MQBimie, iiAr w. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. _ ~ ] g. Trn YstUnUy’* Kreninj; G**»tte. I Wonii4 la Waataiaftam HmiiUli* vOt)Tt« {•UMUfltet itknou ito MMi.'.ol aaarlj all ti» aoMlnri, jtr«B tba aalgibirhaod ~ot Htt.bai-iS.lknt.nif »•» la tin hoapitaU •’-•W Waaklactoa.' It !»• P"**** 1 for ,1 P«nn« j Iwanla Kalkf At xwlatfsi, aad fniaUb , adtatkaJKi/aia.- -| • . man * it******. • u llftty X*«to—Jowphj k*ppW . fli aSn/BirM, irO W.ftewr.Al fcrpia Data. ItJtWb r 1« John D. Ihoaipa ~ l*gftlMllj — igr<^Qr P oir ** ■***" w. BdUkdMT, *;«. 0; Bosuui S. i lMtb 'i<*taßtta?E ... TOJ **i»*4t—A. J. Shaw, X; Jo*. Hillman, D; W. w ‘*4’.lrth«rt; tX . [ ■ —!-UW Eoflm—t-TC. wj. Hlcbol* A. lajpm— t John boro, 0. < Tbei uact IAK -pottaiti tndor treotmeatJa ibb bospU , > i ,• :: : l • •• j •:» I fttt fc*iiii«t-J«taj>b L Kin*, L; J. 1L Prtco, X; > * 'J«M» liwUoo j ,I; ttriiUu fMiv,!. wfiMi —figaal >J>c»>6n Bon*, X. O, Bmltb, 1{ hk , ftnßjnial. •••! i.i r tSd O. ! «d lafißMatxJazaw Bar e, BL ' ! fSd afli&eat—Q«a mW. Fi iferald, K; David A. - • DOTfe, K; MVA» Xanhio, G; William Brawdy, D. l..* J ; W OOLCTBXA. -! - iflfit Xiflmfent—Jndooo Craighead, V. - j 1061 i B*KUaaat—o. P.,lmter, A, ; ! IBs BegtSMßt—B. F. McGowan, T. . ~ "Pmh Dwlmimr I) TWitnr T i il MSdißegmeni—JohnFlnniitj, D; XAeuL X. M. =• 7«n»,iH* • •' . UKbUtfTW~a W. foolk,o. v - i Bebbaakir. Shield* L;J. X.Sample, I; ~ A. F. Coleman, H; txrgt, 8. Xw.Spencer, A; T.D. Irwin.* u | ,tim>|ltt*nt»H*Biy lLB o;H.Tmnto,D. ' UMh Betltaent—Jet. Pitcairn, V; Henry J. Cop ier. B; BUte Staple, Zh J. k. Ollbook, Bj J. Brows, lrj. &. Beaker, A; 8. 8.1 Hclntyr*, B. f : - SSd'Brgtaent—Xd. Parley, ▲. ltttd BMlment—Lawrence McGrath, F; W. 0. Otrlta, G; Frank Martin, 1. | 196th FnglTnrmt Timjh Boletnger, E. . ! «H BKtaißMwwll. BrawiuCo. Oj John.?. I tJ*«, k* Oorp’l W. P. Earner, K, 8. a Dium, I. : J. V Dns, K; J. Packer, L . i 133d—8. M'Mui! L v . i IQMfi flfjt. J.B. B«too,B; j;Q.Byady»«, _ _,i . Uth lwimi 8 Brook*, A; Hanr? Tonne, G;H. A.' ' • j • snouET. 13tth—J.^tb&ncnuui T«c«t V; B. 0. BttbMf, X; J. Pitoi K. : M .4, •• • roiCUZT. .'tolßojidaonl BirpOnt P. Told, B; W. F.Chal * UmTB; Bodoiph Xlokol, 0; 0; W.Uppomeott, D; Tkio*. Urlor, ?. . i< nmuts ixd icuraTOK. , .o*l Bottom—£• Bhnlts, B. , CM Bogfoo&t—'W» X'Oolb, B; V. Wonnl, X* ; 1034 B*fk»«nl—J. J BojdfG. a ‘ nouauu. i • —C.?d.'o-- 4 i, K; Lleot. 1.0. Bin* | &■«% 44 •> to} Late Lieutenant A. C»: Lindsay. -• • ■ '-H*x»quaxt**c Oe. F, I*6t» Bio.F* V.) Onup In field; nest Fiuhugfc Hospitsl, | JUyllth, 1863.) Feed, That in a lift characterised as bis was by a dally walk ao consist-nt, by avoul, purs, lofty and generous, end by hie coeetent Internet In our velf«rv, that he baa Intnf ■Pipn fn onr. hearta an isdelllble "aeeriTof tbebeianty and abepUdty of the true Chris tian character. tirhal. That la the fortitude with which be bore -his euflsrlnge, sad hie **er memorable words, “R#*er ■lad me, b"j*, u .*hlle yat on tba fldAoT bettie, has, :: j - left an lmpMi on our memories of hit sincerity,.la i , hi* devotion to tbe awee. wblch time can never eßaee; I ' 'That Itfbl* death we hare loat a friend; ‘ aad companion ever frltbfQl and true, and bis cotta try oaajmhaa*4htex»«ae foil of bright ptyspeets epd a i . ft *>fi l . . . ntwleedi Thet, dying aa he diedn wilting teeriScej hl« death has addedout another tick to tha kef, afeala.eftbo**wfcohXvefcUan la (kb great /rtrogtle; . fbr haauin liberty aad Christianity, aad gtte ta e»Joy _,t»efrJteMa«9»l Iftlhte better] ceuatrywher* all fr ifSSSdQiW ; i-1...-, nbtopissA »Be«ltmito Mufe,, »• .‘I. sfiwrly ©SsVr ear heartfelt sympathy, aad whilst: artlh them we moan we are oomJefted that he'died —{-• aeouly the truly braredie telly prepared todle and l i dad la tba armor of chHstlaalty. ' >- > hHeie d, That we wear the usual badge of mourn m* thirty days.' I- ifiWeel. That a copy of them raeolatlocs be trans .! mltted ta the parents of the dtceeeed, aad that they - r - he, pubUibedlu the Pittsburgh, Pa., papers. v 1 - , B.J. Bxtauv, ; fhptOo. X. 136 d Bagt. P. V., Preeident. qW v 9..XattajMr, 0. A, Secretary. Militia. X. Mrdiip.tok.f of tlili morslif n find :—lPpcrUnt rumor i ‘ *•’ ' :l 'lVli ili{«lUd to : d.j to»t .m 7 V jj.MMr a.wbb d*tHMm7lMiaUduaud -—WuUafuaxßtitiKbibV~«a4 o. Ml th* nil* rdad»la /Vlrilnl. Md iarjUnd, will b. for wudbd U Snwml Hoon?i 00 maud, ud tMr dlmm lapplM br PuU7lruia mUltis; ' wlkk, lt U nid/ku bM.;limdmd by Sot. .Outta. ; fr? V.. j ij Ola it tnut It la—Stittal : Hoalwr’a army onbdniaCoimd to tho oxlbali aT ar.jaoibi' aad all pf tba nialoroa-; i'aajta wUlaoatUt o( wall orfaaliod ud thor ■' r ' '• wabMbbipifdixlijnopißd (wllh tba gnataat ataari& lo aayieail wbiokaiai bo audo ana : - tb«ei>r»u»dbty fotwbtol tbiy woald ba . b aaaUlod.laUijSMfeeroaCof it. Virriala M.ryltnd na Mtalib bdooib Milica t»; 'T ■ |aatd tbM*«wfl'ralboad«S‘abd lt aot, Pass. . aylraatsou atl 'oaly yward all tbm lall nado, bat (atrlioa tba (oil! of tb* CopitM - baoldoa. By tbla auau tba amy eU bO tbor .aapbly nlafomd at aaaa. ■-Y- rr.T:, i-.i<—. ‘j m —— - ' i bi \ ■ Oovinar.—Wo udwtlud that Mr. Qlaa- L‘L__lkoat-wIIJ-fln nmwtt mw ■ iwaab.f yb ufloliala dw : nrhSb knn a (nat trnt, ul(rVSlua j 1 bufwSMU mialaad to tba MlffliMaf ol S alty. TbodaMaadpiaoa of Om ooaoart arfllbauaowaoadal auaafalara ttaa. •.1 ' A:. 7.... •• r- -•i-?*-'- .'•••• - •* ■ V . r )-> | A CowßCibtble Movement. Webern already reported the foot that the eoel miners employed is the work* of Mtasn. d&mblo, Stoker A Co. hare requested all foreigners enraged in the works to de oUn their Intentions to bscdme ettissas tkst the; may ran an equal chenoedf being drafted wboa the conscription set is pat Into effect j Tko aoToment is net confined to tfais locality,: wjwlli be sees by the following, which .we cup tom the Brin Dispatch : "We heye>n»n informed that a number of the mechanics employed in the principal man* qtotorlhg'establishments of, both American tedntturnllssd foreigners, here re solved to follow the example of the mechanic* of Philadelphia, and inaugurate a movement which will.tanfi to.exolude unnataralised in* dividual* tom our workshops. It Is stated that these workmen will refute to work in the same establishment with foreigners who have not declared their Intention] to become eiti* sens* It is claimed that as the consoxlption act is about to be enforced, and all citizens are liable to be called into the serriea of the coon* try atany time, It Is unjust that their places sheuld be filled by those whoart exempt tom draft by reason of not having declared their InientioDß to become oitisens. The move* meat, we learn, is just about commending, but as it is an important one, it will donbUess spread rapidly throughout the entire country.” The Circuit Conn and the . Citj Councils. Messrs. Hamilton and Acheron, attorneys for oertain railroad bondholders who have ob tained jadgments against the eitj of Pitts bttrgb, have died a series of eleven interrog atories, in the Circuit Court, and an order has been made requiring oopies of thoeams to be served on the Connells, and an answer to be filed with the Clerk of the Court within thir ty days afjfci » wylee. ; Countfll have to answer why they have not sbade provision for the paymentof .the railroad judgments; whether they have levied a tax to pay tha same; what members of the present CounoUs were members ef the Coundlsof 1862; wbetheran appropriation' ordinanoe 'was not passed contrary to the customary practice; whether said ordinanoe has since been repeal ed or modified, eto. The interrogatories will be filed during the S resent week, and it la not anticipated that ouncila will experienoe any difficulty what ever in answering them. Important to Magistrates* The next term of the Oyer.aud Terminer and Quarter Sessions begins on Monday, June Ist, two weeks from to-day. Under an hot of Assembly, magistrates are required to make return, to of all informations in their hands, ten days before the term com mences, so that the District Attorney may properly prepare them for trial. : ' This is a very important matter, as a proper ebmpllanoo with the law and the rules of Conrt under it, greatly facilitates the trial ot eauies, and Saves a considerable expenditure ef the public money. Magistrates have but four days left in which to attend to this duty, and Mr. Kirk patriok, the District Attorney* requests us to jog their memory on the subjoot, that they may have no excuse for delay. Those who do hot oomply with the requirements of the law, may get themselves into trouble thereby. Things Not Generally Known*** Undsr the above title, Mr. John Tlmbs, a Itatntd Englishman, has published a book in London, in which occurs the following pass age relative to the Greet Exhibition: Thors were sire speaimens of the petroleum or earth oil, from the wells of Pennsylvania. This extraordinary oil flows ,to the surface from the wells in immense quantities. The surfaee of the Delawart is covered with, the ;oli that hat run to waste. Such is the yield .that the supply of barrels and hogsheads can not keep pace with it, nor stare the tteasuras whioh the earth pours forth In suoh lavish .profusion. Even when secured, it baffles all ;the powers of the Atlantio and Great Western land Brie railways to carry it to the ports. Tss Indianapolis OcutUt, of the 11th inti., in alluding to a discourse preached in the United Presbyterian Churoh of that city, by Bev. D. G. Bradford, of Allegheny, says: '‘The sermon wasat oncelogioaland eloqaent, and the oooaalonel bursts of Inspiration with which it abounded gave evidence of superior powers as a speaker. - Mr.' Bradford also ad . dressed the soldiers at the Soldiers* Home with good effect. We are glad to state that : the reverend gentleman will visit our elty again in a few weeks, when we bespeak for him a large audienoe." A Puss Supply.—Our old friend, J. M. Burchfield, earner of Market and fourth streets, ha* received another supply of spring land summer goods, suoh as Organde Lawn, Jaeonotte Lawn, Caplins, Bobes, Ao. His 'stock cannot ba exoelled as to variety and quality, and to the cheapness ef the goods they cannot be surpassed In the city. Call and examine them. GovvnozAX. Ajn> Ijbcbaici Jooual.— I hi* U the oldest Amerloen luiareaoe publl eeUoß extent, haring been established In the «Uy of New Tork thirteen years ago. It Is now well oondnated by Mr. James Melvar, formerly of the Hew York /arorance Monitor. Dee Tib or Boldibbs.—-The following sol diers died In the Washington Hospitals from 4he Ist to the 14th oT May: Joseph Panlack, 0,165 th Pena'a Vols.; Henry Fitch, C, 6lstj Bdwin Shoemaker, O, 6 Let; Adolph Mitchel, 0, list; Corp. H. M. Snare, 0, 61st. LATE TELE6RATHIU NEWS. [_FEOM OCR EVENING EDITION.] Got. Seymonr’B Letter o the tallan< djgham Meeting tta Albany* N. Y. Ai>B*XT, (N. Y.,) May 17.—The following is the letter of Governor Seymour to the Val* landigham meeting last nights . Bxiournra Dbpabthbbt, May 16. - I cannot attend the meeting at tbe Capitol this evening, but I wish to’state .my opinion - In regard to tba anoit of' Mr. VeUsndlghaxai It it an act which has brought dishonor upon onr country. It la foil of danger to our per* sons and oar homes; it bears upon its*front a • oonseious violation of law and juitiob. Act iing npen the evidence 'cf'detailed inferences; the light of day in the gais of 1 oTah Amsrioan cidaeß, and furtively bora him away to a military trial} conducted with*' out those safeguards known in tha prooeadings of onr judicial tribunals. Tho transaction involved a ’Series of offenses against our most sacred rights. It interfered with tho freedom of speech. If pronounced MQtenoe without trial, save one whloh was a mockery, which insulted as well, as wronged the perpetrators,and now seeks to Impose pun ishment, hot' for an offenao against law, bnt for the disregard of an Invalid order pat forth In the utter disregard #f the principles of civil liberty. If this proceeding is approved by tha Government and sanctioned by the people, It is not merely a step to hard revolu tion : it Is revolution. It will not only lead to military despotism: U establishes military despotism. In thla. aspect it most be ac cepted, or in this aspect rejected. If li is upheld, our liberties are overthrown. The safety of our persons aud security of onr property will hereafter depend upon the arbi trary will of such military rulers as ,may bo placed over ns,, while our eoustltatlenal guar* anteeswlll be broken down. Been now the Governors and Courts of some of the great Wwtm fltetsi have sunk inte iorigaiGeanoe before the despotic powers otelmed and exer cised by military men who hata.bechseat into their borders. It Is a fearful thing to increase the danger which now overhangs na, by treat ing the law, the jedlciaTy, nod the State au thorities, With contempt. The people of this country now wait with, the deepest aaxicty .the dacUions of the Ad ministration upon these sou. Having given It a general support in theeonduct# $* war, we pause to see what kind of government it 1* for which wc are asked to pour out pur blood and our treasure. TM. action of 'tWAdmiiii. iftratlon will determine; In the mted* .otaijire; than, one-half of tho people of the loyal States,; whether the war is waged to nut down rebel lion at the Sonth, or destroy free Institutions aft the Horth. We look for Us decision with most selemnsoUoitude. ' (Signed) Hokatio SiritOdL r: • fijeetloß ia Wuqoßsißa';.. '’' . ~lf liwauxzs^-May I&—The oanvass to Chief Justice g?ves { Dixon (Hatos) onr Cothrcn* the Democratic eandl ' date. • MATY FIBIH6IX CUBLESTOH IUNBi, COMMERCIAL RECORD •' . ~ L . . , ", riTmVKGH JtAKK£tt*"‘ U J Snppoted Attack on Vorru liland by onr Iron-Cladi. New Yoxx, May 18. —Thu steamer Conway, from Port Royal, reporta that ahe vm off Chnrloaton on the 14th inat, and koardhaavy firing from S o'clock until 5 p» m., In tiu har bor. It iraa inppoaod that aur ixon-nlads wore attaoking tho batteriaa on Morris laland. IHTEKBSTJNG FOEEIGH HEWB. American Question. THE POLISH REVOLUTION. dei| d«.| £*. Niw Yoxx, May 18.-*-Tha ataamor City of Now York, from Liverpool, arrived at mid night, with dates to Oth last. She ataamor Bavaria arrired ont on the 4th, and tho City of Baltimore and Hibernian on the Oth. The reply of Boaiia to tho three Powen haa boon pnbllahed. It 1* an offer to negotiate the Polish question on the basis of the treaties of 1816. OaaaT Butaxi.—A deputation of Trades* Unionists,,heeded by Ur. Bright, presented the address adopted at a late meeting sympa thising with the North,! to Ur. Adams. The latter made a speech, ,and expressed great pleasure at the reception of the address. He admitted the difficulties i of steering dear of a collision between the two nations, but trusted that friendly relations would be main tained. He assorted that notwithstanding the tone of some of the Amerioan speakers and journals, there is no nation for which America entertains a greater regard than for England, and if the real sentiments of eaoh people eoul< be elearly established toleaoh other, no would hare no fear of a collision. He believed the Trades' Unionists had taken the right oourse to prodooe suoh an understanding. The ffaics looks on Ur. Adams* speech as most reasonable and tlihely, and looks for ward without mistrust for a mutual forbear anoe. England mnst expect some interrupt .tions te trade, and America mnst tolerate some shortcomings, in consideration of the difficul ties of neutrals. i In another artiole, the Kmc* argues that it behooves England te look leniently at the preocedlngs oi Gommodbrw Wilkes in view of the maintenance of her own rights, when she bcoomes belligerent. - - The Liverpool OhambOr of Commerce had received a note from the Offioo in re sponse to their memorlal'for the Improvement ef the foreign enlistment net, stating that the government enanot see how an improve ment eaa be made. The Chamber adopted a resolntion that If another Alabama oase arises to ihow the in effloltney of the net, step* should be taken to remedy the evil. 1 - The London Qfcssreir, In a paelfio-uditorUl, oredlu President Llnoeln*s government with a desire to friendly relations. Ur. Layard, ia the Hofise of Commons, ex plained the hauling doifn ef the American flag at Sombrero Island, during the stay there of the British man-of-war Phmton,amd dented the American jurisdiction. The Island has long been part of tho British possessions in the Oarrlbean Sea. There has been no corre spondence on the subject. The reply of Bostia to the three Powen is not generally regarded at satisfactory. The insurgents continue eettfe. Ten Latxxt via Qunu stows. — Queeastown, Mag 7.—The steamer Bremen has arrived. The Louisiana passed to-day. The Ido ar rived out on the 6th. Napoleon, with Us own hand, has drawn up a prospective rejoinder to the Russian reply, in whioh h*lays stress upon the gravity of the situation. The proposed note is now in the hands of the Austrian Government, with an Invitation to join it. The Paris correspondent of the. Timts U of the opinion that Russia will do nothing un less England, Fraa oe and Austria aet in unity and put great pressure on her. France thinks the best results will follow from united notion with little or nooest in men or money. Oracow, May 7 th-rN amorous arrests. In cluding many noblemen, have been made in the city and province of Posen. Oseasika, after a suooessful encounter with the Russians on the 6th, reocoupled Don brown. The in Pollaohia are paying rents to the revolutionary agents for the support of the Insurrection. ifcterti, May stA>>A royal decree has iu> pundsd the sittings of the Courts. Ramon of ministerial modifioatioDa an on foandad. Liwrrpool, May s.—The tales of eotton for two d»ys have beent6,ooo bales at an advance of J4@>id. The sales of speenlatort and ex porur* were 11,000 balce. The Maaehestar advioes are favorable. Breadstuff* dull. Provisions quiet and steady. London, May 6 —Qonsols 83 Livtryaol, May oouoa marhet U inn with an upward tendency, hut quotetious are unohaaged. The sales on Wednesday and Tnorsdayemodnt to 30,000 bales, includ ing 10,000 bales to speculators aad exporters^ Breadstuff* are Inactive, and tha market Hat. Provisions dull and unchanged. Pro duce steady, and without change in priot*. London, May —Consuls 93Jd<993&. Erie Railroad stooks,47>£@4B>£{ Illinois Central, 42 @4l dlsooonU The London produce markets are generally unohaaged. St. P*Urtbvry, May 6lb -—The Jowrnai do St. PtUnbmy to-day pabUshee the text of the nates addressed by tha Swedish, Spanish and Italian Cabinets to tho Russian Government on the Polish question, together with the re plies ol Gortsebakoff. The Swedish Cabinet trusts to the humane and generous principle* of tha Emperor’s is sued words of clemency, with the perspective regime of wise liberty, to completely restore order. Tbp Spanish note briefly regrets the impa tience of tbe Poles In. net waiting for a con tinuation of the systek Of concession already accorded by the Emperor. Having acquired •the experience that moderation paoLAea more fully than severity, the Queen asks pardon and iniulganoa forrthe poles. Tbe reply of Prince Gortsobakoff thanks tbe Queen. Tbe note of tbe Turin Cabinet Is crouched in most amiable *terms, and hopes, that tha Russlan'Cdnrt will see In the date if Its com munication n proof of tba desire of Italy always to entertain thi most slnocra relations with Russia. Prince Gortsobakoff stated that the Emperor has received the Amicable assurance or the Italian Government with pleasure. As to tbe wishes expressed' in favor of Poland, tha Prinoe observes thiMCthe Italian Govarnmant Is not ignorant that a revolution Imposes a diffloult task on government. The Bmperor, however, seeks to establish a lasting peace. ' Ora cow. May 6i—Aeoozdlng to tha naws •from Lithuania, 4,G00 BatkoUnki and dissen- tients; armed by Russian Government, an desolating Slvonia with flta and sword. Shooklng details are reoelved of their atroci ties. Another Succeesful Cavalry Haiti* WaBHnqTpx,.key, following was reoelved ta-day bythvSeeretaryof tha Navy: Paducah, Ky .* J&ty ld^—l am Just down frem tha Tehneesan river. .I~bave on board prisoners captured at Linden. On tbe night of the 12th, X tobk’ea board the gunboats menandlhorswof the Pirst Western Tennessee eevslry, undsr the command of COloital W. K. M. Breckinridge, aad landed them 'oh the east; side of tha river, sending the to cover all tha landlngs above Col. Breckinridge dashed ecrou the eouh try to Linden, antir surprised a rebel Jorca leofethan twlcahispamber, capturing Llcut hhsnt Colonel Pr&rSon, hae eaptadh, ona sur pun, forelttßMimtii.iWity nM toUbn, MSMMKipU, Uty horwi two iroy wi.olii! aims, AmThe court- house, whloh was the ® >mb, had on# horse killed. Col* BraeklAridn, Mtar tU. .xploU, rawllM tu T Vf* 1 j “ d »«0m.4 th* rim. I wlil send tha prisoaors to Cairo. “ Itorw, ul. of MTm .yjQT - -US. niimsns i■■ niMiiisae Dsiitßissm, l t Moxdat, ltey 18, 18EJ. , J . There le no new feature whatever to notice in money matter*. Gold etfll rags* at from 119 tblflfr in New York, whQe here our bankers - eeiitiati* to buy at 1460147 ter Odd and Old Demand Motaa, add 1340135 ter BOtct. Government Certificates. of In-, debtednem and Saltern Zxchange remain as tett. quoted. - : J GRAlN—Wheat .it quiet with'null ■alee from, wagon at to $L*& ter Bed and. White. Corn is firm at 80 to 850 for Shelled and Xu: from depot. Bales of 225 bush Spring Barley from store at lU3O, and JOS bosh Oats at 70c. Bye is Armai $l,OO. PBOTI6IOBB—Bacon ie steady at 6o for Shoal den; 7%07%0 ter Bides; ler Plate Ham*, : and lrailo far Plate ahd (havamed Bogar Cared h.». g,i f to the trade el 2CO pieces o( Plain Hams at B%c. Thera to no change In Lard-dr Maes Pofkr GBOOKBUEB—Soger is firm aak A %hads higher,' ranging from 11% to ISc.far iir Coffoefs ■toady with «««ii —at from SB to 86c tor common to prims Bio. Molasaae may ba quoted : 65 to6oc. -• ' v ''' ■' DEI ED FBUIT-HBnchanged. Bties of 103 bush'; Apples at and fiOboah Benches at $3,00. FIflH-ateaJy with sales of 16 bbla Baltimore Her ring at 67,50 per bblf 20 half hbla Lako Hiring at fl.&O, and lOhalfbbla White Fiakat 66.00. .. 1 CHEESE—BaIe* of 66 bxs asw Bambarg at 12c; 16 bxs new W.Bat lie, and 16 b*» old GOebth at l&o.- • WHISKY—SaIes of Mbbla Common Rectified at 430. and 10 bbla Old Rye at 80c. ~ POTATOFS—duII but" unchanged; we note small •alee at from 70 to 75c per bush, according te quality. HIDES—BaIe of 128—pert Dry Flint and part Green Baited -at 200 per &> PUUbQIEb Oil Market. Mai 18.—There has been rather more' activity (A Crude today, .than for several days past, and an ad- Vance ol fully % cent par gallon has been eetabltih&d. .The receiptsaro Improving slightly, bat the demand i Is folly eqoa( te the Supply, and the market fa linn at tba advaaoe above noted. We quote at from 16 to; 16c U balk, and aio'ln. bbls; sales of 600 bbla in bulk ; at 15c; 600 bbls measured In boat, at 15%*; 400 bbls at 16%c, measured in boat, and 700 bbla at 18cj < al»o 296,200,400 and SOO bbls at ale, packages included. We also* note a sals of 1000 bbla "Woodford" oil at U%o. The market closed firm at 10c (n bulk, and 210 la bbls. Be fined U firm with an upward ten dency. for Immediate deliver;, 350 is frae>y offered for prime city brands in bond, while refinere and dealer* generally aak frdm 37 to 68c. Free may be quoted at from 40 to 45c, according to quality. Bale of 76 bbls In bond at 860,- and 76 bbltstraw colored, free, at 41c. Bessine Is quiet, dull, and deprtaaed, but in the abaenoeef miss we omit quotations. •_ i " There Is no change to notice la OU'Barrels. We aoteaaalsofSOOeeoond-hand crude barrels at $2,16 each. Prime new, painted and oemeated, may be quoted at 62,60. Petroleum iu New York* Mat 16.—A1l descriptions err vary firm, and prlow tend upward. The lose ol wveral thousand barrels Crude by fire at OU Creek (tome accounts eetlmati aa high ae 10,000 bbls) has also tended materially t< atrengt&aa the views of receiver* and holder* of con tracts, and many contract* maturing this month am the next have been settled by the payment of tb< difference! in round sums, or at a fixed rate,, the mar ket closing very-firmly at 26centa for immediate de livery, thtarateteing refused by tome, and 2602 asked—the eeles sad reaelee are Itf,OOU bbla (eoutraet May, June sad duly delivery) at 23026 c, and 4700 d ipen Steamed) for immediate delivery, 23026, mar aadehinblag order, part fob. Refined li bond bee been In request, and being ecarce, holder have been enabled to obtain an advance ef fully on cent« gallon, clotieg with sales at 40c for prime « the epbt, and 42£4'i% far forward delivery—the sale and riaelne are 8400 bbla Straw color to White, U 53 126 teat,at 36^46^6100gallons In tin; 60A63c;61u> bbls. (loclodlngaome males of contracts) lsrdeliv«r > in June, July sad August 40542%; UOuodn Phtli • delphla, In May, Sfijfc and Sfiu do in June, 37& bot i there. Free, thoughicaroe, has not apparohtly eym • p*thiaedwUhboaaed,andcantinueeaslastl noted-- iwo bbla Light Straw to White, 1100120 to* , at 4tfift49c, and 2W db Lubricating SO grailty, St, cash Naptha has remvered from tee depression m • ticed lo our last—a ties 1100 bbls, Deedoriied.dOOw gravity, at 8&028%o* cloaing firmly at and 10UO rii|M»« in un, 40, cash.: We barn by tairgraph, catved ymterday from Pittsburgh, dated 14th test ’ that Crude Oil was quoted there 16 cents la balk, ea I 20021 la barrel*—far Refined ia bond 36 wee refused, large —of Free had been mad* at 46 cents. Boston Fish flarket. Mat 16.—The market far Codfish Is active and firm with'd light stack. Bake of Grand Bank at Ray Fundy and packed; •mall |5 loose, end $3,76 packed, Hake are now eall- Isg at $3,2603,60 lo oe«, aod $3,75 packed. PoUetk 83,60 WQU loose. Mackerel to steady deaaefi aid holders firm. We quote No. lat M>. 2 large s9o9,tt, and email at $7,6008; No. 3 large * $8,7907, and maolua $4,87%06 Y hbl. Alewtv » are In modarata demand at $4 6) bbl. Pickled He > ring are dull at $3,6006 obeL la Salmon, sales ef 300 tieroea at $26031 ffi'tierce. Cleveland Market. Max 16.—Flour 'Salas 100 bbls mixed red and white at $6,76. Wheat Balm oa ’Changa, 3 can on track at UO; S care Indiana white at 136. Market entirely Oat this, afternoon, with no offer* to bty. Con—Market doll and declining. Balsa oa 'Chan [e to-day: 1 car ears on truck at tec; 1 car shelled m track at 6Qe. Oats— The market has not undergo 10 any change, and oootiaasa dull and lifeless elttu at 1 tales. Bye—Nominal at 65e.. Barley—No darnedd, and priose are entirely aomtnal. lnporti by Biver. 2ABEBTILLK—ran EuU Gbaasu—lB9S bbls floor, 74 rotls leather, CO Obis glue, M Dble extrectjte fcge Jsrd ewl butter, % bbls eoep, 10 hhde tobacco,]*) do beeoa, ISbble beel, darken co;16 bbleCry frtUS, 14 bMeegp, 6 tobe doyteeks SuoCriae, 41 bge ehd .Shsado fruit, 8 bbla batter, X tab do, 1 bbl oolW eee, Lcaek rage, S bxe too dried, JeeAfetsanSSpus adee, J GotUodorfJ 8 bbla oil, B A JeheeeiocS:|BO eke dry eppWe, Bdgwton A fltewort; 6ft ale bble, Jdih Bbodaei 176 bgs shipetuA A J H«g*e; iS bxseecoaito, bimpeou A Kaos; 100 bgß floor, voegtly * Kopy; 100 bge eecoade XO7 bge lead, Bee a Rail; % bbls poteioee,- SuseßGUl wpls; flake ary epplse, 3 bbls egg>, 3 hr klot do, Jihn Sttller; 10 bbis dry fruit, O Ufieleley; ~ I bbls dry frail, J B CenfleM, 21 bble flour, tteajul Llhdeay; dibit bid breae end copper, John Dunlap A oo: | bxs ni, J S DUwortb: 8 eke dry fruit, W| t Beck A co; Xi whlaky bble, T Bell A oe, StfoU bMs, 83 bbW oil, W P Wooldridge; 36 bbU do, J 01U ton; S pkga eundrlM, J Bora; 4 bble dry fruit, Meena A OoflbsilOdoa brooms, Atwell, Lee A co; 6 pkge randtlse, IK W Baokln; 3 bole oil, J O Kirkpaindu, lmpoiu ty Railroad, mmnu. Ft. W.m .i unouo auL«oii>, Mtj 18—160 bbla Boor, 8 B TIM; 1® bbU wbuky, D.Q Wdlu.; n bbbßom, Xm A F.u«( 140 bb whnt, r wilunbi 1« Mb’! r DlSiabMber, too bga bull. 6 cm rj., Job Bh—; to btt P«rU.] B UOoUldc; T bn Cm UObbli B’ but littb snralx-at by tbs atarba bat crenluf. tbs mstbsr stmUnssi citar aai pbaiaat.aad asiar. tdfly MtUed. ; ; 1 His only arriyal Boa baltnr 16 tbs EtotnaQrabim, from Eansrrffls. *bs Kmnia Floyd. ltom. tolat Loob, and tba Bt. Lsnb, frotapiactonaJL .»« ; W4 . next boetedue. •' 1 • • -jl ’ Tbe new steamer, B. K. DunksieoniWis -eaetoig preparations to leave fer EvimsvjjUe last evening. She had e fair freight list end a.cssmderobje numbe|-pj peseengers. ' ' : J' The Dick Pulton end Alpe, eaih heviag la iowjalx bargee of ooel, arrived afrly at LoulsvUle on Friday last, ' _l The Bir Wm. .WaUso*,' end «mTß from Ctncleiietl about the letter, end of the weekL f Thd> f my ft^AtnAi 1 ran- 1 lM r *- R Odlduig, riU poeUively leave fbr andnhijti end l,ontertle f^ 11 evening. FeraonS having hutiftese witb tho hp«t» will find th* clerk, Mr. Lytle, agreeable, prompthad correct. ; ' _ j i The White Boce. Oept'Dlckerton, asd tho..Jeaee: B. Gilmore, Cent. D. B.H; Gilmore, ■enger packets, si* loading ft* Gif Louis, • -The Whlte- Boeii will get off thleetwti o *- > - J - Th* Xmas* Graham, Captain jAyere, "turod to ZanesvUle this evening st. 4 .o’clock. Mr. WJ O. WflSon still ratains chsrte of the office- . f y ■! KTESJUBOISTa.:-- TJOE jaiiu e. • Q ™m forth.»Ut. Mdl»llßlWl«tojfrt»d*hlghft to rt«e hundred 60 th* Bth p*y of Jnoe; and A*el»%t> ■■i 4ay of t ;. WHIT* dr* milled ■h*:l ,l>{HudM.tblaelr oondtudnj form 'fta^ckptortf < 7br tie pnrpOee lor ere 'n^VMid^ftidirttbt; MoadVe be of tfai) propii J i t nt±nr— ijiycy fee gpr peodeo to the guarantee,-' . Z&e responsibility o ( tae guarantors most be shown tftkfrfMcia efrliMcate of the Oink or the nesrvet -'Pi:'rlctU(Art T e* i the United States District Attor ney. *Bi4 de>sm tut he; pr•tent-in pewon-whet-lbe bids araopcood, or shew pfopgsefciwtiLattt JbrAsa dderad.. ißohd eqosl id amoant to haU l ih»»n9 pftfi* ncclved'Lfetfce eohtniec;ri£hed'by tEelbqhuist}* and both Of- hie kuraoturi. will fa vcqaiiwbtttte saocesefol bldaex, upon rigging the band mart acccmpevj the boo tract, it wi«l be neoee tnryfrrthe biudxsto bavujhelr boadmsQ then, or td have bonds sighed in anticipation, and ready to be produced when tbewutrecvtf eftned- FotUt of Gutrmaito.' " •* t e t' 1 * * . We, — 4 of the county bt,—-,enAflt4teaf^~n i and —oi the oounty.ot ■—, ana OtauoC. ale hrreby guarantee that—4tsahl* to tfectln acooidanea with the tefmv or hi* proposl-' tkm, aid that, should hie prcpje.tloa be accepted, I •he-vrlO at oooe enter iuto a contract la aoobrdaAce I therewith, bhonla the centract be. awarded him »•■ ! are prepared tj beoome bla e,oorittre. .. To thie gnarantee most he append*! the cXßclal certifleste above msotlosed. 1 *''""..,7 .Proposals from eisloyal partite willhbt behound end. end an oath ot allegros will be of mcceaefal bidders before stgalng oontradL., II 'x be nndenl«ned reeerreote blmwlf the right to reject *nj or all bid, that he may deem too high. Peymfntto be mad opes the complstloh'of the contract, or to mod errarter si the 'tindenlned •hell be In funds. o»oBo£ft7' | 1)16 td Lieut. 001. end D Q ifarurr npinmunaUtaaaaj/*' rnos, i;. Httsbar.h, Fa., Ma> 16;1663. J SEALED PRO PUMA Lti will berooeivtd O it thti office, until IS o’clock m., oa.fbeS&ni DAT OF MAY, 1883, t)t the furnishing end de livery of— Five Eundired Ihoaiand Buabela of good Merchantable Coal, At Hashtille, Tennessee, In the following manner: Two hundred end ftfty thonssnd boshelron or beforo the lfitooi June, 1895; end the remaining ■ • (huraxt*. iThs ability cf thebMuer to falflil the contract, •heold it be awarded U him, nut be guaranteed by two rmootAU ptnoiu, whose signatures nut be op pended to the g-iarahte*. ’ ; . :-U£ s . The responsibility of the gnaranton mast be shown to the official certificate of the Owk of the nearest District Oonrt, or the United fctates Diitriot Attor* in, Bidders mast be«pi*eint In peieoa wh*n the nidi are opined, or their proposals etll-not ba con* aldsred. Bond «qnal la'amount to hsu emeunt to half the sum to be Te* cetred en the cod ract, signed by the contractor «8d wo neponslbie tcuntUe, alii be required of sue* oeeefui banders. * 1 k tupoesls from UiJojal parties win not be aouiid* trad', and an oat i allegiance will be required ol luoomslut bidder* Delore 'lgnlegooatrastu: The underel«nejl reeem* to lUmi*U; the 14M to rejecteny uceU btds teethe may d*ebfc todhigh. jrayment t* be mad* apoa she oompieilm of the contract,. or so toon thereafter as tne undersigned ... O.Or i liarux ouMaipgAiiy o ojwiqjgL t iA 1 B4AXi*bas t luL| Hi; fcbjlttt. - J dlilf D PSOruaAUi iri r—pectmUy invited tmd*r*l*nsd antU Urn. on WXMftJEfiDAY t ; *mj Kith, IMS, lor furnishing the' United Mat—, ttabsiatenae Hapartment with: . fOUB TMuUIUnD V A«W> mBaD Of DEBT OaT TU6, oa tb* hoot, o*U»ertd at tbs BtM CAttk 1 oo*lw, boor Uua city, la lot* ot (i,Uoul otto UQAttad neb, OTor| (IV) too M;i, U6o velga*d irtefcitt oa* *ttd ■ ixoli days otter oiciTol, at the expoo-ofthe own ire*, tor. Abo/ —at *m*p aboat (1,3U0) thlr t—n hundred poanas gru— w.lghi. All tolling short', of (IfUUU) one thou—nq puoads gro— welgbt, 0b jk dug*, uxsn, Uows, Motion ud A«iM.utt)oviil bo rejected. , 10* Government will claim Urn right ol weighing any«.n»aaim*U—*ai4tt, if It* appearance lndtcot— it— weight u*n to* mlalmnnr monuottod abuts* Um spent* of weighing will ho paid by ih* port/ amn« injadgment; ; ;-. t • ( M—n bla, to hiu consideration, ant contain on • —parst* oh— t ol po,»r, * written grurutoo ot two responsible persons, loiloos: , I> Wo— ■? ■■■, el Um county ul htote ot~— .d* bocohj gnirmateo in*i ■■■■■ io (otr in) ibli-io fulfill n contract in octoroon— with UUterauCtf hi* Xerihstrj prppoanos, and aboald bl* ($r jAelrfrrbpt : oottlaabo accepted, be (or thsyj wilL ot once enter therewith, and wo «ib pr-oared to bourne itlo ewcdrt(ica, giving god! and' salfi\>ientlM»ds tor its Jalflgient. * ; f / ' Znb reipdhaibUity ol tno guarantors most bo shown .uj iho oJto—J otrilflcate ol theUlerk oi the nearest District uourt or of the United Etat—District AUtn ' uey. to bo eeclosed with tno bid j - - , iliiLen moat bo present to r—pond to their bid*,, ■ondprepored tv give abacs and alga thecontiacf bs* J gov leavtng this oflLo*. . . j - u .Juts foie, upon* leeerv—.to liaeli the right to re* jscV jkh)Tbf all bid* considered .aucaaonabie, r ; 'B.ddors wiU sUts in tbolr pfopbodU tomr pd—£ pCtbfor’pa/msnt akatut logoi Under net— nod UrtHritin ol thdebtfdno—. ,;fajme»tote UnJdo; alter each delivery If fends orb on haadt a nwnb on band; to bb msaa as ■—n< ilisoslvsd.' . T\ t w„ J&s—* . ?ibp—diamaxt boo»dftmd distinctly;'“Fftposalt -for-HeeftMtUe,'* and addr—TttV.B.'C,', Ml 1.14 V *M. 0. Bmllliun, is la tbs name of a firm, tbolr asm—yd thole par ‘OB—oddx—a most appear,— tbsy wul not ■ldorod. ] .< Sacb po»»n or ovary membor a( a Inn bsbnog • propraol-mtnt aooompany u by an aatb ol alia-' gbm’cb to the Uaitod DtatsA Govomment, U bo b— not already filed one la thta office.' ’ All Wrfr a—conylyfay uriotig witk the terms o/lUa odfefHsn-l, into tof*M A ' •- v tMOMAS G. BULIMVABj Cnfitatoand,,C^a. icraiCß., DHOPOSALS FOB HAY^JfiTBAW ~Jl. AMO G&AIN. i ! ’tluiAil be Awtait Qtußiai«atxn^,onp{Hli4'3 f o »o*a«»lwrd»nuMW,._ a L. OernorG asd Tventv«oooofid t atTMt4 WEITtXIT PaoFOSA-LS are Invited 'U?mby&' lag HAT, dTEA W. OATS and this Depot, to be dsuvarod at tbs Ballrofl'ilo&dtivr ‘ il'any ci uaGovommont Wharvos'lnTthl^aw.„. *: * "Tbepropc—la to hewCdioooed to Um.riniZer*Jgn«a/ abd'ibey s ho eld state tbs ol each b&an&fc alio the prloa and.the data of delivery. frcpoeals wlll be lecelved fcr five thtttuhd 19,006) bsabem ol G—n or Oats, and fifty (50) lon cf Totrav, and npwarda, nnle— It sbunld lv (or Ifi:! :tet—t ol the Gove crnsn) to pantn^.i—itlml 1 amount. ’ "■Vr,?' All grain to bopat In good eeoki 'ofaobfitiiran} fc—he wench, whishare to be funUbedattfa r ooal - ■ 'ji-" '•'BfiQWV^ v 1 •- f p«iJbw' qqptalnaPd AL - I iuok MA’m—niMiud'di Mom, j^AQua-3,uw ■ | ; • J j,i .All ' JOB SALK— ib Ojticb. j TAB ’‘CROtOH ROCK GLiffi -WDRKR, *?. ' / AT aXWOfSTLI, PA. Works, situated ibaat ose mOe cut of tk» tffcact tfewCftstJ*, oro fflhr*4 tor Hk Uj«T uo lermtad on » bcaatllul «n!ke®u oMftad, coatftlßfftg S-AviiSa oa which is erected the Tectery* svlteble Scab 8 or ID Pott fazaftOft. with all th» baUifnn iMan to'the raooMfdtußahctcn ofWllDQw gtASS; tlio, with some 1( DWILUUIO HOUBJS, uuLcaihsrftmolaxul Is the fin* sandstone rock from whtah th* Croton Bock tiha Is maaatsotared, which for Meaty «ad stnaith Is sot itirpuMd la this train good rnaatsf order, *nd la |Boajasd operas. oo-tho krst.of hot void will bo ta rentier oae yur from the ftbot# date. Infcnnatk* end texina made ta»wn *>J *W“* ofttira to tho subscriberw-JJe* <3 ffftv! r P?.i Crowi her, oi the oOceof k oa.* P«tt bttnh. , ! WM.WAIBO^ v.*^— u - '•• j ...... - m»idfd .• -1 ktuK, ! following described i ' property, the reeldeboe of tke !»*• : Ttunp«Dn;Vto., known by tbcjuna «4 «!]•** rireate.ln Fitt town*Wp> AU*» gbcDj oonnty.Fa.* viat • . • jj t * Lot 904 l^-About S i-6 fccna of meedoWj botmdtd, byibejPUtobirgb A OoaadltrllJ* KittitmA' Unfr-' Ito A do.V Fbrnece, four Milo Ban add tb* Moopo* gtfceU * odmlritto attw tomanatootwidc •Edtbe brow.oflltebUvS tUcVoitcAj tFtWO* 1 well »app«ed b^-e4rt«m T w»»«'. -A,frM>o ii' carriage awe, peegtoaent wdO 1 of-frood^ .water...,Acboic*Amt ahcjtUnt.tvpply: of fifnfc’tn; ' table land/in'nor. «T Hm Aoomprtetng the ! taut; bea'.ttfdTtlttl&ir isiildinc totbe iwuitj, having entendre, vt*w» 'Ot portion. of PhtoOTjrghi Btrniaghim! •ad adjoining dtotrloa.:. [' ' . Imnghlla BtaUon to on the. property, and wilkin Ox eec&kil "Site?to' Ml*. XABT THOHPSOH, ra tte prem ia., or to J. B. WUiUliMfl. lit Bmuhflßd «tre«t.i Ixa. n. KcOQitl), m Wood Orel, nttibori^. »p!4:tf L, YAUjUBLK IBUN . WUK&ti *VE co-PJrto.J ihlp/ir»«ftrit|nub lawow WUIWOKRMt tmtad aLlxendaie, on the Iron Mona tela B«Slroed»-TO ntlee from At. cotukUng of oen hot blatl toniece,now la encoonfal operation _mak»girom eighteen to twenty tone of Vo. 1 pic. tra p?* day, twenty dviUiuig benetw. isUeblr lor laberonj one Urge three*tory brickrtore, flne'etablee asd^baVS* • acre* o( good timbered and too acrea cf-geod farmlng land. I; • - > - •• - Alao,a contract with the American iron tfouUfak tioapeay for delivery of their are, having twelve yean to run. Large banka of bemeute ore Ue iAlm< mediate vicinity «the fnruaoa. 1 ' _ V v ' further inferaatton, apply 'at ow-offload la IroadaU, wnere every fiaoAlity for yxaalniagitka Work* wM be given. . ) apfcTwd" ~ BOOT*, EABBIBDH'A 00. * ttABM ROB bAL4-bitiut*iin Bi* X> T«r oooatj* abon* tvo ■!!— finba Aoonomf, containing too bulOA«A»taanlac. P>- ' siyiajoa XMMft tuLut.—Ono* loponor SMond - £ bud' orumm BOUJEB, W lcohM bj SO : (id'iMfi'ill ftsttok :Oi»ias*riar««V BOIUS, S 3 btcfcw diMKtoiv I , (Mt lasbM<««htnbki ! 4 TvoaxB&A.UMQ.&XfiSIS, for JUzmU, with pwirt tl] XrflfiwJwK ' U»nnl M« «aA bTKAJI KHQIBX& traml&lfcohdUx&et«r dov*to6 inch* will bo told lovteQMlu ~ , I HUGH M. BOU» : Hw, oor. faint Alloy. T?OK BALK—A' Tory de.lrablc prop jfi arty fer a country irsaidttO»,bcaattfaUyaKass«d oa Fennsylranla araonsj absat ibrss miles franths dtjt9oHUlnlng fTfio Bast Liberty Paesen- C«c Ball way Ounces* Jn front, ead only aboaf 400 yards bote Sbadytids fcutiofc on tbs F. B. B. ®bb. MiMtlj 1* vneqaaUsdL torbseaty of foestity, in Al» bfbsay ooanty. The boil dine sites are nxOMMly dsambiib itksrein ■ mutter of trait trees on tbo .property. Isqair* ol 0.8. jtiSILY, 114 JUlhstl, opyc«iatteO»U«Jral. : . mitlW ■ T?OK HALE—That peat and comfort** Jr bl»iwp*tt«ty idtk d«ftllß| homiliutidat itto. 87 Verbal street; fllxtb; Word. Tbelotbasa beat at 84 feeton federal strict, and sxwnd* bock 121 featloan Wbytffeet.vUo,vitba sids alley of 4fe*tJ lbs bnudldr b airengod with wide ball, turtof, dining-room, Mtcfctt ~aa< wash bonis, add o coosfertablo cnanbon and ;bbtb room, wlib asset yard. jGeasad water tbrsagbont tbs building. * To : partlsa Vantiag a oorotortabf bonis, on a banians bio street; tbrabors described b Jnst tb* place. : Apgly to B. MoLAia b lO3 Fonithft. T?LUOKING MILLFUR flAlsK,—That £ wsQ knevn and durtrabb property, tbs - fiitvats at tbs atsaiMboat Landing. Jtonosgabsb GUy, Wsabla|ton otuty, Fa, vltb tear ran of Breach Bur Mill Moms,; Mvrahaat sad OastoM Bella, and all the modem iuptcrsintnla In Bill ■acblaery.. Tbs health of lbs *f*" a g*"g partner being tnocflcbnt lor thrbdstttmsj it vQI be sold* at a sacrifice. >. > ♦ 1 M , • • tor farther partlnnlamfrrty to the sotecrlbsra, »plUa ~ ■ -j ; »■ ).wiih push walfc to Uu dobr.FcapMtosffraii Bnqjawoir % McGtfLLTAOQ., CK)H &AL&—A. Machine Shop, now A? t) IQRkLIi * EUIPImOK, auaata tn iMllmViid« Auartcay C&ty, «» Waur •treat and Blddla alley, vttk alot or pteoa «f xronaa •ofaetbytOlwt Ttaa afcoraiproyeriy vUl&•tali' . ?« partkalan Inqnira of B." ? JOHXS. 86. M o»ani iumL Pfif nnigh; or.ttOLoltO> BHUT7KS, CTLtttapremlwa' ' ' ' mi 63w . J&OAs, ini Etpaty Q.H Q*a, V Al/\J Aiit. JfUB V/ Akraa with.SaachW, racUngjuio bmobs BCkom*nr Dwellings sndtfta* 1 di, tbrei rdhr trom'tba' etb, on tbs ftstsbwgfc, r«rt Wayarond GUoago BaUload and Ohio Elver, In JloClqia toviahlp IsOßg bredlt on meat of tbs parch—* Apply to , j -hUiß'; . >.gaoUuia. Mech»alaßanb> iT, = r|X>. Utl—une, rtK> or iJtree Koami X la the third or lonrth etortee of Gunn Build, lag, fifth street, vlth or vttboat oteam power;: Inqnlre on,the prsiaie—i apS;tf . £K»K.-&BKT—Thatht4*-«tar} BBXW *:Wog4 ttmt, tin &s*n ar te JO6J* U- WOODWILU v qwwrMoiWaoil»tt>a>u : •adnib&i* -fU»H»Mrtktp>3b»|jar toMd dawrtAtoJhrit hH«ooaiiat Q&Oo»wslfroaßtaanaalia aofcriow QlTT_oraanr T08K>.4».i..j M Ateto. Knß* OITT 5» go. TOfc.., ! i..;....i. l i i.mßitarto Jimfl, udcniolitaMiitAi Bws,lraa hwM, Hutk locnO— ' jr -r-.,? : fa fltomiW .-, (EBSli ■k'Eam, Braa»| B«i. AJlowrUm. '•:•)->;• Lg««t Ihatrfrtefana Ist ntM to Hr* Torta gpSSpS ILDAUL . ... ro«dw»j,JKnr TcKk. v &‘ruUBor yniskntnr oodbttSßv BotfßVJiitTraTlSl, Jta tto imtut HmlMu Baglas and Hca* aamaamotk i ifMttl&rtf wxlfttiaiimeiMnk Ifaa irtbia, froOdltlOaiand nip—»«tjla <55 tills of tha'Ajwda* tfetaor Vita Ms.' Staaand BwOßanuri 1 Be* Zf oMU«fc6Uk««ai»adMa» dtttoaa than ia art forth aalmSasd* apMarlagto fetfraftlaad not Isjndoutotha iWn of writ tagb*fl]»llatt»cfflo»of tktfftotboaotaryof «a Oowt s «a< that notloa U funtod la thofutabuh Arttp OMO* a nowipijrtr priatad ia Kattconatr, ««* «*>M>PUt*ttra, ttd thU .i O&ta oftnoonontim.OtU (luted l« mU oon par.MmjtSfx.tttu aa(hu)ka )itbi ponn,U HRMatniH to ■hevnOtUus. «"»7. DHI WOM SIU lafotf On tbs Allot in tad ~174~W00d Urn*. TO X,A'T. iWmuEx: [mnm rfWiAM l aad .Mß| nuffgwE lUSILROMB. 0 ; ■ad 4ftar K'tBPAT. * * J * iU ™ **hi PUSBTCTANIA uE»T*Aju MAUdtUAD* am DAILY TBAIBB. Dm THEOOffa ACOOWIODAT7OB T&AJB laaraa tha P—ida Station daily, (»xnpt Buad*y\ at 4:SO a. m., ttopptwg at all Btaticaa Utweaa Pttte* ' burgh and Philadelphia, and aiaklng direct «satc» ties Jar Haw York at Philadelphia. Tha THBOU6» M*n. TBJOB '.■..*tu the Par. 1 aesgar Station ejrny naming («xc... Banday) tf. tM'-A»-WU, stopping only atprlnctj-* itattca»,aai diroe* ovuarutioaa at tor Baltl* -■ nor* aad.Wfcihifci.toa, sad Mr xgaw Vcr* tla Phil* d *SrHBOT:Qn sir Bias thais bam calf at prtactaU j stations, oonroctftfr rtHaxTtafcari fcTßaltimore aS ! and at Philadelphia far Unr York. aooohkopaiioh tkaib*. .:cSkrdttßflOiwijaaßeßUßoaa»al sxaiaMaTwteUi. I stopping ataltaiattaM OnchMgh. i 1 • dtUrfanel SaijUj) at 6£Q a. to. I Baxwd-Xocogqfrortatian Train: tel WalTi Itaifea 1 tom dallf (exdfpt Ba&dayVat Uao a. m. Third .AoootrijDaUtiCtf Train; toT Wall*! Etatfei liimMttfy{aanfcpfgaßdaylM toOOp. p. ■Fourth - drmwmoclattca Tratg !&w Waireßtattoi laarea dady (axdaplHttdajrUt 6-10* ra. . Tha Chareh.Tnu&-toare* Wall "a Station ererr Bu> dap laana Fittobargh ai 1*45 p.*. V- ,; - 1:: JUtmaini Twin*' %in 1 a tn PittibFxyn aa tollowi t Balituorn'AXpzhas, Ib&O p.; a.?; PhttoflalphU £x • ptte, IfeSO p. nui Fast line, lfcdO a. *. i Throagk Kail Train,'lfc»4. tfc; Jobimowt Aocoanodation, IfcOS 'tL- to.t'FwtfWatfto Statia* Aoconaodattco. ,!££,*• nwz etfcwd-WalTa Btaltos Accamaodatka* tott vTklifd WaU’a Static* A xonaodattaa, fc4op»ia.; FcrctlhWafi’a HUttcJ Axoamodattoa, toOft p Bafttis&f Kxproa wi?j Crlre with Phil* p to.? 4 s elondaja.. .- Train tor ittdi*chw; f ».«*-» ** wain* Vilto Thfanijfh AcCOnUBOdnUODt ,* Jnfeiwtown and. ante kart, < Battladte Xxpnn andJonuaiown Aco»m> laodailon WertS"- " • :* I TtalnT tor at Creawn with b* prnto Tratna aiid ttatl Train Writ,and with Through Jlmu wiUrand it gt«4ur w intanatila Wea«,'to travdl Ly tha Paauytraiali Saateal- BaUrbad} Miha aecotetedatioas now steal aashßahasnrpaaiedonwßf otbacrooto. Tbaßaadli taltoated witlt fetona, and la antimiy Iraa from dwt. ,W» c4n promlM itiat/i ipeed aftd com tort to aQ wh atf tcvcrtkU Bdad-wfth thair patxcuft^ Tf ti • ■Ta-Stw YMk~4l».slB 80 To Haltim jr*.__ 10 00 TaJhiladalphU*...:lo ft 8o ,T 66} ;. -j - H*gf»c* cbsrdwl to all gtetfos* ou the iVnaaylva* ■laOentrsl Balbotd, aid to :Pfciiad*l t :hia, Balttacn 'tfoi-HeefYevlb-p i .TMMagffirr.pnmfaaelaft- iicJrtu is can wiil be Charged aa;..wnwi| according to dleune* trsrofcd, la ? addition to ih»\ttatio& rate*, foxccpi from atattau the Ootpft*cv hae’ n«y Amat. - HOTIOS.-la cans of tai, the Company Mil kali :tfcttM*i*B*.Na|foudbl* Sfarperaonal fa [fen only, aadfcraa anowat sot crowding lIOO.a ... W ,P,-An-Q»nlbaa Lids has fcoc#atapUr?ad t» 'oof' t^Jpaiaanij« 'cod' baggage to asd.f»m to* Dt* • pot'at ’■+'charge h6tio OSxawliJtS ojuto far caeh ptt> whjMrandhacSigv. 0-• <: •- ; -: • * «*"{«■ .AS the'ftnaQfraafe-: Uon»r*M - ' --r — ~r~ aplS Siajfi v ifrbAfti*, pmaßOßga iiiufi £aLaoAiaߣ2eaSEß -gtTM glB I- ABBAHGa.'. -vn uu tut -BONDAI.-April aOth.JSG, Tram* will mti the Depot of the vfeaney Ivadu J CailiMd, la Pitta*. hTOftfc t aa feilowa: Fifohwgh and Wheittae Wee. 1;00 e. m.| 0;10 a. m.)12.*40 p. a. do WellarlU*.) &10 «•; I*oB | fo» “ do Steobesfei 4ilo «i j.9;07 ” (MS " do Wheeling.! 6:10 11 UWJB " tM * ArrivesbS.| 6:86 « |10:26 « | 6:10 « Connecting at btenbcaviUe and Bellalr with Steu benville *"■* lijilua and Central Ohio Ball* * road for BeneetUle, Newark, Colombo*, Xenia, Daj.V log. IndianappUe, Gintinnatl.V Louisville, Cairo, ttt. > Louie. St. Joseph, and all point* west and Booth***!, ; andal Wheeling with Baltimoreend Ohio Railroad. Fttttowrgk aad ghHiaa* [Am*, Leaves Pittsburgh.. i S;ls00 a. m.;l£4Qp. m, ! do WailsvlUe««~...~~t... b** o u U» <• - do Batard_-. 6:ili « I 4.-01 « do , r , ■. 1:6 a& « lfc46 M ; do 'BaTßßUUmmwmmm.l JV* “ | 643 h : go Hndsog „i ; 7:36 ** I 6:10 •» AMtea at Gonnectlngatßayardwlth Tnacarawa* breach lot Hew FUladuphie and Cankl Dorer, at Alllano* with 'Pittabai^h,^ JOtt Wajtßt Bail road} at - Barcnna with AtlanUo and Groat Weatarn Railroad : for Warns, Qrtearille, hteadviUe, Union, Corn, Jamwtown aad Salamanca, at Eddeoa with Cler** ' UAd,Ean«HUeaadCtiMliLioast Batlroad for Ahron, ! Onjahogs FaQa and Hillenbdrg, and at Clereland | with O. A X.?B. B. for fiie,yi;nnklrk and BnfUo ' with Q. 67.8.8. for Sahdtuk j, Toledo, and also j with BtaastM* for Detroit, i ' WoQartUe Aecotnaodatloh le*Tee at p. m. j : w«tnratwg train* arrive-atij9:lo a. m., 3:20 and A.m. j \ ■■ Through Tfoketa. to ail prominent point* can te ptocared at the Uhertar Street 2>epot,‘Bitt*b4trgh. QXOBGX PABRIB, Agent, ] Andat Alleghany City, l A. Q. CAhaBLBKBBT, nbkat Agent. [ FQrfortherbuon&attos,apid; to w > WHJiIAkrSIJCWABT, Agent, At the Gompehy 1 * Offlo* InFreight Station, Pens tU , ■ : . . Qoaarmuauta GKsxaah’a Onus, 1 Wmtntoi cm, hUrch 19,1883. | r|WNKRB OF-STEAM. VESSELS tM- Vf. tnvltad to atnd to the'Qoartermaater Gtnaral’l offi« teadara for their charter br aale. Tender* ahoold contain dbecdptiona of the Tamil, their enrolled or regiaUred, tonnage, SOtnaloarryiJjgcaiacltyitDatorial, whether coppered, whether nda*i*heai oa ftopelldn, whether copper or trba fastened,eiaeaad powte of engine* and ooliea, - and abonld atata the price at whioh thdjr are e Oared, for long or.ahOrbcharterf With'-the eettmated valo* at the reaeeria Oafo'Qf loe*, or In cate the govenunant asbcdd pidfortb porehaaa #: ehartertag. .Owners of at«aa weaaaia alrwlj in the service of * the QaarUnnaater’s liepaita'ent, are reqneated te known to the Department anj raanction in their presentTcales which Udy ma; be mi Ung te Ktant, and alee theprlcowf which tnej will be will*. .ugioaeUtham; :Ah cock tdsdert ehonlAbe hddreeeed to the Qur* tdrmaeter Gehezat Dnltiu htatee, at Waaaing>' tan, and ahbdld be endoiaed '‘Frcposme lor the char* tfy fjg sale of tlteamera.’ 1 ■ -■■ WheD iecrived thej will be considered, and ths Department will cndeef oc to the heavy ex* pens* attending'arm; tramp jrtation npon th»ooaas apd tide water* by sabvtiuuing, whenever it can oe ab, cheaper teiMU of eqd*l capacity tor thoaa now employed. - j:i \•• j? mbfoJm : 1 Q|»Q —CLEVELAND, BAUI. rtf, 10DO. IUJT Attp i LAAK BDBO&A^K SHORE ikiE. : Tbs new si id skgaat low>preaare steamer BXJBAK; W ARt), Cifr. Vs. SumnSi tfffl run during ihosessod between tbesboTt port/ m follyw>: V leaves OlmUad for Beg tnaw City, £sit BaclnJP ana Bay City, touching at Peft Horoa, Lexington, "Port ftjresjTlU., Point ▲fiMrtf* Port Austin and Sows* WJBUASeBAX BVIMIaQ, it 7 O'clock. -: , . JjaaTes Saginaw for OlstalaM arary SAXtTBBAT MMltttpv' ••■ rJ •:{? ' . •At) freights consigned tons iriUreoeire prompt at tention. .. Ihlrough eontracia :'made. tihipperi bsr ingfrirfghtefsady.caneend-toeia to onr store; will |0 on' first boat without charge lor storage. iapHfcBtp • ' • ftAttKfcTmin *OO. . IjIBUIT XaonoaiwntoJ'm*' Mm fflillM.—A wry luj» it«ck of cbotoe TREES) ofnltetodnHetlM to fcbooon from, with mr} poml* tkouilabi to Imvo owj virjoty tnto to "*"»*- t Of Apple elone. we whkto tr*. three joey oUe, 10,000 ldn| year old*. p«*r, 10,- WOtveto three yeereolfe- Fetch, Plom, do., * fl&» 'Stock* v ■ * ■* •'l' —,'TrMt lathe Eumry, OtQtad j; i £ fßTY&GttßSifnna Ito 9 feet, by the hsadrad, d>—pTw,hh*db x&tJts; ahd usbubbebt; ihoMMU'u&null. r : AdtaM PIRBBUBQU ABD 0&KLA81) BUB* BXBIXB, Flttabvgb, P*. - ; • i . lopw wTreiwoß. J*. rrouufl ‘Ho mdwi? UNrusAtiAft? X AHD UlFBA*Mß>lonr*fl.-ror unplsema* YBAOT ¥uOHtT, whin' hai received tha wdaw . ■eoiof thamoatmeinlnahtpkjriidaniLotbeCnJtad Btaiia. -Ob a6w offered tohnaffllotedhtima&iJy aft- , certain core far the iollowlngHseaaea and symptom ••. tirlfct—llag from dfeaiaee'and atm— of the Canary or Banal Organs! General Debility, Uental hi Physical Desreealoß,>lmbacUlty, Determination cf*- rSlood to the Bead, Oonfosedldeas, Hysteria, Genera) ■tottabfflfcy, Pert Tearneei anflgleoplaactoae at BlafcV Abdeaceof'Mssealar ßfflcksncv, Does of Appetite,- Dyipepala,:raactntioß«»Low.Bplrtta, Flinriinli nm OfPaiataS*of tip OrgansofGeneration, Palpi- " tsticnoflba JELaart,andin fact all theooaeomffanta anarvoDsh&d deblUtatedatato of tha system, v To Infant the genuine,- ettt till out. Aik far Eelmb©ld’aJ,.T*ka no other.s Cam guaranteed. : fiaaodrartiaattanilnaitotheroolnan. tpgfcdAwF 11TPUBSUANCE0P AN OfiDRE OP .ttta O&liMa' iMri ofAilaghanj county, then mn fcacxpoaad toPabUoSßal* ontfce premise*, on IHUMDAI, tba oI May, 1668, at 10 o'clock* Bh all that va&uMji tract of landalteata la BerntoSaU* abooi ibrtomlUa from AUeghsaii Ottff'uf bohaaedby bids of David Sterretuu* Oranayl lands of - .. and John Bamage,cqatmtegßO acres, more or hail bring the Arm of the laid Daniel UeKeever, da?E on vblek a^wo?story fra*# dwelling koaaa, a donbla htfbarp, wring borne, and othm Improvements.- There & also apon tbs nremlaao an yribat bearing' orchard cf choice grafted : Xcrau cufay x 4 uls. . * i. I, * *IT*B IVOBT, . ftfAUIBOK •n for IMiinrth u 4 V *M>ia