The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 04, 1863, Image 3

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The Coarta. -
; Ooauum Pijui, Oanuat’ Oovar. Ac.
riwiwi Him Ji—rfli■■—n •'•
IwmwliiT Jttwwi ITnr Twulfnimr.
Amouu li«.v Jcnro—Ho*. & hj tan.
I" iroouw Jonro T Hoa, J. Batra.
tn Il>mib Mrodaj of Xnh; lit: Xonfir
cii Jonas lit Monday of October:4th Monday cl
Pwhr. Betoxa day*—fflzst Xcndij of aaeh
■nUkiadtlftflakdif of nth to.
SmUM tikn n« tin tat Kotday of each
woolh.—hrerta* all cnm at tarot on tha fourth
Saturday preceding tha first Monday of aechmonUu
first day oC—chtenn. •
Axnment Ustatakrosp on the Monday raoceed*
latthoeandnriooof jary triala. -
V ' sorvor cow. •
Pmbbxit—Hiayc. Hamrox.
A—n*r***— WflW-TT W WrrrtawM.
Xna 2>axa—Tfca,|ro*th Monday ofJunaxy, April,
Jolj tad Horn bar. Betnrn days—Th* tat Moo*
fnofikh month tad tbt tat day of «toh tom.
fibmtfTt Um on tho first day ef sock month,
AMsman Wra—Monday, April 6th, rod enrj
tfth rosfc tharsaftar. •
Trial oaOt far taoh day oonststofth* first ton open
CM. , ■ » • ■ - •• •
Blood, Traced, t» Ike Sixth Ward-*
> Aar, Barke Murdered.
Ob S»tnrd», nl,ht, bttWMB Un uitlira
o' dMk,» thoeUßg trmpd, oeound it tlw
fcoueotMu, Buko, xilu An. MoKm, u
Bin itmt. In tli. Sixth Wird. iMnitin, In
the duth ol that notorioui end ibndosod,
dobu). The cirmuwUnci ol the affair sj*
Boom nftef ten o'clock, Seturdey »
mia ipprouhed tie booseoccupied by Ull7
Borke, end et the door he encountered Jemos
MoKee, who bod boon monied to tMs women
nu years ago, and whe, elthoughoot genex^
■illy lodging -with her, maintained a genual
snptrvlfion over tbo brothel, and managed to
reap the profits. The stranger preved to be a
man James Stepelton, who had been
absent in California for the last ten yean,
and had Jut retained. Be had known Mary
Burke before he left the city, and it Is said
that they were then on terms of familiarity.
He was also aeqnalnted with/ McKee, but
when they met HeKee failed to recognise him
and he then told who he was. ; As soon as ho
mado known Ms natae he eanght MoKee by
the neck, and drew a revolver from hit pocket.
MoKee, however, tnoeeeded In quieting Mm a
little, and he went in and sat down. Mary
Borke was not in the honse at this time, bat
was ont talking with one of her neighbors.
: There were two girls in -the:house, Fanny
Benfield and Isabella Kelly, together with
three men named Bdward Murray, Morgan
Hopkins and William Williams. Sfeapelton
approached Benny-Bcnfield, and asked her if
she .was engaged for the evening, and she re
plied that she was. He then aoeosted Isabella
Kelly; with a slmilar questlon. She gars an
evasive answer, and hf sat down beside her,
remarking that he wanted to talk with her.
MoKee stood leaning against the fire*place,
and while Stapelton was talking to Miss Kel
ly she observed that he had taken his revol
ver again from his pooket, and told Mm that
she did hot want to talk to a man who han
dled a pistol. He pat it baek into Ms pooket,
but the girl was still afraid ;of him, and in
order to get away sho remarked that sbo
wanted to get a drink of water-—seying which
she took neap or tamblerand passed ont.lnto
the street; as if to draw water from ahydrant.
She went directly to where'Maiy Bprke was,
and told her about with the revolver,
and what had passed between Mm and, her
hubaad, MoKee. - - :
- After tho (Id toft Stmpaltoa, ha lay down
npon . bench, and vu in that portion whin
Vary Burk* ratmo. Huy m . womu of
nndanmted oiuragi, ud of .Tory muenlar
(run, ud had autataod honolf "ondltebly"
in ouy » row. Bhowunnughoutomarln
iliklui ml not omiily intimidated .by
altharknlraaornil tola. Shi antendtka room
ud ukod: "Whan i» that ihootlng an.”
Ha wai pointed ont to hor, whin aho immdi
ittely noogn&id him ud took him oordiaUy
by tho hand. Xho hand-thaklng mmid to
bo mntnaliy agroaabte, but Bteptetoa aooa
after aald: “I anppoao yon’n tho aaaa old
b—yonalwaya won." Shi thought hi wai
laughing riplild: "Too; ud I
anppoao you’n tho iaaa old ion of a b
With thlx Stapoltoa alappted hor in tho iaoo;
ud lauaddiaWly after knookod hor down. Hi
thm draw hli nrolrxr ud find; hot tho tot
•hot did not taka afftct, haring atrnck tho
•tainaao. Ax ha walkad backward! toward*
thadoor halted aaaaand ahaiga,ud tha ball
utend tha lilt xlda, about thno inshix holow
th. natal, patting ontlraly through tho body,'
•anting tho bowola in two- or thno pteoaa,
ud oanilng. internal hemorrhaga which n
anlted in death abont daylight Suday morn
• ■ tag.
•Xho mnrdanr Hod Immtdlately, ud tho
nova of tho ihootlng eroated a gnat doal of
: axaltaaal. Dr. Hoppor wai ealted to.wait
upon tho nnfottuate womu, ud fbud hot
lying In a pool of blood. Hi wai not long In
Oitooraring, howrrir, that hareaxo wu at
torn hopotwi, ai hor life wax fait ibblng
away. Bho n tain id hor nonxclonxnixx, bat
wu not obit to oonrirn muoh. Sh# wu
awan that hor wonnd wu fatal, uda ahort
nm» baton hardoath iho called UoKoo to
hor aide ud told him aho wu dying.’ Bho
nmlndod him that ho wu hor lawful bux
• bud, udukad him to bill bar bofon aho
dial, which nquaxt wu oompllid with.
i Xho polio# atartedin pnrislt of Staplaton
u aoonu they hoard of tho ihootlng,ud
.bay anaoudod in lading him at tho Soard
- taghonnof Kra. Dougharty, cn Oraat atnat,
third. Ha wu than In bad, ud wu at
rn. taku into Tha womu wu
•till Urii* nt th. ho«r of hia nmat,ud:ha.
tekn U-to* th. *»J« »»> naoitM
toiall to uswoT-tetUrhouinguaohargo
of uiwltuTb«2*nr-*i*S J»t»t to.Ull,
o’oloeh, Oorona. Mowing pnoudod to hold
u inwut on .tb. .bodyc,
teatllad—Batwuu teuudalaron oolookSat
nrday night, whin on, myway homo»Ia“P
-pad in at Mary Burka’a ;rl had b*an' thxrro
bnt a abort tteu whan • nu oaaunp ud oot
moat tho door 1 ho took hold of mo udpnUad
«at» pit Ml, laying: “Dowomknow mof" I
-.IX. «t tia. Tpgr fan, bat 1 cannot roool
lut you hum,” Bo balds «My ammo la
atenaiteh." lukad.hlm;:whhtlhad anr
d»atooanuhlaa totowanroinr on. mi.
laald: -‘Wo hay.alwayaiboon frlanda.'_l
cold him topat np hixplatol, udha dldio. Wa
la'ind white ; I atood .laaning
•galnxt tha mutei-ptooa h»*«ik OiapU tel o«
iuwnd ti»a» bnt put it baok Utefiia poofat
ofhteownuoord. Hothutaltod awiitoto
ou of thi girlx, but ah# left, and h# laid down
uYbanah. Ilia Buka oan» in ud wanted
to know when tha .hooting mu wu.; H•
wu pointed ont, ud thay ahook huda, whan
JJaSadhunS-T Should ha wuaion ofa
ha alappad bar in tha fan ud
taSUSThu dnw tha and
.t hu, and u ha hackad to. tha door h»
nl»U»*tt. toteu -•
Dr.MoOookhald fP®* 1
•Uon, ud teotHted thatdoaUi nanited ftom
internal hotanrrhago. Dr. Hoppu oomhor-
Xha jnry than faond a rardloi _ttat tha da
eaaaad Muy Buka, ditea Bra. MoKoa, cam*
to kor doath from tho ofiketa of • platol ahot
woud lalloted by Jama Bteplaton.
Xha iiouaad wu about forty or forty-lrc
mnof ag»,ud fortwastyyoanhu bou
Urlag a moat abandoned ud rackteu Ufa.
Iki Sad muagad to got paiutiion of aoma:
proparty,whiah waundwa lud ia haldbyUo-
Ku, ta th. nam of ona of hli aliten.
Wa ou team bntllttte of tha mnrdanr. It
** hla departua tn
Oallfornla,ha had bean on tanu of Intimaoy
ntththia woman, hnt what lndootd him to
tab hor Ufo la no tonally Bomat
trlbht. it to joatouy,format ofuynton
pteulhte oauo. Xha mnrdtr wu aartaihly
•old-hloodad nad daliborate, wlthont any jnx
• dleaUcawkateror. Haixahoatthlrtyyaara
daga, goateai U m«au« > , , ut tall and
waantexlnform. HawunotUtoTtnated at
1 htlaut h. wu notdruakjud tho
1 JJ^gJJJ[?*** , S*uhW<ld»lO«»teudpi»-
Tkeßaid iutoWest Virginia.
We havo.nothing definite ir satisfactory
from theseeneof operations inWest Virginia.
?be Wheeling InUUigtuoer, of Saturday, eon-
Uguiko latestfrom that quarter. It says:
j iStort seems good xtasoa to believe that the
rebels jbave a very considerable ferae, under
Imbeden and Jackson, threatening 1 Olarkt*
burg from the direction of Wei too. All re
port* yesterday piloted that way. Theprob
ability Uthet their mala strength is ia that
direction, tad. is held la roeerve for the big
ead of the vork jet to be attempted.
The "litoattoa” last evening was generally
understood to be this: That Jones had gotten
hi* forces as far a* Bridgeport on the North
western Virginia Hoad, which is seventeen
miles from Grafton and eboutflvo from Clarks-
bug; that he was then attempting to form a
junction with Imbodon and Jackson, prepara
tory to a combined attack on Clarksburg. The
aggregate strength of the rebel commanders
is variously estimated at ten br fifteen thou
sand. Undoubtedly It is muoh larger than
heretofore reported. The slow and stubborn
way ia which they move indicates that fact.
We have no report of what was done after
the enoounter at Shinstcn. Our Cones* it is
thought, fell back to Clarksburg in apprehen
sion of t&e rebels In their tear.
Concerning the whereabouts of Cot Mulli
gan and other portions of our: troops we have
no relinble reports. Wo oan report the road
dear from hen to Hanning ton, and it is be
lierod to Pairaont. Then on now no rebels
in the letter place. We shell doubtless hear
Important news from-the sent of war to»day.
Matters cannot last many hours as they now
An Artillery Company lor Pittsburgh.
• We are gratified to inform our citizens that the
Seercatary of War has authorised Msj.Whlte
ly, commandant of thePortafc LaWrenoeville,
to issue to the oitissns of Pittsburgh a bat
tery of four 6*pounder guns, completely
equipped, including caissons, ammunition—
and everything requisite, save horses: and
men. The sole condition attached is that a
responsible and competent artillery company
be formed, who shall man the battery, for the
defense of our city, In any emergency which,
may arise.'
. We hope immediate steps yrill be taken to
organise a competent artillery oompeny, who
would respond with alacrity to any call which
might arise. * .-. r -.
This battery, added to the numcrous pieces
of light and heavy artillery whloh are always
accessible* and many of whloh are ready for
immediate service, in this city, renders our
security against rebel raids almost all that
could be desired. Nothing short of awell
appointed army would dart to penetrate to
tne heart of this loyal and populous region.
Although everything here wears the aspect of
profound peace, a very short time, should clr
eumstanoes require it, would suffice to ohsnge
it to one of gnm-visaged war.
Bank Statements'.
The following is a tabular.stafompni of the
condition, of the Banks of this city, for the
month' of May, 1863, as. com]
the pterions month: '
Bins. Loans.
684 *4O
Inhun... 1460,6661 311,487 1,01,128
X.nndJl MM . 624,6331 266,256 1,634,190
ati»&S~« M _ w 4334191 18940 1*147,604
Mor.hnnk*,., t,2H.M4| 41,464 601,146
Iron 688,4781 118,114 910,720
S3*46o| 133,318 643,424
Total 6407,136 |M6o,ill 7,240.991)1488.110
I*tt month 6,67746411,443463 623Q,628| 1430410
Incr—Mi » . 6.844 MMW3
Dwrrntw 3*3 918 lst4»
OlrctJa. De]
pftfhnrg* ---------SSJwkTCSSSJbEia,i3L
r 1,881,785 68M9i 77,951
Merchant* 4 Maaof’n. €00,775 30,508
Otllnffl* • .-_, 340,600 481,695 7,703
MtaWfr. 1.05M57 3 59.677 10,833
Irom City —. 766,118 €03,198 14,914
........ .797,703 865.993 1,964
T<*** . - - 4,734535 166 081
ZMt «*"<>■-- 6,433488 4.453 589 189.608
* Decrease.
From Col. Collier’s Regiment.
BaTtLX FtXLD> April 30,1883.'
Dxax s.:—Hail goes In a fow minutes. I
am ail right. Our brigade has not yet bun
engaged* The whole wing seems to be suc
cessful. Hooker is several: miles on the right
with three corps; Sed’gwiok commands on tho
left two eorps. >Wo all feel in good spirits,
but.are all soaking wet*. It hu rained for
forty-eight hours steadily, and looks now as
Hit would never stop. We took them by ear
prise, and now occupy the position from which
we retreated in Beoember.
: Bowteylost eighty men in crossing the pon
toons* Wetook a great many prisoners, and
a great many-of-the enemy gave themselves
up. The Ist corps charged splendidly on the
rifle pits and carried them.' The rebels skip*:
ped beautifully. Our corps is, crossing at the
•auto place as before. Rebels are. reported
leaving here, burning everything, and moving
to'thetr left—cur right. YTe all feel as well,
(barring the rain) u if we wore in Richmond.
Have been ready.slnoe 3 o’clock this morning;
togeom. * • • 8.C.8.
flovement of Troops.
• Tho Subsistence Committee have had a busy
time since Saturday evening, attending to the
wants of troops passing through this city.
' On Saturday night they had twelve ban
died paroled prisoners from Annapolis, on
their way to Camp Chase, Ohio. They were
mostij: composed of Miohigan, Illinois and
Wisconsin troops, who had been captured by
the mbeli in Tennessee. ; Among them were
#ixty*flve sick, who received every attention.
Three of them were lelt in the hospital here.’
On Sunday breakfast and dinner was for*
nished to one hundred and fifteen soldiers of
the Io6th New York Volunteers, \who bad
besn.oaptured at Fairmont, Ya. They had
been rpbbeA of every thing they possessed,
•ten-to their canteens* They are now: on
their way te Baltimore.
On Sunday evening the' Oommittoee fur
nlthed supper to seventy-five men from ibehot
pltals In the east, who are now.on their Jvaj
to rejoin their regiments in Kentucky.. They
belong mostly to oorpi.
Ip addition to w abeve, eighty-fonr sick
and- wounded Soldiers were xeortved at the
Soldier* -Rfitf ftJP&lMrfr
mostly frfem.Opn. t / ... -.v
We would again take ocoasioa toiTtmlnd
cur readers of toodu to ©f*oontri&uttng liber
ally to the support of the Subsistence Com
mittee. Constnbatioas la cash or eatables
-will be very aooeptoble, and ean be left at
Weyman & Sen’s, and Albrse, Son A Co.
Ililimi’i Pianos at Windsor Castle
- Xha HawTork jforidi of B»ta»d»y, April
18th,asja: A anflelant proof th»t thaEngr
Uih paoplaars drlftlajf with tha oorraat sow
aattlafifrom tiitw shotta U foaad is tha fol
lowing oompUmaatarp maatlon of the latro
dooUontothaPrinoeaad Prison! of Waist,
daring their bridal feitlTltln atWlaaor Cutle,
cfWUUaPapejthe jonag Aniailesapianlit,
who.* low weak! mo, Mi adlsn to HawiXork.
Ws molt from tha London Oouri i - '
- uqu of the promlaaat featurasof thetrratf
iac «aa tha presentation of MMterP*p*;the
plS&lat, bj Lord VUoount Btdnaj, Har-JU
jiitr'a Lord Chnmbarlnla.- ThU joanggen
tlnua, ltwlll ba roooUootad, gars, oonoorta. 1
throagkoat Caa»d»*ad*he6UtM forth* baa
•fit ofthe, Laaoaahlr* opernUTmlMtiumoar;
«Ths- yottag planlat, who la bat twain'
nars of iutai pnfotaud aanral elaaaio pitiadi
isdnarind the hlgbeit tokaaof regard from
lb* ronltoiUy.HorMajMtT, althouhaot
pniaat. waa » afloat Uitjaarla |
iSaSwat, “EPS 1 tat
vl7rw«rfonnano*. zha plaao ased at the eas-
Sf one of SWaW * Bonr/Haw_York,
SudTtSSk V&: p*** l ** u *»w" w :'
* 8& rnoiaiflou
ahosid nam ««
» I gtS3S^S£ , SSSK?>
the OhtoJtlm> r ' , -. . - . ,
V ni—’Ih» ilim of Sit «a ft*" 1 ® ififti
mu oMwlnod by tt» bunlac«t M S* W{J'
!» ttwVUth Wud. It wu without doubt
tho woifcof W ißOOßditt?*
Bailboad Aoaxsxn.--An unknown nun
vu ran over on Saturday moraine by a
freight train ooaing west, just thii tiae ox the
Hound House at Altoona. Several oar* ran
over him, cutting him nearly in twe in the
middle, and badly crushing Us head. Bif
remains vere taken in charge by the Oompany
for interment.
Lambert, Bsq., Coun
ty Controller, whose serious illness we men
tioned on Saturday, was somewhat better on
Sunday evening. He rested easy, and if in
flammation does not supervene he will toon
be eonvalesoent.
Gnovas aib Banna's Sxwxit Maoxixi, tor
family and manufacturing are the
beet In use.
A. I*. Cs4TvSY, General Agent,
Vo. 18, Fifth street.
Thomas Paxby, Plain .and Ornamental Slate
Boofar, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver
mont slate of the best quality at low rates.
Offioe at Alex. Laughlln'i, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apBs6m
Cunar Cloykixo avn Wanna to ButTxbm.-
—The enterprising firm of Wm. B.'McGee A
Co., merchant tailors, earner of Federal and
Diamond square, Allegheny, being fully
aware of the extraordinary advance in Spring
goods, have purchased last fall a beautiful
assortment of doth, easslmeres, vesting!, Ao.,
and they are now ready to open their Spring
trade with- superior artloles, at greatly re
duced prioea. They will sell their goods by
the yard if desired, and as they keep con
stantly on hand a large supply of ready made
i clothing, customers can be aoeommodated on
demand, or have a neatly fitted cult to order.
The work is all done under their supervision,
and always warranted' ty> purchasers.
Fashiovabhi Clotehto.—Our affable young
friends oomposing the firm of John Weier k
po., Merchant Tailors, No. 126 Federal street,
Allegheny, have just opened the most exten
sive and rtiherche stock of spring and rammer
goods ever exhibited west ex the mountains,
comprising some of the most beautiful French
and American Cassimeres, Cloths, Cashmeres,
Marseilles, Ac., Ac., to be found in the east
ern market. This enterprising firm has also
a very large assortment of the latest style* of
furnishing goods, and a considerable quantity
ready-xqade.olothing of superior quality. We
advise our Allegheny patrons to call at this
establishment, and see for themselves. .
Jcst Kevußven non th« Baev.—Samuel
.'Graham, Merchant Tailor, would respectfully
inform his friends and the publio in general
that he has just returned from the Bast with
his new stock of Spring and Summer Goods,
consisting of all the latest styles of eleths,
cassimeres and Testings. Gentlemen desiring
a stock to seleot from that cannot be surpass
ed by any other in the city, and their gar
ments made In the most fashionable manner,
would do well to give him a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Samuil Gkasam, Merchant Tailor,
No. 64 Market street, one door from Third.
Tsxatkb.—Miss Charlotte Thompson, the
oharming young actress, makes her bow oade
more to the Pittsburgh public. From the re
putation, as a first class artist#, which this
lady has so rapidly won, we eannot say more
th*n a treat await those who visit the theatre
this week. Mr. Charles Barron, from Phila
delphia, an actor of note, makes his first ap
pearance, also, this evening.
104 881
Bdqiwoxth Simotaxt vox Touxo Ladies
at SswicnnsT. —The rammer session of four*
_ieen weeks opens on Monday, Mxyith. danc
es organised on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock.
For the accommodation of day scholars, the
railroad will issue special tickets for tha-ses
sion, and good on the Mail and. Accommoda
tion trains. Circulars may be had at Davis*
end Ceehnne'a bookstores.
| Doe to
Its! Banka.
Oxauca and Casinos Ciuji will be talus
at liu cnul&u He« 401 Ukittj street,
dij o; . Ail arden left it tke ibw»
will fee wcmptly a«tor>d*rf ’r All <taJls
.Bl'sil Ve ?*li • •'**»«•« 6a
It too desire say repairs or alterations to
Tour dwelling, or plase* of tulaiu call and
leato jour.order at Cat&bert's Carpenter and
Jobbing Shop, Virgin Alley, above Saltbleld
street. All work promptly attended to. J
BER&QH—Oa Saturday aonlnfi Majr fd, at &)£
o’clock, CoL JUOfi UEBBOH, agid 71 yeast
' Tbs fcaads of the buplljin i—pectfeOy Invited
to attend tke fennel cn Tuxsmt mitiaa, at S
o’clock, from bislst* ne'Acnce, In XlnanvlUa. Oar
rlageevrill leave ftoajßtath stmt, near Wood, at 8
Thiele to certliy that abost eighteen Booths in
I commenced uitng Sorting's inteoda. Mr hair
waa abort, thin ana rapidly felling out. X had tried
many Bair Tonics, lntlgormtora, 4a., withont receiv
ing any benefit. Soon after using tbo Ambrosia* my
hair ceaeed felling out, and commenced growing ao
rapidly a* teuton lib mo. Now my hair la tuck*
ton and glossy, and b fire feat loaf inches In length
—when lot down* ranching to tha floor. This won*
dart ol result 1 attribute solely to tha oroef Starting*!
AabruU. as tlnce 1 commenced udng It I have ap*
No. 433Tlroedwey, low York.
We adviie young persons, whom hair la baginntag
to fen out, to taka warning lo time* and aara their
hair* by ruing tha Ambtoal*. To those who bar* al
ready loat thtlr hair* tha free naa a# the dmbreala
will aoxely restore ft* h It haa dona lor thanaanda.
* Dm. BTI&LIHG’S AMBBOBIA la a atlanUtfeg*
oily extract* of Bocta, Bar ka and Berta.- It will cura
all diseases of tha scalp and itching of tha hand s;a»- I
tlraly eradlcwtaa dandruff, prevents tha hair from
feUtog off, or from turning prematuraly gray* cam*
Ing it to grow thick and long It la an tlraly dlSar
ant from all other praparatlona*aad eanbe relied cm.
It b a well known tact to thommnda*ln tha city of
Now Tork* that thb b tha only article yet dbcorar*
ad that will cuts tha diatom ox the scalp, and caam
tha hair to grow.
■ Prloa SI par box* containing two bottbo.
Da. H. B. BTfllttliTßG
1. X. FULTON, Bole Agent.
apM -
MRS. WINSLOW, *q ezperi.n<xd
None a>.d JTexaele Physician* preaanb to tha
attention of mother* her
Which greatly faculties the prooem ef teething* by I
■oftening tha gumi* reducing all Inflawatton; will I
alley all pain and vpaavodle action, and la soatol
regulatauie bowel a. Depend Bfoft'lt; aathada* it I
Wu flra tart to yoorsalTaa* and ratbf and health to I
tafPimt- sp and tail tbbxrifcJefijrowM' ten I
yaan» knd cm aay, da eoMrfmoa aaf frmA* ol II trtmt 1
wefaave nevtr beam able to aeyof eat* otter medi*
che atnrfcaail jbfZedfa* mgkimumtt tog/M a, I
care* whan timely used.VertT did wa know as tn>
itMODafdhaatUmctbnbyanyaoawhoxmdltJ Onl
thaooutrary, all are delighted with luoperailomm |
and apeak in brai of commendation of ltaabgleal
effects and medical virtual. Wa apeak in tbtamat* I
we know*" aftertax yean* axpariamoa* and I
pledge oar reputation for the folfllment of what wa j
here declare. In almoct every inttonoo where tha 1
In fact b suffering from pain and exhaaatoo* relief
will be.fouad lo mteea or twenty minutm altar tha
syrup is administered. i
Which li hr ul»*t
»apffl FIfTH BTBIBT,
JXi ao-d oar entire stock of HABDWABX
to Manra. LOGAN A QBKOO, No. a Wood .afreet*
PUtab fifth, wp moat cordially reeatsjnead our frtsnda
add; lata onatomera to parobam therk hatog aaibflaA
of itatr ability and dastro.. to. renderjariafeetfen.
Our books and eoroantt aio Jeft ef thefropuntog
rcom,'where Mr. J.B, JOHNSTON, (oar bl* Book-
AcrUMlh.ll63., atlMiJMwr
H. A. AI4jKN , B;-|; ! :
.fboiQBBES WATBB. ! '• |
?Oo*aß*Ba WATBB. .
-’ OmUHBXBJ WATIE. ' ' - I
... BuUok’i Dlpt.uU «r SonThnULcmaan.
Btlßck*! BipthtfU or Bor. I
. BiilKlb*al>l*UiutacrttnTfemllnaiia. -I
■ Halmbold’a Bnchn. .
Helmboid’s Bonku. - I
HalaboWfe Buoha... i
" BUda'-OUtaU Magaaslfe*.- s ■ !
1 BlleW OUtata Magnmbh,.. I
t i IBab* Olinta
got Bacelraflaad to ante at tha Brag |toaW
' Noe 99 and 70 Fifth Itaiii&y
- .l" ’Vi—Mi.v 1 ,
Bectetary Cluue.ii*
«m« litfj
joffSi*^' ****** iswuim tOmmat*
Special Dispatches to the Pittsburgh GasetU,
Washutotoi, May 3,1868.
The reoelpts of the Treasury undo the five
twenty loan have run up to . almost fabqlous
rams. Saturday the neeipts at the Treasury
Department amounted to absolutely fourteen
millions. On Friday the conversions amount
ed to eight millions.
foblio laxds.
The amount of publlo land unsold la tha
loj»l Stata* andiJatrUoriM oholbUUoa and
alaotMß million aerei; the amount told ilaoe
tho Mtabllihmoat Of the Geaeral Land Office
ot«t two hllUom*. f i
ißSTiucfloiß conmums utiidi btbxpb.
Th* CollootoH of Intonul Bdnau ban
boon dlrootod to ooauauoo proooodloga nadir
tbo Uw agolait ollporion. out of tbo Boob;
UouUlni who ihoU wilfully mdo tbo pro
viilo&B toqnlriog tbo uio of ituopi.
Seven hundred prisoner* are cxpeoted to*
night; one hundred and forty-four arrived
gut. rz.OKMtn's.nooT.
Arrived to-day from Corinth, to be buried to
loot ox mi tax Lew.
Ex-Commissioner Boutvell is expeoted bare
this week to finish his booh on the Ux liv,
which will be' published under* the official
sssotlou. M ; •
The CommUsloaerot Internal Bemu hst
dedded flaahpn are hot nestings
within the meenlhg\bf 'tho excise lew, but
manufacturers ere liable to three per eeut.
Ux. Shot and shell in considered outings.
txroBTAXT bioisioa.
The following question wu recently sub
mitted to the Interior Revenue Office (nn
bunkers in New York: First—When gold
eein or gold dust b oonsigued to the United
States for sale, and drawn again by reason of
payment of said drafts, the owner become# in
onr debt to an amount not over the par value,
nd some remains unpaid for 10, SO or 80 days
hj delay of the conversion or of the sales of
the gold dust or coin. What la the staihp?
The answer Is as follows:
The net of Maroh 3d, 1803, define* how
transactions in gold and sliver ooln and bul
lion may be carried on, declares ill contract#,
loans or sales not made in aooordano# there
with to be void, and affixes certain penalties
to the relations of Its provisions* A funda
mental requirement Is t*iat they shall be set
tled in, three days. In theceeeiputby yen
the settlement Is postponed .for 10,30 or 30
days, in so far as the first is understood.;: It
appears to mo that this drawing against the
gold alleged to be consigned for Balds’ token
la connection with the assumed delay of ciom
aiaiion or of tales for 10, 3p days,
changes the. transaction from a simple
I sale, as at first usumed, practically Into a
| law, eeeured by a pledge, deposit or other
disposition of the cola, and requires to ll# le
gality that the ooutraet should be in writing
or printed, signed or stamped to aniampuht
equal to one-half of oao per cent, of the prin
ciple and .interest until' settled at the rate of
tix per cent. per annum of"the same loaned
upon it by the law. - >
- vmarstxxHorFCAsm. .
It he* Inn aaoertained that what purport*
to be InitnioUoaa to oar aaral oGleerl oon
earning foreign rauala and malli, noently
laid baton P*riia»eßt,aad hadar which Lord
Lyoni aotad ia thePetarhoff oale, wan barer
iained, Sanatory Walla* not haring ocw plied
with Mr- Seward’a roqoeltthel they ahoold
ba. They wan/howerer, lent to the Poral fa
| Mlalaten u geaulaa. -
Special Dbpatch ta the Pittsburgh Gaxetta.
UcEFßUuißofto* May 3,1863.
Tba waathar U warm; with light sboVari.
Tha eltuationia appanatly unchanged.
Than ia soma latallifOaoa from Kentucky
whlohit would aot ba pro par to aommnnloate.
Than waa a ahlraplahoa tha Maaeheater
road and a law priaonera wan taken from tha
aaaaay. ' ■ . ;
- Bnoklaridga Ena unquartlonably morad to
Hoorar’a Sap, batwaaa Maaohaatar aad Mar.
freeaboro. Braokinrldge haa two dlrialoaa.
Ba oommandi hia own oorpa andaotHardae’a,
aa tha telegraph made mo aay a day or two
alaoa. • ■
' Surgeon W. Cleadeaia, of tha U.B. A., la
ordered to duty at Gallatin, to rallere Surfaop
Hamilton, who report* for duty ia Naahrill*.
A apodal «eld ordar to-day dlractalhat tba
aaaa* of Corporal! Edward Bhatt add J. Wll
llnar, of tha 7th Panaaylraala Ceralry, ha
plaoad upon tha nil of honor for gallant oon
dqpt at MeMiaarllla—tha former for wound
log tha rabal Llout. Col. Martin, aad the lat
ter for capturing Dlok MoCana. , J.
Important from Near Orleans.
Naw Ton, May I.—Tha ataamar George
Oromwall, from Hew Orlaaaa ba tha 19 th,'haa
arrirad ban. " Tha Captain af tha Cnmwall
raporta aawa raoairad on tha 28th that Banka
had takaa Alexandria, near the head of Bad
ABraahaar City dlipatohoflhitatthuluto
tha Naw Orlaaaa JBra> itataa that a label aol
dlerfrom tha Bad Blear ooun try reported that
thin* gmnboata had oaptarad Aleandrla, aar
eral daia'piMonilyi artbably by Perragut’a
taatTrar tharartbel nporuthat oar oocu
patloa of the ooaatry and Adklral Ferragut’i
blocked* at Bad Eire* hara aarloaily lntar
i farad With reppHee for tha rahaU at Tlekaboig
I and Port Hudaon.
Tha &a, of tha 35th, atataa that * nooa
nolaaaaoa of Sabina,Baal waa made ion tha
18U> by two boat*from »h* gaiboau Oaynga
aad Haw London. On landing near tha light
honaa they war* Arad aa by ooaaaalad rabala.
OapU MoDarmot, Of tha Oaynga, waa hlllad,
and hia draw ofif man oaptarad. Captain
I Bead, of tha Haw Itondon, aaoapad, bat re-
I otlnd a wound oral tha ay* from a rid* ball,
I aad four of hia man wan wound ad. Tha body
I of Oapt. MoDarmof waa glran ap by tha rob-
I ala, and buried at Haw Orlaaaa on tha 15th.
I Adame Bxpraaa traaaun aafa.from the wren
I ot tha ataamar Marian, haa been noorarad
I and noalrad at Haw Orlaaaa.
I Bntta Ba Boaa waaoaptnrad oa tha 10 th by
I tha gunboata Batralla, Clifton, Arlaona aad
I Calhoun. Oaaaaamaa waa hlllad aad another
I wonadad.. Bnalga Vald waa alao wonadad.
I Tha rabal tag whloh toatadorer tha fort waa
I praaaatad to tha oommaadar of tha Cllf ton.
I Tha mail of the people an loyal, and tha
I oountry la .wall auppUad with naoeuarlaa.
I Galraitoardataa to tha tth all. mpnaant
I thattho rabala anforUfylag the polnttrnm
I tha altar to tha (orb •
I' An anaditloa oader Col. Cowlaa, of tha
1128th Haw York,ihad bean to Salaaarilla,
I Mia*., On tha Poorl rtrar, and oaptarad tha
I ataamar A. G. Brotrn and uhotntrGaorga A.
I Washington, bringing. tham. baok
I Plk*. Thna athar aohosaart .whloh Ooald
aot ba adt-**. wm
I burned. A aoaaldaraTda. qMattty of naVal
atom, potto a, Aa., waabkfWlnad.
Important! from Gen* Grant’* Aimy.j
CihcmhaW, May 3 —A ilißpateh from Cairo
to the tfosstts- 1 dated May 1» wj* : \
Two or three steamers have unived te«day ;
direct from MiUlkbaYßend, wW*h plapo thoj
left ob Sunday averting, the- Sflth, nit., bang-,
log later bowi than we got from Memphis. •
. {bo canals end passes haring ell failed,
Oen. Grant had gone to work in. earnest to.
take Vicksburg.. Bven the Buckport canal
has been left an empty ditch, by the sudden
snbiidenoe of the water. The whole army at
UUlikin’s Bend was in motion. When the
steamers left they marched aoross, leering all
their baggage behind, Including' tents; and
stub heavy articles as are nesded below, can
he ran past the batteries. Almost nightly,
some barge or soow is sent down. r
' • On Saturday night, two tugs, each towing
two barges loaded with hay, went by the bat*
teriei in perfoot safety. Not a shot was fired
by the rebels.
It is stated, on good authority, that a large
>art of our foroes hare crossed the river to
;Grand Gulf/ and sanguine persons Grant
•is already many miles np Black river.' The
monotony bslow is fairly broken up,'and stir*
ring .arents must be in the near future. Gen.
Grant, It is said, has a oomplete knowledge of
the strength of the rebel garrison at Vicks-?
burg and of the position of ersry battery and
gun. His offloori and men anticipate a great
rietory. ' \ % j
Southern News,
Kbw Yoik, Hay 2.—By the afriral of the
British brig Hannah, from Mataxaoraa on the
.2d of April; we learn that the schooner John
L, Gerety, from New York with a general
cargo, was seised. by the Confederates after
she had entered in the Custom House and run
oyer to th* Texas side.- She was immediate;
ly claimed by the Mcxiean authorities, when
the Confederates tried tq compromise with her
captain, but he would not have any thing to
do with them. He has put in his olalm for
$60,000 damages, and wo&ld probably get it;
The 2W&**e has received the following
dispatch, dated Memphis, April SO:
The Jackson Appeal, of the24tb, says that
the Yankee cavalry expedition into Central
Mississippi, threatening Coldmbua.and Gren*
ado, excels in daring all the former Yankee
raids. The Appeal has intelligence from Ar
kansas that the rebels are rapidly strengthen;
log under Kirby Smith and Sterling Price,
and will seen give the Unionists trouble.
- Gen. 0. H. Manny has been transferred to
the rebel army In Tennessee.
Missouri Items.
Bt. LorTß,M*y 3.—A Ladies* Union League
was organized In the Mercantile Library Hal!.
Over two thousand ladies were present, em
bracing all elands and conditions. General
Curtis presided. Able and patriotio speeches
were made by Gen. Curtis, Gen. Strong, Chai.
0. Drake, Bamnel M. Breckinridge, Bunn of
Indiana, and Kellogg of Michigan, and a
poem was read by Col. Jameson. It was one
of the most enthusiastic meetings ever held in
St. Louis.
A Military Commission was organised yes
terday for the trial of all the oaie arising ad
der Gen. Curtis* recent genersl’order, looking
to the punishment olspies, rebel correspond
ents, suit carriers, military insurgents, guer
rillas, banishment of rebel sympathizers, Ac.
Gens. Van Bever aid HoNiel returned from
their pursuit of Marmaduke, and are now at
Capa Girardeau.
The reports of a battle at Bloomfield were
unfounded. •
Congratulatory Order.
Washixotox, May 2.—The following order
has been roeelrod from headquarters to- night:
HtiDQUikTxaa A«mt or th* Potomao, 1 )
Cbaip near Jbfaoetl, Va , April SO, 1803. j
GxsftUAii Oedkb No. 47.—1 t Is with heart
felt satisfaction the commanding General an
nounces to the- army that the operations of
thelast three days have determined that oar
enemy most either ingloriensly fly or come
oat from behind his defenses and give us bat
tle on our own ground, where certain destruc
tion awaits him; The operations of. the fith,
11th and 12th army corps have been a series
of Splendid, achievements. J&y command {of
• Major General Hooker.
8. Williams, a. A. G.
From Washington.
. WmstXGTOJj May 2.—The party
nyingika Beoretary.of-State and Assistant
Seeretaryof State wureM t>i ficbleldcrx, fro a
IheTJeuieitfe oitiei/Baron Gerdt," th» Rus
sian Count Pfeifer, tha Swedish
Minister, Berou Grabon, Secretary of theßds
stau Legation, with other*. They have re*
turned from their visit to tho Rappahannock
and Fortress Monroe. !
Another detachment o! prisoners reached
hen to night. They number 111. and Include
several tommnndUg ofieors. Others are dx*
posted in the coarse of the. day. Those who
arrived waro'eomfortibiy elad> though their
, arments were oearse. They were sent to the
1 ltd Capitol prison.
From Snffolkw-ImportahtHeconnois*
SorroLXjMay 3.—This morning at nine N
o'clock (Jen. Peek sent a force ofinfantry,,
cavalry and artillery across the Hansemond
ona rwonnoiiiance. When two. miles out
they oharged upon and.took the enemy's rifle
ilts aid some prisoners. OutlditissmhU,
he. enemy’s muoh greater. The charge was
made by the 130th New Hampshire and 80th
,New Terk. Skirmishing has bean kept !up
illdiy. . .... • .: ■ •
From New York*
Nlw-YoK,May 3«—The cargo of the steam
er Peterhoff wit partially examined to-day,
bit nothing that is contraband of war hu yet
been discovered.
The ship the Hove Xnorp arrived to-day
from ; Matamoras with 10,800.bale| of ootton.
The Eilnburg laifed to-day with
•100 passengers and $161,000 in apeoio. i
The Hammonla sailed with 83 passengers
and $llO,OOO in speote. ,
From Gen. Foster's Army.
Naw Toil, May 3.—Gen.Foster has been
arranging his department The 44th and
37th Massachusetts regiments have arrived at
Newbern from Washington. The above is an
extract from the Newbern Progttu of the39th
phip Sailed*
Bam Feaioisco, May 2.—The sUa&ihlp
Constltntlon sailed this morning for Panama,
with 7,900 passenger* and $780,000 in trees
tup for England, and $330,000 for New York.
Markets by .Telegraph*
: PmniSKU'iUA, May 2.—Not much skipping de
mand for flour, and only UCO bbls. sold at (0 for
superfine; $8 50 tor extra, and VT 37% forex trafeia-
Uys reoelpte email, but very Utile demand. Bye flour '
Steady at SSQ6 20, and Um Meet atstS&> Not
mush'deaand for wheat, and- only 8000 bush. red
eoldetgl 6801 70.- Bje steady at $1 00. Oomdoll;
seise2ooobosh.at00c,far both yellow and white;
3000 bush. Oats told at 80082. Ootton dull at! Wfl >
68%c. Coffee held firmly; no Bio here in firsthand*,
and the ttook of other kinds only reaches 2000 bags.
Bugar and Molasses are fair. No change in' provu-
Ions; sal« new Hess Pork atfiU 25016 00; and 800
tieroee hams In pickle at Lard steady at
lQ%oilo for bbls., and 12c for kegs. Whisky ifirm-'
er; wde* of Pennsylvania and Ohio at43<&iGc. :;
Naw You, Hay 2.—Ootton dull at tJotflCCKc.
Flour duU at ndeoUno of Cc; sales 0,030 bbls. at ! 15,00
00.05 for Btate; $8.9607,80 for Southern, Wboat
declining: and nominal. Corn lower; sales 11,000
bosh, atBBoB9%c for sound, and 850870 for unsound*
Provisions quiet but unchanged. Whisky dull at
4«0. • r •
W. S' »«eWX..... bamaow—. —mt J, kxxn.
gROWN, MO RROW & 00.,
No. 01 THIBD BTffMTt ,
" ' • Ptm»AO»,iPA.
>’ (tatesfihtlmof W. H. WUUuuiAOoj,) .
KIIIM MK 4mt to lia Jf»toua’imfc
ytmi m
T7!Xi> JU iOtt»* ANU TttUBTKiS fcJAJUE
Hi or RJBA& METE—'lhef»wlUb«tjpd»44t
rmblio Sste.oAih«
M<Uj ofllMr, UO| » put or th» eiU|« l of John
Obtft dto'd, s&iuMcath* ’flUttbMTUk.Tatattlke
BMd. 1H »U» nos fittasrih. V’ll willUfSSio
ltti Iron: fiuib ooßunise* at 1
IC. BißßiaWß.'JuntioMK. mSftidu
lx* UllVitm— AUjmrtyoi
t *OWSiaO OItiWBULK boats,
Ar» btfrtrjrrtricih jirvUMfi Uadlac lh» nml
within tbt Ualts of thferitj* BtEirMitnUy of *5O
■w 1 * ——
I* tton *ad fer«la by
U *SSto,i!SgSSEw.
8- -
: • V', A-- 1 ' ” r '-V
— —-wVp-
• special Notices.
ATKD THBOAT, If Ibnd to nmlii
la' serious Pulmonary and Branchial of*
tentlmee Incun^l*.
reach directly the affected parts, and gin almcat la*
■tut' relict In BRONCHITIS,. ARTHMA, and
CATABR& they are beaellclaL The good effect*
reaoiling from the use of the Troches, and their ex
tended nee, ha* caused them to bj counterfeited. Be
rare to guard against worthless imitations. Obtain'
only the gawiiM Brova's FrondUoJ ttroeta, which
hate .proved thehf efficacy by a.teet of many year*.
Poblic Speaker* and Singer* should nso the Trychm.
military Officer* and Soldier* who over-tax the voice
and ire expoaed to sadden changes, should have
I them!. Sold everywhere, at 85 cent*' per box.
jagftSmdawT ‘ "
pyiato Superior Copper Hill and
Manufecturenol SHEATHING, BBA2UBB’
also importer* sad dealer* In METALS, TIH_PL A* 18,
SHEET lEOH, WIRE, An. Constantly on hand,
Waxxhoosx, No. 142 Tint and 180 Second streets,
MTSpedal orders of Oopper cut to any desired pat
tom. ’ 1 my29-.dawlyT
pyio BTervoui Sufferer* of lath
utXJCS.—A reverend gentlemen having been re
stored to health In a few days, after undergoing all
the canal routine, and Irregularexpensive mode* ’of
treatment', without success, consider* it hi* sacred
duty to communicate to Me afflicted fellow creature*
the xxaks or coax. Hence, on the receipt of an ad*,
dressed envelope, ho will send (tree) a copy of the
prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAG
HALL, 186 Folton street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
mhll:iyd*wT ~ i
fryPittobargJi Steel Work*.
Isaac Joaas. MMMM JOEui l. ■0td...~ m ..w.m > culu>uqh.
Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; also, SPRING
AXLES, corner of Boa and Pint sheets, Pittsburgh,
Penn’a. oel9
4. M. OOUfrtt www ;.,», w . H ,; ..itK’A KBBte
And Manufacturers of
No. 7 St. OLAIB 6TBKIT, and
DUQOXBNE WAY, near the Bridge,
Not. 120 sad 181 Third stress, between Wood dm&
Bfoiihfield streets -Horth tide.
oa~BAKK LOCKS always on hand. mhkft
wu. o. h. kilim.
wrraxow oauaiasa.., ..~....~~.wm0n kills*.
' fry robdiboh. hots & mil-
LESS, Fouvnina asd Machinists, WAflniaoro*
Wotxs, Pittsburgh, Penn’a.
Orncx, No. 21 Marxki Stbkkt.
Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES AND
notice. . mh2B:Aly
Long, MUlcr Is Co.
Works at Sharpaburg Station, Allegheny Valley
Railroad. Office and Warehouse, No. 23 MARKET
STREET Pittsburgh.
Manufacturers ol ILLUMINATING and LUBRI
tar No. 1 REFINXB OIL, warranted non-explo
ilVe, always on hand. : k . ool&lyfl
•im&cttOTM ol IKON BAUiiaa, IKON VAli LIS
WINDOW GUARDS, Ac., Hoi. SI S~xmtl .trc*t md
SdliiiditTMt, betwMn Wood ftnd Market.
Have on hand a variety of new rat Urns, fancy
and plain, voluble for all pnrpoecs.
Particular attention paid to enclosing GraTe Lot
Jobbing done at short notioe. ' ab 9
B. &C. P. MARKLE, Paper
•W'Hsve removed from Ho. 27 Wood atroot to Ho.
S 3 Smlthfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
jjgFH, HOLMES ft SONS, Dealers
MOTES AHD BPXOIX, Ho. 57 Market streot, Pitt*
boxgb. Pa. ' T--
•V*GoU»ciibni made on all; the principal dUeg
threug hoot the United States. -. • i ■ • *tf2 •
wholesale dealer in OHKXBK, BOTTSB, BXKDO,
and Produce generally. Ho. 95 Wood street
Pitiibßrgh, Pa. , hoi
Household furniture and
TXttHOOB,.May 4th, dt.3 o’clock, will be soli/ai
tbe Oommeroltl -Auction Hcnse, Qi Fifth street, a
luge stock of sopwior. Honiehold Forniinre, com*
iritlng one elegant Mahogany Sofa, sew throe>ply
Isrpet, Brunei Carpet, Mahogany Extension Table,
Mahogany Sideboard, Solid Mahogany Card andKnd
Tables, lireeling Bureau, Cune beet Chairs, Sola
Seeking Chair. fine Walnnt aud Cherry Bedsteads,
Xadesod Wain Standi. T«p>y Stud, Dining and
Brebkfait Tables,' Mahogany .Book Gees, ©lit. Win*
dew Con toe, Parlor . Venders, £n > Xnmvtogs, Oil
Glolb, Healle "Clocks, Wo.k hi-md,'Trundk, Bed*
stead, fto. Also, one Jfamlly Sewing Machine; and a
great variety of Kitchen Utensils and Furniture. ~
myt DkVIBA McILWAtMB, auctioneers.
U ; . CABTBTO. 1
s,fiQo Tardi of Carpets at Auction I
By ordsr of the Underwriters, will be sold, it Me*
KKLYBTO AUCTION BOUBB, 47 Fifth stmt,' on
TUESDAY AFTKBBOOH, Hay 61b, at 3 o'clock,
MOOYAItDS OABPHTfi, part of which is domsged
stlghUy by vaUr. Cerpete arranged for inspection
!on tbe morning of the day of sale. Will also besold,
20 pairs ef fine Lace Window Curtains. Carpels sold
In ungthslosultporcbasen. r- •
. J McKELYXY, Ane.l-neer.
W.K. MoOUHTOOX. Salesman mj2M
D TUESDAY MOBBING, May Sih, at 10 o’clcck,
*lll be sold, at the Commercial Auction Boose,, 64
Fifth attest, an iavoJoe: of Lidlee* Bonnet*, Chll
: dren’a Hathßilk Dims Trimmings, Oplortd Berate,
Bilk, B«edle Work Jtobroldwy,
Bilk Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves,
ladle.* and if Isms' Hoop Skirt*: BUk Hrtr Nette,
80k Lacings, Black Spool bilk, Leoa Cor sain Goods,
DressaSSoc*. Linen-mb Orrws. Colored toald.
Children 1 * Balts, Cent's SUk Beck Ties, Linenflhlrt
Collars. he. Also a greet variety of Ladies, MUsct*
and Chlhlisa'a Gaiters end bbost.
Second special hale of
May 7tb, at 3 e'elook, at Haaomlo Ball Auction
Bom*, will be soldi In quantities, alarg* stock of
Flowers,* Fruits, Ic. 7he attention of doalsn and
mllKniM Is called to this, oar second sal*. Xbe
goods 'saw* the'very latest styles, direct Irom Hew
' T. A. MoOLILLABD. Aort.
J 3 jftte-lnaibwt laying off my land situated
lßfnriK|lt7 Bctoogh and Ohio Township, tnlou of
six aens iath, far the porpcse ofeeU*
logtfiirtme at .Auction, on SATURDAY, May SO,
18*3..' The groonds are generally plan tad with tbs
Unesi-:tartetlee ef fruit, and most of tto trees are
now in ptioo bearing oohdltlon, havlng been plant*
edfrom four toil* yaars. ••
i-.aniftr. 1 - • ■ • ' ; > B.H*i>AYifl.
at A o'clock, will be acid, at tbaCmamerclsl Anotion
Hosts. K Fifth attest, oae BagnleUe Board and up
right Show Case.' -
ojk ■ DkTn,MoXDWAlBß.kacltimMn.
1/cufkmuiik fiiktxiU OIIBOHIO 2)10.
XABK3, Mb tw
nwrkodln tb. a* or KtatilcUj Mou. wtUuat uj
.. niMmrftlß. v ~
DOIBD iuj bo bU. .ilk Twataxnit, brFkUnta
Ww Mi reMoutkU nM, la tkt DMlcr 1 !
wtilTlaifo* dJCTltrior fartbw Intone
u uu OODTH irUN SQUA&K. 'FbJJadMpbU.
FtnnnlnaU. tala, a cantnl m «dr« AOlfbUal
Jc MfetoatkaUkftob •f.WUtf. Wt.
Mu •£» I—a Bl>.
coU, tor at th. *«ar a»o«T SUM ol :
IfIUU A KlWfftW.
S« warn Ulxrtjaiid BoimnUa
s .. .. ;■ »• V
w BA3uR& CO.,
shant Tailoxfe.
An now ffotMag tk*U
Adapted to a first tyade, which has bdsn select*
ad with great care to meet the approbation of ihelr
many Mend* and patrons, and trusting, by close at*
Unttoh to b trine* and strict Integrity, Ui meet tte
approval of ail who may-favor us with a call.
Made to order in tbs beet manner and on ioasonablo
terms. Having finished * great manyUNIroRMS,.
for Staff,Field and Lise Offloan, as well ns for the
Nary, we an prepared to execute ardors in this line
with eomaißwi »t>i) ■ j
_ Wk6wJfßkT»tychote«.el«tlOß ofFbßUJdniZiQ
OOOSeuuTirahud. j
mhs C°a.O» pis / ST. OLAXU SIBMTS.
80. 427 BROOME BTREET. hA.
The rabesriber reepeotfkßy Invites the attention
of his friends and the pnbUo generally to hie Plano*
Forte Establishment, at No. 4 27 Broome street, oor
sarof Crosby street \ '•••{'•
Having withdrawn hi* Interest, stock laud mate*
rialsftoa tbe late firm of “LighteAßradburya,"
which firm was dissolveflontheaistJahnsry
and having purchased. the- entire atocK njf
Forts* ana Plano-Forfe material p» hie
brother, Edward G/Bradrarr, In thevXidfirm, he'll
now pxepaoed to supply; the - increased demand for hh
celebrated Plano Feitefc v Employiog the inost skiil-'
fol and experienoed workmen, with a large stock of
the best andmost theraughlveeaeoped material, and;
an abundance of capital, he has taken. ,ln band the
personal aupetvlticn off he whole bnilarm of manir
nctorlng his initpiments, and 1* enacted toturn out'
Piano-Fortes of unequalled .tom and duralUntu.
In the arrangement pfenrjaew scale’, drawn and
prepared with tha utmost’ care, exprtsely for (<nc.nßW.
instruments, we have.* added every r improwittftfr
which can in any way 4nd to tbepurh>cti7n / ,
Piano-Forte, and we can eoufldeotly that,' iev
d*Ucacy of ; touch, volume, purit?, brilliancy and • ■"(
nmetneet of tone, oomblned with that aUrogtb and . >
solidity of fAme necessary to dorability, th«se iu
■trunenUxte nneqnaUed. - y.
"bTRkjtQTS AMDBsAUTT” Is our motto/ond we In
vite thecloeest critki-hiofihe best judgos
in the land, i' •;. '-v
- MV'Every Inslriunent warranted for fifese*;*..
' ;5. WMiB.BBAI)BURV, * '
mh7:3m 1 427 Broome at., cor. ofCnwbv. Y.
jgb'A'AßiaalUKU 1760.
16 £ l& CHAMBBBS.BhtEET,
(Formerly 42 Gbi'diimatreet, KowTork,)
Would call the attention oi .dtalere W this articles of
his manufacture, via: 1
tfacabcy, Fins Rappee, Coarse- Rappee, American ' ;
Gentlemen, Demigroe, Bare Vlrglais; Nscbitoch-a,
Sootcb, {High Toa.t lrish High Toavt or
Lnndyfeoi, Honey Dew Scotch, Freah Bdnoy Scotch, '
Fresh Scotch. ■ ■'"> , j'
EiFAUentfon is called io .the large yiduction In
prices of Fine-Cot Chewing end Smoking ToLovoda, .
which will be found of] a auperlor cnality. *
SKOxmd—Long, No/1, No;2, Nos. 1 Snd ffttixid,
Granulated 1 - ■ { :
Fins Cut Cbewiro—P. A. L., or plain ;:Cav<n
di<b, or Sweet: Sweet bctrnted Oronooo: Tin Foil
OavcndlsbL ' . i • ■ -
BmokikO—S. Jago,apacUh, Canaster, {Tnrkisb.
N. B,—A dronlar of; prices wHI be *#ht on appll
cation, i . ■■■■.?.■■ • '■"*■■■ •''! apK'tly -
* j
lUatifkctproir of ; .. j
■ leap pipe;
sheet md bar Lead,
i •. i ■
Pig lead,
■-j Patent Shot, ’ ..
,v - - w ;v ~ii .<•
Btrtna Mau AMD Btcaxdas, X
foiaifimd : QTHOwaAyi.o...
a raxsH-abbival. : j
latest stylel. Arlarge emortment of. LADIES’ FIKK
BALMGBALS,of every description! LADIES’
in abnndeaoe.' . •
Hew Goods arriving every day. notwithstanding .
goods have‘ advanced 80 per cent. Sect, wo arc sun .
saUisgvery.low.: r ,t- <-••••' •• i
mbl* I . JAMXB 8088. 89 Markauweet.
J% FmnEPmr, Pittsburgh, Pa. ;
WmiiiiiiiSj Hu mil TiUmilj ih'iml
BOLLOW WABX, Sleel and Glass Uoolds, Bell- u 1
Ing MIU Castings, Kill Gearing, Gas, Water and At- *
tfawn Pipe, Sad Irmw, Dog Irons, Wagon Boies, Sc- . h
garKsttWt'PaUeye^ung^rStOsr^Wheels,OocpUnoa. : *•.
end nestings genwelly. • Aiao, Jobbing and Machine ■
Cartings, made to order! - portabls BHU,
srtth Steam ot Horse Power.-.- - ■ --spn^‘»taA ;
: A imdezrtgaed would rsepecif&lly Invite the at
tention of aU Fnrnltare Dealers to ;bls PATENT
BPBIHG BED, which fs nnlvarsally/; known' to be
tbe Standard dpring Bedin the market. 7hry luako
aa ezoellent cheap, nett and darable Men*
nurtured and for atle by ufltAM TULKXB,
; mh3Udm|- . Ho.3.Bsvere Block. Bceion, Mass. -
ALLMC4UKNX Ol2>. • -
Keeps bonitantly'on'hand a large' and tWr&uAUi -« ; ;
seasoned stock of DECKING, BOAT ANL BOTTOM
LIHGS,Ae. v Ae H Ad. r.\. •-
He vrfllj fill orders lot SAWXI*iSTtJK*. with* .
prombtzxcm and at fair rates. , r.‘f.' -V ••’. v-.-J ovi-.
hTb. Fmsods wanting LONG TEMBBB or .POP*.
LAB; are jpertSealrthr Invited to examine hts sleek
- MTOffioa on GBAXG BTBKXT, v*«rXubUtrK.
• au36:tf ; ■ . .. - - : it\ r- ' ■
Q W. CHURCHMAN, No. 32 booth ,
Front street, Fhllsdelpbla,Agent ftr John March
•*%;. SODA ,
Hm It oo^sUfttij' #Mr«U**t th# Jewett markrt prfe*.
Tkii lih!■ ptrtfewlarij ad»pt«d to:the oukicg ot
ahndß -
tsdbowbdlHcaipfffretliUau •
I Will be a Soldier. By Mm. IttUiW.
The SeaKloggerHeratS«ma s By J. G.ldgu,
Bj Haul Chxiitlsa ABilitaotj.
' K4T * Oft.; K Iwoaff
Tor —l* by
: T Howl> Uls lf you mot largo,flzut APpLK
TED 3, big* BTIBOBIESB,*fc,.*Uoir piioa, to
Mud on ysiirordirtto MUUDOCK'B PITTTSBUEQII
.. uinmoxtjnu or wm wobk, '■.■■■
HAMYSTAL WlB* WORK,** Tlowus, 4c!
••'AttilMiofWXll* fox Mlc^Bt!
X» Mm |i i iJOHB
t. PTAOTOBgO Ktt -■.-■■■•
10 MHTa.A rilß, AT ■
•IKMonfc flail Auction Bouse.
IJTT' TJttftßf. ,
Aid dealer*. Id * \
Bloct Tin, j
AMD * •• !
Jait rocelrod ot [■•••'
KAY 4 PO.’S. 66iWood«ti^.
So. 80 TODBtn BTBKB?.•, ■•