' ' ' - ■■ Jt* * 1- !•' f • • r. -: j-1 'i ’! ; .'1 ' i n i . . .I. :v ‘\y r •’ A- :V f . -- r ■ • " » r * • v . • 1.-.* ; S. ■!; aiife. -V : *- * ’ V « M'/ ■ : .1 « * JK "V • ‘f. , ■ 5 ... * Ui- ‘ ‘ • * S- ti,. . v-.v n ir *’:»• : :•• ■; -i ». Mr*, r-* . Slfelfe* ■•: • i•,•$«" 'i , ’,!;X'' 'l* *.»;■•’•'•> s•?> ‘V^hv i: s' Nv ' * s£ MW-*? imkmm •3.. • • :: ...,.s■„» u : |. v-r-:y:- !$&:-i^i'’^ v * : ' :■ ''’’a.r.t *>. 4fcV*»< •' fYlfc 1 1> t*- tv «*©&&• v :■ J ‘Sf >• V-W^l * r* -^v- J: , ;. *i .* '•' .-■ tv- I, v?::;.- ..Yi-Yi 'YjY'YY '' jY ':> : : : ' ;f :'Y'7 ¥<.■s■ ... . .’ |v. ; ;-'■ , ,:-v ;• -. \ £ -\j| . . . -fr> in-i ~. #•* phtslirgltUax^. MONDAY MOBNINO, APBIL 20. -f Union Documents. We km publtabed the' greet xpeeeh of MejorQen. JJ; T. Burro, delivered et the Coorxe Ixirmne, lneleer, Urge type, on good peper, end erenow reedy to ill order* for eny qnentity et the following prioe*: for "IPO oopiee *• 1 69 ■• “ i,oin) ". . eqeOeieoee •••**•*••••** - « ° 65 00 •* 10,000 “ ...... 100 00 Addraity Qax«tt«, PitUbwgfa, p*. Copperhead Wrath, Logic and Lav The Brownsville Weekly Itmerhas taken up the cudgel* in defeat* of the men in the araenal, who** loyalty hat been called in jjneatien, attorning ttat the/ ate “Demo crat*,” ef court*. Itsaye: “Democrat* are excluded bom all offices, and became a few workmen in the araenal exercise the right of freemen, and a till identify themselves with the Democratic party, three Abolition sheets made an inde cent attack on them, calling' on the offioer in command to discharge tnem.” Hoy doea the Tima knov that thete men are “Democrats?” for eertainly neither the Gazxttx nor Diipatch ever said to. The factmuetbe atanmed; but why it it at tained ? It it became they are impeded by their neighbor! of disloyalty ? It it be came Ur. Laixt (at wat teatified in the preliminary examination,) thanked Qod that Sumter had fallen, and that the gov eminent would go to etioks? Or is it be came of hit .profound ignorance in not knowing, in February, 1861, (at he himself testified,) that Oeorgia had seceded, and was then in open rebellion? Are these the marks and characteristics of Democrats ? “It must be to—Plato, thou ressonest weH,” —provided always that it it the copper head variety of that extensive genus that is meant.' / i i But here it the richest part of the Tima’ artiole. Speaking of the editors of the Ga cette and Diipalch, it says: “They all should be made to suffer for their impunity." Why, thlsis'worse than Dan.! O’Connel's calling the old fish-woman “a parallelo gram.” . Hart we not : good came of suit ' against the editor for charging us with the crime of "impunity 7" We shall think of it; but in the:meantime will some copperhead lawyer volunteer to enlighten us and the rest of mankind at to the exact degree of turpitude involved in the offence which the editor calls “impunity?” We are not suf ficiently learned in the law to make it out. Hon J. P. Penney. : Is accordance witli a long-standing cus tom, the Senate of Pennsylvania; at the eloae of the aesalon, chose a Speaker to hold ad ta (crira. This office is tantamount to that of Demount Governor, and he who holda.it' sneoeeda to the office of Governor in the event of the death er resignation of that officer,'as-vras the case -when Governor Johhsios succeeded Governor Scßaacs:. Gar Ilarriebarg oorrespondetit mentioned the feat that that distingaished honor had ! been conferred upon our esteemed towns man, the Hon. J. P. Pkshitj and we in tended to notice the feet at the time, and express our gratification thereat, bat, in the :multitude of things olaimiog attention, it • ‘escaped oormemory. j Louhukjl CoXTßanaans.—CoL Dudley, pwhoreeently made so successful an expedl .tion from Baton Bouge into the enemy’s . eonntry, writes to a friend concerning the costabuiiU who euno to him: ; “If white men had endued for ooaatry’a ; sue whet the whole ol this party has lor the lait twenty-four houa, thi, war weald kaYe ended long ainee. Most of them ~ waded Uirati|h water from two to fou feet deep, in the dark, for six a&d tes hoars— • ewimmlng aeress hayotu where they could aot wade. One hlaek' Yolnnteers to : retom and transmit a menage to the Ad miral if I will allow him. 'Don’t tell me these men will not fight.” VaxKRXBLS Fkxsscs of thi Uwiox. At the late election' in Enfield, Connect!. cut, Smxoß Looms (father of Lusx Looms, i. of thlsoity,) sgedOC; LsyiMtaoham, aged 95; Timothy Abbe, aged 85; Jona ‘ thanPeaie, 85; Rnfus Parsons, 85; and . Jahes King, 82—all went to the polls and Toted the Union tieket. These six Tener ahle men, whose united ages sum up 528 ' years;' were born in Enfield, hare always lived there, and not one of them ever failed " to vote. A Canaan.—A dispatch from Indianap olis says: The story put in clreulstion by 1 the 'National InttUigencer and re-published, in the Democratic papers, that Governor Morton obtained forty thousand dollars in gold from the secret service.fond ot the War Department to aseist in carrying on the State government Is a canard. “I was smnsed,” writes tbs London cor respondent of the Jlanchutir Guardian, “at the jodgment on the Prinee ol Wales pronounced by that eminent authority on tho value of .a man, the huntsman of the Pytdhley Hnnt, after tho Prinoe’s first sp pearenoe in Northamp touhlre, s few days sinoe. “He rides hard, and he rides straight; he’ll make a good king." It is sain that General Sixxue, ifi his late expedition, had' destroyed half a mil lion btuheli of corn and immense quanti ties of bacon. If there are many auoh dis tricts throughout the Southern States, as this in Mississippi, the rebels esnnot be so nearly starved out as many have supposed. 1 a: WasmsaTOS DUPiTCH to the H. Y Aenfnyi’est smye: It ie now understood that the dispatches rant abroad by Ur. Seward are not so warlike as baa been re ported. A ini Uuoi-iii n be Bout.— Orders hare been aent from the Navy De partment to the government contractor at Philadelphia, directing him to oommenee at once the building of a steamboat to eoit the machinery of the steamer Prineeas Boy al, which was captured while endeavoring to run the blockade!. Ike name of the new vessel is to he the Kaiisaa BxronT plaoeaa corps of: just “forty thousand men” under “B to pew ell Jackson, In the Shenandoah Valley oboe more, ready to move upon the Baltimore and Ohioßail road again; but we have no reliable advi ce* from Winoheater to this effect. Gener al Ullrcy is prepared for any emergency,, and will weloome the.enemy at any time. Havn Pnrattr Got ran Haxo or It.— The Detroit frtt Prtu (ooppethrad,) in ■-■iZrfiWo it« election raturne, heads them "oUwaToa oM aide. and “Democrats” on the other, thus aokonowledging itself op posed to the Unloiu—Chfeoyo Trituu. Address to the Clergymen at Eng land The following address has been issued in Paris, ''dated February lith-lSth. The French original is signed by nearly seven hundred Protestant clergymen of France, eight-tenths of the clergy of all Protestant denominations in that oountry: “ To , lhe , ®d Jfmis tat of all Scan gtUeal Denomination* in Great Britain: “ Brothers, honored and loTed in God: I It is -England’s glory Gut she has given to ; tiie world the .example of abolishing fifit 1 the sUve trade then slavery ltself. lt is I her glory that for , sixty years she haw not 1 ceased to work for the extinction of the I traffic in slaves, and of the institution Cf I I slavery, at the cost even, it is said, of I I fifty millions of pounds sterling. 1 “And it is, after God, to those religious men, to Clarkson, Wilberforce and Buxton, I and te her mission societies, that England I owes that glory. Will not the children, the | successors of these noble Christian men, I | complete this work, by urging their country I I to declare in loud terms for the sacred I cause of liberty for the slaves, in the terri ble struggle now going on in America? | “The civilized world has seen nothing I more-revolting than a confederation, for the I most part Protestant, in the nineteenth I century of the Christian era, leagued to- I gether and demanding their independence I I with the openly avowed intention to main- I tain and propagate the institution of hu- I man slavery, and plaolng as the corner^ I stone of its constitution the system of sln- I very as it exists in the Southern States; I which may be defined as the right to treat I human beings as cattle, with impunity, j adulteries'and homicides. “ Let us lay aside all political considera tions : is there a Christian who does not shudder when he. listens to the Chief of this Confederation, who answers to a de cree of emancipation with a kind of menaoe of extermination ? The triumph of such a cause will put back that of Christianity and civilization for a century, it will oau*e the I angels of heaven to weop, and will rejoice I the demons of helL “Throughout the world the supporters of I slavery will raise their heads, all ready as I they are to reappear at the first signal in | Asia, Africa, and oven in our well regulated I cities of Europe. It would prove a dlsas- J trous blow to the work of evangeUoal*mis sions. And what a terrible responsibility would weigh upon the churoh which would remain a silent witness of the accomplish ment of so shameful a triumph I If there be peaceful means to bring this war to a close j and make it conform to the wishes of all! I friends of humanity, the Christians of Eu rope should give to the cause of emancipa tion such a hearty and earnestly expressed sympathy as shall not leave to those who 1 are fighting for the right to oppress their I fellow* men any hope of ever seeing the I hand of Christian fellowship tendered j to them. “Pastors, ministers of all Evangelical denominations of ' England, Ireland and Scotland, we need your co-operation, your example, your influence. “Place yourselves at our head, and let ns altogether call for a great and peaceable manifestation of our sympathies for the biaok race, so long enchained and debased by Christian nations. We shall thus dis courage the partisans of slavery, fortify and sustain those who are endeavoring to abol ish it, and thus influence them to accept our counsel. “It is in free England that snob manifes tations will indeed be powerful. May we not hope that if, in great Britain, the voices of all the ministers of the Cross be raised, while in France our voices echo their pray ers and pleadings, very soon there will not be in the United States a single black man i who is not free ? I “May God so will it, and bless in Christ, the true Liberator, Great Britain and the United States!” How Gen. Granger Treats the Dis* loyal--Snflerings of Tennessee Be* A correspondent of the Philadelphia Pr«a t I writing from Franklin, Tenn., thus explains I Gen. Granger's method of treating. loyal and I disloyal people: I “There are bnt half a dozen Union families I in Franklin, ont of a population of one then- j sand five hundred inhabitants. The Union I people are put to no tyeonvenienoes, and are I allowed «to go anywhere within our lines, I while the seoessionisu, male and female, (and I especially the ladies, who generally get all I they desire from our eommandtrs of posts,) I are deprived of all privileges, and forbidden I to leave the town, upon the penalty ef being I arrested as spies. When persons apply to the I General for passes he does not ask them if | they will take the oath, or if they are willing I to acknowledge the ftderargovernment,but I I inquires ‘Have you always been a loyal sub ject of the United States?' He admits of but one answer, prefaced by no ifs aad ends. If I they answer ‘Yes/ he makes them prove their j loyalty. If they answer *No, f he informs | I them that he considers that none but loyal I people are entitled te privileges, and grants I none; and all the talking, smiles and taking j of oaths amounts to nothing wiih him, and Ihe gives the applicants to understand that. : j “The misery and sufferings of the rebels I can hardly be imagined. They have no fir* I wood, and in two weeks more wilt have noth? I ing to eat. Not a market wagon Is allowed Ito enter town. All of the rebels are engaged I in cutting down their fruit and ornamental I trees for firewood, and, in many eases, th 4 I owners are destroying their fenee* end out-' houses for the same purpose. Thehaif-a-dozen I Union families, by order of Geu. Granger, are I being supplied with firewood by the soldiers; I and the neoessaries of life they are permitted I to procure from the Quartermasters at govern? I meat rates. Under no consideration are the I rebels permitted to cross any of the picket I Unw, even to attend a faneral, unless making I oath that they will not return until the ter- I mlnatlon of the war." Jndge Shannon. We find the following well-merited notice of oar eloquent and patriotic fellow citi zen, Judge Shannon in theHarrisbug Tel egraph: This loyal and talented gentleman has excited the ire of the copperhead Democ racy, and a regularly organized attempt is now being made by the scribblers of that party to write him down. Hisjgraet speech in the House of Bepresentatives on the caucus treasonable’ resolutions of the cop perheads, is the cause of these attaoks—a speech whioh cannot be answered with ar guments, and hence the attempts personally to assailand malign its author. A Harris burg correspondent of a malignant copper head sheet printed at Johnstown, gets off a good fashioned looofoco lie when he as serts that Mr. Pershing replied to the speech in question of Judge Shannon. Judge Shannon's speech was unanswerable. Men of Ferabings calibre are not fitted to an swer such arguments, and after Judge Shannon had spoken for more than three hours in denunciation of the resolutions referred to, the oopperheads of the House were completely overwhelmed with confu sion—^alterably unable to reply or defend themselves from the charges whioh Judge Shannon hurled at their heads. It was tho neat speech of the session. It struok the deathblow at Fennsylvaniania copperhead ism. And yet, before the coming election is over, anon men as Pershing, whom the correspondent alluded to so highly lauds, wiU have many an opportunity to reply to Judge Bhannon, if they have the courage and ability io do so. The Nxqkd : Tuna » Kiktcoey. — The following negro** wore sold by the sheriff of Jsffsrson county, Ey., on the 13th tost.: Boh Palmer, Hod 17 years. —£lls Henry, aged 13 years..—. 130 Harrison, aged 31 years— 333 Prophet, or Elijah, aged 30 years.... M 3 The Dottlevlllo Democrat announces that twenty-three negroes hare been orderedby the oounty oeurt to be sold by the sheriff, on the 37th Inst., in that city. Hxw Anncon'or Cointxnc*.—Sea weed has long been; used by oil merchants: in Haw Bedford, to cover casks of oU when stored in the open air, and’the same arti cle is now oomlng lnto use in Hew York, to protect petroleum stored in the same nufiCTe PUBLIC JTOTICEM. rps» THR TKtTE LOYALIST.—We, inn, (bat the Kst. ALEX. CLhBK has am* seated to repeal bis lector* upon tbe abore subject, |at tbe beaelt ef tke Sunday School ef the Vint GgagregeUoa of DlecJplae, Pitteborgh. Tbe Ise tarer, sobject end object demand • crowded bout*. apßhlt [r in accordance with the Irdr prorUlass of the 6th Section ef an Act to in. corporate the “Inlaod Telegraph-Company,** notice is toereby girea ti tb* Gorporatore named in eald Act, end tb* Stockholder* In the eerporalim, that than will be* meeting of the eald Corporate Body etthi FBASXLia HOUBX, in the Borough of Gettysburg, on THCBBDAY, the 7th dey of Key -next, A- D.issa. at 8 o’clock In tbe afternoon, Cor the purpoee of choosing* President endsix Directors for toe management of tbe affair* of eald corpora tion DAVID WILIA, JOKL B DABBS*, H. 1. SXAHLB, QXOBOB ABBOLD, B. O. MaOBIABV. jrB*PUBLIO NOTICE. I OmaormPanmTiniß.B.Oo n l Oou UnAnm. I The Pennsylvania Baflroed Oon»p*ay.hweby gins pnblle notice, to all wham It may eonoern, that la pursuance of the power and authority obnierred upon It by sundry provisions of u Act of the General As* eeablyoftae Commonwealth of Penneylveaia. en titled “An Act fee the »1b of the Mala Lias of the PobUo Works, 1 ' approved. May 16th, 1857, it will, on the first day of May, A* D. one thousand elsht hun dred and sixty-three, abandon so meoh of the West ern Ddvisioa of the OanaL lately ftxmi&ga part of the Mdtn Line of the Public Works, and as lies be tween Blalnrille and Johnstown, i(«c«monly known is the “Upper Western Dlrtska,") together also with each Dene, Feeder* and Beaerroirs lying west of Johnstown, as pertains to or are need In connec tion with Mid Upper Weston Division. By order of the Board of Directors. ' WitnaH the seel of the said Oocepeny, 4ba S&th day of febroary, A. D.IMS. J. sDGAB THOMBOS, lue.fr President. i w-> J jrs»s—'T—lB6o-0L l«Sr • PEAKE'S PLANTATION BITTHB&. They purify, itrugtbea sad inrliftAto. Thai) and » healthy appetite. I Th*y at* an aadtdote to «hanga:of vater and dlak. They otwo—**fl*ct» *f dtaripatiou and lata feopa. They attangthan the ayatam and anUran thamlnd. | They aroraat »*« and intermittent trren. ; They purity the breath and addity ol the at—ach. They care Dnpeptia and OoMtipattan. They cor* Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Herbaa. They ooreidverOaaplalnt and Herrona Headache. They are the beat Bitten lathe ararld. They make tbs ran tags. splfo3t SIR GRAS. LYELL’S NEW WORK. —Geological Evidence* of the Antiquity of Man, with remarks on theories on the origin of spade* by rsrUtloa. By BlrChaa. Lt*U, F. 8.8. Illustrated. 1 toL g TO. BAT A 00., 66 Wood at. rpuE NATIONAL, TAX LAW, (Got- X srnmant eiitiea,) with all tbe amendments, compendium of stamp duties, and tbs decision* of the Commlationar of Internal Keren ue. Prloe, in paper, 80 casts ; do. 76 cents. ap3o BAT A 00.. Ho. 66 Wood street. QLXTH WARD PROFJfiRTY FOR O SALK—W* hare Car sale tws 8-etory Brick Pwalltoga and Lota, with six rooms each, and finish ed attic, situated on Ho. 6 Decatur street, near Urn. This property brings a nst not of 10 pm cant., and is offered at a great bargain. Apply to B, MoLAIB A 00„ aptO ' loa Fourth trest. STOCK FARM FOR SALE, containing 115 ICTOT, 90 of whld 1. olmtW, to tCMoful. gnl mMdow, aod iri. tn mn Add. u udurd BfEaa.dth.iK|hrt|nnM frill, U fall tear ing. Tb. build In,■ m. a Ims* m Melon ban. of 9 rooau, good dry nDan . bun SO by 10; aprlng beam aad otter ontbnlldlngi. with Sah pend. Goal and Lißntwwtn gaate.bnnd.Boa. Sitnated In Bomll teniUa. Induna county, ten teJante. walk froa Black Lick Station. TUa tana Is located la a good neighborhood, now to Ohoretes, Stone, mill, do. end la ottered at a graet targetin' dpplyto ntao B. MoLUB a 00. IQS Fonnb at. ALUAtSLE BUILDING LOTS Al‘ PUBLIC SAXJL fiIZTT-rOUB DXBIBABLB BUILDIHG LOIS, Kdots u Um ’’Algeo Property,” iltuxltd to Mo- Clure to viuhto, •fijoiatog lb* prmtrty of tb« Hoim of b«oteS tt PUBLIC AUCTION, sal *ou to the kigbeat bidder vitbeut iirri, on Bi 7178 DA P, Ayrti ut 3 •’efoeii p. m. Txxn—Ona-fourtb o( tb* purob— ara*y vb*u d**d l* ex'caUd; nutotog threu-lburtbf to tbx*« uiul puyttnta, witk tatmit. JOHH PHILLIPS, "I JAMBS M’OABDLBSS, J-OemaitU*. JOHH BAMPSOH, J »p9frgt IJAILKY, FARKRLL A GO, Plumbers, Oas and Steam Kitten, Ho. 129 FOUBTH BTBRT, WASH STANDS, BBASB WOBK, IBON AHD LEAD PIPI, SHEET LBAD, CHAHDBLIXBS, BAB LI AD, GLASS AHD PAPBB SHADES,^ OXDBAHT HOSE, go. WE HAVE NOW OPEN, and aro rapidly f riling, at tb* HEW CARPET STOBE, FIFTH STBKBT, D«xtdoor to tb* Poat Cflo*, A vpbndld a—rtmut of tb* n*v«at aad cbolccat ■tylaa aad bait quallttoa of food* to car Use tb* greaUr part of which w* ofi*r, vbll* our pn**at *t*ck laato, at UANUrACTVBKBo' WHOLES • Lt PBIOKB. *p!9 MoFABL AHD, OOLLIHB A rp rtiANMN—2OO oqscm for sale by X B. A. FAHHBB7OCKB.6OH A UO., tpM eoca*r of f trat aad Ftol *tr*»to. ALUM— 60 bbls for sale by b a. r awnarooks, son a co„ •p Our of flat Wood «tr—U. OAI'tiUFTND HAUCK. \J 15 dosan Tomato O*t'op,qttula; 85 «« e* ■ M plßtJj 75 •• Ptpwr Base*; f n i tor* and tor tol* by BMTJUB to 8808.1 *p!B Ho*. lastud 1M Wood »tr—t rtRANGKg AND LKMUWt*.—I,OOO box** “M***!a*” la stor* *ad tor Ml* by BXTlCXBtoBB08.» apis HaaadUSWoodrtmt. SOAP.— 40 boxes Toilet Soap. Msorted, la itor* nd tor sal* by - BXTXXS to BBOe,, gficmmmwodd *tr**t. OFIOKD OYSTfifia—2o down Bpioed tJo7*KnU«t TW.St.Lort So r Sol Jot rwtlrtd tad fetMbbf i ..... IHMAT* Tit TOED, »»**»» inUlMrtrrtrt. BWSTSSI B^SRSSg-r—- *»'» Jtufa Bow».mvri»fiVQLVKR& XI) Colt’s Old and Haw Medal; Oooparis Double Action; Smith A Wesson's Cartridge; Alton A Whaeloek’a do; Sharp’s do; Tor asla low to the trade by apU JAMBS BOWM. Ho. 199 Wood street. DiBBOLUTIOM. —The Pfirtoenhip heretofore existing between the. rabeeribers, under the firm ofBBOWH A KIBKPATBIGKS, has this day bean dlmalrad by mutual canwnt. The books. Aa. of the late firm wSI be found to the hands of JOBIfH XXBKPATBIOK A BBOTHBB, to j whom all due tho late firm are to be paid, 1 and to whom all persona haring dqims agaiist said I firm will please present them at once for payment. M.B.BBOWH, JOStPH KIBKPATBICE, WILLIAM KIBKPATBICK. PiUsbargh, April 11th, 1869. In ratirtag from the firm of BBOWH A KIBE PATBICSS, I take grant ptoasura In raoammsndtog S£S£ rtrate Ttflfotwd /COPARTNERSHIP.—The aubsoriben hgra this day formed a Cp-Partnaahlp for the purpose of carrying os • Qaoaral Wboks&la Orocery and Oommlmkn burin—, at tbs old ataod. Hon. 191 and IBS Liberty street, under the firm and style of J, HIBKPATBIOB A BBOTHBB, wbsia they wfll i bo'pleaeodto thslr friends and out—era. ’ JOBBPH KIBKPATBIOK, WILLIAM KUHPATBIOK. Pittsburgh, April Utb, 1693. oplStlm J^RMUVAU JOHH THOMFSGH, Buropaaa Agent, Will remora from his praasnt loeatiou, on Liberty street, to HAHD 6TBBHT, next house to the bridge, onth*fiiatof $lOO BODIiTT ALt WOUHDXD BOLDIXBB An now entitled to. Gall at onoo. T. WALTXH DAT, General Sn't Agent, IOS Tlftb it., third door below Catholic flhnrch. mhlfcShraod TJ KZUfijP ALLHY.—Wotiee is hereby XI gimi that the (Utnant of viewaci appointed by the OoimeOi of Allegheny, to slew and iomi damages and benefits anting from the opening of B«sl? Alky, Third Wan. Allegheny, from lto mint temlnos to Magee alley, vai filed la tha Hetrfet Ooort of AUoghonj eoaaty, for oonlmatloa, oa SATURDAY,ApriI 4,1863. . I. BOHOYIB, Ja, a&Sw Solicitor for tha « gbeay, waa filed la too District Quart of Allegheny coanxy, Mr oa SATURDAY, April i, IMS. £m}IOTIB.JI. ' ipitf Solicitor far the elty of Allegheny. GH}RBALU. X OHAHDBLIHBfi. A tot of BIZ LIGHT OHAHLILUBS, or tbo oalohrmUd mI» of OonaUsa A Bakirj hndmu itrli tad flalah. Will bi soMtmj low, U lota to rat. Out bo had at apifcM PRUbUOE. KOW RKGEIYINR X 1009 lb*, pzixx* frwh Butter; ibbb. d* Bgu; BftbtihetbldNlUlTlflHhNi UO' do bright Dried Apptot, 15 buxaa Ora— Oh—ti 16 a— Whiaky Baixato; Oa mnrira—nt. for aato by ipM HeBIDPLB. Ho. 198 Übttty **r—t. JNITIALS STAMPED IN THI LkTX&T ABD BIST STTI.X, ||J j At HUSTS. HTSt—y*d Boto Paper $8 a box. - gAMUKL FBRGUBON, fIIALH O» WMOHTB iSD HBASDBIB, m- OSco. Ho. la Conor of Üborty oad Vtftb rill SAT. HRIMT o all wuom it hay ounokbn. —therobj giro notleo ttut «j wife, HKTTII BOBTLI, kia MtmjUdftod bovd without jost cmm or pror< calkm. I wtH 091 bo for bills coitnstidl)} Mid HBTTIB BOBTijB. SAVOBL D. BOBTLB. April 17th, UgfcSt ' gOMB MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S . slightly dsasfod QAITZBS atlialfprka, si BOEIiAHP*B» 98 lUrfctt Hat. gOOTS, UAITKKH * BAIiMUB4LB CHEAP, AT TAK BBAND S. U. HAMS.—A IniE lot of til. to. ti»nl ot am. lortlMnbtcribtr.jMtraoaiTtdfma OudauU and to mU b, rt. tUrc. « »»r^£ BIHBB A W. W IT f UNfty—*.Hwd itwti TODIES FATWiTIiAHiHdW— 4 cues a-u^^TaShßi 1 'giiQ^dSri SwgHr _IT . —UMBBi H«aJ a-»t. —ft 114 "JR * conn- iLCooOiikitiA'B 00«mBD B£AC JSGfMWJTi jrmvrJLDrmtf Magazines fob hay; it an h ra. Atari* amrtantit new and elegant atytaaef Photograph; Albany, from JO centr epwurus, fr EUlrfli Tb* Bephrt of th* Jetst Committee os the War, j < cants; nfbasa Treets, Nos. 1,1 sad 8, * cents; The CenecripUan Lav, 8 cents; Tbs ianMlis ta*i ID cants; Oomet Oud widLltanv Duties, 10 eeats; Th* Constitution of tbs United Stats* and Unlen Leagao fhdp; S cents. Simvpeat-pald, on I receipt of price. Hfrt* Paper, frem $1 * r*am upward*. •• •• by single package, 10 quiree, 75 oats. 1 ead PabsTs, all grades, (Taber's and others,) (nw 13 cents a dtxra upwards. * Cold Peas, wirrantad tb* best that are made, In •Tsrj respect. ‘ Steel P««»—loomplet* aisortment at lew pttasa. Ssfr opes, kinds. , Memorandums. Pass Becks and Blank. Books frail kinds, at HUNTS. Tb* osbbratad Hunt’s Union station sty Portfolios, 'tb* largest and boat Stationary paokag* In this star* ket, at HUNTS. Bchool Books and School Stationary, at ' H P S TB. ap!B NOTICE:— Wagonan, Wagon Mutera, Carters, and all others concerned. ar* hereby notified that oi and after L tk* TiBST DAT Or -MAT, 1863. all parsons violating as Ordinance of the City of Allegheny In relation to wbitrnettag th* Stmts, Lanaa, or Albyi, or Commons, Shall b* afrit *Uh according to tb* previsions of bald Ordinance. A. 0. ALSXANDBB. Kara. 13Hj of Allfljbsny, April ISth/fiSta. o am* ax as rinao 90a dat or war, 1810. Bso. A That It shall b* tmbwtal tar aay person to obstraci oraaenmbar any Street, laa* or Alley* ! any part of the pabUo Common, by pUdttg thereoa ! enf Carts, Wagons, furniture. Flaws, Barrows, or any other kind of property/*o ss to prevent or ob>- >trust th* be* and uninterrupted pamage of Wagons, Carriage*, Horses, and all other klad of otnTcjancee, ata&y tlm*; and any parson who shall offend herein, or who shall refuts or neglect to ramoT* any ssoh ar tidts when required to do so by the Street Oommis ■loner, ahall, on eonrtctlon thereof; forfeit and pay a flu*, for every offense, of three dollars, besides th* expense of removing the said property, if remoTad at the public expose. "" apl7;tayl ' BKAttd WUKAH. CADMAH * GBAWHOBD, Kanufactnran of *Tery variety of dntahad BRASS WORK FOB PLUMB IBS, STEAM OB GAS-fiTTEBS, HAOHINIBTB, AND OOfPEHBMITHB. BBASS CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM ABD GAS fITTINQ, and REPAIRING proasptly attended te, Particular attention paid t» fitting up BBFINS* BIBS TUB 00AL AND OABBOHOILS. Also, Sole Agent* for the Western District of Penn sylvania tar the sals of MABBH, LAUBDHLL A OO.'B PATENT SIPHON PUMP, the beat tree Invented. Having no valve*, It la not liable to get out of order, and will throw more water then any pump of twice Its til*. splB Dissolution notiok-i hue this day disposed of my Interest In th* firm of TATE, CADMAH A 00. to OADMaN A OBAW foBD, they amnlng all UabUittoa and taking charge of tbe book accounts. In withdrawing, I would cordially reoommend the new firm to my friends and public, WM. TATE, Jn. Pittsbursn. April 16th, 1863. *PlT:lw pLDMBEKS' MATERIALS. CHABLES XULLIXIH, IKPOITIO ABD WBOLISAIiI DKAUB, No. 620 COMMMSC* BT., FlUlodt^Uo. Constantly In itoze, a Unt isecrtsest of Copper, Zinc, Iron and Galvanised Con Bath Take. White aad Marbled Ping Basina. White and Marbled or Bine Cloeet Bulnt, Ship Water Glooets, ooaplete. Water uloeeta of every daoerJptlon. Pomps, Bams, So. Iron dinks. Iren and Enamelled Portable Wash Stands. Vitrified Drain Pipe, Bends, Branches and Traps. Plambars' Brass and Plated Work, ef every da* ■eriptkm. Lead Traps and Bends, Pine and Cedar Hydrant Porta, Hydrant Bods, Plumbers* Hooks, Marble fiiibs, Bnbbtr Hose, Ac, as low as any house in the coob tty. apiB:Bm QBOVK. A BABE OHAHOI FOB A BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE COUNTRY HOME. fb» anbacrlber off*n lor aale Utt bwttM wood* lot hnown m IHB QBOV*, eontalDtng about 9)f mm. dtoaud te the Borough of Sawienlaj, Imme diately opposite the mw Bmbjtariaa Church, and adjoin lni*the beautiful naideaoe 'of Ohartoa Ho* I T*U property pawn minv adranU;« lor a I oountry raudauca, first aaoag which la a amr /oil* I lTettr. Thtoeprisg Is at a point aofllcianUy elented to anabto tba purchaaer to cosaoi tha watar to any part of tha I imaii Tha toll to good, and aa tha ground to saw 1 corned .with jfaa old /am* trim, tba purchaaer will hare nothing to do bst to remora a tow of tha treaa Immediately around tha eite ha may chooaa for hto houea, lay cut a tow roada, and ha will hare all that can ba deelred tor a country home. Tbara to a fine an trance to tba proparty both front and roar. It toimnannaary to aay anything with ragatd to, the dMlnblsMi of tha neighborhood—BßWlCß- LlT IB WXLIi KBOWH. This property will be told on term to nit the paiohi—r. mar Enquire of H.UCZHQ BBO&, Ho. £4 Wood street. •9* PEIOI, SMOO. JNO. FLEMING. spl7:gmd PLAft T AXIOM JUXTJfiittl—Xhew Bitten, oalOte eny others new btfbrethe pabllfl, ere 1 In their effects Toole, DloreUc, Attentive sad A&U*D)iptptle. Their Ivbuh ule Is' the wrt ooncltalTe proof of the hlah eetlmatloa to which they ere held by the public; these gtrlee them atrltl ere ipeedUy eonvlaoed of their powerful medldoal qaal* liies, ead coattoae their ese uoU\ heelth le rector* d, esd both body end mlad therooghly etreartheaed eedlavleoreted. Tor eels in any qnaatUy that may ht desired. bi eiMOH JOHUBTOB, ep!B Corner Bonrth.aad BnHhffeld streets. gPBIHG GOODS, CHEAP POE CASH, AT J. M. Burchfield’s. STUDO HOTJS D» IcAIHDfI ftr SB worth 81 eta. LIGHT OaJLBDJB, •* HX " BO H CALICO* "! SO ** SB-**'. Do. •• SB •* U LAYILLAB, " IB ; •* SO *■ 'Do. « SO “ SB * Do. « SB « n « Do. - n "ST " BLXAOBDD KUBLIHS, 19 to 3T}£ oaata. UHBUUOHID do* SO* OX « Dow !a tha flaw to aokt joor ptnhaMt •» I ar*/MlUfi(oU*p«r ti«Bth«7 wIU BoaoUvteU* TO OIL MEN.— AII jutfljj os j itiiinipm.- Q'JNKUj ft ttTUNKMAA, M AHUTAOTUBIBB OF WIBI WORK, Hat* aiwan on hud and naka to order EBOS All BEAM BOBRIK Wlftl CLOTH j SEKYXB. of ah ktafax USOUS. lor Vooadn w; IuTI WORK TOB WIHDOWB, *O.; 8180 OAQBS, OB HAMKHTAL WIBB WORK, telbnn.JM. •VAU alaaa of WIRR for Ml*, af OTJLOIfi TO OWJNKKti OJF DiMti. BAOKB) Ac^—Notio* ia herobj ffr** to all onan of Diva, Oort*, Orrlif, Boggfaa, Aa, whether raridoat or aoa-mldeat la Dm Otto of Pittahorth,topaj thairUoinmat ttn Tnaaam'a Oflaof tb»Oftjo( ntMudt/MMA AHItT* ohm aot paid oa or bofcr* MAXUth* 180, will b* placed ha thohaada of the Ohlaf ofPoUoa. for coti feetke, nMoct to hla is* of 60 coats fer tbo eoUeo tioa thereof sad aUponoa* who nogtott or nba to tokeoot LtoaaoaswlU boeatyect to a Maattfita bo rocoTarod baht* tbo Major,- dooblo Int awmit of tho He—a. Tbo old metal platoe of tcartooa jean *nat bo maned at tbo tiau Lkoaaaa an takea oat, or pay 85 cents therefor. W. HIOBBAUM, fefctf OttyTt—or^. OBEAOO/fl. OWHIHQ OIL IH BULK BOATS, Are baratiy strictly prohibited leading tho aamo wlthia tho limits of tala ettjr. and>r penalty of 950 fcroachotaao. B. O.OAWYBB, Mayer. PHtaborgh, April 16th, ISO.' apglm NOTICE.— Ownar* at Oil im BULK BOATS aro hereby notified that tkaj . XUBT HOT LAKD THHZR BOATS At tbs AUaghtoy Wbic4 nndar ptnato «f TIVTT DOLLARS. JAMS AXtUBt WfetrtaMtar, Alhgbtay Wharf. VTOTIQS TO wiU «. Xl odr* propoaata for, boUdiag TWO SCHOOL h OUBBB tn Hoblaiott township, op to SAXUBDAY, tht 98th laatoat* lbatralldisatobaNKSSsUlMt itorfaa. Alto for BTQHB WOJLX, at as orach par P«eh. Iha Board of Biraotoia will mast at ifea boom of JAMBS TIDDBBALL on said daj. at 10 o clock a. m.,#barethspcotaaals will fas raeafasd. | JAMBS BOSS* PraaUaat of tha Board. TO FUANITUBB DBALEB&—Ths ondorrigaod womld rwpoctfallyiaTlto U» it. tattoo ol Jl Tvnltaro Doaloa to kb FATIHT 6PBIHO BIOi wkich li snlramlly kaon to to thobtaodard Spring Bod to tbo markot. Tkopaako Hio ntketsrod tad for Mlo bj HIBAM TUO&BB. ahSJtla Mo,lßmrißlodt,Bcdaß,y PObuo autiok—to WhoM it l MAT OOBOBBH.—WCI bo oold. on JTBIBA f, April ITIb. 1163, fwinodtatoly aflortbo mIo of Gor don Stand* in Uio bow Markot Hosao of tkoCßtj of AHo|BoqT| tbo rigkt of o toa jdn' laooo la tho Battsg Homie or Motm on tbo conur of Ohio and Pitt street*. Bp order of tbo tplfctt OOMMCTTBB OH MABKKTH. RBMOVAU— J. a. liiUtiJfiTT 4k 00. htn parebaeod tbo CITY TLOUBIHO KttL, and baTo ronoTtd to tbo MID. eornor Liberty and Adam* otroof. Woofcr to oar tesareastOMn and tbo pablio goooralljr, cbotoe toUablo FAMILY. FLOUM of o«r ova fluaabttan, tad olio St. Loab Tmn JamSih aobraady. ♦ Srfw diiwil b Mti A P. or b op kwt cl UodHj A Baboon, 80. tt Wood ttroot, vDI ro* eotfoptqjpdHttomtten* -r , -'. J. 8. LIOfIWT A 00. r IiiUKJiW OUt—4 bbli. linsoed Oil ; U PKUa> F lAOBBC--10 bb b. primo Dr. Fmolmk VIMMJ BBtBBTX boxaonfeo W. BCattlaiOo—j ■ ; j v" HtMiPlflH Haakon OboMo: QQjHBBCHBBiB-SOO box— flnohw SoT« Ur*. Uuannunnniß-miuu t>t>ii.La«*i>r*tac LAMB HBBITBQ—IIP half bMH. apid wtmtm+tmThk, iWbrtrtnrt. jjKDUOTION nr ' DRYCOODBI White, Orr & Co., (SoeoMon to GEO. B.WHITE A OCM No. 36 FIFTH STREET, How oftr their Urte .tocfc of JVtw Roods at Reduced Prices. I' Tha attention of tha pabUo to raapactfaHy btrttad* ap!7dt COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS AND iItUL BUnUi odl* dtj nA.Miffe. boring towM, u* .w^oUdliF iwmi to imTm ooritoofcof IHHIHSB. HOTIOHB, BOaIBBT A OMTIS, KMB&OIDEEIX&, BIBBOHB, BUOHBA LACIOOOIB. BXAD.DBX&SXS A m iHSrvoobbem, B.IH ABD SDH - UMBBELT.A&, FIBS.. (■ As! thoniioßl .Bill BllolM 4 ou Um o, biali—. F.kirm kuA* Urgoanlwril mImMI itock r- ■ ' Bought whoa prleto woro from 85 to M por cut. low thmt |wwt, «ad h*Tinf oddod cmr rprtnc runrtnou nfmi oooao, bought *i ftnt biado •«» < on tho aost tofontto tan*, «• mco ptopusd to ««r adTaatogMlmprioooadMlMtSo&ogaol teoaybouo MStOrVMt. , _ la ov WHOimu ltotimß, m thfconioad thM'Boocßf vfll bo feud istußTi —uilnnN o< tlw artidM mwnUdtboTfc' Wo tboxofeco oolkit o coil froß oil bayou. —and that with wrlnawg od fedOtko «o «oa giro thoa boigolaa taLtho fnlitj •ad prictoof oar goods. D. 8. L R- O. OLIDE. MACRUM Sc. SLIDE, Mo. 78 Market 8 tract, iU - .jihUMlwtthtadttilHnwj. JOBKPH HORNS JtOO., n ud TO Market Street, AmmUbC ftt kb• LOWBSTOASH FBIODSU*tr cboicottJectionof UTBBOISXBCn, OOLLAbSjJTO AH© BliMTia. uiiiAHD LAOB HAVDOBOHim run vnDLi woBKi. mpaaoa asp mbUtikqs. surrcxMcn, warm oobsbu, HBAMBBBBIB, BBAPHKS, GIiOTBB. I hootby, ! «, I wimnwiTiin, I TBDDDBQIiBd Borxon. They also k—p ooMUaily on hsmA aa —cirtmant off WOmSTHM, ©BAM. YABHB* THOIi SBPH YB,pnv^u©*A*Sß,*o« LADUEB* * OHTTrPlira OTDJ gALEOF : • Dk¥«OOD% i i AT ' ' : S 8 MABXST BTBEBT. j I Maw Drew Goodi, , I Bacque*, 'Mantle*,- ' Cloak*, 80k*,; Shawls, 1 Housekeeping Goods, I , Gout's and Boys’ Wear. I CHHAPI OHSATICBIAF! I fcpll •' • Ho. 80 FOPBTH HIH. rpo OOUHTAY MfiBCAANTOAAJJ X BBiLBBI. EATON, HAOEOn * CO4 tbimmiho*, hoot (Kan, ■xnoiDntH, anrima, : bibboh, uuaam, oolubaxim, HOBIHT, QTMTMM. ZtPHTIS, TASKS, WtllllaßiWßgf _ SMALL WAB» ABB BOYXOBB. Thoiovprtco* atwhfab oar rtockwi* perchfd oaafcb* goto oftrgwot fndaoaMHb touTtT aad OOUHTBT KBB&HASTB, MILUBBSTand FBDDLBBjSand aO vbo bo/ to aH again. “ ■m JgAStOAINB IK DBY BOOJJB, un, x*AßOT*ca’s, tMimnAi > mni.AD«kßr. (HtoMnltiMittMlMi) UMk lm lki.lM fcUia ail ltnlin ■sb MnlnißaiißiTtaTaßii VnmUrnm •X atS«Mk||-MnUia mIHM 1 ! aM Utam HaalkaeaMßfcMeMWai ka. :•:ittmmm~ ut>t b.a.bahwtooeb.soh*oo., •air «oitttlWi>** At . ALEX. BATES’, j n mmnm Dll' «OOJ>*. £JBW GOODS j NSjW GpQDBI 5 EATOfl’, HiCBIIM & CO., 1 Aw p» r ofdai » thclui ti+rtfm rf ZBIXKIHG& ! ’ XXBBOIDIBIBB. BXBBOXB AHBXIOB, HOfiODITATOoXottt. :■ EBAD'Bttffiß AD , Hm BPBIB AJTB COBata. ImtiMBTOOLTiAia Aaawia. * f I«PHT» A.HD KgnroST’. * , Bus AaDKinuiuuiuES Goods & N otiorts, UmtlutlU tbtXUßtlaart , [|l AMD KRini BUnit, f • 17andi9«fth8tn4 WHOLMJ pit m] ;| S&ASJttm 400 DOZEN, -AB riH>, wUM U 4 eotcni, ' f | SHA KIS HOODS, \ ■ ! ' : -V . AtunaTßAxliUsmurnKM,; FOB CASH, 'r xAraraaGunn’l j . HfcTtIUSDB M«>Wgthi»d WwO: -aplrtl gHAKBB HOODS STRAW GOODS, | ; by itodaii of Doaeu, OBIAF VOS CASH, AT i JO6HFH HOBOT 4. JXVO, TTeadTh Backet etiost. wtsm, - -t : wxmt* gFKma | De Trfilnes. Of Uuamitityliiaadol U»kMt««iU(i* J FOB 25 CBITO, ■ ■ ’’ ' !' AT- | L j| ALBXAXDE&B4TOV nrimmin. TOST OPHNKD. . l«Mi aOKKU BAUIOSAIi MISTS; MALTHA LAOS 09LLAS8, ebokartyiaq | . MAL SHALL OQMM,n*w«tyk«i I nnOH~BOWS I sattMly m«i ■asos. haqbhk * oo« iplß ' Mo.i» Fifth etweC MorcHi&SMJm. t . tbmtw. .»»,fM, _H.Ona( mum. PMCMor - —rmil»BoM,jg GOi ■»- IkalihliMilaillClthMiallMi anbi (MH mai VkaQy (AH V oafel wH*«fll maatlihiiaHMk •AtVMHIiOB •Tfiith t THE AfiTFUL DODMB. 1 wJb.nnov. oDPranua. nmvrmnmJL OLD lilDDfg. {j^KJLAPP * f STANLEY* Oft'S POIOFTIGOEAKA OF THE WAS. Deplotbc •& Vim mats of laportnoe fren sumib xo KVBvbunoio, With the met I■trioetomchtoery >M mertHf •■wta* ew exUMtlea ht. - ; . e: • • ti; T . ' BUMMnCIUU., t 'imnnik ■VttßMOß,tnmf |OkMtaaU Mala. OQKCKKT SOS TEH botbitoithb ■ ■' • ir■■ w ' BUBSI6TSVOS 00X1QTTXX, Bjtka paffla aad fHiaib of Mr. O. Tatatom, yd Ua|ha at MjmmM HaH oa TUBU)AYBTSX xzftf Afcii tut. ; r ’ :i 3/ Omi mllta*,aadat thaaueioaadtni atom. Thtaa, EOoaatt. . Bff . jnLAlBSfUiliB ■; FEKAJE.B SEMINARY. A HOMB 808 TOijHQ likDlßt. Bit. AH. BHBFI.IT, aJ tLi Mai*. ft BHBP. LBT.TrtactaaliaiaatkT a All sent 1 oatal TMOMKSa JuoOßWdlßM' fOT. mUtf- hdlttK kMan. TMi BflwiTy nn» lalSSswatty—r —vttklti saxxoratt&cf, u 4 mmditt fwniiikiniMU sffrnto% cantina: to eoa andtialftosa jwtentobntbs best enters tai& srhiohnartalMtolmslsotatofttom. Tim ilwrilsnfl Tnltlfin'ln iTr ifiilii mnia u« Utaf w Mtouf tn Mte ImM ntil Masto, twisting Tkfo«|irßM nd'Tal Oaten* Ao* on tt» .Mtj imond atkOMUs All Innnlia d Pawing saA. PnUlt&s* Is Wtoaff Oaten on* 011* from |6 to $ll. c Track orOsnna, •10. Shs;ms pawn will rnwnni IUTiUL Ostotef—nat m twHctlnn. ...>. mflOJw TropftotarEndfrtnctnC XrOTIOK.—In Moordtast with th* JJI |g mitimo<**Aa Ist to litis flat a Tin sms MiwtimiliirOwwiyt 11 iwwti A|d U« IMS. tbs udatiSsftmfiToMß Jssto to iMtnninitaito tka stock of mUOamphan «n tiamklßMHskthsßOOtt ti# TBB BOAID OF tBAML sn fMrtk stmt. Ito twscn tkabsnrs «( ton rttockn. m.aad Aw ahana,af MSfer •kaea-tl I«r Man to ka FaUla cask at tka tteta af aaliarTltHna.aattl»lnmlattT tanaatflOlaatx, aaaatkatkaeaaßae. ; Ittiaviikliic tshfaHaa In HgS of Jr. It COOMB A o>„'Baak Black. BUtt attest. I THOMABILHQWB, loosHSifaea. • i • JAHBiItOOOFBB, J Thtaknik.Baenklk.lBat;. anatt Rithhiatt pbbet.b hpbOTAOUB. -Bctarttkatuttai the attaoka <1 Mb gattgls flees, wkaawfca «»tka «■»«•*' SUBSIiX PXBBLI snOTAOUS' u2KS*ffto^K^s2 ■aaotacfi tkaa can aataaaalaa IkaBWOU nBBIM oaea.;. Bar Bala kf. i.-! ■:. I I. piAHOHyTififUaal