:j ' /'. 1 r l •.’ -JL ftm Ywtdft#.y , » Byeniag .ftA 1 ■ Letnt t>o,|a «»flreeobota. JKiMt*/E6iT»»»i 1 «»ni JOUthofoUowlag itlHlt Inp > trtiiu Jl nt . ;H«MNI I tUA?n oi>|b( j(b jOhnlik » Jut . pride'lßlhOtraTO bojiiib6»»l>row»t ?•”»- [ ijbraßlalßtheUnloaenßlM; , The well**® f . eompHlhtßto thoj harerwOlrod ob •ooru of |, /iitUf bid* itiri our blood;to a quicker dow, / shd WBd» them'to obt heart* with B,w / tjrohfpr'beßdi. ThaarltorUa. jooag »aa /■ wkJrldol^dproaidtloaoattotattlaßold: !" / ! ■ M,uuu»*o/lflt«UM,lB«4. ; / : wi anatUli job oee, ortttU tia forulca / ailZ aad Ululjtoromalskora for *o»o time / tfciUM. -Iho rikol»:a«a*ro«Jag hold agaia. / YwSdaj mUßtog, ahoat tops light, tkap f adlruk tkibhgi*Br/l>l#k«B,i killed oka Zui voondod about'B doHßt'aßd oaptnrod soaitT 1M more, belonging to th* ddih Illi ' self* J«ff- 0. JJ»tU *m ooob ob tholr track ta nuking OBi.mra,killed mad vosadod 10# of. iho 7«otiyi eoptnrod >ii atiUlory andf iivml hundred mtn! -.■pfraony daoh~for ton grpatort that-Umo I Yboibwotoixorj lndlooUon of*a goaerol tn gogomopt who* Davit bogon to fool for tbotr wfeLkpolnto. • Thojf mod* ;h ttnbborn wli* tanoo to kit advanoo, bat wort forood to show; tbo Yanktot tholr gray book a. Old ftoij bu * drawn in hit oatlro list abon< throo oilu, tad wo aro bnty digging riflo*plu along tho front, anticipating aoothor big fight boro, u tho robot! nro orldontiy moating tnotr foreot* i,Wa horolfiO gsm that eon. bo moan tod In ono nlgbt, boa Wot on obandonot of fialdortUlory. •.ftokthl gray back* ootao, say wo all. I think tko poor follows aro totting hongry. Proba bly tho wind anrti*» thorn o sniff now and IkAdt oudiiN ooaiii' nppKb/ Wo hod o WayviAsiNn. fcoitnan* roaeWtho oU.T7ih,bo tornod to oar Colonel '*fld«ol4: <, Col,ltooo,joanwot thoßbhnar Aoglmontnttho battloof £ kobo'* riror* ; loaf! Hm woinot onoo lbrokon? wholo i .'SSoforntnl.” ThoOedoholroplloi: “Thank ]' | hrokon.”At ; “OUBo*j” pattod smiling 1 down tbo lUtrko tald, “Young moo, If you f will only do m wall hoXVtimt, old' Po&ntyl* |: * VonlawlUibfprood enough of yon." tg'j!;.,. ’ •■*.-1 • -. (• i > » .M i.>.v : ■ «'•■ ' . ;■-;i ~ •'!.* ’ V >.-.•« Zi; 1 . VS#* •*«? s. ».L l+- iv,' V i& L&,'. .v;';T, -JvvivS' *.;;■! v £■ -r**if** ?.* ;, • * i’i" l- I | ; ''. ; ?i':d ' 1 I: ; y''''''■ ism&B. |p#li Jfc £v>u.,T,,,- ,i •:*:•;>;•) P *f mssi. I . ,V fj, y i?.'Ttf.’ : -• ’’-v -•’ $ il'-’.v l • WfiiiV;- *” -Vv’^V,; iii I-?'*!;- ?-IP-’l *.vi ;:.•; ;;i Diatr«aaln» Accident. ; ; .Ob Honda, tha 18th .lait,.man nam'd I Wm. Burnham, cf Clarion oouat,, mat with k 1 adit diitnulug aenldrat. I Uft hU hema, and waat.ta k cdal-bank for tha porpcwof dl,|l»f ookl.' H* did sot ratnrn Rom* la th. rr*nlng, and. about 10 o’oloek at [Blakt, bli wlfo Ufta tb' tot uniai, about '. Mb, for tbi had aappoaad bo had goto to a j Mtgktor'o boot# to ipoad tbooToniag. Bho ,dld’aot Toataro la Roarcb of him,until tho liaaxt taotaUg; Won dap. aha prooaadad to ..tha hoaM of Mr. Ooorgo, whoa ha aad hll "wHaaecompaalad kin.Btmtham to thoaoal bank; tha, antirad thabank.aad a palatal r tight pnaoatad ttaolf to lhtlr aatoalabod tli 'loa. There Up Mr. Bnrnham btaootb a too traigbt of rook aad elap-i Whoa fouad ho wai : aUlfaaailbla, hat imagiaa hl< «nff«Hnff», kar> , lag lata la that pontioa aboat twenty hoari, ' forho'.atatod that tbo aocidont bad takon S' taboaboat ll o'olook'oa tbo prooodiog day. la vm romoyod to hia homo, aad expired la 'a few talaotaa. He had Bade fkatfal atngglta ' to aatrioate hlaeolf, In ooatoqaoaoo of which : ha ooat waetrbrn tfinagh U aiaay plaooi, Tha walght of tho rookwUUh had faUoa apoa hia lay aaroaa hti lowerextremlUei, audit U aappooed th*t ha bratxoi would aot han proved faUI, bat thd weather bolng oold, aad : with wator.nodorfloath hia, ao doabt hll death wu eaaatd by ftMolag. HU lafftrlaga ■: aaat have been ittdeacrlbable. Hr. Bnrnham ’ waa highly aattaaad by all who know umlaataa tha aadaoa of Boat, aad la the oooaalaa of la Boat anlama . eerrloei. The principal daye of leant an I AahW«dn«*diy, tha “Head of Boat," and , Thursday and Friday of Faaiion Week, j Thwadiy b btUbntadka tka annleeraary of . Uolaotltatloaot tkaSaenmoitof tka Loan'. Borraa, and. Friday la oommtmoration of Bu oindßxloa. It a eallad Hood Friday be cause cf the bleated offecu of oar BaTiooa’a loffarinat. ! ' Tka Leu too fait doth aot embraoe all tha • ' daya iaoludod between A»h Wodneidoy and Baiter, bat tbota daya exalailee of tbo Ban daya which arealwayi futireli, and are celled " Snndeya ea Bant" and aot of Beat. . :TheSplsebpal~Ulergyaß» df'thU olty are aocnitomtd a hold joint aertleea in eomeone ol tbo Pariih oharohee etch areata, daring Moioa tbM. for th. UmUiik o»it t,| Ml th. oovmgmtiollY, on. ..rmon »ri,, pnMMIjMM oavdf nra ,l«n ß,a a P~ I pointed for tbo oocMion, and oho nlotte *■ th* bub of hi, diMoan* thoia. inoidanta in 1 thoilf. and andbriaga ?.af oar Sanoan aom ■aaunted by tho CbotahAa th, mttlom ap pelated far tho day. j : Wo aotiMthbt SU Poter’, ohanhhaa boon Mteotod thi, you,and tho hnt tatmoa of tha aooxaa vaa proaobod oa .Baaday night (Paint ' Baaday) by tha Brr. Q.o. Slattery, Bootor of gl. JaMM'cbaroh. i A Near •‘DBaaoeratie” Paper. Xha Harriabarg migrapk than aasottaoaa | tha appnraaoa of a noo daily papar in Phlla dalpUaaalloi *' Tlu Aje," —lam.antio in pro fbMioa of oonrao, bat thoroaghty oappmhaad ' ia obaaaoter. Wo copy of tha drat aom- 1 bor, and lntendodto aotlooit, hat wo mla- J»ld it. : !„.t \ -7b. dp.,”' ia tho ; tiUo :ol a paitiltatial poblkutloa jut Itarted is Phßadaiphla ia tha •hapa of 'a dally sawipapar. Tha main eh* tut of thoodlLora aad|pabilahnn ia to amhar ; Ml tha 9ounauati» iteooateat with trat ton, and, if poaaibio, ihai aaouv tha trinmpb of traaaoa. It la priated and poblllbod by A. I. SloaibnaoU; Praattia J; Grand and W. H. itat naipoaiag a trio of aa oor i rapt-pollctctiaß, chartataaß and adcaatarara aa arar cd.ndod aooi.ty with tholr oioauo* or troth with th«lr Uu. ' After haTiag dou tho IJ nioa aad. ita bravo dateadota ail tha harm pblllhto, TU Aft Oiil hadoate a'thing to ba dooplaod by aU ioyal laaa. Wo pivdtet that tha firm will not boro a butaua azlateaoo of aix moatha*. darhiioa. • ‘Btagalar lieideat.-Romaace and Koality ol Uto Uoldieia’ bile. . . gaamtpoadaat vAtiag frbm tha Any of tha Potoarao, ralataa tha fellaviag ain polar faUdnt of tha taanau ef tha plakat goard aflhataraayi F - . . aaivunapiakatrorMTUty-drahoaralaat vaakt and, tha vaaAhar vaa Tary roagh, thbdn wa got along and had «*• of an in* -mm Owol tha pkkata from a dtv Tork ragimatat took rtek oa badt, aad mu takao to a hooaa rnr by. A vomu bolag than db oorarad tka opmplaiai aada doolor wu unt for, bwkbufovw Bo euu tho picket vm wHirea of a young fomnlo soldlor. Bho (tho plokotl hod booh in ihb sort 100 olghtom monthfl abb boon la fits fights, hsrrtng boos with hor Uvor ufiotaotad tUI tho Usm of thls oooamneo," ; —ThAt solAlor dsiaevoi promotion—4* •wreerjr. _■! ’‘ ’ J ■m* CotmUoi of Sabbath School •Tf.eacheio. •_ ,I:iI A Mooting of tho Boibhath Bdhbol I«'lm ud SuporlltoadonU of AUoghoay County, •mkracing all STUpUonl donontlnotlono, drillbobold on Taaoday, March ll,lBM,at 10 o'eWohu. ■. lnthoFlntOnltnd Prwby towtt -trout. Jlttobarah. aa4 oontlnon in sstaloa until 9 p. a.. II •SdoMoJhiH<«aUo/aOoußty' Abobolatloa drill 'bo brgaalnod, and : mooai adoptod lor tho tborduuoxploratlon ol tho oonnty. Tho ■oottac Id Intended to baa ploaoaataai pro#t ablonaaloa ol all lhooe engaged la .tho Sab bath Bohool diork; and It li eane»tly hopod thatOToryioanhoilathoooantyaiUboproo- MU'- MiaUtereare oopoelally tnritod to par ticipate la tho eierdeee. The Hlath Araty Corpo. * ! 'lfc»HlnUi Aim/ Ooryi, forwrlj Omni ' e»ilit> o( lh,followi**troop«i . l*tDirl»ioa—ikrlgoim, If Wltto*;-" -1 ' —' ~ • ' Li_ • . - U DltMou— J brl**4m, 8«. . M OlirWoo-*brig*do». floa. *«"«•_ . Ib »1» ft ng or -oboat »,M# ofto; tlnaoß,.U islaM ooßdldoi, *likfb»t .tarlM.' Th* Ut ul put of tk«M DlrWon* j jioibniki n4Ui •“lff' Show troop* BntU'froß Kowport Bowl, 8fl (,1k SB* Tioisltj. ZUj Uft BB ■( m nmol*lt Norfolk. Tboy u* ebobk-fall piart BBifOilk.tß BiratU*. Shop Badtrill* to bMßohobu*. >ir»mllu -Mr llwn*Joj«»,<> It motawpmom Dnimu —Proroit hferahel Wrtght has eent off a hnadred or mcfe deserter* ilnee Monday lees, and-they tbo rato of aboat twenty parday— whom bate been absent for sararel mohltii. Hoiticf then an from Wericaorelahd. Waih- Ingtbs, Fayatte, Bearer, Oreene, Bawnnoa andojbsr counties i& this scotian, but.few having harbored here, owing to the presence •f the Provost Guard. Tha time for their ro* tarn expires on Ist of April, and every effort should be made to get ai many m possible book by that time. . Hiatt EsciiPra or Oil Exfecthd,— lt Is expsoted'thxtnot- Uai than 60,000 barrels of erndi pefr&umVwllhhrHv e - heth Within ; the naztteaAijs. “Thii.jOjr make llfsljttmes for oar oU dealers, and forniah employment for an immeose oomber oi laborsn, dray meh, eoopers, and others. A large portion of it lias I already been sold to eastern pasties and will |be shipped as soon as possible; It It said that tanks of ia&e(snt Capaolty to hold from 100,- [ 000 to 400,000 barrels have been oonstroeted in the snturbs of Piitsbargh and AUeghsiy; Blackwood*! If aoaziii iok Kajich.— Mr. W. A. Uildeaieooey, 4& Fifth street,, has re* eaived from Messrs. L- Bsou k Co., Hew York, | tke*Maroh number cf Blaekwood, containing: Oaxtonlaea; Mis. Clifford's Marriage; An Boglisa Village—-in ffrenely Ldrd Macken sie's Bomaa Lav; The Peripatetic POUtioian —in Florence; TheFrenkftnBootland ;King lake's InTasion of the Crimea ; The Opening of the Session. The readers of BlaoJtwooa wlllrejoioe in bsrlng got a more than ninslijp pleasant namber this month. /• > ConrsoMißs.—The raifroad indshtednsii of the ouy is being comproaused' slowly bnt sorely. Every lew daya bon'd* are leoolved at tha Controller's offioe, to be exchanged for the now ilsne upon the basis agreed on by the Fi nance Committee. Mr* MoOargo. the 1 Con troller, has jast returned from Washington city, where he exchanged some $40,h00 worth .of. bonds. , / ■ ; thi flight of wild fowls Is nottdAd daily by otu cUtaaas. aftarfloek of wild gesso pass over the etty ,'with their bills directed due i north. Yesterday erening several magnlflbent I looking whito .*wans/were;seen -flying along the ,bdt th*y did hot alight, I thongh l&o dask of the evening was Xar ad* I vanoed.—Hairwfrwvp T*fsyvopk. Staxf Dxmia.—Every rnsrohant*! oonnt* ing-room and every hoslnesi offioe should, have a oard of the Stamp Datles, as amendad by the reosnt Aot'of Congress, March S, 1849, Calllor ooples at W. A. Gildsnfsnney**, 4& Fifth street. Co&kiCTioi.—ln notidog ths paliage of troops through, her# on we Inadvar tantiy stated that they had been well provided for by tho Eanitary Committee, when it should .have been tho ffeStwivees Committee. LATE TELEOttAFIUU NEWS. [FROM OUB BTBNIHO KDUIOH.] LATEST FEOM TEHEES SEE. THE KENTUCKY PANIC BASELESS. The Eebela Sixty Thoniand Strong in front of Eoaeoram. £«., 4a, 4a MuETUxaioao, Marsh 39.—1 t is oertaih that no rebel infantry has passed either flank of this army into Kentucky, aad therefore tha Kentucky panlo is baseless. There is reeson to believe that Van Dorn, with 8600 mounted infantry and oavdry,hal moved to strike Cumberland riv*r f -balow Clarksville, to interoept navigation.. * Wo have trustworthy information that the | rebels are conoCntratigg exelnsively bn this front to resist Gen. Koseorans* advaneo, and aot to attack him. They are now not less than 64,000 strong, and fortified at Tuilahoma, Steveflion and Bridgeport. Tnere arc no troops at Ohattaaebga. He infantry have appeared a< Knoxville* Provisions are being*moved from Virginia to TtUahoma. There Is no doubt that the rebels aresnfftrlng for waot of provisions. < Jo# Johnston's headquarters ore at Atlanta, ! Georgia. | Gen. Bragg is in eommasd of : tho army, and his headqcartors arc at Tuilahoma. from New Orleani—Steamer Bio Bto Burned— Koiu n of: General Grover’a Forcer—ldo Affair at PortHudion—Skirmish Trim Betel Cavalry. etc. Haw To v, March *o.—Tit steamer Hew Brunswick urlnd at this port till aenls| from How Orleans, on tio 26th. : Sha sailed in eompany with tio steamer McClellan (or Bo* Tori. Tio steamer Bio Bio, whloh; arrived* at 1 How Orleans on tie 21i, from Bo* Tori and Hanna, was to tall} destroyed by Ire on tint morning, together with tie passengers, lag. gage and cargo, which was lying at the wharf. The origin of tbs bo istnnknown. The adsioes par Be* Bruniwlak report the retnrn of Gen. Grover's foreos to the Tiolnity of Baton Bongo, with SSO hales of cotton, bom 1,202 to 1,609' hogsheads of eager, and over S,OOO ban els of: mdasret,*hleh ware secured, and more oan be readily obtained. Oapt. Tenngblood. chief of Gen. Gardner's stiff, and five members of the rebel signal corps, were captured. Oapt. Tenngblood says the rebels bare a force in reserve which can readily bo thrown Into Port Hudson or Vinks* burg. - ’ l. . -I ; The latest seoounts says that Gen. Dudley's brigade was encamped at the head of Profit I stand. ' Gen. Grover's headquarters are on the cross-road leading from Taylor's house to the Bayou Sara road. ' - ■ - ! The U. 8. steamers Hartford and Albatross appear to .hats been tbs only, vessels that passed Port Hudson. The Biohmond made a gallant attempt M get by but (ailed. The deetreotlon of the steamer Mississippi ! u eon firmed. Sixty.four of her crew were missing, forty-two of whom were taken pris oners and the balnaoe hilled. Among the prisoners taken were CnpU Tontaine, of the United States Marines, end doling Master's Mata Prandi. This killed, as fares esOsT tained, wars Acting Master Robt. Kelly .ATmj Gaton, boy; /ohh Arecrof t, boy; David Kelly, marine; Thomas' -Harris, eeawen; Bishard Bowley, seaman; Bartholomew Horrigan and Dandhotdsr.fitsmsn, severely wound*«.f«*ds Heed, Chas Whsrier, and Wst- Bswklnl.See} men, Henry Day, second gunner, slightly woandod; J. X. fallen, fid aeeistans oaglaeer, Wm. Anderson, ooisweia.LatherJß. Top* pUngsndJamts McGrath, soamsn, and others* unknown. ‘ , Tbe lMlHew Tori reglmentbed a skirt mish on the Clinton rood on tha 15th, with the rebel cavalry, five rebeliwere killed: when they skedaddled. . Only one killed ana one slightly woanded on enr side. The Hew Otleans Are, of the 32d Inst., rrt porte thet over two thoasand betel of -oottoa have been reooived during ibe'peetweek, most of which had boon carefully oodeaqled for months. I ■■ T ; 1 Tha steamtr Columbia, from Ksw fork, art rivod on the list. i Tho aooounu ky tha staamer Hair Bruns* wick are very meagre, ae molt of tha papers gad eomspondsuos are oa beard tha steamer l McClellan. M ' v Cj ! from Hilton Head* - D epartar d or the Monitora, etc. :, Haw lev, March Ific—A letter frem HU* ton Hoad, dated: the 25th.inst-, taye t. ".This morning all tho MonThstei i’iadn nam^r ( |eit thispolnt,togelherwHheever*l woodingulrt boatl oad half a dasan echooneru. . " The lricuoa hae jut arrived hsrewiih a floating nen deeoript In tow, ‘-She U celled‘the devitt'and her panes* la uadeptoodrte heto nicer she ohennel of torpedoei and other ob itruoUSSs." «■ i : - ' ■■ ', , : Ltte'il hon Hooker's Armf.’' :BuanqUA»Tgi»«»_Hoogta'iAaiiT,Harok 29,*veAu u qoitt ov«r ifa« nvar*. •. • .5 I Tfe* Bjdn bdiy otllm AfUta mUeibachotXrederiokibarg....— A large body has boon seat to Port lMyai. It Is otoertalned by reports of deserters Mat thanbelatmj is|ofl£im|i UrtiHy”lar;‘wkWl of snppliss. The daily.ration hgd hesa ksr dueed to halfapound of flour and » .quarter r *Dwrtaonrbem'tke : enemy an freqesat)' A strwt AMd wUd U Mowtog, sad tha raadsdrwjregmy -t •I '■’.XV: S& is'fSiE' 1 vd-cfc-fc_A. ■Zgsp£v&& pJ '- *.-«***■ -•*- ( - Fe4nilTroop» atSATMMII. Tern. ~=yj»Miaa*“ fe oiur~P ~ { I Oold has takan. another tAn upward, Haw Tork dispatches received to-day quoting at 146 a. Than has baaq a oorrespoadlng advance ban, and our Uskan era now paying 140 lor Qold and Demand Notes, and UT lor filivar. Xastarn Exchange la firm at par haying, and 34 par cant premium Belling. GRAlN—Wheat la quiet with small calssoMUd from wagon at Corn, la firm at from S 5 to 900 for Shelled and Ear; Bala of 350 bosh Shelled : a* 86c—delivered. Oala are unchanged: Sale a! j 10,000 bush at 70, eecks returaed. and 80, sacks Indu- I dad, Bye Is Arm at 800. Barley la unchaaxad. FBOTISIONB—We note small sales cf Bacon at Oo I Sir Ibooldaroj c for Side*; B}fe lor Plain Bama I and 100 far Susar Cured; Bale of 1,000 Ibe prime Country Shoulder* at 63£e. City Lard Is firm at lie; Sslaof 10 kege prime Country at 10>,dl0>££. HIPIS Sale of 100 Green Salted at ll}£c; Green Bntahared may ba quoted at Bc, and Dry Tllnt at 830t5){o—u advance. FLOGB— As will be aeen by our dispatch**, la ad-1 i vandog In the Bait, and holdwa here are beglauing Ito fo«l a Uttla firmer la their views, the market, I however, la d*U and unsettled, and U the abeenee I alsalaaws omit quotations. I G&OGX&IEd—Tbe market la quiet bat steady with I a moderate local demand at the old fignraa. Wo [ quote at l2£Q167, bnt, lx coweqwao* p«my of thsuaeattfodjrcaaof tha gold markot ; fottf partly of -provlsion-previously ; made, very litUa boslnma has been doing for this mrnlng'o >lt is od* af tha nusaerous conservative benefits | the National **T r,lr « t, g Law, that under Its provlsj foms i««t of our large banks which have two-thirds! of tbotr capital love*led in government securities, wiUboahfoto tncroaa* thetr bosinaee to a large and; i profitaht* exteiit Without the aligbteit appndsbW i AstAtasDOb of tbalrvsbtlag machinery. Tbeohief MeiAf* of Wall street this morning fo| I the reaction of saUroad chares, on which naught gaoirnindvahoahaß beeo mads. As yet, th* miss rttwwl.flitted bi orir Spccalatloa hats proHbiy not utterly epat tbsir fores, end ws need not be ■urprtesd should farther Irregularities be developed! I before th* '’breaking up of tha blocks" and th* dlc^ I ruptfou of th» apeeulatlv* coablnatfoos shall ns tors I toth#ma»k#tla*A«malfUor ( adfrssdoin. I Ths gold speeaAvora'ar* In high spirits sow. They I have “teafcbo* bottom, n they imagine. And very I ingenious argumanta are axtemvorUed to prove that I gJEd cannot tatl below 140. These arguments, how* I ever, oonvlace fow pmoos, and ought to oonviaca I fewer Still.—H. T. Post; New Yerk Coffeo Market. March 31 Jtoce oor IMt there bee been knmwftl of ao-trltj toJUq,, both epeealatore ui the Trade hcrlaf eheiflj the letter, «ad the lf not an,et uy& UK seat*, eeehyood fern 9 B out caib, ehowleg aa a*vn« h * 11 oeeat oaftbe to» ealea o{ a week aftfetfc*.JM«fcet doalac flraty. Among the parcel* aeld W# spUoe 40*0 beg* Bio, per Blue Jacket. 900 do perßorttle, BUd do p»r PtUit Vl Mamcv-W» Boots A floe, is •MUfi**, tOp®Kw*« hew, esdMOOst BeUi .mote, ( - : ■ - feed, 1b Philadelphia. IUrA-tt—Tk* Sinn* IttClofanmd l«:Ui> oft U 4 Kim km d.ciiu«l tollUe*htaM Uiw at mu buiUi u ifost-cAiaia the lonsr cast} too bige do tor export, M.pHvto term*, eod bom eeoosdbend* et BmL m! Mj be quoted at ;TbC da-. atm fer ntgtaed hae lel lea otx.en ap rices berede-; OUeedfUiaOs. Aeiwof toObtUhil* as $5,7*0445 cfettog atihe former rate. Then le so Calcutta '."/WnMtM httadradead flee chartered lour* asmoamptsfat to MmmcTi—na hartog Heka oat tt**U»«totbeamoant of guu.ooo.oou. Their le oome baa pmsrioae dariag IMS vh 10,437,407, and 4heir loaarpaldTMchad so, o; ;;~ , Imports Bp BiveK : Km OsArne*—l37o bbl* gjy r lj4relUlea*her,4sbbteag«*,-»l>btabattar > 4 Mb 4 bxe «n, 0 »ie^n toad, 4 cfca mats, 3 has medfe/l hhd wtiwoj Mbs do, ttarkt SKUAas poultry 1 , Adas* X*preee eoj gng&iiSsn%i iia t W p WooUrUn; rn Ilf. MttW, l B Tampon; 5 bbU oil* A W Bcbo«.Wi 10 bbU .oil, Cr.li.ia * tpnj*eeie. Head A Metsg&r; llpkce innSUUUHS Oordoß, ton. fUUbnrgb DAY, TUCEBDATaod BATCBDAT, U M «. a., Mactually. fmn Wheeling for Pitta burgh every MOHDAX, WBDHBSDAI tnd FBIDAT, atAa. m. The above rteamex mkkro oloae oo unset was at WhaeUng with fine slfia-wbeal Meamanfox.Marfotta, i Parkersburg aod Cincinnati. I For freight or peemge apply on board or to A 00., Agents, |*6 , ■ U 4 Water street. . m&B ALLEGHENY NEW MARKET 1 HOUtfc.—l& Ptnauia *( i >aUt rjoalotioa of . Ootoclfc. pMMd Mutfe Stb. IKIi pmhllo Bottot to bera*y gitam tbsttba ebotoato afl BUsbon* amd •that fitailittd Vag*tabls Stood* In thi Hsw Ktf-r k t Bom» Afiathamy GUv« will baton*! FOBLia. ODTOKT. oca—adaa to U o'clock m. | in UtiN ef.tOCMti ft* 'rtf *U mtnm who a.SSfafewSwatwWytfr> *°.w Mbitad briM' lii Mutfi “• o* oool Eu£T».a»E , iSSfc- *•*<«; wutU ntan«d ub «"*«*“ “ft pHMrifJbtKi CW***r:^**££te V tkopdbUotofcj jrouii'*' 'HOMABWiWWA®*® °* ,l “’ jfggg —«"«■> &«b.lu; I / IKUOKKIntJ. r VJT loobki i DKMtff. 0. BBCUt -» do "Is. (Mb* *> ,100,btu. do *. «. ido . ' IS 1 do do A»ldB Oo«Mi»|W (Oio onaboludfnuUuu do ■> | SOo bdfl mlsw Ooffni .;„ . 100 hf. btu. fcotco Kojl a! Mediae. MocfcowH •0 do ,ad.lKuttnli .- 40 do' ‘Bo 1 do. U 0 bbU. Bto.l,Scad • Xuutoll' TSJU, bWe. IjU. liorrior. J W do. . Wkttotlob; , T. 1000 bt i faro, MMtod iluoi co.owotiitau tigur,* ': . ... ’«» bono » ood 10i Bonttekr Tdbocot -Witt • toll slock o! (cod* «JSf SXi-ifi “J* lonkbi .J, ivDILWOBTU 1 IAJ., mbtd ’ Mm. 1M o-d US be"” 1 «'"* GWftbb““»Sl‘Lor^&*•«U..- - ■7lkofoW*c*rb'lMlo6od*p‘' J .100 taxMtrottd Ocffwt * wl ‘ > ? daT! boat* lob»eeoj . ; : <>'i ■|ObM«Bttßd4n1 | oM . ;. wS»w» TO * 00 » I 7*: f - T=l” TOWdaattff*. 1 ... I*o da •■oMW*':* •.-;- • •/ S& 'do T**«} . . Jo33f.jaxurtf t —JgA mmmm *S3SI ’ ..., : :. c,■KMUWB4WJM improve BLOOD SBAHCIIBK k - ,r ** ro« Caneeroa* Formation*, ~ Scrofula, ggaiNn Siieaies, Bryaipelas, Boil*. Pimple* on-the Faee,- Bore Eye*, ’ Tetteir Aftfttloni, " Boaidßbad. ' ! Py*pep*ia, OoitiTene**, Old and Stubborn Ulcer*, Rhaainatio Diiorderi, . Jatudiee, - - Balt- Rhdut, ■arterial Bixeust, Seneral Debility, Liver Complaint, Leu 01-Appetite,,, Low Spirit*, > Female Complaint*, ' - Bpilepiy or Fite, Partly ii» or Pally, gyphUitib Sileaiei and Carle* el the Bone*, ToorrHia inia ill nan dibbama batibb tbbib omen* ni a DaraATns ooHDinosr of ran blood on oiboola* toar awm. SSBM O/ VAMIMJi A. BOID. mim‘mi iii'aaahß P. up. Dv a. H. Karat:—i uki gtiMiti t» auttai ■ tkb folomtary tuuxMl ta dnoraf' sa»Uiitna>ta ; pandbrraaaanad "Unm*a «ioo» Stanm.' t bad aafctad Br It* pan «ttk koasfola, «kkk; 1 broka oat oa haad aad teahaad aa «to ttflcan; aa Tory Bock* and took off tkakdir vkaatha dla.; aaaaatada tta arptanaootlt aba bioko oMaa mj am aboaaaad balow tka albow, aadaattatolhaiUa, aad Saak aa aa ta axpoaa a Barfklaora. Bia llaaa.«] bakjkaadwaataoha tkat aaratalmall (dabiaot boaa eanaoat. I via Tarywaak aad lowaptrltad, aad kad gtraa o) all ko»a at atar gattttk’WaU, I bad triad aafaraltkllUalfkgaldaaaaßd ikajdiina do food. lajiafllaßbarlaat, UO, X « Udooad to ta “kutaaiT'i land to lim laaacam:" t ataatoookaal kad as Mu fa gataat Badlataaa, btl attar t kad aaad thiaa bottlai o< Blood daarokar, tka ibaiaarkadnt am ba*aatobaaL I km aoaUkaa tight or taa batika. aad bj kaad aad ara anaatmtj wtU asaapt tka aoaia naatalag boat tka: atxaa. IvUaiaoatata that I kad tka’rkanmattai aatjEadta lajarmaaadlafv Thafclood Starokai; •te th» fhMßftUOft. lUlHflfW.fttt' aaldtdtrkaal vaatvaotf* aad,kaa* Jaataaaadlk; ral t kl traatj pcotida. I world alaaatata tkat Ua; a—- la my tsakaad waa ao-had-- that wbaakt; otoopad aad Ultad aagtfctag kaaaj. tka blood m act; of tbaaota, K»fatr kad a photograph tahao af aa ttKr. Cargo, tka arttot, altar I baps » got aaU. It dbaokbtabow Bg appaaraoa atbodha It, aa baton lawaanacad taMag tka Badldaa Tool aasaM thaphatopapbtOßaofarklek la aoa k noMcaaloa, aad alao at O'- Kajaar**. ltd Wood atraH. ; 1 mold alaaatata thatJ took tka daarakai which raarada baton Dr. Kajaar oommaaoadtaak. ; taglt. AUkoatk tt balpad bobbo, I did aoaarj eratrMataatai got tka ktad aaadab/Dr. Kojb : Uaaall Oaa bottla of : Ida dH Ba Batagaad that; tmofthaoM. I ballatalttl agraatdaalattoagar anibattar. I haaa taoommaadad tka Blood btaaod-j aa to a gnat auaf ot nj frlaoda tor Tariooyttoaaato ■ asdl baUigrpdt baa balpad tka whalaof tkaaa Is majpobUdithla If joawtab, *»d l *B aagjanatk* tall who an adUetad aa 1 waa aaaj’aa tarad. I Urata this dlß Mbßiastw ww>T Iw iim ■IM am Dr. bjnr oboat Una —v-* mtUgUono. JtooUtaa Oojba ImaHwU»; nr tka BUMIm ibflodolgbla. ft WlnllUUj wlMt (auKtiMpUmU |M araß. aaka krt; ■ndklao ttatjdaid ban; boaaU m) dinn matbo bloom. InwM tortttwaor Una linn Utto Bangui MUlioßj. art *aa rtUortd, mat mj dlonn atwayi ratgroad afUr a MU e* too attaz 1 oat cl Ua borpitmL I 'loamd ny m» omvoonttnUmc art'j otUfd,bj tkaotanot•; pod Mortal nlMo«iPr..Bojii>ktnoiaonoNfflj mJ al(bt, ort nj no ooartjMinU aoani Tha Doctor ftn ■o-immbnT-i fflaUßoanbofinl ,rt.' - DAVID KOTOUT, Httibarib, Joljb, 100. OHmtoa ami, «B*o. Wltiuaa-K. r. ■■■nor, Amtem otnot, AD» mbujoitj. ’A BAD BOMB LBO OVBBD. . , ftmmomom. iMMUlbmliy ntt> Urt 1 Mom brt a. Oon Ik fet antmk iMb. H m! aoraroitiMU Uaon ammyna aa Uoml aaaM mo* SSHS bdtl«lii BMH|Oi Hwgtt ■UiHi Wtw uy SmmSm : THOKAf WAMMMU. , «r JU to t* m r*« 4M,' m Urn* U « M» tofrjltottowrtoJ..— viiaul:!<«| wo. a. Mini. ~ - y—< imwUitf *ni : 'tatm'iW^KW^!".•. icn,j.- v ”| itmnrt»mmafti •>*■,': ■, ;..>•:„W. ufti.3 i.’ --'- :„v: : «it win m bobs nuaiiiAaDßKun: i u n; *1 *"!?*? “' u &^%B£73MVi'2?2F^ t * «S±^V:| : KMnT ._ ,-t V;:-. ~.-u - rtraourrao&: ow owahtkbr; «)BM it T»T» MS J. bTbIVILT*- rtoje. •JoCvmvttMrtsrd to I ■' j. r. bxyiliJl ~.. JOaBfeXAXXL I IWJ. • . . • : .: Dawtlriog foot «*»}»** fina of • t teis®gii& «»*> ‘ r «^#S , 2.,'ssi,!s: ; ud ttjUot IiTBiSKTO^-rtUWlo u. rl-miiai. Sal «nd.6laM-HUa t tha old ataod! 80. En Mtartj ttiaai, ,lllUbnnh. ÜbS »r«h»l a«at. TAck * John Uolbm, TJihtt BUw»*J}» .. AUxaodar Bpaar, I ; Jtom Bi D. Jtaodi. Bud. L. fihaMteckt I lit PoUook« MoP»i James Montley, I ’ Bill Borg win, Jamsa Hardman, j | WlUkm J.-AAteaoß« at . \ <. . J’-• . •••■ Jams* D. K*U«J, Pater A-Hadalra, Jofcaß. HaUofp - . .. I Alexander Bndlej, Joha Q. Baokoten, Qkri Black, Joha B.'CanAeld, lleaK i.i'urter, Ohartse, Ad OoUea* William Douglas, John Brans, James Bhl< Babart Btob, Jr alter P. Marshall, chnOxr, ; . Henry LBtngwalt, John -B. Bboeabergsr, William B.Hnhmsrts, Alexander .Tthdla, Isaao Ghrisdaa Yeager. ~OHAB. A.OOLTON.. Hopewell Unban, WillJaa&HsTSß, f«UrB.BuUr,. Bubrißin, WiinamßTLaraly, 'ttnunißS A Tsain bXidswT ■ |UVJUIUS£ ABB OIHrtOIMJIU. i al&o, . ; Soli Agents for the Western District of Vibu/innii | tar toe Ml* at MaBBH, LAOoDBLJs A UO.'a PAT* IST SIPHON POMP, the bed am invented.: Icrtmf w nine, it b aot liable to (it out of order, •ad wul throw Men water than any pomp of twice itniM. ; fcio jjl.w*ypoM»- Mo «oio tokoa to fcovo ofory MirUto tno to ooao. J . -..0f. Apploatoo n tm ITB>OOO KUBOtf-fMI •eothtoo jroor old*, 10,600 tor joocolita* *aor,lo»* OOOtvo totium old. . PooehyPtiTTn, Jta, o toi : : Emoctmto ■ ITioTioia totho jSvßttji Cbli*»d| "BTABGISiSBtIOto ltoditotbjtbabajrfrai, •baapialao.BHADß TBDCB ABb BHWJBBAM, tMMlMidnui]. "■ i. . Addna PIRSBUBOB AS® OAKiAHB HOT., dlim.PUutroh;- i. ... ] mn-Mwr . . r 7, . jf>mt bcmilKMia. Ja,. ; Wi Ijijia ,« BAitfaulijA. * uu.,i»oitai • Xibnuddbalni' wrd tad farapfato u with tbatoOtt t»prer*d wiUMixln in>mnd.town|Mvt : iW) SSfiuoa or BOtOtSa la Ibo ibaal maoMf, aad mrrantad *pul to %aj to lba otjoUT. anuumv bbiobbs, kbium, btbaii pip 80. M)(WaO*IVfiiHUII4OOBVUraBI, BAia>ASB,*ANKS,OU. BTIIiU, AQITATDIA dBtTUBQ pawn. BOiLßtt UUB BIUDOdB, BDOAB PAB»?a?alasoMfcaM.ata of BABB. BILLS’ PAlillf BOILBB. BafidlllMr OoH o>. ibaabatoatocttoa- •• ' ■ 1 ■ . dalfctt , [ AvitiO# UTABCU AUttNU?; *ba adadnal on Asmta, dor Piltabargh and Housin' WAITI KABISOB BTABCOTOOBFABT, j Aod tan anamtlp' aa bond a imtj al tkatr BKAAOB, ndaaa aula packagaa, vbic&atll ba aUd' ta taactmaa to trato a Moat raaaaaabtotanaa. 80HOUA£JBBt •. ..J-: 800 boxM Inch Itatabu: : 800 Bsa. and hi bxvlngrtr Bairini} JQ . do} . .. . 'VhHstuSuVh!*: i . 88 « wSSirm ■ -'.-r. 100 tails JvfanAlKmtt} • •. WMMPxmum.As}' -WC?BJ2«i -WVnMIMKdAIsaS; “ .Jf J*** • <•»! - '-i B|ooo drau no* V!gi}; Vovtattsrsaidferaskbr UmOttfeßßOt* mind lMWoOditmt. -- ««*: lAiuuvAi* uir ifibtL— : r• £ 100 bbl«. Ho, X. Mackanls " ' .i • S3-}--- iiobbia. bo. a SH ! «OObtibU.Ha.*Aa: i JWbblAßa. ttoadtim - ' j mu. bb't. i .«• 4* . ; ba«anaa4k* Mla tolba tratoai laataißlrfoaa. Ml IQHM L HOtTSaAQO- k]JW jsauum. JLY — BuMMor to Jh. q«tawi A Ob. >.. |«M , an«r Fmt ihi i» 11 X>AU>«J BaCUM 1 BAOUA i ■■*■■■ • | D, tottatoOm* in : ' • J ... . UO,OQO»«.Soiid«w; .: \yt ‘lPa.tota , 4**a J lJ t »rtv~iil. WI »~oM, . , •’■‘j.*, ]OO bbla. Oraabat aadOetoa «n»m ! . SiSi ’ - Mmmutr:.. .... »■* noißAWij iJWOAPiTAiilSitii'^ TUMBLE IRON “WOBSS "FOE MIA 11l- mbUttwr dftrrfctiilfcan. WXA 4 osa unu, Uw "ST&B BAIL WOBBS "fXuUI ** IBOSTOBfiSBIO. ‘j ! ’■ ;i There were ended lal&W, at,n wß'ef three thebmsd dolltrs»ead-arf bow In good order* The main buUditg 1*350 Nat In luigtli to width, containing them at • pproradmachinery,coo* dsiibgOf teOgui-a,!A oall m)ehina»Tß>ilUksg'to&* chloery, 10 Polling e&4 3 heating . rptary «gus**er, t- gt.tbcE.with *ll tbs WtwAi; tout end tools, and now bsi a capacity to isKaujactva tBO, kegs of nail* — *-‘- w —■ -*h n bi u~itilui.si itoasl~ tieon«c**d wl h ttia wurAe t» 44acr»e ofgood’eoal land—thicAoea* of ttle faet-swlth nadiaarWan* > ■ tries and room*,and from wnl h ceatcanbadelliecad • at s>;«Ost ol o*a cent* par butfcel ' T" : P;r li.f imj.lod apply neon te oioßal W. fACtLflig, l at it. gsbe a Huue, or-tj JOdN ./XTXAAAt, liontaa Ohm- ' .. . ' mhH lwe IriOtt j)ALiii^i)io-ibiibWiM; i ittMnM ; pi.*cee of property;il»x: '•* A No. I* —*6o tciMjefyahableCoal the bfter, In Ue third '^doL, tnnraaK arty ia esryadrahUKaodelralttnted'Jdrwnitig *> Urge ‘bostaaM* 5 ■ nv«r, and an abnndanrw of Waldrtmt'tbi'lbaftihg^nf: bdOsantT bargM,-whb (n -The exptn*a of puttingthfi ifraportyih worfeUg o adltl a wiU-betrifitngm cpjDparlsott YUhMsnp : otbar ptocaeos raW rif««. lu 3a / •* •* j No s thraa stbiy XHnUhk PodM sal f oft, So. 136 Wabeur stswafi Ward,' o:nU»»tt% alaren flnl*had toom«.and;aillsr, all in good ttmaita*' btooondltluh. , A.. , ... .>.m. , v No.BT—v&a soribtd. 84 faei K fir'frdit; rnt(pfnh Di£k. /u* bet, aMklbtelnlnrihe»aiorwtfth te ; Wja#a)lfy: * s p*., ••“■lla.-YJ-Mlnd 1« «!' gremnar toMSftty.tod **w«*'b ! plsxrel lots in' ttb Beyvwth'^hrd,'Mtogttlsitjdh: ' ■ *a u>y. Pea-forth r ln hndsth>a v ntrqnrs ‘lt 131'Wetoter ■treat, or 1U Smlihfle.d; F>BBB«g,fcr!iliT«;< l itt> . Bo» U Bak aimmuxtom _>•••* iowbroaeh. . . - Ssifistf Oa the Allegheny ylfst, oy; Potot Alfff,-i ALLEOHBNIT teITT: Mltta JOB ' BALSJ—This ts an old rttabHabed MffijW I haa a good ran of cnituca. ‘ It contains wrtir pabef'. I french BnrTs.ana all oonvehfencea loiadto alrtfe i dace aUL It Is located an nootn laaal Btraet, ! Mn.UbHtnnt, AUnbei., Ultj. : I portontty for any one wishing to infest tilth cental I In a paying tostvtKicn.. : I PorlnrtheT Inmraatbn apply to : . .. - I JOHN VoMQTLT A 00,; ai toa Mfl* > I mhUtlta • . r - i i. ■ •« ' - ~ |, oii UrfluiWl,*, P4x ,k|M ud ChltMga Edlrad :ad OUa’Bm* lykoUtan fin4 lk oa .Ml jrStiaiL **’**£■ B?s>ttl*B. BaWlal EUH BALE—II 2 aoroa ot U,aJ, with# ibm(il infHHii thfttttir. *l3tutid l» hii rtftt AND OODtmtt* u*rB.FOB \J SALK.—Tout iota as Jackapa atnbMmU) Oltyal Allaf kaay.abcb 10 bat turn tap* i toaa4la| M WIMi toaJJ t«*tuyafc,-,,i. . .‘U ,-i • Aboai JO aona to. Homan .tmabto, JMtoM W«*f j . I fefcfltf . tet>Cfttor*o* ill;- FJjt: 841 owwufcAni saajrsfl lilak«d tWO-fiTQBT B&10& > BOVS* wttfc T l«s^®as£^is»sK Inn r n i —■^•-‘-a’"— ~t^aSi. I war. linlnil TBU-UMUU..M wawilA IBIDDBpb. toUM* Maacbtolaa. -J IMMI riUKAP' FABUEOB BALKeooUla- V laf MO ana.,’•«<*<* pbrtfcß : oUaiid;a»4 *0 «a .01/aial.- Ofca-biJHltoiAPAtoip’Jatolnubto Houaa, Bara. 4e£a>Kb Ir»ll,a.lnau44 Kite* MAll Beoaomri bric»l*oparWa. Affij.to, _■ ■tobMi i . . B moa.aik» jpu.»,»3 licrtbrt^ TjH)UBALE—2O«o>e» of labAonßbosdA t.au:»M .'»toi:«iwiiati wpaldDa.waUauUaa[aagripa bra.ubAp.V .Uwtomb. Aiyoiiu Hanr.Wuo'a. Aiq.;.. Apply lo - !•■- , '-B TI BTi.aTB top/' li'Oft ;.n A l |tyj' Uaa noum, olow-iont £ aadUtoabaaiiamatarpcaa flpa, Stnobe. tato ,tb)«.far mitU m&Im.SJ»o*» m*b4 jfegßfc*.* -Ha m LTBy» , nrJ>yrti«tT: ■apojjLAav^CjSjf'i'i CfIOBS «QOM FOE Bfiii , isrsSos O tba nawtol, batt aml moal .alljlblj aU .Batol.rtoiai la tba dlpl AtntorUU, Übto.bai&aca toa Pbnto pSanay%b» noat rpopnSariaad'liaalalmbl* 'diir’cabM’atotoiu . laao aai iaaall aft ! *lOJ,o oo 'M*nb-of pp-dAyaT' aaaaai;l«.lai>aatiaaiaily.inU tocatod lpaaototttoty > ttlla Taaa bla-fc.lt a atota-roea, aa« "capi|>>t bj ftdrrcoeds jobblacbooM. kiaM -.bar* fin tab wmaar o tlMl* wfai *hiu—kA Uit i ymt- HfiO.OUO. .vsrtb flCcoadMa* aaltctpAttoia BndtUcvvirad# tU* pir, a»v« -m lUm uij. ihli room will b* iqrjiuib tna.MS hMT I.tb»lftoTApiUD«t, K4iftfi>*d^Tatend«ft&« I'thamli'b Sftbopottlßofbr bttoUrt.SMM lUMlatblsdtr. AppIytoLOCKftOB&AWSBBfc | M, lw-»-«JV mo LKr-i-A- doiirablo't?ro jtoiy llri«k rJL ; HOVttB/oirtba'oonur eillUbvoa* 4bd et«vt« iuim, Al)ffb«y OMy i nlo* »o«n», w*ter,.■&*!•» \S5 k GZSm*SL »w3sirtjk%:isßif I aSSaai • ■• ■■•• •• i- Aatoatairtot. ‘4Sr.fi-- • • ~.4 ri! «bSS&B.WOJ««^b ;■; aiferm .; iWa . t-. ii poaaar to aad-Wa»to ataaala. rro- LBT—A riKHtoiy (Brtr) PytCK JL'BBBiAiIBOI oo.ulnias aalltoWaolWpl day allay aadgaitomßtaa;. JtaaAftOjMc ouajlka .ilptaM* 9* »<«*l»«ABtr, i !--■■ ■■->-■• I tobMito UIAUK KENT—ItoMI m»4IOMhB mift*; aatoWul 10A JMaJSwSa^lSSSiiiirtk a : •■•^waKsa^.- nu o i*.xi4A ,iww.iii*i!.oiw.j|rwi \i!3gttb2S&BfrSB%>£. [ .Kpaatn i;> '..WASTiAiWuaMb ■• I M'AVA** bMIUW IAKr-IStfri l42 Aab> : O arty tortot, naar baad of Wxi, tnd u»ltt al I ApaUjaazl. p BMPlta<>l ri.i./i.! «>3 L ai. , KIIDOSAUIA.ABBMSfcafc . r Aati--. I. ; J rßto.»4i«aditfbißssatoaat. te£f3^jg|gg : r \i . ; l(- s|. •, . j-