please, Lord, OZOISE4 , IIII a minute while I link Freddy." We have known older parsons to e:ens, them selves from praying to "lick" icansbotly. Tail Knoxville liogirier, an out and out rebel organ, groans over the newly elected Congressmen who are to succeed the late Yancey sod other politicians of the ultra Bre asting stamp, ea little calculated to sustain Alabama's reputation for Secession ual. ED 11C.11710-rdIL. pITTbBURtiII FNICkLE OOLLEGS lIIIV. I. 0. PICIISHINO, D. D, Parsumarr. BUT eusrAingo COLLEGE IN rill BUM Ibe Vail term of the Flue utak Arms'. Wilma wVi tont e earn on TOO DAY NOES IMO, &pt. I. & lute undid& Vacuity of efeetere leachers bee tarn employed, sad atrzorapnts male far the commodation of en inmeasei =nave of pupils Dtaieg the we viten, Import astakddltionetaare been tese, and the On&gm now &Verde nasurpatud tarn. Ito. for a saki and ornamental education. al sin teechurs have been employed to give Imam. Mon in French and 011101112 Pupils received in the regale: Goln gee cleanse, or to say of the ornamental departments. A. NOIFLUAL CLASS will be funned et the cammettoeisent of the term at! also Gil in TELIIGKAPUING Mal D'.I)LLIkII,9 per term mei .11 expel:woo to the boardi., d piriumat, inapt sogidad and Wei Eend to Preaidutt PElaiHlNfl for • estidnipm = pRNNSYLVANIA MILITARY AOADIaIT. AT Wear Ctsle/STEIL (for Darden vnly)—Tno dation of Ws Acodosn ) .111 W m aned on 1111.18:DAT. Mambo The fol. toning googiunnom coupon. fa* award in:Buns : Ilos. - JAMAS eIoLbOOE, Prodaont. Corr. WI. APPIaII, Von President. 10. Ba Paeratary. Japan. 5011111, Trnatornr. Bay. Taos. Neptoth D. D. IMIX. 1 °Osborn, Bwr T. Brafbard, D D., Marla. B. Dbusau, Hon. coral° Thom a, 0.0. Bunt, Igor. Matta 0'58114 Wto. L. 'Valuta. Dom John likkmas. 'so. 0. Yarn°. Bon. W N. , alkaao, Meta** Nay, Col. Wm. 0.11 WadolL B. Ntaraa. J. B. 'lowland, tbeattus Liptak Tba ailfaabistos afread a Ow apsaluourot of a Marngb atillOty adocatlca so. woof only to that. it Waft' Puha Th. Acadamto °tad la coward of thoroughly competent botrar.tars TboLtarntional Departesant 111321 , 110.• Primary. Oultersto Las est. milk. onto& Oarntt° stbmtlos 1. pelf to thatool loalroNJOl of tbe odds. Outdo. may lad of JOHN boor, No. 559 Maly stoat, Ptsta°. b fbargb. Oos.. TRH /MT, soliffin ONO Obsaba. SRLEOT MEWL, .1. B. AZWIIII.I., A. a.. 'lemma. No. 191 PSBR MEET, PITTSBURGH, PA Mu. NIWILL laimule to open • Balact &boo' la the large airy soma ra tha mama door of Zia IVI Pram street, cm the Min MONDAY ON UPTICK MI, ma. LAIN Cheek. Greek liriatati sad Gar man will be Wilt, Wills as WWI will b. spared to impart to the pupil then/ugh taut:alit= la th• cal brooches of an Mullett elatetioa. Kt. N. wpm' to Walt the number of pupils. that he MAW bare the better opportunity of mooring porter moral and hitelleetual cultume and more ned ,progress. issue--130 per Creston of FM. Mouths. Po extra ohasnea. Tuition to be paid dozing tho ball of the &NUL Pobacoll Pearl from 9a. en. to 9 p en. illiratter the lith bee. hie. H. may be meow dap at the Nebo al Boom. durb3a the above boa= I=3 FINN LNISTITIITA N. Yf HANIJOOK- 82 Pitabovir, The undandsord bei lean to !Arta their Meade oaths puddlo itnerelly that they hareentesed fete portuerialp Oor the emote of coutluottne the above lastltuabut. The eati term will orrouteuce 013 SIGSDAT. the Vet lost. Tubbs, sltiO per qw. tar of slam make, lo edveuoe. oue atruitan am be bad at the pdaolpal Book 13toree or at oar rooms. an. J. EL MIMI, A. IL. IL IL WiLLIAIIEL A. K. =I H. MYERW BOARDING bniro DA! 11011004 for /sang bilks awl telVdms, n 011=11 an TWESDAS, Soo. Ist. at No WS Ilancock Witt. Manure' Cir su lass may N D obtalln4 h • Vlostion to 1103 Ptinelpal. inaSdhr Alga 11. TAT+ I. It. um& Walk& 13BIE, Caveman 16 Wm. j, Ihrty Jr.* 1 Figukunta o. MUM, OAIIAND BMX ni. 1i0.127 tf=a, NU1N611261/44' WMpiderai o=4 . him ad Loa sza wlllitirabb w LILOJu ni,- Plick-ki LIUD, api . =wo_ Ern MAU' ,SIIMIATIZ Gwent - I - 1 1 C mui L ismitism-and - AIM PUN all'• Datkap — AMONIANDIUMUIL Pin m aurio. 60; 111 irozl4 samidad fortlossiii! NO:1m A PERM SUPPLY 110DIEOPATIUO 1111411EDINti • No. I-Fm Ilimr.Ooogustion wd Inliammation. Be 11-Fre Woo Worm Oolbs. rout* /ha Bod No. t-gte ectilo; Onto& Tedbilis Gad ' • mesenniante._ • Sai-Diarhea. diolaro Want= suMl Dom Courgetota. No. 6-Yor Cinde r QUO" Dywatory as Moab Max. . Ida 6-Tor - Oliolora, Oholora Kabul. Floating. • I*llstr Oosigbat Odds. Inflame. eon Tbrott. in*. &Zoe Toodaverdse, rsolowdim,- No. li-For, thoucho, Vertigo, Nod am ßei Mitili itmlNeed. fro.lo-Dwprodo Pgf.../Or StomachiDonatlpatin and IdirwOomplabit. No. FM Female Imo:dunks, Smutty, i`situgat of 10 Periods. •NM ii-licilmorrhea, - Prohms lain" Dossatog diurnal • IN-Foru r a las. N 614-4.11 10= oma Ooogb, Dal leh P -roe Pais, Lamismaw or W li 'llMS-D orsatewisithe aM, ear, Labia or lAmbis. oolcia id Involuntary Dbmiusege as/ Barron r Ne. a-Non Alluistia miliaria adults or c3l/ 6 dma: io.4lo4l, 1140MM:ogee Wetting tim nod • 111=-00 Firiod“rearuse pr peanut No. IN-Butiering au:lmage alb* ' Ne.1111,-)lllispayaniVipascm Chorea. FL VIII. 11:-Tur Tom* and dem, oblll Frier, Dumb Us% Oltlllgutanagni damn. - • F..-For Pea, Blind au abodhig,lsitenust or JIM. 0-For ea% weik or inflamed my. and iyaltial f`g, Week ar Marred eight' 0-for Want, of Wog staudlog or nand, rittar with obstruction at proOma disobarge. W. 0.-Ifor Whooping Clough.abatlng Ito riolsoom LINO mamas. - b F B *Atom g , B t At nedtoe . d -- w O i p t p h r Croup snlpe c L tco tenon. Prise, 60 cents per bal. Ice Sr Diacialy. wed Doolbers.—Nolochargro from the liar, the malt of Ficarkt Ina Menalse or Ma aerials. For Holstein the Heed, Cloths., of Haar tog and Hinging In the run. mud Ess.Actos Prim oenteper b. lw Oleo —tnlarged Glands, talirpd and Waging Itiralp and Old liken, tknoho loan Onclusxy of Price, 60 cents per boa For Graeral Daa4.—.Phylloal or Borrow Week us, elthet the malt of sickness. trocagire Medi. realm or itthansting Discharges. Price, 6D matt per bxx. For Hroper.—fflintd atenzeoletiona Tamil Bwatb intorerith Bounty gecrationa. Pilau bad pa boa. . Beaßiskares.—DeathlY litalutent, Vertigo, Ilan as, Waiting, and Monne= from riding or nation. Prim, 10 scuts pes.bax. . - For Urnmey Murata—, or Grand, Canal Cann% =colt, Painful Drination, Dloru of the Vans Prlns,lo nob per box, For lembell Bestantes.—lneohnitary Dtecharges end Consequent Proutradion and Debility. The oat - sucesseint nod efOciant handy known, and may bI tilled tow u. cora. Price, gl per box. ante &put tag LA* Teiars Oftztr, JUST RECEIVED—A LARUE SUP. PLY or TEM SIXLSDBATED HOTEL 1301. P. (ri am atlas) Enpubs. Or solazb's aud whiten bulb. Attu. ark. MDMIN iiirsov str BLOOD MAW:MEM HOOVIANDII . OIIII4IAN B MEV; erreAsuaers k. lb. 11.1 , 1 OOH or TaLITH; DR 111 sPL ATATiO9I BITTERS. 11138.1101'd 0000A112 V, for tb. bah-, II ALLEb'S 11.111 ILILSTOILC ; DlOSSufl•el 111. , 01(aillBT OAILLiaIaiIVEL CIDUILIIIIL'S lIEDIOLIKD Lt.'a P. 41 GSA. a. ILLISI'd OULTBAI. DRUG nuns. V LLLI ASI A. WARD, DECNTIbT, v Banahmes Ed floor. back; entrances on Warty street. 0111 ca boon from • a. tn. tift3 p. m. In order to • p.oper cadent andlog on the part of time who may call opal ma I deem It my duty to derivate Nome of the tbtop .013110011 In Jae peso. Um el dentletry, which I do pot do. In the and pace I do not giros day's =an to any ona I dd not make asap ate of teeth ; I do not wort/low he their palmation. sound, Malay teeth, in order to Weal artlfictal coos ; I do not, In any instance. de al* the soaves of teeth, thereby rendering them Ile.We to the most painful db..a and their early tom the mon corteht. Them nod otnnerom papa things which I conk' specify, 1 de not do, I o the choice of materials Drupe. for tilling the teeth, wits tat a Mattel am el gold, esperleace bawl ng proved it the taut of all effectual la their preserve. tied. In all cases, howevar, Involving the appearance of the teeth e I do not Imitate to make towel It. ha so tn. gusittp of or plugs of gold, • 'number of which I imerted to the leers of . 1.4-`l9 a.. still be zing teetsmony to my worateorahlp or perliap. I .11-0141 roe osolessloliel alai. 1.111141 I=M==S=Ml - _,, , , - tiii:dl37KlAi agimi:lurn FOB TIIIII LIB! oil !MUNK( Wawa* JOHN IL FULTON. Na. 67 £JD 69 Firm Sum, PrrieBOBAII, Ps., Onrosr Oh l° sad Fwlaral groan, IT= J On OPENED. 191 EIN CARPETS. fiy pontoons ands In the isnot Cirpnesbn of tte Lunn Plaritetsore ors innelrlag Ms newest ps,/, terns to If 31715d11Ltl sn4 uniaalsv, uhf. to Mtn a oomptsts assort:en-al of Carpets, Vloor Oil Cloths, Matting, Ete., Witt • son Isq• nolsolton In prima OLIVES DI'CLLEFTOCIE & CO., /s 4 1.11.71 i R~dhluis essßut tularrhuLDS. —HoWittutandbay dab .bloats of look= Opo mulon, who mph.* b tba owsw - of Op& iMsk, Bossuat SPECITAOLEB try tozetyltui dolly lb. worsting ondotosaubbir atom attlsra& ttl that la Natal Is b wwwalne all otba Ipootocks; thou call and sostutos lb. 11113311111 .11EIBbll two& for solo b., El= iti..l.atazar al th. itimasug Pettit. dpeciialis W rith onwt U.. P. 4 Thlnel2. rritlffit tXTRAUT ED winiou2 PAIN.—W• tate Hat method of Informing ons Made and th• puhllo genorally that se in non to HITR &UP THUM WITHOUT PAIN prepared i prantke of tantiatry. Thom .ho boo. been Etming this limb droadad operation may oda addi bun and glni no • call. aa the app WI as have In nal Ito Wen thoroughly tatad duo . or t tJhemtoela hri past four pars, fully atabllahlan tha ado and panto. ohanctor of Abe otonstlon Dr.; nor Galvanic, Banal wed LU the • wishing tb• motor of a good and collards Meant will do well to call and consult with Jana & HMO, D. D. 8., U. YO liftb atreolli or, DL LL 11.180, Otani.' No 47 Bcolthilfld L. Pittabotrob. M . ATTINGB, *OR 801111113 FL181915111110 WI ans dill *alibi at Its prim of• aeu ay., W nits, uneoked and Fancy Matting', ta wary style and of,s raperfor qualllT. OLIVER II'OLIETOCOL 6 00., =I UNKIL a t3TONSMAft, VIA.NUFACTOIOII3 Of Will WOBIL. Hu* always on nand and make W ordor MOH AND NUM BORLZI2. 11 , 11111 CLOTH ; aL119123, of .n kb& BIDDLICEI lon loandl7 on; lIILLVT WORE mit wmgDown, Bo.; BIRD ORRIS. US IIInidENTAL WIYII WOUT. far Tlawm, La. 1110 - l8 dam al all HI "Or sale, al I= =I •••=.-••• 1 1 1 •• 1011 TEL 131.111iBlnIGH FOB 13RIOK M.N. 01A0r013,1110 CO. LEBR, CLOVEN * CO.. 11114111 BUM, T1.1. 7 / 4 1, 1311IIGIBLZ9, M., 44 &Woo b AHD COICIUI2I.I tie. tC4 UM= tITIIIINT UsePfau &B. Paissaiet Divot, Pit illr Orders ikr4 esmwtfull• innettqd77Al.7 w. ..~.+✓CO~ltb l •--- Bsowx, MORROW it CO., HOUSE, 8168 alp> cuutasitarm. rAurrase. guano= SSD GLUM'S*, el& II !HIED MAIM aSkirgi' Pre:ants:lM otis, , etc. Tt&OiC. & BHO., Itiokin Crude 16 Refined Petroleum, Rinke, it, IDS WALNUT : BT., I,IIILiDELPBIA. &Wasik "WOWS lo oar On Till melte oar prompt. rittontim. • toisrio krogirs, itiobardoon. Darla Arloor. Alas lico - 11004 , int Iltailllbral DO% Pittsburgh reos..thaltbeito*,,Erort. Zook Xi ? 1.1 Taster: 9hllod4oblo. aradvd DL. TULLER, Js., AGM, 1.1. WALlinlir. naraznpliza. CRIMEA REVIEW PETROLEUM Ott ropanfarirro tutelostvely. All c/ariita it moat ttionnable tits. ' • Iffoll,loll TOR HIMIHZD In cool agiart. ru OWN/ car sad altsdi. sr Partenlar attention patil to OIL POE Pa PORT. ror flatio--OAOSTIO ems., SODA• ABB. aro. antl Ctitaf h rIiMBEBTON, OXNEBAL kfIiBONANDIHR BEOSSEB, 136 E ours lactirr Blurt, Crude and Relined Petroleum, 01=10 8011 A, SODA AU, SBIBIBTOBS, DRUGS, 011.5. ac 6. &Q. illillretdoto to boj or toll promptly attended to. stally AL LEN & NEEDLES, PHILADEL.PALd, Commission Merchants. Fartkulat attention pall to cotatipments of CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM Or lateesi advances made. salty lIHNItY ROE, 80. U Rom Fnost PEUZADELPIIIA, 11.110KBE AND 0(1141ESION Eratonstrr Crude and Relined Petro!non, =MATING OIL AND 13ENZOLT, And &odor la tads .z 4 &tined PETSOLICaI ILIIIIIILEL .3:17 BREWER, BURKE &CO., • COILNISSION MERCILABTI3. /wale date OLODIL PACI/10 AND MUTT OIL WOUND. Mr Liberal cash a:tumuli made Oil COuipament. of Relined or Cruets Petroleum. COL DIIQUI:US War MID HAIIOOOI. STEter, PITTENIONGIL JeXtly IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY t 6HORPE.NRING, Itlannfaotafars and Refiners of 02,1180 Li OIL, BIZZLIIII AHD 01L8, °BUD) piraotiu IL *WV' or ks, opposite BearPetxul Moo In PEWIT BLOOE, Duquesne Way, Mil WALKS, WETMORE & 00., COMMISSION 2,LLECILCI3II....NTS. SULIPPIALLS UV PUT/10/./GUIII, LIS MAIDEN LANG. NSW rota. MT /amyl. facilities for EfTOII4IOE AHD SHLY PIM), at tb.lr yard and wharf, Ilso Haar. raylattf OlitlSN need not be ombarreased OIL by the entoroentent of the Balk •hee they att, have their 011 barreled ann= without touching the 01ly Wharves, aa cheap ware prompt, with leas risk, :eta trouble and to barer order, at HIRE'S OIL YARD, Oa the Mk has Valley liailroad. abet . . Lastsrance villa, where Utl is Vamped Irvin the boats direct to the ma, ar d shipped to any point, Yost or West, will:snot an, 'traying or rashipping. All orders promptly attended to. alillrOdloe at Yard, on Wise. Patron/4er It. U. Poet Odle. address, DOS Wit, Plttsbargh ; or I oan be own doby et tho Oil ractiange. a sa DAVID ICHARDSON, a/LIMEY & (X). Commission and forwarding Merchants CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM N0..1.51 lEWI NT8.E.12, llErLilwal emus Linspots on ootuitgam.ta An Pittsbargb et /astern Birkota. ftITIIIISOII 11L/W601113 Bloom J. tt. Dm teens • (to.; dram= llaustred, Lg. Tissarsois klau, 6q.. Pres't OOLCltltiVild Deal sob Ms& ROBERT ABIIWORTR, I.sat BT. 01.A111LIZT. Forwarding di Commission Merchant AND DELUBB 171 0149. W ILLUMINATING, LUBILICIATIN 3, CRUDE PC21101,1013 UILt, MI, wnstantly on band and far ask at the lalrast marked prior. Oonalosiastna MID 011,311.11 *a LiCIS fali ap7:6on WOO. 1/. acmosnar WOODVILLE OM REFINERY, mum/ W. sordalin, 10•111:11.0TIME07 07 DURAS° OW 1121 D LOBILIOILTIM gawp meastaotly 00 band Ow very boot 4anallty of Roam° OIL, clear and without Wort also, • good Lllll M /110A TOR, pan KIIITZ BlIpZOl4l mad OLB tiTAll OH& ordara telt at Ow IS Tyra bmxsv, Baal Block, wand thaw, will be promptly attendsd tw ocindtt DIAMOND OIL WORES. li A nos A 8 All7ll, 117J1NZUB AND DNALLEB IN (LANNON OU4 Elannesied by any lu tba market. soir - Ordera left at their (Moe, tic.. 41 HAMLET ratIZST, or at Omar worts la Lairrapandlla, win - promptly attoridarl to. • WINOS Or ORODII iNial DUHOLV, DUALAP A 00., =MMUS KIWI WILITI RISINIID thiIIDOCI 01.1 A 02a, 110. Ma [Ahern Mad. 1079:amdin R. P. BILANDS, COMM/IEIION IitBRORAIT, Dwain' ta MODE /iND IiZIMHZD 0118. 11AT BoAT% LUMBER, STAVICB, Lo., etc. Oflies In, PINS? DLOUlLacontlag AlLeant, Wharf. ?Mahwah. P. 10000 JAMES I 1 WIN =I .lissabottm OIL or VITIiOL; ' sat 'MUM 41019,1111,1L3 Ortioslati at John ,ftetarisltl jk Clo.'s(hIlo, • alXarkst Phil 'Mutt, win rt44l , Ili - Inep t _ _ an) VOL ME- ~ -7NO. 261. 81 , 431 4" , 001M8111011" qua Ira, PINSOLEIIS PllCarJae, OMB, 44SDLE8. , . • BBOAD Tom ea 11&2117-Vrtilia /maw G< nut IVIITLAHLO EBBOUBII OIL w.uKA hiv TOM PAI4IIIIUP OAHDLII CIOYLP /A. I=3 MoCOMCK & CALT.FaiDER, 211 andqa..uttt Water areocilipunents aollcited. Ouzo to. LTDAT & Cumessiroco.Lroo Ctj 01.1 Warts. Jury PATIITiIy J. Yokota 4! Co. On,u.rAal., awl& palatal:a d Ock lyStElvd WALLACE & ctatTISS, ON KTROILABTB. Puttainztrau And, &den - CRUDE & REFIRED PETROL74I7I, No. 68 NORTH 8860 ND 1311130:2, • PWlAlltrarna. NWStooge 611;of may tundra earce,)'tcr•l3,o6o ,Ils) excellent Wind's for *Dipping to AnsarlaSs and Tondo parts, at oar whirl on the Eannyliall Illvor, nest the platinum of Ins Runs. IL IL •230, mu mint " mariulw watt pETHOLITH OIL WOMB, lILEVIMOITIEB ratEl tl9lSa C&lso3 OIL. DULA., !an PIOZZOIXOU LLIIIICIA7IIIO CIL °opacity two tbourand barrels per woo& IMAM it GRA FF, Proprietors. ter Mar, bletorags.4l2 House, Plttrbargh. =VI INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY .1. TIBL—IIItdatSLIN r DIE Ilistautioloor- PART, Olt PHILADELPHIA. OfLos, 135 and Ilt7 Camas:tut stmt. agar HUM. tlistellumat st Motes, January la; ma, pahuzare agreeably to as Oct of Assembly, bele, Myst Idnripmes, amply speared— 1,6%,..%3 Real Estatiroa't ra4 8108.31.4 cwt Temporary Loans, on ample Oellatoml Ba,LIS Stocks, (prow:A value MAO 72) cc L. 14 7 06 Notes sad BIM Deednibte—..--.... OP The only pnkilta from yroculbar 1.0.1r1 tub Oinapony can dbrids by I►v are Emu tub bead bare Imp &bumbled. Intoranor tnada on ovary darctiptdon of property La tows; aZill acuity, at rate n low a ars conatigez with tactility. eintnothignlintorporatich, op:what of thirty you , they boropaid Itasca by fire to as avionant Your dfaLioos of Dollar., ihoroby affording evidanw of tint advantage. of Inunisont. •