JJW-’'is —'?- v - " ~ ■ >.?;V «v • <-&*■ <-•' *s>"*< SF' & < S|f# ,r - u or .ud Mon .ng confusion | , 4 ' -miy:- within our .'theloysl Btnt*s had jm eonddtlon that the nn *uy was Inferior to tbit of the «. „ and'had almost oeaeed to hope for any brilUent or lmportut aonloo At its bud. dens._ Hookas, Qsaax And Boss ’omAio, however, Mom to, comprehend its qunlltybeUer thudidlhelrpredeoeuora ineommUd, ashes boon gloriously oUoot ladiyUieilats expedition! of (Ha. Bross isnKlafteatsiwyitgiplaudOea. G Min us, im Mississippi, both of which greatly surpass both in boldness ud dub, ud In theextsat of injury Inflicted upon tko en oofi Ujtlung aooompliihedby tbo robot Jtoders nT whom 'To boro spoken. And hardlylatsimportantwas tbo incursions of flen.Doha*, of tbo. armyof tbo Camber . lapd, whopenetraled to tbo Southern bonk Of tbo tehu iwoor, 1 capturing Tuecumble, Coorilnnd, udother pltoeo in northern ‘AlkUmft ud breaking op the rebel liner 'of. miiien 1 !** 1 "" in tho-rear of Jobbstoh .And 9*400. , Thslatsextentiva roid of Gen. Sroni ■ui la; Eastern Virginia, who, in nine ’dnydriiejVieited tan oounties, oat rail roads, burned bridge!, and destroyed Arm; ■toree to u uonnoae Amount, ie elreedy pretty will known; ud it were difficult, in the present eritiosl condition of the country, to estimate ite importuoe. . Bat the expedition of Qninneos in Mis tinippi, forohivnlrio dering ud import utnervioes surpasses uy thing ire oier bMnfofj, considering the emnU number of inn engaged in it. Oon. Gann's diepoteh deeoriboe it oe bAiinf litermlly eeoared Uininippi from right to left, ud bom top 1 tobotlom. We find it At Ripley end Hous . ton, in tbo North', At Okolone, Artesieud Muon, in tbo Snot, on the Hae of the Mo bile ud Ohio railroad; at Newton, on the Jaokson ud Meridian railroad;. then At Enterprise, in' tbo Bast; then at Haile bant and Behais, in the Weet, on the line of the New Prisons ud Jaekau Bailroad; and “when laet beard bom,” says General ■ vGaan; “Gamnson Vaa throe milea bom . Bnauait,. Un. milea bom BnOkhaven, ud waa euppoeed to bo' making hie way to Balon Bougo!"" And ao ha aigaagged ud - eavorted book ud forth, np and down, through MietinippL no point we dee ire to abtoii that, though with biat a thousand mpn, CoL Sninwi followed the lines of railroad ud oettlemutthrougha State in .' babUed by *68,901 wbitee, [and 887,101 bbwkj l lheraworoaotoaougb able-bodied - linin' ibm Trarn'not enough bonemu in a stats renowned for horsemen—** stop hie ravages or bii triumpbal ride. - He set out frem tho northern line of Mis eieolppl, ud tode down through tbo eaet on part of the State, aimoet if not quite to. the Louisiana lino. The Jaekau Appeal .torAprll 28 th reports him to have been at . Heelehuiat, a station on the New Orleans .» And Jaekau railroad, on the 27th. This is forty miles abate of Jaoksan, Missiseippl; . ud only slgty miles bom the Louisiana ■ ; border.'According to. the rebel journal our -.forces dedtnyod telegraph lines and took laway.-the wire—wbleh cannot boreplaoed ' ty tbo enemy; they broke up tbo railroad, burned or otherwise destroyed bridges ud oulTeris, bamed'freight cars, depots, ud oommiseary- etores, blew up loeomotires, ud eeUedall jtlm good horses remaining In the country. The New Tork Sim re ■."/ -marks: .. ■/ Be seems to hate takuJUs time in cat- | tingroads, supplies and capturuig towns; ho seems to , . hue met with*Yew men here and there; '--Whom heubiitieednt'hil leisure; ud in the Northern part of the State he found a body of rebel militia, whs; eaye the Jaek ' son Afftol, “broke and ru afur the eeo ond are;”, but the Whole oountry wu.al most completely : denuded of : able-bodied - ohlTiilry: The 1 askson Appeal, of the 28th uln, also states that tbs last heard of the Yankee horsemen, they “were thirty miles east of Hailehorst, trom whiob they bare a ' . diroot road to Batches; is rumored owns that they will more to that city, where they can be protected by the gun boats util they be crossed orer the rim." ~' When il is remembertd thU Natobel is (or was) a oily of nearly 7,000 people, it must be evident that there la not much of a fight lag element left there, or a rebel journal | 7Would not talk of its being entered by a thoueud tTnion cavalrymen. The same journal says that the “penetration of an atomy's country ao extensively will be re corded as one of the greatest fsate of the that‘htiler their late movsmnts We' are prepared to hear of their aoaom piuting anything Oxoept meeting a Coa federate force that might capture them." « Xhe self-evident iafsruee, and .the en eounudag fSoh to be gaihnod from all theee is that the rebels have ali their fighting fhroe in the field, and that, . when thelrprosut 'armies are broken, the Confederacy will give us little mete trou ble. Its bsekbane will be very elfeotively broken. . . ■ • . .'feiisAilvs; ; ecu earner's (lasik F . . . i . ~\ . J r „ .v ,v £■' % & v ./Saturday NOTICB.—PtiraBunOH .mp near Whit. omiles of Falnookh. tb^pfutboriii«OnfcnMHrn-T*tafr»pb • » beautiful day, and we . from the effect, .four .aitlon against the rebels. W* w* tb» at d«r of Joavitc, * or th* . toon to move again." All of which ?S??S!«w!swww b*~; proves that that portion of the army at «a~< » leaat wa» in asLate of repose on Saturday joHHWATT, afternoon, and the writer gives no inline- joeh b. xwiwq. ‘ lion whatever that any part of the army aiWflaMw a<'*** iixitmwat. WABD N. U. U meets IKS' •teryKOßDdl HMST.ot winiHsasiu CpKB «I»t Wj?”, W AKD N. U. Ia will W BMttosfMhXOHDAT’BVWrSOj— By or-er ol thi ' FEMIDBHT^ my9:»t ' WARD N. U. U meet* »nr? WSPHBaDhTBTESISO. Aman -Bests here been matte Icrr-a4dna§«a from Kotob>tt strepw. . : ‘ ~ Tie Tmrtb Wort H. lfc Barts , "' r I 52 S ' PST BVBBmg. it'gmoeirtrto. a” 3 * ir3*MJTUJIi—II»» oabsoription Books Ihy of lh*'Cooper sirs Aim (teDiiv till ooctllaiepei it tbaOfloa §>”/*» KSLMMtrmw to, ikt mla :-■ ~ ■•■ . «■*■:«< : •HI bo ksld on TOBiDil, M to of safjias«r f. I Htttborgk, Key Id, 1183. *» 4sl “ | Pxtnnußi Mayflih, HtS. oiriDEjros. of ih® Kiflhinge Ut£>\ Bank, of Ptttsborjb, bare thiaday dwclmtt » Dlridead 3 rtVM PBBOMT^ eotel theaero. tuts or the last viz months, payable on or attar the Ewh loei-, fcee ol nUQoremiaeat dniisa. » myStlwdaaf H.M. MOIt&AT. Oashhg. fTS»DIVIDBND.—Xh® WertttnLlniur- iigi blusbvfh* has .this day declared a Bliidend of TBAMM POLUhftb PJI& BUABIi out of the aaraed prottta of the -laet aiz BOBthi? payable to Stockholders oa and after the Uth instant. X. M. GOJtDOH, fiecatary. May 6tb, 11M. I* BB * l*o» orrx Bask, ’ \ •*" Plttsbnrsh. May Bth, 1868. J ir=S»THB DIBKCTOEB of toi* Bulk lS§r boro Ibli dOrdocland o Dtrldnd of »OUB PBBOBBT.OO tbe CoplUl Block, oul oflboprolu of ibeUMrli mootbs, P*j«M» fo IBotMiolfino* *£Sg} JUOAAMIOM B AM*,-. L PitUbßTsb* X»4 sU,lWlj MECHANICS BANK h*l lr«£r (hiidijdKlirid'l Dbl4nd#f|OWW* OStIT, oo tb« U*p}Ul BEMkf Sr* **7%? ffSStt&Z* my»:lotd iHMfy* Mm ttk. HA rr-=»XHK FBKKIDBNT AND DIB EC* wv TOB3 of tW» Book b*n Ufa day dacUnd 0 Divldaad of FOUB VBS OEHT. os lOa CaplUj .«t nf ik| of (As last dz BObtkii ODd 4 * n “ mrtUd • • _■ . - tuvtatibt Ital.W* W*- I BOARD OF DIHBCTOKB of Iky- RabM kin tU$ diy d«dawfl » Wrid«a4 of fOCK PBtt ullln (be Oipltil IW. ■ ■>*“ turam JUfti. i PBKSiDSNT AMD DH3KO - &xsss^SfSS^^!SSS& At a of taa Bca*d «t itUtcton of tbk GsMMt, E|i4 tbit day, a DirtAad f*» krfjwJ ro torn tU tocatka to MT« r«v j apoa each Ain of taa Wagllal Awcb aabamih* *«Hkty*"*"»!>»«»» visaxi.arororr. POLMTICJLL JTOTMCEM* COUNTY COMMISSIONER u.Auj» Dm. pniaborgh PtotrM, 0*»»«d ib« Btsia kaid/wlil b* a.caadka • Im Ooaaty Omßb Ms*r, teiha dcektea of Ikaßmkb itsum OHCTty OtmTMPttefc 1 ■>>»»»_ trS-SUR COUNTY TRBAhURER— Dsrio Atsts,*r,sr rtoktos'tow.sktPfVia b. ■ sinsid.to tor lb. Uroe eMto, übtoto to tot. Cibi«Q>tUro«tnto«.|to.OtoVUltu. toyllto COUNT r COMMISSIONER -Benin tu* to tk» Olty to Htubu*b. «jil be before tba Bcyabllew t)caaty Onmattoa aa a malHate tof tba abar* •Mm- ■' r^»FUK COUNTY COMMiSSION&R Oaoaaa BamilyoW. of YUtobargh, anil U a im Oaaaty Oommk«loB«ri «ob|fct 10 tba rftbn i>«tt MipablMaa CoaTuiloiu apJOrte ••• • - Jr'S*FOR COUNTY CoMMLsSIONKR it®' _j. a. Cosnoci, or Bh»T«borf. wl.l to . far Um abo*a adto*, labjaet to tbadadataA ei th* mat BapnbUoan Utmaiy CoeteoUow. apt*:te - jrS»FOR RECORDER. —Anoint," Mo- Curts, at Mlflio towaablp, tU ba a caadt ,date tor t*t*wt W uadadatoo ef tba ant l | t paHk««n Ooaaty CXmrwiitoa. apltoatawtof n'SvFOK RECORDER;—Hxxxi S»nr* tfV i,r,*f tbaScraßtb Ward, Rttabarsb. will to 'a candidate ter Baeotdar, «üb)«ct to tba daekloacf tba BapobUcamOiwtiy OoDtaaUok. apUxto irS»FOB REGISTER—Wm. Glass, of BoUbaab towatklp, will ba a candidate tor tha abora ofßca, aabjact to tta dacWoa of tha saxt Bapablicao CoantT QmttnUoo. aptt-.ta (TS.FOR REGISTER—JiIfu B«f», IWr of Uppar BU Ctalr towaabto, witt baa auf< Bagfet«r,aab-lm. S. Oeou, of Skelee tmrasklp, »U 1 te before the BepabUoeo Oeootj oonteeUeo as s eta- Sdetefcr Cntke*the Oeerte. ■' - SQfctc jrißir AD'rxßTiaKMEjrTa. •nVANTBI). ~*A smiAXfOH iSSBJfPIHO CtMXi Bya iomsmen wbois eoxleM totuereOU bnel. ms! uiUnot shall to work., OfoM er Iren Bnd. Ufi bfiitind. Bffirt at jifttiu* If I AdSSt B&p W» B« »5| WtfiiMnih p, Oe I MtlllU I- ■ iUJm Kltt in wit llßdlt tftoed OM bItUN WH •k «r*t 4 : . «». Mi,y*r7 D“W UUikU&UWM«Ii»I» nil; paitiv Tuum woßnioSr #*®-^a»rjEk‘ CtTOBAGE FOBBSFINED OIL.—TBe OftttaitSoßof cll mrauidothmi* called to th» f*et tkittto aufcnba*4btt»ot «n 4 Of Tttalt, k«iUMo far storing B'fiwd CMU . _~__ * BOOT. ASttWOETH, •• «v!8 - .'. . Daq»»«p* »rd 8t Ci>*r ■tr »t. VUBKtrt'Alill AtrrUSH AN 4> JW/lA" X tOSI—R o«tm4ta■ _ BAJUittli TAFIUCA, - 6*o. E. KSnZß'tf Xorwkftt ltd Wool atraafa | BAKBEb KiTHA C*o. H MIBIB’B, yccetos.l j HQ Wood atraat. An extra, train to rouhes- Tl£-Tb“ tWui£rort VUju iCbtap. Bailroad vfil roaan lx raTrato, rrthaJt*®? l ®?’ dhtioaof tbs FATBoHd Of TAB Oj**»A, ®a WIDSX3DAT, TBVBbDAT ud TBIDAY, 'ULfe,Mtk*adlBtb,toßoebMtor*&d*H in *f, r SJr at* itatkma, Waving Vadaral attwt Btatloa, Al!**h*- ay Pity.atlliU p m, ■; A LLKGHBNY SECOND WARD ii STRUT*—An adjooraid maattag of Ibo Ytavanof BPBHA YIiTAjB&bTSBCTjJiHAUA **4 PALO ALTO BTBUTO, AltaghtßjN b* held on wioaxsDAi ArtSBNOMir. K*ruib t at 8 o'clock, at tha'ALLKGHBHY tfOWM VALl*> when forthrr appaaU from tbrir mw ifnanto v dam* r agea and taaefla Will bahatfd. , A. ' j ayUtt *. 8CB0I»E« Jr. CUy Sd ctor. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—A M»t,«omiortablaX>waULaf Hoatafo* •«*!*«» .tour* ATtnaa. Ball, Fartor, blntog Boon, Bitch an, Ac., oa tint fljor t tear Bod Booaa, Bh*n Boom, do, oa aaaoad Asoc. All tha madexa lapwr*a»au, lack *• Qta, Water, Ao . _ _ lnootr. *f. M. I. srXWAET, uomH« Fifth >trot; or Dr. A. a. «LoOAiiDLItS, o.“tr« | Aruem? XTOTIOB TO THE PD BlilU JN v tj, ft Aur flratrtt ! Bttntil I SHI Ward, nttibartti. fA,*«?•>•> UO. I fitasda «f patieate osdwtlun vUhlog to *i«lttp* BotpltaL wiiiba admitted batweaa tba bowa of f end sjj>; bl, on TUKSDiISi iHUWDAM md ftATUBDATd. fanoni daalrlsg to call an otkar daja than ttoaa apaelaad, will b* raqalradto prorara parmtUYnxn minnn'aOMaa. oocnar of ewlthAkd and Uhud atraats._ \ ’ - | OHAILXS B. WHHB, . Aa't. Swgaen V. 8. Army, Sargtoa In charca. mylfctt * •' . fJTU UAFJL'iALIbTBf AMD MiLLttttS PEARL STEAM FLOURING MILL FOR SALE. Thaownaraoftba“PßAßL BTXAtt MILV*^ ' tog aattvaor tagagad In othar panmlti, and fcalrtol I to aaha a dArUion of tbelr intartata, offer fcr oak thla larga and ralaabla aatabttahma&t, oa taraa that I moat psora adrantagaona to any party wtohing to aagagafatha mllHng biialnm. f o pacsoca raiding in tela vicinity a partloolar I dwcripttoa of tha pcoparty B» ha nauacaaatry, «* tha Mill la In 101 l and anrotaafol ocaratloa by tha Inmm,irmira. B. T. BBBBBBX ABBDTHBB,and I opan to tha azamtnaUon cf any who may daatoa to I.look thzaogh U. Por tha Information of partlm at I *dJatanoa,abrl*f daacrtpUtm la bar* gtraa: I SITE, v 'l Tha Bin ocanpUa a amad KUT»et gronnd In tha City of Alleghany, at tba earner of Laeo* aad Bai> I rath atnataTwhlcn hsnnd tba property oa the aonth •aftaaatr^ThaPennayltaWnuantf fhrsattanorth* j ten and waaurn boanUry.’twnlng at the mIU aad ranblM aoathraroly ahattt ona htmdnd yatda, wbaca U ampttai tow tba Alleghany mar. It ka 'tnda completely Ittlatad nod ptotactad irom flra rUt from tu cßtrcanding property, baring atmta aa tb* aoath'and aaat Afty mat tfida; tha canal oa rtha north tha width; while oa tha wmt vh«ra to. Ma itoUlUtot iian.; iH? !£“* Uf rtomljlrtnl* Oulli tlxnt » tM tra. U. rnrU udoT tfc.>olf nuutu tnekot tk. MatoUteM Kitokui^,»ort *«»• around* rtUebbigh Ballnye. I A WUga aersaa Ua canal, racmtly icoallt, bring* I thaMißtotataay cwmmnntcatloniwHh tnoaa rcaoa, I and makes tbvtacalrtog of gntn from tbam coara. THE MILL la ntauattollf bnllt .1 brU*, aad n»*d wltb UaU. It to ins< toat l»a>c, M toM Wda, Ola atortoa kUb, Ud . toaro. toot (wnt, uU.« tox *•« m tuUjlA trow U n*upbM to to* ißtto* ** IK,' {rob tufiliiti KtouMd ftvicoaptali M... nbnn ihi uuhturj.tDr rl—ndtn, ud ■troraedkd *k«t to auto, ud tu tw tk.l StoTUfmairad. n. «|U, t/dt ,« u•• LlWri.roddu.to IMAntolftoU,- ">“» “ kM Simla |U.du Ur. Mu mm, bat udu ArottautotodUtoUO oWycotod u .■mi|i|cttocl. THE BTOREBOUSE WroUdU to Ik. Mill aktotl, tour It cot Into fnU •nrkUDn, wbm tha nacamity for lncnaaaa room Jot •mrtna whaat, new aad Barrels became spyarnit. It bBO •*#* Icag* enbeUaUally built, Lke tba MU), and iooM with elate. It adjolai'tb* Mill, aad with It fuems tha kt.es L, tha Um mtieg oa tha canal ar north tide. the sources of supplies Of WM m bj U« Ohio Bltar. from Soathara Ohio; ilflaola. Mlwotl and Kutackj u 4 1M tlaa of 1«* ftaai !«mmi h 4 Bortban Ilia* ■flril By tbs Pluab&rgb, Bart Vijm * Chitago i «ad tfirnTaa 1 * Mtoboii lilhnyi (bar* to a at* I iidiaiM*; ncMtoltointM oito a«k»t U i u« wecid—Tßß <4TT Of OttlObw-aa wab aato I •a Ttitarr grata (sowing ractaa aaartr at hn4i la 1 asitt«BHaa>MOU*aulllllM. Paringthe »aiU|i»f inurtottoOUa river* tat thatoooihe cf Jalyaad AigiM* MppUw of WhaaS an obtained ItrntoßenUaihvhJoaaa Keataehjr Bjr rail. I Ito PltaMft BfUabiatiUi lailnyi w* liy itaaptota*. wdl affud aa additional team of I ifaarijlte tba yrodoctof (ha Hill la tha aaatiiu I oiOan to racked by the PasanrUania Badraed, whUe I all aroaadU to a had eeantoag dta* I trice* Mgnirtag tart* ananmln of Blew aad add. . I f orlariaar parttcmlara ul for taraa apjly to ai y jof the sndragned. JBO. T.LOOAH* I B. T. KBBBdDT, I toILUAH BAQALhI. | PUtotergh, Agtfl. IM3 1 aplfctf QAKPJBTS AXD OIL CLOTH*, New and Fresh Goods, ATTHI I*W OAEPET- BTOES I ; .. 0? MeFABUSD, COLLHS & €O.l Wa an npUly tailing ooiooi y««» •*«* «f-| good*, hat aUU dnmi to bay an, of tray * I frill iMnrtraaal rflbi HWMT VtlLB AHD BlflT QUA-UTlBi I ' or EVBKY LESCBXPXIOH OF GOOSI 11. MX UM,(IMUr pwt'of WWdiSjTtttjM!«*>>» I ■* Im thw pravnt «ttton pcttM t. ISlulli « | EctilUig atVboltult Prim. I ■!» ) . jQAapjnFti JB BO 88 BJ'S ir*w W >w> eomfW* Md ««M “•““W' 0< XHBLIOH AID AMMWOAB B&USfllLB, it ■ull aShacm tinn Ua'a»»,TO* CABH. ; A UfK iuxk, bo«*M Uta» «*a Ufa wMoAaiaaalHa* a»IiMB T?AH ***** rAOToaua’ pßicn. BifimfiS) :oim,ku ohma hatthm, t=»« ttd fUIUIM, *t tk> «U OUV&S M'OLUTOCK A Oft. *A»*nr*K»TM»». ■Mlnw JjiABM FOB BALB‘ OB BENT, ooawnf/M ll * cua ' . . AH ttte (im ud h .**»<»«••» !<;» imcmuiu «**• .°*, * ***. DJULtlsq, ’"*• nua twin hoot*. *i» ««•*«»>*> I UK, good nioiousvor iypff / j t' um* [dirts' - ■. f." I tofrilMl f*l* B * , **»* - I ".. : / •'*- ;,h,M»i*iaiiw». jrmw ju> , w«n rniCTu jmi **cerran." lUinnT nr» f «opM j_, •'*SWSBBSKI»aSiffi J Sh??us to IW.V tolttM. «~- T lunnnil—t ** Aftblllit BtXS thl:B4T« 1* H. Clß* I&SSSS; SiJITiiM?: th* Eoble, Bnßrioj A* 0» Haft, ly.i Ullcßt H* T,s the Hob. VmX Maj a»Hon. Sehnjkr ®“g“»i Sim is ag-g^ggS; JoeaphßeaidlcLlJllca, HiT-i-S** SWiH* VUoh H. T.i A. 6. Pood, *M, Vtiea, H. X., James ntuktft, M»q., NmbrtSb, past, ■ . LIST OP spiomo BEMBDIBfI. ■ Ho. I—For Lnr, Oongaation art laflimmottai. Ho. 3—For Worn ItTer, Worm Colic, Wotting Oolio, Crying, Teething and Wakeful ness of Intents. . Ho. 4—Too Diarrhea, Cholera Tnfcntam «o Butt nor Complaint*. . Ho. &—PcrOolle, Griping* Dpaantarp « Bleodp Wot. Ho. o—lor Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Ho. 7—for Oougha, Colds, Inßaatunu Sow>Tb»*L Ho. B—for Tooth-nchs, lico-acba, Hnambrto. Ho. o—Pot Eoiwh*, Vertigo, Hoot and Jvintm of tbo Hood. : Ho. IQ—Dnrnii* PHU—tat Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation and liter Oomplatnt. I Ho, 11—For Pamela Imgnlanttes, sesntp, Palnftu I Profuse Msnaa*rßearing 1 4< hS. wsf3*S«p, Hoane Cough, Bad BraatUng. Ho. 14 .Salt Jkhmm «Ua-For<,*rj«ipel** fc*W Ilona, Pimples oathe Paco, nm. Cawof SOVlalt, complete, in mcroeco and bo«k4B 001 OMaof SO rials and book, plain , ~. «00 Oaaaof 11 nneabewd boxes and booh.. »lg Oaaa of 6 boxes.,;..‘i 1 00 Bbula numbered boxee,with dlyrttoai. SS Bisgto lettered boxee, with dlrectiona-....-—« 80 Largecaaeot los. risk,fbr physicians OO ALSO IPXOIFIO3. For JAhaa «r PkUUU —Oppressed, Dlflealt, La bored Prwtnlnfi atUndad nlth Croup and Expeoto railon. Price, oO cents nsr box. i /dr Zsr DiteimjmtmdTimfmm. ftimhsTgss from tha Xar.tte remit of Scarlet Peter, Msaaias or Her cartels., Par Botoea ta thai Bead, Hirrlama of Baar» lng and muring la the Bara, and Price, 6U casta per box. jfarSsrq^lm--Intoned Glenda, Enlarged and In- j duration Tonsils, B tradings and Ola Clean, narMn* lons Cachexy ol Children. Price, H cants par box. JterG—l DaMto—Phpdeal or Marram Watt nan, either Iha mult of BlekncM. BxeeaaiTe Kadi, cation er Exhausting Discharges. Price, 80 carii *T£?i)roj*y.— PlaidAccumulations, Tumid Broil tag* withßWHiiytleeraUcna. Price, Ma. par box. Arfts Btekn*m, Yertigo, Hen aaa. Visiting, and Blckneae Aram riding or mottos. Price, 80 cants per box. Par CHaary Raoeeoa—For Gretal, Banal Can call, Xhflcalt, Painful Crloatloa, DJfceeee of the Kidnap*. Frioe, Moot* par box. for Bmmiml SfmMtmt. Taralnatary Dkchargu and Oonaaqnaat TzcatraGoo and Cebilltp, The moat mini—nil and aftdant remedy kasn, and mop b# relied open a* a cun. Price, $l. par bos. JOHX K. FTJLTOH, Sol* Agent for th* Western Conn try, No*. 67 tm 69 Fmx Bnm To whom til ordan mot bt addnmd. pUIOK ONLY FOUB CENTS, S TJ U T ’ S; MASONIC FIFTH 6T. Hit TOBC DAILIES, nir 10BK DAILIES, IKW lUAK BAILIU. With MI mnd Tulm. With Tall nfctta »I»«Im With MI ngora of Wtr am KorMag*dltloamlndouijal«M»jrlMOtt»la. ■mhlWllktnwlOllMlnI*- 1 *- SOLD AT OBIT SODS CSKTi, SOLD AT OBLT TOOK O.SIB, SOU) AT OHLT fOUS OUTS. JOHN P. HIJI¥T’S, Xatonlo Hall, Fifth Street. pOK VKKY LATEriT FBOH DU ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, a*n •» »r lit mr Tout datlt linu W. &Unt IM u ril fua «tto *«jr im on im nnnw. trim ponxik^n n*nvr TORI DAlim nntnt mn «*»• tag. Yhayo—late MaalaanftstetLs Amy. •ML—year addtm wtth tte A*-*, JOBJIW. 7IZTOCX, •rroam thi r.o. mt An tu nw tom* phtlablnoa axd CISOIKnATI DAILY PAPXBfI osa to teal lb>wtw. LHißuo MmUA-h Aeeoidaaet X with tha act of Aaambly, lnocyrilliftli hosts* aad Ynaeh Oraak BaUrurt Gouuriteoka vQI U op—ad —d aateortptJcßi tacalna to tbs cap* list aleak of aalf aoepuj at tha kUoatafttaii ru pUe—vtat la Pr—kda, Yaa——ooaaQt—Xon darTHijr lStfe* at tha Osart Bcasa, batvaaa tha hoars of • a.a. aad I >.—> la tfario*. Oartaa sesaty,— Thsnday,Kay fist,halva— Iftaadt o'clock. la Pitta bargh. Altagteay coasty, BU atdav t May M, halva— U aad % otto—, at tha 00 i Azcteagaf . . SAMUBL ■. BABB, ' • ■ B.r.JoNBS, J. AKIMS. :• . uQfl«u uvnr t SBOBQI BLACK. BO BY. UIBDTOHt IBM, MoCOLUJOOBi W—M.LTulf. H.A. B. D. DODIiBT, BOBt. 088, aad otte—, ■ld:tf 1 • •: O—tes HOOFSKIBTS, rosTTo*rt»,»t M’OLIILAjrD'SAUOTIOHHOUK, i no.» nuts Btrc.t. ■ atU ' - • |U4(I ÜBAltt, eOTIiR BAIT jmw rLAUK,wnrx>ow nuMifltuvr,limtlb, •ÜB-SULS| JO£Ro»' BfOUXISAt . XiAXHIi FA* L H*°»m k ui o «!« t* axmnmn ««» rSCS^Sttg>f«ta«iw<- winrtl " ‘ • ■ EFTTauE ip*,s**, - /lula u» <■ mil In»titl«i« . jrtrßasfiTTJßß] 10. unuTHrau) min, :.mmv*eM,rt -* m vmmu «»rimavMea mamma* tBAMDrOUIIUAM »Inll> n hut, MM -wWiMttmwllOmrlUß. -' ■ - SaiAUUtaAMU BAKKKUI ■..’■■ JtOuvflnrauiilß JOB) « “ TO>K»BltfctCSi»d« . «0,0 C» feat *fclU Oik, , »ill J-. »«. IP Mnty imn. WttfOA Bit MTMmia baabwC T»tt nmnii>». KjtkiikMiit:» rttnoOn. B»|MH MIDI OniHiSißw* tk, km «t • fK» rnl*l ‘ OMT& QSBMintRtH. * OBSTS ACT) IOYB, J. M. BURCHFIELD’S. . k)Th* OAHSriUBM.'» iMtoorntmonti nwwwa fitmnluaß.alMl.—nrtmflti; . BLACK niSCE CLOTH; OOLOBBD DOBTU OLOTHBf I OASHaonHHH; ~ .T. - r ' KBHTUOKT JIAHSi 1 LIHU PAST 8IUTX8; .yumisiiM > I ~'n«Tnrair.T.«- TLAID Also lIOOMDP.K.I I Alus* oMortaioatdd . Dnu flooii, Shawls, Cloaks ud Eaeque* I Jnt opcnod, at HOBTHBABT OOBHM lOTOTH I AMD MAWWTT STBCTTS. »wH I jDriT BEOBIVKD, •Ft AND W MARKET STREET, ▲ larga wtortEsantof. ; BOHHTO-Ingrtai witij. BTBAW TBUOiliaft-ABtot wWitai. BOimSILSB. FM>WKBB-»Vuiran axd Awnwt«»A bautUol .. 1,*,, Knar humbiu ttndNtnuo *btp»f*od t fill Unt of ■ILLXnftT. LkCP AHP YPgreqg,. tamj* ICAH* EUOHBSrHOOP BUBW, PAMOt aoonTurD hotioi®, VERY LOW PRICES. JOS. HORSE * CO., > Sot. 17 AHD TO MABKST SZBU& toM ' - • qbntlkmen woold do well to tad supply thnoidni wllk bprxng- and summer FURNISHING GOODS. OAOSB, OILS And 001105 OSDUCLOTHIHB; naa lisu Mid TEAyauao BHiaTS; OOTTOH, KSBIBO Mid WOOL HOBBj OLOVIB, BOASTS, TIIH an* BTOCISI E'DKTB, OOLLAB& ud STJSFXHDIBfI; 01 MI which will he found • ftnh aadattnetin I Alocfc, nt VERY LOW PRICES, AT WAffBPM A CETPE’S. •■» KABxaT btbbbt, Botwna youth and tha DtMBoaA piBBSH AJUUVA& or . . ‘ snau* HHAWES, iacqubs, CIRCULARS, IuRfBSS QOODSt HOCIXEEKPIEO GOODS, Shawls and H oop Skirts, I AX ■; •• "i B AEEEE'S, I 59 MARKET STREET. I tm ms CHSAPKBT HOODS im OTTIMD. I MISS • ■ i. - - fotb btbkst; AT ALKXAHDKR BATES’. Bummer OiroalttvSj AX AT.wrtiniTtt BAW.; ; SIMMER DBEBH» «OODS, BUMMEB BAOQUES, ax albxabbbb baibs\ - Summer Shawla, AX ABBXAASBB BAXaS*. SDMMEBPOPUNB. ax albxabvbb bahsv ; ., i. Alßrtanteprtott. ' U£U!iDEB BATES, |i n TTTTH BTKITT. [ fIXJ UUUATHX JuUMUtAttU Mau J. DBAUUB. EATON, MACHUM * C», No*. 17 AID 19 Fnm Bnnr, AMrotliMlnt /-/' xßoomm, - ; aoormaxA' bbbxozdxaibb, j . anxr.iHißn, BIBBOn, BOOHS* ' OOkLABAXIBI, .1 ; BMißkr,«xA)aß. ntHm^AUB, : ■ is- AattWliHlMriil/J, 1 |, HAIL WABM ABD BOTIOBA Xt* tow Kfew •» vUek an.alMk «■ inM ImMmmii ißir pill lllll—lßH t» CITI W, OODHXIT KBBUHABTB, MILLIHBM Ul fBPPIiBIAiX ißwAobiiyteinurti. DftmtfM - : ■ ■ . ■ 1. JJHW 800DBI NBW GOODHI EATON, MACBIJM A CO, . mow optolng ocfcolosioJicttCß ®C raniftnaa, ÜBBOIOSBim tnunw AiMAfIU, MimiAMISvOTML DUSPtMSBA»III^.: uniTiiiDXinnxsTAU, -. j mm amp mum FaaovGoods&^otiona, T« vUckUolttTtto UeattaatkM* • WHOLMAU A*D MTAILBUTOfI. 1 . lot i?ik&di9 Tifdistmt AUfamtoßt, TUBTOFBNXD. _ v IoMjmOCO BKlßni ...; . MiMn LMBOBUAKMtIM 7 UAli IBIUiOOIM.iivByIK ; wiM ion mauif wm 73 fiooß, fjroxr *• w,y Onaumtu \jmueammt«rnamt» , naimakwumL UgM^WM^BBAUbto, B*. lilM BUBiiili Wkkfcatt for tato •» BOHUXBSHiKB, ax untiDßiiigr. •••. . tb*; */ r r Jtjkr mvotit. siirs patent bullet pro6f rEEL COLLARS. jpv >«Tlre-lb»~»W«C» NM»mdll7QiHuA %tofcrd#»p«toifc•;•-'- !■ : !• ■■■:• ■“■ txso. ’’ ' ' •* ff ' i i.:'l ■diet’ Bteet Collars if Cuffs. ■a-lteHlrij Sc CLIDE, h Ho. 78 Market Street, Bttvaaa Towth stmt bfi&lfcfc jjltacnd* Tt • - ttxUrlf JAWiAINB INDKX la HULKS, LAHE, H'ABOYdt CO.'B, ' 140 TKDIDAti STBWT, Afl-hu,, . (M door Mow than* rurtet Moon.) Bhnohtdi ud Cnblnrh.t, ancbntV Iwk tad U|U Ookrad Mitt; fianefc aid Eaglbb ObSataati firad U«u; PtM Wool d9-lHl»M'.asd tl«tS ■owning QoodßJfofaatrtsdßflk .WarpAbtamt Back, Plata and fictind Silks; ObsckodtndOßortd flUks; Popttas; Lwtt«t,lDr tetvtUng Pnae Llmm aid Cotton flbftisg; Ffllotr Linta tad JlttUti Qtnnrl—Good* ] OjottniiCillEWS I PUk ud tdSM HudkEToklSks lltok TIWa, 40a: < jnkM(||fl|| ''JiMUitliMtJirrik:' ; &jNOYEB’ UNITED STATES CIBOUS. Hippozoonom.ad.oiL, Tbt 6nat Paragon Amphitheatre ol 1861. A. msguifloant unj of UNPj XLTZKS* lotnxlndßg a BWPKAB XSVK3TBIAN TBOUPE, A BPSSDIB GTMSAQTIO COMPS, / j And ofin* collection of XBAIHSD HOBOKB, HlWand VOLES, seek as cannot U prodfioid U any biker port of th»wiJd,ltiHtililMlnt '. lE*IT T SB U ItoGKH. i BED UOS lot, . (In tka rear of Boa Trt«Ws*»,) on lenday, Tueiday, Wedneiday and Thnn< day,lay*6Ui l !6tli, !7tliandiBtti on MONDAY NIGHT*-at 7V o'clock* and ataxy afcwnoon and night dnrtng Uaitaj. : ■VAoaxiHen—'Bexts* 25 cants. assarted seats, 60 erstai heats far etetyVidy. myltteod ' - •; • UPJittA, CONCERT HALL. WAtetata It Biwmd aaat*6oeents«xtn. Gallarj 60 ciAta. .1 . . Miactar...«nv. I WSDHXBD4T BVSBUfQ, Hit lln, IK* i ' >. WUlWpßswtad, Ballin’a Txagio Opaia, * IiOBOAI ;, ■ i Kipin LotnrXf ta bar celebrated nl> tfcijfaufc* > M’«a»■otPWaa ~■■■■ ■■■,,,. .aiaia*. £lO. MMMfHMaa , ... ,■■.>’»jo. OomctWAU Jlunpaft Di**OToa_^_ r .eM.JlfcSia. MTT«HBMobv« last ajgst bat ontol the a»m; .•■ I ; an rtai i rti*. gras or Awm-JdTOXßoxii,|s CttfVto* i> win li rrmn Birr, fl TTT i hmMi ladiMs Oid% Mlir|VuU| unlik M fluiamMixy, ««sa; tiotondPosaiM rain OtikcftltMih SV*TUj4 nkbt of -tb'o TO-ODnnsoDt of SDia GHJkXUmm iMOMFBOB,th» y«un*ud jxjs* Isintmi iHb k;pMtl«alir r*q■ bwitaariaad* jam laymomi ollaattwaUjiß wncri&oi sotibji IbtjttsUj oalabratad U-- JtZolO TIMS OBBMBVBB, JTAtfiO TIMS. OBSBaYXM, /; Iff M—j Bdu-hßtßttugaad'dpah-Faoa Walctt coabiaM; / i; ur.tltfj'Mf ttntuua'i Viniio Mil ' fcrUhfatah*fcalfr«ixidJaf laiptCTamaßi.V: lark aiw> ifc»,tm||ro« rial 9*ptro! U* La Imm cl Ju. ltAfa.lo&l,oa pa*rt *Wakira ft’MMtpisMtac &OTusftor whjcfcib* riaubardfcra, elite* Forfar*ta* eoia imp*tita. it la caUad tha Ma»xo siuuukkTu, and ;m a fiafttbtfMdCpaa daca >atelt ostaMoad.: Atoa of too await eoa?axmn*»'«ad daetdadl? tb* botaod BOMp—t UttaytMa joratttohd aaa nilabla MMWI fttWifl.: U tM tlttai lti Mlt amUytri wllfc.lt>-mo binary, Itaovawinoin* attach mail, mdatlif a luj*aUr#iyoMtoM»ry. ttitiMM thli Wabfc an aampoaaa el two ntteta, tfca vofaroaa bauif Soaiß cant tU» Laprotcd rnbf abiftuiM twfc"tu?iawtj aad la MitMud an mm* fi«ftlMafMoa» M /WV!•'- i v- . Silcaftfd. Boot bj Mail orexprMa,tnabualUßl . mtncco mmiWWraqlriMyrtoet-AiwhotWfcfci ••.■ tSßtpMfckfcoTafcall aiap-be 'Mfcda ta-U&uod fcUtaa bom*, or titan pajfcbk to «■> cedar,la tala city, II Ml bj espren «r la acejoi«lr* adteturiAioarmfc. .:••••'; Asdnaa •: HPfctfaapFßOfl, r £ola laportoAj . ■mftdw- cor. fcMaaa aad Jofca cu., N.r QHEfUFFtf BALE.—By Tirtua of * •lOoMtarkMof WMm*bia couotj.aodw m dhacmyibwa »111 ta.usHdtaaM,utb. CMt Horn ta th» Baruaxa oo TtIOM SAI.Uai lltklx tl Maj.lUS, il l o’dMk » #. W.a.ltai*th*.tnaD«toa «mt« Judinamgt Oitll in.Uhld]oiflil| lirii:elJiMllcM|, ... 4bl«llMl MfflW aMathMynatoWM «0 BOta at IMb oa wbloh U «r»«u Mu, with kltchia antbiA Tltn la mcallw uu» potutj ol W. O Iw* . ! gjnuvr"sOvncfc,' - \ ■• Waditaaico. E*~ March tft. 18Q. I »yTtU mATK ABKVILLE. (succetsor* to m. X TfS Jr.fcOcL,); rmaOclOali tafliVOXltM FaTTUtd, Ho.S3?Liberty fcta» rUtebuib«afcd Bo 69 Federal‘Btrwt altagbasr, hatted hud and will torofch LBAD PIPB,fcUSK LIAD.BiB LBAD.IOUHHOSV MYDBafcTA »BOWS It - BATHS. WATXK CUJMT®. BaTEt TBB«£ JOT, FOBOB aad ALB FBJIW. *£• DkIIJMO UU, COASDELIKU% PK HDABTd, watnMM M Mcttaa:-- - • • -.1 - »--f-=^rfciF jM'OULLIgTKB 4BABB» ija Aiilan in MttflriiC . TOBAOOO, MCTJ ABB BMiM. ! j FOO*|erMMVPm«ii»««,»A. Zwv soutulij <■ fc»>* i I*>l* taihtr efrtta ud gaottpg Tcbjfco. ifcly WA'i-’iUltt “ j' fjrtnftopplyor t„ - •], „ ■■‘v.nnoiKr^^ OtmOMtt, : - , unu anno, . - -KiatuK»a»,\ '<» iiwuv; rUUiXup* Ife.Mkki - BUPKIOHHRO9, w* «anat—ittteHndTcrtintMfc. : ATOM *K>M, Ma’sr£p-* tei - saa* •V*. BnstßMS, M B.Oniam»