\ ■ „ !•. - A s • • ::hl The .Propoecd Colored Rogimtnt-- AdjonrneiflßeeUag. ; - : As edjoh’rned meeting of oolorod nun vu bold on Toaeday erasing, at WllMaa Hall,to take notion lareiereaw to the formation of a wlorbd regiment. - , ■ fieorge W. Parker waa called to the Choir: " -Oeor*e W.Haeiy notnd m Tioo Freiidentj ’audit. D.Torley ee Secretary.- j .. Zhs following reiolntloai worn inbmltted to the meeting and adopted: " . 1. Aeeofeerf, That theChalrman -of thle jetetmg bo empowered to appoint ton Be . fruiting Ofieera, to nil* ton oompaslea, to -abmpoM ttu prepared "lint Bogimtnt of Colmd Fbaneylrula Volunteera." 1 g. fiaelaad, That thi Chairman ha alio am peweted to appoint a Committee of fee to d»- rlea weya andhuuu,ahd bbllect moaej.etc., . front thp.pl tiiese of PltuSurghandAllefheny,- . A, fieaoleetf, Thai. the CommlUeoon tfayl and Mooiu tmnatandlagnnoimlnaoentHthi TMlmoni to ordered Into thb sorvloo. = - ! Uader tho flratud aoooad r«tolaUonj, tho Choirunonnood tho following: iUcrwiUng OJiccn —Robert D. Darlty, R. 8. Joner, Wn. fi. Underdoe, Mono. Hariri S. AUon, Daniel Doreey, Oeorge W. hilMJi Jeme# W. Oaaaa, Seorga W. Parker and JSo'ah Bradford. / OommiUmom Vayaead Jfeahe—Bar. John Booh, fi. W. Parker, Hear/ H. William!, 11. . Allan add Bohwtfcllarla ; - ■ Capt. Lora, lata of tho 165th Regiment, and wiada tfbwtamatka. Capt. J. Heron Porter arota and idriled the moating not toper any attention to thb windy petrtoUeat of. ofloare, whb premium load than on tho battle u ApU.ae.thetrOolonal,eto.JU urged them to - -’go nw nad fbroi -thelr regtment, and thej eroald.hare no difflcnUj ingettiog competent cflaeq loload thetti.- . jji' - . A gatleman prepoaod that the prooeedinge be' poblUhedtd tha Hupoieh and ibef, which propoiiiion oatued ao little merriment, and a general entekoriag through tho aadienoa. It wad. eaggaalod that thb morer neat be Jokiag, :ab .regarded the pablloatloh in the -. Abet a prpbtwklah atoned to hare rery little reapnot or ayspothy for tho colored raw, ud alweyaapoke of them ae “niggere,” a term erhloh, to Ml nlad, had qalta a didbrut rig ■Uoottonfro* thatj»f “nagrooi.” .' i ri: The inoTarremarked that he wajlnaamort, and hie object wax limply to pro re that the ooloree-peeple, detplu tho ooarae of the /bet, Aoaldrieeabortpmjadtee. .... . ■ The majority of the muting coeldpot we the propriety of dotting that augnmnlmotuly with th? “Copperhead’ r ergea,ea4 the prn . oaadlago w ere ordered to be pnblilhtd Is tho V . OwaeSe ud XKtpMU. .' - - -The muting tketr adjourned. ' «'C ■>’ '.••• -k.-> . .• . > •••;• i-.* '■ ’ *. I •+ ■'. ». " th**,., : # ,v ii •; * ,•• v \\V-.. *,.&•'./ •.•y.-V'.SvVV .j:! !>.•;,•:*: Vt.T/•-' 1 I v; ; , k; -' Vi ;■] jiSSMiaf AVv .J»v •;•»•:« .• *-- 4 v- Jwt* * ** •«* i - '■ f • ‘V s *-- pli#BS| #;<&<{:s>>• 3>Y& #y • y.y; ;y/, ■ \ \. - r >; 'trtte. the Genua ‘• Vfct wu arretted ©a i tof drowaUc hlj .TaSjssSKS^ass^i tmMndJkjtiXittt-lud j wtomi lI Allegheny Board ol Controllers. The Allegheny Boardcf Control!ere fcald» •H® l *? Monthly Mating leit oreala*, la the Soaduky itrat lohool bnUdlng.,. Member! prwat, M«urf. Borland, Bradford, C.opw, Oralfi Braaoli, Glbeon. Graham, Boa, Button. Meolerren, HeMUlaa, JTotbttt, Park, Blegle, and PnaUint Brown. ~ b 7«» Pmldont. Minute* of tha J*®jlw* maatlagroad ondapprorod. wan reoeir.d from th.Firet and Third ward Boarda, and written report, trom lho Sooondaad Fourth Ward Boarda. Thofeport boa tho Fourth Ward annonno •d tho roelgutlon of Thomaa-B. Wakahan, Priaeipal of. School Ho. 4, whioh had boon aoeoyted by tho Board, and Mr. H. a. Sqairoa oloatod to fill thataoaaqr.; The Board or Con trollara waa aakodlo ooalrm thla notion. .iteport aoooptad and aeden oonfirmtd.' Hr. Park eaDmltted tho report of thoOol orndßohoo], whlihwaa accepted. . '-‘lho report. oftha Dlatriot Inetltute. wan then tailed tor. TheFlrtl Ward aadanO ra-' port Xha Baaoad Waid,npor walkiag iln| tke .track, aai Immediately before the tnla an. dnoahlß, hie dodger wee obearredjby the nilmir— J *1 of theKeoacmyAacom, ' Wodetloe, which «u peering op nth* turn; ob'tb* whittle ni klon bp the Now Brighton tnlo. bmt-llr. Oeewfotd did abt teem; to hood It—perhtpt be dld not hoar it,owlng tothe ■ jmr ippniioli of Ui othir -tarila# *&•' flr*> hallooed to hlm.toelear:thetreck, and look lag book eawhlmpltehoded to one »14*. •gae tratawhlehetruek him petiti on dowa,. hat the otkar train checked up, backed to the T~«« »< tK* aaalilaatraiid aaaaaad&ihekoda ; tl*o thefedetal ctieet itetloai -The decteted »ihed;beeaitrwkontheheed,edabedhl»tkull .■enuhed la, eatulag Lnitent dtjlh. Ifloronet. KeOlaag wee BOtlStd, hat owlsg-tb the. ab vaeaoo etwltsauea the laqaeet vaa poitponed « aatll Wednetdty. Th» umml au far ad-1 'weeded ttilfe,endhlidhlldreneregfOirn up. tha body wet oonreyed to the -ret Ideace of hia a»y, anr thefint Ward eehool kOß*e..*re*p.flaa~c ' L.:/. ' ' ' ~ VU. •-• •! •; “ • * r, --i «i;i or Bfocu, tr J. O, D«ri«, «B«Uoa-, w , u OoaaoMM S»U» Boom), Ho; 64 ImhaiiMv 1 ' . ;. ■ i\ ; Sxeta»f»' —T6< IhlQinßut 00". 00 —ool 07-00 *■ AtUrtlij Bwk M JO 1 rWtt*«rgk6*o Otmatay „_■.........„...8T 15 . Atakngk,>t. w. fora. if *»»6«»s«*H»Tlgmttoo Co—-.-....... 40 M ;'VMtota.luaniM C0aji»8j.™_„....55 76 ■«*>» “ -* 61 60 AUt*hrar *:- ” - MOO * Ooo»Unm»-Boltaa*-Ut.t low Boat ottur • ktmdtJutinOltttMt wttt toU, bntoTnotn . fat jt tmwimv ■■:■•■;..■■■■ |. Onr Book Table. • nUUeairdUelaa: Au Efcamloitlou cf tha Falte A-amaptteao. mud tteiuuttona of tb. goohntlol , ® »bich hav*b«itiahconthiaOk«ti War. G f°F« e Jonkiß *l>- I>l £L. Da »«W Totkt '■ ®Sa book will exalte •om» in Unit, ipart iron its i&tri&iio eUiau, owing to Uio foot tutthoMthor ii» diiUssalihod nfagM loj *Uit from VirglnUy who ; doabtleit to Ms prtcfat ngntazid lorro w t oseo *oknovl«dg«(i tho gtatiemaa now. notoriou m Oonernl ‘dtoaownU* JaokioDy u hil son-iB-UWo Bat Dr. JnnkinVwork bu fir higher knd toon dir elnim opon the ittintlon ot the pabliOy then *ufth n mini/ eoaidi&Ul one u thii; for it ii, in foot, • thorough aod aeuehing iximliift tionof the WUcies”—.the “folio fttiumptib&s”-ftnd “iophiitloftl reftionlngi*’—- which here long hfn ftiiidiß^ people of. the Bonthorn Suteiy.ftad whioh ‘•‘hare brought on thii CWU Wftr,V in nU those State#—with the ftpiperratiy Inevitable xeiolc threhtinlog’ them of a eomplete hprooUakof their most oheriihed (, pecoliar inititntion'* itielf|—in their- unholy seel for which all thii trouble began—inrolring the nttermoit disintegration of that whole lemi arUtoeraUc itruetuxe of society on which they prided themielreiso mueh. JDr. Junhinably exposes the crudities which the false teachers, from Calhoun down to the pigmy theorists of. our OW4 days, hare been in tha habit of pro pounding as sound’ political ductrin«s« 'Xbe reading of suoh a book would be partlehUrly useful to many apologists for secession; who. hero lately boon ventilating '“poKUeal fallacies 0 on this side of Uason'a&d Dixon’s Use*.^ ALnxxxax Jovu held a (pedal levee jester day; mostly for thehensfttothli udy friends. Thoee.who honored him with their presenoe war*.., ae, follows r . Mr.,. BalOhan declared : upon-his oath that Mary hloPartland had ex- : pressed her-feeUagf toward him in a manner ■&«wH* v aad;aUo ,that, she at- i ; to. bdm in such a. manhar. .as 1 wuzant an attachment far her person. The; gentl* Jiary was aooordingly ineited to the; Squires ofßoe, who reouested her to giro; bonds to tho amount of $308; not to interfere 1 with William's personal comfort.- Hary : Uurdook (no relation to Mary of Argyle),- who had been engaged In , Ihe rery ua-femenlne. oecupationof testing 1 the difference in hardness between her.wash board, and tho eye .of Oathariie JUUen. Three hundred dollars bond for bar.appear-; anoe at court was requested, and given. And nhwdwte Hugh Carr, charged* with haTihg-plaeedapistplto -the breast of Wil liam Hiehardr and threatened-to blow his brains out. This may be a seeming paradox, 1 but there is no telling where some men's brains lie. The bloodthirsty Hugh was re quired to produoe bail to the amount of $3OO, tor his appearanoe at court. Bxsxrtr or Mb. M'Bosocqh.—Mr. J. E.; M'Donough, the aotor, takes a beneftt at the JCheatrnthis emifig,.when. the new Torsion of the- M Ber«n SUten" will be produoed. ' '•:;itii ■- ■ - ' •>- axonm AM Jar ttßßily r and-‘maanfaetcring purposes, are the ■beVUn tsS. • -• A. f. OcaToKt, General Agent, ■ Fifth strett. .Bb._l4lllib > b Cbxxicai. SxrxßtsaxTa abd XiinosxxQ Oas —lt Will.be ann by. referring to anadrenlsement in this paper, that J)r. H. Lime will eommenee a'series of ohemieal experiments aad'-Laughing Oaa- entertain mehta ln Masonlc HaU, Wednesday erening, March 4tb, to oeatUue t)te balance jof- the jßielU ' Jfor the student particularly,, und thosa .are, IntenHifd ih natural laws r hia obemieal axp'crimsnf)'U^e~ , hlghiy interesting and iastrubuTe, aad zvo bne mould negleot k to witness them. And if any one desires to in dulge In* real wholesome Uugh, no better opportunity was ever afforded than is furn ished by witnessing the amusing seenes osau eAbyipsHons breathing the.ljeughiag Qas. Tbe geaerai effset 'is to induce laughter, dancing, singing aud frequently jeauof oratory that riral. tho; best efforts of Cicatb or Bemosthenbt;', Barents ehould not neglaet to send their oh&dred, on i Thursday aua Saturday aftarntfoosr The tittle folks will learn more of bhemis try from one of ihese leotfures than from months of study, and at the lama tioethsyafeinaooehUy amused, wUchll too eftennaglected, and.OTeriookcd bybsth parents ahd guardians. q! tfadaraJTafid 'JHsa load square, Allegheny, being fatly aNriri ol the wxtraordlnarjredtenoe la Spring 'goods,' haTe purchased lastfelt abeadtifai assortment vestings,' , ’&&£ they are now ready focpen their Spring tradewith seperiorarticles, at greatly re da©©d.prtp*i.: J Th*y .WlUsell their goad* by the' yard u desired*? .yu a* they keep con stantly oa kaad-a iarge aßpply of reedy mode clothing, easterners ean be aooommodated on duaand/'or hare a neatly fitted rait to order; Thalwdrkl* all done unde*. their supervision, and alway*. warranted Xo purchasers. -* &amvml fiaaiihk, merchant tail or, Uolostng ;#nt kk Pall aadf Winter a took efgoods a* ex* lowprloe*. They oonsist ©f all the veryT*te*i cloths, easstafres and of which ‘ a large -aesortaeat la forth* Spring.Gentlemen wiahiar tt ttre niney would do wellti'oaU ee?ly, knowing'thit yon win pay twenty-fire per.oeni. more fo j goods in the splng than at the pi went time. ißoa'ifaHto call and get a good fitting garment. Samuel Graham,Mer» chaariaUox, Ho. sOdarket7streef * dhe door frwnTiard. ’ifJtoutmßiJ* ;X**- BnaFDRNr* Q tna* at AUCtitm, at w fibbt stbvbt, fiur JftOßlUXa^March fith, a* 10 -efrloclc-.precisely,'will he *old,a.large BUiolUy of Turoltarei, f .C*rp«U,.Jcv/- comp firing *tanfcMwlag Fancy Stands; Gila Bait Sewing;and JJhStit Chair*rl>lntng sad kitchen Tabl*»; I»>ui j*,War salsa. of-frr»ltm» al pfirato intta m at iM ftWtioo Bnb« M flilk itMk iSSr T. A.MoQt»gLIiAWD.Aaet. nuuia Aiu> eao^Jj I '. . ; j;■ ,-P". ■ .Or.' - V ii AT.LXM TBAS.'XAfIZicBV MJCTE3, j> ; Bo.«jirrH truiT*^ WtJjS CU'l' r nan.—u 80. ui tint THDBSDBT, Uuoß Sth, In toOMctbn »llh th. BomthoM. Furuitute,' a eomplets ■et,on*talsing U? XT -• {WinmOif irtm ■noa.aorAWh.otlo'obck.via teaoM.MO» TV Omtl—.Mnftk ilmt, • ,uaUet&, but all in vaia. Tho bill was considered by the’ Re publicans as of the most importance. ; Wlth-j out it, Lincoln, Oameron, Seward, Stanton and others, would hare been fairly plastered, orer with satis, and the power over disloyal 1 persons might hare bsen nearly lost. |The House is now filltirasteriag on a bill for reorganising the Judiciary of the Dis trict. The Republicans, bowerer, have the advantage, as* this bill must be disposed of before miscellaneous appropriations can be touched. In this is the provision for extra mileage, for which the Democrats are very 'anxious, as the Republicans till then can't roteferthis till the Judiciary bill is passed, and are likely thus to force the Democrats Into yielding. :Tho bill for a Branch Mint at Nevada has passed. itailroati Accideni---UeeignaUoii of •' • ’ 1 Uenenil Nigel. . Philadelphia, March 3.--Oq Sunday night an aocldent occurred on the Pennsylvania Railroad at the Juniata river, oaused by a landslide. The looomotlve and tender, bag- 1 gage and express .cars were thrown into tho irises in ten feet of water. Twalives were lost. . . • jThe IVii'tuVi TVashihgton correspondent •ays Gen. Sigclbw plaoeu bis roslgpatloa in the bands ol tb(e President and gone home. Insufferable flifficotilsiln his Intercourse with 'the Commanderj-in-Chtef are alleged as tho rtAJons for thii resignation, whfeh will be ;rogrett*djby ev«ry' spldier fu the army. It is thought in miiltikry circles hero that bis ;corps will be consolidated. . Pa., March 3.—Yesterday morning ae the express train on the Pennsyl vania Railroad was approaching Shis poiut, a slide, of earth and rocks came down, and al i though the watchman was at his 'post, there was not time to give warning in season to obeok the speed ot the train,and Uraninto the obstruction, throwing the eigmo, express, ;baggage and smoking ears eff tne traok and : down the embankment.. The passenger cars : with the exception of the smoking car, re gained on tha track; Tho following were in thesmpklng car and were injured: John A. ■Shearer, of Orceneburg, Pa , killed iaiUntly; E. A. Prior, Baltimore, leg broken} D. 5. Doaohue, tireencastlo, Indiana county, Pa., Isealp wound; B. A. Httl, St. Louis; Qaozgo :2alunger, Pittsburgh; J. d. Hurts, Belle !fonte; Major S. B. M. Young,, Pittsburgh, and D. E. Castle, Richmond, Ind., were all slightly injured. The engineer was slightly scalded beiow the knee. - Neither the express messenger nor fireman are missing, nor is ei-. ther serlooslyjtdrt, as reported.. Tbe aeol dent was sntlrlj unavoidable, as.the earth and rook came* down upon the traok when the train was within a hundred yards of it, 1 and the watchman could not give notice in time to oheok the train. ; I |vv.-..^ 4 * e **fwn NashTtlie. - HAaHTiUJ./Haroh rebala aadar Qea. Van Dorn t adranced towards FrankUni en twomds, twa tbomand strong ifith artUlary. AfUr tnanoamrerlag a while, _Jiopiag.ta4rtw.OTrtteß.lnto. an amhaih, th*j ratornad, Wa JBoptorflA two of y«a Dom'i Van iDoim's ileadqaarUrs is .at Spring Hill, 13 miles loatb of Franklin. T OoL Obdjke, of 1233 Ohio,ls Post Commas* dantjat Vrtnklin. ?To fears are entertained for the safetp of .that pitas... . ■ Tha Federal foroes by order of Qen. Kitoh* eltjbaptdred Felix Vovng, ffn. B. Soroggr, Bptoriotu guerrillas, who have mnrdsAd manj Unlon sbldisrs in Summer county, they wlth two othors, were ordered to oloseaon* finetneniand hearily ironed. ; ;" v r *■' from the front last night. aU .pliforganV oominiad, most* ly the 14th and Ist Alabama regiaeuts. 193 prisoners leave here for Louisville to-morrow, A Union man named Waggoner, wail brutally murdered last night, sevao miles from the olty, on Lebanon pike, hls hoaae and out* •bnttdi&gs were bnrned. ; The river 30 feet oh the sfcoAl< v ; The bdUomJaodi [between Hashville and Edgefield, arojentlrely inboergecL Latest from; Rew O^leani. : Nsw Took, Mirch 3.—The steamsr Bio Bio, from Mew Orleans, via Havana, Feb. l6 K has arrived. t '■ : A man named inppoied to bea rebel pay master, had behni arrested: while attempt* ng to pus the Fedirtl iin&ff at Bonne Cams, With $20,000 in his -I Falseßiimor. : Em y osxj liarch 3.—A rldicnlout rumor is afloat here that our forces have been defeat ed at Viokiborg, with the lose or SO.OOfI men, of whoih 7,000 .werie drowned. Ho credit whatever 'is attaohed tolit except by rebel sympathliets. - ' ' • • Haytlan Charge d’Affaires. : Wasbuotox, |lareh 3.-*rCpl«>Hrnest Be* mane was oflhdaily reoelved at the: State Be* pertmeat to*d4y,and presented hit /oreden- as'oharged’sffelfos fromHayti. •- ’ - • -^Hiw r March; 3.--Cotton doll; balee *otf loww; J4tooo .bbU sold. .Wheat daU and unchanged; 72,000 bnah dbU 'rt 43A&0*«:Sogar steady Uolassss Brmt Orleans Freiebta unchanged. Wool Bra and active*, fleece 85®Wc.. i„, Gold wad Silver. The axnotmt of specie in the ■ r United States. iuOSit WM. Product of CaUewniaailnw : Ifrom ISiO to'present time Ulhec aonme ofsnpply.dnr* • lag fc»»e period.. : I»j&ted, during «amd pe- V.yt.kikOi-110.;.'..^. I ,'-; y. I*' r t‘ matmm Anfloat et |h—l time UUW® -iSSrtJBqUr. HXVIITD CCSGSEBR-SECOND SBSSIOHJ Wabhujotoxl‘March 3, 1863. Uocax.—Mr, Ponton, of S. Y., moved, but tho House refused, to suspend the rules to consider the bill for the appointment of Com missioners to ascertain tho olaims of loyal oititens for the use or destruction of their property by the troops of ihe United States. The Home took up the Senate amendments to the Internal RevenQo bill. The elatue ro uting to tavern tieenses was read.: Ur. Stevens, of Pa., said that Commissioner B'ouiwell bad decided thit persona having procured license for a tavern should also take out lioanso to sell liquor and cigars. The House, in its amendment, had provided that hotels could dispense' these articles to their guests, but the Senate had returned to its old absurdity. The Senate's amendment was disagreed to. • The Senato'a amendment striking ont the tax on roady-made clothing #as agreed to by three msjorlty. Also, theamendment placing a tax of two per oent. on all ships, steamboats and other voisela hereafter built. Tho House, bya; vote df .$4 against 33, con cmred in thoSoohte’* amendment to the 4th section, so that all contracts.for the purchase or sale of gold ersilver coin or bullion, secur ed by pledge or deposit, or! other disposition of gold or silver coin of the United States, if to be performed after a period exceeding three days, shallbs. In or printed.and ilgn •dbj thepae*ioi«r rheir agents or attorneys, and shall have more adhesive stamps, as provided in this an amend ment, equal oM par oentnm, tiid Interest & 6 per oentnm per annum on pledged or deposited; asd4T afcffttp loan, pledge or deposit, t exceeding Three days, shall in any way ex tended, for anytime, whatever,: said loan, pledge ordepostkshaU he.subjfot to,the duty imposed on ipkbj .exceeding three days, and no loan of or money ; oh the security of gold or silver join of thq/lTaifed StaUsVas aforesaid, shairlA e'xcMdlsg"in 'amount the par value of Jfci or deposited as security/and 6ft j 'loan fo made or attempted to be made aha.i be utterly Void. < The House ooneurred in ;the Senate's new section, that from aad after tbe date- when this act takes eilspk there shall be an allow .anoe or drawback on cordials and other li quors manufactured wholly cr in part of do inestio distilled spirits, on'whioh a duty paid on suoh spirits, when exported, with aaoh de duction as the. Bsoxetarylcf the Treasury may think reasonable, not-exceeding five pbr cent, of the amount of dhty so paid; the ■amount to be atosrtained ini the manner, and under tho regulations prescribed In seetioa *ll6, of the act to which thiVUadditional,and, the same to be lufcjact to ailUhe previsioos.of tho said section applicable'thereto! provided that n» each allowance shell "be.madft unliss the value of the spirits used! in tuoh manufac ture shall exceed oue half of the whole value of the article manufaeturedlas aforesaid. Soao of the Senate amendments, haring been noh-conoarred in, a OammUtee of Con ference was asked. j The House passed a biili to inoreese the revenho by roseryatlon and sale of town sties on river Shores, mortgages,‘etc. ‘ The House In V CoWiattiM of ihe Whole, considered tho xmsSeitancohs appropriation bill. i Mr. Lohmi& p of P* , eff.r.4 on .meed* moot, opprojri.rirg two hkednd thoannd doU»n, lor ih. Y.rd, ud D.pot .1 Logaa liteod, ud ekowed itbet the l.wu thorleed th. Beot.terybf.tlib Nerr to eooept tho ieUdd for thet perpoio.! ' The Cheirutait rnl.d theti tb. eintß dmßnt wee out of order, *ed on edmutl for deeteloa. wee laitaiatd. ! >'• The bUi was then .roporied to the House mth sundry ameaumehts. ; The hoar of three o'clock' having arrived, the House, pupuaat to the! agreement made yesterday, resumed the couitderallon of the benate bill reorganising the: Chart or the Dis trict of Columbia. The bill was 1 then passed —yeas, 67; nays, SB. . $ The House resumed * tfaof consideration of misceiUneous btiis, aad.itoneurrpd In nearly, all the omendmanu reporidd froijtqibe Com mittoe on the Whole. ; , ] . . . A separate vole -was taken- on the amend ment to pay mlimge 'for the present session, additional to theveSbnd already re ceived. It Was agreed to by two majority; The b;ll w»s then passed, and tbe Houe took areceu uutil evening.] ■»- ■ 6s»ATa.—Mf i --6»olibury,f of Dsl., moved that the Journal be corrected, a* his dollesgiei laat night had from thedacUiooaf the Chair, and %oef peel pmwti . Mr- PuWelJ, of K;., uii ha daiirtA ,lo a.lp a Cuiißcdoa to tht Juuro.il. j Ho did pot agree with ih* «U{oai«nu tdedo in the journal. jQp! did aoi believe that the vole to concur in the! report of the Committee of Conference wasi ever put. Last nifc&t the SUatoHrom D$U-j ware wu on the floor and gave way to a mo-1 tion to adjourn, ho (Mr. Pobell) so eutedthej motion to adjourn and it was rejected,wed the'President pro tern., th© Senator c from Kahaasj Mr. Pomeroy, ’ called a fota - on the report. He did hot b*Uev6 the nay* ware ever called, bat the Chair decided it agreed to, and the. Senator from Illinois; Mr. Trumbull, moved to taktfup aonmhipg else;’ The Sena tor from DeUwaro ©iked an appeal from the decision of the 9hair, whioti. if*i on the Journal, and the Senator fromiUnoii, Mr.. Hichardson, reconsideration, which was not entered, £' i Mr. Bijerd meiir b etatiimnt of e ilallu ehirecfef, end snggritedilbit irote be token egein wltboateay ' . Mr. Foote, of Vermont; eeplelned tbit be W»| ebitnt from the Obilr, boring been tbore for fire boari. end'htd gone torett. /'' Mr. Willey, of Vi., nii k oertolnly iii deritood IhoChelr to put the rote to the neg ottrd, end he oorUlolylnnwerod end did Tote ‘ f no'*di»tlnotly. . ■ : • . .. Mr; Trumbull leldthet Me Senetor from —.~uiui sato that the uen»L V . DaUware'dld yield thrfloiiVttttto Senator, from Kontneky mod* a motionto adjourn,' and that a rota war Mean and decided In the! negatire, Tha Ohalr, as wli his duty, put! tha question an agiaeiag to! tha report, and : daolarod it carried, and ha (Trumbnll) Voted) in the affirmative, and tha Senator from Yir-- gtnla toils ns that ha voted jin tha nogatln;! then ho (TrninbuU) mo red ito tab# np tha! Honia bin No. 699, and ha was recognised by. tha Chair, and a rota was taken—and than bill was taken np before the Senator front Delaware hr or ahy ode'etse, aald! one word. Srery effort njado by the Bena-i tors after that was an Interruption, for ha was entitled to the floor, ,and protasted agalnst; it and called the Senators to order, lie was willing to any that. i«i| 'ordinary cases, ai t matter of courtesy, he would go Mr: to allow a bill to be reconsidered, and to 1 allow Sena tors to taka their ownotlmetoipoakihnt wheß Senators resort to parliamentary Undos and motions for delay, an’d for so other pnrpoah than was manifest Isigt night, he wonld bold the Senators to strict law; Dot him who takes the sword perish by thosword. ' When * Senator yields the floor ho ;lo»es hU right, though it is of lol * firea.to-them by courtesy; but these fUnatofi were tn*ao con* dltiba.to ask for .coujrtesy. ’Dilatory motion after mbtibiiwas end motion* to ad* journ, end edjgarn,fand adjourn, end only four Senators were Wes It to be expected that tfce wheels- of legislation' were to be stopped, aftd important measure! to be loit,bytho factions topbotiUoapfles* then the'Senetef The-SeneUr no ept peel, end ftOthority to roaj ogAiie themf weenaothir que*v 1 tltfnbtforo tki^MU^K!end. : hlt % coUeene lied no right to oM^irJpotion^'.lit' less his Totedwitiijae msjority.V'■■£,■ .* V:. . Mr. Day&rd farther , debati would b* bad.if a rotocoald betaken. f the statement of the Senator from; Virginia, that the Chair did pat the the negaUrd. | He did net complain bf the sharp .practloe. j-His object vas to defeat the blll,andhemad» : 1 aoeonoealment of it* Q« did complain-of tide ChAlrpomewhet that hididnot recognlsethe Senator ffbm.Dilewaip£f He woalCwithdriv; his motion to eoireetfitijr journal. f*: T - Mr* Trumbull said(that after what had both said ho bad no objection to a rote, bat the MHiiaifcadysigttedi':'' •- Mr. Pomeroy, of genial,'explained thet/P' - i' — k* did pat tbs tom In thosogotire, »nd the Sen ator iron Ohio houd it An tho cloak room/ Ho moont to uro oil coßtteey, is .Moordosoo. with tho rail! of tho Senate. . T | After tone farther dloo«»elen, it ni agree* that o toot TO to ihontd bo; takenon themd tlooto nsdtotho Hosee for the hill. Tho motion m rejeeted by tho following rot* i { ..i Yeae—MeMre.'Bajerd.Oorlile, Md Horn dirioa, Latham, ffeilpAth, Powell, Richard ios, Hioo, Willey; anit Wilton, of Mo.-— l 3. 1 , !- I fiajl—Mvnra. Anthony, Chandler, Clarkyi Doolittle, Zeteesdon,i.Foeter, Crimea,. Haif nsi, Lhne, 6f In*., LaMi of Kaaew, Morrill, Pomercj, ' Sherman,- Bonner, Tea Byek, Trunt*U,Wadef WUldneon, WUaot, Ud Wileon.of Meet.—3o. . Mr. Zeeaandon, of Its.,‘bon tho linoneo Oeanalttooenjmttd took iho bill to modify 1122,000,000 i\o^ooo,ooo 23,000,000 141^)00,000 . 10^0.000 v-'' .. \ the exit ting law? for eoUeotlng- duties .on im ports, without amendment. The bill vu passed. Ur. Wilton, of Mess., exiled up the bill for tho construction oi a submarine telegraph from Fortress Monroo to Galveston. After a diionision the bill wet Uid apon the table yeas 25, nays 10. Mr. Stunner, .of Matt., exiled up the eon onrrent retolntionton the tabject of media tion and intervention, and after debate were adopted—yeas 31, nays 5. Mr. Latham, of Gal., call op the bill to es tablish a Branch Mint in Nevada territory. A Committee of Oonfeifesoo wat appointed on the diiagreeing votes on the Internal Bevenae bill. ' Mr. Powell movod to take tip the resolution appointing a committee to investigate the eondnot of Col. Gilbert in dispersing the con ventioo at Frankfort, Ky. Not agreed to— yeas 10, nays 25, Mr. Hari an offered a resolution, whioh was adopted, re [nesting the President to appoint a day. of na lonal fasting and prayerr? Mr* Trni ibnll oalled np the bill to enable theDlstriot Oonrts of the United States to is* so© executions and other final processes In oertain eases. Passed. Mr. Latham offered a resolution, whioh was adopted, requesting the Secretary ; of • the Treasury to Inform the Senate at the next session what steps have been taken to fives tigate the frauds In the San Francisco Custom Bouee and Mint Mr. -Arnold oalled np the bill to emend the adt to establish and grade the line officers of the navy. Mr. Trumbulldfierod an amendment strik ing out the provision limiting' tad Appoint ment ef Bear Admirals to those who have re ceived the thanks of Congress. After a dis cussion it was : adopted—yeas, IP; nays, lfi.* Passed." : i ■" Mr. Harris,from the Cemmlttee on Judi clary, reported-back the bill to amend.the not for the oelleotlon of imports, and the Confiscation act. ; passed. . Mr. Harris oalled np the resolution relating to the devise- of the property of Cape Levy and offered a substitute -which was adopted, authorising the Attorney General toMcertain the facts in relation to. tho boqhest/and re port his opinion of the validity of theeamo. i Mr* Grimes eaiied up the joint resolution to appoint p r Coaiqis«ioaor.t9 revise and. codify the naval laws. Passed. T , Mr. Harris oalled np the b-ll to establish provisional Governments in oertain oases. Mr. Bfivii moved td lay the bill ofi ihe table. Lost—yeas 15; nays'2l. Mr. WUkinion moved to taice'tip tbo bill to organise the territory of Montano. . A disencslop was continued at some; length by Howe, Harris, Harding aod others, and the motion agreed to—yeas nays 13.-. ; Mr. Wilson, of Mass., moved a ohange of name from Montano to Idaho.., Adopted. Mr. Harding offered an amendment chang es the boundary line. Adopted,and the bill passed. . ' Mr. Wade called up the bill for the admis sion of Nevada as a £tate. Mr. Davis opposed the bill oh the ground that there were sot a sufficient uutnber of peo ple there. ; .. *. Mr. CarUto moved to amend, provided that there shouldAe i27,oooinhabitants in the Ur* ,? h * biU passed—yeas 34; aayslfi. r Mr. Wade oalled ap the hUI for ad mission of Colorado as a Slate. FJ&QM WASHINGTON. Mail Dispatches to the Pittsburgh Oaaette.* ' Wi»Hi*oto», MmoS lit, 1663. KUO. OUMII/8 bo ALKATS fix. IT. TO «T». Th. Mont of Curios U. CUj'. bittoasi. tovud. HdlMk t uiuaifMtnd solicit*! »' com mud. *• A commend oh 1" rcspond«J “ Old 8r.1n." .ogrily, '..bit do you tblnlt you M. It U commend T” end iteUedun.bui&.r like out of the apartment.- _ y ; * SIV AtTIOLIS Of VII, Tb> oomniliiion, of which mmtlon wM madtaomo ttmailnoa,' appoinud to’ rtrlig th» artloloa of wcr.cbnalrtlogof Qaa'a. Xliuh cock, iiartiuff, Dr. Llebor aed' others, hare p«ttaUj.oo»p:.t*d iholr Lbor, which iearabo- Alfjja* hill aow.bafora tho Saaata. Tho old atdcfat'of war w»ro arigiaaiiy ooplad ftoai the&aglUh cede, and contained not only many owlest pxow«ioaa, bat «everaj_ of the cUaiM oonfliotedwith each othor. The pro po**tt code.enlarge* 'greatly, the «pb«r* W poweriofConrta.Mhrtiat, by oonpeHiarthe atleßdanoe o( witnam* and prevldlng far iboir uiombUgt in plaoei not allowed by the old nrtleleil * Military commiilons too, fer which there 1 he* been no law othtr than the mere preoedent eH by Gen. Sbbtt,lri'Mex> ioo, are now provided for, having Jarledlotidh oyer ofionete and aflandert agalnit 'the oom monlawi or war not oognliable Conrte Martial, , . ; *P*S£. •SpWSPSrSAM" Pftroojals Amy Md. r dgp«d oofi »iT • The bmidlsgtoU ofßrlckaCO b* ! to *J** ** ***** with S orßiituejSete, and 1 to b« aa or before October In. mxL .. .rxttrl* “oVE e,II “‘ 16^ *,S*wi r J£’ * dd T& Hiicii. Slom aid! PAtJunm-Ooftnlrd er.en tfc’e article U e’emed r .* **; ‘ d. M.BTEWAPT. Ba ctatwfw.! pKODOCK.— : • ~r 1 " i • ' :! sdo BoilßotUri ... . .... [ 60 bu*h,OloVpm*d, ' f 80 do,, .Tißoth/.giwdl • v ; ao bbli.!'Wteyil pro; t' Wheat; . ~. ■“•ft.*#* V i - -W«tVi MOM* 00., .. Qro ? 1 *' HAMbartj •lnak.4 Toasttor wlih aa aa»r.ad alack, of Iw,. how, ni OoSj,. riah, flpioaa, Soap, Oaailaa, ;Daa4al«iA«f4 *“■ Sjrnjpa,WlucowQiaM,-.H.UliTct»oca ciddloe, be** olpd boxes, .WeehMorda, lab#,' WcodfQ -T^mba* /jOVJ3KSiMBNT 3 tie Wat B«pa*i»ent;.n ;**b-i Uo Aactloa, at Allegheny Anapai, . PUut>arsD, td B.eteopfopwy, vl«: : . , i." - . ... 'aa^OOjwatdaofßCraplr.ni \taivj * 1, loop# Wder Bar rtU; , . • OB allot Kea) ■ - v“ .l.WpPacklij'g'Boxat;, . oojeu' , •;: •>: J • k.' b. ‘b, .wbidbls yj’ ,V ■ ■ :_ mhi;ew, .. , |fmiegof,-Onilßmce> DKY GOODS MMtm UOCairiWe U?iU OMh baya« t 6 «xiAmo oar«tc : STJM* AVD TAXOr DBT a00Dj. 44 ! „w» lalllo, BHAWL, AND HOOP BKIKTB, »f lha.twat Baaluy. at old pdcaa. jOaUOOB, MOB. lONS AMO VJtaBI ooODJ.chaaii. oti; i ; :■... . .iiAa*i*cAiior * 00’5.,,.4 , Bo.ildO Vedieiri, etreetv | tb*i;Hew. JCaxkec A lie* :_fheny OUy.: f . ~ c. l» :■ O.OXJ), BXLVKE, OBUAND NOTKt>, Ur octtnnoATn or jSDMTKpaxaa, QU4BTi««ASII»r ■ (ÜBTirIQACXa. 1 J-10 Botioa AHD.ooupoHi, vul «u,9i bocgl|C by . ■, . ~ ; vJn. wu.ui>w Juft* i j ~lw»c4 itmt* conxr o| Third. { /■; / id • *•. 65 Mnr JLmm, JwaSoWf* A*CBt fctfeiw .; OTOOot hovn IMa 9a, ak.urtll 9p» tiu.’« '[, *Sl:la " , , ftftik vut Anaiin iUv $OO a nontbj - oxpofeMi p*l<; loi*U - c«r & ( riw*v J*MO*> Ortafe* Btfwrai'ud' tUrle*. ctbar jww» ia«(ai aod rarteoa §rtid«i» v ‘ «tt* ccbur*Addrtß, *' ■* jL ' K -''-''-'d'{} «'i\ i; .• -BBa > V*oL4BK,lWd**j^ } Miai4.> f7AAMOJVm^w»xU(alurD VI VIA mroout? a»*TO 4 moaiA* jSSSS paldrtvatlliar mv ofcaap Hmtoj; BavtattMaoktak* Addrtn, STgfcPttolL Att^Kgr S-tdifMßdtfrt*.•.!»*•••:.? -: [ « •tSTHAx; tbolSßk 1 bblfc'-'ftoti a: Untmi „ ***** AMUibrUllbT; ; W1) , ; ,, I ,j, - jin j Iff j SPECIUr. NOTICES, £3£“A COUGH, COLD, OH AN IRKI TA'HD THBOA.T, if allowed to progress. results In! serious Pulmonary and Bronchial aSbctloas, of* tantlmes Incurable. BROWBA BBOHOHIAL TBOOOBB neeb dtrtdJg this affected parts, end give alaoct to* •tent relief, tn BBOBOBITiS, ASTHMA, end OATABBH they an fc«nefidel. K The good effeots resulting f. on tae ue of Ihe Trochee, and thetr ex* tended ue, has cinsod them tobj'ccnoterfilUd. Be nro to gueril egie'Jtst worthlers IhUtationsT. Obteto only the gsnaiss Bren's frosdUai,2rocto, which haTeyroesd sncecj by. e test of many yeen. Pcblic 6p?akerS,end Etogere should use the Trochee. Hi itsry Officers and SOldlerv who over-tax the voioe end. are: exposed to sodden chsngrs, should Jure them, fold everywhere, et 25 cents per box. |e.Ct3mdewT jfjl^Lake Bnpenor Copper Hill and ahLKLTIKO WORKS.Ptlmnnan. PAfiKi i APCDEDY & CO., M.nnhrtor«n nV ant.THrKO, BKAgIKM- AMD BOLT COPPER, PBEB9EO . OOPPSB BOTTOHS, RAISED STILL BOTTOjiB. SPALTEB SOLDER; af.olmpertom .nd ln M ETALS, TIIT PLATE, SHEET IRON, WISE, 'Am Cciiotxntlj ou hmnd, TIM2IEBB* MAO HIKES AMD TOOLS, r Waxiucuu, Kn. Its Tint and UU Seoond .treM, Pittebuighy-Peoa'a. . - orders of Copjx-r eat to any desired pat ■ y . ! . my29:dewiyT". JC3T t cl IfervouiSufforeri.of Both A reverend gehtlemeir hsivtofi been stored to health in s few days, after undergoing:all the usual routtoo and Irregular axptasive modes of treatment, wlthsut sneoeis, coni!dss H -Us secrcd dnty to'ooramtmlcate to his ufltiotedfSUow'tnatures tbe muirsortroix; ' Henoe, on the receipt of ah ad drosMd e&Velope, he wiU eead (free) a copy of the proscription uied. Birect,tb Dr. JOBS U. |)AQ. NAX.ii, 186 PoUoa street, ‘ Brooklyn, B. 1. mhllilydewT l ' ' V. • • WH* 0. eoeiMAoV , n . m wiLAqu JCX”EOBIHSOS, HliriS ft HU. USUB, rocxnxas axs Hachzxists;- WxsmneToa Wobxs, Pittsburgh; Penn'm ’ ! Omcn/No. ai'ilLexxrr Stxx*t. '> l '' MaauActttfe ailkinde ofSTBAH JUfOIBXa ANB iULL UACBIBSBT, . OAfITXBGS, BAILBOAB WORK, STCiJC BOILXBfI iNO gBKET 1808 , **') OBBINO; JJBPAIBIBQ done on short . j- . ,-cah2B>dU tarCOBHWBLL ftms,; ; CAKRtAGE MANTIFAC?rOR i KBH p ; At tbs ola eetablished Coedl lßctory, DCQUBnNk WAX, (nxaa.Er. Caeui tfnan) **~Bepatriakdon»eeuspei. r ! JoTrtf gaST’fittibiirgA Steal Worki. . IS4AO X. enra r », OHaMUOL ; . JONES, BOYJ) ;&;Cp.i. MaaeiactarsTs of OAST BTXXI4 atoo,-BPBißAY« BATUBDAT at So'clock/forthracootninodAUon of Bcfa'adi and Tamm—. LU>«s wilU PASTICIPATB IH' BEXATH-^ Forty f*lloD«:<.f Gaa will I* aero li^itUßMOWeoUdXroa tba ■tiiH—rg wtU l»* ! iafelU Th« «ewa»lcni proddowt by br««tblofcUUa • Dfalarvabita&feo uo Uio moit wUtlc, aaa tt* affeoissoa* < o‘i lUtoflooaco upon tbooe wbobrwtbollil bam* up. aad la *a*nj cun b Igbijr baaafldal, m tb« (Ha uulbe potlljibg.ibo blood. In; on* ease.at Vai*OoUtg» l it lirMuotd.a Jojoqi'as*, bliaraifoa <#f apittta la • aaUnchoijatiidaotJwalok eontinwd lor raoatba, and pemtoaat rtitonuloa ot baallo. ; i ' - MOB,.WIT, GSKBOir 0 TH* HOST FARtA&TXU TO*fva tb* 4 oat enata'S-obanurtariatkootiariVibU. > i .iron* bat todfiw ibd BeinluaUi ofib* Uibtitn* uh*\n&Qmn 1 Dr. UiLU ilt imUbmU Dit the wholo a'f tcnatamtbt ib*4 it osadcttod «Uh tbit propritV Hut will 1 tterit.:tbs of tb« mo«t>tflMd and lattUigait.'> ‘.fs'■;:•?• JPrtrioat to brf athlng thofiik aoat of tho fellow* hu OHdiUUAI/ IXfDRmSItTB, «ItircoelUartpp*ma't wlllJwgivta; lb* D&OIJU MOND'CIQHTrGAS GON. 'WATI* HAHKBeI PffIOH&TnfIHBOBBLXS, OXlGßffr Bf DftO. QBB, BLTBOaIa.. •t! r ORCKE BAJI S B jiAGl“o tAßfl!aß t ’With Mirm*»HToprt«t» »«n»rJ.:ilt«to»Ult»j» bMattU Ttilnui. i*b» mbot» sUtt* l»wp«ts_ laitoaaaNaupwtacteofito.: , ... 6 • . SEy&N SISTPB^, Ul TlhliOT —Olcabl. tbrTfpOV f .> T :' &'.f i l,. t Mh do ■- Pete ;•_ •b do' ? My ol4BjcinbkyHdM».^* u ' 1 •Tthi de : ■ WartlirfeaV Amr TWW Cft.-vViv-' «'•'-* *.•'•• .?r:- cv.jk-'flciiTr.‘ ... Mb *>: ‘I : I, lith 3 !«•'< 1 MbMtfdMWMhi at l T, ~~’~‘-" : -' w - n MnTMwnniV ■w»aM«to s ' Merohant jailors. ' An n*u( their FAIL AM WnraEß BVOCK, Which to extent, choice, teste and prices wfll conw pare favorably with anything loathe trade, oomprtoi “k^tha aswssta&d Ustmakes of Trasoh ■ 1101 0A5SIM BBSS, 'l- < |.-v, j VBSTIHQS, ahd -■ . . , QyBBpOATIKOS. 0 gAjy* thSUrhest and best selwrted : stock of Ooodl yobhibhiboroodb . ■ 00A. or PEBB t St. (AAIBSTBEETS. , wv*arrs4 ; ; j Whfafa prrtrsnti him from srorjlitog'at hb 'trsdsil wlshss a UtueiioD at anything where baavy werkAS not it qulred atpment. Ksgulia at Vo. 857 idbert* addfees -U. S. a, "WANtfiD—A GABHNHiL to fcki I «*• shd small Vineyard. E: : JfllS VSi piIILADKI,T»HTA SHIRT ABB COLLAR HOUSE, 'ym WHMHIQKOBI6HIBTS; 1,000 BOijJ ABD BUJ. TLA* ;1.000 DQZ«HAgBOBI*D;» JtHOTTBAV*IISa I,OOODOZCH WHtn.ifUSLIV 8RIBT?. fro:l |B Opwirtrf l '* *■ i.ooocoiiM DMilCOTiiaAiitfi*' !a'■ ° : OOTlOilAjpj{ j ‘ W*®W- »Mti HsL fcHIRTS, and a lim iMortmut of LUlf AMD MABBKILLXB B&OMft ANDtOOLLAaI AH© jßShiSmhg opqi&;“ Fori*!* byr 1 . ‘1 • i f- v ■ BHJSNETT.BDCH 4 00., j * aAjnrtixnmutt..; . ... iitey.HiniWphta, Ik.. |>IBiMW ; * ' »• • ■•- 'UUKAUCK. & uittaUJ j| lUatt'fkitiMis'er •J! v/ '•..•••- . JLEAD PIjPE, BBUEET AHDUAB LEAD, | And da*l«ni (m - •-'''Vi:' ' M Block lin*, .U.. I ' : ; AHD|,'i,) >'• i i’ajtentBhot I ir/alra btb*x i> ; Bxnra Mah AJoEicmU. j j ivoiniihTi.o. - UI&JUMMI a'4'JUkL PlttSßoßaB t lp& " ' ;S ; . - Tv/.r.-.... f '4''WW QD ALITTMHHXD OAST fiTKXV fl'UB U. O. Kft,VbAll«i tllimoMtt * tortanrtttstsfthattae-per Mat. of Al-> l*Jq*ort, i>jr whldtlto ■aa«Qßf»f •ißfr.tpfo.PaUfrr Internal &mnqa la calculi t*3L TSylnifiiimmli *itk (tear jar :btokbrtebka and tnatrnatlena, ktaackadio*;poiUah«ißufconay «UE¥Vra« TBAHBITB, 8 ®“ s ; imtb g. ;- '-* ,r-' ••• s ofrtwt •-• l " "-‘Vd ■ ManaQKt*rtßgOpticlMi* < ‘. -lalfclai.: Ml Cfcaitaat rtraal.iPhHwtelphla. Pa. B. UUlMlvtt, Ay T *" . trnn iW»cn»tW» »■ . a? xr-Rjat . HO.'« WJUWI, 'i- : ; ‘ \z\ ~ 1 f Hytoiraofti tuMMD FUMMITUBB&mtaMf OD lui<, .«hl|! •• will nil «t a* ItmtH for cifeZr. ■' ■falfclWlMl4i f ■'■>■•-■■■ ; ■ o; .•••{• - J ■•r? ( ju.cAJuowjUiii, r - T 7T *“ - j lirmmtrU luim gohai A 0».,) q t ■ ' v';,. ham4. SKOKID SUf, Ao. • q - ■ " . . KABJUaISDJIBST BTKMTB, ' • —• • itiwmn.fc pOrFKKI'r qOtrFKH | "CyjjfKK tZ. .>/WAaIM), n»r» Onoa *sa ti» poblio'w «»' ,"r -qW^MII,,*»OHPAB*It»BipABitIIOSnXI, i <,\- .'. vr-'rT■'s > -V «a* W Mi* Dollar*. Tor Ml* bj rST.“ - r, T --JUUII.JOHBSTOS4OO_- 6T Wood itraaf. , ~ r— w ***»•?» brMiU .WlnaowaiMK f filfeSsS^r' ,. He*sa=3S T„. . ftKJSIEi—&UW boflhL pnma uiot 111 BibjaatLu^jp - luruwth Wdi.lTtlai.ad -r-'nuniimSJS-W* «*» ■ AjTffff Jim.—.'! ha lx. sss^»*gaiag» JttS^^S“s»^issinjBnpT w^S^SiMStjcTj^ 4 “«« w«i