MOKDAT _ .MOBHIHO, MABCH 23- I man ° f U ' Usrd up for an AtgumeiJ. Bill BUssxii, In bis o Queen's >p««eb, deprecated tie ,ob J u *‘‘““ of tie rebellous Btstes, beeause; It Would | neU of free Utaunon t» °? uth - , ° put an end to what b- bad no! exlsUnce for more than . •« * * “ exploit that will «U P «o »U tint tie inge nious Yankee has seer done. far as el«ery waaooneerned, and eTerjtiing that relaud to slatery—end ererj one known that includes srerjthing worth discussing In tie Booth—there hare long been three | most effectual and intolerant censors upon, disoussions andthe press—the bowie knile, the mob,and the law. The eoiool, the pul pit, tie printing offioe, the political reset* ing, tie polls, all, all, were under tie inex- K| ;r| fiji’lJi; -v* . i ’ V :>• v vVC*.-. *•,.>, • ?, ..-J jsjpjijijj:'; iw« '•* l"4 ‘, ■.. +v>r*l > M I, •1 ■• ». « * * * ;•*] £'* . if-f ; - 4vf > /i 1 t 1 KV . !‘V 5 •• ‘*vw->>' ;■•' O'v- - ' - "'i ■'M*;'■'■li;-v<; .ii-p-i. »; ■» s; ■V |ittslmvgh tetty orable rule of ell three. The effect of the subjugation 'which the noble Earl deprecetee will belthe eery op poeite of whet he eeye it will; for it will .emancipate, not the alere only, bnt the pulpit, the press, end etery other meene by | which mind eota. Upon mind, j There is no reel freedom In the South et present under - the iron Idle of J*»- D«is i >“■ tier ° been eny einoe-nnder the teechinp of Jobs C. Caiaons-SleTery was mede the supreme, ruling, paramount invest, \ principle, end power In that seoUon of the I Union; end eo greet was thet power Utelit seised upon, bound, blinded end confined in its dark prison-house eren the fierce De mocracy ef both North end South. Like affiliates with like ;i it is therefore not surprising that one of the highest aris tocrats in Europe Bhould take the part e an aristocracy in America; but it he wish ' os to do them eny serrioe, he ought to b careful not to run into such ab.urd.Uea of fact end logic os to talk about destroying that which was destroyed long ego, and which tly subjugation be deprecates can ftloae restore. m 1 —. Fractional Color. The Adjutant General of lie Confederate States has deoided that men who hare any portion of white blood in their reins are eubjeet to conaoription. The loglo of e eryls an extremely flexible and accommo dating thing. Under the Blare oodethe emallLt per oenUg. of African bleed is sufficient to doom its possessor to .„d deprire him of etery attnbnte.nd! right of humanitybat, under the war code, the smallest fraction of European bW puts Its possessor Under obligation to fight the battles of elarery. In the on. case the man of mixed blood is a chattel, . an article of property, to be classed, bought, /40 ld, held and worked as an ox, a mule, or Choree; in the other,, he i» * J* 0 owes allegiance and Berries to hie gorern inent. Will thoseof our democratic friends who oppose the armlngof colored men note tide singular fact, and tell usi which they would prefer: that the colored men of the South should bo compiled by conscription to fight forJcff. Daris againstthe Govern men® or bellowed to enter the Berries of the GOrernment rbluntarily and fight against Jeff. Daris? The *“»" *° *£ question determines the measure of their loyalty to'the Oorernment. Death of James h. Pellgta. U U .ad to r.oord at thi. trying cnsl. th. death of the noblest man in Car ollna —a man who wa. inflow, lojd| among traits, “faithful among the fatfc le„;’> jet each was the reeerenoe felt for him, that he wa. able te-do what no other 1* that sum cpuld haw. done-openly MBB »d wa. theiefore in th.. 74th year of Uaage” He wa.among.tthe ablest lawyers of hto State, and of a powertol >ud persuasire eloquence and of E"»‘ flrmnus and independenc of character, jet U* “ d •‘” ngth 7 “°" u 'Ss moAl than in hi. " Ue . jn 1881 he .ternly oppoeed the doo trinea of nullification, and in 1860 ho op iwith.<,uaiarmn«.th»eof»ce«teu We deplore th. low of iueh a man at .noh •^to eee the old flag of the Onion floating chore the roof, of Charleston, and to stand al th head of those who welcomed bach the ol nyammeat to the reign from which the wicked"" andfoUj of ambition, men had for the time excluded it. Judge the Bnpie»e ' Wc the foUoirlegper.oi^Jo'ic* 0 f one of tie meet intimnle «>*"? friend! of our ««ly Uf. with •*■««» For forty yen" *• oppoMd In pollUes, but without eny SI thnt: deeper eenUment whtah »n»tme -hi. to nwitan. Hi. bond mey hnT. been wrong Ue bent neyer. -We copy from the Erie YJaxtllt ; . Hon. James Tho*p»n, a life-long Dent- 1 norat. remarked to one of one eltlxene * few I SSTe etaee: “ I do not expeot to leare my Suldrinanj of thin world’, good., but I obitann onternUhed Uie berdVnipiolon of .ympithy with Zi!uom n Judge T., it i» scarcely neeeeeery .to IddVto? 1 ouUpoken in denunele tion of Copperheadism. a CorrxxhxAS. —Senator Clans, of the Wisconsin iegistotore, in a debate on » KjotaUon of. thanks to Oen. Boneless, General BoixoxAsT »ri‘*“ - “saairfii? as sftS • 53rS^‘ wsrcss * Die resolution passed, & . rf Hat feltow claims to * %Dtm*9t, of MOTM.':' 1 , { m ’ ' On. Bosmos. —Our ,pond«t;to noticing th. dcfortur. ofOon. Bsaxston frost Washington, oa «M»J.«* Ui now Command, rsmukod, that nil °° m " I .and dU not Uo In lb. direction of lortw* Monroe. Ibl* tottmated tint ll lay to • dlf- I tortft dlreetloa altogether. Aooordlngly no «»d la the Ctostonatl papers, of Bitnrdny, ] ■§*, a*-' Boutins wonld nnin tbn* that to .cmsnhoe.perhag. to gonounor dun...Bun -2St d 2SSo ortSU wmturd.bxrta Atod ”?JKffilUny. K.T..«n Saturday. - p ‘ Taxi** lumxxn.—U fcxol OxoOXAPBi““ &B«to makes on. tong been koo« SiPols.but only ?<*? t B qgs £S2? m7«aS»»l moluUok tM Buts rm*k - --‘■sys^KaMSW’ aaaseMBaSSlS&SMtoBWSM*"**- Utack Soldiers. Gen- T. Peeeohxt Thommos, s Liberul Member of the British Parliament and s rge military experience, tine comments in the Bradford Adotrtiter on the use of blacks in lrwy with reference to our great struggle: It is wonderful how a game may b« spoilt, by people who hare their heart in the business. . Now here is Congress, after Tolanteering the loss of two hundred thou sand Urea in hopes of ayoiding it, conMnts to reply to a rebellion in support of Air* cm slavery, bjr raising an African upon the rebels. Hard work and contest there was, to write at ” uo £ ° what might hate been euppoaed the tost dictate of public h.npr and individnal good Benue. Ent eten then, the thing mas to spoilt in the toktaft Uk* the prephMS i uninritißg operation. Would no men. or at alleventa men strong «“engbto put down the opposite, bate looked shout {tom and seen ho* the same kind ef thing tod been don. before? At aU events fo the extent of atoiding J?* 8 Ung their dish with loathed There were two great examples for them nae. The conduot of the English in rais ing nalite troops in India, Teg imentß in the Vest Indian colonies. In both these cases there was tha jealousyol ££ md color. But the English Parlia ment did not take into its 'P" 14 * keening the putting forward these jeal onsL m this wayttot should aging to the end designed. The Englisn Parliament ia not the weakest aasemblj ln the world; it has a rery tolerablenotion of going the way to do what it takes never part of the EngUshpoU c y to raise troops to bo commanded by offioers of Indian extraction. Not the spa of a Maharajah was inrited to enter the Army nti7« ensign in a company's regiment There was a Satinet organisation ot native officers, with the rank of nau« Captain and what may to SSgS&SsS many of Iho offices of an anhde-oamp , but to enjoined an ofium C T .Tr lhe General’s tent » r the duty of tire offioers did .great dear of the duty ci were understood to Ute *ton -their po*ers of «rrice f ..mi.. wonder xu tnnt tney “tt yfoWfo thl Temptation oftaking charj^ out of tto white officers' hmds i but they did not. On examination, the exlen which all the higher springs of disci plinTweie in the hands of would he found sufficient to account for 1U Bar the English were newer simple ! enough to parade the disabiliues nnder which their Indian offioers or troopswere .. |.bar It iB Tery doubtful, or rather it “ IToT at aU doubtful, whether the most exalted of native officer, had distinct . 0 - thority to recommend to an EngUsh colonies, the same good senae is duplaj ■ U was never intended that they ehoald other than commanded by birth, at leaat in the Preaentgeaeraiion. Whether it is written in the took of f»“ ! that the deseendant of some dark OthcUois | to to gaietted to Her or Eli Majesty» | commission of Ensign in the dian regiment is among the secrets wiU show. Bnl nobody is snoh a goose “ M talk abont itnow; and atiU less {to moment for an important movement de pendant on snoh description Ho force of whit*men oan carry on wa lin a hot country, without at least »n q ' force of country muscle to * h , asarisz^SSSl hrTSTS who and saiHsrsssrJSSS' SssSs*2a»= “ S™ne U S let everybody to aMured j^t«oom.T?o 4^ndert’akingfopatrO o ni» iridenoe of the day. «A Gniswotn ro'a ax Aiaxaxa. ®*”® 1 to a beautiful thought to the of tji SioTtf Engtoud, to reply 8to«. 4*h«. sent <5 the Griewolufor to. Al i .w* Hot “A Eotond for “ OU « r - u I “ 0t L^ton te&woVK Alabama,” irhen good I to returned for etiL __ ' Tbi No* Torn Benld says: ctan “ l Vallandigbam, copperhead Ilepresentaure SisssiisaartS [s-ffais.-w^fan" no more of him for eome time. A Cyprue correepondent of the I*”” 1 (Con.uJnttooplo) if mild says, toattheiouU &n of ootton to that totond may be to definitely increased, and urges tha Turkish goternmeni ehould enoourage. culture by leising the maatetonda. in E. Uuxnooß, Jr., a eon of the pole- 1 brated elooutioniat has recently boon ■ pro- ImXi toaCaptatooy to his regiment, the n< ali. n 9 entered the service m.* SfcSa £ SSSIi succession all grades subordinate to hla present rank. _ political jroTices. i?ssSSS |» candld»u loc CUrk °[ tk» Cy a*pabi«ea Coan»i» tubjtct to th* Mdstoa W tk» 1 Qooaty MomlatoUM CoaTmtioa. . fiisuc A-oTMcma. PPSbX JUOENKYMiSN CABPEN |Ur: naß ahd joining, of yuubnnh «« i f£tfihS4tbl rr^aNOTICK.—A. regular meeting of Joniwxutxu.HoaiiAXxae. d-. I atlSulaate h “bn*'“»«t g*i2Sf «W tahiohght bote, the m,ottos- Oootohy, to* 1 **“• kaht jotmssTtta*. s,. tba Hr* a»T o' ”»>; W-t -dr»d aod * tKt uttir larslßtft wii? ■»*”** VySJto or ii.o»4tt COOK). oI J SioirWiitim Dlildon* | r • kM=t~Tl "**"■ I ;;«MM» a !*,*»,»««• *- J AMBS a BABLB A SUN, 818 Chestnut Street, TBtLADBhTKU, Import*™ .nd «.t,«foctM» «f jLooklng ©!«**«** Oil PoinliM^ jEngrocinir*) picture Prari*e*> Photograph Mbnms, I TPiiidouv Cornices, tfc., Sc.j Sc. OIK FArKK, 1b etua » N k. 4 to® II P« "« *" pilH. ' i nti BASS BOOKS. BLIHK BOOKS, BHTILOBBS. ItniKCli’ AHD BILL PAPBBS. AllthoWAß BOOKS. OCBB*aaY HOLDIB3. tto tog-» «««»«' I * Inlhtolty, from so*nti | ItBIL HAQAZIJIES, UH PAPKES. 5...1T1. FHOTOOEAFE ALBUMS, tk.IATA-t ol «t»UOMT7 M lOtlMllT- . —rtunl ot S :HOOL ABD KIBOIL. •“ '*“*• JOHN p. HPNTj mohakul BettU D«l« SUUOMr * md Obi»f JnbllMllop. „b2s MABIISIO ni.LL, Tif rn Btb**t jjTi.» x-mmJSd.—rei»oh» t 0 en ' ,-g. la U» cal.lT.Uon ot fti*. a. b. wpplM „ llb th. kMt .t U i*n» ” "»•“ Ho. t 9 rmfc mhai:lt4*wT ■gVBBGBKENa-WIiITK, (SCOTCH .4- AOTIBIAH PUBi HOBWAt IPBCfII, JDHIPKBB, iJMHtIi. OlDAßfl* *O.. to lu|> . * kkox. 21 Ilflh or ia«n qa*ntUl«». J. nhil:Ud**T QMAI.I, FBUITa— I QBAPBB, BTBAW- SkBBIIJ, HAIPBIEBIia, BLAOKBIBEIB, aOOBIBKBBIU, onUßi-BTS, ic., . t,ij Ur,. M d re p.rt„r.U>cl. J.MOX.S»Iinh.«-U mh*i.ltdA*T QRNAMuNTAii TKKKrf.-MAPUI, BdtCH, OATALPA, LIBDIS, SIX, LAEOHi HiQBOLIA, A9B, POPL4.II, TCLIP. WILLOW!, 1 g, *«., si l»rp il» Mid fopailM (puhtj. j gum, a Tint nfr«l:ltd*»T AUVINiaXHATOK 15 NO’i'UJJS.—I ■ *S2*!« t» mt.Otoa to prootoO 10 tb« omO«il»»oo. » i" p*y •»U Mtote o*o ■“l“ 1 1 1, 5 *° ?. nou taeni, Mid !&«•• A*fi»g cl* for »ai pnooot AdKWlluXriL | “*,“™t.m M.“ h 4 mhll=l.^>-T Tpauw TjtiKEa.— ArPLKtf, PitAaSi »d Dwf.) PBAOEK9, PLEJO, OH*B- UU, HBOTABIBBS, AFBIOOTB, Ao. Wo •» o„w *. to Ul OA tl# sort fcTOiobh tonmi. yyALL PAFEB. ?kia“r AiMT OOBTAlS!, *■ ] 1 Si"’*=•. —» jIIiOWEB BEED& pgARLT 600 V4B Tb.ta.prt eoltaotbrt.mtbta—brt. *O. tb. Urt FBIHOH. MOLM »* I aIBKAa OBOWIBB tb. p«t wloUr, UcI«UU I aSOTAM. EIHSIALS, KMOTIAM, «T*»- LAfllHaS, OMAianU aBABAM, BOTM, TllSbr I*3, bo. J. ASOX, QLD COTTON MACHINKHY „ KMa* OilDlII KAOBIHM,»Itk Bdlwj “n"o«il»BOBBlJ TADHTOB wbbbbbb. 1 ILAftQK WILWff. I £ ?s{wwLV»fuwio»Bi«ui. w>«Fta-l jbm.natti *fii'AZnaM. Bddn» m Oottom ** PitwbMgk. nhtfciot TX)& THK HALR. t» Burtlns* A»br**i». , . yto EStesass* garni* fey pOLD 18 PAiaJJiQi Bat BOOT*, »Ho*» *s» OUtBBI *.» adwwiai.» “* *' ta,l * i * ** UNITED STATES EXOIS& TAXES. 1 door to tbo Utf Tr»»ary, WHITB. *.«thottd QMtrioi. P»n»V ONiONB —12 bbli. ohoiea; alUi go do KoM.ti »p|ta. 160 io DriidFiociM, Ao bit*. Sztr* floor} SDO do *xtro*MOfljl y) {up fIM loblo «ilt| In ,tor« md ** •»!• g rnßlil . IO UUitJ itratt. i mo** ■^ETaTWakD, So. » XUmi~*h *•"'*" *• av-OOa Bonn fra» • *• “• ■* *■3l:l ■ ■*“* (00 FIOB BOM QiLBS^LBAB. BsUabte lor SIM Xasabctmni Bit «•>• •ttekiin«ia>lM UFwbani whtok ntßrO* •mtl (Mh, |UO »« tan, |UL» P« B™ l " 4 ' *“* •artkaauO. T OiT.-Frt« U>. Wk«f, WbMUog | JLi hdut nmuaon. ba»**{* PzS?*** aoubtla. Bnflfah Qttttlo 8«U; Klft Wf Mltfia of Bate hpQwjUa bblß. Bglgjsafta. kjBW GOOD& „ g 4 WHITE, ORB & CO., (luwn to B*o. B. WHIT* A 00 .) 25 FIFTH STREET, An bow doll, opentn* obo'-co IoU oil it* &tm sods— oti«M* Goods. I I BUck, Kite ° B ** ’ Sei r "l »• fewTsfiasa" lu.vSTtonltar with nMI •'<** •*. g w»idi,*« o and aiasbam TUr, SJH»S:bu., r " " 80. *5 »»TH BTBAIT, Al ,moirop«ilii«» 1 >“I* ““‘"'“I CIAAXS AHD BHAWLS, uS?»4toU.tau«i tmipa. 0c r« nrtn* n«nu»«4 tku draftmt wa *x* pr*pw*4 to aZn io*. fceflttkf tor •xalbltln* ft -jag—-"—"® /Hlufc, OKU * 00., ' 10 . n imn BTBiiT. lUn BOYS’ WBAB lor P™* >Si udYuey OwilaW TH>n «ad lanorf^attr uA fracj) UiMtt miuac*; lT,»ktef.*o. liltb, u±m * oa,'*irrH STSUTi jQ*» AiSiiCffl -“*”" •*] 1 ■-<*- ««< fkabrio Bttlj ' mu”** 4 o.»b kl Trf»ia!n>»; I s.t£»»l O»mbiio Ttoautoti l B nwu« (fcmtrio B«na«i *Ss2tSKSSfil*w. a< - • *as»s»!%g3«-- I . Kab*d >taUn PrMitK. . ■L “«« -a jrrtuTii, uitti & uu., 80. 18 TITTH ITM*T, tlm vn ImtonoMoJtb* •>“* "• : iouditotkio( ' fl* lomntii bloMtkMplugfiiiiiii nrriMli 0. Uun UA OMm ttwgog gggSSaE&.' * EsSfsf»» . „ KKirttw <»""•■ T-Ikkk Bath SUuHt*- ■uatiiiw - Q.O TO PITT®® i HOOK, SIATIOMM AHD «W 8 DKOT, oppo»it«ti»y?«tofflo«, for tbo toot oAUIoop of *** nil. OUUl.fl M. C.S.OOSiOSIFTIOa h**- PHOTOOBAPp iIBDBB- «■»“““* ta thooUji lUptfcoi. ' oumwot eowib« *» »•***» OtXD FHWOGOIUTH* 01 AU. SHI IIMOSI- | lift* (0 plTTOO^'®* wwtg , CT ,,w«;omo«. i* - -^ ««oomD,uwnAWA»»<»ff“»^ i OUT4HOW. BBVSBELB. Bn op.n. . mo.t complet. »1 t.-Ud MKrtm.nt ii»U >i'U« »bor. th. «t, tO» aABH ' ltfCt'B AIIVB. i Ur,. .tick, bjoiht for. tk. Ut. -.n T of«hlebM»Mmn» M MBS THAH HASH yAOTDBEEB’ PWOIS. MATTIW«B, 0 ,„„ Uni CHIBA MATHHaB. to «««• ■tjls «ns.m» I Oaafa Bajuo* —" 1,918 88 I Lo.mcn itock. o'* 01 ” 0 ' . j I «ms oo«'ii«T»u» on dom'd) na,BM t° o.nod bj “•“"“I 1 Lou*onMortMM. e44.C00 i .. j«»d tte»n * Co. CAKPJfc'i' BTORB. tb« firm of HoFABLAHD, COLLIBB ft co., w« «• Stan* «p sir tint port™* U» •P» cta “ “ d room. St*. Tlu*» «««' .bo.; MIMT-.Book atot., O.xt door to th. Port OBc* w «p«t to op.o,*tool tb. tot ol April, os •nllislj D...W* •»« M ** , ‘ Carpeti, of owy deßoription; Floor Oil Clotln, Window Shides, Ad* .11 ottor (Ood. pirtAlDlo* M th. *«"* of . BIBST CLASS CABPBT btobb, Ad* r«p.=t(^J*»U»“ HdthtpoliUs. JAMES W. MoIABLABD, l^isssaat- nnacwH Mdj A.'szrs'gfiSZXSzSf nrtooa assas*'£«sßssas. b sartS: Wo«TPA«, 1 *-£ “J tfiSkSTir^SLJ^WAM.AWMn® I mu ouud muh <* «k» pro&MlOB, Bad kaova abUltj •dairatua of tho pro- " b. wit* wm saaftgfesfa—aarjsssts ■* Kt M“B » DOS BALK—Tt» Houie «ad Lot oo b, tb. =4«I«-4. *«““*“•*>»*» CHJ. ffoMtataa *h*a on th» lit •* M«J »«**• vm. OOUICAH rpOBACCO BKED.— w« h»Tor»o»iT*,h,nj t kwianeinrnl* i or Mb b. ••“•‘“‘f* <*s?,!?■ ehtsp. mi— nAr #ooiw» goods MACRUM A CLYDE*®. Qood*. I 1101 OOftUli AID BbmaVMd, blobd blxxyxs mi bbbthab. LIXBB, OAMBXIO ABO MM BBW UIU HUB 01X13X8 ABD BBtB. olbbioal tub, bujmbs. OLOVBB, HOIIUT, LAOS »I™ BIBIKS DBBBf IBHDBMA BXAIOI, BBTIOBB, OBHAMKSTB. bfbibo bobbbt tbiwhbob, IVOXT ABO BHBLIi 00MB8, BFBIBO BTTLX3 BALHOBAL BIIBTB. HOOF BKIBtS, 0018 ITS. MACRC. * GLYDB, tt MABXBT BTBBlti (fct .M»lWrtb«b«l>*»«»M rOOOSTBTT MBBOI dbalbbb. EATON, fIiACiWW A^COm Not.MudM Hl*B*** t. tnas■ . ■■*,.,• txiiß*»B»M*».t««*»i Staple DryGood*. gp£sel«’KN TNQ DRESS GOODS! XHB WEEK- bilks. frMi W =»“ »* *“* “ 159 01 m*j •“f" 4|Wli CS-E/BIESr-AXiXN^ 03 s !, BU* «4 L j. M. BURCHFIELD’S, 4. KflOX, » fifth »tw*- JMDSSD ALL WOOL®? LAIBBS. ?*»**• | 888 RIU JWBBBD IFBIBa »« *■*“*•' TBAVBLtaa DBBBB 0000*! FOTUBBI JABOT Bl BHAWLS; BLBAOHXO ABD OBBLKACHBD MBLXBBI IBISH LIBBKB-, (BUT FBOBTOI "A lUifflAllbAT l gOEIE’I TBMMWG 8T0835. I i POMI ABD SBTB I C3HSi!Hifcwsii® I lvglB^l 2 , »°.*Si¥lmß»6gt AUjsmiraii I I BtIHD TBIHVSB; I I FATTBMB. l| Wtthb«o«plMi*tcekof HOBIBBT bbd.OLOT»i- I BOTIOBStA®. JOSXFH HOXXX A 00., fwgjmn T*t» PjrjWi jft 1 \ OoSSicSkry. Uottt» ; | Dotood te^W"" ll # ? -* [ 1 mi*)sw«a«)t far iU night* only, of *£% 1 1 7) ElS*?4 btoj&jton « BtewtfWV j TBIB (Honda?) *VpfcSpSO» lUsca S 3, im Hu Antffcon 4na»?of Putnam, or th* Iron Son of '7B. oms.rotßiM i S^s-SfwSiSfS' oamAOiAH ; ■ '“.feßHssfyffi aKHTWAattlfl6Tol».;iii ■ ■--.*»> <>■mim. To ooadndo wl**; • > UAKBtOUBWUiU «,. iunoH—»--— *■&*&££& ; ' jtoit HOBDAY BY£5lSd, lint!* '.4d,l£oi »» ffluaiaf joaowi *»» sou* QV HMA»T. i; ~ -—; —— swSlPlli to *•+£»« mmb*t tfjMWW*™* uth* Boro«*h «*“* SSsSSKt^ssess ggSlfe'iKSftSWS 2£essss|i&'Ete sSSSsas|a»‘?s^ ; !«£r#.,"^4".'saa SSsa?? s®*^ 5 ®*^ ss^i^s 25 *? uu o.p*ja^ Baxo»V, «** i tritteh MAXTILLAB, and SHAWLB, BTBEET. ***• iaXßOicuiUi OIiOTMAUBMITT*, Aai.fallMUlßn ta< Bloom) ABBITAIi 1 fIILX 01/OAMI bbbtbmi i lot of OLD QOODB Wl r vtn ; Y, ,-.*. natal rtraty A-J>JUUK(iW> •J.HUBIBSBteBAUis •“jJfjSS ccrialn ptoe*rt pxmA flllHita «J*flJJ B» oaCT«jl^iss-to.«g^ttwgig^ Miol To it# uw*j Iwliftt to*—**" tt bL BOUWEB,*»«, jo«.EQix>*oo., | i |^ a j - «n> imaa**** , . ■ An totlM to c»a “M* l " “’J&SS&QOOW.. i "BKSWfejMjg,, nnawitifam"*- OSSSSB^assss^, rrtnw Att fixer ptr mom ; - -M- ntlH AMP «0W «gjgi I JO® gjjj- cq». Lj, fii&liStSi&vi&S&lXnisiiifrtiitir&e&S&ii&J *B. i. W. W4&D» jiBCTiOJr sjae** \&3ghsgBg£sa l * tlnat VJudHib*, f nHrcomriwr Pa ! tUCtA W«*unr *^, , B - BLitoueu *£*bU»: ■“*e*t_Utt’ Osaira* S’M ,^ r •**?, ® Cix.cB*» . f 85* *** tiiit ICnm» Mirror i ©S» •£* At*©,©*** *j*J* goKittaUetcia&ticftlltffc »UT.t*!*»•?,!!f JlSiJKi*moit b*Wi•»<***** t* nfth ttmw 4 • v_: iMSESSKSSSSs SSSSiflSfiri^^jg’^SSiS lactmdla** "'*K aSBi, OM JBW tssßSgff^SsasasiM sßt£aar&rssas«-?r»^ ,FI l *Th“|i| 1 am*. SbbsrrtjggSg&sg •nibMuiioia* tcottt**~°* __ }>?, ind htllM S&SiflS?-?1•&!£&.. TwB»trb> ■ 1 ~ Hwgig-sffiSi ss^S «uu if XBKBTY tfIBBBXSJffIIOKNO^^ J_i ITJIBBAT »VM*gg»JiSS .3^ v s«jsMa»s.?*g ißaafetsfa*a?»s»2S TTjU.fl f Ht.B STOCKS AX ADyffyg; tt idr Ir‘ k *"r iu * k 1 s s ...tisisaassfflp-t * z £ f4l*3fiSa*Sg^^ “45 i^ir 1 »W 8 "■”* ffi&ssag^n| tfurtt* «!• d nW«S«h 'SiySi: r&er&Ti« Sliomw* MidiJ?«tot o _ DtT n. iiiittir f: ■BIS. ; ■ ' ■——— l'bf t {oJ u taut HkrtVHak. |«^.wn* t *' «*>** to " 1 >: a.BATO. >»o>. " «wt dwytt**** *' ... fe'.tj-s.'iariT'O'B' 21 ■■■■ j ii.ii eKtißinu> ■*****•• i.. i . mnaoveA m» . /« «Sp jabm**** _:*«jV • i -I ! i - i i i