BATPBPATi MORHIKO, MAT 9. CIT\F 4PFAMB •»- r rt<3ui j-tm -> rat ton. *0“»T«,on too.*. *£'*'.'* *• ®i 8 !“ w > Opttrtw, 80. U Fifth • o'MMk, a| * U " 11-1 , *• . ‘ ' BirenKrtArj . . pi*trici Court. :! B. B. DISTRICT doURT-JBOSS ll’OiBDLlsS. Btß — Th * Orsnd Jury prosuttd Hit ?» true hitl.(loTßsMo g sod posting ; token*, rupectlrelj): I tT* 8. tA Junta HcKtln. B*m» t*. &. Jifafcipson *t al. B*ina t*. G Ladoidg, g*“® ta. G«r« Bbu%. f»ma Ti. WjlUam Gar. on. • Sum ti. Hilia A Kiddle. n gem® t». Gr*rt * P-Itoll. S MM T *r 9«JL“«r * Bruthow. Sun® ti. J; Aj Ecfcei t, . Baa* ti; A. Glltlegfenner. Sun® TA John! W UcCartltj. - • OrriaNop*Ln. not'»t rn bill. ■ ■ C !\" *" brougOi ihe'Court SS.'.-S*. 0 / f- o**’ 0 **’ oorpu,. 11 < I I MBits • i I Verdict for plslnUff, *lB,OOO. J. s. Craft £?* ?• HtmUton, Bia.., for plointiffi. Bimpsoni MqLsron, Kirkpstriok AJlsllou. 08. H. Baith, 0; Shsler ond Robb & Mo- OmnoU for dolosdut end his surotleo.'-. - .Merrisk Jt Co. rs. B. A. Johns •toot Vordiof for plolntiff, $136 SU’. _Rllen^ Csmpboll rs. Mathew Cridgo and Rliubeth his wife. -Jury out. ooitkoi cilia. T. et hi. t*. Wnu Eiiirorth, Jr., implead® j with Wm. E. Eering. The Jar j oamo in at • o'doojt a* m., and, notaereoinn. wa* diiehargedd The Beligione Hoeement--Proposed Amendment to the Conciliation. About twenty-Hxo minUters and members itpneaatlag different denominations ot Chris tians mat at I o'clock, p. m, yesterday In the Slrit CnmberUnd PieibjtoiUn Church, in parsuanoo of a cell Issued' by a preliminary meeting held some time elnoe in the United Presbyterian Publication Office. Tho smell attendance wee! owing; to a mitnndersiahdlng ef the hour of jiOoUng (snpposed by 80J&6 to be 10 a.m.) .'! ;; , The Ear. Join T. Prtssly, D. D., was cell ed to the Chair, end Kor. John Douglas, J). D., appelated Secretary. The meeting wee tb*a opimed with prayer by the Bar. Thomas ppmlf'iih'De i i . The Chairman said that he understood that at*late convention[held at Xonia/Ohlo, the etyeek of, which vaito awaken a more lively laMre»l In the loaaie of religion generally, ■ a paper vac introduced relative to the pro' piety ef suggesting some amendments in oar national CanaUtaUon—auoh modmuti u would amount Ua diatUot aoknowladgmant of Sad Is our Hktlona! Couatitutioa, to eltu ly ahow that waaraaOhriatian people. Xhli nVjoot iiaoe that tlmo baa awakened a oonald orabU interest la different perta of th. chhroh. The rabjeot hashes* ukaa up by our broth nain PailadalphU, aad tha Prsaoy'tary than hara either taken notion oa Ota enbieot or propoiad to do 10. t Dr. A than, ofXania, Ohio, ramarkad that tha lubjaot war brought kafora tha Xania opnTaauon by It r. Alaiaadtr. la that Can- Tan tlon it.waa propoeed that auothar Conran «oU ahoold ba called, to ha hold at aaeh Uma and pleas at maid ba designed by tha Com mltlaa haring charge of tha mattar. At jat, that Conraauon; hat uot bean called. Than Uashangeertoha bafareeaUhe Declaration « Independence aad tha CoaiUtutlon of tho Uattod Statae—at falling off 4f that manlfait "■ attonof a splritof piety end ja dependence oa Proridiaee, trad la lha Uttar document. Our rarolntlouary fathers wore thoroughly Im bued withaapirit of ehriatlauiti: they /rant •dHha CouaUtutiou ou broad Dimooratio laid down in tho Serin-- tana: “All jo ara brathron"—“Him that la gnataatU aa ha! that doalh aarrloa. 1 ’ Yet, la our national Conatltutien than U tha Itait pouible recognition bf duty to Dirine Prprl denoe. Tho Southern authorltlea make relig ions deletion outer iargaly Into thoir goraru moat. It U tlmo that tha aubjaot ahould bo fairly praiantad to tho atlada of tho okriatian community STerywharethroughout tho Amor- Icau chunk. ! Tha Chairman raid it waa ooaUmpUtod nothing mon than to bring tha mattar bs fbn Iht auproma jndi«tor»os, to *uggeit_to thorn tha propriety of appointing dalagmtaa to a national ConTantion to meat at aoma cen tral point during the aummtr, with a Tie* to combine Ike Christian sentiment ef the ooun fcyv. Itic hoped fth+t the matter will then •oat vith weight, so it may be presented te •or national Legislators; flethought it ;was BBiversaUy understood thatsemanmendment to the Hatiosal Constitution will bn mad*—it . will be for the politioiaa# to detcmlne what amendment shall be made, eosnaeted with their department more particularly; bar it it for the eharoh to rnabe saoh reooßunenjiatioa ii the thinks proper* . r A motion was l made that a committee "of three ha appointed to prepare reco!otion«*#x> . prettivn pf the isnie of the meeting. The cbobmaweppeinted fler. 6. T. Stew* mrt, Dr. Spronii had; John Alexander, Eiq. The oomoittae. retired absat an hoar and on enuring presented a report of which the feUowing ic; the :coacia4iug and itnportaht partt • _ ' • -With the elew of preien ting the subject def inite!/ before the ; Council, we ssggestthe fol- 1 lowing as a sample of what ceemi to as to bo needed to be inserted in tho preamble. She proposed amendxheats are in braoketc. We, the people of Ibe United States, [reo* ognistflg a# being aad attributes of Almighty ,, *itb too call for =• *to.oa, too ' **■ »■ ’' ’ ~ »*pv* (Uwlaaifl* o l* ■ Auotlon w.- t ... . The Subsi.tiince Committee. The following i* the. report of the Sub •Utasn Committee for the month of April: I IM ’tlT f ' d ’ ** City Hall. *’*?“ .oldler. on their way Bait and Won, MM ifoi .m oa . r 1 . 0r ** ttU * tion (Angait 3d, ad “Idler. who hare been fttrniih ‘brongh onr city. At the Soldiers Beit, on Liberty street, 1,035 aoidlara bare boon cared for, and prorided with all attandanoa their condition demanded. Traniporution hai been furnished to eight dlioharged eolditn 1,1 oBr til 7 without meant to reaoh their houei. Nlno hie* vL-lTtr:, to th. Military HoiplW in our c^. of tt! P “ bUo > »®d “pootally or ua farmeri. ia direoted to the futTthat k,*.hVo*hT iMUlta ' J Ho.pital in our dty) i h °P wu4 « of two hundred oai»ta!i d add?M d " 4 . ,0l ' U " , »" li 00n *tantly ra additional one*, and while w* we >«•>» f»r the oomforU 4f the lick and wounded of. our armiu abroad wa ■houid not forget thoie in our midst. Con bl'« hJS.J 1 poU, « , » ««tot*. onion., oah “*s b ?2r r f ***'< dri,d *od canned fruit are S. P"*” 4 - Contribution, can S' * Son., er.Albroe, Son A S o .'i * iola °“P wlu he mat to the ho.- ,«awv b !i nllfo i ij _ l Mknowlßd SO the following m a a°S* d Sf* ‘5? P“t “onth: Singer, Nimlok A Co., *100; B. Bal.ell A Co., *5O! Jimc Carliile, *JS ; Friend, per T. Caicgi. *3o;Thoma> BakewoU, $l5 jS. Collin., *5! MU. 0. Bell, *lOjW McOltatoek. *11,05; Thome. Gibson, *5; Kcoi L n i f!i t3 i/ 0 ’ Tnlton, *5; Jo.eph M- JchCi Borden, nn’oe K. * 1; ouh » T“r- Hrt ™» Sehool, *0; BiS'SS^n* 4 / J “ M PJ«“ d BohertD. comi » b “ d «ooto«j -•sySSSWW? aroeka of butter and 3 crook, pickle.. Alio KSSfr ot ““WM.'whioh Sdthaa?? Wt *t the Boom, on Liberty . treot wdthoutname.. Perron, leaving contribution. « the room., ean hare their baikat. and diahM returned to them, by gluing the .treat “£ number of their re.ldeiM. . "■ “* JF* acknowledge the re- S' 01 ?* of prooood. of con u? n -Pi? th ? b “* d ‘«f the Committee by Mr. O. Tetedou.' papm and friend.™ i » Wktma*, Joma Albeu. fl« M. Atwood, Bxtoatiri Committee. MOKTHLT EXPORT O? TBl RRMT COBMITTRR. I - J* 1 * U u‘ S-CliTliUta Commission, which is Hpresantedln Western Pennsylvania by th* ASZu3“ m \ ttC J! 0f P , iu,b “*b. U • National | Aaiooiatlon, haring for It, objeet the spirit “'Bnd temporal welfare of the ofloer. and men of tho army and nary. Soldicn ef all .actions of our country and of all regiment, of our way, we alike end impartially eared jot tj iti del.gate.. They do not aik a iuf fertiig loldlw what State he !■ from, or what regiment he belong, to, before glring him Delegate, if tho Comml..ion are ohrlstlan gentlemen, minieten and laymen, of tho «WwtaWUty,who giVe their time without any oompeuatiou what- The Army Committee prereuta the foUowiog report for the month 5 April. lon gentlemen hare been sent from thi. lud*' dol '* lt “ 10 tt * Army of the Cumber. t* in. n.-UABa. 10 48 ■••• 00 58 i» s-ie • Eot.F.'H. Power, Biv. L. Marks, O.J °T J ~ ha H ~ *•**•« ?»”'• T- MoClure, I. ?• Wm- J. Park, James d! W«», Dkrtd Brown” Oao dologato, Rev. Been Skmiog, of Lle "I"' Qw Amy of the Pstomao. Ik* Commission will accept non. tat those £Xf» J2S2f ** th,lr po,u « f “«'•* I t n 1 ii ■ 4boTe propofi* remmlo sf, wlt j* until September, ehoald I th Sf r MrT^Cfll be >0 long required. The following articles bare been forwarded to the armies,*to be dlstribated to tho soldiers b/ the hands of oar delegates : Oomfort. 48 Lint 3 C9 I*® Bollsßendagtn.. no {Jocks (Delrai am SV°* C “'”' I*> MitttM 4 « iS Bre-leg Cowna." lS Towela. i,B HsnUrchlefa 4cl ua ol Trait. aS Batter ISS Poutoes [buib) h *«> (?"”■“) MS Dried Trait mv.' eiue\Vhlii}({Ui} 128 Crackers « «mj C«roU (busb) 6 6o*p « ZZ fifi rihw.. “ « 0<“I«s and Lemons. to Caobegse.. 75 Writing Paper Bni’e. 4 Lead Pencil* (dor)—. 12 BoakeendTracts^^oasO The Army Committee thankfully aokhow lndgo the following contributions of Hoepitnl •tores, in tho month of April i 1 box olothinx, 73 pleoes from Mis. J. Winslow, Brady’s Brad, 1 do Mr. Scott, Pulaski, Lawrence co • 1 barrel poUtoes, 1 basket butmr and Bggs, Mrs* B. MoCahon, 8 boxss olothiar, us known | donors, 1 do, Mrs. W. Campbell, Butler, 2 I boxee of 121 artiolss clothing, Mahoning Sol diers' Aid Society, 1 box fruit, Ladies of Library, Allegheny county, 1 basket eggt and butter, 1 backet pickles, Union Belief Asso ciation of Sbaler TownsMp, 1 box of ITS artl i f of ClarksTillo, Mercer oountr, 1 box, 172'«tielei, Ladies' Aid Bodetv, Second ehuroh, Pittsburgh; l fox olotb jag,Bewlng Society, 3d Presbyterian church, J J«reU of hoipluii stores, from Union Belief Association of Western Pcnn- Northwestern Virginia, 1 fox do. Ladle*,.of Industry. I Also donations of various articles from Miss | Mannor, Mrs. 0. H. Bippej, Mrs. S H ! Mellor, Mrs._J. H. Low, Mrs.. Joseph Dil voxtb, Mrs. Wallingford, Mrs. MeOagae, Mrs ItwinD. nolraes, Mre. M HowywU. Mies Mutdook, Mrs. OUlgow, Mr., Mrs. W. Bryant. The Treasurer would acknowledge the fol lowing cash receipts: Soldier i 0 CO Bmptoyeee of Bryce. BiohanlM AOo— m, 100 00 CiUseaeofLlfooicrsudvicinity,.by am. Bc« ‘ atgreuop S*Dj«min P. Bitofill - 60 00 fiamool Collin* 6 00 Svptoa fond ot JtU«t«r Tailor*. «, » Brt« Wn. i**tim i .■■■■mi...i i 6 60 •Ji* Pr **sJ<* r l“ Ohmh, Pittibnrch 101 tv, U f* J* fi —~ si la «* .do do do r .., 125 00 Centraldo ■ do do ... ~ , 34 09 Otto do do do , , 4q on CoaberUsd Pretbrtorjaa CLurch, PilUb’a... 21 00 lUtomod do Cburch, do Dr. Bpronli * lit £aguib*Li r —.. 40 00 7-T >otb«r»a Choith, 65 73 Chaich, PitUb£gb_ 44 40 8 mliblUld Itrul M. £. Charcb, l6 60 Llbtrtj do to to do ' n 71 Bom do do do do _ 4 30 Abm* do to to 6 «j do do dd •». f W Goraon Bo&rned Cborch, rituhnr.h jl otf B»P^»* f Pituborah * , 2077 Uattiodiit Proto*Uni Cburefa, Pluibanb„.... 10 00 L ' burc bt 9 to i? t ££?v n J*i rr V?!' jU r Ua 16 08 U. PfabjUritt Church, M 60 O.P. Churcb, BobULMD’o Ran . 111 l 27 jy, “ St. OUif- - > jo 8& u u TnrlU Or—if • • ii« PratbrUrUn Cbarcb, bUncfawtor. **.*".'**‘ 20 07 do (Ofirmuj.) do ‘ 1 1* do Obarcbf Batiir. , 27 orf 5° 5° ..-WowJUld, Law ; 9 66 00 do Torantnm r . t ,12 6* 40 do Batbftl M M .jg 33 da do FlMUot co 700 do do Ebouiborg, Ounbria oo- 11 15 d* do SqoirraU iim..._ r , ~ g• »k«l» •«« driven from thoir ontrenohmonta, tho regiment sowplsttMU part, and was pubUely oompjlaantad by tha oommandlng general for ajS*H* Oar oorrespondnt l Okßsm! Sedgwick maintained his ground until nearly sturounded by tho enemy, and Only retreated aoross the riror when'll became evident that to remain longer would „°.‘ 0 ,' nd “B*'- U» safety-of his antira oom {“?“■, lose In the 139th Is vary heavy, including sovaral officorn. Tha offlolal list was “»“?• , out *' *>»• Unis our correspondent mailed 41s latter, and wUI probably reach ns of’ !*jentenant X. P. ffisrblson, of Co. B, Btmpla Infantry, was shot dead daring the hottest pert of tho fight, while gallantly ral lying his company. Captain Dempsey, of Co. and r *“ lle ? »>>aU £i his ohest E d .ra U J recover. Lieut. Pierce, of Co. B, and Lieutenant Crum, of Co. B, wera both 5* »onndsd, bat are both on duty. Tho of’a”'??. 011 ® 11 fr, l a '“Uy In tho hot s' 1 of'the. fight, otoaped without injury. °t 4 ’ ® ol ‘ Kin o*ld, also angered sovoraly. Oapt. Largo was killed, and Lieut. OoL Pat terson is a prisoner. The 139th and 103 d are made ap chiefly of Pittsburghers, and the offl cUl Hits of the killed end wounded in them will be looked for with the deepest interest. City mortality. The, comber of deaths in this city, from April 25th to May 2d, as reported by Dr. A. Q. MoCandless, physician to the Board of Health, is as follows: Males, 4 j Adults, 11 » _ ■ Pemales,— Is j Children,6j Total * 17 The diseases were: Consumption, 5; typhoid meumonis, 1; dropsy of the heart, 1: debMty, l; mania-ft.p°ri i , 1; bronchitis, lj paralysis, 1: ■till born, lj diarrhoea, 1; searlatina, 1: ma rasmus, lj dlptheria, 1; indigestion, 1. Pumi CarawßA TVixi.—Thosecf ear readors who desire a supply of pure Catawba wine, are marred to the advertisement of Justice Scribe, of Reserve township. He has a fine stock on hand, of tho vintage of 1859, fust bottled from his own casks, and warranted pare and genu ine. A better article for table use cannot be had, while it ?*fj desirable for elek or weakly persons, v Mr. Scribe will promptly fill all orders whioh may: be left at Bcinemon, Meyran A Co.'s, fifth street; at Tiernan A Getty *, Allegheny, hi* offics In Reserve township. Sennas Dksth.—A man named Peter or James McKinley, died suddenly on Priday, at tho new rolling miU of Messrs. Beese A Graff, in Pitt township. The deceased was .about thirty-five years of age,andhad been in the hospital for a time. He was found in an outhouse, and is supposed to have died is * s not known whether he has any relatives hero or not. The Coroner held an lcquest, and the remains will be left at De vore** cofin rooms’, Grant street, until noon Saturday. a Dsaih or Gss. SoHixKßLrsnrio.—i a the list of killed i* the Eleventh Army Corps, published in the Hew Yelk Wcrld, we find the name of Brig. Gen. Schimmelfennig. The deceased aided fe the organixation of the 74th (German) regiment, whioh was recruited here, apd continued te oommand It up to the period of hi* promotion to' the position of Brigadier General. Miss: Chablott* Tbokpsob This acoom plisbedi artiste plays the double oharaeurs of Edith and Zeldia, fa the great drama of that name, at the theatro this evening. Miss Thompson's marvelous ohanges In thU piece are tho'most extraordinary we have ever wit nessed,'and aside from her ever refined aod bsantifd! aetiag, are well worthy the admis sion fee. Lraur. Ssriua Kill™.— Lieut. William Shields, ton o( Themae L. Shields, of Sswiek ley, and a member of tho Friend Bides, !Bth PennsyiTania Eogiment,(fonnorly 001. Gear.) It reported killed in the late battles. One hundred and Bftj men were killed and wcunded in the regiment. U. S. Govxrbmikt Casses, Natiohxl Tax, John P - Huai, Masonic Hall, Fifth-street, bat for sale an excellent tabular analysis of tbs Census, the national Taxoi, aad the Sump Duties, conveniently arranged for reference, on a largo sheet. It will bo well worth tho space it will coonpy ea the wall of the connting room. ArraacrlTk Stock of Boots aad Shoos, al MoOlelland’j Auction House. Ladiks’, Misses’and Children's Hood Skirts at McClelland's, 65 Fifth street. UAIUUED: BAHCIfi—I&WIS—Co Thonday oroalng, Hay Tth, by tho B«t- Dr. fiwljt, J>. N. HABKIJI, M.D., of Shlppuubargh, Pa, ud .BUaAATi IBWIH, of Allegbtny City. No cards. SSNBT—In Fbllatslpbl*, 01 To sad ay, the sth last, at 10 o’clock p. m , WM. B. DkjfßT. lats CatbUrofths Merchants’ aad MaßUfselarere’ Bank. Pitubnrgh, aged M yun. Fassnl from his UU residue* la Poablgs town* abJp. on Sasuaniz.Sth last, at 3 o’clock p. m. Car will start from tha corns*, of Smlthfisld and Eerenth streets, Pittsburgh, at S o’clock. 2t srJBOIAIj LOCAL NOTICES. uaoTsa a*d Buu‘l oawiae Madina, i«r family and manufacturing purposes, are ths best Is «i«, A. P. Oiayosr, General Agent, Vo* IS, Fifth itral. Thomas Paxiiy PUis aad Oraaiaeatal Slats Voofer, aad dsalsr la Pennsylvania and Ver mont elate of tbs best quality at low ratal. Offioa at Alex. Laugh lin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apB:6a Oaur'.Ciothim a*o Warn to But Tam. —The enterprising Bra of Win. H. McGee A 00., merchant Uilorn, eerner of Federal end Diamond square, Allegheny, being fully aware of the extraordinary edranoe in Spring goodi, bare purchased laat fall a beautiful assortment of oioth, oauinterei, Testings, Ao., and they are now ready to open their Spring trade vita tnptripr articles, at greatly re duced prices. They wiil tell- their goodi by thayard if desired, and as they keep con stantly oh hand a largo inppiy of ready made -clothing, cnstomers oan be aeoomoodated on demand. Or hare a neatly Btted iail to order. I Ihe work ii ell done under thelriuperrttlei, ana altrayi varranted to parphaaera. IfasßiocaynxCuoTHieg,—Our aSkble young friends composing' tbs Him orJo& Wttor £ 00., Merchant Tailors, Me. 1M federal street, Allegheny, hare Jut opened the molt exten ■lre and r eetereho itoek of spring and rammer f oodi ever exhibited wort ef the monntalni, comprising rameof tho most beantlfnl Prenoh and American Casslaeres, Olotbi, Cashmeres, Mnrselllel, Ao., Ao., to be foxnd in the eut era market. This enterprising firm giro Ayerylargs assortment of tho lateit styles of fhrmuUng goodi, end 0 oonildorable.quantity ready-made clothing of raperior quality, We' advise our Allegheny patrons to eall at this establishment, and see for themselves. Jsxr BunxxaD now rxa Stax-—Samul Graham, Merchant Sailor, would retpeetfully Inform bis friends and the public In general that be has jut returned from the Bast tslth his new stock of Shrink and Summer Goods, consisting of all the latest styles of elcths.' casslmereSand vesUngS.OenUomon dasirS, a Stocf tosoleot from that cannot be inrpatF •d by any other in the dty, and their gar ments made la the most fashldneble manner, would do well to giro him a eall bbfore pur. ohasing elsewbere. i, Merchant TaUor, uo- H Market street, one door from. Third. •■TnOlonBSt,T Txstkd.' —Eev. H. J. Campell, Paster of Ist Baptist Chnreh, Lanoutet, K. Hi, trader date of September 30, 18M, writes rr>‘l ban used Mrx. fi. A. Allen's World's: Hair, Restorer and Zyiobalsemnm, and oan oerdiaUy neooramsnd them to thus who wlth .to have their gray Bair restored to Its origin nal oolqr.: lam satisfied the Restorer Is not a dye, as I hate thoroughly: tested 1L Sold by psugglsts everywhere.' Depot, ltd gteeuwlsh: street, gewTotk. : , mew. OxamS and Oauurauu Ostiawlll be lakea at the OmalSu oßee, Ho. «M Übsrty Street, day or night. All orders left at the -above plaoe will be promptly attended io. AH calls must bopeld in advanoo. On MaO-V rii v ' r-STW*'; Jsrt* -Ct, sfe- THE LATEST NEWS . BY TBLEGBAPH. FROM WABRINCTON OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gssstte. Wabhitotox, May 8, 1893. SOUTBiur XSWfi. The officer captured on tho gnnboat liaao Smith, fomt tlm. elnoe, at Stono Inlet, and imprlioned at South Carolina, aaje h.eaw 300 barrels of cement pan through there on ite way to Charleiton, to be tired In repairing Port Sumter. -Two large breaahaa were made in the fort, and tho nbtli admit that if tho fight hadoontinuodbutan hour longer, it would have fallen and Charleston would have enrrenderod. Thie etory, 1 like Stenghton’e of laat night, on the remo inbjeot, will bear confirmation.. Confidential diepatohoi from Leo to tbo rebel President, captured by Stonoman’e oav alry, claim a great viotory, bat aide that his loti it tempo. The officer* returned from Blehmond, lew two divblone of Longittieofe foroe, coming np the river. Over five hundred wounded were brought np to the olty to-day. Paymaster John R. Craven., of Indiana, ij ordered to Cincinnati for duty there. TH« OULTIVATIOH 0» OOTfOH. Prom application, to tho Agricultural Do partmont, and information oolleoted there, it appears that much more general attention is likely lo be given to the falling of eotton throngho,| th» border State* both North and South of tho line. Delaware 11-going iargoly into the eotton onWvatlon, oepoolally »i ong th , ICI ih and Maryland almost to iargoly. Western Eensns is devoting eipeeial atten tion to It, and has aotualiy ippied for and ro oeivod several tons of ootton seed from tho Agricultural Department. Southern' Illinois and Indiana seem to rank neit In a disposition to enter on the cul- A OSXB&aL OBDIB From the War Department directs the drafted men as soon as they report to tho Distriot Provost Marshal to bo uniformed and pro vided with knapsacks, haversacks, Ao.. The Quartermaster Oeaeral is to fill tho Provoet Marsha.’, requisitions. For this purpose in struetioni for the government of tho armies of tho United States ia tho fisld, prepend by a board of offloers, of whioh Qsns. Hitbheook and HartsufT wore principal offioen, are pob liihed in aeneral Order. Part of tlsoni wore prepared by Dr. Sieber.of New York. thb xixxtaaTs xxouaa, An effort has been mode to have the balanoe of the condemned M nnesoU Indiras sent to Tortages/ bat it. was fin.iiy decided to send them to Bock Island, Illinois,-*or the present. Their ultimate deetiaatioa ia np the Missouri river with the rut of thoir triU. tax WPICt OF THI XeATX BCM'OBX. Among the cengraseman bronght back by tho lets rumor of bad'newe were Schuyler Col fax, who had only got at far as Blmlra on home, Senator Hendsreoa. Represent ative Pwrenden end .there. APFLYISO rou ACOMKABD. Ea*Mayor Hatch, of Claclnaati, U here ap plying for a command of a gunboat. He is understood to especially desire to be assigned to gunboat duly off Charleston harbor, LI&CT. COL.. DVII, Of Indians, a brother to Congressmen McKee Doao, is among the returned prisoners from Richmond. Wiimeovon, Mey B.—Nearly a thoosand of tho wounded arrived hero to day | rom AequU creek. They have been distributed •mong the varioue horpitole in Weihlngton ud TiomUy. * _ It ie .toted that Gen. DU has telegraphed from Monroe, thnt eu extra of the Richmond Dupatch, of tho 6th inn , which wu found on * prieoner, wu a penoll note endorsed by a lurgeon In one of the hospitals dlreoted to hla wile, stating that the rebel loss was 18,000 in the late battles. WaSHjiQTon, May 8.-Ihe NaVy Depart ment to-day received the following : Fnao Ship Benton, ) Qrand Gulf, Miss., May 3.lnga f T °K?.°*'l o h?'° n ,l! r ‘t l “‘ S ’ cr,tar * of the Mvy Bin. I have the honor to report that I • got under way this morning, with the Lafayette Carondolet, Mound City and Pittsburgh, and proceeded up to the form at Grand Gulf for the purpose of attaching them again If th,, had not been abandoned. The enemy left before we got up, blowing up their ammuni tion, spiking their large guns, and burvln. or taking away their .£.ll on." Ih7„lL mont consisted of thirteen guns In aIL Thl work, am of th. most ontinslTo kind and would seem to defy the effort, of a mieJ heayler fleet than the ono that silenced i?? 0 * 1 The fort, -ere literally torn U b y U. •ocuraoj of our fire. 001. wJf. *». _ ! mudast ot tha battorlat. w»i killed kSn hU chief of staff. Bluen men wem kfttod that .. know of, and oSr tofnrSSt: W many wounded, and that no one wanemio ted to go Inside the form after theutln^! 7 cept those belonging. W. hada hug fl’f J for theso forte, and it is with great nlaasiri vi'ksbui"' tha “ h,, “ T * taOV-Wto Grand Ualf it the etroogeit plea# on MluiesippL Had th. enemy aoiehiog the forUfleatloni, no flVet i-riJj .T.r hay. token them. X hevebuneHov., the work., and f?und them as foil o.n ; 0„I fort on the point of the Books, eev.nty-Ovi feet high, calculated for six gnus, mountlne two seven inoh rifled, and oneeight iheh anf one pnrrott gun. On the left of these works* Is a triangular work ealeulaied to mount heavy guns. These works oonneoted with another fort by aoovered way and double ri. fle pits, extending one quarter of a mile. con. etrnoud with muoh labor, and ehowinir mSt ffi d ?“ *»»**»?. * lh ‘‘ third fort oommandsdhn river in ail dlren Bone. It mountod one splendid Blakslev one hundred pounder, and one eight inoh and thlrty ponn/ers. The latter w.m iyiog homed or broken on the ground. ■ Tho gunboat, had so covered everythin* with earth that it was impossible to su»! fleet what wu there, with theexoeptlon of th. gone that wen dismounted or Broken. Every gun that fell into, onr hands was in good obn. “0»»s *10»a iargequaatltyof amSunltuS. This It by far the moot extensive built worke, with the exoeptlon of Vicksburg I kave yet seen, and I am happy to say that wo hold them. lam dismounting the guhs and getting on board the ammunition; * 1 Slnoo making the above e.amlnatlon. htw forts have been pitied and nearly fliUhed They had no guns, but were oompletejof the kind, as regards positions, and had heav. Aeld pieces In them. (Signed.) . 7 Dayin D. Foktio, Admiral Commending.the Miss, Squadron. Wanniiqron, May B.—The followliig dlr patoh wu received at tho Headquutors of th» Army tfUnioon; I Toaarowa, May 7,1863. Ib Major Otnml EalUcki • i Colonal EUpitiiik, with hli regiment. ihe Kuril light Cavalry.ond the reit'of th* Illlnoli Uib, haw Juit mind at Blbuoeiter Point, oppolltl lorL They bornedthe bridge! owr thi phlokihomlny, doitroyid thru luf* tr»lu of proriitoni In the roar of Lh'i im/i drove ir the rabal picket* to within two ollM of ftlontooad, and hat a Jolt only ona Lien taunt and thirty tuen, having captured knd parolid npwarai of son prlion- j eri. Among thl ptfioßori was an Aid of lln). gin. Windar, who waioaptnrad with hU if dirt r Within tho in truckman ti ontiide of Nioh mond. IJiltoanlrp bare marched nearly 300 mlliillncethojd of JUy, nnd war* inildalof thefortlicatloniof Klohmond. Qa the 4 th they hunt all Ua atoraa at Aylatto , a SuUon bi thoKatapony. Oktha oth thay doitroyid aU tha farrtci owl tho Paatnaky and Matapohy and a largo dapotof oontadaauy atoror, nae And a bon thlßlPPahannock, and oaina In I bora fh good oaadltion. Thay datura grant ondlt for whlah thay hnya dona. It la ou of I tho finaii f»au of tha wir. I (Slgnad) ~ „ Euroa Kuo, j Sd*> Qw. Ooßd’c fool Particulars of Gen. Stoneman’s Expedition. Excitement at Philadelphia. <£o. Special Dispatch ta tha Pittsburgh Gasetto. PniLtDll.pnii, May 8,1883. ' Tha Not York Herald has a i pedal, dated Washington, May 7th, atmidnight, Mich do- desoribes tha operations of Stonemsn's Cav- alry. It says: On Sunday, May 3d, our cavalry went to Colombia, on tha James river, and broke the banks of tha oanai. They then want to Goooh land, twenty miles from Biahmond, took tha stores there, and dts tnrbed tha Inhabitants greatly. .Another ooinmo, 15,000 strong, captured lioaisa Court House, and destroyed some road. The same eolnmn destroyed tho road from TrevlUans to within three miles of Kiohmond, and a portion of thorn wore within a mile and a quarter ol the oily of Biohmond. Qon Stoneman then started for the Penin sula. The only foroo. the robots havo on the Peninsula is Gen. Wise'e small brigade, three or four thousand strong. Tho enemy have, from Biohmond to Peters burg, most formidable works, faoing west, and another line from Petersburg to the Po tomac, being east. Oen. L jngatreet pushed his forces through Jrid »J»B»tnrday and Snnday before Qon. Stoneman had broken the oommnnlcatione, and It is believed by all the paroled prisoners who; have come here, that Con.- Stoneman might hsivo taken Biohmond with a thousand of his cavalry, Tho city and Intreaehmonta were stripped bare of defenders. All of them. were with Lee on the BappahancOek, and Biohmond might aoeordlng to his own aooonnt base been taken without a struggle. It may be taken yot before the roads and bridges be tween It and the Bappahannook oan be re paired. There has been intenso exoitemont In the olty all! the afternoon, on aooount of an at tempt to mob and destroy tho Ays nowspaper office, which Is the leading copperhead of the place. The bulletin board was oovered with a large placard, headed "Arbitrary Arrests," and alluding to 0. L. VaUandigham as a martyr. The latter part oontalned-oomments on General Hookor of an - unoomplimentary oharaotor. AwoundodDnionsoldier,passing by, tore tha placard off. The clerk in the offioa attempted to interfere, but a 1 orowd gathered and upheld the soldier in his aot. Thoorowd soon became a mob, and proosedod to -tho offioa with tha expressed intention of tearing it down, giving as they want loud cheers for Hooker and the Union. The Mayor called out a large extra force of polioe, andsueoaed cd in preventing violence, but tho excitement didhot subside until past 11 o'clock. Ail Is now quiet. WOCXDXD OBIOAKB. First Ohio Battery—John Whitney, John WedSle, H. N. Smith, W. H. Wood, S. 8. Al len, H. S. Skinner; dangerously, John 8* Walker. Twenty-Fifth Begimtnt— Major J. Williams, John Weir, Abraham Heeds, J. B. Vaughan, Lieut. 0. E. Bandall. Fifty-Fifth Bsgiment—H. W. Heromer. Sixty-First Btgimsnt—Lieut. Duffy, Lieut. 0. H. Tink ler. Seventy-Fifth Begiment—Lient. Col. Friend. Eighty-Second Begiment—A. W. Houck, Captain Augustus Stctnernasel. drilled—Lieut. St.| Clair, 75th Ohio; Cept. Purdy, Bid Ohio; 0. b. Gilbert, Ist Ohio bat tery. I FltOS MURFKKESBOIIO, Special Dlapalch 10 u, Pittsburgh aeietto. Munrniaaßeao, May 8,1883 Thayithatlon ti.nnohapgod. Tho waathar haa Improwdl Tha ryilgnatloat of Coli 8. P. Smith, of tho 139th Illlnoli, and of Lioat. 001. Jacob Bnck itubl, of tho 4th Eentuolry oivalry, hara baan accepted.j A Tory One organliatlon of contraband! has bean derlied by the Proroit Manhel Genual Wiloi, for the government and employment of ocntrabandi and refugee, in tbli Department. I Tha nagtoai have been hitherto under no or ganliitlon of any kind, and have bean too freqoutly badly abated, while bat oimpan lively little labor wai obtained from them. Tho plan whloh hai now boon adopted with regard to thorn wu tho inoouiful operation of a plonoer brigade, under Qenoral Morton. Thor# U at praiant about 3,000 contrahendi In the Department. Theie are now to bo or ganliad Into oompanloi of thirty oaob, and a loyal Tennoueean U to be plaoed in Command of etch oomptny. ; Oapt. Roundi, of tho Bth Mliblgan Infantry, bu boon lelootod to oommand the brigade, formed from tboio oompanloi. Negroei will be drilled at loldlari, but for , the praiant will bn armed only with plcki, ihowii ud ipadu. Thai orgaalaad thay ua to be mad In par forming all aorU of work open fcrtlSckUonl, and every kind of labor, of whloh than la niu ally ao maoh to bo dona by an uay. Tha' .Plonier brigade Will be thni relieved «f ranch haavy labor performed byli and itnnemberi will davota thamMleoimon/ezelutlwly to tha moohnaioal hranohea of their bailntia; Ar rangement! for paying tha now brigade will bo made apotdlly. FROM KENTUCKY. Epedil Olipatotea to tha Fltubargh Qizttti. am. Dahviili, Ey.,May p. Ban. Try hu rotunod and la anagaln* of raising hia Eantaoky. dlvlaton. Elgoroha W BI lmmadlntaly ha Inangnrated tQ that On tha raenaalag of a portion of Ban. Gw- tla’o oommand, yaatorday, aomo 30 man of tho 17th Now Joraoy regiment, ware nnfoxtuute ly drowned in tho Oumbirland, by' the uplif ting of a boat. : The Court Mutlal bpldlng at Stanford) waa I Mjourne4, to ant this morning at Somerset. As yet, thsy bar* dooidod no oasoi. . I mot Ht# wagon loads of VaUandlgham i DeaooratSp otherwise soathern rights people, other irise rebels f on tho wo] to Lexington* J [ were gathered in the vloinity 'of Den* i liarrodsbarg aad J sseasUr. The rnini of jesUrdar aa l to«daj,. inter fere material)/ with trayelae osi the eomntrj. The Onok rlm troops are moring in a di-1 notion onmentienable, and in nomhers not j to be stated. These are the on y matters of I milltar/ Interest. . j Important Arrangement*. I BAUtinuaoi May B.—Qorayoor Curtin, who la now at Wuhlngton, looking aftar tha wal. I fara of Pahhiylranla wonndad aoldiin.iala. unnha to Mr.SUfir.the Saorataryofauu Saw boon madibyßanami Hookirfor tna raocriry of alltha wonnSt ahd that thay wUI ba ratnmad to Wa ana alio happy to Inform thb frlindi Jr tha wounded aoldiua that tha qJtS?, h2f I affmtad an arrangement by meana tha woondjd oaublo of to tha variotu Vii Itala wlthli ourUmitV N3@B@^tg-ass ' of tljfi jgerUni 8-^‘ Th *. ataamhla Mulla I B#f foudlttd tO«UT. with I PWMtgUt! ** tt * A ** to *»*olauj A Proclamation B, *4 frmOnl o fix, Un!M £tolO ,f America WiSHtjojo*, M», 8.-4 Proclamation. . Tfc * CoB *™*» of thn Dal tad Ui4 Vi V.t’ r U,t aaoetad a lawaatlr SSZfr*-"?** » nil oolllagoat tfaa *?£ ,M otiut P«P«£.,Whl& wm approved oa the third daj ofMaroh lut, Whimib, It la Molted in tha Mid ut that Motion tra,Ui SUtotM^ thereof,end it ii, under the Coaatitntioh of the United Btatoa, the duty if the Oovern ment to nppHM Inrnneotion and MhilUia to connate. Welch State a B.“m".a for£ of goToinment and to preserve the pnllo trnn 9®UUy» and, '■ r ] , . WHiMin. Por then high purpoiM a ailll.t UUf foroe ii indiipeniahle to mile, and np poft which ellpenoni ocght willingly to con tribute; and, \ . 3 WmiAß, No service oan: bo! nor* praUe worthj and honorable than that which is rendered for the maintenance of the Constitu tion and the Union, and the consequent. pra> serration of free government; and, Wwinis, For the reasons thus recited: it waa enaeted by the said statutes that all able bodied male oltlaens of the United States iud persons of foreign birth, who shall hare de on oath, their Attention to become cltlssns, under and in porsuanoe of the lews thereof, between the ages of SO and 45 ;aan,- with oertain. exceptions, not neoessary to !be mentioned, are deeland to constitute the Na tionai fortes, and* shall be liable to perform military duty in the service of. the United States, when called out by the President for that purpose*’ and, Whsmab, It is claimed by and in behalf ■*Hf b b,rtll wWhte ‘M »«•« ipeclSed in the uld ect, whohive heretofore declared on oath their intentiona to beootsa oitiaena, nnder and in porannee of the laws ° f ® lltea * * Bd who ban not ex erolsed the right of suffrage or any other po- UUoal franobiao nnder the lawa of the United “ r ? f lh " re ° r > •» «t abeor lntol, inelnded by thair aforeaaid declaration or intention from Mneonoihg their purpose to booomo cltlicna, and that, on thooontrary, •nob peraona, nnder the treatlea or law of am liona, retain a right to naonnoo that pnrpoaa aidto fora go tho privllogai of oltistnahip and residence within; the United Sutaa. snder the obligations iiappnd by the aferetald ect of . Oongreae. j ! -Now, therefore, to avoid ail mieapproheii •ion eoaeorning jthe liability 0 t peraona con earned to perform the ferrlca required by each enactment, and to girai it fan efiect, I do here by order end proolalm that no plea of alienage wtli be rsoolvod; or allowed to exempt from the obligation impoiod by the aforetaid ast of eongrt'a, any-peraona of foreign birth who iheU bare declared on oath hie intention to t«oomo a oltlaen of the United States, under the laws thereof, and who ehall bo found with in tho United Slatoe at any time during tho oontinnaneo of tho pHtent initmeotlon and rebellion, at or after tho expiration of the pe riod of eixty-livc days from the data of .this proclamation; nor shall any anoh "plea of alienage be allowed in favor of any inch per son whe has so as afoHiaM declared hia in tention to tw»me a eitiasn or tho United •heeeiaed at any time the light of saffrsgo or any. other' political franohiio within the Unlted.Statee, under the Uws thereof, or nnder the lews of any of tho several States. J ■ Id witnsu whereof, I have hereon toiet bit band, and earned the seel of the Doited States to •• "fixed. Done at the city of Washisg ton, tila the Bthday 0 f May, in the year 6f ?? r r5 ,9 f?j 1 l 68 * * ni of lndependence oi theUnltedState* theB7ih. By the President. ~ w p LINCOLN, n k. a. flawaae, Secretary of State. Southern News. FoxTuss Moxhoi, May 7.-Tho propeller, Dudley Bunk. Capt. Smith, arrived this morni ing from Newborn, N. 0. The Captain re poit» that bo left; Newbcrn day before day, when aU trai quiet, and there was.noth* lag new. in thajt Department. Gen. Footer: was at Newborn. One of hie elds name on tha Dndley Back with dlspatoh es for Washington. * When onteide the blookade they epoke tha nopoUer Gen. Banks, from Hilton Hand, bound to-Newhern. : f L»t« Southern-ptpert announce tils death ofthi D. 8. Donolton. Governor Brown, ol Georgia, has vetoed the state guard or‘new militia bill. . | The Shreveport, La., Ouselfe recently put luhei a sard signed bj ous hundred foreigners wh S> £ *; rlog dr » ft < took this course to notify the people they were French eubjeots, *? dow ° d " aUeglaaoo to ths State of Loul -- .u A , Mr * Coartr »do, one of the signers of the card, was Uken out of his bed and Ur red and feathered the same night, and the ro *°* ‘ “‘"’k '*■ played before the houses of the bftlaooo. A *lne of couriers hare been esUblished bj the rebel gorernment for the transportation of official dsoomoots, and late dispatohec from Shneeport to Hdoiton, Texas. Also, the telegraph line is. being rapidly built from Camden, Arkansas, to Shreveport for military hfejor Qea. d|x Staff left Vortnsi Monroe this forenoon for York river. i Bosecrans to tho liadieo, : Mnaraaißßoaq, May B.—The f>llowiag : oWer is important: to ladies proposing to Visit-; this department, and Gsn. Boieorani desires If thoroughly ventilated in the Northern pa-i pars: I „ Hsecquastsss or tbs Cciiiiurs. i ’■ Ornoa or nu Psotoct Uassbai. Gkmksal. (. ! llurfreesbor*, M*y 8,-1862. j ( Thla being the iiaian foi aotivo mlUtArv operaUona, tho pnaonoaof ladUi, ho wever do - 1 •irablo under othir olreomitanoOt, la not at all ao now, and the Benin! Oommaadln. di | jeoti that no puioi be iiiaod to lodlea to pui . ,0 E»'hvllU, Mntfreoiboro, or vithln tho liaoi of thla department nntU! farther orderi.: Tboiit roiiding -in the North *? ‘J* 1 ? 1 ■*'" trouble |And txponio I ‘ ot »l.wiil», at tho, will not be admitted within the Hah of th» department; except in thi moiturgent ouci, and than only on palm ioinod.A’bm.the department head.' qnuton; , Muoa Wit. M. Winn, . i. Provott KuthnL ;. i Di.patch Item WaitUD|loi t .■ > 8,-Xh. foUo*lajdiii pateh ha. jut bulk neolud by th. OoTunor from Waldington: / 1 ft 111 Qovmor of Pouuglonia i Th.Pr.tld.nt and <3«n«raMn-Cht.f ban' Jut ntantdl from.tho Army of th. Patontao.' Th. prlnolpal operation of Out. Hookor fhUod. bat tb«r» hu boonno dliuur to th. orgaalsatloa and eflioienoj of th* arm/. It U now eoenpjiag iu former poiitloa on the Bappahaanookp > haring reorojeed the river without an/ los* la the movement. Hot : more than oae-thlrd of Gen. Hooker** foroe was engaged. ; Gen. fitoneman*« operation* hare been a brilliant saeoeii. A pert of hliforee adraaoed to withla two atile* of Blehmondj and the enemy** oommoaloation haa been out la every diiwoUoa. • ..r j - The Army of the Potomac Will tpoedilv re. intne offenilTt operetionj. - -- (Slgawl) Bora M. Surroa, , Burotary of War. Excitement in Philadelphia. PHmxDmu.HU. ti, y B._Tk# - AfriUoti I enthair baUelto boari thif mteraeon what I purported to bo a dltpatoh/aadhnd IS* r AMO-IISM M ARNW bf.'ilft fIMiM I ««V' TMrwti upon one (Ido o( tboboard aadupentheo wa..omtthihgUke"Bl s «l mibSST dUr cane olosg about 1 o’eloolfaad tom both I F*s”n 0Wa ‘ T J b «•»«•< tOBO UXoltomout ““ jjdto a crowd non the (treat. Jor fifteen op taut? aiantoo b diitaibaaoe Iwu threatened. Boob \brlea u »toar tkom oat'* worn heerdmtdidine demon. oat the threat weremade. Major Haarj appeared upon tbe ground. I bowoTor, and brlefij addreeied tbo auemblaee! | Bo (add that Philadelphia ii a loraTeltT and Iheteitliene hare oerteln rlghti/ there marl | and (hoald bo reepeoted. He then dolled upon i thedtlaene todilporro aad go quietly to their homee. Three roaring ohoora weie.thoa elren tor flea. Hooker, ana werequlokly followed by three more for hijor Bonrr.Thecrowd than noTodoHalorrlj without farther triable. : ' --'r r'' ~ : ' ■ ;y ■ ,■■■ Weal Virginia'State Nomination!. Wniauxo, Hay &—Tba ooaroatioa whloh not at Parkenburg in tha sth lnet.,tonomi nate oßoart.for the now Bteteof WeetVirgl. ala, adjourned jerterday, haring Boalaatod for Qorernor A»J» Horemae.'Parktraburwi SMtptug of State, J. B.Boyer, Mlddlaboam: I Sroatarw, Campbell Tut, Brooke ooentyi Auditor; Saaaer Ormae, Wheeling! Jadne. &. L. Berkahlra of-Morgantem, W. A. Bar’ tlaoa of Olarktbitg, JameaH. Brown ef Ka- A. fc Oaldi^ mm. 1 ~-i& ;-rfi.as3Tf,-ri |:’4 -•.'.|.i:i'i i-u »• *, 1 ••- ;• Uj-.-if s ;;: *4 j • • • . j—;»S!.)--. . - •- ;>■ :*A-« I Report er AdnUral Farragnt. Washixotoit, Mey Havy Depert- Burnt has received an dffiotal dispatoh from Admiral Porter, dated ijeg Ship Bouton, Grand Galf,hfil»l, lippl, Mey 3d, announcing Uteoeptureofthe forte at Grand Gulf—oon •teilng of worhe of tho most otiuln kind. Zhb forte wsrelitoyaUy ton to pioeei by oar flial Tbo Admiral.says: Wo bad a bard dght for tbaaa forte, and It It wttkgnat. pleasure-that I report that tba nary.bold* tbedoorto Viokibsrgh. Grand ObU b the strongest plaoo on tho Mlußilppl ozoept Vloklbnrg. ! • 1 ‘ V.';i,-r —p~'-- '■! —' , Gob.-' Stoneman’s Exploits, u Hln4trinria> Anar or raa Poroato, ■day 7. —Major General Btonoman'o Aid do Camp, Captain Somber, Ujos l in. Hereporti having diiaran gad -all the enemy’s commanl osunni between thfa and Biehmond, and one Party haying extended their operations to •fames "T w » deitreilng the banal, *o. Three regiments of the command lift to destroy the ~teoad bridges aorois the* • Ohlokahomlny, with lnitrucuom to go into Yorktown. _ . From |Hew Yosk. Naw iOKr, Hay B.—Report aayß that Lord • #at * ‘»p«6al to Englandin JtobtouiftrP«rtii,^ a Wedn«aaj,wnh nova of defeat. | / Soloßoa KohniUmhaabeon* rearrested on tl»i|oTer®ment oat of that ho to*ttfifl»toa nad olalma on tho Sahß= to a hoary aao ant. ia State at [ , ; Portland, _ Miy 18.-fThd body of Major heroat noon to-day. lying la fatato at City, Hall, whioh la W®»l®d with uitiaena. Tho body will bo to tho iteimar Harreat Moon thla •rating, aoooapanied by a largo eaoorc, mlli- Barvoit Moon leayeafor noouand toimbrroij morning. JiearAppioach'iokichmond. kay 5T.400L Kilpatrick, M»®.flarzij Light CaValry, hare attired accomplished the ? b itotof thoir minion folly and moatgaUant fc tpwdtohfd to within three miiea of atcnmond, and idoatroyod a Jarre amount of property andbrtdgeir. ■ i ■ J:,j flhip Abtndoned. B*L JoHjia, N.iF.j-ikay B,—Oa tho 3* inau. {“ J*** s 'Vtho brig Attalia boarded the itdn ( ahip Canada, J whieh-waa oun ? Ber forward-compartment toll of waterman d the ship waa unman ageable.' ' Two oC the boat* wore gone, and it • waa inppoaod that the crow had loft in them. Reported Rebel Raid into Kentucky. LotrTAviLLi, May |B.—lt ia reported that rebel eaTairy, undo? Mdrgah wnd Wheeler, I'lviogiton, |Toaa.,moring to war da Kentuoky . 4 . j \ \ Markets, by Telegraph. '«# cb&tiAOOJ doll; aaleo [ SmSfeiif % ttockj 11*lit. gadloatoa ofßjre yione at %% and Com M«a»ttl S; * There |c net mocb Wheat ofleriog, end ailee 0178 up to $l9O for whits. nothing dotor la Bye. .Corn to ecaro, and ytltow U Ararat 810 O»u In taiTre eiowiy; h«M beef at Joaoon aijlOigiinyMqd *»l«aetlßc; . May (8.-jriour .hnchacgsd and doll; i?SL% ta bad to be eoid 87 « 88 - Whhiky hrm et 4L. .Promiouaqaift ead onchanjpd, attd not moch 140 bbleclt, packed park aoM-mt $9. Groceriee "quiet and nnclunied. Uold 160@U2; Silrer IS<| ©135. JCxchange steady. ! D»TAt. luraimai- AU work done at thla oatobUahment la guayanteod to bo better and oheapor than oan bo hadin the city. 80. 251 •Ponnatroot. ; . •' \j U T OO ,^ 1 ™ “»;f*pair»!M altoatioua to roar dwalUig.orpiaot, ofhnimotj call and wn jour onto at Oathbart'a Carpanto and Jofcklß* Shop, VirgtoAUoj, abota Salthfiald .ittaat. All work prfm>tlj aitaadad u. { NawYoir daily genera contain the latest £°“"“ of,Ote Potomao. Hive one of W* testdenoe, “*• wl "> P “ iBek * . ihonfpson, who takes tt * theatre to-night, can be had fct Pit took M t ojpposiw tho poifoffieo.' • KoTiOifi.-- I 21l* to ? *ppomtiß*aii m «u«liir( offl bsassg®s3is?s?tt >»™. «~ua|jssatissss.. I mmm —»—— •MircTioir saluh. “"r i,,, is*) gPUsssst l»oU. 'SH 1 da via 4 *? *®“*!? A*® Boos*. Ku UM4*d Bl*u mmi% J»»T -1 ■ „ PAV>B« Mo.i,wai> l r7„”.“ M - Pi« l iS£} hJUtlHlUllilUXuii a ftifi ftn®?7 rn i?i. ** AOH, S* -saiobdat hubs. KVA 10 Will t» aold, at Uu iWDKi'MjSR'do. & **«£ • lOroa WUanV? “ U ; Ifln* jfcallr£«roaoVfc : i ** 17 t 1 U*h»sprts* w»*o«;; ' ;-r L-..-. WT. KATI. 4 »CH.WAIB«. Ato-r. wfjLJrra, ; jn*t wzlUs MrttaVwn .■HojM.t U * *‘^* fc f"‘»*M»W»'lOWWl4to ohUw wttt i«oomftM*d4d. '' -T ■ ' ®°* *S> : dom." W / $76 jj mosthl—l %(int to 'W'T* S££g{Sy?a*-«"*«»iS!sg“iiaS3S . -, iflHAy ;*fcitAjut. BUMbn>,'X«. ! » i : A. hig»aaartawi«(; " b »«4 Heg*nt fltylei of Bibbont, -* A»d 0Ul« WLMMBT pOODS, JuW •'■' .i-i > ! Iba.ILKnoBlH, •miwofeii M W, *** W * *«Mi-|ttli| J^rtort - QKHKkrtoisTaßiia. ■“ BA.MVML BKSDMUSOSf hnouvlaUii to i■< l ■ 'i ..•■■ -■ i. MM® - • ..