The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 25, 1863, Image 3

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" 1 4
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TlTE3plit A. 25.
• .
iMr OrI I 7OTIL - rssia IBS 017.7.
Ifintiozowg - roivOzisiutan tar the go•
sant, t- Bhwe..6piioisz, so. s* Fifth
!Ordlrlrirmitroll •
• ur enr. SILDP•
9 o'otoe 79
- -.{" is , los ss
29 0-.10
stitiePeh°°leis tjailteel
. i
ori i #l l to 4 naltaintled
op to
1'; 121,11,,,g, eid iC co ''t o be 111°
,:. Tigi-Zio- 46.114t1-4 11 3 ,iiitie tro t . '4.0 the
2:,•!..•:'.4311,..,6-4,/,'lonisOl'ilielattr.- #leho "41,, this
~ t 17,1-;.., lTaCri,_o7,t-si is,;_aitlrd,,p, of 04° can.
z ' ' 1 .1.777.biti2 "113 f. iis s' A "a"`"+. reary-fi"
'..',';'• ."'"oitoreeelt".4 -I- rieefii!3: 'twebeee-_.
val ikets, 'll:i:titai'afitiACl
g. With
•:.•'.... ”7‘.'
with h kII
or stuill"
it rest.
= /16,11.... i iie Tut ' , ' Juds' a mil
„IN..' °
_tiii klal .
_f joining ' • -"'' '''''
Slikt44 '?
&Wit/MD:WS '
j f.rsistt•
.. up era
, ./ittelltii attahseeoan do
' ‘f,; 'MI of
-.4. dreg esaallissily nadir before a pasties of She
tie& lune made the target aped:
_l44l.Atioviiisind ,priesswin g the same tc the
ctownendarks of the noulterou on their ar.
hien who have been not less then
nine months surto., sad received an boner!,
leteAlsolarge, desiring to enlist in the sharp-
Ow do so. kr applying' to the Pro
' 4 , Mesh hiszslal of thin 'Daunt, or to (haul
amines deeignate4 by the Goverstors -for
_„...V.attiftiter c mtaratt goblin% and famishing the
:I.koll64l . 4t3ltootiarabins. They Min 'be
in at sharpsitooten4 and recurs the
igol,boustirillowe4 thetioVernera, and
her, atariedited to ,the quotas of then
speotimstates akipeoladus Gummi Order
Department,-:War.: estrunt sellun. All
. ragraltga whither daftsd in or Volunteers,
•wilt address Col. B.lterdan, IL.. cork" who
quilfiteuterieredfiton the field tomputitend
work. They teinhhassmps of
the sII
- their uteltess; end Me pr•ba
bles time when they will antra In the reedit
.f.ront and the plum 'or thei'tendinous, that
- ieeteilie la en to tore n:4 them
Pet,may be h
sollteir,iegiseents. : • The Sharpshooters are
anned.witlt splendid breech wading rifles,
Msiing 1.13-* piece, sod the above affords •
Aar &motorman who desire to join *corps
where then shift 'With the ride win be
nuelatici andmsdeiffsetive by agood weapon.
ilitsburglk,' resole College.
We Orect attention to,the advratisentsut of
this most azoeliont institution, found in tut
agate vellum We have so often spoken of
the 'slams of the Pittsburgh lammb► Col-
Lige, now stronger than ever, that we need
'Sot advert ,to tham at this time. The
- itrtevs have - manifested the same liberal
'l',.:Pediey as, Imitator% the s employment of a
tap, able, aid aceompissied faculty of nine.
Thee are not mire aeries',
• :14 batpirsonarwlio have devoted their life-time
to-teaeldng,Vind wive!' them have had from
:7 2 •1"jeliterteriatV_yeatii,aSpotiones in their
-the solid branehas,.ale they
'Austad, are decreed of most importance, the
facilithis ~ tbis °Mai:mint& branches, molt
a ii rani and 111litre:until motto;' drawing,
• _painting !aid` needle work are unstirpasstd.
-The lirmieth and. German languages, too, are
taught by most able and acciamplished native
_ •
Qtr deign, hdefiner, WWI not to dera il upon
Wide matter. , but to e au attention to theez
, mein, alteratives and additions now is pro•
gross, for the acrocizonodation of the pupils of
Ike allele. These additions, made at a heavy
I. espouse wilt make the College In Whit
• 'it alnay is in every other respect, one of the
• Li: • lest institutions in , the land. .A largely in-
Gressel nnachar or bonder. can be socutinu
; _laud, and we are pleated to learn that nearly
the roomi luso *trendy neon orgsgoa .
Tim Chapel will We doubled in ales, mbelog it
oitofthe Urgeatito 0, band in any *linear
4dere will also bean addigonel
roan, a beauttfal halt for eke
arary'llicelety, and ••saagailicant roam for the
' and Cabins. The College hu.
igrelmlate xisgeliflomot proportions and 1.2
Willrjharity.morthy_of.,tbi astoaishli Ufa
ttirreesirieg, both at home and from
--r-lebtosit3witraCfriell p sib eitieoais In its
raid' and SlCTlRlMmission.
Pittsburgh Resider Bainist /impost-
4130 D.
The =tante! of tho imolai-fourth 111111iTti
r • lath of_
the Pittohurgh Regal*: Baptist*Asso
', illatletsheld' 'Ciders ant BaPtistffiturel,
Iffdataiditted contlty, to Sake lilt,- lines
lielapelated 'slid a copy forwarded 1U for
nine ohtir
eiv are tent ahem ln the Assad;
" F 4 4,1t0n ltlattin ef , whfolt nutter 2,115 church
*Their Sunday Sohoo u ernitsln
'-' 9- riiivatoyikii - a4e 168 Widen with 4,660
1 4 =total:in 4n the libteziest
iiztonst of contdbutions ;calved
-"" ;h i ring tas IN= $1990.89, of -whirl' 8650,20
was to thefinullsy Belted: -
• The committee on the state of the country
}iporti4;aarlsv,of six reieleUens, whist
J ena uncodatcaulyr adoptoti. The following
*retina the navigation , 1-
• Jffeessted; That'. the anthem' alders, and
-- -- abettors of this :slave-holders rebellion, in
. their desperateefforts to nationalise the to
' 'Walden of itlivery, and tot:tad its despot
le sway threlghont the landiltitee Utemetres
billeted etithat institution a , Nodes of utast
tatiqUistArfaial and
. : aticidtd blows, tram
whibit.webellere it eta now *mover and
,4)ll,loent -thesestiros thuo fixedlii destiny
" witilibaitentss its tdoesur and that, forthua
What appeared'at duo to be a ter
i• ribl4.4odantlizbloo the productUon el mutts so
iinexpletsd and ardent, our gratitude end
ederatiito wt4e'--dat•-to that wonder-working
' -..:Janis who atillitataketit_thrt wratft of toas tor
--presswiffenthluretrreartinteritrtbit *nth
• he resizatta." Psalm iffir 10.
Smobref, That we have behold with joy and
gratitude Wiwi:test and minty efforts which
the hitherto &glutted if of despised eolotwd
roan is now putting forth upon the baths
dill tepoottre his freedout, proving undcata
y fittieulkith for its privi'sges and Ott
': 1 0 8ats *
TitelliOnght. '
- -The dry season, 'which has continued in
tldszegien for deeitirit weeks, was most hap
pUy biterroptsd yestordalteltartioritt by a
very short,- thopgh.vep heavy and refteshinz
Atom- Thisee* bitten col:misty parched
dry the exoesshitindiong-conUnnod ltest,and
* l 4lO 4T!Eltatioll ware sodarag flPa
• y 00150412: Tkolasioire, whir& is excools
- lsiglyttestseilffeelpfiteithYuetfuntry, had bet- ,
come gams! lasnitirdent for the support of
cattle, and miry sptingrhadtrisd npin the
lei 41111/51% AdOed, them was a mt.
411 45 :d
- bless g tram roeoleud 151$
al deligh lo t.
We usotosperiwoedso.onazea drought
fey many yeral—thi showers for !impost brut
tovigiiPeen scanty and few
• ` MOW: 'The filleropo have suffsred severely
” entegtizot, sad in thie nation of twuntsy .
,the yiel4ll szpsatal to fall below the average.
Shy pdoes awl lads of food for hones and
oittlevUl44:6ollthis rate very high dosingthe
winter: t
- , _ .
'..: S. A Navy. Elvis:Z/ angular ova of discir..
; '''. Andy dOlid Mai tag.° belor. Akiersosa Donsid
, e ./., sod -Vistkedikr:s4 ; lin; 4iiiitorlao ilsoloy,
; . hubs- boils' blusod wi.da coins, sos.inoto
• ~,,, •-:4liiittojtot at: s moat cdroap.oimpbriion by
^.- 1- -XfAbos4toswormild borwifirsoditodstitor
i• aii - -i-Oblidion*iii,lliiitotviityatOtsil. tboadb
1 - ." I ".,l l6 , o4l,l 4 3 4pyblitlehoirdoli iiiiiiiy
$ .
I i • Imo awricoopliini* -
-••of :ttio , tioliwoys,
~,„_ ; Ida* It it.balifdd*.if psi:44'4oa Ibil sitio- -
.•'-'..4 3 4 1 1.11 1 0/Aistiteboo 'et WC. • dever.
1. Irk-
/, '.. .0 . .9 41 Z .840 1 6, 1 1 0.07 , to•A trAyitinedb iniA the
•..,. • riillaroolibibizisti until today '1 - ''z' r- '
:n. r - , i 1 .4 1 -4 '''... " , ,q - ' ' ' ' ' - • '''-' . 1 ".. ' • .
• : r... , .. s!i::-- 404111191 la Acrt —"ZOtiiidAritticci oai
t:A1111141111MMOCII . Giotto liatddisii.ssitarod the.
. ~ • -••,...,. : 1- diosiot Iln• Piiiker (taw. 4 keboali Zabel
r,i-, - ; cga RUA itiestiond salad $4l 4gii eons Gip.
~4- 7-tro.:-...i.gitiillt•L4o4,__llolLitipozi. Matto
:4. :,' .•'; : ~..... .•"5.•0...4.i5t...tba counter and
imetstid. Qui' :sitilitAisamSr. l Mr. P.sksz
biopppadd.til•:aob ably_ ti bigo,- - -dod (startinty
slifoligb) -00104, Reda jolt •thel 01111IICe4 to
Pia V tbdr: 0t0t0. , • - liii -liosi ,oialod in, sad
•. 4 -1 4914.PLAbilid5 fat), ointod:L.floding stio *to
. • . ',,: ..O.Mbitraii bio postoosion. Rs *so held
.~eJ~9a=~lai^~Sy-n xt.V~T~ ~I`~:(' ,, 1 5 «'~~i. .N'<C~i. ~ti~~. ~-
Oar Book Table.
Bermna-Earaus. A Norri
Army. 1462 P.ll
T. 4. Pei r-n:t S. Or 1 . 1[1.41,,,,ryb ,4 4,4,
by P. Rust. 0,11, •if h ,tr.,; J...
Sellth street ; and Rest! :.llner, dOorto inpp. 12Mo.
Bt. IZurford holds the pen of a ready
writer. Aa editor of the New In- 7 :
and to the contributor of route yce.aantiy
piquant articht to =paints, his namo is
already wall, known In literary drips'. If
we remember rightly, his frbsnd Dr. Shelton
McKim% to whom he Insaribes this "novel
of New York and the Army," some months
ego took tioesolon to =nest to him the writ.:
ing of a itoiy dealing With =amanita of men,
and the Man and manners, of the
or etherwisa—en which we has fallen.
Rena, perhaps, • ShouLler-finups"--eon
earning Which the came good-natured and
ascomplishod attic, gratilled, no doubt, with
the frultftineas of the hint he had thrown
out, thus mites r
" This is the ant attempt of any Import
nee, to products a toad out of the warosseate
counseled withit, and ellitridas 11=olved by.
it. ill the d•BililkihNl—ollheart ohatwatort,
- Ife. Naha has bastrater ineoustal,
has been alinessful, also, in oontrasting
their lights and.' shades. The hero. and
lostoine at the story an aesetaln Tom Italie,
who have travebod, =aged, elan We, and
waited Inalth, but, by amp and ability;
has reached • tespeetabts position et the liar
York press, and Josephine Escris,a very an..
amain but charming hoyden, with agars*
heart end brusque maw, itlio fell In , lore
with each other almost at ,fitst eight., The
villain of the tale Is one Col. Egbat Craw—
ford, Nprosenting_ class , of men who
abounded New Yak at the beginning of
the was,quetalding to raissiregiments, allow
ing =Olt muter rolls, drawing rations for
Inusghisuy nom • anksond'sraulialy cheating,
• • loyalty - end patriotism.
This =WS a satidirst ,at heart, also, and
when foiled 111 Ilie purpose, Anal phut gas
into the war in sanest. and Inds a soldier's
grave at Antietam. The author shows much
judgmait In laying the virtu of valor,
for, aa . Byron rad, • None are all evil."
Thas are four or fin Alain= love-plots In
this story t Leslie and " ace" Earls Read
ing and "Mill" Crawford; Ptah 'Wallace
and Eml4 Owen; Richard Crawford and his
°snubs Mary; Dater Ralston and Marlon
Hobart. :Sado= hat any 'one volume eon
, tainedmore love acmes. That Is mystery,
too, as well sa fortune-telling, and many bi
dden= which toad as U they actually had
ocouriaL The quiet humor of the visit of a
couple of elalinns to • • Cemp Lyon," :leas
Brooklyn, showing the system and discipline
of recruiting,' even in lest summer, shows
that Mr. Biafora can amuse his loaders with
oat running into Woe. • • •
Caseate= was drawn adventures_fall of In
west, yet not straine d to Improbability, and
• general futons In pulling the string; by
which marsl parties are brought into reta
il= with*** other, are the gad points of
this Min." -
This Is high praise,—sad speaking of the
work dmply as astral, uo donbt ern, word
of it may be Veit-deserved; bet. f any reader
aluaddireoe wreak as to aoospt some of Mr.
Norford's sideminte as lisitm we have only
*this mead lo . enter=that no Competent edd
ied authority, `however friendly, has yet pro
nonteed a judgment on that point. Bet It
comes to ns as • story, and as a oloverlivret •
tan story of greet Interest, dealing with
events so reesrib- that they have not yet ar
ranged themselves into artisile, or any other
kind of penpeotive, we aocopt It for its mit
aims—which WV*, to be, the amusement of
that great nondermipt, the reeding oublio.
Learn that'the Ballad States Barracks et Car
lisle, recently destroyed by the labels, are to
be rebuilt duting•the coming autumn. Capt.
E Wilson, A. Q. M., aiverrises for plop°.
eels (or two, hundred evol City thousand feet
of whltopine or hemlock ltnoor, twonty
two awns:di:at of yellow pine flooring ma
terial. ProPosala will- be• rereivLa hull 4
o'eloCk ..-x. on• Tradnaktrif. The !caber to
be dslivired at Cultaltßarucke, on or Mere
the lath day of Sapterebor., •
EilIT 81ZY131017331 Lors.—This aftentoon
at we p'sloalt; sill be sold, on the premises,
the remaloisg eight lois In the plan laid out
of ProPMfr socinpLid 03 Redman's Lumber
Yard. These- loiu °crispy *-position In the
borough of NW Birmingham, that will si
ssy! make thdni valuable an homes, being
situated 031003402103$ &states from sever
al large menufaatorits,. and the
. Passsoger
Railway. Parties looking for geed invest
ments had better sttend this We,
0,1170111 . 41 kore..-4.11e well known Petrick
Bane% lobo keeps ',drinking hone on Wash-
Into* street between Webster and Wylie
greets, was about two tnonthartgo presented
for selling liquors Wilting ',Some. He
managed to escape to New York State, when
bereetalreltlll within ;a week.= . two pest,
when k. redwood to tbli city. He was Ought
yesterday by :alone - Olannen and O'Connor,
and after astmptlng to estop, oral safely
Tamed In thelook•np.
111Looday.tith toss *at allow toluntrt
Mote ohm O'cL7.4. - JOASH WILLVN, polmosoot
'iloa of Atrander =CIL J Jack. WI liktao4lll+ -
Mara ,*, 11 4. 1 4,1Thea t*.Tozota aims.=
at I.4l4Lock,troso tLs roildoriam CS LIS punts. Tao
&butts .64 , tlio toalll7 , Oro , Tolootfally ISTPed to
!• - tOld 0- :" 53_, Voicelu.
We. 8411.121 — LCanti &Orr of t3o lot. Joseph
Long, sig., litho= year of ha op.
Ike &MON fthii Mali are, ropectiolly halted
'to anted .ike 'basal oa • Toluca aramicon
at I chieet, trop her late neddaccr, No. $ Item
street. &Dem sallow at lei o'clock.
LIBIN7B-13u f tkl lost" of ol:olora lafut
tasp.aionn if. Fooisprt amof Joshua and Eliza
US, &N yipoill Inroad ••mixdbx-
iv -Let ITIMMING1,1:0; Il.rtlAsiotr4
BEST 801174115141 D COLLET" nr,tatzt /tams..
TbrlffilftoMf Of the PlitilareaJefinifiColl‘
Atli itoacissmou 0 SADA! 110&110111 - rapt. /.'
A largo &A abb. If omits defebuiteo taoben but
boalk =Sof of. sad afrugraweds aria tae the 00.
comnodfuton of as- Lowered Ababa of jrapia.
Dazing Co vamttoo. hoporfal odlltbas bats bow
ofoo, 000 the GAlopriffir *lkeda basamcitdfatlN
Ma tor swoldos•E.ll4 sad ornaminfal Womb&
air fro tomb - trolivro tion fraplord gin lostm
, UM la /mob a:44lmin, PORI nottreill la Qs
notallklb go eboomi or is rat of ofnAmastol
Will b braid . 0 opiisosionroll I#p
andslw &min • , - <•• -
TOM ptYLLIIB2I uni stt mums
e t . bosom/ sysztakeat. mos vashing
6WI Trosidtas MIMING - toe sioid,
antSlw 8111IPIDI.
21 0 "EG". / I[ 4"4, l ingiVV" _
• -•-• • ass trontratirC", l ,',r.',.;
• .4 towing ar.Oictodiiit.
MARBLE :Ituii4
scow& anderave-Iltouns.
icairviaak IN*Ousit
,p;ssums , .r" c5 F:91 11 7 8 !-- ;
rpBB *Ole
£ a, who mountled to fonirlotiw• kr—awniro
14.1 down to Ow 4:ValtrlptiOW ittrot ibirob &UM;
or wbo wbh lo be uthrip4 by the pliant of ittOtt.
Irma! Forst driwtartrirbiO prams • otibititalo
to Mt, tOrdtV*o4wWWtiguir, vitt nod ILto twt
oayudipkto waled mo, swum fail, prospered *lib'
blioks, ao. J. a. ktoawrios,
tio. lOT Irobra divot, war brollbctold sweet.
gOOGNA ltery . • 0h . 606.
- L sA.uee
bop poi imszy.„wootbor, tot we
Tamil, (homy Stars
ROSU 8, 9141017541)3,
TanirEa. 4 4 . — Ntteladatnael - tti‘' 14 1 00 raa
dssi ,Itardea of Edam' Plan itecii as Att. m
tralttrocnn'Oe.EL&ND mtrastdit
siorOal akt
g 1L BABItiILB.IOO, exaPti .42063- '
Ibf IrAls t 7
•bls N. 1. I.l4sment.
Rust IL MUM&
epoefal Dispitch to thi Pttteargh °motto
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14, 1863.
601ITIIII1 rswa.
From Richmond men, of the Slat that,
•s glean tho following :
Gov. !Atelier has ordered the rebel General
ArseMbij of Virginia, elected In May last,
to meet in Blohmond in extra session on
Monday, fth of September next, for the pnr-
Imre of devising means for pablio defense.
lie says it will 'ionize extraordinary exer
tions on their part to mot the advancing
large Irvin of additional le teral iraope.
-An edibnlal in the Aratieel, of the 21st
inst., In dbentring what the- rebels that by
the fall of VI/31Am", ,asserts that the Fed
eral Government 'eras OM one year in taking
that stronghold, and that aro lost in that time,
in battle, by alahaeas and desertion, perhaps,
end • handrail' thensalid, men, and that one
hundred and fifty million dollars wonid not
eooer Os: oests te lot fa" arreomplishing the
',lFictlifitesile the *Onion that it will colt
the Government one hundred thousand men
and two htutdrad millions of dollars it year to
hold and navigate the rilesisiippl Woe. It
concludes that, while the 'rebels have lost
much by the fell of Vicksburg, we have pan
ed little ornothing, and are less able than be
fore to subjagete the South.
The Raleigh Seats Joensel says: A Yankee
deernter; who entered oar lines below King
don on Wednesday, static that the Yankees
have been reoeiviatt large reinforeemeels of
cavalry and Infantry at Newborn, and that
the whole faros has moved up to Deep Bally,
twelve miles from Newborn. Ho farther
state, that they were making preparations for
• raid on Reisigh.
BeauregarAilme recently urged the de
parture of all non-combatant' from Charles
ton, and prohibited the ingress of any more.
There should bo no mistake concerning the
views, either as to the Immensity of the dan
ger at this point or as to the character of the
defence that ha will make. Let it be dis
tinctly understood by everzbody that Charles
ton ia to ha defended toLtim last extremity.
If the harbor b teken, the city is to be fought
street by street, and house by house, es Meg
as we have a toot of ground to eland upon.
Ills high time that public attention sheuld
be dtreeted to thin subject. We were pleased
to bane that the gentlemen comprising the
Commission met yenterilty. We trust that
their efforts to make Cherleatoa ready
forthwith to withitand shelling they will
have the Co-operation' and assistance of the
entire popelationi' Nothing could IL us
and the country in the event of its fail hot
the meet hereto anti devoted exertions
Nothing eau save Chartestenhut o deeptrate
defence. Cite and all, let us host as ourssives
and make reedy et one, for the rapidly ap
proaching eiroggle. Lot none be caught nap
ping, and no obstacles be thrown in the way
of our military cattlorities.
The &maw!, is a Jong editorial on the situ
&don of the Confedereey, argues that the
South has no eines yet to: despair, an.; thLt
0.11 .... cNx . lout 830,000 szion, - estween th e ages
of 18 and 4S to the field, sad thit itooordlag
to 014 Di DOW, who hits compiled the
ties, in no event -dttrtrita long yr a t 0511 tho
Confederate strength be rednoed under 70,000,
it the people axe In earnest. The null pcpn-
'alma botiratn Wisps of 18 and 45 is raid to
antoWnt it to 1,181,600. Dating the taro
)osta - of 1..0 war not lens Lbws 110,000 male'
basing paned from ender to over 18 years of
The Ssatissi sad Whig are as loggerhcvds
over the character of Jae. Davis-
Ths Whig, In its issues of Tel:trades lett,
ehorgsa Jar with wiekod and unworthy no
dies, which the Saltiest promlass to reply In
ltalstettetnn -
The 4lotiast i , of tt4l2let, lor • long .dito
ri•l didiang that th• federal" have gaited •
lore bj' the 'raptors of Vhskitarg, it ,tagzig s
terribly unhealthy pLter..
- - - "0111113.
Agitator, under ordoA'no prisonasof war,
erter hPilititfilla stpnx d .to the floaratout
sy emend of prisoners will be dlsolirgod,
ezoopt oponntkoider front thekOonunussily of
izobsono of ortomon. Hovel, offering to
hoig th& oath not be good graluld for
his discharge, bat anges where it tun be
shown that prisoners were Impressed tato the
rebel terries or can pbml indiscreet , youth.
followed by open and declared upentmae, may
be spookily' ropettod:
Taking the oath of alleglame implied en
&gumption ol,aU ditties of citionship.
Sobel gnenillas have, for some time yeah
&tubed barlatte on the Ohio and Chesa
peake Canal, by streeklog the boats and
steallag horses from them sear Einem
Ozlffithswiti. a - party• of Cal. Baker's men,
sand with ifPnti ot lifighliatilti# 4 :Wfgartt
"telkiesii the halt of iielf a dollen
bests, sad ;net killlss - wfWifq, sphered tbs
imams ever ilia country.
The rebel mart of - thiiitirtaftenl of bon
Glade at half mast from the attack from Wag
an sad Butter was caused by the signal of
the death of Capt. Rodgers.. •
epeaa Lx i to the Pittththei Gazette
ilalo.)l!Lnu4. atav 5{,,15 5.
_. . ,
To bona a reltable , private
inn* that -the present 'thins of Gov,
1044 andei.'
Anew with , the sofiltarYiathoritioa here,
wia ibis' of m46llllll'll4salktionnlt osv
si*miwiltmlo?.s,picwifthirturiirid draft,
sad to be organised naitlonlaily In the aut
o= ostuitlei of the Stink There Is molt
Vtost f .barigaS . to tits slit raided don. les's
army north.. That army 01 never make
another Yaidihia way; bat Gov. Curtin ha's
molted , reliable tiforouttion that a ovally
thld Le Videatsdk and may come befrito the,
Onobetelsation, thns thnWing the Stan LIAO
sonfludanni k Teri litipart
the' sitha Ottha ais, So
alums hot .estitterts. It Is oontereilated to
P i " A 14 ": 16 " 0 25.000 men ' beheld..
L 2 readiness .4l hi ass of cavalrj-ithlsthloh
ie not at an Impoteltdo:
We Itais not yet ivetolved anything father
from Fort 82Citer, Ent Is vinerraly con
, intled lore that the old Gag 'now:Cloth over
what !aloft alt.. • • = •
The death of 'Zeit Oinblinikei r e li grastly
rovatted. Kovno erbsave end,vodinan.
Inn Nthriad diet .Britlth
IthailinltheitivrafiadTiit-tbeitninSh of .
Now tha3Bthfinst.
Bhs wait etuthlitithobthithado 6f olitlmlaCton,
V. 0., ulna two of our guatifits pre ohms.'
The Hobo was rith'ssiartt;lmb,inii
castled IndastroyLsg the nobs and her cargo,
+lath ilia follsiratitabte. neonrsgesnoe
oisircieafbesta ORO a
dem of ova Min went takon Flamm
From Resiiiin
Foarazee Wesson, Artg.ld.—A mall bee
jaw e-rived f--m N-• ' , ern with caws Gam
oar carresoot- 'oat wh o mit a ,
reoii paper: in t'l3 state ant
Virginia esto.cor loudly for the suppressurn of
tto 8..t1e%h Stoadard, the ointeat paper at the
state, whin.`- ome detence to Jeff. Davis ,and
tit hie cl-tztroc4ves In the heathens Confed
eracy. Ito ctroutatioe L 1 larger than that of
any other joarnci ia the Saab, and L tepidly
increasing, reign, together with the andante
, meat otite cause by t abGO nueLinge in dif
ferent pads of the state indicate conclusively
that it bat tantalum tbo wishes of the peo
ple of North Carolina.. Its column' ate open
to the ablist writers in the state, and their
statormanlike satiates against aeoesiban are
The muter, W. W. *Holton, who tuned the
rebel Otter of She Raleigh Journal 11 short
*tang ones, threatens Joe. lliilahely of the
Itlehmood Enaeaser with like treatment,
The liottan, Ti Jeoreai, westing of
the condition of aff.trs in But Tennessee,
ma t What I. Bragg—we do n't knew the
strength of I,t, O C WJ, and Have did It would
be improper to maul it known—bna we pay
say tbei., te,tiog cb,e pmunt etektas of his an• tote corroaet, end hit well-known
agruirkess, he will fiug his situation a most
tusardoos and pev!eLing one, unless there is
greater energy aril promptnau shown than
new seems to ezist In this Department.
It is apparent that ameorane intends to
flank him on both tabs. Ha will no doubt
throw into north- wess fieorgla a massive sal
tine, and another into East Tennessee, by
way of Sparta. Bappotte Atm former ensues,
whatever semuity has Bragg taken to WI book
to Atlanta, and it he dots Ws what will be
some of East Tent ewes.
lateiligenes from Nth. Wild's Aide= brig
ade, now in Booth Caron* mates that the
colored troops ere eager for the fight, and
their dlsoiptine excellent. The health of the
troops continuos good.
Ma j. Gen. J. J. Peek and his staff hes ar
rived nem, and take" command of the Union
forms in North Qualm.
Latteet csontheii News.
Bommasi blornou, Aug-- 22.—Tba log of
tonne steraner NOW York, arrived at 6 o'clock
fret evening from Oity Point, bringing down
about three hundred released Federal pris
oners. They also broughtn tarp number of
WO/MOM and chtidren from the South, raking
better homes at the 'North.
The Riot:mond Whig, of the Slot, says the
1411 of Viensburg and the failure of dlettys•
burg, are the two .003011 or the post which
mull -to render highly probable • long con
tinuance of the *sr, apart from the victories
we may achieve to the field. There are but
two means of etme•ereating the baneful et-
Gets of there esooto sod bringing hostilities
to an early olose—these ate either foreign In
tervention or a determined opposition by the
conservative mamma of the North to the aboli
tion faction wltioh has control of the Govern.
mane at Washington. A tong and protract
ed war will prole a great eviierbelly unmixed
with good, for the longer the war continues,
the more thoroughly eseeperated the SAO,
era heart would become•with the Whole Yan
kee race and Yeakee-bistftutlond We want
the aid of Bracey Wir Ars altle.M pap for It,
and let as to ii, we chill than have pace or
.ohm power to Work a rtotireveng• on oar foal
Chariestoi, r4l-,—The Yankees seen
determined to te,olitiorate lIICOII Of the GlO
gro element RI ;numb!. In :their attack on
Wintiostort. A colored regiment entrthottrand
etreng, loft Palledolpbts - on the 13th Mat.,
(or One:Wow The* Eitannton V.. Bpaantor
saga{hero it no Within thestatemente of the
&abound peptic, that there sem cool/lots
between Elea. 3tottoden'e troopeatet the enemy
COOT Stmatott.last-ireek.
/forme, Afiariatippi, Ang: 18th.—There is
no turther netre from the Yeeime raid on the
altsei!letpeiVantnal Relined. The raid eon
-,5.:ta of 1,2130'm0z, to v....rted from Yasuo
CiLy, tied intirotptod tht teo. trains at Dur
ant. Tao eataat beard of them the, Wore
tha tie ice up ha road, and Geo. Whet
ficld'A cumultly is hot purszat.
Luc lieporti u Itczutweed.
Ni. Yogi, Aug. 2i—Tire Herald's Muh
l:3g dispL.soh aunts that , Leo bu bun m
oth-tug rciateraetne4s the peat weak. sad ti
evldeatiq•pmpati-g to mocacir of- Oar recut'
report that the 89,,my arc making prepara
tions for e3rlyamapsiga, and 03ntemplates
to that Isn Anima.
Deterturs carnb::nro this tr.telEcen es. Oar
CITAIry won :.-werot:y engaged on the ecemeit
Gentlemen .ac tats alabriond co the Ins,
elate tl , j•h '4O b4Oll fill 4 03011 i Capte
tiawyer end hAng cacao:el
Three clec enobtuateare oeMpleted and
three more Ire hut:clog It ituel river.
The James river It fell of torpedoeo.
Very glntay faeilaze prevail regarding .
Charleston, ere althoonh anal:en:a La filth
peaurag,rd, tt.srse es It:Ostler-0 of *favora
ble remit, and the people ere proposed rut t4O
Arrival of Gm. (raQs rigid ahomas
ut 0200
C.iso, Aug. 24 —433. (~ a n3 amd adjutant
Ciaterai 1't;,31 , 33 43:- 3 34 y il ord k r tram
Vtatalaret *trout .3 o. a taus at lupe:ton
tUrsugt, hte Department. Both tistinsals are
la essollaut btalfa and ephiti.
Th.actmgt.itio4 host City ?,f Notllion blow
up et the whoa on Tames; fan, froin maim
tandfin Is of palmation anal. Upwards of
paions are apatite tilled. No patio.
Smutty-mom leremotives and stzbandred
ears bane beep destroyed, on the Mullslppt
railroad v, Mom the ii?st investment of Sanity
ion. bilis.
J. P. Hrektur, Deputy Commander, has
been promoted to ilrladtsreenanl of aelOrri
traoyij at ballikalalift. GUM& Lending,
Looisiena. Several us colored tegtments
have been muted by then. Tteastee, ud en
iletments are proynemlnit favorably.
The Matt re New York
Taw Tsan g Aug. 2 . 4.—Tbe drafting to-day
in the Tint, Second and Third Wards was
performed without any difiloulty. &yaw
Go orenGurs, banters, aitmbers of the press
and telogrephers were slatted.
A /Min diltadUnant Of the nit Mildews/
attacked by about 200 'Milne last evening,
wounding two or the foram. The arrival of
the releteraements toned that the gig had
Captured by the Florida.
lifaw You. Avg. iii—Tberbip P. B.,thst.
tiny, p•pt. Maloney, arrived this morning,
with 230 pasiongere, from Liverpool. lie re-
Ports that the ship wee captured by emigrate
Florida in lat. 'al° 10', long. 44° 20', on the
6th inst., bat wad bonded for $40,000, and at.
lowed to prowled 02 hot voyage. The photo
showed only the danorioan air, and *hen
host sees, en the Ose, fras 10 share another
large Ametlate. dip ,
Imperil's; tram Charleston.
Torras's "Zdeitos; Ur-4h* Omer
Maple Leg arrived from oft Charleston en
Thursday, at which tine lilander's guns wean
N sun simnel broaches . mad* la the
No doubts ere entertained bat ths
labels would so= surrender Sumter. The
Moaners were alai under the guar of Wage
nen and by (Weld of ear sharpshooters tad
nearly silenced the enemy. 4.
From t h o - Aumi of the Potomac.
19/enntototti'ang. 24.---A gentleman who
returned from the Army of thePetonme, gam
the regiment/ are dally allies up with re
Three privato from Rhode Used/ 'who
bad Jolt arrived, were shotwhtie in the lot
of deserting•
lliaminatiokt oI Baggage Disco*,
Lemma . ; .Ang. 14.—A military order
hie been Wood .diketontinuing the amtrolma..
lion baganta of presagers on? tho Lou.
liaills and rfathailla Beihood.
. ktiatallicoAtobttall
Banos, Aag. 24.—TIts Salem Postoetas
was broken tato iset ntgat,, and ovary Utter
la it stolen.
naTketa- by Telegraph.
p rnix iyvar,;:iitit 21.—Tha Flour market eon-
Stones dull, and only 600 barrels were sold at PAN
fortiosrgoo up to WOO fir PM , %wind; Eatra
Fasulii Mead) , 1 4+ , 15 156135. Coruiloat K. There
ma much wh oi sofr o vlDX,4l:4 dsosaud'u Tory
moderato; sales of 'VW bushel, at t 1,36 tor old, add
trouto for tam";
Ben of BO WO bubo's prime Kentucky
* ite ooldatilL,6- BY O goo. 03re
pa advanced, aid 6-In dimaad; 8,000 bus&
pllow at ato, alibi:trout* 10. Oats lottori atm of
0 0 0 tows low primula at We. Ptirristous loom
atoull; inks or Mtn Pak 1414,24 cub
, uti,3os4Th er e fa not thauti la P a
c 7r l/ 77aibtalFto ketlar of WO burala s t
Pozonyhtmllwardolllospld 47,140, sad i h-d m i o ,
Nrw FOaitil*;'2l.-41*r'don. Man awl cls
lower at it WV DOM' rztm slat., andVG6 AO tr.,
E. aO. vb," dolt reeittiollB.334 - cumume
',war for 'Xitak• - rooalOts, 144014 tau'
moan It /010buttartiltla a Malted amply as rlik
720. Oats knfirst. llo llll 666 i.. ,Poit and sod cam
Asyn iouoloy 110.11ros
1 45 0 = 0 516. -
Mots rosy atimatt - Wit 8 &ay COG.
ow Pa* ano Fear drtlSaitta SOX Gala S4 -gre
York Genial MI 7*r Pagdell9%
B. A. W
°Sort! •V) Bas.uoa Swear° 1 2 1
.tycln , 3a.
faxei!, - ; 1.1 lantilsawnris, 4r 1.1.
Lost in .1.41.
8. N. Chusory Pc=azal Agatt.
ilo. 18, fifth street.
Tsar.. Pam . , Plata and OrtataaataLliaita
Boalw' gad dualat in Peanaylvaals sad Vat
cant data of Om bast quality at law Palau
Otos at &Li. Lamy* twat ita Water
1 , 17 aka. Pletstaugh. Pa spa:6sl
Pons Douala, font dollars.
Pour dollars, tour dollars.
Dental lestlutte, Dental Institute. .
Bat &sap Dentistry, but asap DantLilly.
Ho machine work, no machine work.
Cuestas Oar are Armes ewes se Con.—
Sam'l Graham, vier:ham tailor, Is selling off
his Bluing sad Bummer steak of goods at cost.
They midst of all the latest sty Ms of cloths,
muteres and vesting., Of Thioh he is pre
pared to make ap In the !host fashimisbis
temper, sad st most rise. The public shoeld
sot neglect to swill themselves of this run
ehaaes - sad save mosey. by glided him en
early call.
Also a lane ;monaural, of plain and fancy
cusiciiiree, well adapted feria 's' wear, *hid
he will sell by the plea Ur below coat.
Mothers should not, neglect to all early.
Bari 0111111A11, Bliroluisi Tailor
co. Si Market str ut.
/11,A1111011. BATIIIILID Yount:um I—The
attention of our mounters bran defenders re
cently returned from the scat of war and of
the public to general, is win directed to the
very extensive And handsome assortment of
the insist sales of Prank. English and
Amens pion goods, for pants, coats and
vests, lately revolved by Messrs. John Molar
ik Clo., Merchant Tailor, No. um redaral
street, A ll osheny. A Pistilli' nitration of
gentlemen's futnishinggootts will alsoalways
be found on the shelves of the establishment,
together with!' lot et reedy-mode clothing,
got up to the best VISD110?
Haw dmarrai. or Surma& Otorama.—Of
ten we are mired, wham cadre buy • neat
and comfortable SWUM 111114 mails to order,
this baring Abe chance of 'shooting our owe
goods? To &Ohms tawdrier wean answer,
go to Idearra. W. 11. McGee A Co., corner of
Falderal !treed and Diamond Square, Alleghe
ny, and you will be Anibal amording to your
taste. They have just received their summer
goodseand for elegance of styles they cannot
be surpassed, anefor fitness they are the very
persons, as their work is all done under their
own superridon._ She them a moll, and you
cannot fill to be gadded.
Bins' Tsar AST Otaza.—REV. MllB. E.
0. ANDRUS, for mail year . Alissiosory to
HOll4OOl of Atortiarbargb, N. P"., (the on
sets bevies serionely sleeted her hair and
scalp, writes, "I dm derived much benefit
from the nee of Mrs. 8. A. Alien's World'e
Hair Restorer .and Zylobalsannun. I have
tried various ether remedies, bat ACITC4 any -
&bits that ea materially and permancatty Sow-
Acted we."
Sold by .bassists everywhere. Depot, 193
Greenwich street. New York.
Wail' Al Amours. or Suiruma AID Dis
use among the volunteere would be prevent
ed by the free um of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS
AND OINTMENT- - For Wounds, Sores and
Scum, the Ointment its certain cure, and
for Bowel complerats, fevers, Smell Pox, &et ,
the Pillr are the beet medicine in the world.
Only 26 cents per box or pot. 211
TUrrn &hermit thew ftwitog.-11 sr. H.
V. Doges, Hostim, M 5113., Oritos— " Thi.t
HM.B A. AUan's Weild's Hair Rummer and
Zylobaisamum promote, the growth of the bids
where bilious bas oommeneed, I hero the
mrlierea of my awn ejoi " Sofa by Dray•
cute trrirywhira. Depot, 198 Greer with it.,
Now Ycrk. dew
WI had the plasmas, to Ala,. of nailing upon
our young Mead, J. B and found
him flourishing s s urea! Mr. Milliken is
young man with whom we would wish our
readers to deal with. Always willing to so
commodatsr, and always having a line stock of
Perfumery, Patent Madleiret, sod in fact any-
Wag in the drag Iln., and of the best qual
ity. thereto* don't fail to give him a call.
1131110 COLLURA?" IirtRIITI—A teltat
CiaMtliebi school for ladles, eartutr of Passer
street sad Stack:am eiresue, Alleghess bit),
Pe The wreath setatitanuel scratch' dom•
memo on alonder,Bqtember 7th. Poe+ els
ezdus or ether Istamattea, •e to ruttiest or
board,esll spas or address the PrineipeL
eallawate Um E. A. Sarin.
6011;11 to Pawning Locana, etaairro 13D
ALL Crrsur tivrisurza.—Par repairs of al
lorstloss to room or dorailmio. now cOO% or
larttang sin la Oa Carpenter lima 001 l at
Crathbarer Campton Bbor. Virgin alio',
stais dm3chMled maw AID ardor's promptly
anadad so.
Winans Unewnrs.—Tbe WI tern of
this institettoa sllt coosuntotee on
the let day of September next for puttee
tare eft catalogue, to he had at any of the
haokstotel to the etty.
Atm. 18tb, 188 S.
Canna.—Tbo public Sr. busby noatiad
not to sogotiato soy notes or bilis of •z
-clwp purporting to to oadornd by A. Mt,
as nett ondoftemonto tomtit's.
A. Vat.
GOOD Nara roa vas Lamm—Nig 'Wu,
Wick and adored, ►t a radaottoa of fag at/.
yet yard. Dots goods, Ali, at, the =lir**,
Ward,' marlin, at DX mats per 'yordi at
Darla?:, by Market street:
OMUIIIOIII and Camelia Came will be taken
at the Oassiboo ogles. IPo. 4051.1terty street,
dap tit eight. All, order" lett at the *ben
plum will be prompt(} attended le. AU WU
Oat iel paid In adtanca. dm.
a. mu ! , Daze", 24. Pau attest, stand to
NI VIIII/711 .1 kb cede:don.
, -.loinse.•
Wll2oll4l66ratil nidsuon Prrnatei to
the nedleehiced, Irbil . born midi to epode that
the Ilan SISK 01/ P1T198116014
la the 00 . Alkithiil. nod 544 e of Itenesvita
tea. hie win if organized under and antordieg to
the. netnireinente On tot of Oconriant eoLtM
'WI PAS invneetitssNattonelthinniele sand hr
tVidge Cl Vatted Maine bleeds, and to Nolhin ae
he etrintitienk add red:voice Menet: . avowed
'Sabena, rlan.ledirnid coarpttad with alt the
=doin aft/MAO , ',TAW tab, complint cdeb
'lto.e. teinaked-
teennind. lithe bantam of Banktint. .
ldl }Vilna& 4' l ! o * * Pi enfv , sa • stlo
count, of Lilneleans: ant Mate of Plana; Imahi,.; fa
satborlsod coloinent• Ca birdman( Snokleranz
!et the net abortaidt: •
4.... inetlains a qhereol `Whams. my been
niatidni of this OM nen et Aiwa,
1 fa ' PM& 1101:i MOULLOO
nee , . Gainvir Mar of the Oannnev.
t 4 m,Ai. 0400. 01 30 i TIMIii
1 01.000.000.
Mit Plisdaht ?remit ompouly tuseja/ coveted
mike the sot to tworldsi Festal:al Inuteowy. voodoo
tbs. till. 01 itil&- 0 UdT if Bunt ur
Pastißusaui -wale iirltimpatertoll intim
tor. Ibtaglootbooofildeol Maris Bet otlfsesoope
rootboo swot ot dope,sod boy s,d won /11.:
obsess on Alt ramrod LIU cooltry;_
Vos wows: ebb& ba. stwoWd Pittatrao
:VOSSsizactOo orsselotlos th"lEdl
we barrel I. scaledent rand#46 this bulb:win
sensed to as sew colstositlop will 3 oeerlvs tlo
mow prompt Womble
Honig s soot eslatadvo cornorsondosco wte.
Honks sad Vaasa tbrontiont eba wanton V. be .
Meson owl °Soo soottote: odleberto bow vivo do
budsossel , bs'ecttoote susaplio
ars sad throes= ''." •
. .
Juin AmpiihUa„.„ A Issaspla 0904 i; "''
fil•- 1 11. ,
Thee. '0611; ' . • ,Ale*.Aaftlir;, ~ :
ThbeWirtit4in;"' -'- flAs'll4l. , .
4orig ix sinitif. ciiitilef.' - '. "
e - a
Li /114110:101)40104,,,
• .."ii IP-t
- " •
. • I CO.,
• nirs aim
111111.15011 T DRPAIIIIIIINT,
Orem ow OxIIPTIOLUIS az ma ensurer,
Was6bigtotalt7 Davit sth, 1e63.
• • 'aicoaia
VE Lvf0..t1L,777.3. mot. at tt, 0118 es
of Brown, fornm-01l rt= forooPer4'
::recta, on EVILDIr Cr t rAtite n ir mai GAT
D v
..t o'olo•t- so. - anti I
rotATICIAL NOtick—Petionis
&shins to Soli mestizo In the
Election Dtstrlots throughont tho minty, inn ptv
ad, tree otchsssa. by si,tyhg to D. Z. ISILSGUDGA,
84 Flith Irtrost. Plusbnosh.
Ina to the rear of Lb. v 4104 ft... m ut"
occuaq, the andarlo466l
.krrabp.t.garsE tha 13drg dAw Irtgi itiresents3
loyal 011131ai cd mid county In Coarratlan cn Arai
11151, to BI .A89511115.Z.111 COlllrS IVOR, at
lb; 001711T110114E fn iilttrbiirt6; ea UMW"
DAN, reptamber "Ed,'ll3lll;st 10 o'ehreek a 124.1er
Mr purpose of ncrsdas.lai a 4.ol;lateibr Ito; ollfes
et Stied". A. El. LIBOWII, Chrdriskan.
JOAN B. 6T EWALT. A.rnrtatE. ' ar2O7dalree
ObEiLLLY I RALLY 11—.A11 Loyal
Citizens of All.ahasks,, OKI and vielsoky,
lac; us fa favvz of a vfgorote prosecullOn of the
war, and In , attaining ice Adnialetratin fn tho
eappfsealin if me robellion •11l wait an 'VIM&
DAT NVIDING, impart 87th, m this dibeitunly
Diamond. Distiegahhed spraliere Win to prom,
and admiring It. toottiag.
By order of pl• Oa= Zzinsclve Couvrittes.
The treezosei of &Neaten? Cm:V, lows ot tee
Unica sad oprpototate et Oopperbeedlua, will MIK hi
Thursday, September 3, 1863,
ter T r {, OTtOON 11. ,
Oar Tatiqueet .ptake: • beveteen seeseett
beta 'Weedier& L.t sta bees OTAND EtteL.LT,
TOE; 5 an rams.
Hy eider of the Velez Esematteetemsedtte3
:Duns Oaza, Third Ward, Allaelear
&ouzo Pear. Honaagabela Horoze:
O. D. Taadvaos, Lora, et. Clair tp;
Jazz IL Bzowr, osrood Ward, Allagtulay;
D. Ogazita,Occortd Ward, Pittatrargh
Boa. MCMOTIA, Ja., Esq., roarth Ward,
Baztrad.azd,.a - fiewrit, Ward, PILIIIMII11,1 , ;
JOIMUA Haobbl, Toutta Ward, do;.
EL B. Idarozzrz, Papa aour.ably;
Easszr. T. bass, Laarrrocorlila;
B. H. ?auras. Jr.. Preblea town:hip;
F. O. 131:01MT. Fifth Ward, Pitiztdarati;
JOMM r. BYTG, 1111:11a tom:stip,
/Aim Barna, Eararro do:
ham IloChruazz, rharreot Um:rattly;
Janis Stoma, Niaddir Lowzidap;
Joni H. Paula, Twat:Mal;
WILLIAM BILICEILL, Bkhlald tozzably;
H. O. IdatorzazA., Shah Hard, Plidshmilh•
A. N. BROWS, of Pitt:bore:, Orairtard.'
13. ~TSWA Rf. Comes rp., Gecntari.
fad,-Conarrrals :
liaador—A C. aIrOWN, IX 0' OSTIA: to J.
Prietin—D. .11UG104061. D. 0 . 411441 LL
1111411111 L BA:SOL T.
OrrWerrioyn and EpeoLcr. F..: C.
114)1!t Arett ; 3.141D1 B 3 X CEII, 11? Ibiza Si.;
SOL, 13' HOYEA, Jr., L. 19 Pawl/. Itrest D. H.
D., Jr, Fitt tp ;.1 K. BEVJWII, 193
inderal mrsoc, all ghat, t U.U. . U. F 41613 WIWI. 84
rail street
Fano • duelling to hold Onion lteettoo to tbe
varlet► ekctloa dtetilet• throughoot the cOootj,
will be furtilat,d volt h eraters bT ^ 3llcg oo Solt of
lb. above noted Com Mae. saa-
tlttilftwlT 61.2.BbEf1te8 017101.
fag Unmoor OP Powa'a ,
28 Ifiartb ettialinret. Actg. F.S. Ls 63.
r - r - 11.X.ESIPTED FicOli DRAY' .:;•;--
u•c7-- In accordance with cobra, I plibilth the fol.'
lotritot Mt of partoaa toomptad from draft by the
Board of libtroilmeat In tbh Dharbt, to thta dal%
with the mamas of thi tr rosiatitton
John "boom. Ekmtntham.
loarcence Wtota. do,
Valentine liaelmor, do,
ioseplt Matthews, LoorToncerillo.
Ilstuy fiebnisr, douti Pittsburg:lL
Bernet alba:lmo, do
WSW IMO TIMM MT DIC/A2111) 1512:11710“.
' David Jones. Esat
Worgia, liamptireyJonea.
Bantu Smith, Ems Birmingham. Wainstsak—lrin
Romper, H Enattr.
; J Jamas fillsnors,- East Birmingham. Witnesses—
Hnry Last Itaihn,,
ohn Gilnuire,
Cratinghar, Ittradneum.
Andean Osenghar, 7r emill,
Marl. Enter, Wart Plianasergh. Witnesses
Patter, Henry astoitzen
Nail: Similar. ELM Blimingham Witnnissia-0
Lehrinim, "'Naar.
sod. 2,
Palo W. flumrart, Eut Blrmtnsualtot
In al.tlair* tow of right bind iecofied
the WWI of antfatam.
Owe* litsol7iGtraLturtuato coogrmedstratasdrar:
Itlchstd Pittston!, Last Blroalopaso kw 'or
teeth sod brawl
asetel Kestaerittrosteshaii; !mantra obesity.,
John P. Taw. IltratJe hem; tatiolsat la 'datum
sodiroondsdla sight as Wlllissosbors.
Jos. Krshz. Ettroologhsto ; .PG.7 2 7. • •
Georg* Brewdy, Bitmingbass; comic assess of
the skin.
oisintrsetonoss 01 up. •
John Mtn, lllrm ever '45; Married. Wlie.
Mere—riunli Recce d.
John Shompoln, Iliztratohhlun..over 85, inarrie4
Witnems-4scob Bopp, Cho 101 b .
Ohxtsil•A bohmext/, Lai tilt adughstz, ;weir U.
• Wait, Ihusiddae, Lid Iradiatisso, crygi 35, nub"!
did. Wlthouni-Sent; 30awatiddia,
Jamph LiabaulCait Binalaihasa.aies' 35: nalt.
did. Wltoasiee-Ph.itan mar.Louti pritc I
Alfred birsablabilai 35,
Panted* 1
Witamii•Artededekikaith; Id try Smith. :
Dodd Haan, Zest met 33, Yard*
Wismar-Jahn Haan, &Ow Sprusterbath. r . Lonataaa..Emt Bloaragbam, met`
35 sad
"tugWlmaaea-jlsri koMIPPAN . Lotter
Ardtaa. -
Jacob Take, um s in inn.* 'Yd tau.
.ded..• Wilsigero-40cr
3cduklasbawiad,Wras.Blnataphamidtar 43. Wlt.,
aims-Zan 863.10in,IJoha Gle•M
• • iltW !...q 3 c4P ll . Nan Bfrinhaaism;avar; 33 aad
marrtadwitamis -David Wypa;Spiiis Dada. i•
J. Wanda. Tad Biradaalsxm, over _35 Ytd mat--
sisd.(..WitnemairlOstaliOsitaa. apace :• • ,
Vim, 6 qty. Apt, idttattaihmai,' awls-35 aza .
madded. W W. Inaga.Diadaillsara. j
13nr - Lad Bhadastaim,,ime 43e, .I. l lt.sisais
-. Able. cl
J h ow/aim nuir
4hd3 acceiso
Osiudaid4 Ed% pludrigbassi, oisH? 35 yid mar
dad. Witruipes-VkaaiarWeerls. Anton rdatials. ,,
• Iddididi Saw,
Wand NYS Stimlagtuas, our 55 all arr.
thd. -, Was. Ally .npiry.
moray 434103112301 T alrailaphaar.• opal ft gut
Witaines-4. Itaadataid. W. °dams
dealt 1$111•31. Fad birminghasiosadaz 133.
oris.--Jota 'Brown, B A. Llamas* • „
Wm. Uinta, Mt P 3 .m. 3 caso.
shd.Wjtoaulia-,-Wik '
I - DOA Strata.later ".M - :guided
Witall 1344,d, • 8Yah Box&
p g gaatafidrßknotimulm oar 35. yarded,
Vittneanaa.-T 3 pi , alimdr C, •
" - JobliAdaßtiouditUd , pia.A
T adybaty.:o l l:43ol3WW , ":
ohm Maid, !di taliadisa. mardad. WO.
atents-Gro dud. Jfteotritighic.
zußirf Mawr: • 1.
Chas Crick,!Omaha:ca.
Zahn Reny. • . .
emus mien 31:
. .
DRUDUCII, 07 MELD Pi21211 . 1k
:o4fraitchiscsei; ai tt : l
. .
svCogir Bantam% O. oniollittrUlk Diktat,
Palos. -
4:itsabiercerv;, ,
' 60,4 and Prow. tatile23l Diet ,
fassmusair .3
1 0. ff:IWT. - - 1141Ora r ii)
~1111011rea. s
1.14 eiii.l4 pa)
..z , z/
basokbarteltimai.s•." - - -- ' r ""
duitti - Doinf.mar
tou 11 lusra. iseess,JustUalllll4lar
4 !--kertzit ;roviccs.
Pogicoi Of motentery habits troubled with wok.
Isegtef.a,lidhalga of the boort, look of op.
pane, &ragas after eitbit, digit Um. cooottpo.
*leo. to. bookiroe to sager tf Uri!, mill sot 117 tee
- •
Which an acrw mcimsegiaid by tbiblezeat aulike
orlsorlds, ead wirantod to mdato a 7 fmnolia.
teoefletal affect. Tbff tee oitandtOel alraaabla.
pith .aad ,; aist
abala a twae 9 . pat). loimalsit Is miming&
be, tom, itiesithia &ad fatsolata.
no crate wim', weft..
Thu Wl= Wilkaw ciaincael wear and diA.
aseascositsdat of &Wrists's:Mate bona.
Thy streastbm the spbastadenthren Oa mind.
They permit imbsukillosatltaterailttens 4s ea
They rattier broth sad so:6114 Ceiba it occub.S.
Tha core ppmeli and OcoaLlsadtao.
Taw curs Inasalaas. %dm and Chiapas a: bat.
Th e i. M " tivor 0 : 0 1 ,11 b4 aladlerMl:Berisabei
11ag:MU Urr wait strung. flo . laaggid biggra'
and rarkgrPOirrd irstrereagrolisitorn.
coug*rild calskatag Cogrem bark, 11i1.11.4.
grew. rsafts, tags mg WWII Owned to
pleb*, men. Crate Z. 'So goritlrram, SOO
armadas mg tergtoscodals mead tote•.
Beware oM:weer& remmbee meg bootie. fm
WAD bee Tht. Berme' liftman» osrme pommy..
IL ebthAT Mr as Gatti silk plentetfoo Mem, ea
Mrftybe alma= on • ADO eleOp'eb , ibEfeefog ra
vide lebeL free thst.oubefai le pot MM.! with
efnpaOce eat adeterhols rte. We defy my prom
60 iliata the Mobs a ohatech. of 0122 goods. Asy
pawn pnitinsilan ball Plealeflos altfen by tie
(Amer bx balk, tem bowmen Wend only le
oar km alb bat9a. Any per tollailas tlaa
bout., at ealllos int Mbar sontatal thongs, wiatlaor
aillell plantation Mori or not, la a =tabul ands ,
tbs U. 11. Law, and will be so promoted by a. W.
laud, haws anz op, an two prams a Idling nor
pooh}, /a• who will mooned is nallag theattelwa
w t .,
Auto anirlara. The dame tee Duke's Pim
- Illitam team 1411 ch clergymen. somisam
/M.; le 'saleable. The elaple, arta •I' •
bottle t the *ethane moment of theft worth M.. 1
merto, y. They e21: 4 1 by all drat
esta pby hotel., atassabeses and
Via% for gob 4 wbolerit" bad rctal. by
OorPer errittalleld and !math itneta,
ant eln•Ziala
RVLake anperzor Copper dill and
Baxadectoran. of BEIZATELBIG. BBABIBIBT e el:
alsolmportere tad dmalsts tiIiTALB,XLIS Pk' fl
MUT MOB, Witlf,' : ltu. Ocastantri
•,Wl !cam of Ogsver cat &a say deetnsd pas
Exu R.Trik4a.lo
The Confenioas and Experiemee
or kti uvrei,m, pabllabed ter the be twit end
s andOdTITIOZI TO T 01750 ISSB ele .
Mb: from item* Debtlitk, Premiere Decay o :
blanketed, eta., sopplying, at the ems ibee, vits
bblitNlS Or EISLR OURS. By ow •bc bat coma
tdrorell after being put to 'great regrew Iced We. y
.throserb MUM Wanting and orokery.
By enclodsg a portlisid adder:sod enyelboe • n
`7e ached:up be bad Om mbar,
aristAyealdr BMW. Slna oonaty. N.
. .
WsLT!) , If ervons.Buffertirs of Both
sonnand Waimea ttssitig Dem nk.
stared to tuislth In • fins days, attar underpins sm
the tiroal rontfna sad trrecilsr expends' modes o.
tree ttogmh wit4gilitjrllEPl6s. =Wars ft his .so
Only to c•ndat&jdni•• Co Mt agLicsed Wow moms,
pH. emu crigaza. HIM" On all caosts4 al no rO
4 11101 Orlylac" lb (•7411 t Can m tb
preocrlptlon sercL. Direct to Dr. /ORD EL DAD
FIALL.U6SoItoa ortrosi. Drooktrr, D. T.
htss.ILILLIIM suprlfes • treat toll by every es.]
basseteepar. ivory shut will kill sgeed same
Mows Mist. I ..b,r.speatier that It b DOT,Mlitli• -
that does lb* sad atm the bite baltatteLs chit
sn offered. , Thema erns!, is tar rale by ell tempest
able Dretyista.
• •• .soreer of Trot soitifood susse s
jellbewilserT • Pillabargh.
Or/1,03MM BRA 1304 , (enii. •
caws to Soosora,NUNisklsoazo„) WA11263011.11
-lit**FoOtoulAinolo. tit!otargh, Ps.
-earitiatWeis aTiover zap oventroisir
no =ZNOMY3, 'Dun simile, MILL
izimo au osictipum; on. ?a/118a BT/1.1.3.
44MP- got tirrAztvis Perm tam roo,
Soillori.• • seas
abaintegutninvf =ON SAILING, BON VI U
AND VAULT zoom WINDOW estrivra;
WINDOW OUARDS,Le., Nos. 91 fismAil eines mad
WEtdrd bayou Wad and FlAilist:
Rim on hind istiot7 of KUM Plltril!,
11:4044 ildtaie far ill pci.ions;
•otolOetaiontio pig to tototOolott 1.-
ioti• • • dew st 'hart lotto". _
' • X.Oat otutei #
Wocia,4 sna=gs aiefloo t ; Allogboas Tong
Jtallootii., OS= sad Worelaraso.'Zio,l4. iltagre
' awn. Pittabsugh.
Maautaaaraa ar ILIITZMAT;2IO and .y e c 1 •
MOP No. I BitIITIPLT:OIT, iiissaata!a aoa.-Ozoso
**co. oa bait' . .icliol •
AWN.- HOLMES it SONS, Diger&
aromaas elm bOll3llllO MIA Of Li.
0111301,. 016147/141t212 OS DKPOSIT, DAUB.
MUGS AND 8.1141111,11(1. alf Market street, rpm
ilaKkotiottic - zir las& oh on" tiolOohlistoialo
thoolkoboosohollattal Shaw • " -"oft
her 8,. It: At C. PlLLX=l3,2o:per
YEAA - 411AMBABleaddasice 110074 MST,
6 444 . LEM - Ain, ALL inns of WHIP
Salim noxnadtietit No. Wood imor so tic.
334211114istressOlittit. -,
•allarlian OR TxAil* rou
Fc - -111rii="1:;11.AOLLENts„ Sox..
Vabisla azwoomximitomlnstinaut* ,
Irbousiaib low brataren. BIITISII, er
inzoisreatmirarallai;24.-syepa, - • ,P"
• - ,
' 1 " : C 4 "'"I m • I Te tt l la:
4"11-1**Izii'lg."1"•4`411.1.-frkiym. 'eking Sass
to maul "tin .
, • N."
. 11AILITeilIAML*436W ,
. .11a. ash-iiergie wan
• AND _ t
" ft:
roe -rwitioeut ittatrik : wit.
onnesw-Dlerakureiv ars ear isiat ter
ataaatwraitear. trisrmisis Alm •
taw ?MG. ' Wars AITIVIrnau - r712 - old
At istelitl lIIIMAIMATORT 4 IIIII33 .igo sat?
.10M e - lltt - Aillimps abate/ tht sant
UR Pair EMIR ' •
tiliOr_k_or M I N A . for
Lb 111.1VM MM. ie.
VI groadway. N. I
.663. V •oeurh