The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, February 21, 1863, Image 3

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hatpbPAT MQBMKQ,- FEB. 21.
tm-ornaijw rjLFMx or tub our.
KojxoioiMHUlt Ouivunoxs for the Ox
tMtt IjO, E-Bhow, OpUcien, No. sft Fifth
oboot -ccrrcolci dolly r ..
nr nn, nr bhado.
• » o'clock, t. Oft. dft
11 " " V 00 ’ 48
ft « r.w «
B*romctcx-™ „_„, 201.10
, The Opening of Streets in the Second
nurd, Allegheny.-Pnblic Hectdng.
A nortlnj of dtlsono vu held in the Sea
end Tford,Allegheny, ot the public ichool
Ironic, os Friday cron inf, for the purpoee of
toklsgtotlon In reg&rd to tho proposed open*
ln(e!Polo AUo,Bmooo, Monterey ond Bueno
•' Vlito itroctl, which clrocdy been
onthorleod by Council*.
Hr. John HoDoneld woo colled to the
■ Choir, ond Hr. H. Dirii woe ohoien Sec
retory. .
Th* Chairman submitted a plot of the
ground* with the benefits and damages
had boon marked thereon, ud called the at*
teution of tha mooting to tho laet that theai
•essment of benefits waiver; irregular/and
* aeroral loti were pointed oat upon whleh bo
benefits whatever had been aliened,
ttOßi were also taken to tho damages awarded,
and an instance was kited In whioh::bne man
(Hr. 0. BehMper) had been awsifrd $lBOO
damage*, while he had offered to piU .hii prop*
erty torn* time age for sl*6oo. /jj.-f.
Several gentlemen mentioaedlnegelarities
in the report* and the .rate ofeempeniatioh
oharged by the Viewer* ($1,099/00)wai com-.
' seatednpoa-severely. . / /
OepU Q. MeKelvy moved that the member* 1
of CouneUs from theßeeond.Wardbe In
structed to vote in toto agalnit.the reception
of the award* when, presented to that body.
Ur. Hopklni aitti tibit the motion 7 be to
modified ai to give .the members of GofanoUi a
ohanoe to considerthe report. .Be had.never
aeen It yei. wfy'-'f" ■'■■’/ //
Ur. Sheriff made a vigorousspeech against
the whole bus laws/ '/He hafi never been able
to find a tingM person for
- the opening •{'these streets,/and the entire
prooeedtog-wns nnjnit and nnea led for.
Ur. HnteUson took the Same ginond* Ho
one had/eveausked for a* opening of the
stzeets/aa'd ho benefit /would remit to him
from lti Where did Oouncilf, then, get the
iighito tax his property for that purpose 7
Mr.Hopkini Spoke at considerable length
regard to the fiction of Councils in the
premises, andwarteplied to by Ur. McDon
ald/ who pronotmced the matter little leu
/ outrage and an imposition.
. ffortber remark* were made by Messrs.
/'/ ruiL Hepklns and others.
/ / WhenUtt DlH»*■ on the floor, be asked:
/ ** Is therefi men present in favor of the open
ing o/ tho'streets.'* All answered “no," with
• a slnglefixception. \- :
stated that ho wonid vote just as
hit odfittitoents instructed hldl; while Ur.
.Hop&laa stated that he had always been in
z/faybr of opening the streets* and would vote
it thro nghthlek and thin. . r
/ /Mr. Sheriff—Against the instructions of
/ .-vov’r constituents ?
'/ 4 m*. Hopkins—Yes, sir. Sooner than vote
/ oth4z%vlse*lweuld resign. / : r -
gentlemen expressed themselves
saslified that he should resign, while Mr.
Sheriff remarked that they would attend to
bird hereafter.
Hr! MoKelvy had a better opinion of Coon
oQ* than to suppose that they would force this ;
opening upon tho oitissna of the ward, when!
•their were unanimously opposed to it. He;
had asked one of the Viewers how they ever
- eeme to the conclusion that he was benefited
.by the opening, and he replied that he did not
know where the property was 1 He was asked
how they assessed him $9O benefit*, while his
mext neighbor was asieied nothing 1 He an
•wared* don't know, unless we needed that
maeh* and finished there." (Laughter.)
After some farther sharp-shooting between
Mr. Hopkins (who was eharged : with being
the “father" of the measure) and some of his
•constituents, the question was called upon the
adoption of Mr. M'Helvy*s resolution. • The
notion was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Mr. Bhoriff, the members of
Councils from the Seeond Ward were ins true
’ ted to oppose all efforts for the opening of the
. Oa motioa of Ur. Dill, Ucsm. Hugh Mc
■ iKoiroy, Georgo B. Biddle, John Bunn,,
•John M'Deaaui and Wai. BoMnioa, Jr., were
idb.lin»tbda«aooßißiUttotoprepar«arenioh and pnnat the inm. to Coaaoili.
' Ur. Banue, morod that the meeting nd
' lour.t to mat on Frida, .Ttning next, toil gn
the remonitranoe. .Adopted.
Xh« following ii th. award of damage!
aud. bj th. Viewer!, Han. John Biuoll,
Juau Oralum, and William Dllworth:
poamsnn '" .. i■■ ..■ - —OO
WeWen.. , i “
.i. * W.orWer_ , «0 «
■O. Bchlelper, ;. ..... Uto 00 •
. ■ • I, -ISO 00
"VUn r«»* coapmnttiiß SSI 00
VtM fWTIOn,.. I a~...e~...i 400 00
ffKoWr “
h. »■»» ■ 'ffg S 2
BoblMon- -
yimn' oanponatthm - mto
Totfj....-— 1
W^Ttt° P : - to 00
“'Buioim M3l 00
join rtr* - oo
Ttowwa* rfnnptjwiUiTirii *37 00
: . .ras* TitzA murs.
Hr*. Morpn \i„nn ■'• tSJW CO
H rttmphoil, h*"*in-- i -I® 00
HelaonOempbeU—. : «000
Yliftn' CMufimtlnn... - tU to
Totalamount .m. ■ ~,|16,2M 83
Iha tital amount awarded for dnmarea,
oompaaeation to Timil, a to., ($16,118 86) It
! n oponthe pro party btulltUd, or tap
pond to'ha beßeittnd, and raaehat a yaat
unoost of proparty. Onlyt email portion ot
that* naenaementa waa laid baton tha mooting,
.and «• nalt them. Wt nay remark, hewerer,
thatthpy ara almoat nnanimontly condemned
. no BBlntt and Irregular.
>m mnd la the Allegheny wharf irankle I
deep, and riling. - Wa ahonld think that tha I
itofct of boatman, ahtppora and eoailfseet, I
ahonld ha ao ftrregnrded that, at leaat, tpor-1
tion of tha meaty paid by tham for wharfage I
akonld ha darotad ao pa Tiny thla wharf. [ Wo I
remember haring heart a dacialonaomeycara I
alsoe that money eoUeeted for wharfage!
akonld be darotad to building a wharf, 1 and
hatpins it in anltohla repair, and that if thorn
waa any antplna it might ha loaned to ’ tha
Mtr tor other pttrpoaea, upon tha time; aaa- !
■dltlona that a loan oould ha obtained 1 from
inrinto Indlaldnala. Iha rlghn of aaary
doing haainau on thla wharf demand!
nhat It ahonld be pat la proper order aaa
landlnr place for merehaaduo.
BaturtOw—XaaliaaSHoaraaiao.— Mr.
J. L. Carnahan, of 116 federal atraet,; Alio- I
chaayi la about roUagolihlag buelneai,- and
haatoglaa hppoaaaaaion.of hla premlaaa on
•rahont tha latof March next; ha la there
fore obliged to cfer nnoionl IndapememU to
■abtr ett tha balance of hit., atook of ololhi,
oaulmerea, Taatinga, ready madei mm. and
bdya alothtag, fnrniahing good!, *o., i whlon
Jha l»aow:dolag, by tailing at extraordinary
low price!. Xhoaa who prefer to hart: oloth
-|a* made to order oaa teleot from the pleoe
: i aooda. and hart them made np at a oompara
' Vtiralytmall ooat.;'Wo adrlno aU bargain aook
. aa to giro him a call.
la Ho*fitai»—E«r. B. 0. Chrii ly; Chnp
lain of (ho 78th PaUMylvanU Regiment, 001,
Sirwtll, is sow itr (ho MersyHcapiUl; of this
city,suffering severely from A lotot contracted
• while is camp. HU friends will loots with
Mtitfsetfon that ho is under the treatment of
good, physicians, and thstho. receives the
kindnest ottos lion and care from tho experl
«aood nurses of that institution. Wo trust
that ho may soon reoover and bo able to re
name tho position vrhlch'hai'rendered him so
popularin-hls regiment.
Ira B*t» ' Bum*,—Thb now .«« m»-
Hoadnstv .dnwmotliM lint tudleoio to
tbo lbutio Jut OTtsln*. «a 4 m* r»ptMent»- I
lion, la •<>»»« or lti worklag dotallo, ih otob
Hub ob IttSr«t
v Mt■ vu oonplod, oad
MM.MfiOU ttoßcM. tU BnaoMi eauldo
■gjtt/Bom. Xto ploo. «iu fe. MMtttod
■.rails fUinUifira m>;>«rai util
■. nitwit)** -- ■
„,.,„,^fg^K i-im. »;.*«=
'-' ’ ' ' /'/'■' y ' * ,' ' ‘ S?f- s '™«"" : ' - ;
; Tfce SaiUtaryCommiUec. |
An adjourned meeting ofihe Pittsburgh
Sanitary CommitteowM held aV.ttie Western j
Iniursnoe Company '$ office, on ilsndaj aoro- \
Present—Thomas ’ Bakeweli, /Esq.'? Pres}- ’
dent, and Messrs; Miller, Hanna, Bairas, Kd
gw, HoCrecry, Shinn, Philip* and Brauof. /
. -The minutes of the leatmeetlng were read
and approved, and tho object of the meeting
stated by the President. : :
Mr.Brunot suggested for the consideration
of the Committee the following resolution and
organisation. ,;/V / / I
Eesoforf, That in rley of the increasing j
number of slek and wounded soldiers in our
armies, and to anticipate the/wanta of the
Itm greater increase, whloh will/mult from
aotlre operations and severe battles in the'
spring, it Is expedient for thls/Committee to;
engage with energy in the work for
which It was appointed, effect for this;
purpose apartial reorganisation onthe follow-:
tag plan* (Seeeleewaere. report of Commit-;
tee.) //■/.';. / /
‘Oa motion ofiMr.-6hinn, theresolutioa was:
.unanimously adopts plan suggested to;
be referred to a Committee.
On zaotion of.Ur/Hanna, Messrs. Hanna,
Edgar, JJeCrecry andßrunot, were appointed
a Committee oft Organisation, with instruo
vOobs ,to report tp'aa adjourned meeting, to be
bellat? e'oloolt on the 18th Inst. : The Prta
ldehtwasalxo requested to prepare mi address)
to be submitted at the same time.;
/ Messri. Edgar and MeOreery reported that
Orrin Newton, Esq., had generously offered
the free use oi hie ' warehouse, |ou Second
street, for the present purposes of the Com
Committee adjourned.
/Wtincteoy, 18ti—9 a. m. —The Sanitary
.Committee met pursuant to adjournment.
present—President Bakeweli in the.ohalr,
and Messrs. Loomis, MeCreery, MjUlor, Shinn.
Bennett, Philips, Hanna, Hunter, Edgar and
‘ l The minuteswsreread and approvod.
The Committee on Organisation reported
as follows:
Th* undersigned, in aooordtncs Kith the
resolutions of the Pittsburgh Sanitary. Coni'
mitt#*, adopted at the meeting ion the 16th
Inst., respectfully recommend the following
plan of organisation for motive operations:
: Ist. The Sanitary Committee, shall oonsist
of a President, two; Vioe Presidents, a Trea
surer, Secretary and twenty-one executive
members, with as many associate members is
the Committee may appoint. Associate mem
ber! shall not be repaired to beipretentstall
the sessions of the and it shall
only be neeeasary to notify thorn of general
meetings—thay may vote at any meeting of
the Committee. Xhe Committee!may be called
together at any time by tbe President, and
on a vote of the Committee, or on tbe appli
cation of five associates, he may call a gen
eral meeting* j
. 2d. The following sab-committees shall be
appointed by the President, vis: A Commtt
<teo on Finance, consisting ef three members,
jwith power to additional member
should it be deemed neoessary to canvass the
’city and vicinity. A Committee on Store
room, sanitary stores, receiving, shipping, j
; Ac,, consisting of six. A Committee on Sol
diers* Claims, whose daty shall be to secure
for widows and orphans of deceased soldiers,
and for disabled soldiers, without eharge, the
bounty, pay or pensions which may be duo to
them from the (iovernment. The President,
on motion, shall appoint such! other commit
tees as from time to time may jbe necessary.
3d. Thss Committee will co-operate with,
and aid as'muoh as possible, the United Stales
Sanitary Commission, the Christian Commis
sion, the Pennsylvania Soldiers* Aid Society
in Washington, and tbe .Pittsburgh Subsis
tenee Committee—-these agencies lor the relief
el the soldiers having our edtire confidence.
Ia the disposition of all the money and stores
entrusted to us, we will use every precaution
jto see that the sick andi wounded shall
| alone receive the benefit. !
4th. Tho Committee shall issue an address
to the people of Western Pennsylvania, get
ting forth the importauoe of activity
in providing for the aiok and; wounded. Issue
weekly, monthly or quarterly reports—f»d
make such othor publications as shall seom
Joshua. Hassa, T ;
FelixE. Bkcsot.J
On motion of Mr. Hunter,• tna' report was
accepted and the Committee discharged. .
On motion of Mr. Bdgar, the proposed plan
of organisation and the resolution attached
were unanimously adopted, j
The Presldentireed the proposed Address,
and On motion, it was unanimously ordered
to be printed with the proceedings of the Com
mittee. ; ?
The following are the officers'of the Asso
ciation :
Thomas Baekwell, Preaidoat.
Bursas Millsb, Viee-Prcsidsnl
F. B. Bbitsot, do.
Jab. Park, Jr.; Treasurer. .
Jos. B. Husisa, Secretary.
The Resources of Pennsylvania* I
Tho eemmltteo appointed to confer with the I
Auditor General in relation to tho publication I
of a map showing tho railroads# canals'and]
navigable waters# ooal fields# iron factories, I
hsd oil diltrisu in Pennsylvania, hate re- |
ported that the State has : twenty-five thou
sand ™tia» of railroad# and about a thousand J
wi<u« of canals, ten thousand square milBs of I
i bituminous ooal land# four hundred square |
I miles of 'anthracite, affording nine and pne- j
third milUen tons of anthracite, and sixty-1
•even million bushels of bltnminous ooal of I
the tonnage of 1880. Bor improved lands. :]
I cash value# was six hundred and sixty-two I
I million# fifty thousand seven hundred ■ and |
I seven dollars; agricultural Implements, twen- I
I ty-two million, four hundred and forty-two I
[ thousand, eight hundred and forty-twc.dol
[ lars. Of tho total products of iron ore in
11860 in tho United States, which were two
| million# five hundred and fourteen thousand#
I two hundred and eighty-two tons of;i iron
I mined# there wen one million, seven hundred I
I and six thousand# four hundred and seven#-!
I six tone mined • lit Pennsylvania. Zheitotal
produet of bar iron In the United States in
1 1860 wns four hundred and six thousand# two
I hundred and ninety-eight tons# of which two
S hundred and fifty-nine thousand, seven .hun-
I dred and nine tons were bade In Penney Iva
| Pennsylvania contains ninety-three an
-1 thraoUefurnaoes# one hundred and fifty ehar-
I ooal and coke furnaces, oho hundred and ten
I I refining forges# and ninety-ono roliing'mUls.
Zhb steamer Starlight i* on her way up#
having on board two or three of the crew of
the SaUia LUt# Who are a&oted with small
pox. A strong polio# foree were statiohed at
the Wheeling wharf to prevent her landing
there. : She may be expected here to-day.
Zu ease of Clark vsi Hague, Woolslayer,
Moon, et ah, cameup yesterday forahaaring
before Alderman Taylor. Some additional
teetimon,, whlfh could not .t promt bo ob
tained, bsing uwuifi it wm continued aver
! nntU nut Tuesday \ .
- Tbi saw mill of Mouri. Wilson A Dnnloyy,
situated on the Baltimore had Ohio Ballromd,
.boat fin mllM east of Cameron,»« totally
destroyed by fin an Wednesday morning U>u
ntramtß-Oa Trid.j.ttio SOlh lost, at r>%
o’clock P. M„ DOOdbaß, son ol Jcph Jl. ase
Carowlia 0. Banter, agwl ono year, six tsontbi anil
I thirteen, days.
The (astral will take (lace this avrxnsoos at 3
o'clock, from Ho. 35 Federal street. The friends and
reUtlvee of tbVXimllj are Invited to attend
Black Pennsylvanians Snllsting In
A faw days ago recruiting and transporting j
offices were opened,: somewhat privately, in j
Philadelphia, • to enlist blaok soldiers for]
JlMiaobusetts regiments. At different times I
email squads of negroes were sent down to I
Bolton# and oh Tuesday of this week twenty
fifa well developed men marched through tho
streets to the transportation office and depot,
which was the first information that (ha pub- j
Ha had of negro enlistments. Gov. Andrew
cant an oflttTto Philadelphia to consult with
*h» leading men or color, aud the interview
m vow satisfactory., Bhoald the Governor
eenfirm what Ihe Cffioer agrood to, which re
-225t0 bounty andsuoh matters, there wUI
SSdrSb *t *>»«ks from this 9»to to
garriibwrg&hfirapK j\' ,
mik V. a .BEVENOB hypbom e-
I veil lor ascertalnUlg the tree per cept.of Al
zk JS taSSSdSSSw; whicTthsamountcl
*»»■ *“*•'*,am»w. ao*M* w..
ittua »'»«2S2S&S3&&'.
;* i-': (vt -Ti
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
WaasiSGToi, Feb-30,1863.
A dispatch from Gen. Roiecmni, received
at the War Department three days ago, states
that the rebel officers they had received under
a flag of truee declared that yiokabmrg had
fallen. This, doubtless, Is the origin of the
rumors that have been flying on the streets
all afternoon that General Grant had taken
Vloksbnrg. Tliere is no ooafirmatlon of
; the report, however. Both private and
I jmblio accounts from Vicksburg differ very
ranch as to the prospects. The last
accounts from Grant and Porter antici
pate the happiest results from the cutting of
Ytaoo Pass and Lake Providence levees. The
Mississippi is represented to be already rush
ling through the new-ohannel. On the other
I hand other advices say that the canal is not
I likely to be sdeessiful for a long time at any
j rate, and add that the difficulties of taking
I the place have not been fully estimated by the
I public. .
Democrats' have declared that they mean te
filibuster till the 4th of March, to prevent
the passage of the Conscription bill. The
Republicans will do their best to* get it np as
epoedily as possible; and If it beoomes a
question of physical courage, they will bear
it hot less manfully than they did before.
The passage of Mr. Sherman's Bank bill,
embodying Secretary Chase's views, by the
decisive mojorlty ; of fourteen, is regarded as
an administration suooess. Its friends now
olaim that the Senate will carry its point in
i the matters of disagreement between the
I House and Senate, especially as to the roduc
[ tion of the amount of legal tenders to bo is
sued, aud the two per cent, hank taxation.
I Its opponents say that the Beak bill only-re
colved the votes ef certain Republicans on
I pledges that, in the settlement of these differ-
I ences in a conference committee, preference
1 should be given to the House policy.
A better opinion, however, is that the Sen
-1 ate measures will be regarded as embodying
I the policy of the Administration, and as sueh
I it will be sure to be made successful.
Mr. Wado succeeded in getting jthrough the
Sonate to-Ay a bill for the organisation of a
territory for Arlsona, which passed the House
last session. A Governor, Secretary and
other territorial officers, will probably be ap
pointed btfore long. The intimations ef dan
ger from the Fronch encroachments in Mexi
co aro supposed to give additional importance
to thin step now.
Nothing has transpired as yet
the tax laws amendments. The Committee
will probably not attempt brinjpng them up
till after the passage of the eonieriptio n bill.
The ComiaHtea of Conforeacq on the Nine
Hundred Million bill, appointed to-night,
oonsUts of Senators Fessenden, Sherman and
Hicks, and Representatives Morrill, of Ver
mont, Vallendigham and Fenton. The com
position of this Committee Indicates that the
opposition to Secretary,Chase's measures will
dio hard, if at all. /*""**%. *
A bill is soon te be introduced in the Senate.
| for tho organization of a National Academy of
I Science on the Frenoh plan, to consist of fifty
I members, and to prosecute scientific invest!-
gabions at tbe instance of the government, as
well as their own. !
A report, that Geo. Banks has met arepulso
at Port Hudson, is. incirculation. Itlx vague
in statement,aad U supposed to have come
through rebel channel*, bat cannot bo traood.
There i* not a word of troth in the doable
beaded paragraph in yesterday's Btrald,
probably since eent Wait by the Associate
Press,. reporting to be a dlspatoh from Wash
ington, in which the assertion is made that
Secretary Seward-U to.form a new Cabinet,
and General McClellan to beoozne General-in-
Chief. The correspondent of the herald scot
no inch dispatch. It was manufactured in
| New York.
Th. general ord*r ia MoKlnstry’s ease
shows that ho was found guilt, ou th. charge
pnf.rmd, Tii: Neglect and violation of duty
to tho prejudice of good order and diiolplln..
and upon twontj-.ix of tha tpaelfioationi, in
wholo or in part. The order, after tatting
forth tho specifications and findings at length,
proceeds and sontenoes: ’’And the Ooort
does, therefore, sentence Jnstos ido-
Kinitrj, Quartermaster of the United States
arm,,- to be dismissed from tha snTiM.”
Second—She foregoing proceeding, find
ings, and sentence, are apprond, hat *»r-
I otstng the discretion given b, nrtUle 89 of the
I rales and articles of war, the execution of
I tho senteneo is snspendsd* nntll tho pleasnr.
! of the President of the D. S. oan be known.
I upon the recommendation of some members
I of the ooort for a remission or mitigation of
I the santenoe. This suspension and tha pro.
| eeedings of the court-martial an being trana-
I mitted to the President for hia determination.
[Signed] H. W. Hailxox,
SusQU>mß ! o> tbi Amy, )
Washington, Jan. 36, 1663, J
The following is the order of the President ■
The sentence in the foregoing osse wIU be ear;
rlid into exeention-b, the dismissal or Major
Joitni MoKlnstr,, iinartermaaler V. B. A.,
from the strvlooof the United Sutes.
Additional from New Orleani.
Niw Yoax, Fab. 20.—Advioee bom New
Orleaneetate that Gen. WeltiaU'l expedition
_ ~~T~' Z~*. to Bayou Ireho had not Itarted on the 10th
From Nassau, N, r. loit., owing to tho withdrawal of port of hli
Nitr You, Fob. 20.—The ilium Brltlih foretii for another porpoee.npthe riror.
Qaeen, with Sum datei to tho 10th lnit., Thera won ramon of » repnlie at Port
arrivedthlievenlag. Hudloa,batth6yccald not bo traoel to a
The tteamer Leopard;arrived at Nauaa, reliableooaroe. -
Jan. 12th, bom Charlootoi, with a full largo There wee talk of another expedition, nn
of ootton, and oalied oni the evening of tho dor Gen. Sherman, being fitted oat. Alio a
7th but. on her retorn 1 trip. A eloop with' report that another armed Ten el had liipped
tnrpentlno alio arrived : from Oharieeton'on oat of Mobile harbor. .; 1
the alit olt. : Newi bomflalveiton ii to the effeot that
The eteamer Flora oleared bn the 7th nIL oar Qaet had entered the bap, bat foand the
for St. John, N. 8., bat probably toms the l 0 itrongly fortlfled that It wae deemed
blockade. - belt to withdraw for tho preient. :
Major Mullor and Oapt. Wheeler, of'tha jjiw foax, Feb. 20.—The iteamer George
23d Conneotlent regiment, hadreaobed Nae- Cromwell, fromiNew Orleani with datei to
ean to precnro aailitanee in getting wreeked tntt., lias arrived. There wae con
etuff bom tho ehlp Planter. ■ aiderable exoiubient among the troopi, grow-
The eteamori Bouglaki and Nina oleared . out ol an nhwilllngaeii of the white »ol
for St. Johnj N. 8., on the 28d; both are nos- ,[ arJ t 0 0B a eommoh footing with
trnl blockade rnnnert. , n.wroei - ; v ■
Tho pirate Florida ealled from Nauauon the Tomo’ri were bnrroa tat New Orleane that
morning of tho 27th alt., after reornitlng for tho frigate Brooklyn wae aground 1 in eleven
The iteamer Qbaffo arrived at Nauaa on been placed in charge of the
the 25th, and tho oteambr Antonioa from Sa- 0 f the Bolton Vowmol and How
vannah on the Slit, both with ootton. The York Herald.
eteamer Tniitlo cleared on tho 20th to ran the j rl contain no newi whatever.
’ blockade. The iteamer GltaSe tailed again The Excrtnl of thil evening, etatel that a
on tho 7tb, and alio the iteamer AnnieChlldi, „ mor cr<f reached here to-day that, owing
to ran the blockade. The Aatoniea hee gone . a n ealt of come movement at-Port Hud
to St. .Thome,. The iteamer; Oalapio, bom q OO . Banki had Hopped the Treohe ex-
Oharleitos, arrived at iNaiiin on the *th. 4 „nt the troopl to reinforce thou
The iteamere Eagle and May Uneen, bom St. ” nnd«on.
Thomai, and thi Emma and Granite City, —-
from ara«B«oV,airiT»djoa tho Bth, tiny are Piojeeied SieamsUip^ljtnc.
to bo added to tho sootral flwt of blockad# , Fob. SO.-EdwardS. Fwb*y, A« A*
rannera. The ateamira Baby iaU*d on tho Lawroooo, and Jo»*» ;M. Boobo# wo HU
-9 lb, tba Niofcola* tho Virat on tholOth, and tlonod tbo IdOgUlotar*** bolnoorporotod a*
! thoEagU on tba 14tb v ill to rut tbt blookado. «m«U
A fawjaohooncti bad alio arriredfro® Bonth- Bo*t«n m Barop**wU&» eapltaftof
orn port* wtth ootton.j, AU fcho aboTO.toon- 13,000.000. !.• •
i-■ Poet Office Bobbed.; -.• a dMeo.
•' .mlmi ■ 'V*’'- »'-**£*
'•. '.'i'w. brP f 'c-jk'*^J»VJ if' .■j l , •} ■-(
ii-. / jr - , . . -1;,... ; r- if-* .•rWVJ
Waahington, Jon. 29, 1863.
Special Dispatch to the PtttaWurgh Quetta,
HabSUSBURQ, Feb. 20,1863.
Bousi.—Hr. Shannon called np the bill
changing the mode of selecting field and com
pany officers In the Reserve^Yolauteer Corps.
The bill passed. ' .
Ur. Young called np a further supplement
to the act Incorporating .the Pennsylvania
Bailroad. Itohanges.the.aonual meeting to
the third Tuesday in February ef eaeh year.-
It aUo.provides an additional Vice President.
The third section provides.' that the directors
of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company be.
authorised to create bond! payable at inch
time as they may determine upon, with cou
pons attaohed, bearing interest not exceeding
six per cent per annum, to an amount suffi
cient to meet the necessary outlay upon any
branch road to be hereafter constructed under
the provisions of the charter of the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad Company, its supplements or
'laws affeeting said company. The bonds so
created shall be secured by a mortgage upon
said branoh road.
Mr. Hopkins, of Washington, offered an
amendment, provided that this section shall
not be so construed as to[ legalise directly or
indireotly the act for the commutation of ton
nage duties on the Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Ur. Hopkins, of Washjtogton, wanted time
to examine tho bIU and see whether there was
a snake in It.
Ur. Kalne objected to the third seetion.
He thought the bill was Intended to legalise
the legislation of 1811.
Ur. Shannon wanted to know what roads
were to be censtructed. Nobody teems to
know anything about the real otyeot of the
bill; for that reason it is our duty to oppose
It When the time eomes that these branoh
roads are to be ereated by tide legislature or
any subsequent legislature, there, is time
enough to pass on a section like the third
one in tho bill. Ee could see no necessity for
the passage of this bill; :a measure to fraught
with interest should not be hurriedly passed
over. If the gentlemen will satisfy us that
it Is a pure, clean measure, then we can act
jwlth a proper disposition. He wanted U full
explanation of the proposed measure.
Messrs. Pershing, Barger and Vinoent fa
vored the bill.
Ur. Hopkins* amendment was agreed to.
The bill passed.
The House adjourned till half-past seven 1
o'clock Monday evening.
Skhati.—Mr. Penney introdnoed a bill to
•xto&d the charter of the Bxohange Bank of
Pittsburgh. Referred to the Committee on
AUo, a bill to extend the time for the re
moval of the tracks of the Pennsylvania Bell
road Company from aportiou of Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. Referred to the Committee on
A supplement to.aa act to protect fruit, <ta ,
i and to punish trespassers in the counties of
[ Huntingdon, a, Allegheny, Berks,
I Lancaster and Delaware; approved Marsh
I 30th, 1860.
The Speaker presents i a memorial from the
6tale Agricultural BoclUy, praying the Leg
islature 5 provide and authorise the publica
tion of its proceedings since 1858. Also, of
leveratoounty aociotics. Also, of the.doings
of the State Agricultural College—the print
ing and distribution Cl said reports to be un
der the oontrol of the Legislature, and all
matters for publication to be prepared by the
Secretary, free of charge. Every preparation
is boing made for holding the eleventh annual
exhibition this year.: The Treasurer's report
shows a balance of $1,113 19.
The Senate adjourned till three o'clock on
The New York Kate* says:
The lateroal Tax bill has been perfected'
by the Committee on Ways and Means, and!
will be printed. It-is authoritatively stated
that no increased tax it recommended on
whiskey or tobacoo. Perhaps.
The Committee oh Ways and Means have
really agreed to report In favor Of reducing
the duty on foreign paper.
The condition and position of the Army of
the Potomao is entirely satisfactory.
den. Burnside left Washington on Thurs
day, for New York, and will immediately as
suma his new command.
Glowing aooounts ate given of Bosecrans*
army. ■, i ;
The Beneto Judiciary Commltteo ban
ounlmfinitj reported i bill annulling an ob
jectionable jjrovielo.n in a lair of Nevada Ter
ritory which docl gnat injultlco Joe largo
elaee of people engaged in mining operation!
Mr. Wilton haa lntrodnoed into the Senate
a joint nsolntlon to faeiliUte the payment of
jlokand wounded'aoldiere In the hoapltaia
and oonTaleieent ’ oampl, by dlreetlag the
Paymaatar Oenarai to take, meunrea for their
payment erithln thirty daya after the paaaage
of the mediation.:
Bebel hewe from the Booth lndioatea the
gnateat excitement at Oharleaton and Savan
nah in antieipation of an attack upon one or
both of thou placea.
It baa bean poaltlvely atated in Waahingten
that the atjack dteCharleeton and Barannah
la to take place,to-day.
The atoriea about a thourand gone being In
peeition about Oharleaton ia declared to he un
trno by the Havy Department. They number
two hundred and ninety in all, aome of which
are of Immanae calibre. ,
It la etated that at toon at Oongreia paaaia
the tneaanre enthoriaing the iaaue of letteae of
marque; awtft tailing ateamen, heavily
armed, will atari from Hew Xork after the
ateamera Piorldaand Alabama.
A. liusou.
"i' "'-"'Y;
'WaBHIKQTOXjFcb. SO, 1863.
Hous*.—Mr-Sheliabarger, of Ohio, effertd
A resolution, which was adopted, wtung
the difficulties whieb have arisen regarding
the pay of.Tolunteeik from Ohio and other
States, and Instructing *tbe' Committee on
Military Affairs to inquire into it, and report
whether additional legislation is necessary for
an explanatory act to eecaro the payment of
said soldiers from the time they-entered the
service, instead of from the period when their
companies were filled and mastered.
The National Curreney bUI was Uken up.
Mr. Fenton, of New York,- concladod his
remarks from last night In favor ■of the
mauve. !'
Mr. Noel, of Mo., did not feel at liberty to
vote against the bill, bht appealed to the gen- i
tiemen to refer it to the Judiciary Committee,
and to Inquire how far it deprives the States
of the right to regulate their own financial
concerns under a valid law.
Mr. Alley, of Mass., advocated thq amend
ment.' He proposod to offer one reducing the
tax on the circulation, of notes, to one per cen
tum per annum, in order to induco .banks to
endorse the system and plan, thcmJolves in
00-eperation with the government to supply
uniionncurren*y,and to prevent undue expan
sion. The bill gives to the banks a better
eiraulation than that under tho 'present sys
tem, and proteots all- their interests.
Mr. Hooper, of Mu*., had no desire to ,
oontinne the debate, and moved the previous |
question.' ' !
Mr. Bos sot Oonkling, remarked that the
reading of the bill wu not concluded until
nearly nine o’olodp last night, when it wu
distinctly agreed that a fair opportunity
should be allowed .for a discussion. To take
a vote now would be .a violation of this
agreement, two hours, to-day,* only having
bun spent in debate.
Theapeaker said thatno suck proposition
had been stated by the Chair. If the Houio
should Vote down the dsmandfor the previous
question, the bill would be dpeh for amend
ment. -
The House, then, by a vote of 75 yeas
against 73 nays, agreed to order the main
question to ha pat.
The House refused to table the bill—yeas,
67: nays, 89. '
A third reading of the Bank bill wu then
ordered by a vote—yeas, 83; nays, 87* s
Mr. Oonkling called for a xeading of the
entire bill. ,
Mr. Wuhburne raised a point u the bill
bed qnoe been read through—that the House
could dispense with a second reading.
' The Speaker overruled Mr.' Washburne's
point, quoting a rule that it. is undoubtedly
right lor any member to have a bill read
through at each of Us stages.'.
The ClerM read the btil.
Mr.'Holman moved to lay it on the table,
disagreed to.
The bill was then passed—yeas 73, nays M.
House adjourned till seven "o'clock.
Evening jSewioa—The House took up the
Senate's Postofilc* reform bill, Mr. Colfax
explaining its provisions and oorrected a mis
apprehension in the public mind as to the re
gistration of money, in. letters, which is to
be lift voluntary. It is now proposed to have
a uniform letter postage of three cents, and
reduce the three hundred or more different
rates for printed matter to twelve or fifteen
rates; ana to establish othor important re
forms,' including the reduction of incidental
expenses. Among tho amendments now made
was one striking out tho clauso requiring
publishers to prepay postage on magazines,
and adding a clause oharging an additional
rate for re-mailed letters, and providing for
a charge oi twenty-five cants for a letter for
•peoUl delivery,so marked, and.delivered
day or night. Mailable matter is divide^into
three cla*s«4; ifirst. Loiters - Secondly,
Printed matter. Thirdly, Mjfioellzneousjmat
Air. Colfax, in the course of bis temarks,
stated that ho, himself, w its, as bo bad
boon, in favor of abolishing.tho franking
privilege, hut toe Senate was known to bo
hostile to it, and bad so voted this Congress,
and as the abolition could not, therefore, be
carried, ho was in favor of curtailing it.
_Mr. Alley’gjamendment was adopted,res trlot
iog the franking privilege by the officers of
the departments and by the postmasters to
toffioial business, and requires all letters, sent
to all franking offioers, to be prepaid. ✓
Hr. Blake offered an amendment, which
was adopted, to establish a money erder sys
tem for .one, and not exceeding ten dollars,
fire cents over ten, and not sxcaedlcgtweaty
dollars and ten cents for every additional
sum of ten dollnrs, or less than five o;nts. _
Ur. Cox offered an amendment providing
that the' people, tjy election, designate their
postmaster, but was rejected.
No quorum being in attendance at quarter
of ten o'clock, the Honse adjourned.
Sixxtb.—A Committee of Conference has
been appointed on the indemnification not.
A communication was received from the
Secretary of the Treasury-in answer to the
resolution of the Senate, asking what steps
had been taken with regard to the frauds in
the New York Custom House, and whether a
.report had been made.
Hr. Wade, of Ohio, from the Committee on
Territories; reported back the bill to allow the
people of Nevada Territory to take prepara
tory steps for being admitted into the union,
and asked to be discharged 'from the farther
.consideration of the resolution inquiring Into
the expediency of admitting New Mexloo as a
State. • • i
Hr. Wilson, of Mass., from the Military
Committee, reported back a joint resolution
to facilitate the payment of sick and wounded
soldier* in the hospitals and convalescent
camps, directing them to ba paid in. thirty
Mr. Peiionden, of Me., said that he was in
faver of the object, but he understood there ,
. was some difficulty in the way, and that many I
soldiers were paid twice.
Hr. Wtiien, of Hass., said the' difficulty'
arow from the want of system and the loose
manner la whioh the Paymaster's Department
is py^g- 1 That Department is managed
in the most wrotobed manner, and. unless it
is reformed the country will fifd enormous;
loss. - : j
On motion of Mr. Grimes, of lows, the timo'
for payment was extended; sixty days, and
the resolution was then-passed. .
Mr. Wilkinson, of Minn., from the Com
mute# on Territories, reported a bill to enable
the people to take
stops to be admitted into the union as a
Hr. Lane;, of Kansas,. reported a similar
i bill in relation to the territory of Colorado. .
Hr. Trumbull/of lU., from the Committee
i on the Judiciary, reported' adversely on the
i bill to amend the sot admitting the State of
i Western Virginia. : T)
I • Mr. Coilaiher, of Vt, from tho .Poitoffice'
Committee,.reported a blU.releUng-topost
1 roates and providing for bridges across the
■ Ohio river. .!
j Mr. Cowan, of Penns., called up the bill to
: appoint ah Assistant Traasnrer, at a salary of,
i $5,000, and additional clerks, and increasing
the oempehsation of the $9,000.
i Mr. Grimes renewed' the amendment to
make the salary $5,000 Instead of-$9,000,
Adopted—yeas, 24; nays,’ 12.'
- Hr. Grimes moved to make the salary of
the Asslsufit Treasurer $2,500, instead of
$3,000; Adopted—yeas, 28; nays, 7. The"
biU was then passed. ' i..
The bill to provide a temporary govern?
meat for th* terrltory.ef Arlaonia was then
taken up end passed—yeas, 25; nays, 12. J
Mr. Petienden moved that the Sonata take
a reoess till seven o’clock, it being nearly half
past four. Adopted—yeas, 28; nays, 12.
Evtning Smioa—The Senate proceeded to
the consideration of the bill reorganising tin
courts in the District of Columbia.
Mr. Davis resumed his remarks, and spoke
at length against the bill. ; ,
Hr. Saulsbury moved to amend so as to
have j edges elooted by the people. Bejoctod.
Hr. Trumbull offered an amendment pro
viding for a revision and codification of tpo
laws of the District. Adopted-: ; !
The biU then passed—yeM l», nays 16. ,
On motion of Ur* Pessenden, a Committee
of Conference was appointed on the biU to
provide for ways and means to support the
government. • • ; • .-•••
At 10;15 p. m. thn Senate adjourned.
From LoolsHkie.
XiocnYiu*i,F*b* 2Q^pt r li reported that
tho rebel Colonels While,
with from »1* to 0M thbtti»udinbttnud men
orotred-the CumborUnd »t MittßpriDg; bound
northward. Tho reports. ot&rgo • faadtoe of
nbol eityalir roosiUy,
Und jrlvsr nro not credited ?
BiLTiKomi, Prt.JO.—Ttw ieoton ntfnt>
•d for this tnnlag »V tha JUtjlißd InittUt*,
ualiMkMWfVrUwmfii ttul , tonl «■&.
awt «f voald set tiimf kU
£ Ja* i
Washington Items.
Wishisgtok, Feb. 20.—-Attention has been .
called to the ’report in the'N ew Tort new*-
papery, and made the tufcjacfof pointed coax-* £ as » louiseJ
moot, that members dr the Senate Committeo • ; A]
on Foreign Relations have been: most earnest, ,p
in their aemonatrptions of friondihipto M.
Mercior and to tho govoramentheTepreseßfs. ■ lAa g E i
On inquiry it>ppearf that M. Metoier’s dis-
patch and relations with France, aa shown *h 9 enemy,!
by recently published dispatches, have not _»v» t he:'pM
beeijt considered in the Committee, nor la tiOUidvC
known that any member of theCammitteehasJ SidafS
made any demonstrations to a. Her tier. j e-M*«ril 1*
Some of the Committee attended the recent | ooiaw "* '
diplomatic dlanerof Mr. Seward, (given since
the publication of tho diapatchea,) atwhieh
tho French Minister was an honorary gneat,
but Mr. Sumner, who waa 111 at tho tiifco, vtt
obUgod to decline, under tho adrioej of hii
i phyaioian. There is net ft member of Con
gress who does not reooil from the Idea of for
eign mediation or Intervention in whatever
fjrm H may take. ; • ' ;
C. F. Miller, who has been employed aa
olwk in Richmond,arrived here to-day, having
made his escape to one of the Potomac flotilla.
iHe represents that.the' Morrimac No. 2-was.
I at Fort Darling daring tho latter part of Jan- j
oary, having a lighter placed on each side,!
owing to her top-heaviness. She carries four;
guns, but is l pierced for eight. Longftreet aj
division passed through Richmond several
weeks.ago, for the south and south-west, and
ft large number of the army of the Rappahan
nock have them, f. He says thjs
country between Richmond *nd. Fredericks*
burg, oyer ;whlch' he travelled on foot, if
nearly desolate, s - :S ",
Fleet; Captain Pennock has, under, date
-of Cairo* yesterday, informed the Scorewy
of the Navy that tho steamer Bowena, white
Cloud and Knapp has been seised as prises
by tho gunboat New: Bra, at or near Island
No. 10, for containing contraband goods, such
as quinine and morpnine/iu large quantities,
arms, Confederate uniforms, army blankets,
and other general merchandise contraband of
war. The White Cloud had onboard ft large
rebel mail* containing important informa-;
The stoamer Horne was seised by Admiral
Porter and sent up there from below.
An exploded story .of .Banks belng.defeatcd
near Port ; Hudson has been revived. The
Government has received no, .unfavorable in
formation whatever from thatiquarter,-
The Correnoy bill passed the House
to-day in the precise fond .-it came from that
body. " ?»• i. l ••-•i. l '
I . The Senate to-day passed the biUorgoms
-1 lag the Territory of lt only awaits
i the signature of the ’President to become a
i law; This territory : contains one hundred
and twenty thousand square miles, and Is,
therefore, larger than three States of the rise
of Ohio, lit is said* by .those have spent
several years there,- to contain more and
richer silver and eopper.mines than any terri
tory under , the Government. Gold, is. also
found in many part 3 of the territory. HosUlo
Indians have heretofore proveuted extensive
operations. The mines, but with a govorn?
ment such as is about to be established, thoy’
will bo folly dovelopod. It is asserted, by
persons who have had opportunities to form
a current judgment, that the richest silver
mines of the woild are found .in ■Ariaonft.
There are fifteen hundred itroops now- there,
and it it probable tho number will be soon
largely increased.
Markets by Telegraph.
CisccraiTi, Fubnmry 20—Noon—Flour doll and
Superfine offered freely s*lrt of Extra
were umdrf as this rate. Wheat Ora* *t[sl 30@1 40
for prime red and white. Cura is in goad damandat,
H3c for ihidlod aod M@6s for car. OaWduU at 75c.
' Byo at $Li Barfoy at CU®W> for . prime!; tspring jwd
Fall. Whisfcy, 51. Mess fork unchanged, and *iuietj
no sales; bulk steady at 4*s and G for heayy.ahould*
urs. and sldos. Tlreroi* a large demand sor-aard;
Bates cf 3,000 lierecs*t9^3^ t deUTcrtd,at points
: m the Interior, aud 100 oeiirered here, TbeMsmand
! l, chiefly from New York. Groceries firm and un»
I changed. ; CioTeneed firm at $0 .75. - '
I Gold, IGOQiGI. Demand notes, 15fr. Exchange
dull, and tales tho same. . ; .
Xsw Yobs, Feb. 20—Evoning—Cotton* 88@S9c.
I Flonr&silUc lower; sales 14,600 bbls., at £7 £s
[ for 00(g8 for Ohio asiis7 25 for-SoUth*
| era. Wheat 1 Mifo. loirer; talcs 05,000 Cush, at noon
I rates. Pock dull; mess *l*-7&@15. Eatd hehvy.
Whisky steadr at 556457 c. Sugar firm at.9)£sl|;4o
| Coffee firm. Molasses Una. Frttghts losi.flrtu. -Wool
I him and'active; domestlo flcecbSUjaftXc* - (
jj oTim
TaTed TfIEOAT, if allowed to progress, result*
In serious Pulmonary and Bronchial affections, of*
ttntimos incurable.-
reech directly the effected parts,.acd give almost !&•
stint relict, In BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, and
-CATARRH they'are l-onefldaL The good effects
reaching f. om the uso of the Troches, and their ex*
tended ate, has caused them to bi counterfeited. Be
rare to guard egatnat worthies Imitations. Obtain
only the gtaaU* Bros*'* BroncJdai. 2roci«<. which
have proved their efficacy by a test of many yeses.
Public Speakers and Singers should nse the Trochee.
• Miliary Officers and Soldiers who over*tax the voice
and an to- sudden changes, should have
them, i held everywhere, at *5-cents per box.
let&SmdawT • ■ ' -
gynalta superior Copper Aill and
SMMLXIKQ WORES, Pjttsiosoh, -' 7
llanufscturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS’ AND
•Iso Importers and dealers in METALS, TIN PLATE,
SHEET IRON, WIRE, to.;; Constantly on Land,
Waixaousx, No. ldtf, Tint end 120 SooQndstraeti,
I Pittsburgh,Peun’a. * .
I Crspedal erden of Oopper outtoway deidnd pat»
I tet& r ■
tyio fterrona BaffereW of JBotd
rererend gtnUomen having, be«i re
stored toheelth in a few digrs, a|l
the usual routine aud irregular , expeustrs node* <|jt
treatment, without succe»i considers It Lis sacred
duty tb communicate to Ua'affUcted fellow creatures
: oumx. On the receipt of an ad*
; dressed envelope, he. will soud (free) a copy of the
I prescription^used. Direct to'Dr. JOHN
| street, Brooklyn, N.
I mhllttydawT
I jrm. c. h. i sum.
[ . wubsow popqi,ass.. y ■xi.iiiu.
yynoßissoH. uisis a ton
uSS, JToskdui in I Hioßunm, Wuinton.
Wous, Poun’t .
I Ompit-Ho. a H.utfe Bnm. ,
iUniiaup* «a kinOi o, STEAM BHQIHS&AHB!
WOJtKI- v -!
optics ■ ■ ; •• rohaikdly. •
At the old established Coach Taetory, i. :
DOdHESNE WAT,(uxaaSt. OiAZASntssr.
Ing done aa nituil.
jpyPitUbargh steel -Work*..
iiuia job l. w. ,»’oc««w%
- JONES, BOYD .& CO., / |
SUnakcluren of OAST BTXKL} *l*>, -SI*RISO,
AXLXS, corner of Bo■» an* Pint slnaia, PSttalpitfi
Popq**» •* ' ’ x - •■•
sac f
Irons', ~Uiltcr If Co.
Works tiutloa,\ Attogho&j
Bkitroad. Office ud Warehouse, Ho. KI MMUStfC
ttttstrargV- • V. .•' * r rii ,
lbv*2?d.l BKTKiJSB OIL, wairenttHlnOtt-expto*
tftfl,alwaysonbaod. ;ocl2ftrd;' •.
j£s7£U&lUS * JJAKJSiSBi -
J)££K - YA.OLT *UH>K ' COOS, , AMD
• . .HAHDffACTOKEBS. i -
ffa."litt-wd 181' Third ilrot teiwi Woc/i./md
■ ■, 4saitftfitld tfrgtU—MarU tid*. .'i
'•- MPBAHK- LOOKS fciirayt-OT hmd,
SeSotwiareri of lEOH BAItIKO, iBbK^iDMS
4n> vAbbt boobs, "win bow .anotwis-
WIBDOW ’CUABBS, do* Boa. >1 .'Second ctnelwA
SSTMidctreet, Urtecn flood end tteikct. .V; ? • •
Here oa bend o Tedetj of new Bettarae, iiictr
PerUcoUr eltention P*lA to eeclo«lB4 Qmve XM |
Jcblitngdcne kt ehonpotieo.'-
S Jouish.qfaxj KftSSv#*?#® *«taeiwr?#£*,
sons AW> bpwct, HMiiftAo«»*,mi. J •
aOt M^.UwririptoUttft
( tkmfhHt tteVatMftaM. 3 «-ir,», (M'> :?M*a- t&4f>4 Si?j '
. V ll
'.|f ■
"» spfe'
is 9 3*£ssr'4'kx.»J*e hUcsiuu, far
fcre Jhn
j. : GecWril Agcac,/-- 'S'.
urn Dss«stiet Kill' doaimots
itfera fsr mere than the hulleUof
.erefoie lot overy bus <o« to it,:
«er with hus-.ft fall supply of : .
:*ftPliaSi- li'tir U£oin ls4!»' -•
M saved' thousands vor British - ■. v.;
iyjs cents furboi. 215
k ■ '
Ogmcri' X K. Kob- ' : -
Blit ckoio* •took of .Sue 3SoW and Bjlrar
Watokw.ji J»wolrj> Biltoi ; Warp and. Fancj
Soodi m ln thlp oltj, and «• »U- . -
in* tliotn it remarkaUr low) fiiatt- ? : . ■ >,
jHoTieitoilta property'CirowJ ihU dltij
ifhnaly SglT«n#Sirt r fl "'
their booses will ta idoso promptly, u they
leave their order at .Cafcihoit’SiCarpeatM asw,.
Joining Bhop, on nil*?, jur* *boT«
-SttUUfialil street. , * b> * ?
Cam* will** (iiiea at theOnslouli
offioe, Ko. 406 Liberty 'sheet;- day er night. - '
All ottos left kt> the; ftbeve vUi. ba
. promptly attended to.: Ai| c*i!s m_ttstbe paid.
... Pmoci, oppiaito Uwl fcoitroffievfcM i®-_.
cairadtho Gmio UnOilg t 'Bdrpfk* Tfe*Wf K l'
had JVaai Lt*h*'* lUurtrOitd /feUttpqjxr. - -
. Boora>SDflßom,nndij#iaru!ftiid drawers*
elotluaad cuiimem, hosiery, !&e.i at Ma- '
lohio HiU Auctioft Heuwjss Fifth Street' •
Oxvy PHcLoflaiPßß - "of > ftll;prominent nun*.
aid iromeniat Plttbck’*, opposite the Post- '.
Ofioe:’ r ■ r : r: '' :; l’ : 41 • r ‘- v^^
' Godit jron Mabch, at PlttoclC’i, oppoaila
tha PcstofSce. . ’ "
Ooaataor Hoimm, lit PlttooVa, oppotlta
tha PoitoSoa. ,1 • , • : ...
- luibiia’ a»d: Giire’ 0?*; Shoii, atr MnOW- ■■ i
land’!Anotlonflouw. ,> U .jj
, Tm Old Folks are oonaenielng in Whaal- ■
lng, Va. i
fIOOW.AS.iT ' - 1
J. I. OAMTAGHAirS, ” f ,
Ail ftin n!ow my ttusicM?, 1 iDvlt© spe*.
ciU attention to. tbo following stock: of seasonable -
goods; -which it fa Will Lt> loimi worthy tbo
notice oi aash buyer*. ;... ...■. , ... • • ...
A : BOodW'«brtm*'nforBACK'aa!i , FaC:oK
COATS.! A iat- TirhsiyoiC l UTH, OAS3X2dEBB
and ; mw»tm grad‘»..iit.SLNiS3 C04?8; .Bb&CIT .
DRESS GOATS, ranging In prics'irom (8 to'EtO.--
Of PASTS, fide,. mtdium and 1. w a .
rood stock; and wbll a«i<6rfetd ‘ G&NT‘S P»NB
. r BOTtx'l ‘
A godl assortment !of JAOILKTS, PA NT3 AND'
OV£ttOoAX£ r n?«tiy Cut an 1 well made. - p
KINC m Sl Bild*,.
DBaWBBS; Pint, kicglab# l<ocii;Cottoo and; •
Merino Men's all wotl end Sim Silllt'JS A DRAW*
JCII3*, ad excellent vuri'.tybf GLOTBS,TIBS, 80S-' ’
IENDAIib, Ac. i! r
it PI 808 QQOD*.
CLOTHS, OASdliiaiifid aud abloh .
wifl, si [usual, bo mape up to order; or .sold by the 7 '
pieceoriyatd. -• . ij ;J. •-
ft-7:lmis (16 Ffflenl Allegheny,
Q V i|K 100,000 CoriAti fcUclL y
niSTOUY OF rus
The beet eorkef hied gnlillabtd. To he coin*
plotodln.txo Tcltunea,
First;,volnmo tow reedy far tobscribcn.
•arScld by aabscrlption.
NT Can Teasing Agnate v&at?d. ;
Address, ; | jpEH P. HTJBI,
Ttrrltcry flTen U> Agsntx.
fanj ' -
OIIa qlotecs.
We cell the ittention of Houft-Famlahen te
the end beautyof trar stoek,aad t»
4be advaatefee of their paxohaeefor caah before the
raooat advances of .th«|aenut>ctcrere.
so. b FirtH stbsst;
Prraoni desbou of bringing tbsir friends frtn.tbe
“Old Country’‘canbbieie petagb certificates* either
by lU&nuroreeilicgTessoVtromthat&denicnedfiet •
the following ratbes: • ••,,•*7 </,'.-.ji
Fere by steamer fro in Xdrerpcol to Kew Ybrk. 433 CO
From tr> ( —• ~
From Jiu&dQ&deny .to Bew 3O 00
" Toe rbOTe reteemre payable InGoU or
{ett.ioOUreacy.'-f; .‘-"-. p y ,V,'•
Fere by. calling ▼amli from Liverpool, pays*
*■ able inCurrgncy^..;..w.;.
Fere,..ini.Hi 00
■' Tor farther pirUcolaieefplrtd ' >-•< ,
f JLti’&JULb* C&rocfclsßefldfcipi, >
f fa!94teod ' v . Tut* street, PliUbqfglu
, a..O.M4OKBELL, ,
v. ef Lam **dCla&»
■ Ko.iti fifth srßtKT.rntsiiurgb; pi
Collections In Allegheny
FraeecOtee bOXJOIKBti , ODiltttf of every dwnjp.
tion» PXHBlQ£&&r.woundedOffiomeodbcldieia;
UO 0 MUM asd PttfßlOft B Wldbwi, Fa-eSts*
,l/rphsa.€hiMrin,;Brcth> n eod Jiiaier*, ototbtF legal
representatives ofthdiewbo here died t» ttewrvjoe,
or heve'elsd after dhc&erge, frora-dlstete contracted
nljUl coOodW.eod noblterwUlbo
anvwerednnieiHaattmp.l* enclosed; - HMyke
s A aliaisikX, AJ+i/U-UiibiN X.—
jOl Ail are h\icby'n:.'fifie3'that
■ tne etetetaent of Tlewen on tbb bpesiog o!. AVAQF
BCEKSTj FoarthYfnrti, AU;gheny.iuui bpeo .flUd
this day In tbe Dliirlct Loart"uf A>l*gb*aycottAt7.
.-' ' . -
. . •, telldtor'fir'AlTeghPDj. •.
iwaaw > r,:,- '
f F\A-N X AKl> Ks^V
X Sooth Bend, Amatrcnv coeoiy, pe. s For tier*
ttoolezs eppl> tp i.At&SB WliChUv.on,’Yo4fc«m- '
: U*j or tb K ~i - ' - -;HBArD, AILE i ZOAit, - -
, lel7;t/..... SlSXiWty'efrcdt.fitVebnr'uh, -
A- £& e&fe «t
expons'es paifi tiT
JUnrlartdg Tencßii OrimitU end thlrfeen
other netr, oeefni end; amoae article#. -.FlftM|k«ir
ento emtJWe, Addn»», ' .^T..
> * i &*i***VpX>. '
wans io Hire Agents
W in eTwry county »t t? 4 ii 'rnoktb. extfetAM
(tblVtoMtAy B*« ffsmllj fiei4srJUoiilD&.
yaxtJ3j.qtooßUßWgoof,. JMQ. l P°