■ ■ •• . .- ,g '' v . • ! 1 *!*.* :J ■ v. XJ* ;v; ' *-' 'W‘, »s>:•:*. W j' 'w"! WS..yi • •:•••«;;» '*%'f , . r ; • '*' <■ •'■' | . *-*h*. : :T* sVVv. T^*;s : • . : ; -y- .■ . * t‘" l ' + ■Vt'■’’:%# . ~.. i ■' * ; !r ;\, . ■, 3 i ■ ■•■■■: r i : •* - ; *>V - >•, . THE Y PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ESTABLJ.SIfri' ,IN 1786. _ COMJMtBSIOJV} He. LKEcs''lSoDm~iurD Otfn PacroAiJr* Oomraarai blnouairr (or ■ w£ro oc£ ** o»W>br»tod Union town OK- f (•* 008 “0r» to *?*B* r ''*** aitaWm r rum Ail AUKSOW ■& LXNHAKT.ff'ifcua 1U amj> Gaaia Faeron, PaobWa I»r> CcmMuiigii lubobajiti, for the rale of Fltrtr, GrAlaTpS-k, ffir (OD| Lard, Buttar. Eggs, Chet**, 13mm. railoir, OreMß, Fcathm, VotAoe*, Tpt and -Ksdrl Asboe, MBrmtsa, Llheaednafl xard Oil*, I»rl*o *od Green •relU, Timothy, Clorer, ?la* mu! >nn Mood*. Omu ulTaDcoi diml* on OonrignsDt'Sta. •pfcly ho. 237 Liberty , win, ajo and* whole*. al»; 4 mitt H vWRSTERE VIEdKB VE CHEESE, •utter, xard, pork, bacon, flour, fish, FOT AND PEARL AfiHtS, 13ALKBATU8, LIN KEEP AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT and :RI and MS Frontabmt, WM. CULT ~ . »“*"• & MHKPAJID. Comnwiroß Mer- OZLiBTd and Jooten' In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. MS Liberty etreot, Pitmbnifh, Pa. Choice brand* of Floor tor Bakers and Family ate constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to tflllnn orders for Merchandize generally, ocfcdly JAMiii U. MoVAY, JtoBWASDIKa Ami Oonmtoi UmauMt, for tb» aals of VIiOUB. QRfTW. BAQON. LARD. BUTTEB. EGGS, and W«tan Frodaoe genenUf, Ko. JQ SUITHVXXI.iB 6TUSXT, earner of Vint, PtUsburjU, Pa. »yOrd»n *nd aoUcltod« - V. t ■■ ■ 111 t. tma, ctCHOMAKER A LANG. Ocndoasiov jj JCucaun* ud wbolaaal# dealers la QBOCE* StSbjrjbOUß. OftAlH, SS9 LflWfr atrerf, PitUbargh, Pa. . aeUallT - ' r£Ui& dZIZ&LL & SON, Manufao v 'jnai or LARD OIL, aad ) Oonatituos ifag*-’ aura fcr thapurchx— And tale of CRUDE AND* BIFIffBD FITKOLXUM.Noe. 60 BBd7»;W«ter sfo, Pfttxbnggfc. ' Afringfls Bbao on obuslgfti&ehtx. nooessoitoJiut, M’fflUfcfioiLNo.'lSsiiiborty' street, Pius-* burgh, GENERAL PRODUCE, GROCERY AHD COMMISSION MERCHANT... , - -T* i(Akito• feSkdTy ******* lUSI, I Gen n p-ttu I DATI» KOJJtUUM, ut. a. xxxrra. { uw> 1 r * rt * lr Rp^uvp^trnr^- MEANS A COFFIN.- EaocaßSOZfrto irCsjuilees, Means A Oo.* WfIOLESALK'GBO. CRIiS, comer of Wood end Water streets; Fittstioreh, Pean’a. ♦ Jyfrdly LUCANK -VAN UOKDKK. PbddWjSd £ Ookkusiob Mexcbajt, dealer in FLOUR. RUT TER, BROOMS, SEEM.’ L&RIT, CHEESE, PORK. DRIED AHD GREEN FRUITS and; Pigdice geife enily. Liberal c*ih advance* made onconsimmenU. Warehooae, Ho. 126 Second street, Pittsburgh.. BtaißL uvri a. toioi. 1 H. VOIGT & CO.jßuooeMorto L. G. AJe Graff, PRODUCE AND commission HER QUANTS, Btt Liberty rtiteet, Pitubnrgh, joaa L MOPS* —i-,-,,,-,,,,- , »n»im »/<»•«■ L TOflN i HOUSB A 00., WhoiSule U Gb64xu xx» Contmios Ms kcsxfere, corner of bmlthfleld and Water streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jy7 C'i)JiK4'i‘ON A .SiKWAIIT, WHOiS Ail uu-ißooni *» OoxAissioa Uawsisn, No.' 107 WooiTstreet, Pittsburgh. jsSyily I[*D*V AKU RhAZBIiTONj WMni.ne*t.si i OUouER AHD UimJLiaSiUU MERCHANT, Ra,t carnerfeT-tha JUamfefi, No.-18, PittfDur*h. mhi4:ly'» . I. naarataica.^.K.»mwjg—wm. xinxramicur t Waoi* saxi Oaoona and'dealers la FLOUR AND EEDH, Hoe. 181 and IBS Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jafcdlv •- •--• •- ■■" •» jtTTuMurtira. GKO. COCHRAN. “Atyorithy and Oousuuae ai- Ikvi - Office, No. 69 Grant street, Pittsburgh V*t Aik business entrusted - to fai* canftrin taoeiee prompt attention. OoUeetftns made In Allegheny and in all adjoining ooantks, ahd the money remit ted promptly.' ’ eeS’ly JOHN U. AUoDO.NAiiLL, Ano W gt st Law.-Omcx; sacozßTSlorr uunafaluv Bctu> on, NdiAtiOMafeitodvtfteC: ’ "V wmWruiHtuo ttt*> settle cnsut, securing ahd'cbOso* Uon of bcnatlß*,'Ac.,lnWa*hlngtoa,~ District ef Oolumbla. eoi&bmn MBS SU KUULP^tUCK.MM. M KULOS, KIKKPATKICK & MELLON, Actor mb vs at Law, Np. 133 fourth stmt, fire doora shore amithfleld, Pitubargh, Pa. myl7:dtf . a iciomi g»,... w .^ M n» ; . w .- t .4aim c. eaxoraa. & h. 0.. bCHOYKK, Attorn its a* Law. OSce, 139 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. oelT BHVtiVISTS. wiwimim., '»■>« L. WALLACS. COLLIDE A WALLACE, DBCOGI3TS, ( Ho. 87 WOOD iBTJLBXT, fgfawEOM, Pa. SLMUN JOHNtiTON, Uralbb nr .Pen DRUGS Ai«D CHEMICALS, P&RFUMRBY, »ANG\ GOODS, BURNINQ FLUID, OILS,'TAM*- ILY MLDHUNRS, A*., Acu, of ttrjctlr'pilnifequal tty, which he offer* *t lowest prloce. Corner Smith* Acid «sii £ pattb streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' Preaenptkius carefully eompoauded st ell hours. D A JSAJiN EtixOGK. * CO;, Whqlb* X)s lAifc GttiUW. and. Manufacturer©! WHITE* lead AND LITHARGE, corner of'Wood and Brest Mtrcett, ritUbargh. ’ mh7 JOHN E. tiOOTT, Wwnrmii.B Drai.bb m DBCGS, PAINTS, 01L£ r Y ARNISIUC3 AND Df£6tl/>PS,No. WLihertystrset, PJttsbut*fi.w All orden will rocelTQ prompt attention. mhat K. UKO. tL KJSVtiKK, JtetoeUT, 140 Wood street, oerner of Wood rtraet asa Virgin fa. paauvtK. C" HiiS"'WAEBH^SE—mNBy H. COLLINS, PomrdlngandCoin&UsaiOß Mer chant ami dealer la-CHEESE, BUTTER, LAKI VISE and Prodace generally, No. 15 Wood street, a bo re Water, Pittsburgh. • ■ mjS, CUAt*. L CALI)WELLi, (auoceaior to Jam be BelniiaA Col,) PbaA Faco* and dealer . tla PROVISIONS, corner of Uariei and front sts., iPltUbargh>v.X.-:~ ' |a6 WAL j'.-KKCA.-A-CO., WHOLE#*!* fca3fnfcaMSf.sltfsl>TLoD&,QaAlNadd BttoOUOßvsSaraUfeNo.lMLlbertj'et. r / lei J. Jack e a»o JtftoosßtadfllroaK Pac&tt amd okaum tm :*£OT£BlON$,7Hp.X& Pourth rw.aeerLlbsrty, fittsbarglfr^.-X,; f ... / . .-noV7 bBlltUI OITXXBO5 1 ' |J IxluuMlOwrui, omuc Mutrt (m l V«Uc •treets. ■ • • ' _ ’' FM. OVHlWtfj Worn, e lasaAljai Ooma»t. ta Water atreeto M. injUKi tiMUTAsr Auaai ST Plitb rtraet. JtM.VBM.Cf Mfc. €HAELOTTE BLUMJfi, Manupaotur u aii DKAiißfe u PIANO-FORTES, and la* rerof Mask and MoaicanastzuMata.! dole agent the HAMBURG PIANOS, also for HALLKT, DA VIS A OO.’fl BOSTON PIANOS, with and with eal Molcan Attachment; • No. fl fltth street, ayt K~kI.KKKR A LffiLTM Iff HmtfN»^lKt«iOAX..lsK»vxmt l eoAsoU; / auents for Uttttky* celebrated" PIANOS, NoTm W thstreet,Pittsburgh.---- ' -t " "* my 39 TbUN H. MELLON* Nearer or fttNoa U Matop«o>B^teu,^ / S*> J Sl Wood street, between VoortA strnsiSasDk»B & Itjhall be Ihe doty of the Cfark of tbe Ukrket to attend at the msrtet. place, during-suen masket hours as may be neosaeary to force obedience to-au rules and regulations herein-oon alnec, or thst spay from time to time hereafter be ordained and en acted by Councils, to weigh all buitsr, lard, do., ol kfed for sale 1q lumps of one pauod, tand no butter ihali be sold In lumps of other weight tbaa ous pound exoept weighed on scales In praams of the purchaser,) and If lennd deficient In weight, to •etoe and dispose of the same as directed by tne Act of Arsembly psaetd March lWh, IT7VIo prevent all unsound, taiatas «r mhpb*Dt«s neat iron being told or.ffertdfcr sale, by setsl/g tbo same aad taking such astlan thereon as the Mayor mgy diner, and any person or persons soiling or otter ing for sale unsousd, tainted or uuwbelsome piovia ions or meat, tkall, upon coavisSfan thefaok lorlbit and pay fcrthe nre at tbs elijra fine sf nos less tenUbllsrs; to decide all dUpules that msy arise-ln .the marketnwiwsen buyer' and teller touching the weight or mesiure of arttelat bonght orwold; .to Sso thM all gari age asd fiUh t< regularly removed by Uie'bwceper oi the Markets. Aft* A The Olerk of the Markets shall render to OoUucUaa monthli statement, (through the Com aitteeon Markeu) showing tbs tota. amount of oollsctiont for each month, which report shaikhs filed In tbe Tressurer’s Offloe,and by <»n» rheiged to thoaoconnt of said Clerk oi. Ma?k*U<-r Itebau also be the daty-.orAbaOlrThbr-tbe ‘Mnrk'lts, whsh ft fitted, to exhibit hie account to the Oommittej oo 'Markets, or any Obmmlttee appointed by CoubdU to etaista* tbe same; and at toe expiration of hrk of MarksUr/nuder-hfe. direction,; In:opening and closing the market tease, ana In enforcing the ordinance* and ralee re Ultra to the same, and on Tuesdays and Fridays ofeach anderery imme diately after market hours, he shall commence, end vlth all reasonable dispatch, sweep up, cleanse and remove from the market house,all filth nod garbage, retnilliog therein, together vtth that en the sur rounding side walks. He shall also, on {Monday morning of each week, perform the amine duty, and aa ofleh as may bo. daemon neoessary by the Commit tee on Markets, he thill thoroughly wash with bote tbpllnslde of the market hpuee .and surrounding pavements. •. i flee. 7. The Market Cenatatde shall attend during market hours, and shall co-operate With the Clerk of the Markets, In opening and , ~ u * ln g the doors at the . market house, and In maintaining order, enforcing the rules aod regulations of the .markets, and ;shall hats power to cell the City Police to his aid when he may deem the same neecesaary* Sec. 8. That the double row ; of stalls' In the centre of the market house shall be leased to butchers, for .the sale of bathers'meat except those otherwise ape rifled. .The Committee on Markets shall Mt ; apart, a euffldant number of butchers* stalls,'on Pitt street, front, and (he same are hereby appropriated- for the use ac doccupst cy of batchers selling bacon. i-Art. 8. That the ledges at the beck of the batch* erf* ctsUs, orso much thereof as may not be rented or leaded, shall beailoted lor theuseorprodooers/for the esleof the products of their own forms, such as butter, eggs, PoaiixjiAcu Irwhri, however, tbit no*person shall occupy mors tbafi One-third of astsll, or the sp-ce occupied by • butcher..- Flour, potatoes, meet and suchlike merketleg, will not be permitted to encumber the said lodges u i dera'-peAalty. for eech. offence, Of not foes than one dollar for the use of Iho rify. ■ ' • ! r ' Art. 3. And all other stands, and so much of the am as may be accessary, shall be leased to farm ers and g.rdeners, for the asl#,of,frnli and-Tege tables. * ■ Art. 4. The stands la the central area, or so mcch iherrof as may be Decenary, shall be ranted for the -tse #f formers, gardeners, dealers lb* fruit, vegetables, beef gnd pork sold by the quarter or mors, and for any Other purpose for whieh no specific provision hssbeen'made, as the Clerk of Markets may have demand.; Sec. 0. That the cbofoe of all. butchers’ and other stalls or stands id the said market house shall be sold by puttie out-cry, oommoedeg on Tuesday, the Slat of March, A. D, 1663, subject to such annual rent is mb; bs agreed upon by the Oommltteo bn «* SfP“W. Tli. CUrk ot th. Muk ets will be heldreepo&slbk to tbo rity.for th* amount unpaid forth* term of Afteeidays from the urst day of each and every quarter*-'SUlseKhi khell have brought salt briar; tW MayoForonTri thi Aldmnenof the city, for a violation, of tbUordi naabfo Aay butchrror 1 Meet of More room who shall* neghetor tifoee to pay the afoneald rent, for the ■pace of fifteen days altar due notice as aforesaid, than fifty do Oars, and upon convloUon for a ascend offsoc*, be, sh»» or they shall forfeit all rights and pri surges to said stalk roam or stand granted by the' dty* » ■' bse. 11$ That no person shall, within marks* hours, purriiaM within the dty limits, for/tha ptfrposa of selling again, aay flour, meal, grais, mat, lltb, poultry, butter, lard, eggs, fruit or‘any kind of marketing, under a penalty of ton dollars, fdttheusectf the city, , r ■ • v* r 6 m flec.lL Ho person ctean any heaif cnr fowl withm. the Market Ho see, or place any offal hide* jrtlti or akin* therein, udder a penalty of five dollars^for.thousaoftbsriQr. . _ 'Art. 8. Any psrfion who shall Market Honswafrsr market boors, Or open «ny door dr window of the same, shall upon oonviwion there-' 6*ll pay tho city or nse tbrseof from twenty five cents to two flu liars per day. Letsees of corn-r rooms, butchers and ganfeaeva may at any time sell or t-ansfor their in latest tnta*ir rooms, stalls or •lands but no sale er transfer shall be valid unless tfie same Is ratified by tie O.erk of tbe Market in tbe presencethe parties, who shall pay him twen ty fire cents/ur making the said transitr. fee. 19. Ho batcher or other penon shall bring or enfisr his, her or their dog or doge to corns' Into the Market House, urlog m*ik»i hours, and any Batcher or other ptrson that will harbor or permit ha; dog or dogs to frequent or r»m«in sb iut ih-ir itails or •tkoos, shall bs cuoshlsred the owner, and upon con notion tbonof shal> forte t and,pay a fine of out Use than two or more thin five do;lats, oce half ol *sid flue shall go tj the prosecutor aud the other half to tbe uso.uf the city. 6-c. 20. All bLicks, benches, bs rcl*, tob*, bos kets, fic , used by tbs Botchers ana Qardeners In their builn** must tw kept witno taecity tfeo. 21. The beaches in front ef tbe Batch-ra Stalls shall not extend into tbe passage way further than feet from tbe enter uf the, upright supporters of the Stall. Alt chopping blocks, slgus, n tun bars, weighing .crane*, fic., used by batchers must be farQUhed at their own proper coot and expense; they shall be of a uniform character approved and put up aadsr the direction of the Committee on Markets, and any persou or. persons fkxntiag lh* : Ingoing, •ball upon oonvicoon thereof forfeit and pay lor tne use of the City, a flee of not less than Five dollars. Art. 2. No meat shall be salted within tbe Market Botne, or pickle, brine, or other filth thrown there-, in, or on Uie pavementssnrroaading tbesame, under tbe penalty ot Fir * dollars for osch offence, one-half of said flue shall go to tire prosecutor and tbs other hall to the nse ef the City. Art. 3. No Batchers’ Mast, Ysgetabbs, Fruit, or otb«r article sold by weight or measor-, shad be sold, within tbe Market House by other scales, weights or measure* tbaa such as shall have beeu sealed, rrga *talrd, branded or stamped according to law, under a paualty of five dollars, and the forfeiture of such do foctiv- scales, welfbtaoe measures, sail Rfaholl be lbs tapecUl duty of tfie Blerlt fit the Market to en force tbe proviiloiu of this Article. B*c All wago&i and olbT vehtclee bringing meat or other product to the market must be on lo-4-hnir of said fine to go to the prosecutor and the other to the use of the city. See.' £l. The rents of all ti*rden Stands shall be dUS-and made payable baJJ-yvariy in advance, to wit; . Od the first days of April and October of each and every year to the Clerk of the Market who ahall give duplicate receipts lor the time in a book kept for that purpose. All Gardeu Staud*, the rent of which remains unpaid on the fifteenth day of April in each, year, shall be rw-let by the Clerk of the Market to the highest bidder who will pay the rent in full for a year. And the Clerk of the Market ahall be held responsible to the city hr the amount of all reuts of Garden Stands that remain* due end unpaid foV the term of fifteen dajs from the first day of .October . unless he shall hove brought suit before the Mayor or one of the Alderman of the City for a violation of this Ordinance. Any person hiving a Garden Stand rented er leased who shall rngket or refuse to pay . the rent aa aforesaid shall upon conviction thereof forfait and p y for the use of the cl y a fine of not . leas than fifteen or muni than twenty-five dollars. AU. 11. So garbage or offal of any kind "h*!! be left in the Market House by any occupant of any ■tall or stand. but it shall be Iho duty of inch occu pant toTemuve, or cause to bs removed, auy inciden tal accumulations of garbage or waate, immediately at the Close of market hours, under a penalty of one dollar for each offeucr, half of said fioe shall go to the proAecutur, aad the other half to the eke of the city. bee. 2i. The owners of Garden Atande most occupy their .teipeetlre standee* pAytto tha city-the earns rate# be maybe spactfied by the Committee ou Mar kets to be paid by transient persons. Person* selling at second baud heviog a lease o 4 or a Garden Stand, rented by the year, ahall payou* buttdypd par cent, more rent thau that • pacified or fixed to be paid by Gartlnese. AudGarduera wbo ahall be engagvd a part of the year In selling adicles not of their own production shall pay fifty per cent, more rrut than that fpvcJfied or fixed to be paid by Gardner* who ■.llonly.tbelrowu produce Sec. £& AUdeet**in;flii9r,.igpgsatii3 meat sold of- Offcred by theqolrter or mote, and all other articles eeld by weight, will be drslgnaled stands n applica tion to the Clerk of Maxkeis; and no flour, bogs, meat by the quarter or more, or other produce sold by weight or measure, will be permitted to be offered for saio on aay of (be street*, squares or pavements surrounding tba Market . -House, during toierkfet boors, uulw* by authoritytiptbi Clark’bf Markers, who shall charge from twenty-fire cents to two dol lar* for the u«v ol such stands. Art. 2. All begs, beef and pork by the quarter, flour, oets, aod grain of all kinds, moat be sold by weight, and khe same shall be weighed on the city , .scales under • penally of not Irsa than' two' or more than five dollars for the use pf the aod if re quired by'the boyer or esllrr the Weigh Master must mrniab a bill of th* aame. flsc. 26 On the completion of tb* new Market House th* old Market. House shell bauhaedtasd by the botchers and giid-ners; no stall or stiod skill be reuud In or around the sold old Market for tbe yearlSSS. Sutabonid tb* batchers and gardeners, ou aecwnnt ef tbs hon completion of the oew Market Home, be compelled to occupy their r»ep*.ftiva etatl* and atande, ih-y shall be considered as baring rent el dt lea*ur,;potat<»4, applet, grntn of all klcdt, ‘also for Che sate of h» and ■catby fhe Those selling bogs aadneet ! by the quarterahsU pay lor ike use of the earn* lrt>m twenty-five Ctais to.twodoliAxi p'df diy.it tbedis creilcn of ih* Ql : (k of the Markots. • Ark L That the tales and rsguUtfoiu now Jn fore* in tefereoeg to hay and -gram wagons, and the place to'be cooupied by them, are hereby continued in force for esc. 27 floits for vioUtlo&e of any of the provis ions of the foiegolng otdinsneosmay be brbnght be*, .for* the Mayer or on* of . D. Macxkjuox, - Clerk of the beleci Council. .::: a ' ' - 1 joh* bbowh, ja., * ; ProSldent of the Ck-mmon Coancll. Attest: M.' : MoGomun*s Clark «>t tbe Uommpu Oouocil- apddt UM Ji &V &XAV*» iUAOiaiS TAXftX, ThsJASUABT L ouw due anil eayabie at tbe Internal Bevenue OSes, WATJBft HTSSXT, nvkt 3ogr,to the City Troasury, AUrghany. r -^ I)AVal> H.teUlTk, mb 14 of the Skid ihstriofa Fena’a. 8- KIIDIDIjE & QO-, BjDJI otb ASDPBOPBIFTOB6. PntjlUation Office No. 84 Fifth Street. MORNING AND EVENING EDITIONS, DAILY, OONTAIBING THE LATEST NEWS tTP TO THE HOUR OF rUBLIOATION. TUESDAY MORNIMG, APRIL 7. NEW TERMS OF THE OAZET’I E, MoaHiire EDtnow, by mall, per year.M~36 00. ** " months 70. “ , •• »e«k IA " *• single copies 1, Evumo ButriOM by mail, per 1 60. “ ” months. 38. “ ‘ week. to. " - i single opplea j, - VauT Esmoe, single copf'-s, por year.. % 00. ” " . clubs ol 6‘to 10, *' .. 160. •* : elnbsoflOormore" .i 1 88. —and one extra to tbe party sending dab. For a dub ef fifteen, W 6 >n send the Svmxua Gaxrtb dally. Far a olib of twenty, we will send the - Moaaitfe Gatvrns dally. Bliigi-' ceplse, 6 cents. snbecrlptleiu ttrietlg in adeaaos, and papers always stopped wbeulbt-..t10»i expiree. From Vlckßborc--TerininaUoo of tho Steele’s Bnyoo leipcdtuon. A Utter from Young's Point; near Yicks burg, give* the following eaponatof’the fail* nr* of this expedition, by;whi delicacies, and they brooght'wUh them for future use, turkeys, geese, oalres and sheep without number. The bates of cotton,(that constituted at onoe the wealth find defences of thq oouniry through whloh our troops passed, are new heaps of smouldering ruins j many of the Outhouses and dwellings are in the same obfcutlon. There is but a poor prospeot of Starving the rebels outaai iome aj»p«thiilnf To«o- Jutioni, make ipaachw, and nominal* a UohaL. Tba call was for "a mooUngof tbq Bamooraoy of Laodemk townthlp, *tTJr*w*raTlU van ning* oohnty.'f After thing* had got folly nndor way, fodr yooog Udioi, ha?* brother* ift th* army, Pjff* of meetfag, bearing the oalion4i; Bight of a thing ao abhou*M to *°H£J*®***» oaoiod no little donitarnatfon and .At ierfgth* f«Uow. adyancid to tha JadtJ* W • ■nnrniarlart in atiaohlßf » boturnutt© thtAbf »„ ggfflHfßsaasa iraasasß^gS Uh«d lh.lr bu.lßM* on ■ ; It- RNING, APRIL 7 Put to Flight. RNAL-. JOT 1863. ' Pennrf lrania Legislature. Be ported tor the Pltuborj b Gazette. Harrii bobo, April 3,1863. Hotr».*-BUi relatl ig to reoords In the Supreme Coart was pulsed. Bill for the suppression and destruction of counterfeit bank notes was lost. BUI providing for the payment of money by tho«e who conßoieatijmaly lorople to bear arm*. The bill proTidei tt at those persons who conscientiously eerupl to beer arms, end who Ibavebeen or may be r iqalred to do so, shell >eaeh pay the earn of $ 00 as an equivalent for < personal eervloo, the i feme to be paid to the ‘eouoty treasurer of tno respective counties, •who shall pay the seme into the State Treat ing end on failaxo of any person to pay as ‘aforesaid, the same shall be oolleoted as debts bf like amount are by law reooverable. Mr. Hex, of Montgomery, moved to strike >ut the words “conscientiously scruple to bear inns," and insert “took an oath or afSrma ion that hehadoonselentiousscruplesagalnst leering." . Mr. Kalne, of Fayette, moved to strlke out n the bIU, all after the words 11 1 bat those" >nd insert the following: I "Persons who took an oath that they had donscientious temples against Marin g arms dnder the draft of ' militia' made, in tha year A,. D. 1863, shall eaeh pay dlreotly Into the state Treasury, the sum of —— dollars within sixty dayb after the passage of this aet* and bn 1 allure to do so, the State Treasurer Is neroby directed to colleot the same by due droeeia of law. ["That in any draft of militia hereafter made, those who conscientiously scruple to bear arms shall not be required or permitted to ■tVke an oath that they have, such conscien tious soruples until after they are drafted, wd then, upon taking such oath, they shall bb discharged from tuoh draft upon paying U the county treasurer of the eounty in whteh tley are drafted, for the use of tho State, the sum of $3OO eaoh." - !Mr. Beck, ef Lycoming,_moved to strike opt **s3oo*' and insert "$1,000." ;Mr. Cochran moved to amend by adding "[provided that this aet shall not apply to tha county, city, town or borough where no draft wit made." jMr. Jeskson, of .Sullivan, moved to refer thjo bill and the amendments to a select com mittee of five, with instructions to report on Monday next. Agreed to. MruVihoent, oMS rip, ohUed up the Senate, bill entitled a farther supplement to an aet to establish a system of free banking in Penn sylvania, Passed—yeas $9, nays! 23. U provides tbil banks established under the provisions of. the free banking laws of this Commonwealth, that have heretofore le gacy-assigned to- and! deposited with the'Au ditor Genera!,,or may hereafter legally assign to | and deposit with him the konds or evi dences of debtof this Commonwealth or of the Uuted;Siates, in the manner specified in said laW,aliMtiuaiutitled to receive from the said Auditor General the amount of .the par value of said bonds or stocks in tho-notei author-' Ised and provided for by said free banking laWt, and any laws or parts of laws incon sistent herewith bound the same are herebv - -- . ■■ That the banks established tinder the free ‘banking lawsof this Commonwealth tkallhave the [right to. assign toupd deposit: with She Aoaito;. General tha bonds or evidences ef debt of ibis Commonwealth, or,of the United States, to ah ameunt not exceeding twice the amount of their capital stock,and shall be en titled to reoeive therefor an amount of notes cquil to the amount So depotiied. Mr. Noyes called up House bill to encour age the extension of lateral railroads. It provides 1 * that any railroad company, i heretofore or hereafter authorised to build any branch, lateral or diverging line of -railroad, may' to encourage the construction, thereof ■penally, mortgage any such branch, lateral or diverging line, the road, bed and other real estate acquired or to be acquired thero for, the iucuus thereof uad the-fraachini, so far as they are ipecUny'-applfoeole’ thereto, and may issue plaio or coupon bonds scoured . by such mortgage, and may negotiate them on sueh 'terms;*as .to the raft# of Interest an d priee and pleoe of 'payment ks they may deem ad visable, provided that snob mortgage shall not excised $50,000 for each mile of road it oovert, and sat no bond for a less amount than $lOO •hairba issued under this aet; and, provided further, that every tuoh Mortgage shall ba recorded In the county or counties in or through if blob branch, diverging-or lateral Uoe is or shall bo eanstrneted) and provided -that duoh mortgage shall not operate against the t|en of, laborer*: and material for work and 14bor done,, and materials furnished in the construction of said road. Tho bill was * SajfaTi.—Mr. Connell presented a remon strants of oUlsens of Philadelphiaagainst tha passage of unaet-pvoiilbitlog tha Immigration of colored persons into the State!. Mr.l Bound, a remonstrance of eltiieas of Northumberland eounty against granting railrodd companies mining privileges. Thojtrilt to incorporate the Lee'Coul Com pany was reported from the Committee on eorporpUoni with amendments. The postal -expenses of the Senate for the past jaonth was $1,396 60. Ordered lo be paid. : A resolution was adopted ordering theprint- Isg bf six hundred eoplee-of tb*mnal'report of the Board of. Revenue ComntUsloken.. Mr. Connell presented, a bill to prevent frauds upon trades; alifoj/bill to punish tha fraudulent .receiving of money on deposit. /Mr Penney; bill extending the time for the payment of the enrollment tax on th% act in aorporetingtiit XdehodiDil Company and for increasing the peplfeldtock thereof.'.- • Mr, £eiHy';,k|lHnlaUre to the transferor latent convicts from tbeSohuylbUf ooqoty prison to tha Pennsylvania Lunatic In the afternoon session thegeueral appro priation! bill was considered and with Might amendments passed finally. On motion of Mr. Penney, the Senate agreed to hold-ian evening session, commencing at TJfo'clock. - 7 i * : |o, the evening session tha following bills werapassed: Sill relative to- the taking of osrtain ground situated in tha ally of Pitts burgh by.tha Pennsylvania BetlrbadCompe ! ny. BUI to extend the charter bfHheMitjtri ißank of Pottsville. Bill to extendthe obar tar of tbp York Bank, .Bill to authorise 1 the Auditor Generaiandfltete,Treasurer" t* set*' tic Ibexocount of E. O. Wilien, leteAojatant General. j BJlito tneorporata tha. MbshannOn .BellroadiCompauy. Bill to incorporate the Young UenVOferlitUn Aeioolatioa of Brie. Bill to aioispi certain property U New Brigh ton, Beaver eounty, from 'Bill to authorise theOommisiionert of Haroor ooua ty to compromise with, tho holdars ©f its bonds isiuedto railroad eompanite. Tho bill rtlating io eorporations for manu facturing purpose* In the oounty of Allegheny was passed to a woond leading.' - The lupplemVat to tha act to inoarporata tha Foster Coal and Iron Company, passed April 16,1860, was passed. Supplement to the act to incorporate tha Pittsburgh and Birmingham Passenger Ball way Company, approved April 18,1869, was amended by Mr. Penney by Inserting at the and of tha!sevanth lino of th e sebbnd-iaodon tho words J "or oommonoe to wnj :«•»$« i upon tha road within the limits of said oity or borough." The bill was then passed- The Senkto adjourned till i}4 P* »• day next. : .-n : v fbom wMWnero*. Mail Diap*tcb«a to th» PltUbWfh OM(tt«. Wabhi*o?om, s April 4, 18 M. mo imm«duti hotikikt »t Xh« Protldobf andhii wlfa, aaoompanlad by .» eomlderablo party of gueiti, bin g on« to thd Army of tba'Patoaao. It to mdirttood that Wore theyratarn; tbay will ba join ad by deb.or more\CablHat mambara, and that a grand reribwitili tak* plaoo during tbnlt TiiU. Thua faoti Indioata thatthara will ktebtiiarUy bo longtr'dalay. bafurar Heokar’a inoTan.nt ea% bagU than barbaaalattarly oai. ujx’a Dkpa*TitikT. v ; .: ; <. Itodloal laipaatyP.Saraaa, «ho baa jcitia turnadfron aa laapaodan tout l* Qaa. Dlx't qfilNgiß^TSS!?* VOLUME A Victim or tub K. O. C.’s.—On© Solo* mos Hensbaw, a wealthy citizen of Fountain oouaty, Ind., committed suicide one day lut week, became he had become a member of the JKnlghta of the Golden Circle, and their treasonable oharaeter so troublod him that he eoutd not bear the odium. Aw JMPOBTABT XUKICIPAL BLEOTIOK takes place to-day in Cineinnati. Strong hopes are entertained that the Union tioket will be sac ceilfal. If so, it Will be a great trinmph. Onr friends in Oonneotlont are sangnino. 8E H~IJTG MJtCHIJTES. yy HKELEii A WILfcJON’S IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINEB. Are stUl offered at LAST TEAKS PSIQ E 8. Cpwardsof 110,000 of these celebrated Machines are bow Insacceealol operation. 25,000 told Auriag tAs pa-i year. This Machine will stitch, hem, fell, quilt, bind, tnek, gftf hrt T| oord and braid.: It prodace* a loch stitch alike en both sides. Is adapted to the thick set kqd ihlnest fabric; very simple In comtr action; elegant In design and finish; has received th«* HIGHEST PEEMIDHS At ell Taira when exhibited, both In this coantry end Europe; has by. far, the largest sale, and le beet adapted to family neo of any Sowing Ma chine, full instructions in operating given free WARRANTED THESE TEARS eVGall end examine and receive a circular of tee* WM. SUMNKK & CO.. Aosmts, No. 27 FIFTH STREET. mhßwsewF W. WILLIAMS A CO.’H IMPBUTBD »Oimr,lt THBIS!; f Ytmity Sewing JBocMnt*. Salesroom. Ho. 48 Fnorth street, Pittsburgh Tkeee Meohlnee ere from fifteen to twenty dollars chtaper than ©ny ether maehlue-in the city. They erijl do all kinds, of work, end are warranted for threo'yeaie. They ars so simplo that any child IS tear* old can cue them to perfection. Ocostaatly on and, all kinds of Sewing Machine Needles, Sewing Silk, Gotten. Ac., at lomwt .Market prlos. >»l7 «. itfrot Pf^'OA JJAHGAINB IN SBCOND-^^^ BAND PIANOS. T 5 $ 9 A T; octave dickering, beautifal black walnut ; : oase; very Utile used fi2u 00 A 7 octave (Jhlekeriag, rosewood, round cor ners; a first rate tnstrmaept.....;. 200 00 A 7 octave Hays a. Oo n roeewood; e handsome . Plano. In good order 178 00 A flj£ octave btodart, roeewood, carved panels iofronL-. 165 00 A6K octave Gale' A 00., roeewood, round , front; an excellent P1ec0.... 160 00 A 6 hetave Ohleksrlng, roeewood, round oor- A bbetsye Ballet,.Delia A 00., rosewood 186 00 A C octave btodart, mahogany ......_ BO 00 A 6 octave. Swift, “ .. _. 16 00 A 6 octave Herman, “ 60 00 d fl octave Dunham, " 60 00 A 6 octets bond, “ .... 40 Oo A Sst octave English, ** 90 00 A 6 octets u - 16 00 For sale by JOBS H. HELLO R, felt 81 Wood street. gTKINWAY'S THE MUST IN TBE WORLD jTjTwP They rwelred a PIBBT OLASS PBIZJC NBDAL, «t tbs LOHDOH WOBLD’H PAllt, 1862. i. (mall, cboloo aeeortmeni flromissrt os, pud to irrlve out *(ck H. SLSBEB ABBti,, ..So la Aftaiß tar -Steinway’vPlaDCS, mhil . *»<• fa ESTATE BAVIBGB IHSTITUTIOH. incorporated t>y the Legtalaiara of Pennsylvania. Opel tor Deposits from ID a. m. to 2 o’.lock p« m., dally i atooonBATCBDAT ETEHIUOS, (roa.6 to • o'clock. - 1 63 POUBTH BXBMEZ. A. SkF*; OOSYXNttNT and PBOPITABLX DSPOiXTOBT, tor Keehanlae,-Laborers, Olerk*,' and all tboia whom moans or tarings are small. It also Oemsiwd* Itself to Executors, Administers, Ool ite takej Agents, rolantaryboetetlea or Associations, in'WtiODi o! all clawes. Interest at ths r*te of BIX PXB CENT, par an anm.la.oald os deposits, which, tfnot dram, will Unplaced to: tit* credit of the depositor on the first dajTof' Kay aod Ne?e»bar,aad thereafter bear the mine Interest as the principal.. At this rate, money ti>l doable to lew doa twsfe* years. . Jhierael will commence on all deposits the fim and Hflimdk day* of the month after each deposits are made. , Books, containing Charter, By-Laws, Ao., ftxrn!th> ed OQ.ay plication at the office. tVssldsal 18AA0 JOHBB. Pics fmWwW—W.B- OOPKL&BP. nmjn;' Boa. thee, H. Hove, » Bon. 3. &. Koorhead, laaae 3ones, (T.O. Harney, W. B.jOeaelahd, I Jacob Painter, Harvey- Childs, | * HlohoUs Toegtly, i , Wm. H. Smith. : dsesyary aad IVeasw sr A. Ar OABBUB. jjiAMU.* era BLAC&, BaBKBBOWH. SNUTf BBOWH, UOHT BBOWH. OABK BLUE. LIGHT BLOB, DABJLQBtIH, PO&PbS. SLAT*; OBX&UOH, BALMOV, DARK. IiKAB, MQuT IXUAB, YHJ.QW. LIGHT TKLLOW, CHANGE, MAGBNTA, soLraaiKo, FBKNOH BLOB. , BOYAL PUBfLX, I , VXOLXT, i fAMtLT DIM OOLOBBi For djeink BUk» Wpokstuxd Mixed Goods, Shawls, Soarfr, i ttiwH,• Ribbons. Glotss, ; BonnSts, Bits, Feathelhj&ia G}otm; ■ •■•.-• Dm BAKUUUKf 0 ' • ' WIT* , A. A*BO., dormr *f Pit# **4’ Commr*- OMh ; < - • i * BAITIMOBR, , oifiinkii cdJdassioK-KißoaAHTsjrr A*d AiratotetW ■oVirDUPOHT’B GCSPOW DIB AND SAffBXZ,JF6AI. > , ■ " Baodn nn ormrfrnMfflt ill kind* of W*Un dnoo, ud mikt tdvaiMMo Itattoa. - ■ if /« _ttMk in (toal ol Wanboiuo, * * uni w WUUtaHISt&UbAUx, Ptttsbvgh» i MUlorA ltckotwtt. “ l Bpnmr A O&mrd, - ■ • " OolpAfibopbord; ...." ' Horohsata'jßssk* EolUmoT* i ; B.PoFord!*Bono. . “. TTMTKU BiATisa U A fill iHKlmnUipt fotaek et tha otto* 9( ItitM&al-.BaTtauh W4TABBTBWT Mil deer to i.whia .T i-DAVFD *. WBlT«.Ooneeior. DLUATiiK HAKKIMU—2O bx*. lieih t>»dtriui nn d> SuiurKteitnr, OMnt'B.JonM, IHaM WiUaov, fl WmWiw Umu Wtn. PhfUlM, John Watt, Wb. B, ITm John B. Parka. Okwl* 8. Bliaen, Wn. Van Kirk, wm«>. QAnrreKß-^ LUKK LNOUKAJUJK By TUB Uhl.l £ ANOE MUTUAL! fir OF PHIL ADILPHU^.CaTOLDUI«£:S„niV uraoauriis£FoSfflaSrSSfi? town or conntrj. 0800 Ho. 208 WolnntSStT OoriTAL, 1229,110) 'Awn, u lolloir*: rint Jfottgag* ea Isprorad Oltj Prqpar~ t;, ForU HRdsnt M . M^^.4U6l «) 0 00 Oroaild'Niitj fliirt ----- -—r , j iy,jy» sc par tint/-Mortß»fe«“' : JLoan, 130,000, ,i-f-„„ t, . _ flitn qu Dilp of PWudelpfcU,‘B - prtift&t. SOIOOO 00 ssssmesisl « i kailroafl Oompaoy, m«ftoa tnan.,,,. A£Dl«b P6nn*7lT*ni» ‘Eailroad 4,000 0C Ctock of. BeUagca-Mataal JafsamjOou. 9MV 00 Stock: ofOoinitr Kro lmuimoce Oo. MMMWa LOMOO Stock 9fJJ*UNkro..iC:’Bj - TOu OO Commercial .Bank do ..p.,,.,, ~ Msolum lea* B .j 1(0 00 Bills Bocelrmhls, bmlaOm pipr,,,,^......... niw is Book Accounts, aocrusdiutarMVei<*.i_. Tt (Mi os hand ud Id of »j>nt« l6 . «MJ»M tikqlxt, Kilim. Q. IkOiaw, ... •£' Lotlirop, - BobtrToUiod, ffty cWMdt - Frod’k. Xattudc* -Japofr-lUfiSuti SOfIMAB, *»*«..• j. e. cornu, 4fM. ay 6 iiorth6a» t coraat Third and Wbod stmL Ulofu Tiugler, ; damcel BuptuDL,- Wm. B. Thomyaan, - - Bobert ■ . Frederidk'BfCwn, ' Wm. iloswiv < l i 0. SioVewoiif J( Beaj.W.ns^Ti-’ 'John &. Worrill,, . MsnbiJd Hill, = “ ■; • M. KL |Ni>i£MMT¥ &4MINUTI UUtiß il* X YIM.—FBAHKIiIM JiBSItf&D&AMOBOOM PAHY or PUILADXLTBIA. Office, ttfaad 4M Oheetnnt street, near,fifth.:. ‘C .:'>•■■• Statement ot Aiaei*, January Uit.J&tiO, published, . hgreeably. loan act «f'Aseembty/bdh£~ Pint Mortgagos, amply HO Boa! titou, (prea't raL YloB£l4 61) cost 103,064. 00 Twnporarj Loans, oa ample Oolltteral 1 * • SeCUrice . B>,WK. Stpcka, (present vain* |8*rlod.of thirty yen* >, they have paid losses by fire to an amount excaedii.. Four IliUumt Dollatt, thereby a Sordini srideno* of the- advantages of Insurance, a* well aa their abili ty and dispoMtiou to meet with pronptn—.all liabilities. . : mum nu( Losmspaid during tho'year IftM 6* DUMtOU I \Jbulce fl. fiancksr. ■ liwlifti'' •' Uordecal D. Lewis. Jacob B. Smith, Tobias Wagner, - Edward O. Dale, David £. Brown, Geo. W\ Ucbsrah Samuel Grant, *■ George falsa* OHABLBS a. BAMUKKU, PrmidmU BDWABD O, DALE, VUt Pr ertdwW W». K. t*r»SL, Secretary ore tea. ' J. QABLKkB coma, Agwmt, oyS Uffloe Kortheast oor.Wood A Third sts« Wfc&XJfiKft LNbUitAMJi£ OUAUr* , SfY OF PITTSBCaiHL . B. HILBIB, Jr., Presided G-'ai.GQßDOM,bser«tai> - • Office, Mo. 93 WaVSE-atreeV’Bpang A Ob. 1 * Wtfs» > Uonsji, op stain, Pittsburgh., c • -'* J •• Will iMur« agaaui all kind* c/./Vs and Jfarinr BUli. A Homo ItulihUiont monafoi by Dindortmht . orowoU huun i* (fci icmtumUtidmd *J* cr* defer* ovtMfi, by prorapacau hhd ti&tnWf, (0 mainteki lb character which thcs hat* MiasMd, ar.qtf’dffey thelstA '• pritettuw to thou übo deririe to bo Inewfe*. ; * • ASSAM, OCTOBER £j,l£6fl * v - Stock 63,001) 00 alortgayw 8,16001 ' OfBoff: riirnitn«w>-.---. H - T 1 T -Jgt'S : A ' Opon Acooantkf ,7,80100 v fk«h :—:... gp. Premium Nate*. , 87,006 16 Note* mod Bills 174,075 IS 57? axaanou; .. } Andrew AeU*j, • Alexander Speer, i, 1 Darld ILlfOßg, Bees J. Thomaa, BeaJ. P.BakewaQ, John B. IL'Cana. B. iill»r,\Jr, June* MeAnuy, N»th*oU) If dim— Max. Hlmick, Goorge Danfa, wmioin a. Smith 0. W. Bickataoa. mj3o r. jl. QQBDOM, ISSTIEANCE COHP’T 07 HOSTS AMHBICA. PHILADILFHIA. Imoranoe Go. pf the State of Peaa’4., PHIL ADS LPHI A. Hartford'Tire luorance Company, in the abort ald~ttd raltaM*oaHS paniee can to obtained bjapplkattoa t©?, hBT:dlj Bagalc3tV i PnlMtaam»gTWelerßtri*i»' " \J OT PITTBBOBOH. :oa*a,«onar Maricata'j Water itreeta, second floor. -*• i ‘ , WM,BAflAMT^r»iiH«fc dAMCXLBU, Stanton. . . fa*are*BtcambottaandCargoea, Intares-acaiaatloa and daaase in tbeatTisatts of the Southern and bUm_an Boron*, and th» aarlfatka of the See*. 1 . Irunrea against loaa anddaniagaby fii% •I *■"■! MMflom./.iv. ; Wm.B4gmbj,t - S. K. Kir, ; _ Jaa. Fukidbo r- < 'JofcaSHptea; ' — W. ! G. imuTaSSSt, . . ... 0. Harbaigfc Bmm (WsaSr , V J. GaHwelL Jr., - Haa. T. M.' How»; John 8. DuwwtL - - Betdnj Fnat*n.v ; Charti* jfc B*L'. *. • Qofrrgt Blopham; j- - ; -^wfl^tri*" ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COM ; *% PANT OP PITMBtmOH; OBce, Ho. in fifths «trwt,Bank BlocA. ’ ' ••• vl l . laanree against eflhtndHdf PtreahdAKdrtM IBAAO JOMEt, JViitfmt.- _ ; JOHfi D. MoOOKU, Ftoa prirtlwii D.iW. BOOJK, toan, . -vv: ;* *- ! • ' Gant. W*. PXAB, Qmm*l A*— VXABOTOtS! Isaac Jonas. Joka D. KeOorl O. O. Htuaer, Oapi. AdaesJaeobs Barter GUM*, ' . B3Mt*d!u»-... 0w1.8.0.'W : OapA Wtt. Dee*. ; : John trwini.Jiw.*:'- : -B.T*.-McOTeie.. B;U • r H» Pf**. J s < rpO* I}LAJSB ‘MANDFACI'U(iKHS.—, ;i !Mtaras j *- tltaetadla tb*dtr«*9w*kly»»eer UeAUaitfc f r«rir. ‘Tu* wmtal«^’naw>b) Mpfcot order, la owretion, ftafttSHfl *U the fcclUUaeftr mek.'i'- l P g£wgy-da«dHpfltiSof OlMa whichTil flwarti. - Wkda ttrtba BrooklyaraitGl** OombtaAlnA. ' vUc!tc>ve the* pomyeay lba Atgb tifmtotW'ft be ' long «aitalned*~_„.; 0 .;-, ;-j ,5 * * r • . TejryereaywtotoeokagwMg.pMha tHw end teeooomiimed dot*b eeftfhVtSiiwoald -efar * •. greet. JadßernoatteetbebomtMoof'tbreofiuwfe* / glided eonXdba-ftpmlAed; by ttd^reeeotdwilarL• ■ ‘for farther perttdataneßpiyla-’ 7 . . ,• ' JL **i9AOUajHXti, .■ Nb.6frSrtalcyijdkiakh Bev¥dMear trt-jp,' blaake toglrlHaoptm eadmototh&tdPOrteJnwwefgTOdrmiKoTidk mig of lading, def end tmUotCeartyditfendlr tkTauhe. * M bat eftmlted eapoly vlU.be mode ctdm.- •-- •>'. WIL G. JOHHBTOH A 00.. SteemJobPrintara,Bleak SeekMennfenliirereiod BtutonbiilTVwdittvi, ■•■ ealtaevtf ■- QHAKb&Tb OAbDVVkbb, , ‘ • liooo—ar jit Earner Holgu l *4*- W] o#». mtanmi mbit ‘