THBB3DAY MORHIHg, MARCH 12, • IX)CAL MTELLIWOE. From Yeiterday’i Evening G4»tte. _ Hitiionary Opermtlone lnEgypt--- ut > Letter bom Dr, rieitltr- w The United IWylenaa, jilt baud, oon- an ' tiina a Tory lengthy led intern ting tatter tl fromßev. JemetFnttley,!). D., *f **• ? u 7> “ who b now on mbit to Egypt, jibe lot ter f le*£rinelpelly la ngirdto. tho mtailoniry operation! In that Important field-one “ wbijh mohj.of par lively Internet, u the mliaioneriea then hart • many puaenilfrieudi and aeqnlletinoei b thb’eeetlonof tho ecuty. We make a few oxtraob him th. I .. v - Shortly attor onr arrlrartn.Oabo, thoroyao a mootUg of tho ProibyUcy «(,,Egypt, at • whloh all tho brothron ot tho mhlloa »pw g •tki* MBitrr vnt Xooi# an ia« g," M«irZ tin.lng/Hoig.B wing and Wat- Jon.' Wo lit with ttmm, by theirinrltltion, ao oorrntpondlng nemhere,- ini hoard aU , tOelr deliberation! aid preyen la regird to thob work. It U not nooooiary to eay to tho Oknrob, at till day,that tboio iro aU labori ou, devoted-end'emeieiht mbelonerieij and that thob aSalltinU, M liana Daloi, M’Kown and Bart, no equity leborioaa, dorotod and offleioQt In their roipootlro dopartmonb. Thera era In thb Sold ooren mbalonerita, four miloo endthnefemelai, u hat boon non gbove. Tho health of thooo poraono b, u a general thing, infirm, i Some .of i them hare boon, from tine to time, (o oU appoaranoo, on ' the brink of the grate. Whati with hard otndy, teaching in nhhol and Bibb elaitoi, and thob other laharo.they ere, In my opin ion, Tory hard worked;, in deed, orortaokod at tho pronnt time. It .would bw to In our cli mate, andb rauohnionao in thb dobtiitating ou, whore there aptniro to U llttb,or no re enporaUro atlmnlu In the olbhate and little or no rocnporatlTO energy In thq oyotom, oo pooially oi forolgnon.'! There b gnat need of help for there brethren; and it inonld bo for nbhod immediately. Her. Mr.! H'Oogno b ready to re torn to hii Üborl here, end hu ier rioei in in nqneit. He hat a gnat hold on tho heiib of tho mtiToi who knew him while he lebond hen. ■ 1 They delire the return of Mr. atio early.a day uhb health wiil-peiilbly allow. Wo ouiaolno cin eoo that there il pnaaing need for tho pnaonoe of then breth ren here it therery earlieit day. Mr. Wit aon and Min M’Kown are all] tho foroe, at pnnnt,in Alexandria, Mr. Wabon cannot preach u yet da the Arable language, and thb aerrioe b performed then by a Oopt, for merly a prleat—Makhiel el Balyono—who . hat boon oonrotUd to the Protectant faith, . and who proaohoa well. It bi eery hard to - become profiolont in; tho Arabia linguae. Mr. Ewing pmaohod kb drat oortnon in Arable llnoa wo ana to Cairo. Ho bn Ton. well in the acqnbltion of ithe language, and got along in preaching with gnat eiae. Mill M'Kown baa not-yet giren any gnat attention to tho acqnbltion of the Arahio lan guago, ae aho hu beam oomtantiy engaged in the female aohool in Alexandria, when the Italian b hiore'needod, and when aho ia ablo to' perforin , her duttaa without - any gnat knowledge of the Arable. Tho ecJWe in Alexandria ire in a flouriab ing condition. The < boys’ aebbol baa had an 1 average daily attendance for the year of fifty ■oholan. The glrii', achool baa 103 namea on tho roil, with an average dally attendanoo of 80 ecbolari for the year. In Cairo, then b a boya* aohool nndor the anporintondenee of Mr. Hogg, and two girls’ ■ hehooli under the euperintendeneo of Miaa 13 alei and Mill Hert; napeotlvbly. The boyi' aohool haa 100 umee on the roil, with a daily. ' average attendance for the'year of 130 eohol an. The girb* achool, under Mba Dales, hu 130 names on the nil, with a daily attendanoo . for the year of from 70 to 03 peraona. Theae eeboou an in the large building (the gift of the Viceroy) when the Mbaion bmilu reiido. Mill Hert?a aohool U in another part of the town. It hu on lb roll (0 namea, and the daily attendanoo hat ranged from fit, in Jan uary, 1883, to 30 in' Deoember of the same • '1 ' Arrest of Adam Oxenhart. "We * totedo few days itnoe; tbit Adam Ox • abort, the German charged :wlth incestuous adultery, bad beengiven tip by bli bail, and, after a bard light.with offioerHerron, wbo at tempted to arreit him, tuooeeded in getting avay. Determined, If possible, to capture the fellow, officer Herron yesterday proceeded to Sait Liberty, accompanied by Alderman Butler and Offloer Shore. They found Oxen* bart- in the TiUfcgo, and .after a deeperate chase, or rather’ bxvnning light, got him into a bouee, when \e; drew a dagger, which he brandished leToely for a time unttt compelled to ■urrendeh with Aldermen Butler'* rerolrer at hie bead. ELU handi were tied behind, and the ln. the city about nine o'olook iaet night, when Oxenhart woe lodged In ialL’ AU partieoexhibited the marks of a desperate odbfiMVtueresult of irhioh, had the officer*-notbeee. ormedknAdetennlned, might bare been ; The khlfe with which. Oxenhart threatened the officer* bad a blade •ix inohee'liflVflgtb; and was a molt formid able weapon.. rXbteeuoffioer* deaerre aU credit for tbU important arrdiL They were *liom eisted by oonttebUTVy Soft Lib- wbo ha*'a thorough knowledge of the localities, ofi*hiflh F odV city ofiocn were eom paoldeer made Information agalnet Oxenhart, charging him with assault and bat tery with intent te kill, and. also with resist ing the execution of a promt...Commitments were him, to-day, by Alderman Nicholson.;.'- . ■ ■ 'i' ' •*.- o }i3 ‘.% •’’-fte The Po*t ot this moralngUontsiaa the fol lowing:-" ‘ «*H. V.Wiri*, prop riotot-of, the Wirt* Houie, 1 homed on IMonday morning, desires "ns to m*h* public hi* denlalofthe statementthst »landlord** warrant hod been, lamed for hi* arrears of r*hV ! hnd that the property hod been appraised at $6OO and was to bo sold. Ha say* ho had the money to pay off hi* land lord, Mr. Jai. A. Knos> and that th* matter > WM in prooai* of settlement.” Tha statement that a landlord's warrant had boon issued, 'originally appeared in this, paper,and had this foundation: While In thebuilding, thr morning after the fire,we were Uo»a the landlord 7 * irarrant, iiiasri acUn'rt Wtrte, andthe officer who held it stated that the good* had teen appraUed at $6OO. and if the irent waa not paid the sale would hare taken place At nine o dock that morning. It may he that Mr. Wirt* had the money to pay, a* he aU#gea, but we hare no reason at all to doubt that a landlord's war rant had teeniaiued,andwe cannotperoeiee Mr. Wirt*'* molTfeTh'danylhg It m Jtiw* :*%r Oormtod ; eapedaUy Messrs. Veld k tut, Wot*-AspeHsr* Bates jr«« snfUad atit4>., HtW'Tork Srw-York w~- Ht* Jenej...... ■ ■ • 7& Fmn*. Phil*. '■»■« I*r •• Pittsburgh par Bk. rfPUub’fhjpr** -10 Bfcofß*»r*cCo.,pT. W %} IfonoßpktU’ Bajtft* BromtTUWprva* ■ •* Pi. Oovbtry’ Bank*,. K DeUw*r*~-~.761 Dtot oi 09lambtftJ»~« .*. M*ryUb4, BaWmflra.' par 1 a | Tlrfinia: Wbaaifaf-. ; 1 1 Whwjlng bwojJw— IK Trnkian* ***** ■ ~w P n» M Mb «nrka Oopt -qqM. bojinc rate WataM* Art*-. Coinpuinentary Concert to Jlin ■. .: Scribe. Thr Ir&hdi of filrr LUnScriba km ton «•»! her * oompUmahtary eonoort, which bar baarr arranged »? taka P>«» «» Satnrtaywan ing, March Jilt, at M*«onlo Hall. Mt»» Bulba will ba awirtad by iMiu BoUMjMr. H. Klabar, MrV Foonter and Mr. Braoht, aldad by thn Frohilnn 1 Society. She pro rrarnme will baannoanoed in a fawdayii ana will baiafflclanUy attnctlre to aaonralhaat tondaaae of anrj lorar of mailo- Miußonna It on* otaytWWt inooattfal and acoompluhad luuiaal aaatannt and a yoeallit of raw ftp?. an. Bha hat bean bafnaitha pnblloopon rer an] aaoaalont,Tnd hat noror falltd to allott tha wannart eommendaUcnt. Mar nnmarou {riandt will ba pleated toatletttheir appraot- SSonaf hot nuSaon thll ooo»«lo»- uin *" r i r:".7zf "vvi,-:: *: !. t. ~. .n - ,-r •'.'rV ■ . ___. .._, :; - ”* ’'l : [ The Wirtz Home Cite. isolation!, rot th* AwM by of jke AaftMai Bomk anocrUla ftt prtwnlt nan, Mwcbittb* 18C3, I ZKaeovwt Tinbtli, t&tariof._ 40 Rocth OaroUa a. 40 Sonlk Carolina. £0 (horiU —... 10 m mnnii £0 IrtTrltfr"* —— 10 K«Bt&fcky.. M MMMMM*M PW P*£ Indiana, 3 Indiana* b*k *iaia~.~ par rniaol». —»»« Wlaaomin 3>W> 1f1W...., 1 — r -1 OMmlL— MO u '- -p« - 85 Banknote on K«w-Tark and Phil- foads. ‘■ •ui BDror 40 or*r. Aid Bocietiea*«lmnediate Action i Necessary, Aid Boeietiss for tb6 relief of tke soldleri should be formed at onecia every Village or neighborhood when they do not'hlready ex ist, and ail should sot about the work of con tributing to the eare and comfort of the ilek and wounded, earnestly and cotdUuallg, an til the rebellion Is quelled. We are requested to-day to publish the following aoticefor.tho Society in Allegheny: ' “The Allegheny Ladies' Soldiers' Aid So elety will meet at Hr. Davis' building* on Wateretreet,near Federal, (theold Poitoffiee,) at three p. m.,Thursday, and weekly thereaf ter.iimtU the close of the war. All ladies who areinterested are urged to attend with what ever they ean Spare, which, would minister to the eomfort oftheslok. Those who are will ing to work caffget materials at the rooms to be made np. Farmers are especially solicited to send to the rooms vegetables and fruits of all sorts." .. The Society yrlQ entrust its contributions to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee* know ing they will be judiciously disposed of. .Geo. Grant said lately to the President of the Chicago Boardof Trade : .‘‘Send our sick men vegetable food or they must .die.'" And we ask every petriot iq Western Pennsylvania to read the following as it addressed to him self individually 1 We appeal to.this entire community to re spond promptly and- liberally tifthla oaU-ftftn the siek and dying soldiers of the army before Yioksburg. Ask if we.ihaA.let those, men thus needlessly dlf, when we have it in onr power to administer, most if not all the noses series and; oom'ortaithej require.. We are surrotmded .by plenty and luxury*while the brave men. who have i taken their . lives In their hands, and gone forth to fight our battles* art needlessly dying of disease oontraotodinihe malarious atmosphere of the swampy oamps. Wo say l needlessly* because we have ample meahilto prevent much, if not all of it, U ;we but put forth our meapi, and go to thair aid as wo should. It is no time to dlseusi.the conductor the war or neglect of men in offiee—ln thearmy orout. Our breth ren In the field are dying ever! dey. In tho nime of humanity anffreilgiout and national exiiteneo, let us to their aid with the neces sary-aid and-supplies to restore the slok and preserve the 1 health of the- well. What business, in tho name of Christianity, shall prevent us. What is monoy worth, and how can we enjoy it hero at homo while our country's defenders perish and die for a little of ft. We - require a large amount of monqy to buy vegetables and comforts for the entire army of the Mississippi. We know thUooiv inanity niu respond when they Understand the situation. Supplies, are to go forward by men who will attend quickly and carefully to the trust. We would also urge upon other elttes, towns and villages,' to act promptly In this matter, by eommunlotting with any of the Committee* aid and eomfort to Our armies through the West.' Lot the spirits or the army be raised and kept up by more cheering rippUea than coffins. There ean bo no exouse for any- large amount of suffering by Our men in the field, if those at homo do their duty. Contributions in money oen be sent to Thos. Bakewell, Eeq., President, .or Jamas Par*, Jr., Treasurer, and potatoes,..onions, dried apples, dried or canned fruits, cabbage, ear* rots, pickles, codfish, tomatoes, lemons, oloth ingor materials, may be sent to Wm. Mc- Creery, 111 Second street, Pittsburgh, or to the room of the Ladies* Aid Sooiety, in Alle gheny. — _____ Copperhead Meeting Last flight-* Treasonable Speeches»»An Unex* peeled Interruption. The Copperheads are becoming alarmed and desperate, andwa understand that, in order to concentrate theJr&rces and sentiment, apro liminary moating was held last night, is a room on Fifth street, which had been previ ously rented to the Democrats ef the Third Ward, by A. MoTlghe, the owner. 1 - When Ur. HeTighe heard of the Copper head gathering, however, he dropped in and listened to their speeches on til his blood began ; I to boil, when ha aaosa and bust abomb-shelP lin thair midst. He informed them that they: [ been speaking treason against the govern ment, and he eonld no longer listen to them. They bad everything to say? against the gov ernment,%nt net ono word against Jeff Davis and the rebellion, and saying thU he ordered them to leave the room, as he eonld. not pert, mil it to be oeeapied for any snob treasonable purposes! This preoions convocation of plottsrsagainit the government, and sympathisers with the rebellion and the Pittsburgh Post, was thus suddenly brought to a termination, and If susceptible of shame at all, the participants mast have skulked away to their homes feel-; :ing that they justly merited the severe rebuke | ! which they had reoeired. Ur. MoTlghe is a well knewn and Influen tial Demoerat,buthis loyalty is unquestioned, as his conduct on this occasion proves. The course which he has pursued In reference to •this matter will be heartily endonedby every loyal citisen, and we earnestly hope that the knot of traitors who were so unceremoniously ejected last night will not be able to find a hall anywhere in this loyal community, in which to discuss or advocate their treasonable de signs. • ' . Belief tot onr Soldiers. : Persons who desireto aid in,awak«ciag sow interest'and *e*l-in,behalf of the sick ud wounded soldiers ess aid the Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee by distributing .among their • neighbors, and throughout; .Western Pennsylvania, the pamphlet just published by tk* Commute*. It ocnUini the addrtH by Mr. Bakowelt, which wu deemed »o ably written that the United Statei Sauitkry Com miuios hae printed twenty thontind ooplel of it lor general diatribtttlon throughout the nation. Ihe plan-of operation* of the hn tional organisation ia aiao set forth; together With notioes and teatiiaonialßOf its eßolenoy, Copies of the pamphlet, and some of the pub lication) of the Sanitary Commlsaion. can. be obtained at the store of Messrs. Eaton * Maernm, on Fifth street. h Ecosomt.—Oen. J. B. Negley, with Qen, Moorhoad, Major Qross, and a few friends, Visited this quietsuburban Tillage, yesterday, on invitation of the Society. Xhe company were most hospitably: entertained by .the Boonomites; who seemed delighted to ’■ see the hero of Stone Hirer," and take him by the hind. . Our friends the Eoonomitea hare oentribu ted largely towards the war, .In erery snlta blb manner—whether for home defence, sani tary, or private and Individual aid, their purse has been freely opened, and their means bountifully bestowed. They deserve well of thepublio.for.thtSl.liheral.and. unseidsh pee .triotism. i. : ... . . ; Saw BnaurMT’a Mtustnsui.—The lovers of fun will bear in mind that Bam Sharpley'a Minstrels, or “JSthloplaa lron Clads,’ give their ’ first enterudpment in this city, on Thursday evening, March lith, at Copoert Hill* They promise to-\thepublifl*omeiniog Mvud exciting, produced U e *«y« peculiar to themselves* *• She troupe embraoee twenty iter performer**'end.lnclude* •.bras* ibend and burlesque open troupe. A most cordial weleoae awaits ** The People'* Parorit*«. : Thu CoMuiTTsu os Manure, In connection with the Commissioners of .the public build ings, met a committee'of the Batonere' Asso ciation, last evening, when a full Interchange of views tookplaoo,ihregard to the rent* of batcher*' stalls, and other matters relatingio the new Market. Themeetingwas proddotire of a good deal of information bearing upon the subject* Thn Committao aim to meet the views of Urn Matchers, so far a* is consistent with thsix obligation* as CounoUmen. Acuowlkdqmsct.—James Park, Jr., Treasurer of the { Sanitary' Committoa, de "sire* to aoknowledge through our columns the following donations* Thoi. Bskewnh, $100: B. Miller, Jr.;sso; B.C.Loomis,*so; Wbu.ML Shinn, $5O; 4rm*by Phillips S2V;J. K. Moorhead, $5O; Joshua Hanna, $$Q; Jas. Kelly, fW M. Long, $2O; 7. H. Baton, $25; B. 7. Von Bonhortt, $2O. i. Lawsbioitiuji ELKJtiojr.-r-The election in Lawrenoevill*, held yesterday, for Borough officers, resulted in the success of the Repub lican Uokat, by ah aref age xnajenty of about fifty vote*. The following named gentlemen were elected j Burgess; Hebron Robinson. Gcunofl, H. Noekerman, B. J* 1 Wain wright, John 6hislet,'Jr* Bsbool Director*, Bev. IP g, Andrew, Wm* 7laoau*. Bax Baniopn, tha raaowaad and ißimltabla Sam. annoonaaa a uilas oloparatlo parfoim aaaw Is Conoart HaU.eammtno iu an Monday waning nn*u Bmjbodj “naaaabttSaatf'and ararjW/ li moraor lail aiquainidd with thamariUof Mi;"ooA Optra." Ha bai alwajra baaa farotad wflh faUkonjaaln Pittibsrihj and doafcaiai al waytwUlba. ; ' 0 r r Foe th* Dimra, Skciallt—Wv A. GH j denfenney, 45 Fifth streot,.nearW' . _Rboile Island Conventions PsovmiHOi, R. 1., March 11.—Tbe Demor eratio Convention to-day nominated W. O. Cosxahs for Lieutenant Governor. The Con ventions of both' parties have.Te-noftiinaUd J. R. Bartleti;for Secretary «f State, and ; L. A. Parker for Treasurer. ; ■-. : ■ MJkUHMJTVS. Aji/BBKHBK* tVILBON'H ■ " IMPROVED JAMILT SEWING MACHINES Art itfll offered at X AST TXABTB PBIOBB. Upwards of UO.ODO of tbe«» c«Uhr»<«d Madilnaa. aro saw In feucoeesfal operation. 23.000 sold during th* pa t peer. ' This Maobloe will stitch, bom, fell, quilt, bind, (aek, t »ttwr, coni »o.d tr»ld It prwlnrai . lock •tltch .tykiiWbotli >Urt.' I. *d*pT*b'lo 1 ter, ilrapl. in coDktrpolloa! .Itftai ln dMlso .ndflotoh, kW iociltat tko aiontsT psiiHOKB j At .11 wb«n sxhlblUJ, bolhln thi. coontr, .ad Europe; liu obuimtd,,b, br.itk. j»HT7 |WXH BIBSKT. mh9 »nwT w. wiiitilAMO At UU. O i mritOYBD bODSbB THBIiD „■ Family Seuinf JllacHirit*. Setoeroota, Ho. <8 Fourth stnet, Pittsburgh, . tke*. MmUqm an from cruon to twenty dolbr. cfcmper tlum. ib, otter nucklu lm tb. city. • Tte, Ml kind. or wortt ( *nd fe. trimoUd tor tkW. ,Ul.. Tl»T»nio limptt thwt ..ycblld 1, pteloidtM*•' \ys COMMERCIAL RECORD ' PITTSBtKGH HAKKKT-H Otnrz OFTWW PITTMUtCB Dail>T { Wsz>xcBoiT t March 11. I Gold haa again taken s downward; torn, haring de clined to U 7 in K»w York, according to diapatcb** retired her* to-day. rtefe 1* no change Jo rate* here, however, aa oar bankers are eti'l Bojl p t for Gold and Demand Note*, and 136 for Silw. Eeit- era Exchange Is *teady at par buying, and H per eedt prem. telling. The produce market continue* reijjf doll * Q d inao tlv# with no disposition on the part cf either buyers or Milan to operate. JOto flactnatluna of Gold aecme to be the greit cenler of attraction, and no basic ess can be expected until money matter* become inore fettled. • PROVISIONS—Bacon la Ann wUb a fair demand and we note talts of 3,000 Q» Sugar Oared Bun* at 10c, end 30,000 be La IoU at So for Shoulder*; for Bide*; B>£c for Plain Bam*, nod 10 for: Sugar Oared. Lard U iteadyat 10®l0)$c for Conniqr, end lie for Gltjr. Bale of 10 bbl* Heu Pork at $t0,60. FLOUR—i* a ehade firmer thoagb the market la V inlet tod tbs demand limited. • la prices, there bej| mi yet, been no material change. We note * sale bl IpO bbls of Country Family. to tbe trade, at $6,60; GBOOKBIES—There is bnt little Inquiry fbrgro. cerles, though price* are firm and fall/ tnointaiaed. Sugar raagea from 12 to 13c; Coffee, 3(®35c, and llo* lassos 55®60e. DEI ED TBUIT—to firm and we quote at 83,37® ftfr Peaches, and $1,27® 1,60 for Apple* accord* Ing to quality. CHEESE—is steady with tale* in lots of 73 boxes prime selected W. B, at 14c. f Go*bea Is selling at IS. POTATOES—Are firm, acd we note a taU of 2SO bath prime- Beebannocks from store at $1,05 per basheL j SALT—is dali; ulo of SO bbls Mo. 1 Extra from •tore at 81,65 per bbL The Oil Market. March U.—There is but little doing in Crude, and the market is quiet with no material change iu rates. Tbe receipts oontluue Tery light reaching only 733 bbls on Tuesday. There were but two sales repotted oo *«hange, one of 300 bbls in balk at oe,‘ fend 700 bbls iu bulk at B}£c—the purchaser to barrel it. Barreled Oil Is held at from II to 14>4c, bbls Includ ed, and bolters generally are asking Oo for that in balk, athough tome solo are making below this figure. , Beflned is without change. Good standard brands are held at 30c in bond, and «B®*oc free. Outside brands suy be quoted at from 81 to 36c. * I lu tbe Liverpool Circular of A. 8. hlcCrea, re- I ce}v«d by tbo last steamer, we find tbe following complimentary notice of lift "Aladdin" brand! —"Upward* cf IUOU casks of Aladdin* braid Just I to baud, per Cheshire, have given immense sattotoc- I tion, not aloue for its satisfactory illuminating pow- er, but particularly lor the whiteness of its color. Although we are aware that color I* not a merit, it uan experienced certainly that ‘whiteure*' com* mauds a pielereuoe by many pence a gallon, and the English refiners on the spot are bringlug It to a Judi cious OCCOGUU" ; Denxlae is quiet and anchanged. A sal* of 50 bbls deod nsed «u reported at it). , 2ieW York Ulspaiche* to the QU Exchange under date ol Marcb tUih, quote Crude at Beflned 35®i7c, iu bend, and 41®420 tree, aad Bsplha 46c. ■ £Jt. GoMtUt: Tbe Pennsylvania Bollrood Cob*- p«ny compels shippers of crude and refined oil. In PUtsburgb, to pay a tax of 8 ceuM barrel lor toading the eU Utolkicompsey’s ears. This tax U ilk* usual, tu tact, übeard o< before, aad a piece ot gross Ujustic* to the class of business meu Opi/u w hom It fails. . Why uot charge shippers of iron, or other mer chandise, lot the loading of ikeir goods into cars I Why not charge oil shippers alike, if it it right to charge one article of freight 7 ll It u right for the I'ouosylTouin ItaUroad Oompauy, to charge shippers tor loading ows, why do aot ether roads and steam boats too, make the same chariot 1 hope too Oil Exchange will look into this and •ae ll tb* evil cauiol be abated. . oxx w.uo Gxuu aao Bias*. Exportoi Cotton. Tb* total amount of cotton, exported from Mew York from {September 1,18(3, to March 2, 1863, ee cording tothe Shipping aad Commercial List,:to 17,193 bales, against tor tbe same time U UC2, an increase of 13,939 bale*. Export of Provisions Direct to Liy< erpool. From the Ist ef Deftmber 1862 to th* Ist of March, 1863, there were billed through direct from Chicago to Liverpool, via Grand TrankßaUway and. Mon treal and PortUnd Ocean (Beamship Line, 5,610,571 tbe of Provisions. » Philadelphia cattle Market. March 9.— The rocelpts of Beef Cattle, at Phillips* Avsnoe Drove Yard,' continue moderate, teaching about 1.60 U head this wt«k. Tbe market la dull ana UtB«UT*, but pricce remain about tbe MW as last quoted, rouging at from for first qaaiiiy Western and Chester county ate***, the totter price for very cnoice tou; &®9>4 turf Ur to good, and 6X • ®7 for common .quality. Good eaUie sold to-day : trtely, but, os u>ual b U>* poor stock was dull and he i glectvd- The market dosed vary doll, nothing being I over bat a lew very inferior Cattle, which were | aoid at from 3®3)£c, *B> gnm. Ohe»p— I The arrivals and soles of Sheep at Phillips* Avenue Drove Yard are smaller than they have bvea for six months past, only reaohlng about 1,800 bhtd. I ih» market, to conaeqavnc*, to very firm, and prices j have again advanced, ranging at from 7«pBd pound I groe*. stock Sheep are very scarce, with smalt aale* at from $S,6U®3,6u $ head, according to conditloa 1 acd quality. I HtTgs Thr arrivals and sales ef llogs at tbe differ j ent yards am larger this week, reaching about 8,71)0 head. The'market to leas active, but pries* are WRb -1 oat any material change. I f1,65u head add at U. G. ImhoQ's, Unloo Drove ( Yard at froms7,2s up to $8,60 100 Bn net. ' I Mo head sola at the Avenue Drove Yard, by John. Crouse A Co., at frolus7,oo up to $ 1«0 B» net. Chicago Market. March 9.—The Prorlsto* market vu quiet ami ne glected—trifling eelea of Gooatry Leaf Lard being made at lokc. The demand for prod oca vaa tmaual* Ij light, and it waa difficult teaeil at'former quote* Drmed iloge aero a shade lower—with salt* at I |4,00®V4 |ur light to beaT/. | I Floor wee neglected and oalL . Wheat wae quiet. and unchanged—-NO* 2 Bed ealilogat $1.97; No. I r twins *«• 2 Spang* gI,D‘QI«I2K; and Itojected apriog at W^/^aic —tne market :clw»r ingquet. Corn wae doll and lower*—with moderate Irani* action* at 60for Mixed, and itfo for Rejected la'ator^—the market cloelngdßl and drooping., ow- I log to fern favorable advkae from the Keel. I UaU. we» steady at bStttfittXfl. B;e 80s. High*, I wlnee were held* at 42c, wim light salee at that price. I Timothy Heed wee active and eaiiir—with heavy eel re at *1,75*32,00—the bulk ..of the transactions being at *1,90. Ctovwmdd wae dun at | kUxeeed kin rood demand, and prim* loti an eaii l log at *3,6o.—tribune. ! Imporle by iileei. LOOISVILLB—rxa Km W**t—6 hbda tobacoo, 1 bi uapK J Orahfi lbhd tobacoo,. 11 Dailmjerj 2 hbda do, lbx sample*/A Maaartot V hhde tdbeeeo 2U bble do* J&oGcforj 1 caae tobacoo, J FultortohfSA bbls tobacco,'3 caseedo,Lambert AbhlpU>nJ,4s bble. do, hhotnaker A Lang; 5 hhde tobacoo, lbx samples, Wevman A bon; 63 bdle green bidet, 1 bbl hama, A BoUisln: 49 bdle g bids*; 20 dr/ Mdea, Q A UofrloUj 7 empty .eUbtde, i UJLlckpeulekr IUO bids flour 0 B Levon; 500 de do Ju Gordon: iflJUdo do, Slmpeon - A Knox; 79 *«?*■ cotton, 121 bbtswhiiky, 600 bble pork, 13 hhde tobacco, 8 bble pork, Olarke A co.; - inpvrt, hi Kmlroad. PirTVBDMB. Ft. Willi A ÜBICIOO Batueoan, March U—s 4 bbk hlghwfilhe* Lambert A Hblpton: 14 bbla dry .fruit, Link A Trimble) *tt bartey, too boah dp, Joahoi Bhodee; 155 bga wheat, Blapeon | AJLuox; lU)bbU flour, DWalUovvlW heft *Wbeat, 3 bLlggtUfoco; AWbbU floor,: Grog* A. OtoftdopH itlagTw do'do, McDonald A Arbucklv; H bble high* I wioee, Miller A Blckeuon; 10U bble flour; Graham A-1 Tbomae; 1W do do, Gulp A Bhepard." < i PmaeoauH A CkKVKLaab ttaiLtoao, March 10— 133 bble applet, 3 H Moorhead; 25 bxa cbeeae, J B GaoSeld; 12 do do, it DalaeU A cojli ekS potatoes 26 bi# ebap, Wm P Beck A co; 1 bbl better, Jae A Fat ter; 147 eka wheat, J Voeghtley; 149 do do, Bitch. c»ck, McCreery A co; 200 bble fieur. Bhomqhor A .Lang; 50 tee laid,' J* BeUetb A 'co; U bblewle, Bakeweli, Peare A co; 152 hldee, Watt A- Wilson 1 , 6 t>bie beana, 17 bble dry fruit, jsfthfato MUIo* L B Voigt A co; 218 eka barley, Mcßane A Anjor, 54 hldee W m J laccua. " ' ’ HIVEU IftTKLIiIOENCE Tbs tleernontlnoos to teradn repldlyat thli point I l with unit ttelre [Mt by the merhs lint .renlngi I I The wether yeit.rdey wm Horny Vnd pneettled, I with an tcculonal light foil of en0w;..... I The only errltri wshhvi to wcorit Ulhe Key Wost I frWLbutorllto. Thai BflverOloud and Armenia I 1 from St. Look are both due J ' •• I I The. Allegheny Belle No. 4, and Leclalre, the two ! j toate which, harp beqa impremed Intothv {torero-.j I meat stjrvloe, were getting ready yesterday to leave I for dnpinsiui, where they are ordered to report jor I I further orders. Theeo were tho only boat* taken, 1 the itatement of a cotemporaryAOtwltbitandlcg. I I The Argonaut, we iuderatand, h • b»n Inf (rooted I tarepoirt.for Goremment. ecrrlceat Bt.Loiil*t I dlately after arrlving thero. ... .. 1 To Mr. John M. Hare,'the gentlemanly and popular. I clerk of ttia steamer KejJ West Ho. 3, %w a» obder t obUgatlonsAy attehtloh to U 4» “ "*■ ' .1 Thaßßk and Leclalra having gone Into gOTsro i| meat tboGoUage is Uk only pamsngirßoat I left in the AUegheoy river trade. At pwmhi .th*» .1 le not water enough to.admlt of steam boating... j The line puseenger eteamar Argonaut Ho. 2, Capt. J. W. Porter, wtU leare for 81. Louis this evening I withouttoU. :- ! ■ ‘*i ; ‘ . The Heatings,'Oapt.'Boblnaon, is the first boat for Ointtaaiu «|d LoalnllWud win proMly |>t o*! tills evening. Bhe will fcUowei iJ the Key W««t The Fred. Lnmub Olft- Mma,' I* filling rnpldly fcr (he Opp« XWdPlkwi wfl* J»n i«o** Uz 'A M/BCI?LI*4JrEI>UB. S O ;DIJTAKCB*«gaIiHtog the Mar- A_ keti Id AlteghrayClty. . atc l. BtU, ai Jal—d made* bf On Meet mei Comm e* CputtUtSf ffenfifr At*** > «d ft fa Aertbr eniaWf « d.naeud tf Mf authority of. the Mi, Bark* t"tlo«»,'«a:npytajrib» raowe .b&nrtedbjr.Todsrnl, 'Vklo,-'Ptt* : *ud Oiy IUMU, bo ud the .wpashppnhy.dMt* npnrtj*ad ;j 4* V*r*3 td b» » Market Boom, far the uh of.*ll ar.i tide* dually sold id (he Public Maiket*.‘~“".''~‘ 1 i bsl '2- IhatimbMdmarfcistdekAllb* Mcn of each week. _, . Ait: to *t hatmarkst bomtibiß baft cm 12 o'clock do&d on Mondays uat li )3 o‘cJooks«>oon.TßMcl4j*; iron 12 o*cU beta to ban w ginsrhl ■npenlsiap'onrtbamsrhotsf and io IN that the city crdlnai«s, and sack rule# as ttsy keaiopud tor th*-i*galaUbttOf-tlte matkats, tru tropetlp enforced. 4ld ahtlU epeoaad «k,sa-the Market Bocae, at tha hours Which snail bo specified by tb* Committee on Harkefa, turnca-tbegaa aad light np ths Market House, whsa sooh ahall- bone ctwaij>aUd*xt)agutthtbuseiii* When 11-lsnolou get nqnlt*d.-> Be ikalt reat aßfrgtchar or-etbar •I ail tor stand* inlbe Market Eou*o, and Is any ad* joining spweawhlchiaaybeaUoitid for market put uses, and sh*:lo©U*ctall rsatt fee tbesame, and I overall monlrft lecettei lor theisms to loa City jam atloMt oco* aach nek, Ukfog Us tsealpt bs same; Provided, That nn.tU tba aattracm* a stsctlon of tbs m* Market Boom, City -Hall, gh and- other: JJiamonaimpranmeaM lullypaiS- be skill pay over *Ue#lUcjluonoa untof market rtrenue to.the “TroasprcroMhe. imlsiianars for tba JCryctton of a BartitHoßW*; •.Hall, Weigh' icslss, Ac*” iapursoanostf a tiesomUoa of Councils end ths dot of .tine such Commimloners. rt to lhat the said Olerkef KaiketshnU bsjtto- A «Uh soUahle blanks and books lot acooouts, rhich it shall bo his doty to.ksopan'aeedrato so* at ol all ataUsor susds. laasod, to wkom, data of «tod auDoai'nnt, all asoalos.coUsct* trom. whom, and oa what account.. Ho shall also with sifiUblo blank rooslpts and checks,, sh'cb ho shall kosp as aocatatsaoQoaatol all ool» ijos.msdo from nfolae cr. trauleat baeea ,of Os or standa, shovrina name of oecopaot, or coo of itend, datea& conected, gtylng reoeiptforesebumsocoUbasd.'. Ltt. b. Toot theuilCl.-ikof Aftartets shallnnder ibo OommUtoool Haikits, for .tbo Infsrautton UooncUs, a monthly statemost, wifltd hj hi* darit, sUosIDC tba. total. coUoattpns; .for osoh ntb, accompanied bj hi* jasntsr, lxa.&, Tbt.fitreeperof Hsikets shall attand dnr - marks! boors, md ihsJl.cP-cporato .with .tbo irk of Harlots, nndsr bis dlrectioo, In. opening ultslnr ths HarUli Hoose, and la fnfprclng tb* llnaaoisatilk«katHattT*totba*Mia,:..: = krt.a Tb»ithoiweoporelMsrk*ti*ba'l»n*aoon or- mare st booxs as. may bs . oontynlobfa and jo* «r than ala .o'clock p, n« on Tpisdays atd Fn«. vs of each «ok>swmp Up, cleinso «ttbaAUrkft.flooM aU gubagoand kltb iy bofonndi aad, If #o.r«iulrotl ty tboOoinmittoo Marktti, ho shall kborooghly wsshaUb tba host, s »*run»nt within and lor rounding tboHsrket , ruse* a« td OoemodnecOiSary..', tso. T. That tbo- Masks! Constable shall ? attaud i itlag market hour*, jind aM tn wtalnUlnldg gaoJ 1 d»r, audsoiorcing tb* otdisauce* aid rules relw> i ths marks u, nadae the sl< action of tbo Clerk 1 Marlats, who shall call tko city polks -to hii aid i OB Id toca be dssmod wooosary. • - | bias. That (hodoablsvswof staUsln ihecentrs | tb« slarkot HodsoahaU bo leased to bntobers, for ! io sale of bctcbiTs’moat. • I Art. 2. Tnat tbo ledges st ths back of tbo batchers' ! aiisi or m moth tnoroof as may bo neossstfy, shall 1 i allotted Mr the nmol producers, for'the sale tf :o products of their own rarai, socb as butter, i rgs, pooltry, ate. - . 1 ah. 3-. Tbs&xsd s’aod* aratadJbo Interior of the | alls of tb* Market Boom, and also - tboto in the in* irtorof thsaame, and so mocb of ;tbe ana as may I »MOtssdry, shall bsimaod to fcraats and garoen s, lor tno ulo cf trull and TogotibUo. ‘ ! art. 4. Tb*standout tha central area, or someth tereof as may b»neoe»isaiy, akali bo rented tor tbs | wed farmer*, gardsasrs, d*alsrs-infruit,vrgeta* lea/boat and pock sold by-ths or mors, and i it any other putpsso lor which a* speHfie proviaion aetwon mado, as the Clark cf Hark ts may -haro emand. baa. to lhatth* choioe ofi all botchers' and other lalia or stands la thaaald - Market Mona* shall bo old at public eatery, - aosmoact&r oaTataday, 1 1 ho lit day ot March, A. l>* IMa, sabjoel to such *a« lualnatasmay-bo agreed upon bf tb* Oommlttsv aMarluU) tntUod, That tba said -aanaal rental f tbs stalls or stadds> shall not bo thcrossed dtfrlog 1 ho term.of tan yaarafrem tbo daU ofsadb kasa, on my stall or s-.aad.lor which a or pretakin of ireoty-bre doUa»sor-nt9s-abaU oa psU % Ami Pro* *f*< /arthir, that no Jacaea-af any siall or stud ibsU bar# any right to sab-let tkoenmc tsnny third wrty* witboat tba vrltton consent of tao Oommlttoo , a Ha kets. Art. to (That tba rents of all bntshsrs' stalls shall tw qairmrly In advance; and all vogoublo or nbor steads shill psy yearly In advance; and acr Kcopant of any bstchars’ cr other smll or aland, ■ho shell remseor nrgloct ts pay ths salt rent, for thirty daja after tb* same lr duo, abaU torislttbs Imm of tb* said stall Mr stand.!-and tb* Clerk of Market* b* antbatUad U> rmlat tbs suns to an* ether. All occnpaaUMf-traastsnt or daystands shall pay tb* prta* wbiob may ba satebUabed by tb* Oom«tt4« on Ma* ksu for tha rent of snob Wails or ataada, strtetlyia adranca.. ' bsa 10. lb* Clark of Met kata shall try eadaxam*- InaaU unsound or nnwhoMomo prorltleat or meat, and shall taata tho-sam* ta beruwnd from Urn tToam by tbo owner tbsr*of,mbo, oa eon< tlctton of oSerlag.ler aato unsooad or nnwbolsosn* pnrUioos or meat, sbali b* tnad In anyoom net **• csodtnc And #U bntteiy krd,*r oihar arttdos, add cr obarad for snlo In lampo purporting to ba of n pound In we’Khi,*haU,l< wot of dwamslght acoordiag to tb* taotol Umstandard Htyecafas, bo aslsad by the bad disposed of for tb» benefit of tbo city poor, ss tb* Dlncion of ths City Poor Farm may direct. bao. IL. That as posses shall, within market hour*, borehiao tb* city limits, tor dom uf wUlsg again, any floar, meal, grain, meat, .fi*h, poultry; taitar, laid, eggs, fruit or TSfetablor, * penalty °* , Ait.2 hto p*rsoU sbaU ilay or elsea any beast or fowl wtthia tbo Harkst Bouse, cr pUo* snyoßsl tnareln, or kMpaay-Udm, ptltsor sklaa tbmlo, alter oanrlao, under a penalty of At# dollan. Art. to Ho- person sball tweak, ait, or otbsrwlss lniar* or dafico n&y stall, eoonteri door, window, or other portion of the Jfaikot Housor fix tuns, und«r : s posal-y cf tsn'Aoilarto bsstdostb*cost of ropairing snob Ibfury. • : " ’ : Art. to'Hopotfqd tkall ftafdbtjOuter, tb* Market Hcui* after market board, or opts, any door oir wlo*. do* of ibo same, nndsr a penalty of twenty-Bre dol-. ian:aadaayp«t*t>n r «>( r fmnd(ag,wkosluubslonnd I trospstslag atosr b* flood not less 1 Ithka fit* aoUtrs,aa4 Imprlaousdnot las than'twsn* i t>-ioui , . ; ArU to Ho person shall *eß any splrttnoui or malt liquors, cr-Jay-mtXiWr«th»r*oi. ‘by retail, within tho Marks! Oonstonbdecapenalty of f*s. ; Art. to.Ho portoa shaty bring M ksM. any dog -within lb* Msikst ETonss, during market haois, on- < usr a penalty *t ons.doUar for sack dag. .- _ . . Art 7. Ho'bniabor cr other ponen shall oceopy i more thatoaspscodf WT»» fsot Uoa tb* partition of. his •taU*>fc;td ito .csnlral. staHs, and parallsl with kb* Bn* of Opined bonchss, as toall osk«r stands, i •'Alt; 8' Hbmsbtfhul bn edited .within tbs Marks! i Bin**, or pick to, brlns, or otbarJUth thrown them. I to, or on tho psTcmant* aiprofthdingth* assno, uu. i d,tapoclltyof fit*doUamlorsochoflone*., . , Art. to Ho. : paasdgs wsy shall b* obstruolsd-by I pUdng any 'block, bsskst, oc, other obattactlona ithortio, dr by standi*g nhotctosarily thsrOLn, under , s penalty olfiVs ddllam.for each efisns*»and aU bon 1 or Idlers so dnshdlfig boUaU* to amet -by ths Market Oonltah a. J • ' ■ 1 ;1 Art. 10. Hoporsons rxcept tba ngnlar le'ssss.df, lUUsshkHlA psrmtttodiojsll aaylsutabore 1 moat j within tho Market Hons*, unless such poisons shall j hm paid to , JJmcHy from twenty* flt» mats'to two ; dollars, luthft discretion of tb* Clerk of markets, for such prtrikfa. -'i -.. ♦. : i 1 Art. 11. No butchers' meat, ngetablst, trail, or I other arther artiste iold,by.wWlgkt ormeasnrs, lhall Resold wlttila. th*:Market House by other soaks, wslghts ot mesrofwtbanwgdras nsHiutn'tiStt.. petted, rognUtad, branded dr law, under a penalty of fin dollars, and ths forfritnfn * . ! Art. lit. Ho nhltlss of horns will bt allowed to naaln on any; of ihs itrests srithln ih* Diamond I Bquar*. after daylight, on markat days, during mar* kethoora. t-.r- , Afi. ito" Occupants of tha comer rooms in ths! MarkSi Bbute kanaedtpsto th* Interior;! of the *ame, after market hours, butjball moots thslr , doors of-commo* lest fob, at tbsOtevk of Muk4»m. Um of it»Jk shall, provide their dwn blocks, • hooks, weigh!id ernnssy and other, -ne'esisary fUinrts, ana siaU nlm hantbatr or wnkh'Sztnmn. aadsilnsihaUbo oflwnllovmMatoahaps andeoldr,? and shall te sibjsot to tha approval bl ths Ifaskft' J*KiSl!«J | WoSo* will U'ui'otoJ Wftkta ilu sssa^jssm*^^^ to i Market House, or upon nay portlcu pf Ik* tytatyer of | ssipsimadr npwsaty of ln fioilsfi tor sssh : i ?Bto~>fc unfl'rtguliitljui now'la I, tecs’tol MtoWto tofrayCTstto *in n'hsr-angsnsi swl Hal ! ■potyto I HownpWfikyths»,pcshwsby wnttnSdd •TSiPtllSa v ... - - - A r _ .4~_ ta .fcrfa„«abJoet to OBJ HU—llf UKritflCOttOßS . nrMehtbeCommittee cn'Harketa ni? d«»m heoe* m£f£SmtW*u iia». Commute*: 22fKr* foil pom to jaitM*ch additionalinlao ._ tb- ncnutloa of marketa ee an til not be tooon» Hrf««»-»nh'fl»- pflridtMoltlrii -crfdjnanmj Fn» mfdgd. TUt tlioßUßoUtvparUdJoat MUxvsvlar OTMta* or OoMOJBiT® ipptortr or njecltoo; M SSmH^M* reinfetto* of marketa. which are b?v ta dull U SSStTkii omiplcacmilj MM to U» S?£Et nSSTfo?^infcnMttonbf UhTklMlo. St «» lbtkat - Tabjrcfoo^ti. far tbSiEsgnlltlbacl con, Ub tl “« l “J of tbJ prorUiott»o» Uiit orvUainco, tout th. mu tot* »:u. 4., tfSuSSiT £nb Donrinl on* fteMhgrMgbt hum drcd and aixtytbrea. juinULU Pwdimt ol the Bd»t co««U. joaa Prealdtnt of the Common Oonxcil. tcrusox, Clerk of the Feloel ConoSL - SL HoOoomn, Clark ol the common Oenncu. mhimat ■••- ••• : ••■ An ORDINANCE to aathome tha Grading end Paying cflhird etreet, In-tbß eonWmda^flMC UdbfAfB»U*m4 Ob—oii Cbmsum QomusUdof *(/Xis£ e»dftfcX«raS*d > dafai«f aa3 meted to tha eetacrtie yimmmOiba* the r*other perpoam,” pamed tbethirttoth daj of Uarch, 1852,'' - ' fisc 4. That >o mneh of any ordinance a* may con* . Ifllct with, or bo thtalpragoing, be vggd ithe ahae la hereby tepoawd* ' ' I Ordainfd and enacted lntoa ltw> tUfthe fifrh day ■of Marah, Anno Domini one thonaanl eight bandied and lUtj-three. JAVKS AIABBBALIf, - ' Praaldant of the Delect ConnclL ‘ JOHHBBOITH.Ja, PnaMent of the Oommon Connell. !Arr»T: * ;.:Vi . ! \ ; D. Uacrinnon, Clerk ol.the£elect OonndL | XL HaQounou, Clerk of the Common. Connell, ~ •*“ ' ‘ \ \ An OBDIN'ANOE to authorial the Grading end Paving of Bhenhapin' itreei. Bio. 1. B4it.ordain*ia*daatt9dtytks Bdtct aud • Cmwtom GouutfU qf VU Oitw tj AtUghenj, «»4 it it ■ ieretyrrdofeatf end ntocfed by (it ’ '■•••• • rpHR VI.I.KOHKN Y NEW MARKET >JL BOUil—1» immune. or . glut rMoluUiU of OoaaciK >wd Much 6tb, IU3, jabUo notlc. M hmhy itt.iiUutth. clutonof iU Bitehm’ill 'otfc« maUa a itL YactUftl. Rind* -tn.tba New JUr krt Haim, BUnku, Cltj, trill Kaoldbj FUBLIO OniUBI, caxuaaodof U U o'olack m. of - : TP«SDar,ll*3la •rmbly approve* May Ist, lB6 t, and that tbs Clerks : bf (kaaouo notljy thaw of their. appolo Uneat. I - OtdilMtudtntfiilntoalaw, thla’thannhdiy bf March, As bo thousand sUhthundcaa landsUty.thrsa. . . JAMafl MAhhHALL, t . ; ! r- President b! the 6eMci OeaheU. ? i I tonn BdowH, ja, PnMdenftflhi Common OooncfL i lAmsrt - * | , D. lUciUMii Obrbßftbo Soloei OcaacU. ■ r I. I X.KoQoniabs, CUefcot tbsOossnsaC^nwcfl. y uhuwii;: A; . ;i HTJ&A.TIIHK4TH. roOB,CINCINNATI* LOP-, rn&- »■; £ lI?UUL-Th« aplendld itMßirJfiuS KIT WIST Ko»..S l .tUpU*W»| 8. lim, will io»v«j lor tb* ibori and all btimwto parts o&VAtDL pAT,litkbtt. v itio'doATp,l;:j ' V. Vy i ForMlihtorpAMimaophroAbotrftttto ' : ; mill ■ . J.J*.LirifiQ»YO»* Co., Anuta:•> iIJOB CINCINNATI ft 1/Hl.i rcw :C podtiraiy folk. ; To* fru|Dt or paaMtf* arady an bofttd «r to , I-: j. itxiTnipsTCLHA-CQ^T;^:^. 1 JEC^QgAT^-— Apßftr LU>K UAVKAi'UKT. DIM JEffr * J* BUQUV ASO'S4ISS-PAtili.friflß&£- TtMfiortkwn U»t p*cUlK»u*« JBeJ^vKST »a’ii§Sr - •*” •» 10111 i ' •. S.U.BBAT: ••liglltt, ; rii ' ion miit "j 1 pisilLjHPt £****': - v -: 3 .;-'v., WHawr ■rOK^MZm'’’ FimriStiuot Jtbn 'Daft d».M.) *>.*»■ * Chlpeve townahlp, Hour oosßiy r rn,» Q» ■* road leading from T>«wU»gi>m .ia taixdsg abort 120 acreeTau mndsr twice._ThMg? iwwmmi aVtaae'Betoe. Vni» Uani.-w*w fcrt, nearly otter enthwHdlui i «»•«• cleared att la a high ctrta of coltivauoa; W**? wall tlabeted. Alarge orchard of Cherry and Fti» tree* j Anainberdf |aaf«cMPN| springe of the purest w*Ur. The ferial b naari* all tutdaciaftd with-rich mil tiniTs ona eL urtt'fedl ta thfcknee* and one «i * to 6 feet tbleiu wkkblSßfeW M&g worked and In gtWd orfn. Tui pnnrifl eearaalentljr loeitM, bcl'( «Hbia # > ttUefca Jwa Brighton,2milescl DarUnetAo, and fe mflaaof tta W. *aß. E. Alto Within IKtoCfeOwiof a variety of Church:*, Grift and Saw ani^. Bchd»le,Ac. f ■*“ Par farther p«etlrul*n luquira otrthe ttiTiii TUm* on the prsmlsee,or JOHN MISB, WoUJI' Liberty ittiet, FltUbulali, ’ : nTr,T "* Jag teeod • T PUTT. knenter. IjlOJi BAiilt—Tho property ot U» mb* 1 from the dyr. on toe Jtowj&riipttA.'StoafllecaaA, also on to«f leading to Penyirlllei .ocwristtaC at to acres, wall Ixaprerei, bilbo*? dwelling house mad tenant fcoceej Ap, ■. Allraydsteal ■ tiration, and’ haring; nflheriew ol lha One raw, _ •Will : ba told* wfede-wr'in parts '■towhit '’fcottfeaWn. Tanaa MBrm ra T.ffijiyr t ! ; " “ lUCaz&n-Ateace, Auegbeo/Ott/; j - OrLOOK BOr*J,*Y.O. AUeghAjC ~. V . fcKhaaaodww -' <•" -• c. r ; H q "A*-* - 1 ' a CHOICE COBNEK;.£OT FOB J\- BAUEi—That, ellglble lot toe northeast tofsar of JTajeta m At* EaS^'S^lfes hs&d-oriilHDIS EarLM,TO: ttttfOrt! feet loaf, »Ii perfect. :■ ' I - : ouin>l«ri n lukn Itl.lW.t uo"paisa ia.fet jrbaMl^tfk pnmM*Hettiu>letoJ- , I »■.: Several aew-and aeeottd*haa4BTlAM XUQUto from is* inch diameter dowm to B tncb.-wfll be wold KrWTceeh. :, I . SOUL; i r jaSitf On the Allegheny rirer.oor. t;olnt kUrt«:v none, situate la Lavra&oe one mile of Westminster OoOege,,#} ton. ~ Good'bull dlhjpi and isred, and fa hrerji impact.ysltidslthfftgffiAfc -iighetnlj oonntry reddsnoe." Perp^rtiowM*-few ■ talilblM .. . x „*. i - j •<"f [ *■’ T "i‘j. “ ■ iBOBi iiiaHT ; aow»'a < otse. IB CV OBOES; VtILLUB SOLD OHUF FOa,UlfM. saktti orric*.' f*nTifct»m. : faaoL's vl ih* , rtITT ANB COUNTRy 'LOTS FOB CUicf: Att«*tnnx. «4«h » bainmttaijgStmipt 1 Abool » .Cli;; -Ur McOlnro fenraihlp. Wood.-»<«. in!«.w ren. .|^g® lacntoii olM* iP**l'■ - EOS HALE—A nil flflUltad 1, ,lUtm»d cm Wjlt* ttrOrf.Ho. 138,AtCT»yAMBg«t»*»uit«.3 tat ; B^S** > OTO?*Sb{ipabp. M 3 thmjr'ittiik.' CuuNxaix iutauutNOJta JfOK. BUST.—Two .ooaitorUbl* aireUla®i In Pitt township—one bavinc ab . orchard of two acraa*-tba othardxner*? plenty! ofVrul* and Grcpao. Th* Hooli place eas t* 1 puehiMd oa : Mamnblo tarma. ■Tafc"«. AMJABBB ‘BBOJPBBTtf: JOB 8 AUL-30 ‘Acri of‘ £*&, jrltt: Btiutltte,' Packlnx md Baobaß tnartj iwfc IhNUIMI ihi Ka> bl», thrco mile* frorttbo d&»bn.tto£ttab«iifc»- Vert Vma and In UcOlan.tavnaUpi'sXionfc UOK ttowiteii J^XOK ‘ V™T hydrant water. idl>k a tnuu stabte back. :ljQtsQxllO„«-Sfctt Wlfc;- oi Loehst atmt. tfanchteiar. r—nnjarJllV > way. at THIS orrio«, «rt* - BIOPBia*. Locate atm*. - Mhothtetegp .- • -fcfetf-- tfoii HAJL.E—Unsßoilet, -«rl»ar':lont,' £ n inchu ?Qibyi!4li6ha ■ Hil. tor • «a»U useinci 6 Jtortil r>a««lvr‘lE3blc» its Kg. IB ÜBtBTT OTHUM,.* • . .. . .ojfctt ■ IiXIW biUii UK j !' ISsJfoarUito-| Koomi in titf&ia*** X Bnumi, Kith ec- wiUomt Pow«r*-' ctx*t rtiatalpnpoifc ipp|yrttli».r,v^3lw ■ljiuti KUMT—'i'bttM *w® Cl «lj «W*» «“ h«d ; ox SfoodJ tftn&t J#x* i&tioka*^ T^floMWb^piilS^SnS; i\y»ija«»ond flocrof WarShfoar hX tfrtofl li; wntntmt. v. .i? • * 00. : liMJK -"■ •U i rM>arin}*hi Oi*«* : 2OTSSKi SHSLKfIPr AMMit'tM.amttMt KooaersnißOFtHjmi-; •SutiMti I- til jic tavfa.::.:, itt.i ii-.tJ i2g6orv-"- N 9 v^B^?Srr-*- i O A B^pBTS. 1 -4. - •: •■• lBt BUSHEV* ,••:•-• *iv * 'A. l*r{* portion of our fleck' pwtioo* *- * uk -nrrt|>iirTiiiTwnwii>trr ’carpets, oil* k&p Uito-Aji" L C ~’ ! nfeiY * * .£»i.TKUUT&OIL WUJihiv ....'.’.: "*? j , ",._ 3 :!,.-■ .u::.•■.£ !■•=<■•:: ratattmaMl «.=•'■ ; *• . V « •. *j! iytrt ; j ;•; >* 3 . ,o- j, *? '-v siJ?s i KEEBS ft OBAFIV Proprietor*. , Cfcpiolty ft* (bonus Litob 'picwist* U . vi'.vi! :•.!.; . 1 WuOw, BOHOJiSAHIbk HOCOfc: t.. 1 - ■■ . . •r:'-:i:.' •.•!■■ ' *!&• SBfUnlrued ftn Aai; »td»«jr,tor . . . gy ’ : iIABIBOS SMBOH^I^Ij^f- Aiia:hl<. ißiuctiUnJ.liwriKtrfSKMßnShb' ti«.erg»M M o*Mfitl3i£?i£.- (tomtiuiii 'Stsaia^'Kik" Htunfcold’*,’ Take*DO othttV-CtawitthS^E* 2^ ;!?"**£ i -Bicwat • ! B* Sngur CureJ Hunt, : ' ' '' ‘ •; IgBaWltWM-V mmmmm I wu*tt:.ut£ , -i..i.. JSJMfc primOlsdauuXaidi’ e '.:;fci' 1 u^*drkxi