:»KSBKSEEffifes | Jpslrorjgli WEDNEBDAT MORNING, APRIL 22. oiI JP AVt'-AMb. trorriciAh rA}>na or rua cm ftmraotOUMWAL Oitiuinoia for the &*• myO-** s h*V. Optician, No. »5 Plfth ptr—fr. corrected dally r / 9 c'clook, a. m 13 " e. • *’ j f. a. Baratuolor, Court Reports. Oo|uob Plus,. oarnAMi'- OocaT, to, PaaiotJiT—noa Jiaca P STuacrr. A«iifT*rr la* Ki>oc—lloa Tudtus Mellob., j - Ajmoutb law Jirooa— U«s t H Stows. Ajwjcuts Joboi—Uoa 'J. Buowb ' Yskw/Datb— 4tb Monday O' -March ;Ut lioixfa) of doty *; Ist Monday of October; 4th Monday ol I Doom her ' l>tnrt»' daya— Krr*i Monday i.f a*ch I -' noalhiaDt! thr Or?* day "i **<-u tt-rtn. : I ’ l|3alUat takftr Qp>r&*tL<- *sr?i Manila) ot aacti I jßOnttu «Btbnctitar»l cwi**» »i tuu» on tht fourth I • .. Saturday ’h- Ur■ term. I Argumabt Ll*U *ahn. o;> - •> iO« ilouu..) ►needed- | IngtE eco&cltnlob of Jury liu.t. j District Coart. Pauromr— Hos. 11. ahwrruß. Awwcun—Uoß. U. W. WullaKß. Tni Day*—Th«.fourth Monday of January, April, Jnly and Horanber. Cetur.. tu»ag Company will eoatlnaa open at the oi&c? <>r J. M. Coop er k Co„ Bask Blook, Fifth a».evi, until far ther notioa. Mr. Tetcdoux’s Concert The concert given by Mr. Toledoux last J sight lor the benefit of tao Sabsisunco Com* J nUteOj wee a most perfect suooess, tecunl- 1 nrily (peeking, end we haveno doubt bat that I the musical part, judging from the well-known J abilities of the performers, end high estima tion in whieh Ur. Tetedoux is held as a pro* oepter, was equallya suooess. Bat of this wo eennot speak advised, as we wero unable to' get Into tuo hall on aooount of the immense throng, (although wo went et an early hoar,) hundreds having been turned away. Both I sides of the streets were thronged with car riages from Wood to Smith fie Id. The ehar* aoter of the audlsnoe showed that it consisted of those who know how to appreciate native talent, and the intense interest displayed most be a source of pride end gratification to Mr. Tetedoux. We hope, fer the benefit of those who were unable to obtain seats, that thseon oert may be repeated. Commendable Liberality. The Tint Reformed Presbyterian congre gation of this eity held a special meeting in the church last evening, for the purpose ot adding a percentage to the present pew-rent al, with the view of increasing the Pastor's •alary. Thomas Smith, Esq., was called to the chair, and Major Dans end Mr. R. G. Miller were appointed secretaries. It was moved by Mr. Barnaul Barekley, and second ed by Msjor A. M, Brows, that twenty per cent, be added to the present pew rent of the congregation. The Pastor, B«v. Dr. Dong* ' las, stated that he was entirely opposed to the proposition, as he had a right to bear his V part of the burden arising out of the present ' national troubles. Bat his earnest entreaties net prevail, as tho motion was carried by | afeafsning aye. She congregation, with their usual liberal ity, added four hundreddoUars to the pastor's ■alary for the past year. There oould be no better proof furnished ef the harmony that exists between pastor and people than these Mott of Christian liberality. ; A Rew Supply of Postage Currency. CapL 0. W. Batchelor, United States De positary at this city, has just received a large supply of Postage Currency, of the denomi nation of five, ten, and twenty-five cents/ whioh will be exchanged at the counter for i government lands. The postage correnoy, although tolerably abundant, is not yet suffi elentto meet all. the requirements of trade, and as the printing ef this species of currency sm frttn suspended, another opportunity may ttotbe presented to obtain it. Those who need these fractional notes would do well to nail at onoe and get a supply. gwt Waller*—This gifted aotress was welcomed last evening with a good Joans. « Guy Mannerlng”—the play for the occasion was proddoed In excellent stylo—the whole ootapany seeming to use their best ef farts In the parts alloted to them. Mrs. Wal-1 lerlns “ MtgMerrilW' was perfect in every jawanaf the term, and was witnessed by one I i Mfi HmJ&oit attentive audiences that we have I iite Wftin theatre for sometime. All who] faTSmagtfl tho beautiful story of Scott, in wSSmuI old Gipsey witch is so forcibly ' drawL tßlf acknowledge the faithfulness ef iv Mrs. portraiture* Mrs. Waller's j ; 4l Mec” Is Indeed a fearful and wonderful per formanoe. u London Assurance,” thebeautl . fal oomedy. by Bourdcault, is announced for this evening, and we oaa safely say that a I treat Is In store for those who visit the thee- Utre to-night. Manager Henderson has to mrevad the appeamoe of the stage greatly by the iatroduotion of new scenery, Ac. lo Oil Duun —Mauri. Bldor A Clark, Aa wall. knows ud •ZUBSiTO Oil dOftlOl* of N« York" h>r. eatabllahad n branch in thi. Str. st No. 69 Bond attest, for th. pnrpoie of eo-onacatlag with tho outers hour*, end bsro Sncurnd thi aenrloei of Mr. W. A. Chapman, a Mstlomsß woU acquainted with tbs woateni oil trade, ud in story reapeet qnalldad for tho buIBOM. Tho houae ia now ready to reoeire .oontlgnmonas, ud nil informational to obargu ud axpeaaei may bo obtoinod by oaUlng at tho office, WeeommandMr. Ohap ...■ nj o gantlomu orory way tollable and itrnatworthy. As will bo iooßj by reforonoo to adrorUto nnt. Mr. Wm. L. Bay, of OU City, effm for aalo a nunborof ologiblo'lota, altsatod on tho opporito lido of tho rlror from that plaoo. Whaioeatlon la laid to bo tho moat doalrablo Tmr n '.aw tows of any in tho oil ragion, ud £'*.Sn cl oaplUlßU *• -Jhd,.*» **■ ehanoe for a »oJ lrlbat*d tli* Un* voluntary offerings of the people of the State* coxiiuting of money and hospital stores, but at umt Q»y bar* vary little of either on hand. PiMN publish this with the enclosed r«*oluUoa Ju*t nedrea from the executive Committee. s I Doastlone of ctam ehoald be directed to Samuel CtMmU, Store-keeper Pennsylvania Belief Aaeode -1 - *^£oo#y t *hSuld I fce directed to tbs Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Belief Aeeodetion, car* of Jay Cooke A Oa, Wmhlngton, Di 0., or may b* headed to the sabecrlber, . J. £. Moqxuua. HJundoaxxssPnx'a Soldixxs Bluer") j Aasoeunos orlWasaxxorar, D. C., v April 7U>, 1862. J At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the above named eeecctotlaa, held this date, the follow* ■ lag rwetutfoaww adopted: Bewfod, That the Bon. J. K. Moorhead U an* tborlaid sad relocated to appeal, as President of this A mortal wo, much meaner ead by such «««m u he Proper, to the cUlzena of FennsXlvenln to ocamhuie money and gooda to aid this Commit* tee In carrying folio Into effect the benevolent and chrlltlaafor whichltva UetituUd/eo Umt tbeildt and wounded eoldleri of our tmbU told Com mcmweelth* vlthln the reach of the Committee, mev obtain that relief vhlchdbey *o richly dererr* and Tma their condition eo often reanlrt*. * - jj* above taetTM copy of the recoad. “* &• 0. Gill, Bsoetary. jPepea Me# t to the Object pise* notice thii) ? i .-: i * ' The Lste Oringe at Bhupibui. Someday* rinoe wo reported briefly, upon tite autfcorltyof s poHoe officer of Allegheny, thata grotir outrage had been perpetrated npon a young german girl, by a party of men in Bharpsburg, for whose arrest warrants had teen issued by Justice graham. This state ment wag. questioned by the JPupateh; or rather, It was asserted that the statement of the girl was unworthy of credit | that she was of low repute; that she had been to other magistrates; who refused te take hsr In formation, and that her object was to levy black mMI- The following communication, just received from Jmsiioe Graham, fully sus- I tains our 1 first statement: ■ tv sun. tv bbadb- OO -48 OO 66 Editor* Qwutta .* In (he Ditpatch of Mon* day, 20th lost., I noticed a statement la ro- i 10 vho infamous outrage near Sharps* lui g, li a men fabrication and false in ot«:j The true itato of the ease u ibis: Ayoung girl, seventeen years of age, \.< ca Bom#, If. x„ cam# ban In company i »ub her brother. The brother obtained work ■«itb Mr. Lutey, olrpentar, of Sbarpabarg, and tha sister hired with Mrs. HetssU, of tbo Union HotaL Sha vaa there bat a few days, wban ona of tbo boarders inada Indaoant prop oaittana to bar, and aba told tbo landlady ana would quit wban bar week was up. The land* lady got in a raga, and told bar <*sbo might quit than if aba was going to disappoint bar in that way.*' Mrs* HataaU paid bar, and aba want to Mrs. Werner's, at tba .Stna Post* office, to gat employment, but Mrs. W. bad got a girL On bar ratum sha mat with Wm. Overbeck, ona of tba parties engaged in the outraga, and ha asked bar where ska bad boon. Sha told him aba had loft his aunt's, (Mrs. HatislTs) and was bunting a plaoa to work. Ha told bar know a lady back of Sbarpsburg that wantad a girl, and that they wera flue, honest people, and if ska would go with him bo would show her tha house. Not suspecting that ha was deceiving bar, she want with him, and whan ha got outside of tba town, in tba woods, Overbook took hold of bar and threatened to rather throat if she made any noise. George Smith, ona of tha parties that followed after, outraged bar also, and tha other partial (Wilson, Beighard, and another man. name unknown to tha girl,) ware aiding and abetting. Sha thiph# they would have taken her Ufa if Mr. Baugh, a respeota* ble farmer in tha neighborhood; had not heard her criti and eamo to her roioue. Whan he earn* tip the villiani all ran, but ho knew the wheU party. Ha heard bar screams about a mile distant, and ha says from bar appearance she bad been vary much abased. Tbe parties ' bare all decamped, as tbe officer neglected bis I duty la not arresting them, as they were all | about for several days after be received tbe warrant. This Bmltb- is a. brother of Loafer who was engaged a few years since in committing an outrage on a young German girl near Sbarpaburg. These scoundrels sent three pimps to tbe bouse of Mrs. Warner, where tbe girl was stopping, to compromise I tbe matter, and get her to leave the oountry, I but she loomed all their offers. The villi*ns I then threatened violenee to all the Inmates, I and that they would tear down tho house if I she did not leave the oountry. Some of the I eltiitns had to remove tho girl middle I of the night to a plaoe of same I persons had their pimps posted* the Fasten* I ger Railway station and street oomers, watching for tho girl for several days. Three of themes are married and have very respect* I able wives. The girl’s character is good, and I not as stated In the Pupate*. The Pupate* will please' furnish the names I of the parties making sndh,statements to their I reporter who visited Sharpiburg, as the state* I meat of her being refused law by the other | Justices Is false, as I visited them to asoer- I R. T. Gaiaau. The Union tteeung at Lancaster. ’ f Lxigabtix, April 20, 1863. JCmrs. Editor*-. Imnr wrote anything for a newspaper in my Ufa, bat still hope that you will exouse ma in attempting to tail you about the jbig meat ng we bad bare, right un der the no« of Old Publlo Functionary, Bu obanan, onjsaturdayjdght. Tba meeting was bald under'lhe auspioeb of tba Union Laagaa, presided orar by Dr. Uablanbarg, of the old Demoeratio family of that name, and waa one of tba largest gathering! aver assembled in this city. Hundreds of Democrats who had voted for tba saga of Wheatland ware on hand to show their attar abborranes of treason and traitors, as exhibited by tba copperhead Lead ers. Toor gifted, eloquent and talented fel lew-eitUen, Hon. P. 0. Shannon, had baen in vited, and was present to respond. Daring his stay here he was the guest of Hon. Benj. Champneyi, and by all oar people was treated with that consideration and respeqt to whieh a gentleman, a scholar andtan orator is enti tled. At eight o'clock In the evening, a com mittee, beaded by an axoUant band of music, eaUed at the boose of Judge Obampneys, and eeoorted the speaker to the place of meeting— the Coart House, which is one of the largest and bast arranged buildings of the kind in j State. The eapaoioni ball was erowded to overflowing, by a most intelligent and re ■peotable aadienee, Including a Urge number of ladles, while hundreds were unable to pro cure even standing room, within bearing of the speaker, and were compelled to go away. The Jndge spoke some' two boors, and was Ustenod to wlt& tba most profound attention. His effort was ablo, brilliant and happy, and did the great cause in which the hearts of aU true patriots are entitled—a lasting good. It is to be hoped be will visit ether sections of the State, and wake np the true and loyal people of aU parties as be did our oltisena here. A Jiojcsox Dixocxat. We clip the following wall deierrod tribute to tlie Stetoway make of plnnos from the Now York World of Saturday. The foot li new demonstrated thatjtha superior ozoellenoo of Stetoway'i pianoi Is appreciated In the Old World, ud by the molt dlitingniihod oom poiari end mniiolent, who oxen prc/sr them to ell othen for oonoert me. We quote :r-It U pleeiing to note how the mnileal tables are turning between the United Steles end Eurepo. Ihe tide ie seen to he turning. London, Peril, St. Petersburg, end Vienne thlret for the bait Toieei, the belt artlsta, the beet initrnmente that eeohnew year can show, end now their demandl ere made at the door of the United Btetee—New York city. And to it mut continue, for a while at least. It li to be remarked, too, that not only in one bnt in -""7 perticuleri the' elder hemisphere l, taking leuonj of theyennger. Haps yon Bulow ooenplae to-day the poil tlo'h 10 long held at the piano-forte by hit father-in-law Prana Lint, the latter haxtog reoently retired from vnbllo life, eoneeqnent ly'he li the acknowledged mailer of the In strument in Europe. To thole who know tha itrength of the chains forged by foreign oiAßnfftotartrfl of nailoftl inutnunonti, ud by which they fasten on-do genlui and talent their hopes of tooreaiink trade, it: will mm not only a remarkable,beta elngnlarly ilgnl fioant (act, that Von Bulow has emancipated M. (aoile flngon from the net spread for him, and, in open defianoe ofexerythtog saTe hie own desire to use what pleaeoi him best and will contribute tohli reputation, _hai intro duced Amerioan grand pianoi at hli brilliant publis loireas. Allred Jiell, an arUit well known-hero and highly reipeoted throughout Europe, has followed thli example. Program mes of lato Philharmonic oonoerti. to. Bremen and Brnniwiok, and at wnloh Jaell played, ooatato a nattering Ilttlel foot-note, stating that the grand plano-fortee wed were “fromthe mesoieotory of Mmiti* Btolawoy A Sons, New York." Von Bulow’i Instru ments are of the earns make. Here, then, ii had the moit ealuable teitl money to the luooeil obtained by Hew York to improTlng the plano-ferta that oould be gteen.' A dear and indisputable preferenoeli by the highlit authority aooorded to Ameri can workmanship oxer that of all Burope. The mult will bo to ornate a foreign, demand for our initrumsnte that may loon equal the present large home consumption. The late tendon Industrial Exhibition ll mpenilble for uniting this feather to our national cap. gomeof the toitrnmeati exhibited by Messrs. SUtoway A Somwete bought np at fabulous prim by rliitori ht the.falr from SU Peteri burc and Hamburg, and ordere were lent to this olty for grand! of the most ooitly do oalipotl. . , American Pianos Abroad. Onnn a»4 o*mu»» *£“ .4 iv. omaibvs ofiooj Ho. 404 uIUHI itreet, K“ tt SSI A» older. Wi it tks abovft DI4M willbe promptl, *«•**■* * l ’ AJWHI ina.tb.peU »»*"»**■■ . ; *» Quit Bil. of Ciuni _to-aonsw, April Ud, “ t«o-olo«k.»‘ MoK.lt,-., « Fifth ■tmt. Bee rim#**" l For the Pittsburgh Gemtis. Hon. T. M. Hove* •• >.■ In the Gurra of this mornfeg than a|ip«sSd>' moat singular comaranfcatfoarigned'"Loyalty t” urging Mr. Howe to appear again tn the Sold sua candidate for Gorernor, cod giving M • mart pro found reaeon for the poblle declination, that Mr. Howemade through your paper, about two week* since, that “he (Hr. Howe) was certainly unwHUn* in time of war to be placed In ojparsa* aoiagcnia* to Goo, Coritm. That obetade is Got. Cs absolute withdrawal.’* This b a mo*t remarkable statement, and is .equivalent to placing Hr. Howe in the position, not only as the special frieotl of Got. 0., but of oQ ether* for venturing to appear as candidate* against Got. O. “in time ol war.' It b well known that Hon. John Cot ode teas a candidate, and that he had many friends In this comity, and among theee there were many who would hare cheer* folly supported Mr. Howe on hia own aeeoual and mena, bat not aa a mass* of carrying weight and In fluence to any other candidate. After Mr. Howe publicly declined being a candidate, very many per son* here cave assurances of support to Ur. Oorode, and should Mr. Howe's frieoda bring hb name again before the public, it will place him in a position that will lead to an unpleasant contest among those here, who would bare been united in his support under other circumstances. ran Plat. PiTTSßiraon, April 21,1863. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Grover aid Baxes** Sswirq-Machine, ioi family and manufacturing purposes, are the best in mo. A. V. Cfc.-.ToBT, General Agent, M:< 18, Fifth street Thokab Paret, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Ver mont slate of the best quality at low rates. Offioeat Alex. Laugh lin’i, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apB:6m Corbs axd Bubiobb.—Dr. Raxdall—Cer tificates of W. Phillips, Eiq., member of the Common Conneil, and F. Boyle, Biq.: Pittsburgh, April 18, 1863.—We oertlfy that Dr. Randall has operated on our feet, removing ooras therefrom, doing so without pain and entirely to our satisfaction. [Signed] W. Phillips, F. Botlr. Dr. Randall has this day erased ooras for me which have been tronblesome. I have seen tho operation before, but never anything so perfeot to my satisfaction. Thos. M. Marshall. Pittsburgh, April 11th, I$6S. Obsrrvr bib Address. —Persons having corns or bunions, please observe that J>r. Randall, who publishes bona fide certificates of having afforded instantaneous andsubstan tial relief to partios thus afilioted, can be eon suited at his offiee for a few days longer, in Diamond street, four doors from Grant, oppo site the Court Bouse. Dr. R. wishes this special direction as to the location of his office in oonseqnenoe of some persons having called at tho wrong place. Ohiap Olothibo aid Whrkr to But Thru. —The enterprising, firm of Wm. H. McGee A Co., merchant tailors, corner of Federal and Diamond square, Allegheny, being felly awaro of the extraordinary advance In Spring goods, have purchased last fall a beautiful assortment of doth, castimeres, vestings, Ac., and they are now ready to open their Spring trade with superior articles, at greatiV re duced prices. They will sell their goods by the yard if desired, and as they keep con stantly on hand a Urge supply of ready made dothing, customers can be accommodated bn demand, or have a neatly fitted suit to order. The work is all done under their and always warranted to purchasars. Fashioxablr Clgthiig.—Out affable young friends composing the firm of John Weier A Co., Morohant Tailors, No. 136 Fedehti street, Allegheny,-have just opened the most eaten- Bive and rce&ercAe stock of spring and summer goods over exhibited west ef the mountains, comprising some of the most beautiful French and American Casslmeres, Cloths, Cashmeres, Marseilles, pl€;lm » $lO0 BODIiTT ALL WOUNDED SOLDIEXS Ate dow entitled to. dill at once. T. WALTEB DAT, Ueueral Gov’t Agent, 103 Fifth iU, third door below CatboUo Qhcreh. mhllhSweod JUUJIT TREES, EVERGBEEWB, &0. How la the time, 11 yon want large, fine APPLI THUS, Urge XTS&6&XEHS, Ae., at bw (rices, to lendonycnrordentoUUßDOCK'fl PITTSBUBOH AHP OAKLAHD HPBMBnB. OUTCm A. H. STKVKNB, Kligtbi cal Pbtuoia*, le caring all 0880810 DlB> KASX9, both of Ladl’a and Gentlemen, by a saw method la the use of Electricity alone without any tfedidne, or eren any Pain. BQjnp may be had, with Treatment, by Patient* from abroad, *$ reMonabU rate*, la the Doctor** lemtlj. letten applying for drooler* or farther informa tion «iu be promptly anevand. Office and reatdenoe at 14U SOUTH i-XHH SQCARB, Philadelphia, Pasnaylranla, being a central ae vail ae daUgntfal part ot the city. this oat for fatmre raJertno*. epllffineod papbb. 80, U WOOD STBNgT, Urn Morfnutt of BPBIBG GOODS, bought to, fen lbs last gnat adrae* la price. Hn itriM of WALD PAPES, WINDOW BLINDS, UNGLASED AND BATIN 081888, TBABSFABBBB OOBTAIHB, Ao., Ao.f THE LATEST NEWS BT TBLBOB&PH. FROM WASHINGTON. - 5 OUH SPKQiL f)ia?ATCR£S. Special Dispatch to the Geeett« April 31£ THX OOMMISBIOXKR OF XXTliuAlr IT HEW STAMPS, BTC. **C&*&t, The Commissioner of Infernal Revenue has decided that Hotel keepers, who sell liquor, most take out license as a hotel keeper, and Uoenoe as a 1 quordsaler also. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has invented new stamps, which will probably supplant the old ones. Tho advantage is that it puts brands out of the question, by render ing use a seoond time impossible. UVFOUXDID, The statement that General Shields Is to entar on aotivo servioe on the. Peclfio coast is unfounded. Sinoe be was relieved of the oom mand In the Valley of Virginia last summer, he has had no active duty. Me has now pro cured leave to visit California, mainly, if not wholly on private business. PATMIST OF THB’JIRMT. Warrants are passed at the Treasury De partment for the payment of the balanoe due the army of tho Potomac, and of the army of Western Virginia. , The dally receipts at the treasury averages $300,000. Subscription with Jay Cooke Jk Go., yesterday, was $1,311,000. PBRBOI4L. Mr. Robert W, Taylor, late Ohio State Au ditor, entered yesterday upon his duties of First Comptroller ot the Treasury, aa suooes lor to the late Elisha Whittlesey. QINIRAL QUART Told a Congressman now here, a few days sinoe, that he would take Vioksburg this Washieotob, April 21.—The Secretary ol the Nary has received the following: U.B. Flao-Ship Mivbrbota, 1 Ovr Newport Nava, April 20—13 M. ) Sir: Yesterday the joint expedition, con dooted by Gen. Getty and Fiag-Llcat. Lam sen, easily captured the uoublesome battery at West Branch, containing five field pieces and about 200 men. I am informed great cridU is doe Lieut. Lamaen for the promlacntpart be took, plan ning and conducting this handsome affair. . Gen. Getty acted handsomely throughout, and gallantly held the ' battery ’last night, aided by the cross-fire of our vessels. Yesterday the enemy unmasked a new and heavy battery situated on the head of the West Branch, near the Milnorstown Red Ferry, and commanding the lewer Bause mond, in the direction of Portsmouth. From tbu battery, and from sharpshooters on the left bank, the battery was sharply fired on yesterday, without, however, receiving much damage. I have the honor to be most respeotfelly, 8. £. Lis, Acting Rear Admiral Commanding North Atlantio Blockading Bquadron. IWo Bonn Later —Admiral Lee telegraphed here that the number of field-pieces taken in the captured battery wan five, and the num ber of prisosßSS-Ul. JUso, that Lieut. Cush ing reportftbat the dew battery, mentioned In his previous dispatch, had bean removed; that the enemy are retreating, and that our army might cut off a rebel brigade. The fallowing information has been receiv ed here in two days Item UilUken’c Bend, on the Mississippi river, near Vicksburg: On the night of the 16th, Admiral Porter run the blockade of Vicksburg with seven fine gun boats and three transports. The Benton, bitflags hip, got opposite the upper battery, heading the line of vessels, betore the rebels opened fire, which eontinuec from 11 p. m. until 3 a. m., upon each suooes slve vessel as it passed them. The only damage sustained was the destruction of one transport, the Henry Clay. The Bonton had one man killed and two or three wounded. Those being the only casualties. The rebel less is not known.' Washuqtox, April 21.— Offielal dispatches reoelved lut night uj that a portion of Ad miral Porter's fleet, laden with a large Dum ber of soldiers from Gen. Grant’! army, hare suooeeded In running the batteries at Vleks borg, and are now In a oondltlon to either help Gen. Banks in an attack upon Port Hod ion, or make an aieault on Ylexsburg from the loath. | Further by the Steamer Jura. Pobtlaxd, April 21.—The United Stntee Oonaul at Bublin contradicts the rumora with reepeotto the enllatment of Iriahmen in Ire land for the Federal army. The Manoheater Guardian has the follow- ing : ' • . I A short time einoo four men who were quar- I termaatera aboard the Great Eastern, ana who I had joined the vessel known as Japan, whioh was fitting out at Greenock for Oklna and I other eastern porta, oame to Liverpool and shipped about 100 men. Borne of them got intoxicated, and haring learned come seerets from an indiscreet quartermaster, they paid a visit to Ur. Dudley, the American Consul atd told him they bad shipped onboard tho Japan, 1 a Vessel fitted out to burn, sink and destroy ; Federal vessels. Ur. Dudley at onoe tele- I graphed to Ur. Adam s, the American Hints- I ter at London, who promptly called on Earl Bussell, and the latter telegraphed to the Col lector of Customs at Liverpool to stop the Japan. Ur. Dudley had. forgotten to state I that the Japan was at Greefl&ck. When this I became known, the Government immediately I telegraphed orders to Greenook,bnt the Japan I remained, and the Virginia has sailed for an I unknown destination. Additional from If ew Orleans. Nsw Totx, April 21.—Tho following Is ad- I ditional news from Hew Orleans by the I steamer George Waahlegton : I Gen. Banks’ plan ol'iree negro labor for the I Elantatlon meets with dally sneeess. Cheer >g reports from the planter* from all quar- I ten oomtiime to be received. I It wae stated by paroled seamen from the United State* frigate Hiielssippl, who had I reaohed Hew Orleans, that the rebel gunboat I Webb was destroyed in the Port Hudson I fight, and that oar fleet did great damage to the batteries, on one alone of which twenty five rebels were killed. The enemy were sev eral times driven from their gqns, and one of | th«lr bUtorln wu iplkod. _ Admiral i Suntar, hu arrind *t N.w OrIMU with dUpmtchfl. lun|>t wu blookndlag th. month.of th. BU rinr. I On th. trip down from VloHburg th. Ant «n -cnni th. bntfwUi nt Stand Qnlf. Ib. SwlUulnnd and Bnrtford wan bit, bat th. I only thin, nrioni wnl th. fatal wounding of 1 on. aboard fho lnttor* Important from Port Royal. Raw Ton*, April 21.-Tho itaui A, wutn Dlmmor., from Port Boyal .in Sag tort, H. 0.. on th. 16tb. Th. nb.li h.Ts retr..Ud from the .totally of WMblnnton, S-C-. “d nbnndontd nil of tholrbatUrlnonlarßlTor. lb. itoamor Bnort laft Rowbara on tho 17tb, and wu not motoitod on tbolr puu|i “ P don. Foitor b itUl nt Bowbwn. , Arrested* Niw Yon*. 1 April Jl.—Onpt. A. P. Pukor, who U *lb|M to bo In th. omploj of tho n hd|^S<> to brln* 6T« from Butond on of th.; n»w lron-olndt bXldtafta th.Bmp.ror of OMm, hu Hu »rr«iUdh.n »ad ant to Fort Lafay.tU. jlailieu by Telegrapb. —-.April 21-—The flour o&rkat li doUI E?!¥lsot«nele •» WSW* <°r raietaiumua ■ssi By* dal tritlwai niittinZfc ?@H; Sot mi- wu ws v n Yoaz* AdtU XL—Cotton Ann; 1000 bale* . ■ftM '~iUABau> SpeetacUeenden, who Mjlre to the % '*ne of fyli Jmk, the RUSSIAN SPECTACLES 4n ttedflui dill) tbi vtrnMt eiidur*eeie*tt of gc cUiatns. ill Uiatila asked 1* to examine all utbet then tkll epd tuulnt the BrSMAf PEBBLE onea. nu tJ* by i DIAMOND. P*twUo*i Optician ttof ai'*ctoi«/|-' thr Katflat- P*t»bl* mo 13, fifth »m»t Motnio* l cit iioitdiig. tV. <*U 4Alrt - ».t -atattUfeHar-' • -*'fj F , XJK,isri‘rxjfc^H:i vi» 4f> *K2l>tn*Li> PfTrtiKVlKJd A toUaMortmanl of P/TT3Bf'B«a >• f ÜBBV FV&StTPH - eoiO-etly ■j ’ x *• will Mil at tfc • ■ i ‘ ‘» iul6;lyi«a» U AaHi a IAST QUABTaBMAOi tli'.' uFFlua,) COKMS a ABO 821> StJUUTB, > : WMbiSEttO) D. 0., Ap'il 13 b, UO. J WILL BB BOLD.-AT PUBLIC AUC TION, oa THURSDAY, 23J April iattant, at tha Ooral tnr th* Waihlntfon OteerTetory a tot ol condemned BOBBR9 AND MULES. as and; lor psblto serrtc* Bale to eommence atll) o'clock a. to. i»nuMh ( it Uottromeat Fuads tSlcnadl Oil. a. TOMPKINS. 1 ‘ J Capt. A. Q M., U. S A. J Q WcGPIBE A OO . Auctioneer* aplfittd ALUfiN, MpCOKMiCK. & CU., Vallii fooKDftTrflttabargh, Pn. MP Will'aniiip. H 0.901 Liberty street. Kaanfcetnran W 000 K, PABLOB AND HEAT. {HO BTOYIS, PABLOB AND KITCHEN QBATES, HOLLOW WABE, ote., Stool and Gian Hoaldo, Bill ing Hill HOI Getting. Gm. Water eod Ar tisan Pipe, Sod Irani, Dog Irani, Wagon Box«, rfu* gar Kottka, Polley*, Hongera, CarWhoala, OonpUapi and Oastinga morally. Ako, Jobbing and Machine to ardor. Patented Portable Mill, with Steam or Bor— Powor. apl*:oiyri , -J'NBU. * BTONEMAN, MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE WORK, Ban livin on hud ud aihi to order IByS ASI pttAHH goBBKH Witt* CLOTH , HIBYKS, of ah kinds;: BIBDLKB, for Foundry a»i ill AVI WOBK fOB WIHDOWS, do.; BIBDOAOSS, OB HAMENTAL WIBI *OBS, ft>T*ttow«re. As. Bile* of VIKI for «le, tt Ho. 80 KOPBTH BTHKgi, §. H. XUa......~..JA**i 6LOTKD -..-JOHB lOBTX*. 31TTSBORGH FIKG BRICK MAtf . ofaotdbino go. i KISS, GLOVES A CO., Mincfae carer* of nBB- BBIOE, TILIB, OBDGIBLEB, *c., *ufl Amlin la FIB* AND ÜBCOIBbI GLAY. W~CIIMIu. 80. M 5 LIBBBTI BTBEET, opp.«lL tk. P«m’fc B. B. ruunt Dwot, riiul.ontf. P. mr. Order* aw rttpoomn? widted *a7:iya« rpBKTU KXI'KAUi'KU, WITHOUT PAIN. S OUDS7, Dentist, 80. lit BMITHFHLD BTBEK' OAK LUMBEK FOB COAL BAIL BOADB *O,OOO foot Bxs and 3x3; SO, 000 m Bx 6 and Bx 4; 80,000 «• Barge and Ooaiboat Stoddlng; Drbd 3 yean, no* landing and for s»U b j irwu . EIdBIB. 1» UWrty street. jAMIIttL. KtfmiUfeUJd. BJBALEB Of WHQBTB AND UIASOBIB, Office. 80. I< Oornsr of Liberty and IMb itniti. 08d um iwy 4flOSwm f *n£ HAT PROXY . CJUOAB AND MUDAttiKd Q 80 hbda. Porto Bis* and Cuba Bogan; 100 bbU. Oraabed and Oofce Sugars; 100 bbla. H. 0. ffiolawe; UO bbla. aaaorted Bjrop*. For dale by JOBS FLOtP A OO- CIATbUF AND tfAUUifi, ) 35 dotaa Tomato Oatiop, quart*, ]g* i« ** m plate T 5 « Pepper B*nce; In *tw» Md for «!• bj „ _ ' BKYHXB A 8808, •pIS Ho.. Ulnriiai Wood tttwt. RECEIVED TalU I>A* 18 bbla. prime White Eeani; 35 btuh. extra Economy Onions; 1 ear lead York State Boasatt*; 1 ear load Laki f hors Potatoes; ip jt L. H TOIQT A GO. IjABU OIL—SO bbla. Mo. I; DALEELB A 80H, 6. tld 70 W.UT «try.l. LUBUIOATINU OLL. 110 bbl>. pan Duck OrMk : 05 « .»• rnokltn; BOH,* bl ■ptltV • • 4nd TO WaUtalt—t rwnumttc—Kar Wide and Ktfiaed o; 0 *** 00 *"•* utlliU «» •min Wettr«tr—i. tvYK SOOIMS—HU Dbls, Chippol ani AJ #OH *OO., • ,pfr ■: - comer of IlntiM.*bed streets. j i <* * r , '' SPECIAL, JfOTICES. £jf~A COUGU.COLD, Oft AK IR^I TATED THROAT;' If allowed to program, W*Pfj*. in leiou Pulmonary and Bronchial affection*, itmtimes Incurable.' BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES roach direct!? the affected parts, and giro almoat la* «.tant relict In 'BBOKCHTTIsi ASTHMA, and CATARRH they are beneficial. Tha good effect* molting from the me of the Troche*, and their «• tended me, hue caused th:rn tobi ccuhterfeltid. Be sure t > guard aga net worthlets imitation*. Obtain only the peam'n* frocn’i IrowUal 2 rock**, which hare proved their oficscyby a teat of many year*. Pcbllc Bp. ak.cn end Siogor* should use the Trochee. Military Officer* and Soldlen who over-tax tha TOloa and are exposed to sodden changes, should hare them. 4>dd every*!** re, at 85 cents per box. |alfc3mJ*wT ' . Superior Copper Mill and awKT.TiNQ WORKS, Pimtruaa. PARK, ITCURDY & CO.. Manufacturer* of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' ASP I BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, BFALTEB BOLDER; I flan Importers and dealers in METALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, Ao. Constantly on hand, TINNERS’ MACHINES AND TOOLS. WAUraocs*, No. 149 First and 120 Second stmts, Pittsburgh, Fena’a. tfVSpecinl ardon of CbppeT cut to any dwdred pat- Urn. mrßhdswlyT To Nervous Sufferers of Both iCX.ES.—A reTorand gefiUomen haTing been' re stored to health in a tow days, after undergoing all the vsqal routine and. irregular expentlvo of treatment, without success, consider* It his sacred daty to con&unicate to hi* afflicted fellow croatiure* the means or coax. Hence, on the rocolpt of as ad dressed eETelope, ho will send (free)!* copy of Uia prescription n»ed. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAQ* NALL, 180 roltoti street. Brooklyn, N. T. mhllrlydawT ' OIL WORKS. Lone, Miller If Co. Works at Bharpeburg Station, AUegheuy Vallej Railroad. Olilcc ana Wnrubouse, No. 23 MARKET STREET Pittsburgh. Manufacturers of ILLUHfNATINQ and LTBRI OATINQ CAIiBUN OILS and BENZOLE. SlTNo.l RSFINKP OIL, warranted twm-exph>- sire, always od hand. ' oclifalyd Steel Works. uj ao Jonas jobs i.. botp w. a'oct.i#ocoß JONES, BOYD & U 0„ ; , Uauutocturers of CAST STEEL; also, SPRING, PLOW AND BTBKL, STEEL SPRINGS AND AXLES, corner uf Bo* sad First streets, Pittsburgh, Pohn’a. aclfl t a CO&SWKLL m ....., mm .. m ....m~AaK U. KSBB* & KERS, OABUIAGS MANDFACrVUKRS, and BRASS PLATERS, And MaimTaoluitra of . ADL'LKttY AND CABP.IAQU UiBDWABS, Mo. 7 St. ULAIR STREKT, and DCQOKbNE WAY, near t';o Bridge, PIT7SBUHQH, PA £3C*BUKKJS & BAKNES, FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER SAFE, BANK VAULT IBOS VAULT DOLE, ADD STKSL.LINED BUBOLAE.PEOOr SAFE HASUI'AOTUBEES. Hot. 129 and 131 Tfcard aired, between ff.ebd amd SeiiLhJleld titetit—Sortie tide. HWBKHK. LOOKS alwoya uu head. itth36_ ant. c. eoeuaeoe—; ——•—r- u - Auak£ WITUEGW I*OC(ILABS..~ .WILSON MILLER. £g£“BOBINSON, iIISXS & MIL LEES, FOUHDBM AND MACHINIST*, WASHINGTON WouKSf PiUaborgh, Feim'a. Orrics, No. 21 Misui Brain. Manufacture ill kinds of STEAM ENGINES ANL 1 MILL MACHINERY, CASTINQ3, RASGBOAD WORK, STEAM BOILERS AND SHEET IBON WORK. * j •WJOBEING AND REPAIRING done oft abort notice. mb2B;dly COCHRAN & 880., Manufacturer* of IJiON RAILINO, UtON VA U LTti AND VAULT DOOBS, WINDOW fiHUTTKBS, WINDOW GUARDS, Ac., Soa. 01 ground *ir«W and B’i Third struct, between Wood sad Murkc-l, Have oa hand a wiety of bow Pattern*, fancy aud plain, suitable for all purpose*. Particolar attention paid to enclosing Gfs*a Lot Jobbing done at abort notice- nli9 rys. HOLMES & SONS, Sealers in KOBEIQN AND DOMESTIC BILIM 01 XX- OnANOK, OSBTIKIOATEB OK DEPOSIT, BAHK NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 57 Sarkot «iwt, Pitts burgh, Pa. • MTCoUeetlona made ou a)1 the pricclpa! cities throughout the United Statea. 1 u? 22 j3£~B. B. & C. P. fdARKLE, Paper MANUFACTURERS and dealers la BOOK, PRINT, CAP, LETTER AND ALL KINDB OF WRAP PING PAPER. “ . •WHsto removed from No. 'tl Wood street to So. S 3 Smithfleld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. •»*OASH OR TRADE FOR RAQS. , mj4 H. COLLIHa, Por 1 ADDING AND COMMISSION MEBOHANT .nil wholesale dealor In CHEESE, SEEDS, FISH, and Produce generally, No. 25 Wood street Pittsburgh, Pa. ; 3°! J UCTIOJT SJLL/EB. ?DRN'ITOBE THIS AFTERNOON. — . * TKIB (WiUaetd*y)l AFTERNOON, April 22d, at S o’clock, will be so tl, at Davis' Auction; H fifth street, a quantity of iTounhold and KUchon furni ture, comprising Mahogany Bideboard, cdived Sofa TaMe. small hair seat Bock era, Brussels Ca>p>ts, Self-Rocking Cradle, Hlgl* and Low Poet Bedsteads, Book Ca?e and Secretary, Small Desk, U ga Oak Cupboard, large MabogUy frame Looklrg Glass, Chairs. Tables, Mattravts, feathers, Manth Clocks, Cooking Stove, fiiouo Wate, .sc. . KP 22 ~ r G. DAY!B, Aort. Ot'JUW *IUP idUbU i AT AIK/i iUN. —On WEDNE'DAf M«n ? 'INO, April 2M, at 11 o'closk, will bo fold, et Df.vl-' Auction; M Fifth street,onsioperior mwcpsa Tcp Surgr., >P U J. u DaYIB, Aoct, , KUUbAK WIiKKL* BALK OF FURNITURE* CARPETS, Ac.—Oh THDBS DAf MOBKIHG, April i'bd,at 10 o'clock, at Ma sonic Hall Auction House, as Fluh street, will ba sold, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Carpets, Que.neware, Clocks, Lamps, 4c._ , , p2 o t. a. McClelland. Aoct j tiK AT OAKPik'T fcALifi. 3000 YDS. CABPET AT AHCTIOH. At MoKelvsy's Auction Booms, 47 Fifth street, on WIDNESDAT, April 22J, at 2 o'clock,,wiU lm sold, 3,C00 YARDS OABPETB, Including superfine. In* grain, Yeneti&u, Beg* Listing and Stair,la lengths to salt purchasers. Carpets arrangod for inspection on morning of the day of sale. WiL K McCLIHTOOK, rataemen. ; apl :2t EXECUTORS’ SALE OP SAHL’S LIQUOR STORE,—On THURSDAY MvßS tMil Aotil23d,at 10o’clock,by ordered Orphans’ OocrL will commence thesale oi lbe entire stock oi Wlum Liquor*, Be gars, Ac, of the estate of the »a’e SSSd Mil at the store No. 29, coruet ol Market iSeecond streets, and lobe contlanfd archday, SiUall is (old; ihts large and well sjiected skek cf old Wines and Liqnoia comprises emy variety, among which m *l b * *nnme»atod— Over 1000 gallons Dark £randy; *« 200 *• Pale do; « 103 " Apple do; * *» 203 ** Oi.erry do*, ■i ioo 11 Blackberydo, *• 100 Peach do; u £OO ** Extraflnedo; «i poo “ Rye Whisky; ! laboxsaCresm Chetse; . • • 76 newWhlsky Barrels; On eonslgniisnt, for safcbj . i sptß V ;;H. fUDBLK, Ho. 183 Liberty street. pUTIAXS STAMPED IN ;■ THB IjATXST AND BIST BTTLH. I IJ V ' At . ■ , - Hirers. jisacawrr rjiaOiu. JjKNBY G. HAT.R ft 00.,: CMwnla JtmeeO. W«M,! Merchant Tailors, _ 1 Amnovrtoelvlnf tbetr BFBIHQ BTOCH OF GOODS, Adamtod to , flrat daee trade. ehlch hna been aelert. ed trUllireat can to iuetthe approUton ot Jaelr moor frienda tod padroni, and traltn*,., cleat et> tcntkm to bnlneea and Itrict to yet tbe nppnnlef allwlwiAAFfctordawith ecaO. '* ■ i r : j;V, Had* to older In the beat menntr and on reaacaabla 2£t. SSrtnEUnletadimtmanyOTllOSllß. for SUIT. Field end Line Offloere, ee veil aefec the NeTFa tin ere prepared loueenteecdenlntMi line of TUkXaSSIBQ GOODS alvajtoa bind. fflKfypm. JBT.OULIBBTBMW wM j.. ■ gSTABLIbHItD 17GU.“7 PETER LORLLI.ARD, 6HDFF AHD TOBAOOO MAHOT4LOIDMB, 18 *lB OEAJfBEIU STUIr, it Chatham atraat, Haw York ) Wonld call the attention of dfaler* to tbo articles of bis manoJactan, via: BBOW* Short. Mecaboy, Tint Bappe*. Ooane Bupw, Asutkan Ocntlmeo, Laalgroa, Para VlrgiaUTHactaitoch ■> Copenhagen. l YELLOW fcHOTF. 2 Scotch, High Toait Scotch, Irish High Tomt or Londyf.x>t, Beney Lew Beoteh»Truh Hcnej Scotch, Troth Scotch. ••“Attention Is called fo the large Tidoctton In prices of Finest Ohewlngsßd Bmoklhg Tofcacoos, whtoh will be found wf etnpertorqoaliiy. ! . TOBACCO. BvoKTSO»Lonf» Ho. 1, Ho. 8, Hoe. 1 end 8 mix'd, Granulated Frira Cot Gbxwtho—P. A. L.,orplaia; Oartn ditb, or Sweet; Sweet Scented OroDOOo;Ttn TeO Osti ndlth. . ,•'{••• Sxokuio—S. Jago/Spaiisb, Canaster, Turkish. N. B.—A clrcolar of prioeswlil be etnl on appll cation. • aplQr* j gLAIBSYILIiK A BOMB JOB TODHO L A DIIH. B*t. 8. H. BHBPLBY, A. «L; Mall P. P. SHIP LB?, Principal; aided by, a foil ©orpe ef eacelbDt Teacbeis. Acoommodatiani for tlxly hoarding tchoUr*. This Bamln«rj—now la IU Mmthytar —\*Uh lti plaaetnt eorrotmdlngi, ahd appropriate aernmrwo falloPl and appiT&Xll, eontlDOM lo ooa* mabd lualf to all wto d«iire the beak cnltoraln all which pertalna te- feaae adaeatton. ii . Ttua—Board and TtUUcn in. the; regular ooorw ani Latla, par teuton ef five -aadatbi, fOO. Inetra* penial Untie, including Thortogh Baeaevd Vocal Onltore. fte-, ; 6n the moft mpprored method, US. All br.ncbta ol Drawing end Painting, la Water Cotore aadOU, from M t»$U Vrcnoh orCbrtiao, sloj 7ha mat aeerionwiil eomaanoa HAT llth. CUl*,.. «nt on a Proprietor and Principal- NOTICE.— Wagoner,, Wagon Maaters, Carter*, tad all others concerned, art hereby notified that oa and after the VißffT DAY UT MAT, 1863, all persons violating an Ordinance-of the City of Allegheny in relauon to'chitruetlng the Streets, I/aaee, or Alley*,or Oomnnne.shell be dealt mth aocordlng to the provisions of said Ordlnenoe. ]* A. 0. ALBXAHDKft, Mayor. City of Allegheny, Aptil 16th, IMS. oßsniAvoß raatbSOra Divot *at, 1840. Sno. A. That it be unlawful ftr any pui% to obetrue: or eacamber any. Street, lane or Alley, or any part’o! the pobllc Common, byipladng theteoa env Carts, Wagons, Furniture, Flaws, Barrows, or any other kind if property, ao as to pratent or ob- Btinot the free and uninterrupted passage 0! Wagons, O&rriages, Bones, and all other kind of oonvajaaces, 1 at any time; and any person who shall offend herein,, i or who shall refnre.or neglect to rsaove any each ar. I ticl-a when required to do so by the Strait Commis sioner, all, oh conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine, for every offense, of threq Collets, bealdae the expehseof removing the nldproperty, If removed at I the pobliuaxneaie. 1 ; apll:tmyl I JAMKB ta KAmjfi & BUK, Looking Olmmi, "\, A UiiISMN, SHEET AND BAD LEAD, Bitwuui Mam amd i GOOUai NKWpUUDSI A TKBSH ABBITAIi. j LADIES' KINS OOHGBE3S GAITEBS, oi th. latest style- A large aaertmentbf LADIXa* TIN! BALMORALS* of every deecriptioa. LADIES' MOROCCO AND COAT BOOTS* all styUa. CBIIk DRUTB BH6RS, GAITERS AND. BALMORALS, in aonnaanoa.. New Goods arriving every day^. Notwithstanding goods have edvaneed 80 per ceat. Feet, we are still tSUingvery low* v mbit JAMES ROBB; 8B Markststreet.. JJUBBKK BUU£l> BHUKS *" AND BALMORALS, with thick Jnst received at CEO. ALBBES, BOH A O0.*&, U W. OHUKUUMAMi 82 boakh Front street Philadelphia, A feat Her John March J. McKSLYT, Anctlooeer. Hu it coAitinttj lor nto it tb*Jcwwt uA«t prio*. TWj A«h !■ pirttenkrly tdtpUd to tho. «j JiU H. UoVAY * CU.^ (L*te of lb« Ira of W. H. :VolUma k Cm.,) i B ANEBBB, . yPf fcmrik £C.» imt docr fo lW Jf«feata* Boat. : BUUU nj : . • • v GOLD, BILTCBf BASKHOTX9, BXOB&HQS, A»D AU. CLiMH OV OOTMIMin mpillM. apfcSa , 6 V' : ' ; Or/lOUS' CHITOBUB FEULE BEMISAKY. 816 Cheitaut Street, PBILADMLPHU, Impn-un tA Oil Paintings, Engravings, ; Picture Frames, Photography Albums, Winttote Cornices, ifCiy-jßfCfs&C* LEAD PIPE, Pig Lead, Block Tin, ABB '! Patent Shot, NINTH STREET, dIHOIBKATL O. HIW GOODS JOB! BEGHVED MEN'S CALF AND OR KIN LEATHER SHOES SUBS MS BOtJBB, TL oornw WO6J tad tenth >u. BODA Aiß. {jaAH. IE BALBLKiY, “ 1 Piodnu fc fientnl Conmlnioa lenkint, I MMCHAHDIB* |IO(n, - And dMIK lnnU Und»*( OOOHTET PBODUOH. u fcinißßitiraim s"rnmiinan.pt. IJIHK PIiAOE TO GET Tfiß BKST, nMtwt, But dmMn, ud tiy tu th* ckopm BOOTS, BHOK3, GATTHBB AHD BAtiXORAU, M lblta itnrt, •Pld * ' Second dnogfroM Bwii. gOOTft GAITERS £ BALMORALS OBXAP, AT BOMATOH, W ItekH .tort. gOMK MISSES' AMD tlßnniipjffl •Ujbtly J»iM 4 tdflArr«B«Elh»lfiiw, U . yJ] < iwiu»>4 < miu. sase' i._ ti-i *o»rWKESE •• $ *rJ ~ -st vy&f 1 " '’l'Hzt-JzQ-'-fiS'if v*,’! ■ t-* ' v. * " •’