The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 12, 1863, Image 4

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• I • CS'-'ftTrr&Z
. Froffl Chutatte.
; - The - Prapdaed-AMadaieata to the
J :Co»Mnttba. .
A aoooad- abotar inlhirton anddaymon
v obwnat‘tain'fir6pn&d : ainoidinonti
/ j^'lS Cataborland
. PiaobyjtortanCknrob.' Etr. JoknlT. Prorily,
D. D.lathoChalft.noiihmlorofyri
' ; day*# inwtli|(''wyn.tahjd by But SoeHtary and
•BPBWd-s:. .-Vitla"i'^ln r “ ;
i Iho Itoport of tha Coauntttoo ffrl
day) waa awandod to miadaa foUOw(,and than
' ad op tod: r’. t,u- C.:». ,■ ■■ 1 .iv
&Moio«d r 7hat it to tho ooaaoof, thto Boob
iog tkalanaaoadmont'toihoOonttitatln. .r
tho Dnltod gtatao boadonthd t»3~“- U °* * f
followgtC'Ei tpioJ.i£-■!::•,■ i "j "
Lord of oil] in ordor to form
( uafoaviWrote.*™ ' r^STm » «4»ro porfwt
Mat in tho
■ oon.ldoS
__ raldQonnda^::::.-,£*°-|
r &SsZSBS&&i?afc
baTotho oaao oztondod to all othar bddlat
throaghoat tha nation.
ThaOWrmM appolntod Ear. Drjflraoay,
“•I-jP I - Doo*H*,lUt. Dr. Wilaon, Bot. W,
J. Raid and Bar. I. SUwart, to aot at tha
oomaittaa Bantioaad in tha third taggatUon.
y J A d - ,J - m - t»h»X«a.aaHo* a^onrnod
; Oatrageou A..aalt-.*„ day
. ■ - ■ i
Ami: of Uu. ttwa ta.p,, kiT> bo
ido* ho* aany)hadthalrbaok. dotMopanoit
Son Soy, ud a (ooddtai of drinking waadono
i:, % W-wfe hadbatn
;... lahibiaf wataritarmaßaiaad Patriok«"»nV I
m who fen Into a«
hnndi of iomo rowdUrabtho obmer of High I
•nd Wobataf atraota, Iniho Third Ward, ud I
wu la M ©tttrogoooi .manor. It ii I
: •? u thathwhckvnsfM irUh or odtadad
u *>!*" “ w »"» •MaVaad
!! 1 "” ° «■«<* ™ follcrwad I
H. wu itrnok a torrlbloblow
• •?? «Ba#kl* r * l woopon)1
•ttA VMmd inditttw |
*• r- that u *m aotmdo.WKfc Ura iit; " Xh» not 6 I
rid!- *• ‘ h * right
; i^ssaassgssßjsfiil
■! g?U»t<>r»
! Kant ia parfaotly, both.jTi b*-1
.' “ ti, » | y <*>aadfroa tia .ff.oti of 5w ;
• »o«wd.- Tha tight, lt not fnjortd. I !
: Contraband irndo at the fcniten
• ttary, ■
■**«»* thepthonart rtitaiadfroß tho ponl
i taotlary, on Sunday, araaaoelorod man naraod
; Ohori.i McKtntla, a toaUant' of Brio eoantj.
Bohod mada anwaganaantt, JrraTloo. to hl<
; dlioharga, tboopply natoftha-priionari in
, *ido withaqoantlty of tbhaooo, had taka
; thoaa.ln, auhango. ' HoKoniia aaoordlaab
OQr /*t
f{offitlihfrdid apo?
Jnrldo (ajirlunanamplajad fathooook houa,
wo>«U«Tt)ha^jhkow.oxaitfha: walla pair of
■' to
, i «U th. , ho« and •ho.ottbabeoivwbfah war to
of u ‘*
ihSU potaattion,
<* 4 jh*sO«i»n*amant;ao 5 »tiUd. war badlr I
;■ - «*EW* »haowa.»r*r >U.-hlm_ abinc tho I
propariy of tho Btato.iaadhl 'WaoOotnmiUod I
’ B.
■.. oompo.
. »y. »u<*.witf‘gdtot»d'iaiw : n.. »„.
: **tt» I Pltt»barthßtaw r Co. B.'tEo lUtwoo
_. W6»odo*—Joi» Jordon, bm ihot off.
.Mining—Ltiol H. 3. Ditll.CorD. Ciioi
1 Prix.tii WiWn* Dolly, jSuri?X
®*’J J >JUII«^S.,Er»B f .WUISB Hnjired,
Afjif «k» MoMmw, Bdwgoi
- MoTigho, MaUo* WUMb. OutlmX Ptru.
fort ondJohn Vodroy.; -'< •" -
. OiniiiTm uis > tt» Raonmi.—Capt B,
' - •» - sbrtrf wssta t ortho DAri-j
: Tho BM : *a>mdi
, tto.iiTor;with:oMj -thro# hoodrodmoa.iEd
LW<t.'Opl. |tttkW6od r whft 1
" kStol? w A uu )ffk‘*B»;|
• ' “ d Hint*
: .~iasssaiSSa^HsaSl
' Ho othor •»nm>i» T fi T , li ; :
■” : J»diumit Unto* or
. r mad aaftralmHa
—-“»'»■'>■"■ i*'>«i»7'»m, i. ««■» it
- ::r. wdu«^wwaß&a-saTOmag?Pf
■ ,i ' SiffiKSFn
r ,I JK*P» d MoArfttMirilMubUnttt;!:
la Mdttua to this m Urn and boutifol u>:
< Mftasei,of dross doaks, stc^i
=J vßonrfOU«o.—TkoJkhfcr Tm.L"
» «**
usitkite, oa Ou kiibt of
~ a. Hu of A^^S3SUoSsi3s«;
Ho «u omplojod u a
;•?* .
‘ SSa jm££s arggsfejfl*
• • no!:e> ■
,j lhVj»J'i U** fi* *J'rf»tf sr£ii’ f
(/ i 00-i/iwt ssa '■>> r '.'! lo '.'£;''' ,: , ii f‘ . i s:
*<**** J f rsrrrit * {vis * lf **'- *- * : ~
.Kris**:* .A watf- ....,, ’
r oil:tivl r-iii' Ui4i'Wi3 ->^►'>'l-1
PittalmVWv’ BMllt *r7CoaßiitU* of
»>••« *«,«09 worth
oti » «PPH~ -UUn <h.
4 l«:to ko.hopod tliat Ui m.
"»«»».* n.P'j.EL
ft»4. «ffloi,, t to .. rrJ „ t ,2 wotk
,nd *»“ *»« ««
i** broa »»t»:in «m. bom itokaiu u 4
Dt - x
xt-r's-.V.*’ TmUib Department
C0 0 "0 Louluille-Doar
of Stallejyxtaru* in the la*t
2“R .i?, h *T*« l »«W *Vod order, ud
‘•^Jtfssssas?* *" w * 10
S5 U * t *“'if *' a -*» ,n “ a « «Mly
apjnu.'.to.; from theiPitta
juncture.. _Li*TeTl*iud aU to# bocsltalj tad
Uith*-regiment*, ud urged On Snr*
of lt,i * ,ltk »r tk«e *how
leg*ynrptomi <rf .carry ugey forth, want of
<£••• yagetablei. --AU nen highly rrmtiled
oi»i^ud£ l ‘" ppljr #f ““ “^""42;
to the donoreat
PitUbnrgh that by thi* one ihipmont, eettior
aeideall queition* of humanity, they hare
?h£S££ r *r t,> iv ~or “** ,l “ 'fflint aghtinr
I more. 0 * l,# ' 000 ' *° a ,om » » f them Tory muoh
.® r . 0 “ ■£«• regiment*, the ordinary hard
ihipiof the (UTioe hare tamed out the weak
and eiokty, and thoie nhofrom nnaotioed or
ritad ‘ lo regiment
‘- U *^ in * PMOei* I* a hard hut to
iniHvt.Ve"" therogiment* how
18 re*pon*. of
aro nol to be allowed to no
eoah tathedlMaie* frequently, prodnoed hy
the bngwntlnnod uie of “army ration*.' 1
contiou# to corn* ia u to#y
nara Mmttor th#lut fowdajj and to# tear*
*7 wjilobkat b#gaa .to. toow itaalf to mj I
.fIW ©I ,ih# ip gimaato, wiU quickly dtoap
j p<ur, mad Mgimtato ©ft tardy, lUlvtot mod i
a ff T#d *°••Jfioe at a vary a mall i
£“* ?* mWfl * roonrittog untried 1
man tofiU toatoplaoaa. All thla in addition
to toa lufftrtog pToidad or attertatod k#r* and
toa aonow and affliction praranted to to#
loldlar. .
Our ayitem of distribution ie enoh that no
boipltal or moment oaalail to reoeiye iu full
proportion, ud ( I knew of na.inrgeon here
who doe* not heartily approre ef oar: work, or
doe* not heartily bleu the mualtoente whioh
t .* b ‘ ■■*• mean* of relieying the wut*
tholrmon. I and none who do; not *»y
thtt tho *y*t»m adopted 1* the but that in
be deyioedto eeenrs -a eteady ud impartial
‘apply to thoee moit needing relief. There 1*
no exception, that I am aware of, to the hearty
00-oporation we are teoelrlng from aU the
military ud medical antheritler.
ItaUnUy I faraieked additional tool* ud
need, aad tea barrel* aoraof poutoee for the
hoepiial garden, ud on ybltlng the ground*
found between thirty and forty men bully at
£**“' "* ««»• .The product, of the
» iU j when to# cappl# of *#*-
•ÜblM from to# Norto temporarily WI»,
mwt of nto#ftity to to# Utt#r part of to#
.. *“pply bo kopt op now, Ud tho
blottinga of chon ready to pariah wUI rest
upon tho donors,ud they will bo dolor qatts
m mooh-rorthe conn in they could do won
thoyln the held In tho rukt of new regiments.
lobii truly; M. O. READ,
Agent ot Morfiwosboro.
Boiuoad Saturday night,
awatohmu named Michael HUendi, ornploy ’
•d on the Penniylrula Railroad, wu thrown
from tho troth et Bennington SUUon, ont
Qolllizln, ud porhopo fatally inland. Ho is
•apposed to hare been, drank; ud to ban
toUra oslosp on tbo treok.
Annirti or PAnnnrnog.—Tbo Boirisbarr
1 ftjrprapi any,: Major Errrrtt ud nrorol
otbor paymaaten nro In tbs city preparatory
to assisting in tho payment of tbo nina
months nun, who ere expected to arriri ud
m mastered oat of Mirioeia this eitj. i
Tn anaaoljoMUag «f the Pittsburgh ud
Aflofhoftj Orphan Asjlum Society will he
1 ExoeUiorHel), Alieghea y. on Tuesday
*1 L o’clook p. b< . The orphans
will he present, end an address will be delir
Mtja Hum. Quint ti raquaitad to call on
Mr. John Mackln, 454 Pann itraat, ui gata
PMk>(o of BonoT tont b* bar toolbar, Jaatl
Qninn, of-tha lfioth Kagunant.
I Kail Diapatcbea to tha Plttabnrjh Oasatta.
WasHiioroa, May », 1883.
ThaCommUalonarot Internal Rarannahaa
I daotdad that in tho oaao br Inoomat raoaivtd
| froio Gortmtaankaoeoritiajaad putlj
I Oia« jnaptftn’iwil daduo
i:tliut»aJl«»rM ai»U, io far aapraotloabla, bo
[ : f ”“ $ r l»f t*r, lot; ato (in fall
LoWot to, tha ■ proriiion tutng'Qararomanf
aoonitlai but ona and a'half pat oant.
I' ; ’ for lanlntnlnlng landi
by famantoa oonildarad rapalri.
Billiard tablaa kapt for paollb uaa ara tax
OHS® 8 °® STEiSfn^BLs
I lwtod'to Mj to tbl flaaaa.ll
I aod ahoald .tat. thTpricJatjl . I*? 1
I Btkl kpowwiff 4Bi” .tofVStod to I
v tnn.p«aUon«Jsa uSiS I
»Bnuu2-S^SS2S2SsSMS r ift',f
“if SSsas^saFTOSSbr?% £
■ **-- »Wtdli <’ • t <--»
'aJ'“OK»Btt-;B^VWMii k i o Li k
ASL!SL # fcr “*. **■»*• la qustlUM to.istt •»,'
3ggp»fr -. ;.=*&•: Joatro^oAxr sMu>r*
f)52? lUl&r<AiMriii' Wool
JL/Gmm, Jot* iad linawaM«-|«feaAlit4%
tftnh tad liiilrttJte! „
*«•»•«* ifca»Wsi»riXr^
•ji s?r?~ S --J
, .. ' ■ /••• j. 7 \
i -ft's •n:iic\ai: i*w
{ ?i*j c«
Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee.
I Qntra of Tn Emma tttu Aarn .
I ■- *<sn*T, Map U/18C3. f
I Gold mutM witfcaat malarial-chan** is How
j Xbrk, batox qaoted to4ay at l«fo Tbarnmor cor-
Iml as BozmUj, that It had declined to 145, VM
pcematam, Hue, thereto* for cola are unsettled.
I *°* l* nominally at .146 tot tibld aadOldDa.
•asd Nous; bojiac, mad 'Thus la ao
f cbanjle la Government Gerflflcaiea oMadaktedaese
or Kutim Krchange.
f&OViaXQSS-BuooUHeady rttkirMai^d,.
I maaif,.>*hile prices remain aboat m last quoted. T«
cootiaos to quote at Gofor Shealdacto bx
*& tocFlaln Ham, and iQ©Uo for Plain 'uktE? I
vueed Sugar Owed. Lard4aqiilet«ith aaaU aala
ol City at 11a Balatf lfr bUa Mm Fork at Als
®IW - •/ .
GRAIN—The Grain market la very qakt, tbs
traaietions bate* llmUod,and almost entirely of a
lotiti character. Belaa>r 2,000 huh Mait;aft sl^o* f l
«ar prim* Car Com at :ts6, and 800 bath .Oats it 75* j
—(foUrami. "Wheat lanominalvlth amaUaaluof
Esd beat wagon at $l,BO, and,
. Yl<ol7B*-Thex* appears to be an *«"»«■* acareatp
for jrfoar, fad tba market la nrydoll thwgh priov
remain mwihinfwii Wo aofouaalfeeltefrom store
| at $8»00 for Kxtra,*od for! oommoa to
[ ohok* brand* of NxtraTamOyr-
I ■ QBOOIBIBfI—The demand h fah 1 tinj lt»m 1
I »hU* prtoea remain aboat as Imt quoted.!
Baev ran gea from U)f to to 84c, and j
I HolumfiSgcOo. Ptlt nf 10 hhltwew Iffllama at gfo I
aadlObgsOoffoeaMßft. .< I
$M ar*.gTaduUy droop tag, ranging from 70. to $0
caata per bmbait aakaof 800 bnahata at -75 c, and 86
bbfo.us3,BBparbbL ••
bBHP FBtJlT—dull and unchanged; aala of 88 I
bbU Dry Apple* at |l£7 f tad 35 Both prime Pewehi*
'•FhW . .1
BUmnt A BGGS—unchanged.. Balsa of 10 bbla I
Bailer at from 30 to 830 for common to prime BoD, 1
and 10 bbla Kggs «t He. I
088181—is flm with a Air demand at lie fa J
prime old W B, and 14)(ei50 for Hamburg aad l
Goehaa. \
BCANS—steadjr with salai of 16 bbla prime ■—n
White at $B,OO par bnahel.
SALT—U etaadj with A. regular dSuid at 11.75
par Ml lor No. 1 bln bom alora. '
I rilUbitiAOll anket,
I “*r 11—There he. baea no particular ohanx. to
I ootloa U Oroda to-daj wtthlbe kxcepUoo that It „„
I • ihada firmer. Thla nmj baattrlbat.d berhapa to
I the fact that it hakadraocoA to parbbl
at on Oitjr, aad ISgOO&tO at. tba walu. Wacoa.
| tiaaa to gaote at IJlimXo lo bolkand lSXeißola
barrala, aad va ootloa aalaa oi too ami 1100 bbla la
balk at UJic; lto bbu at UXo; H» btla at lßft. aad j
500 bbla at Ido, fob. Tbo rather rmbnoraMeadrl.
aaa bom Nev Tort do not appoar to bare much
effect on the market either hero or at the walla. '
Badaad 1* rather nalettled, there being aouahtera
ble dlßknace batvaaa tba riavaoi bojara axdaellera.
tiaaii■ oostlaud pod demaad, both lor proaaal I
aad htarodallterj, aad tba market ia Irm, ihoa*h |
aavabara before atatad, prtcaa 4ra bratdlar. Good I
Oil/ brand* of prime .white oil map ba gootad at 3ia 1
330 la bond, aaftl lo 13c Irm, tbootbaoma bolder,
are aaklog flfaraa. * I
Baaata. la laaetln aad dall, aad la tha abeeaceof
•ala*, wa omit oaotatlooa. It baa ipla daollaad la
Naw York. v
I Import, b, Hirer.
I a ZA^f®T?*! LX r , “ *«VA Oaasur—l73s bbla
I flour.filroll* ImOm, in.* , —fiTranrtltrlla 1 —*
•r. ® »<U aatract, t> b^l
I ter, 1 oaek oqw talla, Ibx jara, ID boia dm Olarha
I hMaflaxmedplkecdoj 1 tab batter, 1
I homtrgr, IoU caa, 1 hag drs rtentim, Ja A **-»
1 bhl dr* peadM, J fi Thompaoaj BBMa
I baoon, Blcharda ABro;iOofjhMa. Wi» wfoidrMlT
llmjaoa A Kaoxj « t«a b«i7lo bmoiSniSd.
pffi no bfa *w37lOdooS.miii. mi
AKai4ll bbla oU,*Ciitkpatrleki 5teSSrbSS
| 8 bxa r|a*. W Q Wilaoßj t r~rtr hat i— O'* •,. J
•oa i 1 axa to,, I iSubtla'qjS Kbablab.
ST. LOUlS—rca lowa—lit pea loralturw. owaar I
4<Bo(lbMs, II
Xaaaa *
B Pyt m do. JSIB A Lh4bjstom W bexSf ]
8m» Ao*j7 deaoap, Martlaad A Don-1
BhowaktrAlliif AhjT»T»hww T I
bb « 60 ttjfcgasX I
drtejlj rt. bama, >53 Wla Soar, 51 pkp tSacoo.
NAAHTILItC—rxa Wa. Wallace—3(othe wheat.
376 hhda tobseoop Olarfco A cot 16 tea
ALaag; lOicehams, hdla Iron,
Crenon, Proton a eo.
imports hrßhiltead.
-1 **■ A uusue luuui.
I ??,/ «r cora, Xu . Xril: 15 p— oiu. J rf
I JMmataotar, 165 Ot -eora nul; 1 ftrl*; m
I £*s* JUh, XAobaea A coil btl bttt«r,JLtUte A
MiabteUtalumt, WuTi WllwuSTlo.
I 5 801 * r*rfc»r; 525 lUm, Hats X suirjtftl 1 aatk
W 1 *• tarn™. HudJUfatuir:lo bite fISSI
* * °°i * Mite .llruWUa; 134
bUM,II*BUMU*Kau; ala. J l Ltl^n.
I fMaiuMi *Cunii«»..»i'n»iii» UtLo-m
«k» e»U, ▲ Blrok; 8 bbb tetter. Mo«ClKSd»t>«tt.
Bboaaktt ALu|; 1 bM in OwmUA BttehK
*>, as&i, ju. js aSsrgS es?s.
Ptaj USakrpttetoM, L H Tottf * *7IU ityvEaS,
kTKMMdy*Bre;«b» cbm* Vtf fltertteT*
Mb parte, McXa’.Braj rTriaSSKS 1 1
OluiittbiiM tnm ocbl **«*■ teM. uuu a'
! ttssajasa^tssaiW!B
“>>* *» 7 **•■*•«. AakTuranterTu ftikut,
OL OUdnUilOpkKaa, wFEck*«"3so«o;
S Kwartd oc; 15 do do, bill Tor 4 r r - ■ ■ . -
Thi rTrar ccnllaaij to raada imMtil ihla iv*«»
with mi *l|ht &«t ir' fhiiniTl, in willing in <k
ptomarkalaaloranlot. lh* mihcinMum
doaraodhottspmttjlotllcaijdaolimfa. p '
Tlw oalj hnlral alnca onr Uatutha XtaitOa
haafrgm ZaoanUla. Tha Whllo laiWldll
Lool., ao* tha a*ta*a ood Iwdalia, torn OfiOftr.'
•re dm t&tUy. ■ !
Tba Sr Tor It warn making pnpusUow liU mg.
lot to lam to OtadtmiH and LoaMna, with an j
th» tolght ate ooold tala, »od a Ur
wSm. /'' _ }
»•«. LoolaDtmaciatiaf ta|prdgjjamj .V - •
JSu£^, w *2£\ br g £ a,im **w
3Wiaa^ l jaSS32
Tto which toXi totddtta; Mttaltoah
JsSrt£d OK-t«. oad 100 ho^aS^,^
OuloaatVVmJnilla aadlawdathkmnlo*
r tWjpaii ahooldtoaii tM« #i *ihjw2
«aod fewo.thair M|ht aa aul? liat&a'dd r , B L-.
Wb. natalhartittoWftt aod'tmuLnra
toany point batwaao hara Mid '' ■'«= I" •
Ha Dos saw aod ptattr ataamaaOiWhiitt... &U
•""’•“ilt.op tot Cincinnati aod lamtolllaTthta
*taold£poifaial7. ; ■ J\ i( .
; Tke Fulton, i«aao<iDaKltorBt.i
Ltod *ll points o» tte U|veJCMatpp|« - - I
I °W*- to ZtMtttaß^toLttVfcil
ft WUtoattm of-flfr
"*•'•** “■' '’,*»» !--• -iifflstq «j«* IX.:
■ '■'•■' -. :.-.£! I ts
■•'.• «•’> T;i.3 I Jrf.;
"waswopto Public Balb, at tub
«)Urt Hocss,raTßi City of Pittsbcbod,
“ sah> oounty, ON MONDAY, thb"lm
®«<»-|o*A.A. D., 1863, AT 10 o'clock
>. Xi/m following described real estate'
■ tO Wltt-^"—
I v « liOs And interest of Peter
| liraft, in and to the following lot of
I «">?«H<K»todintha Pint ward of the citT,
|SbP»tebtirgh,and loeatodon thesonthwest
I and Ferrj atnetA and-
on Foriy Btrtet;;
of Tridttlk aloiig
toward! Liberty street shttY
I lMtHorsorlen; on which thsnafs erected'
i w ®; steried briok - buildings and a
bnekhadubnilding. -r
Soiled and taken in execution aa the
I?®?** 4 / .91P- Kraft, at-tho unit of Canby,
Nerille and Hcghes. . fJ
. ; ‘HAKEY WOODS, Sraßur.--.
SHxurrVOirioE, PiranoxcH, v * ■■■“
Mar 8, A.D, 1668. / - r
. Tha andaolgaad hsa for wla a lot of
Tjmpots Jtioeof Uugrapa., ItltoMheTlalags-sf
X.y*7 Ba* fiater. It fo
Mt Invalid persona, as It lifiufogtl
Wa#fs«in ba lajt at tfeur
JVAnKS nttebarghsaiXemmTmmS^
corser nf ths'Dtam'cmdsdd
al £'«*«>7 i or at the offios of
TIOTOB 60BIBA, Beterve tn.
I •* 15 PIITH BTBKT. at>oT*
I to BtijSst Block. The poblic caa aatUfr
their PHO
22S!?.S»bf ■“■{« »» Oalllrvrwhendbsy,
eqsaT to theee ufcen i In the
Cmmleila the saetera eittee.
■JrjemembW thrjdaee.No. 15 PIPTH'BTBHn i , v
•ton Market, In Br»wer*s£toQk.~:
•t**”* ■ , ;
s~f u ° SxiTanxbp Srmxar, (opponta the Ooatom.
Übartarad bj tbe.Leftilaun. ,
Mnii -
rwiVUnI—KWH PiEI.Jt.
__ . ..; .>iva.raawaa.
wkl fiL aattb, Ha F. Badd.
doba F. Jrnmtap,
«»k. ®. Maaalar, dotbaa Bbodaa,
52b,? - Sf r> J—b Stsobatb,
naaela Bellen, Alex. Bradler
Henryldoyd, Alfred AaS?'
I . tarataas:
JodahKfog, O. Bog, aH.Wolt,i-
f r Q 8 ‘_ B * n » worthy B. H. (foehxaa.
W.Aaßeed, Wm.Bmlth_
» B. a Schmerts, G. B. •"
f*a W. BJdteSS, B.»; jSS
JA nL. n °* B - Barns; i,
nmw. Bastar. ID. X MeKlalev. W, fimeen. -
BacretaiFaaaTnsnrer—BoßaM'KlNLlßT "
»* P. BU AlaorTneeda*
I •nafrro, from oto • o'clock. -j-
I SS^ya!*? l ? tol Dm andQbxarda.
declared to Beoembee and Jm^h
alknred to remain are tdaeed" to -tha
®vdlt of the dapealter aa priaetoeL aad-hear' Ibi*n
eeL thna ooapoahdlng It.
ooidstobetoganfo, tat heactog toteneAtoMaadee
remalatoganprodactlva. mwayiW
Tha new and absent lor.pramnre steamu
BUSAN ‘WARD, Otn. Wa. BaravAT,
Wfflra darin* tha aaaaoo batvaos Urn aboja j^ru
■ l*gna Cleveland for Bigtoaw Ottjr, Seat Solfov
and Bar Oitj, toacMng at Pert Hvos, AeSSton.
M ’'fuma' ESES.
iTlaSo! 1?T
*oSSSS ! “ W te okTtl4ri<J «n»J JitHBDAT
"•***■ .1 m. fIAtEMBOM A Op;
He. 620 aOMUMMOt ST., plh.A.! T u.
- fci!?? rettMU, Week Su»di.
SS s ® r,as w s ®^
HS“J[¥,»? ««B«1»< H*WJ* b» rtojry^jymi.
I« OF an tfabSk Op fill{j>mi.
tM ~ w wnJntm
jroosf ort*irt ot cbotofratud
1 -JU.HAYIO*/ ~.
Admlahirmtori of JfcafciMeKMTcr, 4«tf*dl
11flwiUKuiJit) am> nsumtui. i 77
p* ag»Bittoyr
[ th 4
l-"^''ol!syStt2siCS r: r -
ICSTi, s moA s, mi v*igbt
• ,-J
. BwjteMrebolM Boar OuvdHiuuj ,
,u.'- ff^u - , ® atrv-tf r s' '! :<W Owtiwedfo;
•a-Air2B&arftmsnsAi *£i
b* ta Ite tnfe igiMßuiWilMW - •» :
: , ... McDOHALß*ilisoxui;
■•at MaMjiMUKrtflrtrtrt.iSrwiiocl. I
I WJfHM I ' l_
\J WAHTID, »ntj OrMWitf*
w«iun*i HoBPimEM«3P4Biir'o6»»*ii
Warrumd Ut xlt* wttrtyjky cr tbs aooot n.
.. call - .
- -X
*»! nT l»i!tfttß6'».utii««>imi.^!
Hohls AS»*JO»»ttt-ttmUMM. W
ay* V——-.
J VV(n j lt -^*^ l " "7™™jy^-ftatragfigr^p
: n’J a|» r H .o<rji-= k » a;«: i
;:M . U t,z* '.3 T
U'zasiiii&tSi.-tua.'i&hfiSfti 'k-<v ,, -'«'* ; ' e
gfjg Ol < ciysi?TTlS&~?'rp^
*•-, IiViLLE i.N vSt. T.nn. _xv. UdEWtlif
fto.oloifa.,-B.* «»»?r*LLAO«, CbSEj!®''
S’SJVS 1 6Ks* , ?{BW»»iTai>5SjaUi
•U or to
-nyizlof -JOgg JXACg,- - As _
4 a ttZß^
tew etestsferrfißßl i
torn joaa hack. Apon. *
•‘'i®!®*' D , CBC<IUi ' E<U> 81- UAoSfuu! !
•». Tl* : COBU&Ddlou lUuisr 10 Wk GeeL
Mi(t>t.rijMWWrtrojkoud b rto
JOQH ritAOK, . } * f Agent!.
rißPOTX'OilillSrfAJiY'b OFFICE, *
BAin»ORJS,'H«J .I Mardth, 1863 ' f
OaALfl u» rwpectfaLlj l»Tltad
*UT h 2Cih A l?M a tl. V‘ til ,£ m * 00 WJUHSXSDAY,
!***■ “*•?
IjJS^ESHPH I1 -® l 4 oi b itr oat-
-oa -the •■ hoofi delivered at the State Cattle
■jjwrtw.Uilt.clty, la lets of(i|000) o&« tboataed
d W teUwt^LawitWßPM
=2S?.&Ww* ,to ? •**»»•!.« theexpeneeof the
tenHmSLi F 0 ITen K* ibodt(L3o<>) thlf-
£“"**"* l*Wd» grott weight. AllfVlHnrtlurt 7
§SfSeSS? , t^W ‘ a#U * fl *° d fionJrn Caula will
—lh#OoTwwlittit wUI claim the rlafit of m <,Mn.
•W « r £lttel WfatauTlllu epJSx^ISjSS
’V** »*i|ht-thaa the mloimam atoMeil aheve* the
Tsssssg** wmb,tM *f tSSSSfas;
sm® cOMUralkn, met eonulacn
•'S* “ ooa * wi
pwienl to .reeposd to their tilde.
* l * a *• l »-
vi.7u ,d ?' r ‘ * liJ Uklr trlotm.
i ***s“ j ".
Xtir eaioh dillrary U tend.
B * itiaor * , » MeiyainS * bid
10rai * lbelf “®M Ud their poet
” »ppw, or they will nolbeSh-
I a vSjSt. MmbM 01 a- am offarloj
apcoptial nut.accompany it by an cam of aim
■atom ta tia Onitad 'iuul acTfrnmant. Il ha ha.
not jOrmly aw on. In tbta dOca" *
0. 60LUYAN,
_C*t>Uiß *nj Q. u. b. a.
Dor err (iuimuMiiTi, Ouiui'i trnci. i
nttitairib.rm.,h., t,uoT’U
S H “' d “ k "•. «bo 18111 DAI
•hliw^S! 7 cf H? b 4 dtr *• faUul the com rad.
•tUBld it be awarded t© hta, mast be caerenteed b*
baorttjo**&Uptrxmt, whsee slgnaturee aaii be bd*
pended to tbs guruue maaioeep-
OT «m not bfleba?
n*£& <qwl U “Mnatto bfcftk© earn to be
4 b® contrect, eignod bj tut ccatrector
r**»Btow, will be repaired of the
raceesfal bidder, upon elgnisg the coainot. Ac the
Übnd mciteoooapeay the contract, it wilt be necee*'
■*rj tor the bidden te here tlalr boadjmen with
, s r y >fa * T ? t” o *** alfoed in entldpatlon, add
ttwy. to be produced when the coafreet la aigned.
•wr-, QmomUm,
7®, —— ol the conntr of —— end a*... ■»>
ofthe oomnty oi and Steteof —T^2
iZHtPZZS** *** te * bl * to foifllTToon
wllb the lerma of hit propoelticm.
it in*I*** 1 *** i J w,^ d be acceptable wtit
* eontrect in accordance there*
““ —-
-S°uSf.Ss^iS^ u «• ■•«««
.l,?oK!!^l? U f , “. u>l, « a “«f“rt*«c.te. from
sswsass JLTSru'assraS
®. uonnt duo UoroooirUl bfl gold
m.,b. fondrlud b r
mfetd ■ LAOoI.MdDgoIT<DM.SSSLi
A«mAn OvAATtuuatn'f Otnaa. l
lasaaMMi ssssz&sgzs
kl fi*Wl“2j|*’ SjnnlnA tor An thooaud (11,000)
tnIMM ofOora ot Oatif lad ai«($0) lou cl ai, J
b. forth.!,-
OoTKimni rt Kmtnci for « Im,
I. * r ** n r*° *!•■£** good uoki. of *bo*i two 181
sassass* “• - *»
I ud sin* to to Moinl. ui,,)
I. . AUfttmm rad Hoj offued to bn rabbet to o rlitid
I Jnif uulkJK jKJtnmapt , t, * w
to«HtiMpoiu»to Wdd.w,»MS SJliTtiof ihJS!
KSSar r -‘=»ffiSaS,
to bo mtdo u the opntpUtlbn of tbo coo.
«>UJm I
two hendiome three
to.lhj rMr. Iha. eom«u VdS
WMMxSlta I ° ,,r to r ’*‘
, . ;
7 A £ **xa»dmb KUO.
Ato. 873 Luwty itmt.
’ r P r ”« a »>i’p;>7to‘ l :i‘aiini‘iAaiL .
** J * • (Bstlkhtt:fikteUktiA.'!.!
- orto JOdMFil WoodwmKt.
’ wotaLU tMi Wood «t£Su
•fcgtai .l a, * “T.S?
,a ‘“ ''■-•■•'• BOOM. .
/jMfiujHS Xu I4fiwon#ion~
floor ftjtd OJM cn —**iw».l»>4k. —fifi ri IT i
»««P7. H«Tm Waur.SST* “*
-llueo «3S5#
£ |b ttomplai**rdar.. Ajply to , 1
Mhflidtf -hp^vfjysjggsfei!
t >: > A '^-'-«ifiSsrKSis?^KafilS
;•> ppj.f.3 &-;a*
FOR auc,
ihaprcs&lca of ium* Uu < gkUNI
jvpcsHk - . 4sw*>~w * ; ;.; *V
to* Mo. 3—hfroul R£ >qcn MfKH theniil&i
boost, pirtjybrid£>i;h 14 room*
AM b»»wiKbt kitchcnp and home
CKira .wittr. A frame bun!
“«*«•“Pl*?wail offood
water. A choioe and abundant itoj jof intt Jn
great rariety. y>-
IAC Ho. X-TAlott Qfaradf'touo lud, to no
a_aa. t, oomjtWof im aoat.twttHid aiu be
.tHiiUocln tkr oranlTi *»tlm «iuil»« view* at
•&SSSS£S£St^S “* T**
" «• Wp«lf '»fll bo sold tfltetto, cr each lot
J*** to Mm MABY TBOXPBOW.joo thepram
»«»or to J, D. WILLTAMR, lifcfrailhjMd atmW
1« WoodiS*, r^tthnjh.
J. BAL J-—Owta* u.dteolotloa of on«rto«i.
£&»• Mi* nrIHII WOiSb, tit. ,
■otod at Iroadale, on the Iran Jfomtdli Betti bed. TO
mlloo from St. tool*, oonaliilflkycf <me fcotbhut
furnace, now la from
el*htHntotwenty tons offlo.l pig impw'd »r,
Iwaaty dwelling Iwimo, mitahle & -laborers:
f*P three-atorjr brick etor* fine stablfiand?tau
J»® j 0 good timbered and 603 acres of good
teruung lebd. • j | i j .
«pw»d ■]- 800TT, HABBIBOH* 00.
2O. Acre. ohoioe
«I»£3SiS , . , 3* M fcr JOMUj •»!«.' wllli:-n B ,
wtwwvl W*J** A Chicago fiaflxoad, on
SES^ 7 iT *
of graund la Man duster, GO feet
“* FwWe street, with Urge
.JrBP* 0 * .***?** rooms, tad Urge fruit trees and
*°** oacnpUd by James McKaio,
Gardena/* rbeprcgjerty wJuld
raltobU pieoe of und oes* tbe
MM«. Further laftnuatlen aad pint <M the prop
££w to be had at ay n* Woode’Ban
, a<hl6!>—tfwlai _.•.-.
fPO.IiBT.—PHILO HALL, with.ot 1
two Drectlng or Ante*fiooms. Beni;’
fronting on itnet, with wide
e ? ntr ®* etreet, and we 1*
"S“« d »nd wide eUinray. ; SlCOi
Afro, Vr/roia and Boon, • j \
- M.D.OA2SAV. :t
corner of Market and Third ■treatt :
njj:lwgAwT or. MaBl ItoSeSit.:-
HATiK— That nsfrt *nd ooafcrt*^
■ ’ W*i brick dwelling hoooe sitaatcd at
l ctreat. Sixth'Warn. -The lothaa «
f 0 Met oa Ihde'ai and Ttwidt »>*">
4 u 5! Th!? S?X*“? 1 •^SShjS
ZSZ .The huUdlng 1c arranged withiwida laU,
PJ*j2£dtning.*eoia,kitchenanlweah henM/ahdS
ontfrrtabie cuabara ead/bath room, with a heat
r “d* *»d water throughout the bufidlnc.-" To
jJ'JjJMpattngawmitetabie house, on afm&lona-'
bl * abore deecrihed la hat the
Applyto MelttmtOO., 102 ijjrth it.
F- well known and dealraUe wUirtitthe
sysssf s^sS'
teth« putlooluo th. .uUciiUn.'.
* pBlJ^;^ -■■■ O.BHAOH aoo:'
***! deiiitablai prop-
aa *w [Wiai iSff otSutiSSSS
«• B - a^uiTi§s:
««^fs23rS» 1 l oa^^ “
wSSSgteSS O ”*"•?. ■#
fiannliftawmtdaeoo&d^tatidSnAM XhQLSXS.
£FJ?£g s&&*£«
Mitt Olltll« | >lh|lw^.^ wr;Mri j D ff Al|^ j: -
UJJJ Vs®®“ *®oT«,;pnipm»«llb»Ml4'
sSiSISmIH®*' *~J? ■'OHBJ. Ho. M
£J«UU»j» jfyjx
4BOOT BOUT BOSH* low*. '■
IHUiilaim.iit ■*>>:>[! UkkXi
■Mitratt 114
■WliMnll. «bOT»emltbuu.-
58&.f.... ~. .^KotWLWrlkOoi;^‘ 1
JJEBIKABLK ' B»o»- ' ”
I J2L’S!!! ,,^ a, * h “ I » *• o*te«Ute. ■!»;** Sw,
«l St. G!«ir start trt Jtaqisks* W«j • •'-• r|
S!^Kri& o £L?fsri!? r^w,lll v
: Mina -
TpOB con/Bairnt, *nd well
M*Dty>r-»iQt> 90x110.
JP®* F«n» i>*in OBsgmuL b“ii.
Soilar,: a. : ,*W Usg
FM£«!h £*J*®{*«MUMn»Ur', DMJiQii fiMj,! ! 'T.
';••.• ..’v,: „ 3*i??BßpMa£, .rjJ ';"V' ■' I ;
■ OPAIfITO BfrmipcAgT BTui. i-V
1 Huff
Boj» to.lhoaM-d «< *-?,
(Ufa VlVtlopO, to »n» tddraM. DVt<titM ' «|T^
.. . . « Bhildn 1 1*
»•» OWMtKa innik* yf
f g^^l«‘sS2SSg l 3iS!
isian's 6' j» S?«iMPt«'isrtls sitewii *Ja
!««» fcjidt ij«-MsS(«iaS (WBij, *V«3sna ?
i n
«S tftar MOUDATt A«rt>ffßff ,^a3SiMßMßbL
HS ® a ™sl
•upt SUtloo -»>K
tso u. »., rtoppSi “
"tti THfcOCOH SXFBJEBB trails i ij>,
B<‘io kQ<i flopplijt otih J>
%4' «**•£*« k2££3i?sB&™s
«xasf sasaSSßS®
, =i. t raAi2y Tort *
Ql JOt’USSwVa AOMaiHLCtUBB-llfn .._- „ ~
(euvtfead.,)it2:46 p.
M «U a “““•
‘ >UUa *
- TUrt A<wniwnl>ttonT%nfti for WnlP» *«»»■
Ajttj CfXWpt SufoyUt 6tUbC £*“* *******
The Ohuraj Tr»ln Imtm „■,,.
:1.*40 w*ffa fiat&a. A«oona»dMKm!
a.. JJtdjJiaAr*JCzprefl wflj trriT* with Phil!
•djrfpLfa Pv'Bm «ff Italian.
' Ma-iriaan *\-ia«cti« BUfrt.
jIUb. laUneottm.-with. Jhiwglb Accommodation.
'°7 T:t,, 7*t.A*cts?fcjn3»t!caAad XlpnaTrain *rtt
s?kt**«* Xx}V(u and Jouiitowa Acccm*
ncuiios irtit •- -
Ebehslmnr connect *t CnJLon wllfcKx.
pran Trains and Mall Ttaln W««t,acd with Thronafc
Accommodation and Xapreta Train Jut,
Tho pctUo Wll ted It £t»u.j to o.etr InUitaMa
S' W? *»wl »T tlo.
Onttml Hallioad.aitliaaagonuaedattoiu nowofftnd
otacot. bo tcrpdttodoro any o:0»rrom Iho Bcadla
bjUatnl with tlono, ana la catliolp &« frtnTlhtV '
ift.'SS *’S5 i t**!>». W*d«nd-«omfcrl to alia,
uty fc*or this Bead itt-Mr cstTf r tt»
•TABE. • T
S»!SV ri rr ;i *> l> ' Bo i So 10 oo
2® io 60|»n £csanwja.._.,.« t r
To Hurritbnrfc .~... 7 66J
13 •“ oi tko PcnntyWa.
fMwnpr. puohMUij Otluu li-ui Win iw
W 9*~Aa Onniboa IttsohM/teia toii«;v«iM
*» tad
•*«.•« ic***®** to«eW*e£J fulfil
aad »or tfekct* *&&'■*»
■ ' i- j:J' -4. ' '•
A i£iL**??s£?
&a Xtlbarty wa Omit fir—a. -«o1b
VBtBBIUga • 1 V I|W I 1
IHMLnifl mi-ani
AfiBAKQ WiU At) 4.— va .ua alter
®OHPAI» AptUiSOthi lfiKJ, mil »•»* tk«
itopot of Ik* FtßtujlvaLU ■•u»n. +£ Bln*,
fcuefa, M feUmi »
XdroSlttsbacski 1:00 «b miieao a. m.illt4o £■*,
■da WaH*riUe.j 8:10 *• TBdB •* 1 246 »»
' dovfltsnbesv**? 4HO “ (9:07 •< i 848 ••
' ,WhMUat.| 6:10 “ |l<fcoB « .4:65 “
; Amvm 6:80 •* Jl(fc26 « I fcio «
Connecting at BteubenYlllo and Ballalr with Bleu
.6*&tUlb and Indiana ttallxoed and Central Ohio B»n. 1'
road tor Baneevlllej Hewark, Colmabos, Xenia. Dit.
to* Indianapolis, Oin&matl, iionUrille, Cairo, ts*. 1
§£* Jo»*pb, and all points wait and eocthweet. ''■
and at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio li allroad!
_! Plfltowp* and <Hmlaad tee, .
teres 1 i*» a. m. jwo- ,
do . J 4:10 " fiSo « *
• -Jo « 4dll «
do Alliance...^,...—.| OJI6 *‘ l «
: do BaTennn, w .« 1 6*l «
.•; do • Hudson ;.. l[lu « u f „
telres at Clarelahd MMMMW l I 7£o ••
»SfSfS U ?^ 4^ B * y ¥^. wlth Tnacarnwai branch fct
°* n * l DoT "i *‘ Alllanoi wUk
Bnwnrgb, Bert Wayne and Chicago‘BaUreadtaft
BnraMnwlth Allan tic and .ureatWeitera Baited
fcr - mmn, GwehTlUe, MtaUTille, Union, Conr. - •
Sdamtnca, it Hudson wltL Sni *
ted* CadasrlUi and Otucinnati fcalroad for-Akron.
f l J U S" tmrB ' <t,ld * k Cleralanil !
fffP yr dine, l/ankirk and finl&lo
Y Weumiu Aooominodntloß leaTM at P. ffi
“ w# **7 ** *■“> :
BS&S. '•
And .t 4lb“=, 0H J f AUtIB - Tlct "‘ 1 ;
.fci-i^iisssassss* Tktei a ""‘'
7 \OUiAB wtvmJaTS^KTirores
Jt/ Otamta firens. •
CHABTEHKI» io 1£56,
.... Opni dafljftoai on W«ds«ate
ygTfttarJ*/ QTooto*,, bom U»j.tat to SmSS
« » K*"**!**
J~r. to Jons *ad Bomblw. litonSitolSlrSi :
dnd *OlOl-411110*11/,to/ooi *nd
Ot B*nk ,wal oifulzad, «t |h» r*<* ol six p*r Sml!
- 11 not drawiT ont, l* r l —l to Uia credit
tort*! trom the flntdojuol 1 uoo end Docaaubor. com ■
pomdtoi t«to* ( /Mr without trouhltoctiiaidoMtf.
wr to call, or ovca to crmtux hi, 04*1 book. iiVtii
nto,oou/ vUI dooEl* to le** ttoa tw*b*/*u
*CBtoc*to tow* 4*o o*a-84ur2~
Book*, oootatotof the ahertor, Br-L*wi. Oil— ■
,,irel * ! “? o!i *fpiSao* *i -
- ■- , ri .. _ >to» ruuouis:.-:, : .. .
- I-ibn B. Uo/oddiui 1144 C U. P«unoc* r
JalU, U018.4*, Joliii,l4iih*lL
■ *1**40(101 Speer, : I "Jifw B D JCtoali }
. J*mo* Moialoj, y I -IUU BotMtoT
:ir J *»»;B»i'l‘»4*, f -Wltllom*. iodonoo.
'hi* 1 4 ’; ■ **u**4**, -
Ololaador lama DKo]l*t.
t - i-
. f I .Jato** Shtdl*! *
I J*!?. o *® v.*r«BT, •. '] babart UoblJ
n t ° 0l , ll '“’ ;,i j W*lU4- J». '
pooßlus, I /übnOrt, ‘ ,
7 hI-hvSE’ ] *uL» *Es£!!E*
■ : ssa-asf- i&tsssT 1
| ssg*M|aj. ,
:; £SKy i S Ay *^* ,^, - t <SKo«.
I-NO: MUKA uahi.icaxa
X A£jx> UMaA>*atwwis^rirSSS£i
ilriSiiiaiitZSftS!* *?*** ,toc *«l ctotoolfina. 1 :■
wotw.tottmnM.ia. SMct,i. taa ,i~*g f
„S?jggS^^ , » ro » i»»). <3.U .»d
*? M!S fiinmeiLiiir,
>. '. yJOKHte Jm.
«• Apne; for P'tuiorgh and
—-- umunt-BntvM,
5 Kivooo fti, I ,
It ' MO.OOOR aIDM, 0 ' 3, l “ bolki
! . iw,m»b*ham2 .. 2, . . “
• . -
» U 0» «d CO,
-B6 ttrajt
s aaaspt-^^os.