gitlsbiiifli *' . i a «r». n tun U £ i “ , »» « • « r.» 50 »!■» j / jCoiit Reports. -Off 11 ” Pu»*. Oirun' Comt, As. F«uiayin'*pßos. Jim p. Bimm. fiieiSTlsi law Jppqt-»Ht«.Tmqmar lftttjy, . Amoßtfkn Law Jcdba—Has. m. h. Stows. uwefats Jenos—non. j. Biflww. “«* i W « Jn>f; lit :Mond»y ol Octabar; ilh HsoiSitol Daoambmv Saturn days—First Monday of atch nonihl andth»flrst|dajof aaeh tarm. Trial tisttaken open tho first Monday of each mootU ambradaf oil caum At bsna on tha fourth fiaturdhypradlat tha first Monday of aaeh month. BhoniTs fialaa, on tho first day ot ooch tarm. Arnmoat Lbta takan up on tho Monday loccaed fi| tho conclusion of Jury triala. r-j ' \ District Csut. Pustoext—Hos. U. Hakhox. Aasociatx—Uox. B. W. Willuxi. Tfitt Data—-Tbo fourth Monday of January, April, July And hot ember, Batura dajA—The first bob* foj of eoch Month and tho first day of each tens. BhwUTo Solas oa the first day of each month, Atoomxy jWssn—Monday, April 6th, and etarj fifth weak thmoftar. Trial'colla tor soch day oooaist of the first tan opan Nemos to BtntsciißiEi.—Thotoof out snb aoribors who design changing their plaoei of raideaee shonld girt notice of tho foot fit our' touting room, so that no m Utahns mij ooear in deUtidngthfi paper. If the matter U at- fit the proper time, there' need he no Interruption in the reoeipt of the pfipors. The Pittsburgh Sanitary Commission ln presenting to the publlo the list of very generous donations received by them daring tho woek ending Haroh 38th. It Is the wish ol the Committee to here the ertlsles shipped on Saturday of each week, end by so doing the snppUei will be oonsUnt and regular. Oapl Grey, ot the steamer Davenport, hag kindly offered to take the freight free of ohgrge. As the steamer does not leave until MoWf7 afternoon, anything that may .be sent to theroome before twelve o’olook can also go on the Davenport.' The rooms of the Committeo are 69 Fourth street, and; any persons feeling any intereet are invited to ealL The rooms are open every day. Soldiers*Aid Sooiety of Federal, Sprlog, 13 pillows, dflasnol shirts, 8 towels, 16 pair eoohs, 6 can peaches, 8 oans jelly, 1 H bushels dried apples. Miss Simpson, 4 jars preserves, 1 bottle cat tap, I boxjilnt. ; The ladjes of the Methodist Protestant church, 6 pair sooks. ▲ soldier's mother, 3 cans fruit, 8 muslin shirts, 1 vest. Soldiers' Aid Sooiety of Waynesburg, 31 sane fruit, 2 eons tomato piekle, 1 bottle cat sup, 11 sm%U teaks fruit, H peek dried peaches, bushel* dried applet, 36 pair woolen eoQae, 13 pads, ;1 box lint, 13 flannel ehlrte,i 1 wrapper, 19 pair drawers, 4 seeond hand shirts, 1 roll bandages, 8 bandies rags. - Mrs. Plankerton, 1 package dried apples, 1 package dried berries. Mrs. Baker, 1 package dried apples, 3 eons fruit. ’ Mre. Yoeghtly, X package dried peaehes, l package dried pears. Old stock of Sanitary Committee from the Marine Hospital, 37 comforts, 13 quilts. Mrs. B. Shields, 1 barrel cabbage, 1 barrel parsnips, 1 barrel onions. Mrs. James Caldwell, 3 ooats, 3 pair panta loons, 1 hat. Mn. Dr. Brooks, 1 package reading matter. Henry Ohalfant, Wilkinsbarg, 1 barrel po tatoes, Hi bushel onions, H bushels dried apples, 4 cans fruit. Ladies’ Aid Society of Canonsbnrg, 4 bot- Oee currant wine, 1 bottle peaahee, 1 tin ean peaehes, 1 atone jar plokuliUle, 1 jar toma toes, 3 bottles blaokbemes, 3 small bottles eurrauts, H’ barrel onions and 3 rolls bitter. Old slock of Sanitary Commlttoo from the Marino' Hospital, 17 eomforts, 4 quilts, 5 blankets, 3 dosen pillow-ticks. Miss Martha Oy ten, 1 package elderberries. Mre. Crider, 1 bundle beans, 1 paokage tSdbdcorn. * Mrs. 0. Gregg, Evergreen, 6 muslin shirts, I doth coat, 1 linen ©oat, 8 pair stockings, 1 pair potion drawers, 1 pillow tick, 4 towels, 1 pair slippers, H dosen muslin pillow eases, I pair sloth pantaloons, 1 book. Anonymous, bbl of blackberry brandy. John Ohm mins, 3 baskets potatoes. Jos. MoHottle, 'Sewicklej, 1 basket pota toes, 1 beg onions. J. K. Wilson, sewiekley,l bag onions. J. W. Woodwoll, woshstnnd. A. • j. Boors, Haxtxis in XUucouki r foß ns Mituoi.—J. H. Boriand, W Mark#t strust, has tha bast and ehanpest.stock of boots and shots U ebaats and peddtari will boar tbli la mind, and gir# him a ealh Xa too desire up repairs or alteratfoas to tout dwelling, or plaots ofbusintu tall aad. leave year order at GithbeH’s < Carpenter and Jobbing Shop, Virgin Alley, abort Bmithfield stroot All work promptly attended to. t ' OnunsjOaua will be tekta at theOmnlbu oMoa, Ns. 488 Libertystmt, day or algbt ill sHnijliA at tte above pMee wllT bt tc * * *** nii> But THE LATEST NEWS BT TELEGRAPH. PROM WASHINGTON*. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Quetta. Wabxuqtob, M'aroh 29, 1863. ornffAL bxpobt or gib. baxtob. The following dispatch, from Gen. S.axtoff, forms the most important contribution yet made to the solution of the problem offered by the rebellion. It should be remembered that Gen. Saxton is a thorough military man, not originally exempt from the prejudices of other officers of the army, and that it Is purely as a tpUltary man that he bears this testimony to the trinmphal saoenss of the polioy of arming •scaped slave*: Bsaofobt, S. 0., March 14, 1863. 2b Eon. E. if. Stanton, Secretary of War : Sib: I have the honor to report-tbat the expedition whloh I sent up the 8L John's river, Florida, consisting of the First regi ment of Booth Oarolina Volunteers, OoL Hlgginson commanding, and a portion of the Seoond Sooth Oarolina Volunteers, uhder 001. Montgomery, captured and took possession of the town of Jacksonville on Tuesday, the 10th Inst. As I sUted in my last report to yon, the objeet of the expedition was to coenpy Jack sonville, and make it tke base of opera tions for the arming of the negroes, and securing in this way the possession of the en tire State of Florida. It gives me pleas are to rdport that so far the objects of the expe dition have been folly aooompliihed. The town is completely In our possession, and many prisoners. There has been constant skirmishing going on for several days, and in every action the negro troops have behaved with the utmost bravery. Never in a single instanoe oan I learn that they have flinched. It is my belief that scarcely an incident in this war has oaused a greater panio through out the 6onthern coast than this raid of the eolored troops in Florida. The negroes are oolleotlng at Jacksonville from all quarters. I am Sir, with great respect, (Signed) R. Saxtob, Brigadier General of Volunteers. TEIBD Bt A OOOBT-XABTIAL. Brig. Gen. G. B. Tyler was tried by a eeurt-martUl, of whioh Major Gen. French was President. On the various charges he was acquitted of all but one, and eonvloted on that, vie, sending his report of the battle of Frederloksburg to the Governor of Penn sylvania without the proper authority, and publishing It in tho Harrisburg Telegraph. He was sentenced to be reprimanded. The General Orders maintain that these conclu sions are approved of by Gen. Hooker, who takes occasion to remind Gen. Tyler that high rank brings with 4t duties as well as privi leges. One of the mogt important of these duties is the setting of an example of exact obodienoe of orders and regulations te subor dinates, and no amount of teal and bravery in the discharge of other duties, is a inffloisnt excuse for the negleot of this one. thi. colflosirnoß law. M-r. Arnold, of Illinois, had an interview, on Saturday,' with the Secretary of War in regard to conscription. The action under the law will be : First, to return to the army all absentees and deserters. Seoond, the draft will be male first in those States and district* which have failed to furnish their quota under calls heretofore made Third, Such of the States as have furnished more than its proportion of volnnfeers, here tofore called for, will be credited for such ex cess, and no draft'will probably be ordered in sneh States until the cumbers of troope-for nished by the several States shall have been equalised by drafts in these States which are behind. SCBSTITtmiQ THI BA*B OF M’OLILLiX FOB was BUfQTons. An aotor in one of our theatres, on Friday night, substituted the name of McClellan for Washington in singing the Red, White and Bine. Be was ellenoed by bluing and, shouts' of Hooker. The manager appears this morn ing in a card, apologising for the ooourrenee, and promising that it shenld not occur again. Significant of a change of public sentiment in Washington. gib. bibbbt. Gen. Blroey is understood to havo sought an opportunity to testify before the Commit tee on the Conduct of the War, and was ex amined chiefly concerning Gen. Helntselman’s conduct at Williamsburg and the Seven Pines. He has a bitter personal feeling on the sub ject, the recent newspaper dis cus sion. Destines BBTUEHIBO, Deserters are returning iu great numbers lo the Army 6f tbe Potomao, under the Presi dent's proclamation. Within a week, ending April Ist, some five or six thousand recruits will have been received from this eouree. Among them are a number who deserted from the regulars in Texas, years ago. IBTIBHAL BIVIBOB BBCBZ{TI. The publication of tho Internal revenue re eelpts have been forbidden. This fact Is taken as confirmatory of tho suspicions entertained for some time, that the annual receipts under this law would fall nearly one half short of the estimates mad* In the late offirial reports to Congress. EXAMUBB. Gens. Franklin aid Gibbons has been ex amined before the Committee on the Conduct of the War concerning the Frederioksburg affair. The testimony Is now all in. The Committee will at once make up their report. trXBBB OOBBIBBBATIOB, Ths olaim of tbs Fort Lsavenworth prop erty has again bssn uhdsr oonsidsratlop at ths War Department. A decision will be mads in a few days, as it is understood, in fa vor of ths Government. aiDiouLsn. Correspondents in the army of tbs Potomac ridicule the Idea of ths rebels having fallen baokfrom Frederloksburg. bbooukaoxso. Ths latest advioes from Qrant and Porter, at ths departments, are said to be encouraging. Wasbisutov, March 29.—Information has been received by telegraph from Fortress Monroe of the arrival of the U. 8. supply steamer Mamohusetta from Port Royal, 8. 0., on the 13d, via Charleston, Wilmington, and Beaufort. She brings no news, ezoept that in the dis patches to the Navy Department, whioh eon firms the report of the destruction by our fleet ef tha rebel steamer Georgiaea off Long Island Bsaeb, 6. 0. Information previously reached here that she left Liverpool on the 21st of January. Many secessionists assem bled on the landing, manifesting their delight nt her npproneh by waving their handker chiefs, etc., to her. It was then supposed that there were arms aboard, hat it eoald not positively be known only by the manifest. , tike was a powerful steamer of 400 ton burthen and 160 horse power, aad it has jut been represented to the Navy Department that she was more powerfnl than the Ala bama. Wassuotos, March 29 A dispatch re ceived by the Navy Department to-day, from Admiral Farragnt dated below Wanenton, Miss.,ln which he soys about tea miles above Brand Half he saw the wraok of the lodianola on the right bank of tha river. Bhawsi par tially submerged, and her upper works very muon shattered. Msjor Oea. Brant, tn a Jotter to Burgeon Oen.-Hammond, dated Headquarters Depart ment of the Tennessee before and whloh hos reoently been received here, says, as to Burgeon J. B. Smith’s inquiry into the limitary rendition for its improvement, I know a great deal has been said to impress tho publio generally, and all tha officials par ticularly, with the idea that this army was la a safferiaf.eoadUiea, aad mostly from neglect. This Is most erroneous. The health ef this ooaunend wilt compare favor- able With the array in the field, I( venture to say, and every preparation is .majie forthe sick that eonld be desired. I venture the as sertion that no army ever went inter the field with better arrangemAts and preparation for receiving sick and wounded soldiers than this. We have .hospital boats expressly fitted up, and with the government and voluntary san itary supplies, it is a gTeat question whether in toh can be so well taken oar* of at tkelr homes as the army here oan. A delegation, comprising seven ohiefs of Ute Indians, f.-oa Colorado Territory, havo arrived in Waibiogtbn for the purpose of making a treaty. ’ They* or? wild, and, like their immediate predecessors from the plains, came by invitation of the government ; bnt being hostile to them, these Utei,;tyy arrange ment traveled hither separately.HlThe Com missioner of Indian Affairs will, doubtless meet with much success in his stipulations with the savage? lender more rife the travel to the mine*. . • Official information has been received here that the United States Circuit Codrt for the Northern. District of New York, Justices Nelson and Hall on the beach, have decided on a final bearing in the Oieo of Hussey's Administratrix va. Bradly, el. at, manufac turing tho Hubbard Reaping and .Mowing Machine. First,! That Hussey's three. patent* are in all respect* good and valid. Second, That thoy are infringed by the defendant’s catling apparatus, whioh is the eametow un iversally used in Reaping and Mowing Ma chines. Third, A perpetual injunction is awarded against tho defendants, and an ac count ordered. The decision heretofore made In Hussey*a life-time by the Ocnrts fo IlUr hots, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and The de cision of the lato Commissioner of*patents, ,granting.tfetir ox'-enrian, have thus- boon af firmed on a full and final hearing. ■ ■ FROM SJUBFKEBSBORp Spedel Diepatcb to tiu Pittsburgh Gazette. Mubfbbssbobd, Tsbb., Mvob 29,1863, 001. Lowe telegraphs from Fort Dsoelson that a party under Lieut. Smith, of the Fifth lowa Cavalry, has just brought in from Wall's creek 14 prisoners, 18 horses and mules, and a lot of leather. Resignations aooopted: Disability—Lient. Col. R. W. Graham, 73d Indiana ; First Lieut. Stephen Shulls, 33d Indiana; W. GJ Dunn, 17th Indiana; Christopher T. Gg&stead, 3d Kentuoky ; Capt. M. Sessions, 21st Wisoon-. sin; Surgeon Samuel F. B*nx,B9ib Illinois; Assistant Surgeon F. F. Blazer, 32i Indiana. For the good ot the service : Asslatant Sur geon James Parr, of tbe 36th Indiana. The rebel Surgeon* Joel E. Hal), J. W. Wasson, B. ii. Rutland ; Assistant Surgeons W. Kerr, J. W. Kokford, W. B. Arnold and Colson, to report at Nashville, Smithland, Cairo and Memphis, lor passes beyond the lines. Tljp rebel papers report Gen. Grant's army of fifteen thous nd, at Savannah, Tennessee, and Grenada In possession of the Federal*. Arrival ol the steamer Asia, Ntvr YoBK, March 28.—Tho steamer Asia arrived up at noon. The U. S. steamer Tuioarorawa* at Madeira on the bib of March, and was to sail oq the 7th for Cadis. Tbe plrata Alabama was spoken on the 23d of Febinary in let. 30° N., long, 41° W. She reported that she had destroyed thirty-four Federal vessels during tbe presoot oruiio. The steamer Biward U*wkins-bes arrived at Liverpool, from Matamoras, with . 1,800 bales of ootton and $16,000 in specie. The bark Fanny Lewis h«d arrived at Queenstown, from Wilmington, with a cargo of outton and t&rpentine. The diplomatic correspondence of tho Brit ish government relative to the Aaerisan war is published. Mr. Adams' letters refer prin cipally to the affair of tbe Alabama. Heoom plains of tbe course pursued by England in the matter. M-. Mason’s lottora appeal for recognition, and urge that tbe blockade of the Soatnern ports shall be declared a nullity. He is greatly dUietit&ed at theTrafqtaTof his applications. - Tub London. Tim**, m iu comments A this oorretpo&danoh, eay& that the liriCeUriawnlch U so otoarl; display od on both rides in a proof that England has nut unduly inclined to either side ot the controversy, bnt has maintained her neutrality n The Timte rdUeratai iu arguments against the ohargo of Eaginw accountable for the procaediog* in the iu tho case of the Ala bama. A Confederate lean of three millions iter ling was expected to beintrodueed i» the Paris and Lcndoo markets daring tbe week follow ing tho departure of the steamer Asia. Muiri. Pllklagton Bros., Ameriean mer chants at London and Liverpool, had suspend ed. Tbeir liabilities amounted to £40,000. The proooedings of the British Parliament are unimportant. In the Home of Commons, Mr. Lindsay soagtr. to prevent tbe admiralty from oonstruoting any more wooden vesisis with Iron plating, bat bis resolutions for that purpose was rejected. It is reported that considerable irritation and discontent is springing up among the op eratives of Lancashire. TBB FOpiSH IITSOBBBOTIOB. The accounts ol tae Polish insurrpotion eon - tlnae to be vfgue. The insurgents are now computed at 6(1,000. Collisions between the government forces and tho insurgents are re ported, with varying sacoesi, bat no decisive light has yet taken place. From Fortress filonrbo. Fcbtrub Mobbwb, Maioh 29.—Last Sab bath, several olergymen in Norfolk gave* notice that the ohurchas would be open on Friday, the 27th, for service, iu oenformity jrith Davis’ proclamation. Thaoburohes were accordingly openqd, but os the worshippers began to congregate they fohnd a guard of Umolii soldiers at the obaroh doors. Conse quently no services were allowed. A Blohmond paper says that Judge Mere dith, of the GireaU Court, has deolded that avery eitissn of Msryland, and every for eigner who.ever enlisted in tbeir army, no matter for how short a time, acquired a domi cile, and wore, therefore, liable to oonsorip- Uon If between 18 and 46. , Tbe ball and machinery of the steamer burned three years ago on James river, has been raised, and passed here last evening for Bsltimo?#. The steamship Spsutdiog arrived tbits morn ing, bringing the mails from the fleet at Hil ton hood, where she left lost Thursday. She reports the steaboat Expounder,.formerly the Deolet-Webster, aground near Stono Inlet. No Hilton Head to report of the fleet. Col. Lndlow, Commissioner for exchange of prtsooers, has concluded engagements with the rebel Commissioner Oald, for theezohaege ef »U tho Uaiteo States offi&ers held by the rebel government Tbe steamboat State of Maine left Fortress Monroe et noon, for City Point, with a flag of trace iu eharge. She took up for oxobange 290 prisoners of war, including 16 rebel offl oert. Also 226 citlsaa prisoners. "• An offioer who deserted from the rebel ranks. and arrived in New York yesterday, reports that ihe rebels ate evacuating Richmond as fast as possible, for them to; do so quietly. Tbe Teport is not fully credited. FosTizes Mosios, March 29.—The enemy ettaoked Williamsburg this j’ morning with eavalry and infeatry and were repulsed by the Fifth Pennsylvania cavalry, under Co). Lewis. At noon to-day the-enemy had re treated hud Col. Lewis hod re established hi* pickets. Lois ascertained. The enemy attacked Wingflsld, on the Oharron river, and were repulsed. The ene my's foroe consisted of thcdld North Ooroll ga and guerrillas nndsr Col.; Brown. ' Lieut. MeLane, with part of.a company of the Ist North Carolina volunteers, jfopk refuge in a blockhouse and defended themselves auooeii fally, after an hour and a half fighting beat the enemy ofL \ . . Ben. Foster oame up ihenezt day from Ply mouth, with three compgplet, and four eem ponies of the lUh PeuDiylTanla ckvolry were sent from Suffolk by Gen. Peek. Col. Brown sueoeeded In crossing the Ohar ron with part of his foroe, the remainder wore attaoked near Bdentowa and dispersed, after a short resistance. Oar. troops are hunting them np in the swamps. • * From New York. hiw tok, of th« pfUo itHi&n WibwlofiwUh* l ™ ot thl. p.rt to-d« 7, »t»U« th»t wh.o off Ch.rl.iton ho mw mony boBM Bjlaif ui hoora tho royirt of hMT, fin.. . r Troop, t® bo Paid O®* i PocniM ff . —Th. P.y- Butor. urinff tU. morning to off tho troop. In tU. doputnunt,: tnd m< Suffolk, Vonolk and Torktown. Southern Mews. Hvibqui&Txu PoToyiO Awrr, March 28. —'Tb«,Rlohmond Dkpaithf of the ?7ib, ,not«s the execution, by of Caplin M. I>e Hart, of Arkansas, who was teat out by Gen. Herron, of U. S army, to clear the White rieer district, of Ingram’* guerrillas. j Cant, A Webster, bad been tried by court martial, la Richmond, and sentenced to be bung on 3d of April, for tio murder, in Par qaler oouoty, of Caps. Sicopton, of tho Con lederate eerricc. [orncui. ] Jackton, Misiittippi, March 26 —To General Cooper, Adjutant aud Intpeclor Central.— Che following «u referred this *, a item Gen. Swvecson : Foar boats eame to the tare, at •oariao, two attempted u pitas,, bat one was soak, with all o& board, and the othot lies at tho month.of the canal, apparently disabled* (Signed,' L. 0. Piuarafek' h) - -—— LieaUmsnt Gotjeral Commanalng. Mobil*, March 36.—Tho Appeal, of tbs 24tb,' has tho following: i Fort PevibtrLon, March 21.—The occasional booming of cannon, op tbe river, tells ns that oar boys are otter the Yankees. Tho Appeal says,the repulse of tbe enemy in their at* tempts to enter tho Snnflower river, has been definitely ascertained!' Tbe fleet was driven book, end a large nnmberof their barges were captured. The enemy is reported to have made anothef advance against Fort Pember* ton, with Increased strength. Headquarter* of the Army of Potomac. — Owing so tbe striotnou of tho*rebeJ oonscrip tion in the Shenandoah valley, it Is probable that that fertile and p oductive portion of Vlr* ginU will be nearly s barren waste;, during the coming season, oi her portions of the State aro in the same eosdi lion. * Gat? Boarded by The Steamer t>ai Guerrillas. Raisas Citt, March 28.—Capt. Bowen, oi the steamer flam Gaty, just arrived from In dependence, reports that, when passing Sib ley's Landing In the morping. be was .hailed by a band of guerrillas, who succeeded in boarding the boat. Killed, five ooldiors. Fifty Rivalry tod twenty negroes robbed alt the paisengors, thr- w overboard one hundred ■aoks'of floor/ and- a lot of' Government wagons. : • Kasbsb Crrr, March 29 Farther partio- B are, in regard to the capturo of the steamer flam Gaty yesterday by guerrillas, state that nine negro men and two soldiers were killed, and a third wounded, who escaped to. Inde pendence. All pnbiio and private property was rifled. Three hundred sacks of flour, 48 wagons, beds belonging to the Government, and considerable private freight, wore thrown overboard. Tbe amount of money taken is opwards of $2,200, of which; $6OO belonged to the boat. Tbe guerrillas intended to de stroy tbe boat, but finally allowed her to pro ceed on her voyage. -They bad followed her thirty miiea. 1 Affairs iu Kentucky. LotiatlLLX, MarohSß—Tbe Journanearns from a creditable source that two divisions of the rebel Infantry crossed the Cumberland yesterday atflt&gg's Ferry, near Hamburg, Pulaski county. Headquarters have reoeived no notice of this incursion. Yesterday afternoon, a freight train, seven miles below Gallatin, broko through tho bridge. Three men and about one hundred and twenty head of cattle wore kilted. Two freight trains dolliJod to-day between Bardstown and Lebanon Junction* floverat ears wore smashed, but no lives lost. Frankfort and Ltxiugton aro umler martial Uw. All quiet in their vicinity. Nothing from Danville to-day. From Vicksburg. Nkw Vote, Match 29.—The iSueday Mer eury has a special Cairo dispatch to the effect that the rise ta the Mississippi has over flowed the peninsula, and that there are fifteen feet weter in tbe Vicksburg eat off. A fleet ef six iron clads hod twenty transports are said te have passed through, carrying 16,000 men. They are to Join Admiral Farragut, an 4 it In . thought the object il kfept secret.' It iiVupf posed that they will attack Port Hudson. Another dispatch says a report has been xt»f celved announcing tbe complete auceess of thp expedition under Generals Boss and Qufmby and Admiral Porter. It is said that tho febel fort at Greenwood has been captured, with all the troops. No particulars are given. Prom Kealacliy and Tennessee, Ciscjusati, March 29 —Parson Brownlow has arrived from Tennessee, and reports tbo rebels concentrating all their infantry, for merly in East Tcanosseo, at Tulahoma, while their cavalry m«do' a into Eastern Kentucky, hoping to draw a forte from Rose oraus. i Reinforcements are arriving daily at Tala homo from Virginia. \ Gen. Gilmore crossed the Ecu tacky river in force> yesterday, reaxptared Danville, and is driving the rebels in the direction of Grab Orchard. i Generals Parko and'Wilooz arrived at the Barnet House. Two Prize tUcnmers Captured, Baltivoei, March 2S.—The revenue steam er Re lienee, Copt. Dangas, arrived here to day, having in tow two prises, captured while attempting to ge to Virginia. They had on board a large mail, and a file of the late pa per* from Richmond. Alio a*iarge amount of Confederate Government bonds and Vir ginia bank notes, medicines, goods, Ac., in tended (or Richmond. ilcw lota. March 28—ETeQtb&—Cotton ectlva at JTlour sdronced 10c.; sales 13,000 bM«. at 90 tiQfi ii hr State. 87@? 15 for Ohio and $7 So@ 7 35 forSouthrre. Wheat 2c. higher; ral ■ 18.600 bush, at $1 48 for Michigan. Corn nl»tmc*d Ic.; •ale* CO,OUO tush. at 87&Bl>c. Beef steady at Yl'gtV. Pork at Ann at $1360. Lard niruat 9%<& lie. Whisky steady. Tralghts declining. miitTLiE and M4ka0e*.....^.....~_W«. Taaaentea.. ——. H. Ovniteros. Patcasor Jkovtmton.—Private Do zee, $5 00; qte- Sle aaata io Pnttte Bo*, $1 UO 1 Parqoette and Dress irate, Chair*, 60 onu; Family Circle,' $4 ceau; Ooioied Geilery, SSceata; Colo rad Boxes, 60 oenu | SeUtry, Ueenta. MB* Tint night of tba great Amertom actor, « MS.NcaPic, Who;* til appear as tha Pitnceof Denmark,in ths p* tunanoa or which he baa won a worn wide npn tattoa. . This MONDAY KYBNlKO,ohek'speara'asublime five 004, tiatedj of ; HAMLET. MB tYir. Lkk&rKS —,—— m k nwwiivftHn^ uUOst., , -Q roargn. QUKBM; -.AhHIBIBBaLU, To’cnolndewtth Deedt'of DSreadfol Hots. MB, FBIOUT HU. BIT TON. QITUaTION WA-NTUU.—A youn, O men, (wounded to arm el Battle of AnMetam, which Fr»vents blip from working at hts train,; wishes a sttaodon at anythiog where hee’ry werk i» not nqntred et pre.ent. Enquire at ho. 867 Utert j street, or; addram "S. B. O, Box 649, Pi tuber* S *’• O- ‘ ' . e ! ta24:tf U7ANTED«A UAKDNm lo tfikd vv cetvoi e rraJl Garden and small Vtneyvd, aeer the pits. Beoommeedetions required, tscolrv at TA WATBO tITUCBT fell The .petition op william BTBNBd, for 'the' brnsflt of the' Insolvent Laws. In the Gann of Gcmmon Plres, Ho. 8, Jane Term, 1863. And now to writ. March 23, l»<8, the Ounrt fix the ISra of APRIL H&XT, etIQ o'clock a. at., for-e hearing In the above cbm. * r&fltl YHI BICOBD. Atte*t t Hurt Batov, Prothonotsry. mh3?:tf QPENINO. Afß& XITCEIS - Will open on BavuncaT, the 88th ef Meroh, a hanJ* •otneassortment o( SPBOiO MILLINBBY, at her establishment, Mo. 183 federal street, ; BViSKD BTAMt* JJtmUia UN MOTES. DBAVra AMD islahd bills or EiUHANOB.«f •Pp:or«d ***** fd, 18M, printed lB Oont*nl«iit (cia,{(r inloltga dliaibaUoa to t&»trail*#** potlle, hr . LmßJlra . -LJ : -_ „„ W*. G. JOHMSTOH * CO., Ho. fir.Wocd #tr*«t. UNWtABtSU MU.IL-4 £reah inpply cf this nneqaalled prvparation of pntwmUk, pat op la »meU tin can* tollable for the feMfror u« ‘ aaPi ja*t received nd for Ml* bp tht dm or •ißpto . JO OH A:BEHSHAW, - mh2* f covw Liberty m< Bwd «tMt ' IU&ARLNUB; pal up in pint jiTß.aa , excellent odd unit lor .03ivaltftc«aU; » tmh snrplvluttecelTedftad Jbrealeftt Ibe Pamfly Oro l •eery Storeof JOHK 1. BKBBHAw, ' . tab2S > cotver Liberty and Hwid etreeta. ;, DIAIATfiK UJiilliiiNU~2o bxi. treih U niokid tad niy choice jnrt tecelndend.fet. ■ »M» i Ponarlttynymil Umdjtrwt.. Vrw t'ANKb for JJI tile by W. P. MARSHALL, mh» STWoodttnrt. FROM WASHINGTON.— MalTDlfpatcbee to the Plttabcrth Gnxett^. Waxhisgtox, March 27, 185 S. Wo have alluded by tale graph to tho arrival cf six Ohio soldiers, who wore sent out on a special expedition by Gen. Mitchell, nearly a. year ago, were captured and hold as prisoners until a few days since. Some pleasant inci dents connected with their stay here occurred yesterday. • At the special invitation of Secretary Stan* , ton tho-brave men accompanied by General i Hitchcock cad J C. .Wetmore, Esq., State ' Agent for Ohio, visited the War Department. : Although numbers of civil and military dig- , nitariee were waiting outride to sea Mr. Stan ton, all were required to wait while ho would exhibit his admiration and sympathy for the returned soldiers. Taking them bj he introduced them to Secretary Chafe and Governor Andrew Johnson, who werepresent. Opening a handsome morocco case, he then addressed Mr. Parrott, who had endured* hundred lashes rather than inform on his comrade, said, “Congress having authorised me to present medals to ruth soldiers as shall by their brave deedf provb that they deserve them, I now presort yen with tha first oho issued by authority under this-act.” (Similar medals were thto presented to thejotbera. The surprised recipients had hardly thanked the donor before he took them all aback by making them a present of onehunared dollars caoh as a slight personal expression jof sym pathy for their sufftriags°, and appreciation of their manly oouroge. They were also bre votted First* Lieutenants. < ! Thoy next proceeded to the WbiteHouie at the request ot the President,and weri greeted tu a highly flittering manner. Be thanked them in tbehemoof the people, and command ed them for the unfaltering courage they hid displayed in the trials through which they had passed. . > t The names of the men arojSergcant E. H. Mason, Jacob Parrott, Win. Pittinger, Bobert Boffum, Wm. Beddiek aqd Wm. Benniugen. - The original expedition, consisting of twen ty-two men was sent out to ca.p'lure a railway traifljon tho. Western road, ißGeorgtn. Dress ed &S cltixans, they went to 1 Marietta and while the passengers were eating, ssliod the train standing there, put on steam and made for Chattanooga. Not cutting the wires in time, they were compelled to abandon the train, wbon the wood and water became ex hausted, and take to the woods. Bnt the whole'country was aroused, .and after being surrounded tb*y wore captured. Thoy were treated: by the rebels with the greatest indignity. A hundred lashes were laid on Parrott's bare baok to compel him to tell which of them noted ei engineer, of course, without success. After a mock trial seven of them were afterwards hung under a warrant aigneq by Gen. Ledbetter, and endorsed by Gen. E. Kirby Smith; When the rebel'Seere tary of War learned that but *niQTfd to Go. 87 OHIO SIBBET, two door* below- the Mayor’* offloe, Allegheny, where they here a very nice auorlmont ol WATCHES, CLOCKS ASD JEWELS?, •bkh will be acid u low u at-any similar establish* taunt to fit tier city. Give as a call. •be BEPATBIttQ OP WAT jUXS, CLOCKS ABD JEWELRY promptly attended to. 8. 11. OKB, mh«:l«d • J/ P. 088. rt. \ c< every - « U JCT XTTJ^SI \v.e • »ti wttl e- tl *.• itj* Ji-wevt zt's*-. Ai I.IUI. GIFT BOOS STORE, * Ho. US WOOD BTBBBT, If yen vent bargains In PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, And Other popular too saaoroni to mention. n'*pay O high prkes. Beastlfal Satin Pap»rs White Blank* Bft 15cast* andother lowurloes, for sdaby . W.F.JiABSEUIiI, jmbyl : ... ;j 87 Wood etmt. CiißK BOAKD F&INT& TB&TKtt • ;ffib>B'\ • v > v . ' ' rB7 Wood streets• fVbAOJI LBAtt—B.oUo : lbs, Talrious Bo**oo,. . i imMH ’■fo-rotberdf Wfodaad Tf mistreat* . ÜBKIU4J.m«(MCOC») Oil*;:. = J_J W bbWcon MiWoU; “ IS: A s:-I »»*r '***&*, if, (bi'wIULKWOM.,-* oq*.-. mbit •; ; ~ i . : *B9.Wd »W>«wr>WWt»-. f ABU Olb—B bbls. now landing Mm JjlUuMrXdaotta; JoTttUbl;__ j- ISAIAH SIOKBT k 00* IAVCTIC/jr i SALES. STOCKS AT AUCTION: V —On TUESDAY- EYKKISQ.; March -V. .it 714 o'clock, wOl be told at: tbe Conaaerci*! Sales fco&kM Ko.M Fifth etieet:; * : ll'ihaM Bank of Pittsburgh; . 17! do Txeh«|eßank; ; • ■S t .fiSSSKSLJ*™***, 26< do Pittsburgh aad'OonueDavlHe( It E. Co. SO do MMufa Buk£' " SO do Blrmlc(kmm Btldr Co»fui». * J. a;PV7IB. Ajctlmur. 'A UMiNitHBATU«,' S S ALS OF *3!«?“*c®sJr**'is*. . ioViMk pnclielj, broAtr mir.tilTjior, wifl bA «M A .1 fflSt (pUtnl monntM)OoU««,-r«ir »*»£»« ttuh. •■ B&fcr i ■ ■*T*r-is.\ar PAjug.^ IltOOBJiHOlii) FOBNIIOKH', CAB- Q. VST*. Ac. AT mutWl-« B W|«l iirUt, onJOISDAT, H.rck SIX, *t 10 o' pic clmlt, will be tcld withoalrtMOTC. M th* CVBCT Oi dtciujlog faoa«heet>iag,a quantity of f ÜBWIT OB*, - dO ilecosntJeing ud Chain. Book • G*a, w£”d&,CardS»ai •tend', Bewibg BUDd.Cheiis, Kitchen nod Pining Table*. Jo (train and BUIr > (Jarpe.e Ha\i IMI Oletb, Met I Log, AJttebea OletulUi Fend-*J», to. - .Derailing for j'eoc. {• T; A, AOJLBUtAND, mbiS • J 1 J ? '.. }»m ton-»r. HGUSIBHOJLD J’tJKM‘ UHtf, Bait i FiXTUBI-, do—Un . HONDAT UOJMf- UQ, at 10 o'clock* will in r4d t-t fio. 731 Penh alrect, tba »ntir*fira!aluneatof HOBmB* i BOLD AHD KTTOHtK FußNliUttH, toeindleg * : P«df, Bedding, Carpets, Dining Son lit If, to., In addld'vh to a Urge atodk at the u»atl variety of Gan* inet ;\fork t .(tookiaf ktorey, D tensile* awl KiUtea Furniture and Vara.; Also a atock of. Bar Ftxto< ea and Bar,- [mbgfj J. t?,DAV*fI. atottoa—r. . oIiBLL&COKALB, r&Ati>i.& t KSkLUSA 1 O JAPAMeflß.acd fQDAW OJJODB at;an*lvu cTarf t rating at McClelland** Auction mkS7 T, A. JfcObBLbAND. knot. ' JttEHCOiMJirr TAILOHH. LI ENBY O, HALK * C 0.,; (BOfOcatsor? t" ' ■ Merchant Tailors, Are new recalling their BPSIHG STOCK 07 GOODS, Ada pied to a first trade, which baa ton select* ed with great care to :-ieeet toe appro bat on of their many friend* and patronAaed tro4ilmr,by doe* at> Motion to btelnra* and lirlct'lntegrltj, te. meet tba apprpral of all who may favor. na With a call. oirioai' CNiroBBS Hade to order in the beet: manner and on raeeonable terms. Haring finished a exeat mao; DtUSOBMA torfciaff, Yield nod Line Officers, as veil osier the NaTjr, we are prepared to execute erdon Is this line wiihootreetness and despatch; ! Likewise a very cbolcs selection of TOBXifiHIMO GOODS always on hand; • I ■ COB. OF PIHH ft fa*. OLftlß AjBSXTP. ahfl ' l- ‘ yyja. n j»itAi»t>UKic'a PIAHO-FOBTJS ESTABLISHKBHT, fco. «7 aiBXIT, H. T. The rabeaxlber reapsotfaUy invitee tU sttenlloo of he friend* and Ihe pnblto generally to Me Puao* Forte Establishment, at So. 427 Broome etrst, dor* nsr of Crosoyeueet Oaring withdrawn his Interest; stock and rialsfriu tfea l.te Ann-cof “LUhieAßfadbnrja,** waioh Arm was dlemlra(K>a tha Slat! Janu try nit** end-baring porckated the entire siooa of >la*o< Fortes ana i'xaaO Forte material - owned b 7 hie brother, JCdwerd 0. Brndonry, in the Mid Arm, he !e ii iw.prepaced'to sappljihe Increased demand for hie oeleb rated Plano Fortee. h Employsogthe meet skill fal end experienced wotktnto, with aj large dock pf the beet aad mod theroaghlx atuoned aiaUB*ira meats, we bets added every Lmprortme&t which aenln any wey tend >o the perfectton of the Piano-forie, and we can ocnfidenby aeetrt that, lor delicacy of touch*, par t*, hrliliesey end twwtneai of ton*, combined with that strength and ehUdlty ot tratna aeosieesy to amiability, tun la* •trnmeatsareaaoqtallcd. 1 u» Baafan? le one motto, end we th* rite ike clonet critkimbl ihe btei dnblaeod InitwA In the lend. \* B9*Arery bulrnment warranted ' ID, BHUISI 1,000 DOZBN ABSOBTUXIAHOT T&ATKIiIBQ . salami ■ ; ' r . : ' 1,000 do ssau wain kuilib shibw, ira i, ; fO SS apr«rdJ{ , i .. IiOOOSOSUr DMIMOYIBALLi; 10,000 PAIBSOOMOHADSirABTALOOHS | : i : ! >. • .-•!■••• j; • », AUnufMtormgfth* Xntßß’S WILBH FLAU< KSCi fiHlßTB,an#i Um aaartaient of LltfM ABD HABBULItS BtfiOMß ABDCOLLaS! ADDOURUUOUI'S rUBHUHIfiS GOODS. i. ilirtilo f. \ j ; . BUOU A i CO., H • l ...’ UiMVTAjgvnMm, - I. : V n«.HT Cbvrck An*7,mUd*tßhl», P*. QHAd 0.8&1431|KV, fninee * finuii Comnliiloalertkut, 8.8. PA via. MBBCHABDUB BBOKBB, Aal ilMlfx faail klaielootfHT»T: PAODtKUL • mbi-ly ! t'-~ • hmwUi,Pi tHLYML, I>&2UUSI> Mltfic, r oßsnnoAns ibdbbtedbybs! QUABTCBMABTBir rOBBTIFIOATBS, 1 73 BOBCB ABD OOTOOH9, ted iQ Mier Oonrs* BBdtMocrttintboticlu tf i • Wilmi GIKUITTJ Hov ls ttattMi It •" •'• ' 1 r« W J-: TBU3) lug* IVSIOBUHIfi it undos jtirorWtU ßtfHDOCK.’B fJRBB9MK-» - « 1 ABP'OAKB&BD „■ * 4AA W * nt *«•“** K ’ i'«■ •UU »ao » OTnih, ntmmt mis. a all cat rmctu, primlmt Bm,«,7uS tSfcM* 'it TO Y! b .?W toaaljtsr: «T» a rioatt. arms : ’iaMslßAssT M r , i '«..d.wii>u4ju* 00. WaoS Wrtat. oonwr of Thlnl BVJkKU. ,s k-, Ac. . s I V? ‘ *y,