fcpk :: : ' * v .,: i ~ : m#*-; ; " : " :} i■" ■ ' ■■ - ' ? " " 'if:-':''', ■■- " ■ : - MOMtgrO, tm -28. ~«K» f «*;iol]n- liraßllitUMCß.- V«lb** le*** of v the If hitefeld ; naole, Itmdoß, Trherejduiinis the lost 'on* I .V’. hundred and twenty you*, oo m»ny ooulal hare boon awakened to ’a *ei*e .of their | J" ■ dttty; »iid l*4 toflee ,'to thehopeetl before ; WiU oborUy exyito. ''ttar-;ta*o ?M -• aot be renewed, bat ibe.buildlng m»y bo I ; to* b » nt b,in * ““H ■* % to raise the *am necessary for, it* purchasel ’' sol also make some needfnt improrejnenl*. I °; Th. prio« Bx«d u xa.ooo, to which unit be ( i added £2,000 for the improeement of! the" v- ■ ;■ . ‘‘ - ' ■: "from ,»n *rtiol* in the London WaUkMM, it appears the Chapel Income of - ■ i&effesieyin M»lho of land, made by Congreea forthoestabllshment of an agri i; cultural ocllege. . - ,*rs ——lt is said, there are six Protestant clergymen residing in. Naples.... An Angli can Chnreh in-about to be erected : in the Marches-Uh&t is. at the very gates of EomeC „ —-7 A. Western correspondent of the says: . ’■ : * “Senator i Doolittle is amember of a Bap tist ohturbh'ln and is nowhere more highly esteemed than at hone. X wish the western! Slates would wend to. the United - States Senate many high-minded Christian menlike Senator Doolittle. Got. Ramsey, just elected to the Benate from Minnesota, -is • man of high character. Senator Her- j lan, of lows/iff a Methodist minister, and , < : maintains his I Ghristian integrity every- | where and.hnder aU cironmstanoes.” . i v '" ’ Dr.'Wilmer, formerly reo . tor of St. : hUrVs Protestant Episcopal Church, ,waa ; arrested while reiurninyfrom Riohmond, and is now being tried 1 by court-martial, on the charge of ..being a spy, contrabandist, &o>. /. *—lie-New York Ministerial Xuthtran • Association adopted a resolution that wben ever any minister connectedwith that body : fails to pay his debts, and refuses-to Jteed ’ the demands of his creditors, he shall first .be seriously admonished by the Prerident, • ;and : when suoh admonitions .shall fail to • iproduce the deaired'effect, he* shall be sub jected to the wholesome discipline of the • Church. . '•} j ' a meeting of aPreabytery of the < Cumberland Presbyterian ■ Church, held near Greenfield, .East Tennessee, seteral r miniaters, ’who were acting as linden of the Union party, wdre deposed/ ’ —The CntralCfoutia* pub ' Ushedat SUJioaisj.Mobj&aya: ‘dn e cbntenarion' : .wfeL the Rer. Mark : who triaTelediong in Arkansas, ' and was thefello w-leborerof. Mr. Eewley, ■' we learned that Urier preachers of^the*M. 'E. Church, during last summer, haTe -been murdered in Arkansas. These were James Murray sad Hiram Hess, traveling preach ers, and Charles Cavcn&er, aloeal preacher. —ltißSisingularfactwhenmiflisteis # o‘f the GospSh become half * century old they are thought to be too. old fbr popular service;/, But while the hitter is regarded . thus in the Church, how te in State ? Mem ; ben of President Xincoln f s Cabinet range ' Broih’dG 'yean .up to 68. *A cotempoary asks : “Canany one tell why as they exertsuohla dsinsging.inflaence /pop. the.clergy, *nd: not upon the Uityt / Upon/minister*’of Chriati'aad not-upon statesmen? Q attracted attention in this country, tiro year* ago, i* pre&ching' in a-Bsptlat church inLiTCrpool with groat success. Si* ishors prinoi p*Uy eonfined to the iow<*jjbl*eses, . A correspondent d a ProTidence ' paper-write* that a wiiftipreud religion* proTsllsnmoiijf-the churches in F*U,ELWer. It preyed esoToryolsaasnd . ooniiition, add is miuiileat in erery church, save the Quaker and Reman Catholio soeie- Ue*; Some feature* eonneeted with it nr* leryremarkable: - Firat, it ie-the meet quiet, orderly »nd unobtnmiie, apd the. .ame timethe mo«t deep, thorough and *ggr»UfTe in it* ojpera- Uona'ofnny religi*d l 'sh.e»rorirt i9i*i , ®l ®ri®bh- n : - .1 ; The AmetieMSenmen’s B®* ' ‘.rSriy, IneonjMaJot Uis.BosUni Bods* tour hnndied' und fifty tnlto mis sionarlcs adoaU ' . : Tb* General Assembly, of (he Pres* hyUrinn Church in. Ireland, has. la its eon neilon39 preabyteriw, one oflhem In India, There ars'46 lieentiaUs and ministers with out oharge; 17 ministers rsmored from one eongregationto anotherjliwere ordained daring the year;: and 9 died. In the Bqb- j baVh SohooW there are 9,778 nnd j 97,760 eeholars. ; .. £/>/■!}. ■ special meeting'dithe of Menongehein.irUl. be held in,; ths First United Freshyterisin Chnrnh of.thiseßy, on Ttursdayi Msreh’EtK. i y / /j -. oorreepoudent or v; the CVutwa • rite etndent* of Mndison Unlretdty art intending to enter , the ministry, and over one hundred am ptofaesor* of religion. The eburohe* in the riebrily are enjoying a mns of eerivnL|/v 1- -M J • ■ _VL . •, : L -Vi.i ' - •;K K- • 1/ ! Ww. ■V.‘.p f • ‘ i • «T» • ‘ L •IS; ■< ■. ■v*-,. -j> - . ■ • 1 few&ij'.S *t>-. *%'■ ' V'* ly *' * * i r ..'■f ' T LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. From Yeiterday’x Srenug Gasette. The If rightist Explosion at Dupont’* Powder Mills. Lt two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, from •ome. cause which wUI prebably sever be known', :tbe. packing, boose and one of the ailli belonging to the Dupont works, near Wilmington, Dei;, blew up, leattering the . hnUdliigi like chaff, killing thirteen of the operators, and shaking the earth for many | miles around. “ These mills are situate on the Brandywine, ft stream flowing;past the town of Wiimlng too,' Del. They are about three and a half miles from the town* They comprise three, massive stone buildings, erected against the ttda of,a hill, each of which ii scarce lest ] strengthen a fortress. Not far from, them is a oldster of houses occupied by the operative* In the mills. It it called Dapontvllle, Its retldentt work in the mill*, ana are devotedly attached to~their employers, the Messrs. Do* pout. Previous have occurred, at these milts. Men have lost their Uvei,bnt their families remain to this day in the care oi their employers, one of whom, Mr. Alexis Dupont; U will be remembered, was a vlotim with hit Work people. . At a few minutes past two o'clock yester day. a dull, heavy sound,Ukethedistantroar of cannon, shook the town of .Wilmington. Theoocupants of the houses simultaneously rushed into the streets, while upon every tongue rang the words,“The powder mills 1 M The powder mills.” Horsed, were harnessed by those having them at command, and in stantly thtre was a rash by, a multitude of people, mounted and on Toot, for the toene of the supposed disaster. ’ • . The massive stone walls were hurled so far that not a stone composing them Is recognisa ble. The sound of the explosion was so ter ribly deafening, that the families of the work men living in the adjacent hamlet were stunned as by an eleotrio stroke. It was | some minutes before the smoke cleared away, and the effects of the tremendous convulsion were apparent. When the Wilmington peo ple reached the spot they found a haiTOWlng sight—a sight that by nothingelse oonld have bren presented. Borne dosen or more of peo pi. wVu MU«d, *nd h»lf fruntlomothor.»nd Swidt.il wm. .brioting, .mong th. drtnii or th. building. for tho». of tboir klndr« d *np no.ed to h»ro two »t th. t.M upon tho* pot. Ih. qufcntlty of powdor wu mnoh lo«. th»n uiul/for . went d.livory hot onongh rom.inod to blow Into tho fhrdia tmnoo ototj Toitigo of tho mill*, *nd to .hiko tho oorth for miloi .round. In PhlUd.lphi., fully thirty-thro. mil.. ditUnt, tho ihMkwu Tory «oT.ro, MdwM ronerWly .ttrlbutod to u o*rthqu»ke. Win dow. rmtttod, plutmd w»U. otnekodi orook *ry Tin tdmblod from ihelrol, nnd in loni' vUom fiinni oponod In th. ground. Pooplo nnor.lly,ln th. qalot or r«tlrod p»rU of tho fity, ant Into th. itmt. from' thoir hou.e., whllo thou Wrondy In tho itroot .toad Wmo.t motlonlon, gulng on TM»noy, u If trying to f.thom tho depth of ipuo—wondering wui ItwuWlnhont. . , * bat Constitutes PiuelJorglu We clip the following from the QaMrUrJj Trad* Circular, » now periodical jolt j«®ed by Mr. Georgs H.Thurston, snd deroted to the trade etitistics of this «ItJ * Pittsburgh hM been much unaerrelaed ebroed, from her poputition being improperly stated In the census end other public, stetis ties. The oehtns girts separately the num ber of inhabitants In Pittsburgh, end ln Alle gheny City, but Ignores, In connection there with, the population of our suburbs, which contain a largo proportion of om: eiUac:»*• Tho'oommunity generally known at Pstu burgh, coniliti of twelrodUtintt mnn'clpal - tlei, and lix village! or i.tUemonU in addi -1 tion, to immediately Joining theto, at to ten da it lmpottlbla for any bnt lurwyort to lay when the corporate municipalities and, and fto minor Tillages oommenco. To itrangerij they bnt appear the fnrlha exlontion of one of mote streets. . . , - The distinot borporations consist of the eities of Pittsburgh and AUegmy. .The Boroughs of Birmingham, Best Birmingham, Monongahola,'3Ugo, Well Pittsburgh, TemperanceriUe, Manchester, Snqnean. and LawrchoOTille, and the Til lage! are, Mlnenrtlle, Oakland, Brownt itown, ‘ Mount Washington, Hatiltld and pcpalatlon of this tbiokly lottled'aroa of dwelling* oannot bo aoonrotoly k l ™® f ”“ any of tho Comm returns, at eaob of tho citiot and boronght named are loparatoly oountod in the enumeration! j and tho difficulty ft• till ' further inoreaied that a Urge mass of tho po -1 pnlation li glron in tho enomoratloniofiomo of the inrronndlng townthipi, into wbioh tho ' city’s pared doioly built ttroeu 1 Proa the oontui rotnrni of kbit Tioinity ■ wbioh haTo been made publio, we bolleTo the population of tho eommnnitj known m Pitta- ISgh, ooniUting of the twrtTO mptmUon' i named, and their immediately adjoining tII i lagu, will not fall thort of 1J0 > 000 '^f l , D n g ’ tnooato of *0,006' in ton year!, or foil 50 per e "®h e ana of ground etvere'i by Pltubnrgb extendiln a itSghtllne along thi Ohio an d j Monengahile riven 4>i milei, and an equal dlitancoalong tin AUegheny andOMo nd fill! likewiie, a triangalar ipaoo Minn flu Monongaiole and AUegheny I buo by 3 talloi on altborilde, embradnj In all bor lurfeoe, 5,37# aeres of ground. A Decieion of Importance. Whether tin publication of an official ad- I rertiiemont In tin Sermon laoguaga U folly In agreement with tho requirement! of law' hat foraomo time bean a matter of doubtwith legal anthorlUoe. Before tho Supremo Court of Penniylranla the matter J** 1 ”? teited. Tho cate wat carried up on a/oor tiorari from the Quarter Seiiieni, Mng railed upon tho road oaee from Upper Hanover and Pranconle. towMhipr; Mont gomery county. In thl. de- Adod that notion of view, required-to bopub llthed, matt bo givenin tho ‘YudleS of the country whieh ii ntod in the judldal proooedinge.: Inthepretont e*«o, th e D otioo wat given in German paper!.and in the Cor-; mam Ungoaje, » n d for thl.rea.on the pro-1 ooedinga are quathod. In oojm dot where the I Sermon language ;.prevalU;-fthW deoielon of I the highett judicial authoritioa it of much I imporUnMe • / • Death by/Drowning. . I On Friday morning, between aoren tnd eight o'clock, a painttr named Jamet M. Bid. die, employed in painting the hull of the new ttetmtr Davenport, lying at tho Monobgahela wharf, fell from afloat and wat drowned. Ho lu engaged ,In moving .ttt float from one tide of the b6at to, the other, and when pet*" inc round-tie -atom he loat hit balance by iome°meanib and fell Into the water. Being unabletoawim,he oouldnetregainthefloaQ [ andaooainnk. The body Tint not yet boon "rhddeotated retlded on Sttvtnaon etroet, In theßlghth Ward, whore he leavot.a wUe I He wat a very worthy elUstfip and ** f no I the ufader Mayor Wllaont ad -1 min titration. / j Taxer Dad to the State* j (in Wednttday, a itatomont wai preeented to the Board of Bevtnue . Commiaalpnort, thowing thi amount due the Commonwealth, fortaxea on real and peraonal property, from. tho verioui oouatiaa, at the date pf-the. laic HtUement. Fromthlt atatement it appear. : that the WhOlt amount then doe wet. ..1597,55; 04 Paid' alnce tetlement -. >1,009 75 ‘ itCldoe,..—— i lO ! At tho dato of tetwment, Jan. 27th, 1803, Allegheny oounty owed 910,178 78. j She hat | , ainoa nald 918,088,' leaving an anedr of but 35179*73. Philadelphia owe! 9273.080 73, ÜbtOen oouhtlet have paid up dn Ml; while the mejority owe but a few thoutand dollart. . - APitttbnrgher Promoted. I Cant. *. «. Bote, of Co. B, 77th Ptuntylva -luU Beglmont, who hat earned promotion by Me gallantry andwuraga; hat been pommie llonod eh Colonel of the. Regiment, made Tt oant by the promotion of Col; Stambangh at I Brigadier General. Cdpt Boee li well and I favorably known to onr dtlieni, and prvvtone I to entering tho army wae engaged ai Tnnol md of tho South Pltttburgh pnbllo aeboplt.- He noiMtiei the flrv and mettle of a tree eol- u veryfcophlnr with We regiment. 1 Hlinumerou! friendi here will begratlfled to 1 lArnofhlehonorahle promotion. | , "oent.Pipor,of tho iamo To«lmont,'hai boon I promoted UoatonanrOoloM'oy. y n W* large octavo volume | uniform with their editions of “East Lynne, “Verner'a Pride,” “The Ohanniogs, “A Life’s Secret.” “The Earl’s Heirs,” and other works, by ithe same popular writer, already published by Messrs. Peterson. The present story, we find, if as highly spoken of as any of its predecessors. It is for sale in Pitts burgh by John P. Hunt, Masonic Hall, Fifth street; also by W. A Gildonfenny, 45 Fifth street,'near Wood. Prioe2soents. Death op Chios Pribosim.— ln a long list of Western* and Northwestern prisoners (taken by the rebels at various times) who have died during their imprisonment, we find the following named Pennsylvanians: J. B. Hankley, Co. B. 103 d ; died at Salisbury, N. G., July fltb, 1862. Henry Gull, Co. F, 10th Reserves: died Dec. 14th, 1862, at Richmond. M. R. Young, Co. K, 10th Reserves, died at Richmond, Deo. 24th, 1862. Pictorial Papers.— Sarper't Weekly, Frank Lethe, and the N. Y. llluitraicd New will Wloundat W. A. Glldenfenny’s News and Periodical Depot, 45 Fifth street, neas Wood. Many of the illustrations in these beautiful paper* are very spirited, and cannot fail to interest both old and young. Tax Illustrated Weeklies.— Frank Let fie’s Illutlrated Netctpaper and the New York lUuttrated Newt arc received at Mr. J. P. Hunt’s News and Periodical Depot, Masonio Hall, Fifth street.. COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH MARKETS Oma of tub Pittsburgh Dao-t flAxrrn, Fexoat, Feb. 27, HMJ3. Coin continue* to fluctuate ilightly In the East, but not sufficiently to produce any change one waj or the other hero. The tendency however, U down ward. Wo quote the buying rates at 165 for Gold, 163 for Dsmand Notes, and 146 for flilver. Eastern Exchange Is steady at par bujjng, and >4 per cent prem. selling. FBOVIBIONB—The market U firm and the de ma.dfatr, while prices remain unchanged; ealea of 100 pc* Shoulders at Oo; 200 pcs Plain Hams at B%c; 3,000 IbrSugar X'oml Hama at 10c, and 6,000 Ibe j Shouldete and Plain Haxnial 6 and B>£c. Lard b I very firm; sales of 6 kegs and 10 bbb prime Country at 10*310*4 FLOUB—Remain* firm bat unchanged. The de. maud U not very extensive and the tramactloa* aa a general thing, are entirely local. Sale from store of 600 bblß Choice Extra at 66,90. Extra Family U firm at $7,U> to $7,60. Bye Floor.la unchanged at $3,00, OBOCSBIKS— Sugar fa vety firm and raw »y be quoted at 12@13c. Coffee U ateady with small atlas at 33 td 35c for Coxnmoa to prime Bio. Hoiaatsa range from 33 to 68c, . BUTIKB * U hanlly ao firm and prioee are a shade lower; sale of G bbla prime 801 l at Eggi Sale ol 6 bbla at 19@20e. DBLED FBDIX —The market U firm and price* an fully maintained. Sales of 60 buah prime bright 1 Apples at and 10 bosh Eeaches, halves, at $8.60. 1 with tales of 16and 25 boxei prime W. B. at Utfsnd lO'bpxes Goshen at 13c. LtBO piL—firm and advancing; aaiea of 16 bbh it 90@dl.0t and 10 bbla at 95c. demand and. firm; sale of 288 sack* at 75cp delivered in Wheeling,aecks included, which fa equivalent to about Me hero. HSU—4ales of 16 hall bbla Lake Herring at $5,00; 10do Whit* FUh at $656,25, and 6 bbla No. S Large “--•i.l at $lO,OO. • Imports by Biver. WHEELING —rxa Muuti—lB bbl* ale, W Ed. muod»Aeo;4sbbUappl«« f egg*,Ac, Ju A Fetxer; H 9 6 f bbla, B T Kennedy A bro} 26 bMa wpplea, S Brady:*Vtck* Hqno*. Jaa-Bryar A co; 25 bbli whisky. Joe Schmidt; 100 do do. A Quckoahetmer A Bro; 25 do do, F Lynch A co; 117 bb'« Hoar, Brown AKliknatrlck; 23 bbb apple*, 6du flour, L Barch* field; 90 eltf wheat, Hitchcock. McCnsery A co; 104 S. bSey; Joibai Bhodea; 1 bx, % bbl Jno P Scot* lbxink.flckacheeae, l tub batter. Clarke A co; 14 bxaink,J B Weldlo; 8 bdU eke, Simpaon A Ko:x: SX do* broom*, Long A Doff, I cede* chwl, 1 bbl, 1 r cbelr, P A 0 BB; 1 moving, V A Bulger, l bale ■ ■kini, A Burchfield;* bbl* apple* 8 aksoata, 34 do notttoe*, J O Paden; 7 bx* irodriof, 14 aka rag> and apple* 17 bbla aeed* eggs »nd beam, J Boemer; 4 bom* and 1 bx, J A KoyiJO batta lobacco, 16 bbla do. Lambert A Sblpton; 60 keg* lard,Caldwell A bro; 3 bx* hAM* and copper. Park, McCurdy A co; 1 box dear*. B P«t; 75 bxa candle*, E Urazleton; 10 bale* wadding, Morgan* lern A bro; 825 bdla paper, Scho njlar A lamp 4 pea bolter*, J** Collin* A co; 2W • •U bbl*, W P Wooldridge, I4bab*hay,2o tkacorn, JooAtbockle; 160 • ( bbla, P Wilmarih; 1 baaket flah," Owner; 0 rolla leather, Blch Bard; 4t bbl* ap ple*, 4 bjta a aeed, Joo Hfrbert; 4 bbl* c £ll,2ck* do, V 6 bbl do A Ciawtord; 1 ptow and point,Hall A Speer; "Svibok stoves, 37 pc* warn and caatlnx*, P A C B B; sirotU leather? l bxAa, Peter Mark*y; 1 lot chair atnlL Jacob How; 3 calve*, 2 pkn butter, 1 hi bbl, 26 i ifct oata. Barkley; 1 movelng, MdDevltt; 4 bbla floor, 1 4 bx* batter and eg**, 3 aka rags, A Wanhope; OO n oil bbla, J Klchey; 41 ak oatt.3B beech lega, Jaa Bry. | an; 278 aka barley, Joahoa Bhodea. Imports by Kailroad. riTTMCMH. ft. Waxira'A CHICAGO Baujwad, Tsb ST—IOO bbU flour, U Connelly, CT tee,* H bbU Urd. F Sellers A co; 14 bble peacbee, Little A Trim* aka rage, K B Godfrey; 100 bbU floor, Wll lUm. HcCutcheon; 18 bbU floor, 10 bble At* welt. Lee A eo; Bdm broom*, John Floyd A co; 86 bblfiaand, E D DUbHdge; 5200 pc* bacon, W B. Ilaje * CO, * PirrencaoH A CtavaLASD Battaoao, Teb 20— & plus batter, 4 ska dry fruit, L H Voigt A cO; 36 bbUapplee, F Y*ogorder;4obfbb!*fl*b, J field; 60 hide*, G H Andereou; 31 bble apple*, Wo P * eo; 26 nkg* tobacco, Atwell, Lee Aio; 22 bble t>eaxU. J 8 Canfield, ICO bide hlgbwluei, BAH Wal*. go bble flour, F W Walker; 76 eke oats, bboma* kar A Lang; 62 do do, 6do mill feed, W U Hagan; lUO bbUnarbon oil, J L Long. The Oil. Market. Feb. 27.—The rite in the Allegheny liter .baa weakened the market for Grade Oil slightly, and holders are more anxious to tali, fearing that ehoald tbeieceJpta b* heavy, prioee Will decl ne. Ae yet, l however, there haa been 16 materiel chango, and we I quote at 9%510c in balk, andJ4@UJ4c In bble. The ealei reported on *cbaoge were: 200 bbU In bulk I at 9)£cr'476 bbla at lOc, bblato be returned;. and 400. rbbjs**K*uawha” at 14c, bblsJocladedr I -Befined OU continuoe Ann, and good attendant j braudj are still held firmly at 30c. In bond,; and 40c. rfr& datable brands, of conrso, co 'not command | tfaff figure*. Sale of 600 bbl* “BrUU*nt,'’ In bond, I at 36c, to be delivered In Philadelphia in Hatch* I vßenaine la In good request and the matktl ll firm j with an upward tendency; Sale of 160 bbla at 80c, 1 which appear* to be the ruling figure. /Cooperage—Sale of 3,600 oil barrels *113,26, and II 900 cemented and painted at $2,60 each. Petrolenmin New York* Feb. 25. ' The foreign accounts are' generally considered un« . favorable, bat tberise in Gold and has had the effect to strengthen the market. Crude'baaicon* tinned in request, and at the cloeo, the market bad a ! rather firmer appearance for parcels for immediate delivery—tbstales are bbla. at2l@22c for In* mediate delivery, as It la, (Inclndlng 100 at xO,} 2}>i A22W shipping order, in yard, and 22®23 L o._b-, In* 2ndiog 7,000 bb'adellnnbleln April* llaiy and Jone, rkt ttiIZQ&U 'shipping order; and 1000 delivered In I pUlaaelphU* 18 £ 6.1*; Be fined dote* with much 1 firmnea* at an Improvement ofrhbout lc. on bonded, iA»d2o.onfreo,4obeln*ofl(tted for primebranda in I bond, and 4232&4A nadily obtainedfor rprime fm*- liauU ***>• »<*a jpS* ‘j •' r.-'r.'J.r/U ■} l-v; > 'J- 1 and ml. are 13,000 Wa to bond. Som.a>lor;to Whim, IUO@I2O twt, (moltlj Us.nilupwan!)»l:3o @39«k tor prompt delto.ry, 4300 J{* March mid April dolir.ry, .t (itilrtly Hi-* -7V/.1 ftnd 1200 eta. tin, part March mid May dellv «i?4s@s3, inoitlj 50@S3, port f- 0_ b., »nd o.oobil. fri,pt3JKffl3«lorStrawcoirand >o« to,t, anl; 4o @43 lor Rood to prim, br.urfa Naptha *-oottoue. to grrat demand, and pri-o. bate Improrrd toll) So por Ration, c lotto,at 42* tor beat jaup Ir.-lli<>aiW.>io 1 r.-lli<>aiW.>io 4000 bblt. part to a-mo, Co@fl6 gr viiy, at 30% for Crude and batf doodorixed, and 3o@42>s for prjm* eweet; and 10,603 gallons In tin, 4G&48& «**. Bee ived since Ist January, 101,203 bbu. Tho pX porti are very large is witl«be seen below : j _ Eaport of Pttrol.um, Ac , .too. tot " From New York—. ißs’77* From other p0rt5~...'..~.....~~ »— — ■-v—“ ! .........gall* 5,020,131 Total -&Jupj>»eo LitL RlVEll INTELLIGENCE The rtTer continues to swell rapidly at thU.Jwl and last evening the per marks Indicated thirteen feet. The weather yesterday was elekr, pleasant and| spring-like, andtbo snbw has entrrely disappeared. Th* Allegheny rivtt Is again In floe navigable condi tion, and the packets:will immediately commence making their regular trips. The Bella No 4 will lead off this evening. ■' ] Business was quite active at the wharf yesterday, and tho shipments were apparently large. The re ceipts, however continue light, the Emperor, from Louisville, being the only arrival. The Argoey and Echo, from Cincinnati, araboth dno hero to-day. The Ltoxie Martin and J B. Ford, from the same point, are expected in between this and Monday. Thera was not a single departure yesterday, jasld* I from the regular packets. | : As will be seen by reference to the staunch freight steimer Navigator is offered for sale. She Is only about one jear old, and was sold to- her present owners last fall for $20,000. , Cipt. William Dean, formerly of the Navigator, to building a new boat, which ho expects to have ready, far the summer trade. The hull wiU bo laonched ln a few days. Capt. Gray is progressing finely with bis side wheel steamer i>iVenport, and judging from present appearances, she wilt soon be completed. The Exchange, Captain Anawalt, to the tegular packot to-day for Cincinnati and Louisville. Ilio high-headed Nevada, Capt. Brickoll, will be tho first boat to leave for St. Louis. The Argosy, Capfeßced, is announced for St. Louis and all points on the Upper Mississippi river. . The Starlight, Capt. Vanhook, wIU leare for f t. Louis at an early day next week. jVoR EVANSVILLE,CAIRO MTSis AND ST. LOCIS.—The flae •learner NEVADA, Ctapt. D. Z. Brleken, «m Mta tur the above »ni ail lotarmedlate porta 00 bATU£- DAY, 28lb lust., at * o’clock p. xn. For freight or jaarage apply on board or to fa-17 J. B. DIVINUaiON A CO . Agenta. UTe^JftlfO^TS. rnUK ivVANrfVILLfi, J; AMD ST. LOUIB-—TLe elegant a»*Mii9 atoamor BTAB LIGHT, Oapt. Van Hook, wiu La** aa al*o*e oa SACCBDAY, 88th Inatant, at ilO a. ta. rur aJ * h i. , WS»aSSB» SooLw^ ■ 024 JOUK FLACK, 1^ IMR CINCINNATI & LOU- rJJS&o* * IBVILLB.—'Ih* iplendld atcamardßSß iittl KACHANOK, Capt. J. W. Anawalt, wiu »eaw a* fcborocnTUia D*Y,2Bth lnat.» at 4 p. m. For Iroljiil or puiun opplj on omud or to J. B. MYIKuaTON *< 0-.la». b u. f. 21 J.IH- FnAOK. ' J g UP PK It MISbIdSITFI jJEKLA PAOKHT.-Ffß KTAKaVILLE.JfmTiIt 0 A (B n. ST. LOG IS AND KKOKCJh.—itio om no. Bloomer ABOOSY, Copt. a. W. Hood, will to.ro tor the above and interm*- late pert* on MONDAY, March 2d »t 5 O’c'ock p a. • fir freight orjtaaaat* apply on board or to J. DfLIYLSuotON A G0.,1 A«nt*. fozT JOHN fLACK, f R Regular wkeklYiSj ZAHKSVILLX PACKET.— TfcefisSa&ai aov and beautiful pawanger atoamor KiIMAMinA HAM, Capt. Monro* Ayer*, leave* PUtaborgn for Zanoertlle KVKBY TUESDAY, at 4 o’dock p. m.— ttetorning, leave* ZaneeviUe fBlDAY,at-8 *. m. For fndgbi or paaaage apply on boatd Or to i. B. LIVIttUSTONAOO., Ageata, PUttborgU. H PltilCK A U DAY. THU BSD AY ana BATOBDAT, at II «• m., punctually. Leave* Wheeling fot Pittsburgh every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY* at 8 a. n. The above steamer mikea cloae coonactloM •* Wheeling with duo sldo-aheel •teamen fot Marietta, Parkerabarg and Clactncail. Jfor frcltib t or passage apply on board or to JAS. COLLINS A CO., Agents, U 4 Water vtru’t. im. ._.NUVKiLBiiK....i....IS62. CABP B T S w. D. & H. M'CAimil, ST FOCBTH BTBKET. A large portion of our etock having been bought previous to a eerie* of ad van oof, and 1 now replenish* 5, (just preceding the largest advance .of theeeaseh) with the newest design* In . OARPKTB, OIL CLOTHS.WISBOW SHADES, Ac* A fovorabl* opportunity la offered to -fmrchaaeTe at moderate rates, a* prloes will certainly be higher. ‘ delOrty . FANCY FUKa ; CHILDREN'S FANCY FOES; GENT’S COLLARS A OLOVES} EATS AND GAPS. Srery variety and ttyl* of the above good* on hand id tor tale »t ttoCOKD & Co.'B, No. 131 WOOD 8TBB«r. ai'AUUH AUKMJY TUe undeirigned art) Agent®, for Pittsburgh at 4 vicinity, for WATT'S MADISON BTABOH COMPANY, And keep OooiUntly on hand ft rappl? *•£{ STANCE, Tftrtoßt *tjle peck****, which will U add In qu&ntitle* to the trade on mo«t rce*onab*e term*. BCHOMA&ER k .LANG, GKULEttiiiCi.— i 100 bhd*. fair to prime N.O.Bniar; (0 ** goid Cuba . do; I O’* bbU .crntbed A granulated- do; J 16 “ A end B coffee • do;, 100 « a. O. MoUeene; 160 •• aeeorled brand* flyrop; 15 «« Mo. I and Extra No, l Lard Oil, | 200 tnga prime Elo Coffee; 60 " Nice; ' , _ , tut) bom 6* and 10« KonlocbJ Totocco, 1,000 ktga Nalle, auortod BiftMi 60 '• BLOarb. Soda} 100,000 German Cigar*, . , 'tsfiJsssSLtJs:. 7 foM Mo*. 130 and 182 Seoond atreet. riOMMItiBION PRODUCE.— \J HO LbU. York BUU Applet SOU li. “ U J 2M buih. prim* ClcTtr Seed; luO do do Tlai'jtby teed; 35 bbU. flwoot Oldor*- v 5 tom B«ckwh*»tHoa;; ini tor —U> bt ~ L. H. VOIGT *w. OKfiSa ARRIVAL 01? FißH. | JJ iu> bbla. No. 1 Mtck«rei; ' lOOhtJf bill Nc. 1 do; ' , 100 «jr. bbla. do m; tQ bbla. No 3 do. 300 bf. ibll. Ko. 2 do* ; 300 bbU. No. 3 targe Marieerei, iOO lit b la. 3do do; sa>bbla bo. 3 midam do; % Bacon •' t 25 000Ibi. ■IOULDBBS, la bicon .cd b.llt] soooootbLSibts, .. .. 176,«U1ha. HAWS, ■ 1,000 bble.M*S» POBB; . 100 do, LBfcF COO tiercel do do: ; ISO d* White and Briwn OBjfASg, 4bo bxa.loog Albert Cwm Cat WtgDbSfi, ' r Vtt"'“ 4 *" **“ " f «» L-bwfr rrwl. Bacon i bacon t bacon 1 ; fcu Bogtf Cared H*ma; 75J000 B*. Plato Bi»a{ UO.OOO tba. Bhoaid-n; r, .. 800 ttercee kettle tendered bard, %*"&&&&&!& Vn Ko. 21”.«d M 4 uwb .1 ■ "«*■ C J 2.000 bolt. Wettern Bwerre Cutting; 80-3 de choice Hamburg; I 600 dj floaheo;- ii ‘“‘S'* “ d jornm-OANTiBLn. / luoirioti-AWO KSSJJ fit tutAHK—34 bin*, 'iwnr'ijwajwg* teSSST aykUf worat*^ -. :T nq ii . SHERIFF’S SALES. nUEKIFFS SALES.— Bv virtue of ij SUKDBT EXECUTIONS ISSUED OUT OF THE Couet of Common Press of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and to the Sheriff of said county: directed, tehee WILL BB EXPOSED TO PUBLIO SALE, AT THE Cocet : House, in the City of Pitts burgh, 1 in SAID county, on MONDAY, the 23d day of March, A. D., 1863, at 10 o’clock a. k., the following described real estate, to wit: All the right, title, interest end claim of the defendant, Edward Now, of, in and to ad those two certain lots of ground situated in Reserve township, haring forty four foot front on the Spring Garden plank road, and running back one hundred- and: fifty fl 50) feet to. smithfield -Burying; Ground, and adjoining- property of Jacob Simingiioger, Steven Nagel ;and — i ‘j - Walker; haring thereon erected a two atory frame hou e twenty-twp by thirty-- two feet. , I Seized and taken in execution as the : property ol Edward Now, at the Buit of J. Charles Dickon. : ALSO. All the right, title, interest snd claiitt of the defendant, Robert Lore, of, in and to all that certain lot or piectof gronnd situated.in the Third ward of the oity of Pittsburgh, having a front of twenty two (22) loot, mote or les?, on the north aids .of Wylie street, between, Fifth and High streets, and extendieg in depth about sixty-tive (65) feet to property of Sarah B. Fetterman’s heirs, bounded on the east I by property of R. Rafferty, and on the I west hy property of F. Qazzolo, and hav- I ing thereon ereoted a two-Btory brick I building, occupied as u tavern and dwell- I ing house. I Seized und taken in exeoution as the 1 property of Robert Lore, at the suit of 1 John Watson and John Quinn. I ALSO, All tbo right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, George Soles, of, in snd to or out of all that certain lot or piece ol ground situated in the borough of Mc- Keesport, in Allegheny county, and State of Pennsylvania, ths interest of said de fendant, George Soles, being the undivided two sevenths part thereof; said lot being marked and numbered as lot number nine ty-iiz in the plan of said borough ol He rb eetport, and bounded and described as follows, vi* : Beginning on bed end street, I in said plan, at the comer of idt No. 97 in I said plan; ihenoe along Second street afbre- I said sixty feet, to the corner of lot No. 95 I in said plan; thence by tbs line of lot No. 95 in said plan 140 feet to a twenty foot I alley; thence up said alley sixty feet to the j corner of lot No. 9f aforesaid; and thence by the line of lot No. 07. in eaid plan, 140 I leette becocd street aforesaid, the place of 1 beginning, on which is ereoted a onb and abalf story and a two story frame dwell I ing booses, do. I Seised and taken in exeention as the j property of George Soles, at the suit 61 I Andrew Solos. ALSO, All the right, title, interest snd claim pi the defondaiit, William McCaugham. of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny oounly, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Johnston Elrod, James Christy and others, #>ntainiog shout nine (9) I seres, more or lore, on which is-erected a log dwelling house, *c. Atso, All that certain lot or piece ol ground situated in the borough of Elisa beth, in the county of Allegheny, fronting on Mein street, and adjoining Bobert Gal loway and Andrew J. Roberta, on which is erected s -dwelling houso. ' Seised and taken in ezecntion as the property of William McOaugham, at the unit of Alexander Gully. i ALSO, •. All tho right, title,.interest and claim of the defendant, Joseph Logan, of, in end to all that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the 4th ward ol the city of Allegheny, being composed of parts ot lots Noi 422, 423, 424 and 425 in the plan ot lots laid out Oy G.E. Warner and Jacob Punter and F. Lorens, containing in .front on Walnut Btreet forty-four feet, and bounded and described ss follows,Uo wit: Beginning on the oorner of Sawmill alley and Walnut street, and running thence along Bald Walnut forty-four feet to a private alley, 12 feet wide; thence along said alley 87 teet to a private alley, 13 lcet' wide, on corner of Bald two private alleys, and ten feet at the corner of aid private alley and Sawmill alley; thence along said private alley (13 and 10 feet wide, as aforesaid,) forty-four feet to £|»w milt alley; and; thenoe along said Sawmill alley 90 feet to Walnut Btreet, at the place of beginning, the interest of tho said Jo* ssph Logan being the equitable interest conveyed to said Joseph Logan by tho said Warner & Punter, by articles of agree ment dated Ist day of Joly, 1848, subjeot to the payment of, the balance of the-un paid pnrohase money thereon, and: for which the same is now being sold ; on which ie erected three two-story brick dwelling houses j Seised and taken in execution as the property of Joeeph Logan, st the salt of Werner & Painter. All the right, title, interest and claim I of the defendant, Jonathan Jones, of, in I and to ail that certain lot of ground in the | village of’ Temperanoeville, AilegJxonj cotrny, bounded and described aa follows, I to wit: Fronting on Walnut street 25 (set | and extending back along the lino of land of John B. Warden -150 feet, to a street; thence along said street, "parallel with j Walnut street, 25 feet, to the line of land of Alexander's; thence along said Alex- I ander’s line 160 feet to Walnut street; on which ia orected a twontoryframe dwell [ ing housewlth a one-story kitchen, a large I frame etable, together with other improre- I ments. . ; I Seized and taken in execution as the I property of, Jonathan* Jones, ,at the suit I August Wehmnn. 5,’ ’i ! also, r i 539 LIBEBTT BTBENT. AU the right, title, inlcteafhnd claim of the defendants, James 8. Drovo, Anthony I Dravo and Vm. Dravo, partner* as James 1 S. Dravo itCo., or, in and to all that certain lot of ground situated in JBUaabethj-town-1 i ehip, Allegheny cSuuty, bounded-and de-1 ■orlbed ae follows," viz: Beginning at a I point on the Youghloghcny rivet '; thence j running along said river northwardly one I I hundred and twentyfeet; thenee westward-1 I ly three hundred feet; theses southwardly I one hundred and twenty feet; thenee east- I irardly three hundred feet, to the .place, of I beginning—bounded on south, west and 1 north by the lands Of James 8; Dravo & Co, I and on tho east by ths Toughlogheny riTerj I on which is eroded two two-story frame I houses, with one etory frame kitchen at- I taohed. . , I Seized and taken in execution: as the I property oft James S. Dravo A Co., at the I salt of James Funk, for nee of Alexander daffy. ■ ■ *. ' All the right, tltlei inlereet and claim of [ the defendant, Philip McGuire, of, in and I to and out of all that pertain lot of ground I aitnated in the Second ward of the city of I Allegheny, county of Allegheny, and Stats of Pennsylvania, being 'lot No. 89 in the j plan 6f lots laid out by George Ledlie, in theSeoond Ward aforesaid, bonnded and described as follows, to wlt; Commencing [on CarroU elreet at a point two hundred and west of Federalatreet; thenoo .along . Carroll street westwardly I twenty feet to the line of lot No. 88 in said [plan; thence southwardly one hundred feet (■loan alley 19 hot wide; thenee eastwardly t twettyfett to the line of lot Ho. *9ln aald planithence northwardly oiiehandred feet to Cakioll' Btrtet; tSe ‘plaed-of beginning; apoa which is ereoted none tiro storyframe dwelling house fronting onxiid alley,now called Ledlie street... c, j_., Seiied and taken in execution as tEb property of Philip MbQdirb, at tie suit of John Bamsey.* All the right, lille,.interest and claim of the defendant, ‘/'Michael: Miller, of, in and to all that .certain lot or, piece of ground Bitnated totfnahip, Allegheny county, containing in :froijt on a townahip road fifty feet One inch; attdextending back westwaraly at! right, angles, therewith one hundred and airly. feet, and being lot ho. 35 in Clarence Shblets plain of lota on Coal HilL /■ . v* Belted and ..taken in execution as..tho : property of Michael Miller, at the smt of itobert Ilobb. ALSO, : . All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Jonathan H. Dorsey, of, in and to that certain tract of land Bitnated in Richland township, Allegheny county, Penn-: sylvania, being tract No. 207 in Conning-, ham's ’(Fourth” District!of depreciation lands) uid bounded and ;desoribsd aa fol-; lows, to wit s' Beginning it a post near a white dak, and.rnnning thence by-lands of Dickson south 80° west 172 J perches to a post; thenoe by landsof ijie heirs of Staley north 1° west 208 peroher to a post; thence bylandeof A. Mulner ond Jacob Snyder north 89° east 172 pcrcheb to a posl;-thence by lands of Glasgow; :south l 9 east 208 perches to place of beginning; contawg 230 aores 2 roods and 10 perches, niore or less, with allowance —haring jihereon erected a log dwelling house, barn,! stable, &o. > Seiied. and taken in. [execution as the property of Jonathan H. l)orsey, at the suit of George W. Taylor and H. B. Taylor, for use against Samuol Miles Green and Jona than H. Borsey, partners as S. Miles Green & Co. . _ i ALSO,; . All the right, title, interest and claim-of the defendant, Valentinp'Btier, of, in and ' to a certain lot or piece’of ground situated in Beserve township, Allegheny county, State of Pennsylvania, 1 bounded and de* scribed. as follows: Beginning oh the township road leading from' Allegheny city of Spring Garden at the! corner of lot lately owned by Hamilton Merman; thence along said toad costwardly 100 feet, more or less, to lot of Hartman's, being put of same 100 feet, more or less , thcnco along lot of said Meryman 160 foot to the place of beginning; on which *is ereoUda two story frame and brick house. Seised and taken ih execution as the property of Valentine Slier, at the suit of Anthony Hoffman. AXSO, All the right, title, claim of the defendant William Tomer, of, in and to all that certain lot or: piece or parcel of land situated in township, Alle gheny county, Pennsylvania, and marked • in the plan of lots laidloutby J» B. Tomer, as No. 8; said plan ia.recorded in the office for recording deeds in ; Allegheny county, and described as follows: Beginning at tho corner of lot No. 9 in [said plan, and land | of Chadwick; thence by the same north 60° 6CK west 286, 616 ieet to the'corner of said lot No. 8; thence, by land of Craig north 39° east 162,12 feet to the corner of lot No. 7; thence south 61° east 268, 016 feet along tho line of said lot No. 7 to lot No. 9; thence south 51? west 102, 90 to the place of beginning; being the same lot'con veyed to said defendant by- John Binehart Tomer,- by deed' dated !l7th November 18S8, recorded in Allegheny county in deed book, voL 66 page 658. . Seised and taken ;in execution as the property of WiLliam Tomer, at the' suit of Henry Humbert for use. ! ALSO, . ■ All the right,.title, interest end-claim of the defendant Eobert MoElherron, of, in. and to all that cerwinlot orpieoe of ground, situated in Bobinsonj township, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands | of Chartiers Coal Company, James McEl herron, Eobert McCoy, Jameß McCoy aind by lands divisedto JisephMcElherron, de ceased, it being the east half of a certain tract of land which Wm. "MoElherron dec’d seised, and by will end testament duly- prosed and registered in will book, toL 10 page 876 divised to Eobert MoEl herron, containing 10 acres, on which-is ereoted a dwelling house and barn, j Seised and taken! in execution as the property of Eobert Mclllherron, at the suit of Peter P. Dematesi-"# ! ALSO, All the right,-titlej interest and olaim of the defendant, Elisha W. Cook, in and to all that certain .piece or parcel of land situated in Boss township, county of Alle gheny, State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the east and south!by township road and Wood's Bun, on the west by the-New Brighton and Allegheny city road,ahdoh the' north by lands of Philip Newhart, contain ing four acres more ior less, being the same. tract of land on the said Elisha. W. Cook now resides, and deeded to.the. said Elisha W. Cook by Wm. Leahy and record ed in the Recorder's offioe of. Allegheny county. j Seised and taken in execution as the property of Elisha W. Cook, at the suit of ILP.Bollman. ALSO, AU the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, Robert D. Clarke, Qt, in and to all that oer.tain; lot or piece of ground situated in the borough of lempcranceville,. county of Allegheny, beginning on' the north-western side of the-Pittsburgh and; SteubenTille turnpike road at the ooruer of Dennis Devens; thence along said turnpike road forty feet towards the Ohio river, thence at right angles with, 1 said turnpike ‘weatwardly one hundred and twenty feet, preserving,the same width to, a street , r Also, the one undivided fourth part of all that certain piece or parcel of ground situated in the borough of Birmingham, Allegheny county, containing" in front on Denman street 21 feet 8 5-16 inches and extending baok at right angleß therewith, preserving the same width 60 feet to lot of Yoe’shein, and being the earn* which Sul livan's'administrators .dated Octo ber 28th, 1844, recorded in book vol* 70 page 212, granted and conveyed to James, Clarke, Seised and taken , in execution as the property ot-Bobert D. Clarke, at; ‘the suit of Robert Bobb. ' • 1 ' . HABBY WOODS, SnEEirr. Shesot’s Orncß, Pirrsncson, ! ' Feb. 28,1863, , j ‘ SHERIFFS BALE.—Emanuel 4 Ecker •nd Vary, bis wife; Thomas Hoikiason and Klisabeth* his wUe:; Sidney rßgreraad Bistro, his wife, In right of laid Mary A., glisabeth and KMxa, hairs and Jegal :i6pnafintaUTei.ai John White, do* ceased, «t. John BiiUtfahdthe Oath MuluaTlniur* uca Company. /No 18;InTsrtiUonl : Order of Sale. Byslrlusor the abote order of sale,ls*uedout of the District Courtof Allegheny county, Bennsylr Tania, and to the i'Sheriff of said county directed, there.will be egpMed to Bublto Sale, at the Court H onso in the City of Pittiburgh,ln said county, on MONDAY, theiMd day of March, A.DiIBSS, at 10 o’clock a. the ;foUowtsg deicribed Kami Batata, All that osrttin lfitof groandrittu ted, lying ahl biting'in Jieaerve-townshijvAllßgfconjrraßnty, being lot Mo.' lTlb Thompioa Bell** cn MntmOry Hiil,sfaTlflga front ufoaenafldred baton ,W»Uis street, and intending is depth, two hundred and Wtj (rEO) bet. - Sheriff. PHtabnVgh* ftb.jllfcl&a. \' J " fofolawP*^ riOSDENSED w V Milk, and refined Sugar «£d ior in tin ouu, la which shape; It will K tews; an excellent It «I,«1 »d tit * «|» jg^ssss ®Jw. Mia awi itnw- r»UAOKKUi COOLIA. ANir OWUA 9»W W? of JOEBI --- Liberty »ndH«ad street*. mdtad ud. tor (dcJV. J 0 HBHBHiW, •fcjj . mn»- lithortT nt Hut ttrMto.. ■t AtiU LABD.UIUt-!: " J 1 gdbbU. ftlM Oaaama Lradfi, . ? Mr? 1 /- -tfr / -I J! WjOKTBir SKAT ?°a \J rtrj d-lr.Hl. 1-ttaO.JnW"* M ! HILL," ffi*i«2rsos Mty.la.th® ttetelty mansion ir In complete »tdte ft« UiUW.yj "TTI blrtßxbwinptaitdiß inpiuTamenta within tha lift two yam.'.ft wUaiinn WW° aecnre nn improved pUca, nth *h«hw*3Mg*J“ tel garden, to, eoald no* ba batter aottad. » PuKinr Railway \MXU rttcalai to .MdJgtoJ"* city, pan lmtaedUtaty injriobt ol ibe maaiirtto . terns apply to tHOMAB *wnW ' I 80. 150 yoq« superior sew BOlLX&t S 3 iacfett dwßWi, • feet-)ong» inch Iron* Hfwo EtfjjEA.OLIC.PBXSSIB, fer whbmkU combleU., _. > ' j- -i~. Mrtnl cew and Modnd'fajMid BTXAK JUQiaJESi fros-U Inch, diameter down tb 6 IncbrvfU 'Mtold ktir iSLOsh. . -;v - ; M.BOLB, feSrff.Qtttbt _ \T AMJ AB L E PEOPEIOX. *PB V BAIX-S0 AcW»„.~r •blefor *sni*i>-eßglnet.s * TO AET. LET—Three Boom* intheGA»rr» Buiu>rao, with or wttboat power. *«h» are lulUbie either tor » Printing Office or jOttar »*- Applj “ oOPHTIHoaiXM. Oil RENT—Thoie two Hoaui on tit* comic .( mitt rtcrot .nd .1 ho, mourn rtmt. ‘ Fob RENT—A; comfortable twowtory BWILLISG, conulnloglie'“mi, irtttB]?rii|* , Honro at pro room cdJylßiEjc, Mlror*- 1 T ille diroettr on tte mUol tt.atrotic.il. '> l-oa-if ». U OOgMLT. Wt Libclty ttrrot. rpANX ABD FOB BfiNT,; JowWaw- X Bouth Bondi'Arm&onc coaniyi ?a* For (or ““““S'SfKfflr- felT:tf £49 Liberty «*Tee<; PiUebohth. Je. ijHJK RENT—One twootory: BRICK J? pigßT.t.iMfl HQDSK. altnatod on H«y Ittieeif Witt roron roomA, *sj kS3 r 69 oifai TO vVtter two*- Gt) U.N TK X I KJfiHU>iI»WUK2S - >conlbrUbt» dwelling 'ia-Pttt townabip— •»«*•*• mhfcdit',' !: Attfy atl*w,Howl&;yocrth«l. SEVTIA’G jBJCIIW**. -yynKM.RR % wiLaON'H: : BEWISK ItUCB£«Ei»» . . $O.» nrrH;Siß*si,‘ 1 ThjMe BHBrVJ XiliiGP , IAJUbY . KJWiuiillß h>n )t>t bora pranks M tU. WOBLIi’U TiIB» loadOD—*ll tbo Aublara 1* tbo* raorld eoapotbiCi' ■ “ Oror 100,000 bam alrradj bran tfM, on. (Mlf 'XUdIGMI MlUfictiOS. . - ' i Thlatfeehlae alias the'lock tUtoi ImpoiribU to xmxßtelt withthe bweetfal edr«ata*e oT WMaito en both. tide*. larbias «o !s*» or i cha*B. u ltwfll guilty etlteb, hem, fell, gather, btnd, ©ocdj t«k»u> y I .. •,' * -••, \ A : - ‘i' *_ -The efcgeboe, ipeed' ud tlmpUdiy jri ihle lfi*** ehlneith* beeotyla&d itnocih of «tlte& Ml ebilitj to the tfcickert or tUnaest fcbrie».r»adig lb tbs moct SUCCESSFUL AHD POPUM*. B3 TO i,6> IUL CHINK now offered to tbo pa UlO* . < . ■ «W WiSBASTED THBM rMOVWI WOril ini Qimln'ithffl>t lit Jlo* ST. HITB BT&KKT. •: ‘ WV,B¥KSEEt&CO.. ' i»9aunrP-.; ■ •**"**_Afiw*n ■ ew. WILUAMB 4 CO.'B . . UIfSOTSD SOIIBUI THSUJ) f'amity Sewiwr Machint*. ■ ; B .etop^ ; thatMg.j»fl4 18 reea .old on me them to grierttop^^ytpyjy. oll brad i til bind. bl Brafe, --«- - IIM ! 1111 pETKOUTH OIL WORKS, EEESB ft GBAP?;Projri{t«r«. GepeeUy two thousand hernia per week# ■TOOM, MOHONaAnKLA HOUR*, • - ‘l ] .-. .....; i-' y ' 1 m io-.Tc.ra v.anuu. x ituSten d^sMjjra^' XABOABOO,. , ...ra,i > .. T .. l .ra l .ftfrpidayiMeidt,l4. •aa mcj Batorttfj, A?:«K«ran» Pier it, t. - :i,r. uiM pa-rejaunav*; 'l- • lAqreMideMdtOrUfejdeaWaChirM^^- do tojjo4fes^.4B,ooildo^tefl&pdakfi}BM£' -do lolUjbtrrs ‘.fc'W. T> , \6EmbMx*-B-& > PwMkeni’elOo - .teddepiJaHrvp) AOrfttftqtiaj^w.rjuw ■ kai Oflceu here ei t£e totowinayetatgJtoW Jgki' •rrorn ‘M. Qm^aotro# ■ let Tbra»;gtrag«,hw*raiiraWrad|MiWlt>»» 1 l» sraara|«iirad crary .ip*rcral-rafgTrara .Tray S» bfli* u wra«:tuhrjLretarabMO. «* bora ■ fatal nr? -toMaiaataT ■ -i i M«WMS *-.'■■• OOWftWHWaSlfc,*:''' t «.»-K te-ifeiii ■’ <■■ i:. j.' PITTBaDMOB.EA.