p P ll -•hi*’.-. r Mm ■. ’P tilt* “-1, ,'v!;: .vU 'Xf: ,vs • il * e n lh&v*.Vis*.Yv v, vJfv,.'; i fi :b ,v -»' * S\’ :: :> V va; ‘ 4||j, ; 4;- : v- ; :y£ y-v ssitewfStet ISfT.i hte j -Wi, Iglupn PiS ,S>».’ N • .*. •.', ( t.- , ft}; ... at?^^3ssil%g&’Ete j t,s > ;<>fl C 4 vij’ iiiiisfi •'foW-'v.! Vt:*', . A * » -;i A . *«. . 1 %- s 'Off a* v ~ rW: stifsintrgit (6azdk > B8X0AJ; MQBJftNO, ; . . 'Congreae on the finance*. ] J honeeeofCongree* ontheeubjeotof Way* i -Mid Mimi. It appenreto be nlrooet oer- 1 ’Uln-ttatheoßimitteeef eonftience.-will . ,b* appointed, nhi it if beliored, Till : reoommend, ' ■' i Ksii-«inttk* $90%000,000 bonds run forty year*. :JSL /thatl4oo,ooo,ooo of treaeurynOtee, . behrlngiinperoent. intereet, the interest to be paid in, paper, and redeemable is thr*ey*an,b* ieeoed. & Hot either or $260,00%- 006 in legal tender note* be iisaed. . . 4. That fractional onrrenoy be limited to :$6%00%000. 6, That ooupon* on bond* and treasury ..note* be,not receivable for daUeii. 6. That bank oircnlatlon to taxed nit ow on* cent. par annum on .on ■ -laverage. • ' •;v _ . 7. That treaaory account* shall be kept - only with.a*«iitent or sab-treasurer*.; . ’ . These ore bat speculations or prubabili , tieo; bst vr* ere hopeful that Congress will, -j yot m*ture«uchn system m .shall scours to the country a stable credit and a, sound ~r circulating medium. Webeglearo to to ■ mark,that wese* no ntility in this issue . of nine hundred millions of bonds, unless ■ those bonds are at the seme time made the • : -baaisbt a great national banking system, ouches Ur. Conn reoommends. Without this, they trill be hot a Tut mass, haying neither life nor mobility. . ‘ _ Free Weit Tlifuu. - .In ell the protracted straggle against the C pro-rebel and pro-slatery aristocrats smong ■ themseltes, and more lately against tbs ' felsefriends—Ui* political Judsses—trho bedstllistjoined their company lo act as .spies, and finally to betray—we hate "tratehed the progress of the people of West : Virginia np to this hour of their now almost oonsnmmated tietory, with feelings of the&spesl interestand sympathy, erer growing rSspectandadmiration. Wejoan, .. thsrefore,'fiilly participate in that senti > -meat of renewed hopefulness and; joy .. . yljleh the unanimity of the Contention at j--’ Wheeling on Tuesday last, In ratifying . “ the Willey amendment, ” whioh provides forgradonl emancipation,’ to begin on the .. .4th of next I aly r ooald not bat prodaoe in theheart of erefye patrloUs and freedom • loving dtlxen of that now commonwealth. ■ - ThoWhoeling Mtliitnctr, the able, faith* . .. fnl and fearless ehamplon,through evil • and through good report, of the Hew State and : the Free State cause, referring to the aetion of the Contention on Tuesday, says . in its imensxt morning: | Uaiiew StstaCoamatfan yretolar fcjaanul -moaseoremilled the Willey emeadmest. All de .*:■ tale cleeefl at Sea o’clock la Iheeranlne. The roll . tM called, and eray naan bar tat tiro (who vrrr I ''‘ibMitjMpttdtdlatimfflnutiTi, W* oo&fnColat* tbo Mopl* of W«cUrn Virginia ? -UrttbOoMMWtWMl tenmwilmentgotacfcte • thtir ntiftnUsa with th* undivided «n* • • t tecMirtofUMtodoloenUo That TrtoJo Ad«•rn• ;! Mtoftbbvuainitp vr&kh atajbo enacted fton tbo Lot *3the?oopl* mow acecpt thi» gnat and g’ori* uai WbOk+whkhaaacaorachtofleao aachexpenac, ap ttacfatrtt>mlatkm l a»Bmch paaiat walling and • kalMi bm wachadllalutccdeaL Tha vote it find tutbiMthofMaab bßtaUttl»Bci)ith«B»agiib abead. Tbe tins’ooly mada to be iapreved to b»- ‘gut to all iataata aadpnrpms.w troahnngai vote. Sooa VaatYMitoUvlllbaTanaliaadtAatomaafiddzwma ettfci cmtKfw&dtort smb offer ftrmer day. l Tbe wane of | Miarday waa each ag ana aa to have a voted : an ippnmaf from tba spirit of rood and gnat oU PUL -Doddridge.Bje'oorda of bar loaf mnm lnn an mapping Tbetttb of llarchTWwa WOX toMtinitor tton tba opadUioa of aa annate* cal dapaadanj of afcroff and toraigs goranaoat fate*«oadttta» of nntlj—bomqaiMttj, aad ptograe - rtvwdtrtny. .• . ; fiw.it tfegtortogadayl ,j.. Thk Jamaica Watchua, tt Jan. 2901, aayaUiattbamorchanta who applauded ; v,XQ»pt»Bet»niee'a tpeteh atthe Exchange in f , .KJngatan, were mainly' molattoea, eome. of whoeeimrtntaweremndefreeby the eman eipailo&aetof 1888. Itoloeea an article .. ontbeeubjeotaefcillowe: -Wo hare anmothlag to ny on thlamattor, • with reference to 05 mulatto mercitantfe ; .ooadaaVwkomenylji the United Btatee do .-■net know,' axoept bytheadTortiaement •. v. • ■ *U4k appear! dailyin the city papere, aignad “DaTideon, CoUhirat’ & Co-" Wo - •; inatad to deai.wiui-tbeae negro mnbtttoea r aa we And thim, for many a colored man in Jamaleafergeta the pit framwhleh he wai - ■ ..."... ; ' ■. V - ';.'j/ Hrxr BtnroaT U Waamaaroa's birth -day. A oorreepondest infants, aa have . eome ofthe eaatern papere, that miniiters ofthe goejel Iraprore the ooCaaicm in draw iag the attention ofiheir hearer* to the iiate'ofthecotmtry, audio theirdutiee to It in thla terrible criela. Wo think the , Jjgogipatian eminently proper ; for if ever a ',/ people .bed need to U ledhaek ttffinlprin _v dple*, and op to Hlm “from whom all good "' eoonaela and joatworka do proceed,” wo aro.ttatpaojgo.; ■\ - XaaaugMraTUi* “BriU*h •t*wnera n ' CttypMUiSraclw, MMUtiag cf gtooa iM, ‘ Bnn Ofaaanort'o* m Cramun ' , JBxdsdw—4Eb* LooinilU Journal nmarki . ** ’ ' S< pretij aftotuauT pat an and’iaall rebel »„ «a Creß Neahrfllaoanid ontof Uta Cumberland vtlteatooaTCJVnsd the Jacob Strader and ♦a- aadnararri-f fleet left NaahTille tbs bjr*unboato. ’ Joofei American Omni OeßeralatHoaimltkada nanoweaoept onSatatdsy moalß* Ta«t Aire broke fore \e ooald neap# be became ineenlble ten a* cOMteer Un-fipor and imoke and wag oarrtedfor eafetj to aaotbf r par tto bsUl. Hea&enrarda mired, and -tkasattfenaooa'waa nraob Improred. Ska Moki .naptn oftie aearatoto egoapednnlnjarad. |V ;:Vi. ■4fei tTmiXMCiio Puuounn—The ftU towing is told by too Now Orlosnd eono- Opoadent of onoof too ooalng Journal* . “Dr.Kn*pp,a gonttonaawho own* * dim plantation. roeonlly bad tom* north. OtnV&itdMat hto*toe*.aad,ia otdor to •hprtooa how happy hit iUtm won, or 4ond on* of thorn to nu& wbnoopoa the fbUowotrooh up toa u oldJohaßrown” oong, sort to lb* axaaoownt of tholpmto than of too boot." W‘& ') i -* s Ti» fUtoatioa tt Vitkilml|, Oar latest private advices from before Vickfibarg indicate tbot importaat open tions ore now in progress for the reduction Of that strongbold. Gen. G*aht, it seems, wbo is commander-in-chief of the forces before thot city, _ has adopted. method of attach very differedtfrom that of his pre- decessor, SnvaHAii. Instead of rushing on l pell-mell to the strong line of entrench ments and batteries, he is endeavoring to circumvent the great complication of rifle pits, abaUls, sloughs, and ooeeinatSs,' bjr pushing down beyond them and seising the lower end of the chain of binfls npon which the rebels ore planted. : ' Tram Vkkabnnr to Warren ton, by-tbe rad. la aboot ton miles; from Vicksburg toiUinw's Bluff,' in the' oppori to dinettes, la about twelve. This line, twen ty-two mile* In ailf-va caa niaaaoa at almost every part—at Heine*’*, at Chlrkwaw Bayou, at Od riTer, at Terrill's or upper bluff*, at the dty wharf, and thencedowntheriverbank atalmoet.esy point to tha lower end of the bluff* at Warren ton. Tula la a taakeourodlgtoos that the Southern oOoer* will *ee at oacehow mat to tba dtoadrantofa at which ,tbey' eraplaoed.-They must eoDOsatzataavast army at that point. In order* to be ready atomy mo mans to raalat a atmultanooaa attack lram every point above indicated. " All this fora mast now bo tod and trmna*' tarred by the one single line of railroad running# ward to Jackaon, aa every other source ©f'suppiy to now cut off from them. On account of the large fells, of rain tba very bad roada of interior Mtoaiaippi are now impassable.' The river below is blockaded, both-' by ramsandour own battoriw. West Lontoiaaa and Texas are Anally and hope toady sundered from the Confederacy, nothing beyond a mera skiff-load can be smuggled aetow the MiwisrippL already wa have «■*t«KifwKma ■ r-h.in of battarfea from opposite the lowar edge of Vicksburg to joppo* site Werrentoa, which, though they may be taelma In reducing the heavtor batteries, uf the rebels on the bluffs, may be of great aervice in oorering a landing of troops to conjunction with the gunboat*, and absolotoly elosa the door against rlvar oommo* nlmtioo. Mot even tha unfinished Vicksburg can hops to escape from her present lodgment, butmut be either daatroydd by the hands of har otrascs or toll into our hands as-a prise. 5o tor thlato great gain. ;i- .. j ■./ Thelites t ladicattona are, however, that a more sweeping and lew liisardous pro cow to to be at*, tempted than tbo landing of troopa in front city ■ something of the nature of the ooayda pserr* at Island Ko. 10. Gen. McArthur** divwidn to re ported to hava moved up from tha mouth of the Ta> soo to Lake Providence, (Us.,) a hundred mile* fUrtharup. Hera It appear* the Mississippi to ttot tor removed from two streams, the Bayou Mason and Bayou Tensas, which, at high water, are nearly joined to the parent stream at their sources. Thence they continue down In a tortuous path until they roach i&» Bed river near Its mouth, some twenty-five mitoa above Bsyon Sara, and’fitty above Port; Hud-; •on. It to deemed possible at the high stage of (lie Mississippi, by a little excsvatloo and clearing, to turn so much of the river lntp this new channel aa to make a navigable stream of the Tensas dr Mason," leaving Vicksburg some hundred-toilw to the left. Should this scheme sucooed wo might expect to see half of our army advancing in a fleet? of transports to assist Gen. Banks at Port Hudson, preparatory to. tha grand-attack on'Vicksburg by the combined armies. - It will thus be that there Is a very harrow chance between the rebels and their utter defeat. They will not think of transferring the bulk of their army to Port Hudson; for It could neither be gotten there nor fed, U there, without the river,' Tbo al* ternatire would be-that Port Hudson xznat be evacu ated. tbs garrtoon withdrawn for the support of Yfcksbur& where the contest could be resumed with the united forces of both nertiee. i It, howwer, this plan should be unavaOlag, and a tow day* most determine, the feet, then the resource toft tow to , the forcible occupation, of Warrantor*. Heavy guns an being'shipped down to Gaai: Grant, with which to line the shores in such Bombers that Sr dint of more rapid fln and a more' liberal aspen* tun of ordnance aind the aid of the gunboats, the batteries can'be seised wttlroompamtTeiy, trifling low.' At present thrbuDt of the hostile guns are at the upper part ed the ehalu/st ahd ebove''the city. It is unlikely that the ketosiswill be permitted to for tify at thefr leisure, below.: If, therefore, an army can be ferried over on rafts or gunboats a lodgnfent might safely be made at one end. and onto begun our superiority of means and appllaaow would Insure the reel. •••*■ The canal in front ofthecity seems to be looked apoa-with more doubt. If it should wish out a channel, then gunboats might paw through oompar* attvelyoutof dsngtf s otbsrwtoethey most follow the noble example of KUet and hto Queens sad run the blockade. The other tcswli at tha fleet are rep* resented as being ready and a&xtom to toes the or* Os the whole tbs prospects ere nw* encouraging from the Lower Ktisimippi; and theeppeaesnees axe that the accumulations of Sctontiflo neourcw will prove too much for the enemy. '' < i The Alabama at Jamaica. A gentleman irho left Kingston on the 5Ui insL reports great insubordination Huong tie crew'of the Alabama. Shehss ISO men. Of these, Go vent ashore at Fort Royal, end positively refused toieturn. Tho active offorts of die American Consul, together vith the ihfioenee of' the released prisoners' from theHatter&s, filled the minds of the esilora wlth. distrait. Itwes represented to them thst- their chsneee of reoeiring prize-money were exceedingly dubious, inssmach ss use Alabama ires first teenier a Confederate port before the: dis tribution could be made, and then;only at the order of the rebel Government. It ap pears that irhen Semmes burns a captured vessel, he appraises her Trine and- credits the amount to the crew, subject to the stijid lations already mentioned; so that the sail ors of the Alabama are meriting only ordi nary seamen’s wages. This fact necessarily creates disoontent among the men, and it aas with the utmost difficulty he was able to preserve the nnmber of Us crew: and carry his ship oat of tho harbor. It would hate been impossible' so to do but for tho active assistance of ah English magistrate and mcTchantj named gate orders te the - Chief of Polioo -to hats thc seamen arrested and i sent on board. As soon as the Mayor of Kingston heard of this action of Ur. Colthlrst, he counter manded tho order, bat it was too late.. AH hot tear of the mbn by tha( timehad been returned to the Alabama- by the police, in obodlenoo to Colthirsfe order. Before this, timely intervention of Mr.: Colthirst, • lieutenant of tho Alabama had- offered a boatman $lOO in gold for every Sailor ho weald kidnap and. bring on board. 1 ! Ur. Colthirst’s plan, however, proved more ef teotive than the lieutenant's littlepreject of making the men drank and then kid napping them. : - . A carious admission was made byithej of ficer of tiie Alabama, to the following effect: That it was necessary to recover: the men in the eeoret and somewhat dishonorable way wbish was suggested to tbs boatman, because the Confederstea were no t a reoog hised power, and could not legally require the .assistance of thehnthoritiesof the port. Semmes and his officers had abandonee of money, principally in gold-:' The Demand Treasury notes which Semmes stele from the steamer Ariel (amoonting to about $8,000), were exchanged for goldat Kings ton. The Alabama took in 400 tons of coal, and immeassiquanlitres of stores during her stay in port. She left Porlßoyalon the 30th of January, and tho pilots of the harbor have since reported that the crew— many of whom continued drunk—remained 1 in a state of insubordination. It was re ported at Port-au-Prince that Iho Alabama bad made two or three new prises within six days after her depsrture from Port Royal. This hews wasrabblyed by express from-Jacmel, and it wait added that tire captains o f captured American vctacla had been landed by Bemniss. 1 * [[ - ■ ■ Ws an informed that several thousand copies of TaUandlgham's. recent' speech have been procured by Northern traitors, and forwarded to the. army of tho Comber land. If Gen. Bosecrans tn« any one of the agents of tho rebels within his lines at tempting to circulate,the speeohof the oow ardly traitor and liar of the Third Con gressional District of Ohio, we presume they will be hanged suddenly. They would bolatky, in the first place, if they were te esoape death at the hands of the soldiers. The men of this army of the Cumberland are not in the hnmor to be tampered with by the' dastardly treason-mongen of the North, whom they heve reason to hate with greater bitterness than they do tho gray backs that they whipped at Stone river. As Exi»aoxdixaxt Mascrt—Colonel Vjndham, commanding a eavalry.brigade at Fairfax Court House, in his reeent itoonnelsssneo-to the Rappahannock, lit three days marched a distance of about two bandied milts, or over: sixty-six miles •day. Colonelffyndham in hismarohhad no less than four skirmishes with guerrilla bands- kUlin* a number and capturine seventeen prisoners. Helost-onfy ten* m«n, Srhowenosptnred, whiles traggllhg, by the nbeU. Taking into oonsideraliuu the almost fanptssabls oonditish u Vlrgl nlaroadsatthis eesson of the year, Cel. Vyndham’i manh ie one of the most ro markaUyonnoord.. ' '.f.f" }\ ' ->Pt 'j -I - >.'?=!- _' C" /'• | """"]" '■ M ■ :& jtoticeb. r=»A MEETING OF CITIZENS, in- Urtatedln ike opening©! stfeats in tbs Sec ond-Werd.,:Allt*beiiy Olty, wilt b* beld la tbs SCHOOL BOOS*, TBtS (Friday) IVIBIHQ, at for tbs pnraoaa of sltlng ae expraslon nt fcsmbers of Council are «ape:iaUj inrltedtobe present,'. <. s ?V ?. ,■ ?>; mom < - HATrr orrrgTOß. - -Si-NOnCB.—In conjequsnosof the ' r zr large amount of Pbotofraphs left deal stock; enoor bands, by persons nhocrdsrpfctores -bat nmt ca’l even to aes.Uum, thereby subjecting tu to a hear/ It** In. material and labor,the toder ejgned, Photographer* of. the cities of. Pittsburgh * adAflegaehy, are.compttled, toeecaracurasltae kgalnst inch conttaaal lend*, to adopt tberuJ* al nadj la ads ln s all tbe Sssten and map of the Western dUts, of exacting payment at the dm* the Kegatlre or order given.; To those who order P.'ctares In■gcodfcitbf tala arrangement, U iai hoped. will not be deemed hard or onjnat, wbUe it will eflectasllr cot off tb»t dees »ho go about from Gallery to G*lltry and alt for Regattas, without ay IntenUffPofremralng far the wwt when Onlahed. ' ■ .GBO. WKBTZ, corner fifth and Market streets, Pittsburgh. - W. T. f ÜB7IAKO?, corner fifth ad Wad its,, Pittsburgh. - - Bvd. UABGO.BUpa'ch Building, Pittsburgh. .. W, SOB AM, fifth st, star Market, *• JAQUAY ft 00., owner Wood street ad Diamond eßay, Pmstangb. ’ B. M. GABO, 90 ad 93 federal street, Allegheny. - 8.M.0A89G, next door tog. B.D«pot, ** • HABBAOGH ft GBIXHt 45 federal tL V T.. B. XaBBIDB, M fourth street, Pittsburgh. G. GLASGOW, 84* 1 • « B.LSWTEB, 64•- « . « « D.L. STABS, 12 fifth street, •» J.HODIL, 26 M “. « D. K. OOATft3,Ssnlibfield street, opposite Ons tom Bouse, Pittsburgh. LH. BOYD,fifth streat, Piftsbwgh. Wi H. WHUXHftAD, 70 fifth Pittsburgh. frlfctt . • INATTENTION !— A Special Meet. iw ln«ofOckß,lsthP».lLll,wlilUli«WAt the ABMUBY, on federal street,, Allegheny, on THUBSDAX, SVJUU&G, . J&th iMt>, stTo’ekok. Iftrj »»•«»>>*«■ is requested to attend, as boilatas of Imbomne* will be presented. fal9:td -••• -By order of the Cmoaor untsouß Ixrtbsxoi Oobvsxt, Y OornerKerket and Water Street*,■. i- Pittsbvgb, Feb. 17,180, J 0»D1VIDBNB NOTICE.—tha Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend, oat of the profits of ih* bet six mosihs, clear of: V. B. Tax,, of SRYSH DOLLARS PAS bHABI, vis: Two Dollar* per shore payable la cash, forthwith, and Tire Dollars per share to be. applied to the redaction of Slock Dae hills. tetfctw ; 7. A. BINtHART, Secretary; rS»I. O. 0. F. DEGREE OF BEBE “V RftH.—Ameitlnffof the Degtt* of Bebekah will be held in the Hell, corner of federal and Lea* oock streets, Allegheny, on FRIDAY IVKSIBG, ■arch Bth, under tee eospkes of Twin City Lodge Ho. 811, Members of SUUr Lodges, and these wish* ins to neeive th» Degrees, are cordially Invited. JOHH RISHABjtfIGKB, H. G. M, HmrSUfqS, Secretary. , . . felfctd ,Omen or Wnrua InajßroatATM* Co, 1 FtbnLsry lOlh, 1883, j f^S*NOTICBL—A Special Matting of the fitochholdoraof the WttternTransporter tlon Company will be held at the Office of the Con*, pehy, in Hcutmrgh, tnTUB&DAY; the fifth Inst, at 10 o'clock - • By order of the President. fclfctd ,A. J.McDUWRLL. Secretary. Pmunat, fr. Wins A Osiasoo Bsiswar Oo„‘ Qfic* of Uu Stcniarj, . Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. fifth, JBBB. J ftjs*THß ANNUAL MEETING of (ho “wv Stock end Bond holders of this Oonpany, for the election of Directors nod rnch other basin esc as mar come before It will be held at the OFFIOI OP SAID OOMPaHX, In the Cdty.of PlUabnrgb, on the FOCBTH WBDHIbDAX 07 FEBRUARY, A. D. 1863. .1 The Stock end Bond Tran tier Books of the Com* peny, at their offlea.in the City of Pittsburgh, and at their Traatfsr Agency In the City of Hew York, will beckaed on ibelOth DAT 07 7KBRUABY, and remain closed until the 86th 07 FABBUABY thereafter. W. JO. BABHKS, Secretary. JaBB;tfeBB . .' ', ’ Omca AunanTsan Baxuosn Cto.;! Pittsburgh, Jan. Mth, 1863. j . ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT Q 7 ASSSMfiLT in. relation to the time of holding the .Annas! Xlectloa of the Alls* gheny Talley Railroad the Stockholders are hereby, notified that aa-Alection for Officers, to serve for the earning -year will be held at the Offioe of the Oompaay, Jn4be City of Putabnrgh, at TUJEBDAY, febrnary fiUh,l£63,etlO o’docka.u., instead of Fsb. fid, 1883, as pnnooal/ eanocnoed. JeMbtd - . ; It. 0. OBit, Secretary. rr^"ALLEGHENY CTTf COLLEGE, . .Cornerof.Learnch.and Bandasky Strata.— The Tenth’Annoel HMelon begins on JIOHBAT,! Tab. ad, and ends Jane fifth. Bates of .Tuition from ale to ffiU. 7or rsfereaess, An., apply to JaTfTlm ,JOB. X. Bo&AX, Principal. CABTA b COMPANY.— ; KUOTIOH BOX10*~*» Sfcctfea for mtco Directors of ibo lrl* GADAltCamMax irin U held .thcdr ottos la kri*, «b HONbiii tW Xd d*y of Much next, si tsn o'clock *.m. . UlQ&r • - A. M. CAO9BBY. Sacrstpy, rgpa— v— lB6o—x. : - toe* BEAM'S MiAHTATIOITBITTKBS. They punf>, strengthen and lavfgojSs« - The) create a healthy appetite. > They ere an aadtdote to ehaage of Voter cad diet.' -' They oreratesegsots afdimipailpn and late boon. They'atrenglhaa the oystem oad onilvva the mted. The/ pmemt mlwiarte and Intermittent fcven. They pjnfy the breath end oddity ©f th* stomach. They can Dyspepola oftd OMHttpatlom • They 'ettr* Diafxfcea, Cholera and ChotoraMerbai. They car* hirer Com plate t and Herroae Beadache. They are the beetßittem ia the we rid. They'make the WMk man'etrong, and are exhoaetert notare’e great’miarar. They are node'oT : para,Bfc.,UNls tun, toe eeiebrated Oa&eaja berk, route and her be, aUd ere taken with the pleasure of a beverage, wita* ageor tiawofdey. Pertkaurty re commendedto delicate panose rtfoiring a tea tie stimulant. Sold by ur Grocer*, l l>nxgEl»u, Moteh, : tad calooni. P. h. DSAU dOO,V hid Braattvay, BetrTork. ’ Uteii jrmjr WANTKD Ta BBNf OB POB OOASX.—A. TBW ACBJB Of with. dereUlage and catbaOdlage, to be eHiute oa or sear, a relln-ad, (IBegbeny. VeUejr pnlaitd,) vtthla t«e-reof uteeamUesof theolir. ' V AfMfteeßOX P, Ptopietoh Offloe..; / MQitf tmtiis.—W heress my wife, UABT -JUvBBXsIi, haeleftzaycod dad board Withimt jmi taoM or proroceUbtt, !. tereby yh*ri til penone not to tract or harbor htr om icy account, u r trfli pay no debts of her contracting. : .ftlSOtd' :v.. • • T. M; BBlilu LHJB sabsoritier ofien for £ ealo Tiro BXsAST CrhIBBKU, three Bet dlanofter, frarfsot ctrofce, rlth tm pfiatn yrenH aodteaft. Aleo, boom two hundred feet of Wronght Iran ill FIS tea inchei diameter, the vhola te good order, wUofc we wilt sell cheap. feSfclw . LBWIS PALZKLIa BCO. "I7OH SALK—A lsxge, convenient and XS wril flntahri'TWO-S'rOkT BBIOK BOOBS, Braa'ed on.WyUe etrmt# Bo* W, above WaebJjtgto* etteet, oooteißing eight room, Bsiehed -garret and bath -room, with eIL modem .inprartemeata. Lot 33x96fcet. :Xaqsiraof . 'cs-.' fog) ODLP4fIHBPABI>,Bt3 LUurtyetmt.- ALUABiiJB CITX PKUfJfiBTY TO it SALX—flltaatod at Bo» 3Q tVayse Street, athiu% t-hea afroot oa Woyae street e( >3 feet 6 lachee, and exteadiog hack 96 fieLonwhlch it erected a flnt-eleee thra»story, Brick Hoaee, with wtde beU, doable periore,4iaia« room' end kiteben,' Md exteoeiTe bomber opart meats. This property' is worthy the of pan 1m Making apleasaat dwellfhgoron hmetacnw \ - B.MeLAlß,lMToorth - U R. SUPPLY AGBNOT. . The tdtnilwjr, doing o' Boflraad'Biipp l / OemmW* iioo Baiinen, te the oitp'ort&iotfeo. wiahee: rang* with* reepoaribif parity thU city toAU such brden a« he may obtain ~. / ' ‘ IBON, NAIU, Anus, So., ; Tbe - party f rtUwlng-himcomutmlon tbaraanj WonldJmvu no objoctlda to wegothde fsr a fill* ■BA.li ABUOT, cMUtrinf trnvSUng in the Slaiee of Wleooßaiu, love aod Blaae* iota, end comd dn eopartor rimtiiti-irAnBF Uonoble rriereneee te tw city a 18 be ttna : Adiraas, : ••t ' ' ■fcSthgt •;'Boon IPB, lfon*)Pgthela Boaee. rvALL AT THB - . J ■ • - QIFXB00KBI0BB,; > . ‘ Xo.USWOODbTBMT, If jcujraaf, targiloi la PUOTOQEarH ALBDItS,' ' *Aft?X AHBSKAItfa 818 LXfth And otter popaUr varka too annwon* to wantioa. sm-oogrit ainaorrM naon. - ‘ UP , j ■ • f'lfcUNCJfi FUJtfr WVJtoTAUfiNT AT yj'BlQ UWIOKLXr BTITIOS, oa r lto W. *G* S. Alkcbesy eoimtj." Ik* tß*nta*tti*io(rmam of fa»pp-Uad;nltabtefor aDAIBY 0* «BXBI> FABM* «tUi 40 ofrkh Omk BoUosu , Ala* 100- MM ofSira\ Sot «za Thto rWtubl» profrty wiUka told toaaitppTrbMi m »°* (AttkoUn raqair* *t tboßaotoeCwoUy Milk gHXWS BIOELKE : , .... TO TBM HdMjbIFAMK TSADM. * - ' BHAW'B SICKLES, Mm «™>f| ttttfTl,’ ' per doitn, Im 5 ptr cwtoadtaoptut.'.. ~ TIMM PUB. per fe.de taPllUterjh. 'Widdrw, THOKAS WIIBOB SHAW, ’ i&nMXtm, tnu * Vo,) Alfcdweod i : Pirmtjaae, P*. TM'i'KKRAirkKVIUiUir totwotij TtmKijt totgumf, . ~«* " Jf *;.-y • -wc 'i <;>/' -:. jrtjrjßrHiwsME^Ts. jQVER 100,000 COPIES SOLD, j UIADLII-S BISTOBY or THIS ' * GREAT REBELLION, The best work of the kind published. To be com* ~ plated in tirb volamc*. . i i * v • • • • f First volant now ready for subscribers. M**6cld bysnbeertptkm. SBF* Onnvaming Agents wanted. Address, JOHN F. HUNT, MASONIO HALL, FIFTH BTREKT. Territory given to Agents. ; . foifi 1 • 7 • I _j ' jVUVKtiNK UHAtiS WORKS. TATS, CAD MAH & CO., Mannfcetiucn of •Tory wietj of finbfietl BRASS WORK FOB PLUMB BBS, BTXAM OK GAS-FITTIES, HAGHIBISTB, ABO OOt'FKBSHTtHS. BRASS OAITIHOB, ef all deecdptlons, made;to order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AFD OAS-FIT- CAPTAIN. TIHQ, and BXPAIBIKQ promptly attended to. BUB TOR OOaL ABD OABBOH OILS, j Cole Agentafor-the Western District of Pennsylvania for the mb ef KABBH. LAUADBLL A 00 *8 PAT ■ST BIPHOH PUMP, thd beet ever invented Having no valves, itie not liable to get oat of order, end will' throw more water, than any pump! of twice Its else. T . : felO.fiwd OARPETB, DRCCieETS, OIL CLOTHS. We call the attention jof te the extent, variety land beaaty of oar stock, and te the advantages of tietr purchase for cash before the recent edvancee of the mannfontnrere. OLIVER M«CLIHTOCK & CO., Ho. SS FIFTH BTBXST. foCamswF ; ATTRACTIVE SALES ■KB AHD DOTS’ CLOTH ENG, FUBBUHEBO doODS, Ac, AT J. L. CARNAGHAH'S, Ho. 116 HDXBAL BTBKKT, AI/LKHKHT. Ail am bov etalnf Bp a y hniinaw, I lnrlte im> dditUatto to the-fouovi&t Mock of —oonible (ooda, vhkh it ia battered will ho lonxuLwortbj ttu setter of eaah t«7«ra. Afoodatoortaostel SACK and TBOGKOVXB 00ASS. A fait VariM* of CLOTH, OABBIMSES and medium Bade BCaXSISS GOATS; BLACK 3>BSBB OOAW, tanging in price ftom*StostO. Of KBITS FAs%3S.atdlnijßal kwmA. ■:%- toed Meek "Sllfß PLCBH, CLOTH,fag and CABSIMm THBT& . :• ■•; WTtf QLQTBttQ. A good emoctaent of JAOKKTB, FASTS ASS OYuOOATS, Malty eaten! well made, i QBBTff AMD MOTT TUMNIBBIBQ OOOM. FIH>. WHITS .SHQtT&ftrom «L U la St T 6; OUT AHI> WEITS KKKiaO DEAWMfIj ffea Bagtefc % SCAB I Gotten and Merino Men** aU vod and «SSHIMS A PftAW* WMBti an axteikatTariMjcf GLOYW.TOB.BC*. rubaßfl,Ac. , -c * .• r- ; -j' ipHMaOODB. t Thu OWMiaMBM. BCalßgaa OQATlfcofr. by Dm SUadtcffifi OMpatfi la Dm. toinaiip oi QolUao,araato afjlfctfwny,a&4 StateofPwnrjl vaaia, oaTftlDAlujlM Sttb day of ftbrwqr ,11663, Dm foUovlagjutk&a, >tt i : r ’ ' ' • -v? 1 Itw nuia>} ' 2UijjJronT*iii»B»icaQl«tt,»lmU«Obbi. -. ' , KQsew t : 2lronTfcak*, »aUtartf BOa Ml*. fitftatft OH. (mdMar'iMO* •' r- - ■ bOO bti, Ond» DO) (ncfiwjMD la tunibf - SSOcaptf OradaOtt BftnD*,te«B»«r}lNi;)' ; a*Obbi.B#fiaod ”< .*:• • - 180 da Bjqwli, " "■ f ♦6O do, Stfloid 00, to Agltotim ~ : !,'• S (• • - :- r U t . ' SlroaXaakf'liijard, coQtalate*4oo lamU ' MOtßodiid Oil,(moraoris3) ■i. ft BteMiF«»Mta Vagina Horn; /.1 _ i v ;V! t Latbte aad uuU lagtaa la lUclilna ghbjn : OoajtanMrtaaft ft Btean BoUantf . *■ ftWoMaTub; •_ • 1 : OcndacttßgglpMtoOondaaaeCT, Jbc., Ac.; i DiDijdatd, at iaai property: of I«wu Hapa,fer Dm „aoa«p*f omd* of latla* la all maaofrct&rad aaft void, or raasTad for eooaoaptim or to tlur • fraHifa* of tbo Onto Tttx I«w.' ft»17ll0t; TIB. DAVICT. Dopotf.Oolloct^r. fflKUbTiClfi'S ttAliK UF KttAL E& JL be eoW. at PUBLIC OUTOBT.cn Ike premises, on BATUBDATyMareh 1863, at S o’dock p»Bu,all tbit certain lot or pJeee of ground In the Cltyerßlttebuxgh, sftnata on tboresterly ■He of Cbrnr aHey, and bounded and described u MJews, towlt: Be*Jnaiag'on Cbairy alley, at the distance of thtrtj*tveta6) feet southwardly Iren Third itrett, and running by said alley ebon* forty-fire (46) feet, to ground non orlataly belonging to JDanT HunUr, thence by tbs aaaia esetvardlj x a parallel line with Third street, about sixty (60) feeble ground now or lately belonging to Jama MeKeasfe; tbenoe by the aue northwardly, a parallel line with Cherry alley, about fertj-flTa (4S) feat to gronnd lately belonging taCbsrleamewenand tbs nee by ths«nmew«ertnu-d -ly* anarelM line with Third sixty (60) feet, to the place of baglamlng,’upon whichare arett* ed tbm twowtary Brick lanesaenta,i with back. baUdlnga* being the aama pre mires wbhh Asa fiblan and Mary Biib wife, by ibelr deed bearing date August l|th, A. D,1847, and recorded 1? Deed Book toi. 78. page 411, granted' and oonnyed wuto Tb. M. bhian, In trust fer the-purposes therein mated and la fulfilment of • which trade thla hale It ut Bwta..-.- ■} WM. M. MUHN,• Mfcu. t ■ : ■: . - Budqiutiu, PwraTuu Hmm,-) ‘ «iv£EK?J L ~«HI wtt la' PhilWriphto **♦ IMS, wd wnttoo* la m* "IS fejkfft?.-**£*. t»«x»mln* eA»di-*--- B,«Urtf to .B.«n.or iMiSKi!t < j J ftMwl fwiMyinal*. pKNIUONe, BOUNTY, BACK PAT. AUor**j**t'Ltm and Claim Ayoti, *| f OoUactlau tn Anagbcnr Md idjolnin* con&tk>~ v -VtHitcßtm BOLMBBSMJLAIJU ctmry dwalp- Uo&i PXHSIOHB. formuMOfflcmud aoldtaa: BOOBTIXB ud PIHBIOMi fcc WMowr. P» out* Orpku euMna. Bnttun ud Biiun, •rothor !•*»! nmnWlw of thooombo tandlid U tß*i*nru«, oriM. iMillw dbclurgo, &®m BMara ominoM IAMftSM. ' ' • . MTBi>ch«i«mm«dlaciad,>ii4.mleU««inU iniwd milmi k itimp U ondraod. y.aWiirir, ip>. UUUNTitT OUBTOMJSKB ANB MBBOHAHTB. ' Bn*Ut BO(h«AH&0HOU nn wr nstd tb* Si fdcoh ten aimmAaMt «t*at BSrSmUur.pXo BOHLAUD'B, m ; Boor tram Fl 18. Boot*, Shoo* tndGiuu 4tOuoU9rto«ul*nofith,«* if 'M"'% it 'l jrmw j;4Pratn»saarrig| X) COUNTRY MJSBOHANTB AHO ■ i ‘ ■ 1 '• -S'. EATON, fftAOßdltl & CO*, No*. 17 auid 19 Fifth Street, L., Jobber* »nd rauilerr of TBIHHIHGB, AMBBQI DKRIB3, HO6IUY, YXlk i HOOP. SHUTS, BlBflOHfl,. BHIBTB, OOIiL ABS,' TJK9, ’TIBDKB* SHUTS end D&AWXBS* WOObXtf. HOODS. HU* BUS; BOABfS. 1 ; CTPHTB AKP BHITUBD wool? e.oeo bk hhrtibg takbb,os bud n totrrtfa. ‘ ? -• ]• -• • 'Odfslockwas porehaaed r befc*ethe test grated* taboo in prices, end we oftr piit lndoaxsoots to CITY* ADD ‘ OOUHYBY MMUOHAHTB, HOild -I§KBB,PXDDLEBB, Udell frhotayto m&jpiu, H« A choice —otUaent of . , At whblae*l*cciT ... -tfumGutoretl of lEAft PIPE, SHEET AIDBAR LEAD, And datleri !■ Pig Lead, ; ( Block lin, 4HD . '■ . ’ r:. Patent Shot, NINTH STREET, BETWXKS HAH AXO ; _ rpHE MYSTERIES OF NEW YORK. Wan, notiond resoonas, poUtfaal oootMta, roll* giop* oooTenttons, Amusements, the Central P»rk r ItJ swam,: gondbUs,AS, bars been ~d:acaj»ed—thl*/ latter is of the “Mysteries of Hew York.** la thr cer, etcAmboet, saloon, peckr, et: dinner, ;lu the street, everywhere dol heeraome story with reJe* tion to or ett Ifliptiry as to the moaning of those mythical words, po*ted,printei»nd edriSrtieed' wherever 1 got- ‘ - • i. .. S.T-1860-X, Accompanied with acrcaoeni and* shephard'e book. Aeecemlcn sympathiser arid itwaa: “Satan Tri umphed in 1800 fas grantlngtheXpectatfon ofkboli* ' tlocktawhile a Bepoblican said it wu: “Stamp- Tail Democrats of 1810, gone;to Texas 5” another, . “To tbo State Taxes of 18CO add tea (X) dollars another,. that they were the watehworde of some secret oodety, like “Sons of Tectuschla are 1800 Strong," or “Seward Tricksters of 1800 Ueed Up,” . Well, yoorcomepondent was ill—bad been 111 fbr a long time—ln feet, his. late toppers bad given hjpia horrid djspepeia. He read the adver tisements, and of coarse bought a battle of Floata tion' Bitten; the Bitten cored him, and on the bot tle. appeared then same cabaUaticletkti: 0. T.— 1880—X. I trareled atralght fer 202BKxadwa7i in trod ooed myself to : the celebrated Dr. Drake, and was shown' the elephant-tusks, S,T. and all—wnd a gnat Institution it is. A els story boQdlng in Dey' street, from cellar to garret, Is oeeopled as a labora tory for prodadng this single medicine. Some forty persons are employed; several Tats, holding six thousand gallons each, are filled with roots, herbs and material, and then soaked la waier,-and the ex pression presorted in pare St, Orolx Bam. I here mv the begs, boxes and bales of Gaibaya Buk, Wlntergrecnaad other material—and the original St.Groix Bam pancheose, bearing the Oostom-boase brand. Itleeemed that medietne coold Jure be tOßwd oat lo sapply a gentfeaenm c&abU to fill Ueirccjdeis fcr Tlsnta -ttoMVßt^lUa^' i of eoOn&dlnary. enrea effected by thsaeßUien, ;The —sMt'.tiwtiU to the last the reydrt of Mr. D. 8. Ber&ce areeaoriwvi aadstartUngj amoantlog to some six douen annually. The proprietors of than Bitten win pey Unde Bern near fifty thoosand dol .tap.'fee. stamps ,*nii indmdori nsoanss gararuneut cleans ooghi to stand jdl par, aa£ Jdiifioh'DaTis might as wsUpaoKdp and start fer JerrrtaliTn • '• • > ♦ s: . , / j.Jh. >. Wears happy to reprodace the shots let(tf| s&df add thsi any ordinary Case ofDyspepsia, Idrsr Com- Bear Stomach, LcmofAp te'iiu; Herons Headache, Diarrhea, Sinking jflTeak l»ssp, Alentsi W. oui beaired hy the Plantation Bitters. :••• s _£.••• • > < MKUaVfiH MUM " • i. . DA-ALAIiS -V . >' Staple Dvy Gfoodia, ‘IXMUUU& * UlßtiON, OiHOIHKATItO. ! [obtutanaiTcp.] j&dge of liah a Hat of *>£« of thearUclej tund-lattspn^an* am two eknndrd jmn inihetieetnani ofXrterand Ague, Dyspap* •la, Weakness; 'Sc.; It was Introdaued into Swop* by the OontMH.wUa of too Viceroy of Petu,ta’l64o,~ aadwaAafterirarda aoidby the Jwmita fottht'mof mu price ef4t* tmm tntgktim jtßsar, under the iaaea of Smutift Powder*, and finally, made public bj tooi*. XVI, king of France. Humboldt makes’ especial; le&renoe to iUifebrifege qualities during Me South • Oaiculkzla !Bahx-~Tbr and dls aasescfthe stomach and bowels. CUMoouTx«vxU--arcc«ft£MblMid^Mtkß. ; Latxxsi* Turwwu—Aronuik!, Btimal&nt and ■tpalo tariforailogl*: d»ttoo» y the phyddai* of the world. Vc* oooaav.ptfoa, Ula ttia only eUaalant that thonifl be :: ' *. T^klBor /a j, •■'Aittir wtm&tfal bjraJtot, «f SfuMiforifta, yet unknqwwjo ibo ocaimerqe of the .worU, »ndw« withhold ita mm for the present. Wy Bnrgoon of tbeTetrth'Xferaont wiitea: [Ht jrfah, eray aoldlar lta«S * bot* t>/of Plantation Sitter*. aulat Stock tin, perfect I evarued.4 ; Thefollowingiafoom the fernoni hotel proprietor • ; Bp?, Ai IMS. / SXmtn. P. JEL Drsie A GU—Plee*e tend n i twain doMD Plantation Bitten. They an.: tnoah tikedby tbegoaateofoorhom..; . . p ; " * BaapectfUly yotsa. . . 1 / . OJIADWIOK A bo., ,Frc|*latora;WlUard , a jHotaL; : v BOOHMnBf ldfil.' ' Haora. JP. SU Praha AQo.. >fteptlowan i I' hara. bon a imt attflatar from dyvsapaU for thrap or lour yean. lhave tried puny u not: all the rtmidiaa Roommaaded for Ita core. rd|d I ba came worae, : b*d to abandon m* profeadca,nndnf» fcred greatly from everything I au,. ; Sty folnd waa modi affected. dapraaaad aod gloomy. Aboot three months ago 1-tried tt»;,Plantation SUten.And to my graatioy lamneartya watt man. 71 have'See- ; oauaasdad them tn.eivenlcaa**, and aa ifer u l know alwaynwUhelgMl benefit. . ; [ . Boch la tbplanguege reeehlDgca dally.' jße.arii* deevgr had aa equal aelf. 'trader *O. 'afn-pieSmiji aaitt fbapara efeadant ottW boora Uu tnc ihnlio of th»pjpopriotor , » aJgofttaroj on • MMI jpM* (oM*-'Cv*j ,' : V " “P. H, DRAKE & Co., *3 BBOAJJWAT, fit* York. fri:UMOdU-K T\EAKK’a PLANTATION BITTER#, XJ D&AKI'B PLANTATION BIRSBB. DRAKI'B‘PItABTAXION BmUB, - POD BALD BY FOB SALS BY ■ i TUB BABB BY , f 6UK0H40UII8X0B» M OomT Yocrtb mdßafthfaM rtr—to. UA&KK , i' MAJUSKa ATTKimuNW XI WWTIWIIIy to on trandrvd doson stoat OHABOaAI.BA6KIfra.AppJy«o BDMIY7 WBLLB A O0«* - WadwrT , » Ilmrt Wbrta. TUtt Wmr*^ fIUJM X*UD FOU KBM’iV Jooued BMt X Boathßsod, Ana*tron*eo*ntj, Pm. Tot psr» tteolus mpplj to JAKV WBU&T.oa tfcojpccn l*»,ort© DUD Jk KJRZOaC: ftlTttf Btt Lfttctp stnot, PitUborih, F«» 5 ■" t V 3?1 TVEtY QOOMII DKT GOODS 1!! ;h *1 J. M. Burchfield’s, jk- &car.4&*a&Xftr]cet£ti. Uolog ont HOSIDT ud GLOVM jri jappOSD tjacts, . Intending to ‘ims'tirtrooii fir other goodly- ? . h ' ■ ;t -" SUMMER DBEBS fiOODS, - AtoUprioM. ; * r.-i;- . . .SUM MB B BXL KB,; . ; ‘ old prices. .. SHAWLS AHS CLOAKS, cheap, HOOP BKIBTS; JAOONETJBDGIHG, cheep; Do. : XHSHHTIHG ; | . LOTH WOBKBDBDGISG; do. THSIBTiHQ. HORNE’S, - 77«nd 79 MaJrkoii Street; -1 W doMn lilDntS' HM-BTITCHID HWWj co 'di> ' CADIES' EIIB'D ABB Bt»tLOPK) H'BK’IBj Do. PLAIH HUM H'DX'IS; . ~ixr. ADD MlSBla’-OOTTpjr HOSE; - .KiMiowtoixtoottrift • HOOP 8KI&TB, ortlabMt old pricu; IHBD OOLpABS ASD BXBM . MjooKrr TBiumaos; ' KAaIOBOTjrMHG; ppl -i i v:*-. TAPS TBIMMIBti * BUTDBUrmSOf Allklndj of WINTKB GOods, a «Ddd«mbi* fan ihuioU price*.. BeUU Imjer* ihoaU *«br*^r ihliepportnnity bf'»nppljlng thfinuMlTM they wW'r«4Dlr* daring lh# comlB( bmsoq. \ ] fti* ‘ j JOdXFH fIQEHB, I igiura, ; SH AWL 8, : ; ; :.ro Ii O A.K S, DRESS GOODS, AT . -• BarkerSc Co/s, 59 HASXBT SISEBT TH» | ; 1 Greatest Bargains EVES OFFERED. * fcio ■ OLDPBICES. CALL AT* ' '' MACRUM & CLYDE'S 7S.Marint Street* !' ;eesrtf. '!'■ HOSIERY & GHDOVES .■; , . . . . ;*T ?->UL]IOBAI. HOtS,:fcrl«Ui.Mj lU—. -i 1 ; BOBTOH BBBCDHOez, hr IMh eirf lUieee. :: .runor tmnßon.tr i*uit ni »>■■■ canTmua-a * tooth’s la*b»’ wool, VBBIBD SnToOROB Hon.'» ' 1 ' JJD WQpUB aLOTBa,C AOgT- Dm AHoIfITXXHB. v WOOIiHOOD0 t fiCABn z HUBIAS,Ao. BMBBOXDBIEUS. TMMIOJfML 7 .TUBHIfIHIHa GOOia. It fold ud SettlL JCACBUX * QLTSK, j ' 5 ■. (Between Dearth and Pfcmond}• - fee V. EXAMINATION OP OUB LABOR STOCK OK. mty; <*ooi>s, ' 8t BOTH Witblesale and Retail Dealers^ iY BOLIOXTSD. i .. €. H.LO¥EA€O^ J 'V. i." V.:r.'il : " KATOIf, MACRUJi Sc CO, nMnuwuillMliinU UfdWßi I,' J.'.'W '■ .'2 in talma «f ohala* mt thatr aatba *aj* at „» L . WOTR* GOODS BataallwAlm ferol Whslmla u ml) m Baton Bojaraym tan in ttealnaitacn •* tasißuotinrusi ra.ma®. ,UlO : :v;. • * B»lT>lTWltrtlit J IJIHB HANDSOMEST YST.V-A new , • c -c ot>-|r •• ; tneBTIiXKnnrnQUQIB IHISTSf- ~ Jnrt ftootwi** MAGBUMAOLtm, ~ JJALV.ORJJi sKiars, jLXMSDVtmo pirexs, ' , Xaorjat locko citl&ttr'antli* itatk oslte.tet ofTCmuir* M*k« joar »»UcUaai b*fc*» tk* cbofca wkoaipaUfoM.. . ■ BMOM.KiOKW*® 0 -* i 1U» -j. - : f 3. WalT ■ A' LiiRGB iNyOXOK OF ALPAOOA. lißfiwii tTOriKllfJitTIW JftT.WIUtUP, Agfn.tir, pmiBQtTLT, sad okbn.tefaM* MAOBCIIAGLTDI, Tllbikitrtnil. . (Mtnerind bj 1 e?A Ji88... OTBWABra PATKHT muSiHlialU* ftta^tealatj ; , MACS DM A QLfBM, eAsroai»FBBQDBON I ; ; bhLb» I>W leesn U Wheee tte nSue tket be will wKHen-t 'qeekaele eC j “T i ' ijoß setes afflriai r ' : - Tk« Birth tfCofld la tti Btvtnf Ittu, * * * . „ *»-j ** j * <- Frdsemuad b, (be entln mee to Uihe Mtpr •«*Me*ee iepther.vtth the t ’ mbbobb Of plati slabs, : ■■ i • ! • ••- ■ ■ • • •' .i v * HHto| UmtWß|htftaa ytlMoljMt , . laerdarto(tv»feilctnßttbtotbr QMtot&r* ! ~r v _ - 4', i...; LOtRHOVSH, TboccfebraUdOcaMdfetisaan* Oomto-YoaUst, frm IrtMoart hM b»B,ipMl«lly.»« i aged. ind wffl appear i& bar otfglaal cfeamwr cf rABTABPnB.: tnttodacinA the aatrmraganaaef ‘VOfllAfl’ft CWCBTraUP,?** mag by tarcfVtOO niahUdaS Basra Keaae’s. ,4: i-i iU.3. B.STDOHOOGH *m appear Jv this ace** don fa hb original rharariftf BATOV At Mother of Bern Befcallloai Daagliten. QBABDiSOUATI KABOB SBIU,. : Bj (vat; yoag Kadlec. la foil cotta ms. Lacal Songs. Bocal Hits, Balk* Baaoe. , Jot partlcalani of aoeatay ; : sad Incidents, sac pro craaiA«s.: -• . . - Second parfrnnme* oh BBIPAT, 20th task. 'BaaSheet aoVrtopes.-y- \ swi HAST, Monday Evening, JFtb. 16*0. i HUS KATHLEEN O’NEIL’S ; asABS iIISAWIJB BOOM AM) BOVELTK ?RODPB! Mia U.THUKH O'OTUfc Ua MUMn< YoaOiM of tbo Hognawkot IbMtn, Ln&a, w 4 of Ua prlndjal BmwJ Oousrtllathb oomi«T.otilTor«»Uj HkamMaM by Oaf tnaof both homtobero* tobbtbo-teod oildztfl *nd tiUnml «nut»ln tht wortd. ■' ■ StallDA BOtS, th> (udnUln* Id-tartU Donarnm fraa l«iu» Koaa*'# TbMft«t H«» Tocfc* Mia! XAHBI ABOHCBi tt» ob«TOli*Yoc»Urt ulluamtlnotwSn Twk Ibajjaw* a B>LolBKlb*lUutV MUUocondamipoarof amnloftlarat nibr >. eoßpAlttnt In lb* ooontry, loader of Oaattfc l HorntT, eonat ft pixtonj ffr. J. A- LbS TOH,O.BOHDtTZ,O. SBaSAB, B. HOMO***. D. IJ; W. HOUXW_i*ra«. »a ; TIiYiU, i 5 OUSTS. Boon opto otT o’otock. . MBS •KTAlusips . ' IHJSEUJt OF WONDBBB, -■ j ■ I l ' j Oooatottnjof* 1 GBAHD OV THXQARAX AHXEI - OAH OIYUj WAS, OBIItmAH WAB, Ud - r WAB3 or BAPOIdEOH. -V : .; r - I- j */.4 G«slTOiC THOYCB» Om> smmUert tnmtn the raid; Moils. HTHBIQUO, the msa bon wiUkMt:«au} end [the XDOOASBO MOBKBT TAIOLT, tebs ■mo dellT.frwn vin. to spi mi, ml tbeXuOSUMt IB LYOTS BTCLBItfGiIMs&wV; ' *l2*l Z-fr: j > >:T. A>;BPV*BB»|lf«n|inr. ! OtVCTJCOJIC SMES, i : - - f- AISSIGNEfi’S EAiB OF WISCONSIN A P*OPIBTY.-Oa ITT7ABDAX ITXHIB6, Msreh 3d, ofTC) tfelook, vflT beaold, n£fh* Odm* Mm MdMiSorHliftfa stmVJ&firfer of AsdfMOi tbo loUowtaiff 83 BafldJng I«t*MtamU in the totn offsflnwiltooi Itotnetto oopitrt Stnto ofVMnssi r ■ :■ / li9ti'Bea;'-8 «sd 4in Block 8} ' ■:,< ■: ••• lifinnde • ; •• ’ 4; , ■ -•*■• '««•' •"■««'■ swide* •' ' «*■ -6;. ■ '■;**-« ~.8.4;;.:.-« 7».... ;■ •; :« -amida » 8; • !“ ,> VVBfdAT I ■ l«. ■ ** * 1 . '» «} , • « *f.ilmndU ■:-■■: •“ 14; /• ** « 4,»,10,11*13,** 16* « « i;*nd6 ** *4 i •*4 'i mnda ': ' ”** .185 11 " '■* * “ M 1 - fBi Title good. The: lota nro-'Mla tolrt nbjectto m. nurxcmgm Uauea BatM ronos, ondaUrtij of Deed.l-.. O too, •- t ;'- : vj^g;pAm~Bofl*^ VAIiU Atffcft KfPUU£J9 Al* AUimU*. -On XtJSa&fcY IYKHIHO, Ittnaxf 24, at ng Volock, wfltfto. aoid, at tho OoauMßtol flak* «M*«. Mu. *A «M> ' , s'- 60 febiM Mock; 45 do fttcfrangt Bank fltocfc; .10 do -An/whunjrßaah,Stock; $4 do , MecStntai* Bank Stock; . 6 da Pitteqorfcb(teaOb, Stock; ' .10 d> I taapubaaDapoaitoo. stock; d» Pnoplal Immmw 00. 8tal: ~: SO da PltStraiihlMiimooi Oa. 22 do AittiilMnriMttnaW 00. Btoifrii -.20.'. do -fltterariß lOnmiOiTl]]* B»M^Oe»; 4S do AlbgUnj V«H>y B. 8.00. Steak; 10. do vldtUtfeavKlUßm Bailnadtto4 V; fe3o /' ' ' 0.. O; DAYIB, Ml. - A IMUUANISJU OKPRAAtf OOUfl't j XftAIJB Or WAT2B BTBWT PEOPBBTY.— £7fUXSX>A* BVBBlBQ;»»b.2Uh,j«7)go , otook, ■wfl! bo MU,tnih»—ooadfloor flalwßcoaiqfPaTir Auction, 80. 64 Tilth aide* of ABalL Atalnlstratorof M.lieecti, dacMaad'Tfcraaliota of Qroud,dtaato tho r «eiMC of Wat«t itmt and IMoubt allaj, anch .liAtlnx a front of 24 frat on Water stmt aqd ea *m*J» Tfcrt at. ; Tarma a*aala»v'. - ' ■ : J« Q.frATlgjAaci. kuitWAUifl iniaiib at -J? AUOXXOfe-Ou IOISfrATBVMIMO, March 84. at ftgd'clsek, will bo ao!d,ai tb* Oovaarctal 2Uai Boast, Jfa«M account who* it may concern ■ ' •];- ■ • 41 Tint Mortgaea Bofcdaof the OUfioco Attach** uati BaUroaa to S»MOQ. 16 Tim Xocttaca Bond* Itatmqua/JlaricaA Wcatarn. miiroad po., arnonntfnjt ta Illffß tela ] : : - . . J.qTPATOAnot. Mw#,. aoiti' axi> -i xouxmi BOOTa eloaioK oat at a gnat *erttca»ta *aka ronteMy|wttd>d; 4nd ate ft. BOTv vbttfaf te ten ih* Pry 0«odi Bnttaoi, wW Sad » Sbgri QMQoait «>& whoiacapftbl* ot;t|iklßc«feanr 01-.tb*Jwln>a|i; »ftnocbmo» la oOert& to mta atopy. AppimUJUTHBTBKKX a opitalra. HTASIKD-AgoodGEEMAN QIBL. TV OMWwttaajSriaof iota* cnanl kMat wort. t»M» wintat tono tq m nrantrTi too* lamUtmwldmilmlnaw- . _ fcifeit : ■ ~ yttuirnnh. T ABOREB3 'VrXhT'BIV ■ ajfilj'atofflca I» JHaoioa* Stmt, Ut«m Qnst aol Bm ittmta. • 'ttHOXMW**, : ftlMft'Ty .r. r -. •- •-’Owrtmlor. TJO BBS 8 WXNTJSD,—The fra. ttpuayrdSw* ■ v ••■•: M» OAtBSIUS WXNTBIX-X* expttfc O MKot DBT-BOOCB SiWUAB. wIU (°o* mtn&m,caarhMro{atood«ltaUlat S/omas* afealbv «t ABQX tot, *ca* rUJBI, WAHTKDtMMTCDUTBLY— AJT to do ststtAL Ho caiwoßXithxt *« alKaßotn thacilr. Ththtfekaatraantf*. ' Itfqtdiaia-' »" *.**-'**T^ TRtt ifirwcm. WANTED—A QASDSBB, to Un Yf oanot a rnU Sartas nti apail Tlaagna^ "Bf* TTBHB'S' Ham* haebisbdbq, XX 10* MWt— whaatlapapurla •Sind total*. ThU laagittachaaaaiog paii^i—q. M*t ■m Mih'Limat MOM COktMOOIOOkTiDBTt iM*«SS?oma - II