The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 25, 1863, Image 2

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, .
TiTtIDAY `II(SItMG: 26rt
MOLE State Tieket
roalsoitElps 5 17M11111 cover :
—4411111 L A. 6 NOC‘c9X 'leaven—
VP9,!k7cmlailr Tick ii
t a , mareteryifilis7ioMWJA.Lmitthi.a. m .
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.:•,..; ...;. - CL.1..;..:..,1 , • 1 1010.4 av ‘s4 : ,
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iliU.idl iaTtratA li tnWaUti.)
..I' f ' eriOritrigeMlXTOWlrt% '
• ' ;ono /114 Yon
Illfre Alnwp4W - ¢parlisliStaidOwriselves.
One remsv:kis about theWoodwintil !speech
' tripe - 44Y 'teethe rebelifoiOseguns to have
touched the Pad iipei the raw. Ito answer
i t : lajthat the speech was made on lige llitleif
_ ....„ - RbroFtkors tittAforr; Pottgle Won the re-'
nation broke out; and this it thinks is a
tristaspirat ono. It cannily however, es-
cape In that way. South Gasoline wan- al
seemly out, and the other , Colton' States - 1
duistening to follow itirwrimPle, lulditlei
at this particular juncture, whin- a little
enoouragemegit C4GY woe required, and
, g 1 Eirxrusel,'"; of...:Gargrowsiralf- insisting at
Boma that there was nothing to complain
4:10 4 10 .Flb f ti ! r gi!i)iba4Pubi4 l!P 000 h to
show bow mica they had been Injured, and
what abundant re aeon they alllsad tor cut.
- — tingicawc - frout the - rilon. W hat t 'differ:
era did it make wh ether Sembrihad then
bane ered-wpen- wr hart Apologia for
crime, are notxusapt to pave the lipy for
, i 1111 5r 1 Pribtrion‘and the guilt is only the
greater, when the apology precedes the act
ithilAntatsi.lineoniaged.`:.4age Wools.
' • •WSZIO . B speech was,'no doubt, deed bv way
, . of laurel; to tarssivite, far the, purpose of
--- _,howierthe.etsteratiltholdlng lack, that
they :were deeply injured, and ought . to
cede, and might secede with ste-
Impunit .
The Feat ensues the candidate, hokum :
by Informing ne that the meeting Was called
by the .9b u bmau r T.° b i tiroursoltd presided
. over alisPribliegai Mayor , and thkt the
speech watrinade at the argent folicitation
.. of "/lading citizens," and t tapplanded by
all who wLshed to avoid the bloody; civil
war Goalie no* upon tin-." 1
Whether it was so called and orranized
.....7.4r not, esiumffse stadia erence, if ths strash
• ' itself wawa &Orman one.
,Weshould like te haow, hoverer, thenisne or the "leading
• . , oltiien," who could havehad so little sense
or loyalty, as to ask a man of-his opinions
4 to speak at all on such an occasion—or the
name of the men who wished to avoid a
drawer, that applauded an effasien so
tissiterous in itself, and so well calculated
to bring it on. We think we can say,, from
what we know from people who were there;
that there was no truly loyal man Within
the having of that speech, who was not
sickened and disgusted brit.
But the way to settle this matter is to
.give el the speech, and allowit to he ju dged
by ilaelf. 'We hive tried iniain to g t our
hands on it.: We doubt, however l whether
the rat will venture to republish it! jest
now, but, we still take its refusal as a min*
fession that Ii was all we have said otit , ,
lorasuati, hoverer; a Lbs./WS:refers to
some of our. remarks an relation_to &repels
• lie acts of Governor Cowie, to take Ow- it
. ontow', that while the matters mainly
objected by us are precisely those Which
are denied by such of Its coedgutore ak the
Greatudiargh litruFittm, and which it will
.. not venture - 10 publish or affirinitisalf,trest
___ with *lithe temptations which a des i 'for"
T i
party stocesa may offer to it, •th ere no
amount of objection witiolkcanbelinagided ,
- ' • againo(ilovernor Cowart,' that could ren.
der him hail so obnoxious ordangerzuks, at
.. , .. .
a - time Wa m this, as man like. Geoids — W.
Woorriraan. If it were a iqueltiozl'of l i per.4'
sonar honesty only, the condootot- the Ist
ter in the Allegheny. Bond cans, Witl, in •
Ise presided as a judge, whilo he wee r•-
'! ionally interested in gravities of*the tame
...:Idad, would have stamped hint" With asi in
`: "'lacy equal to duttat Jeffries himself. Bat
with his record upon the question ofthewar
and the, known opinions oeilis'eriamaltion
which-nominated him, Re isiri_latagid pn
greater calamity to the tfalon,and to bur.
-Plus us a State; than the election of Such
•• - - 1 --- taarigiiii; 7 - .n-17kil 6.10 so
full of• danger as the present. If !Our
-I . objections to life renomination of 044,-
i;.'S'..:seirittr'ol7lt..;lllfdi Wert ittafolti - lisiteter,
-.• . we wouldwatisiiiiiislaken him, with' all
' 4 ... hie Wilt& AloistAll...Andiagaised apolcigist
4. of the rebellioa,__whose enact= . wool/jack
''• only, imperil the Republic , but perhsne isi•;''
i:4l`afaillideUi E tdiweywiloittlitligie: like
that tosoituratoi by , Governos Mims* in
' NSW York, and 40 happily oheeked atlas
_ , s cuiesk,by_the valor otw.layellellek. kind
4 litiiiiabotilit l etWAlNit ihitgiag'inient
-..: troops. A merely local Adndrdstration i the
'' ) ri g rillar,afftr? l4l 7 Poo: In.. iroonnVo ion
, dint and iiii*trwwwWwiiiiowaii 7 Waked
- to ocoatribtai lie old to the active and
,-, -sest'prossaatiOn• et the lIMP, witluint Rama ,
1 .-. or Pretriftr.ntiottestkosile`lerig ;a tfris
rt.., - West rebel in'orms::within7etf teriltary..-
.....szedld be, s enaleseil in theisivisparOcn,
with one , StrisOklitsr'tp.i4r. snit, Ithe
' - w - :strbyppetvitidt4sts'ittb44kitii,with-
I 7 Wiie yiiesioops' isiost 7t alr;** on-: soon as
the VSTersor. St-;,2cili "'risk 'Shall, be
* - '
*. prepared to set the example. th e heat
petit ;patios le fidelity ra:the.`,,-,Nsu ana l,
'.; GrY1r.4 1 4, 1 4, indto tbo oottriliif iiit.r.rionf
''' lb b i4:9!•AAireition • clOY,ffiat ,<*pinegi
wwit ilbertiel ism', be eqiisiLe* Ai t ji t e ...
- 1 - , --- iic:.: 7 6siiitiiiii F f guit3o.flo' ii. 1 , 1,,-
4 r 4 or*trialed' sad ini#4l4:o'', - ii . i4eir;'.
00 ,- -Pli irOllo,Ani-tooreoiktlia:
..-.„tut,itits 7 ":4tnni4,.: ate h ome, and PUN
g ~ - :-..,,, ~ , 1- ,
••pi , under , tits :fedi:. Or that beiwitt
r-ffiti despothstirrthielF has doodad 1414.14
ariik. blood lad reek° to fu4iltr'l:
P.lPfli!fth(Albr of POWAtreßODullr..4
.'.! libsettiYrt *clad sboOkritkofx.,lolo34o'
„,'.•.....dukasti-.1‘. - .--... .it-,--,_--,,ti_..'!__...
Orth—.tea 4310 EFt w arlYwddliot ; Ode
Blati,l4o3 qoo)lol,l4, l Putea* Or.
*Pr el2a4 l4, , 4 , 4 4 11 / 1
• , •
v l AV lrlila
V"because vs would-dread elite re•
- - -
3t w.,.. ---
~...— , 5 - , ,;,,,,:-„ r.K , , z ,,,, - 4- ,,, • ,,,,, 2 - , ! %,-,,,,,, - ,:,: ; - ; - :,- , 7
-1,.., 4 ,. 7- 4 : .-. . 4a , ..5 .. i1iZ ,,
.P04470i35.1-,','' 5 .- ..:i,4r - ' . .... i ., l ..;,.,-....... , ; ::- . 7 . 4't!..7.:: ~ ,:•-. 7. -. :,4;? g7_.::, ,Ne -...,, _.ci5 A.e,
. .
4 I,lmltobe the worst and greatest of human ca.
tieotte e , to lee wire milting to avoid all
eekitt„ anchlheiroulOo Beni , . a eandidati
fief-Holm local involve: .
ment, or State objections of any sort what_
!rwer;-- If ine-trwev-failedis-zetdeving-o,
object, iLleavee us with no choice, except
a between a Copperhead, with the can- .
°ltz l i t er ientolldlifiefflorniftebletl
of the ...i r iderpent—wh ose election
wouke-fsiOstiAeu- ail over the world, new
declaration oetrait' of confidence in‘the
42.!trkiuntt, surf Wohld !tot; weaken. Its
hands—and a man whore position insure*' '
at least hi loyalty to the Union,Andwhese
- eleetion,4 unpoptita'r inrfitmeelf,'wohld be I
only .'the higher matt/cony to the depth need'
41terieity of. that Union. feeling, which is
' • •• • ty-ofsite.tnitloh, an*d'his qr:44y
'Seth`-More Mai 200,U00 of eittbilien -kayo
youths into the held, at the expense of ill&
fricademninte by each patriots as Wool).
cunt and LOWRIE. Whatever cony , indurob.
jeetien tothit'Cutivii, 4841411110 - allele
.them to prevent us from br uising the head
Ort.tio snake , Shen' we find - hie:l coiled up
oar road, sweltering with dia.dly , tenon, and.
ready to Strikelt theileilitfahe Brat -heed
less triveletyttrlicrVoliteir withli'hie teach.
Vrtratutlittorlyetre/qh, hecitu m
see could
not be sulied With a c lub of choice.
We , etiii''forget the F eintlidates—the mere
personalities. of the oordlica--in the °pita,
4 1 '...1 1 '. d fk i ll° , ° IP/I°4s'oZ l'ePreeeltt
end now, but a few , words more Oath _ ii,
topic, ohm we have lifted into it.
--When we protested again the nomination
of Boy. Courier. iti . llFll4 only.• eitteetion_he.
Alien Ineit - 4etleen•hiniself, and any
other deism 'Union man—Whotlier Repub
lican-or Wier DemoCrat. Overruled; as we
were, then, the controversy has assumed
• other aspect, It is a question now only
between a loyal nits ititti a CopptrAtad
Between tweet:Loh men, we can find nottoce
mon term of comparison. They are qua's`:
tinesinoommeneurable. If the former was
even the worst, and meat objectionabig be.'
Gauss, for that reason, the weakest men in
our ranks—although we might deplore the
choice, and regret the risk which it ist
volvere would itigaid - hini — its • long
way preferable to the foromoet of 'the die.
,ioyallets 7 -•8 tre would take the lowest of
theliniel‘wholdhirild relda fidelity, In
preference to. the lost spirit, who led in the
revolt, and woofer himself the applause of
pandemonium, andtheohoiee, among his fat
lenoompanions,olsovereigninhelL Wehave
00 1 1 11P 1 tde °P. 4191 9 111 °T 1 die .
'Oirtiiie of our duty, to strengthen the handsel
the led/alma of the State, in thls great hour
of their trial. Having said nothing on
'truly, so far se we know, and believe, we
have nothing to unsay, or , take beck, until
we,are shown to have heen wrong. But
even that would ber hnneceseary. The
Westmoreland Ilepubliean, the abledt, by
tar, of all the Democratic papers in the
State, has publicly declared that the meet
serious of our objeotione to the candidate--
an, Indeed, but the appratentuou of possi•
ble weakness, arising out of those object
tione—are without foundation—while the
Post itself condemned thorn from the begin
ning, and will not venture to repeal, them
now, for teadaill which it can perhaps ex
plain. WeehaUcentinue when over-ruled—
as we should have done under mush greater
disoonnigemente—to aim at the same re
sults. We had made upourminda long lance,
and haveaoted on that principle throughout,
that If misfortune should overtake the
country, It should be through no fault of
oars. It we have even augured evil, we
are not of those prophets who would rue
their own credit, by endeavoring to verify
their own predictions. — We would 'rather
avert the blow, if possible, likethos. greater
ines, who denounced woe upon the titans.
greaser, and than interceded to conduot'the
balk which they had, themselves invoked,
bumbles into thettarth. There is, with ue,
st, teas; 154 . ging= of, merely parStinal
pride, er v(ielern, that, oaf( outweigh 'the
higbikt:anfi &threat interests of the land,
which *the 'country alike of Our pride, our
7 inleres#, and Our @Zealous. •
Bat will the Post give us the - 4oesOltl
This epettelif Thi speech i In Ithettithe of
all the Copperheads, let as but have # for
dlseeldon, and admirationl Its country
haute to know its statesmen and its lieste•
trot the rtuartirek Quetta l
Know•Nothlngtern—Tn a DrEareakdn.
Th. copperhead min, of this oily adults,
this morning; in a charaotazistio article tthat
Jadgo Woodward was a Enow-Nothin , or
ent4.forsignor. in DEW, but pleads for for cur.
ow in his behalf, from oldie-as' of f ign ,
birtikasserpe h4l 07611 Ate as ra. tranigiseion/
Verily, Eve, thou art inaoainti It Aker.
ditifor Vs lin; fnit'aitiitriniroinit . il ii es
trams youth. lie vas only sowinc lb wild
oats. Well,let him roey than} am.
Tale wail known in this• - emninnityclud
bean standard lisaiereadthe,DltalOailei in
TAltiglifts - liiiixiti - Urif'Wl).Wed MIA bey
rannot iad will , -atit enelairt hint oh sir:count
of ids know•notldnesm • With diem, for:
leiter rasstursitetul perhaps - the 'stoma Del- tin l o OP ui r t j4dasil94l7:4oo. Mr
highlitiri - lea poor men Antal his dabble
I Az air hivi Parr PmfaivVialik ridiret:PO
lifteplidon ' , lolled° it.'e Assoldirrivto
oltnto.1:1161-,Jastioo (f I) , the ,ponc-Ulaa lane,
riei:EihtiatfieV4his itiakr-tbk-40- 3.1
bound to respect. 1.:15,_-. ~1
-- BrerturetworprWoothern4 , — eV
his anti•fotelpita rfriVidapid itself ko lyi
what soil lt iranocrs in ~ tencilleil an ii ifi Ult.
the mow - ef nonwhite= ? Let oitlisni
of foreign .1111 1 / I ..sesternbar, that ',Woad an d
endeavored to &franchise them in IB 3 T t
, he lean' dpolotist lot ssoundort; i mo st •
I'lludilkialoPPailesas and Wilder sad . t.;
mu .1 &metes oLiiirraliharr Arklab. if h
pouraprd and extendsdosnunhtmitultbn te•
17-i nikautablidunniot.lllllilitalits la,
bor. whothot worfosmod_by black or white
Strange! very Wane 1 1 musk ly
strong" 13 1 tiwt tray spiewithat ovor W d--
oath math was mimed, ~consoted and appcoiT:
oil by hinusit,totbsyt 'Wats on 4 .1510 ti seism."
awdadadessz.: . , . .
Aug. Slith,lBs3.
. ',...- Mean. Pounce, . .
The - slcillon if - IMO* aliiii i :ft v a l ue
takes phsogpx,tity ,14th of next month.' Ur.
Saattel Coney Is the candidate for Go
nor of the RepahlloandaidliVar Ile m clarets,
iiitUft-PWBf.Odbo'7 of gle , Ref o oonitio
:GyPirettlea to the:Adroinletretion. - The•
vault ifiToitiit. looked for with Interestho a h
sa"tl oi be ii'dinib - Ciit -- tkiiiilecti of
Ur. Cat diy'a large majority .; Thef te d e
of the government are maktng a tho rn gh
vils - Wofp, pow, "itatiV*efillPif k ,
ere OxiXiiildrisalitg-litge .iieemblages of
thrtgeora4Multikelgelikniganonne e d
en• e Mon aldwarnMabry-Wilton; Ben
*ler..l7.4tsitlincektatg Akin kst ft;
tinned Own Matcy:ll.l‘T .1. 4 .11 . - -•! , ..-
Al & meetingof the Vinton ma of 8 t
am Mitinkstllogilsytt 'flinty the follo
pithy.rosolltletia ware adoptfd:
1. rititthla redillritirinoconstltutional.
2,1101 W . kttlenattopnilidean.
r= 'fikrftttiMil II putting It dn.&
abetatentl hamesthltelehileebeetti
66: 'AM Mr. Coney goes to the right.
11. That ve go for Mr. Coney.
,•eloseteraws on thcliVar•Patli, .. i Avi
.liirm'' 1 -"
vtiiiih.,6 private adticelefrom ther . yt -.--
70lta Camberlaid that ii poslifvelr r ...
-certain that liesseerans
itagain cathe a er- - t
path. It might Lot o , :prod.i.:, a, ~;,:c tun.: Xf .
- mem, - to mention - gins do ratts-arirs fi r ; : t 4
L INALS4IB re ash- re may cvothvi. the Or:loco.
iti 'tinder sach'biitumetancieratilierith scoff
otablrtatione.kalocit-tanafi thernest Atu,
-portant reenlist -- - -
~ We need net say that the operations in
leaner:Ace will be
_followed with the hie
heat interest by thti Whole nation. nose
;Crane Is on a lino otoperallons where every
'eteprhe takes has a Mitnitentous. bearing,
riormerely With refironce •to the special.
'rebel forms he mareneounter, but trial rt.
gird to the of war. If he
.takes,Chattanooga as his ~ ., o bjective"—sad
We need not say that he aims el ntitbing
Shari. of tlilti—we will have eeisid a polo', I
Whose. retention by rte, *ln radically
change the whale , aspect of. warlike opera,!
lions. Ohattineoga la a 'natural' citailettn
the heart of the_Confedarnoy, and en the ;
salient angle of the great rebel line of cora
moalenotone between the East and West.
Thistselsed, we ahaltholdintetior lines end
fOrcntlttirebelite operate on exterior lines,
thus completelrtarningthe tablet on them.
An -. adtrencabjr' lien, htistiranesis also
PM:111011 Oppertizne ittrthe present ma-
Amid, when-the aspect of aifalra Is such as
- to, threaten a new nth:intim, movement by
GIL Lee. Of couree, the rebel chief could
venture on sneer InTaelon only if reinforced
from the Wear, and if reasonably certain of
quietude there. There is the best of evi
dence that he-bso been so reinforced, by at '
least ono- corps and ono - divistin from the
`army 'of Bragg. Bat the'advance of Bese
t:ram, will madly disconcert rebel combine- J
done. Instead of concentrating for an at- -
task on Meade, Lee will be oempelleitto '
hurry back the banalities ho hue drawn i
from Bragg, to strengthen that General to
meet the menacing movements of Bose- /
crane; for we believe the rebel military chiefs 2
tiTnird loaner abandon Virginia itself, fitch-
Twat( inauded, than the ma: strategic moan- 1
- Min range ' mince runs /ski a wedge into the A
*art of the Confederacy, aid on tehich Chat
rannooga is placed like. a natural 6aeficn, t '
The Richmond usurpers would not be the ti
eepoiento military heads they have proven _
themselves if they didsnot co-regard it.
Gen. Roseanne will have, in the move
ment now inaugurated, a test that will try
the best metal of hie 'tinny. The advance
from the line lately gained (we, mean the
linelroni Tallithim% to Bridgeport) upon
Chattaimoga trilibe through a mountainous
country, excessively difficult to operate In,
Nitre, if ainr, rebels are still in the heroic
,mood, they can make every defile and
mountain pass a new Therntoppx. But
be is of the right sort of "grit" for that kind.
of business;' anthe has an army in es fine
a trandition'as it is possible for en army to
be in—an army' which has never been 1 1
beaten, and whiob covets nothieg SO much
as to meet the foe.—.N. F. Tana.
Plt K 8::i R F.-11 ENE? Li .
11: 1,17ts. of Stkoup.taitg, wtt to a candl , ato to•
tbeitt, stib:Tot to tl• , ecloon o, the t ., on.lnattrg
Clow...mann, triad' will unlit on * rbarldiy;., pm=
her St.
.o's :to
PO it Ski KULA! F.--Joszu Eats
tyr..7 wlll to eftedl l•te,e,o Whet, sub
tlet to the &calm et tho UttLea Counts Compeller,
1 . ; ,. 0AKL &ND tP:; Lh CT FCEIO‘ , L.—
Tt• Fell ea9l - 11 ?11188 I. El tIM ET ltt.r.
aghtOr HOBO 71.. t •klad, irk ta,..11.n C. OG
is SdDAY, bent. 1. IU3.
Otrca tut g ti lug In o.m•tioa 6,1.11.• 6c ,
msy bo 04 , 1aue I 4-
eITICICOI , 1112 t eNTII/.1. Do/ RD or 001.11", 1
- f 2M 1 MIS. I
cksuirwrz, 10 , adrol*ton e» ELo
.111 comor.onoo FM , E:if sit, An. tat 2C:1.,
as Podook• tu.
30E141 SIC 604 BAN., flo),
- 4-- .„ e , 1iE40/101.-44 2 ButibrrY
B cuevd t*11663 .•12.0 11a e eI.E . .1 d ~ 11.ddaar.
s tarn tv t 'eta than a. •
Regimen. er Otralpaoy.
o.r riareher-Intareartion legal-e a• To 76 1 - 1.30
onnn, tv again, g.B.l.olblAriD,
Lt I.l•cL Bch ti.glakent r' ri. 1. CL
.... 1101r . — rITT811C13011 . GYIllr•STIO
% 1 " A titigelAlloY - To• be tr.timo.r.o clot 2..0g tbe Doi.' 1. to: 1 , te . .lug ttocao or.tb Gs
tloo •••• tong. d to rr.lar goA tl o:r dolma to
, kot Bromotory b•fote tOr rt/L .T top ELF T CIL 114 Ii.
or they toil: co tr.dd tor th• bra- lit of lb. Awn -1. Con.
Br otrkr of thr 134ar4 o. rf h
- Noticz.-4,13 haat
lion art , i be laid at tba d of 1 - noto
Boom, la Ws Mr of Phnom:ugh. Dow
on IfonirtY,
to* Wit day of Accritt yorta.aa„ .Vatook w., to
loci tklwi Littattoricf the fittebiorgb Grain Stara.
ontutaos, to for the enratnit r K.
Ilazursal Hash van, WW Ithacan,
Joel If, Quanta% JJEII (.0011.
W. Cloesawai, and others,
• ;WM Gorporators.
tiritca WEIPTIEI yo„.}
Pittsburgh. lit,” Ptitb. JCS&
_thcoututttit an W tt..igoat of the Wow
Vessisportatbas-onaT that an aressnient of
fors DuLLSBB ) r FEU Staab ban been
Info! upon'itis stock subscribed, payable at the aim
of the Tres•turcrott Pittsburgh. on or Worn ibt
tab day •
of Jima, 1863, and • Ink srocazil over,
thbriy dos thareadisr, until dibt.r. writ. no Lined •
HY order of this Baird
Petra_ A.J. id otM)'s FE L.
`Aar —a. °lmam L cow Wheel to the Wured Wes
of - Pittsburgh and tn• suntoundlos country to vole
endow Lo Um Milted Wales earth., so join to fight.
log the battles faviairy and the Onto,. The
rooms an tußlev Lalatette Hall, wheeze all are le
lrlly Occulted to call and hear for etecneelvee, a•
r itu ahecdtecr will ha [shod over tesly to stye ad
lefortuatlca. Goma one came 01, sod team tic.
ukiutrtstr on :Pon Sidman. 2111.
roo 2.1:100. 13 IWO
Ohio. . Secciatthig 0111Ler st
for Western H.
Pa. and Ohio.
ire lir atti rimrza=luvr.7,a.
Glllll DELT.LNO, Hoso, Paoling Ras.
Ws, dal watch. In ale Gana In 's
n, Mu..
en land ar.ll tor ••14,at tb• .ladla dubber Depot,
8a1.16 and 18 st. stmt.
•¢2.5 .3 • H
°gimp. moo, to PI health of the prrptletor
oddroos It Box Oh, Or Wit 1111 , YEBOWb,
nTirtrrrrr , Pm , Fe-
Bh3lllNla i of tho b ot
■lim4etueothrgJ ox %sad, se tick RS ♦o?,
SS ft. flab Most.. J tf: Pa ILL I
UES Ti•Y 0 13/J ' 4 14 O.
ss a:riuzus e ingnirlus tOUT
111 /1; 4viut, Coleus] a Neat/ la the CesitedirOe .
Zan Army. Far esle , by' -
In 1 yd., 12 ma cob. hp...tip%
VAT a riO. ns wom qt
QTRAYED--On 'Thursday 20th algt
A? fest, woe to tb. yrrmi-tre of ,I. rab. 41 .14••
scriber. tio. 4; Urbooos et-sot Vint Wsr . d, • Hsi
•Y-cliz • cow ANIRSALY—iti• cos_ls emit.
•• •• • :, rho owner Jr 1 1 4 - 4014 ta once
?Award, wove senperry, pay,4bareekooi ca . them
trircerve they VIII betsfelacceidiog to WI.
sort WILMA w 'roe
partheiiiitp hcritotore citrates berieri
O.I3SZINS sad E. P.. WA ittile. deign; tu•loto at
80. SO Marta stow, wider , 'hostile or RUSGO a
is this day dis.orveo ra'y mora.l , olcsath
IL O. W4llllloss !rag: C. elteod te eadtorleed
to uss thirtaitio of the Aga fp 111.nittubn Laical&
.0.141/9 aaa.
FY t:J/
stncor sCEDOL Poi H( Y 3
The regalit Tall 8 Wen CO 21 103 , 131:011 on Ma r t:.
Df Y . too hi 01 reptecutrer.
r" farther lat , frulate :et !dr WAR (t 5% al
Warren:n.6, rret MI 8.0.1 B. orn, 14/At Conn, /
! d 1111 ---
• st 7 RAIN,OOB if/4.94
'to' numlossitd tty tclot / [Alla tt at. r...ner
cot 94 Patti.° they Iwo ti.tartil luta
P or l i tarsOlDo l74 ltt pit of to obeli.
Itatitattoo t .10. t• wat a• to
IttlsDAT, illoat.t last. Tat bat 1it240 qui-
_oltoroo 'take la oda4tett cur demist. ow
44qUitaLopottolioailtaltotarotot at on,
.art;',U tq .ttlitTEN-111.11.
elll - 1171WI Thisakeis t.v . lo4k
ea wrath Cease Wooer" le the this ow, thee
idu geeepothro sable/new Jewel Vele; leb-r t
woosyladpotknoe. -lenity wars abokl !te en.
Leber brno, et It irillpoy et sheathl4d
clothes. /sr ethiby J.* EL ITILLIES,
gad . ear drink
Dowehtle k Ifoorkteping Goods
6.r.r oErsed tp iti. mirk et, .mprlen
Linn sktl
Icon end , en, 841 , ti. g
rut.. t..n•n. tg
Dimlcy Q. 11% Q .1Its;
1.006 b-notm.,ol. P.PIIO-5
Tcrindinr, (flack a d Diapax
Nal:amp- gtirlkt to;
- Trepan Tclls and Cita .
in , A. end P 14.0 Caro.;
Te•Tr'r . , Manko.
Pat. Crf e le ■ legs line of HOSIERY,
among •hl.,b ars
W ELM, utce & Co. f !Goode
111 NIP AND DA LHODAI• PK/ ET3 fi ' d4W
BALALUaAL sal Bra, Goods
00111. EL%
/SKI& 2' I N
$ lO ,D Rii.W.IRD.—A reward of TEN
OL LAII9, zd the rsosoo sbl vIX PE SE Z 9
ifiltrREIED, sill to ptld Idkr ths apprabsradou and
eel Inry of soy DZBCBTCS et the Ltiolquartort of
the neaten Provost Vsishol, sod tbs toms resssod
:or toy
not cittopt from Military Duty, seta ;ails 4 report ,
afkr britirg beta duly islytrd.
An pr rra • are • trailat agaltut HAL DOEILMO OR
Intl/MS ZEIPLOSILIST TO A 104 8C112141, an.
der tbspoaltha rre.crlted act of Otiogrua rd.
Mal tit, Uey.
By triter of be Prorcst Nimbi! Baraa4J_
J. 1110/0$ 70STIB,
Monist lianhal, rtortri, Pa.
Proroit Marabalbi veva, 2.4 d eIR. , So. 00 iroarth
strew, Pltiaba gb.
/sow 924. 1801.
isi;oLuTif )N OF PA KTlsi Eat IP.
—The paiweohip hero , o'ore node:
Or or aWII3, trohtZLLL I 00, woo Olutiv
of on the lot 87 of flogot4.
JAM E 7 0. LEM',
booriving pothers.
Tlik MiDERSIG ED, taco , soon to
the:we firm or LSWIB, DALZELLa Oa att.
of vino., t 7. tuabn sattrr o• Iron awl 14.0.. [arm
•• d fine re I.+ W.& DAILEY, De r,zr,LL
10k) , awl volt= • analnosa. or ll:kapott:tugs in
talent.ed to the /ate Ana.
Jell S's O. LIW.S.
110 e r DALZiLL,
A. like. 13•ILEY,
aaarWareheare. No. T 3 Water. nd So. blret at
h.”.b. A Kee 1, 1811 ;
HbE PO r attai Putt
I.* !M.S.—The eatocrfh•re, elltl to ...pre LS
o her too.lases, affer for .614. •h. 1. 11 8T11.1.Z111,
• Mood ta •Ireeport. Are strott k crwaty. Po. Tall
abil.havat I. In go d reeate4 cotaltloe, teal
Ittult, I.c. ea for meat 1..5 o. Inl ry. Ult.,. to.
tee t• to. at agrJetan It g on of 1.• «taro ere otyl.
••als • and stoop, • h fl ropotat.eo tor It. prod eela
01•0 • rots •Pll , O. 1111.01 W.OLlZElttlttir, frr
.• Wattli.
Wet alto cer,r .or nr. oer OIL tl.r.llla BY, to
d *v. k , ag c-a , `ltleo. Moved on 2.e.r .13.111 dam,
dlotrilrg the towage of IteoptrattertriLls
for In (tor p trtic-la stucco* of
solnusvre at ti KR%
bOZIIELaVA'.. 9:1T8II%
C4111n; at b.l pee; by
Corcaz north auct:Ht¢tddiald atavism.
arSIIIINISTT/4 17000. TWA •v
userr offer for este or nut a TWO4TOILY
131110 ff, DIMLUIG, to the borough of literwhe.f.
ter, crumb:4% fire roams, inchalrig a good shied
aTOBS4I4,OIi, co the loaner of Locust wig Bram
linen •
r terms sad furthu putteulere inquire ciu the
premi en.d
v v •1 1 0W8,aT9Ite vacate, ac., kept an hazed
and mad, toaster. Alao. PATllirr Gun
ORILLA and 191C21D'ilOWICIG 1 / 6 11 110Ve.ttus tot
and cheapest egad norm now In me.
611 yak wareanted.
possoloo, DACE PAY , cad = maw
QUM of deocrlytion, 00/lectzd by the sob.
=ibex', at the to r,:a. : Peotteoe,Sl o OP
ell other otehzo, fla o. C. TATUM.
Atorney at Li
No. If Grant streett m,, Ptatabant., Ps.
K. B. So charm ere made& the deto does not
moanod, sad all Infortgatton wee anal& sot te
_ •
TO CiPITALIS 4 V .-.We offer for tale
.4.•• that Wits Lot of urrind 'in Oherp bug. bee.
ini &trout orrths,/illrgbany Myer of is Got, cal
eereeol6g bark to Moto sired Dl
p feri, M *MA ere
""":"--M-11.47LtIckVerleingikze( sod a
"°' 1 02 . 1 ' td ,,, R. hot. Abel WM prerr_ile
ire earitedoteri ea &it. oat tril 'inO:Are *vibe log •
neaten Prier of 3 ,1141 Wlll rum for 10 pr rent. On
Chi loveirdient2 e pply to . .
IMO B. bairn. IriktYl4 Ida rnorti. et.
.77. -
,S2F i ti..o4lBti, an. Apl , q* . ip. two yearly
LPV paytooott aria parttime, a Irmo windbag
:Moto and lot al pooad Vat - troat oy 60 day, to
aLoy,„toa 411.9144..ttastikon- Yen otte attoot,
tersoat slab lalt _to P 01 1 4006
cbtlip doAltek tOot• sad kt lailtoa to
. e amino
IA! ploperty. _ ipply to . ,
anti: P IT * 11411P.151 , Zo tot at
Luaus, AND /gaffe
HOOP ovauito,•
6124 anti Tais,f4IITS L AT ;
"Aditaitiiti z Ilona&
ItNT'S B(, 141.. Tuf t. ANA
1300/121VI ai,
iI i OLPILAND's eireti/ON ancrix
it BRipliiili&iontsritt'llid.,,,, ' mg ; rilsb.
0 i u so
'Graeae !tad o6ry 00011 /VP V:, 0 LibiTlM%
OW lt4 TitE OtaLrit;EPt,lc el4ks
gents In HOGTi aUO DA1,131k,8 4 h . . •S
31 A,K PD AT.. CA errs to m 1.1f.h
sriONki MUAti,it To, !zethe
Pitilbargb, <On War," J.l.lltaiso
Phi*,AtTaro Pisa Po) k Amu. - <
• linl3 • • stvolCiny.
j' LIZErd IM , kalrift.crusu,o
lArtu.cprzusktAprety ma 41:A dew. etreistePitio.
Disen,:aloith PAl , 'Ai4 ' ADO
44M-ft* • •
44441 " , ‘" 0,11 .MVilaWilfii#1 - ai
l Aratie.OAAo4-441 1 . 1 1 **Vithis
nn , lllllA i
Y4' larZLS.
late by • nap a OOLLIBB.
i r.,~Y
,~, ti f_;' , ..t}e ua.~.Su:
t>Z Z- ,\h • . h am; eW 4 t 7 ...
~' 18~~:.
W HITS, 02R tt
Hare now It st•rione of the best eatect
.41 atacjta
No. £6 r I irTH
Ls?tee Whlt• Octten Boa;
lad +.' Erckblcethad Cction Em.: Good..
Ladies. Whit. I's:. no.;
Lidl.,* tretil•scbnd ' , ca ., : poods.
I. Mlle Sint L/103 1101.;
ledle4' 61.1* Lteo boon / i eft d;
g .
Ls•fe.' SVult. Lice Elow
.1..... % ht , e 001.021 BUN I 4'004
MI.Rle Ullble•ON4 00/1100L tir.9;
Matta' Merton Cotton boas. GrikdL
No. 26 11117 H !3'lllltVf,
Pay+ a valsi collect:lop of
PAL: • 4 E. trIN4 Goo. a tar
I I , tt, 171 D ees,
_w1tt.6t , 14.9 T
The peat sure tar Dyspeptic,
The !peat su.s. tar Dyspeptic,
The out care 7,, Ilyspepsia,
800. .19
Miriam axone, Alleatan7
'll3 & cr,ttARS
'as itt'ailn,yrazar.
pwa's an hinted and will be naetrwl in the
ComwilitnistiOrstilai My Albgbish
tab Ayatt, L24' the gradlvis
ruts* of Po2ditiliaoo to TIMIIII.
Waal, togwthr with Ibaatawan sad
Oarboataasaltattidttatdnistaatiorae this Itigne4.
MAW mom sae rataws am B. ailkatird , ea lb.
IL7 4 ts to bo Ira alai I. HMOS,
"el! 1
- . R.
-I.4".119" .4117791ITISICALEJr711
I tIF roll aningc taquoss, fled to the Clerk'.
Odke op to • ono A to, 18/2 c
e °Da ra-:, .tn_- LI ward, Pit rt: tr..
, ' 70• o .1- :oho. 0 , do a ,
L Hiles J.t.o, do. 33
• • liq,• :-.. ' , • /. ' ' i TVo:t 41. Zr: 8
d 0;
• iiiirir loon, ea, do a;
"At, -tr....P‘41" 0 . ,A-• . do . SIN
-. tee .1' re. tr., d. dc..;
/I kkat .n Jubrip oseero, Sd cad, Mao% ei l;
0,,,,,,, %malt. daeah,„__ do, e,
.1. g -- Creole% 13ber,sm la, do do,,
c,,,,ik : , -i , L,twx• draw - do do;,
.'1 7 ...5T. •„,..4fnettneghharaohis, other pee, dm eb;
G,;, : 41 :L 11001/0 areeets. • unern, . dd weed, Plitibrahr,
. • cLL .t., LLT4alltoePatefoli - de, L•, • CFO BOS
.., . •
....4 1 &donee Jahn; do.' . • de do.
Li• / ennui* Chtetil. do,' '..
,-• co • des '
l ineolunriam wins y "'lre hob's, it, (1-1;
' want acerb% '''' , attuermende, de do:,--,
t.c Malwateerel'll.Wietalw, do, do do, ,
, allars•./0..' .11.10 they reda aco eq. —
...: '4l Vetekart & a Da. do. ih pee. Pltutneibi
li•. 'are leas aDo , . do, co do;
- T./ IL rLI T.. saran, - dth we'd, 4 ittotMed.L;
' - •"Deice a ' other awes, do de;
C. Go mowler., . do.- 4th ward, P4Lelsolgtes
A omnen r., - teemi. Ith ward l'itietnriji;
.• lietiodand Wm., raq hoe* do ' de
a eredden Owes, otber (N 1.4 do to.
, rarest !atm. LAM. • do dm
. fitagatteset A., do, do Cos
' ilbatrim H. A CO, CIO OO;
VO OLCOVO_LisIa, do. dal ewe, Pittatargln
. Gating MAW, taw. re, Mt ward. Pltubsplite,
"B o .
ad o, adirard,,Alledaro4;
-I :tieTetrz - , . .. A .
41he racal%l.l emea, Mire,'
• Ifeniaribte XP. et., 'Wrens. Ash Wird. Anti .4=7;
Bawls El., entlog hoorydna, ward. atiet lib ;
,cer.ey; .
Beier roter.inhee leocei`h ward, 13 y;
Kall Charles, cattail' , Blemtrihinn
Teepee/riot*, ho
ae. Dlmilillkird;
Metal diewnersa, /wren. Zed Diewtogludos
wren!' flemey, taws. Lwereaneilds;
Berg fleilil, other ride, Idoiebeperti
, tlesafm Dub. tavern, TempelinwerDleS
XaDoonell James, Wen. °banters tp.; .
•Orow rge ,torero, Harlem IN
it aigto Gear" earths boo" de:
• - Puree Deuefiet, Warn, Dowl/Sall tow *hip;
/take. Edwesd, dot. /1"5"1" 6'4
W filiwijokue d0..3 .4. rt. ode do,
• bittern - en a C., do. do de;
briar rater, do, Saaflendlea do,
Tomer feetmel. do, Prim do;
13.1mia8 Y. U., eating Lour, ND do;
Pea nett inn,.. reran do do;
. bialaatt lobo W., oanr him" Peobleu do;
b hethiadt Cobra, stay Insert, der
Lab men Wm., do, do do;
wellenn Wien, d0,%10n do;
Weed Jars., ' Oita* r:O6, Vereenlee Mm
Mains, Patrick, tarns, do do,
aleffimonel, do. WlikioJ do ;
neenrit4atm, do, . Dow
The Omen will meet on W4.4I.3LSDAT. Sep'. 2/1.,
• iesa, es lleoldaels a na -benisennounew meet be mei
int - Irrtelbre USE law: • dligheilitilrill betas their
Donde to twaddle before Um day Of hemrlsta.
eadacasd- - - W. si.lllll/11011. awb.
At/ADAMS AT wcar OH TM EH. (Yes
, floitderb yea* . )—The daft., of ebb •e.adenny erhl be
resume on THUB•DA T. &pew:ober M. The tiA
Wawa yonthaeen compose tb. Hoard of Trost= I
Han. 4 t laza 'etpLbvoll. Praddeat.
Our. Wol. APPLY, Um President.
W. 1. HAYBIIR. Sat, Botreforf.
JAMES M 01131), Mtg., instep ar.
Bet. TOL A.nash D. a, Jams L - C,oahora.
800. T. Hestaartli D a., Marian R. Dumas,
Mem. linalel.Thomen, Owe, P. Renal.
Hon. Ohloliee 015 •• • W. L. 'plinth
800. John.Mteknean. ' loo: L. Yawn%
Hon AT -111411 shwa • • • &dation May,
Co.. Waa. Dolt Wad4ll, ". 13 Petatten.
1... B. lolthiertd, lheodoro Hyatt,
The eolvanteasa alkyd t.r the accolionseet of a
Ithaanytt nehltary adaenthm anew:mod only to Hewn
co w.i row. The iteedoaelo Bred Is competed at
thinromility'compelatithattrictiri Thy Yale .allonel.
Heyartehent maracas Ptimary, Calkers and aci
erttlao wane".
tlandui atimithri It paid to the moral Matra ldoe
of the cadets. Olnalan may be had al JOHJS
3oserr, fie. MD Llborty atrwst, Plttaenegh.
0 Oi. THEO. h i all.
WOO.' wog Choeht.. Pa .
IS Rum soaon,
J. R. 19.11 WILL, A. X,, Tzaangli.
145. rZtorsir. la taruft to open a &kat eirwl Td
the lama err farms • n the Woad door of o. 101
Peon atnurt, on. Met NON 0&l OP SSP
OR. 1863 Lotto, Grist. MIKA, Trona% and Ger
man ortil be Caught, oldie co painatrill b. spared to
Impart to the pool. tboroaah loran:man fra
a ual branches of an Ingil,h
r, if provost. to Latit the butobar of pplls,
th u be may hays the Latter eppartualty of aasoring
proper nuts! and fatailectual culture, and motto rut
kfar tn.
' 1 tau—s3o ➢.r fent= of rho idoottn. lco rata
oblvam 7 tOtam yold dartop the tint bat of
Oobota Pouts from t. m. tot p
Setter Ott 17th H. may be men deny
At th.. tho.l Bnoma, Owing tin. above boor.
.013 td
Board lag & Day School lot boang Ladici.
Lail nod Ina fruee and 1141.1.4p.164
The reveler moo* of Irotro,,flon etebnoot the
Zegtith soot hooch / /none@ Litematztra—
Latm, It yr/aired—and ail the branch.. •LLI, con
•Llt: to • thorough toithiela orlon ..?cold 1.341.
ttoor Cain pall to the tatter by the Prtnelpol, ..alai.
cod bt Sue .eat oro.
swath I. tee laognage of the femlly, eat Is 0,111.
elan tly evokes to tte ha.ltattort.
Th. ecaoleere sax cossisocooce Beracetber 11th
lad &wee AO lat.
Jw ofscnlve and_mtlottlats opply to
aolol. 1:11.D41111 DIIIIIISII.L.T. Prlnstpl.
ITTATIOSI.—The tmdarelgnell L natborbmd t:. an
two pleas of lax!d, ono of 6% and ow of 9 acts
each, frantlas on itto Ohio Jt, P. II L. - being part
cf thz Una cd Dail/ Dfcliour aleallea
A plan of tba manse nay to Rem by calling at m 7
oface, No. TO Isdanl Ism; £ ll bay afty.
JAlliitb. TIMMS.
DRAJIMIC PLAN" 'malungs&
Lll tosnlfintimovlDELcotveaeLloarrEL
Oa •
001111AUDU kIEttiIIOATID sn/hP.
Holisr - soan:
for Ito Imam,
rAmlcra.t . Orr *Au! awn Wax
tar maw. Irra 004.1.t+, csa .ivy. bs Rfo
=red a
OCO. A. Exuars arrifica DRUG =OR&
CleiwObk. and lidwg divot&
0111131.8 S MAI AIID ClEalikr
411Th r mum , *Gal;
UI immeam. emu%
! Orme or tit senornotams or amasaina taxa
Pittaborats. Maws 1710.1163.
coTO NTRAMR9.-4ealed PropP:
ash sea i la m s remind at this abating the Skit
iutmolle Wahl w ar
rttme and wood s ever Teat Son.o a lbuna on
the she et the old low Mao for enottait a •
Weetha Struoture at eta braip mom BIU ChaeM
at Monne ,/awn Toentalith and to nisi the
abutments of theteme—oaels baba end the other
idghteen Mehra ,Plaate and eteeillettlres tim be
lean at the Olke er the Omar ustanituternere. • --
MUM teBT. Coatmliiii. •
pss , Inv) your,
an.assoose_tivi 4195, 9 8 1411,W1T112. nob
aeiriTOUNIP Ba,ta sve. Willa OLOSII.
con-lit litilatAto STIMErt, 7. oe trf
Ltsaircr raw: rEttoursx
*room to wm. Tato, Jr. a 00.
,114 AISIGLIBH tospeatfally
4forrat tee:, dusear 4.1 l lttoborgh,
be bag bwm am:111W lob swot abeitaLt of IS i•
PFHr by tlargoist
; CIIMENT 41511 1-00BUO41 VS
, nay its ribmiazetzullad koi boulat
In Om ottiograg *bleb era • , ,
, •
Gum tixactrt sea.; 'Nihon s to:,
Maollsma Co.ic, CPT Tarn Oa,
Soo N auru f 01).i
T Z. PiriliEW-3ticass Avinnas,
tl • 4ta &mu Fitrft&: 4 Pott)o*lte :tut tk a
yeld qttfot op *Ana "twestag. of 111 (LIM ff.
Zinnik'Anititale 011 1 / 1 111115 AND molt WOE I
rade to 4.4. r. t Alto. DRAM R A ATIZAof 4
'ktemiamactita4 itarbanatice. _
All aroma.!, se Fos. al A at 19,ATBIZ ISZEIKer.
sear Liberty, Ida ba prmi t ely ettesyed ea;
sans tounborrof to& arm Was pracaleal
aapatteaceta their
.111 Wart to vv. sinabottook miry avesect,
sigal JOHN 'WRIGHT, Chatee. dace.
X Z. .
60', PLR. CENT
=lSt 12ic. Per Yard.
frolltgn DEM coons,
a11111i25 zusTwo,
Lazgoa LAO 3 ronillik
To mak& roma for cur SEW 61008, at
Alexander Bates',
Pri oarla. Oolanti7 /Web= iv supplied at ressoreasonablea
ar IMO/Lila, a elm" easerlption. mane ichrnd
an,. set 2
pDff 8: : . 4.4.11 rt
alibi &WWI macs oar
• vocteity, ye •r• m•blM to cnia BLEGALBS In
CT A kw stock aiwnly cn hre-d.
Noe 77 and 79 Market Street
We are as lias as BIDUCID TRION
Gotten Hosiery,
Lace Kitts,
Waists, dm.
soap saaartek olloArly roiled, at boll;r1cro.
sir Ws of riantrtha least atrof of /DIM)
DURSIMI, NSTe. tom nil ARM 211121131368.
VSOldlituiLZ EAoaBcip 04m
Bahnorn 'earth and Dianae4.
B 4,lclawv..lN
fitsuntner Dress Goods,
J. M. Burchfield's.
Al! the 'tot lig Zs:Mitt • MAIM
An Uts dock of 6uinri4 Daus aooDs
Ltl - thtatockd vozobilium;
PLAIN EWE ELY fail 87 with 1 75.
FAXOT, ULU, amp,
, . . , .
clivivilimioindathllwartmassoiNOM lS
IlirG aocirs anstiattj4Xis hand.
._3a, - A..M M - El R. 'a ,
09 "Market Street,
lad o)ay tm4 Dolt
ZEP , l4llsffs:an t TE311.1
And at Ito
Lona min CASH . PRICES.
suaisostoassansa :Anse,
palm Nine TittlilitliGll t
A.L1142i00411 KM Omani%
- • Aims, mamba a ca.
GES MEI& ICEI3-FIN E 1301111§,
s voLialeir Am) TIT"
urf Vat& 8011 AND 8 17sPin/DIRS.
nholte Wargo! ;SAVILIS6IIHIUTB
!ATM Inman* OM;
it yabl i :l 4 l ; r o vava i t Cgi n i s t f ti AND INT
ALDNIAANZ.UNNI. od RA by. al b
IM.TOZI. 21602113 A a op.,
li tult, pasattin
, AOM aewrismic zurinan.t. 1111•14 a
EIX&D.DUZUme, toodre4aad acid stisismas acid
11µ20 7- .K=Thl a 00.
• itok/Sll/11m—.3os'egant /ot oi
'2l/A-L-IdiALTLartitSo comotits,
n frga havartatloa. the urns* pitten; piny
aiitti tram 10 ceata to 1614
' • ?Lova. mon): a 00..
prizana as
JCS tresie. en ator• uwd mak
ads cam. o.
:7. F'7.....n" =7"., 5,7%rir
1 , 192411HIQIII:B.
L, . saiteez aszammum,
rtranuasras or
ALN Bill la3laii.LATltta••62,(k.
bosh. Ilamed, or sr hish thatoetept amidst
trite ull b. void. bl L. B. VUIG? 0').
A N A LYMI3.-- •
_ , ,, c _ ici - is
----AM ( i. V"
Vii. LM St. LOUIS, SO.
Pat trz. lan. *SO.
Luta .....—..' AL Sr i . ..ef .
116eatua-- .01. A e
IIX 77 11:7
VaTta ex•Ptid the Aram ibe ta....14.: Uke
OUP 01414 cabled me th,Lontly No. I la.
site ch• attention of Ohm 'aka llanntacturam
to the Analyeta glvan Aber% aa reported
o 1 1 =1.
A. ,n. as" of Barton, Ina . / . 1 3.80 th of
ads . Ida) I . toccetexe etth thu teat otscluataxpeet•
'me by mezuthatams,. ta Plttumilli Iltuatostatt
am Et. Louts, oetacmtaat ft to be Ukt Eleu!t lad
mit valuable Clay now known. tenable maga at
Laulams. Pate made tram it km dad ta the
Mlle 11111%1011teom 63.4 to a months.
ins Analysts la cktahe Clay ft tabus from the
cake. emboli* any • Vkaildag ce mitatlika via&
star. it tookessis plat caltudeencal eat
quathics, WU* sr act abets by the •
wham Ildoli of cbc. adatlztura of a Wye geopmettos
a abal at bat,el li . . , .
/ lon WM SO 111 ovilm lb, as above
Gig, to be ...7.Gsk Bt. Sochi Or &thew bet%
Tr tionshaw's Chadic& id Mori boa:kg manna
on Liberty tzrott. CtElco io,tr ' om Op. o. thl 11 p.
o. In ad= illwipmeezoadonoandloh on Ow Pot
at &hos who ozzy 001 l ;OM ißia, I diem It . NV doh*
to &typists Pomo Onto Oath, coma In tho pro&
the of loothom oldohl,do not do. in the Is*
pion 1 Oho* &es dot:Vs to an, ow. A do
,n 4 auks drop Ws t 4 i I done , looddlon tzt
Um& corneslon, woad. blowzy WON In odor ao
bort arstledal own; I do ost. to szo tattoos ihz•
!poi go owns 4 1 ; 0 = thereby Tendortaz thaa
umboszoot nced
th - hbor any
low, to t
Qs aux. ohrtsza. Throo. intoomn caw
Inv Web I *old shod .•1 d p i' not do‘ In Ur
Ooze of =Man wowt. .:411 1 / 4 Om Ugly 1
oaks OS 0 Malta so ze: O-goidozpoisoce
h baring
proud tt Oni on* el nliolkatnal In OOP linowns.
tlzo. In all ark hooorinihnoittilt WillplMings
ll* ltp I dtz_nOthodowtio moot* MI
;deo yet =op or of pm* Amber
ai :Id I tieutzd 1 0_,.ank Pozo .Of w.oUt ha son
wafts ususway to ...v ~ ‘cotioop.
tboold no orzoonntazdzill.' or Deol
puBlolo, PliErlypyAßAOK PAY.
- r. waralut-Ait--
mitt:tu t Own o;osuz
1002 ya aabiso. wag,. ckA w k w .
AA woman &Linn lobo bon Otrok Oar all
tory - sr anal ornfors . on - oolinoll to 4IMt,
tat Patna. in roldkes Ann bin lined PM
=r c o i abentltisd to rbrao Bonteadalon
r by :93100" OF Ohio% Ott lb to
` - ittoi;_- WOO otSoldlict:wirilio or on la
On unto an rorttini. po;ianorrapi the 11100
Dont% do., do.
eto one Onio, it nen ! dikpini4 116.
ant to' - eArre, :onto tr co
noon l aro no
4+,611.3.51 -r;
pliNbluzis, JAJDNTY, ~ays psi
lin IT Fifth :tr.;
Ito. 111 gum( OITSZT,IPItaptash"
to thgammitis.
h-miecue4 SOLDUCC.7 Aium
1/0113TUttelar Alltkraudrd comar,,.ria•
AWN , : 'fir vat Oitawazurloktlar, 1 1 410/14,
Turi , 41 Ma MT fa Wia rilzatherpas
tiltite.ral, ft:4la' anus; oaa,lopt nor
cf elm mbo . luas Wed 10.
oetrz 4b4t)lisi w,Apimit tig i,
farnalam'aitaccau gadibiall, -. lsailiate be
REBTOlinkkita grolotigid. Oa a amilottllo.
signs. Pilaw etz ceata.,. Aeltsynans :Ca Us ' NB.
TM, TaItATMENT AID: itADICti - L - CV= te
hasontee sr &Mut Wastama,larotaalui
143 ..___IdowN kraal %Mtn EA :laimdlimaLek
A r 010itttl/01171VeritliMarVarnasessi. efarnl4lol4 Mr.
t ratititilTlMWSNablbrij..R.' 1511 , UK ..
. dr, ,111
veIVAL D.. al Ilisrl rit,thefkoes - 11,111,
eitsetilliptabolki:arkortiorellvapi4ism"ll.ll4 ullital."2.
I. CL lELINZ. to Sewer, Sew Tort.
Raz Ott
VMS - 8.014
.... R C vca.croT.
7.6 ("eietl.3)
TM tea Ilfu. Fau.ailuz Drams unfllkld.
41trora Plgya.
a terileDaT.
t 11.)^ A .
To Pealed. with tee raftneet dams 01
p VT WWI 0 Alla.
.accrtoir A4L6it.
I.t, .117 g 0 - aloat unt .• Baia at I. Censaattaal
d.• woes, aw ea flab at att. alit d.IIIIMII We
Cr a sGtrZib, aitzt.ta at the ersl Daum sad
Dario streeta /molar • Inat Walt haw in
euna and extaadtaa akar Math attest
HO • •oa *aka la az. ea d • ivialPlWO SW
BEIdDWIILLLSo. zazadato team roma bah
unna au drains tows. Aube case
o w attire haus I .fah , k mama dror, imAt vain.
sun lap unite the II sbas, saisb.• amen
tad au tabbed it•s la sae pada, Ombr
sad bed subusi Tba bona au balls la th is
tap!,ussuw, sod 4abbas, Ms bra alf/s
thy amen swis ;
..:say senora animas ft assalag Ala macho ace
prtas kaput Zs adialoa 4ore.
Tzadst—Qzwtoarth. cub; naklat fn throa
=oval papatats,' tadaank imaFe4 by wad
balrigkliaTharkilll4 dam,
QUOND saLwonuarr =MING
iu Belt LOW-W M* pld. oath, prostimoota
ozsoAr mums ont o moat sashattedick.
ad Sidman% Lumbar lifts:A*4=mM wasting
and !Widow Umtata, lbal.ll,wlng MOS ruatatr
to Sam& and 4. oath banrbsittrrst of 20 Ora cat
Ileadow Mace, and ameadlas tack 4at fut.
lots Pea 11, 19 and 21, amla awftsig.a. trout of SD
Orton Marion Lama, and =tuft g back GO I.
bdta boa. 11, 1.1 and 14 oath bating a trona al
Gat ea Qs alla. and a:Mauling took CO fast.
Tam cv Bata —Ono child mob ; rookies la one
amity 3 rush *fib Warta, mama ka Mad aid
P2fun of Oa Itoptoty may 1m 1,94 at its Amtla
!coma. 110. 14 11U
ant D 41115 d 1 11c17.4P4111114. Morn.
lg Ants t 1818, at 10 ciel.v& w/11 b•aakl. at Os
seldom of Um Leith, lakeriaavUlt: the
.11talutors. PAN aatlitpto& of 114' xd Ala&
Irtraar•, a... teltpitathir,lllll , Beat Cliates
"I. Cad' Tato: gra&Blo_7, - &kr Balitt Bows.
pnolkt'APTAlNßada .auss44.4d kag,
01; lisataititaaseata, Wiathigi,tb Ada
Una Ow Obaitaaad Beator.llaJwollt hams Lam.
0* C 1.,... Bat Riot, Book Vas aail
lyab 1)4 Tip% DialeeTatlw, Wart &
ueka o . - BllollllBa Cllilicban
an 11 1 .9 7 : 08116110)112114 &We&
ATES 811t2ST,
Will b• sold. OS TOPPAT_BUNI2III, As.
van - 23w,,sra Wetrek.:it sia Oamastotal Mum
sioortasato, bll /Mb strati by Order at Babc 7,414
adatbitstratft of iyitoba bocekothicosibe• 2.1" V..
e tre& vandlar Lotaidlett habit s impi cat twos.
ty Saar (II) Rot oa WatililtzZ r aad extipadthg tick
MD teasing Birlaubrailey Yet Mraal.
anal 1:497V1i isorre.
zok„ AuorioL—trl976lol
Me. asl% 0 0 0loct. wtaboookl.. the fecal
Wu b 00.% No 64 Mx east: • •
moo WOW nom Alkaga.cfo,66tybol pm Ooopon stood., latoroikosabloi.Jsztaryand est
ass of Tax.
D airmageitwaren. manes.
WANTED—By g atediatar,
th. Lirtnn!Dl vale entobar
TR ezZII r.SO 40 Mi. (as lugs) with au c 1
thiwirg Byom,. 1 : 11 board kr firstel Mews. to •
pleasant. w.ll•hed btu.. torn', illaitsll
dtter :a al o‘bsay. PlAty tjrl4:_ckini,a
tlz• nom, irlyb,lrcruil-b• takes km
primens stomp. Addr.its. 7 ty .Isstar, EL D.,ltary.
akaW.o_Eg ts .cuy6.t..wwa. sot*s
as WAN
IS /Wit DSE3I7; C00P123 WAMMED.
41 rates th at they csa auas aro 'kiln pair
4.• u, T. It rariSEDI d 'BRO.:Part NAL
WeilirELA--Azt Licrcraslnuitp
0v.5 ,- at btar.i Ciao onvon.Brat to the Pia
0 o , l* steam,. ,
AdArsem BOX 977, Pttlerrgb PAt Offas.
5n72 , ..1 . •
at,22 • ♦t BnitiaNen 0311.f2at ri
lAtalet-Ku-4,uta, bath rlazstb•
lee Nepal strut.
OUaki WAM comfortab.,
instill:lg Horns ; on Ude of railmal praxis&
73. H. WSW.
a weter street. Afireiltesy.
sa nn moan mile.
4 Pnloties:PL.
/L a x4cirasz4