The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 18, 1863, Image 3

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M— OMMXIQIL OmtTXTIOW tot th» 8—
Bliaw, Optician, Ho. untlk
a m. a nisa.
• oUMk, k. M 04
U *• pi i - 104 08
• “ P.~
** 0-10
Tke Ooixtt*
V. B* OSBOtllf
SiroiSAT, Has M—-John H. Wolkar, of
Bochaflar, Fa., woa Mst to tha Panltaatiarr
tor thno yaon, for hiring puaad ooontarfclt |
ooln. HanloolotopojodnaofflMoadtha
ooata of prooooatlon.
A apodal aoftion of tho Oonrt »u ordtiod
to ooraaaoa. on tho drat Hondoy in Angolt.
Zho Oonrt Oil Tnoaday.
. motoiot nannon.
Tho following com an within raaoh for
Hondoy tha 18 th inat.:
HoTsO. Boat A 00. to. A. Kirk Lawla
Conunonwaoith to. Froncia Lynchond
John Bongo, gomlahaoa of Hanr j Vagalo.
87. Frodarick Booh to. Oao. Brona.
M. Joa. MoCorkla and wifo ra. John Hol-
UngacatoL „
104. gn. fiaak ra. Joa. Donoldaon.
M*. Smith, Fork A' 00. t>. tka How York
01 io5l?5otnph H. Hill to. tha Honongoholo
Tailor Bonk. : . _ ,
108. EanrjjL Oolllna n Aag. Hortjo.
Xn Oonoam: 'A Tate of War. By_Al»x»nder Da
Aaibor of “Tb» Oovnt of Xante Criito,’
mT)it Xhtee QaardaMDi" “The Xcmoln of *
Threlclan,” eio., eto. Philadelphia: T. B. Peter
■cm Jk Brother*. PltUbKrjh: lor tele by Henry
JUnw.lWketnel. 400 pp. Hmo.
Xhe number of the book! wktok bear the
..... of the author of Hob to Orlito, would
111 b eolumn—lf obo’o memoir oould but re
call them. Bbokeoftrawel—dramae—roman
ce*—noTele—what haa he not written T Hero
it another: ttla to bo numbered with the noy
elf—oudr like oil the author hae produced, it
ng and pleaeant reading, abounding iu pai
of anlir-*- 1 narraUre, graphic deaorip
ttJii, and eueh dialoguea-aa aparklo all orwr
i with that imartneei, that readineie, that ftll
dtt of aaawarißi, which ie almoat the prerog-
»rend£&, offmnch
- women. Itlaatalaof theooaeoription in the
tlmae of the Bint Hapoleoa; and both on ao
oount of Ita reiatien to thle eubjeot—one that
now lade a plane In our own hlitory—and he*
; uii "*a tale of war," and may premia*
to mahe the hourt dj mom lightly orer the
aoldler la oamp, It doubtleea appeared to the
' traaelator and to. the pubUthoro an opportune
■ book at the preaent time; In a few place* we
i hit that the tzaaalator, or the' proof-reader,
ihould hare remembered the practioal tear on
oeayeyed in the profoundly learned remark of
the art-oritio In the “Vtoarof Wakefield,.
tajaUdhthe good moult of - taking mom
paisa," la to well eat forth 1
Coatributiou to tbe Sanitary Com'
s*: ■ • S
Sh* (oUowlsfOontrtbatlou to tho Booltorj
"OoBi»UU«h»TO bore ilnooloitro
port s :
A mabot of St. Andnw’o Cbmoh —* S 00
ws?.SioSn"ro.or6VF »»»
J. H. Ikoy, Littlo Bodotooo J ®j>
Pmby tiffion Ohuob, Ooaonibai*-.... * M
Proodo Bolloii.__.. 2
J>. W. 0. BidwolL™ H “?
«A “5 “
Ados* AOo..——— 8 ® vu
B. W.004A.0- B«U" "2"“ | 55
Wotonore Polmor—S *1
Colon Mon Hootiagy Moniflold.. « »
In. Boroh O-Coffoy-. | JJ
HiiulUtentKuaiio. 8 «»
Jooob bisKrenno lu
, LodiM ot tko Hobron ooorereollon
i red Tiotolty, Ponn towmobi*--—• 1“
! Bodin’ Aid Bootatj, 8hnr0tt............. 58 08
i f J. ?ui, jo., Ji»nm.
* "
T( it ixf j -iu.«ro Mtplojrt to thi wita o:
kwi. €h»w., * °*2 toT J
«aoh onaojoi by t>» »“■
nut* axproaaad bj lomn ot ti,lr fcUo *‘
woAmw. h«o Ukon’ «•“«“ to
pat» otbp to donnnototlono of «ho goaaraaiant
ui ito Urn. **b of tho met otaogloM
_ miTulUit to IttTl till niSM) *#* Will
hm toUOatha onth of nllogjonoo
I™ Mtmltwl to ratara. Taaj auutprodaoa
-tfr-pSfraTdooiiaohtoboforothojoaa gotbaak
t# TbSi» »Uo»»»«b« of
to go bafora tho propor oalhoritlao
sadda«l»roUair UtamUoai to boooan ofU
nonoofttolJnltodStntoo. Moat of thorn haro
!SlS" a jo. In alow of tho approaching
dra&rthifio bat atorj fair aadtaaaoaablara-
XdraaoaL Thooo who Inland to “*•
•hair homo, okonM not look to **•“
max of tho mpootibllliaat of tho dtioon.
Che Light Bettor hnown “ the Btenton I
gjtiUary.wbloh m reoniud In thli olty, I
if itlil on:duty U the MUiUrippt Herine 1
Brigede.eei U now on the itaamar Baltlo, off I
Honed City. A oormpondant wrltu u that
ite boyl we well. In e little affairet Doth
mimr Landing the Btnnton Artillery did nht
SXJSL while the lon of the obeli biup-
tea killed end twentyj
The federal lon wu only two
JSh. /oer wounded, end yet the inheli
wuSioaiSassr*' “
gSS*ZS*2SS LeSTeiu*
highly eeteemed by their jooredei.
;«>;> >1
Toxin —Bexnrn. —Hr. 9. I. Smyths,-
eke Unraanto." '■>“ a heneftt thil erenlng,
rtmiUm pUy of the^ “Hnnohbeek'J end the
-etlennl hH> Of M JIOWI Oj BIU
JjTffSdiSdT Hiu Ohiriott# Thoawo*
Si'S, JS&tMTWI her urrim. «£»* v
„ njaiie. Mi. Lorelne Bogerp uj
he Any oertalnly leoh for e 101 l home.
Wao Xhbt Aaa,—Xha two highway
jJi la Waahiagton ooimtj I
ma daaortara from Ciptaifl Sailth a aaTalw
rSiw!taW«»Vlrfttfa. Xhay.Btoaaatad
SSpiSd Oooku Xaa formtr appeared to ]
WaHuuftoa abomt a yaa*ago, »hareb» ““
£JSf^Da fooft itilf JolAOd thl OftfftUj
Haw Cra.i. »d
IffTwraidap aaa highway robbar.
, IOOMT »a Jvwt. —lit Juaa aambar of I
: ■dhlawaU-kßOWßLadlaa’lCagailna.or'L»dy’i I
Book/withall tha anal fiatataa of attraa-1
tt»a, doabla-paga colored plata of taahloaa, I
iteaiaairaTlag, wood cate, ate., ala., 1» aow.,|
■ iSr, aad mg 'ho had at I. P. Haat'a
Miiiiii HauTaiflh a treat, and atW. A. ail-1
' I
Oar Book Table.
Not a Bad Idea.
From the Btnnton Artillery.
•boattwalTayaara, waadrawnadfcom a lilt
Ift iko Moaoflfofeolft rlrw».ft*w, Mnnaf«ri
pUUagaiUU Ew altttßioaa raftowith
aoaa othar boyi, llahJn*, wfc»Ja i» iaoaii«n
«aDy dtonad bla Uaa, and. la Ua aflortt *•
aooerar It haloat Ua balaaoo
walar. Hia paxaata ratlda in South Pitta
burgh. - . - -
: PaaaaTLTuu Atudi Paoraarx.—Xo
laocrow araalay,, Darla k Mollwalaa, aao-
Uoaaara, will aaU, la tbtir aaaoad floor Saiai
Room, two nay daatnblo plaoaa of proparty,
adjetailgtha wall-known naldaaoa of fipbart
Wataon,Kiii., FaaaaylTaala ariaao. With tha
great laprmaaate rapidly proftaaalng la
that aaosoa of tha alty tua la aa oppor*
tdatty tor aa azoallaat lßTaatßaat.
- Letter Irom Knap’a Batterr-
Aquu Cxur, Va., Kay 14, I®**-
i XhaßmrToik BertM, andother aheeti of
the Copperhead Uk, an making an unutual
and unjuit outorj, agaiu t oar eommandlng
Sutral, la oontoquenoo of tha xaoont eo
callad mono to our ami. Their ttrlcturoa
an moot unjuit, aad an «o recogntted by tba
army at large. flan. Hooker did all that any
other i»g»clon« Central would han doao un
til. aad tha ooafidanoa la hla
ability to moot aad cTanoma tha enemy la
hot la tha laaat abated. Tha army I> In no
dapaa demorallud, ai it would ha had It mat
With .defeat, aa tha dliloyal papan and poll- of tha Horth would hara tha paopla
baliara. «* A roloo from tha Army” la more
to ha nllad on than a toon of lengthy adl
teriala, baaad upon falaa Miumpiloni, or dla
tortad and Irregularly atated. facta; or an
equal numberof ontorioal aladoia, aminat
:ing from tha tonguea of man goreraed and
impelled hy doalgnlng.and alntatar molly,*-
I tpaak what I know, whan I thy tha troopa,
now oompoalng tha “Army of tha Potomac,
an both aa raady and willing top forth and
moat tha foa, aa thay tran baton tho toocnt
enoountar at Ohanoallorrllla. Our motto la,
lot tha troops In tha ftild ba at dlapoaad of,
that, whan wo moat tha anamy, than shall ba
&o such disparity in the numbers, (ns there wm
at Chahoellomlls) of the contending armies,
ud we will ttdMTU to oonquer a poaoo—too
only poaoo that oak bo lasting*
The troopij at you are awaro, are *** <
In their oM camps again, iw« those whoso
toms have expired; end, having got over the
fatigue incident to the reoent movement, ere
in good oondition, end reedy- for another ad
vanoe when toe word “ forward" is given.
This Oorpa loitabont three thousand men
in toe reoent battles, aad Geary's Division
twelve hundred and five men, killed and
wounded# Gen. Geary, in the fight of Satur
day evening, when toe enemy oame in almost
overpowering force, andhadentered oar outer
line of earthworks, with- toe intention of
oharglng Knap’s Battery, being dismounted,
seised toe flag of the old 38th Kegiment, and
called upon toe boys u Jollov> yOur old feeder,'*
when they, followed by the remainder of the
First Brigade, dashed upon the foe and drove
him baok with immense slaughter.
During the whole tlx days* eonftict, your
correspondent noted aott of daring and bravery
on the part of individual ofioors and men
which weuld do credit to the oldest veterans
of Europe* In addition to those heretofore
referred to, I may mention the following as
havingoovered themselves with honor: Blent.
Jas. D. MoQill, of Knap'e Battery, aotisg
Adjutant to Capt. Knap; OoU Creighton, of
too Seventh Ohio, (an old Pittsburgh typo,)
now noting Brigadier General; Capt. Kobert
Thompson, of Thompson's Pennsylvania Bat
tery; Lieut. Henry Greatrake, Co. B, Forty-
Sixth Pennsylvania, of Allegheny; Lieut*
Colonel Dlokinson, of Gen* Hooker e staff,
formerly oonnooted with the Plttsbiugh
Branch of Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing
Company, and Sergeant Thomas P. Sloes, of
Knap's Battery, noting Lieutenant, ef Pitts
I might goon to an indefinite length, whore
all in the Division did so well, bnt those above
•numerated are specially deserving of honor
able mention. , ..
The PltUburgh and Allegheny boye are all
well and ready as ever to meet the oommon
foe* v
Llaut, Atwall, of Knap’a BatUrj. who waa
■•tartly woondad Is the lalt atm, haa gone
home on a «tok Laara, asdJHaut. Boaul u In
command o! tha Battery. biota anon.
J. Ea A*
Ts**oa* ann OaioJUinaoai).— Eight
of the nine bridge* recently destroyed on this
food h»T* been rebuilt, end the on* over the
Monengahelaat Fairmont ii about completed.
Not a single loeomottre wa* destroyed, and
but fohr car* were seriously damaged.
OaoTan a*p Banna'* biww* idxouina, lor
family and manufacturing purpoies, are the
beat In use. „ , „
l. f. OnarotT, (tenoral Agent,
X ifu. 18, Fifth * treat.
Teous Piut, Plain and Ornamental Slate
Eoofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Ver
mont slate of the best quality at low rates.
OAoeat Laugh Un's, near the Water
: Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apB;«m
Extuctioi o» Coos en» Bouioue.—Ve- I
rioni olroomatenoei here delayed the depart
ure o! Dr. Ren dell, the tuooeiifnl opotetor on
oorniend hnnleni, but the princlpel ol them
litheszeet demend .for ;hb leirioea, which I
hie peooliar lyitem of treatment hu oeuol,
I hat he malt ewute thoie penoni who Intend I
to honor him with a call, that he hei hetn .o-
Uelted to Tillt other towni and citier, to
whleh he molt attend. The numeroni Uttl
monlnb,-which hare 'appeared Dorn well
taoem cltlMnl from day to day, Dr. B. deemi, |
ere of themielTei luUctent to ■P«bt« f ‘'‘e ef-
I fleecy with which he operetea. HU oßoe b
I oaDiemond itteet, fonrth door from Great,
I where he oan be ooniolted daring the coming
I week. ■'
Onner Ouwninu um.Hßiearoßar Tho. 1
—The enterprUing firm of Wm. H. Mcßee A
(jo., merchant taUori, earner of Federal end
Diamond Kjoare, Allegheny, '‘•kg tally 1
aware of the extraordinary adranoe In Sprint I
I gooda. hare porchaeed lut fall a bceatlltu I
euorueant of doth, eeedmerei, eeettogi, Ac.,
and they are now ready to open their Spring
tradeinth in parlor ertlelei, at greatly re
duced price!, they will Mil their gooi* by |
I theynrdlfdeebed. and u they keep oon-
I rtutlyoo hand a Iwge inpply of ready made
I clothing, caitomen oan. he eooommodetod on
I demean? or hare aneatiy fltted inlt to order.
I The work b ell done under their laperrlilon,
| and elwayi warranted' to pnrbhaieri.
S“SwS«t Idlon, Ho.-1M Federal etrset,
Allcrheny, her* iuet opened the molt eaten-1
hT. ■ ml i eeierrii .took of ipring and inmmer I
oomnrirlng lome of the moat beeatifal Frenoh
Ceulmem, Clothe. Caihmarei,
I Menelllee. Ac.. Ac., to be found in the eeit-
I eramerket. , Thb entarprblng tan hei dio
aWIW anortment ofthelateet itybe of
hShto«oodii and a ooMWerabb oaantttJ
I S3y-nude clothing of luperlor duality. No
adriae our Allegheny patroni to ceU at thb
I aitablilhmeat, and tee for themwlTei.
Jon Bnranxxn men. run Be* l -—Samncl
anhem»Merchant Cellor,
Inform kb frienda and
that he her Jut returned from the But with |
Ua nw itock of Soring and Bummer Goode,
of eU the letMt itym of olethi,
ritSnow and yeettnge. Gentlemen ieetrtog
. .mb U aalMt ffOB tkftt OttßOt b# IQfpMt"
the dty.end their gar
mU» la the molt toihlonable manner,
SSStowdltoglTe him a oaU before pur
*^**lasw!nn. SUanaX, Merchant Tailor,
Ho. fli Market itrcet, one door from Third.
sr°^ a SitSTand Zylobaba .turn!
V||l of bltilßl WfW « TinitftL IQB
"gold by druggbb ererywherc. Depot, 18a
Sneawbh. meet, Hew Fork. ® ,w
-Sowlx's’trL'S a|b
nrWTMBHT. to ata. par boa. . •
■Hitbapaid gataaaaa. " .
I Daatai lawma.-AU workdoM* Sa
aatabliahauat la gaaraataad to b» batter and
SSSortSh <*« ba had la tha dty. Ho.»l
pass atraat. • —. * ;
I 0. Siw*, Pantljt, 345 Paaa i treat, attend to
I all bnalaaaa at hla protauloa. __
~r* aTPLB POWDKB.—It had baen
«l»l»* to them th.
-1* •**
\UUli* VViOA>W
lb. t-m atom ®“*Vohs a. bbwhxw,
ujW cor«i>U)mti«Btßu*PXn*Pi
i •
! - ' ’""'1
SpecUl mspelclt* to th* Pittsburgh Qeeetta. I
Th* body of OoL BtUly, of tho TMb Ohio
Tolas toon, who woo hilled boot fwloiloko-!
bug, la tbo reoent bettle, lootoo bon oo Moa
dey, In obugo of bU brother-in-law, OoL b.
D. Campbell, forOlndnaoU.
Hon. Pmton King lo telked of oo Second
Teas nonce.
By order of yootordoy, ProToet Merehel
don. Pry glroo notice tbot Profoit HonbUo
ond member* of board* recently appointed
sudor tbo enrollment lew nut dgnify tholr
oooeptonoa ImmodUtoly, or tholr appointment
will bo regarded a* declined.
A dlipatoh rooolrod at tbe War Department
from Portree* Monroe *ay* priionen artlTing
there from Blobmond think tbe whole number
of priionen taken by tbe rebel* In the reoent
battle* wIU not exceed fou thouand Sea
The following order, made pabllo to-day, I
annonnoo* the change In tba Department of
Mtnoari, epoken-of In l**t night’* dlipatoh**:
[onuu onnaxa, xo. 11L]
Wen DerixTxmsr, ) 1
Adjotiut Giumuai.'* Of rioi, 1
Waihlngton, May IS, 18SS. J
Pint—M*J. Gen, Bobol*ld D, by direction
of the Preildent, Miigned to oommand the
Department of the HUsouL ..B*»»*-*al
(HnTs. Be Curtli, Inbttaf
oommnndy will reportby lettu to
General ot thoarmy. By order of the, ?1 q
d # nt. B7b. Tomrs**x>, A. A. Q.
Oil* soul's OAII.
In Gen. BuaU’e-oait, It i* hollered that the
reoord of the Court, whloh ha* arrlred, *b*w*
that hi* campaign* ntterly failed, and that the
Preildent wo* too *low In remoring him.
WixnixaTox, May IT, MSS.
maicotAL ot ctrmnß.
Attorney. General Bate* and Po»tma»t*r
General Blair, are to be mainly credited with
General Cartli’i remoraL General Bobodeld
may bo merely e locum Untrt.
Henry Bergb, of New York, mooeedl Bay
ard Taylor in the Beoretaryeblp of Legation,
at SL Petenburg.
The opinion of Buell’* Oommtalon 1* brief 1
and oonolailro, it 1* bellered to be mild. The I
Commission authorised to reoommend the di*- 1
po*ltlon of oHoer* implicated, a* well 0* to
■am up the eampalgn. Ill* doubtful whether |
it* publication made at present, If at
aIL Halleok 1* sold not to be well pleaoed
with dndihg Buell we* stopped in the publi
cation of hi* defense, by order of the Court.
The Usui of legal tender note* is discon
tinued, and the blank one* on hand ore sealed
up. The whole amount issued 1* about fou
hundred and five millions.
The Shaken of Lebanon, New York, were
hen by a deputation yesterday, claiming that
ill hundred dollan exemption from the ln
oome ux should apply to each msmWr of their
community. The CommUelonerbn* the unto-
Hon under adtisemento
Dr. J. X* Broadhead, of ibis dty» Is • ou
dldnto for the Ssoond OomptroUership, TEeated
by tbe death of Ontts. Probably, how»Ter,
Senator-King ean, if be will, bate IL
Hai gone to BalUmora to awume hie dutlec ee
Chief of eeneral Bchenck'i Btafl.
auiiii ou>
I, „Ul. at Carllile Barracki, whither be wei
r ordered by the Secretary of War, monthi ago,
I for abienoe without bare Horn the Buell Oem-
I million.
sii, mvTUOe
Strong effort! ere making for the appoint
ment of Gen. Butler to the eoamend from
which Sen. Oortb hai been lettered.
nox mu roroeac amt.
Senator! Wade and Chandler returned from
the wmy of the Potomaoe la the beet of iplr-
Iti, hiring gone down Ihltho Mmewhat db
palrtd. Thoy report the order ee eueelbnt,
and the troopi full of fight.
OoL D’lTtally will file a dabnea ln writing
with the Court on Wedneidey, to which day
tha Court .adjourned. Ho reply will ha made
by Judge Adrooata Selnai.
Brigadier Gaueral Charlal OaMpball, haa |
been ordered to report to Gen. Schogeld et
St. Loub, with the underi tan ding that ha
ihall hare an Independent command In tha
i Indian Territory.
lUaliter Oonrin'i httUh* hllhorto Wi
b now mnch improflng, io iayi the Co ami
Offanhnrg, jut from the Mexican Capitol.
Hodge., a racidant for many year* >t Hon-1
dam, b hero leaking to oolonba tha hlachl
In hb oonntry. Tha Cabinet b dlrldad on tha
qneitlon, tome member! wlihlag to ua all
tha blaohi In tha military lerrioa.
From Philadelphia.
((•dal Dlipitohtotto Httto«ihß«.iMo
PnusnriUj Xv I** MW*
Xh. Philadelphia JKtpalci,ot to** "oralng,
poblUhu tho follo*tog > i
B.glmnU of aino month* and Wo TOO"
an *r» oonltantly pouring to through Wash
ington to tho North, ttolr Una haring «x
-pll«d. li a tooling of aorrouaM upon
thli nhjootto iomo quorton, hut oar tollltary
loader, aro .atUtod that If no an to lon
twntj or thirty thouiaad man from oar army
at all, It 1. bo tlar to 10.0 th«a low.
Tho Traumpt doroU. rpaoo
to tho dtoounlon of tho draft, and aaji that
Boorotary Btaatoahai plaood aa totorpnta
tloa OB thoeoßMrlpUoa aot that pnottonlly.
lnoro. tho throo hundred dollar ox.aptlon
Thirl* raid to oath#
roproiOßtatloa that throughout tho Wat tho
aeapuno* of ton* huadrod dollan tolloa of
(onto*, woald haw tho ofbot, to a largo ram
an, to dotoat tho main totntfoa of to* *»*,
t whloh war to pfoduaa roldlon tor to* anay,
| n to* ground that tho ton*; hmadro* dollar
I olaan lr pohalniro and mandatory, and that
thonton It la opttoßalwith him to or
mint to* mon*y,tor nthtoh no to
mad* allhar tor ooßootlon or nfo h*opto«*
Tho Boentary of War ha* daddadtolgaon
tho ton* hnadnd dollar
togathar, and that to toll h*|to npportod hy
thoProridont and Solicitor Whltaoy. . In eon
oloilon It nyr that tho draft *lll toko pi***
about tho finfc of July* | _L«, '
; xbo icldUii now nturnlng ko** *»“
aiins tbo fund whiob bao .woiwWit m' jMU
Bpecbfl Dfepeteh te the Ptiteburgh Gaeelte.
Moutbibibobo, Me; 17,1663.
A brilliant little expleit wmi performed j«-
todtj.' Pertlee of rebell hid been approach
lag DOT Uneeneer Cripple ereek, coming upon
ik* Btmdyrill* road, frcmDug Hollow, end
tailing tke people the; wu* anxioue to no
the Yankeeei '' :
Taking with kin two eompaniee of Tannes
no caralr;, kla uoort, and kali a dottn offl
aan boa Oeupl’a brlgalo, 1b all about eight;
aes, Captain Palmer eame upon eight; ol the
Third fieorgia oarelr;, Ideut. Col. Thompion,
poated in a lane. Hot wanting to lire, Capt.
Palmar and hii men lmmadlatel; charged
them with their eabrea.
The rebeli broke and fled to the seereet
woodl, and there tosght brarel; foreome time,
until the euperior! proweie of our bo;i oem
pelled them to fl;, loling eereral killed and
wounded, aid eighteen prlioaeri. Our loti
waa Are wounded.
Among tbe'prleouen eaptured wai Captain
H. o. Bdwarde, 61 the Third Georgia caralry.
The Chattanooga Hebei, Of the lfith lnet.,
oontalnl the following dlipatohea:
jlobiU, Jf<v Id Jaoklon, Hill., le ocon
pied b; the aim;.. We (ought them all da;,
butoould not hold the oil;.
Aiobawad, bid; ll.—The aggregate wound
ed brought bare alnoe the battle ie 7,000.
The flniehing chop of the Tredgar bon
Worka and Crenihaw’a woolen factor; were
deitrojedb; flrethie morning. Tkeloia ie
OonXederate bonde are aald to hare sold re
eentl; in Char lee ton at 100 per eent. premium.
The rebel Demoeratle Indian of Hew York
hare got up a eword worth f to preeent
to General Lee.
A oorreepondont, writing on the 9th ea;e:
Yeetarda; a brigade of our tone went to
within eight milea.of Hjufreeeboro. We are
eloelng aiowl; and aural; arodhd that town,
and at nirj approach the; reeede toward
their eartkworki.
Here ta another telegram:
lUidnu, Jfo; IS.—All quiet in front.
We can ah; juat the eame ol matten at Mur
(neeboro; or oomld, at leaat, till Sen. Palmer
dUturbed the quiet ;etterda;. P.
Utnt Hew Orleans.
New Tom, Uij 17.—The ilniui George
Wuhlngtbri.from Now Orloini with dates to
tfco 10th, irrirod it soon. Among horpu
ungero U QoL Josii H. Frenoh-
As Opslosisi letter of the sth ititoi thit
information bid been noolred from Grind
Gllf, and; the gunboltieet, ssdir Admiral
I Porter, with dotiUlof the ooptnroof Grind
Golf and Fort Glboonlby General Oitorhiai
Whin tho litter wio paulngPort Gibion, ho
•no mot hr hnndrbdt of fimlliu Suing from
tho interior to uupejtho nid of tho Illinois
CaTolrj, sudor Gos.. Grloroon, and tho pro
rilling opinion imong tho "oooooh*' wn thit
Fort Glboos mi the;*hfut plioointhit re
gion. Tho damage doio bp our oanlry roll
a lniMnbb<
It ii rumorod it Opolosiu thit Fort Had-.
•on win iTiouitod. . ,
Idoht. CoL A. C. Hill, odltor of tho Era hid
boos nlhood nndor irrtrl for hiring illowod
i quutloniblo irtlolo to bo pabllshodln thit
K. Hun ind T. P. Tnoy, of tho Era,
buro hois expelled i from Now Orloist for
writing ind pnbliohihg tho nmo irtlolo. -!
Q«lu u •xdt»m*nt ooeamd os tb« etea
lac of tiM 7th at tko iopon, oeeuloaad bj th»
audience domindlng thit tho Nitionu air.
■honld ho played, bnt nothing serious malted.
horoiftor lubinlt their programme to tho Pro
rut Marahil prior tothelr performance, ind
■arrootlna thit tho nitionil iln bo played.
OopUHowird Dwight, AdjutantGonorolon
Brii, Qou An die we* staff, died inddonlj ou
thelthinit. Ho wit s Boiton boy, brother
of Brig. Gas. Dwight, ind formerly i Captain
In the Mluoari Union Cirilry. HU tenoral
tooknliu itNow Orluni on tho «th lnit,
snd hlo body «u pliood on board the •(•*»•'
George Peabody, denoted to hli father in
B ThT»w, of tho 10 th, mostioso ■ ramor that
Fort Hndton wu bombarded by our Soot oa
thi night of the Bth ind ill doy on the Bth.
Col. Grloroon hid; irrirod u New Orleans,
ind boi boon pro con tod by tho GnlonUto with
i mmlloost charger.
Admiral Fimgat irrirod it Now Orloini
on tho afternoon of Saturday, th* 9th instant,
from Bnohoir City. The Admiral ind hu
oHoori left thi Sag ship on Bid Blnr. They
bring tho Important Intolllgoiu thit Alexan
dria ru uptarod on tho Oth by Admiral
Porter ind n portion of Fimgat'o Soot.
Prior to tho upturn of Alexandria, Fort Do
Hnuoy, on tho Bod Hirer, wu demolDbod,
liter iffght,indi robol ganboit wu ilto
•eastired. After tho capture (on tho morning
oTiha <th)of Alexandria by our gnnboiu,
tho adrinu urilry of Brig. Gosonl Dwight
j r .tj into tho blue, thu forming i Juno
t)en of Admiral Fimgat'o and Gos. Bisho’o
OpOlonsu ditu of tho (th, otito that oar
umywu thin on thu marsh. Gon. Dwlght’o
brigade wu than oappoood to bo In Alexan
dria, and Guam Saury, WelUoU and Gronr
won olou behind with tholr forou.
A Hotel Hoago letter of tho Id of May
•tuu thit Col. Grioroon’o tone, tho Sih ind
Tth IlUnolr nnlry and battery, nsmboring
•one 980 men, followed by moral hundred
nogrooo, rode Into thu olty on that day. They
lon Durango April 18th, burned the robol
•torso mod railroad depot it Okoloao, tho
depot and two hoorlly laden freight and oom-
train, ud in ordnance train it Now
ton, os tho Cnarlbston and Vicksburg Biil
rbtdl Tho ordninw train contained 3,000
laidod ihiUr for tho Tiolubarg bittarioo,
whloh exploded moot torriSnlly.
From Bowtonthoy followed tho railroad to
Mori dial, burning HI tho bridgoo thonm ooath
n tbo Mobile ind Ohio Ballload to Enter*
nriu, when they dutroyed tho robol ordsisoo
wwkoi ud thin book to Newton and burned
JIU tbo bridgeo from thonoo to Jukios, In
oludtig tho gnat bridge oror tho Foul rlror,
Soar Jukion tori up ton mlUo of track;
they followed tho Jioksen and Now
Orloiu Billroad (oath to tho Louisiana lino.
A robol fane 0f;5,W0, it Clinton, wu oradod
by miking n olieult ironnd thou, our lorooa
destroying tholr oimp equipage, rtorai, Am,
eel wpipdog 300 prisoners,
■ White eroding a bnnoh of tho Amite rlror
Unit. Oo|. Blackburn wu oororoly wounded
and loft in tho hindo of tho enemy.
They argued Amite rlror on tho morning
I of tholrt. Whin ten mllu bom Baton Bonn
tbor upterod i robol oaralry picket of 100
i —.A »«/ b'oraoii burned Ooptein Wothorlu*
honio, captured hli bortu, end thou rode Into
Baton Hugo, looking rough but in good eon-
JIM... Bootyjtillroid in Miiiinlppl hu
beononthy them. Thiy hire ouppliod thom
ulru with froth horns on tho route, and
bronsht In oror 800 oontrabandi on horm, and
of I the letter won alio loading
of the Sth. glror tho partleulari
of tho burning of tho United Statu iloop ol
wiri FohoaooU, April 37th. She
mk towSdMteUy from in open light bo.
toir oarriod Into tho itoro-room. AU hinda
#no aired, j *hl Froblo, ifter burning i
vfS ?guthoot Kniwhi hod upland
two Mhoonon ud dron nnothu uhoro on
Perdido InW.___
of So o i , »-2 I c .: M<ia<ie "l
l ln rotx. H tj M.—lho ilmbh Omi
Q«oo».tw«^» tow * u,k “" f, " dwUl, ** M, ‘
I Jm U Klim* Bui Among h.r I
i u* twoofiooto »nd foitj-MTon
I n. .i«t» to $».••• M»l»»t goTom
-1 fc»• BrltlA ontjoct, bM boon
withdrawing hlo
fsE! vilto Buto otoomor Lonoootor wu
fluoUmol* wot opoodUj
I **?**■ --CTTrt Martlnii. bat not routod.
’ AtrtTAJAftoeAwi 6 **®**- ' ■
- ■-' i-llJ' w.t lfc—tko itoomor Amtrico,
tJ+tSimSSil* HolUo*,»nt?od ootly thli
too U fhlUl-
•H ;i • ■ . I 1- s » , :
f! '"
tate Southern News.
Jo«SK3 Moxnoa, May le.-Thaßlchmond
Inquirer of yssterday contains
yesterday advano.d 1 000
mooed st Bio. o'clock tt. The
enemy wm oontinucllyraia we onened the
o’olook In the aiuraoon/when *•£*£*"*
to-day is heavy »nd oontinuims towsro
'"taEichm.Bd /.su!«r, of the. 15th, oon- I
uiss the following ettitotUl : _ l
Tboro is evidently to be ea
oempsign. The plen of the enemy leem* to
be to keep out attention constantly
evory point at onoe, so that no part of OUT
whole wido frontier n» *•&**???
sent immediate apprehension of an »«•**•
Ihen they can strike where they think onr
line is weakest or oar d* l * o ® B ;.
and if repulsed can retire arid ablowat
some other quarter. In the meantime they
eon bsx much plunder and oause inuch wwow
and heirt-break to our people by «Ijdi^ 0 "
through thinly peopled regions, destitute of
troops, nndelio oin foroo mo '. “J
oar people within thoir line.
osthfor s quiet llio.nd levs thslr propsrty
from confiscation. Thn. th.y osn bothde
morsliso sad rob us within our own bord«,
propsriog sU tho while serious; MtnalU and
delivering them felt when they ereready and
when they choose. It is k»'dV>*»7
point they .re most sotiyo Jnit now. If we
took sonthwestwerd it would seem 1
State of Mississippi is the
extensive operations,- «®IM are
gathering wound Vicksburg, and whitaprip
arallons an in progress for «awa..a«ltupo»
that ptaoo, tho bsck country ;is dayuureo
and the people plundered by **“*
But at tha Tory tamo OMmrlwnttHa !■
“opt on tho s«ioic« by energeUo
for another 2«aok by .eaund b»d, orlottnt
onoe The ebjeot may be only to-pwant
Qen. Beauregard from sending away any of
th “troops wMoh now defend OharlMton. At
the same Instant, too. Burnside threatmj*
Bast T.nucssoo, and
forced, Is.ipeoted to oross Os
.omtwhoro or other from Oalpapper to Port
Boyal. To koop some of our employ ad
In tho defence of Elohmond,; reinforo.mints
are Monroe, and test any part
of the eountry should hare to assist,ithe oue
my’s gun boots are harrasslngHorth
In tho Newborn ftoyrr.., •*?•.}**'
V. rood tbot tho enemy’s gunboats nontinn.
to prowl uponddown theChowen eodPorqnl
mous liters. They stool negroes and sUter
waro, jewelry, and everything they «“ U J
hands on, and hato broken up a numlmr of
fisheries/ They stole some four * h<| uiaud dol
lars’ worth ot jowolry from a man named Cook,
brooking np his furniture, &0., and «»«£«-
ting other doprodations. In one Instanoe
they entered a soldier’s homo and broke tha
°' Yanlteoi «o reputed
or Bllsoboth City. They recently bwnl s
mill on tho Chowan, the property of Mr. any
situated a mile below Wintoß.
Some persons entertain tho idea ibat uo
fores at Plymouth modltato an expeditdonup
tha Eoanoke. Tho groat number of the ana
my’s foreos, and tho multltudo of their ship
ping, mako it easy for thorn to carry on jjlm
nltanoonsly aU the.o operation!, and they do
not care for delay, (orlt i. ourpwplo who are
suffering, not theirs. The longer this gyle
of warfare Buts, tho greater will be the MM
of plunder earrisd north. «ho more of ®"
mills, maohlne shops, and
hen destroyed, the more ofenrmeterUU end
rssouroo. they wUI hare rained ehd wuted,
and the bettor ohenee they; think *b»F
have for an irresistible advaneeat test. They
are in no harry. Lett year indoei Ikore was
“gent basts to got tho rehalUon crashed in
tint? or in ninety days, now we b eer mnsh
less ef the vehement urgency, “d the whole
Yankee n.Uon seems to have out *}{•
for war as tho sottlod for Ufe, rather
then to oonsent to peaoo and separation. They
arepcrfostly witling to fightupott thspnasut
system for twenty years or ( forty yean* they
are willing during all that lima to goon sub
mitting to sooh defeats as they have l ostein
ed at Fredericksburg ’and on tha B‘PP»b“‘
nook, beeanto by those dilate they lose not
afoot-of -ground, they lorenothingbatman,
and men are of loss veins io tbom than to us,
to HU one thousand Soothorn soldiers,thay
would bo willing at any ttma to taoriffoa lra
thonsand Hostiani to sustain » ropnlsolwhich
they would roprasont howaver, aa » re
treat lor strategio loasons. and r »tber hon
orable than otherwise, end they wooid rogerd
the transaotion aa a paying ona ontha Whola.
One taonsend gelleit Bontbarn Uv.l loat to
ns, are ill belanoed by dr* thonaand
base hirelings. Jaoksoa alone, U >.*««
loss to ns then Hooker and Ws wbola hun
dred and fifty thousand would he to, them,
end they .peculate that it may ba Leek tore
or liongitiMt i» and at any rata tnay
arc killing as ilowly cff. and in
they arc ■teallng much and ruining non,
and their women and children arc *o» at
home. Many of them dress better than ever
before in tho spoils of onr homes, while con
federate women and children are routadont of
house and home, and ohsked like wild beasts.
In short, if wo can endure this war f«*be
next half eentniy, they, can and will wilh M
joy of our victoriea and Cur glory. Wa urge
nothing; wc inggest nothing; we only state
tha facts. Snoh U thy poUoy of the enemy,
snob is his calculation, and inoh is his inter
cst and intent.
WasniacTO., Mey lfi.s-The Elohmond Jh
quirtr, of May 14th, oontalna tho foUowfag
Me, Xfi.—There i. nothing
£e d v*/ »d STu te r o?n“V
-TU OJa«mw»ye, Jfey l4 45‘ ,l lB fcont '
and there U no proipect of a hatUc*
Andrew Johnion is commliilontdM a Ma-
of Andy, iai boon pro
mßx?Qoveraorßrewn,of Tennosreo.haaooiha
through tho llnoa from Nasbvllle, and if now
Bngairer aaya that fire or
■lx trausporta landed-Fadaral troops at W«t
Point, Ve., on tho ISth, who M.
ohtrenohmonta noron the point from the Mat
tnpony to the Pamunky river. , -/•
The aame paper containi dlipatohea datod
Jackson, Miss., May ilth, whioh rejwttsttad
1.000 of arant’a eavalry entered and barmen
Oiyttal Springs, on the New Orleans Bill
road, to-day at twelve o’olook. Tkt enemy
are fortifying themselves at Hooky Springs
and Western Springs. OsnsralOsterhaMl.
at Osynga with ona “W
—if if. or seven regiments af infantry, tab#
anomy are being reinforced sit WUiow Springs
and Eooky Bprlngs, from the river. .General
Grant will probably advanoo east, wd not di
raet to Vicksburg. -The enemy's flset nbsva
the olty is insreaslng.
From St* lioul**
Si. Loots, U.J lf.-Col. Alexander,Ar
llltant Promt Menhal under the
tloa not, hu returned to the city, end will
enter upon the eotlre duttee of hUofioe to
mOen».’ McDowell endCoohe returned yerter
fflhSlff. of the border oountlei g
organiie mllltery eompeoler ot <aa*«n». to
ITunt enm, or&enoe an'4 atone
' u £S!^iS^&SSJSSttS!& !
dtoto the rot them pgrt of Ut. StnU. Tto. ;
■enrol hundred prlionen captured nt Pelt
Qlbwn. TEvproceededlmmediately to AU
to Qeh. MoDowall’e Court of Inquiry renmu
<U leiiion here to-morrow.
■ Fite in Beading. ■ . ; I
Bubiio, Pi., Moy lS.— About foot o'cloek I
thU afternoon a drobrok# ontln ill* foundry I
ud io»U work! of Boor* A Dohut, limited I
on CborrT alloy, bolow Fourth itroot, the!
flusw oxtomdlngto andooniuxiln e fonr imall I
dwoUlhgo'ond leirtnl fniu. tUblu. The
■sulu from thO'UUerleUontko rooti of I
dwolllngo onTToablngtoa atraot, and eat die
to ud totally b'utnt out'dro juon dwelling*, I
wltfc • irtatipart of tUlr oonteata. It wm
foatod at one time; that ont olty would ante
to a great extent, owing to too h<gh *<»d
wblok ni emailing at tU time. tha lea
From Washington
VinnHn,lb| 16.—A royal daam of
tha King of Portugal hna hnm nbolalljnoin
aontoatad to nr gorarnianat. Story inal
vidaal, whathannatlTa «tanlg*i u> *® w
vlthoat a purport or any othar similar dae»-
Mt Tha axlfting polloa ragalatloni hata
ban modiiad la arte that aU traralan bob
forolga oonntriaa, oa aatariag tha kingdom,
in ait moat with ainanaanry dilealtlaa,
nor pay nndoa {aaa ; ndthabmpaldbytaa
aaUantarlng and quitting tha national para
an modified and eqaallaad la lack a aannar
that national ranaia iball not pay more than
foreign rataato, and thatlnona put aa beerier
fear skull ba demanded than In another, ax- ,
aant la ipaaUl aaa The ba at MO raU,‘|
Tha tart that bath
oanridernble another, dally arrire “*
UdtaaUaa thatthaanaa will mat lamadlrtffl
»i tb.
tov«nm>nt U oou*«etion wi*
S the Army at thaPetdmaa'
£££?& tto’lTSi ra&V*.
plaoaalnrmawtteeaaarßlßf ttjnjv
eharaetar, noting on
that tliaa will afford tha required oorreetlon.
cSSs,ssre , s£ls
P# aJub* LtaußaantStoddor hn boon
to oonuil tho otaaaar ddoln, LtouVCoa
mudilf CbnpUng tho itaw DoUhtifc Art
is, MoowßnlrtotyßWß
uunj, Aotin* Hutu Loans totho «»—*
Bumtor, ond ActtniLloutoannt Oku. Brown
to tho itoomor Tirfinlo. • _
A ooaalnlon, ooniiltln* of 001. B.
Boohott, Inipoetor Qoaorol, u. 8. A., oaa «r.
OooUdfO, Modloollhrpootor, who worodoolf
utoAhytho War Doportaoat to dariao aooov
am tototokontoproToat ‘ h »»PP*““* «*
poitUoseo during tht oonting n«w,.jayo
aado a roportj oabodylaf aoay Trtnblo
"fanoloho truth la tho rttogodthroatonlii*;
botobobU of Moihj’o robot ooTiliyf»l>o<*J“i
Maaty. Vo. Ihoy brnbor bat on hndrod
and fifty, oad no rnldoa tho Bolttmor* ood
Ohio Brtlroad or ur othor nllrood lnproba-;
bl« of IndMd poMitlt.
Waabixqtoi, Ml 7 17.—TU following
ohuiM ud appol&taMftto bM& bj
tht Fmidnt, uto thi •nroUmtat mM
P«na*ylT»al»—Bfch Dl*toiet— H. 8.
Kapp, Proroii Xirthl j J»oob 0. Hoff, Co»-
mifiiUnw} Pr. P« H# Bortolott, flU|Wfc
10th DUtriet—Dr. Ju, B.oMt*«t«,Bari»o»,
yioo Holbmtadt.oppolntaontoinoollod.
DUtriot—CwU 8. A. Bradford, Pmoit Mor
•hol, yioo Krtohua, doolinod. HthSßDtrijt
—Dr. B. (Jhariton, Borgooa, Tin Loti, do-
C *lbUobo—6th Dtitriot—JOo. A. MbMoulj
Oommlulonor, yieo Troadway, doeUnod. ;
It U roportod to-day otirj aratlibl.
ioldior bo* os dotoohodoorriopU ondorond
WuMagtoa, Bolttaoro, and on
roodo ia Virginia aad Maryland, will bo for
vudod to a£u Hookor’o ooatnad, ondtttlr
plaou ■•ppUod by Ponßijtwß mlUtia,
whloh. It u laid, haa booß taadorodby flop.
OttiUfio ' i i ' ■ 'a±
About .1,160 ofioon mad tm, tnm tjo
OhoaooUoryUlo bottlo *rouid, ud 110 otbtri,
haro boos brought Into nap oad dbtrtbatod
among tho varleua oorpo oad goaoral horyl
ml*. »*■
that tbo Wlaabbago Indian, 1,000 altogoth
or, on laoooordaaa with tmty itlpulaUoni,
Broody oa tho way from Mlnaooot* to now
haan la Daootah. tho nnoyol woo ropro
•ontod to bopnonbly «d*rto*y_P«-. ggfr 1
W pnnil*
to-doy. _i !
A Vallandlghann Indignation Mealing
IB Albaaj--The Proceedlnge li»i*
inpted t| Ketnrned Soldlera. ;
AuahT, Map 16.— Tha maatlag *» P»-
lut inlut tki arbitrary arrant aad mtfM
aftha*Hon.o.l. Vallandlghaß/hnldattha
oapltol to-alght,™larrdjatUo4wi. s *«»«
iptioTut wtn midt Itt tht n A. *• *¥»■
•tTHob. Brandi Kamaa, John Murphy, Biq.,
of Balalo, and attm.
adopted denouncing tka atrtat af? VkUaa«g
haa aa da sawanaalaUa aaaaapUon of bU
itan pa war. A latter waa than raad from the
Sonraor chanictarieteg the arrant aa aa aat!
wklok baa brought diehouor upon our oeun try,
which la fall oTdangor to oar pareoni aad our
hsmaa, add which baan apoa lta front aocn
idoia Tlolatlod of law aaa Jutlaa.™ »!. todlctnrbtheßeet.
lai, bat failed, aad the pollan auaaadpd 1*
Baking ftararal arraata of tha gallfy JK?***
Thara waa eomndlatoibaaoe at tha VaUaa
dlaham Indignation Boating to-night, i Dor
teg tha daynlSeUng of oppoaltlon to ttaob
itet of tb* atotteg s**mg *obm of tttHwnM
loldltrt vm elasrlj mulfait, tad won sftor
th«orgft&lutbmo? thOMwtta«tUifW»i»*
•riAtSMi of dimtiifiMtioa mn ikowm saw&g
th* folditn ptwoi. *k* *P* ak s*™*j“T
turmtoity tbftir aoUr 4*aoMttmtton,and
dully tlwyaadi a rum forth* lUf** ;«wst
•xeita&aat prorsilod-for • iboxt tlmo, sad tor
a tiBO tha prooawltega wara broughttoelUad
lUll. The ehalre on tha etage were broken Into
ntaoaa, aad thrown in tha crowd; aad Jet afo*
mteutee It aoamad aa If tha toldlara wonld
gain poiaaailon of tha etage, and drejra tha
SrUlua of.' Tha aoldlara, warn te;eaall
lent, howernr, and dually roUrod. whan or
darwai onoa Bora laatorod, aad tha ptooaan
Inga raeuned, althoogh aat wlthont ooMahnal
interruption!. Brentunlly qolat mJdUj
raetored, and tha mac ting waa carried on
paaoaably. : ' ; •
From Oemeral Hooke?’* Amy* I
Husauimu Aun or tw* PowmOi) I
AMrei Or*" »*• M.—Tko;*ij« f«nl I
Commoadiof doobu to ml to tbo twpo
luvlu tbb un bimm ot tbooxpbotloa I
“ t£& tmToI o«TtM hlo
thtli iSorti ui dorotltii. Tho itaid «* I
thobdoodi.ilhlWlt wfflpwTO o pro»*iw»W
loetfoa U tattoo llvo U hUtu7*a«
in tko of ttelt oomndM ito
SnS?«?SSSo tho lti
O* konoimbl* ond fUrioS fcofottlooof
Tho MoJor Sonot oomotoodtn* diroeto ttajt
ooptorS Oil* ordor !»*“**£*£*? •S*l’jfc
I moot tbot tuUt or If obout to lijfotto
unj.ut bo doobootbot tbo uao bo Mo-
I mStttod to tbo troopowttb’bb
1 forthobKlim. Mi;tbo*»“ ,p l^
I nroßDtod tboa to lopomd to tbo doty
Frost IfuknUe.
WiMTitti. Bor Oon. l
Mania priiourt, lnoludlnguneColOßol, »nd I
Kali, m M»t north to-day. Dt.
CUathemead faaellyolio toft to Alton, to
.l. dnrlsi tho war. : _ •
"Sweaty-dte rebel femlllo* won ant Booth
bt Brigadier Sooorol J. T. Wood, Who 00-
lunodoompandof HoohoiUe till morning..
i XU tita U itUl foiling, with tot tot
Boi° Klmomklol, tUrobol Son. Vox Don 1 *
I Adjutant, hu boon appointed OunMaata
Adjutant Somoni of Blioouri, wlththo took
of Brigadier Senecal, woefcrmorty • Uon
tenontin thoUnltad 8 tatoe OQTalry.
' Ftont Foflfen».-'*onw»e«..,; 7’j
Forruen Boxxon, Bn* “J;
orol flog of tnoo boatp die boro from City I
HolnUbut none Uro jot aimed. t ‘
PiiTßteen FUUm* 0«t lmTexm*.
Hnr Tou. Umj It-— A. ItttßtftmlUto- 1
nam> Tsxu> »»J» j* riSaSr
■ . -——
B*t. ***■«*•*•
OwOAOOjIUy fl rr?t^S*UlSlfs
• •
-,••••-• ..•
nieettit gamier* XeftNmiimo, H-F-
H«* Tom, M*/ IT.-Th.«t-in« Cots!=»,
ta, bn» nth* «* in 4 ca «h.
i obnUVnnothlog cow.
IfeuhM; til f" •• ln *: Soatlua *' l °
2£Ktr» of Addwly * 00 -«i x ”S* th*®rit
tamW* slund fcy Suulint Sen.
BijSi«» H«W« Urn
lOkmtMteib ;: "-■■'■■'“f-' ~
Tke CM of ol
I*• mimi : -Qoyypi Bcnrt
• »-»• **
••••*». b *“™-
Ifuod. V-
■mifeeti fcT; T?le»rap«»*
b«k. at SWDalitt Ibr ChMi 6pHB&
ScUMd; 40,000 bsrtu »ld aftsgWc for ToUow.
hnAIL XMi’Poct—OU- c&afer, tie* steady. Lwd
Ifln. Vttkjddl Gnxwriwuicilcgpd.
OlKd: . •''
: (XRH-On Thoroaojnltfit, Ho* Mtb, >t Wwl
‘■ngtonl*i*.’Mnr WtaWog.MiTliJtlTU.wlfool
; ruunlnllK o'clock ciMojiiai iTO*ioo«, io
r *.-« horn Ot mlkibm? mpot on tt* gnlnl cS tho
ynMag troinv wluro ctrtbgio wfllto tn olUoO
uoo. Tto bfendl of bio U>Uy Ut reif<ctfollj r*
: 4«*lo4to»tt*»d.'.
; TBOMSOH-MJn hßrig -;Bn. WU-.
yo . itT-rii. of WllUta r. Xbamion.
tteftaml till taka stain *“* ««*ti*°.»““
•’dock, bad tbo itiMondi «* **. ko>b»od, Ho. IS
JoortkoW. !Th« drt*nd**ltr*fm*Sr **• InySod
tocUaad. ■■■Trn -■■.-•'<{■'<> ■’<*'..
OMAUj FABMfcl-and country
Dub xt xconot.-oi thdmdat ai^
TBBBOSBt MU mb, ll 1 o’dwh, wl\r baaotdf oh
tfca piwlm BfiivtvtM station. on tha Oobbclm*
JaoNia tomahlp, *** hUo«l°« Tl ff*
oaolM'I'Oto; ’wbfeh baraboen mbdlYWad tron tha
orooirtp lata alJeal Paonocb.
a ama im parebw;
: » » j jj j!
. | 4s *' do M do;
•• < 4s 9 to m M
to • to «9,--a to) rut
■ m t " to 9;to «j do;. ;
•• T to 9 to TJ to; •
■ 9 to 9:to 91 do; ..•
« 9 to ID-to «• • tor 1
UJO to 10 to 90 do; :
mit to 9•db 1» do;
Th*m imaU farms! port of John G. -. Wooda tnot,
analttotadlrtthln ibYhaodnd jaxdaot Haata
vood OUtton.and wall adaptad both tot dallfhttnl
socntrp natOancas. nod 9w frotiand rtnagrowlni,
tha pramUas baton >•iihowntba dtdanot lota,to
aUtut on Thomaa Morrlton, t.naot on tha
PLuMOftka lama eaa ha nan on tha prern'.ei, or at
{feltoUon Booms, MlUthatraat, or oßca ttßobb
tn wk t« *nd itm inn. with tourcrt-
AUiiimitainv of attending ttcicl* will be
For thU p«rp»«o »
“tin inn tbm fittebttTgtt* Umn»frTiUe ».«.
Saitol ok ourUr p**t 1 o'clock fa. »•» ofccUciji on
aann ir—ntng—Oft* Ct &C OOd OH* m ,
HflUlOOVi Hir ntli. it a o’clock, wi 1 be Mid,
Vilierriwlwc Bi^EoitlwoodStotloo;oathe Ceu*
Mii.»iiuk«iifMd. la odaiUon to tfcecjliMcn
9t' muA ttom&J •4rtrtto**» U* feUovlfaC
|olSa( (Um» subdivided bm tho Bern oil|l>iK
looatolniag !•**•
i . M\« . ■' i « lit u
Ml g• • -.1. • 1 « I*T u
-' 4 . M . -.-I
-<4 g • M rO **. 16t j 5
TkMa Kmllfil kltn fe, oorotr, '““'“.‘“."'V;
clty»dUUnt.*bont two
M.b; thf,i.Unw In
’’‘SSSSaSriraJi’ih. Pltubar»n * Con
n.n.-rtTU R. B. Depot, pticUoly •» qasttor poit l
o’etockP.m.,K»c *re* co»Tejeace oi vm oos to.tbo
rstarnistfid sod ono *t e p. m.
; PATH Aartff.
f im.-Ol tOMDIT IV* »ISo,>H*t 18th,
£JU o'clock, wm t» MUi to tb» M<?aad.flwr uIM
SmdMUß«r«bl WtoaHot** **•»»**
attSu Ik* l»U««toK TataaWo.citjr. wfl*rt J of Wa.
|n lb* fiikth W«4,‘w< idJalalßrtt*
SSdM'ot Bob^ryK»g., «tt PeaniylTMiU r
90 fwttroat ocvPian»yh*nl» Atojm #
trttecotMrof Cb««tnut rtw*t, *od exieiUlon Uek.
fnx Jut to aSO fc«* *Hey» l^PP 0 *I*’ 1 *’ £•
v ’ :
iSL 1 ??' DiLTLI * MtJl,t« hIH tc. hnaloiw .
WMinTiimit Htm uy Blunfc. —
K «?»Biaa,*.y tustit. .t is
sAa' «mh« iolllß llu ißconi fitter ol the Ojib
{jpnfef; lalm Boons, bj criu oftti* Xxecatorfi of
ft** l*ta Alex. ocott••' t '-», *Lt' , "i‘i
. •» Aim ;* a
‘' M<46 Tr*“i* Bank stock;
i Ancfrt.
S' kabunabuk CLOiim<tt-->yiii bo
„vi tkaOgiamUiil«lwßiiloM TUIh
j«W «my imli| Uii iwk, it , c^' 1
; Uf|*«toekoxflaoa* Mf wcg»dV«nd thing.
;*owMi?l>^no(klMck : Oo>t<:
V « / 500 (TMiimfcti Ptw «nd BnriflWiO>»ti;
; «« 50J >n wool aad fcacy. Oylmyy ftau;
& 3SSKf , «S.S3rS2S , S» , 7«
ImhMMtwlqnliaat tattn* tap plant
<la>y,!t*, * t ' B. B,' PAYIB.
ft W. OHUBOHMAN, No. 82, booth
Pita, PMhMpJth, A«»* ft* *<*» “* r “
SOSA. AMT*..;.,'.:. ..
tkbiih h ifcfM talk* aaklac «i
nu ß TITFi 1 —-«■ t.inuu.
rTVlT£&BßTlLLK,(aacooiior* to *»
I fcii Jr. A00.,)' H&MOUt PLOBBIW,
Ai Sd nauintiiSn, Bs.a? Utortr uk,
W Mod m«»t . ACubray.
kmoßbUSd«UfnrnMl WAD mCShISX
MAdLbAB MAD. aD« HOa*.
?S«»« unrSote* bSTam puhpu. ht.
wtnrwcfa • All ■crfcyarntttrd to tfr» ■**>*■
ikgtjcm.;. *• • - ■ Myl-lr
at HatWfflkwA.CkL.)
I * : : * r '
JTa.TS JWtt «L, Ml iMr.fe Ita Mtimatf tofc
i;-: ; Wtfam B•'
80LD, »n.T*B, BASK BOT**, *?CHABai,
I taUm ■ '.
QUA&U.UALBiiIfYi t:' ’
Pitdiw k BturtlCniDjliiloi IcHhint,
Ant «-wi..ii iM. aC OOinilßt BBOBUOB.
,: .kwinßuinwiy - ,
twuiL xktnux « uu, cowiuuoi
■\Z»»wa«i«rt AwlHiUCTvDtQiLyi OOE. / ,■
OAKtHIU—A fplenaidAAAortats nTo?
\J OTudemfcttobtank rt ft-tcrjpelimi
, «ai» wma*»Bi«wAi>»w»i | *I*■- 1 *■-
V 6 jttkfai. dSBBTog
i -w V'
•/ / ~, ; • L ':\T~ - ■ ■ ' • - * 1
>jAira* n ><