l^teesgawßggy |pssfcttrjjh (tetty TifESDAT MOBHIHa, MAT 19. Proipcct of tke Coalii| HnireM- In no year In the history of this country baa thasnocasa of the lebore of the farmera been ao important ae the present. With a __ war of unexampled magnitude on hand, rf vr jo quirintinthe land and naTal s err ices al - 1 ■ ■ moat a million of the itsources *: — - gf the nhadn aererelplaxed in erery de \,,|.4_;.! > ifaxtafßt of human energy, a falluri of .c'tt'-arops would be moat dlsutroux. But it is fair deroutjruUCude to theGirer of > V. arer7 good and perfect gin that, so far aa - estimates ean nov. be* found, t£i> coming • .'.i karnat'wfll' be ~untuually bountiful. We , annex some'details: ■ ruauxivAmA axdmaxtlaxd. In Pennsyltania the pUntlngef oornhae beenluleWeredvithby uuprnnUlous veath , ,er, but vhaat, oata and rye look well and "-promise a hoary yield. In Ua»land the spring oreps appear to be less adraneed -J_““ to any otter State, the ftie heary . WJ* nartng so saturated the earth that, |, up to the Sth instant, ploughing was impos ‘ ' ,' 1 ?“ ll *-'J to , b\»ery high grounds where the aaii ls loam the farmers hare ,1,. ... oMa abls lb plant their corn; bat in the j • lower Unde no ploughing has been done J . Jo| iht put two iNu, Generally apeak . . .“C tbe wbeal looks well ahdpromises’an Ifeandanthamst,.except In themore de pressed land, where it is emoet entirely drownedout. Thereto new, alio, every ■; yindication of an abnndanoe of fruit; The treea were kept bsek by the late ooli weath er. and the blossoms now show promise of '»lug* prop.. onto. "We have no speelfio statementsfrom this Btate; but it is • stated in general terms . that of .an,abundant harvest •.v Is good. . Of trait there is the promise of a large yield; v;-..- ■ ■ ■ / saw Toms ivn xkw jiksst. 1 In New York wheat looks well, and plant ing operations incident to the season are •: • well adraneed. In New Jersey the wheat and grain crops promise to be very large, . especially in ibo central counties of Somer set, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Burlington, . ; Monmouth and Meroer,in whiohihe aggro* gate production ini past years has equalled / . . that of any districts of similar extent in • the whole country. In the Southern tier of oonnties a large yield of fruit, especially —.v . i af peachssnnd appietjis antioipsKd. -'T;. ; •;«' TiicaiQjur. i In Michigan, wheat, on the whole, pre — tents a most promtolng appearanoe, though In some plaoea there' an patches that hate suffered from the . weather. In fierrian • county there will be an abundant-harvest; • In Shlawassee obunty the fields never look ed better; in- Clinton, Calhoun, Jackson, Washunaw,Lsnawee and Hillsdale, a large '..'j'. ' Crop it promised.... •-1 • • iii«6ii!r“ * In Illinois the . growing wheat is said never to have looked more promisinjg than - - now; the spring has also been very favora . * ble for; getting ; corn and. oats into the ' ground, oi which large orops will be raised. Of the prospeot .in tne central part of the : State the Bloomington Ftniagraph say s: : , learn from various-persons that crops; thus far, look premising. The win ter wheat—what there ds of it—gives tAr promise, and the spring wheat is charing • forward and has an even and healthy look,. The ground this spring hat been in iunsu* A-' ally goodborder for work,, and the farmers • are beforehand with their labor.: The .ground for oprn planting is mostly prepar ed, and a good many have begnu planting. ... The prpspect for fruit is unusually good. pear and cherry trees are teeming with blossoms, and there is a fine promise 1 . . _ _ torpaaiies." The; Qbeben Timiu says : •‘Wheat seems to hare suffered ten Hun usual daring the poor Vinter, end to do not bear m»nj com plaint* in regard to tbo enrages of the - which bu heretofore done serious in jury to onr crops. 7- 77 . . TheCorington Spirit sops: “Thelwheat leohs remarkably yell, ond the present in . diootiona ere that unless something befalls it nnosnil, there vili.be nbenrier yield of wheat the ooming harrest than there has been for years. The (men winter did not . injnrs the crop, as it freqehtly does. OoT farmers are oonfidently lobbing forward to a large crop to repay them for their labor.” - | toira; / 7 In Io wa ererything looks equally prom ising. The Keokuk Qati Gtf says the farmers report “that the 7 proepeot for an abundant crop of-wheat tho coming' barrest ;»»• oenr beiterthuit Imow.”' 'wisoonem. The produet' of' oereais promises ' - frotn OlsthtyKansae, 0070 : “We . . . hsTe had a number of'fiat nine, andgrass looks toe;, wheat merer looked better, mod tWfarmen beiog enoour*ged,uwrmnklng • -. arrangementsto eultirate more extensirely ' A i ' - the lately adoptodstapte-ooUon. Tie peo . i .if'Pie kkn lMrned that it can be produced in /. this State with profit.” .' /;;■/ £ ;./ kutocxt. ito j. i -Iniemtooky tbe wheat orop if premising. A Lebanon letter says that farmers are in ■ '// / *ood spirits, “eapeotlmg erefy speeies of v . grain $n abandonee.” A This; is highly enoouraging, and we may ■ dismiss ail apprehension of scarcity of food. / \ Indeed, unless all signs fall, we shall be " /V ,l»ls mot oriy to supply our own people, / ./but to bed,’ If need be, the starring popula / ;■?- tlon of France and, England, should the // barrette there, as tome prore : y - insufficient to supply the popular dimand. { / Honk Szsrorisn.—While fleneralDodge !■;’ wee making hla late raid through Northern Alabama, one of hte officere, CoL Corajm, ' on entering the townof Inia.Ueaed the following order: The of Ink*, loyal or dtiloyal, will forthwith prorldo corn breed for the patriot heroca of, thU oommand. - Theaeid oom breed will be forniahed immediately, .. . aa the patxiota ere hungry, . ■, Honaace hL Coamrw, r Commanding Caralry Brigade. = We entente to the Democratlo elnba wheth- : er anything ean befonnd in the oonetltu - tlnn to anthoriae CoLCornyn to.eet a whole people, loyal nnd4iiloyal, to the baking of ~.,U oorn-dodgara? . The oopperhead* ean make r ) pretty good point ont of thia oaae. '* ' '' l 1 ' : ' 1 ' ', ;.v, i,ee aad Oii/Ileni. "niniea anew or me wioiid. The-/allowing extract from, a private ... . letter ■ written by a young man connected .with the Army of the Potomac to hla father ■w;.ialfaaaaehoietta,ui pnbllahed in 'the I , BoatonVoimuA glraeiome facta etmoezin ■■t tag therebel Oea-led andhla treatment . whloh forcibly Uluatrate the •< brntaliilag effeeiaof aiarary. Xhe letter ; : .U dated Fort Albaxy, Virginia, April 16: “Boiae.time agol celled on one of Oen.‘ Lae’a oUolert% to flad out what I ddald at that highly p relied men.- I am going to ' __aea hlmateln whin an . .; j »ealaitatl/. ion know Gen. Lee It con „eld«red an unadulterated ‘F. F, V.’ He war J ' i c. the anperUttieof the upper tendom of aria* . taoMtioandpmenmptnouaVirginia. Thle alara, now a man, and nehriitlen man tom U rarr oldandnaable todo mnoh- oonaa ■ anauUy ha waa left On tha aatata. :Of , oosrar ha U extxameJy Ignorant, butner- '. ■ T^** ertheless he is quite intelligent, and can tell a straightforward story as dearly as any one. ‘•General Lee was more dreaded by hia Blares thanwero any of his orerseera. His estate was immense. At iArllngton he owned (throngh his wife) aeTen hnndrsd acres in one lot, eleven hundred abres in another, and ether large traota in the Stato. He bad four hundred slaVea right here; how many more elsewhere I doi?t know. SaM you see ‘his possessions were Tery P® 4 *! an « being so near Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria, Tery valuable. He bad.caTTiages, and aU the equip age of a proud Virginian aristocrat He woe 'almost worshipped' by the gay, the haughty, the renowned and gifted. His position was envied, his name honored. This slave had a score of eons and daqgh tera. One by one they were tom from bmi, until how, tn hie helpless old age, but one son and two daughters remain. One dangh ter and the son were too young to„bo car ried' away; fho other daughter wsa;"tso smart to be entrapped. It was really af fecting to hear this old man tell his wrongs and his anguish at parting with his loved ones. He vknew they. would hate to be aold sometime,” he said, "but they were my ‘children and I couldn’t help loving .them.” Seme were eeiied in bis presence, and sold before his faee; others were, meanly stolen at night and hurried off without a good-bye blessing. > One day the slaves had been worked unu sually bard. It had rained furiously all day (and I know what a Virginia rain la) Al evening they returned to their huts, wet, weary and hungry. Thlhi family had no thing to eat, they had -been at work all .day, and eouldn’t prepare anything, and two of the boys went to the brook to* catch' a few fish. It was dark, but they were seen and reported. The ariatoeratio Gene ral Lee ordered them to be whipped at a certain hour the next day. All the slaves were assembled to sie tke'flogging. four boys and a girl were to be flogged. “It was done in thatbarn,” and he pointed out the desecrated building. The overseer lashed away at. the boys till their baoks were raw and bleeding. Next came the girl; her book was stripped and her hands tied so that her feel oould just touch the floor. The overseer gazed, at her tortured form and hesitated. Lee ordered him to flog her. “1 can't do it,” was the reply. Again he ordered, and again the overseer replied, “Master, I can't whip a woman.” Let snatched, the whip and with his own hands flogged a'helpleas woman, which his overseer had the manliness, not to do. As I heard this black man tell these stories, I felt what I cannot express. My heart throbbed with indignation^-and my body trembled with passion. Oh, bow I wanted the power to avenge this man's foul wrongs. Because he was blaok ho suffered cruelties which, we would not allow a dog to suffer I thought of our own loved family. What if I were oraelly whipped for getting food for a haU starved mother? What if my sisters were rudely snatched away and sold to brutal men?, What if my father were trampled under foot as a chattel, and not a word of intercession permitted 1 And I-thought, too,-of a righteous God beholding ail these things, and wondered how long He would allow all this wickedhesiv I prayed as never before for the slave, add, trusting my faith to Him whose ways are so myste rious, I consecrated myself to His and my country’s sacred oadse of liberty and right eousness. My dependence is in Him| and I cannot, I will believe He wiU allow the oppressor to triumph. Some tell us, at home even, slavery is a “divine insiitu*. tion,” and blame tis for speaking anght against it. I lhankGod I never thought so, and that I bkve seen enough never to think so. How a being oan say that flagrant in justice, brutality and inhuman barbarity are I cannot see. He is a being, bnt not a man. As for me, my “anti-sla very” is stronger thah-ever, and Immova bly fixed. We are being'taught that we must “let my children go and I were un worthy A mother’s kiaa, a father's blessing, a sistor's tear or a brothers affection, did 1 not use every exertion—feeble or powor fol-r-to enforce'the lesson. muii. After Lee had Lacerated the girls body, hb bathed the yet bleeding wounds in brine. How that hind is raised against.his country. Beauregard Called to Kftthmoud** Reported Movements of the Rebels. The' well-informed Washington corres pondent of the Philadelphia North Ameri can writes: “There is * vague rampr in circulation that, after the late battles and the death of Jaekson, Gen. Beauregard was telegraphed to proceed to Bichmend with all the force that could be spared from his department, and that he was daily expected to join the army, which now appears to be in an im portant position half way between Rich mond and Fredericksburg. At Gordons ▼ilie there is also reported to -be a 'strong' force,' but it U presumed to be merely suf ficient to garrison the place,' and give prompt notice to the main body of the army or any movement of our forces in that direction. . “If the reported ordering of Beanregard to Yirginin is correct, it would show that the rebels did not anticipate any re newal of the assault upon the defences of Charleston for some time to come, but in .thisihey may be mistaken. It is doubt ful in my own mind, however, whether the Charleston forces have been ordered to join Lee tnongh there have been certain devel opments of late whioh would seem to give color to such a belief. “The rebels have such a way of handl ing their forots that it requires a most vig ilant eye to penetrate their movements. Oae of the greatest novelties of thaday is due to the iovontlve genius of some French, fishermen, who fosad that, by sinking a bot-. tie containing glow worms, a good take ef Serdlnes was insured, which has given rise to the use of the electrio light to invite the fish tq their nets. Professor Wheatstone has just perfected a most extraordinary and valuable imprevement In telegremtrre private-letter-printing appa ratus working by itself, so that no olerk or attendant is required. A morohant can now lock up his counting-house, asd on his return find every message faithfully recorded in legi ble type during his absence by this beautiful little machine. -c-A new idea, to prevent the forgery of banjk notss, Ac., has just bees started. It consists in using- a -slpgie.shoec formed of several lay ers ef’palpj 'Saperposed, of different nature and colors, according to requirements. The cbeok it gives to alterations of documents is excellent. It cnty'requlros’that the middle layer be Colored of'a sellable or destructible color. - She ohtimicral aoid employed ih oblit craUog thh; wiit&g ; will. also destroy this color, which oannot again be restored while the paper-surface remains white. ondit is that James Watt will be proved to be the discoverer of phq togTephy. A letter In hit 1 Writing is siiid to' be the doeumentary tvidcuoi. Atihe iale of the late Dairying's library, a eunousuote was found in the handwriting of Dr. Irving in a copy of Laurie's " History of Freemasonry," Sir Dadd *** anther of this work, always assigned to Lauries • ' -* ■ IYbuliUut A, QaMn InUndi, oh th. of. h.r M.jwtj-. blnhd.,, to jffS.twSg o/’th. Q W. CHURCHMAN, No. 32 SjootE Froirt itrasti Philadelphia, Agent ,'or’John AUrob A Co.’i SOPA .sura. Hash constantly for sale attfce lowest searfcst prlea, TfctsAdh is parftSeularty adapted to the asking cl k Urn-- ; --rnhwam- JRA B. UoVAY A G0.,- ■ (lat.oTth.Brm of W. H. WHIUm, *0.,) ' - - bankbub, •K TS AMi mmt tour Ic IU --WiV Btmi. • >uuv n OpLl>,.Ul.yU > -BAU. iow, XXOHjUTGB. ua. Higuu.annnmiromroii. Items from Europe. PFBWC JTOTICEB. RURALLY FOB THE UNIONS Ther» will be® maw m«®tlßgcf all of OoMtJmtkma XJbtrty taSA at PLUM CUU tawmhlp: cn glTßlfttv. M»f z- d. 18 r S. st 11 o’clock a. m. Pr®mloent|m®hk«rj will address the BNitci ’Orgttini *ll hat count**. Com® owl Corn® *U l * A.LBX. VeTTOXIH, D BjWHAs, J *B, GBAf. 1 ’ JOJ, ABUSTBOHO, ta,-*. TOttBB, -4 . r<„au«w. CUJJViSN. .otanof Allegheny oocn tv, ®krne*t aopporteu of t'- AdminUtraUn In the vlfiortna pror.cßtlda or thVWar to' the m floated *o meet at ibMr timet places of boMlng election*, on EATUBfrAT, tb®3othday of Miyttat* bung tb® last Sjinrday cf the month, huh® after! sr^ ddv,to . B#Uct torneach •lectiondlitr ct and pweinot in thcceonty, to m- ss.* ““J? 11 Convention, which wS JfejP°sf* Ho °**- *n th® City of Pitta. hor*h, on TOMCAT, ilh® 8d day of June next, atU ® •*. “•=* * J »7- To® otyectef thla 06a• nanfaatk,ftCAadU * t * a torth® ; . #fv® Members nf a® JToase cf Bnrmaalatiaaa. Ocmttg Trcutrcr, * Macatdar •/ Dwcb, f&B. A cO., Bank Block, Fifth tar. tier nvtio®. "epSUtf JPOJLITICM jrOTICEa. irg»FOB CODNXT TREiiiUftEß. Uvd r Bavtn Aiaia, Jr., of Peebles towcebip, wtQ t>* * o .nai4 *t® tor tb® ®bov® ofice, eobjjct !(o th® de> clriop of tba a*«t Biwi' i'Ctt OißfiMwn. my7:tc njs»FoßOuUNTtf COMMI^SIONSa —Auu Dove, Pittsburgh DistHet, net# of th® Bi&ta Waid t will b® a caodlda ® for Ooosty 1 ommle toner. a..bj»ct to tb® of th® &*pob> lUan Ooonty Ooov»nt|oo. \ tayllae yrS»KOK COONTV COMMljihlUbifiß, -Bmm Labs of tb® City of Plttabnrib, •ill be befor® tb® B*pabUe«& Ooonty Oo&veeticv m t HDdl lit* for tbh Ihof• «Oo* f Ahtlt® COUNTV COMMItWIONKK. Ocoioe BawiLToa, of b® e candidate fur Oonoty Oonimbeioner. io th® cecidoa of th® next He publican Ooavt&tlun. ipMlrtC iW-POU CUUMTY COUMIaSIOHER. —J. O. roviToc*. o! Sherpsbarg.|Wiil bee candidate for th® abo.® ofioe, inoJ®ct tout® oi tb® next &®poblican LMiaty Coarentloa. ap-»:tc . RECORDER—Asdiu. Mo- Ocnx, ®f If US la township, will b® a cakdi* data for Bw»rder, rabjact to th® dsotstoe at th® next tfopßtllean Ooonty Omventtan. eplSmxewtcff Or»FOR RECORDER.—Hmt Bnit» ‘‘w tv, of th® Seventh Ward, PUtahncgh, will be a oandldeta for Becorder, enbfect to the derlslsi of the Kepoblloen Goaxty Oonrention. spiun jr^FORvKEGIbTEB.—Wm. Glass, o! Boblnecn township, wiU be e candidal®* for . th® above o&oe, to th® dedsloa ef the next uepqbUcan Coanty Oonvtatlon. ap«ftt a REGISTER.—Jams Earr. of Upper Bt, UUlr township, will be e cee> didst® for K®4bt*r, ®ab eet t® th® of th® B®> pablfeen Bomlnatiax Oosventton. ssbSfot® [TS»FUR REGISTER. William J. Bioxaueav Will b« e candldau for th® Offlo® ef Betfatar of Will®, Ac., ®! AUi.bany cmmty, rabjeettoth® dediknof th® BepobUcaa o®anty Qp®trat | ea epfolo CLERK OF XUS COURTS® W : -JfcXh M. Laeih. ef Chertfore tow whip, will bee cea didata for Olmk cTth* OoertaL raljeet to th® dedsiun of th® BopebUcen Oenatyj wmtnet* leg Qonventkm what-t^ CLERK OF THS COURTS. —Wx. A. Boua, ef Pitt Township, wffi he e candidate for Qlerk of th® Ueorte of Alfogbeny Ooonty, sabject to the dodsloe of th® BennKliree nponty Momlnattoe OoaT®Btica. Albte CLERK OF THE COURTS. —Jvo. A Ootruy of fihiklsr toweahlp, wiU b® before tbs Bspablioan Oennty Oesvenlisa ee e cm* dtdau for OUrk of th® Ooorta. hpto® jrKtr AorMMTiaBJUBjrpM. Allegheny county, u .—|W(s The Ceoinooweelth of PeaniylraaiemUiv to hum J Gray sad Hon James f. fumti. ad mJnlstr.tcri O hsb of Frederick Lorens, dec*d.{ ao4 -vo Csttosiloe sirens, (widow,) Prtdsrtek E. L nu Cnibi tl. l-or*as, rro*k* u Pratt, (lat*r> oenltd wlto Paschal P. rrstl,) Fflrsrl ■P. rtilm •ad M«ry L. Eaalee els ■i%', fascial P. rrstt, S. f. Itaend Anti-* L. Poc, hie wife, end to tamest Mo.’. Kmt, isanUa of k s*i Siwooa Lonm, fruo*e B, u> ens. Md fcy tbe (aid Ssltleyand tf»y*o ih» patltloair, ur mat legacy provltl r a ta hie e*id will tor (zaoa* tlogaded tharehwaccordleg to- tka'lewtof csld article* of asr*aneat—and tnerafora praying Ike Ooort to award adlarlon directed tjibaealu Adala. latratora, aod to tke bed pottileuer, MC the fete porcbao graaud. Add berosf fall not. Wltneiatbe hos: Jaku p. STnanttr, Praeldect Jad|e of caysld Oonrt, at Pittaborgb, thia 18lh day mylglatd ‘ WM. A.HEBgQW, Oerk. fPHB CAPTIVITY OF CBN. OOBCO. A BAK—Tkaonly aatbestlosad reliable natra tlvaof the trials ana taff.rinn indsrad aurlaghls twelve months In -BfcAsscao, and other Boctbera dUes.by Brig. Qaa. Micxsaa Coaoouar, the him of Bali Ban. Price, only S 6 cents. —- Utfiß MABTHA BAGWJiLOW; om THE MB BOIHB OP TBBKXgaiß.—LtinUifnJ aad grsptk •ooouatof Ihe many periUTaad priratlose eadufsd by Min Martha Brownlow, the lovely, aad accem* pllsbed dsughter of tbeoslebrated Faison Brow&lew, during her.teelde’.oe with her f«tbar, in Knoxville By Major W. D. Beyootds. Price IS cents. dIX MOUTHS AWOh'O TBS (tKOBSSfOHIBtA —A raUebla and tbrtiliog narrative ef the eaa»i luge sod trials ef M|es fiersh L. Palmer, cant in of Fens eylTsala, wbo,st theeponlngof tee greet Boutkem BebeUfoa, wee teaching acnool at Khcxylls, the borne of farm Brvwolow. la tklv work, M|m Pelmet thrUllugly depkts tba many start)lagedvea. tuna she met with fa her from ktalAtoßtete, Sad town to town, cf theOouiedcraey. . Alsu hirput •ale, by her disappointed seller. tFnre.'Jeuty'iVcta. All the above works ate beeutlfaßy JTustmted■'' In order that Ibses works, filled with ♦the movt thrilling. Incidents, may be pMosd within (he reach of every cue* they have been israsd In the ebeve at jle, in order to sell them at ruoh s' prke ns to be within tbe mesne of eIL " coplm an led, port paid, on rooelyt of - ■ 4 - - JOBS .p. BUST, " jV.' ausoHio EALti, fetth itUkt. _*** Agents wnated'ersriwhweto asU the above. - - - . zr , tit. iIXTitAUItL far fIATOTiOW reddiagyßltno Mange, Ice Orenm* Aa, n fu4 ■mnrtuisiit SurnalSwbekesU end ntalL bvi ; -51“ UdUMPUbRtv endßand MMT T^.^^AUTCJRKiia-UaiSg wi JSM* on ? “W -*»“ . suiAesioursoOi '...: , '; , ..-:,.i.,.'.i .- : 7 ..: -. .: Jmr jinrMMTii WHITE, ORB A CO.’S, _ N0.,52 5 pifth Street, . _ SRW GOODS, | NEW GOODS, i ■ I KHW GOODS, AT LOW PRICES, AT LOW PRIOR?, AT LOW PRIORS, . j '• ;• TO WIIOH WIIHTIT* THI ATTUTIOH OT THI HJBLTO. IXTAMTICD—A Gabdxnu, toUke out if wfa Prelt Qerd®* end.email' Vineyard, near tbedty. BeoommendatloasTefalßd. Inf«im et the OiTT FLOOBIva MILL, ■yiSitf - - - ~ Llb«rt» end Adams strmt. AN Ulb RKMNKR, f*r several years In the oB boslasse. who wanraeta the htghset P*r centeg® of oil, eqael to the best in market,, withes eettßsttan. - B*e* oi refotanoee given. .Address “J. H.,“Q«mvßt , mCTl my 1 tilt O AAli Ism AT a.—A e.rmoi S>i ..rea, tw 4d mll®« west of Harrisburg, Vitbia }}£ mile® ofM xln®, oaths Ptißsylvanla ttetlrosd, oooety, aeder e hlghietete of ealUraliom. Price, StQ»p®r®qre. 0 OUBT A ; Ullr-30 bhls. in store, UonoonsignmesLlereelehy \ myl» - • IBAIAg DIOKBT A 00, EDAR bTA^Kb—tooo in store nnd to mle by i ISAIAH PIOKBt h Op. HiDJ£ri«-2069 in store on oouiigument ead for seta bv i ISAIAH DTOKSI 800. LlieUUMl FIiUUR! FkUUttt £ too bbta. Bartlett XX Bakm*« Floan •1» do Ford's XX do do; ISO do Ford's “Whit® lagle” 4k 4 0 do MedfooeMlCa dm lit fo tUmhW.V, dr. MS do FaUaOfOhlo dm . i 130 do low gvhle Family do: IS do par® Bje do: For sale by - ; SOHOMAHBBA LAMP. / V KOGBKISB ANU FlfißC ’ 10 do Oabe dot 110 bbta. reAsod-: dq • n a# Uk*a«S«] Bbbk-bMdiriUaMtaHnTlUi *■l®® . 1 W»»IIUl»t Mft fIOUMEBOIAL AMD INBCRANCB JOUBBJIL, nt.Xilli.id Jftsoarr, XU I, oonuln. “ «»"l» Urt «l *ll wpoilu* Jliij lfiiio, m,4 Uh Ogaiuta, hnw £u tmlfl, | bwnni Ii Ah& • cantatYuniiarf of all ■«- •fdJaltillian.Laail XkWw, «&,nlulu to lU« t< d»Ut, «• burlpti> u, fi73j«L?. i.iMtx’ »«"»**»- K i AiL UXOI S: HAI,JS *■ iB *°»ww». AUnkof ootmt r, o> XitßllUtl, U« J.u nil, 111 r-^f.Su^ u th4t « TW »« *■ '•»■fc tk*laatwinaialTatnastar On* »Ut aifoaatonl*, at tha UaM iad pto* atoaadatadi alithat partita of tfc•tea of Ua jata Q»K QT*bha,dnaia to HeOaadlaaa town, ulp. «Mt«ialac om kmadrad and twauty two acraa, aad aowndad fc? toad at latao Qaitoa, gaimh Grmbta, M*flwMii Bwp Grab Ha mad AJasaadar 2>«a« bp. It la dtoata batwa*n tha old aadttw Battor mii of GaL Jim a.-flip* *# » toad, aad ifent ttallMtoa Pittabargk, on Vhlok to attciad a twoatocy tog koaaa. tbara an abtattaa atm tftiatrtd toad; tha nddna nltabto for pad va. izaato—Ona.ba!f caah aid tto midst in twain BI»tovllhlltaRM,» foe fvtlwr pmteatota aaaaba ofQCO GIUBBI naariht toad for Xators. MBB * MoOOMLIi, Dtoaoad niaalf /ldahtargh. OBVBBB, Itienw of Ooand QrUba. Plttobank, Hay M> UM. ■y’dJldtStwT «. m. iwnra mafiiamr. , hit r.ana. ■gttOWN, MOtfBUW * 00., oovn, Bias ahd o»h amahtal rAxsrus, GIiICTBS AID GLISIKS, toamaimxir, apdfciw ' •• «gwiwf, fa. fJX) OPKRA GOKB9I whx*» / • • • Ml' .-at, 1 • •- >■ >-.v . lor TO aaato par pair, at •. HAOBOIC A GfLTDBV, nilfrtf ° »>, T> Mtrkit draat, »wt »Mi. U AVING PUROHABBB from Dr.B. .Q OODBToarif httii’PittmfOf xr. TMAOTJMO tMWtX WITMOBT PAIS, and lb* right of odng tha am*, waltoka thto'nathod of la'ora log a«r frtoadaaad ibapablia gaaaiaUj that taaabonttoavawlllbaprtparadtoaxtTact taath : *** , PrV *J.V KIBB» *O. nflfto «m» [ pDBK SODA WATEB, Dnyitnik TtmiUbk JonttlM i And aliodiUrfow 10* OUllud OAXKg, oftn "■**'*~* t » “ K. BLAU'B, ■A/ -A.- -■r> • jr%llPliawfitllnbwy,— gOIiDIBBif BONDS WANTBD, A | XoTIGHrS BABKIHO HOVSB, ■ *o.m kith max. v Util* no nnn bkavjbr fibk brick ' . «xo*L«io* oiui takd, ]'!; Mum inm tuimn Out. ■rtJhwilf .., 'i JAg. BBTO. QAMUKL JWRGOBOK, TtaiiMn wnaHn uro mbaidbu, ' •'.T ofst-* 0 - * 1 •“* oaarcfn mrj w BTBMttTjUIAT;: i-; - tt.S. *. £fc2£gj&*sltl£ '• :*i jmr M&YMMtTim Jjß.liUkDBßYa OBHUIffB BLOOD BEASOHEB. Jafftfaa' Antidote, Jaffrtaa* amidols. Jafiriaa*. Antidote, Outtr'i Spanish Mtxttra. Oartar'a Bpaatah: Mtznra. Carter’s Bpaniib Mlxtur. Sweet's Ltnammti jawitk Bweat*a Uutknt; . - ‘Hagarmaa's Baaalna, for ramoring graasa apota. r -T Hftgarman'a Beasias, for rtteoTlng gtaaea spot*. . Haganua’s Batata*, fat rosooTlag graasa apott. .Dr. Laland's AnUßbsnmaUo Band. Dr. Laland's Antbßhsamstit Band. S 6 Lakad'i Aid Bkißsatt BnA J.: BgatMlag Catawba Wine. Book Win*. PortVtea. Sparkling Catawba Wtaa. HockWtaa. Port Win*. SpatkUngTktewka Wlna. f&ift-Wtaab Ooagrea Water. Ooofiaaa Wate& .Oottiraaa Water. Marshall'* Catarrh fnixfl. Marshall's Oatanh final Marshall's Oatarrh Banff. Taeny** Xxtract, i Today's Kx tract,: Tansy's Xxtract.» Xlila* Citrate tfagaeaia. I Ilia* Citrate Magnolia. Bills' Citrate Magnatto. Dr. Townaaad'a Barupwitla. if. Toanaaod’a fcaraapailUa. Dr. .Towaaaad's Payaoa’a IndsUbls Ink. Payasn's Indalitla Ink. Mn. Allaa'a Hair Baatacar. Mr*. Allan's Hair Basibsar. * Bslubstd's Bcsswash. Halmbold'a Botewaak. HslmboM's Bucko. HalsaboU'a Baoav Brawa's Braachtal Troehss. Brown's BioachJal Troetua. Halostraat's Hair Oalorlnr, Balaatrsst's Hair Coloring. Barling's Ambrosia ter t&s Hair.- fitetliog'a Ambrosia ter tfta Hate. Bnrastt'a Coooaint, Bunett'a Oodoalma, Woods' Hair Brstoratlte. Woods’ Hair Sastoratira. Blalogar’a Qla. Blnliigsr's Ola. HagarßSo’a Oawpborfoa asdQlyeariaa. Hagarmaa's Oampiarioi and jQlyoatlaa. Ood Aim Ofl—Bakar'a. Ood Liter Oil—Hagermaa'a. Ood Liter Oil—bastoa's. Ood Liter Til Hlmmi* ■ Dr. Bchsnck*s Pahsoalc Byrap. Dr. BchsncVa Palnoale fjrop, TOB BALB AT 1. H. rULXOH’S SBTJOSXORX. «■>!» JIOB VKKY LATEST FHOM TAB ABUT OF THE POTOMAC, Hite oas at tha XXW TOBK DAILY PAP XU. Wa dallrar than to all parts of thadtj tx mm iuumr. WUU POBTXD.-W Tba KXW TOBK DAUJUraotivad amp m»> tag* They ooitelalatMtaav* from tha Army. WlaanfMraUnawitk tha Aflat, JOBS W. FXTTOCSa •fposxis xhb p. a •W All tka KXW TOBK* PHILADLPHIA AXD OIXOIKXATI DAILY PAP XU cu ba teoadea Ihaaaaatar. \ I , - HOOP SKIRTS, FOBTI OXHTB,at K’OIXuUhS’S AtrOIIOX EOT7IS, ■o. SB FUtb Street. a wlu roo.iT. >iW Mlnt ib « yofally coUlotmd fcw pqtxlo oofo.; . ggt riIdtiOLUXION NOTlCE.—TluCo ftASwtunhtp Uwtafcn oxliUsg tailor tho bmm tty to of WALLS, SIDDLKh 00., hn •dvidby thod«uhofWK, A.Binril.B.- Tho boo»» la«i of mtaafafttortof will bo ooaifaood swr tho mm mm ui ink fay tho udanfoaod. Jt tfo ius uhm,.^ •&£&£&•&: ‘t SgST* •* Wtt.tOTh. Aam inn, ; J ?°; *J!rt££& XTOTICE.—AiI paruM intenated ai JLI hrnby notifed tb*t tko udsaUßad Vfawa 4 Ttow ud MM fiSSIrSi^b!ZS for tko •ptolas of m olitj aidwaj Mvm Uati “•»» oad foodaikr ttmt, freaHortk alin! Imvtei; iUM,oi(fe« «tdttiefl«ilntNii2»Ess caobips, AT OLD PBIOES, AT BARKER & CO/S, Va ro xASKXT BXBEET. . arOALL ’ \ ■yii JpXFTH ABBITAL NEW G-OQI^S, He*. W ASD TO MARKET BT. Xft. HOin Maiioria kav Yoik, w* ahaU M, Wla w«||Hli. ■ . :1 ■ ' OHOIOT AIIOSTMMT «> ! EM B 8.0 I DEB IE 8, RIBBON B,’; B O 3ST 3ST El T IS*, Straw, Millinery & fancy Goods, kwtttm hh%ulfctaHi> LowegtOasiiPrtoea. ■ wIM«. : I -X-1 I QUtXLXIUUt WOCQUD SOjlfßUi ", : teaßMl mmfr tfeiatfri, wllk •; , m&Mixa- Jkxo srnaaisßß, , FURNIBHINQ jcOO^ •aront vniMLniiam ' *ir* inw«i naWriia'gHiiMr;' /00*TO»,ia«I«OMn > nai mt wocm, . mnasua tit nraxiDnaj Of lUlUck vtDfc, fetal I M ‘»*t—*ft ttotk,t» - •;• ; ' ■;)■ :;f v v UUR. X’ABOT * 00.’> l n : : ■MiMWimMx’.ftriin - ! ; IWh | Dm* Ml BMfegdi “»»•“"• ,>* -..: j;. : . «*s%4v*;-. *sU&& .sitasaa-,':.".■• ■ • - ÜBS? COC9I, OKKn PATENT LLET PROOF STE L COLLARB. I. bbakbl m 4 MW, lb* u.’. two fOintni K> WHITS, barton tbo appaarsM* Unto, biTtbets ln tuUod. ly 552*n preference to u ty other collar, with a doth. Xodi«|i •noral RIAI Btta Collars K Cuffs. & GLIDE, 78 Hwrk 't street, “* tt* DtMkc^d, a»Wf TOOObATK^^S^ EA.TOW, MACKUm * COl> L ... . S»jjj lj.ijto 19 Fim Bnan, : jV* _ HOOP BKIBTB, ;; | Guns’ bhi^tb, GOLLABft TIB, HOHIBT. fItOVM. ZtPnTfig, TABIS. •.. Jvt> HALIi WAVii AJ>D hOTIOHfI. : jpopi»yitrl*M«nio4aiß, millihiba w P*DDiM®,4ft4»oWk»boyto*ll^3^ jß&ropEnm\ ICM* fiBIdtVR'B&LKOBAL BKIttTBx ci»olo« rtvUix BliLlBBlIiL OOUBS, new tlviei; YBft&ak BOW 6, eatirnl; etw; HATCH, KAGBCM jlOO*' jiJii tJHKMEJirr*. THEA.TKB Lmdad Mix4Qn M , >We Emnw, ■wEL OVXKOMMK, two Bozw, *g 00 1 111. c&»;MtatßPrttttr,Ba* l tl 00 j P4nu«it«aa4 Dtw fftetre,M-la tfelieonitn —coopiit*»l“;nt uxtetj, tUrtllst iSrctaui t»wtMtth rtil—till tbclU iti ftiumlloa plaj. ftuft dnNllo tiabot,' lbs whole worn to boot* ‘ *®bfad aoobrdlflg to tbo phi tit and acweiCcatkma BOV n &o ii tti ttfflot r*tln« tba HtW fraith Ssala Ci#va*r Conpaoy, bo ki Zlli teosoU at to# mm:* XoliX>&Y t «f JtZß# &*it, «t 10 o’clock a. a« ; ttioon tfcxBo’dock* m. bt mim d.y ** imSmSSf&F**. ■' r*.. JCWttUA B-OOIS. VAUSOatII, .1 .•’*.; ;H,F. EIMUSOL llO.BtOiiilllKUlL > J.l. liiMJttf. i . 'LV **- WcOBIBBYr • MdotlaTOonnm-n. - mWM iNVEfte* SV W*UAI 1X MAX OUlfi £2 **<*» tor Dontkal .y» pQb(;C'MClitm, t 3 fM^ KSSMK« cl^l^’-'i. Uje, - # ‘* l 9 ':p»i*j acds •*■•**•*■* lf l f *» •»*** wHMu tts d#yv ■ kHfciw ;•?.- --• Uio&hi a tfQ,?;V. *■ T " 1 Ift 4o .lilted do;* JarttM*tT*4#a4ioc#il*t?y Jr •■/- ' x -K. P.HttAf CtffQg. 18 DtamtUd. . R^S^f^P 15 OCK* WAUT J 24 Bankltock; ) \ ■;■ -i v • M*® ;jO - >fr#H|fcitta I'M*, ft, ju Stock: “ JO to MtlMßKli* .k Btocfcj T* 5 ' !Sblfe,^ 4 L^^ Uro « ! «*>«» l . , 900 S&UUtarOoaatyftßj Band# i j. j ■ Apply ta ■. limit'# u>„ iom »oartb t*i I IMsml;Flvorß*ir»u; rob ..J* ■"■ ÜbUmm 4#(. vrald toil for Civil ... QQ,OOO ft#tVk bite Ovk^axS.SxS; Otkttluittaitobi:; . B SIDDUL • — l toytVrt-'- y~ ~ ‘H» IP Llbtriy unit- pLIRFKTti PuR BTSAMBOATti-i-A AJ UmjanoftAMßt. U Incralo, Ttint-plr. jirw Rrfffltattor* “ m °* •* tow prk«t, dt P tL#]n#r. —i. *w.J!?* A * ,:,AHI, » COM,IMAOO4 , Tip , ; FHth tttet, ntxt «taor to tb« Poit Qfflw. *pJenaid assortment of rpwfpodiforiala at a t«ij awdrrata > : - . ” • _ •.«ofA»U»ASD,.OOLLIHSAOO., Jitthttmt ixrt doer to t» Pat Ofla. ;i.U- VlfcQi&XWir-ZQmt entlnlj •A.a#Wao4 itaatlftupaturaven Iwodasd #elitn«; at abaot oHlywovatihaiuw Carpet Bsoraof .. JUrABIikNO, OOliblHdAOOn ■Jit WI&A itmti ttwt bror w tb# Foot Otto. T>RoacJltLi3 ANJJr-VBLVfiT OTTO^ A# iplawnaTiiioitaitai •#£!&* at oIA pdcas, at tb# &*w Oarpft Store of ' Wefks2iai», OJLUHS to\ -tayll- Fifth QtreaJUriirxt c*r>r to th» po«t rAMILL*BOSf, . . . «it imumuac .-. qKOUND . bINaXS ft* ■ «nm WVH, K»Yg»lt’H. l'O rt. CttfeAHt Itw lA&XA»ftl> —*U boll, w *tjitt*- JtomK- .■■ .-■. , ,ißtiAB r ninK»T « t)tt Wo. IT Vtftb