W: ' Frauds spaa the Government . The Committee of Congress appointed to ~ -investigate the matter of the charter of ' transports for the Banka Expedition, have ~ brought to light "some astounding abuses and bands. , * It appears that on the 20lh of April, • 1881, OspL Bichixd F. Lores was ap . pointed Auiitmt Agent of ihe War Depart ' matbgi. Edoas Thokmos, Prctiiento/ tit Fmuglvmtn Bmtnai Cmpmg, as Ur. Thomsos himself ssys in the pretended commission under which he u ln ac eordanee with the snthority "rested in me bp the Beexstarp of War.” The Committee remark that thep “arW unablo to say bp virtue of what law an 'Assistant Agent of ‘ the War Departmentfwas appointed, or howtheeppoinUagpower earns to be ■j lodgedin thehands of the President' of the ’Psaasylveain Bailroad Companp. ; i. w . Ti&2 commission was reroked in May, 1861,'by J. Edoas Tboxfsoi, who inform ed CapbXo'nn that he had been noUfied ; by the Secretary of Wsr (Ur. Camxsos) of the appointment of Ur. Jobs Tucxxn as "United States Transport Agent." Ur. Tnoxrsox then wrote a letter to the Secre tary of War, stating that CapL Lott*, had . been "untiring in his efforts to serve the .oo on try. 1 ’ The more heavy operations of Capt. Lorra began with the appointment '.I of Ur. Tocssa as "United States Trans port Agent," and they hare continued without intermission doling the whole of -- Mr. Tocxxa’s two terms of office, first as ’ . Agent, and subsequently as Assistant Sec retary of War: Ur. Tncxxn employed CtpLLoris to "inspect and recommend” all kifids of vessels at Philadelphia, New York and Annapolis, for various services and expeditions, and CapL Lores pro! needed to charge from fire to ten per cent. >. commissions on the gross earnings of the vessels recommended to Mr. Tuceib for charter; pet ho assured the Conunitte that, - as he had money enough for himself and ■2., 'his children, he was “actuated solely by a desire to aid in crushing this 'ungrateful r ■ rebellion.’ ” Tncxxn, in his testimony, at tributes to him “greet parity and patriot - ism.” v.*.v -.v .• VV-V‘‘»' i'#" .:-V •Hf"’"! j. ; I: -iX ■.vr i ' v " .1 V ’X .it.*»••.» i. .• . y. :'C v.’.v.'iV,* - .XmS /UJvXv .«:•>’l |«gs*wr % ptr>' - • » (i»: : 's/. *• 7 •’*; ".. l'iufl.Vi',-,’|. ''o vl t. • •;,-i*;;, .xx-kV-;, ■;•'•'• ': ■;■?•; ;:;'■ slv. , r ■•'. : -h vi ',• -.'.Y!’' .1.7, : ■ V:': Y •■ •; -■ ■ • / I •' / -i ? • K... \J‘ fjittsfotrjjft (tetty.. MONDAY MOENINO, FEB. 16. It appears by this report that one Amass Hall, of Baltimore,' baa enjoyed the mo nopoly of chartering all the teasels the .Government needed at that port, and Mr. Hall seemed, to be folly aware of the ad vantages of | this monopoly. Ho vessel coold secure a charter of the Quartermas ter unless Mr. Hall offered it. Mr. Hall noted in the doable capacity of broker for the owners of the vessels, and as a sort of agent Of the Government. We have, now the three principal characters in the drama before os—Tuckke, Lopse and Hall. We now return to Capt Bonn's “efforts to serve the country*/’ ' Commencing on the 20th of April, 1861, to aot as* “Assistant Agent of the War Department,” he commenced on the same day to receive five per cent, eemmiaaion on the earnings of vessels chartered. by his agenoy. The first vessel he took up wss the steamer W. Whildin, April 20, 1861, owned by Anthony Beybold, at $175 per day/ (Senate, Ex. Doc. 87, page 2, 87th Congress, Second Session.) Mr. Bey held testifies that the Whildin. remained in the service under that charter to the present time, although her rate of charter was sub sequently redaced to $5O per day; the re ceipts of the steamer Whilldin, up to the timeofthe delivery of, Mr. Bey bold's tes ' tunoay, most have been somewhere be tween $97,650 and $118,925, on which * CapC Dopers commissions were between s4B9Band $5475. . Mr. Beybold chartered the steamer Express' to the Government, - through CapL'Loper, at $175 per day, the Star at $llO per day, and the John Tucker at£2oo per day, paying Loper five pier oent. on their grossreceipts. Through the same generous agency, Mr. Beybold ebar ' teredahe Diamond State (375 tons) at $2OO i ptr.day, the Swan (850 tons) at $2OO per day,! and the Gen. Burnside /400 tons) at ■ $BOO per day, Cspt. Loper himself being part owner of them. Mr. Beynold testifies ' that bis own receipts from these charters .... were about $llOO per day* or at the rate of $401,600 per year: Mr. Loper's com ' mission oflrßtr. Beybold’s boats , could not have.been.less than $20,000 per year; for, although he charged no commission on the three boats of which ht was part own ... tr f it must be presumed that the-amount wnieh he derived from them over and above a fair mercantile profit was at least < equal to five per eenh, otherwise he would • have charged the commission. If the Gov . ; enment had bought Mr. Beybold’s fleet at the outset, instead of employing Captain Loper to charter them, it would have saved an immense amount of money. We now notice a few of the transactions of Mr. Hsu, in whom the Assistant Beo rtUuyof War, Mr. Tcokxb, “express* muchcowfidenoe:” . The magnitude of his transactions may be inferred from the fact that 884 vessels were chartered by him, and 880 of them chartered under direction of Mr. Tucker, upon all of which Mr. Hall received, or is 4o redelve, a commissiou not less than five per cent* of thsir gross earnings. In some cases, -ihe; Committee say, they were, ten per cent." One transaction is given as cha . raetcHsUo of ihe business: Capt.Bioe char tered the steamer Cecil to the. Government, through Hall at $75 per day, although he had offered to Hall to charter her for $6O per day. Hall inserted in the charter par ity the sura"of $BO. saying to Bice, “you /oangivsme the extra $5.” Bice refused to countenance this. Hall, the Committee c pay, *!either annulled the charter or satis fied Capt. Bloe that he had done so, for the purpose of getting the boat into the hands some one who would pay the usual black mail.” . . The Committee say steamers whioh coat *65,268 wen chartered at $947 per day, or at a rate of. $846,655 per annum, equal to 6291 per cent:, on tho investment. An old iron boat, whioh had been oendemned even for harbor service, was chartered at $6O per ..day. for the Government, though unable to da aerrioe enough to pay for the fuel ahe fbohsumed.. Qie Teasel brought a profit ofi 2220 per cent, looker owners, The (arge Delaware, valued at $2600, whose rnnnjng. expenses wen $7 per day, waa chartered by Mr. Xuoker for ‘the Govem mentats7o per day. Her net nbeipta were at Jhe , rate of $22,995 per. annum. “Capt-Hodges and Ur. Tucker thought aha war the cheapest thing they chartered.” Ten ateamera and two bargee wen charter ed of a Ur. Coble ns, a 1 Proaslan. / All the Teasels bought by Coblena wen under char ter to tho Government when purchased, the charters having been: generally effected by Ur. Hall, and he receiving five per cent, commission on their earnings, and many of them wen owned by Hall btfors passing into Coblen’s possession. Han. awean that he paid Lorn $lB,OOO at one time “for getting business £ot him.” : .We have given but a fe# samples of these abominable transactions, but enough-to cause a foelingof sadness in the mind of thnnadesv .She committee say, they "an overwhelmed with astonishment and Sorrow by the revdatlras wUehhave beeniaade. { The con«laiaas to: wUoh they came we , -V r; v>l » -- have already published bj telegraph, and if their recommendations are faithfully carried out, some degree of jtutioe nay yet be awarded to thegovernment and to these parties. They make a number of sugges tions, one of which is intheaeworda: That the commissions'received by Hall, Loper Danforth and others, which are es timated by the committee to amount In the aggregate to several hundred thousand doUars, rightfully belong to the govern ment, and immediate steps should be taken by the War Department to ascertain the amount due from each, and to secure the money. ~ * Itonis Napoleon’s Mediation Scheme. We have no donbt that a unanimous peo ple rwill endorse the firm dignified re-1 pudiatlon'of interference, mediation, ori I suggestion of compromise, on the part of I the Government of France, or any foreign Government, which Mr. Seward has re-1 | corded in his letter to Mr. Dattor, just I I published. In our artiole on the attitnde I I of the Frenoh Government, written before 1 I we had received this able and satisfactory 1 I answer of the Seoretary of State, to the 1 1 insulting proposition of M. Drouth Dr 1 I L'Huts, we had expressed our opinion of I I the course of that Government, as tending I more and more to open hostility, ana I therefore requiring to be met, without fur- I delay, with a distinct declaration of I the intentions of the American people to deal I with this rebellion in their own way, to pat 1 I it down at their own time, and, generally, . I to regard it as their own business—with- I out asking or requiring even advice from I Franoe or any other nation, friendly or I neutral. ■ . » This, we .think, is the voice of the entire | i nation. The press, divided on every other question, is united on this. We have no doubt that Mr. Seward's answer to the I Trench proposition will be universally re garded as worthy the occasion—worthy the spokesman of a gredt nation in a great I crisis. ■ A a yet, however, but few of the leading journals hare had time to discuss It; but u the result of that discussion, we look only for a' general approval of the attitude of firmness, dignity and eonfidence main tained in thirSnswer from our Government to that of the French Emperor. In feet, we anticipate a full concurrence, on the part of the press and tiie people in the fol | lowing remarks of the N. Y. Burning Foil) referrring both to the French proposition Itself and Mr. Sew Ann’s answer to It: * The proposition now made by the French ministry is somewhat different from that previously submitted for the concurrenceof the British and Russian governments. It contemplates no armistice—no pause in the ! war; the loyal and rebel armies may still proceed with mutual hostilities; but in the i meantime it is proposed that our govern , ment shall appoint commissioners to meet i those of the insurgents, and make arrange ments either for tneir return to their alle giance or their final independence. This is precisely what the rebels desire; this is precisely what the consiituiioiffcliste can not grant without abandoning the very ; cause for whioh they have taken up arms. The moment our government adopts this me&od of attempting to settle the quarrel, it virtually acanowleges that it has hither to beeu in the wrong, and that itmay just ly accept other terms than the submission of the rebels to the authority they are try ing to throw off. We have hitherto said to them: " When you are tired of the war all you have to do is to give it up and take the oath of allegiance." What the French Em peror asxs ns to say is: "We will talk the matter over with you; if by liberal terms we can make it worth your while to return to the Union, we will; if not we will allow you to set up a government of your own." • Hr. Seward has answered this proposal ably and with great moderation. He justly regards it as a proposal for the dissolution of the Union, and gives its author to un derstand that if plan were present ed, in whatever disguise, to the American people, it would be indignantly rejected. .-The Frenoh government asks us to listen to the grievances ofthe South. "Recipro cal complaints, 0 ' the French Minister re marks, "would be examined at this meet- of the Commissioners for the ."bellig erents. 0 He could scarcely, be aware of the extent of the Insult implied in these words. The slave States have suffered no grievances from the Federal Government, in whioh they have so long held rule, and have nothing to complain of except that, in the. election of Mr. Lincoln, they lost the predominance they had before enjoyed. Defrauded, robbed, made war upon, its de fenders murdered by thousands in a cause less war, the' Federal Government is sum moned by France to hear and examine the complaints of the insurgents! We rejoice that this proposal has been so firmly met, and the correspondence so promptly laid before the nation. It will have a good effect upon publio opinion, and invigorate the spirit of nationality and patriotism in our people. This interposi tion of the French Emperor is simply an act of. friendship towards the rebels, from which, however,they are likely to derive Ibut little advantage. • • Ploeida.—A letter from Fernandlna, Fla., to the New Fork Evening Pot, says that then are very few troops in Florida, and, such as then are, are employed in watching the negroes to pnveht them from escaping to our lines. Then: is no gnat obstacle to the Occupation of the "State by our troops. A single brigade could clear Hast Florida, and by the assistance of a few small boats to run up tbs SU Mary's and SU John’s rivers, could: hold it, and nlieTO the necessity of blockading ll»« coast. It" is confidently hopod'TdOt this will soon be done, j»nA*nhf*>7 another as sembling of lWngTess Florida may be rep resented by loyal men ,who will contribute to thwart the purposes of the traitors of the North represented by Brooks, Wood & Company.' .. Tmt Bxnouixs, says Bitson, are a most alert and military race, and yet ,it is an undoubted faot that the quantity of food usually consumed by the greatest part of them does-not exceed six:-ounces a day. Six or seven dates, soaked in melted butter serve a man a whole day, and he esteems himself happy when he oan add a small quantity of eoane flour or m little, ball of rice. i- ■ Urns. Dooanxs has written a letter rela tive to the reports thatshe'was about lo be married again.. Tho following exiv-ict is published: “Although I live so quietly, the world seems determined to talk about me. Ibave been disturbed by rumors that I am. engaged. I hope you will think enoughof me not to allow any one eTer. to say such a" thing to you without resent ment.” Y ' As ice mlrace wee lately witnessed in Buctouohe,KentCounty, N. S., by whipha portion of Prince Edward's Island, fourteen miles distant, seemed to be suspended in thb air and very near, so that the clearini; and buildings" could be distinctly seen, am i with a moderately powerfulspy-glais. cat tle and vehicles.: could be distinguished moving about. 2n>Ue» ttot» »egro in » good ertio iit hi good “u V- nbd iu » tad'on* ihockl tta leniibHUiM; of tta Hcrttarn Aodintioß 1 ©Mil*”" ■'* .'.if ■*. t: >*' On.cior troun limnmnn Co ,» v rfferurglOlb, IMS. -J jr3»NOTICE.—A fpeoiel Meeting of tbeSto.iboldaraofina Weatera TraneporU tl b Oompaoj *M be bald at lb* office of tha Corn* p*oy; |o WtuMirth, ta TCteDAT, iba 2tth tnSL, ctlu Q*docte. m ' - - ’’Bj order of tba TraUtit. -• a. J. BqOQWRLti, PecrgUrr- CANAL. OuMfANV.— INSr' SLECTI ON NOTJOB.—An EectLn tor •even Directonof tba Erie Canal Company will b* bdd at tbelr office la Brie, on MONDAY, tba Xd day of Hatch not, at ten o'clock a. m. A- iJ.OAU<*Hky,Secretary. rps»ALLEGHKNY CITY COLLEGE, Corner of Leacock and fcanduky Btreeta.— Tba Tenth-APTiTifil Praalm'brjln on MONDAY, Feb. 2d, and aodj 7«fce 27th. Batea of Tuition trcm-110 to *2l>. Ferrate race**, Ac., apply to Jag£l» . JQB. T. McKBE. Principal. rrs»NOTlCfi TO UEMB6&B OF THK OIL JtXOHAHQB.—In oocordanco with tk» prorUtomi of th» €©n*titn*ioa, notlo* U-htrebj •ir»a to tb« BMinUn or the Oil facbang that on olUration to tba ittA-So-tlon of too Oonstitatioa 111 boctlUdnpon WfiMlsDAT,tb*lBih tut. G*o. H. THUKtTOB * Secret*r» Oti Kxchugo. irS»KLECXION NOTICE.—Au3»b»- Wv it Q Ixlol Oomn. —An SlHtiai lor Free* Ideal. Hiniiin and Offlean of tbt Company lor erecting » Bridge om tbs Axlethiny Blver,oppotite f Ittsbargk, in the Ooanty of Allegheny*.will wtoU lat BOUSB.itthe tenth endof the Bridge, 1 op MONDAY, the Sd day of March next* at the boar of S o’clock D. DU 1 MHOt WMI BO>FBOEQ,Troa»nm. umoa Aia.Ma*aT Valus haunoaisoo., ( rutaborgb, Ju. Mtb/UOL J |r3*lN ACCOBDANCE WITH AN AOT OF ABBIMBLT In relation td tha Him of bolding tbo Annul Flection at tbe Alle gheny Valleyßaiiroad Company, iba Stockholder* •iabereby notified that an AlacUon for Oflcan, to aerro for tbo •suing yaarwill ***»•*?** **• . offlc * , ofthe Company, la the CUy of Fittebvgb, on TUJCBDAY, hmuf ttth, IMS, at 10 o'clock 4- m., I instead Of Feb. B Proreat MotabaL Sj. Bck and wrraa4®d men, not on fwwngi, are rtqairod to report at boo® A® U® Array Barren* to toil dir, J. L. OOBiLUttfl, LUat. Got, Qaortarmretar tJ. B. A., Com mao ding. ■ STAMJAKU LAW bUUKfJ. Purdon’e Dipat tod Supplement. - BrighUr'e (Toiled SUtea trtpat. Bibo - a Joatice. Serenth edition. DoaUp’a forme.' W right*# C«eee, tol*. 1* 3,8 and i. Chiuy'e BWeketcae, Bhnrewood ■ BUtkatoee. Keot'a CommaoUriee, 4 role. Qreealeaf on XTldaoce, 8 toU. Baonderaon end Krldroce. Pbiliippa on Bvldenoei 8 rela. Pot »ale by KA.t A IX).. Ho. 66 Wood afreet. i HMiSlUflMKftXe. \i 1200 boah. Dried Penebat; 800 do Drl*d Applia; AO: d> Ootones 20 bbla. Sweet Ciders 10 do Soap; 10 do Pore Vinepi; 1A do Hominy; 26 do While Beene; »%«» t„ „ VOIGT *OO. TjsolJoCsi—lsiTbiuErDriodTJSoEJS i 3 btu. vnlou; 200 bnah. Oeta; i 20 ke« Lord; : 6 bbU. Dried Applet; T. D[LwoaTH m . klfl : PO end 182 Second afreet. OTATO BiO AN il Afflilfiß. leer lend Peach Blow Potato##; 1 do . Prince Alb rt do; 2 ear ioada Green Applee; 77 bble. Bintacky Pceetua; To irriTi next week And foreale by ’ laid L. HJTOIOT A 00. KOLL UUXU’ItitAJiD KliUB. trbDU IrukßoU B.ltar, 2 bozee do do; 2 bble. troth Xft>; < Becelred thla day end tor eele by • __ L. H. TOIOT A 00. 160bufltu.primo l)loveriß|k J B6| do Timothy fleedj— Mow In etoro end for eele by fe!6 - ! TOIQT A 001 pliUOijAfcAfrtOh.—urix ok au JL LtQBJKTS bPAOIAL XLKOnoJI.-Jalan* fjnoltj «>u » prprialoa of ma Act of the General Aarft-ably ottbft tbauacaweaUb of renaayivaaja, entitled. “Aa Act to Incorporate tbft Lily of AUft*. Cb«ty,’/asd ft supplement ptewd tbft lbU dot of ftfrll, IM', I, A. 0. ActXAttDkS, kaycr of raid cl'J, dd lißQft »bl . ' i JOBB MBKA, foltAtd ] Collator 22d Metricv Pa. Y»U OAT. MJX XUUit Boot*,; Shoe* and Gum* At tka cU prion til. month, at :, ~ aoßiifp-x. t, Mutat Itr»t. A ViuUX bT&tt&'i', dQL:An ptnosa Istamtod uv Junto* aetlitoA tk» to* lUUsmi or Timn ootk* omolbc of ATIBI OtaiiT. Voortk WwO«AUrih«iy7lSi biM 1M thtaday a tbo Dlitiletgoart« AUtfkosy couty, .X«SftfVxK,Jr. t • fcljriii fcf ilifk>nii rWi'TOfl-21 tala* totirjT* ■ ifcu, , ’w/A* ~ -iAi* * PLANTATION ftITTEKS, DBAKE'B PLAKTATIOH BITTKBE. 1 l‘ BBAKE'B PL AHTATIOSBITTBBfi, , DBAKE’B PLAHTATIOH . . DBAin PLAKTATIOSBITTIBS, DB. LIBDBBTB BLOOD BBABSHEB, DB. LIHDSIT'S BLOOD BEABOBEB, DB, LIIDSBI'B BLOOD SEABOHBB, DB. LIHDIErS BLOOD BEABOBEB, DB. LIHDSLI’B BLOOD HXABCHBB, HOLLOWAY'S OONFEOTIOBS, HOLLOWAY'S OOOTKOTIOSff, • HOLLOWAY'S OOHTICTIOHfI, HOLLOW ATS COHTIOTIONS, HOLLOW ATS COH^SOTIOHS, BUBBKTTS OOOOAIHI, IDUIRI 0000AIHB, BOBBIITS OOCOAIHI, BUBHirra ooooaihx. B USHER'S OOOOAIHB, BPALDIHO'S PBXPABBD OLUB, SPALDISO'S PBXPABBD OLUB, BPALDIHO'S PBXPABBD OLUB, SPALDIHO', PBXPABBD GLOB, BPALDIHO'S PBBPABXD GLUE, HELMBOLD'S BUOHV, HELMBOLD'ti buohu, HXLXBOLp'S BUOHU, HELM BOLD'S JUOHU, aXLMBOLD'B BUOHU, —"All OtifaonlxMUkl FDLTOH'S DETIG STOBE, Hoi, 67 and 60 Fifth Street, SECOND LIST OF APPLICATIONS POX SILLIHO LIQUOBB, tbd Is ttu Ctotk'a I OAosap to Fabrnary 14b, 1B63: . I Aikmuß Josaph, tarara, Ist wart, Allagbaoy: 1 Armstro«BMargsry,oailßgboaa».3d wd,PJtubg; I BeIITbOKM ft (b., other goods, Ist ward, do; I I Brownlaa Jubm, Do, 31. do, do; I Baanstt William, do, 3d do, do; ualala Mary. tarara, Ist ward. AU'gh«*»yi | Ottilias 0, otbar goods, 9th ward, Pittsburgh; I Ollßtoß WilQfcss, Co, Ist dr, PitUbor.lt; I Owwsa J. McP., dt>, 31 do, 4of .1 Oosny Thomas* othsr goods, lit wsrd, Allsibsaj; | Frgaa Jamas, do,* 9th do, Pittsburgh; I I Oorddsl Mr, linn, Mittia tswasblp; I | Qlbsoa Jossph, do, Ist ward, plittbargh; 1 I Qlaairr Adam, d*,, 4th do, Alleghany; | I Bartdaott Maltha Union township; I I Hsgtla George, do, Taroatam; I I Johns Dario, . do. PittUttiubip; I I - J«ha Hoary, do, *th ward, llitsburgb; I I Kslly Thomas, do, Mh do, .do; , . I I Maxwell William, otbar gacda, 7th ward, PttUb'g; I I MUUr Jacob, tarern, Sd ward, Allegheny; I MogsU Ohaa. P., Urara, Ist ward, i*it»seogh; 1 Mcw'Bofaa Potiv, do, 4th do, AJkghaey; I MeQcAa Lyad, ds, Ut do, cb; ; I MoftlUetttJamia,othar good*, Zd ward,AUegh’y; I Sanaa Jem a, tarara, 9th watd, Plttabor gh; I Omtfsr Hoary, db, Psoombt, I Praia bold Haro, do, MeKswportt • . . I f hQ'ipo Jomph, do, td ward, PitUborgb; | | ralmar Mary, rattag bones, Pitt towaabip: I Saab Mart*, tarara, 6th ward, PlUatorgh; I Pcbnla Charts*, do, WUbmi townablp; I Beithal Joha A., do, Kehsasport; - I Mltb Harry, do, Sd ward, Plttsbargh; I Tharatoo Ihaa* Co. Ist do, ; do; i I Thoms Oast., otbar i oods, dth ward, PUUbargh; I Waddall Thomas P., da, ll aaba h Bsroogb; | Wnlttnl* Aatboay, umi, Pea»lee township; I Tbs float will most on WBDHK3DAT, Fabrnary 33th, 1163, at 10 o'clock, to art on Ujaabon cjaea. 1 UltAd W. A. HMABOM, flbrA a. 1200 inta 00 Ills' BPOOL OOTTOH; 600 ** STCISXE'B u 600 - OLABR’O ** 1600 « VILUILAHTIO 9000 M *IKIRT BRAIDS, Ho. M i 100 •* BOOF SKIRTS, boot SfiO M KIBBBD XBRIHO 8TO0KIHO3; 900 « UHXV HAHDKXRCHIKfI; adOgron 8008 LAOKRO; For itli to dtoUnot LOWUT CASH P&IOX9. JOSEPH HOBHE, H«a. IT AXp 79 KARKRT STRUT, M4;«td ; BALKB MIX AID BOTT OLOTHUTO, JrUIBISHUO GOODS, fe, AT 7. LCAMAGHA2TS, 80. US FIDBBAI STRUT, ALLKQHRHT. As X an mow etotmg n my boitnow, I loriurpo* dU lUNtlOt to tbo fewvta deck of MMOBOUt pik, which It to bdtoToi will bafcroa* worth/ tho back «d nooi on* OOATg. A tall WW) of CLOTH, CABJIBBBB ood arilu grade. BCVHIM 00A1B ii BLACK DBBdB COATS, rosgbf b price from t> to ASA Of US 1 ! FABnTfov mtdjootud Id*grgbe cooS atookt *«■* wall amrld IQIHTI TIHI FIDBbToIOTH, iHf end OABBIHKBB TK3TB. Borer olotbiso. A Mod HfOftmmt of JAOBBTS, PASTB AMD orxiooATt, occur tb ml wall undo. : ■ aaaie ahdbot* roaaisatao cooes. bibb whitb nun, fro* »“*»** I?J OHBT ABC WHITB XEBIBO BHIBTB AD£ DBAWBBBI Bbej log’LA K HOBBt Chtt.rc> end ■ortao Kobo All wool odd BUS BHIBTB L EIiAW. BBdjmtgtollMl TertstJ TIBS, 808. .■ W*?^SmsoDB. bobihbss coatihm, j”jP*Bß|-Clßfm BBBS ud TBSTIXOf, Wbfch wUl l'ii nrael, bo Mod* op b ordcr.or oold hr tho pteooor »erdT - A.b.OABHABHASr, Milmfc 111 Bcdocol cttoot.AtlcaboßT. XT OTICK.—AII matters sdYßTiindwbe- J3I tweu the oodecßlgoodbeflaK .thlc du beoo eel tied to their moteel Celle Let lce7bpO.B,. SLOP in ood AOBBBTOSKLOPFBB porch utag ell the acetic of the late tree of 0. B.BIAJPBHB AOO., •odlKdlibx Ita UlbUltlM, ooßm <■ Awotp pfoco thot: cold chore «KOt|oiiod portico oxo 01000 eniltledto ooliccooodrcoclpl forelfootctendlng clolnoot odd late ine, cod WUI odlocl cot of the eelflleteOo jj^^cbhucut^^tolu^^ MfflffßK IHtobwih, fabramry lttb, ; lJMo.. CnHB i UNDBBSIGNIfII.hhTe this d»p Afcrtood o Oo.portociohlp hodcr_lhc.iumc ood ctfhofa r.BlAjfßßßhOU.tendwill carry ce Um moaolhctoio if CoUoot Wen, el the old otoodi corner ot Pena can Werce etrettc. Pltubu-gh. 0. F. KL'PFBK, . r AUaOBTOS KLOIFBB. BtbraatTltlh. 1083. -I, tHlilw ■ Q’NBII, 4 BTONEMAN, " T ICABDPACTOBBBS 0F wi^woek. Boro elwoje on hud ood Mho lo_otdcr WOS AMD BMAOS SUBBBM WIBB CLOTH! SIBTBB, of oil 'Slodil BIUDLBB, lor S»oodrr_««,l' -"hTT WoBK 808 WIBDOWB, Ao.| BIBU OACBS, OB BAXBBTAL WIBB WOBK, be Jlcwetl, Ac. ; 88-AliHiceof WlBBtarnWot . riOAIi OIL LAMP DBALKHB. AT v TBSTIoa.-I moot fcpeoiiollr oolldt the cl tattoo of the trade to o« L fßcooMrtmut of'IOAL OIL CHeHDBLIBBP, PBMliAhT_*, BItACILBTB. HABPO, FKXdtH L elf Pd, LAMP BTABDT, ud TBIBBUOd, Of crerr cecortp lou. Alee, LAB. TBBBB, with Bl lloge4eb Ohlo,ocp Borocr-wh th L eeperi r b u> thing occr eSered i o tho trod*Ae b qaalltrof StLh ood II Octal prltee. I dclr oompo. tittoo. Ootetogece with prigoMUtoo opplHoUn. free of charge, to tho trade. tabim Belt Muptaobior. ■ CJKAUBD PEOPOai-W wifl bo reoeiT- D od hr the Co wEelcoloo cr ißf the Bmtlu of the Yeblto BoUdbgo b ALghCOf. cp ,tc n°oc c* TBDBBDAI,IiIt tael/mrutrodocbf Ooo ood Wobr bto tho toot, “roerceftht"' ~K b . , WBUWAjpw.I. . . ~ ~ ~~'~. a.:.~` - . -3~'`mss-,~ ~•za;w:.c.~'rN+`~"i~~» `"'~y~ rpQ. COCNTIiV - MKROHAKTfirAHD DIALIBH EATON, iIIACRIJin dfc CO., No*. 17 tad 19 Fifth Street, Jobtaiund ntilim-of TBUOUHOS. IMBBOI DEBIEB, HOBIABY, SLOVEB, HOOP BKIETB, BUBOES, SHIRTS, OOLLABS, Tlty, Dh'DRB SHIBTB ut DUVIU, WOOLEN HOCUS. SB BIAS. BOBBIN, 2HPHYB AND BHKTLAHD WOOL s MX* to. RBITIIKO TAHEB.cn hud u I to ante*. ' • Oqt Mock nt pairchanid baton the last gnat ad* nu»la prices, and -w# offargnat tndnoaciwits to om AfiD OGUHTBI MIEOHAHTS, MILLI* Slftfl, FSDDItSBS' and all who buy to aell again* H. B.—A eboMoaartrtment of Staple pyy Ooodts, at wtwkaale ante 1 - • • : • - GIBSON, HanuCSstarsis of . LEAD PIPE, SHEET AND BAB LEAD, ' And dttiKA la j Pig. Lead, .. Block Tin, ' AHD . ‘ j Patent Shot, NINTH STREET, I Bimn Haxx axdßtcamors, I feia,-fp4 CIHOINHATI, O. IJIHE MTBTKRIKB OF NEW YORK. < Wan, national ruraran,:political conWM. tall tglooa aooT«Btiors, amuaemente, tha Central Pwk, itsfwans, gondolas, Ae., ban been d!acuaiad—tbia Uttar la of tha "Myeterks of Haw York." In tba ; car t ; steamboat,saloon, parlor, at dinner, In the atiaat, arirjvWa do I hear toma atory with rtli* ftlon to or aa Inquiry as to tba in tan lug of than mythical words, posted, printed-end adrertiaad I wherever I go: S. T.—lB6o—X, Accompanied with a creacentaad a ahepluri’i book. A atesaalco sympathiser ‘said It mat "Batao Tri umphed is 1860 Is gras ttsg 'lba XpeetaUon of aboil* tlootota while- a Republican asid It was: "Stamp- Tall Democrats of W.O, gone to Texas ;” aaothar, | "To tba State Taxes of 18C0 add taa (X) dollar* PITTSBVBan, PA. another, that they were tba vetch worts of soma I ■ecrtt society,*like "Sons of TecamcMa at* 1860 J fitronx,” or "daaard. Tricksters *f 1860 Deed Up,” j Well, your correspondent was 111-—had been j 111 Cor a long time—ln fect/hla lata suppers had I gltoablma horrid dyspepsia. Be rad tbeadrer- I tletmenta, and of coon* bought** battle of Fianta- I tion Bitten; the Bitten carad him, and on tbs hot- j , tie appeared tiuaa same eatalisiio lelt.rs: B. T.— J I uao—X. I trsealed straight for SOI Broadway, In- J | trod need mystlf to the celebrated. Dr. Disk*, and 1 I was ehown the elephant -tasks, B. T. and aU' and a 1 great institution it U. A sir story building In Day | atreat, from cellar to girot, is occupied as a iabciv | I lory tor producing thie single melldna. Some forty . I panoos are employed ; asyeral vats, balding six I I thousand gaiioua each, are filled with roots, herbs j I and materiel, and than soaked in water, and tha ex- I I preedon preset Ted in pure fit. Orotx Bum.. 1 hers I I aaw tba bags, boxes and. bales of Oalhayh Bark, I I Wintergteaa and other material-and tbs original I fit. Croix Bum puncheon*, beerlag th*Custom-house I brand. It seemed that medicine ©oul£berejU 1 turned cut to supp y a world of InraUdi—y*i Uk*# I gentleman are ucable to fill their order* for -Pleat*, j tkn Bitten alone. I waankowamaay certificate* of I extraordinary cures effected by thee# Bitten- The I statlstics cf tbs madlcin* bealaaas aa presented ts J thslast Coagramin thereon of Mr. D.B. Banes ] I erwenonnoas and startling,' emduntlrg to soma six 1 dollaze annually.- Tha proprietors.of than I BUUn will pay Undo oam near fifty thousand del j lan for stamps this yawl 'With intb indiTidnti xesourcas gorarnnunt lease ought to stand at par, and Jefitrsen Daria might as well pack «p and atari for Jerusalem, 4 *“' * * * We ara happy to leprodnoe the abort letter, and add that any ordinary cam of Dj*p»p*ia, Liter Ocaav plaint, Karrcna Aflßtloa.Bcnr Stomach; Lon rfip* I«tlto, Harrow Htadacha, Diarrhea, Siskins Weak* ntaa, HaataLTeaposdency, Aa,ourbfcnred hy the PlanUUca fitter*. • " That all penocamay Judge of Ita efficacy, we pab" Uth alktof torn* ofthe arddanaed la itopapara* lion; ~,• CauaaTa Baxx—OeUbrated tor pm twoelnndrd yua ta tha treatment 6f Fernand Ague, Djipep* ■ia. Waikneet, do. Europe hy tha Oswntme, wilt of the Viceroy of Fan, la 1640, and vm aftervmrda told by tha Jimnlta /or th* eaor momfrtm at >' WnraaonaCT—For acrofOla, rhenma Aana—AnaroaatlfO tita, pariect aadhanaUei tomie 1 erar need.” : Tha following lafiraa the famcuihotel proprietor £ Waahlngtoak. )•' - D.O., Bov. 4, IMt Von. P. AD? ale 4 Cb»—Pkaee aea« at twain doaan Flantatton Bitten. They are auah Ukad by thi§ gnaate of our boon. ProprlaioraWUlird'a Hotel. Bocxnra, Deb* 89,186 U Jfmera. P* H. Drake A to.—Gentleman* I bar* been a great ralerertroai dytoepaia t* three or toot y*are.lhtro triad many lf not all tha nad *a«qBil »W. I7wbr »« r>rwrfwMi wQtlUfwnttmd€rto«lUKB TkKiKH'h BJuIANTATIOH BITTJSBS, Air DBaKS'B PLANTATION BITTIBS r \ DfcAJU*B ftAXTAXIOH BIXTIBB. M Oor—r inrlk ud WftMd rtmU. PROPOSALS FOR TIMBaK—Pro- Xr tooibonlaTitodtartH Wnt|U our Btrol Wotfa WOMK ttPWIMP UP lIOTTTHOD*. (txmrd Mmj uvn OAXOJD WMt wii ii» tuitw txrtMa ll of oaa wai? tin*VfMW nssaßH^'r*««R iu, tku old prlcu. Eeun b.jin rtonld wotew. tbit opnartnnlty of nppl jbg thnuolrw wllk wk*t Uwpirin refolro dortos tu. eomln, wwon. [oonxußioaxxn.] i. T.— 1860--X* VOB S4LIBT : VOft BaLKBY VuBBBLBBY . iIMOV JOHHBTOH, 77 end <79 Market Street <0 down L ADM l’ HHK BXITOHHD H'DK'Mi 50 Ao OSHT-B HCH’D H’DK’Mi LADIES’ KHB'D AND BOOLLOFXD H’DK'IS; 80. PLAIN LIHIH H’DK’fßi Do. AHD MISSD'OOTIOH HOSE; MEN'S COTTON X HOSE; - HOOP BKiaiß,*olow l* l ■»**•" •' il P** o "* Xttß’D OOLIiABS AHD SECS; JACONET TBlMjnseß; HAOIOKHPIUNa; OOLLABNTTffIi TAPETBIMNIHQA BX. HXJTD BDIfLIN^i All kind, of -WINTIB GOODS, U onHdoinM* ’oOaNPH HOBN«. gILBS, 8 H A W L 8, OLOAK S. DBESB GOOD*, at Barker & Co.'s, 69 MARKET BTREETj_ . THB Q-reatest Bairgainß ETBB OFFERED. folO OLD PBIQKa I CALL AT I MACRUM & CLYDE'S, 78 Market Street,. I xpd sappl; ybonalf with I HOSIERY & GLOVES. BALHOBAXrHOIS. fcr I—diw ud Htawk ; J BOSTON BUBIdTHOSB, (oc LUiw uAMIam. \ FLIXOT LUID HOB*. I t Udl.ul SINTLXIUH’S * TODTH’S DAEBS* WOOL, maiHO AND OOTTOH HUSK NID, SILK AND WOOLNN CLOTHS, OAUHT LNIS AND HITIIBB. . ' WOOL HOODS. 80AXM, NONIAS, Ac. ■HBBOUBBUS, TEIMMIBai. rOBHUHINO &OODO. . lit Old Prices—Wholtwle and Retail. MACRUM aOLYDE, It M ASSET STUNT, I (BW-wn fiarth ud DkwlAl ■ ' / fcd EXAMINATION; OP OCR LAB&B STOCK OP DRY GOODS, bx son L WkolttaU and Retail Dtaltrt, U SMFIbwOLIT HUORm C.H.LOYE & COi, 74 HABKBT BTPiBT. JJRY GOODS I WJi GOODS 11 J. M. BURCHFIELD’S. HOOP CXIBTBi nOt&i OOTTOHHOfiHBT, aUchtlytolbd; Summer Dress GrctOjds; WINTKB DEaSS GOODS; SJJ&WLS I CLOAKS! 'OHttDBIH’B UD KORS HOOP S USES; LASnS’ HOOP BUSTS: 4-i USLIIH OHWTSBS 1 t-tnuroH Haolaca loiioatookHtaiißaßou* tka Atnaca Imfoodo.lUaataakwfll fcttanß otaot iTO( ti» the CUy. y.; ~ 'I ■ ] tLOSINQ OOTBALR oi ! WINTER GOODS. EATON, SACRUM A CO., n.ikw t# siUai ilulr AKIOiLU f u|TOH| at Wrm of elats* <**thttrtirtfet Md of wnraKseooßS nil»*»liT* A yt'"“ fl»Mi u irdla l«i»n»Jj«twlinum •n'tkatftnabfM M miMßßaxam kam nnm ; JCATOV.XACOTIftOO., j*io ' •( Vo. it imu Rtnf. fJBB oirciiikmrsraauaiKHm*, Jot ncatodb? r .- MAOBDMASIiTPI, - j»li BKI&T8, . - At jUpHOMD tMZQMB, Iseitelodm oittiNtrMtin Mock ootlw ini of Vtfenmv, llako jotr mlmOn* Mm ••• - w HAI.U ..-K» - ■* ■' » r . , ;;i v i ' Monday Evening, Jftfclß*** MISS KATHLEEN O’NEIL’S i 8B «» DKAWIIiG 8008 AKD SOTBLTf Mia O'irisit, ill* worU nnowa*4 - Irlah Oommodlonno lhoolro, J.ondoo,inaof Ui« ptluclool lbOanooM Ooocoxtj 1 a ihu country, nolYerr*Uy »cxnowuet*« b, tu pnioof botb tumuplMni to t» tt. mo* mu* «&t*d Ite&Mtu* from »h« PbiAdeipbi* Iba^ic I all iha pilficijftl Ibtßtra lB ihia cgaattft »aA Ifco , cnotMt fla: Ibr world, whoirptMm* / MtoMMb mnwteco i*c*md wttb iboaU of Ittfth- H jii±£B£iiinnn »i I author »nd edtaputr of went of &&• conp*lt(«ni to Xtu ttjaatrji U*lvr of Orcrtitrfc I Ur.FiCBaT, tornel % Mr. X, A. Ll*. , I TO£f,O.BOHTJLTZ, 0. OB&Hhii, H. BOffOMiV. I D. O’HI3L-~-Tj«*iarw |J« W. HOLBOH—IgtaV —'TitHli 29 GISTS.' Xtan op«in it„T •*cl«k. 1 ' '■ blStl* Lunin Minon T»*AJITa«»iM ...... ■WB«nefitof Mr. MOBOAtHT. 09* Mr. WX. OALLiQBBB will 'THIS (Monday) lV|iSUiO| fib. Mib, ll(f> ** ' wm u pmtotod, /iDAMON Alio FX THIAB.-"•• PHTIIITB 1 * CFAULtiUB. PYTfTI Hi. MOBAMM*. To ooooladt LIgES BBtiNGIf, V 1 »-^r/MoaDADIfT. ‘7 , • MUSEUM OF WOKdXBIh t .-j - . ■■■"-. .=* QBAB9 COBMOBaWa OT TEX QKXA7* iW««. UA» o|Vib WAB. 4Jtf IMBAM nd > -• WAttvrßAfiViißOM; TV. ' S ■ -■ oIMa, (lu’ i l u H t. fcllitl . -'■■%*. » AWAJU»;MMapr. AVCTiOJr bjuj&b.l: UNITED BT/itr£S HOfiditS AT AUOnON.—C A WBDHBSDAT XOBBIhG, k«o. lflib, at W.?V,ock,',wlll be told, la Irons of the • commercial Booms, Ho. At Jflith ■ treat, by oruer oIJ. I» BosalOiab, Aleut. CoL and Q. ML s 7 ttomir'not Mag required for tha-pebUo Hrstoa* talft ,; • :* J. Q. PAVta. Aoct. PUJJCDTOHS’ ■ BALK OF STOCKS.— - /J On TUESDAY EVENING, Jsb. 17th, at 1% , o'clock, will ba sold, at the Commercial tales Boom* 80. MfUil street, by. order el Jobn'to.tt and D. A. Shinrli iMUtorscflhoßat Scott, Beg , toll liOshaiee Merchant* AMaaatect am DaakUtooefcj AO da tttUaent Batik Block; 132 do feana. Central Balkoad Co. . 1001 do . iAUcgheny Q« Co,- ' ' 100' do iVAattrn insttranceOb. SO do jßlmlstiun Bridge Co. 0 do Uknka BriditiOo. 2; . A 100 do Anegbeny Valleysß.B. Oo.otock; 1 -l 60 do i: fttUbarth A UoaneUirUle B. B, o*>l AO do 1 Fltut>ttrih«fiUababT}Ueß*X£Oo4 14 ito I Mechan ics* Bank Block; - 10/d> ■ Allegheny Soapsnskm Bridge Oo>Bnki XA -do Mxouange Bank block; ' 8 do Babkos fiitalorghtstook; ; • tdo Iron City Bank bteokj .. 00 ‘4o’ Allegheny bns;eaaioa Bridge Cbr • • -r; ■ J.Q. DAVIS. Anct. m oushhuu) FUium'tmß. uib lU,IRV«I StjfoclscfcM a a., n Libmrttnrt, wiUtMMUtftHqutttttj'ei Hoanhold Trnitvr* t>*> Is&afcutd atamU/ waring tha city, ooaprftinc IPhallic * da daIHWMiH MU BeUOM» Mabonsj ck«ir«; Walmi Wk*uttoi; Malum/ Initau jfmsan; S Marti* Top Pier bat Back; Urge fldk t«t Ch>lr;B»Bap» lioa CluJr*r Backing d;j Booking, OatO^ Iwt gaa Qnoaktr Chain; JE&eu*a4 and Plain Wart tfUbdfc £•»(•; Vfca&sh SifO-Mid Ljw PariiMfd iindi} Tables; Clocks,' Wurkßtaads, Factor ud mi.mhw pandits/ MattcvMs, Vsniiua arid, Svff BUwU,Bl»ch«BStiibUaia;CUaiiU,*o. l .7, .s' Abo, 8 QUt Prana Preach Plata Micron. MU ■ ' T.A/McULmiLABP, AttcC A PMINISTRA.IOHS’. SALS OF i iiAJetOOKfl AMGBOHftAOnTHCBSDAT *YBSIKG, Y*b* lßtb, At 7J< o'clock, will UooU, ottho UMtawrcialittw Boob*, 80. MFifthitrwl, byocderof J. ft. Heaobr, William Jithatton, Br.» Uto of IdtUo Bo* tor* Lovraso* flc: . tftharai Atlfituay teTinf* Books> IS do liUioDiHßk bMi; ' lAlMbnjComqi Ooapon Bond for 91,000, |o> •o*4 lo t£* Fittobv{Q B UMU*lliTilio &. B. Co. . KUiM for* Ways* A UUeogfJfailt* Fort Wijki Chfcaco’ ' tOM'—V - 1 J. 0. PITHS Aocl» AtiKfiHBNYTCX)U!BITY BON^||D XL ACCTIOH.-Oa TUESDAY BY MB ISO, fS. •*«!«*• will Uoobl.kttboCoßMßa Mb* Bom*, Bo.M %ah*lmt,&r kacoalvko 'lißiyeoMini---'/-';?' ' 6 ago 'thimaA ftolUis web,) AllocHm* Gouty CoogdßJßoiido, laiw&to Sbo PitoaborJliSopomUa. Till* 8.8.00 . : i - J. 6. PAYIB. AOCU - TTJSBfi&WRMm'B 8A LB 0 9 UcHBWiBG XOBAOCO.—Oa TCIfIDAT.Ytt>, l?u; at 11 o'clock. «*Xro»lfß all AoeUoa Boos* villboaotd,by otdarU Cndarwritstj _ I,o# pooodt Chatrlaf Tobacco. '•■ .■. *,•'*; flit T. A. »gQL«tIiAgP.A»B. MKN’H, BOSS' AND SOOTH’S 111. BOOTS cteHojoiii it. niiaaltn l Muii nMMmpAO u Jiflk YITJ —A new jvuKRCOAJrr tjuimr*. TTENBY 8. HALE fcCO., ;(linnu lamO. Wmj Merchant Tailors. . ■ : '• <4r* mow nortrtxftwir ; t FALL Airs WIBTBR ffoca^ widdita «t»t,"««« > ■ } t. ■: onra f DBBUHiao ooom • ■ ’ - •l*mjsaDba&d.':_ -■■■ Ha.lT , Anjorimt lutwht toMr can wm nni vttk in|qt tttamlfca ud p«)KtaaUtr la m ajSST 7 WHMtaKmL f -oft*, orraaa * XtT AUTKD—A OABDWKB. to'tafi" ll txTt ol *Tmit OwUa md Tlmjm* 5^ ,^gagap*f> r IfXlßli WANTBD IMMBDfrtKMr-J** pCf TODOOIMM4.U SOOStWOM. .KBmiM. ,„ , . ..B.luM.