The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, February 17, 1863, Image 2

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Mr. Merau’i National Bank BUI.
TMi most. Important measure, which
-.—-. l the Senate by a majority of two
votes/has yet to paea the ordeal of the
Home of Representatives, and the time la
short; Bat every day addato 1U strength
and popularity, and Us friends are san
guine of ita final passage. Thin meaanre
ptoridea a national free banking ay atom
with a paper circulation, obtained in green
baekk from theigorernmant, to the extent
of thO aecnritiea depoaited with the lattor,
bat payable by the banka at their ’oounlera I
on demand. This plan moat revolutionise
the whole tanking ayalem’of the oonntry,
and abolish all paper currency other than
the greenbacks, at the same time that it
otoatea an immense market for the national
To aid In this system the Senate haa laid
o tax on all bank circulation other than
each as may be issued under this act. It
has also amended the Honae rerenue bill
so lea to reduce one-half the amount -of
greenbacks authorised to be newly Issued j
by that act, and substituting legal tender
notes for eoin in the payment of interest on
thk certificates of indebtedness and the in
terest-bearing new notes. The interest on
the regular funded debt will oontinue to be
paid in coin.
Xhis is, substantially, ! Mr. Cnasx'a plan,
. add nothing but the pressure of a great
danger, the stern necessities of the nation
id this hourof extreme calamity, could hare
tarried it through Congreaa in the face of
’that powerful interest which alone will be
adversely effected by Bornean the bank
ing intereat. ' But even thie internet, where
it is what it ought to be, will not be Injuri
ously but will come under the
provisions of the law, and go on as will as
oyer. Thus will the transition, from a
paper currency so multiform as to perplex
the most perfect experts he changed grad
ually and without shock to one of uniform
iaoo and value, and which will he national ]
In ita character, as all currency ought to
ta. Our currency heretofore haa been po
litically injurious, because It has been
praotically disintegrating. BtaUe vied
with States in their off ol ** to fill the ehan
nelf of circulation with their paper; and
because their issues were of unequal value,
vast sums were paid to brokers by way of
' exchange—sums the aggregate of which
would probably have been sufficient to pay
j the interest on our national debt, largo as
it is. It was a real and onerous tax; hut
under the new systeim this will ta saved.
In times of peace 1 the National Govern
: mant permitted this part of ita rightful and
Constitutional prerogative to ta exeroised
■ by corporations created by the States; hut
j at a time like the present it Suds it neees
: iayv to resume It. ;In times of peace it
1 and did ita business in coin; but
supply coin to an amount necessary for
H« preaent purposes is, out of the question.
Am Senator Dooumx well remarked the
other day—“We must go on with the war
on paper money is a praotioal fact; and if
wa must wags the war with paper money ]
we have-got to take the control of that pa
• per money Into our own hands, or the gov
eminent will be destroyed; and the practi
cal question is the mode of arriving at that
control. This Government must dominate
amd maiter and control the eurrency of this
country in this exigency.”
Tho Duty on Paper.
Thedoty of 80 .percent, together with
the large premium on foreign exchange,
f w.minU to a prohibition upon the importa
tion of paper. That large duty, foT that
reaaon, ylelde no revenue; and, eo far ae
the. national treasury is eonoerned, the
xedusden of thatduty to fire per cent, ad ]
ealarem would, by enlarging importations,
inereau the rerenue.
But paper being tho medium of knowl
edge, a tax upon it is a tax upon knowl
edge. The newspaper, the school primar,
tha Bible, and all the rehloles of knowl
edge, intelligence, seience, faith, mental
culture and moral consolation, are render
ed more expensiTO. by this 80 per cent,
duty, whloh is now a loes not only to the
Government, but to the entire oommunity,
end a benefit only to the “Paper-makers’
AieoeUtian,” sin aooount of whloh combi
• nation we append, as given in a recent
number of. the New fork Etexixg Port.-
About a year ago the manufacturers of
• hue writing-paper met at Springbeldj Mas
sachusetts, andformed an _ association,
whioh determined that the price of |
Ing-paper should bo raised, and **ed the
for tbs future at not less than seven
tsesTcents for! flat eap, and twenty-Uve
cents for letter and note-paper. The prices
ranged before i from 9“??“
mufer the fast, and fifteen to twenty
fi« for the last. .
. This resoluUon worked so writ
eited so little comment or opposition—the
UWMts involved being comparatively
it seems to £
the manufacturers of prin'to«-pm.per to
follow the example thus set. Accordingly,
whioh met at ;the Aotor House in this dijji
and formed what is known as tho Pep* l "
/ u.v.ri 1 Association of the United States.,
At this time there was no scarcity of rags
__the price of paper stock was moderate,
and the prioe of paper was in proportion.
At this first meeting, wh are informed. a |
prominent manufacturer offered a roaolu-
SonTthat all the mills owned by members
he nntat once on half time. We can see
totone objeotln such a measure: tocreaU
c sudden and artificial scarcity of £!*>*■
ihleh would enable paper-makers to in
oieaee thtir prices, while at the mme Ume
rasa being in less demand, woiddprobably
tSUprii. Thu. a double W* wg*
Im cMurtid to tlrt membtf* of whot wo wiU
poteaßa “combination.” ThU resolution
m not carried, some members .refusing
tbjdr aeeeut because they had «ntraoU to
gUrtich required them to work on fuU
Hr* watt EF*
should b* wU • .i.vtxm n«ti> for tho ;
dotlon." Tin mooting odjoorned; •““*
mbs oflonioon tho prlco M** ]J**
M(*id U (bii. MPIT tbli dv
wgl% tta*tle to got ordcn filled on thol d»y,
aZ M»t »t U>« rtTtaoed prioo. . ,
* Aithcpope* objecttothoonrf
tho word ‘‘combination” wo will not apply
«T»ii thii moToment wbloh. wo baTO jolt
Tht pablio mop on Ita own
ttt thC Pittff. .
' wTrtccntW sUted thnt that vu no
tb* next morning, and atonce the rag-1
dealers East and'West, anticipating a rise |
in the price of their commodity, refused to
name the rates at which they would sell:
and the market thus tampered with, it is
not strange that rags at once rose to spe
culative prices. '
At present, and by the action of this
association —which we are very much tempt
ed to call a “combination” —it is probable
that most of the smaller paper mills in the
CDuatry will stop work and be crußbeu.
This, of course, only strengthens tbe
wealthy members of the association, who
will thus be rid not only of foreign but of
home competition. And it tbe
more neotsary that, Congress should at
onoe declare foreign paper free of duly—if
not permanently, then at least 1 for a certain j
period, say a year. v .■
■ Meantime monopolies are like pigs swim
ming; they cut their 'own throats. The
state of things the association has brought
about, has revived many old inventions for
making' paper out of other materials than
rags and there is a prospect that by next
June or July we shall have a supply of
straw and wood paper, of good quality and
in sufficient quantity to fill the market and
bring down prices. There is a difficulty
about the straw paper, and that is the'ex
istence of conflicting patents. Capitalists
do not like to “bring lawsuits.” We no
tice, also, that the owners of most of the
important straw paper patents are mem
bers of the association. But it is now
proved that paper can be. made of wood;
and it is a fact that straw and wood paper
ean at tide time be produced by those who
have the requisite machinery, at nqt to ex
oeed eight cents per pound; but this is sold
in the market at from eighteen to twenty
The heavy boilers needed for^ preparing
pulp from emir end wood require time to
meke. end workmen in iron ere ecerce just
now. Bnt wo underetend that e lerge
number of mills here ordered such boilers,
end thet in e few months the publio msy
hope to be independent, with the help o
Congress, of the “Paper linkers’ Associe
tion of the United Btetes."
UABOM with Cam ad a.—A striking illus
tration of the loyalty of the Illinois Legis
lators was given on Friday. In oonse- I
qnenos of the defeat of the Canal Enlarge
ment bill in Congress, resolutions were
| adopted authorising the Governor to send |
commissioners to the Canadian Parliament
I to ask for improved means of transporta-
I tion to the Atlantic. Such an act is strict-
I iy forbidden by the United States consti-
I tution, but the copperheads do not know,
lor do not care for the restriction. .
Tn* Paper Dutt.—The lobby of paper 1
manufacturers, we learn from Washington,
are operating all round. The Committee,
of course, receive their first attentions; j
I but “mere members" of either Uouse are
by no means neglected. Lord Brougham,
in one pithy remark, furnishes ‘an answer
to the selfish and unreasonable demands of
these gentlemefc: “Taxes on paper, gentle-
I men, are taxes on knowledge."
The Beifn of Terror la »he South.
The Btate of Mississippi is now con
scripting ail between the ages of forty anil
sixty. In North Alabama end Mississippi
Union men were being hunted by oaralry
end bloodhounds, end by the letter animals
women hed been tom to pieces. Mon sus
neeted ol Union proolinties were shot
down, end their houses burned orer the
heeds of their families. Men, women and
children, fleeing from their barbarous
persecutors, hed reached Corinth, end *
ceired protection from Gen. Dodgo. Union
men from Alabama end Mississippi were
enlisting at Corinth, and a regjmmt was
I being formed which already numbered orer
six hundred. Bebels who had left Mem
phis for the dominions of Jeff. Daria, were
returning to that oity for safety. A reign
of terror, such as his Jew parallels in the
history of the world, prerailed “» Mmsi»-
sippi and Northern Alabama. Neighbor
was arrayed against neighbor, and no one
suspected of Unionism was Hmth
llrm This is the way in whioh the flouth
Is “united as one man.”,
are men and newspapers m the who
sympathise with this rebellion and talk of
the tyranny of the National Oorernment?
The Metropolitan rs. Negro l ioopr. I
A Washington correspondent of the New I
York Commercial writes: I
I A pro teat has been forwarded here by a
large P number of the officers of the 24 Me
tropolitan Police regiment of New York,
now° stationed at Baton Eoa S ß !,. a ß*' D ” I
their being compelled to eerre with the Sd |
SSS raiment, Of which .11 the men
and a portion of the officers are negroes or
mulattos.. One negro ranks aa_ captain,
I and thus has the Tight to demand a, salute
from the white lieutenants, sergeants and
1 prirates, whioh the Metropolitans complain
Per. centra, it is understood that an offi
cial statement hta been sent here by Bng.
Oen. Bowen, now Prorost M »r“h»lofthe
Union forces in ths Department of Loniei
ana, which shows that Owes complainants
■Tit but little consideration. Some of
them are beUered to hare encouraged de
sertions, and aside from the question of
oolor. the 8d Louisiana leJesoribed as in
ererj.way superior to Metropolitan.
Tiract Mqm OcXAX leOS-C&ADS TO be I
Brai.—ln a few days proposals will bo ]
luncd for the construction of Uiree enor
mous ooesn iron-olad men-of-war, simUar
to the Direotor and Puritan, nowin course
of construction. They »>ll be oTer
hundrrd feet long, and much more fonnid
able than the Wamor or the Qlsire. The
lroh armor on the turrets wilt be no less
than fwo feet thick, and the outside bow—
whioh will be of iron—will be as sharp “
theblade'ofaknife. The battery will sur
bass anything hitherto eonoeired..« pres
ent indications can bo relied on, ordnance
neoble will be able to oast a twenty-inoh
SSS Whioh can discharge half a ton weight
ofiron at a single shot. Two or more of
there will bo on board. As the crushing
/T™ of a 460-pound ball is nine hundred |
o™ the effeot of the future emmanitlon
ma? be imagined! New York being the
only place'wherejwork of saoh magnitude
i coidd be performed, it is safoln
» some of our contactors will iaTothenew
craft on the etoefce before July* Suoß Tep'
sela cannot, fcowerer, be built in leei tnan
• year. .
Remarks of Hon..R.
Ob tbs MU •atbMUing a «ol»cri|>iicm *®vboo<ii Jj
413,300,000 to th» IHtcMi canal, and to
enlarga th- 2*«w Tork canal*.
Mr. MeKnight. Mr. Speaker, at thie late
itage of the discussion I eheiltrespaes very
briefly on the patience,impatience, of Aka
House.' I have not felt content to alt passive
wyie a scheme involving an expenditure of
such magnitude was being forced through.
The Bouse cannot forget that even a portion
of this glgantio job, that it, the lUlnoli canal,
found little favor at the last session, and era*
unceremoniously tabled. But now, elr, when
onr national outlay ia even most enormous
Asoinzn Vnin Bunnn.—The British I
brig from New York, which ar-1
ri.ed at Aspinwall recently reporta that on I
Tneedsy, Jan. 27, in the afternoon, ehe eaw 1
a ship on fire 20 miles south of San Do
mingo. The Teeeel homed all night. Be
fore dark a steamer wee seen leering her.
Next day at 9 o’olook.a. m., -the captain of
I the Hannah eaw , banting fragment!' of the
■hip floating a: little way from h.m. H
I being palm, the brig could not get near the
1 burning TcaeeL _
It hiring been frequently reported to ;
Qen. Boeecrnne Utit Confederate eoldlere
ivproioh our line* dreeeed in our tutt/orme,
Spoilt they hire ippeered
end hire thus, eir»ge-like, o »iTled our
colon to deoeire u
General thit none eo dreeeed ehiU reeetre,
vhen eo raptured, the righto of pri»°nerß
Jf end thit, in bittlej no quitter be
ciren ttem. When raptured eingly, or In
nuede, prowling ibont our llnee, they ere
tobedeemed ie eplee, ind treited icoord
jpglj. \ •, - • ---
Tui nroperty of the Into Nio J:° l “jf
--.j, cifldnwUi* i» Tiiotfd it
SS&. of delUrs. mostly landed esUto.
Mr. Longworth nerer held office, ind would
nerer concent to be i emdidite for iny
’ pelittml ititloa. ...
tti»D at that time, entailing Taetljr increased
bntdeni on ail onr people, we are met bp a
bnge log-rolling , lohame, combining tha
enormity of the tael session with another—the
enlargement of the Erie osnal.
Onr Illinois brethren, by plowing with tho
New York heifer, hare drawn to their aid
New York and .Hew England. At the sup
port of tho New York delegation, especially
if these along the line of canal, and those in
the vioinity of New York city, whose com
merce it to be swollen by the contemplated
improvement, I am not so much surprised ;
but that New England, honest, virtuous,
thrifty, • economical, Puritan New Solano
- should be so far swayed from her propriety
and her legitimacy as to favor this extrava
gance, doss excite my “special wonder.
I hive regretted, Mr. Speaker, that!hedis
cussion could not bo oonduotedwithleis
acrimony and bad temper.- I am willing that
gentlemen shall advocate their favorite meas
ures on this floor with all the earnestness of
which they aro capable, under the presump
tion that they are actuated by proper and
patriotic motives, how muohsoever I may
Seem them mis liken in their stetoimanshlp.
leaving them responsible to their consciences,
their constituency, and posterity. .
Tho champions of this measure profess
themselves surprlsod at the violent opposition
it has enoountored; and yeti •**».’?*!. **
full extent of the soheme involved f On the
teoe of the bill, nearly seventeen million dol
lars are ippropriated i and yet I presume not
one member think, thta sum afftqneta for the
ende proposed. Nay, sir, Ido not think that
t»io» levenUen wlli mffioe.
But I oppose this wild venture not alonobe
oauseof theexpease, but for its impractica
bility, SO far as it oouoornj the great purpose
for which it it alleged these canals are'to be
made. Its friends and advocates say it is a
military necessity—a phrase need to oover
many a flagrant act 1 So far as tho New York
branoh of the soheme goos, 1< we could at
onoe. on the passage of the bill, as with the
enchanter's wand, open this oanal for the
passage of onr gunboat! to tho takss, it “'g* l *
bo” worth, ofson.lder.Uon. But who does
not know that years must past before we
could reap the benefit of the enlargement? so
that for the purpose of the present war it
would be entirely useless; and if it be pressed
as a measure of preoauUou for future wars, I
take it we had hotter pottponeall.worksof in
ternal improvement, of merely prospective ad
vantage, untU tho restoraUon of peace, "hen
we shall have more leixure and »
chequer. Moreover, the argument that, in
case of a war with England; ouronl, reliance
for the protection of our lake towns and ship
ping must be on gnnboats forwarded from the
ocean through the New York oinel.deet not
that in such
an event we win need all ourv.ueUofwer,
hud more, to protest our coast and shipping,
I cannot overlook the other fact, thal even'f
this Ship canal were completed to a depth
sufficient for the passage of gunboats, it U
liable to be dosed with ice (as admitted by the
gentleman from Eew York, Mr. Ottn) for
fome five month, of the year, perhaps the
very period when we should most need to use
it, if we depended on it for the protection of
our lake loins. And after ail, in case of war
with Great Britain, and tho sac dwaslnfull
operation, the advantage to either country
would greatly depend on the first.incursion of
a marfuding band which •hould ssl.s and
blow np one or mora loeki on tha Maw x or*
or Canada oanals. For my own part, Us .case
of war with Great Britain, I would much more
depend on the oourage and dash of a regiment
of Now York volunteers, led, perchance, by one
I of the gallant New York colonels new before
me, for the obttruoUon and destruction of the
St. Lawrence or Welland canals, then “n_th.
efficiency and practical benefit of the New
York and Erie canal.
The fact of being prevented by oor trestj
stipulations with Great Britain from building
vessels on the lakes in a time of peeoe, need
not and should not prevent our Govsrn
ment from building iron vessel. •«•*»«
points, say Boston, Troy, Albany .New York,
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, or fit. Louis, "hence
shay could be taken apart, transported, and
refitted, on all the lakes in a very short time.
Even now tho United States iron •taemet
Michigan,made and constructed in Pittsburgh
in 1833, and thense eonveyed peaoemeal to
Lake Erie, is doing service at a reveou. Cttt
teron the takes; whUo many of the heavy
plates used in the oonstruoUon of our Iren-
Mad navy are made in tho same city of EltU
burgh, and thence carried to any point on the
sea-board. What has been done can be done
again, and even with greater faculty, by rea
son of the railroads now connecting the At
lantic, tho Hudson, the Ohio, and the Mittls
issippi with aU points on the takes.
The Illinois canal portion of this scheme
baa even leia merit than the one I have thus
■o brlfij diseased. For, beiidai eoettag so
much more, it is deemed by many wise and
prudent men, if not totally impraotloable, at
least a wUd and visionary experiment. In
addition to tho fact of the obstruction for a
long period of the yeat of both the lUinota
and Mlssisslpl rivers by ice, it is weU known
to western men that often, for four and. five
months ih the year, they ate only navigable
if at all, by boats of tho lightest draft, say
two or three feet. So that, between lee in
winter and shallow-water in summer, vary
litUe reliance could bo placed on those riven;
and the profligate expenditure of millions in
such a sloogh would, after all, but ptaee the
Government, a. well ns the rash edvoeata. of
this bill, in the unpleasant dilemma of hav
ing gunboats which could never reach and
p£,‘the canal; else, if they did, they could
Sot survive an hour la • to* •‘““i * do "ot
wonder the gentleman of lUlnols .[Hr. Kel
logg] did not answer very positively to an in
□airy on tbit potato . . , .
’ Ai i vu meaiare, therefore, thta ioheme
bM no merit; end eren m e commercial bwi
ure, if I were looking for n profitable invest
ment I should prefer to omit the western
branch of this grand projeot if I hoped for
golden returns. . , , ,
If, as Is argued, New England desires to
reap the beneflt of the large canals in the
greater flow and cheaper rates of western
breadstuff. needed for her consumption, why
should not New England capital prosecute a
■work whioh, from thetr own showing, prom
ises suoh rich returns, both alimentary and
pecuniary ? Who shall say her nay ? Way
should the tax payers of my State and Ohio
and Kentucky and Indiana and Tennessee,
pay for what does not concern them?
Mr. Speaker, when thegoatlemen from Illi
nois, [Mr. Kellogg,] with his oolleegue, [Hr.
W ashbnrne,] denounced the tariff as oppres
sive to Illinois, and merely for the beneflt of
Pennsylvania, he seems to have forgotten
who wore hisohiof coadjutors end main hands
at the present log-rolling. Else it was rather
unkind, while tolling and puffing at his end
of the log, to be crushing the toes, and Stag
ing taunts in the faces of New York and New..
England at the other end. Does he not know
that these States have more interest In the
tariff than Pennsylvania ? Is he aware that,
that, even in some important branohes of iron,
manufactures, ~ castings, .oglnes, and ma-|
chinory, New York, according to thetastoen
sus. is ahead of Pennsylvania? Whereas he,,
and other Western members, and joma from
New York, seem to think Urn pretention to
Iron inures to Pennsylvania alone- I t'ce'
in this, a word to the wire may be sußolflat.
Nor am I oblivious, Mr. Speaker, the
gentleman [Hr. Kellogg] l«, that on the pas Sr
age of-the present tariff bill in the lastGott
gran that v»ry gentleman,by hU aarawt
eloqaent appeal*, not mpae eed Ib ardor JJ«
vehemence by hit spaeoh on tho prownt Mil,
: induced tho House to increase tha tariff rata*
i on pots and crooks for tha benefit of f ome
i pottery in hi*‘district. And yat PaonajWa*
, nta hie never complained, nor tanntad him
1 with the heavy bnrdene thereby thrown npon,
I her ions. Iha raeoUeeUon of hli tnnmph
I should forever seal hie Upa npon the tariff
qaeition. .... .
The eame gentlemen, [Hours. Kellogg and
Waahburne,} inlhelr speeches, threw oat nn
merited-and ungracious filngi at tha Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, intimating. that the
Pennsylvania opposition tothta measure orig
luted from or was Ufloanead by aepaetal da*
votlon-to the Interests efthat eompeby; nor
would they yield me tha fleor for eomotiott.
I have ype tc leant of thePennsyitaata Ball*
road mating tha slightest suggestion la thli
matter, while I do know that tha company
hat had sundry oontrovenlee la Pennsylvania*
from which loiijeMou.lei have •g™*"';
whlchmay oftM effect the members from that
But* adveraely. ' , . .
Bat tbeie, gentlemen complain or
TUT*I reoeintl tl the ccmpany I eeh
have not bem wall earned ? Vi hat road
ba?carried mere, troop* and ““ nUio “‘ “]
war, more tick aid woundod .oldiors, »ore
aorrowlng relative, going to “ d ™; n ™ ln|s _
from hoapttala t And jot.with "hat regn
laritj, IMod. uafn.domlromaoo.donL To
acoompliah ail till their rolling ttcek b«
been greatly tnenatod, at heavy •
the gentleman notdnot fear ‘hat .
revenue la to laat forever.; When 0
more and Ohio ralroed iaiopened to the. Ob
,i M - «• i. Tut faring don«, *« eD tb* 9
Mlaaiaalppl river la opened by tho stoht ann i
of their conatiturata, thePenneylvdma r
road wUI be bnt cno of many avenue* to the
tea-board, and ho profit* "ill bo reduced ao-
haltaa to a conclusion ; and to
iuwwte and vialonary aom.
of the advoeata* of thla aehome are, I recall
o'ne nimklf i.honc»ble g«‘>»““
Oblige, (Mr. Arna'd.)
SSSST through thla i .Xhanativ. war, A.
aoa ago. My friend moat thinkpub'Jc or «
la like a balloon, the more gold baUaat you
".charge the higher ( it win rue. W‘ "
and other friend* of.thi* meaaure take care
teat, by auoh wholeaale dlacbargef.ltehall
ri*. lo high at tobe loat to tbelr admiring
"Ajid, Ilka the buct— fabric of a tUIod,
Leave not a wreck behind.
Qubu Hootiahaa mndo ft demand
that he shall hate the powor of promotion.
It was granted, and henceforward both
offieers and prifitea trill be advanced on
the ground of merit.:
Ikj/ K ill —A awtlng o( the Bogw* of B«b»k»8
will U held in tn» lull, comer o I r<d. r »l .ed
Ho. SU. Member* of BUur Led fee, and th -“® ) r ib
mg n, ««!,. th,
U BUHKIHQB. Btcmtary. lell> .*L.
rr^NOTICB.—A fipeoinl Meeting ol
the Stockholder. of 0»» Wv.tarn Tra« frorU
at 10 o'clock a. m. t '
n. order of tha Frasldaat.
A.J. MoUQdr*l*t»e Secretary.
rs=-NOTica to mumbbiw of tuk
OIL EXOHJJfQB.—In necordenee wltti tb*
tmTbloßß of the €oa»tita'ioa, ooUcs U berrtj
clrta to ths oembek* ot the OU Exebaago fct “
Ltentlon to the ISth Section of tne Ootulttutiw*
Pit lUcbecge.
Th # TMth ADDOkI Otmioa b*gla» oo
Ei suirid. j™ nu*. b*« «' ™ u °'
*aai- »*• * , israftgffi!U
ILIOrION HOTIOS.—i» Bsctl.n tot
■mo Dinctors « th. I£ M
bald at their offloe la »rti» oa lm ia
Am* of Mi*>h next, at ten o’clock an* *
A- M.CjUluUltlf. BoertUrj.
ACT Oir AMMMBLY In relation to tba
time of boldine tka Annul Klsctlon of tba AUo
viJlAvßnilrond Gcanpanj, tba Stockholders.
tifild that wSSlon for OflUow, to
b. bdd .1 th. OOc.
Oil, ol pWu'.h, .«
TUIBDAI* hUtfl Hlh, lkta, si 10 o dock ism-i
"■ w f T, si o s- , r o TO" 00 • u
Fltttbargb, Pn., Jan. Y7tb» IMX j I
Stock and Bondholders of thU Company, for I
j ft'SKSM: 1
atock and Bond Transfer Books of tba Com*
doot. at tbalr o»e» In tba City cf Wtuborgb, and
Stu?T«ubf AfwcjUn tkaCUjot lUw Yotk,
I v 4ii ba elaaad oa ibilMh DAY Of fEBWAHfp
2? O.UI Ik. auk or fIMUUI
ItbtfMftar.. W. H. BABBEfI, flaerttary.
1 |iiS|tMl ■
Tb#y parity, ittongthon and larlgo-ai*. I
act om.
Thoyorarooawo&MUef dlaripatieo and lato boar*. I
Th« 7 atnaitbra lb* ijitasa u 4 nUm tb# ntfti. I
| ThMj pnmt nlamUo ud i&t*rsiltt«nt liTtr*. |
I Ttaoy polity tb* brtalh and acidity of ibo itomar-h. I
Thay con JDyapbpala and OoaaUpatloa.
I Tbaj con Dearth**, Chnlora ud Cholara Hot dm.
I fb«7 ecr* Ltrof OompUUi ud Noroona Hoadacbe.
I Tb*y art tboboatßUtawtotha world. Th*y soak* |
I tbo wok Has otrong, ud ir* eahaastod nrtw* • 1
| mat raitone. Tboy or* undo of por* Bt. CtoU
I Ham. too calobratod Oalkoyn bark* not* and botbo,
I and an takao with tha pteasor* of a btrerago, *ito>
1 oat rajard to ago or Uao of day. Fartlcnlttly ro
| ooßßtodod to dalloato panooa requiring *o«®*‘*«
I ■Umalant. Bold by a'l Qroror*, rray*taio, hoUb,
1 and Bobov. P. H. DBA** k 00., SOS Broadway,
I Maw Tork, jtkXm**
jtew AirrEtiTisEjaEJrrß.
r PAN YARD FORRKNT, looated near
X 8ooth“Boad, ArtMtro»t«Q«nty. ?*• Tor par
to JAWia W^IBUT,OO^.OI,O..
ate LP’Wtr itrt.t. Plti.barah. Pa
USX—Ua Saturday evening, lomo
wbm WtiM.nT.der.l »n 4 w.ihloiton .tro.!.,
Abljr...rd.t by twitD, It »t >h« OT
lessors bask Burs bivliw, ruta bu,
pitubowb. t,lo - n ~
ON BY, in auma of W<W> “ “P*
ward*, to lona oa approrad wal o*Ut# oocaruy
la tb* City of PittaDurgh. Applyto
9 *, H. JOBBe, Ooaooy*B® r »
So. tOb Booth llith atroot, PbiUddphU.
I W,OOO Ibi. Sugar Curod Ham*;
75,000 Bto. plain Hart}
110,000 Iba. Bhonld*r»; _
800 tldroM kottlo roadarad lurd;
1,600 bhta. Mom fork;
Of"*, »T%jwftS»^B!msu& u
h\T fctlltßlW Ltnrt. it. mw Wom.
Hnnt'i Union Stationery Portfolio*,
M KSYXLOPIS, *° weteh •
1 Ptß-HOLI SB |
AU .f .eptriw eflailty— WJBBAMTMP,
U3T Agrai. w.nt*d mryahw*-
vt imoti Hall, Font Sriiu*-
pordoMß, <0 Dtalorte
*M7 l
TT a.COLbKOIY)KBHA.I^-By/ 0 “-
tb* (ollowtrs artldM, via»
. I&SS.
Ond* Wi ■' ' ' •
I s tmall Iron Sank*, to*^».
»""• «->? 0D -
I 930 bbfi.JUfta*d Oil, la bbU.i (| ~
is gsas&ii.toj^ 1
SlrffSSL. in ltd, ccnUtntof too UmU
a«ai*B*BMd OU, (cooro or UHt)
1 Btoaai logtnoi _
s?ass!tisas&-^««* , »^
p, £SSS*‘
I hv>si'>NS TBS r&ACE, in
A J *llVcst. 1 n the maitsr o' ft
-iSJn tortw TMtIS *=.<*. P':‘ ,°’ *
£l!i «hieb bad bwn 1* d out at ho. 18. Joot Term.
i«iT ro» in the Boron &b of Macclmtar, ftt 80. S,
g£Xr A- D.US’-. «“**““«>“ Dod “ t -
Hlh A. D. lS»3,ti.
abot© petition prweo-ed »'d read in
trh.reoP* tb© Cbort, barlcg duly *»naMw**tha
p-ajar It tb© petitioner*, grant a ml© '
lowest d to appear and ©how-cants, if »nj * l *J
tor© «by tbo V"t» ° ? ,ald l ub . I: "j* 4 * f* ne , ati ®i ll fJ
and detSbrd in tb© p-thlon,*hjydnoibogoicdcp
l »nd racated on cr brforo th# 4TH .MONDkI Or
MABOH A- D. I?C3, and order and direct that tb©
Mid Sul© t» pnbli.hfd once a *eek fur four f eek* in
ih© Pittsburgh Prieklw Guzell* and- lipol Jc*r**l
cre'ionf to *ud fourtft Monday of lB6B, (tb©
t»©nty*»«ond day) atjraaaid.
By tb© Court.
f*>6:iaw An
E37A.TE —Bt eirtue of an cider of th® Or
pbana' Court of Allegheny county, mad® tt*
d«y of February, 1862, the tmda’algoeJi Execntw er
the lasVwlll and Teitament of EUaabetb McMnUln,
deceM»d, will expwe to PCBLIUBAL*, on BAT
UBDAY,-tho l4th day of March, 1853, at 10
a. m., on the premie**, corner of J<ck«n Mid Dim*
ion street*, Boccnl W«rd, Allegheny City, tbofollw*
i teg described; real • tale, the property o laldEllta-
Uth MoMuUU, deoeated, described ai folloen, ▼!*.
Beginning on the corner of Jackaon a*. d Dhiiioji
•treat, in the fcecoud Ward of the City of Allegheny,
county thence al. ng DWUion (now Beay»r)
■trees ncrthwadlt twenty-flye feet two inhf.totbe
oorctr of lot no. 2 In the hereinafter menttonadplen.
thocce along tho liaoof raid lot So. 2 wektTn»rdty
aUty eeren feet six incbet; thence »outberatdly
twenty feet two Inch-b to raid Jaction atreetji thence 1
along Jaekeon rtreat’eartwardly feet «U
inooei to Diti* on stmt. the place of btglnning, he
log lot marked No. 1 in S. 8. nhi.lda’ plan, a»d be
ini the aeme which war courejed to the eaW II »*
both McUclllo, »he decedent, by
and his wl'e by their deed dated Jane 23, I*4B, and
recorded n Daed Book toL 161. peg* 435. Thweis
erected on aald abore d»t»ribed lo* a Dwellin* Hcoie,
part frame and part brlok, two atori.e high, aleo a
* ioie 8t»blo. Tcrmic’ah. -
IikNBT e. ACKLEY, Ifxrcntor.
Plttaborgh. Fet 14,1*63. fr!6 B»dlaw»wT
-QRAKE'B plantation bittkkp,
W All ths *bor» for nil At
Hos. 67 and 69 Fifth Street, i
v rttACllVti HALhS
GOODS, 4c-, AT
Ac I un now cloilog up mr boil met, I •¥•*
dil attention to lb* loUowwffteck *f imnnnble
goodl, which it It tclleted will be loan 4 wortbjr tb«
i iooi MRoiUMst d jAOKI(Bi PAMTfI AJfD
nw&raiTo. nf*u» cat ini well Bto*.
okSib'and j wnf roßmsutsa ooop&
VTNC % HITS BHIBTB. from H S 5 to f * T 6;
OttS AsHmtl mbIWO 811818 AHD
Tiae Euc bb K H08B; Colton end
S?A2 W«UlV>ot£i4BlikBHlßTa * DBA.W
*M r« SA£»T£rs ol QLOVKS.TIXS, BOB
XMDICBB.BC. fltcteoi}Dt '
W- -sssa-te «■
lit T*<fet»l ctreet, AUotbwiy
flwyf'ei LtfartOMl, V
HsnUberg, febnury iatb,lB6*.J
The state medical boabd. of
TEHUBILVABIA will inert 1b PbUedeipblß
oa TUcfiDili March 3d, IM3, isd continue In
•lon daring ttc weeb, to examine jntdidetesfar the
m( of nealcal cfflccra in reinajlTaole be glment*.
KS np££tant of e nombar of bartons
will twtrqalred Immidleteiy to fid *ho recencies
bo* erirviOH, Sewell ss lor other* constantly op*
C of PennujlmnU In gcoi he»Uh» far
nUhlec tracer; teittmunlsls lor indastry* eobrteiy
end toj»lty»wfll be Bio iit.dto tne es*mlnst!on.
It la Imporuu titbat tee names be registered on the
first any of its mtetlng.
Bj «(Ur ol Kißo ,
1 Sotgeon Central Peeßsylrsnl".
Maks ual.'a balk of tue
to t dicresd on)«r ot tbs District t otut of tht DnltM 1
Attestor U# Western District sf Virgin!*, nadn I
writ of rradi io*i «*po»is lined tbsreander »nd to I
medlncted. I sb»H, on tbs 23dA»jr of I
F.bra.ri, 18C3.commencing soldsets at 1
in tbo lor* noon,sell tbs steamer BEH. ***JJE L *JM
her Ingtoe*. Mschiosrj, f unitors.TscWs mJ
laulpment, ss iso bow lies to tbo p»tt of Wheoungt |
ft u>" pobilo landing ot tfco Mid dtp ol WbwlUjj,
upon too following lormo, to wit: One-ttraith in
OMli.ood tho lemeind.r of tho pnrchuO monip In
two «in»l Initelnrnti, pipable In long Md light
mm.hi, with tntemt Itom tho dnw of «*le, the pnr
cbnaor oiling b.nd-, with poiooul eicuiitp, to bo
ooprorod bp me, for Iho de'.omd lnitolUnonti.
1,1 G: St 3 nDWABP M.BOitTOHJ MOtoboL
.OSLT 25 CaitTA
IMf. A..WABB, Broil*
hfeir fmMi JTo.M./loedjcfoebowßiiwJSl. JMdj*.
In hlo tocoterp from eeoero l.licol, would oxprwo to
tho to who hoTo'oo hlndlp waited on him h'l gratrhil
■cknoeledgmrnta, end inform ihem that „,J !
bo offired-ongogomonto in n fow doji,.■ Bowotud. ;
0100 ombroco tho preient opportunltp of informing
oil who mop hertofmr think proper to omplop him,
•hot hi la determined In no Ino tone* tobo omplojod
bt «oeld mp.cifaU jisnder bis fatur* serf lets.
■V Office soars irom 9 a suuntil4p.n».
frlftsodtf ; • 1 '
L" athKNaLikkvknUK.— rerhongin-l
tinted will ploooo toko notice thot Lhotpro
oeleod'lrom Iho Aeeeeeorof tho SSd Collection Blo
trlct of Penntjleonio, o Hot of looobbo under the |
Indio Low, for tho montbo of Noeombor ond Do
combor. which to popohlo wllblnjteu dope from thlo
dole. I will recoloo tho tux ot mp emorn 80. JT
TUDBTH STBBBT, from tho Uth tothoUd Inot.
Alter thnt pitied 10 per conlnm will t»oddidon 01l
diiiooßtsUi ** JOHH sBU| r
feldJld Collector Bld Dletrlcl, Pn.
Pimmoiii Pa.. lebroarj I*. 1865. f |
Ist. Tbs uodenigued bsreby sin mss command of
tbs troops la Pittsburgh. ' , . '
2d. All officers and men on furlough, orksTs, nr*
Tirlog In tbs city* srs rtqnlred to report at tbs office
si the Profost Marshal. . ■ , '
Bd. Bek and wounded men. not onferlough, srs
rnnlrsd to report at onea t> U« Army Burgeon in
tbtectlf. J; L; DOK AXifaoli.
loliat. Oolo« Qusrtsrnutsr 0. 8. A*
■fclflmV----- 1 • Commas dlsg.
J roodehdferoelebp
v ;- Ws4 i ! ; fv ;;|;.
p 1 A L 1 BB
No*. 17 Mid M Fifth Btr<x*
jjtwrt wp^hm*,
BIAS, BOABrB, •SfSnß6TAßßß,caliM>a*»
WOOL; e,c<X)lfc#. ‘***
to inlTk
SS" b LSvTSowm
gyJi.,rinDlJßß. KUHH wto !*»*■> ■“•«■"•
H, B.—A cho»» ■■ortnwat 0 1
Staple Dry
_ «ntt«
k t *boU—fronfr-
~-jy r c °RM lc & * GIBSON,
UuuCutnrtii of
lead pifb.
sheet and Bab lead,
And d»!«t»
Fig Lead,
Blook Tin.
Patent Shot,
Bnvznr Haim a*® Btcahoba,
Thto batUa (Antbtam) hat been th* ®**t tMlttl
nary of the waTf and the only one fought with rldblo
dtalgn ui upon military prtndplaa. The arreagv
drat *1 onr oon»-th* drtrloaltog petition id tht
commanding General-tha tending Into radon ‘h*
tight ud tha bit diriiinna—tt* doting np of th*
eratre, and flnml tucoeat—excite* bewildering admi
ration) nnd Carrie* the mind to th, great Wdtol
Anitarlita nnd Wagramt fought by Kapolaon. ■ 01 tU
tlUn hot* 1 tpoken. thihaarthtotoryofreeliaoon
flict,'parchaaed by tha lilt end Mood of tntnty lion
trad men, mnit bo round in th* hotpiub. War hat |
iu gbriea-bnt it hra 1U tra thonrand demon* to |
Ultra human torture*, that make tht aja-balb aeh*
:_U» heart h'.aed—tht Upa paby, and Ota hthta reel.
: Tht tight b at gret pcaltiraly unendurable. Tha
- Üb-hlood of torn* b tun trfokitog awty in attrat
calmntaa— .nhQa tht dbrarared llmba and manlao
hiain ol other* glta rba to aoundt God grant I may
not again wltneu.
Bat ye mother! who hare teak a eon—or witaa a
hoahand —or alitara a brother—or aona a- bthar—
know and baeonaobd that area here'the hand *1
man* li watchful, and bettor can to h-tiw«d o*®
jour loved onM than might at firrt -eta po-lhto.
It waa la the hcapltal, when rented ** U “ t 1
Hooker, that I learned tha htotory of thcie W IUc * 1
irorda ao oftan oeea ul ao Ultto uadelitoqd. “8.1.
- iam T •• anythin* alleviating lha mlfcrlnfl
and uvlng tha Uvea: ol our eoldlen, li a naUat^l.
blearing. I witneeeedeomeaaUinlihlngr—ulntt^o
IfcUertlde.. ; ' j
It la well fcaewa the effect of born! fo»p*w4»
end excite—ant la thint, which addad to to- o^
blood la tha wouadad, oraat— tha naeotoltj of a
nvlrlng itlmalant. jin thtoi particular hcapltal, the
phjrictoaa warn allowlak th-Jr patient. to drink
Plantation Bitten, olherwUecalled S. T^lStO— X,
and although tha wopndad an —cat nuneroua bdn
thto dlrialoa having epenad tha fight at 6 In tha
morning— tha man warn moetlj ootnpoeed, and thtra
waa reef little hinting. Thaarticla icta upon tha
.tqmecb and name In a moit Inooinpmhenilbto
ouan—«np-lor tojhnndy, and without iuhaatnaut
Mcpe&lngnncUonJ It originated la tha Wert la
dl«h cotnpoaad of thf cadahfrtad Oaltoajaßark, Booto,
HertSvde., all pmenred la fit Orolx Boat—tha 8. *.
_UOO_X beta* Btocretlofredleiit, net yetiere*!-
•d to the pabUo. Ittoprtadpelljreceiuwnaeifor
tut ot appetite, dleordexed llWi Intermittent
la ran, atomachto ilßculiiee, do. I uadantaad It
wo faown in Um BoothernfiUtoe pcerl
otutothew»r,and ittppeimta •*«#* of Je«w»
D»rt* rectotlj applied .tojthe proprietor* toe
pririUf to Bike It for pmpoeee dnrin* the
wer* to which they medetbe followtoff reply t
SnrtoUi JtilMhtUtt.
Hr... i \AgmitytiU.:
gim—la reply to your oomiannkattoft» cflor*
ingjiis “ Illty ihouaaaddolUre for the ndf* dad'
tight to thaPlantatiMi Bitters for jour hoop**
t 4 pure run daring thewar t H wo beg to aay» poo
prioo to a liberal one, conelderlftg it would coatus
nothing to ooaply* tad that otherwise tot eta dtriro
ao nmu ftom?the Southern Stoteat batrir.cwr
dattoo to oat Government, tad oar Ideas of coiils
tencj, would not nllow ue to entertain It, although'
It might plane us to amigo the suffering* ofyoari
BUgaldodfoUototnJ 'Wensuln, :
Tory respectfully pour*, •;
, p.a.Dß4M*9°* i
ThttT geatlemau glee the htotory ol eertafo la* ]
grtdtoota of their article for erm two hundred jto"
—ihOwing that j through oil chanpe of tha
ptofttolon aad lta precUttontie, rtreagth, compoeare,
tad eheerfnlnees ban h£«n dertnd from these. 1 ,
wsmnm. Dr. Woods, la the Washington Heepitato,
informed me that one patient wt» foot itahlag and
•raij, aad had not atopt an hear for two weshi,nnt!l.
the Plan tattoo Bitten came to hto tawwWg*|Wltoo :
one day's irtol grro him a night's rest, aad be torn
now feet xeoorering. i I am surprised ou*Gcswn
meat has not e*aiU*d Je#wroo ©arts tn
adopted thia inTaluabk article la all our hostel*,
n. »..v Mfolenollatth It llhe a brother., ha a
udoflbcdi mbcauarfiruA llfc
•tit triad. Bocoaaalo th* nutation Wttm
tla aromdad. patriot th» daad. to.
' fcj Imsodltaa . : ~ !'
D 1 K H ri.ANTAi.IUN BlTl'Kllß.
raSurs slabtmioh nuns.
I I 808 BAM BY
tHB iBBAT f 88808
lurtnUd *ad prrptrtd t>J*a eminent
pbbsoh phtsioais, ;
j-- ‘ A gredottl of tbs
isd prutitiiur la lb* BOIAL HOBPITAM OY
Tbit Pill contain* no lajarlw* draft, Ini Übtm.
povndtdof !-‘
Bjr * proofs* Brown oily to lbs In motor, Prtf. ».
®Si**ttK?oa tb* ““
Onw mi Aot* art rttastUt
I buiMnof !tb*steatite tb®r«Wr
onus aadlamtbtß I" S~S£r«f
Tbls vOTIs. tt lit nasst Impd"** PttttJHJ** 1
lt»tmtj«rcq»o«ptloß.(bit w»J«“ " rtcsUoa.
fsanbr tkat,) nad eta b* Übta wtlb tbtmtrt
P Wb? taSKtar bit attA IbltPtU U bfr
pmetje. ia ertr *.OOO ct*rt,«adalw*l> wilhtb.4^
«.H.¥ftUKH* L . '..-I
. p.Otßa^fttUteik,^
Banal to mad In a mourn •adstftatt*
*l4, carwUpt of oo* dollar for Hagfe hex*
ilaUtai rtrirtlj nsfldnllil. ; .
> .WM-Hnyo^
* Ilf*"-
THIS (TrodjJ) STXBISS, Job. Mtb,:*»*
#m ti» iwwatti,
ro : | ? iCHfTXl--
ByttayT'.'.'.if y
1/ - • . 7 fco cosdad* with
I MR. JT.jfE. JtPbbX'OVGU,
HftTloc arrlnd in tb* city, beg*\«nT» to InfaraiVte
I pabito that be will ptwence the worM«ftaowned
1 KMttA’* Ot , | !
Tie Bliti of Cnpld in the Bower of Ferae,
Pronounced Jr. «b® «4>» P"« 4® !* ~
mu wtmc Wluiwoo. Tbo Urt great mu,
I tcfeiber with Che ;
Hefiag b*«n btonghtlrcm rtiltfelpWi
■ii oriu to Jtr. foil ttnugib to tbo <** ® ! ‘
; LOITI ridfcGH,
Tbo colibratid Confelont.;
S&r?. l i™ .3
i &Si 8 K S^ n A»« SOTSSfe*
*R>!£BsoH .111 ■.«.«*»,‘W* «•*
do?l» iu o“,ln.l obwoctor of ■•« ". PLUTO* U»
*„“hi ot Bo.’o BoWUou B.ogL.«r^
U- u .ot, ,o.n< Lu 11.., to toll cottomo. I®? 1
indent*.- W
i WmißEttl-AT, Mth Wj
Bex Bi»e«t too* og»°® . •'
Monday Evening, Etb. let*.
il G3*Hl>
?iZ‘™UTS°S™?*Z ,h° I .& •
“filßSlrxtP £!fwf u‘.‘ulltuolob «M
I D. O'HMI— J.W.HOLDOS-ipnt. '
» OiSM. Boot open »t To’dodu
■SsHa**** - —•
| t Ooß^fttiOgOt*
THOHB, Aa**k
jT* atfirvlftnn >hi nan- bom W#fc
“ n Sa,7fr»m 9*.m to 9 p. m.. at it* *oo*o*.
woa.—Un TUMDAY, Mft. ljtb. At 10 o ctodt
. -Via BMd 7K o'clockp. m., w.ll *••»». »t
Dmrtl “muS. a ten eoo.lgDm.o«
if loosed hint olothlni, in goal ecniltion »«d »»-
JJartlfc eioiy ~l«T ? r ““’VSf:
! «uh u doth *nd 0««lni«W Arock *nd ■ Bt*to**f
s££i“ F And too J OuAnm nn»i
'dxecdtors 1 balk of bxooKaf-
Pj j>B TDttDAY'hYfiNISG* Feb.- 17th, at X%
fASI wttt b»sold, it the Co miner cUI f ale* Bo 3“%
Ka!^tViftkitxMlt fir orfef-ot Jobo ko.M tw®*
gtewarti Thomai Seotf, fwl i
MolSSl?lKS2.*»Ui‘al»etaM» IWuayKortl
m da . CtUxeni Benh Stock; : -
1*132 do F«s#i. Cmtnl BiUroti Ca
| 100 do Au.ghosarOM to. -
100 :do V<tpi<Tu)kXi»iir*ixe» 00.
I 30 do- Birmingham Bttege 00.
I gg 0 Bor*htrft LlbtrtHn Bridge Co.
I ioo do illesb*ny V*£#Jb- B» °°» st2 * k la.i
1 1 w do' PUUbtr.hAUobiiell.tmt i B. T B- > Oc | .p
I 6J do Fliwtorilr aßuobeuTlll* &.&(«•
I udo Mechanics’ Banltffitoch; . •
I 10 d) a ll *!***”? Su*pen*ioh tollgo Stock;
I 23 do Bank ;#tooit
1 a do Bank ot Hi titwgh Block;
I 8 do Iron City sank pMO*; .
I «0 da L Allt*a:aplist;*»* l “» r ® tl i p ??>.
a.* 0 AtUaUapßat^C.,^
rifirikVtOl.D' FUBNITUKS, Mtß-
iat hktlO o'clock. atHo. 71 Irfberiy »tr»*W
muFbelold?* of Hociehold Furniture be*
SbaSa W a tamUj learlng tbo city. cowptUlng.
flSrfioaiCbaffi/do dayiraai;‘4jteUJJoUßeat
Wnlant What-Kot; Maboganr
iSiSSSmeaaiiMaxbUTep tier TabU*, W*rd-
pel Back; targe Bet* teat! c s? ir » , ‘.?22*.
Son Chaim; Mahogany lacking d ; HocMog, UaM£
*£andSnaabc*Ohalrr,nueweed.and Flam Wufc
Mtandi. Ccntage; French BfgVand; **?*' B **T.
•teed*; Tablm?Clock*, Vfork fiundh Fanor aed
I chamber F*&d»ii, *Uttra'»e«, >eQltl*n awl BbM
I Blind** Aitckon »nmt«nie; Utemlte, do.
31)MINIdTRA101ib’: SALE OF
nYMBIhG, Febi 19tb. at 7H o'clock, Witt b# ertd,
altha Oumm*rcl*l uu iiooent* ho. M Fifth nueal,
bydid*r d( J*o. bcandr, idalnlitraumof WliUam
I Br., laUol lAlttl* Beater, bavr*noaOo.i
; d *baz*a AU»ghmy Saving* Bank;
H dOL cUUen*Bankbt«»o« •
1 1 Aiieatay Ooonty Uonpon Bond for la-
I nett»t£*P«ttsnnrgtk At^nnolUTllleß.lt*Co. ">
I |v6 ahamo FUtninrgh, Fdrs Wajco a Chicago BhS».
I lort Wajns h Chicago Ball*-
I *g« >at * l ‘ T **"* V. 1. a. PATIAAart.
SSI iljde't'.ceb, *Ulb» aold. *tlb. Comjwda
S£sE»2i,H<>.4 puih itrttt.fjr.axsoaiabss^
“diuiiAlhSttd «cb.) Ai'wbmrOoaag.
to ib. §;«“^ v g°^r
B IBABCH K 018, >,...
Ohamlctmet rhumoefc, .
TTNITKD states hoksks-AT
i*ih iilOo'oloob.' iroatof lb*
I jxtAmr of J L BooaWwni'Cfoot. CoL and Q.M.I
puns nadlnd (* psbUo *llllo*.
jiffy* i i. a. Pavia, aboi.
jjtl BOOT* clcelug oat *t * p«u ■*cria«> l to m*ba
'reoufctat* *oodfc al(llouC*iiLAßDfl,M JTißb.
ISSalMucaUßa. ?■ I - M*
ttknky OvHAJjB a cp.|; v.
: tmiiiinn *r*'“**■> '
Merchant Tailors*
.■ Il; ij ; | ii^oo».i«edhrU**b«it ; "J ?■::
WMek In utlmtiPhoto. taatriad pka«flloo»
nnfcmliUt «iA la tha tn<k eoafitP
Im ■!> tli, BMMtaaß cart m,awtofjß>noh ,
j ° t * >tH £ oMgnt1 jrtt lB ; ■ ;
Al»,U»Urp«t »tt4 ttookofOood*
loe wi»«ml*ou<ht to ihi»*MTfcrt* :
UfcairittftTtrycbotMMtoctloiiof _ > v
_; i 4. QMWR ununititoio.mK)M, v >
i iort«"tiitn)«tUto oii 'an
•; i oo*. o» rant * sr. oiuu* wbub*
I : «*iq | >. •: '
f v