i ■ ; |; - rr . TOJjrcSlfAY MOBNINO, fERi 11. of the «o»» Geo. leC. Porter, to / Polltioel Union of Zutin end 3 hee Inn, bom the be- nnfeir, iaoongraeqe tint coaid be imagined. % *1“ ***£i rfek, heaghty oligarchy bore meenebf their wealth end; their reprveentetion in the LegieUtnre. In tb» Weet tbefe ere f.w elevci; the heb ito of lhe people conform more to thioee of we free Btotee then to thoee of theieleve Btetee? bate* the eleveholdere Oflhe But controlled ih. legielatlon of the Btete,the , people Of the JWOet irere obliged to beer ell the harden, of freedom, while they were deprived of lie benehhu Heavy taxes were impooed to improve the Eastern seo ttoe, to build Ito canals end railroads, end meintninlts colleges, while the West bed lnretarnneither reilroede nor schools. . Neutrally enoagh the people of Wet tern Virginia had no •ympsjihy with the alave hotdere’ rebellion, end, ee e epnteqhenoe, . nfheed to be dragged oat of the Union by . their old oppressors of the Beet. The re daltwesjnsi what theatem necessities of the litaeuon required it to be—the Weet ndhered to the Union when the East ee ’ «jeded,*n4 that the Stete wet divided, end %new one created—the very thing tbet Mfhtiio have token plate long, long before. ; Voohiitory of the wer in Weetern Vir «*»i% end the eaeeetsise etopt in the greet f K *"» t*o rtoeipor tloliof.lhe diets, ere tvento too reoent to enqltercoitel. The workie needy eon- Y oametetod. OnlThartdey leet the election fur del-getee to the convention wee held. In the WheeUngdlktriot the friend, of the Steto end of the Union berried their ; . candidate by e handsome majority. \ Prom theolherdUMctsweheveas yetnorOtarns. la * few week, the popular vote Oh the new Constitution will take place, which, if flniebee the bneinesn - Bat we here said more by way of intre •dnetlou' then we intended, oar mein object - lielng to five eome extracts 'from e epeech delivered, et e meeting in Wheeling, by the Hen. acotdn McC. Poena in favor of thihhewStote movement. We give e few extract*: Con ■Utaticsal matters, the question arisen, *•“*{.'*■» «* fafcfMlof Unpeople or Wt ho admitted as a new Suita? I - . WWak wUli *hsi is will benefiterery ' ’2r? ?r tiofle ' “ 4 *»*“ »IU benefit^ tm, property holden of West Virgin »» >•« g» down along the rivier (the OWo) ud uk Uw prius of Und on tlw two ft fttdtftjjon win andthnt itii shonififly higheronths Ohio tide thnh itij cn> th* Virginia ahon. If you will go. oioog the Penneylranis lino jaa will find that on tha Pcnniylvanla aide of the line r-anwre imaginary lioa—land ia at leaat ftfty per oent. more than land of tho - £>*•• qnallgp is worth on tho Virginia side. the ml estate holder will he benefited, if - wo. make thin a State like PonnayiTuU and Ohio. tße will -be benefited direotly sadimmediateiy. . i On the subject of eduoalibn he spoke at at length. We quote a single paragraph : The State government of Virginia has heretofore entirely neglooted this Setter; . neglected l it, especially throughout our W eelern moratains,in ovoiy possible way. Andwhila they have bestowed thousands . ■ of dollars on the University of Virginia, , • which they have kept as e school to iodoo- Iriaato tho youth of the Southern country - With these State’s rightsand secession prin : -riples-T-irhlle they have bestowed hundreds ■ : .-Of theosaads of dollars oh. institutions of that sort in that parlor the BUI4 they have . given nothing to Western Virginia for any V porpoSh. They gave SS,OOO once to the West Liberty Academy, and when the trus tees came 10 apply for it, wouldn't let them hersit [Laughter] And when yon rest fif r : jMgiogton to Btohmond, ho onepeeded .- (... ogoto la getting an aet passed, oaylng it '■ - ihonld be tossed them, but ee Soon so the: Stetmion of Virginia took plaoo tbeyipass ed another set repealing that one. i They hare never giren os anything. They have neglected oar peoplein every way. Tee, fellow-oitiiena, If wo want an educated peo ple we matt haves now State. Tht eon " atitation of the New Bta(a taakoa it oblige tory 'bh lhe Legislature toprevidt free aohoole foroor whole territory. ; | Of whet ho said.on the inbjeot of rail roads Wo give a brief extract:. ' , Bat, fslisw-eiUsens, there are a greet ateay reasons why we oanaot. remain at- Bee tern Virginia. Thehabltasf the people are entirely different. Their trade le dUTerent, They an separated by . • agraat raego of mountains. Ood has ssp- Wemud thtm, Sod msn has ntver tried to nsite them. ~ Where are yonr rmiliroade Maaiag t« Eastern Virginia? Von have* ■oaa Tho $45,000,000 epent for railheads and esoslshevobesu span tsboutSOO miles awsy from. you. • i 1 Bpcekinjof tho pee p'.i at Eeeterh Vii ginin,heeeld: ~'."J v. . . W»l» demoereUopeople. Whet - t'tnee«.by that io, they art not In feror of ♦*»**«■*«» of ell tho people* They an in feror of egoeemment withe pririleged deee.-Taey bellere thot none bat 1 ml . 4BtM#hetdero ohoald be entitled to tlx ii|kt of ouffrege—a eurt of ellgerohy, on ertetOereeyln which mn that or* weelthy* •hhll be ererybodyend ererjthiegl.ond Wa who tyre,net hod loch dnuiM mil be nothing end nobody. Now, to ■ ■how yoa the (root dlftrdnoo between yoa d*lMhoee people, I would f coll yoar etten- Dole in tho Coatrom B Jf t “ “““ Wlnningof thy rSbMMonl One woo medeby Mr*Do the Blehmeod dletrioL ond : one by Mr. ; Ooraetiror thcEuexdloiriot. Coa ■« •» nnke epHehes eeateinibfdootrlneo which they dd not bellere wUI bopopnler in theirdletriote. o fffS MegJOo, ee both there gentlemen were— rebel ConpeenNS 11 looniyin e oonntrwwhere ÜberJ* ownedby theeepttelof tbenet&ty :*■ tiPObUoea, lona of gorernmmi can erepnblioen- gorernment l«on only e»Utwta?« the of the ooantry . ••in ltalpont enaeeofl the grilnre of free eoelety m the Northern *«• been deed tedly.etteehedtoe democratic form of cor eminent. They here hollered In repreeen totionon mere naeOere of the Monies Ihor here beUerod m nnlrenel oaSnge; lend Inrjnery ooantry where anlronel eaOngo exiete, the bnlesoe of Tower lien In the hende of men who heretotrork too herd - to know nny thing oboal tin gerernment. - . Tot it le andor the rale of eachpooplo on ore here deeeribed thet men, who errogete to theoeelree the Utle ol ue Inhering to bring the vh«lo omhtry. . r " • , Kr.fouu next proceed* logive' Am of hlo own enperleneo to » member of the HdneOfPriegtteercloUngheirbewee ■r iMjdtad ond thanjnd for eeylngtheti in' thfl erent jof*«eeaiwi';»«imn Vlrglnln « weald 4t?tl far the ConiUtntlan ehd'the train*." Hetheninye: ; I ■No deimie yoa enn ertr eend to BlohJ . , s: ' r \ * T~ . ■ 1 hVjtts'' • —*aj reeling of honor wheterer, would :h»re anythin* to do with the position of delegete at Kichmond from Western Vir ginia.'But,': gentlemen,'if the people of ITettern Virginia should over be guilty of getting down on their knees to those men who hare brought all this trouble on the eonntry, I should nerer WBnt to hare it said X had erer lired in the mountains of Western Virginia. But I think better of out people than that. I believe they have some pride. I believe they have some ideas of progress. I believe that they are going to be trner to themselves than to allow a •et of renegades to defeat Ujem in the laudable efforts they are now. making. And I ean tell yoo, fellow-citizens, just so •nre as the son rises on to-oiorrow, th&t will the people ratify the amendment to the Constitution. In this conflict between the two sections of the Old Dominion, we see, with great dearness and distinctness, the •“ irrepres sible conflict” which exists between Free* doxn and Slavery; and every candid-mind must acknowledge that, if this Union is to be preserved, it oan only be effected by the extirpation of that institution which is the natural antagonist of true democracy. Tbe morale o! the Army. At a meeting of the United States Chris tian Commission, the objeot of which is- to -care and provide for the moral and spiritual wants of the soldiers, held in New Fork on Sunday evening, Qeneral Bdrbside was among the speak.ra. In the course of hie remarks he said: Some persons are impressed* with ihe idea that that army is in a demoralised state. That la not tho case. The soldiers are as brave as ever they were.* They fere well clothed, well .fed, well armed, and: as long aa they are well, are able to take care of themsslvea Oar officers are becoming more experienced everyday. There isno d'emoralisaiion'in the field, which the con versation in the street and in the private circles would indicate. There, is not that adherence to . any tpecial principle, to any epecial eet of men. or lave, or parties among the eoldiere, as some people imagine. The General, however, spoke strongly of the effprts'made by .politicians to sow the seeds hf discontent and disaffection among the soldiers. He remarked further, that Many discouraging letters have been written to soldiers in the field. We should try tb correct that, and write encouraging letters. Many discouraging speeches have been made, and in some cases, pablio jour nalists have written discouraging para graphs, which have fallen under their eyes, and some discouraging pamphlets have been written and sent to the soldiers. All these things have done harm, and many conversations related to them take place with the soldiers. I heard & mania Wash ington the other day, near me—he did hot know me; I was in citizen’s dress and : he was talking to half a dozen admirers about him—say.that he wished and hoped to see the guillotine established again—he wanted to see the heads rolling from the blockt by the thousand. Gen* Burnside before the war Com l ’mtUees-Important Revelations. The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer writes (February 8) as follows: u General Burnside was before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War, to testi fy in response to the resolution of the Sen ate inquiring of his having been interfered with in his plans for the taking of Biph mond. Hia testimony revealed some start ling facts; none of the committee doubted hie word, and yet they were slow to believe that more than one General has been guilty of treason. Charges now hang over Lbe heads of several officers, in consequence of which, if true," any other government save our own would order them to a military ex ecution forthwith. His testimony wilt pro bably not all be reported to the Senate et present. Perhaps it will not be published to the world until after ihe war is over. “ Ihe difficulties that Qeneral Burnside has had thrown in his way since his tak ing command, from the day the pootoons were not forthcoming, as per agreement with General Halleck and Meigs, to the day he resigned, were of all kinds, imbecility, cowardice,.apathy and treason met him 'at every tarn. His orders were not always obeyed just when they should have been offi cers from whom more should have been'ex pected shirked their duty ; treason in our own camps exposed his plans to the enemy as rapidly-as they were formed, and jealous officers succeeded in more than once pre venting a forward movement at the oppor tune moment. “It is believed that the court martial of General Franklin will bring many facts to light, and show to the country why we have again failed to take Kicbmond and de stroy the rebel Army of the Potomac. M General Burnside has again demanded . that a command be given him where he can be of some Service in suppressing the rebellion,' or he wilt resign his commission. The statement which,hss been going-the roaods-of the press, that he has said Gen eral MoClellan is the only man who is com petent, to lead Lhe Army of the Potomao, is entirely false. Men claiming to be the. especialfnendsof Generei.MoCleUaa have proved to be the woret enemies of General Burnside and of the country.” Affairs ia Morroika*EDployiß| Cob trabaoda, Ibs itriet vigilenee kept op here of late, In consrqueuoe of the rumored attack about to be made by the rebels has some what abated. . She rebels: hare probsbiy eome to the oonclosion that Norfolk is too strongly defended to be essfly taken. Be tween the Union men and the negroes we are kept well informed of the slightest movement of the enemy. Ibe rebel mail-carriers hare again com menced to ran the blockade, bat many of them have been caught and imprisoned. Theletters foand on them are full of false statements snd .violent abase of the Yan kees. Jeff. Deris’ recent proclamation has done its work of Inflaming’ their ’ minds stilt more against the'Norlh. - Qeneral Viele has a plan in preparation for employing the contrabands. He has derated td their ase several farms, and tradeoflands,belonging to officers now in the Confederate service, and'on these a snffielent number of blackssre to. be placed .to enltirate gardens, and supply the north ern martlet with’esriy spring regetables. Dr. Brown, whom Genera! Dix haa placed in charge of the contrabands on Craney Island, is interested in carrying this sokeme into effect, and General Vide will facili tate his operations in erery way. In- a re port made to General Tiele by Dr. Brownl he saya.that the larger proportion of the negro.ponnisdion on Craney Island, both male and female, hare been accustomed to field labor; 1 the females could be employed In agriculture, -fie then recommends that a tract of land of 576 acres be set Mart fbr- them, suitable for. euliWation, iand formerly belonging to rebels. These lands s&e low, and sandy, and without 1 manure, will yield on an average twelve and shelf bushels of oorn per acre.- With manure they will produce in theUntyeara paying crop of vegetables of all varieties.’ Xhe outlay required to make this- land, availa ble for tbs-support of, the contrabands would be theocetof one mule and cart and ptoagh'io.eveTy .twanty acres; one hoe for eaeh band smployed, and twelve pounds of nano per acre for all crops but corh. The leport Isveryiull, and tbeplan feasible. W» find the following paragraph in the WasUngton correspondence of-the New Jark BtnUs. - .- : r ,'N*w;fiounOAi’ - taqr Seward had qtduja distinguished dlo netr’party yeSurdey. ’ Among-the guests wit Governor Curtin. It iq euidthet en ngreementrinrentorad.lntothetGnveiior «^shqaMbe*owtheea*di^Ns'a Union party in Pennsylvania, of which .Governor Morgan is to be the head in New York..' The purpose of tbe proposed orga nization is to recover the strengih lost to tbe Republican parfy by the transfer of conservative Republicans to tbe Democracy in the recent elections. The rebels base their hopes of ultimate success upon several grounds, eucfclav the indomitable spirit of their people, hie su periority of their troops, Ac., &c.; but above every other ground of hope they set what they call “the ascendancy of the Democratic party at the Nbrth.” Now, is toot that a pretty party, ihe triumph of which gives joy and hope to the enemies of the country? Oca Harrisburg bpeoiai Dispatch and other interesting matter will be Ibundon our first rvuviv jroTtCES. CANAL COMPANY.— KtACrt-N boriOS-An Elect! n for seven Directors of the krio Canal \ will b> b«-ld ut tbrir ufliu) la Hit, on iiOAuai,tb« id dujr «f Slurth next, at ion o lock a m. *w A CA Hu, Secctsry. Orncs AtuoHuit taxicr ivAii.«oxi> u*, ( i rit.s argil, J*k ztta, lf-63. J ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACr OF ASdCfit BLY In rdaliol to tbs time of hw)dia< the Annual Meoik'n of tbe Alle gheny Vxit«y. Railroad Company, ihe Stockholders m e hereby notified that au Iswiivn for UfiUers. to eeiTe tor >he e-ismog year will be ueld at tbe uiflce o « tb .,V o i u, ‘' ail * > lu lba of Fittiturgb, en I'OaSDAY, Febinsr, Slib, l:t>3,.»t 10 o’cloca a. m., Instead of Fib. zd, 18oJ,a« announced, ' K <1 (Hilt, Sbnvetarj. PiTTeaDEOH, Ft. Warn* a Uiii-aoo Uxilwat C 0.,) Vfiet of tht tsoerttarg, V PUteburgu, Fa., Jan *7ui, 18G3. J jTg»THIfi ANN Ij Ali MJiftTINU of the Bloci and Bondholders of; this Company, for the election oi Directors and seek older boslne«e M may come belura it wiu be beU at Ui« orFIUK UF BalD UuMPaKI. la tbe city of Fituburub. ou tne roDRTH WBDahbDA I OF FEBBUAfiY A. D. 1801 j 1 Tbe stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Com cany, at ihetr office la tbe cuy tf Fuubargn, aud a- their Transfer Agency la lbe City ot dew f oik will bscl-sed on .be iuth l)Af uF and remain closed until the 26th OF ItHMiAKV W. H. B aßm KS, Becreury. jaX<cttA * |T3*JiUTIUi 'U> MEMBt-Ka OF TUIS * l ®' OIL KXQHANQ£.—Ia tccorduce vita tb» piwliioua of ibe tonaUtn ioaj notice fa htrtlj «it«u to ta» member# 01 the ut! Xxcaange that eu eltieretbm to tha Lrtta be tluo of to* UonMitatlou eiU be celled upon WCUAaio&AV.ttw 18th GtU. BuTUUESiOft, uh icxcbatge. NOTICE,—AIIeohb \r bxteoa Cokpaxt —An S Htist lor Pres ident. Mana.en and uffloeis of the Company lor sotting « t'nd*- over the A I.ghrny Liver, opposite Pittsburgh, In the I'-ounty of Allegheny, *JU, ebela ftt ths 1' Lb dOUdfc, at tbe touch end of the Bridge, on MOaDaI, ta» *4 day of fearub a.-xt, at the boor of 2 w’ck-ck p. m. fcariut ff-U. R >*EBUB9, Treasnrer. [rSp-ALLLUHEN Y Cl’l'Y COLLEGE, O-.Taer of Lvao-ck and Pandutky Bireeta.— The Tenth Anneal bw«Um b*gius on,, MONDAY, Feb. 2d, and «ad« June 27 Ui. \ Bate* of Tuition from |lu to i£J. For iß'erescte, Ac., apply lo Jif.7-.lm JQ3 T.-frcttKE, Principal. I' ISOO— A. DRAtF- PLahTATtOi BfTTBBS. Th«f partly, strengthen aofl invigo.ate. The) create a bealiuy appetite. Th y are an aiiduluto to vfa »ue of a beverage, witu ott re.ard to age or timeofd*y. Parti .oi*rly .re commended to delicate persona requiring a geutle silmutaot Bold by a 1 Gro-erv, 1-rtugtets. boteli, and ratoons. P. B. DRAKE A 00., *oi Broatway, b«wTon. fea.mns JTKW aiir£KTi«£JtV£jr7«. DIAMOND bTfiAD WOKKb, PITIBBUBGtf, PA. EAEK, BEOTJISB & CO., Manufacturer* cf BUST QEAL’TY BinKFD OAST STIBL. Fqa'rt, n»t *nd OcU*ob, of all ilmi. Wimut d c*. 149 and 161 FIRST •o> ISO .id UifiKCutfU STBBSu', Plf«our>d DA4l4l»fc> UN TtIJS UKAULMi OH *N BTKC«.T,—>ot ce >• t-rtb- S la all }in i• oq wbusi a nim ot. lire m do to t n; th • d.m g• u< alto. Mary Bo , i«r tu*‘g >d* n of it i«t, tut !• ibe laid a»*-M -mo'i • ar not paid wituln ton < «|* of thi* due, > a u »111 be tmoiOi a*eljr tbor> a t»*r Iji ltate-1. J. w. jr. Htin C. Ctt> B licit r, No. ICW Filtb »tr et tetl-Ht Ye* nary 11th laga. CUNeUiiN .HbiNTA— lObbU frill K/ga; r 60 boa i. p, i u • Ootoci; 26 t>b • rweei Otae*; X c*r l al io at ea, Baoeired tad for nde by rBANK TAN OORDBH, \U »«c-»d a-rtai. ATa uAvy rUt>L.iCAXHJi.t£J Pareoa* on Bill# 2 *o.«. Biiardoo be krupey. Pm tb'e y..tma of p. .adore. C id on Marrnd Wcm«a. Bill rJ oa lor la 2 »ol*. Bury od Salta N«w ©d iiio. fctw*y on Kq4ty Jnrupr id. hi*. 2. tola, for aa » o? EdtAiO.M Wood at. SU.N;L)KJLu&.— 6 bbia. KoU Butter; 2 do Pacatd ao; 8 do frrah Egg*, 600 both. Ear Ooru; - 200 do Dry fteohee; 200 do pry <> ppiee; I,UUO ttk w W Irtidi 600 uuib White Baaea; Together wl;h a full aaortmentot Graced*. far tale bj ffHP. BECK A CO, fall WboVayle Qrocera. 1»3 M»orty ilr"»t- NEW AND CHUIUit UUGAK CUKKD natis; ■' PLfttN FAVB; 6H DLIEBi AN"* BIDE*: LEA* LAUD, lo bbli ( firltlnq and ptila, |]j of our own coring and rendering, tur j U. J. iOWnriKHD, * fuccceaor to Jackson a Townsend, fell . bo. )x ronrtli street, dmt i iberty. Oita tsAHn£ii3, of kOOI JUi quality, on hind and for tale br JAB. DALZEt t and 70 Water ft«oete LUBiiiUAilMi Uilw- trime Prank- Un Oil ftr mU by JAB. DALZELL A 80R, ' feU m and 70 Water utrmmU LaKu oik—lUo bbiß i>o. i winter attained Cincinnati • il on band and for aalabi JAB. DALZELL A 80S - , _(o\l. g md 70 Water a treat. lOKAlitt, i«*r nefioed ana Crude Oil. J and othtr h ertbandiae, by and 70 Water >Ueet. OMfi biiT IB,A CAMSIKKfcI. dor »ale at a at UoOLBLtsAMIPo atjul ion. fc‘l I ADlEs' Ui.vrAK.-t, at one-natt the cost "“'U'S. St McOuSLh*ll U . S ACOriON, SJ ruth .tret fi Ml TVc. 6TO&T BBia&4>WißU l UtO« ioi'o Wo. 6< rifth etrwet. B G sy L w^^T2^ A*l W afaS-A- 1 ' 1 « or *aoo at a i aa ter at a bargains alib. 4 P |Sooj i?'i,lm'^* lia,,l A t “* i a Ar»eo#r f»» l to 10 yaatfc ."J^emkitoosmoocejoromptly irtfwroSi?^ 1 He a “ : feflSwthettset,' Q.EHAT BAKUAiNS IN’ : Boon, tiioafi «b 4 Gmiig, - ; -at W VnAet BtrbeV jyjQUESNK BRASS WOHK& TATE. GAD HAS & CO.; Mannfscturen of every variety of finished BBAfiS WORK FOB PLUMBERS, BTFAM OB GAS-FIITEBS, MACHINISTS, AND COt'PSB3UITHS. BRASS CASTINGS, of all descriptions. made order. STEAMBOAT WOBK, STEAM A* D GAB-FIT. TING, and REPAIRING prompt’y attended te. Particular attention paid to FITTING REFINE* BIZS FOB COAL AND GABBON OILS. Pole Tihe Waste's DJitri-t of Pennsylvania tor .he sal’ of M&fiSQ, LAOeDCLL A CO.’S PAT ENT StPBON POMP*, the best ever ln«entel. Bav’ng to valves. It la not liable to get « ut of older, audw.il throw more water th«» any pump of tel e !*• sloe. f^lo.2wd OAVING SOLD’oOR INTEREST in IJ the DfIQUESNE BRASS WORKS to TATK OAPMaN Aoo..ee wou'd checrflly re oirtnend to the pat on*ge of i>ur Mends »nd the p.b.lc gtnarally for a continuants of thrl favour. lliLToa a CO., (late of Dnquesne brass "orke.) Comer of Bt. Clair atr.ei and imuuesne w ay. felOihtd OXltUftael or CUtßlsTaoCa, I Baltimore, Ud , Ftb. «tb, 18«3. J SEALED PROPOSALS are respect- RUIv Invited by tbs ondmlgned nmil ti m., MARCH Ist, 1863. fur lornienlog the United Scales onbcistence Bepartaent, delivered In Baltlmoie, aarj lend— 20.000 BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR, fresh ground and of mixed brands, inspected by the mate Moor In pector, of the City ol B dUmore, Immediately Pterions to dt I rep Both heads to be Ini y bead lined. Flat hoop d and machine made barrels will poeltlreiy be rrjfc ed. 1,000 barrets to be de livered by tHetcb of March, anl the same amount every two (2j days thereafter. COOiO POUNDS ADAMANTINE CANDLES, (16 on* c*s t> the pound ) Brand must be mentioned Boxes to be strapped With tight green hickory * tr *P*< The whule to be delivered by the 15th of Ma ita. 1863. . hopoeal* for dlflennt articlss must be on srparate sheets of paper. fcamples mutt nocompany every propcsal, and te labtued distluotly with the name of the bllder * Axprees chargee on eauiptee most be prepaid, or the propera’s will not be considered. Each bld most have* printed enpy of thle advertlssmeat patted at Its headland ma«t be epeoifla in o mplying with all lu teram Each bid. to bin conztoeraOon, most contain in U the wiittea narazr.ee of two reepenet* ble pe toes, as follows: **The nadirs!gned hereby gaaraotee, thonld all or any part of.tbe aocompanying Md be acceptel, that it •hall te duty'fulfilled aoc.rdlng to ice true pur port and conditions M most he endorsed ‘Propotale for Sub sieteuce Stone.*' Bidden may propose tor the v hole orany-part the article. Prcpojore who can furnish the proper srttdee, bnt seed an tncraassor time, can state the time when they am be ready for their u» Ivery. Persons not having tbe mecise variety of stores above deaertbed, bat bavlrg artlclM of a similar kind, are at liberty to send in propt eale for supply ing them, wuich will teoe,Te attention according t j price asd adaptation to the aaata of th< service. In • 1 case# not sp-dally excepted, the delivery mast be made at the tlao* ln case of (aifnre, the 'elted Bta'«i reeer«cs tbe right of pcxchtte else wbe e to make out the deficiency. All stir** «i'l ueoare.nlly lotp ettd and compared ■ltb the retain«d samples. Betoins of weights, s'g.ed by a regular public weigher, most be tarnished ahrn.ver isqaited, Contractors are expected to bold wlth* ontixpenvetothecnlUd States until rwaired tor. shipment. Payment to bemads la sneh funds, as may boon bend ; If none on hand, to be made as soon as re ceived. ho pnrcbMM Btd« {ran r«'m»lonitt«. THUS, a SULLtYAH, CfcpUlo and 0 ft., r. A, A. A TTKACfIVE SALES UEB AND BOYS' CLOT HIM 0, FDBSISHIN9 QOOD3, Ac, AT J. L. OA&NAG&AH’S, 80. lie TXDS&AL STBKXTi ALLEQHXST. A* l am now cfoleg op my bnalbe**, I lorlta ip#- ddattouiiiß to tba followfog «t.ck of aeaawcabta (ooda, ahlcb It la t* Meted will be to and worthy ttu ootlmof cotfa knyen. A r>oda*eonm-nt of SACS aad TBCCK OYEB CQAIB. A foil variety of O olfl, GASSIUKRE and medium grad* BiSINISS COA7S; BLaOb CuATS, ranging lb p»ie* item $8 to fro. 01 UgHM PANTS, Boa, mtdlomtod I w & raea a Rood alock-*, aad well a»*ort*d GENT'S r NE PLUSH, OuOTH, aiLM aad CaSSIMiKE YE9XS. XJOre’ O. OTBIAO. A gooi eeramnebt of JAUSEIO,’ PAKT3 AKD OYEHCOATh, d ai.y ent »D"* well made. QBN ■&' *tio BuYf rUHNIbUING GOODS, PIN* « SITE fr>a |1 s4*io Si tg; O&KT AKD *Hlrt MEBtNo oUißl* AND DR* WEBS: Fine At glad % HOSE} < omotj .nd serlso Mao'a all wo*>Uod SI.kSUIBIB k DBA W> CB -; bo excelleat tarl.iyof OLOV*?, TIES. SO* iltibafib, Ac, PItOI GOODS. BUSINESS COATINGS, CLOTHS, OABttMatiEs aad VESTING', mbl«b will, a* oaaa! t ba made op to order, or aold by the P l *" « y«d* J. L.OABNASHAN, f-7:lmu 1H ?rde<»l atrarl, Alletbaay, QAKrBTb, DRCGCfETS, OIL CLOTHS. W. eeU the utenUCe of t. It* extant, vutoiy tod btenty of our staok. Mid to «b. sdrintasaa of tt.tr perehM. for oreb betare tbo recent adranoee of the manolactarvn. OLIYKE McCLIHTOCK & CO, taSrerew, 80. rn FirrH fIXBSST. fJIHK NATIONAL CLAIM AGENCY. BOLDIIBS 1 PAT, PXRBIOW9 ASD BOOHTZU. R VALTXB DAT, 10S ffreet, tUrd deer Mew (ktkoUc Otorek, hnumr, Pa. In ooabeetlon with BABTBT. 00LLIK8 k BBAQX, Weehiegton, B. o.,^General Goranxment Ageate.. lus^£* 4^!?, * *** ®toifgt ef a kin of deceaeed B^T, d . h ? wi^.r^,lT attention. *iS!aa BtiUHTIM, PIK* SS B^!. 0 ? BAOC p A t » ** wM to caU and , lWr WAB CLAIKS; of erery de c^sr far * 0OT ‘ r -- "^“^•ckoigtmadMmuamontrkoolUettd. ■ jaS7:lmeodia Q.IFT BOOK UTOKE, So, 118 Wood Street A freahtopply of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS; PAIULT, ABD PSW BIBLKB, And HIBTOBIOAL WOBKB; Jwt receired and fir «H at iready redaeed pHeca* *** A OOHTLT. GIFT, worth (ton 60 cento to tWO, GIYXH KAOH. J»WI •., |1« WQon A CARD.—We. the andenknod, most tort Iff to Mr. W. BTBcMttal*, Be. ua AalthSeld etieet. that, barine employed bui eerricee frequently ae OUPPXB AHD LCKCBBB, tatT?. *?*»d bin to be pnnctnal, careful tad mbet •kUlfoloperaterin htobailnee*, and taka pkeenf* ra Z Tfv? ta * l . ,M tog him t* tbe p-oto—loy aa well ae eO otban In need of inch eerrtcM. -, J 30BEBT WILSdH,K.B., A-H.GaOiB, ALP., H. GBOfB, M. Bra . J. G. GALLAGRKB, Mi B, r J.PEBOoMBNT.M. 8.,1 , ' A HOUBSLITKB, M. 1». . tort LBXOBK9, freeh cat; of the pond, frfto.: - . .VP, . * •> • ■ ItUw DOLES OF 000BT8;—Kules oi toU Aw the Coorta ef Law end Vqotty*->Btate and Hatted Btat*e»»hieb to the dt« of Pitta* barca, aad of tie enpr-joe ucvt of the United Bates. Ktoteneedafc- OoiplWd by Btonart Bmbn, K*q- I»oL octavo, of over 900 page*, inttaue aad Ihi-rtoaTee,tor addition*in MJL-r*Ktoo Ttraßallaa. For arte by . WILG.JOKirHTOMAOOra Newnt CTWoodtoraat. 1 ?»ITY ANfi COUETaYhLOTS FOE J 6tlJ.rafw.lflt> m Jeckaon •ttraMt*f*d,t Cltpnr Bttaghaif.aaohMfwt fNßt,Mrtk«MD4tos < wnß»fcot*tmt v . V , Aboat lO 'aae* »a JleOtaie town»hto.-b*tov -MtortiVßnn, to legate mU. .•» *mtWttiF£y ; Mun l^^ x'Eir rjtO (XHJNTitY MERCHANTS AND f>? A tIBBr : BATON, AIAtJK Dfll A CO^ Noi.l7andl9Fiftl» Street, °* XBIMHIH6B,.EMBBOI». DEBITS, HOSIERY, G LOVES, UOOP OKIBTB. SIBB<-S3, BBIBTS, OOLLABS, TICS, UHDBB -38 CUTS and O&AWEB& WOOLCS QuODS. CD BIAS, &CA&FA, ZKPHYBASD SHETLAND WOOL; MOO Ebe. JXHrmaaYAßM.cn bead ead co arms. Our stock m purchased. bripre Uw tut r*»t w- in price*, ud «• offer great Indscamaats to •3ITY 4Sp OOOMTBT McloHamth^mtm.i. HIM, rSDDLERS, ud 'oU obn toy tn.Mll yhi, B. B.—A chotae aaaortiuant «i . Staple Dry Goodm A« -1. ' ' •" JJIiILADJSLttiIA SHIBT AND COLLAR HOITBE, DOZEH HICKORY SHIBTS; 1.000 DOZEN.,OBEY, BCD AHD BLUE IT.AN. . 21 EL 6BIBT8; - 1,000 DOZEN ASSORTED FANCY TRAVELING SSISTa; 1,000-DOZEN WHITE MUSLIN SHIRTS, beat |9 25 upwards; 1,000 DOZES DENIM OVERALLS; 10,000 PAXES OOTTOSADX PANTALOONS; Manoftetorers of tha MINER'S WELSH FLAN NEL r&IBTS, and a Itm assortment of LISES AMD UAISBCILLEB BOaOUS AND OOLLABV. AMD GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOIML For solo by BENNETT, BOOH A CO., Mawutactuuxs, .... , 80 - 2 n Oiordi Pa jaloamd »• • • tJIHE MYSTERIES OP NEW YORK. JcomnJxicAxsß.] Wan, naticnal resources, political contests, rail* (lona conventions, amnsements, the Central Park, Its iwatis, gondolas, Ac., btn baas letter is of the “Mysteries of Saw York.* 1 In tba Car, stsamboat, parlor, at dinner, .in tha street,everywhere doXheaxsome stery with rela tion to or an inquiry ns to the meaning of these mythical weeds, posted, printed and advertised wherever I go: S. T.— lB6o— X, AcccmpmUd with e crescent and a ehrphiri'a book. A etcessin eymptihiur said it was: “Satan Tri anphed in ISCO in granting the Xpaotatioa of abo'i- Uonlsts ;** while a Republican aald it was: “Stamp. Tail Democrats of 18 0, gone to Texasanother, “To the State Taxes of JBGO add tea (X) dollars another, that they wets the wktchwortia of some stcc*t society, like “Sons oi Tecaachia are 1860 Btroar, M or “deward Tricksters ef 1860 Usml Up,** Ac, Ac. Weil,yonr correspondent waslll—hadbean ill fur a long time—ln fact, his lata tappers *».ntid ta taa but Congress in the report of Ur. D 8. Bara 00 an *narm6a» aod ater-ling, amofmtirg te aoaa ala mlllkadolUn inaaally. 3bo propr.stcrs of tbaaa OiU-re wUi pay Undo Bam near oft y th nt-aa, Itaatal b'capohdanoy, 40., era ba cnrod by tba Plaalailcn fitters. ‘ • , That aU perioca may Jttdga of tta e Acaey, vs pnb>' Uah a Uat ot aoaa oi tba arildei need la tta prapara* Gausara Banx—OelabraUd for orcr tvo alnndrd yean is tha rarer and Agtta» Dyapap>~ ala Waikneaa, Ac.. It wtt Introdnocd into Korcpa by tha Ovuuteaa, vita of in# Ticaroy of Fan, In IM ,«*« Joy! am marly a will auu . I terra im omatbdea thorn m #,Yend casts, andasthr as I baow aims wttbfrlgnal ba&afit; ■ .. - a na» tary rwpaotmll j yonra, Bar.J.ti.CATHOM, Snob U tbs In&gnagaTsaehlnfaa dally*'Vo nrtfc da rr«r bad aa aaJa. Vm4w rnmm+mtm mta tie jpwn HmM LLA£S. BDBPBHDBBS,OBATATB,Ao. I WOOLEH OOODB, dosing out at coat. - ' JOSEPH HORNE. OAlili AT MACRUM & CLYDE’S, 78 Market {Street, , E»4 tirjJ/jonmH i«h «ad Diamond jl&auxaauum UUK LASOK STOCK OF DRY GOODS, i »t BOTH - . mniitmUtmiUlttaU DtaUrt. *» JtMnomiur mlicubd. ■ ■ C.H.LOVE4CO, - 74 MAKKBT BTBEBT. "M» ■■■ ■ ■■ ■ - QLOaIHO OOT BALK ■ i’:" I ■ . /'.‘l’ • WINTER GOODS. EATOW; -BLAicttVlH A ti n>tniht unniAirnrmrreiT, wnraai crooßS > *«**• tu fata** <* Mim m, nO tn all tin a*i»t*« at tteUßDOnoixiqßaDiißiaa.' ■' J XATOK/iiCKOKACO., )dt ; - »a. iT>fTTB gTBIWr " MMiuta mvoimt u» bi.hauua mum abb »«Bt tim-touniKi, AXULUIf HTJJCBODI.I, nd •Owr dMinblaticte^ jMntaintk} ... KAoaini*et.Tt)i, ipHK handsomest Tu Man ■ UU yiihrtii ill */:?. \Jy^ jMUHijßmrt woman mm' • M-nihJito • luamuimni, IHntafltMlttßl r- • BjtUVUV < ■ : .x» 4rMonro M/ctm ttit atb, » cw a*. M* i a S;: X^fcgj : 150 '“!»*4*r*-rAafSBS 'KMSDX*«I i R)i | naS* MSOHIO HAiEtt T. I TOE o*> WISE I .nonda; Arming - , Fib'y. 9th, AHD FlVlt rotIOWISO KIOBM. ' “ . "T AtUiMMi jimii'. a.WUMnSDAt ni BAT0abA t,tt AVcioc^c. The cilebraud Continental .. OLD FOLKS ; i OQNOERT COMPANY^ Atlutlnd to coiicm..or ONE HUNDKKD A ’ J -V^ wbo "*il •PP*» r '*» tbtte OH AM I* OLD-f A&a iwMBU K5Ts.3 AIMMaMTO, eeeated by thaw malihlftt ana nnil.fc.t-d ttv,- j tHOE SISTERS, ; - & & £MIU^ Whose bUdlika warhllngg ha*a lastly obtained fix' ih.mth.r.rouiiiu. Ih/ni-i ' : DtUgbtfol CoßMrt Blugers In Imeriu; MB. TiHES T. GBLICE, The eminent Anirricaa ‘ Bssto. resarkahla rotes hisexdfed thawond-r and t»Mion ■anda thMoghonsiithV ootthtry.' Cousin Reuben, ■ ' The great represinUtlTO cf a BEAL LIVE TAM KSE,wiI also.ha present etery^evening, andatog hisf.mooseooge .Cf tba “Metoeant old,*' “Evacoa tion Day,*’ “B;tlngd.l* ''t I".'-.'. HOUGH DIAMOND. ■ABQSBT—snDOH. Q'IU»I« Joic: :■ ..M.-.._-..Hr. BK»T<‘M.. aßtjtocKa-^ Xli un i.YKMIaO, reb Ittk, at fUL wviock.wMl b!' tlut.oaßß4f:tiftlta«« tto'>M r ho. b;:orcer cl iolia ictt ulO« ' A. btevati. jkiocHtorivf ihosa* kcot ,IL*q ' t dVdu HOth*. 94 Htdaodu>HhUuiccSopbct J»«u&J9toaai . 60 oo ' Gltiutita B•/'• NtQtgl&nj Volley B.B.Oo.Stocks* * * ‘ ■!'•-' T.: PAVIo mot. AUittiON. L 0.-ob pbu>a* Ar*BH v oei,n;a o'co&, •*% Jiß'<&li HB>Tpa.«p|l3a tJotui, (6 fueBtii'"' '* tb«; mikt b>-so)d • prt». ■* C. Abidtunjuk i vajUimx boaOoaT A*UTlull'-40iTDC3i>«r’KV»M 80. r«b. t, it tJit It - nd,«t tb« tosneni'L' •****• bo uCf fiio. c 4 i'Jtbtti(.ei r fjr it a>*f.ceß-«rb.—£ : t r .. -...a • b ndj roUt'a eicb.) Al*gb«a* Octiotr! r ou*o* « oa«t r• fltb'*4ie»t,,# Uri»eou)tii« ,‘ s m«as u( •‘Cupd-bAnd O.aifclnj, ia*co* ? eo»dluoij •ad leaaopßblrftiabrath g>T*r> t«ital; V jlia’* . - <***r,nnh m C3oin aui u* ■inert'/r.'eb t ; t*«tow,pfebkJgnik »nd. JTkiCi U'Uiwci PaiUif ?, V.«ra »od asncj V«u«t «o •-. **" I 4 •, • J. U. UkVIl ABcL — : - ; ' «* f ' iSuciion. ■■• &*»< l „ j w [jfo. aa rinh street. '; - JOasonic nail AtKtlon Hovte. -» Jitt - z .e • j... JttEKCitJtjrT ■ ’TMMMHS. ■ JJBMBX O. JULB * CO, *» Jana; W«ttj ■ ; < ,psrt)Mat.XailorBri- - - ■ Ano*vr*MMictiMlr *• fAii Aid _ wurxjstt swcatY* •Sift eh«*»i tMUiad'igrtcm _wfll«n. « V egalrfesar s^. ■ hjmmkiragi, '■ Yir' .si ,i. i VMXIHOfIt snd v:oTnaoAnaa. v*J“Vi*»l**r**ufrtntsslscWl uMii(• >■ UUslMinrrclutnafettkiaol - ' *«.' ■ ' ' isjordsn IntrosUdtoosi tan vtfi -~- min pnaneueom .Si 5»*.. „ —lO 00»-0» JMH *Bl. olinnnm , , BAVißas an«ri.. jffijEßy- ******* *J tt. lattomn «| ' ••"omm. tiT(ium saxnr~ , f «a'rapmAßL»., , ; oS ' Y * S^2%S«SBiI£SSsSS^S.-'« I • Boots, con UlalngCfctrUr. Er-law. Aw '■ •* °o*i»t>o>tios sTuu oB(4; * ■*a*a£W* •' ■ H‘ B : 4-j»oj> tSnSc. -—i__. i3£iS»TN»“Mk Mail, ii-.SiSOfisETtssr* *mb 4ti Ak. n i I ,' ,, r ''t**—— ; tq «m It) : £»Thw * T > UO W « «£S3 JKL£** ** mi »Mrggßsssg:ljigg;',. ; :-:.? :' V ‘.;_ • •_,