Vittisti* : o,,.., - !inzettti: SATURD,&t, MOWNEI::::JIMB 18,1883. -OI7I I APP.A.IBB. 11Ir ellIOZAZ; Pam or ran any. Kienpaoiontis Osawarton for am Go. samodrit N. Maw Opttaisa, Ao. 56 fifth stnet—eortieted Wl* . eilask, A. 12 u - Obstmating the Enrollment, A certain class of men in this community have been taught to despise and disregard the conscription sot, as a tyrannical and %moon stltutlonalmitaeure, wed ever alma its passage they IWO been boasting about resistance to the draft. They are now having en opportu nity to test their pluck. It is this elms who endeavor to dodge, the enrolling °Mare by every mean device, and it is this olnes who timeatea violence and bloodshed. We are lid to observe, therefore, that the Provost Marshal of both these districts deal promptly and merely with every man who offers the least obstruction or reslitanoe to the enroll meat. _ We haie already noticed the arrest of Michael Gilkey, of tho Pint Ward, for refus ing to eye his name to the enrolling ofieer, and today we have to report the arrest of Patrick McKenna, of the Fifth Ward, on a dialler charge. He declined to give the of ficer any information as to hie name, age or residua, whereupon his arrest was ordered by Capt. Poster, who preferred written charges trISM, sand handed him over to the eed States Commissioner, Henry Sproul, Biq. After a hearing,and being unable to give bail, he wan committed to jail to answer at the next term of the United States Court. A tow examples of this kind will have the effect of teaching those who have the least I=of oommen sense, that it is worse than u to ariay thamielves against the tow. The malty. is were, involving • fine not exceeding fire huidzed dollars, or imprison meat In the penitentiary not exceeding two' years. It should be distinctly understood, too, that a simple 'refusal to give the desired laformation, or the giving of fain nano, held to b e obstruction of the enrollment, and punishable under the law. Legal Intelligence. (Reported for the Plt ['burgh Gazette June 12, DM.] DISMIOT 0011M-317DGIS HAMPTON AID The argument lid will be taken up on Mon day, June lbth. 0011X0I YILLON. Henry Williams vs. EWA& Barker. Judg ment bond. Verdict for defendant. Wm. Marin= and Tate his wife vs. Thos. W. Briggs. Cue: Jury out. B. Blots vs. Wm. Mae.. Case Verdict for plaintiff lor $538. Dula k Co. vs. Whightman & Anderson. Claim on a contract claimed , to have been made by Passer through Childs & Carson for Ducks. The natdre of the Mena is, that the oontmot was made by Childs with the defendants for Truer, and that Bingos was unknown to the defendants in the treasaation. Oa trial. QVAIAIIII STINRITT AND 1101rN. COM., TS. Jos.-Jamieson, Mary Jamieson, Wm. Bolenger and H. Kleinman for conspir acy; (before reported.) Jerry out. Com. vs. David McKnight, Thomas O'Con zusiand John Bury, for forcible entry and detainer of the home of a tenant in the 6th Ward, on oath of Hannah Gallagher. Ver. dist* guilty Com. vs. Charles. Patterson, Robert 4iud. Hughson, ugh %leg, H o bert Stark, Fred. Garb , ring, Bernhard Beeler, Jos. Reed, Wm. Reed, Jnol Ma'am, jas. 'Stark, Fred. Went, John ' Jenkins, John Ramsey, for wilfully and ma : !Mouldy tearing down and carrying away a stack of hay, usitrad at $l2O from a close of John Martin in Lower St. Clair township. DeThosdants not guilty; pronoutor and de fendants to pay half the costs. • Good for the Fifteenth. At a meeting of the field and line celesta Of the 15th regiment Pennsylvania militia, held yuterday afternoon, it was unanimous ey resolved to tender the terrines of the regi ment to sea. Brooks, for such service and for `nob time as the emergency may require. It was also riaolved to hold company meetings to-night, end report the number of men will. lag to volunteer for the purpose of drill and organisation—ready for any service which may devolve en them. We appeal to our elitism to rally around their keders and attach themselves to some of =Mal military organisations. The Gov eriment has don. for as all we asked, and more. It new behooves the calms to per form their part. The troops enlisting for this . smut service will be et once placed in camp in this vicinity, while the emergeeoj lasts; they will be drilled and organized, and thus Sited for service. They will be clothed, armed. rebeisted, and eventually paid by the Govern mint. When the wesent emergency has pass ed, they 'will be discharged, subject to a week ly inspection, perhaps, _end liable to call, should any future emergency seem to require. We have. faith lathe patriotism of our peo ple. Let as It own settle.the question. of the unity of oar city, 'by adequate and timely prensetalon for toty emergency. Let our peo ple at *nos emulate the example of the Fif teenth regiment State nillitia, and tender their }err lees to (kn. Brooks. Good for the Batteries. Satiny A had a meeting last night, end Litretenant John P. Glass tendered his resig nation, for the reason that he intended raising • battery for the war. ' The company expressed their approbation of Lieutenant Glue" project, and also their distersebtatlon to do all In their power to as aka hins in the good cause. In ths-meantitos thew aro enlarging their organisation under des Militia Lama the State, and are in seed beds to take the geld on short notice. Their hone are now In their own stable in the Ninth ward, and a spirit of activity is to be sass is *wry movamimt. Therm ars In earnest, and none are want ed to enroll who ars ,not willing to go any . whack as emergency. W. Matoalf, Esq.,of the Tort Pitt Works, takes the place: vacated bp Lieutenant John Y. Glass. • The Dratted Men. The term of the drafted men of Pennsylva nia is rapidly drawing to a 01000, and by the , middle of next month, preparations will be made for their return to Camp Curtin. Meet. hip are in be held in serval of caradjoining ensiles to make arrangements to give the drafted men a proper reception, and the ,ealls -published In many of the country newspapers are, signed by large numbers of their most Proselaent eitisins. The reception ; of the drafted men, will, undoubtedly, be a: hearty _one and the man who have done so nobly af ter ;heir cervices were rendered necessary by onsteeription„ will meet with the warmest con . - • eye of their relative, and friends at $Ollllllllllll Sion.—Mr. Ell Young, the well Mews - tratomm, le In daily receipt of the &Wad !top, slants, turtles; eta, which he serreemp_la the best style at his room, Gialthlent street, earner of Virgin alley. Eli le mold Mad at thibadnesr, and hie facili ties for piling o &Oinks are not to ken anywhere la the city. Gentlemen who nelled dine from home will always Ind here a plea- TYtr PUIIIOIIAL WAILLIIIL—A fa supply of Chow airmys-wolootni weokkp rojmottorlos • of Mtn, Musty and poetical selsoallenish ono., will be`fonnd at J. W. Mtn:tea'', oppoille POSOMMI6 Among Qs most attrulth% it -weak, we may motion _TAti_./Inonsted Arab Imam, liarpie. - Wieldy, auf k4lCtispcution, ate. ; . • •••`• Nam lisitirstut vitt be then biari 'l.':;niloosess la another oolinth, there vlll be aniktheettig hold in the Allegheny Morket AMY thlaykyordng, ter promotorobratooring pert hef,ifigr, oar hoaxes, We need not ''''.l-rtrirroettidi:to attend. -N. T. , ,• Cuzaasor SOLD/f6 a • p - ' the Pastiallos. • 1.1 • • I • • Piasocisqnsa .Azionat at Pittook'a, Op. tkt Among ths an Lased of rod and tumid citizens in our midst, who have lately paned to their final rest, none ware more widely known or more highly esteemed than the late Dr. 'Joseph P. Gasmen. Dr. Gnuans died on the 29th day of May ult., at the Allegheny Arsenal, at the resi dence of his brother-in-law, Major John. B. Butler, in the 67th year of his age. For more than forty years Dootor G. was an eminent and suosessful practitioner of medicine in this city. He studied medicine with Dr. Dawson, a physician of this city, many years ago, and attended the medical lectures in the University at Philadelphia, when that school was presided over by such celebrated teachers as Bush and Physiok. He was devotedly at tached to the profession of kis choice, and soon after he finished his collegiate course, engaged la extensive practice, to which he bent his untiring energies and clear mind, until the last few years, when be was com pelled by failing health to abandon it, and soak that quiet end revile which a long series of years of native professional duties co ur gently demanded. It was the writer's privilege to be familiar with and see mule of film when in the fall tide of his professional dutlu, and he remem bers well his hearty devotion to his calling and his solicitous earo for the welfare of all those under his charge. Added to • vigorous and. compreheneive mind, he had the industry and ambition of the student; his mind was richly stored in all that related to his profession, and he sought continually, while adding to hi. stook of medical knowledge, to advance and elevate tho standard of the profession. The young practitioner found in him a willing and safe counsellor, and he felt it • plume and a duty at all times to help and befriend them in any trying emergency. Ii MM. I" lIADL 00 58 110 • 72 His extensive practice and raze qualities as a teacher drew around him many young men as students of medlilno, and they all beer grateful testimony to his private and profes sional worth. Pew men possessed so much order and system In badness, and fewer still more ennobled and adorned their calling than he. His °Moe and htinsehold were models of neatness and comfort, and we found him at his fireside, not only tke skillful and mom palled physician, but a man of pure life and amiable manners. Owing to ill-health and increasing he was admonished that hermit abandon his profession, and in the spring and summer of 1858 he visited Eu rope in search of health. After spending sev eral months traveUng,he returned only partial ly restored, and never after that time engaged gaged In motive prickles. (81noe then he had been afflicted with disease of the liver which produced jaundice, and had several attacks of apoplexy, which ultimately consigned him to the grave) He is kindly remembered by all who knew him, and his memory will long be cherished by those who knew kim best and loved him well. And while we are called to mourn over deaths on the battle-field of those who ire young in years and strong in health, the tears of regret shall also wet the new made graves of those who fall in riper years in the great battle of life. 8. Mae. RIMY WOOD'S New Novas..—" The Castle's Heir" is the title of the latest, and, according to some, the but of Mrs. Wood's novels. It combines many, without exagger ating any, of the well-known characteristics of its popular predeeessors,and everything considered, perhaps it would not be far wrong, nor in the least unsafe; to predict for "The Castle's Heir" as wide and as sere a popular ity as any, even the most successful of them, have attained. It is a tale of English life, wherein the writer, gathering up Incidents and characters over a wide field, sad with the skill for which she is, unlearning praised, works them into so felloitous a combination In her narrative, as to keep an ever-growing en riceity amused end delightfully baled, even to the last chapter. What novel-writer can hove a more fascinating gift? and what more need be said to commend the work of inch a writer to the appreciative novel-reader ? "The Castle's Heir" is published in two handsome Bvo. volumes, illustrated with eleven engravings, from original designs, in advance of publication in Europe, by Henri. T. B. Peterson dc Brothers, Philadelphia, and is for sale by J. P. Hunt, Masonic, Hall, Fifth street, and W. A. Glidenfennsy, 45 Fifth atrial. Price, oho dollar. SPECIAL LOCAL. NOTICES.. GIOVZ3 AND Barites SEWING MADMEN, for family and maanfenturlisg purposes, are the best in use. A. F. CEAToirr, General Agent, Ho.lB lifth street. TBO/11/1 iAIRT, Main and Oniamsatat Slate Roofer, and dealer in-Pinunsylvania and Ver mont slate of the bait quality at low rates. Mee at Alex. Laughlin'', near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap9:6m New Azatvat Or Strxxin Claim:ie.—Of ten we are salted, when can we buy a neat and comfortable rummer suit, made to order, thus having the chime of 'selecting our own goods? To all these inquiries wean answer, go to Messrs. W. 11. Macs. k Co., earner of Federal street and Diamond Blum, Alleghe ny, and you will be suited smarting to your taste. They have jut reodved their summer goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot be surpassed, and for fitness they are the very persons, as their work Is all done under their own supervision. Owe them a call, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. Amami, Emmen Voturreau t—The attention of our otrunOrs breve defenders re cently returned from the seat of war, and of the public in gentoral, Is again Unclad to the very eztonsire and handout, assortment of the latest styles of Trench, English . and American piece gads, for pants Coats and Testylately received by New J s. ohn Wein Merchant Talton, No. 126 Federal West, Allegheny. A tasteful esbootion of gentlemen's furnishing goodie will also always be found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up in the best manner. JCBT itarrezzo mon mre Graham, Merchant Tabu, ,woulll respectfully Inform his friends and the put& In general that he km just returned from the last with his new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of all the haat styles of sloths, eldlllllollll and writings. Gentlemen diadriag a stook to select frau that cannot be napalm. ed by,any other bi the city, and their pr manta made In the most fashionable manner, would do well to she him • call before pur chasing elsewhere.' Smarm. GamMx, Merchant Tailor, No. 54 Market street, one door from Third. lloevtirotfo TISTINWIT.—Bev. John B. Bo ble, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: ' , Mrs. S. A. Al len's World's Hair Restorer and Zy'abase mum are the best preparations I have ever known. They kayo restored my gray hair to 'lts original color." Sold by druggists every where, Depot, 193. Greenwich street, New York. • • - UMW DLLIIIIICia. AND DYSILIT237 will decimate the ',annalist far more Han the bullets of the enetny, therefor, letavery man see to it that ha °snits with him • full supply of HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. Thelemie in India and the Crimea saved thousands of "Hrltt(th soldiers. Only 36 ants per bdz. ' 213 Norma to Paoraart Hotame, Ames AND Air. Orazas Itrrasearnwe'—lor malls or al terations' to stores or dwenbliP, 401 1, loofa. or %eyed:rig else la this Carpenter Sae, *all at Cuthbert's Oa:pouter Shop, Virgla abort Sgalthdeld streets.. All orders pros= attended to. EYZit TAT ilegt: Ot person, who hat. lot% five or tsri• dollaii by carrying their money loose in their pixiketa. Now to avoid losing any more they atrotdd go to Plttook'n News Depot, oppoolte the Post-oitioe, and pro cure a first-41w wallet or poaket•book. CM? DIUMUITZT.—Those sooklas ohaap DoltWry,' eaa hays lOU for bar dollars, gu ngitoad bettor du iota fortis dollar., at the *at , Notatal estalillaluaaats, No. 211, Pisa idiot. • • • , . °isms end Claaaraea atlas will be takse it the ttataibitothae, So. 415 Liberty street, day or sight. 411 ,orders left et the above place will be rsoopUy attended iv. AS oath vtratharaid to stream ea boiVT4t) Without,* Photorap hie ilbam lusi is yOus family. TAD Aso to ,paghan at Pittook's opposite di.. /!.rtics? O. iz.L, Dedisik Wren sirsetisttandlio Mathieu of his proleidos. ht Memoriam. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. DUE SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON. Special Dispatch to thOPlttabwigh Gazette. Wo6lll2o.rott, Jane 12, 1863 137=1=:C! lien. Hunter haa been relieved of hie corn• mend at Port Royal, and is on hbi way her.. He is to be sent to en important commend elsowhere. [SOAPS OF 111811.1. 0//101141 As the steamer returning with eighty rebel °Moen from Old Point to Bort Delaware was some miles from the former place, they oi'er powered the guard, seised the venel, and ran her Luton small creek near Oapejlenry, where they escaped. They had been sent down to Old Point for exchange, but the rebel authori ties refusing to exchange odious, they were returned, being on their parole of honor. A small guard only was with them. omens' rumloram onximmusum Among other measnru looking to an im proved discipline, all. fuloughs granted to officers in the army of the Potomac hue been countermanded to-day. Jl= Commissary General Hoffman has ordered all the rebel prisoners remaining unexohanied In the West, about two thouaand lee hundred, to be sent to Yt. Delaware, to awalt . exchange. The came number is there now. 110667'6 zAlDgis General Stahl is after Moseby's raiders In all directions. His forms are on all sides and In front of them. To snaps will b diffisult. Mosby was near Ales this morning, running for life. All the h stolen were canal stook. rIIIIAOITN AND DAHLOZIN The report that Farragut has asked to be relleyed, and Is to be euceeeded by Admiral Dahlgren, IA entirely erroneous in both re 'poets. Farragnt wW retain hie position. II Dahlgren goes anywhere, It will bete Charles ton. The next time am attack is made be Iron clad, the 15-inch gang which they carry will have a much heavier charge of powder, which it is ascertained by experiment they can bear. TES OHIO GOTIIIOIIBIIIP Ohio politicians here are speaking of Gov. Tod or Bingham u the probable Union nom inee against Vallandigham. Probably the termer will receive the nomination. ORGIANIZLTIOX OP 15010 TROOPS Col. Wm. Birney, inspector for the 'organ isation of negro troops, has been authorised to reoralt at Philadelphia, where the silicone have formed working committees to aid the acme. They expect to raise two 'regiments, who will be placed, with the Wuhington regi ment, in a camp of Instruction here, and will be °Cleared by penons who hen pused ex amination before the Board here. I= Gan. Popo has oonotitutod lowa IN a KW tarp Disiwlot, woks Gan. B. Roberta. REBEL GEE. STUART REPORTED KILLED Bloclal Dirpatch to the Pitt.lnugh Gazette. WAIIIIII6TOI, iure 13, 1863. G.D. Stout, It is reported, was killed In ■ (mesh, light. - Rebel Accounts of Affairs at Vicki:. burg. Wsznutaros, J ane ft —The Richmond DO • patch, of the 10th, contains the following: dfobile, Joao 9.—A spesial dispatch to the Advertimr mod Beginer from Jackson, May Bth, says: A courier from Vicksburg reports cheeringly. Oar men are fatigued, bat In good spirits. Our loss ill a little over 500. Col. Marks, of Louisiana, is mortally wounded. Waddell's battery lost 12 killadand 23 wound ed. Nine trains Of troops, believed to be from ROillatilea army arrived at Memphis on Saturday. There la merely a garrima at Memphis. • Jaaboni, Jaw B.—A swat, just in from Viaksbarg, reports all working well. The men are in good spirits, bat are somewhat wearied from lying in the trenches sad expo sure to the lan. Grant is slowly advancing, by building walls's, which are four hundred yard, from the outer works. Oar entire loss does not exoeed 600. Mobilo, June 9.—A private dispatch from Jackson, on the Bth inst., reports Vick/bug a right. Bixby , Smith is in possession of Milliken's Bend. Wasautovos ' June 11.-The Itiohmond Die patch of theloth contains dlapatokes from Jaikson, Kiss. to the 6th and Bth, saying that Gen. Pemberton has sent word that be can bold Vicksburg, and Johnston can take his time to organize and discipline his forces. Then are many rumors, the mast reliable of which is, that Elm. Kirby thalth;instaad of Ming at Port Radian, has taken Milliken's Bend and oat off Grant's supplies; also, that Jackson's cavalry have cut their way through to Vicksburg: Triune Again Attacked--Retreat of the Rebele.6Dererters to be Rae cuted. Muumuu, June 12.—There wee another attack at -Triune yesterday. About 5 a. m. Forrest with 500 cavalry and two batteries at tacked our cavalry division, commanded by Gen. R. B. Mitchell. The Federal, formed in line of battle and replied vigoronely to the fire of the enemy, who retreated as the Bed evils advanced and pursued the rebels for six nines. Scouts were sentforward, who report ed the rebel, as still retreating. The pursuit was than abandoned. The rebel, lost 91 kill ed and GO or 70 wounded, and 10 prisoners. The federal lose was di killed, among them Lient.N. O. Blain, 4th Indiana cavalry, whose body *mired here to-night. Several mentions of Peden' soldiers for demean will take plate next week. There was a grand review of troops here to-day. The weather is hot. Fiver 10 ladies on the -Shoals. Horse-Baclng. PHILADELIMIL, June 12.—The third and concluding day'. mess at Saolk Conn', took place to-day to a very fair attendanoe. The nutrias for a purse of sllo—two nine dash —Capt.Moon'. Mamona teat Blondin, Co pe,* and Osamu= in 8:41g. Second rue —sweepstakis, for 3 year olds, g 2,000, two mite daah—Watson's Capt. Moore beat Lodi, Southerner, Burk and Surprise in 3:41%. The first mile was run by the winner In 1:453i, being the shortest time reoorded of a mile being run on any Northern course. Third ram, selling purse $3OO, 1% mile dash— Bash's Seven Oaks beat Illonaln and Venture in 2:173§. Fourth race, purse 000, four mile dash—J. hi. Cloep's Jerome Bdpr, 4 years, beat Hunter'. John Morgan, 6 Toombs 702%. Rosby's Raid into RatYland..Re Retreats and is Pursued by the Raton Troops, etc. ' WAIIIIIICITON, Jens IS.—lnformation re mind to-day shows that all is waist is the neighborhood of Poolunrillss. Mosby's raid Into ktarpaad was of short. duration. A spatial dlspatok from Leesburg sap hh fora was at Carter's Mills, on Goose orsek, Loudon county, at daybreak to•day, hurrying back to eh. mountains. The troops were In pursuit. Chief licensor Oswalt has been detached from speolat duty at Now York, and ordered to the Bolton Nary Yard as Chief Engineer. Fatality Amongst Contrabands Bent to Bt. Domingo. N IT You, -July 13.—The Empress pub lishes a letter from llama stating that infor mation had mashed therefrom the contraband colony on the south side of Bt. Domingo, that fully one half of the Are him. • nepoes sent there from Norfolk have • • amongst the mUgaut 'warner; and it wag • the rut would so Morrell' ono road. 4 Order bum On: • • . Now Tom Zan Il.=-T • ra of Joao bth ontelat ea , • Eras Gos. to :O. as ~Gana. Is to *IWO" -• slit' tad' Adrian foie tekolere to I soften& TIE LATE MGR AT 1111111BN'A UM. The Rebels Beaten by Negro Troops Maxraut, June 12.—The steamer Port Wayne arrived up to-day. She brings ne later dates than the Bth. No guerrillas were seen on tho way up. The fight at lklilliken's Bend, on Sunday last, was a sanguinary affair, mush larger than at Bret reported. The rebels, under McOaßough, were 2,500 strong. The Federal forte consisted of three negro regiments and the 93d lowa. The rebel' made a desperate charge at daylight. The negroes broke in confallon, but finding their, captured com panions slaughtered, they: rallied with great desperation, and drove the rebels bulk. The lose is heavy on both Bides. Guerrillas destroyed portions of the rail road track near Germantown last night. The damage was slight and loon repaired. The rebel force in Northern Mississippi has all been sent to Johnston. Prom the Army of the Potomac. WASVIIIGTOS, June 12.—There was some shelling on the Rappahannock this morning, but all was soon quiet, excepting" occasional picket firing. Both lines remain the same as yesterday. It is positively known that Lee's forms are nearly double what they were at the battle of Chanoellorville. Many of them are new troops. There was evidently a stir In the rebel camp for a general movement. The following are the findings of several general court/ martial, held within the lines of the Army of the Potomac : 2i Lima. Baml. Long, of the 61st, and 2d Lient. James Cole, of the.69th Pennsylvania Volunteers, one for drunkenness while on duty and the other for drunks:lnas on guard, were each sentenced to be cashiered. Private J. P. Woods, of the 19th Indiana Volunteers, was found guilty of desertion and sonteneed to be shot. News from Mexico. Naw Your, June 11.—The steamship Mis sissippi, from New Orleans, has arrived. Sp.- dal dispatches to the New Orleans Ere, dated South-west Pass, June sth and 6th, say the schooner Dean has arrived from Vera Cruz. Her officers report that the Mexicans retreated from before Puebla. They ire said to have spiked and abandoned their gans. The French have taken po ion of the city. It is also said that the French had arrested' the Ametioan Consul. No reason is given for this priceeding. Gen. Comontort eaperceded. Naw You, June I2.—The advice' from Havana state that President Juarez has re moved Gun. Comonfort from the command of the Mezirun army of the Centre, for failing to succor the garrison at Puebla, and put Gen. Legatee In his_plaeo. The latter would at onos take oonunaud of the troops at the capi tal, and make every disposition forits defence. I'm Richmond paperer hare recently spo ken of one Francis P. Blair, Jr., a deserter from the Union army, who has been con fined in Cagle Thunder for bad conduct, as "a canaille Yankee Postmaster General." The Vtashington Star _says: "Postmaster General Blair has no eon or other relative in the rebel array, and doubtless some im postor has been playing his cards upon the Confeds." AMILKAL FAXILACIUT R.CLUIVIED.-Ii ill re ported that Admiral Farragut, at his own request, is to be relieved of his command on the Missisaippi, arid is to be succeeded by Admiral Dahlgren. Markets by Telegraph. Punanzi.reu, Jane I.—Ylour sell' at $5 75 for au. perldtm. 5612% tor tarn sod 56 2507 for extra tolt . tly. Has Flour is dull at 1150 u. Corn Meal at 114 W. 4V hoot 2.00 lower; 60ixt bosh 'Pennsylvania sold at 51 48, and white from 111. 66 to 65. Rye at $l. Corn sells at 870 for yellow and 880 for white. Oats sell on arrival at 750. Ooffro dull at 30030%0 for Rio and 32e for Laguyra. Provislo.' very quiet; tales of new men pork at 5145514 to, madam tierces hams at 1005 120 for uncovered and canvassed.. Lard steady at 10 .9104‘c for Mae sad 1154 for kegs. Whisky is trotter !Woe of Peursylvants andOhlo at 45,4046 M. Nair Yoay Jun. 13.--Cotton quiet; sales of 350 bale. at Mel.. /tour dull:. galas 11,600 Mils at a decline of WO. State, gt,0066, and $ , ,65861br Otdo, .el $6,1546,99 for bouillon, Wheat declining; sales 70,000 bush at 11,180438 for Chicago Spring, and 51.2601,00 for Idilerankee Club, and $1,60 for lied. liorn &dining; sales of 57,099 bush al 7a®76% fur old and 72(075 for new. Lard doll, emospt choice, which is arm, at .4;44431 Whisky doll at 44)ic °Oda duo. CLNCLIEILLII, dune 12. —Flom could here been sold to • lair extent 02 $4,5044,t0 for suprollne, mid $4.7505 for higher grades, but the Wm being below the mem of holder. there ,W not much done. No change In whoat, corn or eats. Whlaly declined to Nothing done In proclaim. Linseed 01l ad vanced to $1,15. Gold, 40. Miter, 30. Exchange arm at .5i premium. Batamoas, June 12..—0b10 Extra Flour $5 9546 Wheat steady; Kentucky White $1 66®1 Ik4 $1 4201 44. ikon doll. Whisky gnu at 44c. Oats arm, at 750)76c f,r Pennlylveni. ViLIIMBING, GAS AND STEAM lArITTING.-NICW ESTABLIFILLISINT. WM. TATE, Jr., & CO., Paler, In GLAD PIPE 6IIIIIIM GLAD, BY DLAZITI. BO NI Pa, OLIADDLLI2IIB.III/nOIEZT2 and PANDADS& glued lip with hot an; void water end i•a 'in the moat arreyed manner. tlo. 96. (LW .td.,) WEDS:BAG AMIE?, DI door heroes Bohlen. Allegheny. • N. B --Itapalring promptly atteuAnd eo. 1104:1, MEW CONSiGNMENTS. ..A.A 103 boxes Hamburg sad W. It Obsess; 60 bosh. prime Dry , Poseties; (bare* 16 basb. ortese MI Apples; 10 Abbr. Flint Bombs; 26 dram Berl Brooms; Jost ncelsed sad for sets at Na. 126 P•osad slyest. Jell FRANK VAN GORDAN. lUefl'latiliD-110 UNITE u er STATES POST-0111101DMECTOEY, for 1863. An alpheetioal list in the United Maks, with the neon of Posunastiont With an Apiendin Cants n. log the rates of Foreign sod Domtatio Postage, the Pset.effice_bill. do, dr- tor isle by Jett KAT d 00 NS Wood street. stil‘e 1-100 boxes Cream, Ram. burgh and W. B. Dahl, choke, le store and tor solo low. Bco . bisbell Dried Apple', prime; SIX/ dozen lgp; Mot fresh Bon Mallon W 111313 a WILKINSON. 917 Llbmrtl d nit MEI IV At allit.DXS—A duo stuck of the soma std Most Odom, les isle stone, Drab. Chocolate sad Gros kwkm MU sad 28 at. Cafe It. Jell J.a H. Pell.tapo. SllUNDlibilf ['LABS /4.7 puniness dwelling bones of four rooms, Mech. .Do sod *War, sod • lot of ground 18 but front on nun attest by 66 bop; hydrant, mon, stn. Apply to OM 4 011TH SIM • 801814 81 klirkot tt. AYi.AUh PIWP.ISII,T LL WM/Tillie:4l good brit* dwelling helm and lot, with knit trees, garden, go., on or near the Mune. Apply fa.. p>9ei.tIITTIIIIXST I SON . 51 Market et. e LLL-2245 prima .11TOT; fd ao Ono& do; In store and for ml. by lIIIAD ILITZGAB, 949 Libe rtyatm 1. LOUT , OIL °Lori:LK—A lull supply of did/tont Waldo': sod 1 1 11/ea. will alueneel, midst lower prim than eon be had In tho cat', for Cole at the op Cloth Wantrooms, 55 and WI pt. Clair o not. ' ; .1. as H. Pll [LUPO. A 101.11 W 11001.." Life of Übrieto. plaar Korth." (Min Oanipiled trom dully pspers and other MB daughtm,Mrs. Borden. With an iniminctlon, by A. Mutton Mao. kends.• inT t 00.. Mo. M Wood stmt. 2,000 eiliOULDEtt, jut smoked, bean weights sad span one, Oxide by 00014 BOTTIT It 00., t,g Ho 1511 deedibeeld etro.t. Ur.-6u bbis. extra Honeyisysar, S • 40— do. wortod Winds do; In store and for ludo by HEAD • lIIITZIAE. , —O4O Marty stmt. SatittlikiUld MU .A 1 balrels NJJntme Boreal:Ds II Menu In More and ter sale by! Jew BRAD & IitiTZGAB. 249 Liberty at. ALULAISIMS2I.-200 bbls. prime N, 0 J.XJI. Knauer In at m and the inla by jalo MM* lIIIITLGAIL, Die Warty mt. en Corn Broome I 9 gonsndbrnabby 1.10 • RIL(11.41 1149 LI y et. 1111 Y inDahr-2,01.10 of super $7 and iyim to Man sod tot ale by ISAIAH DM OI VIAJUM.--10 bbls. in s' n isk 1 " 141 4,l°orni•L eagli!lr_ an • mons, Ou, 1!! victims LuArr . An. other supply tattered at Se and 11118 k., ONt at. J. k P ' LIM bbis. larielNo. in Ai& don and formal. by • ' Jeiy ikkuat incur k 00. D BY rHatt) not§ iR stare Ind Ur ma. by ISAIAH. MINTY = bales in store and for sale IiATAR k OD. IDI - = ~~~~ ~ TI L IRrill Of 7,+tt RPECLAL XOTICEIL IWA COUGH, IX)L.14.011 LIU HMI TA'IED THROAT, if allowed to grovel, rerilte In mime Palmonery and Bronchial affectiom, 06 tentfman Incurable. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHIS tooth dined" the affected tarts, and Ore almost la. .tent relief. In BRONCHITIS,. ASTHMA, and CATARRH they are beneflciaL The good olleont resulting from the use of the Troches, and Mats es• tended me, ham caused them lobe cannterfelttet Be `tare to guard against worthMe kmDiatom. Obtain only the genuine Brown's Bronchial 2vochee, which have proved their ettloacy by a tat of many yam Pabllo Blandon and Binger, should um the Trod:we. Oflloers and Soldier, who the min. end are exposed .0 Fadden changes, should bit , them. Bold eintyihere, at 26 cents per bor.. I•26ilimdewT Tenor Copper fill and Prrrumag. KLake B ING WO ; PARK, APCIIRDY & CO„ anufecturen of HUNHING, BBASIY88• AND , BOLT 00PP721, MUD OOTPTN BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL OTTOMS, WALTER, SOLDTB; also Importer. ond salon fn METALS, PLATE, SHEET IRON, ' , 6a Oonstantly on hind, MIMS' MAO AND TOOLS. WA■asoael, No. liO First and 120 Second senate. Pilttebargh, Penn's. Oirtpectal orders of %roper out to any dashed dot tom mylinedowlyT OCT° Nervous Sufferers of Both IigIX.SEL—A. reverend gentlemen having been rs. stored to health in a few dap, after undergoing all the rune routine end irregular expensive modem o. trestment,wlthout sumo% considers It his mho re duty to communicate to his sfilloted fellow creatures the mess or MILL Hence, on the reostpt of so ad dressed envelope, he will send (tree) • oopy of the presaiption used. Direst - to Dr. JOHN DAO. HALL, 188 Talton streak Brooklyn, B. B. IMMIEM JOHN COCHRAN & BRO., • %dart:trent of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTb AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW S.IIIIITRIGI, WINDOW GUARDS, it., Nos. Si Second street mad 86 Third street, between Wood and Market. Have on hand • variety of new Patterns, hum and plain, Ratable for all purposes. Partrealar attention' paid to enclosing GT&TIO Lot Jobbing done at short notice. ah 9 OrP.STRONK UIL WORKS. Long, "Willer If CO. Worb id 'Margate:mg Station, AlLeghsny Railroad. OM& and Waretionse, No. SS Iffmourr STRITCP Pittsburgh.' Moonbeams of ILLUMINATING and LOBEL SATING CnkIIIION OtleS and BlitiSOLZ. Sir - No.l BEFIENS6II., viarrantod aoa-arylo• sirs, always on hand: oolinlgd WK. O. K. MILLIS. wrigniow Dora , 4M. EMIL ROBINSON, Icatu a MIL Tomo= Amt. ldsmainters, Wu:ammo Weans, Pittsburgh, PSan'a. Ornon, No. 21 NAM= Arum Manufacture all kinds of STEAM &EGLI= AND MILL MAOHINXItic CASTINGS, ILLILBOAD WORK, STEAM norms AND gIiNST IRON WORE. MMVOBBING AND DIPLIBING done ea short notice. tataihdly WPittaburgO Steel Works. . twig roms..—....soss Ill'actuatrai JONES, BOYD & CO., Manufacturer, of OAST STIIII4 oleo, BPBIBQ PLOW AND A. B. STILL, STILL SPRINGS AND ALLIS, comer of 800 ea rinrtotroois,Pfttoberski Pones. Dori J. arCOREVEILL & OARAIAGA MANUAADIBILICEB, SILVAN. AND BRAN PLAZAS& And Maunficturas of ADDLERT AND OARSIAGN No. 7 80. ()LAIR WTHENT,.and DIIQUESNII WAY, mar the. Maio, PITTSBURGH. PA I= jarBUBJER & BABIZEI, FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER . SAFE', BAHR VAULT 1110 H VAULT DOOR, AND STERL-LINED DURGLAR-PROO7 SAFI MANUFACTURERS. /foe. 129 nod 121 Thar' d Ova, botioson Wood 01114 t3milkdold atroda--21orth aid& ISITBAIM LOOKS always en hand. • coMIS IM — N. HOLMES at SONS, Dealers In FOR/UGH AND DOIIIB7IO BILLS ON °HANOI., CINETIFIOATIO OF DIMWIT, BANS NOTES AND spxone, No. PT Market street, Pitt.. burgh, Par ' OarOollerOono mode ' orl prinalpal clOto throngtont Abe trotted Stoma t. B. It 0. P. - Paper kIAigUYAOTIIIIIIEBB and dealers In BOOK, PRINT, OAT. I.IIITER AND ALL HINDS OP WHOP. PING PAULY/. Ilirlisve removed from No. ST Wood Moist to Ho. 33 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Ps. MrirOggil 011 THADII TON RAGS. um. MHNIIRY H. COLLINS, .For b AND 001111213810 N NIBONANT and ertee dealer to CHI. NUMMI, UNDO, FISH, and Produce generally, No. ZS Wood West Pittsburgh. Pa. ndl BOOBS. NEw PUBLICATIONS. Burin's Dietary of the Serperostoral. 2 vols. Sketches and Talee. B 7 He Miller. Mt roar of Christopher Bo rt& By Mrs. Cordon. Puts 10 Amulos. By 'Laborde's. Life in the Open Air. By Major Winthrop. Tale or Two Ottfee. fliesis , de eel. (sew voL) Two Pktorrer. By Maria Mclntosh. fictalko Campaigns of 1802$. Bineakee Bunker o 8 the Crimea. Vol. I. Yoe sale by KAI k SS Weed it. QOABOE .p VALUABLE BQOKB. Dlrendow of Parley. 9 rain Leland's' Deistical Writer'.9 rola. Dr. Porter's Lectors, on Hisollloa. Caudillo do Trento, In Ontia' and Latin. Hosea Trodden. Id m e. pu Madame of the Benuredkaa. Hanley. Rowe end DOW Works. 1 vol. L Yea lab. rale.,lB Core:Leolosen au Eadptanktoote& Tioybeiy. Hon's World. II role !a vo. es3l6 . J. L. lIIAD.n fourth Meet. LATIITUBLIOATIONS. • My Seat/nen hinds. By Birk. Mutely of the Selbrimation la the these arCalirla. Foosislie on the Boaedszy el another World. The Gpeft Ism Wiled Beatifnel. Winslow. Bean's Thirty Tears la the. U. O. &Inas. Les Beferabki. Milt and paper. Byes Sad Zoe. Beecher. The Stan sad the Lage!s. Werke la lllsiary, TheeLogr, Belfries, he., myl6 Jae. L. RBA% et Fourth stmt. STILL A ()HAMM I Another antral of OMIT'S ppm PRANCE CALF IQUASIVOIED BOOTS. littr*l sad pt • pall., at JAMB 808% N.. 1111 ILIJULZT OTEMIT EMI CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Cbnier fihto a.d Adana Einags, Al lglus', GEO. 4. zrzrzr, Proprietor I pAsium eons wets - ; PATINT Xllllol3Zl%** ;gi ftA . A . A. H. AN tilAbli respoottally 17. A. Informs the eillseis ofßitblettsho that he bag been anointed soles pot - bribe Gals at Ily• ere ewes ariOnsi 011111ENY • ANTI-0011011TE They ete teoommsaded b 7 tee laxisellboese In the alkh mess 'We axe - assn. Baum a Oa, lemma a 09 4 m oo s gui , C 0..& Ism Ors 71RAIT Qo Zoe, ?martin& Oa. • . • out etheie: WOOl. TWINIO, all . tin. 7 7- billi and pastas, In assaillass CU - - Hasp, 11ha and O ot to °Kam Walt to Cocoa and Watling' Sow aottaa - wsprilasi orn rimy Tabs sad SSA Lbw. I Zsd ords, Cloths' Laws, Beet Clads, as., oWags and Twine Warsaw.% I a. ULUVii. SI Made, Lass • New Task.- qu&li• 600. =i OM Mrl A DMI .IDATUIV 1111: 1. • A L , ta n di g impart7 Or tie i.t Gasp BUM wW be said at kb late midgets oft Dlsairoad la shi dh of pitfall/eh onaTtiIIIIIIDAY; Moly 10, Imo, so is eolook a. ma Bosooliold Parsitara. Bob sad Bolin:1m littobsa lltonslll, Bar Bisque"' Bag. atolls sib Twmae t ! ntleal rk.wes;ite.; isiotesa ' esoAocanillA.,Adaddirstev: "INDIA RUMBA 113Ltrililtilk—thips, IlavelOthilfrini. - Nliktualsd Pan,' 'WIND% shusAs* itioasJ mid iviaild mat artkire In the Ibusobt she lad Rubber Aye* Si aal Olair Amt. J. • 11. 141XLIMIL i ;~. rRAILROAD 00tr i rliat MBa— ivaled Itioporde WNI - ter readmit by_ Nor 1111 e. 'bony Paley kattroid 0 1, 11PSIMat ulau Paw street, In the OW 01 . rlibb=o - p. be.. on INITINDILT. 1.161, fair the srednation and Neeontyof Noottosa am a end nor theft toedoech about one Mile InNo. a rids wed No da been at the month a[ !mimeo Omsk. toot alto above the proud Witte= of the raid at Kittanning. These Sections Main& the hearleet *ark be' tiara Klltannths. and Nabontog. end is. wall: mettle the attentloa 'of experienced oentrectore. 771 monthly Payment e for the work to be 'made' In ask Is' sti The 'toe will be properly Mane. aof proffiter end' epedikattose pmpand ter extdbition be the Ist el Jane nett ; but should any dada* to tillallillo, the work protons to that mime. they can obtain ait the Intormation tutoommy to enable thaw to do so In a eallettatay suenstr, on spalla to F. Plum Mathew and B of the load, at *Noe he nab NBLIX S BSIINOT, ykktdw '• • -• • " President. rrICHTH EXTRAOTED WITHOUT a. PAIL—We take thlnmsthaa at httomthad our. friends Ind the_publio igensrelly that we ere now Mai l to IEXIBLOT TIM M ffOllT , NUM m meatlce of Dentistry. Than who bare been tostpmlng thle anthdreeded operation may how ley rate Mar hers and do at. tell. as the am- Mat we ben In me has been testod tn. big as NA lour mem, tally ate the lab and pond.. character of the oseretton. o Deaf or agenda& nor Chdrado Bottom med. - - All those MAUL the sada o f good end nabob Dentist urn do wen to allconsult with SAWS B.uae, D. D. a., No. 911 lath gavot ; er. as. O. Ma; Boma Ho. 47 liagaillaid at.. Pitlstrorsh. FI KR-WORKS, 11TR&ORACKER 8 , TOBPIDOZB, FLAGS, UNION LANTIRNB, CANNON, is Mi. J. W. HADMILD taring alien as the ordp Depot lit Malden Lane tor kW alibreted riaar EBBW= FIBIOVIOBSB. We &reprimand to eau them on the mtentavorable terms, tor telly bed GILD 0401. ORLOialla,and IDEPSDOMI, at the kneed market rates. Orders aoliotted and promptly attended to. 818 anßUSOalt a NORA Importers et Toys and lam Goode, e 5 Malden Lau, ocemer rd Vanua Street, otyldnim Nam lona I BAAO CRAIG a I=2l L.L.11611.12i 014 Lope nonstantly on hand urvi and moonid stook of Dzoarma BOAT AND B =O I 2 maim wisrow rasa& slum warren, smart s& mere, SPOUTING, Lentz PA. mum, ae. to o Ba rill ordon BAWLS MUT with nromptoon and at Adz nava, N. B. Persona wanting LOBO TIMM of POP. LAB, ore porlionbuly vited to andnino his . Mr Mos s on 012/10 In MOM% moo- RotA a n. anhihtt PEBBLB ttIPBOTAOLFS. R .—Notwltketiatteg the Werke of Woo =took nada!, who Nape to She :ewe of OF* RUSS= PEBBLE anCITAOLIIII - - Are elidA U day thewasmsS exasomfnWlr of a Spet k ; th OMe s k ad xminehßll• PiBBLI woe. t who by J. DIA3IOIID, Pradiasi 1414c0144 • of the Boadan Pebble (*Millay 1.10 ID 111111 Mersiati Pod Bat Mu. D. B. BULGIR., SAM Lb Illaaalactant bi may Irear:Slat• 17 12.• lq I ri" ITI2, )41: 110. 811TIMIIILD EITHIIIII' AI tdl..oetanat OR P/21111/Witati aunt/ rirc TUMID Irlloll7lllll ccontantly or bast r eiwe we win NH et the iewew pone ••ie lolikbwowtr (111,1111111 1 STONE/U.11i,- 1114.1113PAOTZI3N80 01 WIBS WOES.; HATO shams on band and make to ordos MON AND MANI BOIBBIS WINE CLOTH ; STIIIM, of al) kinds ; BIDDLIN, kir formdry ; HIATT WOEI YOB WINDOW, fm; BIRD 0.1038, TANTINTAL NISI WORN, ibrilovies. do. mortal c 4 WERIO for rola or ea eo TOI7IIIII linnet:" ent:l 6.. 160/1i..--....../Otla viaTresußan jam] BRICK lITALCITI7IIIIO , • . ' Kum GLOMLA CO., Illiannacturan of rum siii4 mum, ouumiums, he., sad &don In AND OBOOTBLZ CLAY. .. . iNrOASce, o. 11115 LIBII3I7,BTBIZY.Fdie UN Pinn's. B. B. Punfirnsgr Dowse, _Pittle!a , Pa. lir Orin, an rentsentattreatalsed. Aims V. N. 1111A)111•••••••...20i6IVIIIWW BROWN, MORROW 00., ifossz, elan Aim 14111A11111Mle PAISITZBN Gamin= ' 410 GLAZIELI, No. 91 17/11D-829911/19. It:M=l VIIMI-Of all kuula. J: 11001terg, median and hey, fa bbb. 6,166,04 Baltboan, enin; lak• Whlbe ß FM iald Horeb`, In bbb.*W lll l bop Was 0004 100 60 bbb. XL O. Mobro ,m • 60 60 I=4 , 116 a. . 60 b bb4 oxes pima Ohms; - Tarr& by Loir) masszirroa, .- .. mai , II mama WAGONS' AND CARTS FOR MLR. v • —1 ■lll. bap as baud sad sake to Onflar dl ILIA& s ot WAGON& CIANDS, DHAYA, ?DOM wingimassnows AND BTOINI THOM, _all made of Ma best materials and- far. nada Abo, tha 300110101 Whaelact HAT. RAIL I di* tarnish BTW. YOH HAT HARM Notes, awl ;Ow an IllarkarAnaus, to Dolt of lb. Paaltantlery, Allaapoty OW. - azAll n geraium. polo : JOB COLD. SODA WAWA, Drawn hos Paresista roantabis Am II delicious NB OBS &X and OAXI I3 . el 03 kindi huh el.r 7 ' l a' -L sum% No. II Diamond. £DKLsc,• p'&NBIONS, BOUNTY & BACK PAY. T. WALTER DA T. GUNIIILL GOVIRIMIKT. ws Tont or., id acice &aim catholic' aura. wukt...l serLDESBEr BONDS WANTED, ex • , A. ItoTlllll3'll 8A7111330 HOUSE. N0.11.421TTN 1=23 ialiCON, itCL". ... . . . . 0 LP 1000__. 00- Bl ot pouni.Bakeen ai .. do • do• SOO . do. do -iisoix ' . . SO tads. Lott% Panay lloor; • • - $5 de 3n Sop. do; . . • A arks Poloist; , • ) , • 10 loot Lard;'• , •. ' Dry ADZIOS . . . i '' • ' tlr/M o * 14E414 . , . mita . - • • ...f $t sod 1911adtkiiid otroot. 110=%** 0-1 4 °-°4 - 4° . „ • io Me. chola WINS . - - • 60 0 0 _ G040111!tr:Di , :t; ! i litaziaPsnaor =dill Übsilyitrislil• fiE p1i,0111.10 . 14.-60 b . ' r: ' ' '. lour ... • -,-• -11.1 il6 -41 10frikaliii; 1 ~ -, . --;? 150011isalmakey isatiill: i " 100Via.-TiOirr---- a: , -.-...-.:.. ' 34 lie r€o.l 0 0407 1014 4 ,- Jaserx.......!'iorail• c i 5 , 3,..1.- troitoltsitil*, ; i .1{ !- _. ... i- ~ -‘l24iadlilliosideinit.' wrnw - witioalgw- •- •-• Naskaivibi* F k SO do pebodoia Fops. 0. do; „ 10Obtdoyy•Ogiodoadoui• i • ••• 15 . do coOdolli powd'kood ono. 44g 110 •1110 A 001111, JoiSsomhodaadiorsoSi = -:; it Magog . 111,. , d0 , j air Lk.. do ,—PoirAlstettilir oad br sok - - . • 1. " /OAND JAVA; OURVIOI4 -- .I ; sirs - motiok bsrNM 10, Thrum% feersdainisi;: GG+- - • I.' ' 1 • NIL 1. 4 4 $ I ssssid bLtall! 3tiat. 411 /ma - mown ma Bettbliadwasp ; •••.`. • - Tzonizai . „,,,,,,, - ~_ 1 :Tr4 CU Tthe It ' ' ' ''"4 UM bigi. parallsekenikr i: _ -,,. ! Wisesa. IS ” " traiddla ; gildl=wo Ihr saldi betel *loam ea ls, soir. *sail TO Watissensil. • . MISIOEL P l4l q; ' Cit• PALE "L (lbso•atioro to Moor O. .Watt,) 1 i ' Merchtent..T4ilors, Lra now r e c l iT lW? kar t SUMO . STOCK... OF GOODS, ... t t , adapted toiled Alitttrnidt, i wlalel bu ton inset. il otl wlth f cl u ttztr a tt to ,vstril a tt i oPPabat.; . 1 , : b : ~.'.4 , =ti to bedlam sod atrial tottogritt to nea t ' oi th; , approval of all who way favor tut with a eel, . , _ ornwaur llNlzoino .., Yale to ardor la **best fawner and on tee/cunt team Basin flatbed great teeny US MUMS, Jar Stanfield and 'Llni Odlcett. al wail el 'of the NaTh Insz•Prtrold. enscats olden ill 1/911 line. Ilne Irlth a:madness and despatch. Movies a Tarp:daft selection if TURD 12111.131 GOODS sheep.= Lead. ,,. . • • MA. Pilia Jm. czars imams. iahE, . ~'COMMIOK • h GIBSON LEAD 1P SHEET BAR GEAR, Pig Lead, NINTH Tl 2 .14ET, Mamma gum ercustoi.,. =I ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER 'LORILLARD, Elm/ AND . TOI I / 4 :006 IlLikarAo2l3ll4B, 18 a 18 o.447iumskeraszr, tronsuntr 431Chathem,shessi, Now York.) Would eon the attention o! deilsii tO the articles of his msaufsetaxe, its: • • • - BROWN FINDIFY.- Macaboy, liappso,Gosnr ..Rappee, Anunitan OMlnman, Danfgros, Pere Vixenln, !Annulments, YIELLOW 1115114 X., • .11ontab c :y Toni lkibtalt; Irish. High Toad of /allaffept, iDevilcoteb,ftesk-licney Boot* Mar %.I:tentlan is -aillint - to - tbn %it:eduction In prkes of TiniZat Chewllngp4,glo g Tobetcon, mid& will be VIM oriluperfor qunllty. TOBA000; =iMilk:§ll=Ml Irma A.. L.. or:plain ; °oven. illaW or Sweet; Brost Beintiell Orono= ; Tin foil Carandia. _ - Booszio=4. lieo, tipazian, c.auter, 'Turkish. N. B.—A *Bollix of ptioto wltl 'be sent an 40- IariUMBEES MATRLIEtLtha OHABLES 111:11LIXIN, IMPOIIIIII Alf Ri110019.41 No: '690 cgligiraqz.a...naradpki. Constantly In store, a lariptastortlnest of Copper, Illne.lfron and Oalrardsed Iron Bath Tribe . WDftaaed Marbled Plug Badnas • White and Marbled or Nue Closet Haab... Maly Wats:rinsed', bomplets. Water Corti of every,disorlytlon. --- Tomput. Pains, do. . Irate. flinlead 'lren and anainelled Portal?). Wash Stand,. -Thrtßad Drain PIS. Wulf., Branches and Traps. Phusibers' Bean and-Plated Work, of every de ortottoti. Lied Trays and Hadds. Pine and Cider Bydiant Poets, Hydrant Hods, Plumbe d Haike, marble Mahe, Rub b er Hose, 410.. as low is any home In the PITUBOMON, 1.4 --...862. 0 A. R., 1 1" S . • larptporlaii of. oar etOcat-birtheireau bought peeetone to IN sada of advances, and pow repletush ed, Oustept tits lugost, adTince of the semen) with tits wren dm•gss : . 13A3Prre.OIL OLOn111,1UU!Wol!--911ADZ6,' ilmiratto csiptttittity offeittlic: Ipurattrtni at moderato nits, totiatetpb• blew. - 'daftly Er=l MADISON STARCH 1:Q11141,01% wiAeviligmd r. 44P2!.* toe ; Rittfburgh .I}4 wars 11.&D/80NlitialAni tiorKFAN Y. ===l73 And constantly on hand a emly of thou . Lela straws. ifflltda •111 be mold In cinantltis lsadass past ndsosalga tarsus. =1 . fi'LBS. WHOLE 21OPPlig:; 1 7 V 3.5. bite Ida 2222 Jail CO5OOl hat chaste ants sad 11212.12Ve50; "Is nee N o . ".• •• b 22 6 - 21 2221 2 1“, eolresand Puh.d Sugar,. 022/, ti. 20 Mx 61211 f 612.12pi:1, 2 a 3 kLeckeiel; 80 doßit 6 peoporea Ooffei- " ' 20 bozos 42110111211/10111;111111,6*Pp '2obbl..' H. 0: Nolaig; 20 de 12011122 Bpi2p; 10 do Labrador Ilertlogu. , .100.2earced sad 16,221617 LL9D2411 k.TNLTOBD, a . ' 187 Liberty G W. OHITROIiIf, No. . 32 bomb 'tons itrest, dlivait for. lotto mane ECM I " It mnstaMl S *51,11. K thlt limed stsidt , t pone mf~4h is pvtlastiety'sdiptsiL Abs:auking o gas iiibe it rut w. =who m: 80. Tb • sicamist; ' .1152011 door B. tIOI:L;; = M AU 1: : :[aElA19911. . : INZY ALL CUOMO OV GOVIOLVIOR Fußnartus. Praline &Osiers! ComFdasioalker;haul, Igailaai BROM* ♦eo du"' L W kb& et Mini RAMOS. • „ a. am. WO/4MM otaWIR,-; il a litaidbituisnr - saediiiit" i".lwr?"FlYlm..,.pimirm% PA -1 ji a amgrgi a r.24o46 ,l ankaiirielkg IS, VSILISKNAV ' VELIAN • T TlOfritlam ap • , L L. L • Wit 6 4 111 4 101 Beign ViatilabotWthiWN W9RINGWO OAKLANAMUNIIIii: rTntr: elitadtpaid kek luta. 4116:114) 1i0U014 , 1 - e " _9, l loni I • .-1ircb,,,Aba61,44514&44.5i:iari.1 :maims - lIXZLI. 111 manias's& sinstl- 911IIGAR 142 150.000 - 16 s. =dull pi Ladd% etsobsaili 1 1 . 0 01 11 L' - do Asti XhizeN 100.0f0llminsahkni7 • r_ .. - / 04b12.21tilaaraldi mini ... 6 z_rl=4 ..'. 000 X. iliTil ; 41, 61 ! • . - - ,- -- , ,= • ,110,11111iiitt1111.1&01,0•. rr ~"' " :'4 1 44 - " WOW VW: 15. 4:l ? ". P#k* N" Rek.--.400 bbl ,resorted 5.7= , - .‘7:ll'crolinuto. bblictiedir liar -, 44 Tres,Prirmiiiporminue lervalest, L. IL IroTOT e 11 - 711 1 .• 1 wad tor oh bx ill Kithi otnreii S snd dealers ill Bleak lin, Patent Shot, rfINGINWATI. 0. 17 . 13 . WCALlant, NOWITR ersszvt4 •.• 81:601dAEXII ass Lrasirry srgrn. 180D.41„ I==i 1!L I== 011,11MLIA I