The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, April 23, 1863, Image 4

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lAt' intelligence.
Ffwn Ywtwd»y’f (hut«tta.
r Tka flinty. Compromise Bonds.
isyi: The Monty.
■ .0* Altogheny, we ars glad to be lnformed, has
I ggvgffeptrtf>°aj««RlN wtihths holders ott&etr
’ ~ railroadl bonds, sad tent .vexed and discredit-
Bo#jonco!j/to.b# romoifd
j « ’fries further cewsp* per sill-
I‘' y^eu**ioiL t ' ! theieU■nowevery
reason tQbeUevi,,wiUbe regularly hereafter
In'reeelptof tfcslr Interest according 'tu'thii.
•'* «?*** terat oid condition agreed upon. A ualeu*
‘‘f \ t ' t teeniobaflfcdue under teedom
>, promises ( te-VotfK**t bonds,fro® $l,OOO to
. sl6,odo> wanting eleven unpaid coupons,
: give the following result?
Bolder of bosd 81,000, with ll unpaid cotipoai to
. 1853, uodw eo«nproml»e, g«ta (1,052 67"
Dd 9&, r <X> 23 0p0p00e..., 53
Jo ... n.fWO M3B.QO.
Jo——« i,6l».ta
Jo 4,000 mm. ..... 46 COOD3DI.- ~ ;» *«* m
?• f-SSS ——■ S co °p° m *«- a«ie 00
£> MS H coopow ,7*068 68
S? ; J’nS~~*“***** £2 »***“». 8,221.33
-f£> Sniffi-- - ** <WOM 8.374 00
Do » 10, oonpona.M.MM.. 10.628 66
3 awteorfsel the Treasurercf Allegheny county
:* - ix -RtfS®**?* “Ph*®*®* fit oconty tax or other
debt* due.the county, the overdo® coupons of
totniboU companies? at the
rate of $2O for each eoupon of $BO. The Aet
eontelße alUho provisions for cer- l
rjlog the oem {Semite (ate fail and faithful j
execution. At the present market price of I
..t,^^T t W>o»d arill net to holders over $ per
oent. per annum, nof 'eennting their bxemn
‘ 4 Mff ?•“:*« tee laws of the State,
vUoh Is a very important ooniideration with
Pettnijlfauia and Kentucky
- The EoklirtlTe Jd«mal makes the following
tottering acknowledgment of the services
rendered by our gallant troops on the “ dark
and bloody ground When the history of
this war Is written, Kentucky will! be as
arreais of gretitudet# the Key
- o »J?»e State as to any of her other sisters, for
its assistance has been as generous and hearty
as-ft-wus names of Neeley.
Stambangb, WyßkoCp, Wllllem*; dorian.
Brown, and others, omitted from no intidlous
motive, will always he remembered in our
Commonwealth for their gallant services,
v- t among the drat' called
to the State by the General Government for
Its deftness and there is hardly a county from
Uie Big Sandy to tee Mississippi, or from the j
Ohio to our Southern border, in whioh they I
.; V***.?* visited andperfty®>4 effective work. I
Amongthe more reoent arrivals f nas been the
45th Pennsylvania regiment, under ooamand
Colonel Curtin, whioh U now at, Camp
Bisk Robinson, having left Paris on the 10th
test ~ where It was enoamped on the Fair
Grounds. The Cilmm says it is one of tee
best .drilled regiments ikhas seen* end won
golden opinions from the Parisians for its or
derly and'good conduct during its sojourn in
Tea Giovi&i in Pennsylvania.
A'gentleaan residing In Tioga county states
that the dtisens of Rutland) in that oountyj
hare boon oonsldsrably excited over thedis
aj>lant or herb whieh grows in that
vicinity, which they claim to be an excellent
nfcfiitate for U» Chinoio to*. Thoy o*U
tb« Mountain u*. It ptn to thaialght of
about.alghtaaa inakat, spoil high Uadi.
Quantltloi of thia plant haia baangitharad
by the Ratlaaders, who have taken It to mar
ko.t andiold It to merchant* who have m’xed
' it Withthe Chinese taai ( which it ia laid to
resemble very mnch. Iharo is also a largo
tract of land in Clinton county, on which gon*
wtoe tea is claim ad to bo growing.- .One gen
tleman, who owns ft ferm on whldh the hub
. is Indigenous, says, that his attention was first
oallod to it bj-a oatlT* Chinese^who said it
was genuine China tea slant. The gentleman
uses it on his table, and wo one detects it from
v ; the imported article. A gentleman of the
Hedioai profession, residing in Crawford ooan
jTr-hftd tested the Clintontea and pronounced
•’ *t simon pure. •- If these statements are cor*
re*, Pennsylvania may soon be independent
of the Celestials, so far as tea is concerned.
Arrest of Femiu Rebels,
Ths 84ih Ohio' Infnntry rscsntly i.nt to
Wheolingtlot of forty rsbsl prlsontrs, osp
: .turod soar IsjetUTllls, abors tho Ktiswba
ralloy. - Among thsm wen two Wuaeaj who
ara described as rathar remurknblo spboimons
of humanity., I hair aaam arts Bllssbsth
Hay rand Hiss Tsittis Or Hart. Xhe lutier
. is a robot spy, and was arras tod not long tiro
•oar Fayette Court Honso. Tho other Is do
toribod 00 a Tory "bad egg," who goes by tha
samo of Fog Leg, and claims to bo a resident
of Charleston. These woman oraatod quite a
oonaation along tho streets on tho way from
tho boat to tbo Atitnonm. JUsslDo Hart,
who Is a rod beaded, rlxonlsh looking femtle, j
was Tory drank, that aboUUon
itb most oatragoonsly, swung hor bonnet I
about orsr htsr htad, aad charged around in
groat fnry. She tirnek tha toldior who bad
hor in oharga two «r thtoo blows with hor Ist,
•ad he wu compelled to posh her away with
i hUhajOfiat. :..
• v .T|»e v tiase ot Youg'‘Henderson.
• Wo hare already noticed the arrest; of a
• *’* youngnaw named Henderson, ooa of a: olti
■en of-Westmoraland county, who hat,been in
tha service for nearly two years, enSefho waa
picked op ac a deserter. it turnedout, how
ever, that ha was .a paroled prisoner, end had
left Camp Parole without lan. On as ap-
Elisa tion for hie discharge, it was proved that ,
it enJlitaemt waa entirely void, as he-ia noil
yat years ofage; but tha question war!
, -raised whether, being a paroled prisoner, he
«*ti4baiiiettrfSJ by.fbe Court,wtenthoogh
Ulegally enlisted. This point was very either* 1
ataly argued this .‘forenoon, by B. B. Oarna
ban, Eiq.y on behalf of the United' States, I
aad Thomas J. Keenan, Esq., fortheprisener. I
After tha argument had bean concluded, Jpdge I
MeQandlesi announced that ba would possibly I
render 1 decision on Friday next, to which I
tlme the young man wae remanded into tha
custody of ..the Provost Marshal.
. c -1 n* m I
. .. Bank'Rote QaotaUou,
Oorfaotad oapodaUj for tho Oa-tU by
Mown. Fold * Loro, of tho National Bank
. thlf Stptrttr. Eatoj osoorUla >1 prwant:
"utHin?*' *** Msa.
I DiteemL rDiiiatmL
■MBotfond Staton j jd.Hisiala, lalarkr.—i <0
How-Tork Stata JJ Forth COrollaa^—..!.. <0
r. a B«*-Xotk par Bonk OoroUni 110
. gwfongr X Ojcrtfa ~—£ SO
i* ■*«» £™:"nv\-/.t* Alabama.. L (0
; ,*T> <*»*£•«• tt Ohio-,..,. 1 par
Yoao&faMl* Buk. - ; ffa
P*t* atfiolamhla .~,S laoa-.. - .... | i
Karylaad, BalUauttrpar Mlrhl.™. }
jjartlaadijaMrim-. « MwSi
Tbftala: WboaUap- 1 Canada
ljj »**•»* *°
afclpUaX font, ora
Cos—QoU, buying n
bankable fends.
Almost D*ow*sD.—Thl« mornlnf at a
I«rg« lonber raft vu paoin* down the riror.
it* ©f th* plers cf the hew wire
racking itbadgr/wad leaving seas of
m thdiQmb*r high up ofl'th*play.' On* pfl the
bud* til knocked OTerbonrd, and f#r a
while It was 'thought ho oertalnJj would bo
drowned, bat he war, after lemo dUSeutj,
rescued from hie perilous situation.
- Baiuoao BAEiruaß.—Th* Mtotraioft of
i,. M* M.hoclat BmUrood fottho
T«« 1881, vita >313,156,55, tod tfc« isnliu
th. of rt l InUrwU ud UM,
»“ *86,517,0, uhleliU oaolnlui to . Mot*
> tt»n BJf p*r out.; upon lto otplUl otookj of
In Stum W-Muomt**.—ln uoird
vitk tho pnri<ioß**f o. baroaihoMl-j
uno*, *dopt**_ jtot I*>( linot, U. Buuiiof
, Musliuttt k»T* bun nWtlj
Jwwd*. wblei, luro bore utlod
■pon itmt ootstn. " A ;
-.'-s* !-•••»i* I.< ”i.' -'-'v-- • ■■;■'.') .
* ! . ''l' ' sf .. j-i ' '
I Forcfcase by the Pemtitwia n,n.
rpldcempany. -w
I" BaUratf
Company, otlu agent) haa; eonotuded the
and extende
bSiSoi The largeet
Saw’ b<laa S*< l *0 Ml.
w ,*‘° «*M«s “pon it, util that lying
?KbtL« thn Point Breeee..lholot neanet
n?"*J i<m . l h loo *» <1 to »t- Wilton, and tha
amonntpaid forit was |i,600.
Keinatateinent orotficers.
General Hooker has ..just made an ordar re-
Uaviog anumber ofdlliniißed oflioeri from all
farther liability ncdertheprevllloni of tha
order'an dtV which they' Were dluaietod,it be
irg ascertained that their absence from doty
hat been flatiriactoriiyebcountod for. The
following.nemea -p ennty caniatu appear in tha
liet: MajorCharlee ReaD,'lB6th; 'Licntenaat
H; Bottwart, IJilib ; Assistant Surgeon P. L.
Hsnpt, 13th, honorably dledbiiged: Lieut.
E. W. Heed. SH-ho uo rably discharged; At
eittant SurgeonL.-W.Cobb, 134th ; Lieut. J.
A. KelHnger, 124th ( honorably diaoharged;
Chaplain R. W. Oliver, 81d, honorably dia
oharged t Captain John A. Delad, B>d i Lieut.
Arthur B. Keauj 33d p Assistant Surgeon J.
H. Hassenptug, 11th. . .
Riant Orrroaaa CarTcaiD.—Ool. Wllkln
aon, on Saturday Jut, lent out a squad of man
from Clukeburg, Va., to Johnatown, whaxw
they, succeeded in arresting Major Armaay
and Lieut. Daria, of tha rdbal army. Alattu
wu found upon;Armtay’a paraon, written by
one . Gordon. Thie latter atatu that “J.
iTanea, of Cluktbnrg, wu getting np’a com
pany, and Intended to join tha rabel army."
Upon tha strength of thia atatamant, Vanoo
wai arrested. Arnuoy and Daria weraaent
to Baltimore,
Blow a Muasiun liras.—A man named
Heary Smith.-Who murdered John Neritt, in
Wheeiiag, thoai twenty j«&rt »go, And who
■erred sixteen year* in the penitentUry for
bis oxime, it now living the life of » hermit,
.. * • oaT * * n MershnU. county, tome teren
muet from Wheeling. He wit in thet olty e
»go, end ettreeted oontidereble it*
teatlon, at he wu u rugged as Laaarui, u
■baggy u a beer, end ea dirty at e Digger
Thi Hobticcltubai. Maitisg. A meeting
of the Horticultural Society wet celled for
Wednesday morning, to ditcust the ”bett
gOo«oberrie# end eurrenti for oolUTAtlon."
The meeting was but elimly attended, end we
aid not leern whet action wm taken.
, Th> priratea of the
( oW ISth) have lent home
*i.,318, for the use of their famlUai. The
offlcea alto tent home a large turn.
-o}>-Pann«iahlp hacetofora axiat*
tba anderaigned. under tha earn* and
swf?r 0f yM-TATS, Ja., a 00.!• thte dav ututnaUr
djmolred, wta. TATI, ih. reUrtng from said Arm.
JomTSf 4 ler “ t late ttnato
I JOQH 1C TATI and J. F. BIYILLI, who are
alonaaatborlztd to aettla the trulxiam of mid fine
Pittibnrgh, Jaa. 14th, ISO.
a. °“ "****“* f T a ® **•>«* of WM. TATI. Ja.
A U>„ the undertltned recommends hit itirnemin
if ““ “* tom * r * Of tb. old arm la
tha Ftambtng Burinaai. WM. TATI, Ja.
nO;P™^ B andenien.
®a haring pejxfaaaed all tha lntarMi B r rm
nrt TB * fV Onntf WM. TATI, Jag
00., and haring Armed a feertnenhlp aod«r tha
nan» aed atjla or TATI A 6ITILLI, fill Sonttnua
the Plumbing, Qaa and Steam«VltUsg Boilnamfat
* l ? n<l, , No ‘ 287 bitarty atreet, Plttabunh, i
and 60 Federal itmt, AUerheny.
Plttibargh. Jan. 84tb. 1863jdtf
QO-PARTNEIiSHIP.-The .übacribers
VJ h.T. tb l * s w knead a Oe-Pertuieelp for the
at aural WhoW.J.Orccir,
ISS “ bueloem. at tha eld ataad. Boa. lK
fi l. lB3 J i,b# £t¥ atrut, on ear tha ftrm and ilrta i.t
J. KJBKPaIiiOR. EBOIHIB. .htntha/.m
be plceaed to an th«Jr Irfatuu Bed ceitonera 1
PHUburgh, April 11th. 1863. . apU li
Baltzxou, Kxr«b 19. IS6A
Th* safeol the Adams* Kxprue Company was rob*
i? I .™ Wodopodoj «l»bt Utwoeii Stu Lon ud
1 umobvr. Is oomUixud sariuna me of bow.
lacorrsccy ud gold. • lar £ e dibUt «f Delud
State* certificates of ind«btedn»es. United. Btateaflva.
twenty bond*, enl checks of tie United BteteeTrees.
w»r 08 the Am Is tent Tmuunr of Utw P £rk, m»!
kxpress Company. A> Award of
££*• Thetuand Pollan U ottered by the Ccarany!
The rtOio ere re'emd to the list •< the numbers of
the bonds end certificates pablUhed by the Oompaay,
and are cautioned not te negotiate any of them.
Th. following described Oertifimtee, Aa, win
stolen from the Adams 4 Express Compear on WED.
will be paid by the Gompeny,
rpB “" or tbs ujuTsn mm csiTiricaTxa or ».
> _ _ . . »—MIWIM KVUI,
DMUd Buie, OmUßcwm of loMbtodm,
**“o 21.349, H. 460, aI.MI.nJSJ
39 Dnllo. BUM OntUmtM, of $l,OOO <*-b •
Hot 69,832, 6».SoTm?M
Bop. 62,212, 59,213.
I 80. 69,199.
I Hot 68.203, 69,203, 63,215, » 206
’ Hop. 63.n0, 88.291, 63,202.
I Hop. 63,136,63 139.
I Ho* 63,148,63,137.
Sol 19,151, 59,150, 63,129.
I Hop. *8,237,69,231.
Hoo. 63,180, 63,191, 69,.92, 69,192.
S'*- ? S 32 ’ 69.338, 69,353, 69.866. I
Hofc (0,336, 69J16, 69JSS ’
Hot 69,323, 69,821, 69 322/69,321, 65,221.
Hoo. 69,817,69,325, ■ ’ ’
| Hoo. 68,979, 69,036, 69,059,69,01 a
: BU '** »«■ ->W»» >•
The following checks or f. iE, Spinner. TreMiirsi
of the United btstas, m AeeUiant. Trtaearer, New
Jerk, payable to the order of the Adams' UmiiM
Check MxsM,forHoBo l fprao. e, M. feUx. Oin»L
= g:
2s" il£ “ Z°£Z££* d *'“
■■ «4 JS “ 1^* 00 -::
“ 863, m 488,87 *• JW .!
“ JS;" uS.3o :: i&ssf'-i*
oot to nMotbto oar of I
the above bonds or certificates. ‘••••■/oil
AJm “' 0°- W.
Qpawimuhi Omui'i Omoa. 1
Waisuotob Cm, March 19. I8«a. r r
lj»*-ad tonid totho daartcnaaitor Qnurml'i
odloo U&dtn fcr tMr.ehute or 0010.
India a cold contain daoriptlou of Ida mi.
I *h*|r. dlmtatloaa, ennHlod or r», latarod, tonow.!
conKatj, material, whotbar oopmSd!
wholhor alda-whcal or propailan, whotbar oopplr n
too fattened, alia and power of enalnn and tHun.
ud obaald eltt. the prfeoat wMdTtber are cSS
ferionffor abort charter, with theeatlmetedealaoef
Ibo renal la can of lon, or la can Ibo (orernaunt
■ coold prefer to parcbanlartead Of ebartoriao.
lbo nrrln of
«bo. Q«artonnartar*e Uanranent, ora recanted fa
taake known to tbo Department aar rod action la
-frepoa m.tbTdg:
rSSSS' *%^*Won“E
“ mhikSm
i era Hev-Tork end fhfl.
ukable fends.
• 40, and Sara et 88 ora
yy* rf: Uii flr?S ffool. iSm*
Booato cf Boflarark” But
9*J? - »9SS!P**» •* twa P9*ta«> MußsaltoiSrDß^
TtoSg*? I *** ** TUtabßrgh Md
toff»nan««.tt Tin£^£Si w JSS^?J^
■a*?#.'' V LEtMMTTwnn*' -, j
ESS^S®^ 3 .]
■• .-il.■ ' • V I. . • • t
oiasoM.VTiojra, *c.
*5,000 Reward Ottered.
Hatty Entreat of the Bebel Foioet.
The Queen of the West.Be-T^ft
6». a Ae., 4 N.
New Tori, AprU 31.—The BmU eonUlns
tha following dispatch from New Orlaana:
Niw Oiluis, April 14,1863.
Tha newt to-day from Bruhaai City ii of
tha ntmoit Importanoe. The aiamy evacu
ated hit works at OentiaTnia laat night, but
will probably be captured an Ora, as he ia an
dlosad between Gen. Groier’a foroes on one
aide aidtbosa ofGenf. Emory udWaltial
on tha oth*r. Ha ii lauTlhghiisgnna and am
munition behind him. i
Tha ateuner Diana, lately taken tram us,
will 1 oarUinly be M-aupthred/aa tha Unitad
fitotei itammar Olifton itaa ramorad tha ob-
Btr.ctioni in the rirer, and ia rapidly ap
proaahlng her.
The ram Quean of thk Wait woa eapturad
from tha anaay on Grand Luka it lO o'clook
thia morning. CspL Puller, her commander,
end nil her crew end cfSoers, numbering 00
souls, are now prisoners at Berwick Bey.
The capture of the Quun of tha Wastia
most impartant, and I ooniider tha whale af
fair aa a Tiatory of Immense advantage to tho
Unloh oanso.
Several Flghti with the Rebelt with
■ T trying Sneeeu.
Mihpbis, Ttnn., April 31.—0 n Saturday
araning three regiment! of infantry and one
of cavalry left Memphis on n raaonnoltaring
ozpaditlon. Whan near Nonuse tha cavalry
name upon a detachment ef Blythe’s rebel
cavalry. A light aasuad, raanltlng in tha re
pulse of the rebels.
On tho neat morning tho cavalry again at
tacked the labels, killing 30, wounding 40
and motoring 80. Tha rabala fled ia gnat
confusion across tho Coldwater rirer. Alter
crossing tho stream thay roeoirad rMnforot
monts, and onr troops fall baok to Hernando.
The rebels wen so seventy bandied that
thay did not attampt be fellow. At Hernan
do wo won also niaforoad by n detachment
of infantry and artillery, under OoL Bryant,
who moved to tho Coldwater, and attacked
the rebels on tha oppeslte tide of the river.
Tho fight looted anti] sundown, and was
confined ehlifly to tho infantry, as tha artil
lery oould net be as tuooessfully mad as was
desired. Our losa was 6 killed and 16 woand
ed. CoL Bryant now holda n strong position.
Two Days Later from Enrope---Ar
rtral of the Steamer Perila.
Shot Hook, April 12.— Th, Boynl mill
■teomor trala, from Llrorpool on tha 11th
Tin Qnmnitown on tha 12th lath, pauad hare
at 11 o'clock thia morning.
Iha gorornmintj of England, Franca and
Autrlaaani dlapatahu, ilmnltinoonily, an
tha 10th but., ralatlTa to Poland. Thoy ara
•aid to ha blandly In thair langnaga, hat all
oonrtjr an intalliglbla warning.
UHMtjr& 5 ” P ““°"
In tho House of Lords a debate has token
pise# on the ooone of the Government on al
lowing the building of ; gnnboots for the
The Liverpool Chamber of Commeroe have
adopted resolntions calling en the Govern
ment to make the Foreign Enlistment act
more stringent.
On Friday the Breads tuffs market had a
downward tendency. Floor doll and od.
lower. fFheat inactive. Corn easier. Pro
visions: Beef has declined 2s. od. Pork Is
quiet but stoadv. fiaeon. irregular. Batter
very dolL Lard is tending downward. Tal
low is easier.
Produce—Ashes steady; sugar Ana: oeffee*
Arm t and Blehooyaat; r&n itoady butaS*
spirits of turpentine easier; petroleum firm.
Londok Market* —Breads tuffs are heavy and
still deolinlng; Iron is quiet hut steady; sugar
Is firm, and 3@od. an up
ward tendency; riot steady; tea active; tallow
Is heavy at 435.; spirits of torpentineare tend
ing downward, with sales at lUs.; petroleum
is firm at £l3 fii. per ten for crude.
American stocks are steady; Illinois Con
trol shares closed on Friday aft 43j4<342 W
per cent, disoount; Brio Eallroed 47(348.
Consols closed on Friday at 92X&92X for
money. •
Linpcol, Afrit U-JSi«tep_Thi oat ton
m«k.t U qal.t ml unohangod; iilu 4000
bales, inoludlng 1500 hales to speculators and
for ixport. Bruditoffi on hoary, aid toad
log downward,. Proriiloni or. doll and do
ollnlng, baoon, which ii aotlr.j hat at
low ratal. Potrolcam li firmir; ulai
find at li sd@li fid. “
London, April 11— Boning, —.Coaioli for
Brio Ballroad 47@48.
lEloob Control 44@43 par wot. dlHoant.
Tha iteamar Japan, otharwiia known ai tha
Virginia, had boon lying off tha Pranoh eout
for thru daya and proowadod to mo on tha
Sth. Sha ll laid to haToraaolTod a lirg* (ap
ply of armi and amminltlon. r
Uoorpaol, April 12.—Tha OoanoU of tha
Llrarpool Cham bar of Common# haro adopted
inport nlatlra to th« dolngl at tin Ala
bama _ aid tha protute of tha Haw Toth
I Chombor of Tho nnort Mti forth
that tho building and oq«tomant of mebru.
nil ai tha Alabama manUuUy oontrannii
tha prorliioni at tha fbnlgn onllitmont aot
but that tho proriiloni; of raoh aot anlini'
oopablo of buy trulon that thli lmfflolinoT
of tho aot upon! Mobility to tho ohargo of
Inilnotrlly, and aitsbUikai; dnngaroni ipn-
Ofdmte, and that, emu-join Uy, thr Chamber
ihoald mamoraUaa' tha Oorirnmont to tn
doaror. In oonamt with tbo'Amariean rorarn
mwnt, to io niter tho aot u to pnrmtlte ITO
•lon and mn a itriot nratraUty.
A ompy of thonwortwoiirnt to tho Now
York Chombor of Common#. f .
AUhoagh tho Oorwrnmiat uliad nponl tho
Alexandra, tho work ni allowod tonnuad
upon bar nntil tha »th, whan tho woSTwai
•Mpondod until an offloUllnrutlgaUon tekra
Tha Qorarnmmtt hu bun to obmmunloa
with tha Lalrdi, of Blfkonhoad* nlatlr.
Tho Lalrdi formally antrod
tha Corarnmant that thay worn hnlldlnw far
tha Emparor of China. tor
A* *?• J *P* a « Virginia,
which raoontly lilted from tho OlydoTW
•enrol goal on board, r ; yor, naa
itrongly pntelte
tha trtlolo to tha London%ii,?Sm!
plaining ofthedotenilropnpariUoMmildi
bythoUnited Statuaonrnmtnt lnCalifort.
ala, and ihowi that AnurloahuMhol grand
(for complaint agitoit tho!militia maunm
progroiingto Canada. !
i Xto Jformog Jbri ujl thb fclookadoli thi
only aflalant modi by whlih tha North now
earrlu on tho war, bat tho marittnlo powin
may to timo hara to louldir how long mob a
modi of wirfin li to ondarw.
Th,rw li oonildarablo aatirlty to tho Oon
fodante loos totbiXonSin moniy mar kit, it
bring quoted kf *fhr bant, pnmtom.
Than hara abo hm bonfldirablb traniao-
Uou on tho Parti Boom, ’at aboat ilmilar
figntaa. .
nißKpplmg o*um, lft u odUMa!, polata
HUM t **l» d *“»y of omateylaf ooototi for
JMUrt tmmli la tht Woot laaUfj and mi
«»t It b < tfao iattattoo of
uSHLUK.** 1 ’*“**'“* lUP^f^tto
A^s22^uS2 , ,^^i{Ssi?-i
Ih *
H. B. “°* ®****** IlCßai' uB*i tlMMf
■ ,j/ f> - ] ’ *
.Chleif'oJueottirp'.' ' ,J ~I
April ;B.—The total
election jcrterdayuna 30,300. Shuman
notivnd 188 majority. 7 Th# balance: o£ the
Democratic ticket wu also elected. The
Council i tends 30 Dcmoorats and 13 Bcpub--
Jtaafe ;.• ... '
TheJCniiboat Wissahicken*
Fonuas Hoßboi, April 23 —The United
Statoi gunboat Wlfiahiekon, from Port Boyal
for Philadelphia! itopped here at 4 o'clock on
Honday afternoon. She goes to PMguletphU l
for repalrt to bet engine.
Owin ot tn Pmeaueou DailtGautts;
Wksxeibat, April 22, ,I|AB..
There haebeea no new feet ore iu.monay today
of apodal notice. Gold remain* abdot aa lait.
quoted in Hew Teak, while here our barken are
paying 110 fer Gold ahd Demand Not**, and 1250126
fir SUrer. Government Certificate* of Indebtedness
range from 98 to 100. Eastern Exchange is on*
cbmil.. . ..
PDOUB—lsstaadj bnt the demand la entirely
tocalf -mad prleee are without change. Sale of 110
üblsAxtn famUyfrom etoreat $6,8707,25; -116 do
do at $6.9007,25,' and 100 do do from wherPat
Bye floor le quiet, with imell aaleeat $5,0(1
7MTmoSB->Bioteii In good dinindl but the
market to unchanged. We notoealeeat 6c forbhoult
dw*y>4®7s4c foe fiidei; sjgo tor Plain flams, 100 for
Plain flugar Oured, aad 11c for Convened do, jLard
I and Hess Pork remain about aa laai 1
| GBOOSBIAB—Sugar la a shade firmer, and may
I be quoted at from 12 to 12)$c for good to choice. Cof-
I fee la steady with a moderate demand at from 33 to
34c—mostly at 83®33>4c. Molasae* range from 55'
to 60c, ' |v.
6SADS—unchanged and dull; sale 0f25 both Clover
Seed in lata at $5,50, and 20 buihttax at f3£o. Tim
othy Seed la selling in email lota at $2,25.
BUTTABA EGGS—!} utter la dull and drooping;;
sale of 8 bbla 801 l at from 18 to 2io for common to
choice. Eggs ere acarce and would sail readily at 14c.
• POTATOES' Pinn bat unchanged; sale'of 1 car
load and iIOO buth Peach Blows at $l,lO, and 30 bbl*
SeedUoge at $1,60 per bueh.
| DBIED JTBUlT—unchanged; tale of 60 bosh Ap.
phs at $1,37; 100 do do at $1,40, and 40 buth Peaches
at 1
SALT—Ia ’steady, and we note sales fromatoreat
$1,75 to $l,BO per bbl tor Vo. 1 Extra.
| Pltubargb Oil market.
April 22.— There is but Ititlo change to nbtlce in
I Crude, with the exception, perhaps, that the market
j la a shade firmer, oWlng to a reported advance In the
I Beat, home few bolder* are asking an advance over
ourlaat quotation*, bat nosalee, aa yet, have been
made at the advance. Bnyere, however, are taking
hold freely at B>£o 'in bulk, and 14>£c tn bbla, and
these be aboot the ruling rates tor .oO on the
spot. The sales were: 800 and 760 bbla In bulk at
600 at BJ£tr, 900 on private iei*n nmltiitood
to as 9c, the seller to pat it into barrels; 1,000 bbl* at
9c, bbla to he returned, end 400 bble at Ityjc, bbla
included. The receipts are fair, aggregating
which; includes all landed within the
city Unit*. : 1
Befioed is firm, but ths stock in market is light,
and tbs transaction*, consequently, are limited. JTor
immediate delivery! we quota good city brands at 25
026 q in hood, and 310330 tree, hale or ICO bbla la
bond at 25c, and 60 bbl, tree, at 36q. r ,
Benxine la somewhat unasttled, and prices are
irregular ranginx from 22 to 24c for deodoriad.
Philadelphia cattle Market*
April 20.—The arrivals and tales of cattle at Phil-‘
Utf*' Avenue Drove .Yard reach about 1,150 head
this week. Ths market li dull, and prices hare de
cUned, ranging at from 11*012# tor extra steer*,
19011 for good do, and common, as to
Chose* cattlf sold early in the day at onr highest
figure*, but common to tair quality at the close were
very dull, and sake were made - at lower prices
the above.
Sheep.—Tho arrival* and Bales of Sheep at Phillips’
Avenue Drove Yard teach 3£oo bead. ThejmarXet
li* -dull, buyers holding off tor lower prior*. fteit*
[ ere making at 801Oe H to gross lor wool hbeep, and
5960 tor cupped, acooeding to condition and quality.
■ block Sheep are sailing at from $404*50 to head, as
to ‘quality.
Bogs.—The arrivals and aalea of flog* at the' Av
onus Union, and Rising bun Drove Yard reach 4,m
head. The market I* dull, and prices lower, ranging
at from J709t0 100 tos net. «•«*«**
3,000 head sold at Henry Glass’ Union Drove Yard,
(aneceasor to A.Q. Imhofl,) at from $7 np to SBAu
1,000 head at tha Avenue Drove Yard, hr John
Oroaae A 00.. at from $7,5009 $ IDO Zbe net. ‘
Chicago Market,
I April 20.—The wheat market again decline*! about
I lo per bubal, with light salsa Of winter receipt* bio.
I ISpring $1,16, toan receipt* Ho. a bprin*.wi.UAg
| I,O*X m 1 004 boQ “*> “d 99®Wj*c in pimtTS
I Tbompe°n , a;Bl,UJ Cor winter mmpu MdSkprui,
I 8-c lor wiat«r receipt* injected dprtng, and ; buo far
| treeb receipt* do in'flint A Thompson'*; i 1.07 lor
I fraab rvceJpta, and 91,u6 winter receipt* ifalacted
I bed Winter in store, the market closing duU. •
I There was a good inquiry fur superfine brindi of
I spring wheat flour, mu ire note safae of l.Oou.lbl* at
[ far inferior to chotoe. > The market far
both apnng and winter extras ws* neglected and ca*
'tiroly nominal.
Thare waa a good shipping Inquiry for ooro.on ac-
Looont of the Strait* being opened, and the market
we* o higher, with aale* oi about 160,010 bu*h>
el* at o2c tor hirer White Allied afloat; itfc far Ytl«
I lew Cora in store; 4f}fo4Be far treah rocalpt*, and
far winter receipt* MUed Corn in store;
ana for (neb recoipu Jfejected Corn in atore
| Oat* wen quiet at 68>$c for fresh receipt* Ho. 1
! in store, andbOofarwiater receipuol thesanie Kjo
waa qnietand loear—with .ight sales cf Mo. £ (iieeb
raceipta) at 7io» and by sample on track *t7So- mere
U a good inquiry far Harley, and the market fa arm
"•with nlis at 91,*Q«£1,&6 tor meditun to good qnal*
itfas. High wines wen betd at BDo—loo obii iLm.»
•old at that prior, bat buyers were geoacaUy ofleriu
38c. Seeds wan quiet and partialiy nealeiteji—
Tribune. ’
Mew York Flour aid Grain Market,
April SL—The market for western and state flour
JssUli vary quiet, the low grade* are Are cent* mi«r
I but the mertiam and high brands an scarce and Terr
I firmly held. '
! The sake an 7,600 bbls at *6,0006,30 for superfine
state and western; *6,6000,86 far extra state; &S6O
7,lo'far fancy do; 6,«<pT,OU for the low gradmof
weetarn axtra; 7,1607,36 lor shipping Ohio; .7,86®
8,00 for trade brands; and 7,30@»,7u tor fit. Louis.
Canadian flour is 8e par btd eaaaar, and the market
la lma attire. Salas sod bbis at 90,6607,00 tor tho
low grades of extra, add 7,0608,00 for trade brands do.
Sontharn flsur la without change to notaT’ Sales
660 bbls at 9707,46 for mixed to good suporllns Hal*
tlmore, Ac* and 7,9909,10 for trade brands do.;
Bye flour Is steady at 8,4400,40. Sales ibo title.
I Oora meal is la good demand and firm. Shies of
I 860 bbls at $4,10 for Jersey, and 4,66 for Brandy wine,
j Qtaln—The srheat market Is wlthont material
change; the demand la chiefly for home ute.
Thaaalss an,4,9oobush choice amber Jersey de«
liTanfl at 91|78» and T,UW do on prire terms. •
Barley and barley malt continue dull, and price*
I Oatsan steady at ,830860 for Jersey; 86ft0S6}£o
[ for Panadlso and Western, and 87087>$c for state.
■■ 'By*'ls In better ’demand—sales of BJWO bhshsls
i state at 11,06, aa extrema prtoe, and 1000 do Jersey
«n the pier at 1,09, ;
, Corn a again easier, but mon attire. Bairs 60JXX)
te»h at 780860 forj unsound mixed; 870940 .for,
•ound do; 91}£092c for yellow Jsrsey.—Post. *
Pettfiesiiifllidia* ; -
I £*tmlsam has recenilybeeadlsoovered in | large
quastiUas in Burmah. Hong fibaw Loo, a native
Burmese, who is receiving tnecraetloa in this boon.
teyjhssTsesnUy rscslTsflletters ftfafa his brother in
Burmah, who aocoapanfad a party of Brltiih csfloen
on a reeentTUit to tbs bapltaborwhai nmalns 'of
Burmahpropsr slaos Its last ourtettment hy tMfirlt*
teh. WhU* thare they visited no fa wer thaa dghty
uswly disoovend oil wells of gnat productiveness.
Importa hr Railroad,
hnuneii ri. Watas Ackjcaoo iUuAokn,
April 22.-36 hxsstarch, Mnrtland A Connor: 16 dos
tubs,fihrirn A Lassir; 16do, Atwell, Lae Ado; 10
d£ Miller A Bteketsofc; fido, John I House A dot 83
oU bbls, 8 B Ttoyd;2kge lard, 1 bbl tallow, Little A
Jumble: 1 oar meat, J P Hanna A oo; 8700 pcs hams,
0 L Oauwsll: 6 hhds baoon, G J Townsend; 6 tea do,
Kirkpatrick A firo; 56 hides, 26 bdl* kipekini, J Y
McLaughlin; 828 0 bdhdo, Bammstt A
Riniun. April 21—1 hi
Hge, 110 bbla potatoes, L H Voigt A oo; 6 bdlspette,
! °bomaksr A Imagr 781 bush cert, Jos Dorringtontl
butfar. 1 Haaaliton, ooil bbif. forvyth A Bro,
J?*e»s wheat, J fi Liggett A cotlfiO hides, M Dslange;
64dcs brooms, 5 L La&gbau; IT bxe
übeass, J M Soowdsni 10 bbl* apples, Jae A tttser;
19 hxs hams, J p B*nha A co; 2610 gs mo asees, frank
Vangordar; lot prodace,<fibomaksr A’Lang; 86 aka
dry fruit. L A Voigt A sm 6 bbls flour, 28 uo Ipou.
was,B Harbeugh A do; 10 doa brooms, Caldwell A
8on; 48 aka oats, B MeVicksr. !
Tb* rim eonU&ood to ivell flowlj all day jerter
dajT| and last eruxiiif fM piar nark* indicated alaren
ftafc. Tbs veathtr ctnliooW cloftdy lod unaettled,
•W* an oocaiionai ihow&of rain. • ' • .1.
There he* oot UeaeeiniJearrtTel ■jncecorlert;
to. Th» Iwij jrijtttrh tnm «. liboto, end ih»
Krpa fciehriilei *r*;tbe ,_n«xt doe.'
boetu expected te J enmrt&i*flr*: Mr;
Befrgafikflucu/* wet doe'lit* iiiht,-!
the isfcirf wli~ aort^
V 4 RLl'w
. ■ Th«»lonßHOpfi&;taCl l ictauU*»**'-*-
lrf4(lJfkt. sSUgntondtonjort Ui*
iirfm iiili Tbm'uf-bott aariula
(juatfWofcul. W.WUad'erit*.!
!Bw»riiiii'ii ir ;aamittli “buck dlimorn
latdorotlurtTij imtmiit amkfai
lint Miilßtfci'-t::::-:
| : r.Wjh«la thttCM-'Wd.B.aTiii« l la»«|
, -
• ' • 's' i •
,hpld. The tairy to built at hj Mr.
- ■':- -yi j .
St» Irtiali Dstnocratofllooday uyi: j
7 We teafn by. the HOlman that the Bovinastrati
a rock at Deril s I*l*o3, and Met tank to her lover
deck. Tv© boat* vrsre-dtopatchad to bar tom' Cafro,
to tak* bar cargo ofl., Thn fioirm was ajSL Louis
.aod Memphis packet, but was In pnnriilon of tha
Svernmentj. She ws* on har;vaj.irda tiiis port to,
exopbU, with aeargo of ammunition audit orwfbr*
the nsvy. * The watsr is reported over her krvse
deck. \ . ~
■ Xka Kellie Bogers arrived, from Pittsburgh ysetsr*
hV'F* 1 " 11 ?** 1 ! »d *bp can carry, and a g&4 li«t of,
prisengers., Bbe vlil leave again for Pittsburgh to*'
tfiqrrov efiafog. < <\.<-
St»rifght off©© Saturday with a gotfe load
tor Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. ' ..I >
The public and steamboatmea particularly wllL be
glad to yarn that the recent regulation tor ’ beats*,
has been filled, and no non vlli be taken .tor the
present, unless another requisition made,
1 to hew steamer EmmaJloyd
in] freight yesterday for St. Louis, and potatoes
_thi tipper MUiiiiippi, and It la expected ; that'dr*;
wl lbe leave on Saturday. 'Oapt. Jm/Bkd.-
soi 1 ia in commani, and Ur. W. H, Scott haadhaige
of heofflne. I .. 1 -if
Tho Luserse, Oapt. Oodsll, is advertised tor fit,
Lottis and St. Paul. |
The Kmperbr, Captl <7. A. Dravo, will leave toe
Cincinnati tbla morning positively.
The STEAHtt ALHAMBaa, Dzstsoted srQtmn*
buui.—We recalved IntoSlgeaco lest evening efihe
captura-anddeatniction 6t the ateamar Alhambra,
b* goerTil iasj in the Cumberland .river. Jt appears,
that she grenaded at a point sailed DevQ'a xwcw,~
on, Sunday etching, 13ih and beftrfa rfrt vw :
pt off a guerrilla party-toad*their appearance -on -
Uk * b * n *'°f the river, vhendh* crew rUaerted :hsr#
and etospod safely to Menphls, The st<aizfer Hops
wasaiw grounded at the toot of Island Ho. JUgKleuC
?£ d to-sight.ofher when ttycreVrf
the Alhatobre left. Bh*has no doubt mat a sliuSar
fate. The Hope was heavily loaded, and botmddown
the river. The Alhambra was in the Gothrnment
“ d F*» P«>f erty of Mr. K. B; Tajtor.
a# wai on excellent passenger >oat| :
of 000 tons burden, and bnilt about tlq yeent *ago.
Oapt. Pna. Austin was ia command of her* -
35* *° ‘ Wt **“
UUK SALE.—-The following'described
JL property, the resldenoe of the late! Samoa
Tn° m p*i» r £sq« known by the name and! style .of
Kural Hetifat,” slumte In PJU; township, All*,
gheay count y, fa., vis j ,
. “J- 1 ~ -A^ oat s 1 * c of meadow, bounded
by the Pittsburgh A OonneUsvllle HaUraadfLutoh*
*ln «<?©•« furnace, Poor toll* Bun and thaHanoo*
gahela Elver,—an admirable site tor manutocCurtDg
purposes. , . si > js.,
~~$ b £ a K S ft ***•» between the 1 niroad
*° < L l^ bre .F. P 1 * 0Q which Is erectedv 1 two
storied dwelling house, partly brick, with IA rooms
sad basement hitmen, wash house and bake boos*-'
well.applied with ostein water. A frame 'bain*'
carriage boas*. Aa Also* permanent well; of‘good
water. A choice and abundant sappty of fruit in
graatvariety. ■
Lot Ba 3.—About acres of tableland, in year
of Ho. *, comprising tne bcat beaatltnl; iU* tor
mddlng in tha county, having axtenstva Ivtova of
the river and portion* of Pittsburgh, Bfermlniham.'
and adjoining districts.
LahghUn BtoUon ■ to on tbs froperty.and within
sight minntes tfine to lbs city.
The propariy will be said togethtr, or each lot
Befarto lira. MABT THOMP2OS, on the nrem
la«*,orto J, D. WILLIAMS,‘II4 BmUhltoUraast.
Jab. b. HcwitD, 131 Wood street, Pittobnrgh.
1?0B tiALCt«—The followiiik dMonbod
plooss of property, vi*:
: Hip. L—IGO ecre* of valuable Goal Property* on the
MonoogahelAßiver,ln'ths third:pooL Tmsprap*
arty Is vary advantageously situated tor carrying on
Ura. lIIIUMW. turu( u atomic ; fcmt on ih.
f and an ahandano* of water tor -the loddlna ot
wale and bargee, with dralnagsln right dhact&m.
expense of putting this pcnpertTih worhlhg
coaditlunwiil be > txifltogin withmmy
other piece* on said river. : '
v * Vo. 4-MJne threerriory Dwelling fioui and Lot.
Ho. 13® Webstar street, EixthWard, OvOtalutog
fie ran finished rooms and cellar, all In coed tenahtm
bto condition.
fin. S.-HIM Buildlag Lot, liHsist <>■« w iu,
scribed, SI toet .in front, running beck. Iti9 fast,
maintaining the aame.wUth tTwasaiSy. W
®°* lot °f gwoad te Wray and Bowan**
plan *1 lots in tbs Seventb lesrd, bwing gg |m( n
Webster sirest, extending back 12g toetto an alley.
Tar further information enouilra at 133 Webster
street, or 113 Smlthfieid, (OityVxea Bouse.) '
mhSfctf g. WBAT.
IjIOR SALE—About 20 Aotm ohoioe
■L Land, Jut right tor country seats, with fine
Views, Ac., and 14 acne of Kvsr bottom land, b»
tween the railroad and river, and tronUnn *a noth
six hundred toet, Just right tor mudtoctnring
sites, ell or say of which Iwtilssß low, UappUbS
gf ww. This property is at the terminus afthe
Manchester Street hallway, and at the Weed* Bun
btatton'of tha fort Wayne A Chicago m>«*oad, on
which the fare Is only five cants, and time el I transit
eniy eight minutes.
Also, A large lot of greund in Manchester, 30 tost
oni on the Ohio river and Preble street, with large
veiling ol twelve rooms, end Urge irdt; trees and
shrubbery, Ac* formerly occupied by JaUeaMc&aln,
VwitOf Greenwood Gardena.*’ The property would
be exchanged tor a*sultable piece ©t tens near the
dtUa. -farther information and plans of tbs prop*'
ertysreto be had at my nsUenoe, at Wood*’ Ku
*yAD able' iron WORKa FOR
y BALK,—Owing t* a diaolatloQ of oe-partner*
“•P, v* efftr at private ula oar IBON WOkJLS, ait *
tutwl at Irsodak, on the Iron Monataln Bailio*d.TO
aalka Iron BW Loots, oonaUting of on* hot blast
*“Wi now in raccMttol operation’; from
eighteen to twenty too* or So. 1 nig iron per dar.
twenty dwelling heuee, aolubla. lor laborer*; on*
l*m three-etory brick etore, fin* etabke mid ban,
fcrminglaild,*°** eaftOJ acre* of good
Ako, t contract with tba Americeniron Moahteln
Cowpeay for delivery of thetr ore, hiring twelve
f**" t°nxn-. Large butka of hearth* are lit in la*
aedltUrkintty of tba Iwoao*..
for farther lnftrmaUoo, apply at oar offloe, in
Irondauj where itht fheilfty fir T«ni»fiia» t|o
Work* win b* given.
■Pfcfwd . fiOOTT, HABBISON A 00.
Known u the «'A!goo Property,*’ Utaalad In Me*
Olnre townahlo, adjoining the property of the Boa**
of Befoge, wiu. be offered at PUBLIC AUCTION,
and nllto the highest bidder without reeerrf, on
. BATUSDAT, April 45ft,af2okfec»p.ta. .
T***e—<mt-fonrih of tba pnrohaee money when
deed teaxtcoied lire mining three •fonrihe in three
an*oal payments, with lnterect.
JAMBS M’OAhDLSSS, > Committee.
JOHN SAMPSON, j-wmmuma,
apghflt ' •
LJI2S acnr, BO of whleh ii cleared, 80 MMofuiS
erel meedow, and water la every fitM,rfcn orchard
f' 6 l»tmltod trait,tafallbw.
leg. Tha buildingsarea Urge mansion boose of 9
roou, good dry cellar; a bin 60 by COispring hanae
and other oalboUdlnge, with flih pondfcoal and
? J _ Bt, i t ? 0 *. 111 .P e * > **>«adanca. Wtnatad In Barred
walk from
Ste?^SL5 Ulloa -. *&*• tum *» located In a good
Eft** 0 *.««to Churches,* Stores, Mllle. Acu
amftaoffarod at a great bargain? Appjyto^
*P*° B» McLAIB A O 0„ liniVonrth it..
: HATiR—Ono superior gotod
£t S »
*2toS®Ssrs^. OI “ B ’ 81 *
s<wid.iuß4 trrdat' Daunts,
nomU lßoh dlAsutez doara tot Jack, tank!
low for oath. , hbobm. bolb.
. hfcff: On the Allegheny river, cor. Point Alky. .
•pOB MIB-lire new Briok Hoomj
A °h Manor ■treeVßkmingham, the
Wl of.i the Dm <
nooeee contain Are; rooms each, with halls —M-tiiT
'Jirda, with good wall of water.: The lets arstwea- -
Of. *7 «• Snadred and thlrty.daa fat deep infTl"
ssyjffir uu4 u ‘ r “"*' l >«■••<*«£*&
tog* and commodious frame dwell-.
“f, 11 **** bated nearthebeadof Bad:
Alkgheny, is offered kr ante ata low
pnoo, ana on.aeoommsdatlng to
£*£?*** ?if£s* y«*d, Much can bejxatd lor gar*
«»lag. Bor term*, Ac., apply on tkjwaktar
*° f . .-- A - HBBBBT ABHWOBThT
of fit. CUr etreet and Bndncna Why,'
£ AND AT. LOCle—The iMwiMBE
7 J °«l«rt or to
»po J. b. Mvinaaron - 00., Amit. ■
1?0K BT. iiODIB AMD BT., HS»- k
PADL, DIESOr._Th. rafradidLlaStf
* <m
T .-- ; Joag JIACK. ,
SACOK- ; ~a - ,
** ! SSH?® l ®*' *» **<**l»« tmHq
.. “ i i P “
ITByOOO ft*. HAMO. ; « 1 • -
. . fonxs i
■ j 100 jhh-iaAy lmR • - •!• i-. •
,<rrALTQN.i ICP* >. |:'lflO d* QUABC;-
• fef f*T»:
iht dowm
hr ko*t
: rabjtct to IU
ififptfiUoa of an A gtpt appointed on th» pvt of tht
Qetunaaat, and tovalfa twtmj-tr* hundred ind
fdjt;:{t,2io)pctta4itoto*toa; Ui* d*U?eiy thixeof
to tottminorootbo Util pf May, 1&8, and all to ba
dalivexoibyibaSlitoraM feoottt; '; t
i-iTha abort Qpalto bo valfhad by an Afaat of tha
Gofaramenj, andfco to palate by tho to do* \
tumlzud. . . ' ' 1 .
i * ' ' - '■ fttjpOSOhw
1 .Bt* frill haks and post ofice addressed jtha bidder
aait eppear tnihe proposal.
If the »h» i>B> of a flns.the naaus
jof jUI tht'partier a Bit appear, or thabld will !be
oonslderedai the. ImdlvldaM proposal of tbo partner
ilWJiMcIt. * \ 4 ' ;
"'Proposals from disloyalparties wfll sot bo could*
•-«*Sd,-end¥» bath «T aUeilsaco most accompany each
;pcdpMlito&»':j 'j U- '■ '■ •*•
»Miaaas4 to Ospt. lOWABO
L.lfftSTyi,iytbatJlaattornastsr United States
. Am>j’,T < O.p and should be plainly
-m»rt*d M *rcpsMdjft>r?<3o*i ,r ‘ , .TT‘ T
v£—’w-o*/ ‘ •*•••'
oepoailhlll ty of uo goaftntete a tut ie ihewn
cer4oooo ol the Clark of the aeanet
or. of United Mate# District Ac.
the bidden totrUibrob atriqt, itingid
him* ml be gutaatlei bdtwom
ispqulbtepsroosiJWboeeafgtiatnneißiot benpuaii;
•«4 lo.ti» goaranuei and said, guarantee nUut eocoa^
.oanytte bid. . ~.. -jj . • ---jr t
: jg,-g>rfea-whtn As bid* 1
,v Soodoiov_tnonbof flnthousandd6linJ!jrin#d
bj feeMtotmoferjad bothof hi* guarantor*. wmbe
tbo snoosmiul-7biddsr apmr.aigelwg the
* w ,of fetbi* >.
•ad—, ot tbo-potatj-idf^lyaad^fltet^oj..—*.
do hereby guarantee thtt ■ toiMotll teUukheCoh*
trect In accordance tflA the terms of his woDui•' ,
tta, eadtha*, ahaaJd'Jifejeepocitioßbd accepteEhe
P iSsS4?ifessjSi«£? ,! f M . v^-pi*-
[I. UiUjuannto. muit, to-ippradod' th. .dual
wrttflnte abor. SMnUorad.)
torij«t«ior or'Jl IJdi tint;sup4*
inaui too hifhjs twni bjtlu Depot Ciurter.
BMftw. XDWABD to. SaMZ,'
>pUdl °*^ t ’ AM t * On»rtuii»it»r U. 8. Army.
A bmt olothujq and equipage
thi yth qeyofAprll, lSgyfer farmifhing'nnd de* 1
■lliidsf tt tfe SohayuSf 'Aneaok wW ** to *****
uael-inspjcUcn, the fallowing* artlekaTtO' bo of
eenystudstd pottosfaiia%pOe£^faafeß|a^
©towns of CntoD UsouX. 1
to iretph tin. (!) pounds to
& h ,/■■
£*.(!) ttduo wltts, and to srsltas ponsds
<°t In
ftgg. tninia.ttod, to to toio aastf tor’ thdtor
roooiiss, pdfetod on'eotjob; for aoaotod mss; j
Mtejrewsnd (roaßsttod,to to toad sis. as n
fa. trom Stoddp,
HnWcitpstotsd, of totton or Unon
oad nimpor cotton or lines dock,
ef?fw W? Wldofsribe feat, oad 10cm!
*■*■ *° ' ,,^,1,1 * v ***•■;
nJSJ'JtiSi 1 .! 11 ?' <ta a °- ‘o- do. TtolTßUd;
Stau. to tonlaft Uu Bsttons nd 81IpB 1 i
Pnutor T.nta 01-toos. Cotton or Ltnsli Dnak,;
SJSJ Bonn, Kid o»ip ut woof of sun stonr
“£*£■ A.“»Pi.ofon.yKdod tto dock most noi ;
comnupenshUd hr ttos. touts. . ,
■ VsllinrAuas. ;
- Omp riotohets, 1 1
gßPtotUto }
Goap*botch«t Hoadla. -
VUXAjmT . t ...
•»«!?»•*£■* . ■£
OupKotllts. -I-
. :
tofdMatol Ordsr Btoks.
> 50.. iMur do. ;r..
■ ? ©•» Doscrtpttre ; do.
; 80.. lad«x do. •
©o. Ordsr do. ‘
• ©o. Xarjet Practice do.
f Do. laspeetton do.
OompoojOrdsr do. u '
Do. CHothinc Aoconst do. ••■ r
• Do. Desstlpure do.
J Do. Uoralac Bspoxt do.
FostOtesr do.
i Post Lstter do.
: Post Morning Beport do.
i Post Gurd Bepen do.
Gnldou, of dlijE, for Oaralry. _
Pstsoos bidding os artistes of “Hardware," nH :
the Army BtaadariL are reqnssfed to
■end saaapttf with their bids. Bidders wUlitafe in
thrtr proposals the goentlty bid for ud the Urn* of
daiirery, and also aire the namssof two -«**'•*—*
rarsttee far the bitfcfol fitlWmssrif the
4G seMteamutto znarfced.-wttb ttLa
blddar'e name, in order to tasan their safe tetanic
The United Mates nmrmthe
aa* portloa of bids, whea the prloe Is tite
high. Bidden are iarltsd to be pceoent at the ocen*«
ingofthepropoeete., i 4. A.
apiJut Ae»u Qaartermasfer Gaoerai. P.B.Abi i
Ikiue Qmnuunn'lOnioi, 1 1
', Humiruiitai, ; I
;' OHMSnItmIHHMHwU: h ■
_i„. Wi*aijaTO*, j). a, April IVUBJ.J ,-
, WBIHIH PAuPQaAUaraXnTttad UftamU
51 Dapst,to u datlniad at tka XaUnStDapbVo?
at any ot tka Oaranaaat Wkama ta' thla atV. T ---
” "‘•p°l l * , *‘» kaaadraßSdto; tkaimdaialcatd,
aad;ikay .akosld-rtata tka «aaatit*af«aßiri2tta
oa*sd, aka tka nttca aad.tba data <rf daUtarj.
FrtpoaauwlU ba laoaiTad(atdratboosasd«,ooo)
koahaia of Cam w Oata; sad dttr nov tuna ct;Haj or ■
straw, aad opwaitla, mdaaa It aUad-u to
taaaat of tka Ommant ta ccwtnct lot a ha
aoannt. : . - v : .
ot ths contractor. .
IkabßyaaiSttawtaUiaOTal/ Wild.
, AUGn|iiaadßvaßtndtabaaak|M)t;to:a ri(U
Untnetawlllba awaadadtroaatlma tatlaia totba
lawut taqaaatlda Uddan, ai tk. k)tarMt?Suskaß
Uwftltalol ■ud*ndtfi
this •drutiaUMnU !■ ■ ■ > ■ ■ 1 ’-i - •
Pajmaat to ba mada at tka coaiplatiaa af tha cow
aptUm Captalaaad A.q.M., P.d.A.
rpO lißT—*Tho»«. t«[o haadioiao ithm
JL i«to«y Oomm, on th*. conwr ef fifth' stmt and
sUSTy.kaovA MjrOfa lfiO A&d HU, with good
ta «fc» T Mr. Them hmwm oxm writ
sdsptod tothiaw 9i stthsr jrolMsioft*lßMaccjriw
MM WdvfiMM ftaMl lev to foMl tnsßtfc
ImmaiiMUpqmmkmmu. -
. -
-. AIMXAXDMM, man .
•■- •••■_:.; Xo.sni&mtjtxm,. i
VOS BENT—Tie thwMfcHjßßlflK
T*cUrm»»pplj to nunsai. :
1 g»Mr«i»tw<»d«tSSr:
_ ■”* ■■' v " : - -'•• '- > •-'•:! •■ OOOHTHfI BQAit
■ «f» -■?-■ miAHDIQm*«».._
** “""ftH«*»., A»|jr w "
..*»**■» itffl* ig%£&Wu:
gg»*?»«* •n.|«M Who D-togJrtfe-Hfr
~*-’W»giTy ; »allu»«tjiMt6g^yS^tOihj
<g^B»»?ra«»««>»ttiifSS!is!S!r uSifoS^ 1
-**tf ■ ■... . . ' * 7 Olty TWmrw.
ipril-attMfteVTnte wtft- km iS
*' PiMijlTiaU, tft Rtt»*
*w». .M
Pfrnfctiiji nj WkmUihk*.
i;00a. m. 6:10 a. n.,1fc40 p. M*
WattmU*.' 8:10 •• 8;18 I £55 «
etßdmnS «00 » 0:OT»" i &53 «
-J WhMUlf .16:10 '« IQ-Off M< i 1 4:55 u
Arrtm BalUlr..,} t;i& U io.o«t «■ J fcio m
“* Btffitr with Btra
-SS»SSS£J2o?£ U v** Ur ?? d “ d 0»*«t Ohio Boa.
road fcr SanttvUW, X»w*rk, Oohmbtu. Lay
Low. St. Jo—ph. and aji poiau wort aod tomhwMt
andat Whealin* with Balthaoca tad Uhio Bail rood*
:\ ■ Htfafcwpjfc oad flTirriimd Lim*. *
Lbotm PtttabUfhU MMMMMM 4 iMt a. no, ii4o a. M
do WalfcWl6li~™.J 4:10 « SV
do BMw4wi»ii< »~| 1:10 41 d.'Ol u
do Aulaaoa ~l&ttn ; 4.U M
do BaT«ana. WMMWW 7:tfim - j-m «
do ejQ m
LnirMat oilo jjq. m
einiawdincat Bdfrtrt with , Tn*ia’iw M fcgwA t»
How FhUaddphla and €kaal HOreß a Bl£i»fS
Fittaborjh, Fort Wayu and
Banna*withAUinttcaad fl
fer Wimn, GrwnriUe, MeadTlUai-'cScaTtorr
Jaawtown aad Calaainea; atfitnßctf'-Wltk Om!
land. Eanaarill* aad Olnainnati !ui3rt£sior jSnT
Stffo** iLB/a
Sfh “ 4 •*»
mmiu. Aooomasdstbs UaraM 320 p. B.
Ticket*; to •o,ptnUaU)‘U|^ a «
For fnrthar towrmatlciaiaonlj to*;' ”•*
: " *—»
At tha oompaaf*| la Frright Bt&LT«i, iS***,
, apP ; .-■ i < . . . . ..«-«
and after MOBDIY.
IteTM tha P*rnnfM- iuilondiDj,(ex«pt Sunday.)
at fcBO « ta.« rtoppfag atatt Station! between Pitta*
burgh ani PhtiartMPhta, ani. suiting dlxact eonnao
tta?*® H«w lorktt PftWdphtc.- K ~
iTba THBaUftH.XAlft;TH*Ut''fam tba Pm.
wiljni dlrM «axiUaottei l >li^^MwMH^r >
■nava* JOataisgtay an* I® JUf £atS>ia Phil*
AlMxxtbwm root*
-Hi WJ (murl
,^Sw»*«|tt£SftSSV«B, iw«u<» u«tm
a*tniW»pHwiJiJ)«i«fci: :j
Waffl itailoa
M * Ucl
. *w"Ku’i sMin
. Batewtty-ftmtiii «rtt»faPlh<fcr«g*a IqOpw
BilMbcw aijt—r«ll.BO p, m.; FhUkdtlafcta lx>
10K)S l ni»i Jnnf’WaQ*i ffutltn AoeanusodstlOßa
(iMjL jl.<TlgJlliiiw■l?ww> r ««{]} ptn:
■ Tmilitr UI
rill* I&UBpictfcc : wiih. Accommodation,
S okwtow* Arottattbdatbm'jmd Yxprrn ttmin lut,
•ad wltAßritlaof* Sxpxms an&Joß&jtovm Accra*
Biodaiioa Watt*
Tralaafcr Ibenjtnrc connect it Oraaaoa with Xx>
:p«a*3nlM aadlUU TiUta.V<»,u4.atth Xknuk
AggiUMdatlCT ana Kapma.Traja Xaat.,. ~
wultfj>d.,ti gMKtlj to i«Bic'fcimtMa
jpto* 4m»o* WijiFto «*o£ ! jE>sttiiaH»i»l*
:MUMJdttiianasa taMUniy bmStm tat,
gnwTMritttr, mid wieojttfcn'te an v>
BU ltnr tbla So*a with ihaipiairqaaaa? ■
'1 -a'V •:"■ /.T 7 ?" **®*
parti.,**Ucfc*■ t* will M
WksnthMOoictihj-imuoAatai, *i 1 *
j UOTIQJL—Ia BM tfafc lifttp
sffiasfaa 1 !^
««w»awfcf FWtsatataijiSJSi,
!.-' ” •: -•••: :•--uadit is— t,
A« kite F«aai7tTaaJa Ontcmi F*fl-ni Twiwi
__g*»gg»-(3r*sfe'<«y»ftfaC"‘' apil
;OjraWJoßKilll> UTBBf 00 L. lud-J^B
ftJMW: JttrSJmjsql, J*w irortb «I)4 ruhd*
thh.BtMaailiitiadMU Ginf itoSZam* Jhtt
si&S^S±-:^SvX , !:
rnjuaiw."-- “’— l SFStfffSS £
jjjj *jpn'*ißi<*lr,ii: *pßm,aiM> tm*i, ante
*• to IrmfloO... ga oof CO ' ,u 60
• do tolrtrii™. , 95 colj 4c>. t0g«r1«..,„,40 iff
■ <•:;*» to Bernini-J»io
utAeMtorntn, Bnan, jut.
tdtaajijamfclß.-. wttaam hwief.'
>«!»** o»i6toStS« ,^tei<SS
leiOeMn, (Ti,
~; T l ™** IWmW:wO KBceHHtMxoauffoaAttou m
MtanM i ai£ierft:ei»eji'Uod tojw. Bq
At* t«lit to Went-ti*fct. iron tiectione ooi hen
ratmi«n eoolhiteOy»o.t bait”
f. -, , /7pHU C„OAC*;A I n h . .
T» sreaaSSTMnTiSh.
1 whlfcdtf Off L!hntT«nnt.P«*^r-0‘
X Alls UHBAJTB HlDlOUIU9.t>Tar vnplnmi
ontT'doaetrtrardtilOJM. ~on Hhr.lninT.BOn kt.
TRACT BOOHD, ! whloil. bee nctOndihe -~'~—
**«gfcli» «• « »Mot«dhoßeolty Me
cgtetowmfee the ioDo*laff dluAMamofffjßptaM
(hMWflMtroa-iUnMM heil ebon of'thoUrfnarT
or BexuO Orsmiu i Genera] DoCUhr.; m—<*»> —o
Imawlitj, fiiitlqßßM wTHINsUMIit k««ia
Atame* of Mtucnln- fc m nf n J?gl|
-■ A— *dnrtfr«M«nliii:MPtbgT ccdcnn. T^fr^lAwy
yoMAifitoGK - '
' W. fJ POBTMM * CO., ■■■■■ *■
■ l . .i: .Mmftotaratcf -
- ■ A&4 tllkladaofHlATOfQfcaijft.
| nioinulgi^y^^n^g'
" 4 Cfc,
;•.' VjOALITjr .BMfllio OMI BML, '
BgOMOifUt eed littjlfftm, if ea dni, ’lhnuM
mil to ejnr Imporud or maonfacterad j* thu
OOOBtir. •r-v-'-Yi-'-. ,v\j to
■Wfl«uff'WardKMM, K0e.119 eed in ran
-\i/ irAOTEl>i «(irf Qrotei jpOlioto tty
.WimtiM ‘<6 or Ik* r*.
fa>rdod;.>lt>i »c|jiowkdr*4 tk*UR
*n*c**. i; M:P»ci*iod and for wJi'Mtb*
fttaMirplc* *ad 04m Workkfia. SK Vottk Vzoßft.
Cootefto! Kew fuSd'hi* I*:
fcasatn • q t .s fine; fcHi,aOWAßp..wo«»*T.r.
U Udi iUU.) Kftilfr
Itod Work Ma. fm
BTE*<iT^»«.ttlfet-stti*•»** Stfr'SfMranjT
!***• > ar4 ■») taroi»h»4 U wttb tfa£kMMti»iror^
“•* :l '.-_2.._. -
XtovnT, Pi.