. :*>• -! TUESDAY MOEHIHO, FEB. 17. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. from Yesterday'* Evening Garotte. , The County Railroad Jadymente--- ' Proposition lor a Compromise--- i The Attorneys for the Bondholder* Endorse thePropo»iiion, etc. Some dajs sinoe the County Controller and the Commissioners submitted the following prcpoiiUonr, on beUlf of ths oo«otj, to tho ettorneji representing the oroditors holding Jndgmontsifor Utereit on rsllrssd bonds, u a compromise or their olaimi and a oanoolUtion «t tha origlnai bondi pn;*Uoh snob interest aocrued i : in* raorosmo*. The amiuntdee by tie coant, to her jndg _M. ANMiltori for interest on railroad bonds, S“BK.Ie $107,887 17-100 a. par aanazod lilt,* taelndm* InUrast at 6 per ont. onJadgtnenU to that date, sad exclusive of boats. By Act of Assembly, January 29 Lb, 1863 the Controller and Commistleners are ; oathorlstd to compromise with the holdera of sneh bonds, and in order to do so effectually, the judgment ereditor* must first be satisfied. Per that purpose the following propositions are submitted to you as their representa tives. They are offered in good faith as a fair and final settlement of a long pendingcon- Ippteisy.; * 1 1 f the plastering. - slipped ont end cleared off, •alng their companion about 4peil to hi# assistance, and , minutes they handled the tsly-i-ihe Managers and ing on, without offering | t'Om'oer Pend«T"ho was attending in a room U n stairs, was called down, and on his arrival *’ he found Mr. Dougherty “entirely surrounded Ww » mperier force,” bnt still keeping the en «tay JSttfuUy at hay. man engaged iJm lying'proVtraie on the floor, having been ™Uioed" *7 a blow, bnt he had recover*, and was endeavoring to-upset Dougherty, by knocking-hislegs from under tha oihwrtwohad lum.h«at^al»o»t double, ** Pender : seised one of them and drew-hlii ©ffj Dougherty Tilted up and gave t *, eo 9 , "J a< £ d Mow ou the nose as caused the- Wood jo fl pWt all ovar him* -In ties* than two ®i»at*s tSe hall %'as rid of-the whole PMtyi pand as they went down stairs they received a lew shoU }nUte rear which they -W* j***2*f £* £5 months to come. Two:of Ilh§m were hMdod. brer to tbo night-polloe, io be oonveyea to the Mayor”! office, bat they broke loosofrom tbe “reltont Chezieys*’ who hnd them in eberge, and mode their eieepe. _Tho other, wbo gave this name of Michael Diyino, wee conveyed to the tombs by offleer Dongherty himself, bnt WSJ let off « the payment of throe dollars and costs I HU conduct should tonsubtootedhim to;n Sue of »t leaotgJO. Mr. Dongherty reoelred n severe blow on tbo forehead, and had the skin serntetad from bis foot in soyerolplnces, but he wm not olh orwise iijured. He wo«lUor»nr ouycredwlth blood from his assailants, and prtsented n fruitful spsetosln after tbe fight, was over. The partlejTwbo raised-this disturbane. are not donawithityet. I |a ‘ Blore Coal lor-the Wert. Wi tn ln4«bt«a to Ur, 8. Xu Conn.ll, Col loetsr at took Ho. 1, tot tb. following llrt, ■bowing tho snnibor ol boati, and tho amonnt I of ooal whioh pai»td through tho look on tho I rU* 0 f johrhorj .litb/ togothor with tho j uaooof tho o'wnori. Tho “ran" nntnhoro twntj-hro: boato, oorrjlng ah aggrogaU of 3W,looburhoU: Ho . Bm uiL ©was**. 4 SSOO(U MoOiow ACo.———, o'oohl V»o 2B!fioo I Jamo. Lyfin. $ - g*g#o H. Blaolal [— J - lo’ooo D. Clark..... . *- T0ta1...—.»» -DKETzr ronowla*P«m»-J swlvnntotoldisn hmdUd inWashlngto* J : SfpiUUiiißM lilt wport.s Scif'tH. BtatUr, sru. A ;g, OiU| D| 13ld| J» W# Btoaiaia, I *•!V* Sw£ .OtMMWlW,*«■*•“■* V on*HKp: g-: ■ - ~’'"-'•-^■' -;•-- --.-- T Distribution of Hospital Supplies* 7hs operations of the Pittsburgh' Subili tc&oe Committee have demonstrated that U Is nach easier to obtain contributions of!ho*pt ta! supplies, than Ho have the articles prop er!? distributed. The experience of the Com mittee has .led them to adopt a systematic plan of distribution, and hence tbe great suc cess which attends all their efforts in this di rection. A soldier, writing from. Edgefield, Tena., calls the attention of the public* to the manner in which the Pittsburgh Commission distributed the storos entrusted to their care, and recommends that thoir plan be adopted by all others engaged in the benevolent work. He says:' “A* a general thing the philanthroplcal efforts of tbe ladies and gentlemen in the North to furnish the suffering tick and wounded with some additional itemi for their oomfort, have been defeated by the manner in -whioh they have been distributed heretofore; seldom haTO those for whose uso they were in tended received them. Often have they been lost or destroyed through the carelessness and neglect of those to whose care they were en trusted for distribution. Messrs, ffeyman, Young, Hill and McClure have obviated this by calling into requisition tbe services of loyal ladles, whose presence, by the bed-side of suffering, often has more effeot upon the poor martyr,than all thesedativos of an-apotheciry •hop, quieting the nerves, and convincing them that they have yet something to live for; pouring into their listeningeara notes of sym pathy, speaking to them of home, with assur ances that they are not forgotten. In this manner these gentlemen have succeeded in placing their stock in the hands of those who were intended to be the recipients of it. They deserve great praise for their and next to the ladies (ttod bless them,) held a warn spot in the heart of the Sotmaa. ’ In this oonoeotion wa may state, that the Pittsburgh Subsistence Committee are desir ous of preparing a large lot of hospital cloth ing, to have in readiness for the next battle which may be fought in the West. There nuty be*a very desperate and sanguinary struggle at Vicksburg, within the next ten days or two weeks, and in that event the de mand for hospital olothiqg and supplies will be very urgent. It Is well to remember, also, that the greatest suffering eeears immediately after the battle, and it U highly proper to have these strides ready for shipment as soon as the battle Is announced. Let our oitlaens re member this, and encourago the Committee by liberal contributions. Twenty packages of eatables wero shipped by the Committee last week, to Nashville, to be distributed by those leyal ladles who so nobly assisted them on the former ccoulon. Great Expectations Disappointed. The following is one of the many in stances in which the stem necessities of war hare interfered with and prevented the rea lisation of the great expectations of private eitlsens: Two or three months since, three large business firms —ono in New York, one in Pittsburgh, and one in Erie,.Penhiylvania —formed a sort of joint-stock company, and through powerful political influence, obtained from the Secretary of War a permit to trade Inootton and other articles, at any point within the army lines. At Cincinnati they purchased an old istern-wheel steamboat— the St. Louis —and employed a skillful pilot at a heavy figure, to take her in charge of their agents, down the Mississippi. They loaded her with $40,000 worth of merchandise, whioh they knew would be more aooeptable the" gold, to oxohange with planters for oot ton and tobaocp—the former especially. Bet ting out under the most favorable auspioes, there seemed to be no barrier tq the success of the expedition. Arriving at Memphis, however, at a time when transportation was in great demand by the Government, the agents of the St. Louis and her eargo were Informed that their vessel must do her share in carrying troops down the river. Impor tunities and protestations failed to exempt the enterprising firms. The authorities at Memphis.were Inexorable in the assertion of their rielit to disregard the orders of the Sec retary of War. They held that while Mr. Stanton had the right to grant trading per mits, he could not exempt the Steamboat Bti Louis from being impressed Into tho Govern ment service. The consequence was that the valuable cargo was sold in Memphis at a sao rifioe, and the boat was used to carry soldiers down the river. She is there at present and will remain during thejiege. Deal and Dumb Dor MiSsing. A deaf sad dumb boy named Htfory Davis, Aged about twelve years, recently strayed swst from the Asylum at Columbus. He had but just entered j and, being Inclined to rove, took his departure, and has since been heard of alone various railroad routes, being fre quently “passed” by conductors on account of his youth and infirmity. He is about twelve years old, small of his age, active and smart. When last heard from he was at Alliance. His mother, a widow, is couch con cerned about him, and would be thankful for any information that might lead to his re covery and return. His clothing tois the mark of “D. D.” Any information concern ing him will he thankfully received by the Superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb Insti tution at Columbni, Ohio, or by Jas. Davis, Franklin, Coshocton oonnty, Ohio. Sudden Death. Coronor UoClnng, on Satarday evening, held an inquest upon the body of Mr». Hen riot* Shaeffbr, who fall dead in a boose on Grant street. She reaided with her hatband in an alley near the Point, and had been in the habit of washing wherever she could get la day's work. .On Satarday evening, about fix o'clock, ihewar found lying dead in the wash-hoof e, where she had boon left in her usual health abQUt three minutes before. She waa abaut thirty-five ytars of age, and the mother of four children, lb* jury fo and that I her death was cawed by aa affection of the I heart. . Pennsylvania Kailrdad Shares. The Philadelphia Ledger, of Saturday, rays: “The most marked movement of the day's operations was the decline in Pennsylvania BSilroad shares and loan*. The former sold down i© «&, a deeltne of 1% on last tale; and the first mortgage at 116,adsotine of .2. Tha i second mortgage was VA lower. Within the | last ten days the shares sold at 70, and the I first mortgage at 120. We know of no reason l. for this sadden and largo -decline, except it | maybe parties are going more into Govern ment'iecurities ifi anticipation of the passage •f the national frob banking law/and the de ***** for these securities as a base for bank- I , ' - '• y . Miss ‘ KaTHnia* * O'Nsol's. Drawing Hoorn ud Hordty Troup. givwlboir.br. t.ntottoln aentthii evening, at/Msionio Hall. The trouim hkvt drawn large audiences wherever thsrnsVeexhiblted/sndat Harrisburg they ! weii honored of the Gov !ernor,i family for three saocessive evenings. ilMr.J.H.Mittttand-Mr. W. H. Bartholo dmv, the well known pantomimliru, ac company fte troupe,, together with other talented artists. See advertisement. Dun attsi Hospital.—The £»*}??* ™!l di*r,who was injured, by* freight train near Courtney's station last week, died on ftiday night. HU fellow sufferer, Wright, will pro ;bably reoover soon. ~ 1862 * -NOVKMBKK... 1862. O A. !R/ F Iffl T S W. D. &H. M’CAIUTM, 8710UETH 6TDKST. • A Urge portion of car stock haring U . i crerion* to a eerie* of advances, and now rcpl •L (lost preceding the largest advance of the * with the newest designs in CAHFXTB, OIL GLOTHS,WIH DO W SHADES,*^ A UvorabU opporttutily U offered to perohasars at price* will certainly be hlghtr. i dalOtly ' v ; IbJttKJLimOH relative to Gradingnnd til Paving Aasemments. , ! Bmonviin, Thai all tha msmimaiiU- tor grading aad paring, and tor the construction or severs, which shaUnot be settled with the CUT Treasure* £sbn the ler DAI OP APWL bEXT, shaU H then, placed tn the head* oftbeOHy SoUcitorfor collection: end that thisreflation ue pnblUhod far I thm wssks In the papers anthorisrd to do the Oily •*“ of Select Council. i president of-Qonnaon CooncO. • I jaSSJwd IwSftgassrtfaS? L Vi ‘i aSI late telegraphic news. ROM ODR EVENIHO EDITION.] From Ibe Potomac a tknnT- HkADQCSRTkM Ak«T Or THI POTOKIO, 1 February 15, 1855. j The Phelps Homo wes destrojod by fire I yesterday. It was the finest dwellinf In thls.l part of the State, haring been up to a reoent I date upon the Downing College plan. The I fire was accidental, haring caught from a de fect!™ fine. The costly furniture was saved and placed in the Lsoy House, on the banks of the Rappahannock, where suoh as is ap propriate will,be applied for hospital neces- I slties. The owner is a banker of Fredericks- I ta H‘ consequence of reoent publications in- I jurious to the Union eanse, measures hare | been taken to' arrest and punish correspon dents who haro been guilty of. making such doreiopments, and. plans aro to bo adopted which will prevent their future occurrence. Many riolations of law„and regulation. re garding sutler's goods, 40., | haring been orought to the uotloe of the General com manding, a new course has been adopted by the Provost Marshal wh© engaga In Illicit trade within the line* ol thif'army. , . . Lars* leisures of contraband good* nnv# recently been made and distributed for ho>pl- UI uses. The offender*, hereafter, will be summarily ponishedc .... Another rain «et in thi* afternnon and still continues. _____ The Pirate A.labamba*-Wreclc of the Steamer Swan*«Bebel Plot Die* {covered. New Yors, Feb. 16.—The plrete Alabama soiled from Kingston, Jamaela, on the night o! Jennery 25th. . . w I The steamer Swan, from Ktngstonfor New Orleans, has been wreoked, and seventeen of | her crew and passengers lost. The news from Roanoke Island states that the rebel* have 125 small boat* secreted in the bayous and creeks of hj w*U and Hyde conn ties, by which they expect to cross to the Island and capture the garrison. 8 £ WMJTG JTSjt CHUTES. yf HEELER & WILSON^ SEWING MACHINES, Ho. 87 riTTE 6TBXIT, PtTTttVROB, PA. Thcee OHBIVA.LLED FAMILY tiAOHIHM have Just been awarded the highest premium at the WORLD'S FAIR, the machines la the world oompetlag. Orer 100,OCO hare already been eold, all girtag ualrereal eatlifactioc. ThU Machine make* the lock »titch tmaoeeibU to unisr.l, with ths M.eatl.l sdvsnUgo of beta* sltk. on both tld(S, forming e. rids; •* f‘ Jjj! , milt, stitch, hom, fell, gsihor, bind, cord, teek end Ural 4. The elozanee, epeed aad elmpUdty of this Me* chine, theoeaoty aad etraagth of eiitoh, aad adapt-| ability to the thickest or thinnest fkbrice reader IV! themoet SUOCESBrUI* AMD POPULAR BSWIBO MAOHINE now offered to the poblio. v mTWABtUBTED TBBKE TUABA.~** •VtiaU aad examine th*m ( at 80. JT FIFTH UTEMT, WM geKHEB 4 COi) Wann Aeaaaa ja9a«w^ * IMPROVED DOUBTS THREAD Family Seuriny Machines, ■loom. No. tt Fourth otroot, FUtoborfh. Three Machtaee are from fifteen to twenty-doUeJi eheaoer than ally ether machine in the city. Tag will do all Uadi of work, aad an* wmrraated far three year a They are eo simple that any child U yeua old can me them to perfection. OonetaaUy-ca Gad, il kind* el Bewleg machine Heodbe, Sewing eUk, Cotton. do- m towmtMmkrtprfoa MISCEEEjUTEO vs. Second list of applications o FOB BKLLIHQ UQUOBB, Ued to th*CT*rk*i OSc* up to Irtniwy l*b, 180: . Ackerman Joseph, tavern, let wart, Allegheny, Armstrong Marg*ry,eating boaae,3d * d.PiUsb « Belt Those* A Ox, other goode, l*k ward, do. Bruwnlea Jamee, *J°» • JJ Bennett WltU*m. da, “ d °* "• unlTla Hair, tavern, let ward, Albghvny^ Clinton WiUlna, do, let do, PMeDor,fa; Grosses J. McD., to, 21 do, Oailins 0 , other goods, 9th ward, FltUbargn, Conroy Thpmai, other goods, let ward, Allegheny! Frgan June*, do, »th tor Plttaburgh; Gonldel i'eter, tavern, Mifflin tawnehlp; Olbtoo Joseph, do, lit ward, Plmbargh, Olaxlir Adam, do, 4th do, AUegheay. UarotoooMaUhow.do, Onion towwntp, HageleOjorgp, do, Twentum} Johui David, do. PIU toan#h p; John Ileuy, do, bth ward, Hit^borgh, Rellv lho aa. do, Bth do, . do; Maxwell Wl'liem. other geodi, Tth ward, PltUb fj Miller Jacob, tavern, 8d ward, Allegheny; Mogel* Cha*. P., tavern, let warJ, Peter, do, dth do, Allegheny, / McGcffln Lynd, to, let do, Me Allirter Jemee, other to ward, AHsgb 7, J«m a, tavern, 9th ward. ptttebnrgbj 7 onuler Benry, do, Daaueaxw; Prate bold Hugo, do, McKeeeptot; Phillip* Joseph, do, Id ward, Pittibnrgbi rainier Mary, eating home, PUt townailp; Boiti Marker, tivem, Mb ward, Plt&borgh; SchnH Cbarke, do, WUkine townehlp; Bellbel John A., do, MolLemportl Rhirle Barry, do, ltd ward, Mttabergh; Tbotntoo Tbot., do. let do, to\ Thomtn Gnat., other toads, Mh ward, PUUbor|b, Weddell Thomu P., to, Bliaibe b Boroagn; Wntttatex Anthony, taverh, Fe *'l?* l s" r s*kip; The Court will meet on WA l 1 B E3DAY, February PROCLAMATION.— CITY OF AL LKGUSBI BPAOIAL KLWmOH.-In con f-nnUj With e prorUion of an Act of the General A«o.ably of the tommonweaUh *f PeneejlranU, entitled, M Aa y Act to tneorperit* J.Uy of AUe. -hurr.” aad' a gnpplemeot paswd the 16th day of ftrll. WU'I. A.O.Ab*XABD*B, jleror of mid tii» do i.l'ue ibi». my prpclamatiba, deemtlng tb* l TUSaOaY Of gSBEUABT. ISC3, tbe itth day of the month, tb* qualified rotere of® ho flnt Wert of eeid tityjriU r-tber at tb* Pnblio Betsool B°»*" *“ i Wert, end fSt bV bello*. ON* CITIUM TO nSITI A 8 A MXIkBCBXir TH* BALEUT CpOHOIL, br two Ttasa. in piece of George Lewi*, dieceued* _ Given nnder.my band and sml, this 11th day of F A * D * IM A- 0* ALEXAHP**, Mayor. gLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, fITTBBVBOB, PA. P4.SK, BBOJHEE ft CO. Uasnfdctoms of star QCALixt biuhid oast bticl. C °SSrwa» and Warshouas. Boa. U 9 anil 161 FIRST and 120 aad IV BECOHD STREETS, Flttaborgh. fali-.lyd n. a. inn. «»> »• «““• TJ IDKK & CLARK, (30MKI88I0H MBBCRABTS, And Broker* to PETBOLUEOM AHD ITS PRODUCTS, 61 BB0A& BTBMMT, Nm Toth, garflola Agsnta of the BEW TORE PABAF* WHB OAWpIE 00. lalfclf ■ « .[,■ ji«m atOT»l.» MTO. DITTBBOEGU WKK BiUCK MAN IT DIAOTDBIHO 00. KOBE, GEOVBB ft CO., r'ral BKIOK. TIUB, OBOMBLM. *«., end “‘•SrmZflio. W BlßKßTSwMtßT.'otyy. GROCERIES 870 bag* prime Bio Coffee* _ 100 Uuu lair taprlm# H. 0. flogara, AO do w P. R* ®°* 75 bblt. reftnedyelow do; AO do embed do; ICO do D end A Ooffee do; . 676 do prime H. O. plantation Kelamas; 800 to Syrups, aieortsd-broods; 60 do 80. 1 Lard Oil; BUO do Extra Ho* 1 Silt; s SS£SI?SU^h.-c«.u ! 100 bottaaisaried brands Tobatt?; 20) kege BalUt.aaeorted jlirai _ 400 bbu. Extra aad Estira family Floor; Wltb a foil aaetlamtef goods In on* line, for sale by JOBS 1» HOUSE* QD«* . comer SaUbfltld aad Water etrwte. SUNUUMb.— S bbla. 801 l Buttar; 1 da Packrddo; 8 do fresh Eggr, 600 bash. Ear Corot 200 do DrrPeacbea; «00 do EnrAnAm; I,ooolb*. kntlinir fiObbrohaWhltaßeats} Thjl Bnwlaai>«6ima.lN UMtV|tn|a_ COMMERCIAL RECORD. 'ITTKBV A^H Omm oi th* rmpoa n »' lT l UOOkY, Feb. IC, ISGJ. i Coin by cg»ln tnkoo an npward tm “’ “ I ' l ™ r btnkari uni tleakrr are buying at 153 for Gold, and 110 for SllTer. Demand Hotoo, too, are higher, and nay ba quoted at 150. Barbra Encbango U Onn at par buying and X par cent pram. tolling. FLOUB—Thoru U but aUtaited demand for Flour, and the market la quiet and unchanged. We quote bum etora at *8,0306,75 forKitra and J7,«J@7,50 for Extra Family, al to quality. Bye Flour to firm at 35,00. QBOOCBIK3—There b a moderate jobbing demand fer Grocartea, and the market b ateady but unchang ad. for Sugar; 3303* for Oofbat and Mo laaeea 65056 c. Balm of Bhh a Porto 8100 Bugar at lljtfr, 6 hhda M 0 at 13X« 10 bbb Baltimore Syrup at 55c, 16 baga Bio Coffee at 33J£c; 13 bbb Molaaam at 55c, and 10 bga Blco at 8 %o. PBOTIBIOHB—Bacon b In good local demand and prioea are llrm buC dach angad. Bab of 7,000 bo In lota at 6olbr Bhouldara, B*o for Pblu Ham., andlOq for Sugar Cured; 188 plecee Bhouidere at To, and 100 pea Plain Hama et B>4c. Lard b firm at 3c for Conn, try and IOJiOIO>O tor Oily Leaf. OILS—The market U alia cat entirely bare of Craae and bolder»,eoneeqciently are Ann In theirxiewi, and mk a slight adranoe orer onrlait quotations. In the absence of talas we quote at B9)£o In balk and In bbls. Two sales of BeAned were repor tedonchange-lOOtbla light straw city braod, free, at W%c, aad 80 do do at 36c.' SEEDS—O lover Beed h»S sgaln declined and at pment dealers are offering bnt $6,00 per bnabeU Timothy U firm andprime eells readily at $2,60. Flax Bead U wanted at sB^o®^ BUTT KB i EGGB-anchanged. Sal® of 8 bbU 801 l Batter at 23®25c, for prime to choice, and 6 bbls Kgs® a* I oo * DBIED FBUlT—There li a good demand for Peach*, and prtcee are Arm with an opward tenden cy. Bale of 60 both Peaches at *3,60, and 25 both Apples at sl*l7. (v>p.y -T»nfhsrp t< i Sale from depot of 200 bash BbeUed at 60c. POTATOES—BaIa ol 60 bbls Mixed at f 4,46 po< bbl ud 60 buih do at 90c per biubel.. jdONKY -Sale of 250 tt># at 80c. HOMINY—SaIe ol 10 bbU at 15. CHEESE—SaI* la lota of 100 bxa WB at 12c. LlMB—Sale of 20 bbla Louisville at $1,26 per bbl. Receipts and Shipments of Pctro leum. The ahJpmenta of Crude and Befined Petroleum on Saturday, February Htb, aa reported at the Oil exchange, treat follows: . P.nnijl.uiU Central B. 8..._ —*'“ 7l b^' Pltulmrgh, Fort Wjjn. * Chl«». B. B. to CtoTelaad and Pittsburgh E. it—lie Pittsburgh 4 OobnellitUle B. 6 Total. 6,034 bbU. The receipt! of Crude on the tame date, were: 41 bbU from Kanawha, and 853 bbla from Oil Creek- Baking In all 394 bbla. __ Petroleum m New York. Feb 14—Crude Petroleum U a little eaalcr—ealee 3157 table on the spot, part aa it M« » l and 2600 do deliverable iat U 16t h Hay, euu -Mu do Ut to tub Jane, at 21, all caah. Beßned ot prime quality, teaearoe, but the demand la only mulcniie, ffij lor export, and price* are barely 0700 bbla, In bond, Straw color to prime W bite, uuaiai teet, at 3604 U cents (chiefly 8*039) ** a * I inw? Sail St dark at 31; 860 do extra prime W hite, 184 l»t, 42H, though thl* ia not a cxturlou ol the market, itiObble deliverable let to lOlh ptux , 120 lnaU March, 37*516,000 gallon. In Ut£ll6ol*> teat, 60®62>fc and WW % I 68: 1260 bbU tr« 4, interior to prime, I iSmi&i and 200 do Beaidum, 16, aU caah. Petroleum I lUpthe baa been In active ruiueet, and »o I noficeaalmof 1600bbladeodoriaod, parteUgbUycol- I ored, at 31036 cents, caah. I Export of Petroleum elnc* Ut of January— From ttVw-Terk . ***- Hutf! I Other Porte —Shipping Lut. Ml. Louis'Hemp Market. • Feb. 12—The etock In tbo market i« reduced, and hJlden are very arm. The demand cooUnoee'eteady , but inactive, the ealee ol the peel wwik—Uiclly at the doee of laet Week and mouday—indudtd » uncovered tow at *96; 6U bate* covered do at tlOh *0 balea good undmaed hemp at nrltna do el 1126; 26 do choice do at l6 do Lwaed at |lit do at f 223 and 47 bale* d/at $228 to gyi u t o *. Strictly choice undrea»ed hemp uia SSi aupply and held at 1360140 « '°*/*£* i MDorted of 48 balea common undcaeeedalgliS, » to dtotc. .1 ,131. to. to to drmaed at s®o V ton, Petroleum In Philadelphia. Feb 13—In Petroleum tbere> a firm feeling, with «lee of 2.0 W bbU BeOnod at ,42046 c, tree, jjjj 37b for idu In bond for export, tndudlng 600 bbl* at WuTflgure » go outol the market; 2.0 W bbb Crude euld at 21 c free on'board, end 4,lM> bbU do, part to arrive, lor export, on private terms.—Price i Current. '• Imports by Kiser. .rp£ 1,1,1. in p~Ju», rvangortw Ik. ham., JuoA lUitaawMdo do. 8 LlnO»y; 3 •>“'* b“*. Darla *■ Phillips, * do Uad dices, B 1* Ifahnsatock A co, atbbts dry peacbU, Brown A IfcDkpatriclr, a» do do, L a Voigt 5OO bides, 13 bales o»Uod, 231 bbla whisky? 2{W bbli, 60 tea lard ,7* tea muss beef, Jtfiotixe bacon, Clarks Aco. „ , BT LOWS-r»a Acuna—9 bbla fire clay, aor* „th A Bw-69 baka hemp, U Gerwlg Aco; A>Whides, Mtbert k Bejlenasn; W> do do, Wait A 15 Uaon; kb bbla mod, E D Dltbridge; UW bge wheat, B T Ktn» oedT A Bro; 1272 bbU flour, M bales cotton, 6a) bbla puck, 185 tea Clark* A co; 2 stores, K W Gould imports bp Railroad. Pirruoaon. IT. V»*in A Obicaoo Raitnoae, feb 16—800 bbU floor, Meckeown A Linoart; 2 bbls onieoa, Edward HeaiUton; 3 bits egg*. 5 do bailor, I L H Voigt A co; 10 kidsa, A Borkhaid; 16 l»b» busks, Ma HobU A co; 123 tea greaas, 31 cU.bbU, V I MaUn A co; 6 hen lard, 4 aka dry trait, Graham A I Thomas; 5 dox brooms, J A Benahaw; 100 bbla floor* j O B Lirth: 100 dodo. It Connelly; 600 pigs lead, K I D Dithridge; » rmms paper, Wn McCutcbeon; 10 I ?bU KS2% krg» lard, 1 7b*. U BiddU A «; •a aka teas. McCullough, Smith A co; S 3 bides, J ii Balaton; 30 dot brooms,} B Matbewr, 2 bbU butler, 1 keg lard, S >U rags, W P Beck * «»i » eta aad wire, R Townsend A co; 16 pkga P“ kl “* yarn eu, U Gerwlg; 16 dos waab board#, AtweU. Lco A oo; 17 do do, Lambert A Shlpton; 26 dos pells, John j ACangbey. Pmuumon. A Uiuma r«b 1* 86 aka dry peaches, Jes A FeU*n 13 hhda tobacco; 10 bbla do, Geo Wliaon,B bhdado, John Grier; 10 Ibis bunga, S<o bhda tobacco, B Dalmyar,4dedo, tt Beyl, Bdo do, W * D Etnebifi; 60 bis condhs. B 0 B J ti Sawyer. Starke la by Telesraph. Sew Ton. teb. 10—Soon.-Cotton quiet, but I Sschsoge on London Is flrmsr, **76 I miS; cSSsinoe ths Board, bn sdrancjrfw I ; 7 o-io, PmjldhSL. reb. la.-Tbe lloor merkel le ag yellow mid at ESSSSS-iSSm^ ■aim of 1,000 bbla mesa pork a,t |l* t 62>jio»'oIdaod 1 daod JSdferMV; So okaapln gmooiKa. at 60c, •:] n a ewtwAw, »,v is.—aflonr dull* Wheat ateaiiy, Mtow while aoaaio. Wblikyeteody,at 83@64c. ProrUlone Pork at tIb.OUaIMA BIVEB INTEIiIiIOENCE, The rlrer eosttoM to recode ilowly at thla patot, I with nine feet by the marhk loot • , « nln «- 1 weather yekteriey wu mUd aod pleauot end all that I could be dmired far ont-door bnalnms. I • The wharf was the mens of nnuimal actirity yet- j Unlay, and wo notice a material Improiemeflt Doth In the receipt! aod ahlpmonU. Bo *“*? more ptatty and therowUl conaaqaenUybo leaadlffl calty In Shipping. ... . I The only arrirsl we bftTe to report U , the Armada (MB ghe hod on «o.n»t trip mid com. oplopjodllme. The Emma Graham, lor eome rea- Hi unknown u »,lmd luted to orrir. op to taat onolng. 1 Bho may hare hoen daUloedlntha Kua klofam by high walar, but tUK U A tdUpaphlo dbpidch. rooaltod ftj the OU *» twin Oil City, roporta the Allrgheny SSftaV*. that point, with hr* two tat of , W Tta wa. making proparatfinlto LontaßUtat aranlng. - Bhe had an axeollent trip Indndlng a ceaaldornbto quantity of, gonrnmont t !S‘’tammb an* h« atamer EoUp» Captain I. LmtaOtotlriiminf,: ’ ta Ilia'TTTi nilii| padEsk tiV M l ?* * 4 Ti * kfc». 3gßSSSgS^mB&sffi®S^^ The commodious and e'ogant steamer America, Captain A. C. McOallum, will In aU prohabaUf get off for St. Louis this evening. Mr. A.. 0. McCollum, Jr., has charge of the cGlor. * The Armada. Capt. Johnston, will return to Cin cinnati i-gain on Thursday evening. The Wheeling InUUi-jmcer, of yesterday, says: The river was about on a stand on Saturday with about eighteen feet in thechauaeL The huge steMß «r Sultaua, arrived from Ciachiuail with about I,OW> tona freight, abe intended to go to Pittsburgh, but owing to tht bright of the water an! the length of her chimneys she did not liko to ventura to go under tbe suspension bridge, so she stuck her shingle up for oi The letter U from Jlr. John SL Uare, clerk of the steatqerKey West No. 3: Kdt.GaztUe: The sUamor Key West No. 3 left Louisville, January 2Ut,:with a cargo of government •lores lor Nashville. Wd went up the Cumberland riser with a fleet of thirty-two transport*, and .mat with uo trouble on the way. A large fleet of forty two transports arrived at Nashville on Feb. 7tb« We loft on the Bth for with a cargo of unserviceable horses. All steamer* are cwbvoyed up and down the Cumberland by ,gtmUoatt. W hon we pawed Mort.Donelsou, coming Aowu, a large fleet or transports were there waiting jto go •up Will ar rive at Louisville on the 11th, and return again in a few days to .Nashville. I saw the following Pittsburgh boys belonging to the Anderson Cavalry, at Nasbvile: David Don seatb, Geo. Watt; Fry and Tnrbett, of Al legheny. M. **• '1 be Louisville Journal, of Satnnlay, says: * The rivur is sweUlag*slowly at thla point, with eight feet live inches water in the canal last even tng. The weather is cold, cloudy, and very dlsagree- a *Tho tow-boats Arab and Ormsby, each with barges j in tow, from Cairo, came, up over the falls yesterday, I and passed on up for Pittsburgh. I We learn from Nashville that the steamer Jacob 1 Strader, and tbo accompanying fleet, left Nashville I jteterCay for this port. | Tbe navigation of tbe Cumberland river is now un- I ravricted, so far as rebel batteries are concerned. Tbo Liberty, which arrived from Nashville yester- j day, camo down without a convoy, and the fleet which left Naahvlllo for thla port yesterday loft with- j out protection from.thagunboata. * Quite a number of the Nashville fleet came up over the falls yesterday, as will be‘seen by reference to our boat list. . The fine little steamer Starlight will leave for Wheeling and Pittsburgh at four o’clock this after noon. _____ STEAMBOATS. FOR CINCINNATI & LOU-1 ICS; Lu 18VILLC.—The fine new kiOLIPSS, Oipt. WiSj, will leave for tbe above and all intermodule pjru THIS DAY, 17th instant, at 6 o clock p. m. For freight or passage apply on board cr to 1,17 J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO., AgenU. LHJK LUUittViLLtf, CAIRO ( J* a»D ST. LOUIS.—The new anddfiSSiSaß. elegant psawnger steamer ABMENIA, vapu a. o. ■Mn wii.irt, will leave for the above and aU Intermo dule points, on TUESDAY, the 17th Inst., at 10 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to bi 4 J. P. LfYINGSTOH A CO., Agents. FOR EVASBVIIiLE, CAIRO I AND BT. LOU 18 —Xh* steamer JfcMNIE BOQKBti, Oapt. Thus. will leate fgr tueabare abd Iniermedlat®. port* oxy WUDASbDaT, lUh taat. ( at 6 o'clock p.m. / k'or height or p»e*a*« apply on board « W / J.D. LIVINGSTON * -M2 JOHN FLACK, I"®* ' R EU LA R 1 WEEE Li Y t .JiSxlfA 2A£ttdVILLE PACKET.— TbeJS&S&B aiul bvaotifnl paueuger steamer KM.M4 U.&A* HAM, Capt. Mouroa Ayers, leaves Pittsburgh tor EauMTUle KYKKY TOitSHAT, at 4 trclock p. a.— iieiuruing, leaves Zanesville Js\ KltT ITiiIDAIL, at 8 a. b». lur freight or paaago apply on board or to J. D. LIVLKUb'fON & 00., AgenU, Pittsburgh. H.I‘IKUOJS & CO., AgentQj ZaneaviUo. uo7 1 o/*q iSKW AKKAl\Uiir L „na>> iOUO. MENT.—WHEELING uiJbShß* rrrrefcunau daily /expbess Li»ik.—am uev and splendid ilde'whosl packet AJIM ADA, Oayt, Oecrge W. Johnson, leaves Pittsburgh lor Wheeling ivery kLpttDAY. WEDNESDAY and | fttlDAX.at 11 o'clock a. m., punctual *. leaves Wheeling for Pittsburgh every TUESDAY,THUBS DAY and SAITJKUAI, at 8 a. m. The wise paSsengeb (jcs^a. steamer UINEBVA, OapL Jobtfg&fifiA Oortloa, ledroe Pittsburgh for Wbcelingevery 10*0- DAY.ThUIiSDAY and iiATUUDAI, at 11a.m., punctually. Leave* Wbeellog for PltUburgh every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FfiIDAY, at 8 a. m. The above eteamerv nuke close connections at Wheeling with line side-wheel steamers for BUrietta, Parkoraborg and Cincinnati. / For freight or postage apply on board or to J Ah. COLLINB A CO., Agents, i, O U 4 Water street. ED VCATMOJTAE. XT OKiIAL SCHOOL.—H. WILLIAMS im opened a NUKIIAL bCUUOL at No. SI St* Ulali street, Third etory. ltotiuo*« of Teaefert; Be Is the counsellor ol tho Ttachers, the man to .hom .nor u. u»x tor “V’jJwSlooti. I coQcor moot b»rUl, EATON. I obeerlully concur In the opinion exprawd 1 tok. ptouor. In glrtng It u my opinion th.t tho foregoing rrcommooclmU.il to MllJ I know o( uo oor who clrecrrre higher trottaonj In hi* faror. AVJsB*. I (ally concur la tbeebore recommendatloiu^ U. cm proper. poptU tor thl High SchooligoWUl than any other teacher La thi* city. ' A- T. DOOTHKTT. la advance. aoB:3tawd Tia**—gl pel Russian pEbble spectacles. —Notwithstanding the attache of Jealoai Spectacle reader#, who eaplre to too bum of doa, the KtTSBIAE PEBBLE SPECTACLES At* rccalTinz daily the warmeet endoreexieau ofour I d*SIS“ AO ttn*lea** Uto * «har Spectacle#; then call and examine U»a BOB3lA* PJ6BBLS cue*. Tor Bale by Maaifactaier of tfa* Btutlan Pebble Bpectadee, Ul9 BP Fifth etreet, fiforw* I'vEUEttIE&K Lltii, U. b. JSXOUiS ji J TAX. hM been received at the Office of In* I uZnal Kavenae for the 23d Oollectlea Bletrlot, Pa, arid the UJt U towdna. I Partite vbo have not paid their October andXo* ! T«mber aeneatneoU are Hereby notified that the 10 | dot caot. will lo all cave be adued to the tax, where ebe rtqalrexestj of the lav have not been oompUed I W The tax for December meet be paid within ten | deye after notice, to «*«ape the pexatty. DAVID N. WDITI, Collector of the 23d DUtrlct, Penn’a. « ffioe, WATXtt STJtKST, next door to the City Treaeory, Allegheny. *l* COAL OIL LAMP DEALERS AT* TSHTIOH.—I moet rtspectinlly solicit the at* I teatlon of the trade to my Urgea«ortnpntof COAL 1 OIL OIUND&LIKB*, PENIiANTB, BftAOKKTS. HASPS, fttKflOH LhUPfi* LAIiP STANDS, and TBiMMIHQS, of every deecrlpdoa. Also, LAS* TEENS, with BliUngs—co Chimney Bnraef—which Ueapericirtoanythlngeveraßuediothetrade. Ae to quality of floleh and liberal price*, I defy cooper I tltton. Catalog* o * with prises sent on I free of charge, to the trade.. Office, Mo. 276 Pearl •treet. Hen York. Factory, No. 44 State etreet, Drcoilyn. W. H. SMITH. ; Stic Mannfactnrer. SEALED PROPOSALS will be woeiY* ad by the Oommlatioaer* for lha Kractioa of tba - FabUa Building* Is Alleghcnyi sp to nooa of TBG&ftDAY, lvth last., tor. introducing 6u sad WaUr into the four comer* of, the sew Uaraet Uoom, and f>r tha necataary Gas Fitting la the same, according to plans and epeclAcattoa* vhloh hi* m toes at theotfiooof Parr A hcairi Architects. ' A.O ALBXAHUBB, BAftTli BIDBLKi ■ JA3. AIBEPATEICC. WH. WALEBK, JHO. WBIUUT, OommUsl«n«rs. PKOVOSALa bUK 'i'lMßEil.—fro eo.il. are invited toe th® delivery at w BU.I wotiuof ome udkOßkd aMd uni THODa- AND VEST, (bowl maiaare,) BAWKD OAK Oft YELLOW PIKE TtUBElt, iltbor tea, (oortaen or sixteen Inches iqaaro, at th*4tUnrari option, but nil of one/•;**. Tins’ cf d*llT*ry end terms must acoomiany propceele. --V BU&sfex; WALL* * 00., Fifth Wild. L bll:BvdiMltwT/ | ' ' DPIIA MONTH.—V» o want Agon* at vOv 940 a'montb, expenses p*M, to ssU our bvtrloMtina PntfU, Orit*Utlß*n»r* t . •ndthlrtesn other newt useful end enrions afticlte. Fifteen «lr* culara tent Jv* Addreesi . . „ , SHAW A ULABK, Blddelord, Heine. *aS&3mdswT 1 - • ~ 07 C A MONTH.— I want to hire Agent! ■UI vld eTsrr county at $76 * mouth.expeusN ptlri, to >ell my nsv cheep Fatally Bewtnc Machine. Alldrw, 8. BADISOM, Allred, MJbto iWafliSmilewT . . • oUNOKUSa.— © DBIKD BEST; LEAF LAUD, In barrels end kegt; MKSSFOBKj 80. 6 MAOKEBEL, lergei. tfn bend end for dale by |n»o VTW. B, B AT* Jk 00., ■ I.lbrts K IrtM.t'Tl OIL UAUiitiLS, Of 9,00(1 !i Quality, on hind end tor eels by H JAB.DALZKLIrftBOH, ; Ml 69 end TO Wataratteet. , O'lOUAOiii, l«r netined ana Crude Oil, Q end other M srchendlee, by . I I jab. oalzbllabok; •/ fell 69 end 70 Water street. / OA.T MB AND GfclTtt—s bimlfl frtib §rcnt»d Gal €rU* «adTHial,cf aapcrior quality. Jail laoalvad and for Ala by ; ■ ■_/•:. i- V' JOlifl A. iUtHBHAW, eornar Liberty aod Band atrcatt. mCAMLBwa Z balei toarriTft Oaadfersaieby . . •. j fell .*•• . ■ * • TBATAB PICKET A 00. ' oas^w-jsswas' -t**' . iri. t» -.tth' ■ ;ua **■ A BARBOUR, —BOLDWIIP. OIL REFINERY. j. DIAAIOHD, Practical Optician. OAIV ttiOJNifi—2s bbla, iv.fbuntaj w,>»r«i>k ooMiina. V~'» 'Xiu-sz Duiain 0 A SB OH OIL, uiif .* S«. B WOOD BTAEST, Pmaatraoß, Ppm. OEOBOE W. aOLDSair-E OO idt-t 80. ss-:rDr»f««;^ k *»oti4 flDor. will be prooipUy attend*! to ■oc&ldtf., i ' ■ ;i UCttM'.ULL. WUKK3. ' “ Ibuhoah, odsiAp * 00m lUßtiXaotv»h of POaK WHIT* BKItHIS OABBOM OILB. OOco, So. m UWrWrtrort. PITTSBPBQBi Pa. A KDiSbOO Oil* UUMJPAN X> ZTo. 27 Inata f*-» Mua'actotwi' o{ BIFUID OiSBO® 1 , ' ' Ftlcm to«d*» for Heflftwl CU: i . By cu bad. _ SO “f u S« BiuiWU__—i “ “ *0 charge for package. Heceratif 4th, 1802.* j JAMJiB IKWJIN, Kwabotiim of / OIL OF VITBOL, / l tad , / I AQUA AMMOHIA. Orderaleflat William Holmes A Oo»’s Office, cor ner of Market and First street*, will recelva prompt attention, / ,e * u iy AMONL) Oil. WUK&tI SA F LOB * BBITB, BeHners and dealer* in CABBQ3 OIL, nnsorpamed by any lh tbs market* < ■ . Orders left at tbs office of Childs * Ganoa.ondar the fit. Charles Hotel, at the office of Smith, Pars A 00., or at their works t* Lawrenoerfile, will be at tended to. / Boren ciOrudc OIL 1 i > «fl3dj 1 UULFiSit OIL WUKJifi. . J-i // WILLIAM P. WOOLBIDOM, / ' aaaovAoromxa or / GOAL AND OABBOH OILS, I / , and daalecin / LAMJfI, CHIIfNHFfIs As-Ao* V Ho W Market street, between Second and Thud, PITTSBUHOH; PA. KP'iMSD 01-L JfUK KX-fOKX—Ttii undcndgned tf# now' pccpnnd to •oil ‘ho ten QOmUtr of Buttled Onrbon oil, delirarad on bond 01 const Pittsburgh,on dock in Philndclriiio, or nt wunhoujo nt Bod-Book'Point, Now York. WW tioo dollrer IoU from 11)0 to I.OWI borfolo iroooboord skip, or oeU BUlo Lodiogol different steed lots on Uropool, OUsiow, PnokXorMn-tho-ttnlo, ud I other JCuropean ports. HH*Bl A ORATF, ae« ic’etroUte Oft Works, PftUbnrgh, Pa. ■HOTELS. AMERICAN HOUSE, Boawa, is the , largest and beet arranged Hotel in the New ] jCsgland States} is centrally located, and easy of ao oduftomall the routes of traTeL It contains all the modem Improvements, end every convenience torJne comtort and accommodation of the traveling pabjio. The sleeping teems ere large and well ventilate*, the saiteeofrooms are weU arranged, and oempletely famished for UmlUssend Urge traveling parttoe,and I the house will continne to be kept as a Bret class *s&s"*”“**■ LEWIS HICK, Proprietor. BTOEEB, *(. AUjEX, McCOBMICK A CO;, VallW jrpoanai, Pittsburgh, Pa. > : T •. •i*Wiiuonii Ho. 3ul Liberty street. * ManutocSer»s COOS, PABISJH AND.HEAT. IHC BTOVXS, PABLOH AUDKITCHKHOHATM, tS^SS^SSSSSS^SS: I *itk steam or Horae Power.- no!2:6md if AMOY FUKO ; T CHILD BEB'S FAHOY FUHSI QSni'B FOB CAPS,COL LABS A QLOYE3; BATBAHD OAFS. Brar; variety andrtyh of the above goods on hand tod for sale at Xccoki; ft co.’s, Ha. IWWOOD BTKKHI pKi’KoUTii oUi^ymtA rbrbb A Q&AFF, Proprietor*. Oepadty tvs tboosand bsrrsls psr vssk. ■VXlfios, MOHOHQAHSLA BOOTH. flflAulSON BTAttOU AQKMOY. “He undersigned are Agent*! for Pittsburgh.end vicinity, for WATTS HABIBOH BTABOB OOHfABT, And ke*p ooniUatly on bond ■ *«ppiy *Wj BTARCM, Tviow rtjlo poekncM, which vlllto «ld In qnnntlliM to tfco tndo on oK»t ■ryyonjnU term*. BCHOMAKBB & LANG, 8391J818T1 BTBMT. mo QLABS UANOFAGTOBEB&— jLa-aiASffiffiiSSß&ss ■itoaudm tbs d»y of Brooklyn, near tbs Atlantis y tfrT . tmvoAi srs nsw. In psrfcet ©rdsr».abd: In operation, mid poosf nU tbs tsdlltUs far nakf tnnSmy »u fctttsrly git, by tbs Brooklyn flint Glut Company. «whlcb s»y* thst Ooapany tbs hl*h reputation It m lon* sustained. r%»|iao>atokM» tonWp °1 *b»!>“£*■ uidcan command sobs eapltai, tbis would east• treat inducement, us tfcs baiancsci tbs cspltsi ro* qnirsd oouMLb* faralahod by tbs present owners. I “ * 00. II Ho.» Trinity Bnildin*HHswT«rt. I! noWtlwdsaswtf T - rdsclM in tbs law, end; nuke tri-montbiyand 1 daola nub ““"iLyJtXSw hvisw/ Tbs tmderilsneder* preparing tbs Tarisar j }ssstSSSSSg!SI^^^SSSt. " “ « 00., SMB lob Frtatert. BUnkBoA lUnu&otarjrijod BUltloMn. W yood-«fa»rt. »»18a»»tl \J( SO hhd*. prljM H. 0. BngWi j 90 do « Gab* Oft 90 do ./ P. B. dot 60 bbl*. YtUow . /do; 75 d» a a - /do; Sdo Orubod /dot ' do u *»Ooftt do; 75 bog* Bio OoffMt 160 bbU. prt»o HI 0. Holmmi; S 5 do BjnK l(w co MoMbnuinnK 10 do BbMhodWbftloOU; 10 do Bo*l Lord Oil; 60 bozM Toboooo—5« oad 10it |-6: dobriffel Tbfaoooo; j 10 kopßo. I,® twirtToboee&i, •; jj With* fall MBortßMnlor good* 1b oar lln* fcejgto W 1 BBomr* KntxrAxucxs. 4«l> - '£ ■ m t« mrtr m* v QttUUKnIKU. lW taWdarti I. 1L,.0.P.»a4 *>•**••*! * ; 400 bifs fair td prim Bio OoOoo» ' ~ £0 onto Jm doj •. „ -j UOJOuU. M. 0., Potto B!co»»4 od»™S“* WbWfccmhedi gnawWid gte do .—otfdbwßdill»T« ftfinm; 100 butts oo’d tmfcdo Ba, U o»d M»Tog*®*. /SLS boxoo Bftltlaor»ftog T* / 9ft do blookflot / S®| / ttkopetwttt ®°» ICO,OOOQ*m«i 01*»w; 1 / UO bo«i Bbot, uoorted ill** . : r , ,: 180 do'BondobotfOdho; _ M _ , oqo do Hdjml'i M QoUondoriTo Ix> OoSooj Witt . Ml -»««««« SuStS,’**’ ** yoa. dT ond»> aad Bmtihflold it*. , i>Bo -». • •' 1 l ■■■•-y- --p nbokl iMfcfOsinti; , . »»bt>M.rfwi«iroM«n v .: fu;X £j • <'3 ii v .» V . •. , Bi6t I ' rr J : . v TTALUABIxn FABiE! FOB tlbh, pSf J«ta> Dnjr. a*=2*J Ohlpewa towTuhtn Bearer county, Pa, onto* WUto rdedieading treat Darlingtonto uning «boui 1301 mm, sfi a^der-'!#»»•:'/***J®? prorwtaeats mm a nsme'Honsj), Frame ***ff?fr ,*? _Mt.nasxlx.naw, lad. other eothfrildlfigt-f' 100 ■ * ,a * classed and in a nigh state of cultirauafr, WJ***J* well timbered. A large orchard of Apple, Cherry and Plata tms. A number of otter falling sprints of the puriet water. Sbo term lsnaany all underlaid will? rich coal beds—on# aboutS h*t in thfrtim*. and'ono of 6 to 6 feet thick, which; it how being worked and In good ontor. Thu property 1* cbnvesltntly locked,x*Ug withlnie milesol New Brighton, 2 milespif liartingtfm, ana 2 miles of the P.,Ft. W.AU.BU&. Alio vithiu 2 miles of * variety oliChurtSbes, Bioamj Crist and Saw UillSi Schools, Ac. ] > / ; For farther particulars the inbecriber, on the premUwi 4r jOUN iLlSli. Sr., Kml* Hotel, IdbertS Uriet, PfUtbuidh. • , , js27 Xmeod "• WU/DUFF, Hietttor. OtU’HAJiSi. COUK'i' HAiiE.—By -rir tne of aa Order of thnOrphani* Court of Beater County, the ■uhecriDtr / will expos* to PUBLIC flgiTa, on ibe prtxalsee/cn the 2tra PAY OF FKB BCABY, 18tf3, at U o'clock a. m , abcntUS AOBXS , OF LAND, part of therealfeiuffecf James Sharp, I dec’d, situate la Darlington township, Beatercnon* ty,Pa., adjoining/lands of Joseph Sharp aad others. A boot 80 acres cleared, with! two-sttry stone house, log barn, tralpa.-stable, thereon. Tbe abote I premises ere situated one-biU iaile west of.the Dar* I Ungtonori New Galileo Station, on Ibe Pittsburgh, I Fort Waynfc A Chicago Bailroad. I, For terms and farther Information Inquire of the S subscriber, AcmloDtritor toil the estate of- James 1 fiharp/deo’d at New Brighton, Bearer county. Pa. 1 lefckwtod 1 aUBKW purr, Ado Tr. TjtQR W/VLK—Tho property of the gab- It gcribir.tn McClure township, situated miles Iran the city, on the New ißrighton.TniTipCke, and. I sdseonTood leading to Fcrrysrille, connU.lcg of 20 acne, well Impxbrod, with I XM truN trees. - A now I d* ruing louse and tenant fihuao, Ac. All undcr cm- I Urallvu. ana haring atinh'view ef th* Ohio river. 1 Will l>e arid whole or In {aria to suit purchaser*. .Enqoiraubcs cousuhj,' I llario& A Venae, Allegheny City i I Or LOOK BOA 62, P. U. Allegheny. I feiD;6meodM» J■ ' HAL 15.—One superior eooond • hand OIhINDIB UOILEn, SO Inch* hi 2“ fc On'o«^rio? < hiw t BOILp, 32 inchca diaieter, » llaxsaad,■•lth aad aeooad*liaiid SToA&I pGinIS. SKf «£S d T BooSVm& qq ihe Allegheny tiTcr t cor. Feint AU***- !''Fan a&ixa. i* cotfD OfiPHii- ; WTT.T. BB gbliD QgaAf Ff^CAS*. iMdit at tit J.BAZK2WS OmOB. telftidtf , gtntinrw. attiTfr.Smlthfl»^» STOKE AND TAVEKN bTAND EOK SALK—that trail known Tata;n Btand toa Btorliita»t«l| »dJcinli.B Jonirt'. tu lon. 10 mIU. from the city, c» tl a Valley i; nitre ad. g i_h» hyTn oomtorUble room*: al:o Bar wd Store Bc«a -4 Iar 6 ®’ 6t*bla, with'onolhalf on acre of iwfjiJJ. end with imik aad ftonep. Tbit mo*eity U offeroi I cbMp»aad a goodopifortf ultf u “ L ‘ ,u6 * aflordod to maka a profitable budfcwkt. Apply » i ■ g. MoLAia * CO„ u r - fonrth atrwW Real kstat e ! for sale ok ex- OHAUeK—Two jtory doilrab!* cew Twu bTOBY BttlOK DWJStililxiOS, lormahed wlth B“ and wdUf, wxiil no * leas«i for ft term of jeftr*» tetoldftt »ijeaaonabla pHc@ for c»b,cr«xcJiange of H. P»Ti»< dccVL TjiOK SALE.—fceveu substantial two * “'"' imiai DW-BLLINS HOTIBK3 In Cut Blrmlnjh«nn For trrmr, 4c., onqnlro nt to. j* FIFtiIVrUJSKT, Flllnlmrgh, or ol B. S. DUHOAJJ, Lumber KLetch&nt, Ulruilnjh*m. fetSilw ; 5 For BALE—A convenient and well ihlebod TWO-6TOBT BMOK HOUSE, with 7 rooms ami r**i drj cellar, end hjdrant a frama eteolo ihach-S Lot 10*111), on# l “™' on hornet ,■treat, iUncbaeter, Mar way. Inquire at THIB OFFIOE, or to IIpUM H. BtDPtLU, MincliMta. EOS BALfi—The TAREK-STORIED BBIOK BDILDIHQ, Ho. WT Ban • treat. One »nd hot ftridceld wiktor throughout tb# to*. Apply to r -| A. O. OuBBAQBf ttUfcUn. I Mo. &8 Diamond. FIR SALK—>One Boiler, 6 teet tong usd Si iaehM dhubster; cm Itaej & toen. owl- Übto for ft small *ngto*» & horte pcvyr. *' mTi»hIBEBTF aT6E«X. - - <***> pixießasaa, pa. TjK)R BENT-I-A desirable‘COUNTßY P ksBIDKNC*. ivilhln c&o mils of Altognwy Cltr, on th* FftXTrftVlU* Plank Hoad. twofto te « Brick, well ;improT*d and Tory cdmforUfcU. Then laialM fln.tcni of co-Ural ed ground to ocehnrd and garden. |:• Abo, thu udlototog . g# nfm •crtu of geohfid adapted tut gardening pw* pevyn; th«t« to ft MOdhous*ftndoat buildings onthe choicftfruiu. Ton nodtmft&twllihsSfntodUftmoderate pile*. Po»- StoSonßtoen oa ttto'Ut of April. ' I : gSf°l ""^TpOoEY. fO I.TCT—Three Koema in the Guam Btni*n*o, »lth or without potter. The room. I are rottahla Jlher tor a Printing OBce or other mar [ chgrolpatporo. ; Appl,atth. fewt;o For RESTLt-A oomfo t table two*»tory PWKLtfHQ, honudslUg six rooms, withttprtog Boom cftwo rooms ftdjototog, t>nd ><»rd, to Mines* w4iw. Ajraetlj en the route ot the «tr*«t cun. - jjya T tf U'i UOUMX.Y. mUbctty street. i.\ja jttKN'i'ai-'i'iiOße two iu>uw» on -the X conur tf Fifth Bnet usd Cherry ■* l »Xtkw>w» m Hflft. 100 *nd I®. I'oMcnion on the btof April. Apply to b ■ AI«SXAZf2)AB KIBQ, | • a- ,fro.¥73ldt»rty stmi. CU,UM'TK)f RitoJUIJSXtUEbi'OK. BBHT*—Two r conaJofUblf dwellingto PUt I h«»|n| >n orohurdof tso s>Ju, thft I other el* acraei plrntj of Fruit aai Urapoa. The HAw.II nlaaa mb hi nOZOhftMl OB tORnS. TSKnKnf 7 • WATIA WILBOH, I ; JqIA i . • ;; Liberty treat. FJK RENT—One two itory J BRICK DWBLmSQ HOOBB. iltaOea os Haj street, with una roem»i! £ootMloa |i«o lu cf April. ‘JAM. P4b2Kl»ii.A,6VN| 69 ftsd 7o Water street. SXORK KOOM TO UsT—ls o. 242 Üb ortfiirsrt, mm bud ol Wort, tom tholit of AptUoext tABBCOKLEa, a»B3 \ Ko«. til unAMV Liberty moot. IjHJlt BAJoJS OK Kli»T—An Oil K«- -■ gbfcdtf • "V '•iittiV KtLag. Bi. 1« Toorthrt. Q' tftflOJsa usx.—yue eichon first t*asii~*ji* gflot ol Wwhow Nok to.aad Iff i' IBAlAg:l>I0K«T*O0. niOJt; awt-f * Uilf—76 ftbls. WlkMi in i boftdorfr**) fcruli low k> °* *a*bytto « 80LAB0IlrW08BBjKU.'r fatt > r -. at. OUlt fa— wi** fbtfJNH—»:.- :t, ; - >. : i ,1: . t *. 1 TO ImET. to mm