The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 12, 1863, Image 3

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    fMiurjjh <ta%
9m-orriojAL tapes of tbw am.
MvnosoLoexaiL Obsutatiovs for tha G*-
; by G. B. Bhaw, Optician, No. II Fifth
•treat oorreoted dxQ; i
» sos. ts kxaxx.
.... •• 74
.... 120 83
‘ • o'clock, a. a.
XI- “ M
« : “ f. e.- ....
. Barometer
29 4*lo
Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee*
There has been received dnriag the week
.ceding May 11th many and large contribu
tions. We cannot sufficiently thank the gen
erons donors, but the prayers and blessings
of our ilok and wsanded soldiers will. Iren
tho ohUdren have rsspondrd to the call, one
little four years old girl sent a needle book
she bad made to tho ‘‘poor soldier*.’* Two
little, boys brought a large donauoo in goods
and money from the eoholar* of the Becond
Ward School How bright and happy their
little facos looked when the President thank*
ed them on beheir of their comrades for their
noble efforts. The children of the Wilkins
bur® School alio sent a donation. •
The shipment made daring the week have
been unusually large. Seventeen boxes of
delicacies and elotblng and four hundred and
Wight;barrels of vegetable: have been seat to
Dr. J. B. Newbury, of the United States
Sanitary'Commission at Louisville—the Cap*
tala bf the steamboat Starlight kindly taking
them Dee of eharge. Seven large boxes were
* mat to Washington Oity, and we have others
ready for shipment. |
It seems that-some psrtons do not under
stand the. object of the Commission, “Said
an old lady a few days ago to an Intelligent
disohargedj who, remembering the coffering
. comrades he had left,* mindful of the
blessing he :hed himself motived- from the
Sanitary Commission, was soliciting, from
house to house, stores to forward through tho
Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee to tho battle
fields pud hospitals. 1 * “My son Jamas says
ha never gets any of the good things sent to
the soldiers.**
“Well, was your sou lick 7” I
“ No, he was never sick in his life.** I
“ Does he not get food and clothing enough I
from the Government.** I
“He writes me he is fat and hearty, and I
has nothing to complain of." I
“Well,my.good woman, these things we 1
give to those who are slok and get wounded.” |
m La, me 1 exclaimed she,** delighted with I
thb nlw idea, “Is that so 7 I never under- I
stood that before 1 Here is a jar of pickles I
yon, may send right off to them that Is se un- I
fortunate.** If persons would call at the 1
rooms wo would be glad to supply them with I
the Reports of the Commission or give them j
aoj information they may require. I
Membership fees for April, $3 75. I
Os* lot of pillow eaees sent In Pittsburgh I
Landing expedition. I
Soldiers* Aid Society, KUtanniag—l dostn j
flannel shirts, 19 muslin shirts, 9 pairs draw- |
tn, 4 doable wrappers, 2 pair eroebet slippers, 1
52 towels, 8 pillows slips, 2 do sen linen I
handkerchiefs, 38 lawn handkerchiefs, l dosen
'pair socks, 1 paektgo lint, tracts and papers.
Jddgo Buffington, Kittanning—2 nairrslf I
Mrs. James Trimble—6 cans fruit. I
West Newton Soldier* -Aid Society—l5 1
flannel shirts, 7 pillows, 6 pair canton flannel
drawers, 5 pair socks, 25 handkerchiefs, 5
bottles of wine.
Mn. Brunot—l paokage papers.
Mr. F. Van Gorder—l barrel turnips.
Sugar Greta Soldiers* Aid Society—2 cans
spiced apples, 4 cans apple butter, 2 cans
green apples, 2 cans and 1 jar pickled cabbage,
1 can maple molasses, IK pints current wine,
45K pounds dried apples,6K pounds peaches,
IK pounds blackberries, 1 pint dried currants,
8K pounds dried elderberries, bandages and
Unt, 6 towels, 10 hospital shirts, 9 pair draw
ers,;2 pair looks, 2 feather cushions, l hop
pillow, 1 package tracks, 1 book.
Society ol the First Methodist Protestant
church—l dosen pairmuiHn drawers, 8 muslin
sheets, 1 pair socks.
Citizens of Elisabeth per Miss Shkfer—l
box literature.
UUf Alsorum—l package* magailne*.
From » Friend—l bandit of linen, 6 pair
took*. >
Mrs. Patterson, Troy Hill—2 bottle* rasp
berry Tinegar.
Allegheny Ltdles* Aid Society—6 cans
fndt, & bottle* grape trine, 2 bottle* tomato
catsup, 1 barrel onions, 1 peek turnip*, 6 pair
drawer*, IS muslin ahlrta, 2 woolen thirtt, 8
packages old linen and muslin, 2 packages
of I papers and 1 of magasinei, .1 towel, 12
papers corn ttarob, 12,papers farina, 1% do*,
nan's condensed milk.
E N. Siephen, Eed Stone, Pcnna.—3 oans
fruit, & shirt*, 2 pair mittens. I
Hub L. Qorden—o bottles of wine, 4 cans I
patches. I
J. F. Da; —1 gross of buckles. I j
Uoitarian Society— l gross baeklee,2 pleooe I (
of chlnts. 1
Mr. Ha;—l paokage of boards for slings. 1
Mr. James Oreek—l bag!
potatoes, 1 ean tomatoes, l»ean apple butted. I
Mrs. W. A. Smith—l package of lint and I
old mus Ho. I
Miss J. B. Holmes—2 cans petohei, 4 pack- 1
ages reading matter. I
Ladies* Aid Sooloty, Cumberland Prssbyte- I
id an Church—4 pairs socks, 1 bottle blaokoer- j
ry wine, 7 muslin shirts, 1 handle old linen, I
1 J*r current jelly. I
Second Ward Behool, Mbs Vary McFadden |
yd*, muslin, S pounds lint, 70 hand- I
kerehtef*,29 towels, old muslin, and linen, 41
qts. blackberries, 10 qts. peaebei, 1)4 qaarts I
quinces, 1 qt. pears, 6 qts. tomatoef, 2 qnarts I
blackberry jam, 4 bottles tomnto eatsnp, 11
bottle Madeira wine, 1 bottle old rye whisky, 1
1 glass grape jelly, 4 glasses entrant jelly, 2 1
qts. apple marmalade, 3. qts. raspberries, 2 I
qts. cherries, 2 bottles tomato pleklai, 2 qts. 1
gooseberries, 3 packages of corn starch, 11
paokege farina, I.bottle cherry wine, 1)4 Ibi. I
dried apples, a fsw magaslnes and papers, & I
pounds loaf eager. I
A Friend—4 half-worn shirt*, 1 roll old
votuslln. |
A Friend—l comfort.
- Mbs Heath, Allegheny City—2 package* of
books, 4 Jar* of rhubarb. '
Hbf Hartcn—4 cans peaches..
Children of Wilkinsburg Sthool—2 paok
ftgts of crackers, 1 bag potatoes.
Loechburg Aid Boolety—ll muslin shirts, 4
pairs canton flannel drawer*, 12 pairs socks, 2
quilts, 2 comlorts, 2 sheets,! pair pillow slips,
3 Tests, 2 neckties, 3 handkerchief*, 1 jalr
cotton socks, 2 half-worn shirts, 4 pounds
batter, 85 sermons, 1 package pictorial papers,
2 sacks dried apples, 1 seek dried cherries, 11
uok eld«rberrl*f, l seek dried grapes, 1 pack-;
age old muslin, 2 cans pbkled cabbage, 1 ean
crab apples, 1 can apple batter, 1 can apples,
1 bottle tomato catsup, 1 sack dried peaehes
(p&red), 1 sack dried peaehes, 1 roll old mus
. Mrs. Forsyth, Bast Liberty—l bottle wise,
I can peaches, 1 bundle linen. .
A Friend—2 half-worn shirts, 7 half-iron
pillow eases*
Mrs. S », Sswlcklsy—2 cans tomatoes, 2
. osus p ums, 2 ease peaehes, 1 ennstrawber
. rial, 4 bottles jelly, 2 feather pillows, 4 pillow
eases, 10 muslin shirts, 10 pairs woolen seeks.
; Dlxmont,aade op and returned—s 4 shirts,,
18 pairs drawers.
. City Farm, made—l 24 shirts.
6o!dlors* Aid Sodsty, Methodbt Protestant
Church—o muslin shirts, 5 pairs muslin draw-.
«rs, 6 arm slings, 1 pair woolen socks, 7 cans
fruit, 1 jar fruit, 8 wrappers which wen sent
from the Sanitary Committee wire made np
by this Society.
Mist BUsa Smith—l bundle of lint.
, The number of boxes of whisky sent to the
Ber. Mr. Jerome, was tore*. Instead of two,
’ 4s stated in last woak’s report. ;
Mu* Cannon* Xiokmox a* "linu
Baarroor."— Th* lit play of “Llttl* Bar*
fool, with MUi Ihompaon u “Armla," mi
pndaotd lait night *t tha Xhutn, and *f«
fordad thontmon drltght t* th*aadl*nt*. It
bright platan of «lm
plo lift, fail of mirth,.ith • os* of nd, ns*
< ,?jf? runßingihrorgh j u Iu pJVtf
«LUMo Barefoot* 1 afford* Mli.Thpmpwn an
OpoUont oppotutnltj. for th. dlaptap If thoio
•implo and ingoolout burit* of utanl fealing
to which so, .v grtatl/ oxoalr. Mr. Barron
*la,«d "Johannaa” mth iplrlt,« ..11 a. a*,
dallant tart, and jodgmant.
“iBniBO. Lotalut.”—Bbt. Ala*. Clark
ma tha ahoy* labjset *1 som*
of whloh da* aotle* wlllba glraa
' to tlokit hoUm. Indiapoiitlon forbids his
pmoaot fete crsttlng.
Flremen’a Association*
A regular quarterly meeting of the Fire
aen*a Association wu halt on Monday even
ing—A. J. Capplea in the Chair.
Mr. Tibhy, Chairman of tho Committee on
Conference and Inspection, made the follow*
ing report, relative to tho condition of tho
sevaral companies oemposlng the Association:
Bagla—House, engine and hose carriage in
gootiordor. Hose—24good and 8 bad sec
Allegheny—House in good order; repaired
lately by the company. Bogins in good ear
vice able condition. Two hose carriages in
prime order. Hoea-20 sections serviceable;
6 useless. This company head horses badly
for the engine, aa It la capable of doing good
Duquette—House, engine and host car
riage in good order. Hois—4 good sections,
.and 12 in eery bad oondition.. Oo examina
tion we found the diameter of the couplings
smaller on the gum. hose belonging to this
company than that of either the Essie or
Neptune—House, engine and hose carriage
in tip-top order. Hose—lB stations; none
bad. This oompany has reoeivsd 500 feet of
ten inch leather hose sinoe last report.
Niagara—House needs impairing. Engine
sod hoie oerriage in good order. Hose—l 7
sections good and 19 bad.
Good Intent—He report. We called at
boose, but found no person. Hose in ser
viceable order.
Vigilant—House,engine and hose carriage
in good erder. Hose—ll good sections; 8.
bad. House has had new roof and Are walL
The engine has been repaired in the east sinoe
last report. Hose—l 9 sections.
Independenoe—House needs some repairs.
Engine (hand) has been condemned. Two
hose carriages; one 1q good order, the other
needs repairing. Hose—2good, 4 indifferent,
and 10 very bad Mellons.—Hon>. .ad hoi. o*Rt.» is good
order. Engine out ol union. Hole—ll
good, 5 ted, and 1 loit.
Tho rrpart wu diioaiiid st lomo Ingth,
snd thtre being torn, diiutiifution ixpruud
in nhroeet to tho amount ot hon belonging
to torn of tho ooopuiif, it wu on motion
re oommittod.
Mr.- E W. Htcltij, Immnr, rahmitted
tho uno.l report, ramming ap u follow!:
«o<»iptl ,5,1 7S
I Eipepdltare«,...,4....ra 100 80
Balance ox hand $l2O 93
' Wa M Hartnell, Assistant Chief Engi
neer, teau ihe quarterly report of the number
of flres, losses, insurance,#*., with a recapit
ulation for tho year, as follows:
Number of fires last quarter 16
Number of false alarms.. 8—24
Amount of loss ascertained... MMM ...ss9,42o
lusnranos 28,415
Loss over insurance .. $31,005
Number of fires daring the past ye*r...B9
False alarms.. 69—158
Amotatof loss ascertained.... $213,332
Insurance.. 77,877
Loss over inioranee $135,455
On motion, the report was suiopted, with a
vote of thanks to the Chief Engineer.
The Association then adjourned e«a«*d»«.
omoAxxiATiox orni xsw asaocuviox.
The new Association effected a temporary
organisation by calling James Irvin, of the
Vigilant, to the Chair.
The credentials of the new delegates were
then motived, as follows:
Eagle—W. J. White. Allegheny—B. W.
I Meekey. Duquesne—G. H. Bonnafon. Ni-
I agar*—A. J. Onpples. Vigilant—J. G.
Weldon. Good Intent—Thornes M.’* Little.
Independent—Wash. Woods, vice James Lit
tsU, resigned, and Thornes BosewelL Be
lief—Joseph E. SwinL Neptune—No cre
The eleotion of permanent offioers resulted
as follows:
President—James Irvin.
Secretary—Joseph Dorrington.
Treuuar—Robert W. Mackey.
Chief Eogineer—W. J. White.
• Ist Assistant Chief Engineer—William M
HarUeU. ”
2d Assistant Chief Eogineer—Jas. HamilL
Committee of Conference and Inspection—
Eaglo, W. J. White; Allegheny, A. Sims ;
Dutftresnv, G. H. Bonnafon; Heptane, J. S.
Turoett; Niagara, John Orteganj Vigilant,
J. G. Walden: Good Intent, D. Warden; In
dependence, Wash. Woods: Relief, J. H.
Janitor and Messenger—Col. S. F. Pratt.
On motion, Messrs. J. H. Hare, J. B. Swlnt
and John Oraham wsr# appointed a Commit
tee to consult with Councils and make some
arrangement in reference to tke ringing of
toe alarms. Tkb motion erifinatsd bom the
feet that several companies are ehargsd with
not ringing their bells, that they might beat
some other companies in getting to ftret.
On morion, this Aisbeiatlon adjourned to
mom on Monday evening. May 25th, to hear
| the report of the Committee on Csnferenoe and
1 Inspection. r
The Coarts.
Mokdat, May 11.—Ho. 4. L. B. Living
ston vs. Jonas and Burkhslmtr. Action ol
feint issue. Still on trial.
H05 v 20,103,168 and 149 (before reported)
Ho. 5 was oonrinnod.
' Jhe following are within reach to-morrow:
Ho. 25. Peter Moeser vs. Thos. Kelly and
B. C. Donaldson.
26. To. Peebles for use of -Moses Peebles
| vs. George Crunch.
j 27. for nte of S.L. Bar
ton‘%‘iTßd ward W. Hays and John P. W.
I Hancock.
29. John Toa ti. Lucinda Bilk and Marg*>
it Aeklaioa.'.
3L Anthoaj Whltakar t*. W. H. Brown.
<2. Oku. Salih rad Jbo. MeOua Jno
[lohoUon, Sr.
M. Jobs Sohsld t*. John 01mi, Br.
flottleib Ludvigaad Jobs flregg pleaded
guilty to the ebup of making tad passing
o. a. oißooif oonrwouu obisb aid x 1
Tho trUl list wm called ovar.
Tho oonnty (of Allegheny) cum have boon
•mud to, bnt.the dty mm avail tbo eotJcn
of City OoanQlli aaderodUers.
Tbo FeitT Ksituee.
Wo or# glad to too that tho public goerally
in repudiating tbo irresponsible penny to
kens to abundantly Issued la this olty, tad
tbo firit»haftd iiUi of these worthless ooiat
boro thus boon entirety checked. Still tboro
an many of them got Ijb Tbo
OOUOfi Mftto of tbo pooplo suggests that ft
token, boortog a responsible name, has bon
if fßOd M 0 bSfklll OOBTOaIOBtt tillONlitji
jagd that no lost vill a] tfautetyfaNtt to {hose
! whonotiTfrtbosu • Oa tbo ctherhand, It 'it
equally deer to thinking peoplo that all those
tokens cotton up without sigaataro or aaao,
or anything toudioatofrom wheaotihaywore
issued, war* bo m i dadxaod,to bo redeemed,
and iron palpable ftnadapoa tho pnblta It
ooiti ao morale pit a responsiblename apoa
tboa.* Preeeattythme will boapeany peaio,
and tbo losswUl fill moot severely oa tboto
who eonntonaaoe the nuisance.
Wo advise ovary pcnoa to nilue peremp
torily at lout all odas whloh do mot boar some
responsible anas. la this way thsyoan, at
UttUlmooßvoatoaea, drive oat of euralatioa
tbo lrrofpoailblo altoranses, eadpal a itop
to a oboat from which otherwise they will
oveatually fate* It voald bo wall if tbo
street raurood companies voald alio refuse
these taken*. -■ , -
iidteity ol lke kebela la Western
From gan llama*, who pauadthrough thl*
oitp paatatday,vallaaratd tkatOoL Mammas'
had failanhaak to Moandirlll*, twain mil**
balow Wknltag, and that oat vlng of tho
rahtlarap had' tak.n Middlabcurta/Tjlar
oonntp.Tha othar wing vat threatening
Farkanhtrg, tad war* reported hat .a abort
dlataaoo from that plan*. Th* pabaUl won
ruanlngeff all th* aattla, .took. Ao. Moat
'of thctbwbodtedmwof TOnllaghadgoa*
out with tha militia, and a larga numbar of
th* baalnaaa hoona war* oloaod.
U. B. HoariraL Baauhario*. —Th* United
Btata* Boapltal, la th* Blath Ward, la opaa
ta Tialtora on Xaaadapa, Thnradaji and bat
nrdaja from two to air* o'clock (a th* attar,
kook.' Onothar dapa.'parmlu an raqmlrW.
Parmltamajb* omam at th* BTfc wlalir
Rurgvom'a eßoo, Bmltkdald rad Third atmta.
t.'. U vjrf ' f "t
Affairs mear Viekiburg*
A letter dated May Ist, written on board
the steamer Hastings, above Vicksburg, says
that the Vicksburg “ out off,** unless another
rise takes plaoe, will be of no use, on account
of low water. A number of barges which
were in tho canal have been driven high and
dry by a high wind. It farther says:
“ We hsve a splendid plank road through
to Riohmond, (Madison oonnty, La.,) which
is some nineteen miles from hue* There is a
good road all the way to Carthage, which Is
some twenty-eight miles Dorn here. Oar
troops are pasting through now every day.
The troops here are In excellent health and
ail seem eager for fright. It is very healthy
down here now, hot how long tt will last I do
not know; bat I think it will last till we take
Vicksburg—and that won't be long, for it
seems our troops are getting ell around it,
and I think when they strike, they will make
their mark, for they are very eager for tho al
fray. They are putting the troops as fast as
they can across from Carthage to below Vicks-:
burg. They have been tuirmishing down
them for several days, with snooess too, so I
have heard.**
The writer also refers to a gunboat expedi
tion against Yasoe City. Ho says: “ Gen.
Grant is making things hop here now.**
In order to give an opportunity to everybody
to attend the short season of opera, tne Di
rector will announoe that tho prioo of admis
sion to the lower part of tho hall will be sl—
seats 50 oents extra, and gallery 50e*
PxorosAin ron Oatalxt Hoisil—We di
rect attention to tho advertisement Dorn the
Quartermaster** Department, for the purchase
of one thousand cavalry horses, to bo deliv
ered In this oity. The conditions are folly sot
forth In the advertisement.
Swasxixg or thi Mxdioali Hrraa—Coxso*
latiob ron ran bice.—Considering the enor
mous number of young M. D.’ithat our medi
cal colleges turn out every year, wo certainly
ought (if there be any virtue in “regular
physicking**) to be a much healthier people
than we are. Bat the bills of mortality do
not shorten as the list of doctors lengthens.
Quite the reverse l Shall we say, then, with
Maobcth. “Throw physio to tho dogs, I'U
none of It?" No, that will not do. Nature,
when attacked by disease, needs aa ally to
sustain her. An ally, remember; not a de
pleting agent, that helps the disease and ex*
Uausta her energies, we verily believe that
most of the drags administered in acute dis
eases have this effeot. Snob, however, is not! j
the operation of one median* now generally :
osed in this oonntry for complaints of tho ;
stomach, liver and We mean Hollo- j
way's Pills. Of eourse oar readers are aware I
that both the Ointment and PUls wbioh bear!
the name of that distinguished physician and |
philanthropist are in the highest possible re-*
puts all over the world; bat wo have only
&ad an opportunity to witnees the effects of
the Pills. It gives us pleasure to testify to
their efficacy. In dyspepsia and liver com
plaints they naqnestionably work tho most
marvelous cores. Nay, we will even go so
far as to say that, with this remedy within
their reaeh, no man or woman need ever bo
long troubled with dyspepsia. The pllls.xwt
3ov* the distress at the stomdeh, and restore
© strength and appetite with a rapidity that*
is-rtelly astonishing. The curative aotion
seems to be the same in all oases without ref
erence to age, constitution, or sex. Such, at
least, Is tho oonolaslon to which our experi
ence and observation point.—AT. Y. Adeocota*
4£ U m asa Faxes'* tixwixa MAOSixa, for
amity »&o <s*nufseturfag purposes, are the
••*« la ast. •
<. **. Ciirsn, General Agent,
* ap. is. Fifth street*
Thomas Paeit, Plain and Ornamental Slate
Rvoier, and dealer In Pennsylvania and V«r
tnout slate of the best quality at low rate*.
Offioo at Alox. Langh tin’s, near the Watir
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS:6m
pvsxr Cwtuiro Ann Wxsne to But Txnx.
—lha enterprising firm of Wn. H. McGee A
Co., merchant tailors, eet&er of Federal and I
Diamond square, Allegheny, being folly j
aware of the extraordinary advance til Spring
.goods, have purchased last fail a beautiful
assortment of doth, caaiimeree, vesting*, Ac,,
and they are notr ready to open their Spring
trade with superior articles, at greatly re
duced price*. They will sell their goods by
the yard tf desired, and as they keep eon*
stantiy on hand a Urge supply of ready made
clothing, customers can be accommodated on
demand, or have a neatly fitted salt to order.
The work is ail doae under their supervision,
and always warranted to purchasers.
f otaioSABLB afioblo pouag
friends composing tbo Arm of Jobs Wolor *
Go., Merchant Tailors, No. 130 federal street,
Allegheny, have jut ope&od tbo Boat extern- 1
■ira ood resiwcie itook of aprixg aad summer ;
goods erer exhibited west af tho mountains,
oompriitng mbo of tbo molt beautiful Troaob
ud American Oasslaarei, Cloths, Cashmeres,
Muveillo*, be., Ao., to,be found la tbo east
eru market. Ibis enterprising Am boa also
• nr; largo assortment of tko Utaat itjlM of
famishing goods, aad a eoasldorablo quantity
reedy >bm4o oiotbi&g of nporlor quality. Wo
edvtae oar Allegheny patrons to call at this
•iiabllskoont, and sao for themselvoe.
Jnr bimin nox tan Sac*.—Bamael
9r*hsin, Uerohant Tailor, voald respectfully
inform bis friends and tbo pablio la general
that be has jut returned from tbo Coat vltb
Us new stock of Spring aad Simmer floods,
consisting of alt tbo Utost styles of olothi,
'msrimorei and Tastings. Gentlemen desiring
a stook to seleot from that ea&not bo eurpeii
od by any fthcr In tho dty, sad tboir ghr
aeata made In the most fashionable manner,
woald do watt to giro him a call before phr
dbaaing elsewhere.
baxoßL Qbaxax, Merchant Tailor,
No. M Market street, one door from Third*
Ab Qood as Nbw.—Mr. Morrlok Woods,
Londonderry, V t., writes—“ Mrs. B. A. Allan's
World 1 ! Heir Baitoror aad Zylobelse aam
have restored my hair to its original oolor
end beauty. One year ago my hair was Tory
thin and quite gray. I bare BOW as flat a
bud of hair as 1 ever had."
Sold by druggists everywhere. Dopot, IBS
Greenwich street, Nov York* mow
VoLunsus, Aminos I—Tor tbo de
raagomoats of tbo systom Incidental to tbo
obango of diet, voands, eruptions, and ex
posures vhioh ovary volunteer la liable: to,
tberd are ao remedies to safe, convenient,
and reliable u HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND
OINTMENT*, 3d ott. per box. 309
Okvxbci aad Oaxiuob Qaua will bo takaa
attho OaalbaaoMoejMo. dOl Libirty strool,
day or might. All orders laft at tbo above
plaoo will bo promptly attended to. AH calls
rnayt bo paid in afraun. (■
It Toadaßlroaay itpolnor altwattoas to
yosr dvoHteg, or plaoet of bastaaii tail aad
loava jour order at Ontbbort*s Oarpoatoribad
Jobbing Shop, Virgin Allsy, above BaitbSaM
street. All vorb promptly attended to.
Dmmtal work done at this
aetabUibaunt is gnaraatood to bo bettor aad
oboapor than can bo bad ia tho dty* NO.-351
Poaa stroeL tj
lIOWI-OsKoMaaonkstthi 11th tnsiaat,
WILUAM, soa of Thomao eMßaeey BrowaTia
the UU jeer ef hie age. j
Tbo Mends cf the CsaQyare riqasstedto attend
the foaenl, from tbs netdenoe of bis tn
OefUao topaAlp, sear leetLiberty,onWasnsnur,
Oorxlagie viil leave Sobt.
TAtxMO*% corner of Seventh and fmlthlelrt streets,
PATTOH—Oa Santa the lOth U o'clock
». HOf, daughter of Jebna&d Sian
PattM,afedß’yean. t : :
TTbsMsads cf the dually are rvpectfoHy.reqnfl|t*;
«d to atieal tbe foneral, from the - tbo
' parents, oa leaver street, above North 'Oemm, Al>
legbray City, lSth insU, at d
wttboat farther notice. •_ •• •••
OH’ BALK.—A good tont* on:th*
ItIUM fUIRk To an' aaargatlagar.
an. this routs prawti % mssttnetto. Xsqalrs
at XBUS OVnuip bstvwa lbs taws ot 9 ft. Kud
Ip.B. *?»*> •
XBOB. inm Ihi mlstamts* asaifaetler m *
XMs «oo? * Pirfc—, ta Pmris, Jart nwwd sad,
far ml* by W. P. |ABIH*bL
■ Dim Im Tonaltli ;
Aadalaodillcloaaioa o**aM and OLtVB of *3
ftaah On. at
Ho, n DUnnri, tOttfmr,
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Washuotox, May 11,1863.
Great anxiety has been expressed here lest
the derision of the Court Martial In Vallan
dlgham's ease.should have the effeet to make
a martyr of him. On this aooount it w u
earnestly hoped tihat the result would be in
order to send him down beyond Bosoorai s’
lines, and dump hub but into the territory <of
hls friends—tho rebe^s— with due notioe that
tf ever Might back bn our side he would be
treated as a spy.
The reports which have been agitating the
oonntry for the past day or two coneemiag
eastern military movements, are not known
hare to have any foundation whatever.
xxoltoi© non tei abet.
The New York Herald is said to have been
at last excluded Don the army of the Poto
oHnr jostioi or utah.
John Titus, of Pebnsylvanla, has been ap
pointed Chief Justice of Utah, eves Judge
Kinney, removed.
a enxamAXi otnu
In regard to troops mustered out, directs
promptness In transportation homewards and
payment, and subsidence up to time of pay
ment* ’«
Wnx. F. Corbin and J. C. MeGraw are the
rebel recruiting officers neer Roseau's Mills,
Pendleton county, Ky., who are to be shot as
spies on the 15lh of May, un Johnson's Island,
near Sandusky.
CoL Kilpatrick, with his staff officers, has
jut arrived hare, furnishing tha following
l statement:
We separated eight mUea beyend Louisa O.
H , CoL KUpatriok in charge, with 375 men
—captured several men at Looost Grove, and
struck the railroad two miles sonth of Hun-
gary, and want to a blind camp, raaohlng
there on Sunday night; thaace to Hanover
C. H>, where we burned the llepot and de-
stroyed the railroad for four or fin mlloi eneh
way, taking op tha ralli ud bootleg thorn so
ns to hood thorn, which mods thorn unnniln-'
bio; frost this polat wo prcooodod to within
two miloo of Biohmond, whoro wo como open
o buttery of throo guns ond obont ono hun
drod ond fifty non, ond oaoooodod in'Honking
thorn. Thoy retreated towards Richmond,
onr iqoodron panning them to within o milo
ond o holf of Richmond, dootroying in thoir
pursuit o lorgo bridge of 160 foot of trestle
work, ond another twonty-firo foot long.
Tho fortification! COTS Bundle g theM bridgoj
noor by won without gnho, ond won tokon
pooMStlan of: Noor thooo bridges wo ooptarod
on old of Son. Winder’s, botwoon Dslnplnin
Bonoo ond Blohmond, ho being then upon o
riilf. A nuinhor of fine horses won also cep
tstM in thio Tielnity. Among thooo woo o
splendid Indy's riding horse, whleb, upon 01-
osrtoinlng its owner, wok returned. Iks lady
acknowledged tho oompUmont, ond told oho
woo o Union lody from shot moment.
Upon tho third lino of Richmond fortlftoa
tibni the National leg was planted.
Ihe loeomotin Augusta whloh was on e
nooonoilionoo in this Tiolnity, wu ooptarod,
ond one of our men who happened to ho op
snginoor opened the steam rein, under a full
hoed of otoeix,and ran,within whistle soream
' lag, Into theOhtekohomlny, hiring pnrlously
destroyed tho bridge. .. .
We thsn wnnt to SfoaoTortowa, orosilng
thePnfwinky Tirof, ond Ooptuuda train of
Mini—'■tg ni iinlt*— ***• —rr”-~ 1 After
supplying ourtolrto liberally, we wont to'
Aylotfs Station, o depot -dor mites stoned
whore forego is gathered and forwarded to
Blohmond and'Honorsr Oourt House.! At
tote plow on Immense quantity of stores wore
found, on inrontory of whloh war taken ond
horned. It oonilited of 800,000 buihete of
groin, 70 locks of lour, 000 bnrrtle of eon, U
tents, 0 wagons, 1,000 pounds of boeon, 000
pounds of sugar, l bon of ihoee, 2 bsxssuul
form oiothlng.l boxes of eotten bigs—3,ooo
| now and 1,000 old ones. Twodepot buildings
I were burned, and the ferries which erosiM the
Xottopony wore destroyed.
We thou proceeded to Miller's Cross bends,'
ud destroyed two lorgo storehenset—nno
with proTisiens, hooon, non and fiour; and
also to wagons end harness. Just beyond
this point we loon that Col. Doris, of the
11th lUinois, dostroyed o troln the some day
of 20 wagons, paroling tha teamsters . and
guard in charge. Ws then went to King ond
Quean Court House, where we wen harassed
by gnsrrillu in houses ud yards, from whloh
they Bed to the adjoining swamps and woods.
Boron houses worn consequently burned.. We
then want to aioOoetter C. H., ud reported
to Qsn. King—peeling through OentroTltle,
ud oaptaring hayed all along the route.
When we loft-. Bonita . Court Bouse,
we had bat one dny’iroileas of hnrdjtnok,
ud (stage for our horses was only rnoslred
atou point, whan the residents, balls Ting
us to he the 6th Virginia oaTairy, furnished
us eery liberally, the receipts weoeassqusnt
lj gere in the name of 001. Amu, of thefith
Virginia enmity.* . ; I; I ';’,
Whu we reashed Oentrerille the lnimhitute
grarely Informed us that the damned Yankees
were about twain teliee ; ahead of us, Whloh:
turned out to he Col. Doris’femes, whloh hid
haw destroying the bridges on the West Point
Hailwood from WhiteHouintoHlshmond. -
A portion of - the Uth Illinois Canity same
soar being dashed tntoby ourforeoi, think
ing thorn rebels. Phls jarty {had been ad
Ashley,'.' tsarist: the railroad, deetro|ing
bridges, trains, As. It was this party 'also
whioh oaptsiad the traUa and siek and
wounded uhdporoled them, after haring burn
ed two anginas Mar Clou’s Blntlon. About
ld ooiortd woman comedown to the roadside
from the field, and, finding wo won Ynnkiees;
eommoaoed singing, " Bless the Lord," dto.,
ud that thedoyofJubilsa had some, but we
had to Isnro them. . Abut one. hundred able
bodied negrOts, howmti suooaeded in keep
ing up with us, capturing horses, milts, ho.,
for thoir purpose!,: i- 1 (j. j | ...
Wa captured ln 00l onr four hundred apish-'
did hems; two of which urn eery fine earri
ngs horses,: taken noor Blohmond, worth
about a thousnoddolinrs. ; 11 j
Cm, Kilpatrick was wall. aegunlnM frith
the Country round about. . :. m.L |
Ike poopleofßlehmond' wsra paralysed
with lent and ostonlihmout, hordiy honoring
wn wee genuine Yankees. ,A ■ [ f i'
rf tWo tranied In all about MU stilee. !
«iyuui tuTmu u«n» »» nii4
- XtoNM SMatfTta Dina Ukanga'kw*
to lw dad. Ofßonl Dta «•*»***;
'to tkoftwMrt i-. « P* I
WiMi»ow», following Wl
MoilTodot Badiooiton toHlogi' ,!
“ v,\ ]iro»mw», s,iw
XIWT* tho hoaor to (qmt tbit,
W diroetloa from Major Goa. Btomoaoa, I
loft Loill** 0. I,; oa I*o BOftlu Of thoM
last*, with oao Mbutt of tfco fiurta Llchft
oa the Brederiekebarg railroad, at daylight
oa the morning of the 4th, end destroyed the
depot, telegraph-wire*, tore up the nil-road
for several milee, and passed over to Broad
turnpike. I drove ia the-rebel pickets,
down the pike, across the brook, charged a
battery aad forced it to retire to within two
miles of the city of Richmond. I captured
Heat. Brown, Adjutant to Ben. Winder, and
eleven men within the fortifications. I passed
a town to the left of the Meadow bridge, on
thr * * " ~
m Ohiokehtfminy, which T burned. I ran
a train of can into the rival, and retired to
Hanover, a town on the peninsula, crossed
and destroyed the ferry just in Unto tooheck
tke advanee of tke pursuing cavalry force., I
burned a train of thirty wagons, loaded with
bacon, and captured thirteen prisoners. I en«
camped for the night fire milts from therlver.
I resumed the march at 1 o’clock a. m. of
the sth; surprised a foroe of 300 cavalry at
Ayletts, captured two officers and thirty
three men,burned fifty-six wagons and depot,
containing' over 20,000 barrels of com and
wheat, quantities of clothing and oommissary
stores, and safely croised the Mattapony, and
destroyed the ferry again just in time to
escape the advance of the rebels. Late in the:
eveningX destroyed the third wagon.train
and depot, a low miles above and west of the
Beppahannook, and, from that point, made
: a foroed maroh of twenty miles, being closely
followed by a superior foroe of cavalry, sup
posed to be a portion of Stuart's, from the
foot that we captured prisoners from the sth,
Ist and, 10th Virginia Cavalry. At Loudon
we discovered a force of cavalry drawn op In
line cf battle above Sing and Queen Court
House. The strength was unknown, but X
at ones advanoad to attack, only, however, to
discover that they were friends—a portion of
the 12th Illinois Cavalry, who have become
separated from the command of Lieut. Colonel
Davis, of the same regiment.
At 10 a. m., on tho 7th, X found safety and
rest under our own brave old flag, within our
lines at Gleufter Point.
This mid and march about the entire rebel
army, a marsh of nearly 200 miles, has been
made in less than five days, with a lou of 1
offioar and 37 man, having captured and pa
roled upwards of 800 man.
I take jpeat pleasure in bringing to your
notloe the offioers of my staff. Gap t. P. Owen
Jones, Armstrong, Capt. JXoirvin, Dr. Hack- |
lay, and Lieut. BiUs, especially the latter,,
who volunteered to carry a dispatch to MeJ.
Gen. Hooker. He failed in the attempt, but
with his eseortof 10 msn, captured and paroled
1 Major, 2 Captain*, and a Lieutenant and 15
men. He was, afterwards, himself captured,
with his escort, and was afterwards recaptured
by our own forces. He arrived this afternoon
I oauno't praise too highly tho bravery, for
titude and ontlring energy displayed through
out the maroh by Lieut. Col. Davis and offi
cers and men of Harris’ Cavalry, noi one of
whom but wee willing to lose his liberty or
his life if he oould but aid in the grekt battle
new going on, and win far himself pppreba
tlon of his ohlefs. Respectfully submitted,
Colonel commanding Ist Brigade, 34 Division
Cavalry Corps.
▲■BiTersary Celebration of Camp
St. Loud, M»j 11.—The celebration of the :
anniversary of Gamp Jaokson to-day wu
quit* a iqscsii. The procession was one of
the finest and longest ever seen In St. Louis, '
consisting of. Gens. Curtis, Davidson, Strong,
handover, Edwards and the |tsff of Governor ,
Gamble, foar regiments volunteer infantry,
five regiments enrolled militia, a battery of
artillery, all eUy and eaunty offioers, members
of the Union Morehanta’ Kxohange, Ladies*
Union League, and a large eonoourso of citi
sans in carriages and on foot.
Gsn. Curtis reviewed the troeps on Wash
ington avo'aue nbcut noon,' after which the
proeeislon started for Gamp Jaokson; the
seene of the first capture of armed traitors in
the war, whore the meeting was held.. Thou
andi of flags were displayed, and tho booses
along the lino ,of tho 'procession were deoo
nUd with appropriate devioe*. AH holiness
houses were elosed.and the streets thronged
with enthosiasUo people.
Ghaonoey J. Fifiey, Mayor, presided at the
meeting, assisted by a large nomber of the
most prominent Unionists in the city as Tioe
Presidents and Secretaries. General Cortis
and ceveral other distlDgolihed officers ©oou
pled 'the speakers* stands. Bpeeqhes were
made by Curies D. Drake, Major Dunn of
Indiana, Charles P. Johnson and Col, Gob.
p. Strong. .. v . .
Besolotions adopted paid a fitting tribute' to'
Gen. Lyon and the gallant vole Dteors who, by
the traitors in Camp Jiekion, pre
served Su Leoli and Missouri to the Union j
renewing ti sir pledge of fidelity to tholUnlon,
audorging ane# npon.the Federal. Authorities
the most'vl jotous, prosecution oMLe.war reo
ognlsednifegUimate among dviliied nations;
docUring .as pabUo anomies all wh o strive to
obstreat the rightful authorities In the sup
pression'of this rebbiUonj and who are unwil
ling to.ald In maintaining the Government
under .which they live and derive pro too lion;
pledging a hearty co-operation with the com
mander of thU Department, end all others in
authority, In their offerer to drive traitor* and
rebel sympathissri from our midst, and to this
end tile President of the meeting, as author-
Usd, will appoint A botnmlttoo of seven dill
sens to represent our views to the President
of tha United States, and urge the'enforcement
of suoh measures as vtti-seeure tha welfare of
the loyal people of the Stata. ThePresidont
was also empowered to appoint a. oommlttee
to iaisura a portion of-Camp Jaekson dround
and make the necessary arrangements to ereot
a monument to the memory of General Lyon.
Over 1 ten thousand people were present, and
the resolutions not only pasted unanimously,
butwlih great enthusiasm.
. A.D.Kiohardson,eorrespondentof thoK.
T. IWiims, reported lost on the tug burned
before Vicksburg a few days ago, is a prlsoaor
in the hands of tke Be will probably
be released ioon«“7. .
-Arrival of the'Bohemian*
Oxri Rioi,M»j IL—ThoiUnmahip Boh**
mUn putt'dhtro thlt morning, bringing *d-
TtoufromliiTtrpoolto thtUttoit. - '
. Xkt itumihlpCtty of‘N*w York tnirtd
on tht 29ih, nod tbt North Arntriennoa tht
20th* . .. >- • '
Ik it itporttd .that Mr. Adtmi had aiado a
Uaah txplanatloa regarding bit laltor of pro
taotion to Aoktrfoaa ntttlt. No diplomatic
protejt wot atnliuj, bat it it itatod that
Waaoo tahai cffinia tod dtmandt an txpla
aa*lta. !;J> ' !i ' ; . V 5 ,‘V"-4 :
1 Tht'PaHt Bpartt UHrmtr. Baatai are
qaotadatejt.tOo. -• -4 .ii--,.-
AOarmaa. Priatt it taldto haw gont from
Bobo with dlipatohatffom Cardinal Da Am-
SIU, dtaoaabing Cardinal AatbatlU and call
f DaAogtUt , to'thd : htadoftho Papal gor
traaitßfc'\;;\': J r ’: V''i: ■
Aoailtngtr hat arxlwd at London Iron
IL Potarthnrg, btlag tho htarar,it it tnppot
td, of tha rapljr to tha diipauh tojßarl Bat-
A lattar from Btrlln kajiihitßuiala't pro
petal for aa oOtatlw anddaftnilra alliaaot
katbtta tapoatod to thtgowrnmantof Pruatla,
taoatxagadioUlj with aelawtomlUgata dlf
fitalUaa »f itkaapproaohlagcoiLtorlptron with
afitaadljr paling at tho BritUhtrabilo whlth
rtotntlj foudaxprattloa la Paxliamta t.: It
wboldba daagarou for tho Tathiagtoa Gor
traiatat to plan tpattart la. taob potltloa at
torandar' ooatlaoad dxojolta of fothtannoo
impbatibUoa tho part of tho BritlihGowrn-
BWSt» '• '.!* '■'* ‘
' ItUttatad thalthaditaatloa bp tha.Pod
tralt oa btard tht Ptitrhoff of two mtianrt
of lht lna of Galbraith, Bodgata A Co., bar*
Ipg beta. taught to - aotln by Karl
hit lordtUphatdiraoiad a raply to botaat to
'tbata aaaooaalag that Lord Ljoal willba ia
itraotad to itata to tho OoTtnuatat of tha
XJaltad Btatat thdt .tba Brltlih GoWrnmomt
ioßat" ■ tEi donation .of thtir
a^l'iliu.Hr- nadgato, tot laiuy doaa
thtn and IhliabyhU protracted Impriianßont
la Haw Yloik. - The jaloUUrt haTa aaooaao
ad that tat Peterhoffii malit wlli ba forward
ad to thalr dattiaattoa aaoptaad, udthat tha
eameeoinawUl ba panted la : >llBllOO oat at.
Matpobf) Uta d.—The tain , of. oottoa
amounted to SIMM balet, tadlag tha weak
ata daollatofxa@Xi. .. .
■ Braaditado—hloar qalat aad adaaaoad 64.
TOmt aotln aad *d@Jd higher. '.Cora hrm
arwithasadriaooof lSl@l6iSd. . '
Xoadoa/iCw quoted at«SK@
6ei> lioward ta Defeaao of General
-v.. sehmn’a DMilon.. .
taPifyetterdoT ooabUatwooßplatanfato
tloa,hl iw«»l o, o.Howard,aftha
dlrtlloawhlehdbrawtha Uth army oaipaiato
dluraoafol dliordar at tha raoaat hatua. ox
i iAneSSnilla. Baa.
3 tkatdarlal ibtitUu iiaadtlaa Baa. Basfera
1 waa pxoaipt aad aaorgatlo ia rallying bit
troaatTaaS that hit dirltiOa did not oaoapy
i tha treat oa tha point of attack, aad ooata
, aatatly aoaid aothara giraa way.
V. 8. Officer* SccemUr taken Fric
often. _ )
Hxadquaxtxij Abmy or thi Potomac,ft
Kay 10th, IBM. i
Tho Biohmond IZromstr, of May Bthjj ha*
beenreoeWod. Tho following if the lilt of
Union effioert, taken in tho rodent battles,
and now in Confederate prisoners:
Brigadier General William Hays, of tho 24
Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Oorpe j Colonel 8.
Mayer, 107th Ohio Regiment; Colonel J. A.
Mathew, 125th Penna.; Col. C. Giants, 103 th
Penna.; Litut. CoU D. B. MoQrmry, 145th
Penna.: Lieut. Colonel Smith, 128th Penna.:
Major J. A.Danka, 03d Pa; Surgeon H. K.
Neff, 153 th Pa; William D. Wie»ni, Captain
lit Division, 12th Corps; B. H. Weiber/CapU
A. D. C.« Otto Weber, CapU A. D.C., B. 0.
Shannon, D. C., 12th Corps; Bd. L.
Ford, Lieut, and A. D. 0., Thomas G. Leigh,
A. D. C., H. W. Farrar, A. D. 0., John
Eoklef, A. D. 0., H. F. Brownion, Captain
A.B. C.
From Fhiladlphla.
Special Dispatch te the Pittsburgh Gasette.
Philadilphia, Mag 11, IBM.
At a meeting of the Board of Trade to-day,
Cyrus W. Field, of the Trans-AUanttp Tele
graph Company, made a speech advocating
the project, at thaeonelnsion of whloh reeoln
tlons were passed unanimously, and a Com
mittee appointed to procure subseriptlonj.
The enterprise seems to be in a > fair way of
fuooeeding. Mr. Field leaves for England in
three weeks.
A dispatch from Washington to the Star
states that CoU S. Mayer, of the 'lo7th Ohio
Begiment, is now a prisoner in Biohmond.
From Fortress Monroe*
FosTusa Movton, May 10.—-Major General
Din and Dr. Gilbert, the Medical Director of
this Department, loft for Suffolk this forenoon
on the steamer Henry Borden, [;
Captain Wall left this afternoon te join Us
steamer, the Alert, which has been undergo
ing repairs in: New York,'from',the injuries
she received in running the rebel batteries,
with Gen. Foster, Horn Washington, N. 0,
The British frigate Challenger came in from
sea and anohored in the Bonds this afternoon.
* The steamer Croton, Oapt. Cannon, arrived
from West Point to-day, with dlspatehes.
Capt. Dumont, of tho steamer Proprietor,
joined his boat here to-day, and she has com
menoed running between here and Norfolk.
CoU Kllpatriok, of S boatman's Cavalry, ar
rived here to-day from West Point; also threw
other officers of the same oommand. They:
eppear to be in fine spirits and hopeful for the.
future preipeots.
Hon. Lemuel J. Bowden -left last evening
for Washington. His mission'll to remedy
the difficulties mow existing in obtaining
goods or getting them passed to Norfolk.
The neoeieariei of life are very soaroe in thaU
olty. •;
ftobbed by a Gang of Guerrillas*
Kaxsab Cirr, May lL—The Santa FeStage,
en route to Bagla Fe, was tabbed, on Friday
night, near Black Jade, forty awes from here,
by a gang of twenty-five guerrillas. The ex
press matter, the baggage in the tear and boot
of the stage were rifled* Three thousand dob*
'lari, and money and watohes were taken from
the passengers. The Express; Messenger's,
gafe and mail,in front of the boot, were over
looked, and two old horses werW procured in
the neighborhood, and the stage proceeded on
its way. All the horses belonging to the road
between Black Jaok and Council Grove were
taken same gang, but will be imme
diately replaced by the company, and the
Stage e mtinoe its regular trips, j
Affairs at Nashville*
Nasbvills, Slay 11.—A flag of truoe came
to our lines at Franklin, yesterday, corrobor
ating the statement that Van Dorn was killed
Instantly by Dr. Peters at the letter's house,
near Spring HilU Peters fled : and reached
our lines, and is now in this city.
The river is at a stand, with eight feet Of
water on the shoals. It will eomaeuoa fall
ing, probably, to-night. >
Several disloyal oUi'eni are to be forwarded
south of our llnej on Woduasday*
Gen* Halleck to Take the Field.
Ifiw Tots, May 11.—The Pott learnt that
General Halleek le to take the field, not" to
relieve General Hooker, bat to the totter able
.to iußnei the general dirdetion ef eras to.
General Hooker did not exoeate hteretrogade
msToment till lio planned hit preienfccae,
and become tatiifled ot iU any
effort he coaid make in the field of Cbanoellor
rllie. ** ■ 1 :
Another Fight wita Morgan.
Louistilli, Uij 11.—Advioei from Laban*
on to-day etote that Jacobs had a hard fight
of eight boon vith Morgan. Lots hoary.
Jacobi gotall hie ihea on the north tide of
the river and will to reinforced. . |.
Gon. Banka’ Report. *' j
WaaaigQTO«,lfay 11.—-41 an. Ban ki* official
report of his late movemiihta hie been receiv
ed, bat it contains nothing betidee what hat
already toon pnbllthed. i
Baskets hr Telegraph* .
PxiusiU’KU* Kay 11.—Floor doll; small sake at
$5,8738 42 J 4 for superfine* 16,60 for extra, and $73
$7,60 for extra foamy; snpplfcs coma la slowly. Bra
floor $635,25. Oom Meal Whent active;
10,000 boshelaired at $4083470, white $46031490.
Bya Inactive; Paansylranla $4OB, sad Delaware $402.
Carolsisgooidemand;fcOOOtrashsssyellow!at 92a.
Oats steady at 80082 s. Bark steady at $36 jper ton.
Ciovemed rangts from s6toss l 6o,'a&d flaxseed at
$3,86 to 460. .Coffee firm; Bto sells at 31>£93Vand
l*soyraS3. Soger and molasses steady, frortsfona
dots slowly; sake of mess pork atlfe, and country
mess beef at 12® 18c; 100 ceaks ooTertd hams sold at
ll@l2)£c. Bird steady at Whisky 46, ud
drudge at 44c.; .* ! '
Haw Yotx, Kay 14— Oottoa declining; sales Ist
633640. floor lower; 7,003 bbls sold nl.s6 903606
for Buue, and $6 8637 SO for Southern. Wheat doll
and 1320 lower, aake of bosh at $1 60 for Chi*
cego Spring. Corn declined 1; salts of bosh
at 613 WSo, and 613689 for onsoosd. Pork Is doll at
$l2 60 for old mass, and sll«sl'4 76 for nrwaad old.
prims, lard doll at Whlaky dull at 46e,:
• Heoalpis of floor, 16,u69 Midi; wheat* 19,950 bosh;
Com 6,700. i - ; j
BaLXXxotB, Kay 14—Floor dtitl and Inactive.
Wheat quiet; white $49031,98 0hd'54663470 for
red. Oorn Arm at 93386 for whltekodysllbw.' Oats
advanced 10. Whlaky dol4 v ; • ' -,i- .
Mxw Tout,'Kay |4—Cotton doll and .lowsr; ales
at 63c. flour declined; tales of 9,QCObtdas prices are
631Q0 lower: sales at
for Ohio, and 86J85A7.5) for Boolham. wheat: sales
40,000boah atuTfottd dad at 9K3 Whisky
firm at 463*5)40. fwlshtsquUt, , -
Craoonutj, Kay; 14—Btso top—floor doU and
2Sc. lower; superfine -Wheat doU ahds
übbnr, red UfDaiA tLA yAit» tljSO U $Ub
Corn doll at 62363 c, and Oata at 89c. Bji ItlßOa
and firm. £ariay. $4683440.-Whisky 41c,
ftnn. fill theoaand placsa balk Hams add at 1490.
a decline. Nothing done In other ar dries, and prices
nominal. Qroc»Kss unchanged. I
Gold docUnsdt«U6*f*eh*og* firm. -
Mall to tho Plttebmifh GiMtU.
. ; WAB*t««0»» M.J 10, 1841.
tauiabli roiuo Lxjrn to aa mow* if
inuun. , ■ i s _;
Al*t(* tint of bad U InMb oountj,
HUM|.« f w*Ml hu kaMiobn haan w(th
inm him «ab. b to to Jut Into matkat on
-tka Isth oflHayi Judfa Idaondj.tha Co»-
nlnbaar Ot tha Land Offlaa, kaa jut dl«-
satchadlaatnatbma to tha BagUtarand B*<;
oaitar at Ifnto, In that Btota,whloh will pf
hctaallj protect all pto-cmpton aad tonal
aittlan, who hart tha rlfhtto proranp aad
pi, for thalr laada Ifn At 15th Inat,, or
•oonro that under the proriatona of tha&oaa.
itaadbw. . Altar tha 25th laiWall landiaot
thu dbpatad af wIU ba spaa to ordinary lab,
orloaaUoaat ptinta aalat althoofh whkr*
two or non partite applr for a, trait at tha
■aaa tlma, tha tow of 1810 raanlna It to-ha
pat up for aab to tha hlgluat MddMy' -■ ;j
tin anna rurAmiiQ to sayi aqaiccltttaai.
' I , .. i ;
: TTadtf tka aat doiatlarbad* to tha MTaral
BtSEndTtertSub, tM th. ybhU.h^nt
ofAirioultunl OoUagaa, tta followtoj (hto
hiTOMOaptad tha
*?sU r Xo übot bad within h»r own
1 w?*Sp-B«ript. , >.si
5: wSSSta-Soihrt wlthb
UrnlU. 1 • i'--- 1 ri’
■aetloa (1W aorta) aaoh, wUI
B «bUihld , siaHy
of tha aoiaptaaoa of thw. j**d-paata
nadrj Stotaa, tat htihl hart «lya twtpbd
tha eondlUoss of Iks schlii fBi**yw*Kj
JSlt tha l)aV kriafbg U d*w* to th* Wwl
gates, it is observable that Ohio and India
ana stand almost alone la thus far neglecting
this Important opportunity. Do their far
mers want ae Agricultural Colleges ?
rumiQ bioimxxt# to taxi tbxie own
~ axxb bomb.
Xhe War Department; taking lessons from
tha * bitter dissatisfaction excited among the
roMntly rctnrned New York regiments, by
Its notion, in sending them home without the
arms they had home through two yean of
service, hssordsred— *
That, hereafter, any volanteer ngiment
the field to be mastered out of service
nejretaln itsermson epplieation of Its
who u* thM.lqrMd. M.po»rihta for
4K.1. -fa (Ulirorj toth. Sowoor of th.Stete
towhloh thw bdon* . Thw. oim> will thoa
Tidtd tho, »ro otoaoo roorgoal**!.
nr STAJipaxxADT.
Tho Intern*! Bronn. D*p»rtJn.nt li «*d,
to U 1 *U ordor* for tho fl!«7 dpllor gonoral
(temp, alio 1 *ndflo*ntatemp*r6rpromliiar,
Th. Conuniulonu of Indian Aff.lri Is
shoot to toll to th* hljhMt MMor th* Wlono
baip troiit load* In Hlnnowto, oomprislnf
•om. of Uu oholoMt f»nnin,Undi In that
Stated , Th*,. at* to ho told nt traoti of not
lul tlu 160 aor*., nnd no bid teas than f 1,6#
'par aet* will b* raoaiaad.
Jm£B.CßjtJrr miloju.
JENBY O’. HALE * 00.,
ffiatiwtia to JuMia Wott.)
: Merchant Tailors.
Are new receiving their
Adapted to e fast darn trade, which he* been ml set
ed with gnat care to meet the approbation of Aslr
many Mssd* and petroaa, end trusting,by dceeat
ttttton to bmlnsas and strict Integrity, to meet the
approval efaU who may feror'aswith a call.
oTncxsa 1 ukxtobhs
ymU to order in the best man per and on reasonable
tanas. Having finished agrees many CHIXOBUb,
jbr fitaS; Jiald and Bine Owen, as well as t»r tbe
Nary, we are prepared to execute orders la tMs Une
GOODS always on head. ;
mhß ; ’ • - .
The rabeniber respectfally Invites tbe attention
of ha Mends end the pubUo generally to hie Plano-
Pmte Setablishnuat, at Ho. 4ST Broome' stnet, oor*
aarof Oroaby street.
Havieg withdrawn hie Interest, stock end mete
riebfiroa the late firm crfVLlgkteftßmdburjs,”
which Aim was dissolved on the 81st Jattutry alt.,
end having pcrchesea the entire stock of Piaao
: Tortse ana Piano-forte: material owned by his
brother, ftdwaid G. Bradbury, in the said Arm, he is
now preyaoed to sopplj the uMreaaeddsftead tor his
celebrated Plaaogenes. ;Bmpkyngthamost shill
fol end exparienoed workmen, with a bege stock of
the’baat and meet theroogbly seasoned malarial, sad
an abundaaoaof capital, he has taken'la heal the
person si sussrrlUea of the whala bwihuts of msnn
botoring feu iastmmeats, and Ls enacted to turn out
PiaaO'Tortes of unequalled teas and dsretlw,
In the arrasgsaeot of cur asw. scale, drawn and
prepared with this utmost care, exprwlyfcr our new
insKfumsaU, :we have added every uaproTsmsint
which can in eay wty tend to tbe pszfsctlon oMhs
Piano-forte, and we csn ocnfideatly eamrt that, fer
delicacy of toudu, volume, pantv, bHliieney end'
■wsetness of tone, combined with that strength and
eoUdity of frame necemary to thee# ln
stfumentsaiesnaQuaUid. . . .
»*taa«s Ann Biavtt” Is our motto, and we In
vite the elo—t criUdsm of the best unbiased Judges
In'She land.
SWlmr instrument warranted for fire years.
fg. B. BBADBd&Y,
mh7:3a 487 Breome cor. of Osoeby, H. Y.
auctto Jr 8 JU.ES.
18th, at 10 will be cold at-the Commercial
Bales Booms, 6i Pifth street, a variety of children’s
Buggies end Carriages, all new, end of elegant style*;
comprising the Boston Chaise, Xmpire Cab, Gig, Ae.
A iso, light finished Wheelbarrows. v
■TI3 . i DAVigaMovXVATUB Aect’m.
Book. uASR-triojufl gountkk,
WSDHBPTKOBMnrO, May 18th. tf
10 o’dook, will beeoldiat -tbe fonnwreial Bake
Boose, U Tilth street, one Office Book Owe aod Sac
rttuy, one Sloe Oeuntar,'withdrawer** and one
Trenail* Store. ' -
10o’clock*wfUbeaoldatibe Oooune del Baui Bora,
MKlfth street, three bake Hope and 800ateerted tire
Mahcgaoyllmnes.: • j
ajl* - ’ •i ■ DAVIS A McIbWAIWK, A act *nu
'nurlSdi l ttto'c!ock l will beeold et the Coateer
del Belso Boone, 61 Fifth street, a Urge aiutltjof
Honesbold and JUtoh-n; Fnr&Unre,. lociodlog floe
Walnnt ; Bedrtwdt, Extension Zable* Doable iDgnia
<kipeta.TMftflyßewl«>Mschlhet, Cooking Sums,
Kitchen UteseiU end Taxnltare, do.
■yta r Dawiag tio«LWA»wg.-Aiwe , w.
I httHIItABLK • , xSS em*
■VCHtSO, 111 U:b,«t TH o'olock, .IQ b. mM,
at toe Qonmerclal bake Boob*, Vo, M Tilth street,
that desirable! lot of grand eltuto on the Bmm
road* In the Tillage c? Seelekley, eentetelag aboet
ihree-qutters of an asrs, on which le erected toe
huge brick dwellingformerly occupied J&y. Mr*. A.
. W/Black* untalalaetan roera, library, betb-reom
*nd.weeh btosa t stable; Ice hooee, oat.boowe, and
lage.efctan Memkni teJthe home. -The land la
ef richeoH* planted with|be beerrarietfceol irate
' TeaKiorftiT "iOne-toarth eeeh* and the balance
n three, egnal eeawel pay ante with interest, ee
eared by bend and mortgage. - • •
nyt - P4YIB A MclfcWAnnß. Aectloeeare.
. jaOße), FAAUk UOUUB, fto.— Ua r
O XOIBD4I, Kay 12th* at 10 o'ckek a. m. and 8 /
6 will he arid, as tha Commercial Sales Booms,
fifth stree4 a lsrga; variety of -had lee** Misses*
.aadOfeiUrsaVealten asd ghees, L»dks* Bonnets,
Childrao's Bats, Pink sad Bine Bevnsss, Brass
paccee hadlai* KaayUasjflUk TrimJ.|« f «nt Par*
ssols, Qlores, Hoeltry,. Tabls Oovars, Xlnaa fihtrt
OnUaiw, Manehisi Shirt Boscav.Bilk Beck Ties, ha.
-mylt BAVlBhKelhfoAtMighnmfoneara.
IjilMK VlfUm'HX JA/l'tS AT AUU*
alw am ahoat lsytns off my land sltaated
In fewtoklsy Boroogh aad Ohio Township, In lots Of
jhem tvata six sens esch# for tbe psrpsee <x sell*
nstbisamsat hnottat*on ShIBBOhT, Ksy 60;
'.m.‘ Yh* (toonds srs, gcasrcUy pksntsdwith tbs
iaast vsmWsf bol4 and most o( tha. tress are
now tn yrisM hearing oondlUon; haring been pUnt*
ad from fonr to six yearn.
virhiiUAHmymuhtfAi duvim
V -On TUUDhT BTKraO. Ksy llvh. st
Tji o*ciackt«SU:kB>soU«aC4to Ornamental
fifth strastt .
86shsnw Bonks lnsozsaceOo.gteck;
• 80' do -EltfobgghlTirsfraOo..g*ock; ,
si da MfM-~~r"~~r
,my 9,, iiihTahMalhWAlßß, hnet*rs.
y,iJJ tfoafsttr: friss Silo 6 aitalhstb ton.
ADDtr si the ntflss if *■
tnyV -i- B.Mo4hnih.OQ^mJi»rihm.
WAttXitU^—»7s i.*o*Tßt—l must to
ft: Mx» lAatitamtr oontrat(Tt* Aslb,
WAMbM-Mfr* nut
” A««&i|UsaOa»cmtt, hpiwpi p*hLloMB
otterMV.OMfaltad evfcaj tftklat. lUlActa>
njiamM iddiw, ■". ■.^*7 ,3r 7’
ißttutV- »BAW*OLA*t,Bta<«.
;• ,-jrajyßß.i.oitiLfaAEP, ■ y
- mmr txo w»*oa> kutnuomin.
" (fomidjUpuUitmrtmtjßwrlMt.)
«nli MU «k»*tlMUca«:4>rinU tteutWa <* ■
hIiMMfceWWiTHi 1 l .
: *®!®r^saap^J7^
* »**■«»<,
OlMßlrtWf. ■• ■ - V.^.
" "?• Ju,lL ot pUfti Own*
—**. fc * ll <«n>n»ooQ i .
*E£ti3S&SBB&ESi£ ■•*•***-**>
SMnatoptlMMDMM. -»»»•»«
wwiwSraa to r«»Tfc. wt^‘*~