TUESDAY MORNINB, MARCH 17. Ta« Chios Stats Csstkal Cossittxk of; loyal olUaen. of Pennsylrania, will moot In Harrieburg, on Wednesday, ihe 18th Instant. ' i I Slavery and Democracy. ! - A member of the; House of BeprtsenU ■ Uses of Kentuoky, Jouas Mautih by n.~. thus definesiispoeiUon. First on eUrerr Hear him: J * .« I* • «*~l in r »UbUlljr"° w « t l ' D ‘ l ; n - I >h»t ; »“* h»w U»lr ccbUm ; tiu , T 1" Ch| - ! **“* lwr| *m<»o*«.«l»—.i—fj? 11 * th »l> P«ma ; . God lntviidad thu tha nmii al " m *°"* d*»er»| Mom, t«~. • • ,‘““y»*tedd MrT.ih. ihU. ud;lßpor fiowhe.rhimon Democracy: I t limit lTmin fa w i.n ** t^> * t^lat-boT ebincr KKSS Vlrifr*' lh * Oownimwt of Lin- H** lo repent ”“' Ml 1..,. h.Tb£££“ jCSaSSr.’S".W r *d. , , tor HfeSjßgKfeSSS - WIU do ‘ * lr " Masti; » is certainly entitled to admission to “foil faith ud fd . lowfhlp with the Demoor*tio ohnrch"— of oootee he means the copperhead faith—the “ ** **nght by the Pittsburgh J?o,L He endorses Beymeur ud Valludigham ■ *o does It. We more that Mr. Manns be received. Time »u when Blavery end Demoorsoy were opposite end antagonists pitomiies. Jxnxnsos hated slavery and did alMie oonld to destroy it; bat thero has been a great resolution since his day/ Jar. riasor said thatthe Almighty had noattrib . ate that oould take the side of sUreryj but Ttr. hiTe p^m V that Slarery is a sacred and divine insti- . oonolusion whioh agrees with and cardinal principle of the Den ocratio party, if itisnot the only one. Mr. Jirrsnsos, the man who was once called the father of the Democratic party, was an. . abolitionist; but acoording to Mr. Manns ud the Pittsburgh Pott, an abolitionist is the Tilest ud wiekedeet of the t.m.. —infinitely worse than ablood-stained trai tor. | Extremes hare met-elavery and gt Democracy hare met and become identified and the dootrines of the fathers are east ont as rank fanaticism, Mr. M**txn bo admitted into “full faith fellowship with the Democratic Hia confession of faith is quite sufficient i AnAppeal from Garibaldi for Poland. Tho Italian journals publish tie follow “g appeal from Garibaldi, addressed to 11 Thepeople of. Europe’': Do hot abandon Poland I ’ ’ r..."K P” 111 ,* *“* » right u Ullit tm, brtonkt. notion, whloh i> prosing u the W^J*i p * lr °“ do - "l«ormod, do prind, of tho Sowar of ito youn* men .1. ~j7P«..otibodor imprioonod, bondUlg ?h. St? “ Jwni nnd nub into (he wood, determined to oonqu.r or ,p ' ln g op®® tho hired u thluVy * b °‘ ,ludr ohridrob nnd pat ont Do not abandon Poland 1 na^^.h^lSr 1 ,0 ? ™dne.d to dee pwr, u 1 ho it—do not lot your neighbor*! „s*° harnt, if yon wi«h to bo auiftod in Jourown. hUl * ti °' > °“ fl “* ri ‘ ion - ,hat■ th* Dfcrten £>j»re. The foUowing are aaoag the resolutions adopted: * ■ iSs^£“2£3 * ,lu > P™«t day »,. j JsaJsh«d hSb;’i£taS5 r Csnounos e°d»J.annr. £3gs&s33iEg J 1 ‘^▼•U«ai*hamb.the»«t Maoidftta for Pruidcat vu aoulaonclj •^55 L _'.i_' *• Puma, President. , *• ¥;WiWICI, fiNtlUiy, Be fleeted In these resolutions, Mr. VaUa» dlghaa can psnatvs the; etsots cfhnbrawl. leg Sedition. • at UDcrefUßOxo. The H»ihTiU« Union informed Ui»t » Aiy. Eiit. Tennereee Onion- officer »W hatrpJtal* »t Morfreeo ' *>3iui*Zii iha Tenneueo joldltra wore • oonTened freely with them tM&Trthim “••nWltaL Newly nine • S OnteL S,:i ow f? «*V *•« for tpiUUy oliMrTes lanm «t » jttu-to UM prino* Bf «MMtb*i«t4rM m «ztnra(Mt. ' as*-*:?? w: Q “* U M Modem Democracy. n _ *%. 7 ea °cracy does not mean popular Dhnooraoy. Tiny are the very ™™ .f : mnriv i, 61 n ° W ’ *“»•' deoeivea n,»ny honest people. I„ the time, of Jef °, D ’ ?. ant * popular Democracy were 7 1 ent ‘ oa *i and a great many hare not discovered tho change which has taken place since. Thd principles of the Demo ijo P«ty now, are those of the aristo cratic party in Europe, and identical with what history disoloses to have been those! of ; the oligarchical party of anoientdreeoe and Borne. R^ti?l < tn P M i “i I ’.? 0 fre 9 uent statements of Russell in his letters and diary, that ponu lar government was a cm/eucd failure in tsheuhold of ott M? sS N«» v*T Demooratio leaders in TifJvT,*! “ d le »™«4 this from them. The following extracts from RusseU’a diary are suggestive. He had landed in Snr iork, and Was dining with a select party of Democrats, among whom, Horatio Sey “W P«»» nt Governor, was the leading spirit. Seymour gives his views of Seces sion and the Constitution, eives the impression it made on his mind. P "T “^ ere n »t a man (of I £»;P«ty) who maintained tho Government s± 81,7 ? 0 r rto ooero ° Peoplriof a -BtaU) »o remain in «n lend.™ i^®!^ 7 ailm lt l ed the SouthJ ernleaders hadmediUtcd (he irmmnoymut 7 f ara ,?K°i they could not bring theiMelves to aUow their old opponent! the-Republicans, now in power, Efdispow of the armed force of the Union against sl!!L b si^ 08 ? 00 ™ 18 in ““ Southern states. Although secession would produoe revolution, it was, nevertheless,: a rioht founded on abatraot prinoipls whioh could hardly be abrogated.” Russell gives us his inferences from tho oo&yerßation as follows Ifl foot) the Fedexal Government is crop* ing m the dark; and whilst its friends (the BepubUoana) .are telling it to advance boldly, there are myriad voices shrieking ? Ut . ** 0? e f r V P ut out a foot, you art lotL The Democrats behold with silent Bat* xsfaoUon the troubles into whioh the Be pubhcan triumph has plunged the country. 01 at 111 deposed to extricate them. The most notable wav of mptima bWv efforte ie to knock them down tnth the GoneUtutum every time they rise to the ear face, or begin to swim. New York society “ e “y »“ »“» mind, and the upper million aire world are glad that the ea&'or Re puoluane are Battering for their success. Mot a man Hurt but relented the injiutnC, ptcifi' by uniXKTtal suffrage. Thiaßussell is not in'very gdod repute among us for veraoitj—bathe hS. newly landed, and is giving an aeoountNjf the conversation, and the impression it lift on his mind in the first company of Ameri cans at whioh he was present, and the probabilities are that his narrative ; of the conversation of these leading dem ocrats is correct. If e o| it explains many mysterious things which have happened sines. Generals entertaining the same, views and opinions of secession; as this se ect company of democrats, would not bo likely to Advance rapidly in putting down the rebellion, or to inflio t much pun ishment on their brother democrat, of the aouth. Then, in the opinion of theBe same gentlemen, if this vulgar Republican Qoc erument suffered, and become, a failure, it u just what might be expeoted to come of unwerial tuffrage. Has opposition to uni versal Bull rage become a principle of the democratic party ? Then has not ths dem ocratic party ceased tti be democracy in the popular sense? The laudation of the Southern social system and institutions in democratic journals, as weU as Urn sen- Uments of this select party, with Seymour at its head, would indioato a hearty con tempt of the common people. Aro not the honest yeomanry of the country, who still adhere to democratic lcad,mostegregioosiy deceived? And is not the copperhehd doo trine of the day truly expressed in the sentiments attributed 6y Bussell to Young Garrett, who, acoording toßasselL“]aUgh«d i to scorn the dootrine that all men are 1 bom equal in the sense of ail men haring equal rights? Some were bom to be slaves—some to be laborers in the lower strata above toe slave—others to follow useful meohan teal arts—thereat were born to rule, and ! to own their fellowtoen." ?****!? Southern sentiment; and although varied and ooncealed in its appli oation by Northern copperheads, still it is really the Bentiment lying at the bottom of too democracy of onrday. Thesamoprin oiple which denounces abolitionists and ths nigger would, after a little expansion very easily extend to toe wkite trleh as well as the nigger. - Unionism in .England. Tie growth of Union sentiment among tie peopio of Great Britain is one of the mrat cheering eigne of the times. This has been manifested in a variety of ways, each qually pleasing and indicative of the peri Hons.* 7 Va? CB K? between the two great na ri T [?* bla " "as u» supply sent to Uie Lancashire sufferers from this country ‘“/" atc S‘ T »l"« arose from the hamSi «lhe?fh. y r‘ PirU ,J“' WjJoh “ <>ff«red whfeh it *om the money. or services oontributed. The donations thJv “w £!s 4 “ “fir ll in which rIV w ? r ®. °ffered, and hare awakened a h^'. f 'S ng the “sea-girt isle” such as has not beea witnessed this many aiday, ™! ex P*«ssed at the Liverpool and blanches ter reoeptions given tothe officers of the George Griswold are of ihe' rim^w e ’| i - tebßß,y Onion stamp; and a v«t mri”-. 1 ” 8 Porraff's ihe breasts of the I mnnitfcL 7 ° f BD * Un4 ’ 8 rodas trial coin! In connection with this we mav refer J the organisation of Eoanoi£aSsf.oohrthsi aUparte of Jlitalffi S. B “kr i . Btt 2l, dtd .‘ iotu '» D f PennajiTonU, an , SSS. mie of the Main Llaeof the S b to»dS?f iff??*£“** ld **» *867, it Will, o! dmd and «Kt* ts^^K D *j Cn ® lhoa »»®d eight ban- S? ■“* J* «• West th. limn Une iR? SSSkeS^S KssasSSSSrVKs Wn£ Rl o 1 ***. Bo “ d of Dlncun. eJS’S^yS.^?y“ °-»-* “* _o4, mr , J - t-*j (L^O-*'i'—XB6o—A. _ PLANTATION BlTTMtis create a healthy appetite. ttiy it* u tudlilou to caiiim of «nt>r >»>( hl7jln>x>daa r yyUOLiOALK UKAIiKKs AJjD MILLIMSBB An invited to ca l and examine ocr nevstock ol 6TEAW GOODS. MlLZtlfiSdr GOODS. KttBaOIDKBiSS, BOdifJiT AN D GLOVES. bead bets, b&aids. BINDINGS AND NOTIOSS, And compare prloee before pnrcbaiing eliejhere. 7T and 78 M*rk»t etract. yyTimi-Aliy Ar HOME’B TAIHHIHG BTOBE COIST LAOS OOLLABS AND 6ST3* OBIBADK TI A .aSi°v^t? 3 AHD BITSi L,SKS%fi2S a^D %' J ™“'* V£l “. _ . , _ COLLA&J, LAOS UIlTB: [ TAUBUIA. tauttAD, LINMN A LVSLK XDO'B -6W185 COLUJU, OAMBSIO CuLLARg* SWISS 84TW, CAKBBIObLTS; KID, *““**’«! owTjffssaaaßsaSs* “«* LUiUI, OILS A OOTTOH H'DK'VS’ HKAD.DBK*KB * 8«a“IMlS S/tJ^uij- BBOOH? VABa - «*»s I «*»# ] siltioheJo.'* “ cck UoBlsaT «•« olovm, JOSEPH BOASB * CO., T 7 *ad 79 ntrreL TTNITfiD BTATEH OF AMRRI(i a ~ JTBSTDBB DISTRICT Or ftSHßlLYA autijiatkm of the om, 1i • o«bm of HwhiiiiM .• • UgloglaiatotiiMs Thaita'd WrfohtfSlSKVk* oo aod altar the l»t da j of fep emSJ/ LhileaTmi tha piaoa atoe-aJd, wera engaged U ihaboslnuaof 5rS ».SflSs&j*.? ssjsjss&skkel *° m * direttad and fell*. *f*f» } d® b*obj gir* public notice to aJ Mna»l «Ui*lnfiheaatdc*l6lt.etUlf, boilenL eat* r ? ce *\ ori t a® 4 otherrawalauad lathe diitlll* £!i of coal ou,cr who hart tap iatareetlaortltla to th» *no» or bar# acythlag to .It »h? S! tasa •be aid not ba condemned aa Mrftltad, tottaprajer of thould libel,aaaVpSii^^ S^S. p ".°>L“H flr,a of bright. e.tcESSxiiJJ* hM **•/-$• •»* appear before the aatd Court7to& Of AMKRiOA.- Hid J BST " Jr vutbiot or rEBoBtLVA. £&sg&gg3S Attorooj *f th» UaJtad *«»*»> AKftliiUmeho»dr«ljuadtinm£ £SJ?J d . I,l> V lot ’ Blitrict In % rj?(‘‘u™ 7^ o|f 0 | f f' I*' 1 *' Io “ w •tooo!, Thit iild IW.L'hSSI 1 !!*!" 1 * ,a ,Bt, ‘ pUcela th* bniiMt _» Ti .'..fr** 1 • D jB*B*d M ilid SraSSffiSSSsi sjSsa-swsSsvSa «f Oounii ofVoiy I*lBB*, In «w& 2.. VwSA 1 »«■ wnfESSfr «f •£?! “iSU of ud«Uh ih. Sf(S^™ U J <1 " u • , *lw«m jnwenK] lij nM An tjWMon»h«uaod.oj o?ate , .“ oUIM o-Sd 01 k»TMfUJTtiliorto My ?niiiiV? a^£ ho,,M Mt *• condemned u : orbited **• w«cftb«*Md » t jSfitSS* »«beci Of tk« am ef Wrt&i, Bitch 1 OalUhl »*» X^®oek * tmt * ttSIIS ®Pf<» U %k* PWt OttCA) wiSs&r*** s fc"*£*2St&*. j CONSCRIPTION ACT, **oed, poet-paid, on recall TH* IBON YGBHAOB; )a, SLAYBBY AND By John Dill Angbey. Jnit pah- toJuB. Voifialaat nady* “ W “ ,1 ' PHOTOQEA PH* AltßUHfi now APBIL MAQA2INI3 for Bale et WA W -£n ) ?££l!£ o , I \ L * ooiooc? A LONG *rli mUSSSJIK" >S*M*(T ANDfOOXB US’!. WD*P*M*SOI," "HOST THIWABCO OH," In, prtc 15 celts, at MU'* DBMOBXST'SSFBING YABBIOBI QKPHANb' CUDKT BALE.-Hv vir- Jtfi. tn n 0f *“ crder cf the Orphahe' Conrt of Alla. l 1" “f o ** to Pobllo bale, at the BOOS*, la the City of Hit.hargh.cn We A teen bed 4' P- IWWLth. followlog thetatfar *4°“? ,ltu » t ? *“ too filth Waul of eUe?f‘K!r P i'^ ieborjh.eli: Beginning on theaeoth Si?? 7 tolff itreet, at the coroer of land of Bobert oTolhid to* 'too of leu numbered nine and ten 2 cniw JJilS*?**® * plaa » theeeeat right angles with *ot,b'.lta.27f -.fMtVJSi « *‘™B Bedford street ahoot s ',to the plan aforesaid; thenoe by <7B ol A. W. Loomlt, Iteq , toohei to Oil* itreet; and thence aloia to Ptooe Ot begtentLg 8 I.iTT?. 4" to** eettaln lot 80. ta In plea of lute SL b *,. Kob 'r‘ S°hb, Tmetee. of J. I). iaTon jdtnau In Pitt townhlpwadcobtalolng went on Centre Avene* SLI fat. end cxtecdln* wWth * 120 fat to John Thl«.«, “AhTOA il ohbSlaiukb, - to* lB -*' ; Ooardlen ■ A CAKD.—Haring mads «, nn,ement. to operate betore the SiSSIP* ° f ..to* Stoles, and: the renon. Dental Conrentlon. lor the parrot. of bringing™ fcie lb* srofa*lo4 my APPabltus fna bt T.BACTIMQ yXU!H WITHOUT PAH 1 i^sSTi k*»toa vberfnrMtn. Hr. Way* will b« wftbn. S>“APto tit,mnlwm tehetto iS.toTchS.Tf asKtdSress SB ‘"P"»to«.to, •gffixeaoe* In n«ri mih. in . . SrF 82 "o'asi.ifiis; - pal6.M| i 134timitbOetd ttreel. PoV^^ 8 FOB 30 > 000 BAHKfiXS HeStjM P, riiST* u .“!’« b ‘ , Jtod uu the gin day Gy aa£Up i'M hSSTi r pS^"° , B, * dM toonld he 6th o! a JmlvL°‘ to* ,lour “ •» oommeccod on the l*Vim P .fc *?° n ttHTfjttr e» theCorern. £S“7t^i\^^^r 8 - t b TSh^; d To „ Jl* ,noot 7 iu med* in certificate! of Indebted, hero for “ “* 0< " r *™>™ map will; he ntad. Mo bid wail be entertained from partite who h... to-^lor^m Sta^SS 4 ?;* 0 h* Mw “ d h^i Hbed. ."£? *}*» •cownpea.ed with *n oeth of-oli*. fi*® oo ®* end directed to OoL A. BWKWITB *n WM. Iflpy, JOS. HOBMX A CO holding Bond* of the Honottgahala Bari. uSl^?h ,I, *S )r ' , ' ,^?, a fcll °e> °n the 1.1 fi,aarj, 1163, ere hereby notified to present or road thoeTlre SttaTHitu* ‘J* 1 * of P‘«ibar 4 b, or u the Ofito aid. a to* “«/ of fltiebor, h. ae tbete *p®<« PSt Uortgate. (ahan lhaotheraereßoL^llwt 0 ” 8 SXi“oo ™SrfS^ , ”“** u »'“*to» r o“d’ U ‘°* ,D 1,75 tor. bto* tirrad, By order of the Boerd. HAKtasy & 00. ~ Conunluloa and Forwarding Mereianti, CRCDE St REFINED PETROLEUM, fi** j. S. Samis A Co.: BFuaon Hauacqr, £tq. mllSE* ”*“■ *■*•• *"•'« 0»Bm«ctal Bonk. ii W TiBW W tlie ab < s Hap^, S:?*» floßTt>irAo o‘* Auction ud Ootaminton Mwcluwti. ■= y^am ©obij o^lowa. IJ *ji*'{U* BI'ATJUi HiAUIHK TAXES. H iSlf H **> ° r BWtti BUlu fa. WtiSss^ja^r^-* _ _ DAVIU a. WHIM, o°H«ol ***> “ ,r * «u.Utj bud •aimt gcrnbom* Bnuhu, togubu wild bfubnl- SSSSSSSSSST* "f' ** **?• mb'O LJUUlUfiib AJSii 'iUilff.—UoußßJwep. “f will flod a Urge *ad fall Maonmaak Kt T»bs,Enen, iS*k. •t» tad Vitkins si tbs r»Uv Qrscery fi.crs of ■ /pan A-aiaiSßAw, 1 QMfBW Ltborty Md Hand «trei. KjiD 0 1tItfll4B08, la tkls WOOSBWM * w Ail, ACS, *T # sS*i :/ ST Wood itrali: /Wiavjj* oib,tiw&m oil. iiF. OABBOw OIL, In lion n| |q r b * WOODSIDIA WALLAO* : _ , tr-W^jA;. w lU *MlWilLte cicn ud fer nle low by ■fo *<*>'»'** Alumnahi, ; ? ■ • B.A.#A&a*«OOK.BOa*Od,- i “Sis oorwol Flnt and Wood .Irjau.! \A[ i>xyu, ia batf and qatritr Ja*t woelTed hjr • > ' nblfl fcUTt.BAmMßLß.ngfgonii.t.- ; I fiJUS JdElUlliJu.—KxohLaioTief. - millB LUTLEA TBUIBLh :, ; IJItuJJUCK.—67 bblfl* Jftiod Reaches: 40 4o • of sifin a=£3£SFSSSF* SSrSSfr? .jrj.nh o„oo 6 .» tot .rtsysss-s**: cpkuiah aod A amtl.nL* V. I ** Bteilifan, %«iW;3s£”'K-sS' Bom. U . every. ante:. nJ! 1.5n2!5,^35 BALI AT J. M, DHTO STOJUb urb slum. J3ERSIAN. KID GLOVE CLEANER, Wlu dt « Whtto. Block and Colorod otorot. Cojt 26 oonU jot bolt!,. Tor «*ls *t n»l6 YBLTOS’S BBCO fIZOBX. UK A an S SAAB AHB BEAUTirOL SEA SHEL L.S, AT THE KASOHIO HALE ACOTIO* HOHBH, ftSKySfc-a 'zs*™v t *■*««« .’gas* T?d£™ ™ C°rals, Comtes,' Pearls, tse„ ££■ dqmxhionb or old natxtmm. tt^?&2S&kz2£. "TOM WOHDIBS ABD BBAOH** Of nn JUQHir but.” ■ vr ™ T-BOTTA*. r|TUJS UXTUS WKDymj; OABD PHOTOOBAPHa 0» KB. AHD MBS. GBK. TOM THUMB. jflKsassa? B ®^: 1 *» QBh**AL ia ndn ttjlw of cotam.. y I°B THUMB ABD WIFB, on m o^4. tr^£££ l 2 WABBBB, of «» *»S2S.* 0 ”’ (U “ **¥*» *"«0 *budl* w&SM&gJ** -to*. batzbia 1 «£&,££:.saaffiagsswtaa^ l * *“*• 00J(« ol J- W. PITTOOK, »o>*«lUr, gutlnnni .Bmntab,, aM . ' ow OBITB THB FOOT OJFJOb. (JAiU-iSXtS, BBtCIGETS, OIL OLOTHB. Wt ctU tbo utoMlon of Bom-Imlihn k i.Vxtoat, rartat, M d b«*otj of oor •took. ud to IlMKlTMlapj or thtlr parehMe jj,‘ "OMtidtMM. ii »*, musr.oimi. fIIIVKB HoOIIHTOCK £ CO, • ; jxjuu^. [J«ULg tiMOßMar cm, ! tIHM. fc. sro, ?»*> ' U' UJ «ETliioi%i JWUZAaU JNOTito, asssH^S^ffisspyS' \ r.EVOUiI(I*OO, ifnr Boom. 1863. T{JEBDAy, MARCH 17th, sbahb opbhibo or .A. IT *37 Tj HO, BAR K E R’S, 59 Market Street. mhli ■• : ■ V 1863. —NEW SPRING GOODS I EATON, IHACBM Sc CO n N«. 17 io street, Have ti lIBW ASD DBSIBABLE SPBUIS fIOODS, IwW5r?A7T n SIS , J^ t • ttaßttoß •* WHOLXSALS BUISBB. The larger portion of ttrtr pnuhaeee ware nude before the nmt o«r< <* priett ir tL Frufcni YarfaAud BOwoßer ■aehJadsoement* as will more SSgWM «o *ll their az*tomen. 3£eJr SS eoufeteofaathatisnevimtldejtitabiein - MBBOIDiBUS, LAC* HOOP. SKlfila, ZCPHIBS. ssn ™ l > T»£r2il2s,^ Hl,:BAD * DHBBHL TAM* ImSSb^SS' asg; KMOff, KAGBUK f 00., Vri l 7 nadli Tilth itr—t. ARRIVAL WE W SPRING GOODS, J. M, Burchfield’s, A & coir. 4th ud HarketSts. MW BPBISB POFLIHB; MW BPBINg ALPACOAS J mw gPßrao silk* j BswaparHOLAWsa; ■sw spßnrc diZuxmj j MW SPBIBO SHAWLS; MW SPBINOOLOAKBi BLZAOHHB ABB BHJJLBAOMB Ifnar.Twa IBISH LIBSBSi MBIOH ABD HHGLIfiH OHIST1; LIGHT AKD DABX OALIOOSt .".' A w Bow Gowlichttfcr ant. rjW x*uii ruiiiau, ***• V•J _; . OaO|4nlTilf| bjbprM ni New Goods MACRUM & CLYDE'S, Ho. 78 Market Street loof- "^irSia"* I*rgaaoratamti<4- - j ,’. r; ® o S!i’SS?* a t •owiHaaw ooobi b !ng ; ’ 1 - uawm. -■ - - ta prii iDdTlLrlWjr. : ""TWlnt kacbum * giydb, ; ' L Ho. T?lf «TMI gwnhwi Bha^L) JjlUHfil AIUUVAX. NEW SPRING GOODB, •■••.' U) - H 0 R JV ES'S* Non77 «nd79Mirkrt Street’. .. s*?•?* NiijW SPAIN G- STOfur w JOSEPH HOBHS S CO. JNJSW’UOOittJ ~ h*w Qooofi nrai bioittek. • I %Bskid sg&pmm jsssS “WB BOBB.tt»W Mtotrt ,^.-. staple amd — ’ ' ' ' • ■’ Mfrm-h.-... jMtnodTOd.lilißwalu, : Lfm . «soo ; si>. o*U?j,lSc2u.“ , '' , “ i ■; <»■> “Hl»w»th»." Tr ( ™ a * l) * 7 * B n«l w Than*—utore »ttoaßUdb.* i*" 1 * 11 * «Mfr» ABDIH FI1I« .‘ i pu “ by hom or rldoc. OUXUKr 1863, ji ■ -**!» M «P?TiT^ KotJoo* to wMcb, THE SHOEMAKER. . “ «*. wibedlt. I Monday tkcninr, March 16, . SAKFOBB’S i OPERA SEASON!! | J; I *m cmr uk s. aiOTOBB. | PO.OO.HOS-T.AflI 1 -^Jf BOSE SQDAfIH 1 ■ i | U. 80HHAMBULAI I Hiaa Mono Dilate* rr Abtutzs 1 f I • WB BTVDT TO tLajBX. ' ' § *»AdBW«i, Ss'oEiras. Brim »ut, inruta. j bl, Merwd rot ladjM. ■ ■' > 1 1 ■•UonUonunl, jjilun in .ttaoduu, and |h* 1 •tiletMt dMoram obierred. i ah 13 ! . v 3 / oUlloa sii? U Kxbibiiloa of tbI.A«o. ntBDLJ XTljpfQ. Muca 17th, MC3, GYMNASIUM, (|n DIAMOND STREET' nSE?. 0 ?**” *‘N mhltatt | gEu. *m,T«m«BO»B. j»:p M H MUbiC HA I I, Wm. M »<■— iIB f BTr tTtOUT, Mr WfexL o. w. tiu.^rrr" — Ll, ".‘" 11 ““w. tSM^Siikiras UjuVTal«Terj BaT- a^Mia. tjSSfSSSrJSife-Ss toiiumlUMMoHkllatock; 6 da : *irmmsb*a DtpWi Co. Block: ■ h J. «*.DA¥IH.A^ SiKSSSSt'SS @M^SgjSS :g.spfassssl ■SsFsaaft.wssEsS *- r " t - --I ■ _ Ti A. MoOLKLI,* nn .„ : JWWKBHIP KA KM Al . A ng v stf^??feSi^SSP AT *TMiSO, JUrch SZ? tesa&aSSi ■aaSSSSrSSffas ■ SSSi^a&aS^ ■.■ag^yy.^essaag* sBgsSßgss» asIPiPsSSS wx«, «Abmds« amu runtr of SSEBSSBiSSSS-- SSSSSSSftasf'Jffi -a^Sftfa^jgg^a^a **» •Jwmntal Mb i s s J.HSSSSSk-s&E. “ £ ■ “t-'BSsSsfiss-aas! al^fiasyasarT?' —- — a J-0-uavm.a^ 'KBdlUKM'ofg' At »* T *SS2iSS3 .SSSSsS^saSSS } ObW-W*S5J»* tim>, *? oni Hw.Hobw. HotYnd UtuiS! 1 ' C *^* ! •» •» -'' : ’ J- O- T^7j^|U,n| ; AT wil lTpiJ L*y*MiHo, March : tt>b8 “■«» la CM ‘ - '" v s&?kssSb^®®©* SaaSa^Sss*. — -L " ‘ -r. O. PAVIg. km* ■jHgt&i&m*.**. AUimoir— H*. M WOIS 2S&? “» W™««M «»l»fcSS • ■ ’ 'i ' -IJ-H PATH.*..- gnuAU tuiSjKupir , txioa, * nous, J«t rmlrt, w M krtttt »t, ' . -WdSoofftoi ~VIo»A. [VI ÜBIUAiJ KVSOSi th* *—- 1 - ■>.„iv . umlaut ialtlw ■hu . _ohablott» m »wih .. . <6O W> wanton* m wanuliCy*Hi.****»«»»«w* "ft«««iP.