The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, April 13, 1863, Image 3

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■bwooimkul Onmifion for tin
Mfe.byS.l. Star, Optician,No. tSFifth
•tzwt—oorTMt*d dally i
am. nr sxadu.
9 VtiOtik* L XtNNHMmm 00
L 3 " 00
■' m ■r. 68
littwirtg JLi « 29 7-10
V.Coari Eeiozti* I
: "Ookso* PlAll, OKRUXt' OOOST, Sm. I
Piwnim Hot Jams* P. BraMXTt.
iiaaun law Jums—Ho*. Tkosas Hkllos. I
IpkgMttnXiiv Jvms—Hox. e. h. Stows. I
H.ißWtiTi JiTtin Bn j Biofi. I
y—»lT t iTi *t*r of March; lit Monday I
h Jot; let Monday of October; 4thMonde? of 1
Deeamber. dtyi-Hnt Monday of each
month* and tha fiat day of each term.
Trial takm non till first Monday of each
l earns* at issue onthe fourth*l
Sheriff 1 ! Salesi oa the first day of each term. *
Argument Lists takas tv on tho Monday succeed- |
tag the conclusion of jury trials.
.District Coatt*
Amoguxb—HOX.H.W. Wnxtaxa.
Tm Dan—The fourth Monday of January, April,
July and Zforsmbear. Detain days—The Ant Mon
day of y* irn"ttb aad the first day of each term.
BhailTa Sales on the first day of each month,
Aaonaorr Ws**— Monday# April 6th, and every
aea» w|V thazeaftar.
' fnr Mch day ccssljt of the first ten open
ArmT Committee of Western Penn
syleanla Representing the United
States Christian Commission.
An Amy Commutes, to operate as s Branob
sf tha United Btetsi Christian Commission for
Was ten PsnnsylTaala, has boon appointed in
Thalftrtinyi'flblsiHise* ComatilUe, a local
organisation, which hat boon forwardlig hos
pital storss, for mors than a year, has trans
larrsd to tha Christian Commission, its store
room and stores, and has united hastily with
tha Hatlanal Organisation.
The United States Christian Commission,
under nil sanction of the President, the
Seerstaries of War and of the Nary, tha Gan
•roll commaadißg the oimici of tho Union,
«nd tho Admiral* ©ommondiag its iquodron*,
4a nnptfod to alnliUr, by it* own Tolontw,
* mold dolaiatM,—ohrutiau gcnttomon or the
hlghMt mpeetobllityi—to tho wanta, religious
uutf temporal, of ewy non, on lona ond on
mo. wearing tho notional uniform.
Its plan ii to boro ot lout one mini*ter and
•at hf iihptt in ooeh brigade of tho army
Md iadi aqnodron of tho noyy, to preach tho
tfocpel, hold proyor-mootingi, roUovo thoalck
mm d wounded, instruct and eonaolo tho dying,
wrls* to tholr friends nt homo, noolro ond
Aiatn'bato tho Scriptural, hooks, papers, and
tfUata. jrlth elothlng and comforts, and as
oomnany all with words of cheer to tho men
frosnlhomo, and with prayer to Sod for Sis
blessing upon thorn.
Three hundred and serentj-four man hare
ahuady enlisted as delegates, many of whom
on still in the Sold and nt work, whilst
> otters, as ‘minute men, hold themselTei
fee dr in case of a battle, at a soomsnt's warn
ins/to strap on blanket and hnersaok, tike
the express train, and go form to minister to
■the wounded and dying.
• skns, by tha hands of its own salf-saeriSo
l.r, respectable, responsible delegates, tha
•Commiision planes whateoar is eommltted to
it in tho hands of the wary man for whom it
da contributed, in the most direct, speedy and!
meaner, anhanoad by kind words and
daada from those who make tha distribution.
Heerly arsry sßoa and storeroom of tho
V rte-.-i«sS«» Is giran rant free for its use;
. Boulr erery employee glres bis serrloot with
-1 out salary; nil railroads afford thalr facilities
•liber free or at half prioe; onr the wirea ot
tSMM sailaa telegraph oompanles transmit
dispatches to and born tha Commission with
•out oharge; and tha SoTarsuunt gins free
•transportation orsr all it* lines.
- Xksa the money contributed to the Chris
- Na.o Commission goes directly, In publications
nu 4 stem, to tho relief and bonsai of the no
ula men of onr amy and nary, with no material
■u-iuatlon lor 'salaries, rents, freights or ox-
r’oVtk* A.MS boxu ud bunk of *torw, [
*153. MO, contributed up to this date, I
failed of reaching the very
to be benefited by them, and I
Sat by thfifca&& of delegates, with full sane
ttooof th. uthoi'ittoi, Ban jet npwjnW
4k. kuw 'of tho ism ud oommudod tho
Bhriiaitothorn. Aa* to. *>»,«# to taon./
bootowodoa tho CommtoJtloahM aotomplbb
•d. work which ocold not h»n bom doaofor
... .1.. tho meant if .12 emplojn.’ ud I
bom ntorlod ud kU'feeUltloi jndd foi
work, todwd, which w, howonr Urge. oou.d
sot bin-bom neond.
. ZB. Ohriitlu Comminloh ngud. our
br»Td' defeaden u an, 4oot>, hub kodio and
eoofr, and alms to minister to their wants,
Aoth temporal and spiritual. Bodily relief to
suffering men is important and imperative;
without it, religious admonitions an In vain j
sad a mockery. Therefore, the Commission I
Twelves and distributes clothing and oom- 1
forU.ind tends relief to the sick, wounded, I
<and destitute, by eTery one of its delegates.
instruction and consolation are 1
still, and the Commission, 1
, white meeting bodily wanU, does not forget |
- «that God made men lattey nw to live by His |
•own precioui Word, and that “(here is no—
• mother given nndsr heaven amongst men J
whereby we eon be saved** but the name of
Uhe Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore studs as
delegates only such men at love ths. Saviour
.ud HteWord;and delights to point others to
the Lamb of God.
ffer economy, dinetneis, eompnheniivs
sees of tim, and sertalnty of sxsoatics, no
other agehey since thedaye of the Apostles I
Muais this, and as a field tho world never
mroeented erne of greater Interest or premise.
* What a call upon all who belter# in the I
• 2»ai4 for help I A million of men, breasting I
the tide of rebellion, - suffering the loss of I
heme and heme internees, and of ail religious I
'privileges, subject to the perils, eatamities, I
iand ridssitude of eamp and battie-field, ex- I
ipoeed to the inctemeney of winter, appealing;
- us for help.
.From every division and squadron comes
the pry for dslsgmtes, dothlng, comiorti, and,
losdm* dls for tho Word of God and re*
Hgious seeding matter.
Then# fo& movements and battles art
at hand. Thouasds will falL And now is
tbo time Ut renewed, generous, intense effort;
lev M the night eometh** speedily to many of
Whrave defonden, when, atoi, help will be
too UU for them.
The following persons compose the Army
.Committee of Western Pennsylvania:
•h ...a Bov. Hxaazcs Joxxrxa, President.
: Bobt.O. Tom*, Secretary.
Horn Boects McKxiaaT, Chairman.
joexHi Aoeiee, Tseeswer.
''■tSSSS?'- hSSS.
w n oowwil. D.D. 800. J. K. MooriiaJ,
M Wta-Pn»teO.
U nZma!ch2h fMWhScKolght,
» O. FollM.bc o.
“ „ nfnSbS. Jmw. McOMdlew,
U . o. Axbuthnot,
' i t-fSut. J. G. BakoSen.
.< W. J. Brio.
«« Bsnben Hiil,
.« j, D, Herr. . ' ' |
. Zb. iter, room of tho Coamlttoo U to tho
-wubhosMof MmiiF. Wijbu A, Son, Ho. J 9
[SmIUIoU otnot, whmo all oontrlbutlom of
BciDllal nppUu ui olothtog m». 80. cut.
huiy mM Blub, toft ot the .tor. room, or
»b. TiMunnii Mr. Albroe, No. 71 Wood
stnot. ''•l •_ ■
zh. Harxtobaig TtUgnpluJi
Cutißrotaraodto tho St*U&plW oalri
-4bt, dlroct from tho Army of tho Potomw,
Whoro ho had boon to doßnUt»tlon ud oxam-1
- tiatloß. tor tho parpou of promottog tho iuo-.
ooti of tho rotoltotmont of thoi. whoto tomi
of oorTtoo will .xplro to a to*
I thto. thb Inform.ticn to.thot ho hu bou
highly laooMkfttl, ud it ii tb.r*for» boltond
-fiat L tout-two third* of tho ato. monUu
mu will rotoltot iSUt th« h»ro h»d a month*
Itluro ud ronutloa at horn*.
RovsTUM i» ALtiflnnnT. —Six mon wero
u i»»»i Colt,
Boold Dorte imk-
J «f th. DlißOid, white
Ltwte oad 3.W. Thomu
£S2£d o n th» &>*th Oonuwm. : Both
disorderly,»»4 u»y*«•
«Olte OOCh.whlOhthoy
A Btni|e Proceeding.
On Saturday evening, between i»« n and
eight o'clock, an unknown man was discover
ed peeping through the windows In the resi
denee of Hr. A.; D. Hiller, on Esplenade
street, ia the Third ward, Allegheny. He left
the front, and pirooeeded to the reir of the
j dwelling. Hr. MWot wm absent at the timo,
I and on being Informed of the suspicious move
ments of the individual, Mrs. MU|er hastened
to seonre the bade deor. The stranger, how
ever, before she had time to fasten Ahe door,
and as toon as he got intide he turned thp
key in the look, and took possession of it.
Mrs. Hiller then fled in the next room, before
I the maa had time to pursue her,and looked the
I door to prevent his entrance. The children
I escaped from a window while the man was en-
I dsavoring to force open the door whioh Mrs.
1 Miller had closed, and the neighbors were
soon alarmed. Sevoral xqen gathered, and on
looking in they found that too intruder had
I given'up his attempts to follow Mrs. Miller,
I and had ooolly set to work to help himself to
[ some viotuals which he found in the cubbard.
I The house was entered, and the fellow was
I oaptnred without much difficulty. He appear
! od to be insane, and the men, instead ot turn
ing him over to! the police, permitted him to
esoape. His conduct was very ®»an«, ftad
quite unlike that of an ordinary thief. There
was a considerable sum of money in the room
to whioh Mrs. Miller fled, and his object may
I have been to get-posseailon of that. His can
duot, however, after failing to get into the
I room would negative this supposition.
If insane, his insanity is of that dangerous
character which would warrant his arrest and
j confinement. The police may succeed in ap
r pretending himi
Our Book Table.
iIADQi; or, Night and Morning. By D. B. (J. Dew
York: D. AppWton A Co. Pittsburgh: for salt
by B. 8. Davis, 83 Wood street. 407 pp. 12mo.
Whoever will read a few pages of this story,
we ventage to promise, will not fail to read
on to the end. Its heroine, Madge, (or Mar
garet,) Foster is such a one as nature and
ooflunon life, In [their manifold possibilities,
may produce—and the reader, from the very .
first, will find himself taking a very genuine
living interest in.her fortunes. Indeed all;
I the eharaoters of the story are very well eon-
I oeived, well drawn and consistently sustained
throughout, though in a few minor points
probably some mistakes could bo mentioned.
On the whole,:we should describe it as a
I healthy interesting story—and commend It as
| one that oan but do good as often as it la read.
I Man’s Cat, am God’s Goacxous Ahswee. A Con-
I tribuUon toward the Defence of the Faith. By
I the Bev. B. Franklin. Hew York: D. Appleton
A Go. Pittsburgh: for sale by B. 8. Davis, 93
Wood street. olpp.lBmo.
The views of- the author on the important
snbjeots with whioh he deals in this little
book, are very stated, and maybe pro
fitably examined and pondered npon by an y
reader Into whose hands it may come. It
><m» at a elearjand succinct defenoe of oortain
foundation-principles of the Christian Faith,
| and is especially addressed to those perplexed
I with doubts, whioh have been excited In the
minds of many by a class of recent publica
tions. {
Cane Presentation.
On Friday evening a splendid cane was pre
sented to Lledt. Thomas Matthews, late of
the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, by
his fellow Mini glass blewers, of Birmingham.
The cane was manufactured from wood taken
I from old Fqrt Duquesne, and is surmounted
with a gold head, bearing an appropriate in
scription. The presentation speech was made
I by Mr. Jenkin Jones, and was received on be-
I half of the recipient by Hr. Wm. Matthews.
1 After the presentation the party present par-
I took of refnMhmsnts and parted, wishing
I that many such, happy meetings would be
I partidpated'in by them.
Lieut. Matthews served in the regiment
I commanded by OoL Knipo, in Banks* division,
j and was in the memorable retreat down the
Shenandoah; He was also in the Slaughter
Mountain engagement, where he lost a leg, in
I consequence of which he reoeived his dis-
I charge. : :
Chauqi ut.tbu Liotuxi. —We are pleased
to announce u newfaoo to deliver the graphio
descriptive ttoturo with the Polopticemorum,
now on exhibition at Masonic Hall, and that,
faoe a familiar, and one, wo think, woleomo
to the most of our citixshs. The forming and
delivering of a proper address in connection
with this monster painting is the one great
: feature of the entertainment, and we feel per.
I feotiy oonfident this duty oonld not have been
I entrusted tolmore cireful and capable hands.
Look out fosh |rand rush to-night, for this
master piece of art has but a limited number
of evenings !to remain.
Tw....«ilTh» tod.totlg.hl. U.biOBOO, th. “Yutw,” »!tor . wook’i trill .t
thii utohltohmut, hu ben tri«l ud found
wuttog to! nothing to pleu. tho popator
..... Hi# TnahMißlp will oonttouo onothoi
wuh, daring which timo ho will nppur in a
*#i3*B of geaalno down But chuouii. Xo
nlahv th. n*w pii*. drum of th. “Btook
o—a* wrlll bb pruutod for tho. fir.t tinio, to
gothn W.’thkh. “Xuku to Chink.”
Ain muilnk of «h» Army Committeo oo
Frito? .voniog, n xoulaUo, ,u «-
qautinE th. mini*Ur. of th. two ottlea and
boiong&.to toy th. etolm* of th. ComaiU.ioa
Ufore oongrogntton*.•'“ l ".“p ”'.
: tion fox iheiCommission on the National Fast
pnbtto touting trill b. b.!d to Chrlit’i
Mothodtot Epiioopal Chcroh, P.nn rireot, on
Zharidny *r.ning next nt t-A 0
FueeealS^—The funeral of young *
who was kilted on Friday night, by being. ..
over by the Daqaesne Steam JBogine, too*,
plooe yesterday, mid was largely attended by
the firemenjfind eitisens generally. The fun
eral of George Holmes, late of the Gist Penn
sylvania Regiment, was also'largely attended
by eitisens, soldiers, and. the fraternity of
Odd Fellows.. *
Db. Joess. —Those who desire to avail
themselves of the servloe of Dr. J. A. Jones,
the well-known physician and surgeon, should
not delay maoh longer, as the time for his
departure will soon roll round. Those re
quiring medical treatment should call at onoc,
as they eenhot have the benefit ot personal
treatment if they delay much longer. The
doetor*s rooms are at No. 47 Smlthfield stroet.
Raes CotKß.—At a recent sale of coins, in
Philadelphia, a cent of 1793 sold for one dol
lar; a half bent of 1793 commanded a similar
prioe; a cent 9f 1794 brought one* dollar and a
half; a ten .dollar gold piece of 1795 sold for
sixteen dollars .ana a half.
□OLMBB—On Fritter mor&iag,at 20 minutes post
S o'clock. MtflHlß. oaoch'er of Natheslel end
6o*an HolsCi* agwl 5 y*ars.
Tho fonnal will take plaoe at 10 o'clock this
(Monday) HCasiEQ, from the residence of her father,
So. 107 Fean street.
KIBZE&—At 8 o'clock a zn., ALBERT T., eon
of Jacob end WUhAlmio* Riszer, aged 22 monthi.
. BCOir-On finnday morning,Apiill2tb,JOSEPH
GAZZ AM, Intent een of John and Olivia Bcott, sgod
9 months.
The hmei al wiU take pleco from the resldesco of
his psrratfjat East Liberty,this (Monday) svxaiia,
at »S o'clock. CtttiMM nUI leave Ur. kH. Pat-
I torson'a stable at i o'clock.
osnter Shop, Tlrgln alley, ab»ve Bmltkfisld street,
WANTED— A Man can khkp a
Hotox.—To a man with the neceeiary experi
ence and capital aa opportunity la now offered eeUom
Übs met with. For particulars apply to
mMOiEt Perry's Block. Dnqneroe Waw.
».«, (wonoded in arm at Battle «f Anttotom,
-toichprvTantj him from wortlng at his tradel)
•fakaa naUdatfon at, anything where heavy werk li
at present. Enquire at No. Bfi7 Libert;
«A *. 0. Bo* ua, nttMn.l
P O.” ■ ~ ' fe24:tr
OIOUU lABH, of 34 mm, all ondor booß, |
V with a two-itorj frama home of *l(ht
orchard of grafted fruit. Biraa
udf&SaS >S th» Altotto
>o3 Tonrtb
UJkNLNU.— O. Besoa will open on
nilßA*. 10* InUik'luadmM MBrtjMt
jsssk-™»■Ksixiiss' ■
I VV. AllwhwWt
OAfiKL. WALh i'AriSK-Uttion, tec
P «•“*»*££j^Ss£Mnft&' “tLl
PcuuTlfaiia Legislature.
Exported far the Pittsburgh G&xette.
Hauusbueg, April 10,1863
Houbx. —The following bills were passed
Bill relating to taxes levied for school purpo
ses in Allegheny city school distriot of the
county of Allegheny ) bill supplementary to
an act to authorize the Governor to incorpo
rate the Salem and Dyberry turnpike road
odmpany, the Athens and Troy turnpike
company, the Spring Bouse and Sutnney town
turnpike road company, the Pittsburgh Far
mers and Meohaoios* turnpiko road company!
and to revive an act entitled “an act to incor
porate the Pittsburgh and Beaver turnpike
road company, approved April 16* 1829; bill
for the relief of the Westnoreland coal com
pany (amended by Sir. Kaioe;) bill to change
the boundary line between the townships of
Adams and Cranberry, in the eounty of But
ler ; bill to incorporate tbo Dime Savings In
stitutions of Bothlehem; bill to incorporate
-the Union Telegraph Company ; bill to incor
porate the United Presbyterian Board of Pub
lication ; bill to restrain the running of tar
and refuse from distilleries or refineries of po
troleum into any creek er stream in Venango
county; a supplement relative to the HetaUo
Rubber Slate company; bill to authorise the j
Commissioners of Lawrence county to pur
ohase oert&in burial grounds for deceased sol
diers In said county j bill relative to the erec
tion of a publlo school house In the borough
of ojnneUsvillo,ln the county of Fayette;
bill to incorporate the Oil Creek and Bidgway
Railroad Company; bill to incorporate the'
Young Men’s Christian Association q( Erie,
Pat bill to authorise the Commissioners of
Mercer county to compromise with the holders
of bonds issued to railroad companies ; bill to
Incorporate tbo Colorado Mining oompaoy;
bill authorizing the construction of a macad
amised road in a part of Washington andj
Middleton road, in tbo oounty of Washington;!
bill to -incorporate the Meadville Novelty!
Works; bill to incorporate the Greensburg
and Mount Pleasant Turnpike road company;
bill to amond an aet to inoorporate the Sonora!
improvement company. j
AU the Bank biUs,.for extension of charter,
were read a second time and ordered to be
transcribed for a third reading. >
Bill to inoorporate the Western Oil Trans-;
partition Company was postponed till Thurs
day next.
Supplement to an act to incorporate the
Pittsburgh and Birmingham PaSsenger Rail!
i way Company, appropved April 13, 1859, was
[ referred. . L
Bill to punish tho fraudulent reoolvingoj
money on deposit and bill to incorporate tho
National Oil Co. wero passed. ;
The Governor has signed tho following bills j:
Aot rolating to tho oleetion of Street
Commissioners in tho borough of Lawtenoe
villo, Allegheny oounty. 1
A supplement to an aot to incorporate tho
Jamestown and Franklin Railroad Co., ap
proval April 5, 1862. j
An aot extending to tho Pittsburgh, Alle
gheny and Manchester Passenger Railway
Company the privileges granted to the Cit}-
, sens Passenger Railway of the oity of Pit|h
bargh by an aot approved April 6, 1862. j
An act supplementary to an aot entitled an
act concerning the solo of railroads, canals,
turnpike bridges and plankxoads, approved ]
April 8, 1861. ' j
A further supplement to an aot entitled an
aot to incorporate the Penn'a Railroad 00. j
An aot to authorise the eleotion of addition*«
al supervisors in Elisabeth township, in the
eonnty of Allegheny. i
An aot to allow the Trustees of the Fu[si
Presbyterian Congregation bf the oity of Al
legheny to vacate a certain grave-yard a: id
for other purposes.
An hot to incorporate the Rostraver Coal
An act to repeal the special road laws in
oartain townships in Allegheny 00.
An aot to enable Trustees of Railroad stocks
of the oity of Pittsburgh, to sell or assign
said stooks. j
A supplement to an aot to revive and odn
tinue in loree the Uw graduating lands utfon
which money is due the Commonwealth, and
regulating tho mode oi changing Interest
thereon. |
\q act authorizing tbo County Commlmionert of
F.j.iu county to rotund to Wiulam Bradman, late
Treasurer of s*hi county, certain moneys. j
Anac; to authorise the Uurgeie and Oeoncliof. .
Oil. City to levj an additional tax for street phr-
farther supplement to an act entitled an act ire
latT&g totheeaie and conveyance of real estate, poised
April 18, 1853. • !
An act authorizing the Courts of Common Pleas to
compel the itconling of deeds and other instruments
1 of writing. j
A luri-hersupplement toon act toenoourcg* manu
facturing cperations in the Commonwealth, poised
April 7, ISW. , ! .
An act to provide for the distribution of [tho
Stato among the different States of the
Ualon. L
A suppUmout to an act incorporating the Madera
and Washington turnpike and plank road company.
Aa act cxtendiug tho time for the removal off the
tracks of the Pennsylvania lUllrdhd Composy from I
a portion of Liberty street lu the CUy of PltUbnlgb. j
Supplement to an act entitled an act to provide lor |
the incorporations of boroughsj approved April {lst,
An act relative to the perpetuation of tssUmouj In
cases of lost records. r j
An act to exempt tho Bvaljrtlto Cemetery In tho
county of Washington from tatotion. i
Alt act to iucorporale the Joucj and Nlmiek Msui
ufacturiiig Com|*any. * , J, ,
A supplomt nl to thu act l<> secure tho rights of
marrii-U women, passed tho llth day of April, IMB
- act to accept tbo grant of publlo lands by tho
United Slates lor the cudowmout of Agricultural
° Au i svct. 1., ext-ud the Jurudbllou of Justices of the
Pcacu t>- e rtaiu criminal proceedings In Crddford
onmty. . , I
An act to extend an act to tho Up rgees
olid To«n Council of tho borough of Kittaunli g to
srude.curL and pavo certain sidewalks.
An act to incorporate tho Philadelphia Military
C °An 4 act relating to livery Stable keepers In Alle
gheny conuty. i
An act to repeal tho CSd tccllou of Uto act of] Idth
June, lddtl, entitled an act rolating to uxccutioks, so
far as tho same relates to Cambria county.
An act. for lb« protection of tbo owners of wharves
‘audhics in tho borough of Oil CUy, Vetiongo
county. , g lac.cpunao tho Uopetsoll and Pultuns-
An act . >utid plankroad Company,
villa turnpil. • w th|} ai;l lucorpotuting the botough
AoappleOu-m Vagtou oounty. *
of Boatsrulc, Wash. 4 continue the act chartering
An act to revive auu Cotnpany Incorborat
tbo Excelsior Railroad an i
oa April 2C. ISSK „> CoMurajPlM.
Au act to authorise thu Court aaJUor to ex
fur Allegheny county to’appoint an M county,
amine and corroct certafu accounts in aa* |
An act relating to writs of rstrepmeot. | *«
Aa act to chongo the par value of the stock Of the
Philadelphia and Erie lioilrosd Company. , j
A supplement to an "act to incorporate the Alle
gheny City sad Frrepott Railroad Company, approv
ed April 13,1854. |
* A further supplement to an act to lay out a certain
Statorosd lu Armstrong county. I
An act to Incorporate the Cooper Fire Arms Mona
. factoring Company. i
An act|to Incorporate the lulsnd Tulegraph Tom;
pony, .i
An actchangisg the Unoe of Mt. Ploaeant town
ship, Washington county, for school purpoeee.
A supplement to tho act to provldo Cor the pay
ment of tho interest on tho Stato debt, epprovod Jan.
30,18(3. .
A supplement to on act, approved May,
entltUd an act to incorporate sno I’owcllon Coal ami
Iron Company.
An act to incorporate tho borough of New Wil
mington, In Luzerne county.
An act for the Improvement of certain roads In
Buffalo township, Washington county.
An set relullTu to tho draining of wot and spouty
lands iu certain counties.
A supplement to an act to incorporate the Mi xiean
Pacific Company, approved May 31.1857.
An act to incorporate tbo Franklin Gas Con pony.
An act to incorporate tho Venango Wstor Com
A sapplomout to an act to Incorporate the Oil Greek
Transportation Company.
Au act |pr tho relief of William B. Mullen tßon.
'An sctkupplemoutary to an act'to Incorporj to tho
Foster Coal and Iron Company, passed April 10,1800.
Joint Boeolallon rclitivo to the pay of tho Board
of Bevenuo Commissioners.
Tho foUowlhg also hATe coustitutlonally become
law, not having been returnod to the Housobf Be
preeenutlves In which they originated, within ten
days after they wore respectively presented;to the
Governor. |
An act relating to tho foes of constables, 00., in
tbo countiue of Westmoreland, Crawford and Brio,
and relating to tbu pay of tbo Associate Judges of
tbo counties of Wostmorelaad, Crawford and Sohofl
kill. * [
An act to repeal certain acta incorporating railroad
companies, was presented to tbo Governor on tho
Uth of April, 18d2,and not having been returned to
‘ tho present Legislature within three days after their
[ meeting, thoyhaTe, according to tbo Constitution,
. bocotao tawsln tike manner aslf bo hadslgnod thorn.
) jin thu evening session, tbo blit to Incorporito the
1 Indefinitely 1 * ll * niUoQ Company was poetfonod
• ““pplunont-to u tot for th.po.tcr corulotj of
- W" " cnr ” enjoyment of ctato,
_ April 82,1850, was puseod.
~ . Adjourned 28 minutes post 10.
olAts P««ontod a peUtlon of kuzeos
or Erie county, praying *ur the postage of ad act to
prevent blocks from entcrlag the State,
Mr. Connell, remonstrance ct citlxeni ofP illadol.
phia agate* t Uo passage of a Uw prohlbltlsg mnlat
toes blacks from entering tho Stato. ;
Mr. WiUoa Introduced a bIU to prsvenfi banks
buihliiß jrficiulon. .d oorpor.tloM S',
dividual bankers from depreciating the eurten« 7.r
the United Stales, and regulating tranSSkS in
|oldand sUvoc coin and falsof ekehaago.
Bill to prevent obslrncUousbfaontagaofiaUrQada
by tnglnos and cars. Postponed IndsQ&Ueli
- Tho following bills wero pamod: BUI to enable cit
izens of this Commonwealth oogagid In tbs kallltarr
or naval service of the United States or tbs mdiUrr
servlcs of Fenn'a to vote>lda reUUsg to aUioua
cloctmsnt; supplcmsnt to iaaot to proviiU ftr
adjudication andpayantof certain mllitaiy clabM
Lmrtrrodiprfl IS, 18(3; Ml nhifcl to bondi Mid
hnnimlTl- ~* *b»Conrtof OcutorSt—loni
?Tt£eom«r<>l M* rtlultg «*«“ P»J
taent of boimtta of Tolunteon; MU to pnr>Dtoc-
Uom »t low or proceeding, in equltj In cri Uta c»»>.
bill routing to tboOßitnmtPt of bond! md inort
bMOo: blUtotncom»*»theextenel nofloterml roll
roStr! bill to prohibit tbo two of djotriione drag. In
ihom.nn!eet*» °f Intoxlcnlln molt or .1-
cohollo Uqnora; blit tooutborloolheconttroctlon of o
. bridge over Oil Creek; bBl gront tag oddlrionol piw
™ to the Conrte of Co omen Plooe In the oererol
coonllee of thll Commohweellb; b.U to voUdoto rer
:uln conrejoncoe mode bj mnrrled women ritao ipril
"io B ,K. ofternoan tornlon the following bllli were
“b? 11 wtitonil the tlmo for the pojment for tho en
iroUment tor oh tho Allojhenj City end Ticeport E.
B BW* the Groin Elerotor Co. of Pltte
rbnrgh. iPoerediiccond reodlogend woe orderedtobe
ipreporod for third roodlng. J
l! i ßill onthorlxlng tho oppolntment of odditionel no
i toriM public in Crewford ond Erie conntbo. Foeeedr
I! BUI onlhorliing notwlce pnbllo In tble Stolo or
I ony Bute or Territory of the United dtoteo to toko
! ecknowlodgment of deede ond lottoro pfottorney ond
I; to conflrrnocknowlragmenu betroUertoken. Poo-ed
t oocond rending ond wee ordered to be prepored lor o
[ tb ßni l rSeting to Wm. McKee’. Ferry In Allegheny
I e’oppfemeutrry to on oct lncorpomUng the
I Wcetern Penno. HoepllnL Pound.
I In tho evening etoelon, o bUI to lecarpoute the |
I OU Oty ond Petrolenm Bridge Compoey. Pemed.
I Bill to Incorporate the We*tern Insurance and
Transportation Company, pustd second reading, and
1 was ordered to be prepared for a third reading.
I The Governor informed the Senate that be hod
nominated for their advice andconaent, F. B. Psnni
man. Via., of Wayne co., John H. Brim, K»q., and
Jacob 0. Bomborger, Esq., of Dauphin ©a., to be
Trustees of the Penn*. Btate Lunette Hospital for
I three years, to be computed from tho first of Feb.
Tbo Governor also informed the Beaate that he had I
nominated for the advice and oonsent of the Senate, I
Ch&rlee &. Coburn, Esq., of Bradford co., to bo toper*
Intendent of Common Schools of this Commonwealth
for three yean from tbo first Monday of June next.
The following blll< were mseed:
Supplement to tn act relating to the liens of me*
chaufos and others upon buildings, approved June |
10,1803: bill to continue in force the wsrrmnts to
Irwin Kutlodge.a collector of taxes for tho several
I wards of the borough of Johnstown, Cambria co.;
| bill to incorporate the Meodville Coal Co.; bill ex
tending tbo provisions of the act of March 0,1819, In
regard to floating lumber, to oil nnd oil barrels upon
the Allegheny, Honongabela end Ohio rivers; bill to
I increase tbs pay of county Auditors of Lawrence co.;
bill providing for tho Military Board of Claims.
I The bUI to prevout frauds on travellers was laid
I over for third reading.
I Tho Senate adjourned at 11 o clock p. m.
•ltoT«a\nb Baxes k aawiEU Maoeihb, for
family and menuirnotumig pu?pos*s,'are the
best in are.
». *. Olir.tfl, yOD«r»l AgflUt,
B*-. 8 *-. 13. sWtl>
Tbohab Pabey, Plain and Ornamental Slate
Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver
mont slate of the best quality at low rates.
Offieoat Alex, ibanghlln’i, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apB:Bm
Cheap Cuothieg aed W bibs to Bov Teem.
_Tfae enterprising firm of Wm. H. McGee A
Co., morohant tailors, corner of Federal and !
Diamond square, Allegheny, being folly
aware of the extraordinary advance In spring
goods, have pnrehoeed last fall a beautiful
assortment of doth, oossimeres, vestings, Ao.,
and they .are now ready to opeQ their Spring
i trade with superior artloles, at greatly re-
I dacod prieas. They will sell their goods by
I the yard If desired, and as they keep eon
isonUj oh hand a large supply of ready made
een be aeoommodated os
demand,*or have a neatly flttedsaUto order.
The work is all done under their sapervition,
I aud always warranted to purchasers.
Fasbioeable Clotbieo.—Out affable yonng
friends oompoiing the firm of John WeieaA
Co.,.Merohant Tailors, No. 130 Federal street,
Allegheny, have Just opened the most exten- j
•Ive and reeiereie stock of spring and summer
goods ever exhibited west ef the mountains,
comprising tome of the most beautiful French
and American Cassimeres, Cloths, Cashmeres,
Marseilles, Ac., Ac., to be found in the east-,
era market. This enterprising firm has also
a very large assortment of the latest stylet of
j furnishing goods, and a considerable quantity
I ready-made clothing of superior quality. We
advise our AUegheoy patrons to oall at this
establishment, and see for themselves.
Jobt Kstceexd raox the BABT.*r-Samuol
Graham, Merchant Tailor, would respeotfully
Inform his friends and the pnbllo in general
that he has jastretarned from the Boat with
his new stock of Spring and Summer Goods,
consisting of all tho latest itvles of oleths,
oossimeres and vestings. Gentlemen desiring
a stock to select froth that eannot be snrpos*-
i od by any other tu tba oily, aod their gar-
I menti made Is the most fashionable manner,
I would do well to give him a call before pur
bhoelng elsewhere.
Sakoei* Geahae, Merchant Tailor,
No. 54 Market street, one door from Third.
WiTBSf Motbbks a*d 6iST*afl, whose hus
bands, sons and brothers are Barring In the
army, cannot put Into tbolr knapsacks a mere
DMMiary and rateable gilt than a few boxa*
MENT. They insure health even under the
expoiures of a said ter'b life* Only 35 caste a
pot. 210
OmEiees Gaolo will b» taken *i the Omntbu
OlhM. Ho. 404 Liberty mm, day or bight.
Ml orders left at th« eboee p!»co wJU be
promptly oitwidts •■- -'i -tile mil b»p»id
't'-'roorr. 8,11
Ir too delire any repaire or eliarotioni to
jour dwolling, or plooea of bariaou oall and
loan roar ordor at Catbbart'l Oarpontor and
Jobbing Shop, Virgin Alley, abora Smlthlleld
Greet. All work promptly attendad 10. t
Don’t bo Impoied on by baying bogaa card
photdgrapbi of lom Thumb and Wife, bat go
to Pittook’f, oppoiilo tha Poitofflee, and gat
Iho genuine oardi, Uktn by Brady after tba
Poa the Prinoo of Welee* Uarriago, m
illuitrated popart, at Pittook’t, opposite the
Postoffice, _
Pocket Boors, all kinds, at Plttoek's, op
posite tho Poitoffic*.
(< iuroBTABTTO tb« Public,” leeadvertise
ment. . -
a pd permanent cor« warranted for
W oB '
■era of Corw »o 4
IniUntiaeoni and •fficacioaa Pf« Jfco*
Banlont wltboat catting or c truing I*-,
dill, who hu deroted j*in of ftady izeiw
tbla brisfch ofiurcary, cib bi oooialled if hU*.
on DIAM »fll> BTBKST, *e»nd door la tbi an®
itorr bn Idiog ibora Oiiot »trw t, oppo*H* th» Coart I
Bonn, daring tbi proml iwk*; Jteilibi follow* j
Ptmiuiaii, April %, 1163.
Dr. BtodfcU bu tbla day operated oq t Corn tor me
tery■ooecmfolly,which lihink worth fifty dollar*,
j. WKfiTBAV, Deutiit, *6B Peso itrmt.
From/. B, OowUf . Cook A Co.
Dr. hie this dijr r*oor*d in old ina pun
fulßunionfrommjfoot. Ihtvehid'b* iuieopi<
rated on rr»eiiedly without tabom, bat 1 in hippy
to stot* tbit tbo voetor bae effected ■ P'rfeet care,
wltboattbe leeetpilo. Being medical man xnjr*
mU. I on teetl jr to hie kcowledge of the pothdolgl*
cal ooadttlon ind formatiT# proeem of Corn* end
Bunion*. B» OOXbOLLTt
Wheel lor* March 4* 186*. . . I
S 0. Stevenson, Ticket Agent of the I
B»iUo«d, seje: “Dr. Baadall bee Ihli oej removed I
what had foe a'very loss time aasaod n« much ea-1
nojaaee, namely: some very pdofol bnrd and softl
ooout" _ I
Hr. A. W.Baak*»one of tho Local Beputera of
th> DUpaXek. says: *'Dr Baadetl operated npoa a
SsUamas In* bt preeeno*. and removed a large corn
>m between the eoes. The petknt stated that ha
suffered no pats from tba operation. . I
hhoold any person doub* the efficacy of Dr, Bin*
dill', cimetloo, h» will rcdllj cob. fomrd end «x
-tnci • oora grHnltotulj, 10 onto to tb^
inch a discovery «u savor beforepractieed. Thorn
avda of testimonials can i»eeen>rom thU and the
continent otZuope. ’ . _ ~
M’OOct boon from 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to ft and 7
to 8 p. b
The beak *Uoe to K«k joor
Ho. ISO Fourth atvtot, M*r Ssa Ith field.
to"A (oil Mtorlmuit of Oh ud Wttor tbtßß
always on hand. . 4*
Vv bbIa.HBDIOH Wo.* do.; forsal***
apll an. B»AZ«LTOW,m Diamond.
>lOO bbla. tosh this day roeeiv
gmt B.ODWA
Special Dbpatrh to the Pittsburgh Qqirtt*.
MußPß*«aaoßo, April 12,1862,
Of fort; men of the 10th Miohigan guarding
the train destroyed between Lavergne end
Nashville, Benj. Wallace, Freeman Young*
men, Wm.* J-gnes, Frank Tacey and'Georgo
Bartlett were killed. Lieut. Van Dolling,
Sergta. Julius Oarrtngton, James Chapman, I
Urla* Peak, Robtl Peak, Patriot Lane, James
Aumphy, John L Aabbrok, David Henry,
Peter Smith and Lieut. Henry, of the First
Tennessee Cavalry were wounded.
Of the rebel prisoners being carried to
Nashville, three were killed and three burned.
The rebel loss is reported as being three
I killed aud thirty woundod.
Several thousand rebel cavalry are reported
1 near Lebanon. I
Qen. Pegram is at Bparta, organising forces
to cut off supplies.
Bishop Boseorans preached twice to-day.
Arrival of the Steamer Africa.
Sasnv Hook, April 11.-feTh® Royal Hail |
steamship Africa, from Liverpool on the 28th, I
via Queenstown on the 29th ult., arrived this
morning. 1
Her advices are three days later than those I
of the Glasgow. , w ,
London, March 29.—The steamer Maglenne,
i which was captured by the Federals and
1 taken to Key West, has been released. It is I
'believed that the steamer Peterhoff will also
be liberated on the same warrant.
The Evening Herald says that rumors are
afloat that the Government at Washington
Intend laying embargo on British ships and
property as a retaliation for the depredations
of the Alabama, and that thif embargo will
be enforoed against British ships and property i
without any declaration of war against Eng
land. Hr. Soward, it is said, quotes English
I precedent for this step, Lord Palmerston hav
ing, In 1852, blockaded the Dutch ooast and
I laid embargo on Dutch shipping without
I making a declaration of war.
The Polish insurgents of Pack and Augus-
I tow have received one thousand Minnie
! rifles. „ , ,
I The news from Vienna state that Langienies
is still in the Citadel of Cracow.
parit, March 28.—The Moniteur, of this 1
morning, auuounoes that all tho oentres of I
the Coohln China insurrections have been dls- I
persed, and the fortifications, As., of the in- I
surgents taken possession of by tho French. I
NnwYoKk, April ll.—The papers by the
Africa furnish the following: The memorial
relating to the seisure of the Peterhoff by Ad
miral Wilkes, was presented to Earl Russel on |
i the 26th. He promised thht it shoold be laid I
I before the law offioers of 4he Crown* It was
I rumored on the 27th that the action of I
Admiral Wilkes had induoed the government
I to order an addition to the West India fleet.
The report eaused a decline In funds.
I The TCwes* eity artiele assumes that the de-
I mand for the surrender of the Peterheff will be I
I complied with as promptly as in the Trent!
I affair.
1 A great meeting of trades unionists has
I bean held in London. ‘Hr. Bright presided
I and made a strong speech in favor of the
I North and of emancipation! He! denounced
I the Confederate lean. He said for the sake of
| profit which sometimes waited onj crime some
I men were* content to oover themselves with
I infamy: Resolutions were adopted express-
I lug sympathy with the North and negro
emancipation. , . L
In reply to inquiries, It was stated that
there h*d been rumors of Federal enlistments
in Ireland, but nothing authentic was ob
Affairs in Poland are unchanged. Aeoonnts I
of the insurrection are oonfused. Langiewics
has been released on parole by the Austrians.
Liverpool, March 28.—The sales of cotton
to-day are estimated at 8,000 bales, the mar- |
ket having an upward tendency and firmer.
Provisions inactive. Produce quiet but
ZoM&m.<±-Conioii 92}£@92%. Illinois Cen-
I tral 45@44. Erie 43@44. Ponds are firmer
I to-day, as the alarm abont the oase of. the
Peterhoff snbsldod. 1
News from'Kebel Sources,
Washixgtov, April 11.—The Richmond
Dispatch, of the 9th inst., contains who fol
lowing dispatoh:
Ths Siege of Washington, N. (7.— Tkt Gun
boats Driven Back.—Wo heva news from
Washington, N. 0., as lata as Sunday. Ou
troqpa hAre captarcd tha eatmy'e batteries at
tha (Hill, altoated on tha banka of Tar liter,
seven miles below the town, which position
gives as an open Said and fair fight;with tha
Yankee shipping. Two gunboats, followed by
several large transports loaded with troops
I from Newborn to reinforce Washington, at-
I tetapted to run oar blockade at Hill's Point
on Priday, when they were fired upon by oar
batteries and so badly damaged that they
I were foxoed to put back. They could not peas
car guns, and atlastacoounts the enemy were
landing troops below our works at Hill's
Point. In the attempt to go by, tha steamer
I Louisiana was sank by oar guns.
I There are about 2,000 negroes in Washing-
I toe, whloh tha enemy tried to get off, bat
I failed in doing so. The enemy have refused
I to sarrendeir or allow the women and children
I to leave that place.
From Arkansas.
Cuioiao, April 12 —A special dispatch to
tha Fimu, iron Helena, Ark., dated April
9th, say* the entire Tallahatchie fleet, consist
ing of the divisions under Gem. Bote and
Qalmby,nnd the nnmereus gun and mortar
boat*, arrived last night. The expedition,
whiohhad been absent 43 days, left Fort
Greenwood on Sunday. As soon as the buiUe
of departure was observed by the enemy they
opened a brisk fire upon the woods where th%
batteries had been planted, which continued
until the last boat steamed up the river. On
their passage, the boats Were frequently fired
on by the gueiillas. A number of Soldiers
were wounded, and twenty-five or! thirty
killed. j ‘
- The divisions under Gem* Qolmby and
Hovey have been ordered to Yioksburg.
From Gtfiro.
Cliao, April 12.—The dtipatoh boat, New
National, hai errlTed horn Vloklbnrg, which
■oiioe ihe left on Wedheiday. Shj bring!
. ~*ihet the lron*oledi Louilrllle, lioond
hot.. '-*nd9|et, Benton, liafyette, end two
Cite, Oe,. peepared to ran the blookhde,
othert, were .. 'eennte the jnorimeht on
aadexpeetad to v. ' -vt. It wai elio inld
Friday or'Satordap »*. ~<e prepared with
that traniporti had alio be* . V, the bat
log and cotton holwaiki to ran
Ur,M - 'eeljpf GeneralO-Urh^*
Thtrtported Irrlfftliio! - - - _
at N»w Oartb»ge,ten mllw b*lo» WftrteniPO*
with » h»AT7 loro«f it oonftrmed.
-A Fight with Van Dorn—The Enemy
Cnoinun, April 11-—A »p*ol»J diipatoh
to tho Commercial, from Murfreeiboro, «*J»
that Tu Dorn attaked Granger, at Franklin,
with 16,000 man. Tit. battle laaud moat I dl
liift Xh»n«my wen wpttlwd with i lomo*
800. Our loti wai about 100. .
Gau. Stanloj’i Carelry, iad b y Mm tape r
aon, charged and captured a battorywidMO
priionen, but being uniupported, «*• »“:
palled to reltaqulih the battery, and all but
I twenty of the prUonera. The enemy wai
1 poritttd until wk.
From Noahwille.
Nannuu, April U.—Bitweea fifty and
■uty priionari, oapturad at Franklin, Tenn.,
attired In till olty to-nl|bt. Xhewo.t of
them are of the lint Tenneuee infantry,
and belongia Naihrillt. ,/j/
The rebali at layergna, yfitorday, captur
ed two oar load! of Confederate prtooperi, en
route for NaihriUe. They plundered Ota
t naiiengon of watehei, money and dethUg
ud paroled all offioere aadiioldierl. Many of
I the former refuted te aeeept parole, and were
I lent Booth. -
From Waehington.
Are blockade runnen. Theeeliuni of good!
are important, and eomprtoe orar a then;
rand batoe of wotton and a ealt
pelre, ‘ 1 ’.
•Conrereion of iegnl,Tender. into
5.20« lB irWlldeJphifct
PaiDiDUPBiA, April I Vr M T‘*i'!&M O |S!K
iisSi?i£r2S ! 3*itt' l&ssssc »s
SVtrttodaSTiuS eft »81>0,000..
From our Fleet in Front of
ton—Keokuk Bnnk—tianani
pairing Damif®** ®* c * ®* c * { !
W ashxxgto*, April 12.—Thesteamsj
beau arrived bare this afternoon, wUlDleuu ;
Commander Rhind.' as bearer of dlipatohes
from Admiral Ddpont to the government.
The reports froxx| several oommuidbrs nad
not been received up to the time of ko 4**
partare of the Flaihbeau, namoly, D«id*J
niebt. j
From other then; official eoaroer, it i i ascer
tained that the vessels composing tl e fleet
advanced npon Charleston on the 7thj In the
following order: Captals John
Bodeori; PaesaioJCapt. Drayton; Montaah,
«ap»ln Worden ; iPatapeoo, Captain Ammon;
Ironsides, the flarf-ehip Commander Turner;
with Admiral Dnuontand hie staff on board;
next followed the SOptskill.Capt. Seou Bod
eers ; Nantueketit Captain Fairfax ; Nahant,
Capt. Downs; Keokuk, Capt. Bhind. |
In this order, they proceeded up the mala
channel, arriving; within 1,100 yards of the
main forte, tho Ironsides beeame unmanage
able, owing io tide and the narrownrai of
ohannel, and ehe was, thetoforo, obliged to
drop anchor to [prevent drifting
Owing to these elronmsUncos, she eignalled
her eoneorts to dlengard her motions. The
remainder of the iquadron thon ooatinnod on
its oonrto, and soon oaio within range of the
rebel fires from ail points. Tho obstiuoUons
of tho ohannel bom Fort Bamtor to Fort
Moultrie Interfered with tho progress of onr
ships. In this, and the posi
tion of tho Irofisidos,: as above stated, the
plan of operations or battle was deranged, ana
the space for maneuvriing being only from.
500 to 1,000 yard* tho Vessels were obliged to
prepare, and at .oaoe engaged tho lorta and
the adjacent batteries. ; 4 , „
The signal had boon made for aotion at half
past three o'clock in the afternoon by the ,
Ironsides, bat the rebels had provlonajy open- j
ed fire npon the leading vessels. The contest i
Is represented asjin the highest degree exolt-1
ing, presenting a fearful scene of Are belching |
from all points bn~water and land. Ia the
oourseof three ferfour minutes the Keokuk
was in a sinking condition, and was obliged
to withdraw froih tho fire and teek an anchor-:
age below tho range of'the enemy’s £ans. A,
few minutes afterward all the vessolls with-,
drew, from a signal of ; the flag-ship, » Ming
deemed impracticable to continue any farther;
hostilities. The Keokuk was.within live
six hundred ya|ds of Fort Sumter, and was
completely riddled. She was struck from wi
the batteries within range at twenty times in i
thirty minutes.! The shot was from rifled;
cannon of the heaviest oalibre.' Capt. Bhind,!
her commander, 1 received a contusion on the
leg from a flying fragmqpt of his vessel r whion
only slightly lemed him. Twelve of tho mon
were wounded, together with Acting E align
Helntosh, whojhad charge of one of the guns;
The Injuries are supposed to be fatal. •
The next mcfrnlng '(Friday) finding it lm* i
possible to savel the vessel, Capt. Bhind called
a tug whloh all his men on board. A
few minutes thereafter the. Keokuk sank.
The persons belonging to the ship lost all
their private 'effects. On Wednesday the
squadron remained at anchor in the main ship
channel. 4, , 1 . j
It is said **tlie number of men In onr fleet
was' only aboui eleven hundred, with thirty
gnns, while the enemy had, it is supposed, at
least three hundred- guns, the best in the
world. The tojttries to the vessels, excluding
the Keokuk, afe represented to be of snob a
character a* will require but a short time for
repairs. The dasoaities among onr men were
remarkably few. including one killed and
three.wonndedton-the NahanU The advan
tage of onr flict bring in possession of the
main ship channel narrows, the eironit of the
blockade is twb-thlrds of the former distanow
None of the bitterles find npon our vessels
until the lattir reached the vieinity of the
main forts. j - ,
NnwYonx, April-H.~The prise sehooner
Blslng Dawniwith a cargo of British salt
from Nassau, captured by the: gunboat Mon
tieello off Wilklngton on the 15 th) Inst., ar
rived here tonight. ' •
The stoumer George Peabody, from New
Orleans on thi 31st nit. and Key West on-lho
6th, arrived biro this evening. Capt.- Atwell
reports that he was at [Hilton Head on the
. 9th, when he saw the Monitor Nahant repair
ing. She had five shot boles in her chimney,
aad It was.reported-that she Sad five hundred
shot* fired at her,; by the rebel batteries ; at
1 Charleston, lint was not seventy injured.
Some of the Rivets had been started In her
tumt, whiohjpnvonted her guns from being
i worked to advantage. The Keokjuk had been
sunk and one man lost on her.
At ten o’olobk on the evoning of the 9th the
Peabody xff Charleston Bar and spoke
two gunboats, but 1 obtained no news, other
than that Gen. Hunter was up the bay.
The New Orleans Era, of the evening; of
the 2d, contains a letter from Bayou Beef,
dated the lsi, stating that a large rebel boat
had just arrived at Braahear City, but their
objsot was unknown.
The nbels in New Orleans had a report
that Boaeorans had defeated Bragg, and. his
army in Tennessee. ■!
The gonbbat Ariiona had arrived from
Tisdale, who was tried a for display of rebel
fldgs at a fair, had besn discharged.
Nothing has been received from Texas or
Batch BoagO. ‘ 1 I
• CHixLXSTOk, April B—lo o’clock p. m. —The
latest offidaljlntellSgence from the bar states
that only two of the iron-olads have gone
South, leaving seven remaining btaidesrthe
Keokuk, whloh has beenXinnk about a thous
and yards trim Morris Island. ■ :
The Yankee machine Called the “Devil,”,
designed tori the; removal of torpedoes, has
floated ashore, and fqjltn into onr hands.;
All Isquiet now. !
The enemy IsoonitanUj signalling, but no
attack is anticipated before to-morrow. * v - h
The Yanises -have been busy all day re
pairing damages. j ,
Charletion', Apn'f 9—lbrcnoonV—All is quiet
this* morning. The monitor! were still in
sight yesterday evening. -
Many pieces of the Keokuk’s furniture,
with spy glass, <fco., wore washed on Morris
Island beacL Many of the«e articles were
covered wltijk clotted blood. Thd impression
prevails at our batteries that the slaughter ed
board the terrible. | . ;{
Important- lrom New | York/ j
Naw Yo*t, April 12.—The whaler Ellen
Klebern, recently arrived at GrahdCaymon,
report* being chased, on the 18 tb, 12 tours
by the pirate Retribution. j / | 1 i
Rebel dlipatobei state that inj'the engage*
mentor the7th-all the monitor! were'fte
quently hit, butthe remit* are unknown;
One gun Inpffort Moultrie was dimounted, and
one man wounded, //.-I | •
A ipeeial Waeblngton dispatch to tho Str~
aid atateaitbe rumor that/Qop.'MflOleUan
has sent in his resignation//,. i f
Xho Wat Department has decided that the
two jears'jregfaents are/hot mustered
OQt UU thb expiration of their; time, dating
from ibelrhiaiteringiftto. the servioo of the
United Staltei. i •,/f •!' 'j- * \{i.
M*w Yo!ex, Aprilll. —TheJJoston Journal
• that a letter, dated Newborn, N. 0.; the
•U® • . dp.mi,'ha* been received in that!
fith inst., j, Mjat' General F.oiterhad been
olty, reportoa . v* v 9 driven back tho
reinforced,and; - f i
ToUiipn* fjM*
..j nitv Of Washington sailed to* day, taking
£?Sl»i*ekateofs3Bo,ooo in specie/ ; %
•Uuu ‘ 0 2 I<>oo,r , Cl 'S'*i
gtrffMt. r/' ' ■ fkr.
Diitk of-Colonel Bowdltch^'
ipxil U.—A M«M g
rltlag hole to-d»J. from Buffolk, «•
duts Bowdltoh, of Yormoit,
formirbrl OolUotoi orßniUnfton., HejM
hh«j klooomotfTo filling througlotjio
nmn drmwhridgo* - L
Dlipatches from Admiral Dupont.
Bu.Tt»o*», April U.-A .tumor with «.-■
pitohoi from Admiral
morula*. and tho boirar of dlnoUMt wont
to WuuagUn on* tpoolol train, .Sho now*
hrdunht hM not got boon promnlgatid.i
Arrival of theStenmorCoralck.
f. TT...J.T. AntU 11—Tho' ttonmot Corals
fJmtliromooFon «h* JBth: nit., arrived at
p* r
th.OteitauUOs«i«. d»i«d« Btlor* ytekt
«i*i ** uva lh»t a»tUr« mxt tx
fiMMWPJ *»“• “* attontloa, »nd i
tloß* wKoh went op th« riw ,
of k»dq»>t«> It «JJ»~
1 * • - - [ft viir
TTTKBBTBR street property
1 toll ll'.h. .1 IK o'clock. will bnndd.M It. Com
iirdAeri* terau. M riltt HMJIU bur lot.
iltntt* cm it. norttwaidly iU. 4 Vrtiu. Jiwli
.dMnlnf tb. MWhodUt Bnljltf Qrotod Mchb.,-
Inf wt U 7 JMttoaanltaj W bat nfi«; brinf lot.
MBtEwI pl«
of Tm>ol Btu-UIM-tblnl taat; Mrilnn In on.,
inatyoyw wlU»y*»A x Q pATlfc M
OTIO»i-e«*i»SI>AT BVBBIHO,ApriI lttt,
Jt7lds*dock t stthsOo®ms*etai M*®*** l ** -
&s sift hainrt. Tfrsssthns lots of grocndsiteaU at
®i * *** oSnu* •iw.
Li tKt loofcri; briar tot. '■•**».* nndtun
r-i:.. “«*«
"g” a *» yf 1 ** <l '*J?g?PATIB.'A«t.
Mbru IX o'clock, will-bn aoM. nt tb» OMUKrdri
Sales Boons, tilth stmt: .
. I<lft ikvra Gsi fttirf*s
6 do BrownsTUl*Bridge Co.;
U do M. AM. Biak Stock;
1 19? do Itlnghsnyißsah Stock: -
18 do KUatargh Insnranos 00. Stcck;
1 60 do ntubargk * Boston HlniagOo. Stock;
' SS do .Konfengabols lasoranoe Oo.Btook»
1 Perpetui BwcbnMp In VnUsctoO College;
. »pP i- ■ i J.Q.DAVIVAtiOi.
ltth f itlKo'clddLiriU t»HU,kttinOMUwml
Stlss BoonarßO, 64 Tilth stmt, o( nocoaat ol th«
Mtititt H. ft- Bysiudec’d, those too lots of gioard
•Unite 1n tbs Sixth Word, sssh hiving a front of 90
toot on Qrerhm Wreet, snd estssdihc book 100 fcor,
being lots Hco. ISO sAd I*l ts CtohroU’spbßi.
Terms st I J. O. DATIA Amt
ctpjsaiAli RAUS.—-By request' ot nu-
O meroudtiztnSf Who van tmabie to Attend tte
solos of SHSLLSt Ac., the imt has conssntod to
gh?tsonlss onFWDAY sn4 BATGBDAYHYIM
-ISQB} April lTthsnd 18th. st 7% o’clock, st
■ Ibosilo wiiliisairsos toisthsr s ifciwWr «l
fc hells. Corals shd ltsrist tkbinots of rsi« Shells,
Tins Ivory Carved Cbssnnoh. •
Also/dOOcinAhtstfottstal Polish.
100 boxeslnals Ink.
Large lot of Ferfomory snd Fancy Goods.
W 9 Ousts proridsdforLs Use. _
1 IT. A. HoCLILLAMD, Anot.
T. B«STOM»Aient. »Pl?
(Bcocisocls to Iran 0. Witt,)
Merchant, Tailors,
Aro iow noritist Ash
Adapted to s first cim tnds. which hss boon select
od with great care to meet tfae-approbstion of their
many friends snd patrons, sad framing, by closa at
tsstlon to.bssineoi snd strict integrity, to meet tbo
Approval at all whd may favor os with A coll.
Mad* to order in Uxo boot msnasr snd on reasonable
terms. Having finished a great many GfilVOUttS,
for BUS, Field, snd Lino Offloart, ss well as for tbs
Navy, wo ore prepared to oxocnto orders in this ilo*
with oorroetneo* snd dcspateh. ' ■
: orioetion of FUBHifinihO
GOODS slwsysonjbsnd. .
mhS ,il • i • . :
Hit. SBlßlbl .
. |9 Ui^vrsrda)
MannfSctnien of tho MIBX&’S WALSH FLAB
MKL bHI&TS, dnd~* Urge assortment of LIHKB
Forssis. by"
i ; BENI K'fT, KUCIi A CO., 1
Ho. Sll Church AlWjr, Phll»d«lphU, P».
iolfcSmd. : r, . J - -
Cheitnut Street,
ton and Muoftctsm of
, ii
Lootii ug
Oil Pat
Picture Frame*,
Photograph Albums,
{ vrindoui Cornices,
/■ -
ahg&lmi •
A niss* AEBIV4L.
latMt(tt!«; Abt|>MMrtaiat« LiDIB’ flMl
BAdJKOB&LS, of imr description. . ItADIEb*
ladbnndanfca. j '
New Good* amrlng vtftj day. Notwithstanding
good* hereiadvanced 30per oaat. Kaot, we iz* *tlu
JjjUUUT rnEBS, KVifiKUKKKfta,; *a
Nowli tU jjlxu, Uy« wint lug*.flao JLTPIM
TKXESy uirj*:BTTOBBBBHB, low jrieto, to
und on ycilr Jdinto MUBllOOK'fl WHSBCMB
and oakii»bd Wntatina.
Prodsce i fieuril Coßntnioi lenkut,
And dnlar InaU kind* it OOTOTOT FBODOOI.
i ... ) slm übmbtt entmet * •••'
aM:Ir ( Tl.
: 80. 1 ST. CLUB BTBBIT, '
forwarding & Commiwion Merchant
mr nitUMIFATIBQ, lobekhtiho, cbtob
FBTBOIiBIJK 01Ii\ *4, eoMUatlj os lain!
f«s.nle At Um lowifc miuut ftlct*. OarfacriDam
jua> ou>uj souanß.
BVBB tM 801 MS,
Joitno*lnd«l O*O.'ALBBH, 80S K CO.'S,
Mbtoj ; j B>. TL acrair Wooi ***•
p yr? CHURCHMAN, No. 88 Sonin
frost itrMt, BUlißalpU* Al*»i la Jokst**"*
A .. I' , . ■.■ i : . Qtj' '*
IW. iiU ***» •*
r. | ; '' ..•. ••£'.
TBi BJ MoVAY * 00.,
■ ■ '.j :i , i BASEBBB,
78 J*U *. *«■<•<»• *"*-“*’
«*****. i i i Will Hi?
iS AT A IttHOAlM'-r’*"*
ii > gmi h4b»Hw> >
■tvi 00nratmmat^Mor,
S'^TSSS.- 7 a—
*«“ “ £ DiSSftl DlUK**"*-
If c», he,, he.