y&IOAY MOBHIHQ, APRIL 3. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ? XeetfDf la Cpntf. -• BowH‘B«rAto Xoww>rT;> '' Mvth 27 t -*lB6l. J T' 4 J *«*wn»r*f *of Sou)i;Baffilo •w • i , ,i&£itrqsg coan.tjr, vpjji*ld- tbi» homo No. 5, without re* *P*ot'to"p»if ne*flj all takiag *g actlva uW ,. ~_pw£tbwatf. of Ue jnecijng.waj ! «ps)P discouraging 4ha« ••ohia «;apattUaaM.- -W. W. Hill wti called' *to tho'OEair anOames B. HUI to actjij 5pq ,..... !;, v Committee nf focririei appointed to draft Zz.V. ftPSKM %>*.'&' th, ivi: • ;«d ~ nl]io,VclroJt,reo,olntl6ni. _'.;.; j _ j„. •r #t fa. G*lbr**th than .-, ■M.nSSSJSS'iw 1 f**!"!•»; l«m*n: u m - - w«*Uj to tto-gojjjrtTßwt.t'B.’iuWi.iKt tt«D« 0 H? I*' 1 *' *•*«"? *wt» »wA<,«!sjs!4v lit h " W 1 *» brawl, all • r f^y^**^ - ®o permanent toeaoo Um ? if- 51 9?* l ' l «a traitor. now 1b jmf«.*?riiifWr_ unoondltlooi.l mbmUilon V o i tho United Statooioro do harobydoolnr, that «i will oordially oubport - it* fcibrta to-oupprefe U» Toboltion, and raotoro tbo temtorialbDOnda naa of our country. i \ and B. J. Hill wereepioinl •4>i»?iOoramittev on mexioat to prootra •paakar for the next erasing. ! Ob motion, it wao agreed to that thoj pro- OMdingi of tbii mooting bo publiihoti hi the ' * *^^»* D «l»P»"«eai.oUth. Plttibnrgh •w i l9(bdaetii,\ a-* ?>Mj jßlltug. ißpm«-r»ipoaiiole>aUUoU'ak Ai r“ ln * h of -tha railroad coopanr, l ?°* * to'lhtre* a.-ti’r nandlu ,a fighting j :i fcp«f,o*narai,waft.hlghJy £ ia»ulta tki|tho«onld Bot tabo tho hand’tt inoh a , t^fSW?*±?ysgs?^*> Mtottoononi, bnl mado.oon.idMmW« J o i«. nntgldn, Qtnoral BurnbdapaU-notattonllon, ft: jlHim, to-tho'tnattori ind wont on tcT bio dootination. A day orttrdnfti; »..InJin oiool ' vti “>"»*Kb«longlßg to hli cbrpo, - Bad baringboard of tho Inntlt offorod to thoir oommondor/ -woiwanxioni to Übo a lodt at I thin “Potto/’ bat fortntotoly for him holwao I «-o£K2£A ft ! m j nte ®' o, K' r »i*« hit Ilf. sdght 6Ab in dinger, ao tha troopi iworo bon- I ttltoonrooly noconary to wrlio that f Majln.tnty Ud T -a togtrtar “onppothond.” • Awot^r‘oopporboad irorlchitf'ln tho thop ‘ ro. I “**«irWd-lo m-of•-ttV'.oia&g.thrt bflS 1 .. '- “*T fighting for $l3 n month and tha ntggor. | “ ' ottorgd theoe word, whoa ho “» hooi. althoratn nf >,«»■ tho loMinr hti f tr^• p * 4 Polla »eaired,-ott Saturday feat; , • thl* htle may m t6 ether shopi where bade I, ..• •*» *«ploy«d fhan thU man £qtt«. j i cavalry Fight, on. lie Hap .* j>., Muanock-rCaplare! of ihe Hebei fJWPrHrcciunrtdge and a-Prime, »!.•» Allegheny County Veteran, y..;:? ■’ CueronjiUrch 28 th, IBei : BpgnM,fl,iitT»j-Ia reodtogOTor the ha, “'’dfMtirqrtlia diffMeiit B;p«r«_‘'ptlhc'utc fahr ° •Wnlqreralllortin' OiS Kippahoanotk, to , -*h.J6«;>orei>/e mention pf the nemee of e atm • ,v Ah» -ei fcmra rmtn who- diittokMßhedf tfcem . n oeieee/thereto no mention to eny ofthe ho. “ 'oettnUnhW FbeWkWof the brw patriot -sw>Wnria*h<. By a Uttar, jut receded from " bflTd BUh'fhb'lril'ilDt obIV b .B. &W*ta»4U*cfcen7 ioounty. Hbttam u • akw MoCjllt. Ho TolunteorodlirAnrait, tto Joprth ?oar j jlta&U OonUy u opriToto, ■vtaitMfAoosi promoted .to first-sergeoßt. Ho pWM* through the bottle of -Uotron Hill. " VMl&'.thofOT«n doji*fiehtin'i’bifoM^ab. . wherohehed his horse shot judor«hisi. He o*|fi3tULr - Jobs Hmltli. who vu shot in the foot, is efttf the tb%z ° U B 0 doabt, OlY^tt. ntf ttipnMiib i»m*oh-ol'to«jryoh ni i DMWjmtf.-iWb'dMtf tijndi bntbb ,u»mbr Starlight were drownbd‘fromithet'boetoo her reoent trip to y wkak. One of them w u i iSwSa'^sjEsssa:^ knot,. wbioh, , .etrook. Kump-end L«Ui-He I. .eld to tew boon tiUepot tht £**•_>** on to. loot here, end,, it VI "Ogod. mother -raiding fa vnfcmr t-A (IDM ag«®f*ss«Ba at.wblclL raaolnttoai duoauiu-tha *b» P»iWent— dVlar- SfSgssJßssaa « W»poa» at 1088 o«a»B- Z^SS&SEZZiSXgSSi To unrniui or t»* Wi- . VOo.'. | « »-•*«“ "im-'t Ytfs'ri- « Jl- .~c . -1 vi»'rt U *•*■•• ♦'* *•*-' r* v * t. <■',*» ' •«w-,-t t. ■»■• fc’.i m..i . **i- • a! u- * •* • A:*?*/ -U r»-.« The Pennarlraaia Ij-Mlh. Intention of th. P„ n^lTtata BollfomdOompony to lot th* w.Ur Into u,, TEvening Owtt on tho Ut of April, **d tho «tW4 i M JI _ I gplpils {wS 1 . ?I ' ,h * S?»VMi»»B» »l ror, 1 "tfm. - ifpoW Bod oiheri'nf « naovl from. V* !»««•,.BBd. JBorol out, i£?' ■••uCoui.dj >nd i DMfiirflf -Bdmi of t ■ l. *».« hpaU, eitUc.iu- the-1 ime Yii^“f g .o 11 .u MkVm T fl' ,atl ».'M of tho 0888 l hl h Mbullt on th. CpporJonl*t»,drom.Ho lido; ,“ rgd °, wn to Huntingdon,.»dliU»oß<] fori 'tW I * otm V*» - ‘ ,h ‘ - «ro»to.t I >ntii IjS-hW* b *PM**dPß4llinii7l«ioß.WH.b, 14M.0P tpn«, bat. lift, bod oof!. tkß-M »i i boos doppoM jLjta Bdn,ibo(dbo punn it y tom i*ill ;t The Entire JBcbel force Driven fro: Central Kentucky** CLOKH'S GUERRILLAS DISPEfi S] hikotos, April followiig. 1 b:ea racalyad at Haadqoartara of tha At ay, Lpoajfiu,*, RT.,,4ptlj i, 1681. To Slater amoral, Bullock, Oaomkiu-hUt ■ Tha foilowiagdiipatah taa tm fa »1t Item Qaa; SUmtra, gMni tha'diUUi jf 1 •acoailfat aitaci upoii tS* qa«say Ip!. £ inti Kentucky: r , Somcnet, Kg., March 31 I at&ekJd t aacay jestordey ina ■ ntmg petition If 1 »'«««. dad *>y srl* naafithi m thli town, and fought him fbr five hotfrifdri tog him from one poiiilos to'another! a final!; atormad hie po.ltion; whipped hi handiomel; and drove him in OOnfnsiin t wards the river. Hit toss is' over *O9 WUe aad pri#oo«nv -• i« , ' T The enemy oatnembered n. two t« ini, er wore oommended" bj-PegruS. id p}r.o might atoppadthe pnrrait, srhfeh -will Ito r lamsa ta th»tnorsitig;- •> -• 7 We captured twewsende'ef oolon. ' ■Onr lost, in' hilled, woandvd and 'minit i will Bot«sow4 thirty. •.?*[ • Sooty, fnrnoo rabel rtgidtafit;*** pit t irom the reit utd. tetttered; ■ 9 f 1 [Signed] ~ Otuoaa, Brig. «eneial. Xhe entire rebel fereehae bean drive dot of Antral Kentaoky. and -rnnoh 1 of [th. plnader .raaptured. Thelr rVported ifor has been greatly exaggerated, -he well ah l amennt ot plunder Uken bj themi >• j I have this moment received tH« .ioo ditpatoh from Oen.**>**~pi ra-erotalj 11 Ounb.riMdtntw.pUn,. -If, h»nntUe b*twnn 30« »nd 40*o,ui«. P.gr»m> n l brilar.d that many oflhoeaiiotiKilib'hnt • i ,(Cf organisation, en'&* ajrp~opateaip£at nj (oma horrible moToment. ftUer of! the la ra oitieau bin armed thenueleae; Oan; Wrl ;hi hai ordered a detaehmaafiif'trbopj '4l reokleeeneai, amounting to iaaaoitj, oonld a udnoe the eeeetolonlab taaaahaaap hoatile i !e* monitr*tioii«a * „n -i ili* 1 * Aatambly hu patted eklllpA ithla* prirateere and aMeri eaxl'ahettori of treaionable eaterpritai,4xlSg rdddKh 'at t be ty, ; . «•!{. ,*■». *• jte Daring th. month of UnMS nwo'hhnai gold, iliTor ud ooppon mining l cfmptnl -**“ mg»nl««dim Bnv ?»m«1mo/o* tkop:, po>Mf j dornlspisr.nho nrtnoniipOMlforh > ■f^“ 4 *"*hw«nt»4lMlS*, hiring i jmpwmnrinrmt*M,WCk«oo.’ ■ V. Tho.ihlp. Tmehont-nnUnd t»itr^tar : Km t. I : Irtgnl imdmn inqulidit *»,i :u. .. The Attache a Mat/PlemMi Tv... The .Aiuflewer *i»odltton-i.(;ei • **™»» Hhlne i' BlnffiB«l .i •- Iv ICh .9 iOU-Y il ■ Oi«cr»am,'April'*.-!-* SakttfA in J jPol of J.tkhi.- CeMlrj. Thaj ruMid ute .hteaa aaditoraa, and hsAaffiereh ttidhiu i boihela of Qownißmt oorn. wan fW’J* Wn». »Bk aOv a, «wU*tiPf wmin; ; fIQ«TA. J . U . H ni M/I* 'ilk ~ s* 1 * 1 * *• “**•«&•« iwt V! Siubiik'. / t b*t Ua.fl ßa ft alrtE . *"•* h ‘ w^Urtitl gjjp|§|f tbj,«;fcf Wt“ W I ISMy^’ l jggW ff; I Xntaloßal b] Bnllth wai aloatad gorafnar Jij aboat 1,800, ►.*.( iot 3 ii f'4 J ,*.l .JCtflf cTT a.UfaS ISPd li •»*« *»*• ‘ .4*YOYi -9 j cJhph eT.'iJl Jttu i*J9if *l»ce ? '3 >SC&4'-"VO*. - - ' .^Wni -«» - .■ rT, Pi^. f,7 T * #0 5 a, ‘ 4*w i it.. » -J • -THcasdiT, Ajfri? 2? U as. ‘ There hat been bo farther change »□ Gold, oar ! X»r TortrdlspattlTel »niT qootTng at 157% j [« n and b “ ker * °° nllon « to pay from 150 to IS2 for 3old . Demand Note*, and 130 for Silre ■. Eaatern l tc bi 53.* *"»«»*y«»» , tmylng/»nds< tell 70d y produce market It dull and unsettled, with tire a limited demand Tr any of the leading art clee. the • • FLOUB—Ia more actire, wbkh it ahrAja be « the when there (1 a proepect of an advance. \V t n'oh l or tale of 50 bbU Extra Family at $7,20; 46 dc at 17 3m- J6O dodo at s7j4o; nod 150 do do at $6 25 foe,, >P « and $7,85@7,50 for Extra Family, Bye r^ v di * la telling at $5,00.; 7 ' j®" PBOVISIONS—6aceu it firm witb talea l , J «ti pi. 16,000 Mat W tor Sbnnldere; 7 for Si let; f rtj. forPU,l » Hama, and 10c for Sugar Cared. Fe r i»ge “* JI **lm of City Lard at lie, and Ooantrj at, J Oout WteVlb *' hJ hr 1M QBOCEBIE3—The mmrket ii ateedy but n actiai atf ed. SnleaoflObhda Porto Bi;oBanr»tl2c Iffbi Jb- Coffee *tS3>sej 10 bbie Golden B,n,p at 70 id 7& A 2; uuw flga " for Bxtr * 5 “ d 10 indti mt« ®/ic. ["si. Jfcii'vr fakm hoits^ -• I** .>■>: ■ 7?o« (imp* Dii*ini«T,> ilijl l, wrl?fr lb s r £s^^‘« tal:abi ' n-rit-A '•' • ■••• I .January W, ljitU. f : owSr' I,to M Q w»V K; dt * ®?M««etortT; -• InrufcblnK it-s jour. yr. re, fluin uroiea *i > t >Ul l *° 4,11 acael wbf®- fb* I ?i£Sh A S)i J T'“M? lßi,fclt ** el * ht, * fa hM * n anE * lb m>rkeJ «** ‘n S^cOraw^SiiUDw^. ~, , ictty-ofgbt ineb*a.i*ciranmtei«iced | cOUvei-lwotly loc«ted*belr - within A^rt* 0 T*,?' V**°*Jr-Si2bt ;SsSSJr ne,h * f fc «*-pettcbiuUto 4m and* ,f K ood Wbertj etrot, Pitiolmffch Hot \«&«sabiU])ttßl bag.l*»UieivwoUdUnnod, I*s •U h.ug 1*347 Smood *um -rnirv fc- for tlse«AtixiibertiLlan(tSnoticsi tlmeifUi auncca! - MdfortheMiUlatßiw ootiBB«.tb«»wren oui:ot8 tIALE—Tho follovinir dMinWi ■ 'SXrsw.^si»r o >“'! , ,- JttSESstszfsir* " •“"" •?’ ■j LEATHER HORSR BAHr'BAflj; bojiEMs,- JiUiSlva' tr“t' in*. - it-., ‘Fc'nl\ * P*' tr, uml au-abuDdancuof wator'rtPtbo log linn •* ' of “f *.?JE&m££hm. c» e * s:x.5 t r P s; , £, 4 35“ 1 , s^“"“?«. -b« and twontj-ona Incbea In width at Abe uidfat ndltl.n will bo trifling In comMtiin lit °“* D E «• ' «M oa bottatna, botag Aout 4,S AtbW B6 ° • COT »t*» 1 »“ 01 *^£“- J, *J>““^tos 1 .t0.t»-‘li«ionbiiMnWi e tb' Ww^MlwUMbS^M? , £ ; /32?. bblo and •ixtaanlnebtw in .width an tba widest piti, :■ aalntatAlnf l be ■omßirllth la^TriSb iSbtw V fc **’ -" ' w? aaba ocbuttoQu baits tan by twenty in :blii Kb. lot tr tronbd In 'Wf.wtofd\ da. I J^ b ?",f*« , * r ' tob Idao oMotsln, tb. tiwenin V.aht, lilia 12 ts. ’E“ u .““‘“« l > Wdgngig not 10, I than * «l|tt«»iraot, ax-aqilcg bank JB6 an Jnni ,b * 1 «!“"• ."xt-l tba taut ilo bo For Jnttb-r' li.ornatl“i «unnlre\»lE v te lb ]>f£fcrlt» *&y ,iujtt, br jS?- .ft . . , * a^bani6fUn' irfijjrtj'tolgf^bTouiiiW'iradjuL^ ‘®4 s?'K 6 l l l« *ebi «rt *«V GctkAtlvfll ieltctlVn tbwatruc aa ; miy df«nj to t&'hl cvbooc'llda i.iih ud tl< 9. ti » , bid di«p|ApOD Wiki) tacr c« I ::, Jffc rj I* TOrtlda. a '■•*'*" A, l racUd lor are to Ut'JeHt&td at tl “ anpsbtef ol tba Aiiiir.ctor.'la Alaata. h teen ~ hdw Ebit lat'Ail-au/ fiia totk; FhStSdon 0 aba- Plilttnltfi-Eenniji^g.-. 0 land 1 ~ .enlnjion, 11. if oil ukl U ttnclnnatl. obioi HU LotuafblWntnli ana Cl lean u liiinolt; litatUqnandklMnoj^tifub line, uu » . bmartaMiMJ} ntder. ,ind ibei Se-tT?, Sli ' . to anj*np»tiH u, ibatii: aiei U - *«a;tjß a. tbi atantiu-d 6UI • ' , „, *bapb l all “* oLpmpde.d tdb. tonlitcd *' ' »“ <•* _,?a Froptaal will be CnU.debel |r anb la- or tambTea o» o.cn artlci. tin *«l ijrffft.? Tbb bbdltf she, ami d t , wdrkns&LkMb VOurt-d. aau aUo 1 tin ing tgcjpdw(ai . nr - r *«pfcb»«lbll|tV mtidf bii f*rufl*i» 1 ti ,Ua p^ tb *J tU r ftii „ m . t *; og M f «WfK.o>tote, ■uffletoot bond Ar’il ea - 'JTifISSS" 01 tho “ & W * r o^ oU.. .^ Tb *, lpccl P tCJ P r ttmpterfcoii Wililinrad a f th , . fcr ® M» *«» day fixii ue * fat kbtf ttu>M Vbfdx ikall bayb »fn .«>> *lU. fa S bis 0t «*>ntt»CU to 'tsf • _. *L t^7^* ‘Ff«d.a,andCW -7,4, InleHo “ ofc l? r 'K « 4 • -s J it. 1..1' .-■ B ; i me*. . *MMm-M I».SWW»Srr*4»«S, JS?? ‘ ; *“ ' " ' -TWl&IO ll ••' - S2,d d l^f, "?i lll '" rf l to "“E aaobt to,; bln, l, dl >t ,' Rareb u ..“u ± ““ b °"’ ra far , ‘ UCb tbo tnttraetd tl °* >> * > W *E.' brf t •V'do not ’V P"P«la ahtbUfKalrlintinllW li» .JaffJ 4 *od - • arm #t OOoVlaQona Cjaid bo obtained Ulae thai Jo?' dld not bear that ibej were told tvirprlag tsni Of - Winter,, f Has'- Vud^'.-, J ' IAESi EtaieAtlr,': '*' : . 0i -I v. J J >I»B ~, J,Nt- • BOTIXB * EooB—Ballet [> firm with a , .to o bbla choice 801 l kt 30c. Egg. hare edranc, d' * ,of ** l “ ° f ssw. >t a'o. , " iof, SEEDS Olcrer U lelllng Id tbe .mall *ay at $j .and Timothy at $2,2J@2,50. FUx.«d ha. wilt to ' MSH-Sale to the trade o( 20 bbl. Mo's 1 ackeral. ■t s9b«. Baka Bering may be quoted at *5 *r hatf , bbl, and White l"lih (6 to $,25. COBB Sale on lock oi 1 ear Ear ,t 85c pgr biih. B BOOMS Sale to the trade ot 150 doiao medium at $2,60 per down J SABT-Sale of 100 bbla No 1 Extra from .tor $1,75 per tbl. POTATOES — B aIe of 200 bdab Poach Blow* ai ik OOaiNY— SaleofW WdUatlOperhbl. i Cahon ISKI ~ ll ' qnle ‘ ® U1 “ m ‘ 11 “ l ” a »> The OUflaikcit 1 April 2.—The™ U bat little cheuge to notice Cfudo petroleum eluceourlejt report. Sapibi , ■ellen era etlll apart la th.lr rl.w. .nd ,„ )lo ' the uterket la nneettlod ead price. Irregul. 1 )m curreat rale, ere fro at 7 la bulk. * J >*c la bbl», buyer, offeriog-tbe UiitJe Ogaii., bolder. contending lur lb. oateide. We uote .In, l3c—bbU lacludjd; 4uo abU In talk ■U. 7X«» »t StSlUc, la bead, L Iot city bread., end 33@330 free. - . -Beoklae leaoarlbel with ea oceeeiouel .millied, ' ■ Ia tb) peckegee It, tie, b. /.♦ quoted »t 30c. T J &r. t <£-C,, <£«, red Allegheny Lire Stock Market, hie ep r il i-w. h... but r. rJ mil, t « m , rel from oar last woek'a quotations. Good re util,an U« f aaitAble for batcher*, continue to rule mfh the ******* aUllW *»«Ulagnfromsto ec,ih»et«L hie’ ***** t*lo@Uc, net. There ru bat' a lluflid'-i nr a ** d tor ttock cattle and colj at tww • price! *3j iv- ♦ r '*‘® r 9thhr,*DTammen» contractor*, bongtil IQd fiOohemJof Terj.good cattle, .nch a. ihejnjd't llrn be Mhamed of, and we are glad to ,t*te tbaT & - are witling to glre a fall eqairal enj f or wb J t , b » reoelrh. A great m*nj tenirMtore labor naif •* Imprwt tout bat altncwt anything frurla* borT. * d e»ewer lor twef, bm we ihW that thu U?U )n. neon* liea, and three men hare found u '*? 5T«h ?•“* P ' 7 * ',°l 800 d c *“‘*Wnd ot£l hh •hoaid be reccired trout OouUKlQre. f >* U There wee a mode rale demand for etock catti*' .. about LUU-head changed haadr at Z -S eeighlng treat *uu to*w lb,. r °! •**' ..J 11 * the current quotation, fir )ff «>*««•« grades of catUe ; “ wo “‘, r t r Premium - - J, ~ <3(B^ t L b r,r li,r ~- - ik*^ li **<*n > »* Ui* aoaber o/ q«u(«1oM U*/^?jfcU, “«* . • | tfr n . tLeptacfcr .. *’“ ' l ' .J IliiDuU *** - lOC Indiana M iSI • 4Jhln- n ,, , p"' -1 ' »—* )Xt J*CBMTITaaI» "**-*".. * f *' 400 I »n«-. . .toWqaiahariuhi——. ’ ‘ -■J rt’ji* M*il>ei«iu U.l i>wi ww'oaa. U„ u ss^‘ss «* 10 IftU, ooooytu. * t »r tat lto Sy l !^®^ r f*«:»o*c* wraootalecti. »• *JJ tJtm*" 19 /wood * ct,rT *S‘»»PVtol Ual< *du ° J . ««- > 3 lf ;• lUtWldOb, lOWfaMdor bttATV W«W>rrv *.» * «~4 WlSi, n£„ „ ** ‘: UiM.rHcki.old 40 had 0 r imill otiu no, k.r, ■ 18 b=d Jor Wm rtekViT V a * Wd »uiWMt good MOTttoMn Otli* Q*|*te ,ii Of 0« •eeoßM.mtlTMi *«• B>to. r «**«*».■ “■ fUI - ‘s£i?.**4 ** 1 - mJ 1,1 . u T •' 0L1 “ ““*■ • “»H. ooS I Md*-4 5 * ,C * d “' m, ‘ Uii ‘ V sna; ;JHulldi, *ES3tiZ&& SSaSSf'N# « 9 . TOO » .« -“' 1 j} "t t i-n rii n. r. r./- *• - .;■ - m *««> >/ |4w3S?s.iffi2iffss?s; 2 point «to t( ,«aa 4lu vlij.-vliiTii c. 0 u/>if m.j I'U-jj ;wo uij ‘ to the vh&rf there ie l -h6tflA?g ,, {raK P lriA,t Usi ‘ t *fP Wfr jßell*:froi»*Bbt’tt7tx to i»ffrt»e4e lS*e JUlie Ba*w*,-)frota/W>; bMQj (rM J rtoMajr; 1 1 , j) a .»;nD r ,vi j.v .♦,/, a p ". «# CTMhttfl*?, SMgggi ™7Et7SS!S ta *® Wi Cttlili/ti# ,* yl&.*itf „j. t j .* . ‘i ’ f *1*3531 «3i»Hl/;i;. £H 6® ''rrnntl«Bi\-teiV«llM mm*B^tsi&ss2imsptf» ; . COMMERCIAL RECORD. J IMTTKftPRK steamboats. ?0R cuii£V& ST. LOU I vT:. 1,111 » Hftniir'a—fTTOTTn n jjgg-ffg . 1 *V* •* »-t •! 4 ‘ ' ■ F°; fr*fglrrorrt»nu on tw.ni lo Sew - ** ul " * CT>., I seal*.. ,°V R WEEKLY , jnjfr! land 11/ ZARKHVILLE PACKET ang* ??*■*** paMoogrer-su-ambr sSisjji 4?nL »o«r* 7« tir «,, 4t tj;.'^ ÜBro *L. A^r- ‘ *“*« PtftvU.rt* l i but tW'turnfnjr, leave* ZadwvineTETEßY YCII} , r°Z c&m t- & (JO.,- AeatSta. - f*iij,i .t-rcr-. *• -A&ogpu.Zapry^.i '-’•; z'-j >*'At-Shlnur.il f , - ‘ &i’ ta {"? Cwt. Jnlu.iffc. n/i°ad e JT c i Plml, ‘ ,r « h Er Wkfellng avir ~t r U J??2;^5 t!tt * DrAT ‘T>'> saTOeda?; at I a. □ I£££K , i?‘,^S* w * PHUUst »y or l-oard * : ti -uiH ■ lo ® ■Ot .. Li?AS.s9f,%Uif *qn,Ag nu, • -J 8 ?,-.. . ■„., „ , W feator 'trtr.l, fanfc- '••*-*' r « o \ .-. ■-n , * WOUCii mJUWJi&ki&OF ORA ■°* i**?** 1 *a .Mqtiw is< berftbj girts ti «T -sc-notuffutont lo UMrCitr©t ■•* n** fl f*** :i * f*/ tk*rLk**«* arth* Tlsiuoir’i * • g«M#4»i|hb h>si»W tbstilieTc* bw| *»- to-fels. taeof tartflt cbfitx oro thereof, sod sli penoni «b» BeffteCt'orfttTnl. 1 wktoot Lloobms trill btaatyvottott'ipfessltf, td f * ff9°f Ufcre- tfes «Ujw; doablr- lb* 'Sfrouol "• if® '*&• pisthmr \ I t* nut b« returned »*U» ciaMiiicoßMinr* tsfteal « fV jS^» a4x * aU ' tb^—#n "‘‘ " >W ‘ — =H*!s « .1 «» «< '“OHyTltSiofe W *sr\jr»nry.flnpc®tKK^4k* public to t£ 5£ si R 3 •tXft.rTft'-. «W fof..ttl*.>*t<‘.th» t* 1 r, »nygog»* yotk>. r« a - .vSsst“'. J, W , “**‘J «!i»'i*(»Jk“. f*.—, = u aae-Jm .... .*. ....anyXic WiPcauii. » vr4oo bfr'wmv. 8 2kr«« Vrffiiit of; ; ■| " ~ IfiO'boxiM Beit fc&d 8«-0 kegs aMorted' ' " , „ 15; boxca M«drl«tftll>rYrttid£VuniU* JtflgtrVtjQYo Vcb JACOiV— . u mvoo W*.^te©^^fcU£Bsi‘^n*W^op , »Vd hj soo ouo tbi. sides, 17h,00!i lU-HAMS, i*eeo but. UftStf POBTB! *»' 100 do Itldf LABD; 600 tieroet do doj lKMd«‘'WWt* Arid *tb+t'QKtK&%i *w,i..v *o*tsw4oo*-A»hc«efil&''OtjHnimfcl in itoro ftnd for by Wlf. 0 ff A’i — L_.. JW ICO oozes *MorUa urudf ToMeat^f : 4j < oc*t»j boxMTobsoa; . ■rir'jii.Er ‘ ; *SiwS , i£b!i» ■°h»» !.. ... 173-Wood ito.t. [hUOMB, ■ ,1- . ••<< 85 do Tub«;> . . VV/'^'T *8 do Zloo ffMhbpahtt.^; 1 - ?*“ Far wtfa hf* v<- • «y UTAIiOHI bTAßUfll—dot>4x«i.Uai ia>.«iu« ttti »«*v*■!»»* 'iM*Mw< mwk 4 Mfflb, (i./iWrfv'* Mb2l i . jBOaotfAKKBALAKQ ■ j’tiHHAOK BTUV 1U POLISH end BRITISH IUeTBB instore nz iorMlftUvbj ’ WOOlHjpiL* WAIJUADJL akw •***» v>..7r> t yrwpbdVtSt. S^ur-W I 'l •VCBfczat R*FlSWtf lFlfoOTUi' ior uT* &wt r k» n r-f UD' 3u. :V^OO9UB>M% k WM!HtIAOtt > r r:,> 4r^«odthw"»)« >«»CTe tract opp-eUe, «s|sbS vbi y“2 l A h * *“* properly wb.cfa iknlf Brr wn.i ?o lh b} e detd «kl ?•»« i *ai iuitl * 1833, tvcordedla'S.’ted Book rat. l *l7. bn | fttoj . J S’f” 1 *' 1 O^xvanJailVß, f- *r {?/£;» PP.whjihXerFQUd » twor«t*ry,brl<|k-iSI •V" ’", ,‘** n " «?»' V"’ * ■U«»'K iMHOj u',™.. !‘d * C*Pt 6«nmt* Jii&nftTtkc' , .Hccuu„ftF|up, K „ Alto „ w , • p OR, SA]UE---4boqt; 2ft 'jioT9o Q «■» «d Cff»s» g“S »„ « D v w - ™* properly bi( the teßß}D»| h— Utreet t.eilw*y, *ad mi the W•—*-'- ntv ba •*«* fc) teat tUga and roa ebladt >fr tTlutlbiTi ttv ; 3 J /. ou •. mx: % t»J tu* tI,B ? u, » L J“ ,4U i rt ’ P»opsiK3n. jh£ • - < fi&OT&Bft Si- f - - “■ K*»m**«" >* •-■; n §?< attest®™ »*■- *f ,L *; on lb# Nailwrt InrojUa and a ear £J* to ' | it, fatl:«a W. S. ÜbLUXS. M^, n }r» r,I f QgKEaMSStfi 2 “®f* ft to* l * **«>••■ sfl - 1-3 t'<7 * pua*e;U] oomrina. , u . f S i ***!**{>* »ag aßooad.hjafß-fkktl' &&11 k-' frwo 15 bob dUfiiffttrttovß to& tccfl,‘ i rfn‘ &T lowfortMii in*. . .v m»H *. r £IM*J J-t f« >* { l*..-fta;tbi J > oto»iMM |**l '» WiittSUKtiMF* r* ®*®*-“*W* «« jMttgaodecao* jcartsa. Ji *Mlr»ilir#f **, »‘JOT> eSrtiol^Tlo^hjJi«ij? 8 > pwMnMylbf myna* *lfcln jEo'ftrrat (b.irXbfiS ,n *p*yinjj InitimUoa. -• .O;-: fw For farther tnJbrm*Mon-*pply U , to T Mi-i-' ,liml Jlitsli ’‘ *"*?“ “? 4~ !u - .J^UttaeAbis—‘iiwe: newj unofcilstLss , hundred mad thrty fla«fr^f^J%VLl 3g » < nrrdSt hu ■ -‘tf i>\)H X& “ >f flT ® ml! >* from Pituborgh, conUialtfins 3&T* 'i 11 1® • but »uta «f «nlit ration, wall w&tandi L r. 10 ,h ’ .. »gbl7;ln^odaT>y $ .y V A&ai Jb'uii iaAWw* " MgafeaftaaSji ; SmkSssbjskss? r u wfcCila 1 * 1 f,i o> ‘ •*•'■!* r»»?J* gaafaasjteaiaßgg aaaawuiiaeiap i ' WU* W* ‘Mi "' Mtii " sm&”A»£S’& J nnn^t OL Locut rtrtct,-Wlßtflftfter, n*ir PMMnitrSSl fensottitroeC Mwtwtm. ... fcfeip» i > -jo*. t. b j -■ X 1 Itaiae«i»tepottA*rdii’Viri J tf."'- f go>d Uq *M* . *o*l « ziu .1— i*u j livu m Kiaw ■22 : .. UUxn* .tr.-it.; ■ i ijgSMSpSiafesr^ ■ raJWMic; s!*;»*»r2asMiSl.*’ —u £»>**** a). c*:i»*'**S' jwl a i«u! ai=r *» ■«- jta VBaLanjj-aioißa* wood! MuUmW. DissoLtTTiojrs, trio. iliilllllllll SSBHg* SSfSEtel si . ..r ' r .«.'. 7j. r.MV&M: !' , * -JOHHM. TATI < Juu 24th,'IBS, ■ *■ On re tiring from tbe. Ute firm-of Wtf. T ' TB J h. * 00., the nndarrtwjfJ recommends hit i jccem*™ to the patronnc* tl lj>*u»temert of tbe ot 1 firm In :La 1 •'••» ; . .WJfJTAi E, jJ ■nO-PABS'NBBBffIP;-iT]ie and i jxb]/ »Q*.tko,tatßr«vt s»*U T-iTE, -Jm, fc ffie hta Arm of Wtt. TAT i uirr ' 00., «id--kaTiDis-foMßea*» tmrtsarshlp c 51?. TATK AJBFILL*, wJU eno, t?**-, tad SteamONttinr Bni r*U • ' M I. _ . • J*. *% A.-B. SETOiiaE/ d, Pfmborgh, Jaia. 2ith,ll63;3tf^ • TTuluuT ln U Focstb j; *,.»«.* i.tO' toU OHAtas&UD 3‘ttM? 4 * Wfc* •■..^W 1 .W I JMr9JP fttfi Rtfdock# aJxr'ea w« '£ EESS3ES»«Kai ■act Depoulu oil mPnif ibt’tSJa IS Kb, .♦*«■«>ne?i*4iasbl«d OMAt pfotnilfc£rfid] Mm | no# • i a :*•» ***u f 1 u -I,”'iT/rtX. V* >credit *•" **«* iWi uuala s sssssSSsttSß-m 4: ssaass®!S*ite@s )ed „ PaxsiDjtafT—QEOßGE-42/Jfittit- ' . , . _ .. Tic* FBUXBOOUi 1 uIV £ >iffi?jKsr* a* . >i'niu£*'"“ Johxr#Tanr, • J wESßftsi fhoioe ib flu* L«u ft il in* lu*i»e«sj ;a u.i., aa 01 t ■« gii4ofri}QS«S|fg 4 »*»' ittVr&w.tr girt' of detlrebie grooad, Kltiuited oa t *Rf T,al ”J aairou, •Bflng Otmfttolt-TBn'pWo | tfcwdtj Umiu, Witt „„ «dj*om bota,udmliozwt itmttttowmhtaSwUtliy.MJMr. raes [tend their conjtroctitjn. ' p-Offloo e* the jerd, on the dtlteiu ' rwy. All ecmiaiuiicatJoai tdcr* zi&Si Bova, FMutoXi!?' •Id AiiQ.iiHaAjr&tfsxaas] *al dssgerod* iHirnsrs. qj» t XfiAOT iUGHO, wbidi baa r jment of fee most prominent phyr JStatos, Is BOW ODUtd to SB lO '****•'•' ft^bS’i&SSbV waSWGZs,. ■trdUbUllj, BmUmimb ut *r^* ,ne * °* Muscular | wfßpepsis, ExsscJstido* Low i %( trttsnroos soil debilitated its! ! ent >PQtels>l(]'s.“Tako , boottter. c it soother. ±TKUIT lirtiT • 1* tolßuuteMtn »i _m, L tm>. cgap' machinery, to --ere ih» ehnrteet notice ■ . ' '*''""' *“ IIA ” • <» *t Wt i ,u “ , lM l ftwA<3* f riA [ s'a I ?" ! ' l ‘ '■■■■*» «m. I V ,n 'Vt ntv* ,t. w, i , ■*“ = ;] «•* t * .'..A M ’ aC * *-•(:'-&«. i A'*i«rn' *»nHß>,i;tnHii *zJiLcJtrZ :>^B'Wi>lM: W»oJ M ® l »^StIBCIBiaHS. *& i-.oHr.in, *««#: SS=L ; &TTITCB MO m m ■ Hs “ij&lQ u ,_ 3S^rc r *-“*' US';.”- do •sSHS‘‘st"^'“' >aw '' **""““* tilS ~ g.^^Steir l^ r 'f°«w ? b sSstsssssss^sSSi^ l:U*lil£Uj?jg ?•?.*%?*•■ &<.«. * ». x**Vi> es**t WmffivflZi? I" d*«* ifrin ri ,w flf jfc* A 'a At 55! D 025 4 vw*'r»r c» **®o *»• lisea ~Z _ -T-. iderthe «aMtiB outsat •ktyrfb, yntijs e ' Tembcr ' «<&&<* turm lilies « «ea d*-* r, rises srceaC, JSHSSSSWKfe -JCBT (««pt W;raj^i?hK “* _T3AT>f>. ’ tgagaas^™* ***»■ IBiWfcJW.Hirt fUlft idJflreTuj rrf?fq Qr * b #t 2aiiHgs3§i|ife&lpSffi tss&m: fc«S s SS i s «■■ noi?. J; •«•=• m ■«o«|.ai.«uuJ .1 4 >M| i*; "Ck *• * 4 ' -ii:i -ri -e J >t)Ax & BARBOUit“ giJl *"* - • • ;. ...*:.. :Tb.a aflat" ru 1 tri . vo:» *r > tfn.% *-4 /*>?.. K.O 1 L , -•«£*. inAJiMfl i<;JoiO(il “•' *’** a f 'a-« « a i « «*>/ i. 0tr.;2l vj .-Vi.. .?s•’ ** ® vmAsxubh .. .- i* ’(*rH James D, gjdfei sA Jami* ttjltljj, (xßoMttVttk jKtftarMfenl fess --WfllWm'Hiaehn - AlmiWltHlndl btMiWUttbr, •■ k tit !• ;»* ' ; Ivi .at i-ati It nit, *•*„%© Wf iTO®^^s*S*!wsSs -_/l*rtWBe?*(. j»L ‘jSttsV.k wU! b. Srop]^,^^^ ‘if » Vi ire »'«M l»rv v» st 9 sifjtl tircu *?t t oa a* vi j. ) ®BSoAJr*';DDiilii»^icw^-»<«ii ‘ - 1 j' «w._u« -T? otu “fa'-ii «■* .«*». r '.*P&&S?*?fm9t*r. i . a:b Bp»M> I4Nrt> ftietfDu »:a »;;.m TOl pt oanj «-c*g:uil» J«l. < .jjny . f frtotr.*;? » jt «--§WSftS!V¥trtjc,f *Ot&»*»« I** >a> •' w * bin* .i4jjf U ; v *^i s ®siBSss^K§S3 BJAT. ± indOiiUTip 1; 1 m jy w?a?Si UtSm? 1 I-. s^smMfipfiSngß Vi. j*. colJ *> r ff g> rtwirtfcbfc. jppiilggg ‘ ■ **Mett» ftrittyaal ttdlfck>^ m .' -! ■! tomMiti, iso. Q--i.vlT?»SS»,lf*" wwi»to, MwaiaoaMha. „ ■; K<«>i 't*r 1 lttTt - ■ . ffiMj '■„ *' «- ,i^i^SS^^sSjjLspi|gPi