The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, June 13, 1863, Image 1

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40ittshilfgh 6azittq.
13. RIDDLE Bs 00,
,ratifttittoll Mee No. 84 Fifth Street.
FRIDAY - 310f1511 , 10--JUNE 13, 1868
Munn= Zimos, by math yew yost--18 00 .
/a •
month... TO
.41 1111 wook
0 [lngle • IL
Imii Znmos. by wall, per year._... 4 50.
AA It month.; 58.
" Nevi...-. 10.
erzsect lterrioe, 'bee wider. Per Year— 2 00 .
. w o clubs of 6to 10, o .. 1 50.
o elute of 10 or more ~ 1 46.
—and 054 extra to the party sending club. rot a
dab at !Men, we will send the Immo; Canna
daily. rex it club of twenty, we will send the
Yoatruia'@lot'adaL l T , &nee copies, 6 haute.
ottecelptiens strictly es edema, and papers
slyer stopped when the tine expires. ' .
Democratic Nominations in Ohio.
By a prirote dispateb received by General
G. W. Cul,. this morning, we learn that
bummer L. Varsianron*r was nominated
for Doventor -of Ohio, by the Democratic
State Convention which assembled le' Calm=
btu, yesterday, on the first ballot, with great
unanimlky. Cisozaz B. Plain was nominated
for Lieutenant Governor.
The Rebels of the Barth, who harrleog
C:been the masters of the so-ailed Dernommy
of those Northern - 8tate5,..144 *beady pre
seribid Wiat-the-Copperbead assemblage at
Columba were to do--and of coarse they
have done it. There was no dbnbt on any
man's mind, /1110111 the rebel papers laid down
the programme for them, of the lotion of the
Columbus Convention,--rind the only inter
est of Gni alum announcement, therefore,
amounts but to this—that. the
FP l 4liodla 4 t.e ettlitedays preceding yes
- 'today, did on Met day become an *room
plWted fast. We bare net jet -heard what
kind of tthing the platform adopted:is ; but
It matters little ; for VALLANDIGHAII is a plat,
form himself.
- - -
The Great Cavalry Fight at Bever
ley's ForniAlfiLßrandy Station--A
Detailed Acoutit. c
Kr. 1 .. b.: Oman, correspondent 'of, the
• N. Y. Bass, was en eye-witness of the late
latiortint cavalry light and reconnoissance at
Beverley', Ford and Brandy Station, and from
his very Interesting account we give such per:
don as, with liar' Wirt dispatches •of yester
day, will complete , the - view of thi whole ex
pedition and Its results. It will be perceived,
dislike introductory observations of this cor
respondent show that the meaning of the
crossing of the Rappahannock beicrw.Freder
leksbarg, in connection with the movement
above, has been understood and credited to
the. Booker's skill in cheek-meting Lee, is
we briefly stated tho feet yesterday;
-' ix Blivelo AT Bear:or, Ya
..oaatiaa-asa-Aasxasttau RAILIIOAD,
• Tuesday 'livening, Jeer 9,186 3.
The bold reconidissance across tie Rappa
hannock on Friday- last, below Fredericks
burg, which '''. rightly thought would startle
Die indifferent public, had more than one ob
joet. 101,1130.0 Pa was to discover the exact
whereabouts of the rebel army, which was ao
etaisplishialeatauday morning. Its Second ob
ject. was to rnmain - wherelit was as a diversion,
whlleiri hastily gathered together i force to
foil ofiani if., prudent, to attack this threat
ening MU
,ef cavalry opposite our, extreme
Ges.Dooker 001201111104 i the whole plan very
'' gulehlr, and caused its execution to U begun
with that rapidity, and: seem, for which he
is noted,. ..
Saturday Seining the oomposition of the
force was determined upon, and all thearvalry
• that Gadd hit Made Immediately available:was
detailed for the work, wader commanfl of Gen.
• Pleliaates4 (Sea; Stoneman having; been re
, listredasesisted by Sens. Buford end Gregg,
- and Col. - Dale, se subordinate comtaaadere.
. la addition, two small brigades of picked In
' Easits-A 'under , Gen. Alan, of the Bieienth
Carps, anstGett. Burnell; of the Sixth Corps,
were detailed to accompany the expedition.
A detail of artillery was made in the, propor
tion of one battery to each briga de , the horse)
--Abatiiegrwiticti - oot g ltiotarge of
71 044.1itobertion, Oleg: of , . artillery on eon.
_'• 'Zh.fntentrp Aeon isloote3 A:Weep& par
• ,:ticCiiilratblinithial, Thowegissents4ere small,
• ' ireLineyelialis-iteilf for lnstance as
the 0•00D4 Third :sr Siiiiith - Wisconsin,
' Eleeondind , dillailattlitmetts, Sixth
alallia, l- 11 . ' l -41.14 iiied Onellundred and
Twenty-faith ' Nlemalerhiand one: or two
ethers of - Ititi-etwer - •-•••- • i
The fops, triniAirifitpletel,'.dld not ,;by sev
eral tbowad ; reportid number of
thiimushfrolisitaksr , fxr. Almon thousand, 1
• but then- eadarmiatelry was ' vozmizied we
seat all that ceibllbtsParediand. as fe u in
fantry ,1M i Witierianithe - Sequel ‘provld that,
s iell,r_asAaltireould - fleased toed- ,
_ ~"1111AtogeZbilAdAutilblii was a strong sup
, position that thederctret_ the oneds t had been
• • :Bisr. ll Fleattantiott's'::iittrittieltiletroused
- ' ilabigßottirkl.., itnit BlutaAtat: Catlett's Sta
tion oini.,WurenteriAllootioa. l setting stip
plies' of fesimaanst iondttrom Am*• places, by
the Otatigist,OrAllatflOtta Rißroid. Osumi
stateelti*fltif:Dolitit4titr4ll;aveniug to
the 11 1 )0 0 1 5 : 4rAti.; , l l Tilt 0 , lionder to near
Beeleseit•ollattolle-,Aineral •Roteselt's brigade
moved on flundayitelfiettwont Zie , Chareh, and
on llooday..lWlFolleit , rird,:„. plan wee
tillitie d'• thialerosoluts
, on the
- ' ufAii- la,, , !lOW' ' :•.:tbebr hitt, the two
•' • Nat • ntirtiantrAgn MOO the col
' itin: . *** 4 l:tartidi;i4ilPeniors 010 I roods
isionorgtog sitlie oily Illation, where a Juno
.. Ohm if the atm Oran to be ftwiMiiikor sooner
. ' • -03,liendayetaniaLthitelbreOteli. Buford's
• snianawitihWarNitten AMOsits,ten4followed
• iry A mid MO TeokkonihlyMaairid ler
' ' ley ti ' 11..go;)$:._,MlniartnoSoi on,
.'..''. mite . - MAY ON•si;.,:flaibiSmo Mk
. •-•:, intihisiewinradlALVlsne's commend, moved
.1 1 1k - WMII Ese..
Asi#l9 l ;tll t mpd
Ir,alk , aTnfllDfla-Cor
•,,,.; ..4_Whia , milaernillsi
*WO eghinaid,44' ayigibint Witch 'i
W -Witt! ff "tit, tlistniNthose Ottuiything
~..t hidleitiolivf,•inr, pm
..'45-111..Atelif fisO tiniaioe iii OW:maids et
iktil'AVflirtailAtliillblui• at ii&011111L4.f the
_Wie,dailight. -,;.; • v :
- „...,-4411,1-Beford's omnisand was in
1 -.-- natithit:7lgiiWorDivli' brigade, led tij two
sqltefironifitikallih-Nowionk,and support
•`•:4l4 P.T-thlo lithiPlinOit Olvi-14 lediahs, had
'" the :abeam The morning wasVcool and
- , :. 1 - 1- !Pleasanam lider - nast , lutagrocrer the river,
outArianson . eitber side were rather indlo
', 1 ' • tualit. ,l ChWitiiiiitlit 'noiri% - aeutt - the"rinr,
- . ap thisbanis i ontd wart well
', 411 V 41- -- . tidoMlAs relish in their'
- se
,-- . :ware .towettOblatholujipresenco.
:., .. -- 7 . • .
411 4 - 4llitelp
,;:, _
oottheyfoCese ki for
timberosittokifie'lleritt one
fourth of a ailkiii-lbeir , noti. r l ollylcavaliy
•. foUswed _
_repliftisa-lif WOOdi thel.first
- 4 "l l =44 . orred, in witiobtrolost one
~'''t,c1:;.:4:166-,airelV3r,•iliorin,4lMir ii ,' file ilitetrillig litbi ligr-451141111 "KOVoni d - '
;:.. - wit. -• • - 411 . .#4 1 41.4e ''T
.., - tilialtlal OSo6l . l4W.thill'lPhi t
- .4 lll Willt id ' • . 11 . 1_ last -Tail, a nd
7, •,' ~ '.i4 , ~..1- - ~.,,, SapplUll4lll**ln•
a- - ' • - __..._.._ ..I.ilditZ: 411111inated,
~ • 3t. - . . ' _woranowesy. -.44,- , oicirailsh,
_ rz .., -,, _,___ . .-.' 44 White•. th areloeg enough Orr•
"-...,,,5w00.0wei - raeol,to..gtinlsc brigade, litil - bidilli
' - ' 4141141 410H - Witt-iiiicetteellai. a the
! -- ,,', 1 •0 1 1f1.,,,__ - "`Bils , fla litairktaineirernr..ll*ldni in
":!11°.1 1 1 1 1,1, rikUuly speedily 'fell la, and in a
• •
I'~ Y: ~1
.__... ._..~_+. ilea lt.-.1. .. ~w!_S ...
very short time two or three squadrons same
charging darn the road and through thellos
ber. Hurling their force upon the Bth New
York, they broke it and Wood it &ma, and
killed and wounded quite a number. Col.
Davis, who was gallantly laningthe advance,
turned to rally them, and waving hie sword
to the Sib Illinois, shouted, "Come on boys,"
when a rebel rode out in front of him, and
fired throe shots from his pistol It him, timbal
one taking ant in his forehead, andindicting
a mortal wound. Quick as thou h% Lint.
Parsons, sating A. A. General to Col. Davis,
was at ie side of the-rebel, and raising,in his
stirrups, with one wall-directed, blew of his
sabre, he laid his head open midway, between
eyes and chin, and the wretch fell•desd in the
dust at his horse's feet. Parsons is but a
youth; his adversary was a ..strong, athletic
mao, ;14 the former, though young in years
and. slight stature, nobly avenged his com
mander's fall.
Thesletaile widish follow An: hir. Crounse's
letter ate not in any materialtiespect different
or fuller than those we have already pub
lished. We give the concluding paragraphs
of the letter, however, as they seem important
in the way of oorreetiug some of the impres
sions made on some by certain portions of
those Ant collected reports :
The fact that the enemy were now failing
beck upon strong infantry supports, and we
being already numerically interior to thsm
induotd Gen. Plagu:this to ooneult with his
subordinates, and it having been left dicare
allaLty with the former to advance or return,
It was finally deemed prudent to return, and
at four o'clock our fames began falling beck.
The enemy was notineltned so "pick a fight"
on the returni mediaeval some alight skirmish
ing, we were not molested. Bnford's division
fell ilia to Beverley Foil, and Grades
div -
ion tb Taikehaiinook.Bord,.• mile and a half
below: W. brought _ off _ all2._our dead and
wanadad, and alio, gone. of the enemy's,
while many of thelatbr--wepeetW remaining
on the deld when hcritired.. .
:By dark our forme were'►ll over the river,
and the wounded nfj,tuford's division all
loaded in the oars andicarthi way to Wash
ington. The toes hi lit division Is sabout
one hundred and eighty, and in Gregg's about
the same. The rebel ;ailerons report their
lose as heavier than ever before, aad express
admiration of the gallantry' of our . cavalry.
The total nnmber of prisoners taken I. about
two hundred and twenty-Ave, and we lost
about fifty.
Though oar fortemainok large enough to
thoroughly defeat the rebels,,yeet they re
ceived a sound thrashing, and it :will result
in postponing tOeir "Vend raids" into the
North for some Ulla, if not indefinitely ; for,
beside chastising them, we , have gained tall
information of their strength, oheracter and
designs. Witness the following letter cap
tured on the battle-1161d, which I have copied
from the original ierbatim:
Coirerrin Count Haar., Juno 8. IIN. f
Data Bunn..: We hires made another change of
base. We left Dayton one week ego to-day, and af
ter See days of marching, we encamped atkhie place.
We hare had two grand reviews of pre teiga4w ep.
=wary, aberai 12,000 fa winker: tinder Gen. Steen.
The fast took place Ore Saturday, when we was in
epected by Stuart; aid I have fat now returned
from the second, when we Mere' inspected by I.lmite
Gen. Robert E. Lee, In person. U. was a fine looking
man, but very gray halted. We me now M a bat
tery cambering oboe' ridden pi:cis, endo tomiaand of
Major Sockliam. Lange:reef& &Tidos p: mat in Cl 4
Saturday. The Wise artillery eras along. You can
look out for some small fighting treore a. meek. We
are now about two miles from the itappatiamtock, at
Drreriera Ford. • I expect, from the- preparations
that are being made, that see ors going lo oaks agreal
raid toward It. Potomao, es mow ae the valtew is aseared
You Molt excuse the shortneits of this letter, ea I
have Dist returned from the ream, and I feel hired
from riding so muck Direct your-letter to Chero's
SaJut7. Jones? cavalry brigade. ,
Please write immediately, as Panay team in a ea.
Your affectionate brother,
J. M. D.
I leave the:name' blankfor the sake of the
writer. This confirms all tke information we
provietuly tuid. - Fitzhugh , Lee, W. P. Lee,
G. W. Jones, Babinec* of North ‘ ,Carolina,
and Field of Virginia, commanded. the bid
odes. In the latter's brigade 4 all the
niountedlnfantry they hadreported at eight
hundred men.
An artist aras found from' General Stuart,
dated Jan* 6th, ordering the ooramando to be
held in reading's td more at fifteen minute,'
A Captain, who was Ukkerl prisoner, said
they were ander orders (0 move on Wednesday
'naming at daylight. They moved II day sooner.
and backward at that.
The prompt minuet In - sal& these plans of
the enemy hays been baffled willelleit the ad
miration dower, aim '.AdatOpper, it epeeist
hare hien Soo late.-TheL>pW► ere-now known,
and we can prows erMordiligly. ~Pelinsylvan
ia and Maryland will awake to:the import..
once of the oomaion and make all needful
preparations to maim this horde-of raiders.
They will probablj oily defer, not abandon,
their (Magus and molt a body of cavalry ones
loom in a dafanislass fitate s thoy an take the
- whole °fit. - But Gun. Hooker hoe uamaikad
them and given time for preparation. Abort',
he will be fully ready himself to take them
thoroughly In hand.
From Vicksburg.
A letter in the Bt. Louis Democrat, by
person who left Vicksburg on the 511., dis
cusses at length the situation at Vicksburg
sad theprekable :unite Of the siege. The
writer "says that he Is satisfied, afters careful
study of the condition of affairs, that the
eventual Loll of the place is sure. An escaped
officer states that the rebels' stores cannot last
mere than three weeks or a month. Provi
sions, especially fresh meat, are scarce. The
shortness of theft ammunition is proved by
the rarity with which task reply to our fire
with muskets, and their still greater Iteonomy
of shells. All Grant can ask t to be let clone.
The line of fortifiestions is very strong, and
constructed after the. most approved princi
ples of engineering. - -
It describes a rig sag course—to illustrate
by a rade lff•r s : ilk. that of is worm fence.
The sides of the retreating angle are simply
strong rite pits, but they completely enfilade
each • other, besides affording a flanking Are
from the heavy guns which man the fortifies-
These buttons stud:Weapon of every'
salient angle, which is naturally the weak
point, and are of the most o:reliable deserip
don. One In as:denied of great use, and op
posits McPherson, called Pert Vicksburg, is
In please epparently,:;from fifteen to twenty
feet bigh,`end hearty' petpendknier. • The
cannon which man them are of heavy caber,
but not es 111111M01111 es the river batteries.
Thi strength of the redoubts lies hi their
internal coastrnotion." l The - Forlorn Mopes of
the 224 amertalited,lo „their cost, that after
running the Arauttlet of - murderous trolleys
from rifle pits, and eotually soiling the rebel
earthworks, they were still a long way from
victory. Instead of being =atone of an ap
parently deserted fort,,they found_ themselves
exposit to in %fire -frets rifle pit., which run
ning from front to rear, Our acrow
nprmtroopeentswi er nt`the re
doubt, and_ ber Ms ging the enemy from
the whole interior they were shot down from
an ambuscade behind another line of ilfle7
pits, which, Instead of thermal curtain, forms
the rear of the fort. ^ More than one of these
introits:dad works were actually scaled, but the
interior, so far from being an asylum for the
asiallanti, proved to be a chamber, to which
the open ground outside, swept as it was by
constant volleys, eras preferable.
The writer does not have much apprehension
of any steeessful movement on the part of
Johnston, as, the rear defenses of our army
rendered Its position hardly less strong teas
that of; Vicksburg itself, 'Om troops are in
k/inched along a crest of hills and strong er•
Uncial defenses have been thrown i up. Any
attempt of thmgarriebn to nut our lines would
be imprsettealrie. .;
TheMyorted arrestofp Genera Ife(llernend
b proneeneediin the Molt letters from Vicki ,
burg; Isienderninl esuardM .
. ,
YON - ARNSTRecturromi, - AND
Inuits In the moot idiot Winded MIMI
HAVANA CIGARS, and all kinds of ANONING
NINADOELUIDI:, NiTtlait do, Aa r ., Ie Feed
Plitabotgh, Pa.
N. D.—The Twit supped on Mend terms.
U.. cow. rich 4 Oorsar of Litooty lad rush
lamb. Moe opo • urriprirWilDNMAlLT 404 IL?.
D11144,1r. Amami.
h y'.rt.
Passed at the TAird &aim of the Thirty
seventh °vivre**.
[Pontsc—No. 62.]
AST ACT to provide ways and means for the
eupport of the Government.
Be it enacted by the Renate and Rouse of
Representatives of the United States o/ Amer
Ira m Congress assetabled, That the Secre
tary of the 'resoling be and he is hereby
authorised to borrow from time to time, on
the credit of the United States, a sum not
exceeding three hundred million of dollars
for the current fiscal year, and six hundred
millions for the next fiscal year, and to is
sue therefor coupon or registered bonds,
payable at the pleasure of the Government
after ouch periods as may be fixed by the
Secretary, not lees than ten nor mere than
forty years from date, in coin, and of such
denominations not lees than fifty dollars
as he may deem expedient, bearing inter
est at a rate not exceeding six per canto=
per annum, payable on bonds not exceed
ing one hundred dollars, annually, and, on
all other bonds semi-annually, in coin;
and he may in his discretion dispose of much
bonds at any time, upon such terms as he
may deem most advisable, for lawful mon
ey of the United States, or -for any of the
certificates of indebtedness or deposit that
may at any time be unpaid, or for any of
the treasury notes heretofore issued or
which may be issued under the provisions
of this act. And all bonds and treasury
notes or United States notes issued under
the provision-of this act shall be exempt
from taxation by or under State municipal
authority: Provided, That there shall be
outstanding of bonds, treasury notes, and
United States notes, at any time, issued
under the provisions of this act, no greater
amount altogether than the corn of nine hun
dred millions of dollars.
Sec. 2. And be it' further enacted, That
the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is
hereby authorized to issue, on the credit of
the United States, four hundred millions of
dollars in treasury notes, payable at the
pleasure of the United Staten, or at such
time or times not exceeding three years
from date as may be found most beneficial
to the public interest, and bearing interest
at a rate not exceeding sir per oeutum per
annum, payable at periods expressed on
the face of said treasury notes; and the
interest on the said treasury notes and on
certificates of indebtedness and deposit
hereafter Muted shall be paid in lawful
money. The treasury notes thus issued
be of such denomination as the ,Secretary
may direct, not less thin ten dollars, and
may be disposed of on the best terms that
can be obtained, or may be paid to any
creditor of the United States willing to re
ceive the same at par. And said treasury
notes may be made-a legal tender to the
same extent as United States notes, for
their face value excluding intermit; or they
may be made exchangable under regula
tions prescribed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, by the holder there'll at the
Treasury in the edgy of Washington, or at
the office of any assistant treaalrer or be.
posittu7 designated for that purpose, kir
Waited States notes equal in amount to the
treasury acute Offered for exchange, togeth
er with interest accrued and-'-due thereon
at the date of Interest payment next prece
ding such exchange. And In limn of any
amount Of said treasury notes thus exchan
ged, or redeemed, or paid at maturity, the
Secretary may issue an equal amount of
other treasury notes; and the
so exchanged, redeemed, or paid, shall be
cancelled and destroyed as the Secretary
may direct. In order to secure certain and
prompt exchanges of United of States
notes for treasury notes when required as
above provided, the Secretary: shell have
power to issue United States notes to the
amount of one hundred and fiftrmilllone
of dollars, which may be used if necessa
ry for • such exchanges • but no part of the
Unitmlfitates notes authorized by this sec
tion shall be Mimed-for or applied to any
other purposes than said exchanges • and
whenever any amount shall have been so
Waned and applied, the same shell be re
placed as soon as practicable from the sale
of treasury notes for United SEWS notes.
Soo. 8. And be it further exacted, That
the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is
hereby authorized, if required by the exi
gencies of the public service, for the pay
ment of the army and navy, and other
creditors of the Government, to issue on the
credit of the United States the tam of one
hundred and fifty millions of dollars of
United States notes, Including the amount
of such notes heretofore authorized by the
joint resolution approved January ,seven
teen, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, in
'such form as he may deem expedienCnot
bearing interest, payable to bearer, end of
such lienotninationz, not lest than tine -dol
lar, as he may prescribe, which; notes so
issued shall be lawful money and a legal
tender in payment of all debts, public and
private within the United States, , except
for duties on imports and Interest an the
puhile debt; and any of the said notes,
when returned to the Treasury, may be
reissued from time to time as the exigen
cies of the public service may "require.
And in lieu of any of said notes, or any
other United Slates notes, returned' te the
Treasury, and cancelled or destroyed, there
may be issued equal amounts of the United
States notes such as are authorized by, this
act. And Bo much of the act to authorize
_ _
the issue of the United States note" and
for other purposes,. approved Februiry
terenty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty
two, and of the act to authorize an ilddi
tinned issue of United States natal, and
for other purposes, app r o ved July eleven,
eightpen hundred and„ itp two, reiitriota
the negotiation of bonds to market value,
is - hereby repealed. And the holdera of
United States notes, issued under and by
virtue of said cola, Asa present the same.
fer the purpose of exchanging the same
for bonds, as therein provided, on pr 14...
fore the first day of July, eighteen hundred
mid sixty-three, and thereafter the right on
to exchange the same shall COW 11114
Bea. 4. And be it further enacted; That
in lieu of postage and revenue 'stamps
for fractional currency, .nd of fractional
notes commonly called postage currency,
issued or to lm issued, the Secretasylif the
Tsiasurf---marissue trim:4l6nel notes of
like amounts in such form as he may jieem
expedient, and may provide for the saps
-Ting, preparation, and issue thereof in the
Treasury-Department building. And all
such notes issued shaUle exchangable by
The Assistant Treasurers and deskitated
depositaries for United States notes, in
sums act Ibet than three dollars, and Shall
be receivable for postage and .revenue
stamps, and also in payment of any dues
to the United States less than live- dollars,
except duties on imports, and shall be re
deemed on presentation at the Treasury of
the United States in such sums and under
such regulations as the Secretary of ithe
Treasury shill prescribe iiimidei4 That
the whole amount of fractional currency
issued, including 'postage and revenue
stamps issuedvis currency, shallnot *mimed'
'fifty millions of dollazi.
Beo. 6. And be it fitrilisr enacted, That
the Secretary of the Trea sury is hereby- au
thorized to receive deposits of gold Coin
and bullion with the Treasurer or any
Assistant TreasurerAt.ttm United Matey
in BUMS not less thitOltent7 dollars, and
to issue mmtilleates, Merge ,in.donoudna
tionrof notleis thin twenty dollars °soh,
corresponding with the dismatiatfoos of
the United States Shaman and
bullion &palled for or • repreiontlag
.h`~~~::.r._ ~...
certificates of deposit shall be retained in
the Treasury for-the payment of the same
on demand. And certificates representing
coin in the Treasury may be issued in pay
ment of interest on the public debt, which
certificates, together with those issued for
coin and bullion deposited, shall not at
any time exceed twenty per centum beyond
the amount of coin and bullion in the Trees
ury; and the certificates for coin and bul
lion in the Treasury shall be received at
par in payment for ditties on imports.
Section 6. And be it farther enacted, That
the coupon or - registered bonds, treasury
notes, and United States notes authorized
by this act shall be in such form as the
Secretary of the Treasury may direct, and
shall-have printed upon them such state
ments showing the amount of accrued or
accruing interest, the Character of the notes
and the penalties or punishment for alter
inter counterfeiting them es the Secretary
of the Treasury may prescribe, and shall
bear the written or engraved signatures.of
the Treasurer of the Vatted States and the
Register of the Treaeu'ry, and also, as evi
dence of lawful issue; the imprint of the
oopy or the seal of the Treasury Depart
ment, which imprineithill be made, nader
,the direction of the Secretary, after the
said notes or bonds shall be received from
the engravers and before they are leaned ;
or the said notes and bends shall be sign
ed by the Treasurer of; the United States,
or for the Treasurer by such persons as.
may be specially appointed by the Secrete
ry of the Treasury for that purpose, and
shall be countersigned by the Register of
the Treasury, or for the Register by such
persons as the Secretary of the Treasury
may specially appoint fur that purpose.
And all the provisions of the act entitled
"An act to authorize the issue of treasury
notes," approved the twenty-third day of
December, eighteen hundred and fifty-sev
en, so far as they can be applied to this act
and not inconsistent therewith, are hereby
revived and re-enacted.
Section 7. And be it farther enacted, That
all banks, associations, corporations, or in
dividuals, issuing notes or bills for circula
tion as currency, shall be subject to and
pay a duty of one per centum each half
year from and after April first, eighteen
hundred and' sixty-threeopon the average
amount of circulation of, notes or bills as.
currency leaned beyond the amount herein
after named—that is to say, banks 111/3800i
aliens, corporations, or individuals having
a Quite' of not over. one hundred thousand
dollars, ninety per contain thereof; over
one hundred thousand and not over two
hundred thousand dollen, eighty per 'con
tum thereof; over two hundred thousand
and not over three hundred thousand dol
lars, seventy per centum thereof; over
three hundred thousand and not over five
hundred thousand dollars, sixty per centum
thereof; over five hundred thousand and
net over one million of duller's, fifty per
cent= thereof; over one million and net
over one million and a half of dollars, for
ty per centum thereof; over one million
and a hall, and not over two millions of
dollars, thirty per 'septum thereof; over two
millions of dollars, twenty-five per centum
thereof. In the case of banks with branch
es, the duty herein provided for shall be
imposed upon the circulation of the notes
or bills of such branches severally, and
not upon the aggregate circulation of all ;
and the amount of capital o' esoh branch
'then be considered to be the amount allot
ted te or used by such branch; and all
such banks, associellens, corporations, and
individials shall also be subject to and
pay a duty of one halt of one per centum
each half year from and attar April first,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, upon the
average amount of notes or bills not other
wise Iterein taxed and outstanding as cur
rency during the six months next preced
ing the return hereinafter provided for;
and the rates of tax or duty imposed on
the circulation of associations which may
be organized under the act "to provide a
Bethnal currency, secured by a pledge of
United States stocks, and to provide for
the circulation and redemption thereof,"
approved February twenty-fifth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-three, shall be the same .
as that hereby imposed on the circulation
and deposits of all banks, associations,
corporations, or individuals, but shall be
assessed and collected as required by said
act; all banke, associations, or corporations
and individuals leaning or relenting notes
or bills for circulation as currency after
April first, eighteen hundred and sixty
three, in sums representing any frictional
part of a dollar, shall be subject to and pay
a duty of five per centum each half year
thereafter upon the amount of such frac
tional notes or bills so Issued. And all
banks, associations, or corporations, and
individuals receiving deposits or money
subject to payment on check or drift, ex
cept, W i
ings nstitution'', shall be subject
to a duty of one-eight of one per cent. each
half year from and after April first, eigh
teen hundred aid sixty-three, uponthe av
erage amount of such depoldts beyond the
average amount of their circulating notes
or bills lawfully issued and outstanding as
currency. And s list or return shall be
made and rendered within thirty days af
ter the first day of October, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-three, and each six months
thereafter, to the Commissioner of ' Inter
nal Revenue, which shall contain i true
and faithful account of the amount of du
ties accrued, or which should accent, on
the full amount of the fractional note calm
, laden and on the average amount ',of all
'other Olioulation and of ail each deposits
for thrsix monthly next preceding. And
thcee shall be annexed to every such list
ler return ei. deobirstion . under oath ' or at
fireplace, to be.ptide in form and '
as shall be prescribed by the Co mm
-1 er of Interind ' Reirenuo,
of the predident,
or some other Proper officer of said bank,
association, corporation, or Ludi4iduell,
riWpectively, that the same contains a true
and faithful account of the duties Which
've accrued or which should attorney and
not accounted for;, and for ariy default in the - delivery of. such list or return* with
such declaration annexed, the bank, Ismail
alien, corporation, or inilividnal meting
snob default, shall forfeit, as' a penalty, the
sum of Ave hundred dollars , And ' such
bank, sisootation, corporation, or individu
al shall; upon rendering the list or *turn
as aforesaid pay to the Commissioner of
-Internal Revenuelhe amount of thelilies
due on 11110 h list or return, and in d fault
thereof *hall forfeit, as a penalty, th sum
of tive'hundred dollars ; and in case o neg
lect or refusal to make such list or return.
as aforesaid,' or to pay the duties as store
said, for the space of thirty daYs after the
time when said list should have been made
or rendered,: or when said dates shall
have become drte 'and payable, the hennas- .
went and collection shall be made accord
lag to the general provisions prescribed in
an ac t en titled "An Oct to provide internal
revenue to support the Government aid to
31 f r i ere si oi the public debt," approved
Jne, uly
knun dred aldslxtyiwo.
Section 8. AO bi it further excreta,
m int i n c adet' to prevent and pun eh cbun
terfeiting and frandulesthalterations of the
bondeOtoteklind" fractional ourrenoy itu•
ii - erised to be, Wiled by this act, all, the
provision of tha sixth and seventh motions
of the act entitleduAn act to authorisd the
litstia'Of -limited States 'notes, anti fork the
redemption Or fending thereof, aid i f or
hauling vle 'floating debt of the United
st a t eN o oppeoltelertnuy twenty-fifth,
eightem hitlndr ed - 1114 sixty - 41'6,761mA sir
fltrfliappllciible;ourre apply to the bonds , notes
and fareetiPal nuy hereby:. Angk o r,
in g- t oi t i n ii i mansierlel if ' , the
said sixth and seventh sections were here
bl adettedteidulammtlPp*t this
said sixth and seventh sections shall ex
tend and apply to all persons who shall im
hate, counterfeit, make, or sell any paper
such as that used, or provided to be used,
for the fractional notes prepared or to be
prepared, in the Treasury Department
building, and to all officials of the Treas
ury Department engaged in engraving and
preparing the bonds, notes, and fractional
currency hereby authorized to be issued,
and to all official and unofficial persons in
any manner employed under the provis
ions of this act. And the sum. of six hun
dred thousand dollars is hereby appropri
ated, out of any money:ft' the treasury not
otherwise appropriated, to enable the 13eo
retary of the Treasury to carry this act
' •
into effect..
Approved, March 3, 1863.
ADM/MT .01111101 Len 01111/IL •
WAWA:v.4m. Apra 88, 1863.
Tt orianboltion of •ft farad Corp la hereby
"•, . .
Shia limp ettaLlownabit ogOompaulm,and If Rebell
hareaftei bekhooght beet. of SatteliOna.
TIM Ompenite shall be made up [tem the Wm-
Ing manes. s
Pink Ry faking flame enlace andealletad am of
oommaade now in the Bald (whether actuaY Prefiefit
or tensporailly abeent,) who, from wowndi revolved-
In action or atomise contracted In the line of duly,
are unfit, for field service, but ere still capable it of
tfettire garrison duty, or snob other light doty as
may be required of an Invalid Ootps. Regimental
lit chill at once mats out, from informs.
Lion received from their Biblical ant. Comry
nee, and from theft own knowledge, rolls. imocedlni
is the gotta fart hied) of the names of the 01.
ceraerld• initlitetl Men under their commode who
fa= the following ocmditfons,
1. That they are unfit for active fled service on
account of Wounds or disease contracted In the line
of duty; this fact being certified by a MatilaskOgiosr,
In the eervlbe, agar peraonal ammlnatioh. •
9 That they ore ft for Didion duty ; this fact
*Mg Mewl., certified by the 'Medical Ofilaw, as
oboe., after pawned estaminetlon. •
3. That they ate, in the opinion of their Oesa.
clawing °Moen, meritorious and &wits&
Them roll. shall be certified by the Ilramining
Surgeon and Regimental Commander, and trannnit
led, through in. regular chain:Ms of military mere
aceadenoe, to Ike Floral Matshal General of the
United Mateo
The Regimental Commander shell enter in the out.
omo of notoolice, opposite each "moor', name on the
roll, • stmetbeill •• to the general chammter of the
°Moir for Intel licence, Industry, subtlety and Mien
bon to duty ; and all intermediate Commanders shall
ander.. thereon such facto as they may Omen In the
tam, or ft they hare none, they shell state bow I.e
they aro .1111.0 to endorse the opinion of the caber
or Meows making the recommendation. itmlLr
rolls shall be fo,n•rdad from time to time; whenever
the number of men Inlfilling the conditions aumfmr-
Med or the exigeoci wof the service may minder it
fiergrad. By +king those °Ague sod enlisted men
Mill in service and borne on the tolls, bat who are
abernt from duty, In Hospital. or (-baseman:it
Oampa, or, at otherwbe under the control of Hedicel
Officers. in ificee mass the Medical Oillcer In at.
tendeum abet] Prepare the 'rolls actordbig to Vorm,
entering the 01211 e• of °Metre and men nom the
mime regiment oh a roll by themselves, and send
them, with the certificate of the Bnroon, duly sign
ed, to the proper liniments] Commander. who will
forward them, as heretofore
I spec! fed subject to dm
same conettlone and r.qulrelnente. f. in nay caws,
the itegleisotal Cotnotaneer than think au officer
mat, to pmesf.l character, to malaria in the Per
eine of th. Iroral id Corp., though dbabisd and °crab
ted by the ur,,em, he will mute his objection in the
ode= of remarks, and note the exception MATS
dinind thecertitleste ' If any olllorrot,enltetedhasa
now le lb..tvice, but absent and biped the reach
o. a Medical C• In 'thugs of • Hapltal or Genie
lement thump, desires to enter thl. Carps, be will
tate, the mum, indicated below for those who bare
been honorably dloe,arged the cenioe.
Tfu d. Of accepting the and entioted man
ha bees bora h.:0010 4y dfacharire4 n booouot of
ota.ds ,r•dlarameoentraztvi In the :tut •of duty;oad
woo dense to former the eervice. In the case of an.
epolicatioe for ape , Garnett moat be made to'
the l'rov.e: eivhal General or the United ethos
through the officer detailed se Acting Assiatent Pro
ne Marshal tiroero of the Bute. So application
of this land alit be col:Weaned mina the iolloWing
couditioth are completely fulfilled)
I. That the appintht produce the cortilicate of the
&moon of thl i ktuard of Ithrolimerit for the district
In welch he re aeo n that is want for rialto field
duty axon t of wound's or diessafs, mod L not lia
ble to draft. bi It St for gerriven May.
Si - That he lah 'video ce of honorable dl
on account of .undo or disability contracted=
bee of duty.
3 Thar be produce moommendations from the Bev .
gimental, Brigade and Division Oommanders ander
whom he formerly "reed, that be to Worthy of being .
thus provided for and capable of "turning adequiste
somber, to the Government. In cape It than he It..
practicable to get tide last evidence. he may, having
waist:shed the first two points elm" antis* . the
Dowd of ithrtillment that he to deserving and pee.
sent Its certificate of the 'fact. I his nvidthc• Med:
be obtained bylbeinpliCent, and Most be trans,
crated with hie application ilbr appointment.
If there he no Acting /insistent Yrovest Kahl
General for-the litate, the et/Patton anir tie fore
warded ihrimg,ll the Adjutant General 01 the that*,
who is deviled to modern, thereon such forte in Uwe
atilltary of the applicant el he sap knot, er
et are.afferded oy Ida fecOnle, and forward tba Mae
to the Protest It Melia General of the United Mateo.
Enlisted men, honorably died:weed oa account of
of diethility, dedririg to re allot In tide Oorph wN
prescut thalami,. to the Board of Iturellnnntlar
the entreat in which they reside, for examinationby
the burgeon' thereof, who shell remise them and
retort the result to the Board of Braoliment. • •
The Board 'shall then consider each case, and If *be
applithut le found' to !tali the coadltione menthol
below, tin Board shall give him a certificate to that
1. 1 hat be is vault for lassie* in the held.
SL That h. W et for garrison duty.
b. Thar he is meritorietry and deearelag.
t. That Le was honorably - diacharged from Oa
rrior. -
he Puma Marshal fir the District rain:them
mnd to. application, with this certificate' a the .
Board, to the Acting tundstaut Provoot Kaaba
Ban ral of the Date, who sualiwrocure tech albinos
of service and charata math, records of the Clomps.
ny to which he belonged, on ins at tho'lleadonarten
of the eta., may show, and if sallifal thSt U is •
meritorious caw, uni.that Itot min IS derailing, he
will enlist him In accordance with scab spatial robs
on the Proi•mt Maras' Otneralit'ay araolish.
Utdlnl Inspeeton, Burgeons incharge of Llospt•
tat Unitary Oommanders, and all °than bah%
authority to discharge, under ea sting laws and Ill*
Wombat, ore forbidden to grant clocharge• tO any
trairmidor their COntrin who maybe nt for aryiee la
the Invalid
Th. arovoTtrohal General ti chiliad with the
aeratiob of this order, and the troops orgainsod on.
dar it will be under the control of h 4 Bureau.
By orda of the Secretary of Wer.
Biamai . BPRINGB. _
Ikte poptdar rummer retort will be opened for tbi •
aceeermecelaioa of 'lettere en the torn- Of JUNI.
II LEW and , will be kept opens:Ulf let of October.
Ike Hotel will be seder the Oargriof experienced
marmots, and emir, arnuigemeat her been made to
glee entire satiefection tO mreste, - " -
The Iledfoi :Railroad will be completed Ma kw
dope to Meant Dailmjitation, six and one half lulled"
mat of Belford, and from that, point pleestriprre *lll -
be conveyed to the Springs in Int rime backs sod:.
s tare rs , ..
sreple 1 arratgements ham. been made to . ripply
deale aid I dielduals with Bedford Water; . Isi
etendard Maks, at the following rates, at the Springer.
tar halt barrel, (intiber,)llo.galloes ....—;.IIT 00:
barrel, foot,) 40 g 0ti5...—..„:....—....«...3 Csk
sf halfl, (eels) 11l galfone....— . o .—: ' - '4' 00;
All 'Aso
Ii dreassd to Z. L. SIiDZILBO/4 Bed.
ford, prom pt y Mk], and water sent to any put of
the meetly It desirable that parting/a. dim
Dona ehoold gives kr marking barrels
Persaniwiihing roomer any informative ommerm%
leg the. Brains", will _pleats address, sfTsisl pap.
PuisTois Of BEVIIIRD BPI/111010
my:At:Sad • .
10111111:3•1116*. ~ BMA/.
Twra, ABBY - ILIA (successor. teWai. -
Tete, Jr. L No. ' ) PBAORIOIL P LUMBHI/4, -
HAS AND Antall lITTABS, No.ll97;tabege
flttaborgb, and No 89 federal street. 'An
havenn bandana will furnish LIAD PIPB;b
BBAUKHT So All work warranted to Ora 1114.110
faction. sofa:lra
28,00 BSA hilt 1 4 '1.1 MAIM
for 'sleet the •
rsonanon ORAL am) Luiz TAIU
Miami Axiom, Ausassar thrs
p.." Brom 07 YOOlll, tot be& nod prase:Tin
the complexion and skin. It Is also Inesludge Ito
,emoting ill kinds of humors. tans. frsolLesi stn
burnorna, d other cutssisorsi &waves boat thorslol6 ,
!or sak as 010. L. 0NW131.41. DBuo .
1201111, corner Ohio - and 1701177110700 ti. . SOS '
1.1 slain glistAtil Mums, Muslim, Chunbilas
tars, Mara Boasttlt art 4 it alas primate Ilkl• Lro
For We it 010. A. EirAre 011:8TRAL DEIJO
STOBII. dor. ottl., and leant it. 1,1
NSW -11StiVUDItlio , new Toil*,
seees, .remides:ilak 014_ lielr. tau see
— Tookitanisties, Ha* Destbee Ontbrand toilet attl•
oleo: eltircuty detrlptidni tea /also% edi. , precurtd at
a o.A.IJAL LIMOMITHAL DUG 1310“, oar.
Ohl* and Iretleral stmts. • Jos s
ha.. rLlfty AIeIVISALISAIS!Lb.
Maw ao. Pplltilklaglool • •
. Lawn Roar Bariolr, tOni,
OS Warm 11% would soil tor cream
. WACO OM Whits Ooh, ant - - •
On Isnd sad lor oniony • - H. AMOLIIi
qll 710.1111Liborty‘otrool.
A N - ORDINANCE 'granting eartain
privilege to the Pittsburgh and dilealTine
Railroad Oompsuy.
Seca. Bel ordained and mooted by tie Mayer, Al
denies, and ch ef
imes .Pettebersh, 801st sad Clow
_ rem (beseils gambled, sad it i, hereby marred ty-Ose
aseaterita 4I mu, That- fell pooer and authority
be and the sass Is hereby Own to "he Pittsburgh
and Btrabraville Railroad Company," their snorer.
sore aid osatgas, to lay data, oottetrnet and use
doubli eetiroad tracks an Try street, lasing a width
of roadwsy Drumm ist Monogr, from their bridge
now being oemtructedmer theMonanphela river, la
the StarnkliVardisf thsOlty of Pittsburgh, the amble
line amid tracks lob beaded upon the centre the
'or said street to a point Whom let north of the
northattlinaif Breoldbridgestresty theme curving
to the w, side of
_Try street by a three dices cum
Air at Of one hundred and foripone lest to a
poist lbelserianneth ice to. southern line of Pint
street,' end twenty-live lost seat of the waterer tins
of Try streak- theme by • tangent north twenty
three demme Met, idutalibbet -tea point nineteen
fat north of -the eart hen ilne of Rent Anne, and
twenty bet met of tht ensternline of Try strut;
thenoworwring to the mat bye three degree cave
one hundred and lortpowe bat ton paint PROW MIL
south of the senthern line of thwondstreet, and lF
ban bet east of the western line of Toetreat; eras
by tiniest Perdbri thilikilite !woe Triarreaa a.
digitate of itnielinadrie and three bin bra point
mentaloon fest math of the eetitheehi Rpm allow*
Emit; thence earring to. the met* a fair degree ,
carve, with a width of roadway of twentproar Met
to waste property, and own and along said print*
property to-and under Pena loaves amatiew, mad'
Atm thence by a tunnel to • south of Ileventh
street, and from thrice to r ander said street at a
point bailee Shelower line of Fountain street and
Omni street, andirons thence along and on prhate
property to and rustler Wiridngton street, - and from
thence over private property to anirwer Ma street,.
to the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
on the grim* tying south of Liberty etreripPere
sided,. however, that the grades Beesath and
Washington streets shall not be alb ite& from their
grades. ea. now established ; Provided, Arthur, .2 hat
sold Railroad Company shall not makeup trains Or
shift eare or loOomothes on thatmett of Mir road
between the Monongahela bridge end lourth street,
mid tracks to be madly four lest ten Inches In
what is known ite4 bur bet ten, boat
gaup% from the Mmongehela river to dermal, steest;'
traidid, also,-That therconstraridon If said tunnel
and nib oed track shall nob brierfera with the glide
of Penneylvenli means, as may be heriefteleetab•
Robed by Counalin and, Provided; bather; TWA,
nothing !mein sontained shall Le sot aoSittilLd wl
granting any richt or privilege which calaidni
not legally
Sot. I. That the
. right le hereby given :to .sald
Railroad - - ire* ant .soeirkien,
Compaah theti_e7gge,l
under the supervision of the , q Regulates, to =tor ,
In and upon the streets, over, along, ammo end se
der which the said tracks are to be hidesnd the
some to dig down, alter and chasm in ouch meaner
ao may be nocesany, In order, to complete therm
atrucUon of said trade,. and -Irate Hui mime tuna ,
eardrums with' the cadge hereinafterkstablished;
Resided;That • the said Railroad Company. shall
protect, by proper and stedichnt barriors, all exca
vations . and embankments. at the. dlifaiont starts
named, end abell give bonds. with sons des to be ap•
proved by Councils, to indemnity the cit i gi t =all
elating for damage teurdtlng from the of
add flathead Company,ita employees an workman,
In Mb constriction od their said reed. sa hereto
authorized; and that Said Railroad CoMpany
at their own aspens., **attract prow and enhaan
fiat bridsta ever. slam and scrag any times aver
which, moog or across which their tracks may play
no as to afford fall and ;lapis provision for treason&
travel au tag the canstrnotton of the work—
azo. 3. that the grades of the following 'stasis bee
establithed air follow, town,:
Grade of troderal earl, Ow of Tar target. Irtnaltacowd
anal to Folowfroata dogma,. • • -;
. Commencing a the northern curb tine of Second
great, r lee et eta tenths per hundred feet to northern
curb Hue of Fourth street; thence by a utiffolin
cowling grade to the southent curb Ilea of Patinsyl
Grads of Third greet.
.oaattoenting st the wit curb of Try street, as.
atedlog at kw_ feat aattorte tech per ttatultel, far
ea' hundred sad etity-ftre feet to the end of the
yeiteat:pareakent. • " -
grads elywaistrist. r
Commencing at the west curb of Try Meet, level
fn. twelve fort- therm rine 'et Lill hundzedihe het
per hummed, to and tithe prima pavement.
That the width of the pavement on-the wastSeli•
of Try we 5, Voss B reel • midge street, tq sioarik.
Imam, rhdr is five feet, and the parembent ou the
cured. of Try inns; tom Errekrarld i to.strest to
fourth atm*, !Mall be alibi Let.
• Cm -- .4...That naiad Pitt:Matt and Btenbanvlll•
liellond Creamy, bane ads oscliesoce shall take
eff-ot, shall gin satire seetrity to the Valor, alder.
meandoithenrof Patabiersh, to to Wed win the
Controller, for, the as of soh .penois gnome as
ma r itolfer !dad egad Or cooteckneatial up nat to
, - by teams of the lbeation cod:con
stnitot.g.:er:dnft ragand tent Wei shill be 'labor
bed by this ardinance „..• ! , : ..,.. ....,. , ' __
ISto. V. lhe pie gellstad to:spiny *MU Pa to
the City of Pittibargh Sian= or one thcamad dol.
sari =tuft fortes pridienteligetegreated.
SIM 0. That !sad Geeepidy WO ibiltrbet • goal
end sullldent V li, areineaatfgwtahaearthen curb
line or lrearth etteet;oorthn.i.... . huh et
Tiy. . arid S. may te Beta led 'Uhl tracks, mid
doog the weasel_ die or- lt - latedarear. ger.
entb - dreet to y. Waddington: stnet.:aud 141111:l'ailki
- walls ail bi ischstrinted _an hoe riling tor the
.saretrof the public piedzyg ger and alma Waigner,,
the matte - tendoed to the apinwig piths Street
' Oransilttos; and the .time to, be kip* !alginates(
& , c2 Saar hi tag:genii erg the. Bahl
bier • .
their trade shall pass wider the leale. gaol and an.
etantlal bridged of. Iron or steneorith, si n rag.
ings,.end eathfsetorfto the Mat Criminate), and'
the sane to:kap
good rash
- for the
convenience of the pubile tend ht the:xogisnatea
amid Macke aadbrAseithe odd Onsputypriallpre.
tact the irm and water, yipsein • snort usamer sneaks le
render then at al
After mond .
the removal and re-kcal= of the eamaiholl hien.
der the direction of the Oltilinpalator and thrill. 1
and Water Cemented of Oanitatil- thisenie to be
downs the imam of. thilealditeilroad Oonipsoy;
end ideasl the expense of said -liallioad thooperty_ .
keep * watchman at *echidna ger whkh per ma
as. with •their tracks, when duty' It shall lie: to
.its ijotlce of Abe ipproath of traineg internalise
L y Ow Walden of • esit.lndeylight and limp at
nl. ht. the pad sau j os amp... Tow, os ...
own ant; tespin Impanel - good repair tree mut to
curb that pardon d dor ellnetrwlrkh may be trair.
weed by thelejrackkend also all unship hf !nada
when said tracks mil . be hld, i : ,
- d.tti. T." That iiiild Oinapini Mail pey all: the ex.
pone oecesioned bi the /molting, ninny and nub.
ion of so such of ad thinned@ senate their grades
totothohot Oftt i oldittnere 1 and' MU aim
suitable means; - latory to the Street Clot=
for caning .00fthe water: honinsesige saw; ... d
a bird: and. fourth, snag between - .llan and Try
streets; and feint Tel West between fourth Ind fea
ond sneak, lad.bakidso grade;
. 14TOlind . , filth Try
dent, from fecand street Switzer/hauls genus, at
their owns:spasm. whbliasighinin maths gig the
pang gnus °Manion , . .. .. 1
:...Ste. S. • That eidd Omaha 111411' net iiamilisir
we . or. ladenoting from lb. endof their' bridge at
the Itonongelteby liter to fourth entitle* is greater
rate of 'speed think= mike r er hollf, MI any do.
laden of any of the provide:la of Able ordinance by
std i:knopsnyti orinagentit ofenahyr is, shall sal).
JO leld - , Uwoliottl_toli IPtiellal et fifty.: dollen ter.
- each' ding; te be re:4mnd by action of debt, ea
ethic oat t edi hind hamdie to lobe the Mesmer -
sod the otherbalf to the etty: , • '. ~ • • i c.., ~
SM. b. Any. other Ntellroe• Oalninnyharin d its W
inton, in the" bur or Pittsbargbahall hare the tight;
with thentimitt - of the - •7 glint had aterobteined,
te*OPlleck.illitalle , tmolishisebtentherised to be "
lebb end to. nut the ease gm Ageocrel withal! i.- .
poses, neon oath relionableierete 41111 COVIGODI ia
maybe agog Mon Veal Tlttattigh ell Ji ten ,
e i es.
al% Mailroad .oeropma aig rid co mp enten aed is
. 01 1 sold Potties otital:thieffilstenttee Mil;
nitration or arradgeh cut tfores,,theseme aloha.
legend to two Mad digninaeleg
to be ch • Pittabh mil_liten, , ,
W thimpeniti eild.t ty the Anneoed le
connecting as - aferolialj.anitinrasesaid shalt
hill to agree within twentWitter their ' t.,
mderi i,
sent, se umpire Ilbandan tothael When Is
bompointed bylhe .onrt Gasman Pb.. Of .
Mentannity; if then - idasilon, or by anyone gibs
J.d was to eneatimy aitlibirdechion. of said nhasee,
anti Wheal and conclithely Minting Opoit inspiy.
:other sad if titbit forth OM testageelletepois toy
other poly to raving this usliceor ta til
. O L'K.
she lenity den Olt tang no . PPOil. sad ; ,
Qoart:or Common Pistol, OW WPtakettleat "aza4l6 'ball
..nt eteriM who M eintlimi the
- MA mortis=
retsitang therm otoWtt,dipa Olfhiliel . , giltliMet
rim to. The meld ligtroad ehelleianit*
that badge me the Igo muit . load
sod enbetentle . Utorwahlyi paliimii lehrftntl to ;
w mhontatode nit eoteentberiniNUd ebellahign keep
Obsess. itt poi ocouPploo.nietotreefessestepr foot
paean& al Bed that ead hallrmA Onesigyi dual
broth Pigaigsellaff 7rafifillitallo a ipmeebers
Wenn the. lionclegelielihridge enCtlifemiturof
the =knelt nedr,Stgag2 hllaill,Williltijabklo Anil
be a "War slopping Plallan it Abt.11,5.1111004UP
.ilmt MlNism t. I alLiedinaoii:betittitiiii .to
enable the : spottorcoaritsir. law thsh :
it s
rilireiel time& ihe pity be nad,The ousetste .i
, dm, MINA il thetieldliilliiinkolptir shall
accept tbo.t4len lb& coadttibriatitilde ortne•no•,.,
they shalf, - within ma hays after the date Olin '
thenitic libilietre office of the Om - cd.
t i lt7ty of Plttibirsclee , relototioriertlie of
lillrictern of geld Coe 'May ettintedis no.
watering thing. ell the-psi of
t .
,sitiC Ordiziale•' and thelniebten'tti lel dna
s a as
deulennence ottani ; and tory MM. to
with atee tw opel and etliklatlons *added
fot gl inot - end 4,..14,0me thhi
•Ininceigcle thin a eldipmegetit• ,
elotli W Ms.o Bad taken IN Mid= if the ly.
Mies herby WIWI/ tO AllgAtiftliMatabir .
L_:111w: 4ii• ioriSoiii iris'
.acin ut
,344 41 - sad t4; llll: lL iiiliddi jx. :Tatkiiiii ,..,
,- *.
, h... J
undo& and Wedeond , be: reeedred.iadAel pi; fn
i good end faiggmt cider. shseltagendy With the
Wadi' 0 1 *dr said knob (IV, rob
oldatrstt thodvider
Ordained sad : sr lido - .a.for iti Coonelle, this
.1 -
1" , - - -•- - 2 / 1 1303 liontr
isa.c -
-' PnddmtdßsMOPOo.aWl ';
4;6 :6 r.asiaci . :.. ...tonit . It,,ilitthdlifi , .
. at
'itioiiii iiiiii iirmammewma ,olist,..
Wert et WOWS
VOLUMELX.,7M,7,7TNO. 181
astrx - a "x4clirJrza.
WElBni,ta & WILSON'S
nutinarr. parapm, OIRCRILLE BOOR
imptrinatin larcerpotr,
Tko only Machlas In th• World twins . Gnus Gnaw
hums,' Sinn= min Oonanny oink Improvocl
War, cos ts ref pudica, thvitad to all at oar
Wan and ma tM 114ablar la operation.
roc Moshior aurramaid threi gain.
he a Create
Prmairitaz;—)7o. 97 YIP= writyrr
otkoviNAti—plers °mat BUILDIIIe
• -; Tamp LE.
W. liTrzuits a ocvs.
noun= mow! sq 11114 i
Parauy Steering • Jaadaissea.
eadergo., as. 51111.diteth 'bog. Ptttaburgk
*.caitiaaxi 601 &tam to twenty WWI
oheapro than any otheimmichlns In the city. They
win 41) kinds of wart. and are warranted lby
three pate. They anreo alma. .that any child II
yeeeeetd manes th.Yl W tarildths. Constantly on
110441 Wan edllewhallitnektne Timer!, Ileartai
RttlyOottoa, /14.?! . 792 , WitatlEgtialkyrkee.
, :7/C.lmm/4 Ariat:
111.09:AMEiliti:r •
r .1.4C ; z 1.;
Alt Beim 11114aillidnOUsesai Wok walnat
- ' • —4250 Oo
tootariakdoirliiir raorwado road cor-
A raZo ani r t
.14.44, we." pridnim"";.• laudica
- 751 00
0. No i r Eitodart.icennmat, Dined panels
alum, Goa ai rioirocd, a
APPlihallOZollll4 IGO OD
941001 Ciaigadas..rosirood, wand ors. -
lettrOXonot, Dula it 00., r00m0wL...... 155 CO
•11.4.94:1000 , Attoilart, tothopay.—...—.—.—. So Oo
peptft, • " 75 oo
otram. " eo no
0 9 1 441 131 4 00 1 i • " 50 00
ritotototwoo. . - " •to oo
40 5 3i00t40 , ." w oo
Ottooo r ..!. . 16 co
Joriiootty• 400. A. S. XZLLOL
tveavw m. man OLIFII MI
MEDAL, at Wiar.a's Fug, L0nd0n,1669.
ilerWarreniel repartee to all 6446 in every re
gift, • new Mock of the iterre.jast arriving.
R Bola Agency ler this Illeirlat bathe Bide wer
Pianos at H.. ILLIIIIIIB s BiU)'S.,
1fe.14 Tint Arne&
undasa on
wnoLiumi os
NT a
ara s
isd L Mtmt. Mod . t•
pia 111 !oath stw& *-114".8alaa -
lea k °:"
ipATENM: 00p. B,'
*tikridge's Patent
Tara Moak' ors Wanda(' lbs taa
'Sat llarusOrbloth Mating Wparts al
.ttarAulu_ssonsily,Aosa aot tapas tato
IL D. preastioA" •
last GlipWatax
• &Ivry. vseisty sae phi of the 'bpi, itc": do Ott blind
and timtials
11.118 T -QV/6U
doers, ILI sad Patagoa, of all ssta. Werrsated
sgol To: ap Ingested or ilahufsotiteed In this
WssepassisA4.lo 161 riser
eadixlsadyiSlODlD Pittsburgh.
. _
rarmnar, une.tistia• PARIS
• /MUG: !'' 77..11°."0"Matc
Av -maul; , Matt
• minciassonenritot I.l= , ;;strost. ' - •
• • • ' r 'AHD /MAT.
.11/Fdpit GRATIS,
110 Webb, Bell-
Ins um • • •,.• • Ilis , ;trantr.sad an.
thins •
• Dog, Donn;eltdatinaz
• • 54.3n...6...
yid . • Joltt g in.
11taltio . •• , to • . fanontod
Intlt MOM or Sam Ppions: • 414..4.1
tto49.Akatut arson nftsisi.''Allldaitsfifsakes
AND =ON 000Y2 aura toobtord. 4J* SIAM
QUITI2i9B,ot all at the slimiest mike.
_4(t ItA.ILIELIWO; No. lit
-WOOD 11112121%*0-looprouiptly ms
1110 - 11bo lotanbso et In* Am nologgpastkot on.
isattrynan' Intpirtonot tholt W.. 1%
Itillinentiti4 out Ingibction tartinytospent.
cE:LIGGETT* 00;;' 01 ry'Fgotnints
• Kay acme Lllolly sail fir Pittg•
Ationwrrkgra 0•4 Chia
us inns mum; milvit.
, -
' • chrillictiqula M4iiigeiP.Ay_aga4 •
WaLUM - -e.5 0 7 2
ind PAWNS for.lifidcruse==
Moen.,_ -1114 01 11911adilitia,st Wm' MO 0111 111 .-•
matialrisssiAmpaarni Am*, tbi,
1... 40
ditt t 'frogs rowiligliestri -
immune& salsa a:map It oNal. • •,-11001,10
1 6 =seannia salopplkApsent use=
A.Z.4=6,161= n 0i ,
ape Odhallie of WIN DirdaVillsala.
With Tahuibb toptintiointa
alined panels
MIX ADD, WOOD 011/11811
JAB. iv. wootrivELL,
YOH ChiPB, 001.61511 16Lo Vita,
ISCORD & 00.1,
Kan ' l Pl Cr . t ßni 2
x:tizaixr a co.,
100 00