The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, July 04, 1863, Image 3

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CITY 417412 W
eir amatAz
MissoulalNlAL Onansiatdita 6 : 1 tas
/my 1111 PIM
1610.4orturted *IV
9 Oakik; 90 76
s - iso
—61016011191 ...... ...e1...20 5-10
1101110330:112414•111xerittlee Coinnolttee.
Thijeligkino — Wag — of lis lemonttoi Cont.
=Woo of hail
Sates was - held st the No
noninbou Wit, Hon.
V. I.4)hastai. a &saheb.; 11 1 / 1
A. Ur% 81 ! 37 0 13 33 , fp , gni. •
:'Ma kezoisitig Imam it nun magma on
. 12 4 IdiAllia_z•Porto4.
Itindett's » 612 man.
Oasketene 11111 190 fe
Itotdasea's 108 4 .
La, 370“
Squirrel MIL • ataa .
. 300 is
SOa~pnia3ali-Bartaa dl-
• —....—...— 500
Kewayekre.lllll, (eoloted n;Ce)....... 129 ”
The various ootoraittass earnestly sail for
the folittotba.nanabar•ot additional sian so-
Davis! RUI
es It
DS a
Itptinal /1111.—,.. 300 gt
EloatitcdNo .-- : L•._, •
.. 600 it
The ocuainfia wpm closing IMMO made •
Nue le - the *Mist that the nutimity of the
stores wire sew hopt °pea.
Oa motto, it wee -
lisiefesifi' That the report be referred back
to therrommittee, with lastrutions to report
the mass of bullies' ma and rerfaimeat
helm who dinewirdal , the must of the
commit em
TbrafellawliAgitekasonalesUon from Captain
was' read and ordered- to be pub
,fferawrily,J}Sp irdlon. W. P. Johnson,
Clkalmaa Irosmigirs - Committee of Public
Befelly :,111r—Ititt,probable that to-morrow
m111.1..0110 lest day at general labor on the
dosoilef 7 0 11: Ii desirablathat the
hays =lem freely pissed In the
handslaCtlial*mie,'b. eolteued. In this
• .martippgw..pmmi intenst, as .1 shall
be hiltpl - oalWO rupotudbk, at Wading
toaMO, tool thathar been pareldeed and
shall' not bit prodnoed at the close of the work.
I :impartially. request, therefore, that suet
attys.:who taken by the committer as will
result - Iktise OCIWOUOI2 of these tools at the
store home' far their riceiltifiroa the
(Op, No..= :Liberty street,
Alum the to congratubite woo, Sir,
the Ountatimait-orer which you preeide, mad
the eitillearwt.Pittsburghipmerauy i npon the
greet Agar - .110U1 pahlia displayect la un
dertekingAilmpartant work upon which we
have been "waged Jar the .put two week',
now wady loaptehet; I have Mao the duty,
sad it Is aidasailit:oll6, of giving to the Com
mittee my alums thank' for their email us
operation:with myself end assistiamin the
labors falling upon us. I must not omit to
W that rim'
,under great obligations to the
Civil and other Marna who hare
fruit giseMns 'the bruin d their thee and
teleate.w.Withowt their aid but little could
bases Moi tins.
WiUttrUtsgesti-I - sin, yar.ibedient
ouvag - 4,-„, M. P. CiaIGRILL;
- Captain U. f. liegiuers.
It WU:mired that all toots be returned
(when the labor is oompletid) to tliti were
lawassareline ateteL,..
floe. P. Ill.flhanatui..offersd the tie/Is/Wilk
numstmasMistrre to the oelebution of the
leartli et Maly evening. ,
The Ireridgeal =obit to be And from
Berroa,k2Ullet exactly Bjs *Wrath; and imp
mediately thireaftit - reekets to be And from
aU theitweatperrtin forts at Intervals of flre
Usiron's 11111 shall be the signal _Ma
tion,lry thilorts shall be regalatod.
The squads seleeted fornring the rock
ets-4o enststwf at least two reliable mu
for eheik Port—eltahl be tinder US following
Those in the Beath lids of the' Yoacmgm
helailvetti be nadir the ocratrol of Mame.
Davit Reltmos and Idiard O ffi nag.. -
7fleeibetweea theism ztrarei(wlth'the n=
=palmed the - Parte 'et Tau.' Crash and
BleffreCZ/Ife) to hi Midair the control; of
iferroit wad fileoeliwart.
At 541111.111esahlito. W. illeketsos
mad Beset Mika.
At TIMM Conk, 'Xmas. Wm. B. Harsh
and Swaim; •
lfmtkir lA. Altestamy dear to be no
of of Mayer Mormader, Jae.
Par 10641 .• Allred Mask, Campbell Harm
6th.Wiped' Wasted for eabh. fort will
mart to the ilemaditee a% Mears. k
Weatirinet, Pktibmak, from ten
O'olcolt a. FL until noon, and mot bare prop
er orders io'proems the realms from the
above siimAlsmathmea; appointed as ma
ga: Nose MOM perm= shall be ft
beady ao that aeriaseas amp be avoided. -
St& &midi, &Arias helot', will lholizie
them tomimils.the Ate&
P. .Toznmas,
P. C. Siu.noir g ,
Oa asetkonil is t
t wee ;
Armload, - the Prayed Marshal be re
visited to-Meel (by 'fosse U rtewasasy) all
arlaklng folunt_opla on Jalyltb, and bold itself
feLlowisig gentlemen were appolatlal a
weiiinallteirtio - asteatto haring a Mstonal , 1
Ilinalkeiethe rations fortifications la this
mai i aro imwasatty rseassted to
to flossal, - Basion, an the M
Mot^ Mat -*sada/ at eight o'clock. (AU
eir o sis i aranaiste - ant eordbaly . Witted
rifolfiliP tie same dim and
Jas J. Yalbonask. OkaiEo an j Oaptala
liezdtaoyer, °Vb. A. &ugly
Ankoo. - 17BindicOrr, Bl i ntwaand Lowe, 0,
. , . . .
"Xesste.- - - - Warla,
Irse. 7 44,WwaL ,Shworaad Denial Deapary,
dated a- esseseittee lussoil a the
Sul , haeled - Ale tostilkistleas
tads wereLastrst, oted. to semi at the
Best pitlfieki.Bl4biandie it 9 deiaik.
Ilts.4.4o7adtest-wie istrodetediaad sta
ted that the Meted mea who had bola work
*epee Wealre's EIJI dashed So haie their
test ambit:llea ,Robert ,Bstellj' atter the
istrevitt:Alberlistes:lptiot.- It waclasent
ereits4o.9*9o4bathe AO he so seetteL .
TIM Passiir-Sail Alas of *so,
glegivAbl B l # 14a , 41 ".
*So .01011:4ktlr DTew. said PssitiLl•
7Diptsfit4tlFlatlttilltitypitiltit the Post-
Afte:;ttelliaiesZAraflorpdi• • aid
JhrysirOs Waklif we have smuts& .ad at--
Ulauhtu , Asothis and
SW& Isigit-ilitter,thiss , thiS listi - irout Xt.
Unbar laßaglarfzappears .-Itsthe Istiepts
dollB,lolslehlre toeutuisufSts soutribitions of
'fistl-Ithowl :aid . 44 corps a
:those. who blind th.
.Futra.withthegt,we Aso put antics that
she thosisltessily, for July, is We out, and
of,soisso„ Vince'..
llaindiA;Yestards, ifterneons b• -
swi tom. °Wooly a • he 7 anima
Jas. WNW sea of Jacob Shook, sainUng on
Sehillemet ellepilialltiltoop. ins drowned t•yr.
aerideattehkrentig Into - a large `port hole la
the et_lrwin's rope works, In the
W ar" ol o l n.T. hoy wee about
=b s tab s x k s lbs hob
wun *de little • ,Ile troajlat yet
dud vim extelearat,' bat se nothing was
11Mtelenibliatildni he *on alter expired.
Abnillitt!WeiLbild v sad a verdlet of tek data was traitead; • `
I Bata tin 00211, .. 1 21Ke• etaipazgot cif =J
UN* spint, firm inamozeksd, 40;07 pi as
wribig„. .1111wollguise Guru, NA.
am non,. Ourds t o oapt.77otur Au!
. t T S;' .` ,0 44110101's Day!.
7 - V I . i hin ennel-ennialiibig this de-
Pirtionc4-thio Akeselties . of: Public ffaistY,
'lnd anit7 °lase who has at hurt the honor
and welfare of our comaimity, dean that
the work on, the mitresehments be finished
to-day. One more effort, and the defenses
will be Complete—tlie on City" will bi
'piaci& II • state of perfect eennity spinal
rebel raid,. Ti. glorious Young In know,
Is ad
_ _
_ d
sacred se • holiday ; bat That loyal
dem will sollled to work, oven upon that
d 4, ht so good • cuss? It will be a most
fitting time to oonsummal• so pentane a
work.,. Let there be a hal, hearty, unani
mous espouse to the ropiest of the Commit
tee,Mad we can enter upon another year of
nationalizistemoe with a oonsolonsaus that
our sense of mourity via not spit' be die-
Sorbed u fa thew& yea, and that ' we' can
pursue our wanted anotatloas without feeling
that we are at then:am of every contempti
ble basket , plandmen whew the chimes of
war may haingwithiareack of mt.• - - '
If Ahoilatalisgausisenestases, and patri
otism ..of.thioisationon who proposed that •
tery.e• ups should be made to-cay fa work
on the tonlitiations, that they might be fa
bled, on this memorable anniveremy of the
natlbes - blrth=itiaj r Af sualchigh and Uhl&
seal in • gross and good dui& as than, eould
permeate and Taunt the whole ooniona
nib,—we should the day see this oily make
a igiodons and Wittig :nerd Ofthoselt-denial
of Its Ohba" lei - to tine When the plane in
terests demanded, that .theiPieentnn of ‘ O6ll -
Waling Our militant lobby la the mai way
rs /
should .W ma ..up la part—er rather their
plus lakes thegriaderimers timbal-Eh
pleasurec eyeellyllsose 'wino 'mamas
pleasant, It' to serve theilsonitry, and to
pltllloince.saiellee every private linseed or
on la that swiss • '
This fie atilmint has Row bean in the
Lid for awls three weeks, and boo porform
od auk Slaty tiling this paled. •
ChL Gahm yesterday Maimed lb
resignalkut, As Waite wawa& The line of
lours were
Cooper, to ready* the antaced by - Lieut. CoL Jos: N.
asignatioa, andsot
Volt On'sto t ion, tha nelgisollokof Col.
Galway was itoospadiond arobstlon adopt
ed regretting the sepeasion.
Meat. CoL Casper sad Major New; having
bear hrely •nowlamed and sleeted to
1111 the yosanay, dwlWdlki tendered Nano-
Boa I Therespen CoL Clark was sliftl
amity iliotat Colorist of, the ;Mouth,
A munitteiof ono:dated to
wait Spin COL Clash, het tvottati to =WY
him if his eleotioa: --
The regiment, although sooeptod by Gm
Brooks for the entergensy, has agreed to be
mattered In for thrm months' sirvise.,"snder
the Governoes prociamtion, 'Won gooier
sUsehorgod.. There are now eight ampoules
thoregistest, and semrsl others desiring be beraded thlspepoler r ojri 'orgiudsa
ties. regiment cow of our best
Wizen and L ofloand y tandems' of
obarsotits A limited amble of mos AMR be
&WM* Into the Pihoutk, to Sll up to the
aultaam the moral ampules, if applies.
Boa he wade st Que. The reglant is sant;
"mod and tally oTtiPped,., and will be am
tersd la on Monday, a;3 Oka p:
Good for Lagiteitee •md Menet,
The Bra-Professor Vlationt, of wagtail
atm Collage, *mimed beim' yesterday MUM
IIIS with*. oonapany of them - wantite man'
from VilhoingMe towasidp„ . Lswiente oonnty.
It la among the ominous signs of this time;
that Uremia not •demeetst heads 'outplay,
although tiers are plenty of that kidney in
Wilmington! This eironastancesmee sin to
mach anfavorahla Sonunent in eke neighhood, but the eves heads neither Masked nor
ragemted. It b the oreeywhira... Of the
Aro rampant,' monad lrom_ Wawa eannth
• faw days ago, mwy few, we are informed,
were dantoorats. We understand that them
are other sompanise oozing from New Cutts,
Lawrence month tlmuurly oomposed.
Bar. Profaners hf.ehard and Black, of
Westminster °cagy sad • Baptist okra
man whose lakina vs mold not learn, aro high
pritiitax in Capt. Visantliestapisy.
Tits %maim ROOM% AT u i Tmenas..—
'This Mandates baltpaet zee **dock Memo ,
Mar drama M - the Infotti Tblevea," and
"Ratan mad Phllemphe viii be nodaad 2
oaf*, the afttraeoa at tmo o:elook arms
thiag.draaMotaljaale .Toa a Garda" We
taro had Mos our Pittsburgh Boards a am
ber ot Boos t sad It war 'faded 'to draw fell
oadflablotuddiaallatteas.` tli arealag
-lbws LtMlissa&, bin oared, sad we would
whim those who woola wheats owe of the
most thrilllag draws one has lot
te fall sad visit UM Pittab heatre this
sad w tha •pm . kaame Ble "Oa
Tasmash with timuDaeghter of
the TJaioa."• , Qom* Wpm matte got good
MOO Ir. Mad te
A diwoi. 2i64110.in0 Quin'sA nit* la
kolas; et themesso of oar ores,willloporree
al Glenwood Grove, Ufa day s , ( Jab. olo
fees..,lfe, *peva poem ,will
be • * 4 1 1 11 : 1 1.11d Plies Iwo kit beswewn
mid mown order. ZMt awe edit ion
the Depetlifebe nesolliae.
- - • - Joni Loner.
noik—Tip Oakland Pamela Bagway.
tug, orbit to an% - olooteugotos
Warm go am tonsil at. the Sionbon.
rtno ti ttl Is Wag Wit,trlll asirloo We to
run .its to.Slgh otrostiroarof eo Court
Holum `Parma gobg to' osaNtad ethos,
will toin notion;
Tio(Pass.Onioni is Pittairarsk.aad
0'467 lb, *psi this day Wilma the
keno - et EMI °Pala* it 13mVsioralas,
ant Clad 6 056646 i: Jay
4 . 16 1 3 1844 ,
Poirrens.—This liasegets itt Bt. Pure
Orphan Asylum have -fend as seesaw ie
Dos • mat further settee, the aelehmlos
Orain;l4: LOCAL -NOT/0111.
azonni AND Biszi's Simla Madura, for
b s Nasaaasetaring pzepovi_are mr
Italia; Pang!, ratalaaOramisaial atati
Soda, 411014, is Paasaybaalaaaa Vat.
wont " 41 tit GPben:VuntiVak sow
olratt aim Laaffiliat o assarla. Wain
Wrfts Pifitalieni•Plo , apasen
Mauro One 1111111111 6100 Z or Coen.--
lonrabiaiiiinm talkow is oolllag off
Ifpriagoaff Boatotor stadia goodiat out.
Tkozzo ns idot of all Ur Woos styloo of aloes,
gad ,Tootisso* of whisk be LI pro
prod_ to ink*
.sp fa - the moot fooldosoblo
Josanori_oad stout ffloo piddle Amid'
ap t
NOW to' atoll thomootroo of Gls taro
chimp sad , zoom by tats
him is
early call. •
Also, Imp aosostaitat of pia and foie ,
easalmoroo, well idoptid firboye ow, which
In will 1011 , ktflb below eat.
ifotbati &obi opt moot to gen aril.
ffix.Vattiitt, NotohlitTiglor i
14 *add strut.
.frrramoir, Raman Woman= 1....-Tba
dominos of oar Dora bars dodtadoro To*
tautly Marred Ikea WI osat 'of war, sad of
'do public la plumy is opts dlrodd to**
yortottolow aid bagasse' aalartimat of
tbo styles of Ifrwrah, >fo~Bal .aid
Ago:bad Ow gook, far pasty. soots aid
outs, lately trootnd by Mouni:Joha - Woks
Co., Marchait Tailors, No. 311 A Most
street, - , oilloilutay. A tartital itolsotioa of
imtiotaaa's armadas toots will alio alwajo
boloniul on tho ;bans of Ake witabliolusoat,
togotkorwieb a tot of rowirmado ototiday,
got ap tho bar. amen. -
Nov Amin or Bann ihotanni.—Of•
tea wean askpd,4ltert law. hay a last
sad eohtertebbe nougat 'nh, suds to -order,
hour hubs tar skean of Weeds; oat en
goods? To all these lasubies peen sawn
go to 71111ast - fair. Nein it Co., own of
papal shoot cad Dinsoad *Pimp '4l . loiSkfr
fa, eadyn be suited astordias boyar
tun - . .2bsor bare Jett reseitedtheir Muer
goods, sad for shone of Mks dal aseast
bo stunned; sad fee *Suess doyenne eet,
persons, as their =kb all doss ado.' taeft
on superthin. Gin tills a ail.sad pea
moot fell to lb* added.
SandiTO/2114/an liosasmAszass Arne
ASL erma mar repairs or al.
Omahas to nom or d roots. or
=fail , the lin, ot
tor ohm writs siuw,
amnalfuu=rtento„ a t ilogam presto/
Bernm-lfterm, ur Brim or itiamunnut,
June 2,1861.
Yesterday' battle lure, instead of bring
'only a ray hotly contested heavy skimalsk,.
is nu usdentood„Mt the thee, at Taseytows, ,
arid is ad alined In-the New York dlopatebas
from there, proves to have been really ahaost
as hotly a contested fight, hi:proportion to the
Samiers sumged, as the war has yea dur.
;shad A glues at that pullet list of ass•
allies as to oilkers, Is sunehat to establish
rte severity.. Fraction:, the fight was be.
twee& the Plat Army Corps, rla our side, and
rebel eau with- two &Maims of
Hill's. Oar troops Mended in the morning
In Gettysburg, pseud through the taws, and
had advanced nearly a mile on the other side,
when they met the enemy in putties. Mer
edith's brigade, of Wadsworth's division,
wheeled instsmily lam Line of battle en doable
Oka, charpd the , - enemy and routed than
handsomely. They took one rebel regiment
'prioolume, arid ooeuplid)theirpesitiol.
'pa rebel prisoner. taken were from Arch
er'shaigadoismi tae tediel Gem Amber, himself. '
DoirldiderkakilfolplUakedirittorur then
Nate up and, ompleted oorijne. Heavy
=Ming mmisti, hhoutiiree Mid ilea
r. S., when the rebels sane up in heavy fere%
'The balk of ,their two turps littIOS, : 0112 sin
gle one. Here ensued the_ fight whose bitter
severity the long; ists of killed and wounded
will so well attest.. The first corps managed
to held its grown!, however, till the elev e nth
corps got op and into position, but even then
It soon became asslihst that they:war-simply
outnumbered. On our right thereinto pressed
over till by shags superiority they sampletsly
tamed our flank? and by an enfilading fire
forced the eluenth cups to break. The
had. partially Maud thenuebres front their
Mishap at Obausikuthie but were now fermi
to retire through the town, which they did is
some disorder.
That rebels on our lett nom poured forward,
completely onlatembedng us, sad finally
forcing the lint . Corps, a ft er both flanks
were exponod.. i t retire through the town,
tritthh.thertlidis good wart taking op oz .
oudingly strong positions on the heights ha
inetiately south of the town in the Gettys
burg outatry and ihe ands of hills on either
die Thou was no dlsourageseut over the
result. It was the inevitable consequence of
the fact that the rebel Onus nearly doubled
the numbers of our oink adieus, and of
souse argues nothing as to the pascal re
sult. We are now oonesetutsd and ready
for &alien.
It is bellerld Oat do data battle day te
en this afternoon, bat is socolikalp to Wea
ls:ad till to•Ronow. Lee's fades it. sot
dotted to be so well emeatistelpekaa 01111.
&sty rebel form it. aiding loth earthed:a
dis =arida& and abarpaklnalablag irgoiag
on with °oedema artiflary practice.
The field is a pretty good mat for Itgittiag,
the weedier pleasant tot tl. maien, and so
abaidaaoe of forta-boues head,. width aro
being converted Into iorpfteft, and themes:ad.
ed ate being yell awed for.
Among other caualthra et the day am
Itafor Elesual Barnlds, enuaaadlas Gs
/hat Any Corp, who wu shot dam& tiki
bead h a alarpaboeise Wadi, as thaeureaw
tand,aresaabig taw Um of battle: Geateet
Pawl; sevetely widadsd fa the log—alue
dead.' Gfflutal Bulow, imkrettwoudediad
a, ptiaalet., dra_Bekbeatelfasalig- wae esp.
I Ms 7th Instant/Is, peattal floe new ia
21 / 6 1 47 702 i ost3o.4noood me killed sad at
wonaded, with taw 210111 mallow yet to ems
in. Is the OtieWbeessia`,pertisl gots show
17 ki104121 - ielaasid 10.. E Ta
the :a Wisoouto. partial Moto dun; IEI pri
vates killed and 122 wousded. Ia the 19th
lndiaaa.l9 kilied aid 1111Wonouled. Is the
26th Winiefitia, likillont:sllll4l.wesivled.
Dispatches kiwi bus reeshed Use fres
the Any ei the Patellae up to hit sight
It is sinswaosi that' pesetele Bulow sad
elehnioni' ideisi,g - wite both wended sad 1011
lano thane:ay% hands is the essigesseas ed
the day before yesterday. They, with Gees.
Zeysoble sad, Yaw s . Med, wiroilka 0217
Uniin mord Whom wko awe with easnal
It b dedalteli , statad, Wu, ;la dis
patches robered toabove, above, that tie balsa, was
kit on oarpart. qy,b7 the: Nirst sad
Aray Corp, while the,rebel fens
Wilma against Ikea ware halleved -to sea
loos twe•ildrds of Le‹e sad/ way.
At tho sad of the dikt,wfiet wspedslag tie
sishele Lit at/mk s Goad teak . shifted Ms
podtlea to the 'l4lglite - Move' GeldriblitiL
wit‘zo /to thi alibi - 611i of iv*
other eeille.of bL asisP;thet hadatit Paid*,
toted ti the eagaiwaeat. Is' that polder
the wing bad disused to *Nadi his. ap to
last ersnialfrisp 'Which Woe 'tho halms,. of
cows Loops had: goWea ap, sad won duly la
liae. l -Lee was at that tine' eaaseatratiag all
hid troops our 1 4, bat elass4 smutlfutitiff tie
PFtPooO. of n n sa in g l4 . - :atttebe Walk at
*l9 a% simnel about to do.
, It is Judged lien Wilms; wairaot attack
ed *UAW bseaoso tat *RC thy cams
up, ware Imsla T il ttflo. , 4#44 o to
peewit them FLAN! ewe
btto silica
agalait,,the itifatiaid ;tamp. - Arm Ws
Laos of tbs dispatched is Is 'hollered • his,
that if the ineatideelbied:rintewlas the at."
teak? iairsdag,`"piii. 1046 Imam at
931004.4..ku whobuimk;
ItePorta from above, mattes a Ise la the
Potomac sallobatt to - solder all the lards be
tow Clio#o4oo,il■llo4
.1 0 4 *
Ago, daYd•
• !hi Ehmaaawat has a dispel" boa thaw
sal Wheade, datedihree Wile* Pesterdap.'s No
lighting worth aidtloabig had falai *es.
Gaunt Meade bawds& that be Amid cot
of Ids Ora sword bring eit,i;listttisilifose,ko
-461/.'mfof o f tli liAlditilastixdoe up al.
tar a Imes aad Midst wadi, aid milt*
It Toroala Ws took
*xi rotaida mut ism boa !wow ea
lOU ImigalY• -
Goblet' Saab bit that lilktrtlps b Wet 46111 " 411. 4", i" 1 . 1 1,a sad for
Of WOSOOkeIO boWeilosora. Rua Wi
bat tio now patlt ontaialosi AA us I. be
444 tint 400- aill 1 11611 . 1106 0 11 49 sal
that bibittlo time laid tits sdas lB4l 4 o l l
da oo 14 11 ) 1 7krigall 4 4 0. 1 4 { ' 1 001 1 M
ilastiy obliged to bimodal' dm stood Wit
tkg t lai to lb. Ndfl ftst tbi Wi
Mato dab IP* ll 4 411 114 116 :0•10
sad West of itottnbiti; %WE Susi* bi•
th., &a s M.
Special Dlipitch to the Plittiburgbi Gsmotts.
• Wiriairaroa, Jan 8,1813.
satioseded oeoußbig. Met of the weladed
we therefore of souse to the mars lauds,
but me have taken so malty 0111011111 ttst
amount fi tally Waned.
noir oil. au::
Mopelehes from Goi. arrant have been re.
mind of thi date of the 2lth of has. He
had not been attach4 i tthe ow, and did
net expect to be._ wars Progressing
Win, : wife of Hew A. Wise, has
been ntesntly in WasMasten and spent sev
eral days.
Count Zippellii, as ellen Of the King et
Wertataberg's staff, who saw oar swiraby Aght
at Aisne, says that they ate *web hotter than
the rebel malty; that to so lastaitee was
thaw* any okalking, and that Plessaaton
handled his masa witahably.
The faros of az•Congrissoua MoPhonon,
Deputy Commissioner of /atonal amines,
formed pert of the battle Sold of S ettysburg.
The people here are wondering whether
Noncom D' Conway will be tried-cm Ids re
tom to this country, under the set of last
111141i90 to prevent oorrespoudanee with the
rebels. Hlr correapondonor with Mason is
thought to bring ME within it.
Daring the pule last Sunday night, the
Wendt Minister telegraphed fors Teasel of
war to tate hint sway. It now LIN is the
Gee. anal who was ham for twenty-four or
thirty-six bona left this morning for Pam
sylvan!" where he has been sniped a ma.
mud ands flan. Om& It is Aland that
ten dams of Carlisle, Pm, whose name'
are known to the authorities, went to Eon.
Jenkins when he was In possession of the
town and bagged him to Pude thool- MY,
he asked—botanse we are 'sillies to be
drafted to light the South with isklohMe sym
pathize. It yen like us the beak replied Jar
Ws, you shall light with us, sad a number
of eopperheads were thareapon put tato Ini
tial's ranks 'Atli they were eared of copper
ilesdism. The darks in &Gifu , Department,
Qoartarmaster Gourd's sad Provost Menial
WeaemPs 011 es have In;paind theausivee in
companies aid battalions for military navies
In and about Washington.
Jay Cooks k Co. donotfiC Itty thtrosaid
dollar. pat :day, to the Pousyhsalit tolkf
Special Myst& to 1k itMibutei Aww
PATUDII4III4 Jody 3;1863.
tisfag is still head at ColimaMa, Task and
Batebsidp in the dilution of Ghttlysharg,
and It Is believed that a battle Is :Was
between Keade's toms aag-Liss.
Pleasanton's emir, is delis spleadiol m
elee. The cavalry neglected by YeCM llaa
were a spoiling of Bamakis and Hookas, sad
their efforts to nuke It toll upoa the enemy
are now apparent in the work aososplishad
within' the last week.
IF Lee has not ,et been Mesa bask, his
!batik has en this been tamed by Bodywials,
wbo was yuterisy oftentoott writs% to the
difiletiOß of Kilidhltollllllllll4 Biddlobirs.
Teiegraphis sommaaleatios between Balti
more ami Banisbers hm bees relsotabllsted.
The taint= havesdnaood from ilarrisbarg
to fiatolgtora, six albs =goad Carib*
while tho army of the Potomac, as Wogs*.
ed yesterday, is la oommaualeatlos with the
Departmeat of the Basguebauta.
Tim =thud vlll be 'pawl =tire= Saltl•
aoteaad York oritkla a week, although Bar.
fishing Is la sups* Yet ow &spa and
be spprehomded, as if It had lout Loe's =tea
tiro to take ltike coati have dew ruby Soak
surameat through tkor raps Cad fords above
Harrislarglast week, thaw readistiag
tlou union to the opposite *tide of thaes
globous. Nothing yetis karma as to the
nods of the heavy Arias last. aight ad to
We bonen that we have soloed heavy
losses la others mad an, bat that Lae has
bees so crippled= to plan bias ea the dodo=
"Ivo owe of Meade' autos to Sea. On*
was liy a data tura= yesterday, a
Matt diabase forum York.
Two shims of . Yak have be= muted
'within ear Hies as 'pies.
Mot copperhead, sad pew* auta along the
MIA= entitles of the State au del., all
they ma to old the rebehi sad mislead oar of-
Sole sad mes; They aid the rebels woe
thstitke IllarylasAers di&
we beta that Elea. Ewell wee Chief •U
-gliest of the Norther& %Myst liatheat Awe
Nang, Catansa, ez4katetar:
of War, time Pteaideat of the Ileed.
_lf that
toad it a speetaea of his AMA% imaged sot
?jai Stoaewalre tegiosesor, ea it Is aokaowl
edabd to be: the worst ataglaesce4seatt fa the
UMW Masse, fees MS sad eathaakseate.
pates to the print 'stab of slain all
celebratleas of the 4thistre bpi pit.
pt here. • a
.The Awn Iwo • modal dated Os
holt Hemmer, sad thet t tea' this
NW/ening our fame Orwell is !n *amid
who wade their &maim on the het.
tiefold for the popes* of pillogihig the dead.
The rebels retreated batty.
The light duis tai ias hen, Ake .larsiSt of
Ges. Ellekke wu maw* sad bad Ida right
lig Imposts& Ho L dab' well.
awn/ &Wok has bon roodood; stat
ist ithat at Ip. a. A &upscale bask wi t
nosing. Sam loom on both Woo. .
Official Dispateltes kern' GU. 11126.
Wormarescar,Jaly L—Aa mid dispel*
mariatrat 13d. diatom Ikea meja
eeal KOlWhEllitallp Ihidquart ! ifs et tuana
of the Paean, 11 p. a., July 2, whka saya
Ma; maw, tanked as alma foia t teelak
p. to%dwp, sad after as of the warm
esainte at At, wet was medial as 1a12011121.
We hue ewe& eadderably so Wed aad
ooaded.' Aai i mp the IdUal.ere Bed Gam
'Paul aid Zook,itad maoaa thewomdedgees.
Rolla % Bulew,thabeateadWatves,mtedy„
Ira haws Was 10,1arge samba; of prismen.
At letei 'Memel' hes beat naked from
au, aka, * dated o'oloek this moratag, la
al* he asp
!ITN attics eaameated gala at WI,
avaikt, T ro owlet a parts of the lba t The
away Abu foe immade so fieproubta upon
at rpoittlos, sad'asoolate Itareela
thstemkoleammy !ilea Prlaaeareporitikm
p ni g strors &a d P. . were
21 2* 1 4 111 7 01 t0ta7s aid ked may gene.
oil atom kWel. Rea. Barimilateiep pil s „
elet s pi, to dad; his 11'4;42 to Withiewsza,...
We te thai fer aboall WamaiTila
II =MU maw yet to Mr OwAtC"
Prow' Via*olvarg
Nair You, . 1 4/ 30- 1/* hi/ tie
following golds
irde rof Vidisktri, weitasiikr,
Up to*pookiday, oltwahblog
wo along
. tho "wade li all of ;mit a , fr aira,
maw ums portioa of If fat* Balder's Itoil
to tits Big Black rsUroad oilman Wm ba•
flop ovomfailotioapts Slat Ti s
roor (wok woo pails orate to ridst Masma%
TM sight Wow in lona Sobs of 110 nqi
mar Boor pnibk. isw tio k thiase,
O a ' the Ali, 67 *lt* /* 6 lagging
ameba by a oopoolor lon* of relm4 cushy
and hid. T sfeislinTlies&l 26 •7
Imbed stile • otooftoode.
Moo lioutookod et pfs 21114 0 1114Wsinwo
Mittsmot. Ike Isbell Itgoim&i
obottamp sal !pit 511 WUS twpoisoroffti t
Bomaß'Y:Mgut UPC .0811411$1
TIM TINS Moll= ft
poillos to alai mown , Wiwi tid o
warolog. t
Tl4l . Bfatle near Gettystkarg.
Pituanacwiiia, - Infy 3. Parini's fins of
thlimozning, publishes the following spiels]
&mutat, dated July, I—midnight . :
The list of easnalties among the Pennsyl•
vania troops are given as follows :—Eleventh
larmy corps, Gin. Bohimmelfennig wounded
and a prisoner; Col. Hartung, 74th Pennsyl
vania, badly 'rounded in his left leg; Limit.
Col. Weisel, 74th Pennsylvards, wounded and
missing; Cel. Weaver, 75th Pennsylvania,
way seriously wounded; Lieut. Col. Bogle
beat, .17th Ps., wounded and mining ; Dr.
Haokel, 27th, Pa., wounded ; Capt. Howell,
153 Pa., wounded ; Capt. Young, killed; Capt.
Bicker, wounded, both of the 1531 Pa. ; Copt.
Felton, 75th Pa., -wounded slightly; Capt.
Delamee and Lieut. Haute, of the 75th Pa.,
wounded; Lieut. Mahler, 7th Pa, wounded;
Capt. Myer, 74th Pa.; wounded ; Lieut. Now
mya 74th Pa. wounded; Lieut. Goldsmith,
74th Pa., taissiiig; Brig Gen. G. R. Paul is
among the killed; Generals Wadsworth, Dou
bleday and Gainwehr, ire reported wounded.
Our lases are enormously heavy, and the
list of names now must be small. As yet we
are In a region without railroads or teleguplui
nearer than 30 or 40 miles, rendering -the
.transmission of news very diCoult. A. to '
the rebels nothing definite as to their zanier
teal strength Is positively kneww, atheist if
known it is not stated. Bome place their en
tire strength in Pennsylvania at 80,007, oth-
ers as high as 125.000. The list of killed and
wounded, given above, refers exclusively to
the first day's fight.
Late dispatches State that bring was heard
at Gettysburg until late last night, and that
the Watts was again renewed this morning.
- •
Bow Tons ' hay 3.—A dispatch dated
Headquarters Army of tie Potomac, says the
anggement on Wednesday was desperate'and
remitting, terminating' at sandown. Long
street was in command. This force is said to
'ave comprised . Mrs Corps. Daring the
early part of the day our forces failed to
- make an impression on the rebele,When Gen:
Bickles Arrived, and, with reinfortements,
turned the tide of battle. "The result may be
stated thee: We advanced - rapidly, met the
enemy in . force, attacked Ahem with amps,
found them too strong, fell blink until joined
by the McNutt' Corps, renewed the *Mak,
and regained our 'ground.
Generais Wadsworth, Barlow and Double
day are reported 'wounded. General Baster
Is reported killed. General Bteinwehr was
Wounded. Oar wounded are at Gettysburg,
Well taken care of.
Our feral at tieftysiourg were largely rein
forced on Wednesday night. Gen. Meade was
In front superintending operations.
epeeist to the nue, dated "Og the bat
tle liald of Thursday morning," mays: No
pseud engagement has yet taken plus,
though a greet Wan will be fought this p.
or to-morrow. The enemy is In great
foram. Our troops areal up and main hand.
The rebels campy Pennsylvania College as
a hoopitiL There hu been skirmishing ill
the morning. Both parties are preparing fa
UM great contest. Oar troops are in splendid
undition and fight like veterans.
001. Mondial wu mortally woanded by a
grenade while entering oar end of the fort.
Johnston's advanoeL said to be a few miles
Trots our main pickets, but only si show of
the fame ezpaoted. Nothing Is more dearer.
bat than a naz attack. as everything iepre
Col. Stowe, 149th Pennulvenia, command
ing a brigade, is badly wounded. Colonel
Mahler, &
7fith Pennsylvania, is dangerously
Baumann, July 3.—There is great ex
citement here to know the rennin of the battle
loggia yesterday and last night, between
Meade's - army and Lee'i. Persons - at Comm.
bla and Bainbridge, in the neighborhood of
York, ,beard distinctly the roar of artillery.
At times it was rapid and buoy. At daylight
this morning it was again renewed. The bat
tle mut hare been in the neighborhood of
Talegraphbs' communication has been re
spouse with Baltimore by way of the North
ern Central Railroad.
Bszatuss, Jane I.—A gentleman from
Pakten, twenty-six miles from Baltimore,
says nannotadlng was heard thins yesterday
anals . nine Vol** t night. The oannozusd
illg WAS Tin ILI ,MI was slnmted again
udaylight this mo Int with 'groat fury. It
Is patltioely.kno , however, that thorn was
aftnillsrassfst fisityibarg, up to 4o•olook
Is Us ataintoon. ,
Deelaive-Hanle Bapposed'to have
bees Fonlit.
Putarmusta,ly 11.—A spacial to the
Belimit Bays nothing !slues' as to the re.
salts, bat the impression prevails that the
great and decisive battle of the campaign has
been tittle b the neighborhood a:Rau:own,
between tletrysbaqg and Chamberlain:
" It is believed we hue seared hairy losses
la odious and man, bat Lee Is so crippled as
to be placed oa the defends%
Yesterday ' Made assiamid the offen
sive. Tim day before Lis attuitad Meade and
wait upland with bunion. '
Reriltolds a gap In &ash Maintain, near .
Ohmabarsbrig, through 'Mali he expects to
Nape if damned.
1 guard stationed at Bridge No. 81, on the
Nomura. Central Railroad, turd' tiring in
that that of hying artillery. ,
Blase it is believed that Pleanaton Is at
walk with his dashing cavalry, lighting for
potiessin el the gap. •
.rtIPEL Gen. Great's Army.
• Matowia,,:aly 1.--Of advioes from
Om. elrut's army to the 28th, sops that the
.Vlskstearg 'garrison is wary active, and la
making a &sperms:lightens, to the progress
d 'as B4 lM With the hops that relief will
senses& Ikea. _
Addltiosalreisforeantents ere said to be on
the warfroasßtsgg to Johnson, and the it
ter it retesting his -arrearumate to attack
Masiunbakealtism, aid Biz* antill, aro
eombiaing to get °noose point of the beak
of ,the illseissfppli
_probably an attempt will
be mwie to rapture Milliken's Bend and stop
Bruything is quiet in this sooldori.
Bea. liaribut is vigilaat in watching dose
ly sada movements of the enemy. in _the
onalry Alumni to the south of his lines.
TM extremely hot.
Latest Mal Vicksburg.
Iriasuratoi, Jaly, 3.-f-Tho .Rfpaeliocai'of
ttdo annum lam the filovirasioat Aso a
espatok dated Vioksbirg, JaaaP
Um& Um dip was proposal's Aw tli, ay. No
mail= Is nada of Q. nails ta.filan.Graaill
, , ,
Tie ,
itsponed Fall of Vicksburg.
PRIZATMLiate JWI4 3.—lt It sooerfaiseg
Viet, the workauot at Um Navy Yard were de.
estred this morals/ by a Woe. report of the
'opiate of Vicksburg. • , .
glarkeui Teregraph.
corAroadaatt .a.-anadt quiet and maty Mut
$11,1186,16 tat extra State mid ils A ted46 Obba.
Mem dm at $1,1411.30 to aptiag,lll.3lGl,43 tat"
/1/1 Gab and 31,6701.51 tor IYlntar Zed. - Vora dolt
mad lawn at 73X6)74. Oats steady at 7 5 kTIOA:Polit
Wit. LAG stsaaj.• ifirbbby datet at lailtaa.
Ow Tomasift—Ticar U MY ddll, beery and
)Ni actin •', Oats .assiusts at 747%; small t.
cob otolsofoo at 77. Wool li Dna wit. good dossed.
Pork omit 'Wit end close Armor st $11.750'
suArk i t b i . obigg,, ag g gulp for New do...claiing
milk Km at g i p Bacon os all sides toll an
toodsaL -.Lord steed/ et 1N9 10 3i. the lac.
torso extreme DI 71i slimy st 0.07, tot
ing, aod toll et PAO * I th i t dm* billa—
Goad Is Wow st g1.4411t. motet • tO , WAX and
oloologgslot st. is Gloventrosst stake
140 1/4. II IL d'd et I anima or $ 1 .054181. 0 6. • ,
Omar Donerm—At the Dental Laud-
Pala street, sets of teeth for
four &Ilan, bettor than those at Are dollars
at ilso other distal establishing:AL - AU per
soin ars requestod-to caU at thi Institute
altar baring mortalaed the levest prloes at
the other clasp plum: All work donirat
Use lastitata b guaraat4ied superior to buy
sharp Dentistry is the city.
- Maw sad Sorotelotas Eruptions 1,111 len
eon" the bodies of tha w brereaten who ate
lildias their ouzo, a lettlee. Nisbt
bed feed, end &mates Miss will mike sad.
harm with thee _ _ tronsat, therefore let every
air' Imply. with HationeareVad-
west, It le ie odds ear* for slimy kind cif
ebta dhow& Oaly S 5 ate. per pot. 21b
Mrs Arrions.—Ess. L liooreAsts
ApseMosik - Dibi. Was; iirites—Tl
lave wed In. O. A. Allen's World's Hair,
Bask= as 4 Hair Dressing, sad it has also
berm end by my wile. ' We auquanAsdis pro
mos's How tie _best powwow we Mee
osedi—is dociarafka, w aow
0•61 ,Drsgsteas sisrywhme.- Depot, 1911
au beim Bnis Delo4, SU ftgie
el kkr
. ..
Timms—Lon Brom or eu Einar
. 3
The Prfree of Comic Adore, J.O. fhtelteto, •
tents the " Colleen Rams," and Biases •
Brandywine, for Ms bewellt Monday •
July the 6th. Won't it be a - grist stsitt 7 •
°Kazan and Clonzaaa Oassamlll N Saba
at ths Omaibu oak% No. till Libart7 strait,
day - tr. alght. All orders laft alibi above
place vW be promptiy attototod to. " malls
war! be paid * %mans
byBlOlOW--REED—Ou thanlsy. July Id. LbY
Bey. J. !ram Z. & 1101180 W and Ills AMIGO
B*ID. No cards.
Aart-ralezzure PUMPS
And many Mbre is:Jar:km' iff oath%
:%3 for Wolin ard! i. 'gbh% .r ie 4
with astrklnd of ;dm , -
for sal bY
N UTIOIO.-1 azq can waling --
strinwrre PRIP4EATTONS,
1fL021111114. • v •
• 0 74 ?' 9 11 1 6. 1 411111 IXTBM
At old prior and myths BOJlllll4Tirli
HITT teal iiiiithin(Stk• hartbite itsperprkik
SINON ion/ urn*
,018 Corner fourth sod lhattldlokt 4111•41 L
, -- L1GHTN188 . 11.74[174411
deprike a want felt by Ifln'llooli bOlO/141014p14
Every ellgllo wilt Attl- a mutt when Us am thlek.
Remember that " It hi "DOTUBZWItatast, doom Ulm
and nines the hoe Imitations that an Min& API
ttal emote ill for sale by
_an remmetaltie Ihmarhta
• B. A. 7ARBRBTOOKB e BOX t 00.,
, .tatairW Rat aad Ww:d Mese%
Jellbeard PlttaberaL
, m . M. - , All'enJihti *we, gompow
to • OILS axo *him- Itatloalar attention
paid to the ditto' up and 'meths of on. sin.
made to - order. Also, =AM annum: of 0 1
thole, mods at theskortatt ' '
AZ. orders left at Hoe. at A mwamienraii.
flier Liberty, will be promptly dtaadetto. '
WirTha membeti at tile - Ars Mtn prweliad
m ot m
any yore' experatima La their butasaa,
will foato satkhotion onit7 moot.
itAr•ookLisTßE. & BABB,
I ltsinfairtarsis 41114 ahrairs In all kI it
TOBAO . OOV, szgr, r LID
Na.IO6.WOOD Brits" Prommai. Pa..
illZ'olgt, wi tg&ec.. ll4Pl hell "'is"
tticozz. ?IIU Pirnougon.y—Tio
Nap PEaSEIIIIII6II, siow latftg at
Wbart, will mail on Wins Jura. Amy i lksli a dtt=
tblat U from - Pt via Ort
of oraaalidon aid It to my fdaria
Lharpool, librial o.h atrtirtz . ,
fzeight:- apply
- 17 - L,1111111.11T,
1.214Nr. &agouti' Ciss St. Balthus% MII.
To. 1117/11M Kai=
FHA all kuida::
.a:lsduani. swam and laxpan bbba. i bang
21a1thincas liertina
Labs WWI* Plab and Earting, bbh. i What
60 bags Maar, •
100 Obis. in N t= .
O. 111olanar,
60 do .
26 badt. , _
1,0 boar wino Cho* ' - •
fat WO by , _ 111DIVD lIIASILTOZOL
msto or as Ann of. W..s. 1111Mialil
-.13412.1.;1ERUE03.. -
N o : 75 7o JI:, leing iDer 10 136- Xsaiirloe Afas4
goLD. awns% &(K NOV* IZONAJUiIik.
prtkalar @Libation to tl• trestamat el
VES lb* LIB mbil
atm OATARAM OWLET mai, fora ir="
NL&I. PUPIL. boats ALISITIOUJ. 11111Ww11
HilliLUlGl..aad ail Oasis OWN'
ttooto tt to Datotott. -
11111 . 0111 m, SU PINS STMT. scalkle •
AN.SykrilT9yEL.• - • "
• - .LoBl' AM; 15ATID:"
By 8.. Stn. NO sitthorsis ot ...Stuart d Dn.
losat.7 Wgii,eL
Par 10 0 17 NAT 004. 46 Wood deist •
; W/d•
- '
Hsi itarrol w oak* tons Clown or Harr aro
Luz= tram* Oars Bralosors Atom onormiso
Libertystrhat. 4
groan hours from 90. PI -
los WOOD STB T, lOW4ocn from
Itam ■mr fa NUM its Wont td mit aahytits u.
- . .
. LiNiakitil . , ,
. ~
In Um et tr. I/Mali nfli in ingd st thin inn, lowa &
nob Illearm Call ned vainmthil tbsin. ' '
. . -
-ANIL itanasa - - respectfulb
.17J. infonaut tba cabmen of linhabonte r dun
be be. be. appointed aola was cA i p,
ore* Poem oefignal OgYILIIT licS
PZN. 'Tenpin fooonnundodliej thabassit boom
fa Iho city. moan labia „•w • • , -
astir, Swan 10%. riaross4 •
lionlingazi - [non ans., pain Ulko
/ o nntua`l , oo4 .
} • -•- ~ • and Wan: •
/WOOD In. 311ftbiala LW% aribum4
!ppm an.
_do VIOL BA*
100,0t0 -
gekoomewilia4 •
ITii;TC-Ctea nevi ' -
In store 'Lodger ads et ,
m woo no. I @let adasime- .
100 abitllabe .10101
OS Miser iss be Vries
ecooo oisti who . elks age 1 : 0 1,
On hand mad kor ft& by IL DWI.
akyli Vb. 118 Ion&
AIN productive the bin Militia aka lissasidasi.
Melloweaelfetomiich; •Il 'oess.
plaints Maui froolUoidlt ' -• •
lor al* sr. Gite. smwasournui DIIMQ
WOE& come Ohio sad Falai etreas..
.11V Brt lirdiAll3.-4 , 1111144100..:
.1111 mat celinens• items 41144 anima 'LW
Istan*Aimmus..ol64%,. /44, 47 Witsit /M
Vxhis=ma iguaadDi
WINO. or *weld
SAMOS& MB • Mali
Ottics. , llo. arm at LOokor ookii , llllli Oatotooso may WZNIIMUOLI mad '
NAXEWALPI ItUdTANG..rauxhilutti
JAL aria moo Pase • bi_ n _4.
nu Blasi - our Bildoorimoroooi riagrgor •••••••
or Woos& of Oar Ma&
Iror role ot , olol.4.l4lllldarialr
MOIL car. Ohio and Podgiest iambi
W i = ALUDiall-411 , WaS
of - Lea
h u 7+ 7
Orders stigius ink! wig•
•i ifie the,tt a t=b l = o
timber*. Far sic k ti J. in. PE
1,20 • •
I.)OVATONS.-4i. &IA ARO .7rrn'
J..! kind Warms—, ; •
larked olio* lean; taisibc,
lyarloadltthis.4lbigta. ti
age' m",
gaol"' Tad% ILT. sat
• -
n" .
Se4 s itaisisi .
Whits Ay inydaybrlblit. , 084,-lbe
4ithi, by s ; 'Unita
AM, VS* 14 . 101011 i
. 14b;
boyikeys4, Se sid Obtle - ^
• • ^
101 TER' 1002161; ,
. lan inrEpaarnOommAke: '
No. istir Prim% theavaitioa aid
No.1;-1or Illow link Mew 0010141111
Ow Bed. •
Mo. -IFor Calk Crib& Toaddaarait Wollolo.r C •
mu of Wok. - •
14:4-altr Dllialkisi Moles rikatak 1041101;
1a Odk 04b1lo 1 4 10 /Ate4 er.iFix4r,
No. 41-Mor
-tor &de ladalk
. l al
7104 Ikon
ift e
NN0.0.,11-P aa
or Imadattigar. Ent
lima.' • • -'•
1110 . 10- amPaia-Saf aid 3 -
Illionligeo sod Una.
.11411-mor Inrapdszka,Mlohll,.
4,llgorakt %Mk.
Ykal-Mat losokko.' EfolkoMookil.
N0.14.41k Mks /1111r-lor 110/00104-110P
210.=.0% tubs. •
know to tao aroma.Mag li oloo lla %tia i , „ „,
• Mk lll=o"ateallaakdomkodiagoaDtsdkrio " '
daWaw.ilidarOl aidk r orildllr
I*- b . • - - . „,
tew. lo-41drea laroattokin akik . a
aa-,raama Parlok /moo or lapaass;. - •
311-agliwbs GS auto al lia l / 2 , raft& • ,
as-litangr mad nom, Mark. 11. vita;"
A-Trat Aim altaiwilkinamir. Dumb demi
1-Itor Pak gilins!eset,' wise sir
ikoWiradeorlailsemd *ldle -
11MWoollkollairradllyk..1 - ,
Go" oltkodokal2o 01
th ototestako et peaks lbattarge. ~
4,- Mor.Ml lo oo l lllo l olol4,lgoatot 1 •1 01 1 1 0 14 .•_'-:
• 11/01011113,710L
Air Alias or /00iik-esmakt. Zia.
I lona oikallod Ink Roopoad Itorokr
redo& • Prita,lo okay * l box.
lid, the radio/ lkorikrarar IWO* or Kor;
eadak, /or lobar fa the Soadi of Stow
bog madam/1m la kollakomd XorAdo, /gbk, _
ID owls par box.
/or Mud% WNW
sod Old Mak amok. ,
Id di a=a7 et
tiaso aka per bok ' •
liword oar tharroas Mak •
kik elkoio of Ilasinho lard&
kallwor /d o petog Diakorpo. ,, rPelnie, foams •
pleb* , _
Allngoo.--11ald drowaallationa. Toad •-• •
odti Osontylorrotkaa Irk% 60_6, yr taro__
- Aoki ffreark-Mosakty ildalmakTOrlaso, Zan
togZoa= Old Mom frosa dalagfeM4oDlL
/or WWI, linkl4,llaudilkkal‘
DUlloakair m pdoodaajdoraok 0/440 , 1trk t
NWd Wider".
NW &mamma Protkiik and Maki. - Tao mod .
looloadd ad Madrid, nook- km% lot oar to c"...
n 4 1 . 0/ ”." 1 aO' P4'll Pirbs%..!
BAUM, 7.110.14 Lt
Na.lo ?Lank stmt.
• "-JOICI IL " •
' 1
Na. ! , ffP 6 9, 4Frai STurs•
;_ trigesaistataa.
ad. aimsbtflyweemsomulai.
WNW MICIE11,01"1:..„
~pitecerm lima ip
• , L:1)
laillesokettrte mialpitail - mate •
aim sid studi th,
ref OW .‘ 4+ •
pun Amok, •
Li*amaiamialraa basal a low
anialad abet airDIKI
i M m iIrLIIDOW 1r11117,.1.11171,44,
41011/"' worm% LAMA ea.
-14 will maken:Jca VOW stint alll
P rrgalas-maatbia.LOU jai=
taa6n lidiraMtattlMltalkaalaa Ida
1862-11•2"!.491.;:: 0,71M.If;;;C:
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Ire Da*VellrOALLFArigi, r
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• A Limp pato ot UNA=
prober to Amiss at abeam, aid aiAtt
AIANIAN•110. / 01 11 10 , 11 magletA•1 1 .1*, 'f
nu arer . d aumpir
, . .
ind"""NOWWWl llbr" 4,tr ake
„; _ 41 . 11111 Woe
•_. :2. :, : t :.
yliiteMigekid sad ismyliattingt„
• 1 1 ,
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Tusa. Zllll/MMIT AIID
I O=tiwoo et Noted Woakaww,lsottomoty
Iltwool MOW.
f ai n
KIM"' 71troi st
O kr"
IblitAlrowtilLiMbowido. P..#
we, D.. amass at Orem Boat 4to.
Ida to-nomad at•lollsomn UMW odor weito ,
:foto mordeow. tow oakum pat r iot to,
adz wrillysi two poolowt wWwww, -
J. WM% Nife , !Z it. )l w
Ake QM
12141.1. triy?sisi
aguirfuel# . 4!"• 6 4obrlkAuf
sito.wrizt: ..-
-IPAZZLI*II-11t1Dk 111110i%- ; c
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-6.12/110101,11 0 dm*.
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, 1 ~,: nuiezuria laiZi-
Ml= ta AND T. -
WOO* To. IS Limn gnaw. •
911 0 1 0.1tea s t:Wha. "ra-
aunnuumwasts irmairoual
w iiks Ar 'a Ise arm offikiemintistp
mai isilin a rmfay,, k
vow gm
WON& Mk 41•4
WIWW.War ,
, di r a PP. l . l ., 4 ! Iniallbtilh. l 4
, 11111MOV. , 1116101P31111111r1111111W
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,s cf,t. Art Je l .z.
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And sift agiiiiolol4 =au ilium**, * itas_l,)
/ 1 9,•
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110. it Wiese/. MOW
I =pi' RENlplirk
We Pa
allo w p llth in pelt* Ate
"13 kita t ib r tAtt
a5 , w..11.c41 ' gt,
44, .411.;',111,-D3 4 "
I:mgk. - ,X.5-4
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itimitmotarekri. tti Mlr weWopp•44ol
Y. Marafig Poi Diatom • •
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