!~ g CI -:_iizr.ustouszlerrilmacuszos. • 7.--- :: 4 teamahlp7d the Coi., tad PreibiiirtiabitatiffNerth AMeriety aoavasisd at Xenia:, Ohio iVedueedl7, 4 27lll aiukattakhAarmon from the Modern= tor, air:Jed:T. Cooper, D. D.,.ellidiad4: Phi Vi i liy oustituted with prayer, Afterriestizeuthiibiediess, Be i Dr. Ti ouns of MWooutbr: was elided 31od eraterllemJen:,T,Coopir,,D. D., was elect-, odfilaiiitaiiidortoY:fc , !.. Harr!' D. Asetstant Clirk. ' stamilig Mur mlttces werio then appointed. :The his w e i r ampsirret the, , pronsediap of this itoglOOoto : be interesting to Are- Maim* of thltr doPartntioitWibs! tins wenimicitei . Urnmending AIM- - U. 8,, ChristiszrOoMmiiiiion to the 41 - pea*, ink cooperation of all the murgregaGere :nder' - the-eare-of this --Ansemw- , The *east ikarde of ,the Church were and rhea Procure charters, or sots of incorporation: Presbyterial were directed to, furnish the etatistioa of the liabbath Schools of the Chereh in their bounds. A :notion was the to correspond , by -delegation:TWO the General Synod of the Reformed Presby terian Church, and also with the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The I Church Extension Society was ;couunended to the liberality of the congreptions. Ra: pert of the Committee on the Board of Pub. Button directs the publication in a single mdmne of the standards of the U. P. Church; also, to establish • Auld with a view to publishing the Soripturee, and along with them an improved version of Italsomemosuends donations of boske and libraries' to ilriak and indi . ,gent Sabbath riehoofs. Bev:-Ds. J. Prcet -• lei and 4. Badgers, and James Bobb were re-elected nuunbers of the Board. Commit tee on Narrative and State of Religion in brief, report—there have been thirty ordi. nations; forty-threlinstallations; twenty. three lioensmoe, and sixteen received as etudents of - theology, Time Lars been eighteen disiolatlons, seven, ministers in the army, mostly. chaplain', and eight the ologisal students, and , two hires died. Bab- . baGi Soluiols are-riported twin a prosper ous condition;.prayer Meetings are kept Up with' inereadn interest.; _mention is made of the beaming observance of the week of prayer; as also of the late nation al fast. A good mien given of the ob servance andsupport of divine ordinances, and contributions are generally reported as on the Increase. A good, account is given of the prevalsnes of peace, temper ono*, and brotherly love throughout the con gregations, with one or two exceptions. The Committee on Education reported that pastors of settled congregations be enjoined I to mad: aunnon _son:ethos during the year en the subject of Edueetion, and also oars be exercised in there:imp:lon of math dittos for the study of theology. Action was taken - favoring an amendment to the preamble ef ihe Constitution of the United States to , recognize the arbiters, of God in a faller and more distinct manner than it now does. The diffioulty in the Seal hots Presbytery was finally ,adltrited, and Rev. Mr. Hill, after proper sainowledg meats, we. declared in good steading-in the Chureb. -It was resolved to organise a Miamian to the freedmen of the South. Va rious reports of an interesting character were acted upon, but the want of space prevents us from giving fall details. The damnably, after being in session nearly nine days, adjourned to meet in the Second - United Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, an the 4th Wednesday of May, 1861 L —=. - 43andq, Nay 81, was devoted to missionary purposes in tlei -Methodist churches in Chicago. Semen ware deliv ered by Bishops Simpson and Antes, Drs. Durbin, Clarke and others. The sum of six thousand dollars was contributed to the missismary cause. Lest year she was tionghtto have dons well in raising a little over two thousand. pair of- amummion cups, which John Knox used in dispenidmi.:tke first sacrament of the "new faith" are stilt bt tibiae% and in pagandom of the house of Woman, patrons'of the aura. • The receipts of the• 'American Tract bout for tha pal yearmire $251,446 19 ; expradit 8;289,088 88; ',balance in the treasury, $12,Y62•81. 'Nearly tweet , million paga of. the Saisty's publications hare been grated for the use of the army -' itsv -- durlitc - thri year : Sonts 4,000 agrees have MU under the influence of the Society's labor for a longer or shorter time. —The Western irnitazian Conieren; will hold its annual session &t Toledo, Ohio, on the'l7th of Inns out. --The report of_the.../madomety shin gives mine interesting facts in regard . to the pest metropolis. The missionaries 4 6 38078 1111 ;•iisTe Amen ever-increasing to the hearts set well - as the homes of the masses • spent hilt year , 658,172 hours hi doiddliary trisitations; - paid 2,012,169 vista, of , whick-.256,894-weril kr,the sick and dying; distributed nearly 4000,000 P B Plect. 7 B/ilietwi.trietii lent 46,128 bookg held 46,128 liodooe ineetinp and Bible classes; together with .4850 oat-door ser • vices; liana 147 backilideri to Church fellowaidp; Waft! 619 faunae. to eon. mace fiaU7 payer;:_werCiiielniann 9f riclainthig 1,0711 &mikadoP l nitio e 3 see oonpks living 1w sin to many; rescued 408 fallen ones • mimed 208 shops to be ehried en the Lord's day; sent 8,726 chit. drb to school, and visited 6,791 adults who died, 2,167 of whom meii visited by As-eilsoineeedeer may. —Tb. Congr .Bon a l is kayo sosarod j by subscription for' ohs* • building in, Zegisad in Consocuon with this bodymrai A 160,000, which would emirs tho ersotion , of throe hundred sow oltspols, Thirty 'doctoral worship Ire to be built by the loneastor stacciattA within lbseountj • copal& of iiimaiodating twos - 4 thousand people:-. •To posit& ministers for those, as wallas ito 0 12 PPIY mum* the 0031/1•Vo. ttnaliitip 411211 ,Raidas *nom Worts to wand their Mins She apd!ifirom. miask ciL *sty reports sigittpiporintlioissitianidos iii nine of• 'who* p*lt•ii foreign The income of(heA Poi . about Mom - litatatt_ths_ Calhollo-Ashop of Publieltikroatoratt4i • Soils aisebiriof thO,Cidholhichunat Nnithae:twi twa „ 1 , 001 0. 4 1 4 G° l62 elzoliernanisatim . 7 . l:4 l o ll initii.aew. , %oa k std ji cli mmicwiwasett ifrVonon laid lit' adonvi f. , , .Y . ,1154 1 4 4 4 +. ,,,, •'4 ,- Wk2.s:d..; 4 ••• 7 ''''" *. r" • ' . . Chunent Smith, bishop of - Dubslna, lormalleistal br.isilsoabar Whir - and 44 , 1 -. 111 r. 1 . 6 , sbonld,Olip mums, Congregation sips* Baptilidc and :Whim have recently proo/dcil to'Bleyr Zei4tid,',lor the purpose They hav e pur 'chased f lo,oo o , noissjlliis their object, by the estisblittUrteneeti` dietitian colony in thnialdst the', ligation,- to endeavor to oiceririse poirerfal Liniluence in favor of Christianity. -The two Houma- of Convocation of the Pitildrice' of Canterbury met on May ltd k-the lovrer house. The report of tho .OlnoMittee appointed to Investigate Bishop Colenso's boot was brought up. It otUaentned7the book altogether. The re port,was adopted. -4it a letter. from Sweden, published in - the - Bractii*, a Baptist paper, we learn there have been formed fourteen new (Bap. `tilt) cluiralue daring: the year past. At first of January, ,18 6 r,`there were 161 churches, with 5,615 members; 4,281 chil dren &hexed in Sianday Schools, with 90 Waive. IL is dated instances of infant .Pfinklinit IV. Otrmpulsion constantly occur all over the country, Persecution in Vari ous forms come from SOTB2IIjUOILL officials, with a-view to.) /Linder the progress of this 1 denointhatidri.l . . ' --..—Acoordin to the Press the departure Of key . Hen ry. and _Beecher for Europe, on the steamshi City of Baltimore, was an occasion of . lnterest by the unusual escort which att ended him down New York Bay--on esoort4 the like' of which, for splendor of . preparation, numbers and en thusiasm, is said never before to have been tendered to a -Private American citizen. He takes with him no manuscripts, no book of reference, no preparation whatever, either for sermons, lectures, or addresses. —A revival recently occurred la Ham ilton College, says in exchange, resulting in the conversion of some seventy students. LOCAL 1 IfTKLLIGEN OE. Prom Yeeterdars Brewing Gazette. American protestant Association. At the late session of the Grand Lodge of theited States of the American Protestant Association, hail In Philadelphia, Mr-Joshua Robinson, of Allegheny, presented the follow ing preamble and resolutions, • which were unaalmonsly adopted: Wm's', This Right Worthy Grand Body haa agaLeand again declared its undying love to the Constltusion, Government, and perpe tuity of this great and glorious Union; Ate WHIUAS That love has been sealed with the blood of very many of oar best and noblest member,, who voluntarily offered up their Uses on the altar of their country; therefore do we again .Repoiss, That although it may require the last particle of our earthly treasure, and the last drop of blood In veins, we will 'hear ten, surrender It all for our °pantry, so that she be saved from destraction intact, and pre served to our children as the greatest blood bought boon-that earth eau give. .14solord, That Inasmuch as the greet prim tepee of the Constitution and Unica of our country are the principles of our Constitution sad Gabe,. therefore he that would harm either is a moral perlurar, and unfit for fellow ship with us as brethren, or our people as a latlea. • Remhod, That while wit despise rebels we hate traitors, and would • thousand times rather lemon with a deluded secessionist than bandy words with a villainous 14011121011 eym g of min; the man his spirit than is undone. his soul set on nes of hell; his heart'a as black as death." Besoiesd, That lathatuah as man* of our menthon are foreigners both naturalised and unnatrualised, we hold it as • need prineipie, that he who lire, of the *caner, most stand by the comatry, or be driven out of the coun try. Yoe is there sot some hidden muse, some chosen thunder la the,stom of Heaven, rierwitk - uactomena wrath, to blast tits man wko weiald seek his greatans in his country's 113111. Assehred, That we have still unwavering eonildauce in oar present Administrative Government, that under Divine Providence they will he able to work for us • mighty de live:sass from this unnatural contest, and es teldish a righteous imoi ands restoration of the Vales upon such a Arm basis, that men and devils sUDlfottol able to prevail against Soldiers of the War of 1812 The following tall has been issued to the soldiers of the war of 1811: The annual ' meeting of the Pennsylvania Association. of the Milers and Defend= Af ..the War of 1812, wilt be Wild intim Supreme Court Rom, fa the city of nalladtipkta, on the 4th of July next, at eight o'clock a. na. Fifty years ago we toot up arms, at our country's call, to re. mist tht ingovenciat of our seamen sad other enennaelmests of a foreign foe on our natural rights. We ompiencl a pato* and have ever sinee-Maklyed-uaparalieled 7 leimsings under the .republiten lastlinUons, founded by the awe of the Revolution. Death 1, thinning our make with heed rapidity ; nearly all of our pliant omfatter la arms have passed away; and the reaunialag few will soon dis appear hem among us forcer. In the year 1844, a National Convention of the Old Sol. diets_met Is PhilimielphboaroLanother was bald-Ia Washington in 1450..! It is ear earn est desire that as many of our old associates in arms, from evOrp motion of the Union, as tan make it ochavenient, will meet us once more in Philadelphia, on theiapproaohlng an niversary of Mart= Indepandemos, en the sawed spot, oonsecrated:47 th e _ imboartal Dselaration IMudey, to renew our unfaltering pledp of - Adelity to the Union, and to zsolprooate the greeting, of an milled friendship. The occasion will be fell of le Win upsets, and weir:tate this early 41inotil5iktiant In order to enable our friends to, make the necessary arrangements for a Its" =d i e** ..fAiltnting_Of ihoso who sWa - bi the I4t her hour of peril. Signed—Peter MY, George. ilmerbak, J. H. Piskrr, inna, John Tbempron, Robert Cooper, J. mon- Live - •' • , , Outragaitti,. Haman. Hazard eidaglar t a' , dtroharpd soldier, . 1414 -Pk # 1 4: 111 b" 110 MI 2 wa B o :fiaiiiiihainltro. es 'rlizrodsi v wlHt.a' Ward wigraiia•d - Toluililllllormificini sating- Woos am lbs Ponnalranilb Barad depot. It Is slap& Ibat Ordasturr drew a tan on Bllknn, yam tiarAttat ando,4l.lnformation betas tla airsytit: ealaglzOra arzatod, sad tho_jaitloo mot In the aoning for koa la& 'AMMO, WI. in Vie Moo, When _ataiginHir amortized kta no If .Inolntondod 00-11 1Williiiirrialigora; ;was far 'rata boas triandtyino he rand kb foot and WHAM otaartiatzbio Idok ender *eolith of liounspletbs**•d non, shattering nom of kb tab% 'Rd Wain Ike blood to I flow - Fohrmeit - Alaf-IdO month: An latontlon 4sr aanaleasa with Inane ki vs, Amor nay — asr ills's( stab -IV Os ball, wail . mkrOdaal fa atat,' The iffilltot pdateh. imateit` Wiles , Ilesiti..llanwl and Ward has already been soadei sad the articles raped: Meths* aid phew for therm* h ams If leatisfa W 14fWat0f.244 roust ro.lll,494rPlUsytio• that:ell:lld OM* *perm bis for milsu filers& will he pastpoied TM • froinfit of lbs dal ile ,antit tki w will bo eather dis reeter liabl d e. mine by Seib lot Cho"oortestants naming a judo,. erldek4sAissakall choose a referee, and a s deeloblVekill •be IfhtaL As the minions of race baittes beetdltntlr setUid'aa4 the astiotos sigesdi Kr: will net Shave for the out until dent!" Orilleat o alma be gots te Batton ettsidelis regatta. rw Air Truss , Pg.—Moons. BOWS ; Ilaiitift.Tltospoon J. T. Joooftai LAP. WOodwitzd W. .Irait - Olga and; Dye ill.WClotten: , 4 1 m : lopisidirbollto fit vaboatiptlon to the As* of vilitinVillak"..tit.:llkonsanlloy-to • • under It. Notioliii &Mira iii flllugslefic Is Ilaillstlsillkelkt , r AV. , : • at* L•za , Baal MEI City Mortality Tho number of deaths in this city, from June lst to Alas Bth, as reported by Dr. A. 9. McCandless, physician to the Board of Health, is as follows : Make B f Adu1t5,....., 15} Total, 17 famitlas,.... 9 I 6 Of - these: Unknown, 1; cancer, I; asthma, 1; erysipelas, 1; gangrene,l; croup, 1; scarlet foyer', 3; maracas% 1; cholera infantato, 1; affects of a teaid, 1; inflammation of lungs, 1; diptberia, 2 Tax following donations have been received by the Allegheny Ladies' Aid Society for sick liind wounded soldier': Soldiers' Aid Societiss of Pine, Hampton and Richland townships-1 firkin fresh butter, containing CO lbs., I keg, containing 163 i-doz eggs, 4 pounds rice, 2 do. sugar, 1 package sandy, 2 packages dried peaches, 1 do. dried apples, 2 bottles horsetuddish, 2 do. syrup, 2 do, Jilaokbarry wins, 1 can fruit, 2 eats apple butter, 1 jar do., 1 can peaches, 1 bottle cat sup, 1 can tomatoes, 60 handkerchiefs, 6 pairs cotton soaks, 5 shirts, 9 pairs drawers, 1 Test, 8 pillows, S cushions, 1 pair slipper., 14 tow els, 1 paper oorn starch, 1 package lint,l do. bandages, 1 do. rag.,105 newspapers, 15 Mag azines, 13i bush. potatoes. Mies Fleming, 1 pair conks. Unknown, 2 'pairs sock.. Work by ladles of the Society, ¢ pairs drawers, pairs woolen soaks, and 7 Shirts. PROP. DII BAY'S COIONZT.—The omit of Professor do Ham passed off in a manner alike creditable to the pupils and the eminent taseh or, whine endeavors have been so sucoessial in our city. It le • difficuit task amongst so many good performors to pant out the brilliant cknalitles of each, yet we cannot fall to men tion the masterly execution of Miss Jenny Blume, in "The Last Bose of Bummer, " by Thaler', and the spirit and animation oldise Gray ;laying her grand gallop. The trio for, phato harmonium and violin played by Miss B. Blume, hissers Foerge and F. do Ham was the gem of the evening. The vocal portion of the entertainment was splendid, and we list *cod with pleunre to the cultivated voice of Miss Semple and tho rich and pure song of Miss de - /lam. Messrs. Teledous and Smith were deservedly encored, and, with their ta lent, added to the enjoyment of the 'clout an &nos. ALJAIi EMIT Texas —D Macferron, Esq.; Treasurer of Allegheny city, gives notice that he has had placed in his hands by the AIM. sors the duplicates of, city, poor, city business, school and school building taxes, and of water rents, [or thepresent year, and also that said taxes will be received by him in pursu ance of law, midget to the following allowan ces: Ply. per cent. if paid before the let day of July; four per cent. if paid before the let of August, and two per cont. if paid before the lit of September. If paid after September lit and before October lot, no deduction will be made, and if paid after October Ist and before November lit, five per cent. will be added. After November lit, warrants will be Issued for the collection o f outstanding taxes, with theaocrued per tentage and costs. Trim Tatoura■ DX GA/M.—This most de licious variety of strawberry can now be ob tained, in Its full beauty and perfection, at the floral and fruit depot of Mr. J. Knox, Fifth street It Is In reality the "queen of the strawberries," and for else and flavor is In comparable. Mr. 'Knox, as a fruit•grower, has no superior, and in the cultivation of the strawberry be has justly attained a wide repu tation. He has always on hand, in their prop er season, the riohast and most attractive d 4. plays of fruits, flowers, plants, shrubbery, etc., which we recommend to the attention of purchasers. BAST BIIMINGHAY Lore.—At two o'clock to,merrow afternoon, the large sale of lots in Best Birmingham will be made on the premi ses, by Davis& kiellwalue auctioneers. They are in one of the very be at localities in the borough, well-known as Badman's Lumber rard, on Wharton and Meadow melte. The desirableness of these lots, and the large num ber to be sold, make it an object for ail to at tend who wish to invest in good property that will pay. Bo excellent a damn in undoubt edly valuable lots, may not again ooanr in But Birmingham for years. OaOCLIJG Dient.—Mr. Thomas Valets, a wealthy farmer of Tell township, Huntingdon county, recently risked a Democratic meeting at Huntingdon, and although of temperate habits be drank to oxeyes on this occasion. On his way home, while passing over a rail raid bridge, be was met by a train, and struck In sou:way—the whole top of the bead being knookea off, immodltoly above the eyes. Ile was fifty years of age, and leave. a wife and sight children. Soictot—Phllandar Smith, of Plum town ship, Vanango coolly, committed suicide by hafting himself, on Monday last Ile started house from a store in Waihiceville in apparent good health, but en his way hems cenesired the Lisa of hanging himsalf, and for elating this' purpose, fastened his hands behind his bask, and by means of a handkerchief hong himbelf to a zappang near a log, where he was found three days after, by some hands who. were working on the road. LaICINT Of s HWY.—Jump Terrell has been eonunitted to jail, for s further bearing on Monday Dirt, before the Mayor, on a ohorge of gusting u hat. LATE TELEGILVIIIL NEWS PROM OUR BURRING EDITION.] The Anticipated Rebel Haiti into Pennsylvania... Proclamation by Gov. Canis. HARILISEI7IO, Jane 12.—The following pros• lamition has jest been honed : Prtegfoaeio, «f• In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Andrew 0. Curtin, Governor of the said Common wealth. L PROCLAMATION * : Information has been, obtained by the War Department that , a large rebel fora, composed of cavalry, &Mlle* and mounted infantry, bas been prepared for the purpose of making a raid into Pennsylvania. The President has, therefore, erected two new dipartments—one In Basterit Pennsylvania, to be commanded by blejor General Couch, and the other in Western Pennsylvania, coin. minded by fdsjor General Brooks. I , earn estly invite the attention of the people of Pennsylvania to the general orders Issued by these °Beers on assuming the oommand of their respeotive departments. The import ance of immediately raising &maiden, forte for the defence of the State cannot be! over rated. The corps now proposed to be is i tab. fished will give permanent 'amity oar borders. I know too well the gallantry and patriot ism of the freemen of this commonwealth to think it necessary to do more than commend thla moan» to the people, and earnestly urge them to respond to the Gallo( the General Gov ernment, and promptly tall the ranks °tithes' corps, the duties of whisk 'will be mainly ike defense of our own homes, firesides and prop, arty, froth devastation. • c :Citron undermy hand and the great Oral of the Bute, at Harrisburg, this llth day of- June In the year of our Lord ono thonsant eight ' kostirettalitt etitty-tkrel, ind oti the Commonwealth the eighty- seventh. By the Gorensor tßilfatida Bu Bum ry of the Clommonwe4th: The Situation in Tennessee- -',Tho Reports from Vicksburg. lituaranuaoso, June IL—The Chattanooga Rebel, of the 4th, in ateartiolo on tho dtzuo dos doolares - that Breekluridges oapi has tittid to %%wand that Johnston wita so Inue 1n bis position that he DOMINI nofore troops. It is suppooxi that Brookins! ge's troops nun loft Bragg.' camp. It it own that regiments from two of Breobiltlit,oB brigsdn Sign* in the rrootisolstisoo ado on the 4th *flame. We have no baler newt from Viokshurn. The rebel plelminisfased to exchange peke, sad ft M inspected' that the latest lintel non. tailed the /WWI of a reverse at Niekibtrt Skims from Shelbyville ' who roper de earreader, Mate positively that ft had n publiehed In' the rebel,papai. The Bilotti= coons papers, of the 7th and Btb, cantata nothhag regarding It. , . dislilva filiivek.ltrananded. ..? intiteoros Jine 11.—Uon. Walte4 6. i r 00oze, the Itiontalistener under the tun Ural ',:dare law, Aaday remanded seven rune ay 'lava/ two of them child:o4 t u rn Mary ndi to their elallants. Alldlilt had bide ado of th e loyalty of - the latter parties. • Oae hundred and twentp_oae prima •of _drilielltdra_ ridi - iiinalssionei Often 1 4 . 7-'. /tVd. hero - Pds moralpg, teem tha frottt.'_': a inn 'spitted IA pasnorelYard. . . - lexica*•_Nerra.,Partteulan .. of tie Capture-of Puebla - by:the - Preach: Nati Itoriplarai steamer Corsica, from Hams on the 6th init., and Nassau on the Bth, arrived lore to, day. The IfaitatfBtates steamer Roanoke resoled Erevan' on the 6th. Reliable taws of the occupation of rubble. readied Havana, per the British mail steamer Trent. The reported fortune attack on To. timehianan, and the consequent captu , e of the city, Is untrue. The city was given up by the Mexicans only beoattee they were out of food and ammunition, having eaten up all the.artillery moles and caviar, horses On the 18 , Gen. Ortega, offered to surren der, on Min tion that the soldiers should be allowed to banners and tie °Mame their side arms, a d all march to Mexico, and to f r, report to the supreme government. The con ditions, with the exception of the last named, were agreed to, Can. Foray ordering the troops to march to! Orisaba,and there await In inactivity to thej close o f war. ' _ Oh the 18th, Gen. Bergey presented the 'offi cers a document to sign, declaring that nee 'Minot mix in the politica of the nation, and will bosoms neutral during the present war; , that we will not leave the limits assigned us' by the French General.in- Chief, and that we will not communioate with any one without his oonsent. The tams received this paper with cries of "Long live Mexico 1" "Death to Napoleon 1" "Death to the traitors!" and than signed a protest stating that they were not allowed to sign the above by the laws of their corn/tr . * and by military honor. Gen. Ortega, previous to the earrender, or dered all the artilleryto be broken , up. President Juarez has issued a proolaraation annonnoing great disaster in theeurrender of Puebla, and stating that the capital will not only be defended to the last extremity, but that all the places leading to it will be de fended with vigor; that the nation will wage war withonteeasing and under, ill sacrrillees against the odious army which is profaning its soil. Vera Cruz &aloes report the escape or Gen erals Ortega, La Lave, Mend,za, and eight more of the principal chiefs, over, three hun dred minor officers and 2,000 prlsonere; from the bench oonvoy when en roots to Orizaba. From Cinciunatt--The Late Fight on the Cumberland-. Nows from the West and South. C 11101104 1 .1, Jane 12.—A spirited engage ment took place near Monticello, Ky., on the 10th. Our troops, under Col. Haut:, had driven the rebels from Moutloello. and were falling back toward Cumberland river, when the enemy rallied in force and attacked our rear guard. Oar forces retreated slowly, un til reinforcements came to 'their relief, when a desperate hand-to-hand fight ensued, last ing two hours, and resulting in the defeat-of the rebels. Oar loss wail 30 wounded. The rebel loss is not stated. Gov. Morton has limed a proclamation to the people of Indiana solemnly warning all perocue against resistance to the government in any form or hindering officers In the dis ohargsrof their duty. Thembel prisoners at Camp Morton were, yesterday, transferred to Camp Chase. About fifty of the East Tennessee conscripts took the oath of allegiance, and joined the list Indiana regiment. A rebel spy, belonging to Jeff. T'hompion's command, was arrested in Indlahapolis yes terday. No news from the military who. went to Rush county to arrest the murderers of Pro vost Marshal Stevens. The excitement in Gist part of the State continues. ;The enroll ing Commissioner was driven nut ef White River township yesterday. The Graeae has the following advice, from rebel courses : The rebels say their loss in the Port Bad man fight was 600. The seat of government in Mississippi has been temporarily removed to Enterprise. Breakinridge made a speech In Mobile on the 30th of May. A dhpatch dated Richmond, May Bth, says no official advice, have been received from Vicksburg for several days. It is understood :that Vallandigham will proceed to some southern port, ea route for Nassau. Rebellion in. North Carolina Now You, June 11.—The following has been received from Newborn, N. 0.: A letter dated Newborn, N. C., Jane 9th, says, the concurrent testimony of deserters leaves no doubt that the long smouldering fires of revolution are breaking out to the in terior of North Carolina, and the disaffection bar retched a point far beyond even the sig nificant Intimations of the journals. Several thousand armed Mapes from the eonscrip- Con, hie been for ?weeks entrenehed in 'the J2OIIDIAII3I with artillery, intcusefully defying the Confederate authorities. The Raleigh Suostorrflate l at c hescimlains that while the rebel conseription not been forced in Geer& andlilssissiPpl. North Car olina has bean raked is with a fine tooth comb. It appears that in the battle of Chancellor villa the North Corollas residuals were placed in the front, to resist Gen. Hooker's advance, sustaining immense slaughter, while the South Carolina and Yjrglnis troops were held in reserve. This massacre of the North Carolinius I. boldly and freely denounced, and the Confederacy is charged with gross in justice and bad faith. The numerous and studied indignities put upon this State and her people are keenly resented. In order to secure eonoert of action and avoid all figure candid' of authority, noon sadly produced by the appointment or a civilian, it le proposed to make General Wild, of the African Brigade, Military Governor of North Carolina. Re posseeest executive abili ties of a high order and, u General Foster remarks, "1; a galla nt and accomplished sol dier and gentleman." He has already won great popularity in this Department. Ohio Democratic:State Convention-- Sallandigham Nominated for Gov erner. 0 /NCIIIINATIvIIII2III2 —The Lemonade State Convention* Columbus yesterday wu largely attended. Ex-Governor Medill presided. G. L. VaUandlgham was nominated for Gov ernor on the Ant ballot, readying SAS of 401 votes; George E. Pugh Lieutenant Governir by ecolanualon Wm. Hubbard, Auditor B. Knapp, Treasurer; :P. Van Trump, Supreme Judge. The resolution protest against tin Presi dent's emanolpation proclamation; academia martial law in loyal litotes where war dm Dot gain, And th e sasundon of the habeas output denounce the , baniihmeit of Memo, and call on thic President forlis res toration' will hall with delight a desire of the seceded States to return to their animas and will co-operate with them to - restore peace and faior the treedon of speech, oithe press, and of the right of trial. 14 EXitßfrittfA FMION, ROA(MkAbnik: .12 nz&Buas,xototrimourrus tr run; wootante, eta; MUM I.ls PLASM - 101MP ANIKAUS. Lo. Bold by all Draulattanitywhare. %want of all worthies. 1044ar1001. Pf 1110441 pilot No. 433 Broadway, B. B. A. I'AIIIIIKTOOZB, BOB' Jroo., LIU A 00.. Wbolatala Arab, d' lll 4 ll ,Burifti raylhdoolawT. • 1.863. - ;Wv.i&Lakf'Gi4h 811011EfLEif E. The new ind agent low.premom steamm BUSA.B7 WARD. Ogre. Wzi. RATVIAIo WEI 3 ewa dnitng the stasoiy , between the atom , , City, &Ai Liam I.ll4lTelaap For ' WM, and Bey City, teaching it; Pert linzon • Lexington, Port lienthim- rit„,A,ge,; , Poet Atertin end Towee CRY, . 4. •! 4 • ---- /VIRIBIL et 7 o'doeh. - 10 ‘ 711 entniv inaiatai-inky , SATURDAY f" kiss win naive yetimpt et tentlon. .Throngh act:sett made. Shipper, hav ing freights seedy can tend tbetw-to oor Was mean tiest boat wittiest chirp 1 0 7 MAW.. • animist - 11:0ARItsmeo On. F RU" 1.1 ,IRUL. 2E.KEti.--11naloamaimararas• ..' cwsm.—L very Ism sir:kit table" 21234, of *dieted said, to choose frola. ilidi *WI poly.' ble care taken foliar, every vuiet trielommis.• • Of Apple algae are ••vfar , of they ere thiree• year olds, 10,000 four rm. ol thiori,lo.: am t. 04. 'brie pare old.: Pisa. Plua. - 44 - , •LK ,_ Vinara—s)terres• . Ilia* NEursem• Qin "A IllriltaliLlln hole - 1- 80 8 hotiby tbv •ban t h i d. te ar : . alio ; WADI 171748 A NJ" WERITITIIII4. --Address-Pr/11M BiAMD-0411381:8Iiif);• lIMMIIK • •__ , • • . . , ~, , , ~.,., ~.. 2 - :, :A . ~ •;! 9X , I .: 1 1. 1 ! 4 1 1 ;! 1 :1 ••• •i • • i•. :.•:-.:4 - ,:q...ii,' '. ; I ~. . ~, ~. .1. 1 - -_r s`~=`~.~ COMIitIf4C7AL --RECORD. rreTsßvsua wuimTs. . Clines no ran i Prrnonrsice PLua guirrm ham: Jun/..12,4V.. 3.- Thirtiirtfirer ksturo to troth* in money GtaiL .c.ttrAtitig krtinto . diepitetrea, remains nn changed In New York, ',Welter*, our banker, con. tinnano-par- 1390140 for Gold end oldDemzad Koko. and 124127 for Silver. Santoro Errl!nottir mattins anchanged. . . 66AIL;—of Xll kinds remains quiet anddulli with out, however. any chimp in quotations. Salo of 2CO, bwoh Shelled. Corn from more at 750., YLollll—Contiutiet quiet and unchanged. Sate of 60 Mb Extnolfinelly at $6,5546,76; GO do do at 54,55 @6,66, snd /50 bbis choke at $5,/5 for Nye; Ml , $0,75 for Extra Pamlly. Rye Hour is nominal with. small sales from store M $5 par bbi - GROCiiIIIE9-Bugar lo firm with a fair demmd at from 11% to 10jc for common to strictly prim • a. Coffee raises from 511 to Sic, and Molasses 55 t0.60c PitoV/50158 -11acon bolo& lend ratheidull with email salcs at formai quotations. Ideas Piot - is dull and negitd, while Lard In quiet and unchanged. Bale of 15 ep Country Lord at 1130. 11Burritilt 1 EGHIB--Prhue /toll in muse, and may be Poled - Mead/1a 14116 c. legp sell readily at 021 Z1C; . --tinchangedi sale of 20 Wll at Sc, 40 boo p at 100. HALT—k Clem with a good local demand; sa/a of 50 tibia No 1 Extra at pow per bbL PRIED PRlOT—dull Apples range from 870 to g 1,25 per boob, at _ to to quality. Bala at 60 boob prime Paschal at 113,00. Pittabtligh Oil Market. Jmur 12--Ths recant rains, and the prospeet of • rise to the Allegheny river, has weakened the mar , ket siightl~ intPtwilei and the result is, prices are a shade lama. We quote at 11416 e, packages nr rurnea, and 21 to 22c, packages Included; sale of 600 bbts in bulk at 15c; 200 bbl. at 160, package. re turned; and 1200 tibia "Woodford" in tank on private terms. We also head of a sole of 2000 'bblr, to arrive on the first rise, at 150, in bulk, th oath we istmot vouch for Its pm:vintners. Adrices received from Olj City to-day, report the market thorn firm but un changed. AL We of 200 bbli Alleghery river Lubricallog 0 Iris reported al STAN per bld. There is no movement to Refined worthy of notice, and the market la so unsettled, • that It Ls Impossible to giro cornet quotatleasa- . tenalne continuo dull and neglected, and in the absence of aslee, we omit quotations. New York Petroleum market. dpectai Dlepatch to tits Pittiburgh thiatate. New YodA, June 12 —gvardng—Ornde la dial and prices ha • declined cent per gallon, ranging from 26y • Mic. Refined in bond Is nominal at 40 to 44c, • n the opot, and 49 to 61c tpr August and September liaptha Is nominal at front 27 to 28c for prime d • • .I.lnd. B , Itimore Grain Market. Joss ll—Tie receipts at the Cora Exchange were light viz: 1,000 Ittuhels Wheat, 6,540 do Corn. 3,000 do Oita. and 9n) do Bya. The Wheat. rnarket was very dull and prima of both colon dosed lower. We quote common totals Southern white al 1606160 c, good to trim. do at 166111700, vary pima to strictly choloe timSy flour do at 175011800, ordinary to inlet. ly prime Ertatucliy. deist 1641165 c, lair to choice Southern rod at 1414414130, and common toprime Pennsylvania do at MB/Ma The white Corn offer ing was not to order for foreign shipment, and both dmoriptiom mid slowly. Whe we quote aa to vial at SO4egac, and yellow do at Stalffic. Oats were In better damson and closed lexo higher. Maryland we quote at 74376 c, and Pennaylvaula at 740)770, weight. Nothing was done bs Ilya. Maryland is nominal at lioeti2o, and Pentitylvaala at maw. per bushel.—Aronican. New York Coffee Market. hotr.lo--Tea market remahm quite dull, sod prima of Me within a week may be written half a oent fb lower, ck•lng, however, pretty Om at the ',dusties t . west India, &c , des criptions am with. out especial change, though the tormency lain buyers' favor. The sales ars 2MA bp filo, midis* of the Traveller'* cargo, on private terms; 100 Biko 13 Skim. mange, ?AY, (net); 110 Oats Bice, 12;100 oats Java, 3703734 loon IS big St• D 0121 1 4 0, 2 1 1 %0M Mak a Maracaibo, and 20 Govenammt JIM), on terms not made public. The stack of Brazil at the port', as made up by Mears. W Scott 1< Son, la / 09 ,0214 Np. Tia, 'MAUI *here, and 14,000 at Baltimore. EMERi;;IN Toledo market. loan 10—of thecondition of oar mar t to.day Bt. tie need be said. The New Turk reporttys Flour fm lower. Wheat say dull and decl Own quiet and tarot. Moen • Gold 40X. It mall. 01.01 10 . mat. Metiers leak bins. lfbmr—Tin• 93,00; u to $ 9 ,75011,25; A:airs $1,1506,60; Mob's Matra and Taney 96,000)7,20., Rye Flour 04%1,26. Ralekki bble round hoop Ohio at 95,00. Sham—The downward tendency continuer,. sales all before report-1,600 Duch Red 11kb at 131 u; 600 bosh No 1 Bed al 130: TAW bush do at 13tc; 9,000 huh Bed Rich at 13IXo; 1,600 bash NO 91D t Ai) Bed at 120 c. Oorn—balm before report--8,003 Muth and St,OPOltsh No 1 toLrid at 6te. No Woe shwa report. Oa 700 Mob at 604. Bys.taet males et 85e. ey--.43pring $1,00; Whiter sl,lo—Blade. cieveland Matket. lovs--Balas 36 bbbi.S.X.nd at $O. When er to•dy. Wee S aus zmd au tuck at • b and MOO beta red t o b, at 127,5e,a. whit* on track 130 e was asked and 116 e Market quiet and laaettre. dale 1 gear al 660. and 1 ear M track at 66e: Oats to b et 60e. Bye-B.lo'l. ear on Herald. J 01'11- -Marker lo 17.Gc; 2000 b . 1 For 100167=1 bid. Oorn , oars dolly , ! —73 a leo of track at . . . imports' by Htinroad. , . Prrnarnon. Yr. Wants A Mucus° Asukaan. June 12-274 by wheat, Jll'Lltgatt A co; 122 do bar; Spencer A oEs3r; 291 bgi do ',hoot, 13 Baker; fa to ham, V Sellars & co; Ir 6 bbla Soar, Lindsay TsUord; 150 dos brooms, 11 °sorer; 119 ,do 60, 8 Swart an 270 by fieed,'Jcia DaTtrkkton7 61 ) 6 1m komp. 11 Gonda; / car atanalt: A Taylor; 100 bbN/kitir r no con. •41111111; WO do dc. Ohm B Leech; 200 do Jam Own nor; 146 aka sthsst, .1/ Wallow 17 hides, J 8 Bala. ton; 6 bblo on, Haworth A Bro; 3 bbl, beam, - Ulna Trimble; sdo do, Vole A oo; 9 has obsess, H Biddle; 39 aka rap. Mark! & co, 62 do do, HoOnl. lough, Smith A so; 24 Me whAky,ll 11c81,1ggen; 32 do do, 8 BoOrickarik 36 burro, B B Godfrey. PrrrsausOn A Cuirznano BJutacan, Jane 10— 36 bolos oakum, J A Oaughsy; 166' bbla emboli oil, Rider A Olark; 397 aka born, Bingham, Bturpon - co; 10,10 do, Wads Haropto n; 15 bat starch, 4dltla A Tr/ 99919 1. 10 do d B ,lOO inolanre B. A Lo. rear ; . 10 Ws gram applis, J Poor, 400 bble sand, .7B Lyon A co; 7 IA& tobacco; Joh& Offer; 2 bbla S Marko; Ido do, 11 Riddle; - Om. cloy. A, 4g,r: don; 96 bbl whlskg. 11 licErtggan; 30 hbliltobaccO. J W Taylor; Bdo do,/ Lockett; a - Wu% Ito boom, Ilsulston; 15 toe buns , B Hays A co; 3 bbl nip, Jai A Vatisr. .• - • IVORTIINVESTERN OLIANESE Su.. GAIt . 001IPAlllf, Thle Companyiehartsied by the last Oansfalliassasl_ by of the State of Mae* rill amp* sad liberal sows, haa Issued becks liar the sabeetipllea of stock at their MIN la the city of Claim labials. She mantdhature of law from Pwrihmta, or the Melee eager Oene, and. tha 'Ltd ol llama* U not libelee* prelatical the article ins at wafters market rat% an heti which now adattted the Mt. at Sattoutratkat. As ileathsrath may .: ellaaate sad ea% l. edoillably adapted her the_ of the cane, tad es the eoltiv ems al, ready tarns a pest hater* te t (!afoot par. snit. of chip . oe Willa's' of the Ova for the llietery will ti oseceded. . • - It le the por• el the Oseapasai to mot. aid haft In °Watt= • Win history bakes tie ekes at SU- Praamt omen: mot wilt . view to ald la that par.. tieelar, tatioriptioas of stook an solicited oaths fa/loots; Soo as:- thane One Hundred Dollars each; strataPkve dell= Ilk.hWPltOtaahmuipuaa. 'ma the beatatehil Vierferty pastiest& -r , rwelld will ke p,sa ibrilatel Oat 'l the gall .as lipoid* aortae:lMo olds*. ths slitastage the !redden aodlearstagr of the pup, trill be , Thelaodwof this satelita vacs Waded. Is beyond vattattoa....lha Freddiat of km: Md Isiah Amparinuos in Zatopesza ti ?n= elite in tha 1 / 1 1101011 . of blotto 'sad the wapealhe. . teoldet eS ahaadaatly est/slid thathe / of operallsa Its bag wa patialsse lbstaif than this. 1 4,6:111.astfillod le be etteattee. Mitt ktr one he wi ll nuts& of ii - starla ebarkel steak at aappriois Ohm eacigh'ltals boom Sala to et sal pat la citeratho ® Shp Ofd.. • f theopaal. Avenue, emir the Post Office, Oalto. /Omsk. splh:Shaftsw • Gam lks*: iIIiPELANEf, COURT .13AiLIC. OF - 4. A.r Boiralt AND-LOT-ON WA NI BTBEST.,; By alt tae o(aa ardor . of ' thapiTham'ocloart of Atli- OM, Meaty. thotaallrbo eaPMettto.Sablhi Vale, •al the ptatamat, a. WIOISI UMW la - 14, . 01 4 Ylttabuteh. eo .TULLILLLY.UOI 39t0 day of JOADOe 4869, at ,e'clock a. ,at m , . or loan Carta, dectoudiall that'ottalalot aroma *Ba sta bathe ottairof lOM's inset and Jackma la the City of Plthdrargh; What a Itost Bt hat,ll Cachet aa.,Woyaa .atreet awl tetleahlhay back Jee _Waal k•On allty 90. feet. getag lot No, p Ila a mOl Igo WM cat by. Bit.'Ytrutaii Warm, ricareal In , Deediketaol., illkyaga 180 sod tho Babas latch was 000mmd.V Bet. fneoG Rams to Mid 'John omba deed. MM eittect ammo 17. Vat, retatiballa Oot9 Boah by VOL 6.3 8P010 al, ott Mika L eteata4 a tiromory. brick dea l lama. TimmJUBN 00/71,74/9602101'.- - Jot Bamboo: whams *Matte of O. Seabronalt.! . Alb al l o 4ol Pothlthat, 50.196 South street. 1 - 100TOIV A. STRVIB, Mandl. Paisiboo, Is awhile MI CIIIRONIO Dlft• Walla,. bob i'ot-loctlat sloLGratitasst r ip obi method to POW 9 M 60 4104 dm% without Su7 Mottelso:or)moraoylatiu 1 . 80411 Mikity I*MS; with Tristuoit, b 7 RANA' how .abotarre.st•olososibli rates, b the Doctor's • LeihWIIS tae *cobra octarthertistams•- •tba - Izaadtaddise• OS' 14111• urns .. 1•111,11"i pp mi Attune Sirtuitt'obbst at debilitfol = it 4=it • Bends - -an gold ond , bands o,!apui PRO.POSAL& 1011 - ROPOEIALSFORDIATERIALSFOR = Nave DErestsetre lin, Sawa or butter Retitle _ •-- . o PIPUPOSALti to fiern lt W ri lam de for the lierylor the Bawl paresdinn .1564,, w be noel :Alfterers Office li Peening, until the arje:llA OP lIIBMNIXT. - - Propel& must be eitiorard t•Paiman for Mate. nen for 'the that they easy Led tinentehed trees ctbec y butiome lettere, and directed • the and - of 'to D:aeiiito - Lewsm Perinearlug. - . :Us minthile %lad artless emirs/ad In he dames ilLatao4. r AEO antliestertYlinceihed In - t • printed ',that:doh - any of teh.ch will be tarnished • • such ea donne Pinelerria speticinten to the Comm • daine of i'eePttilre JAWS, or 3q the-rfary A • t mined thereto; and Omani all - tirayarde ppm' phaeton to the neteen." - :This Odeon Into Oman being far • *ln convenience of. dealers In each, • - portions only will bettattithed Win _ n need ier Idas - . The 'Onameadant- and May Age •it of each station,wilkiliantlideri to tin.l...lebe of of than innal . iyom ccapolf• the ached • es of the other I.e arnailmelionnttly e hinny 'rejoindere ether it: ill bedealreble to •• e canon far any of - the - clametof thoiOyas Wien man be mute fo the whole of t• Clete at any yard Ewen one. of the printed ectiedules, or in etnet cOnfnmily etienwltle, or they will not bacon sidered.c Zi compeaing the Omen the price stated in the column ofi*iose wi I he the stand, rd, sad the anneal* of the cime-w.ll denied cut according to the prinellimefi.— • ' The contrasts will be awarded to the loweat bona ;fide bidder who inn proper seeurity_ for I. meat The United inane mauves the r4ht to niece all she bidelorenry clan. if destined etorhltan.l All article* must be et the very_ll4es gooney, to be delivered in tin liavy-yard in pod order, and Menne able noels and paokelts.. Inniot/7 market with the name of the contrectoken she camit:ay the 11I pease aid risk of the contract:trout fault rests:fa subject to the' linyeetion. m cant. acdght, Au, DJ the yird- when reply cad to the unto setinaltion of the Clonanandan Chnvet, /Udders an I:efirild tbe: dente of the retpnelins yard, for /111X1plea, huaruliDilt,..ol%)Arile• dwatptionvf the artiolem led, all ether ;hinge being equal, preference will b r - glven to articks of Amen= ninnufkotern - • Deere prier, ainandred by the law of 10th Aaiun, 1816, must be acoontpenled by a:written guarantee, the tam of which ia kneel h given. dad at, 61 a eeerepater,tipped ti the Oeikeeor vf Is land Decease for the Diariesa whin% tie bidder re. cider, that Ad Axis 0 lk.su to dad In A. article for egete ho 2, 11 7emt. e/ Aimed es money end awn re Wore mats Navin:are authorised to a enteister eerie extah, Oust is is manafaMurer ef, an • rerslar dealer in, the tirades which ha of.re to euppLy.d Those only whom offers may be eon:peed wfu be notified, and the contract wfil be forwarded Ea moon thereafter se penetlnple , which they will be required to anent° within ten day. after sta receipt at the toet-ofere or limy ad sty Lamed by them. The contracts will tear date the day the notifies. ten la given, and deliveries can be demanded. Sureties in the hill amount will be ripind to Op the contract. and their reaponetbility certified to by a United bunee District Judge, United Stake DI.. snot Attorney, Collector , or bray Agent. Al adds. Horst security twenty pr cent= will be withheld fromthe amount of the Mtn went the contract shill have been completed; and eighty per cent= of each bill. apprond in triplicate by the Commandants of the nimelive yards, will tapeld by the Bevy Agent at the pints of delivery in certificated of ludebtedneee or Tnimury noise at the optioc of the Ocerrincest. It la 'Updated lathe contract that If delimit be made by the prides of the fleet part ht delivering all or any el the ;thick! mentioned to soy elan'bid fee in the contract, of the qUalliy MI at the time and places above provided, than, sad in that ease, the contractor and hie sunlit. will Lihit end pay to the United States a atm of money 110 1 - 01021.21tUr tw ice the 'want al loch dam, which may be recovered ROM time to time, accenting to the ant of Congre.e In that case provided, approved March 3,1841. Bide OW not (imitate clesses for more Man cm sod fa On saw enrolepe, and bidden are regd.:and to en dorse on the/laving* the Nary-yard for which the blabs made. Rena of Offer. Which from firm mule Le elped by all the mom ben: ---, of --, fn the Brats of hereby agree to turista and deliver - 1i the reepective Navy . Yards all the arlidco named In that:deride batsman annexed, agreeably to the provisions of the oohed eke therefor, and In conformity with the advertise ment of the Bureau of Bloom /matzo:melee of May 38,1003. Should my olfer be accepted, f requeet to be addressee at and the centred sees to the Navy Agent at -, or to -, for signature and certificate. Data. Witaaaa. The schedule which the bidder endow most be Muted to his Mier, and ach of Ulm 'geed by him. Opposite each article is the achedule the price mast be set , the amount carried out, the aggregate footed Op for arch clan, and the amount llkewue written in words. 'lithe parties who bid do not reside near the place where the article, are to be, delivered, they mum tune in their Misr a panda to whom orders on than me to be delivered. • • Porn of Grtorenks. • • The undergo... 3, --, of —, Mahe State or and of --, in the State of —..--, hereby guarantee that in awe the Ibregoing bid of for any of the as therein mined be semp t ot tan the contrail at the post °Mae n ame, or lice .A deitigneted, execute the contract for the same with good and sulikdeut sureties; and in cue the w i t shall fall to enter into contract, ea afore. mearantie said, Ors to make goal the diemenoe be. iwoen the offer of the said end that which may be 'ample& Blvliture• of two Qaraators, C. rlsEft. Wham. I hereby certify that the ab .re named --,-- are known to ma ea man et property, and able to make geod their guarantee. Date. Elgoatrirs, G. N. bestood by the trotted Stales District Judge, tinned &atm District Attorney, °Alecto; or Naar Patildrate a, manufacturer or dealer..] =roam ROI Laill Or mac IMMO NUM A. dad be 0 fodder emceed, That no sentence or order, or any totems* thereto .hall be transferred by she potty or parties to whom sash contract or erdor may be s u ch to any other party or putts, mid that say such Imager shall came the annul mut at the contractor or order transferred so far as the United Mites are conform d ; 'That all -the right of aerial are busby reearridto the Vatted Midas tor any: breach of each contract by the con. lag party or puttee. mo d,eo. llt. 4.41 to .0 forgo , en That sibeamar any contractor for autolatmee, el, armr,rank monition, nnuilifoas ot we; and for twat' Oteetlh. tlesh ofiruMlor for the Army or Nary of the Vatted Btatas ,- &iall hatband galley by a cominesttlal of hand or 0111101 Meat of duly be i: i l ix punlilted by Ine„lmpriarmarnt, or soon other moat as the abort martial Wail adjudge; any pommy who shall contract to hornbill aupplim of any kinder 6rocrlptten the Army or Na.;, ha Mall be dean. cd Mid takma as a part ot Ulf latoi Ot naval foram 01 tha Malted brats' lior which he shall contract to tar nish said supplies', and he abject to this MIMI aad, ronolatione Mr the goramement of the laid amt rarer term (Atka United eta**. Aaldersd JrdY rls LIM kartjhrldor arectal, , That tho duet of any barmen Of the hart Detertmatit e Mg .116,410t f0r nand marmites, shall tar-at llborq.to - Mint the caw denier'any perantirtga gaincipal or masts. has s sir PresiOut . contract weir the •Itarrhaplettneat; nar than pertiar who here failed ce:aurettaa in one , - longer - contract be racalredat mmotiss on other contracts that the teParlarot Wan: drat byre mnd aosaratkai forsook ' Armor hat- 'each other.; oar, ha oontregte with the tame bums; "shall on 'oootractor . be recolerd surety for toolbars and miry contract shall tbathlrmay of a rpm:UM imanMiya and no ol ds .1 ag nominal or Actillout ;rims ia• he oonaldorod. That if more than one told be cared by any one par ty, by or in the nmne of his or their clerk - banner s er oars perms, noels Ma may be or And no parade shall be remind as &contractor whole not a stanidacturer of, or regular dealer I the armies width ha. WWI to soppy, elm has n ot .ot Mono. as mob mantdacturer or .p e ke And all rum= other .lo.blde dull have the righ t to be onaent when the o r. opened sat lisped the same. Approred March Ed, 1813.- Tha fellow Ing are the (Ramer nerahmi at the. re. @pecan Nary Yards: 1711BT. men No. 1, Nailer /yea Xf , to Si. Pig Iron: 3 , 1107 11 / 01 riC Onia Inakind t0. ; 6, sprm 011; 6, LI.. seed 01loa4 Tnrioninte; 7. Sold dlot 4ll o 011 ; 9, Tallow and loop; 10, innlnsen'-etoreis -11,.Zaal • nee& Tools; 12, inninetee' instrataints; 14. Wronaht 11 . 11 31 _0 8 , dad / 3 . Tubed. 11, ken Ball., &Ito, end Nu% 'in.-Copper; Alin, Az; w, White Lead; 21. Zhao :Paint; 22, adored Paints; 13, Btatkotell; 44, • Oka No: I,' Ilona Itroliand :Miele; 2, Pig irony . de Noller'foldn 6. 11 it; 4, lidot, facdtbif,' !tubber Neer, sat - perm 011; Lbeind Oil; 7' Lard 0148, Ma tills 21111 , 11, fallow sat Moen 10, ' Stoma [ll, Nneftiewefoola;la, lisainanne/astrementi;l3 Cleans Point 11, Wr oug ht Iron Plow : Palm, do.. ' ; • 1/4 Tabital l ire!; 17, L'ft 'Nene, Noltt.:and Ards; . 13 , °WPM Tin and Lead; 2o ,Wdlie Lisa, 2l . Zino faint; 22, Colored Ra _ ts; lideilonern 14, firewood. • Oreni - Ne. 1,P41ae $1 1ton, da4-3, bolt: 3 , 110116 t Felting P66114,../kaber Note, ite. :wars 011; IL. Limed Otr and Taipluttleei 7, Lad 007 , 1+..8, 3 7 1 41 , 191 012474-Tellow *IP; 1 0, , INN. jrnaeretiltoreei 11.. linglneilie .toolis,lA,lll42noeno. ;Inetnalienteilk Ilteasn:Llautuen•le, Alfzevilit Iron figs, Tahoe, "do. 13 .4' 111 061 16 , Ottolo7i Ytm t bald, Bolls and N ate; 13, 'Coffer; 19, . eeet, ! iltalVidte bead 71 11,1044 Print, do,; 1 0 1. 0 . 1 112, etatilllutry; , Ilrew,xd; 25, end tab Pant and Batte;,l6; 'White Pima 31 ': 8 16011 . 13 olalito °Mum ; 99.Mahop,6T, Slats 217,'Liaileinui; wimaintilati, 21,01149004 „• 11111,AD1L,1971M I Am No. 1, Zoller Ism, de. ; toltieli Burn fandlng, Bobber Hoek29imn Out , el Limed Oil amt Iltiopentino; 7 Lard on; 8, gir t h ), 011; 9.: Wow, and don ; 10, liellneore, - Stores; 11, 1{ 11 2 111411 re'' T zastm.4 % 13, lites* 14, 17ronOt Iron Pine. film, to.; lq Iniwn; liiet Oak 17, hod Nidloidolte And Nato: 13 , Omer; 1pio„ Tb; SO, India Lest; 21. Mao 3131 4 ft, OtoWed. Rabin Lonwin•73, 16616.46ry; 1.3 , 1 1 13 .": , :t" _ • . Olen No. I,llollor Iron, do.; S. 11; hen; 8, Boller o,ll btitt a. :111nas."facking,:11abber-Elne, 46._ 6 1, EVm6 11 ;.%1461.66-.oti - and Tkup66616161...6.6r; a; fellow -and *off 10 . sell 1:: we& Ilktteg 14; re' 12, ran , lineraibuile(ll, &ewe ream 16, - Wri 9 Iron tull e, Milne, do ; 16. Tabor ; , 16; Ikea; 7, Iron liiat..o63l6ser 00696k.1 9 . Tu. Lad 603 Sloe; 20, Weise L. 14. - 1 6 61 . raw; 23, (1013 " 3 333113 : 131 70r5; 3 1 4 00697 7; 31. finntood. • miria;linrdllit • Ilya; AND ICAifi—D2. BAZLZ pais Detticalso etteatlon to the toestathat 61 t j aamo-mminpir the NntsatliAlt;opar. ateioa , CIATAWIM MUM -11114 be Alum,. UAL "%PUN. llama arrrnamak: a n d rets. ThttlyillUlLATOlir mat a b, Iffeeting the La' sad 180511. - 883,1110 it MAME "' -.4 s~i`<~.°'+ie7.s~~~++`C-+l.a~".~3;'6iaf+.=,yi;sss`xP^s'r+iF tNr+^ PROPOSALS - YOE bTBILM MA. J. =MT. HATT.DiteeastrPll. Jame A =A healed yr:Thula wlll rakdred by the Nary Ite. preat an to the lath lot•Jetnejer EITZAII MA. UIN/CM of thelbilow - desioipticn namely Glared angina. twoollhatole &ain't:n*llTb' der, 100 Inchon 'trete of pima. 4 test: mid rearing, 11 Munster cl &bring whet :0 pi line 10 testa inches. length aver all et Mt. tog whaelat het 4 inchea..Te races 'news condemn With seitAlwa bran tabu sad an el to,-4 ood/nub( Lanni°, of 7,1:44 squire hat. To hue • • tied ander. t too adube .beilere See with aaanilale bawl orntabling yam of gra , e mhos and x quire het of twaingiarbiat. To have a "ato • L amino. tact To bore ore brats lam of !. :eet diantedoe r. with blade", and a length ot-ST oat. To dm • Wahl and topper redder, ruddeo.po. and "hoe, tad to provided with eight bkwiag et OEN and eight— item pampa. The drawing' of thow. engbas au" bo *remand at the Bateau of ate= go &Weedy* Two . sushi/fr.:or the United Maria frigid* Franklin, at thelEittarg /Wpm* 'y aw tar of •311adors,, 55 Inishas i stooks or paw n teat nine Luther. :To hare one, thwall'a radios eau. denser with wataltas bran tuber and an upon" oft. dmirg =lkea of 6,000 square 'fist To ban rad& cat water•tuht bonen! with' is Iwo bun bees, centalatni sae square feet of grate sorbs* maitils.ooo mum feet of boating surhoe. To hare a sap:hest. log soaratos. Ta hare one brats to hobs ogi with trams guides and hotstlng apparatus ; th•maw to Do fn In diameter. two Nadal, and 5 fest inches long. Tote provided with two Clowye en. gin., and tone stunk maps. The drawings of• anginal can to.dammedatthyßataanaldin t Li. gineocing. • Backwettei enenes, two-411We" diameter of t " irtindiaw 80 whet, stroke id Vet= Mot To lave one Fiewell'a ansince:oondentea imb mai m tew tubm and an expend coidenaing of SAO pure Pet To biro Tartleal; .water tube Niue with mendess braes lobo, onitaining 1 60 same het .Of. anti ' and 10.090 equate Yet of heating *mim, /30 WC waeleatiestmsr nimi pir. Me Taber* one boa manic of a bet with roar bledee i lautilt asE o beg• / 144 a breed mid nada; ro4dat-teat and shoe; and to he pragdad oda :teem itleirbritheare end kw smell: bump. ITho,drato °cu.* • es i g... I. b. simile: to that of lb. Whiwei:Oditnehes otanatter of cylinder end d fats hvaikissiwaktoviston• Blot-action .crew gneiss feekstabosts, with two cylencees, each of SJ Inches diameter, and a desks of pistols of 21 inches. Zech pale le have one Sew. Ore sorfaoe condenser. with. aeasalesa brume tabor, and an exgosed crocdenslog inneffice of 1.203 Knave feet. To bare vertical . weeartnbe' boilers, with seamiest brace- totes, oantandag,lB7 'guars feet of grata surface sad 4,7lXlioznarileared heating sihas. To have a stipartuating Am:atm To ba n ono bran screw of tl 'Ado. teet4yorith fold egg • ler ph el 18 !aches, . Tit bar bran sad oaopppprr rudder, rudder•polt - azurelfoi,. and. to be provided with oee steam pump. Tbe dial/fats of than ea• gcan be a:Wawa at the Bureau of Beam UV. g. Inclined paddle. irhael engines for donblieenfed gunboats, with one ciltudas of 881nches Wangler of at lindar, and O attoks of &ten orB feet 9 Whoa To have one Elswatra condom, with 'amnia. foam tuba, a nds an exposed "ound.notog we a n of 8" square 'hat. To bays vertical waier.tabe bat with oaandelibraw tubes containing 2COlgoireZ of grate guffaw and MOO square hier of heathl oar lam .To kayo •.rapszsating oppigittal. To lan olerldiog jp - aldra r iiheiti of 911 fait 8 ladies di. meter; and , 9 hot Width of gaddh‘ To lhave two blowing oughts, and one steam mop. The moral Van anl specification u thia engine can be examined at the Bateau of 8 Mani hinginsellog. - - . The material, workmanship and dash of all_the farm engines whether smear deecnbed in the ape. clicaUens ter, the mew miwittne4 a the sloops et the - Jaddat& claw, copies an wants ire inpoesseden Mall the principal mutat items awing balding se tabliatmente fa the Untied titattsk- -- All the' protialorut umbra:mile the *entracte*, ttuitanachleartdipply loam oesttniata which may be made under this ad rertiternent, - The Name DM. bur or Gnibuti - Phical t: and thrgeme quantity et too!., butramente, add propsrilma4, to be roppited, that keened for In those apectficaUome. uhrspropoule to be ladorred ..Ptopoule tor Steam LenNachleeryttua.." to diatinantah them from other bud. k Fortiori . I;rs requested to offer for any one of lb* store 'seam, or bar as maity as thei may oozalder themselves atop to immune. • The contramt will embrace the urns' renditions, and payments:will be made In the usual meaner ma the work programa. The Department resuirie the tight to meet any or ell of the proposals that mai be midi nudes thM7 adestabement, LI, In its opicdoni the pablio Wawa Thep cal will stain tie ninneor names of the Ifarylards or which the partite ;Intend to Amish the machinery ; the nu:Merin sallies they to build ; the names el the yotpa.ln tall, their sureties ; the gram scat for which they pommy to famish the gram erect` M the Mall mm' Plete and ready fyr ; end the time from dale of.contraet.ln which wilt — guarantee to Thai of parties will oleo bieozableted who 'my cheese to otter kir machinery of egad power on pleas and epeellicationa Cl ttiefrown In place of those above deserteed. Jelbsedtd Eignature, A. B ROPOSALLS FOR MAY, BT.RAW AND GILLI.H. Animal Deircrousailma's Dino; roue' Dirreatatrer, Comer D and linmty-second streets, Westrulerax_ U. 0., April 10, IND WRITTIN PEOPOitata ezei invited for tornisb• leg BAT, STRAW, OATS lad 00kil, for the are of thts Depot, io be dealreasd at as &Wray! Depot, cc at say of thellinferameat Whams to this city. Shs PllDDlsie le - be adds edidC thiundazigasd, sad they. should .state. the losatii7 , od solo. offered, . 10 0 the prk lle'eilhe br • itopams wtti.be mind for Ore * (5,0011), bashes of Om or Oab . sad DIU. (50) toes of no at , Iltraw n ea4 apwardr, ehhelitool2 be for the fa• tenet ‘ of ;the Doreenmait etattaet for a lee • . , , All kilo Olt In wood lowte: °reve two fli btibtlt with. Wilk* ar• to lei tainsitisd at tn. oak of the colas - actor. . - The Roe oat fdiew taros uewi s Wed. 611 Grain and ILry obtedlorboi rotblot to dig • la Ctrtti 7 wi l lrbe 4 Von al4 W;rio=7thno to the ys lived felino*G4O blddira as tho htnjoete of Meow sloe Inas regalia: Good mammy Inn be Iscrollid kr 4 tha faithful fatellusa Aar eentraat made nods • Pampa!, to bontede cLtb. coronhelen of the eon- - treat. • . A. L. BAOWN, *. • • m • * O.; tale'aid Q. M. 11. EL A. Dumas Barn,. aupilis:.BA.N!, No. Ut ,:__ _,_ .ozsarmaivnilsiiii..l , - .. vra - esuy twit 9 foil o'olOolt. also illk Wedardair and Saturday ortinnatoccos -Ka lasso llitt lat, ' Irmo :9 to 9 to' ind linnt . J . Pllninbar lath Dal tat tram 0 to II - , ~:Dopealta -treated ad-all taiinot Lit than Cie. ,Dolloito.ondatilithood of the panitithiland two n - Tar, la. 34m• and •Domovnittitc; Interietios boos di' . oittot 7aimlianwilbs_in Jtout ask Ansonshor, ma 09 Bank WM PM/I=6A. . 14. Shotothic — tidx woos. ... -„... at Sr is z ko not- iii drain out,. iihnid l i t o tho oist e l . 9 . Witt tivinDe eitt=l i nnui and Dionahr P: 10201,1 4 3 7/06 11 Fottnoinaoin inonbling Us diet* Int tar o f ma to his pin book. At tili phi. mousy will doubt. ie.3••:thacterhottsfi.. and DOAN conlithing the Moms, Byttant, inn o - Roninlation‘ fondihool - tratia, Cu inipliostior all . Piumninktllo9.ol /ILDILDS. John Ticotrataintatioi ', L ' B. Mnialitino„ , li o : 0011. John , tithing, • lowa , '' ,'lolut Mtto zi W Alninnolor Spar, ' " ;MOT:. a: Rads, Bad. I. rabluitock, -, -A. IL , Dolionk. D. D., A : hums Blonalsi, .. - - r• RID lintsvhiii p. J 4l3l , l 4 o rdzaszi4; 1-. 191/11ina. i -I.V.A•tn. tadattoli. f., • tzvalziat - "" .: .. jzturt.r w ..,r7 oitit oidki.x.,l4.46. 4 9 . l3 l9 nitlual, ciagwai , H. ~ ,e," i ret.:: ' Ablumbrithi wilLua -- TJZ .— ' .Wintito Tatiltit. UMW . P. . . WM Olulttlan Tarr. cailli. A. 00.1.2011. : Galvin idal; John G. &Akn; John 0. G BingW._ M eorge Black..? Alamo Can* urree A. Colton, M= kozigen, John BT/Ukk Diner Haab; o. Masa Hsys. Junes D. t'. REAL, ESTETB savae 40411111011. PoxPcaVat' b 7 thir Lies Ufa* of -Tasiaphaids. °psi la: %pins Semi 10 kp. to itliVitik p•a o , sike on BATTINDAY . mistgivitosi s . • Mr OR, fa lOURTB BTRRNI. ••• • sAn, oeintan uer - ma rittlinAßLl 1 Dwareroanixelisthiusksailbanniaidul.sad • ; alt Wow whoa anus ar littagt artv WEAR It aim ! wwwwW. tWlN:AtAttaatataa..kdataistata OR. knob, RgenA acuataty- Rittiotha at:. mt tanaaratalt drama ' • . usenet at the rata of SEC MR 0111T;Rat as. is is add w rdatattip - whicht it a°4 d F iel. will . .__ o _lll Owed to.‘tha criaitati the Ratiattavas ur Int wol NW 444 liataibas. sat abarwatar btu Oa masa biting as Rae ptiat.••-At thaltalia wow VIII ottatk In &at RiuthoWP•m• -• • •,•••,,, ••__lsallist VW allalltah*OtNIII 11 54011:4111:PIII aad aura tar at-'pw ,With atter NM liekollte We 3'l • ..7:..... ~ Ir. 0i11'C a1& ,., 1 4 . 1 4 k 1401 .: 66 :, ,iii:ll47: zG• 21 ..]" 44" .. 7 :y. 1114 : Earai11b • riralsi=nikew /0 ^ •--- - - - - Not Prlsitera-W. R.lllOl. aOrnmiti., itc.,rhai. - Naive% • ' , Rws..l.lC. *must. I W. R. Mit R.hoot PrZ *7 Mom alliet.'• - : Blobttat Thya6 • . - ••• 1 ' Wai. thatua,- ' ''' •'' ". fix•Wwl did Isll A . GAUIU.. 1 1 MAW= • t -- 1 '.',= . --atlallawit Xir ANIT O 4III2M ;`,FUR .u.a, airat "ot amid, area awake at that. a pa,llittAltiros "ll' ta= 4 l•l4 , bath% a ,1000/16,.. II 'Attar at Roa X i. 1 ot-tlat• - ,► PhAitrag* Comisarumr gib thy ota 111/11.-• MI, ~...L':'2. I ."" r i al . =ll onto to r. a. ,axp., , jai WWI 1 Reekmaa atreet,'Sew Tack ar _ _Ol MC X• • , 1 4. Roan Antrilt oresknasielvi.wiligs I . nape 0 the atepetaraw taws& - - Q O. 111114.PLALKAMLIUMili- DJ. pne, 01,1413, IRDIX&SVD IA .Tril Dillp• ' at Mt ben egsadsl2 , rra rua gad Isravassai l,= jal Wandllilledsimmt. PR OPOS4LS. 0ZZ721