f : ': t 1 * ■ 1 -' ■• : \- j ■i : -1 ■ ■ ■-I • .' jl ■■■: ■; ■■ .; .. _,■ _ . s/ /j, w * ■+*■ •« ' ■i . ?»': !•• •' •,-• ~,,, ~,.... + e l • • •••;!-::;:, .. : ' —:•:•••-' .; •i:,l :; •:',..2,•:,;k: :•:.,',..,••• ..'•e .,„1. :!::•:;:f. '• .. ,c:-.• ... .. . • : .. tSi-'l-ilj;’' ■:.'' '*■'' : + j £y{:. Sv*V _j i -'O' I l * !' f k.WR': 5 ' ’•< 1 >• . I >• -£ * s ••*HfciVKC*.i)v,v*vvvv. ••• ■ ;-- Jf '' » *; v.V^*• i’’"“txAv. yr,\ •*■ v-f.H ",• v-* j f *>.•! »~fvC>i>V.v : ' ; ii;-v;,v. v; .'i?-; :"4'-'!-‘-v'.';? -' MEE : -h. •’ .1 4 • *h ‘. v . .'-‘f' ' r,'• ." •r r . * ' 3. I ■’* r' ’• I Wat MOKHpiOj .rK#. 27. BmbrtcCCftf**** oftkv'Qfljw* of l«» : Whether the rebel icooxmt of the oaptnw -f ihl. Wml by arobeT battery on Bed Biter.will turnoutas dldthereport of the sinking of soreral Tesselsef the blockading Oquadron oti'ChMleskn. anAjhe breaking of theblookade; (when, In * tfst,;.;not Min gle Tcnol wu rank, nnd 0 J blockade was not broken,) wo, cannot, ss‘ /i.. but„w»’ore in-, dined to beliete that itl a story of pretty much the same kind. ■ We bays two Terrio' sof the affair, one of which purports tarhe official. The-first, dated rob. 17, states that after the Queen . bad captured. the-Confederate’transport ■' Era, tho pilot b' tie l&tterwssforoed to ' take the wheelr/the Queen, and was Ordered * > to taka her z> the rebel batteries; that . “Busks (O'/ pilot) felgnedfear, but finally / tbok the r heel under a Yankee guard. Up on nearing the batteries he told the 1 Tsn keea't/ey were 15 miles from them, imme diately putting close in, when ake receiwd rihot which broke theeteamplpo, disabling > the boat, the Yankees being wholly unpre pared for a fight, and suspecting no danger. Buses jumped OTerboard"-and-drifted ashore." It is then addodr-“The boat drifted to the opposite shore, .when her • crew made their escape, with the exception ' of eighteen, who fell into our hands. The’ crew subsequently got on board the Yankee boat Pe Soto, and; with twohundred stolen hegroes,effectedthelreseape.” So muOh for tie first story. : The seoond, ■ (first published in the Alexandria (La,) Dim oorot extra,) is said to be official, j and Is as follows: “Two gunboats made their appeamnOo in front of this position al 6 o'clock, last oxen ing. After a brisk cannonade, the leading \ gunboat,’ Queen 1 of the West," struck - her ooloral I Immediately ordered Capt. Hut >. . ton, of the Creeoent artillery, and Lieut. De Lahunty, to go on board and demand the \ surrender. These officers report but; thir -1 teen offieeraand crew on board. - The offi \ . Mr, escaped under the oorer of the night. V: 'Ae Tlslble results of the capture consists \ of one 34-pounder rifle Parrott gun, one - 84-pounder, three 82-ponndsrs, one jditto . alightly damaged, besldss a large supply of ordnanoe stores, a large supply of quinine, \two cases of amputating instruments, clothing, flour, baoon, beef/pork/lard, bread, and other stores in proportion."; Ibis is the whole of What purports to bo sh offiolal report of “Cept-J. Kxlso, oom . «,/Tnttng t>»e fortificationsi>w Bed BlTor.” ' The first report spoke, of only one gunboat, the Queen of the West; this speaks of two. Tht first details thoexplolt of Boxes, the rebel pilot; this says nothing at ail about Mm. The first speaks of a “Yankee beat,” called the 90 Soto, on which the orew, tot I gethOr With “two hundred stolen negroes,” made their eteape, with the exception of iighUm, who fell Into the hands of the - rebels; the other says nothlng about the Be Soto; nor the negroes, but speaks of thirteen captured men. The ftrst acconnt. t speaks Of only One shot, whloh disabled the. . bopt by breaking the steam-plpe; the'other - . says then was “a brisk cannonade,” after . ’ which the “Queen of the West, otruok her odors.” The first says' the; disabled boat “drifted to the opposite shore;” the other! ■ * iOsios maq’tuupedistoly unr-colora were struok; an oSoer went on board demanded a surrender. These accounts,, being circumstantial, and purporting to oome from eye witnesses; are- too mnoh at Tsriance in the matter of details to entitle either of them to any credit. lt win tum ootfc be but another edition, al tered and ImproTod, of the story of the Charleston rams; for the discrepancy is snob, that if the statements of ope account are true, those of the other oannot be true. BU.TXOT in Now Nook. —AMr. Dearm. Bowunr, of No* Torli, oyowb limielf the | kuthor of o petition for Uio netorotlon of , SlOTery in thot Stole. He eoye thot 01-1 1 though tie elgneft of.hie petition on few, there on thoueonde who on “willing to sign it of on tvidaice of thtir good foilk iovdrds (At olaoe&olding Statu.” Mr. Bowutr woe o Whigi'bnt. i» now o prqfeeeed Demoorot. . He ond Wn. B. Boon, of Phil odeiphio, ee? ' eupy the home plotform—o doe* of polltl ■ • clone who eon “dm deeper ond; come up . dirtier” »■«" ony eriginol Demoorot ie oble to dn ':? . - Bridget Orer the Ohio--Mr. Mo-1 . Kolghl’eßemark*. 1 The bIU empowering eerteln roilrood I oomponiee, odd ither*} to conetruot bridge*, 1 ot TOrioui point* from the Big Bendy ,to I m Loalrrllle telle, oerote the Ohio rirer, ot o * height of not leia then ninety feet obore . .. low-woter merk,. hoe, ■ oiler ooniidereble : oppotlUon, poeeed the' Home. Mr. Mu loot, of Kentuoky, hod the bill in oblige, j ' ond Mr. McKkohi,. the member tram the 23d DUtriot, Bennaylnnio, led the eppoel - ’■ tlon; ond, o* we'.flnd by the nport in' the : : Ooigruoionat Steif, of Tneedoy, etoutly re • the bf th*; inetnn, wiuoh wo* being foroed under the bperotlon "of the pnriou* queetion. We eon only nuke ■', room for the following portion of the d*-. . bote; < J ' Hr. MoKullht—l hop* th* Mntluaaa will : withdraw th* **ll for th* pnriou* quwtion. Hr. Holler}—l eaanot «*.*o.' Hr. Bp**h,- *r, wh*n thla MU wo* pr**Wt*d hjr m* to th* , Hou* *o o former ooeulon, and whta I : wilted to pot It on 1U umn, th* **nUo - - —*» from PoaaijlTooU [Kr-JloKolfSt] ob :i|**t*a to It* ooniUototloa. ~l *rttd : .bb* on • to withdraw hi* objection. bat h*d*ollarf.doln«*o. 11l ptrmtil*dth*hUl , to *» to dlrtrajilon now, ond W«| ■ : Wh* Brain to notion npoa.lt, thhiualt would ; ■' ■' ’ b*thot th* mwlos would *zpl» without nnj thlnn b*in* don* la th* «att*f. Hr. HoKnlght—l ark th*.gentleman to Itald to n* for Mura alaat**. - Hr. Mallory—l oaanot. ; Hr. MoKnifbt—Then I hop* th* pnrlou qnMtion will h* roUd down, and I »uh for ■ flllff l - ■ . T*U*r« w*r* ord*r*d; and Huun. Mallory and MoKnlght*»i» appoint*!, i ... WhUethe BouM wa* dlrldiai, _ Mr. HaUorrualdi Mr. Speaker, la order | ;io expedite thl* matter, I wfiTwllhdraw th* •allforth* pnTioau quntloa Bth* g*aU*- -.«« fmw, P*nn*wlrn*h* will r*a*w It or glr* «thStoor rftai t« or dftjra adaaUi. Hr. MoKnlght—Undonbtodly I will. Hr. Halloxy—Then I withdraw th* pr*-. Speahmy thoo* who ban oho*nr*dwhat hat, ooonrrwd. la th* Boon la nferraoe to thli matter, wul i*ooI • l*ot that I told th* gentleman front Kraraohj THr. Hallorr] th* other daj that 1 1 did: not - aaow that 1 ahould oppo** thl* Mll on It* - pw*i pauuaf* If an opportunity wao allowed ' hrmyoo** t tt»* BU . th*** intuwtad to ’ th* narlfatloa of th* Ohio rir*r to b* beard, opportunity toM haard npoa It. v - llr. Mallory—l hare withdrawn the de- mand for the pterions question, and the gen tleman has no right, therefore, to. mike that remark. Mr. McKhight—l respectfully suggest u -the.gentleman that He withdrew his demand ior.the previous question after a pretty hard 'e6sftfit,V.and; not by firor, as I think be might hare done; and he has only withdrawn Itndw'upon restriotions whioh do not open it te a general discussion*;. The gentletaatf has feferted to a bill passed at the last session of Ooigreis. The House win" remember that bill was passed through ~the jlpuie without any dlssusslou whatever. The gentleman who introduced it gare out to the House that the ; proposed'bridges would bcnstitute no-obstruction to commerce, and that the navigation of the Ohio would remain at unobstructed as before.: But it war aioer- talmad, immedUUly after tho puiago ot the bill, that tb«x» vu whut might be obUod a ihakbla tka bill: in other wordi> thbt N there waj authorised to be b pier io the middle; of the ipbn that would teriouily obltrnot the peubgeefbobtb. When the bill went to the Senate It wee re ferred to'the Committee on Bobdi end Cb ..i. ■ bud' the Senate committee, ioitead of toning the .bill through without dlMUiilob, ne Wbeidonb here under the pterion! queer tioni obtelned the opinion! of competent end experleioed engineer! from Verione putt of the eountry, In order that it might be demon etreted whether the bridge! enthoriied bj the bill ■ would obltrnot the nerlgetton of thbt great hi*h*ay. After foil tovoitlgatlon by the Senbte oommittee; they directed the re menl of thii intermediete pier, end theipen to ba enlarged. -", ■' i] , How, ilr, before thil biU li to be put upon ltipuibgq I detlre to obteln repliei to oom mnnloatioai thbt hen been lent to Fitu burgh, Wheeling, Marietta, Cincinnati and St. Louie, io thet we mby eieertbin whether thi! meneure le likely to effect lnjuriouily the Intnreitn of thorn eltlei. . How, Hr. Speeker, whet doe* IhL bill.pro- Tldeforf It eontempletu the. oonitruetion of four bridge! oxer the Ohio. The gentlemen leyl thbt becbuie wo hen enthoriiod two bridge! ebon the mouth of the Big Bendy I there it ho neion why w* ehould not euthor lie u meny more below it. The gentlemen went! to turn thet greet netiouel ehennol into b little eenel, end to allow enry farmer blong it! benkl to build e bridge to out hi! hey eeroim If thbt ie whet the Houie de liree to do, lot ui put thii bill. ; I beUen myielf thet U would be proper to oomtruot e bridge et the fell! of the Ohio , bud'l do not know thbt I would object to one b«iar throws across tho rlror to completeiae ooanoeUes with tho Coviogtsn railroad. Tho ehsrtor of thot railroad, granted by tho Bute* of Kentucky and Ohio, authorises the build in* of a bridge one hoadrod.and twenty foot above low-water mark. By thi» bill the act of these States Uinterhrod'With, >nd the height of the bridge reduoed to-ninety, feet. Now, while I do not object construc tion pf tho bridge authoriied by the flterjer, 1 1 ite no reasonwhy Congress should interfere and' reduce its height thirty feet.: ««»- ttembn will observe that the navigation of the I ChWriTor offsets the interests not oaly of the \ gtatef of Ohio and Kentucky, but of fall the State* bordering on that river; andthb ln tereiU-of thoie Stats* ought to be consulted In this matter. I desire that thi* House shall have before It some statistics of the immense trade of that country, through the Ohio riTer, before it undertake* to pass, under the privi eu* question, snob a law as this. It was shown In the discussion in the Senate last ses -1 tloh that the additional eost of lumber > and 1 ooal to the people of Cincinnati, MaysvlUe and LduirviUe would more than counterbal ance the benefits conferred on railroad com naniSs from the eonitmotion of these bridges, “i have never taken the position that navi gable streams ooght not to be crossed by bridge* to connect great Ones of railroad. I desire always to aoeomabdate both these ln toxesti of travel and trade; I wish to see af . forded to railways every facility in crossing I navigable streams; always provided.thatthey do not Interfere with other interest* engaged in the navigation. I believe that both. raU- I road and navigation Interests may be pro moted; and I believe that the authority on fexred by its charter on the Cincinnati and Covington Railroad is s officiant, : ic far as ths bridge if eoneemed. .1 said I would tike to boar from thoso sec tions ofeonntiy interested in the navigation of this river. It affsots not only Ohio and Kentucky, but away up into Virginia, along the Honongahela river, and up into the State -rt-Hww—WwJfA-oSong'*tMT-Allegheny, doWn vhidi Immense quantities of lumber are float age Ugh water. It affects BennsylvanU, I Indiana. Illinois, and Missouri, and all these Stated are 1 interested in the defeat of this sohems, if it shall be found to oause a serious obstruction to the navigation of the Ohio river. Tf the bill can bo postponed for a few davS, T hope to have statistics to presen; to the House which will .throw some tight on this ’luestien. : ! ; Cornpt legislators* TW« ;Ir ho have had occasion u visit Harrisburg, this winter, on business con nected with the legislature, express the deepest disgust with the modo in which affairs ore managed in that body. It is said that scarcely any bill can be passed without the expenditure of a large sum of money. f “A ring" is formed, which is omnipo tent. Unless its favor is purchased, even the simplest and most proper measure will I fail. By the time the lobbyists who hare l fhe entree to this ring hare paid themsolves I and the members whose rotes are required, the party seeking legislation are eery seri ously out of pocket. ' This evil is an old one, but; it has grown with amaxing rapidity of late years. It Bhows a degree of demoralisation among the people’s representatives that is alarm ing. The citizens are, in the main, respon sible for It, because of late years they have failed to Send their beat men to the legis lature. They neglect the primary meetings whioh choose delegates to the County Con ventions, and, thus this work is left to the idle andthe disreputable, and nomi nations are easily obtained by the corrupt. This is notoriously the case in Philadelphia, and it is hot confined to any one party. With some exceptions, the nominations of the People’s and National Union parties for the Legisture have, for a number of years, been no better than those of ithe Democrats.' The beat men of both parties are never’ no minated, and now it is very hard to get re spectable men to offer, themselves for nomi nation to an office whioh has lost all repu tation for dignity and honesty. If the. pay .of legislators . were better, then perhaps men of -good standing could be induced' to be candidates. But such men cannot, injustice to ■ themselves, their families and their business,'consent to ab sent themselves from thsiri homed: for the greater put of the winter for Such small phy. The seats in the Legislature, there fore, go into the hands of those who do not scruple to acoept fees and rewards for their votes, and who, in this way alone, calculate to make their offifte pay.; / Our only hopeof a remedy for the fright ful evils of corrupt legislation \» in the people, and especially in, the people of Philadelphia. Let both parties, next fall, resolve to nomlnate men of ability and in tegrity, and to this end let the primary meetings be attended by all the voters, so that they may take the work out! of the hands of the tavern loungers and: 'the po litical hacks who have so; long controlled the polities of the city. Ah honestand in telligent delegation Jfrom this city could exorcise neat influ enoe inthe Legislature, and could break up “the rings’’ that ue a scandal and a disgrace to theBtat*.—Pith aidpkia BvUttim. The Texae Tragedies. ! Wereoelved yesterday,!by way of Mon-1 tony, Mexieo. two Texas newspapers of 'not' Tory late ante—one from San Antonio, | and the other from-Houston; and both of themeontain tales,’ whleh! make the blood run cold. The Ban Antonio Eerald ooolly says that the number of Dhlonists in West ern and Northern Texas; was’“small at first, and they are besoming every' day less; for in the monntalns near Tort Clark, and alohg the BiojQrandt; their bones are I bleaehing in the sun, and in .thjo .eoantieS ef Wise and Denton their' bodies’ are sue-, I pended by scores from blaok-jaoks. They I were warned in time to leave the ooontry ; I and, ohooeing to femain, and rely nponthe | enemy with whom their Oovemment is at Iwar.they'must expect to : take the oonse- I qnenoes of their ehoioa.” To the tragical I pietore here given, naught of hsrror oonld l bs added by anything wo might say. ' ■ ; H - . • j,. MTh« Houston Telegraph also mentions the executions .of Unionists that are going on in that part of the Bute, and indicates that trials and hangings perpetually progress in all the Counties. Altogether the suffer ings of onr brethren in those far-off regions hare been incalculable. Whelher our sym pathies will d* these confessors and mar tyrs any good or not, we cannot- repress these sympathies. The Texan Unionists hare suffered* nobly and died sublimely. They hare been slain by traitors, and buried like felons. May Hessen and General Banks grant those of them who still lire a speedy delirerance.— Sew York Tima. ; PUBLIC JTOTICES. Omcmor rnrssoaoa ixsoa&sCa UoaraaO I Oornar Unlit and Watir fitreett, > I Pittsburgh, JT«b. 17,1863. ) I NOTICE.—The Board Mr of Director. of this Dampen, taw «hl* **T SreUnd a Ditktad, ootol th.inoSteof ttahitili mo&ihx. dear of 0.8. Tax,, of PABBHABi.rii: Two Dollar* -per thart. payable la cash, forthwith, H aobUed to the reduction of Stock Hue Blue. - - j ?£!uaw ■ F.A. BIHBHABT.BecwUry. ADJOURNED MEETING 01' tky -fIT« JQOBNkTMEH BBICKDAYBBS Of Pltttbarsh. Allegheny and Tldaity. will be held at tbeALLJCGfUBhI mil OUMPANY’B HAIjL.on Jnrin iUeet,oa FBIDaY EVENING, Feb.jnth, at 7id o'clock. Punctual attendance i* relocated, as business of Importance ie to be. temiwecMd. Be order of the EocteUry. rrS*AN BLKOXiON for President and etx Direetei* of tbe Kancherter SaTlOff* Babk will be held at tbe Banking Hooas on BAT* ÜBDAT, tbe iSih day of Kerch, 1863, between tbe hoe*, of Iwd 4 o'clock-p. m. . THUS. B. tJPEIKK, OMhl«r. SUotlirtUr. Feb, Seth. 18SS:M pees I.t.MSH KM Y PIT X GUIAiEGhi, Ry Donor of Leacock and tandcikj Stijata.— The Tenth-Annual Bearion beglna on MOHIIAi, Feb. 2d. end end* June 27th. Bate* of Tuition trod gift to 120. For roferoooes, Ac., apply to * JOS. Y. MoBBBe WlndpeL-. T -*lB6O 1 .X ■ I DBAKK'B PLANTATION BITTBBS. I They purify, atrengthen end Inrlgo.ate. I The}* create e healthy appetite. .i_ . | They are an endldote to enange-of water and diet.. 1 They oreroeane effects of dissipation end late hour*. I They strengthen the system end enliven the mind. ] They prevent miasmatic end Intermittent X*lul I They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia end Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Ohohpa and Cholera Verbs*. They core Liter Complaint and Herrons Heed ache. 1 They are the beat BUtsaia the wsrld. They make I the weak man strong, and are exhaasted nature e treat ret torer. They are made of pure.Bt. Crmx Bum, tae celebrated Oeliaaja berk, rojte and herb*, and are tafccu with the pleeaure of a beverage, with* out regard to age er time of day. - Particularly re* commended to delicate peruana requiring a. ge&Ua aUmolant. Bold by all Grosere, DruggUU, Hotel*, and F. S. D&A&B A 00., SB Broadway, New York. .•/' . jrew MfrEBTisMUtauTTB. Fit BALK—A good route on sTimito liAZitn. taqalr»*t THIS OITIOB. ■ ABUHBKS WANTJIU— _I os TUX PITTSBUUQU TONSIL. adolt at ths afflce. Diamond ud Boat stirst*. feS7:tt • THOM4.B BPHIt. Iniurance Co. of North America, PHILADELPHIA. Insurance Co. of the State of Penn’a., Hartford lire Insurance Company. Insurant* tin the abc'va old and reliable Oaa* pani« can be obtained by explication to W. P.JQHSB,i#«*. *■ Bnfldtoga. CT Watarstraat. jgAllsKY, KAKUttUb A CU., PLUMB IM, OAO A HD STEAM FITTERS. .Vo. 128 rOVBTB BTBXET, (tten SmithfitM) MVPrcmpt attentisn glraa to tbs fitting of OIL BKTIBBBtIfI. LITTLE MONITOR UWA PATBNT CARBON OIL BURNER, flrstuod oat; oo* need without * Ohlaiey tUt ctvM lotleUetlon, or tbit barm without an odor, •tthor u • night lamp, or for carryirg up etutra or down ia tho moot rapid manner, and ut ene-joarlh tb« expense of candlea or any other Burntr that (tTcuMßurhlltht. Bo fhmllywill bo without It. I NTJSRESiLNG JDVENILK WORKS. 1 Blrerdale Btarfea. U «>U. Boilo Books. By Jacob Abbott. 14 yoU. Juvenile Library. By Mrs.Tnthll], K*ry How* ltt usd others. 14 wls* \ Merry Tubs. *8 tols. Peter Pulley’s Cottage Library.. ISyrts. Suit Water Tubs By W. H* 0 Klmstos. 4 rols. Aloe Library. ByA.L.O.JL 10 Toll. Aimwtil Starts*. By Walter Almwell. Otols. > merles Biographical Sirica. 4 rsils. I Banquet tor GhUdnin. By L Marts Child, \rf' kin flowltt uod cither*. 8 toll. I Tor gtja br ' KA.T A OQ-. M Wood stmt. rijiKM htm HAIaE.—A. tract of bO J) AcrMvJhll sloping Pruirto, situated In Montpe lier township, Masesttne ooanty, lowa, within one mile or the towttorWmcott-w Ballroud Station— and elsrea miles west of Darsnport, for sals at a tenrula, by JACOB WBAVXB, Jr„ fed/rtw 6t. Clair atraet, near tbs Bridge. UiiKAl' be sold, 6T«r Ilk AOBBft in tho Bonragh ot U*- noMTilla, UtwMa iho Omtarj Wotl and tb» A.U . DAW. Auction**., or to LXWIB fIIZBBOK, Tanntnm P. O. CKUUK OIU—ISU bbla. for Mia by 80UAB UU. WUBBJI 00., - f«B7 Ut.VlU.lr.sennit. e«a»eh*^rtdo CUKlfiSifi I VOVb'm l OJp'VM l WABTID, nu 7 Grocer and the pubUo to try WOBfKITB SOHPABttIL PBIPAUfiDObT?**, Warranted to giro satisfaction or tbe'sonej n* funded. It U wtiTUMUp acknowledged the un grn vied. Prepared tnd for uli at ths JUgk. itMB 6 pice and Ooffse Works. Ho. *44 Hoitk Trout, (comer of How stmt,) Philadelphia, Pa. v fe«i - HOWABD WQXBELL. SUiNiJfiiild— lfiO boxes country, brands Window Qian; 800 bondlea Btrew, Wrapping Paper, 10 bbli. coans Grease; 60 boxes German Boep; 6 boxes Ground Pepper; Tor aaleloarto close Mies, by . fry* AtBXAHDIS KING. SODA A ttU, *7B Llbsi ft u uij A MAT i u uit * yitf\ PITTBBDBOH CPIOIATj ILXCTriOH.—Is oooordoneo with tho prorliiooi of on Act of Gobornl Am.mblj of tbe Common width Of FoojiijVtuU, proridtng for th. Incorporation of tha Oltj of Fltte lorjb, of th. wloao mppl«Mnu to «md i Act, DAI 101 MABOa, A. ft IMS, bah* tho 10th of tho month, tha qnoUSad rotate of tbo Bteth Word of Bold dtp. will meat! toiolher ot tho PUBLIO BOiIOUL HOBSB In mid Word, ondolact,h/ballot, OHB 01HZKB TO BXBTJE AS A MBtUBB OF TUB OullltOH OODhOIL, for tho onexplrod term of Will Icm Bonbottoroi migaed. _ ; clean nadir mr hand nod mol,thla SSth depot febrnorp, A. ft IMJ. ; fcSOnd , B.C.SAW QAUL AT TUJS OEFX BOOK "BTOBE, Ho. US WOOD BT&HKT, 11 ]oa oiOt bargain* iai FIIOTOOBAPH ALBUMS, LABSMAHD SMALL BIBLXd, And other ptyabr works too auaorbu lomsntloo. awoostiidirts sivfs with saoh. laK> ■ . OifiKm—l6o bush, prims Ulotsrottii .©;v7' 4- do flmothyßoodi 1 How la stan tod lor sole tv Ml - !• L. H.TOIOT A 00. 1- CI&DAH BTA Yiso--lU l WUin storsind /Mratotqr KBAIAH PICKMTAOO. Jirmw- JBFwrns tJIHB GREAT FEMALE REMEDY CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepend from proscription ii DOOTOB;DDPDSOO. / Thk vdl known lUdldM li do l ”‘* nnuawt rwMdr. oai dodUIo; DOthloolDrlful to Shlfr conitltottoß. looUomoooJSIBToOB ABB SPINAL AFPXOTIOS, PAIN IK THX BACK AND LIMBS. PALPITATION OrTHXnSAUT. LOWNXU OP BPIXITS, HTBTXBIOA. SICK . HEADAOHE,and another dleeasee orcastoaed by * disordered ijMin, Uun POk will effeot a cnre when i *ll other TPt* w « hare failid. : Thee* Hlls bar# amr bean kno*» to Ml a the directions have beak followed strictly. 05E.P0LLAB AHD-BIX OEHTS. Xsdosed to tlu Authorised A gent at Pittsburgh, Pa. will Insure a Box. DB. DUPOHOO’B FEMALE PILLS DB. DUPOBOO’B FEMALE FILL* DB. DUPOHOO’B FEMALE PILLS DB. DDPOHOO’B FEMALE FILLS DB.DUPOHCO’BFEMALE PILLS AreaSdcntlfia Prepsratlon. Are a Scfontt&c Preparation. An a Scientific Preparation. Areeßelentiflc Preparation; Are a BcUmtlfio Preparation. They mtst foil town*, They never foil to core, Thiy never Ml to cars, They sew foil ttfeuie, niy asm foil to core, Whan tbo directions u* followed. . When the dueettoas ere fo}b«A , When tho direction* or* tol* o **** When tbo directions are fouoaed. . When the directions Sre Wlowni. They are a blessing ini a ear?. They art a blemtng end • cor®, They are a blfeeiog and a «|i»» I They an a blaming andacore, They ars a bkatog ini a cm, And can bo sent by Bail to any part oflhe country. - Wfieldwholssa?* or retail by ji|L FULTON, Solo Agent for Plttdmigh and vicinity, Noa. 67 and 69 Fifth Street. foaa ‘ jyTTLK WKDUiNIi Card Photograph*, TOM. THUMB & WIFE. PITTpCK’S. Book, Stationery and Hews Depot, oppoanx Tax post oiiiox. LATE PAPKES, MAGAZINES, AHD HEW BOOKS, can U bad regularly and HUNT’S, MAfIOMIQ HALL, FIFTH BTBEST. HM Dsslsis toppUed at lowest rates. DBVOGETB, OIL. CLOTHS Wo eoll tho ottoation of Homo-Furnishers to thoostoat, Tsrisij ond Uootj of oar stock, sod u tho odTurtofei of tfaolr parchooo lor «—h Uforo tho roooat odronew of tko asaaoCaotaron. OLITKB MoCUHTOCK & CO., 'Ho. n FIFTH BTBBBT. Ma—F BALKS HKH AID SOTS' CLOTH ISO, FD&HISHIHt) SOODS, to., AT J. L. OABHAOHAH’B, Ho. US TSLBBAL StBSBT, AILSOHSHT. ph wkftoh;tt I* boUofod will bo loud worthy tho B BACK da* FBOOKOVFB OOaST A tali nriitr of OUfXB, OASfIMBI mil MoiUnm mils BCSIHISS OOATfl} BLAOS la prtoa ttom|B to*fc. XH IUUTB PaStbTE*» IBOdJaxa ood low grades nod tooki‘ oad wrtT—OTtid OEJrs FlK® Jijjgg GJjOTH. SILK and OABOKIBI VB«a bhuiSahd SKw»?*SrSs>!fAM ££&&&&.■ I Merino Moa’s alt wool aad Mu IHIBTBJkDBAW- I UUt-ia oxcollontioristyof OW>VHB,H*S,BOS« I Fin. OVSBCOATIHOS. BDaIHBSB 00ATIHOS, OUmUHUuS todJMTOHMf,l***? a?«Ml.b. —to -a,to, ““ I cisco OT TSTd. J; L. OABMAGHAH, ; KStoatT! lit F*toal rttwtj Alh»h.ay. SUfiDHIKS. ' "i ~ s hMs. Vticlßto iMf Taba—! tbaxtohaan. “ i . ,\H boat! Baton Applco; . IsjSo «£jHo. T LaafLuii, In If «4 bnrrelai r T’ubblAtaahSonßntttaj 1000 Iba. cboloa Sunr Ow»4 H»aa, ~- v , ‘s^SSvSaAbSn?”*!^-' *» doaia T*»ey ood Oom Broami; MObnab. Oloaw'fcsaS, ' K da Timothy Sato; > . is do ni» smdj . • 10bbU.OIdCtnn»U rirtltol ISO boat, null Whlto Bum; ■ 10 doaaa eeannF bnlt took*, lbartdKJldari >; '■ L: BSS£sBSS&* I . I lAkttu Wo 1 ‘ *°* b I > • SUO B»;O0d lUhs •- H BinnUL > Ild-Udritot- It i Jr. Major. WJL A. WAKtf, , i . " \ OMMTiai, St. «» SlttrAtmmt, ftt H™? St Brldgt. OTOflc*bowi from &*■ *P* «•***•* P* ®“* MUa caul , : i -; JOH» gB«ATg. A'rmmi MIUUI«T |»ll lfllH|lltt *«i ;| Ht EATOM, MACRUIB & CO., HWI7 and 19 IJifffi Street Jobber* end retailer* of TBIAUtISQB, MIBBOi- DSBDES, HOSIERY, Q LOTUS, HOOT SBIBTH, aiBBOUB, SHIRTS. OOLBABS, TLBS. UHDIIK -3HIBTB end HOODS, HU BIAS, BOASTS, SBPHTB AHD BHITIiAHD WOOD; 6,WX>lt*. KKITTIKO TABES, ee huda to »m«. ;/■ 1 Oar stock wu puMheeod* before the lest greet ed* nuic* ia ortcee, end we oSn met iadnoements to CITY AHD COITHTBY HEBOHAHTB, MIDDI SXBS, PXDDLBBB, end «D who boy to m\\ ecets. S', 13.— A cbotoe eawrtice&t of Staple Dry XS-bada, At wtofc**l* n iv / ju; OUUNTHY &U£KUHfJN ; ?a XI a A il 8 B 9 IIIS MYSTERIES OF NEW YORK. [oomnjjticAMD.J Wars, national r«ouroes, political ooatetts, roll* jlou contentions, amusements, the Central Park, Itsawans, gondolas, Ac. f -havei been discussed—Oris letter tf of the “Mysteries of Hew York.” In the car t steamboat, saloon, parlor, at dinner, tn the street, everywhere do 1 hear tome story with rela tion to or an inquiry as to the" meaning of thoee mylhloel word*,, potted, printed and sdTertfsed wherever I go: S. T.—lB6o—X, Acoompinltd with a cretoent and a shephird's hook. -Aeeerttion ijmpatblser said it was: “Satan Tri -omphed In 1860 In granting the Xpectation of aboli tionists;" while a Bepnblicaa said it was: “Stnap- Tall Democrats ofJS'.O-, gone to Texan;»» another, I «To the State Taxed of 1860 add ten (X) dollars I another, -that they were the watchword of some secret society, like “Sons of tecnmehla are 1860 | Strong,'* or “Seward Tricksters ef 1860 Used Up," I Ac., Ac. Well, your correspondent was 111—had been I U 1 for a long time—ln fact, his late sappers had given him a horrid djspcpela. IHe rtad theadver- I ilKthcints, and of conne bought a bottle of Plan to- I tlon Bitter*»the Bitters cored him, and on the hot-1 tie appeared tb:ae sase calaUalio lettm: 8. T.— IB6O—X. 1 traveled straight for 202 Broadway, in* I trodoped mya-.U to.tha celebrated Dr. Drake, and Ivm »h'j*u the elephant—tusks, B. T. and all—and a I great institution it U. A six story building in Dey 1 street,, from cellar to gsrret, is occupied ua labors- torj for producing this single meiicine. Bento tort j person* ore employed; eeveral vats, hslding six thousand gallons each, are filled with roots, herbs and material, and theo soaked in water, and tie ex. preufon preserved in paroSt.'Or6lx Bum. 1 beta uw the bags, boxes and bake of OalUaja Batk, ] Wintergteon and other material—and the original; St, Croix hum puncheons, bearing the Cnstiom*honse brand. It teamed that medicine canid here be - turned oct to supp’y a 'world of Invalid!—yit these gentlemen are nnabie to fIU tbelr orders for Planta* tiwn Bitten alone. 1 was shown many certificates of extraordinary enrea effected by these Bitters. Tie statistic* of the medicine business as presented to t&e last Congress in the report of Mr. D. 8. Barnes are mormons and startling, Amounting ttf some six mlliion dollar* annually. The proprietors of them Bitttn'wUl psy Uncle Bam near fifty thousand del* lars for stamps this jear l! 'With snsh individual reeosrcM government leans ought to stand at par, and Jcfierton Carls might as well pack np and start for Jerusalem. * *• * * * *jjl We axe happy to reproduce the above tetter, and add that any ordinary case ef Dyspepsia, Liver Com* Tteint, Nervous AflecUoa,sCurßtomaeh, Lcmof Ap* ! tilts, Hoi reus Hcadacbe>JDlarthea, Making Weak* ocas. Mental Despondency, 4c., cm he cured by the Plantation Sitters. - That all persons may Judge of Its efficacy, we pnb* Ush a list of some of tho articles nsed In its prsparar. tlon: ‘ _ Oausara Bax*—Celebrated for over twoebundrd years In the troatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspap* sis. Weakness, to. It was introduced into Inrope by the Countess, wife of thsVlceroj of Pern, in 1640, and was afterwards sold by the Jesuits for the emor* sums pnte cfiUovm weight <■ tb » “• of J«nuT« Fowden, and finally made public by Looie XVI, King of franco. Humboldt makes especial reference to lu febrifuge qualities during Ms Bouth American travels. _ nm-iMi.li Biu—Tor diinii«t| 00110 and die* eaa» of the stomach end bowels. I)axdxliox Tor inflammation of the loixxs.and dropcical affections. I riavua—For exxfaebled digestion. Latzsdks stimulant' and tonic—highly ihrigaratikg In narrocs debility. Wumsanixs —For scrofula, rheumatism, do. Aiux—An train elite carmlnettre, creeling fieeh, mtucle end milk; much used by mothers Dining. Alio, clore buds, orauge, camway, ooriendir, •nekoroot, Ac., eU piueerred in perfectly pore ST. CROIX RUH. The powerful, invigorating end ionic poper.foe of Bt. Croix Bum here btea long ncknowfodged by the physicians of the world. Foreonsumptlon, It li the only stimulant thet should be seed. B. T.—lB6o—X. Another wonderful ingredient, of Bpenish origin, || imparting beeuty to the complexion end brilliancy l| to the mind, U yet unknown to the commerce of the L world, and we withhold its neme for the present. I Dr. W. A. Child*, Burgeon of the Tenth Vermont 1 IKegiment, writeo *. “I wish erery soldier hed s hot* I tie rf: plantation Bitten. They ere the most effe> J Ut*, perfect end harmkas tonic I eTor nsed." I The following is from the lemons hotel proprietor I 6 W “ WO * to, ‘ ! w J.P.OT™, D. c, 8..... l«a 1 Afessrs. P. a. Drake A Ck—PUase eend m iwolrej doaen Flsntetion Bittern. They ere much liked by] the gUMte of our house. B “ t * Ct «ti[iS,°okADWloK * 00., ; Proprietor* Willard's Hotel. BooassTss* Deo. 28,1861. ‘ - JTesws. P. JL Drake A Co.—Gentlemen x 1 here been • great sufferer iron* dyspepeis for three or four 1 nui, There tried many It not all the remediee rtcommended for its cure. Inst ead of relief I be., came worse, had to abandon my- prolestion, and eof« - fared greatly from everything 1 ate. By mind wee; much effected, depreesed nnd gloomy. About th?»i months ago X tried the Plantation Bitten, end to < my great Joy I am nearly a well man. Ihavereo-j oxnatnded them in •esrend caen, and ea far as 1 1 know aisraye with signal benefit. . i I am. rery respectfully yours, i ... | Ben J.B.OATHOBH. faffh is the language Teaching us dally. Ho artfaj de fever, had an equal sale. Dedsr ao cimii«tfea**B; trig &4 p«r# litmdtrd of U* maUriait **& U dopmUd. from. ■• These Bitten uikU. bj $H principal drnsgiaU,; (Tocezii bottle end Rftanxante.! Be rare eaoh bottle; U«n the fro elmileof the proprietor 3 * rigutnrt) m ertcyl plaUldW. } . ■ P.BL DBASE A 00., i »j 2 BBOADWAY.HewYork. j I r fo4:lmPodl»-it» DKAKJS'B PLANTATION BITTKBSi DB ASH’S BIiARTAHOII BITTHBS. DBAEB'S BLAMTATION BITTHBS. ; i TOtl BALE BT TOE HALS BT TUB &ALI BT "faa ' Oorpftt Hoarth tad SodthflaM utiaitl. I JJJQ LBo. bTiSWAKT'B PATJSN'i ISSUD.-X ten ttonj bun prtoM, for lala by UISI.AY US bUMJNU KOUi BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITXBS, Bot go to-d»y, (ae you will uts money,) U BOELAND’SCnEAF CASniTOBE, 93 Mer Kat etmt, M door from fifth * tIUU>, CjiUVHiK, DKB&AIMI AOXjfe. r CKftTiriOATU or IBDBBTKDHK88; QUAETEBMASTE&S’ OBBTIFIOATES. T WO HOBBS AND COUPONS,'-utd til other Oorerm* seat eecaritUe, boogbt by W. H. WILLIAMS A 00., *f- Wood rtrwt, cotbt of Thfrdi JjOOTd, ttHUISo ANA> UAITKKBJisve *drea?e4 40 bet Temeelltntai the oQ priote; fin OABB, Oil* ni« a oil it | ' BOBUNOT, H 0.98 Vutet vtoeet, ! LViUitruoL hai*T—&uubags in stora kfid for til* low to ckm. I aQBlftT DAUOLLJfc Oa, HwlttWlwrtjrtmi. gp£ijG MCHJB DB LAINEB, j. M. BURCHFIELD’S. I IQ U BID MODS SB LAtSIS; PLAIH, PLAID ASD*TMP*D DO.i BLAIS iLPibaAB, tol Bii BO.! BLAOKBOMBAZIKZi i Do., WOOL SB IAIBMj BKli WILOH f LABI™!*. «»-i Urge ileik of OLD GOODS on tend, o» 'urn priU-tbon they eon bo b««ktfcr wholmU. . - fail I ■ --i r ~ ■ V gPRCIAL SALE iM T T ■ jdL ".jtjA. '» BARK ETEi*S, No. 59 Market Street. LAfiftEST STOCK, Greatest Variety^ AHD ths : CHEAPEST «tfODB,| ( ! HTBB KHIBITID U THU mil. | HVIBIBrTBaiXXXaS. • j; | VJfBXISHIHG GOODS. j &t Old Ftita^—VbiltitU* ud EtttlL ' KAOKinC AGLIDB, 7» HASH*? STHHBTi | [BrtwwftflwttSiilHlSMHii ~ M EXAMINATION OF ; OTO DRY GOODS, WholetaU and Retail Dcalcrt, pLOSTNepOT'BAIA _ 4-0» • WINTER GOODS. EATON, KACRini A CA, !' • ;| v: ■'! * fI rmlooi to aifctat IMr UlQili UTVUTOBT, *r« daikon ofoUitagQaitkitrnttxiftaibkaf ' VmiRQO9DB IXfcotlx *IK ifo ct IWremj —«». «• «n H XtoMliJia *in hm <0 «*>«*»»»■■ *: tixKicvcnoß xasi a txam. r XA.TOV, XAOBVX* 00, '■■■•■ »O.IT raBBB*.. BIMOBf JOHHSTOH, KACJBUKA GLfDB, T 8 Martel ttor—l ’ gALMOSiL SKIRTS, ' ' 1 AT BMDVCMD rMIVM, ■ In «rt»rto jdo '■ •- '•-••^wwttnwrt iwhk . HAJiDaoMita'r y "• .. V' ; Jutnoatndbj ‘ MAOMJ**OLI»* •; ~fL INVOItMOIf ALTAOUA Stba AMU*, HWBOTO*. m* ■acacii aoltbi, ' <•*■** atmt toaldoar ttoaTlAhl latnuMll ~~ ~ .~: ~.. rr3»PITTBBUBBH THBA®*- 1 .**■*■£*££ * Hl«lb latniD Kixi< BALM COMMBHOBS JOgBPH. jBtOBMB. CALL AT 78 Market Street, Aad ntpply jeomlf with , > LABGK STOCK OF . BY BOTH . i ißßianomnLT bouoitbd. C. H.LttVEACO^ MMARKIIT BdßXS'f. ’n.'l-iiut i Bxauan iaon, .• ’ . nqmssß scoottiov JHI. SBYEW MSTE|?S, «D .j The Birth ot CapLd in the Both ol ?H**< MWM HXW CCXSIBTI nw XMHAHIO XtraoXß! IHTIM HIV DinalSl IncrtoW jiw fall sMsgth to U* • cait tfelur* •olan, :-i .. -:i ! LOTTY.HOUGH, Tba n>Uhnt«rt 'Ooawjfcttpe i *ad. Oonlo Jgcali*, fry &un Imu'i Th—tf, haa bun igwtoUy M» j Mnd. *ndwillMpnetofan orittßdJbaneM 1 ot fAUiUn, i &rtnad»jr tb* kxtnraiaiiM «l WOfIIAHV OtfUBTSiUP, M nag by*c ore MO f . i '•jm&J'&yvtooJrbfom Wflf'nDnr lhr UUa ocgm!o* fnM»*rn*.o«kb»l ESaSrof -Ma. PLUTO,” tk***2** Btm I BtMUom IHaiMani: ~■J / r ,.'r XOuin KABOH DBUX, , niaisfis&£.> rinr 1 " 11 - ; ; ' OT-FWfoinuM* BVBBI BVMUG MtU JW- ithUTMtIM. HrtW BATOBDAY iIMBSOOH. i- I: -' -S' ■ ■ ' ‘ ■• AVCTIOJT SJi-jES. Stocks and bonds at auction. -OnTraHDATiIVISiaO, Uorcb M, »t TX o’clock, «U 1 be Mld,ttthl»GoamBrci*i Sale* Boon** * kaaejactnrwi Buk Stookl It to B«kof BtttiJ>ar*hBt©ck; T de Buk itoek; S 3a£2ft£ft&> io 40 HoouytaßUMMOo. Btoekj 'lO do ABudMST lwinaot 00. V is 'do' gamolwili Tn—maco Do.Otocfa 4 (|1«000 each) KtUbamu Jfc GopnelUrflla B» B. t {iK®? SttiSS?"* ConnaUrrlllo B. bL 00. r’lOliU WAXUtt AJNI> ttANXKIj Idr «ScK.-On BAXOBDiTt *V*JUBO,. Jet. tbtta'kk 8 o’clock, irlll b* aold. in *b® ■®c«ia 'iitn Mgi of Deris*.Auction* W JfiTtb str**t> ji® STtSto. of tatuMfr Books, onesoportor*n£ ihk jsnrWitehivJcMb Johnson nsn% If SoilKEka4SasfloldJ»rfn.. Also, mooiDat iSwxdsJta.WoUok.wU4 o'clock, will »• •»“/fJ.£ tbs *eoonlwloor totoo room oTPatu’ Aodltayao.C4 Fifth »tmt,»toUmWo prtf»t* Übrow, eomrt^jg **&dn«coUo9tkra of standard •oortwnt X«tt* arofcw* in tbo bast aditloos, and many oftmiawy Sctotyriat. *» tbs collodion arytboßrttjjfa ■ovistatßtoltt fiir Woltor Scort’i complete Wwki, Troral ocUto tol*.; Barton's Anatomy eb3y?XyeU*» Geology} IdTingatone’a ®°°t*jyj|£fe SSS SHoa S tb» oOTrpleto Wooten's SSh*; a vola; travels of Anscbstd*. boUtV OcmoiiiToltt Ailmto i Otliudo rakn ESS rSterSi'a Um, 6 roll.; Ballam*Middle ASic VSfc»S^*arope r 4 to*} aibbansVßoao.6 iS? to! *J WaaWcfeßi* Tpi*} Bris*k Btama.2 Wortn ofaSttSSrumlvS voir,.Homo Frlond, iToUjDkk* •ns* HonmfcoU w oid*, 1» Tali; 9apptaß»nt tp Bhafc» ef tho Footm.4 toln Oca iiiolwimltv OommosUty, 6 £Sr i'fflwn*- > TOte’fitCKI 1 Wdrjbb Stolas Oonoj*i SngraTings; of ft iiowt Ca- Tbkrs*', / at liUS THAH lA6TXBK PBIUIB, McClelland?* Ho. W VIRH RSZKC. EIHB FX.DTB AT t BATUBDAr Kvrairo,_jr«w mo* !* X)j i I o’clock, a D*tfc' Auction, M Jllth ifawt, fa tlw, IcuUloipooljittiw^Ubronr'tobecpU^to^cnuw- Ifss^ 1 '• wjurrs. SITUATION" WASTED.—A young UMO. turnmwMaA In arm Bkttb of AntistmE* I widch ur*T«aU bim from working at Wi b*d*.j wkhMaillaitlonat anjthingwher* h mij wa«a*• SSUt^JnSlSrsffc*. o. Box h». QITDATION WAHTBD.-A.Booi- O Sira,irt»io wfllin* *• EJ'V Hl* Mffni fiiti | tttoatm* Ou giro. tha bock oC wjirwwoT Adiwai BoXIM Hrtabwih. I M*?»4 • '.'rl"' ■'' •• ■•'••■ • /ilßli WANTED IMMEDIATELY— It io DO SSaißAb HOOBSWOSK, xtxxt ton WASTED— A UADDSJ6K, M - . '-■ ' I™ I mercrajitt tailors. jJENBYO.;HALB* CO., (BxooHWn to JomttO. WittJ i Merchant, Tailors* - ~|'Ai«Mv’«ooiTUcttotr ■ FALL AHD WHTEE STOCK, | VUchln axtanju cboloa. tacta an&prioat vIQ com tanfmnUr nnh nrals(tii tha train, co»p*la» Incall tka ncwaat and baK makaa ofTnacb pOLOTHfIfc-l ?. h l ii OTVBOeiZIHGte i a °* r IlMtawltoiiTototooiolontlfoict li gist's lusnißaißOgoods - I nlvan on hand* ■ - + '.v* ■.?••. Ir Any cites UMtottaowr oMvfll iMtirtUi I! praapt atustta end puetaltt? In•& cmk \ *]' (toWor^nH^n.ctknAZßjasf. I ioio rr-' .. r • • ■-■■■• •>. ~ flfl-OOBMIOK A ODB3ON, ’ :t •.:> »«wAl«n Of • ■ . '' : j. ■■ J - •rrv-'/: ■•'•• ■ ■■■•. I lead pipe, . gHKIiTAMIBAB LEAD, ••' •j' And dnalon In . *.: ; HglMd,. 1 . Blook Tin, . r t ™* AHD - ] r Fstontflliot, SIXTH, BTBMXT,. Imnnluiinltuni ' I mtoii ‘ » oOisoauaTta. ['JEL N,unM| v£.::;; I; . Mxxxjiolonf of ««jr so. a sxrv&rißLD mw^, :] ' HZSi&BM&M.', I A tea MMbrtsont of FITTBBUMQB JUSB#!JO* I gPMPgCTHJypAA noHitly om &S «|3* "W&SK* hw«t f55Sr caoT? 'DKOPO6ALS FOB A raaDantßTttodte tlu doUnrrai oor Itool WtofaoTOM HDIDBID AHD HFTT TBODX. ftoyAji iiwr ■,) BAWXD OAK OB TB&XOWo FU(B?raBBB,, atthar tan. twatv* Ms»2S , ar^fea [WlUKi>?HUi'iV— ' \mJ Tv Üb*n^«Dri«lippkf; I ■ i to do IttekM} IfatnwMwllwihb; J. B. -