The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, April 01, 1863, Image 3

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»Epmgp*r Moawiso, apbil, l
out AVtjujta.
mrirnatAL Ku-«, .j, tMMOttw.
JUT*»M«tOiLt OM„ TiTIO „ ***.'*.
■ • *= »-2z—l ** 5S
... Ooan Keporta. /
i -*
«?«B»«£X2-S S’JJS” 4 *? of**
<*»fKoOTdiita 5jS 7 “ttS It, 1 t,> *
j Uistnet Conit. '
[ '&£&£sS22m..'
/ flatt«sopen
' Hi
■ -£?“* *» Thooo of an «b
-i fSgSS****** l PUQM ct
I &n aotioo of th, footof m
*M|tUa tosa, ataUrtOMßncwai
to U thtmittn Uu.
“*•“ *• “ ‘topropw Uao, tlure and k* s«
l*l*rreptlo»U thorooolpt of thopopon. '
Mohthlyßepart of the Smboisteace
Xkt fdQowiof ii tht report of opentioai of
form, montiof.
Matins '
Ur ** DialB f Boon at
SSisSfe®' 1 ,!? “ ,dte * oa their W>J Bait
y—t. Xho Soldier's Bast oa Liberty
- stnst hare erjojed a homo-like dUnor; mi
MV af these wars dlsoharged or fnrlongbed
baa tram tha army of the Bappahunook.
jCha majority of tham wan lasamtag to thalr
ko£M wltk ooastltuUoiu shattered by die-
MMi ud Min dittUid bj voaadi* KmU*
snlnUanduos ud nourishing food, sash as
thrir poadUtoa damaadad, was furnished to
’’*■o pPulwi w«r* Mat* to hospital*. two
of wkom belngdlsohargsd sotdisrs wan saat
to prints kospltals at tbe azpansa of Commlt-
Ua. Ons poor fallow, who had lest an am
ud Jaaatrad a tarribla wound in tbakaad at
Op battla of 801 l Bon, was foud lying naar
**• fiapot) batkad in his owa blood, ud al
most pnoonadoaa. Ha is sow in a fair war
of reoorary. a 1
Xha attaatloa of tha Oommittas was called
of » Pittsburgh soidiar.who had
aalialad jaa Virginia ragimsnt ud had base
daagaroasly wounded la the bottle of Ah
*£**!£, o “a #f ■«“ **Ulfal surgeons
hhiperformod u oparatloa oa him, whioh. If
hla aoength is not too- mooh axhaattad b»
?**?!. his lifa. Wa
foudhlsnlnuTiry forlorn oondltion. dead
tuta of all tha comforts whkh aUrrtat.
paiaudsuSaring. His wanu hare been sop
- - piled ud arrangements made to saean a pan.
slod firm ChntuMßta . :
S3**V ““7 1 "** “*« W our
olty.. MMitrt who luvt mu homt to dlt i
utoagst thalr friends, ud many of them are
lingering out the remnant of thalr days ia
mlsapy aad pain. On behalf of than wa ap
paal to yod lor aid. r
XnasportaUen has bean furnished to nine
dßeharged soldiers left la the city destitute of
' . following artlelas hare bora tut to tha
hoepitab of oar armies la tha Bast ud South.
erast i (l» eomforts, 7 shntt, 48* muslin shirts,
f BB ‘hlrts, 186 ; pairs drawers, 6i pil
lows, ft pillow oases, lltf towels, 84 pads and
•'sags,ASPhaadlaa ol Hat, 310 roUt bandanas.
lsA pairt ooeks, 18 pairs mtitani, *8 pilr,
,llp,nrs, uB onus fruit,
, 148 poPOde battar, 48 doasas eggs, 41 bashals
potatoes',. 1M heads: of cabbage, 6,000 books
uitraots, 186 gallons of wines ud whisky,
- 178 pounds dried fruit, ud 460 pounds oreca
ars. Xha dwmud la eery great tar tha follow
lng articlesmuslin shiru and drawers, ttnn
nal shirts, bandages,lruit ud wines.
Wa inland forwarding soma hospital stores
to tha 7?(h, 74th and ISih Pennsylvania Bog- j
Imuu, in Xaaaattas, udar onarge of toe
Chaplain of ona of those regiments, who wiU
start alxint tha 10 th nf April. Contributions
of hoqdtsl supplies am sodsited far thasa ron
- 15t0nt5.........
XU publloare iiwarn that all ooatribatinu
of hospital sapplias utrutad to tha Commit.'
teaa-a distributedlttVthe hospitals byatem
hers of the Cossmlttaa, or thair agents.
AbadstnU'ot thalr agents are ladles ud
who formerly resided In this alto.
WOrn'Sa permitted to pnbilth their urn,
oar sltisaas would be aoarlnodd that patfaat
oaaddaMwaoald be plaoed la thair fatlhfol
a***- .Jioluppliee are forwarded to new kos.
pltab util amagaauata are ; made where
the* di*lrU>ated ay nllahla parsans.
Depending ns wade on TOlutary oontribu
tlsa nf storm to carry on this part of tbs work,
we appwt to all dtueas of Wsstom Pennsyl
vania fho regard our method of distribution
ns hest adapled to supply tbs wuts of the
link hr wounded soldiers, at tha least poitlble
•expense, to send aU artiolss they mar be
plaasaAdo aatnut to us to Wpymu*Soo,
Omlthdsld street, or to Albrss, Son A Co.,
Wooa units
We sauot olnss tUhnpoft Withoat thuk
fnUy acknowledging tbs foUowhig MntriU
“o H»pitol Puds
iJaftoWiha past month i (
« Pohnostook, Son A
Os Bunoot two «ohj Bxcbuga
fc*,. ißohk ,df? |»ttba,,h J: Ptusbnrgki
Xrnat pioo oaob; Oitiaui',
i hlmghuy, >faronuu’ Jfnnnfsotoiers’ ud I
! ■toiwiW Bs.vhs, |6O took, Unlon Bsnk
Oommuuf'had IrsaXrnst Compuy, 380 oach: \
JNrtMg DoposilBst.«,818; ST(I. JUnssoy A 1
yfAil+Z D"A«ls7. 8*8; P. Dohraun,
BBjJptßwW.a. Marlons, s26 ; Oonoru
BspMsirt-f udl, 8801 fl. Phipps, |IS ; Dll.
wohSrKnor A Co., B*B;\fi.-iingnmaa, 810:
‘Wunor DiKpaiton, 818; dos.
B. BilVBX>i a. M. Waniar;tW:t&' Uormiy, I
Hanth,uoSBlO| Watt
h Wilson, 8X0; J. B. Sample, t]B- X. A J; T.
8**»l doOuday flUooi,Bl 85; -J. A. rtn
wvplO; Col. Mann, $10: a friend, $8; ££* I
Shbrn*"*, * 5 ! Master John 0. BtaV/tt;
Cena lrom sudry persons. 818 10; CeSL j! i
B. Bohwts, 816; Bn. Kaiser, 810 ;h7 M.
Buk. Ita.-Maiss Aid Somety, hradys' Bind,
B*' ®*B. flmrgb 84; George
Alto, mtrlhdtlnai of olnthlng ud eatables
from Wnliingford, Miss A. Thaw, Mrs.
Uao. A. Jim, Mrs. Par-
Mrs. C. Pluming, Mrs. KaAady, Him J.
E!. Wlilinau, Mrs. Osorga B.
WMlhs Mrs. P. Sellars, 6 tags of potatoes,
•““SMSUioMs from JOS.H.HUI; lki
olothlagj Xhlrd Prasbytariu Sawing Soniatr;
lbuatoUlag ud bedding, Indies of Clin
i tonrl do ef frnlt, Mrs. Oiliud Palawan: 1
doof Mothing, lndissof OUCity; Ido, AM
Society of XAwnaoe oouty; 1 do, ladies of
Balaasbnrg, Lnwraase oouty, 180 heads of
oabhogwfrom Pitubnrgb Suitary CommltUa;
M shlrtsilO pairs drawers, 63 hudksrohisfs,'
* (Mrs SMlu, M tans ud jars of fralt. S hash
sf PsttlpH, bash of onions from Union Bo
■MßsMsu nfißhalor towasbip; U shirts, 3
of l»»"htoriUS; 1 box,
—ff**’AW flooaty of Irwin Station; 16nus
A" 7s Childs; 3 jusptokiss, Su
-1 ho* nf budding and ninth
ihdlss'Aid Sndaty,
Mahoning, Lawrsaon oouty. Ph. .
msntn “"** »P“» 10
mnm too diSsrut nrtUlas from unh donor.
«uZumlmSKlSr ‘““tiW box*
« pisktgss issrisu from uob
Bum ev Bkqu, (9 J. a. ».,■,
thy*, 01 tbo OomooioUl Bolu bJSS^SJ’-
%g , rr*'-*n*s r*^tftu»ksc
tota.*. U t TS
Book «t f lujßnt.h '•' C 4 to
;v- •:; ,' ,-c- . ■>..,
•tie ,y tt , Aii»ghe*f
■ -' Market.
Xwtara*, thaataU. la Uu AUtgVtnj Mar
fat am th, bidding TO
r** 1 •PWta4. lt sin b« qatabnd that tha
-w o«yf„tt. chric. of
'“U*. tha rmt bring,,, Urn .laUd.aa addi
“°n, andthaataUa gaing guaraataod to tho
atwm of ua yaara,
Wthout aa 7 ohanga of rant :
/,• «. ‘ *““• B*W. 30108.
/ i' 2?° r ** |IOO *374
2. ObtfiM Zikud«M.M iOO 325
A 100 325
4. John Salts , , 100 JJ S
«n i 75
Ja WWHm fiMtir go 350
R i 9 ‘n P ?, M ° 00 225
o' w .' 00 324
10. Joaoph Sallaghar lg* 424
U. Jonathan Sallaghar j. 100 424
I*.” ?• J- BtMkitoo. i»o 6tio
U *0 234
i». J. flarohanrochar to too
.10. J.(Hrdfi«r. ■ .-.oft 400
is H , "f h v£. B,rlckl "-“~-“* il »*- 274
ia'«L ASk^J r .. I*o 400
i?" i*°. r ** Klmhorloj . 100 1,874
32, John Hituhna 100 100
24. John BamDaogh — 100 140
24. Oaorgo Iraoor iU 80 300
27 n?S r, i Z:>ll,r ■BO 140
"• J-Malar..... - go 175
so* v*" 1 L 4d,r 80 300
si* ??* X"** 11 80 174
jo. Hngh Danrar— ~ , . go joo
10. Jaoob Ejan — go 60
37. Jaoob Oaohaahani go 160
**• Obarlo* WooUord.go ti
**• -. go 200
40. O. Toppar. ———go 300
2~3C «•
Is u— ‘ S* ,, ? oBti A* 60 66.
4*. b, X X
k?* t* ZMk - ” ].. 40 55
51. John Babb ~.. 40 «5
58. jj $;
”• o”b**, E “ , '“ k ” « M
59. <*. Bteiiuia so so
80. Jwob Pfordt.-.. ”~“.™ 60 55
5f ?**" K *S* r --“ 60 85
**• 4“****«»«» - 60 60
**■ J ok » W«lo go go
66. B»miirtM6olß» 60 55
S’'*f #k v P "*^ r ‘ , ‘ ■> «» 55
«■ r J fo ° n * ll >g»r 00 55
TO - M*? , 80 60
I* "*° r 6® OmmiL go 60
73. Qnrg* a.n».“„„ 80 60
74. P.tnoJt Bwmon..””” go so
75. 80 100
"• lit
<B. a. • inn
80. William Bthander...... 100 250
6580 16,070
Six bstohero lUndi were loft nnioW, to-
En£ W i£J°£ ,lrd " n X6o latter
*« “<• ia about two woakj,
due uotioo of which will b* giT.n.
Ollter M’dimocii. to.’a New Car-
pet aiute.
That Pittsburgh it repidly growing it evi
denced by the great number oi new establish
menti springing np in onr midst. Whilst
new ospital it being largely iaTcited in
tnannfaotnring branehet, eipedally in the iron
and steel departments; the mercantUe, wean
glad to tee, it menlfsttiog a fall ibare in the:
gefteralprotperityef onr community.
we thought of this more particniarly in a
reotnt oxaminetion -of the new store ol Glivar
McOUbitook * Co., dealer. inearpeu.-Ao., Ho.
ii Tilth street, which we are talo la pronounc
ing one of the finest ware-rooms in the city
The main room la two hundred lest in deptn.
with ever? eonTonlenoo tor the arrangement
and display of carpets. The firm hare also
put completed the fitting up of the basement
—whloh it of nearly the tame depth at the
main room, and haTlng admirable arrange
ments tot light, the reception of goodt. io..
* *ale*room for oil cioth* and mettle ra.
| Altogether the feoiiitiei for the exhibition of
tboir merohoadiee ore aaexeelled.
Tt«y hare bow on bond* * large itook of
ttrpoMf oil clotbr, mattingi, met* and window
iQodMp whioh not only full/ eastain the cher
an eetabluhinoai in the elegance
a&d variety of their iclection, bat—beet of
•ii—preient the large** indaoement* u re
garde price* in the ; loot of their haring been
parohated before the reoent advance, made
V ?• *oarelty and high price* of
wool, a/e itaJli and the other notarial* of
It ia thair eoaiiut aim to alway* ban an
a*lortm*nt oompbu ia #r#ry particular, from'
th# nohoat t«lt#u ud Brunt* dswaihroach
all grad*, and prloo,—initinf ia rfylaa arerj
.“uiS'*“ 1 , " u,, nuj
orcoar*., tnamorat# all the
janatl** of mtrohandiio appartaialag to a
carpet boat#. Wo oan Micro onr
rnaad*,: how#r#r, who mait prorido far tho
1,1 .f«“«/«»«*hiaf, whioh com#
wii* th# breaking of winter and tho family
flitting* of the Mhaoa, that nowhan will they
hay# a battar atoak to chooi# from, a floor
room foraxamlaation, or mom aoat#on* mot
chut* to d#al with.
PtmaaioH Baiun Couxai.—Th# Bpriag
t#rm of the Pittibargh Pemal# Oolleg#l* Joit
opening, aad, wa ara pUaa#d to laarn, with
tha moat marked aaaoan. Though but four
•ehool day* hay# alapjad* alaae tha opening,
mom Papua hay# already ant#r#d thu #m
mr ta oundoao* tlmrimf aay tamtpondimg
mm* Ai papllj oontinae to oome ia tor rhu
altar tha opening, tha pra**nt number* win
b# aoaaldarahly augmented. Ihi* a*toni*hin•
sroooss ii ao ton deserved than marked, and
it da# aot ualy to tha Überal policy panned
0/ tin trustees, bat to us vigorous b»ui»<
Bieaty iti strut discipline, aad tho earnest af
toru of its largo aad able faulty, for tho
highlit potiibio attainments for ail placed na
dir their taittoa. Wo wUh it tho largest pos
sible measure of sncoow.
■Wa nadoriUad that Min Lou Scrlb* has
bna roquMtod bp a largo numbor of her
friend! aad admirers to repeat her Concert.
Tho ironing chosen for her previous enter
totottint, ud boon to inclement that the
grutoit part of tho music amateurs: espe
■£******• oae * wilding at any distance
frpoa tho oeatrc of tho eity, veto deprived
** • “Mleal trine. Wa would bo
glad to >«r, that Mlu Scriba would ooment
to tfiro os another Conoort, as it is tory col-
jhok mtuieal talent, as hor*s and
,hor supporters, promt fthiauolTM boforo tho
S liUflli 1 Mr> J. A* Hnlp f the popnlir
ABMrfMn «tor, appeared tact nlfht u th*
IndiaaOhlaf Matataor*. A tmjt fair homo
froatad Ml parformaaot. Ai Mr. Naaflanait
hi* n|maut'l thi*
weak* rad Mataaera opoiu bom* tho pl*y tot
tojaight, thu will ho tho only ahaiaator >
lon* dm# to asm#, cf Mala# thU latareitlsk
pl#o*/aa w# h#ii#T# Mr. Haafi* u th, oal#
p#noaallowed tajplaj it ia addition to Mr.
jßdwip V#rr##t. W# would odrii# thou de
link* of witawiiag th# pl»y to Mean nati
•arl,. 1- ■ -
j Garxnr.L Cocar.—Baitor* *ad wltauiei
who do aot d»*in to b# i#nt lor, with eoat*
aadpoMlhi#'imprbsam#Bt, ahoaldoonitoatlj
b# r##dj in tit* Coart. It* batlnon I* bolng
dlipoMt of with all poMibl# ipMd, and a not#
lath#form efapros#ii,ia th# hud* of u
•fflo#ra, with out* attached, will b# tut lad
madda tho*# who a*fl#obatt#adia( to thi*
wlllraaaira. S»T# aorta aad tronbl#, thorn-’
for# by attudiag to year be*in*ii,il y oa hare
ba*la»«* ia thi* Coart. ' ." '• ;
Modi oompoilog tbo Ira of Jobs Wolir *
00., Morohoat Toilori, No-13*JfodonUtroot,
AUoghoo/, borojut'opoaodtbo uoiioxtoa
olto ond mimi« olookof ipriog and ninr
goodo mr oxhlbitM wott of tbo moaouloi,
oompritlng iobi of tbo moitbooktifolTrindO
ud Adwriooa OudoogM, fllothi, CuhoMoo,
MonolUy, Ac., Aa, to bo foud la (bo out-'
ora uorkot. ■ Toil oourpriflsg firm ku olio
0 rdf largo of tbt lotut itjlu of
fornloblag goodi, o&do eouidoroblo quantity
raody-iaado dotting of mporior quality. wo
odotainr Allogkaag patron* to call at thli
ortabliikmaat, aad too for tboanlTu.
i , i J,-’* t~
Sunday School Coaventioß.
imuooi tnsxov.
President MoKnlght in the Choir. Exsr
»lk« oponed with .pproprUt, religloyi an
Th« Committee on Permanent Organiiatien
pre.onted the form of a Con.titution for Ihf
County ArsoeUtion, which, after being tlight
ip amended, wee adopted. Ihe Committee
aljo recommended the following li.t of offioera
and Bowd of Managera for the enaning year:
President—Hon. Robt. McKnlght.
n T ( ‘“ f Arhuthnot; Allegheny,
Sfi w Pr ' lb 7 t " 1 “ n i >■ H. Eaton, Miner.’
rule, Episcopal; B. L. Fahnestock, Beat Lib
orty, Baptut; Rev. J. W. MoMiilan, All*.
gheny, Roformod Proabyterlan ; W. Anghin
bangh, Birmingham, N, S. Presb.; Robert
Carr, MoOlnre townahip. Cnmb. Presb.; John
a £ ? T l' . K “i porl , Methodist Epla.; D
8. Diffenbacher, Plttaburgh, German R.fd.;
0. Yeager, AlleglMy, Lutheran; Wm. Rine
hart, Pittsburgh/ Methodist Prot. ■ Daniel
E *' r > Allegho*y ; Robert Aahwortfi* AHo-
Erown » Man.-
Corresponding Secretary— L. H. Eaton. Al
legheny. *
Treasurer—Wm. Frew; Pittsburgh.
R-v n u Managers—James McOandless,
£ • MoLein, United Presbyterian;
H. L. Bolimsm, Eplsoopalß. 0. MiHpr, Bo’
formed ProsbyterUn; B. Preston, N. 8.
rreabyterian; Jacob Boobyer, Baptist: S.
Morrow, Cumberland Presbyterian; W. W.
Kln '£l‘ i ' Methodist Episcopal;
W. E. Sohmerts, German Roformod; Thos
a. Lane, Lutheran ; Wm. MUler, Methodist
Protestant; Isaao Taylor. Covenantor;
Presbyterlen° IPIOB ’ , ° , ' ph MoKal * I “» °- s
_ Mr. Wm. Frew, on bstalf of the Bnsineei
Committee, reportod the foliohring resolution
for discussion:
That a district Secretary be ap
pointed by the Board of Managers for each
wardi township and borough, whose duty It
shall be to ooUeet the sUUstioe from «aoh dls
trlet, under regulations famished by the
Board, and forward them to the Correspond
ing Secretary of this Association Ky the tat
of May next*
The following resolution was reported by
the same Committee, and, after* spirited dis
cussion, was unanimously adopted:-
Rtmfaed, That earnest efforts for the con
version of tho young is one of the most press
ing and important duties of the church.
The following resolution oallsd out a num
ber of short, stirring addresses:
Rtivlttd, That the parents, Ministers,
teaobers of Allegheny ecuuty should be more
lully impressed with the solemn responsibility
of their sireral relations to the youth of the
present day.
At the clou of tho discussion of this reso
lution, the name? of qalte a number of per
sons for district seoretaryshipe wore reported
to the Secretary, after whioh the lonrention
adjourned to meet &t seven o'clock,
Th# proceedings of the- Convention were
opened with ainging and psalm, and prayer
by Hot. W. J. Reed—President MeEnlghtin
the Cbair.
After the minutes of the afternoon, session
were adopted, the following resolution was
presented by Mr. Frew, on behalf of the Bus
meis Committee:
Bwlotd, That the Ministry, SabbathSohool
Tosohers and Superintendents in Allegheny
coqnty who have tent from their schools so
many of the brave boys who are now nobly
fighting the battles of the Union, give earn
eat expression te their unfaltering loyalty to
the Metional Government, and their aineere
P e4 J er lo the God of Battles that he would
blesa the right and give rietory to our arms.
This expression o? lojalty called ont some
eloquent remarks from a number of laymen
ana ministors, among whoa we notieed Geo.
Albree, Dr. Paxton, Wm. Frew, Rev. Wm. A.
Davidson, U. S. District Attorney Carnahan,
ttefr. AiH. Thomas, and Rev. J» D. Knox.
The resolution was then adopted unanimously
by a standing vote. v
The following resolution waa offered for
discussion: fetched, That the Mission
Schools in thla county commend, themselves
to the prayer, co-operation and contributions
of the Christian publio. ~
Excellent remarks were made by Mf. Frew,
Rev. li. Johnson, Joseph Moßnight, Dr
Gourgo Marshall, George Albree, E,q , Dr.
Paxthn, Rev. T. P. A. McLain, R. B Carna
han, Esq.
The following resolutions were adopted
witbent discussion: -
lUtQfad, That whlietn largo proportion of
the children and youth of Allegheny county
are destitute o£ religious instruction, it ie tho
duty of every Christian man and woman to
, “work whilst It u day” for tho conversion of
<bo young in the Sabbath School and in the
R'tolUtd, That the tbanki of this Associa
tion are hereby tendered to the trustees of the
Ist y. P. church for the nee ,of their church
for this meetiog.
JU*olvcd, That the Union Sabbath Sohool
»AsfooiaUoa of Allegheny eoantj, dosing its
first public meeting, goes forth to its work
with the high resolve to labor more earnestly,
pray more fervently, and give more.liberally
for the evangelisation of the youngud rising
generation. a
The President then annsunead the names
of the Board of Mausers and the call for tho
State Sunday Sohool Coovoation to bo held
Juno li, after whioh tha Asioeiatioa adjourned
with tinging and prayer.
The President, lion, B. MeKnlghtfpreild
ed with great dignity and acceptability dur
ing its session, and doubtless did mush
towards facilitating tho largo amount of busi
ness before the convention.
Baau’n Birrsna may now be considered tho
greatest raooesi in the medical world# From
the character of tho men who hare control of
the article wo thought it would be so. The
umo of J). 8. Bernes. Eiq., (partner of Br.
Brake) if a sufficient guarantee to thepnbllo of
agood and pare article. Kao wing the country
to bo literally flooded with 11 bitters” varying
in quality from Cincinnati Common Whisky
to Common Whisky from Cincinnati, they de
termined to produee an article both valuable
and ewisrsfy different from all and
right well have tboy succeeded. ' As to eoio
an expression, their bitters are deftesoM/y
mtdicinai. They are strengthening and in
vigorating. A specifio in dyspepsia and all
irregnlaritloi of the boweU. Onr neighbor
Johnston, at the corner of smitbfidld and 4th
streets, who keeps all the popular modloinei
of the day, informs us t&ac he sells more of
Orako’e Plantation Bitters -8. I. iBfiO-X—
-than of all othsrs together, and he oan eupply
the demand from a single bottle to twenty
P. S. Tho proprietors reqmst that the pu
abators will not sell their empty bottles.
ttaovax Baxu*s ctawraa Maaaiva, for
family and masulaatiiiing purposes, are the
best bn use.
d- if. 0» general Agent,
i So. 18, Fifth itreot.
A Bot Lost.—Last night abont six o'oloek
a little boy about fire years old, strayed away
from tho residence of his parents, ooraar oi
Webster and Chatham streets, 80. 67. Ho
was dressed in dark olothlng, and hie hair is
Cheat Clothixo amo Wahu to Bot Them.
—The enterprising firm of Win. H. MoQee A
30., merchant tailors, oornor of Fsderal and
Blamond square, Allegheny, being folly
aware of the extraordinary advanoe In Spring
goods, have purchued last fall a boantiftS
assortment of doth, easslmeres, vestings, Ao.,
and they are now ready to open' their Spring
.trade with superior artioles, at greatly* re
duccd prices. They will.seU their goods by
the yard if desired, aad as they keep con
stantly on band a large supply of ready made
clothing, customers eon be aooommodated oa
demand, or have a neatly fitted salt to ordjeri
The work is all doae under their supervision,
and Always warranted to purchasers..
Onuses Oaua will bo taken at theOsalbif
"JBoe, No# 405 Liberty street, day Or *ig>*~
AU ordws teit at the above place wilTbo
crempilj attended te Ali mast bopeld
!b a fvaaea. g a
: If .TOD dull* any repairs or alterations ,U
roar dwelling, or plaoos dr business Hi] end
o*n your ordsr u Oothbert’s .Carpenter ud
Jobbing Shop, Virgin AUeggabon Smithdeld
•Dost. Ali work promptly attended ,o. t '
<: JOHN THOBIPSGEf, garopeea igsot, ■
iwin rotors fr»rahU;proeenllocnUon,OD Likwtf
stasis to BASH STOUT, nsxl bout to Iks Mlgs>
ealhelntof A{*(l next.
Midnight Edition.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh QaxatU.
WssHutOTON, Marsh 31, lgflS.
kiqro ktoiviirrs.
The Government has authorised General
Ullman to raise a black brigade, nod Gov,
Andrews to raise a oouple of negro regiments,
bat beyond that no authority has yet bean
glvep Any one to enlist black troops.
Scores of petitions; have oome in from per
sons wishing to be officers of blaek regiments,
but the War Department positively refuses to
give farther authority to adybhdy for the pre
•ent. It Is intimated, however, that they
mean soon to begin the work for enlisting
negroes in the service.
General orders issued require officers
who have been promoted, to remain on duty
in their respective departments or armies
under the assignment of thb ccmmander-lc
A General Order has been issued directing
the eommanders of regiments or detachments
of surgeons In ohargd of hospitals, te report
on the last day of each month to the Provost
Marshal, Gca. Fry, the names of all tha de
serters, with the full descriptive lists.
wxo» kknivoit* wab&bgtox.
Both Halls at the Capitol Were crowded full
at the Union mooting 16-day with enthusiastic
audiences, and many were: unable' to find'
standing room. Chief Justice Carter made a
aereng tpeeeh, denouncing, In fitfog,terms, i
the treason of Jeff Daria and asßoe&ftaa, and I whatever elsobe might fail, he should I
tcLpunlsh disloyalty. Horace Maynard
"and Andy Johnson also spoke.
Gen. Halleck, in a General o;der,a4aounces
the death of General. Sumner. He ’gives a
brief sketch of his Ufa and character, and di
rects that thirteen minute guns be,fired at
each post within the Department of Missouri,
and flags at haif mast, from twelve to'eonset
of the day of the reeeipf of the order. rl '
cam isio ova limb. ‘
The widow of Jackson, who killed jOoloaql
Ellsworth, came into onr lines at Union MUls
to-day and begged permlasloa to noma over
to our side again, offering to take the 0 f
allegiance. l .<
gust lbr’b suri.
The opinion in government; oiroles Je that
Leo’s rebel army is still in Virginia, but a
portion was detached io Petersburg, and all
disposed of for an easy concentration at any
menaoed point. i
The subject ettieatuoky in the re-ei»i»Te*
meat of escaped contrabands; by yiittfci'of
her local laws, h 'to bo giving .fiae't'o
protraoted Cabinet consultation*., ’•
TUB LAST WltlAßßiß.
Geo. Halleck and Got. Johnson are soon-to
be examined as the laat witnesses before the
BoaU Court of inquiry. [
orrioßia no be rxosaroio.
All officers yet in rebsl hand* are toh* at
ones exchanged, and t6tbat end orderi Save
been Issued to hart all rtbel offlceri In our
hands, who ean bear transportation at all, it
cnee teat to Baltimore. ! ;* I
raDVoar habshau.
The Provost Marshs!# of j Pennsylvania
were namod to day. Aaumberarehonoraj
ably discharged officers of .the army.- 1
tiAva or Asaaxei ‘ "I
Gen. Slgel'S lobve of aSscnde #x- I
tended. He is in Hew ,
Secretary Stanton aad the President ware
in long conference to-day. +
Waasi.oioir, M.roh 31.—Tio Prtiid.ot, in
«omplian» with th« nqint of thoSiotto, hw
d«ri*Bata<i Ihuudwj, tha 30th'ol April, u »
dap of aalioaal humllmloa and praj.r, and
oonoladai tha proalamation aa follow. * “Lat
q», than, rail bumblj to tha hopa aothoriiad
bj tha dlaloa taaohiopi, that tha. noltad a n
of tha natioo will bo beard on hl(h, and aa
•warad with blauing. aolou than tha pardon
of oar Bationai rioi and the raatoratioa of ou
aow dlTldtd and .Blaring oountrj to it. for
mtr happy condition of unity ind nut °
Aa intercepted document, addressed by Jq.
d»h P. Beejemlo, the Confederate Secretarv
of SUM, to L. Q. 0. L*n»r, the Confederate
; Commissioner At St. Petersburg, bu Utelv
i come into the possession of ear
It ahowi the prafiont and significant reserve
ahloh the Confederate authorities proscribe
to themselves la refusing to enteringmv
engagements With foreign nations not to re.
vivo the Afrioan slave trade. k •
Mr. Benjamin says: Mr. Lamar it well
aware how flrmfv fixed la the Constitution is
the polio/ of the Confederacy against the
opening of that trade, but we, he remarks
are informed that false and loiidloai targes*
tioos have been made by the agents or the
United States, in European eities, of their in
tention to ohange their Constitution as toon
as peace is restored and of anthoriilig! the
importation of slaves from Afrioa. If, there,
fore, Mr. Lamar shoold find in bis Ihteroosrte
with the cabinet to which he is accredited
that any suoh Impression*hreenterutned. he
most use every proper to remove them,
(and If any attempt is mads to introduce into
any treaty which be may be oharged with ne
rfdflaUng, stipulations oh the Subject Jut
.mentioned, be will assume fee position that
Oonseitatlon of tho Confederacy isi mi
agreement made between independent States
In other words, no power Is delegated to the
Confederate government Over the subject. 11
,In theotfurseof hisloitraotlohs, Mr. Ben
jamin says; ITe trust that no unnecessary dis
cussion on this matter will be introduced into
to yoar negotiations. If, unfortunately, this
reliance yhould prove ill fouaded, yoa will
decline continuing In the negotiation on.
yoortide, and transfer them to us at home,
where, In such an event, they oouid be oon
daeted with greater facility and' advantage
under the direct supervision pf the President.
Offieiai information has been received of
Col. Conner's severe battle and splendid' vic
tory on Bear river, Washington territory.
After aforeed marchof a ‘hundred and forty
miles in mid-winter, and through deep snows,
injwhioh •eventy-iU men were disabled by '
frdsoD feet, he and his gallant band of only
two hundred attacked three hundred Indian
warriors in their stronghold, and if ter a bard
fought battle of fodr hours, destroyed the en
tire baud, leaving twenty-four drad on the
field. Our loss is fsurteeu klllad and forty.
nine wounded. The Indians had murdered
sevoral miners during the winter; and were
part of the seme band ifho have bben
creing emigrants, on the overland mail route
for the last fifteen years, and the principal
actors and leaders in the horrid orlmes of the
past summer. Buribg Cel. Conner's maroh
no asslstaoos was rphdered by the i Mormons
who seemed indisposed, he says, to divulge
any information regarding the Indians, and
charged" enormous prioe* for every article
furnlshed to hls command,
Iho Commissioneroflnternel Heron to has
rands the following dsoistons i Warrants of
attorney eooompenyiog mortgage chfiokl
drnws ngnlnst Suit foods la bank are exempt
from stomp doty. Pawnbrokers, ebooks an
liable, as agreement, to a sump doty, of Ira
osnts. Whenerer tbo reoelpts of aa lnsoraado
agoat or broker, as a oompeneeUon for tor-
Tioas performed for or on adooaat Of theoom
pany or companies hetspfotaaUiiamoant id
the ana of fdOO In say boa, year, bwlg liable
to atsestraeat under the amended ezolie law
The Mayor of Waiblngtoa, whit,presided
at tbo great Ualobmeeting - this afternoon
and erenbg, said, to hit o wning speech that
found loysl tone airernmeat "•<?
The fall Barihe bead was lhettendtnee at
the meettaf/ and perfornrOd doflbg the Ha
terraid. ■■.■■mi ' .ouod-v. mt n tSann;
- The rseolntiont re*d rathe at
name of the "People of Washington," swear
allegtanoe to the (Treat BepnbUo, one and la
dWjabio, tba» thay win ally rmd the eog.
itifated authoriU**, % eoiEe life or while
ufy traitor or rebel North or Sooth dares plot
sedition, flaunt a flip, or fire a goo. White
New England is not left oat In the cord, Sooth
Carolina and all other Gulf State! are tbbe
plashed as brands from the burning; that
more than half tho battle is fought, and now'
to parley with treason is to dismember the
nation, Thore ti no middle ground for hall
way men to stacd upon. It is liberty or
treason, liberty or bondage, demooraey or
despotism. Thoy fender to President Lin*
ooln and his administration their confidence
and admiration for stemming the tide of trea
son nod allaying ditiension at home, and
holding at bay the friends of treason abroad,
and striking at slavery, whloh ia the main
stay of rebellion—aota deserving the oonaid
6r*t® judgment of mankind and the graolous
°f Almighty God. Declaring that they
will ana tain our brother* in arms by sea and
that they will never despair of the
American Union and Constitution.
Alderman Sargent offered au additional re
solution, to thoeffeet that there are two classos
cf persons in this city—loyal’ and disloyal:
those who are determined to put down the
rebellion at any cost, and these who give the
enemy all the aid and eomfert in their pow
er. It is due to ourselves and the country
that those disloyalists should be sent to their
friends in filohaond, and fer vigorously en
forcing this policy In Baltimore,- we tender
our thaoki to Maj. Gen. 6ohenok!
The reading of the resolutions was ropcat
edly interrupted by applause, and they were
unanimously adopted amid the wildest enthu
Arrival of the Steamship Harsa
New York, March 31.—The steamship
Harsa, from Liverpool on the 18th 1 , arrived
at this port-this evening.
The Bejel mail steamer Canada arrived at
Liverpool on the 16th.
The ship Gil Bias, which arrived at Havre
on the 14th, reported she spoke the pirate
Alabama on February 23d. She put on board
the Git Bias, two Frenchmen from the ship
Olive Jane, from Bordeaux for New York,
which the Alabama bad burnt on the 2lpu
She burnt on the same day a vary large ves
sel, bound from California to Queenstown.
The ship Plata, whioh arrived at South
ampton from the West Indies, reports the
Alabama off St. Lucia, where she had oan
tared two vessels. r
The Sumter ha* been thoroughly repaired
in England, and is ready for sea.
, The Southerner, a screw gunboat, has been
launched. She is to be need for the Confed
erate service. ‘
The ratification of the Confederate 7 per
cent cotton loan of three million pounds ster
ling has arrived. It will be introduced on
the London change on thelfiih. The bonds
oro issued of 90 dividends in sterling, and a
Slaking fond for their redemption at par in 20
It U rumored that an important dispatoh
has arrived from Vienna.
Intelligence bos been received that a great
battle w»s expocted to be fought between the
Poles under Larznwiskl and eighteen thou
sand Russians..
\ -A pn the affairs of Poland was eem*
tqoaeed in ,tho British Parliament on the 17th
tnit., bnt there were no important develop*
faients m»do The Parliament closes on the
Hast of March, but will re-open immediately,
i The views of the Emperor of Austria on
Poland are.: said to ooinoide with thota of
Nhpolean. -
• In the Paris bourse rentes aie quoted ai
CW 90a. •
-Garibaldi’s wound shows symptoms ol
aggravation. * r *
f PtfLaan.—Yhe Russians are d>oiti*g every
where reinforced. p 9
| Thei insurgents are in force at.Keuft.
| Eight of the Warsaw councilors have re
signed. The manioip&i officers have followed
their example.
i An insurrection has broken out Id PodoUa.
fleyral thousand of the insurgents ore posted
Tho Dake of Constantine has quitted War-
Diotator Laogicwits baa ordered the issue ol
lational bank notes.
The Russian* have searched and plundered
the-town ef Miehakaloe, and eommittedmes
aeons at Gortka and Giebalkow.
A thousand o£ the insurgents have brgan
i»sa ae Lutclenand proclaimed the national
government in several places.
■ AnsTau.—At the first sitting of the Veuo
t|eo delegates * scheme was deliberated grant
ing a provincial constitution to Venetia.
i Ateeiyoof GoUah Uarkt , March 17.— The
*“ d P ri «* i»«,a
9% higher torAmenoin qualities.
4 ; The advices from Manchester are favorable.'
reporting an advaaeeft of
From Fortress Monroe.
Fortrsbs Mosaor, Maroh3l Yosterdaj’s
Biohmond Dupofch saps : pi the morning of
the 25th four Federal'boats were adran.oing
toward our upper-batteries at Vioktknrg. A
rigorous Bre was opened upon them. Two
were driran back, and, two passed nnder a
patting Are. On*reeeired a shot, from whloh
she sank.' Part of her orew es Japed to the
o SS°.k“a!?°"' Th “ B °" toa »»» disabled,
and the Albratross towed her out of danger
of our gunboats. Tbe enemp has ar.peaStd
again in lront of Fort Pemberton. On Mon
(taj afternoon Bring was heird, bar the re
•sH ia unknown. •
JTbo report of fteeeptare of Gen. Oarter’s
Brmai* Ha “ l>hr ' 1 Marshall it not oon-
*?f n - I J° r S* n bld » Bght oa the 20Lh lait,
lutiaf tn boin, at Milton, driring the ta
•ar two atllei, whoa thop wore rolnforood.
“•'g** »»J* Mi lost of offioan wai heart.
;Bsfugeet from rebeldom end deserter! from
ttm robot armp are almost dallp oominsrlnto
oar Iloes at Boffjlk and Torktowp aad /iring
tJejnselTes up. SenoraUj the deserters bring
taelr arms aad eqnlpments with them.
Chattanooga, March 27.—Qea. Forest cap
tured peiterdep at Brentwood, niaomtlosin
the rear of Franklin, eight hahdred prison
ers. Be dastroped a houso of oommissarr
stores, burnt the railroad bridge, tore ap the
™ captured lOTSntoon loaded 1 wagons.
Thep report thaimoromants stronglp ihdl
aalo the earlp eraonatioa of Biohmond, though
It it intended to be asoomplished bp a slow
and tare prooest. One entire dlritlon of the
rebels attired In Biohmond last Xaesdap, at it
sappotd, to protect the lniargonte from enr
attack that map be atade, while theeracua
tionie taking plaos. The rebels hare al
readp oommenood to remora their large guns
ahd also their meohihe shops to Chattanooga.
From Mew York.
Nnw You, March 21.—A letter from Hil
ton Head, dated the 27th Inst., soph that
hearp Bring was heard uoarlp all the prerioas
dap la the vloinitp of Charleston. aad i t was
thought that tha Beet, whloh left on Wedaes-
JjJJt"" ‘ lU<lki °* U ‘* batteries atStono
The Sarannah Republican, of the 35tv
porta an engagement to hare Ukah plane’ ha.
tween the rebel light batteries aad B. 8. gun
boats on Hondap. Ho parUeolare are
ekoept that the rebels poured shot an/shill
into the enemp for a considerable Unto, “he
MdiXS 10 h ‘" bM “ -ft
ihJ , B^d° P r Tcsolntlon of
the Board of Supsrrlsors asking the passage!
bp the Legislature, of an not to tax bank
nooks and the etoeke of aU iaoorporat.d com
panics and associations, held bp P ind'rld"!!},
ortSMiwffy’ 1 n 11 a* * ro, >»4 ‘hat the prep!
% X,i ‘ «»P«»g tbit
WMob th* Mt« of Qonfitn htro •zempted
Irtf Ux ** ti ® D # Ti * * Saoh paru of thti prop
of*the*Cn^iedßl»teo! ,d, “* aU ‘«
( Mapor Opdpke regards the resolntlon as ln
tended to reaoh the latter, and is opposed to
anpthlnglike an oration or nnlllßoatlon of
Uiaia tßiaontly propertfkMtmoßta. '
From lUeepari.
, St. Low ' W si— M»J. Ooa. h«tob
hei beea aligned command of the Arm*
win 1„„ tot Snai.u
Mluoari to-day to eitame eocutind. It u
understood that the dirislons of thli mbt iu!
0««; 9(i«st'a dlitrtot it utoadod .
tto Arkaawa rinr, ud (mbraou th.»V«. U
ilwof oobbUm of kluoari S‘.*“ Mnl
‘•The district of SouthWestore Mi.. !?V
M tb.
Bdhhdeld la commend. ***
From JLoaieviile,
5 I IfWWTjfcWi, Marsh SI.—M.i a
**^,«kutt»*M— SiKftrticUf
From Vickaburg.
J'^ ;r List Wednesday evening the
rua .h.“S ".1 A J " UOi l °
ber lmm.oi.toly, tuVn*ng i
compute .. ,he went down AH
hor or.w, t.o, .looped.
Th. Swiiurlud ... dialed b, . 61 po n n d
bJI p.nctr»ting h.r .loom drum Sb. fla.ted
down, tbe b.ttetle. .till firing end striking
her repeatedly, until finally th. Albatron ra*
along side and towed bar to tho iow.r mouth
of tho canal. Tho 101 l of life on bor is not
On their way up tbe river tho Hartford and
Albatross encountered obstacles at Grand Gulf
more formidable than those at Port Hudson.
The Hartford wai.struek.fouirteen times, and
had three men killed. Bothjvessels returned
thdifire vigorously, and both Were more cries*
It is stated tbat thq expedition under Gen.
Shorman, to tbe rear of Heine’s Bloff by way
of Steele's bayou and the Sun Flower, had
returned to Young’s Point.
Nothing definite is received from the Yasoo
Pass expedition under Generals Boss and 1
A train between Memphis and Grand /auc
tion tree captured by guorrillas, on Saturday,
and ninety persons were-taken prisoners anil
paroled. A Federal force started from Mos
cow in pursuit. .
From Williamsburg..
Yoiktows, March 30.—Yesterday morning
about oco hundred rebel infantry stole past
Sketa, In front of Williamsburg, and
occupied the place bofore daylight,
a their cavalry in front attacked our
>ioiet, who fell back upon the town., Here
the infantry fired upon them, killing tJroarid
wounding five. They fiaally eat their way.
through and deaaaped to fort Magrader, ex
cept eight nine, who- were made prisoners.
oar force numbered about forty, that of the
enemy 300. . Before our reinforcements came
up the enemy seised whatever they oould and
made good their escape.
Conversion of Legal Tenders, into
PHntraiHU, Marci 31.—Tho convonion
of regal ttadtn tato 5 20's ocstiosa without
‘Oo7 amounting to
sl,2so,oooanti to-day $1,000,000. Jay Coob’b,
suoscnptton Agent, anaoanoe* increased sab*
soripuoos from ihe wpsi and local agriculw
d»ilylßtri ° tB ordßnj fcom near localities
iUaikcis by Telegtaph.
—Gotten adr»ccine; aalee of
100 balesj»t- 7U@7ic. Flour advaudug; »&ios of tf,oOo
JJdnfiKiS?*'/" I 9 * Sitttß » *M*stau-fwr Ohio,
juid 97 fur Bouibt-ra. W'ti'nr has »u adviuc’
lug tendency. but lh« quotations arc nominal; Ghl
ca<o spring, si,39®i,o»; Hed,3,,ea®»,7a.. ; inroad-
Tuueiiigi tales of £6,\AA) bu*h m. BD@aL fork Hiea.v
Lard ouoj.nt at lU>£®lJi£. « huay dull at toe.
Pu jladelpula. Much 3..—Flour dull io-uai: su
perniie, ;ss, with no demand lor expert. By«
flour firm, and com m-al dull. Wheai scarce and id-
TaLCiDg 5 sale* 3.UW bush. red at 81 65, and a bile at
*1 »W. Ooru comes forward atuwiy ; a*let3,UUUou»h
ai sac. ProTitioos Aim and maciirc. tthissy dull
CiarciNjiATX, M&rcli 3L—Fljuc uochauged andfbeld
at »o,ai-{g(o i«r supe flue. Wb-nt Sl.SiouAiJW. Urn
declined lo 6tc. OaU dull at ?yd. WnU*. 4 1*, 1 toil
Ann. Gn ceric* uticliaugcd. Gold advanced to ! 14 •
Bernaud Notes 145; yiiv«rl3s;. ifixcbang* steady!*
Ihe market lur all articlo* isgeherol.y quiet.
Nrtr Vobk, March 3L.—Cotlon firmer : 6 000 bal-s
•old *t Fioqr—B,ouu bol*. eolil; Stale *b,4 •
Ohio Solberu tVbeut
quiet, ana u b«id iiigu; Uw sl,7* *4. Miied com ad*
w rk T Me3l , * l3 - 76 Q*' i » new
tic# duff* WttUkj,auU * t4u^47 - Oroc^rieTuai,*
btotkt better. Gold 50. S orilbg exchange dull at
lojj premium for goal: Chicago audltoCK l«land 103.
coal i 67.
Uwch 31.—F10 r firm; sales 1000 bb!a
obb ? e fJ r * “ s7 ' Br >i- *Wh-af quiet but unV
changed. Corn scared-the prices ore una tetvd
Wtunj .touly.i tagm ncmTlVtow
oats quiet at eugOvc.
fennayirnniti Legißlaiare,
I Reported fur this Pittsburgh Uasetto. 1
{UaausoaQ, March 8(f,l BC3.
Hows.—Supplement to the act to proside for the
payment of the interest on the State debt; approved
1 Jao, 30,1863. Fstsed.
Mr. Pershing, of Cambria, tali: The objwt of this
bill I* to legalise the suspension of the free Links by
extending ibe provisions or the act of JB\X them
uutiT4arch 18CL The tree hunks were excluded
from Ihe operation of the act of Jon. 30.- 1803, because
«tf ?E!f nicaoiogauTipirJt of that
»Lee banking low rrquj , 8 them to keep
only 8 per Cent, oi epcCf. on baud. They deposit
Ui.ircapital lu• lock ; ml* U the gecuitiy: Th*3d
section of ibeactofiiythot January, HW.Wuwa
Ihisclear.y canntt be made applicable'to
ir *5 'V “**■ u ©‘Whta ihtim ’
fn«lllh seciioo of ihd act of Jab. 3i», laiß, reaulrta
baaksioreduce their clrculati onto twice the
ofcepiiah ThU does not app.y to Irea banka, becauee
as the law now stands, they cannot g»f a circulation
exoteding thoircapLaL It require* thmi tuawp
specie tqiulto on.-thirdof their clrcu.ation. Ihw
&< * b «^i * ii he. lt ctiuhS
r " 1 “ 1 " a “ ““p b «
BythojiMMionof tb. fne buki br tb«Um.
3eS!.u.l o a | ot ihn 0 , 1863> k u lh,| 3 aiClcu.lU.ilU
Uortreonw. B/tb.mof 18C2 alibdnu mut re
nSfl ,ll 'J r “°“* *“ of lb.
ot J " »' d ' r «<• p«y -
Hr. Sbck C.IMUI, tb. b«mt.''tiu to Incorporate
of dllxens of
c|, y for the repeal OI a portion of the act of
16bl, relativa to the city of Allegheny. -
. remonstrance of eighty crtiisnr of Handies.
lbo lairs 1 of aaid
.. M *; of Lancaster. Bemonstrance of
°f Trade, of PhUaderphle, ; agalnat tbenas*
ktao nepor t by the CommiMlonersappointe?t9
mnni|w*jf rt,Tl ** the IbsTenue-Code, fcr the Oom
iPoo«trwc« of the religious Society of
o^iff{;U?S“ubuS g
Hr. b.pgrtg. P.utlon of 40 cittiuu onTraSfcrt
oountjr p.Vtcg Hr tb. r.p.H #2, •
°w‘ U S r Q ®f tonnam.duUee, approved March 7.180 L
„ ' V l ol<l “ r . of fcr tbcpliwu,,
predated the following petitions, de,‘
PUittoo ol sundry :m*en. ot Al eghfuy city Mktb* ]
theiep.aiof o«rumse;iiouoi tu. ai,t«ntltud ; **an
■ctreWe to Aiieglunj city," approrea ist May, - 1
of clUx n> of JuoUu tom»Mj>, 800 l
complain u. r»UioM i (i"m°
BSyS* l of *■»<*» cllUtni Cf Wcit iainAte
««»>». »t tlmllnr Import «. th. u?tT*
>MOTr “1 il>.po«r,r torituir t,Lt.
a^S°g?y?.." f , th ‘So'Mtor oMU. boroosh oi
*" r “ a
g£g '* to . u ” «r^»y34 , cSSS
£!*?• *«uUu> m>mj. -nd Mr. UuS»U»,„f w„h.
Ol CI.I»M Of Wk .UlugtoucouklV
oomld* iota (ha SiIJ
JSferaWaSlif-- ®***M°n of .l«iUr
Worn «* eW*m*ot J
citioeoicj V™ cf
of itfJL*i 1 ? OQIl * jr ** t^,t tb«lncorpdnuion
owal “ 8 * l « cU 9f totiuWiSfiiar
/? i .
t oll *® tb, boiadoijr.lliiof
lg ,o «uS, < i?i to^P» AU.,to, count/. It
“t SffiUJSXi?? 11 ? ttf *“*•**• ftrai tofiwr
■MrT. *• «*• iowublp Of ••CiikWo”. ;
>JrA^?? , ., BU W»«a«tlo:tli* aotrtoctitfterlb.
; m? 9 *! tfctupkoj ®l Vco*o*o coaoyr. ...
*K. R ?*?*» Mppleau,Dttfjr tv lb«»ci (ItloiiVk to
*m p-w 8411 0uB _ itii
ItoMBMM tfolMto Mil. • -•- ■■ -
jMr. at JCrlf t bm ia relotUpto nittsmi
oouioatuus ta Marctr mod lotmei couaUt*.' >
vAr. OuchiMj OiU io looatporoto
*»• Aatnou Aatociauoa m tho promotion til dociol
oeiou«i. '■r**'---
Brovs,(irWtiTN| nppbMtl to tho-oct to
icowpoctio Um OU Onok Tmatpoftalioo Ooapcny.
fNHu, ••'...•• - i
Hr. BaitlUof Obrntor, bill to prmnt traadroa
tra««n<irai lo purest porobwer* ot ; tbreqglt.
t (ck»u from mlUbc tbua iron polar to pqlal o&
thoxtato*: -' '•■■■'.■',* ! i '* '•;• * *'*--r
JMri aorton, of JqUoo, bill to tacarporaU the
FooptylranioQiopeOnoipeajr. /, -• i r-‘
liitive wteako'nadcitratebuiker*....... r „ . *
‘ iHr. Hopkitivof Waih|ottoß ( 'bUr to
ftaMobai LdwttUiilvaboepn. ■* * ' ' L_*
Mr Juhaowoo dfOUwfef* a M l to—MlfMWf.
eir binmll«gi|d «fi»tattmptilojW|WWß
*Vr. Jaotaea, of BaUl?aa, a bill Mfrgli—itMl to
the net r—laijiifia&Ma4 eoapanlai» approved fob
Mr.fcagort»,of BnrtMcd,* wwharttpa aot
; ; | '' -l\ ■ 1 M‘ "
of thsi StnU Canals, approted April U.
. Mr.;Boyar. of Clearttald«;ni>lh to auth'rlse clerks
to ihe Commissioners to
matlone. • * 1 -
: Kaine, of Fayetta, a bill to repeal eo much of
theacjt, approved the 161 h of r U*y, )&>l, ae piovliiee
for the levying of a specific texofoDe-Selfmlllon the
dbbar; - ‘ •' f • • 1 / i
i Mr.,Brown, of Jiorthutohcrlend, offered the follow
ing resolotlCQ,; which waa adopteu: That berralter
tbebonr of meeting ahall o'clock, Inatrad of
aiim. that (tie h«mr oj njcetiug for the, after*
cocn ftoolon shall be S){ instetd of 3 ofolock; that
the boar«f adjtarsmeeit ehalt-be o'clock pu
all afiernoan aesilone of the House; that there shall
■ be aft-moan wasiosi oa Mondays and Fridays for the
consideration of public bills; that he 68 th rule of the «
Houre be dispensed with for the remainderoftl
sioa, (thus m dting a session oo Saiurdays}; that the .
* * directed to place on the privaie.calrndar ’
Tth, only. House b lli. snd! to prepare a pilvafe
m *cT^ r of-Bw?* 1 ® and'Houta bills for FridsyrAprQ
i« J lB *rJ? Hea °f poblfo bills on that day; end Toss*
n :?’l*» 1863, sbsll be dwoted to the general.
and thejuiot,
V3ia th «*»oHou»ea. 5 • > r*
3sm. until Tuesday aom-
Pchu*ffir!?Bh^ d - ,y '. ®«n®*»streao«ofdtl*eß*nf
liun. tb “rigbri 7 bWunjf o “ r,K ™'
ilr. Pmnrv \.. Qdl for porpoim.. .
shenycou I !ff7e»^,^,^ °? «ltl«ns ofAm-
The following bills were passed: * i P
***?«*•** Bond
MhSte&tlr 1 * ““ [ °° u “ 4 BU W ;
Bill telaaog to the payment lor itMip dotisfc -
,^ r : ,a *redUced a foint rmoiaiioo to sostaln
the clitzens of Tennijlraui*, iu th* 'Hilitarv ami
Kami service of the ' ““
-JtS*oford,iThatthe > th«nks of the-people ofTimi* ’
sylyaoie are hereby tendered to tbelr eon* ih the.
a4 l y °J lh4 H UalUd Sut « f« their foS ”
continued and often demonstrated vajor ln battla
and for fh-fr good dlsolplloe and patriotic enduranoa i
«Mn b k 0 0 bart *WW °f ‘ha fis d and of tbe
ship, and the memory of their
ourbeant wUb pnde. - ■*“ r?*i* 1 * '
In oorllm, ouf fortnnes, a«d eW'
hobos, t> tbsmbaraomHnfliMißbvl
Med tObJbkarOr
end to that eod we promise th»m, on the'falilToJ ! i
iwOosylvanla, reinforcements to the full meSaon of d
cur reeourcee. , • •'• ] ••-•'• , . •
That tbq Guvemor of ibis OommonwjeaUk -
be. Itqueeted to forward a copy of tbree rveoluiltcus'
to the comma' ding oAider of ovety reglme.tof PmU* '
V “.' D ° l *u'V r Umd : ' w ‘ th » ngural Uut ;
.S n 6”. u* 4 lb * <-f!»b.l. l.(lotwb and I* »
tbeOiiptaiQ=pf every loyal warveseel lowhichit 1» '
known ufe eng tlsenepf ihU gt «te.,, •JL
j£g??TrrSBDBOH thbatbb ”1^
— Wn. Horakuo. .
T Rn2jS.-T.-r.-: —— B.OTnnm.,
l^iralw^o»«,»».£pbi.«i!BoiM 1 ,5 Ofir si..
'SXn.u^&J 5 T“!, a^ a f B--.•
u * B "ST “ lh * Xadl * n Cbfcl
THIS (Wodn-tdayl lSVKrriHa, ,
Jbcqnd and yosli! sly la>t nlgbt of - 5
Slrtam(jra, orihc Last of the Wampanoln,
MRTkWQxt L iii » • u r kCifie
—' B »»g4gy
NAUAUGKhS w^.,.w^.. XBlKLial
Torondodewitb •
BaiiottL.: ,_4i— .Mr sirros.
P A i' U— —.. U-. :L.j .u..—-Mr. l r «I(W
*IBCTIpjr ■
T° JHS.' I-ÜBLlo,—MotloVlancL So. -
A m hu Jett recaiTfrl a’lirg* mh!
Boots; ,
bhok/, !
■*■**• "—r
»i«T. "
VJ hITOiB, kfOUAVIMdi; A«—TBit)
A ApiU.let, at fcookck, wUI
i^* e i d, * t -^*Tl , f*Au«ti t !a. 6| Fl'tb at tut a Urt»
I » V «W Dwells* Barytas irn
Toii«t. Bisbd, halr asd-flath Beat rajafd
°* k Arln ch%,r *» Hair m»i Oba wu<
uL » • Miem i»* t An* Oak sad' -
iP— t i^? l ® ce DF acd Walntit “afc , "•
l ‘** l, V fsftste ''•fpsti.Tftatlwr
Jinii ta J ue * ?t,OB .°balr, Bresitebt ***..
i)inlß| Boon* .T*blae and Ofatir*. Utbtfmy aids*
vi* T*.
blct. Loohlrf O s*»n, tJll. iClo b.'Ofßo* T^»
Ooftrijt, Wludpw Corafc**; Wire
bcalt,tara«, *c. Also sls *• 1 tof Dials* boom
pelf, Eltoacn Utesetirsad Jfsnltexe, hs'errjc
Jr> 4c l , , J, ft Idavidr *£lv
fcTar 2 r A, T *?. t n^ .... . .
m fcp..... . ~ ;t. A. «po»yKLUAyt),
W ANXKp-i— A good uoood hiod Safe,,
* * b to iJthM inic&MO-iiF
jhlje I good •oconi iundTßlj ;PSOUF b4f JL ’"
' ■ *• --W?■ «■
ß tthBl : ! - yAwqoßi>iß-
•» vaU fsraisbtdrodinkifllttbVforV pmT. c
BluliMiß BKDtP.IOH 8008 B»l> -
Urm*. UolcuTbk Brt
:>ni> r a A- W B . Ihtp*tcb o’yyiQß - B>bSi:Bt
W AAXiliu,—jx To Q Cut
V ra*P» (voottdid la vd u R*ttl« rf Anium?
rJ I*®*MytWaj■whvri 1 *®*MytWaj ■whvri hnvj w*rk£i'
«tpr*ient. Enquire afcVo.SSTjulbertt
Hmrtßg EUdt'trrucraMnta tougsg* i.
u th. oakpet Epaißßa ik fitter,"
thtflrniof - ••'. • ;i. "S f : J ;‘'
tbatpupo* tiwftptcfcwnf -'
roomi Ho*. 71and W JWH fiT&KST,
: «*»▼».'UtiMt’B BaoketcayMit door toiha-FM A
w * Mr * V* «p*c» toopwa, abort tha Ont of . t /*
Aprilvih «ntlrrtjr uv, (rath and eoaplrt* aaotf v *
ot **; : : ' K - r ; ;
Carpoti »of .srexj description) - .
« Floor Oil cloths
Window ShtdM, ' *
» Matting,"
Aaj all othaf IT**** p»r*ft!nlng ta th, atnclc of ■ ■, ■ j
4*4 >a*partfliUjrartfelt ttaa patnaagrof f ~
818 CbMtnut Street, -' ’- 'J--'
:: ; iMfwtanudMuirKraMKX
Juaoklnr Wouti,
! OM.jpaliif ! h 1 '■ L 519
*Pu Simgt,
.•• .)-/ j ' -if--: “ --- ‘
: Eirratliiri,
Picture /Frames,
■ Photograph Ulftumi, T
1 I Wsutoto Cormieet,
toe*, ’
■jraw-mjQitt: NK.wcHjOxtoij;, :
*kw aooim'raH iionm
t iririt'w&bk'iii‘oAiniai
Utmttty * liioin 1 mm" 1 X ,Jf
"■Si*"* 7 '"am bob*