. ./ «> / ■/; t 1': ' IP *s®' Sfcj :A ••s|v sii ■}&■'' ?>i .*: * '>*• •’-V .* • \ « .s*i 4:* *■ MEE w-jt , r < - ok i.. ; :ii:,kj.;> : ;:':i-'r :; i- : flips ' + J : „ ‘V* 4 %m,v, ;• <- r- .:■. I *. i-'*: » A - , .-ty-.' ~ 3••.•*- ... 7, .• i •;VS;-:".V. :! ;■oxS*.-.- 'i>, ; rj: ■** 1 If , ■. i*K . i $i : .; . , : S, ;, : ro •r V.:* IQCm- item Y««terdiy;» Byaairig Gazette; ■,f Death Of AlDert-Copier*' l> fn » nolle* of—theeaptWUy of Josuh * t<^Fi*T,‘Jr4 r W c l1i« nwratag Is v / cUtotl of the}7Bih -,• »ligb tly wounded, but not ijilto'WM)* mistake. Be was •''''seterelyw uttdedln ; theiefVshoulder by a fragment’* Tft wii i*k« by it® rebels, - - ’ tfrrrM *" tn/ftw south, then back to Knox •fiU#,*b*i» hftdift4n>m*Wb«rtbfttWMU tb» • -'kiihand AtVof January. > On 4hn ttth bd lef nototc- hl*-f»thef,frora Kuor 'r's‘J,*lW;lriw rteh-bft tiin'i * 4 l*fcMtrookOß th ® r lett'shtroldW by Tbiwbuod '1» oot verjj sererej but theiong rid* on toe £ir>, isd •xpbsurvfo "cold, broke me down* 4 4 ~ : " t-tbiok TwM soon WeWo to 5 travel egelu. I 1 eouldnothear acytkingirt JolUh.- Probably you bare beard from httu before now.' As * ’ iooo fts X get through the lines I shell write again." Bat 4 ©omrade and fellow prisoner writes from Camp‘Parole,';Aonepolie, 'Md., thet mortification-ensued,'which soon terai j : anted fatally. “Itook good cure of him/’ ■ 'says tbe noble fellow,“as long a* I-wae with i - him; bat we bed to leave him «t Xooxville on kcoonnt of having to travel eii foot ton miles I Jta Bast Tennessee, where our men had burnt tome bridges. sentword Urt?but who;bft» since come up, thftt Albert was deed. Bat, Sir, I-cauH gire joa any . particulars of his death; hi the man had noth-; iu g to say ftbout him’except thftt his wound bed. mortified. I mutt say, as ft last-tribute of tor ipeot, that be was oneofthe best of soldiers «. m good ns ever brnved the storm of buttle— I ftlwnvsftt bis poevnud never fearing danger.” 5 Albert wns n good man, au earnest and.’ d*. Voted OhristUu. Many a dying man in the ■ army hospitals -wss. cheered -and sustained, l - w4tl4p4*hing‘tbrbugh the dark-valley, lbjhis j: kind services, his oounsels and his prayexsj [• md even though be died among enemies, we i. cannot doubt that to; him the valley of the shadow of death was'illumined;by a better light and a fuller bonsolatlon’ than earthly kindness could afford. Oufwouhtryj In its ek l tremlty, call* forsnob sacrifices j Heaven lt^ 1 self, when their appointed -Work is done, calif S for suoh noble ones as krand his brother who. i went.before bins drom another battlefield) I therefore let ns who reinain bqw meekly to the { stroke, and rsjoloe that we had suoh precious j offerings to give to oorpountry anA lO Heaven. . At »n adjourn.* mooting ot th. Oil Bx- ! cfeugo, hold this morning- it tho Board of : ■i Train rooms,! tho Prooldont stated that tho I object ot tha mooting was’ to hsag tha report j of tho CommUtoo on Location. r Tho report of the committee was then road. J It stated that the Board of Trade had offered tho use of their rooms to the Oil Bxohango, 1 free of ront,eatll thetest toy of July nest. Their offer ni aeceptad and the Commlttoo j discharged. , .... , The beoretary than read a minority report ! from Mr. BonoU. objecting to the Bodrd of Trade room, oft aS location for: the Oil Bx-. ! change, and stating thathehad obtained sub* ' scrintions npon his statement that it woaldhe located aear the banks of the Allegheny I : river, and if the location was elsewhere, he*] ; would feel bonnd to refnnd the money. I A communication, from Wm. M. Shinn, 1 : Biqr., was read, suggesting Philo Hall as a ■ Dropiulut for tho sMtloti of tho BwhiDf*. j ofTrade-Room*, howoror, put a itop to any farther debate on ! tho oubjeet. . . . • Tho report of tho Committee, appointed to draft bya-Uwj and .a eonatitution lor the government of the Bxohango, wae then taken | np. a After having been road In detail, they : taken up seriatim, and passed, amend ' td.os rejecUd*: >- L On motion a Committee of floe wore ap pointed to confer with the Direoters of the Pennsylvania Bailroad to aaoortain whether ' they would not offer inoreased facilities for ! the transportation of -Oil over their road, i On motion, the organisation of the Pitts ' burgh: Oil Bxobaoge dates from this day, February Sod, . 1868. ' On motion adjourned. 1 The .Controller’* Estimates for 1803. • Ihs. County Cwnirjjlfok W jpyepsrsd bU'w timfct«i or tho msipti and sxponditursr of ' th* county for 1863, and submitted tho aims I to tho Commlitionors. The expondltoroi aro : baaed on the average payments of the laat t*re jMri,-«nd include provision for ths optatand *joj warrants of each tiepsrtment- The amount I ; required ; to be raiaed by taxation, l»—for or ; dinarv ooantj s9l MO; and for In ! terett on railroad brads, $138,000. Thit : will ! ‘ j Involve a levy of four mllle tor oonnty pur poaer.and fire and-w halfmillafor railroad ‘ fnfcvsii—oran aggregata-4ovy of-nlne and a : tnilli. For State purposes the maximum : of three mills will be required. m ; The eatimated receipts Inelnde the tax** : levled.ie 1861, for railroad purposes,amount- Inc to $700.000; andthe amoont to be raited • ! 14*1863, loir.th* «amewtP ’ MW-hrini, ani being JtiU nnoolleeted, the oreaent aaaeiiment will awell the bnrtheh to ; thirty two and a UlfmUU, or 3* P« the assessed valna lon. To thie must beadded -theerdlaary ooanty-tax,-tha.Btate tax, the -poor tax, achool tax*nd gOWnment tax; so that, if the railroad tax ia paid, the owner a of real estate trill have very little left to place on the profit aide of the eoeount. The olty tax payers are atUl wor*e off, hav- Ing a little railroad tax of thsir own to provide for, atjfrU 4* thfirsbafq pf the oonnty debt. Bliss Leaverton Found. j Tbe girl Martha Agnn LeaTiiton, whole ■)• Bjitnlouf dl«.ppMi«M from the Wlileyen ! Pomtto Cuitoge.atWilaUSgtoi^ u i whole parentl, relMtog at CheiterloWD, i Hd., wora uonildaiably »Urm«d It reoetotog ! » UtttrdaUd »t Plttiborgh, bat poitmakad at HarrLburg, aanouueiog bar demlio, baa beep i dlKwrerea la Harriabarg. She Tolas tart ly lafV WUmtogU>a, want to Harriabarg, and ob tained a iltualiontn amllllner'e i tore, and i waa dLoorernd bj meeni it a photographlo r- llkeoeM, ftrwardid from har tormar.home. Bba waa sadoabtadlJi Aa author .of the iota i:: BubUahodla thaXent Coast? Atom, anaoano “|(^ I . d t!lSrl?ttit , beonatt«4tog HTiity and threw her apes her ows.reeoSTr. ■ m. Delermln.d sot to bo depesdeht apes. any one, ora burden to her ra!atiTe»,:iha left ; home to make her on llrlng. She le .good 1 — .ordinal? lnteUi- Senee, bat etrongl? glrtn to reoeade, with a eelded poeelos Iqr the “poller biter" atyto of literature.' The parenU ol the girl an. highly,rtepeoteble and propanol eiueena of Kent ooaht?, Marjland. and her etory about the bahirnptoj of her father, ho., ii all dptlon. 1 What her objeot wee in tearing college eo i> 5 »jtterljmll?.sli*ttdoniig'hbnienadJriende, - and haring her death annoanced In the newe paper at tihoitortows, le a myeter? that ra.- ! maisi for her'to explain. A Singular Incident. Atlkeooeailonofa. jury trlal ln Philadel phia slew da? e ago.the caia.waiby agrae ; , aunt of ooaneel tried before eleren jarore to | : iteadof twain, and It woe gtres to them tm ■ der tba charge of the court, With penaleelon . io eealdhelr .rerdlet and • bring it to the next iaornliig! Ji inter the?’ had agreed upon I ■ and elgsed their rerdlet the? eoperated, but ! ■-■-sssHSßsasasaa } ■ sasss ! ' - kaewn,tko eonneel to ! ■ thebaee were BoUted-of ly nnd,rtrtth their eoneent, the rerdlet wad rendertdby the ten ■' Jarore: ; r ; • ■■■■ , : TfceMasdnmai ngainet the Connell*. '. I■.. ...Theitatesont,is »o»e qf.thdpaperr, to | the effect that'lh. Oietebenof the pltp Conn cile would to-de? appear before Ja'dge .Oiler, of the United StatM Olrealt Ooart, and make '■j - nntwqrtothepwHtepf.inandaokptmttMupon thetn.le erroneous-ThawriienteretoriiaM* to-de?, bat the retsrn to merel? formal; and, to made by the Idarehal. The retain to elBpl? a noUdoatlon to the Court thkt the I • ' rrrltthaTO been eerred. IMe-pgiqoedlng to', < neoeeear? before the lnterrogMAto out W Mod,- and the gaatobartrof. ll in a wagon. MrzzLixo a Calf. —Thomas feeagh has been arrested and find five dollars, by Mayor Alexander, for mnaxling a oalf.•' Starving the ealf, to help the sale of thneow, is one of those tricks of trade which are prohibited by ordinance. Bbatb or Soldibis.— The following Penn sylvania soldiers have died, at Washington since last report: Joseph Smeltser, F, llth Reserves ;J. Greenfield, E, 134th; A okQltg, G, 106th.; T. Wittieh, D, 143 th. Did Hot Abeivi.—The remains of James. M. McKee, of Manchester, did not arrive in time for burial oa Sunday, and the funeral wae necessarily postponed. Lxtesrr or Clotbiho.— Chat. Bowen was committed to jail to-dayi by Alderman Tay lor, to answer for the-larceny of articles of clothing from George Haber. At Home. —Col; E. Jay Allen, of the 153 th regiment, Is at home, on aiek furlough,Laving been In exceedingly bad health for some time. £l> VCjtTIOJTjU,. Nokmal school:—h. williams bee opened • NORMAL BCHOOL At Ko. S 7 &U GUh itreet. Third *tory. Tmtinonf Qj- Ttadun: . . HAifl the counsellor ol; the Teacher*, the man to whom aU of tu look.for advice and Initroctlon. JOHN J. WOLOOTT. I ooncur moet heart Or with the above. < I LEONARD H. EATON. I cheerfully concur in the optnion>xpTeeiod above. iW. B. FBIW. : I take pleaeoxe in giVlng-ii ae mj opinieo. that the iomoinK recommendation U IhUj Bunted. • ' '- i - ■- A. BO&tle 1 know of no on* Who deeerTea hixher teetimooT la hfcfanv. i MTSeATSBY. , i fniiT eohonr in the above recommendation. . H.LKNNIBOH. ' He can prepare pnpile br th* Hi*h School than eev other teacher In this city. : ; , . . [. A. X. DOUTHPBC. fpwyp-ln'M? weejulaadvapca., aqfcSuwd- tl’HOl^Oa^ULS. NAVYi AGXNT'S OFiriUK, 1 Hxw Tons? Jennar/88th,1883. J SEALED tRai'OSALtf^RiJOHS^D iO “Propoa.le 'far Leal Wire "vlt be received at thie office QDtil W£DSJtSDkY,ihe lltb day of •abmacy next,at l*V6lock,fcr • • SOO.COO PoDHtS or LSaD' WIRY, 48 dlam., To be made of the ieet toft lead, and delivered at the WaehUttaa t Ha* y Yard, free of *U expenee to‘the lOffrnmaatp WJthateaaayeAfurtbe expirplton of*' the edrertbemut. and aehjact to the ceo4 tion of the Navy Yard. 'Kacb off >r mnet be acoOjßpanltd'by a written ffsar* a»ty, etfood’ byono or mw> Teipomlblo pareona, canlfled tc by eom# officer ol the goTbrofcaot. e-t. tl&gwrth lf hUcher u tbelcweet,' edli immeclatily ooterlotocoairaet, if ltu d.emwd neetmary, lor the falthfa! ppmiTma&oe of the wotk. jaSoffit L HKHOBBaOH, Navy Afent. American house, Rono». u th« , lamet and best arranged Hotel in : the New Sn(landBtatea; la centrally located, and easy of ao cmb from aU the rontee ol travel. It ooatalnxalitbe modem baproTtmente. and every oonvenlenoe tor the oomfbrt and accommodation of i the traveling pnbUo. The sleeping reams are targe add well ventilated; the smites of mans are well arraAgM, andceapletely furnished for famlUeeaad large uaveltng partue,and the bouse will cantina# to. be kept ee a Ont/dam hotel In every respect; ’: ' ( . » laglrlvd LYTWIB RTOT. PrOpHfdne. TREES.—INDuancKsn foinnt F very large stock of cbotca TBEXS, of selected varieties to choose from, with evay poad* tab care taken, to, have ewy Tariety trae to name. ' Of Aral* alone vt have of which ma threw year old*, 1 10,000 four year oM*. 1 Peat, 10,< QOOtwotothree yeancdd. Plum, hc.i ft fina ~|f«*i- . ~ I u Trees In the Noreety. Ce& esd_ from’ r to*feet, by the hondred. SHAD* TBXEB ASP&HRUSBIBY, asdosklasd jam*.. . - r l7 :—t-i'-V • tTi d LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ROM OUR EVENING EDITION.] The Capture ol the British Steamer Princess Royal. Baltimore, Feb. 2 —Tbe Richmond Wlig, of Saturday, received at the American office, has tbe following: After our tor® was sent to press on Thurs day night a telegraphic dispatch was reosive'd. announcing tbe capture of tbe British stoamor Princess Royal, C*pt. Lawson, while attempt ing to run tbo blockade into Charleston^ At tbe time of tbe departure of'the Princess Royal from-Halifax for Bermnda, tho North ern papers announced tbe fact and gave a de scription of the vessol and cargo. The Fed ecal.crutsera Were therefore on: the lookout, and as she was maklng"her way in, before daylight on Thursday morning, .she was sud denly surrounded, anf expo* *lenoed and auco-aafal managers; and its present owners, bating taken it cbitfly to secure indebted* bibs, oOer it Jor sale at a wj moderate price. .It is ballet d that a tc tf tatoraole opportunity la tbo* presented to any one wlehiug to engage iu tbe .bntinrn of making rig lletal, epecially a>, in addl* lion to Us advantages of cheap and ex.eUtnl quality of Goal, and transportation tadiities, mar bo commenced immediately npon aecOrlng the requisite stock ef Ore, the Furnace being entirely te'dy for iu flies tobeliabied. It has a manly* atone black, on a rock foundation: the health and lining are new, the latter of 80. 1 Bolivar On briec for both lon* rand no tor walls. Tbe stock and coal houaeeaia'new; the machinery aodheiblestputin orde*; new and improved gas improtamaata, and the whole made rtady for ano caartal operation. * railway bring* the beat quality of iron*to*kiog coal t» the letel ot the trnnoai head at a low-price, and tbe late ducoterirt ot ntftwitma additional largo ooal AaUa in the iamedlata r tldnlty« ':eh»ara an abundant(apply for the fame, at raUe likely to be leewttied by actirs competition; The Furnaos I* so situated at to nse the Canal, or the bbraa&go Talley Railroad, (promised tobe com pleted to ttiddloaez by Hay m xt,) with nearly equal oobvaate&ca. .1, It is bellav«d that then Is no point In the Bltn miaous o*l region where that# ts a greeter c.mbl* . datum of advantages for aakhuFlrtUtal. . . Fur term apply tod. P.KLY, Marquette. Lake Superior, or to tbe undersigned at Ulave'and. 0010. H. B, TCTTLB a SOS. ja!7 l'«* J*no»TTl«t. T 863. 18t)!£ laess. O A. K, ,E» El T S. W. D. & H. K’CALIIJK. niOUBTB BIBUT ... A Urge portion of car stock hering been bought pnrlou to a MrlM of odr&noeA, god no»iepl*oud> •d, ()o>t precod Ingtb* UrgMt edvesce oftb»**M«o nftbtfceitteest designs hr w-a OASPJETB, OIL CLOiHflIWISI>OW l WlSI>OW SHADES, Ao. r A fcroabW cpportiaUji* offered to imiduM— at qtod«»te ret#,« price* vmowteinlr be higher. :**???? 7v< COMMERCIAL RECORD PITTSBintUU HahKETS Orrift or m PirisacaoH Daixt Gamtt*. i MOBDAT, Feb 2. 1&62 1 Notwithstanding our New York dispatches,report coin as having declined, the rates here remain un changed. Our bankers and dealers continue i>ny at WO Silver, 150 for Demand Notes, add U 3 lor Cold. Eastern Exchange Is steady at par bhylag, and J 4 per cent prom, selling. CHAlN—Wheat hfa advanced 10 per bushel with ■mallaalre of Bed from wagon at $1,30 There is a good demand for Oats, and wo note sales from first hands at Mto 65c. Corn is quiet but steady at 76c for prime Ear from wharf and depot and 80c from There Is no movemeut in Hye or Barley and change to rates. FLOOB—continues excited anil very firm and, as always Is the case when prices are advancing, there l, a good demand. Sumo holder* have wlthfitawn thtir stocks from the market in anticipation of astill farther advance, and some parties-are buying on specnlation. Sale of 100 bbU Extra Family at s7® 7.25, 200 do do at $6,7507,00, and 75 do do $7,«-0@ 7.25. Bye Floor la nominal at $4,8705,00. Duck wboat ta doll aud unchanged. OlLS—There Is a firm feeling In both Oiodo and Befloed Oils, and some holders are asking a slight advance over Saturday’s quotations. Wecontlnue to quote Crude at B>£c In bhik a d 13>£01tc In bbl; 30c for city brands of Reined In bond, aud 40c, free, and brauda are offered at 33@350— packages In eluded in *U cases. There is s fair demand, lor Ben zine at 20c. PROVISIONS—Bacon Is firm with small sales at «o for Bhoulders; B®Oa for tlbbei and Clear Sides; B}£c for Plain Hama; and o>4c for Sugar Cnrod. Sale of 15 bbls new Mess Pork at $14,50. Lard is firm at Do for prime country, and 10c for City Leaf.' GROCERIES—There is a moderate demand for Groceries, and the market is firm with small sales of Sugar at ll@L2}£r, Coffee 33®31c; and Molasses 54055 c. CHEESE— Sale of 125 bxs prime selected W Bat 12c and 25 bxs Extra at 12%c. BUTTER—Packed Is In demand atl3@l4c; Sale of 5 bbls prime 801 l at- 21® 22c WHISKY—SaIe of 15 bbls Common Rectified at 65c per gallon. BAGS—have again advanced and two bushel Seam less are now held at $6O per 100. - The * 4 Oil Exchange”—A suggestion. It may bo regarded now as a fixed fact, we think— that an “Oil Exchange”'has been established. The meeting yesterday was well attended, a constitution and by-laws adopted, and a location, the Board of Trade Rooms, aeleoted. The first meeting for busi ness will l>e to-morrow (Wednesday) and qreryday ; thereafter. Would It not be a good Idea for our merchants gen enUy to follow the example eet by the oil men, and establish a real live Merchants Exchange ? The ob jection may be urged that It has been attempted re* peatedly and always failed. Other cities, with lets business and a smaller population than Pittabnrgh have their regular Exchanges, where buyers aud teller* meet daily, exchange views, and bny or sell as the case may be. It would certainly be more satis factory to business men, while at the safue time It would be a great advantage to the city. Petroleum in New York* Jan. 3L—Cruie Petroleum Is in small supply, and wanted lor export, but prices are no biglier—tbe 1 sales are 2!»U> bh I* 4u®4o gravity, at XS^lQt a6c aa ft It* aud in bbipplng oruer, cbiefiy, 2d®34, immediate delivery. ftcUueU has bean tu lair request, aud prime arecripuoua, as to color and gravity, are rath er higher, the quantity ol these ofiexlog being quite iimiieu, moat ol that now tiu the marker, being Jo* teal. Free OU U nut pleuty. The taio. aie bJ-U bbls iu bond, fitraw color tit prime White, Vesting IU6 to U 5, fcblifly Us@lZt>) at 33)6®4Uc, mostly and a,wu gallons, lu tin, UO4 lor Straw aid low test, to 38®4l lor White; 2i,otfogailous do lu and iW bbisresiduum, $6 bbl. ' Export of Petroleum sloes Ist of Jxnuary— From i,656,117 giber rom....——4tu,b4d ToUl—i*g4l!v. S,bUs.7t>3 Export from how lork (alone) In Jau.) 1882, 375,ULi —Shipping Li*l. bt. Louis Hemp Market, J«n. 30.—There bu been an active demand end e buoyant market in tne p«*t week, end price* have lunUer advanced. The sala* reported bkve cvmprla ed ul Laic* back led tour el $93; IUU bale* twmp Irvin 3liU lor commou, to $1,20(e>1,30 tor prune end cb ice, end suiuelhuig over Oou bale* drca.cd lium $l9O to s2u6 per ton The market i« firmer u dav and aalce were reported ol CO bale* nnoreaacd on private t«rmi—ouder»lood to be at an 'aevauce; 11 oelee dreaaei at fSUUand 17 bale* back led Jow at s»6<£>9{i. —Price uutrent. Seeds in Hew York* Jan. 3L—Clover continues to attract the attention of shipper*—early iu the week aome 7QO bags choice •old at iU&c; eluce tbeu holder* bate inetfectnaUj tried to advance prices. The Sale* of the week amooot to to 2500 bag*, at ll^Qi'^a o ? and 40 tone cleaned, 6UO ba«a Timolbj brought sd,vo@3, eaab. Cauary continaes in active reqoeat, partly •pecniatlve, and pricra are again higher, with *ale*ol 35W boabels BptnUU, Smyrna, and Blclly, at $3,76@i,‘25i carb —now held higher. Calcutta Lin seed ia herd at $3,76 In Boaton, without aalea. —Ship- ping Llat, ' Imports by River* LOUIBVILLB—r*m. Bastixae—loo bxs atarch, Shomaker X Lang; 2uu bbia Hour, Jaa ]l< Cully & co; 173 bgtflaxaeed, bSbble dried peachet, McDonald & A.rbnckle; 3 bhda tobacco, W llioehart; 1 box nalla, Cbea*. Smyth X co; 61 bale* cotton, King, Pen nock X co; 7 bhda tobacco, 1200 bxa starch, 600 bxa meat, 6 large lots coal boat rigging, Clarke X co. WHEELING—fe» 6um—l6B khla floor, Jaa OoUlna X co; 360 bdU paper, W 6 Haven; 100 aka bar ley, Joeboa Ebodee; 30 empty ! bbla, J L Noble X co, 19 bbla apptee, John Herbert; 10 balea wadding, Frownfleld X bror, 3 bbla egga, L H Voigt X co; 8 pea bark mill, Bolman, Garriaon Xco; 1 keg riveia, d Sere ran cep 1 bag bags, W H Qarrard; 11 aka o seed W P Back X co. imports by Railroad* rimmoßi Ft. Watve X Cntokeo Bkiutoan, Feb 2—31 bidet, J H Balaton; 100 bbla flour, SI Con nelly; 100 do do, Mackeown X L&thart; 1 car lumber, ■ Montgomery X oo; IUO bbla floor, Jaa A Falser; 3300 bulk bama, J Mlcbener; 6 dretaed bogi, 2 bbb butter, Übrivor X Lazaar; 20 dos pails, Graham X Iboma; 13 do do, 8 Cooper X co; 23doapalla and waabboard*, K H Myers X co; 20 do do, Haworth X bro; 25 do do, J Mbnowden; 12 do do, Lambert XShlptoo; 31 bale* twine, H Gerwig X co; 30 bbla grease, F Sellers X co; 3 bbla beans, MUler X Blcketsoo. Pirraatraan X CiavtUn SiiuoAD, Jan 31— 26 bbla applet, L H Yoigt X co; 14 bbla flonr, B Bob ertaan X co; 496 bga com, Obaa Hartman; 60 bbla lard, Chas Caldwell; 31 aka dry fruit, LH VcigtX co IS bbla apple*, 23 bga potatoes, Frank Vangorder; 72 empty carboys, Jaa Irwin; 10 bf bbls> flab, WattX Wilson; 2 bbla peas, cbnlise, son X cd. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. Th« river i> again rising at this point, with over niM feet by the pier marks last' evening. The weather, yesterday, was dear and cod, and very fa* vorable for business. Business U somewhat better at tbe wharf, thcagh there is still room for Unprorement. There has been no transient arrivals or depart ores. The Kellie Boger*, from fit, Louis, and the Silver Clood, from Cincinnati, are both here to-day. : The local packets sppesr to be doing a very fair business. TheXmperor, Capt. Charles Bravo’s new boat, his been towed op to the business part ©t tho • landing, and h— a sign out for fit. Louis, She Is a very fine attracts considerable attention.. ; . The Davenport, Capt. fi. 0. Gray'k new boat, Is progress log finely, and will, it to thought, be com pleted about the first of oast month; She to owned by thg Northern Line Packet Company, end will be placed la the fit. Louis and fit. Paul-trade. i Capt. -Boblnson, of the Bastings, to.not altogether certain whether hie two colored cooks who fcU Into the hands of the rebels when they captured the boat; were killed or not. After they were taken off tba boat by the rebels, he saw nothing of them. Oheof the cooks was named Frank flows, and resided In Fayette county, this State, /Wewere unable to learn tha name cf the other. It to bnt proper to state that Capt. Boblnaon did all in his power to save them both, hut the rebels could not be prevailed on to re lease any of their colored prisoners. The Argonaut No. 2, Capt. J. W.; Porter, to filling np rapidly tor Bt. Louto, and will fdon be reefy to leave. «... v The stannch steamer Hastings, Cant Boblnaon, to announced to 'We tor Clndmutl'and Louisville on Wedocsdsy,evening. Tba Minerva, Capt. Gordon, to the Wheeling pack* et tor to-day, leaving promptly at 11 a. m. The Nellie Bogers, C*pt, Gould, to announced lor fit. Louto forthwith. 1 ,i I —- Groceries.- . ' : ‘ to khds. prime N. 0. Bugtfi 80 do “■ Cnba dot » do P.B. dost 60 bble. Tellew - ; doj is d> c.a . do? 16 fie Crushed do; J to do M k" Coffee do; 7frbag« Bio Coffee;‘ ‘ * ISO bbts. prime K. 0. Molseeeet 84 do LorvinfCsßjfTUK lOj do ataorted brands m rap; 10 do Bleached Whale Oil; W do NAlXardClH i' ‘ 60 bones Tobaooo— fie and-lOsj; - * do bright Tobacco; if.; .> Mg attwU ,-i. . >r:cts£.w i; i Ja For ciNCEQykTi & Lou-ij IS VIL LE.—Tho light draught ateam •■UuLmaS er HASTINGS, Capu Bobt. kioLineoa, wtu Mtvv u above on Wf.uXANl»A.X,;tbe 4.b inet., at 4 p. u. ifor trtight or piuaagb apply on board or to f .. JOHN, FLACK. lilUtt OfilnU AjI* XJ CAJ-Ni 1 Jj LOCtd.—Tho II ad'now '*teimer£gss2|3Si fcKLLIK KOQlCttS,'Captain GokU» *ul ie»\« «4 atxrse oo WEDNESDAY,4Ih instant 10.*. ja. For fieiabt or pia£aard or to J. B.iilViKGSlOii AuU, fc3 JOHN FLACK, FJU GlN'GlNiyAi'l, LOUIS-i JEStA VILLE AND ST. LoCls.—The atid elegaoieteaaier ABGONAUTNo. SVuapt.u. w. Porter, will leave for the above and interaediata purl* THIS DAY, id io»t., at 4 p, m. For freight or passare apply bn board or To ;~- )&> J. B. LI VISQ3TO3ACO , Agents. ZASEsVILLtt- PACKET.— the steamer LIZZIE uapt. D. T. Brown, will leave PlTT»ui*j& t.r cAttKaYILLB every SATURDAY at 4 o’clock p. m< . tteioxiilog, wlu leave ZANESVIILE every TUESDAY, at a o'clock a. tn. For freight or pas* uge apply on board or to p 046 J. B. LIVINGSTON A CD., Agent*. LXEtt.ULAK tfBEKLY.g'A J\) ZANESVILLE PACKET.— ThcASSSiSa* acvrand bcantiful pasxnger steimer JfiMutA. wad ham, GapU Monroe Ayers, leaves Pittsburgh for Zane&ville KVEBY TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock' p. m.— Uothrnlng, leaves Zanesville EVEBY.FIiIDAY, at 8 a. ib. For freight or passage apply on board or to J. B. LIVINGSTON A 00., Ag4ats, Pitttburgb. U. 5. PiEECE A CO., Agents, Zanesville. . no 7 . l QAQ —Hkw a-kkaage- i mg-..* IOUO. KENT.—'WHBEMH9 PtTToBUBQU DAILY : EXPIIESS Lio*.— i** now autf eplendid sidewhoel packet ARMADA, Gapt, tcorge W. Johnson, leaves PitUbntgb for Wheeling every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FttIDAY, at 11 o’clock a. m., poectoal y. Ltavea Wheeling for Plttiborgh every TUESDAY ,THUBS DAY and SAIUBDAY, at 8 a. m. The fine fajsbebqeKijcs^a steamer MINKEY A, ■ Cant. JohstfJjjaniiUß Gordon, leaves Pittsburgh for Wheeling every alao* DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, ht il a. m., nwctually. L-eavc# Wheeling for Pittsburgh every IIONDAY, WEDNESDAY and F&ll>As;:ai 8 a.m. Tbe above steamers mike dose connections at Wheeling with line sule.« heel steamers for Marietta, Parkenbarg acd Cincinnati. Fur trekbt or passage fcpply on board or to JAB. COLLINS A 00., Agents, jag 114 Water street. FOP. AbbiOiilSlS'b b. AIj 11 OF VALUABLE BXAfc KdTATB—I will expose te PUBLIC SALE, " ON Tneiday, Feb.lO r IB6S, at 11 o’clock a. m. 1; ON TBE FBEIIIBEB, All that nl liable lot or plepe of ground situate 1b i the Third Word, City of Pit-sburgh, bounded and describeda* follows: „ Begtaulhg «t the eeatern comer of Cherry alley n and Liberty bum!; thence along Liberty street' outwardly alf.et l>fc Inches to the line of property, uowor lata of A SeiLertj tbenoeby the same 98 feet and &J 4 inches to an allay ten feet wide; thence along said alley 134 feet and 9 lucbee to Plum, alley; thence along floo alley westward!/ XJ feel 1 inch to the line of property nowor late oi J. Fetter; thence by the same, and by ths ilne of property bo* longing to J. Vetter's heiffif northwardly 75 feet; thence by the Und of the last mentioned property 02 teet 4 Inches to Cherry alley, and ihertee by the" same 19 leet 9>s inches to toe ooraer o( Cherry alley end Liberty street;—on which is erected the large br.ck nementa known e* the aiANUIuN nouoa A OCNTINKSTAL HOTILfI. This property Is immediately adjacent to tbe Orest Ktftt.it end Weateru Baliroad Passenger Depot, and aflords a rare chsuce for lnreetment b> capitalists. 1 Irani at Saul JOHN W. BIDDELB,- &B*tgnc« of Gooxge Auxeutz. J. Q. DAVIS, Anctkmoor. FlUiborgb, Uec 17, ‘ Valuable cual bkupukxy k>* SALK -160 AOBK3 0» COAL PAIVILKUK, ediolnlug the town ol Bteubenville, Jetteieon coon? | iy, Ohio, 'too Steubenville Ooal aad.Ooke Mi been latrij tested st the Belmont larnecs, at Mertin*- Title, Ohio, nearly opposite Wheeling, whet® lull tQkirmeUoo may be bed ol lu qualities tor imolt 104 Irua ore. Tnis 0«*1 end Cube prove* to be tbs besi tor smelting purpose* o( any west of tbe mountains. Iren o.n be medifur less money *t ttteapeavlUe Utah M «ny poiut west ot tbe mountain!.. iTbe lmportent tect Is, the receiving end shipping of aU.maierlala wubout hauling. This property Is finely located, lying one-third of emtio open the Ohio nver, snu iue Wheeling extension at the; Cleveland A. Hite* burgb ttailrusd tanning tbe whole lengtb of said coal field. Also, the Fan-Handle (ao called) Bailroed croasce the otuer railroad upon this property. Coal cau be dropped tram-tbe pit cars upon the railroad, or upon boots In tbe Ohio imr.oc into ithe top of • fornece, without second handling. I’nere la a large bod* of cual ndioining the above tract that can be •scored U required. Tbe following are prices that iron ore baa been oActed and sold .|jr, furnhbed by persons conversant with the bnaUlees, and may be relied apun; Iu.OO 1 tons ol native ore could bars been contracted for, delirered'at the furnace,. burned ready for use, K> per cent, ere, at $3 per ton i bupetlor Iron oro has been bought at Cleveland tor £6 per ton, ireight fioin that point, to Steubenville gl 67 ;->oost, dropped at the furnace, W 67» bake Champlain and Missouri .Iron Mountain ore about tbe same. I'bere la ah abundance of fire May, Ume •tone and sandstone' upon it, and lin tbs vicituty. The prwmt ratcaforall materl*ls!eoet mors now; also the metal. ? Any person wishing to Mfoua £- vestment will please call upon Wh. 0, -4HBAHAM, at nteubenvlUfit who will be ready to show tbe ptem« tees and explain its advantagesJ or upon the under* signed, et Ho. 1U Fourth street, Pittsburgh. ■ nofcSmd P.O. dMAKHOM. ORPHANS’ COURT SALK—By vir tu ol *n order of the Otihen*' Ooart of Ado etioDT county, 1 will expoje to PUBLIC SALK| In of.Uto cmfßT UOVaK. 'fliubnrili, Allegheny county, on' WBDSLBDaY, 4ih of Feb* nuri next, at 10 o'clock a. tn*> tho foLowivg Jlctl g,ute, th» propetty of George Budolpb, lato of Al legheny CUy, deoeaatd, to wit: . - ' All incee lucrcdnain contiguous IoU or jlecea ol vacant ground situate and being on the corner ol BobtCcaand Belmontsiteots, in the Vint WardiOl the City of Allegheny, and marked and numbered at ion iua. 12,13,14 and 15in the plan of lota laid ont by the subscriber, by ririoo of the order of the Orphan*’ Uoort, and bounded and described a* fpl lowa, to wit: . , J. Lot 80. 12 beginning at the comer of JUbeoea and Balmont streets, and running tiuhoe along Jtabeoca •treet to feet to the line of tot 80. IS in »aidplaa; thence along the line of aald lot 8e.13 eighty fMt'to an alley ten tot wide; and thence B 6 feet to the cor ner of Bebeeca aad Belmont streets, at the place. cl beginning. The IoU 800. IS, 14 and IS haying each a front of 20 tot oa Bebeoca • treet, and extending back, preeerring the earns width, the distance of 80 feet, to an alley ten feet Wide. ... * Aiao, thoee three other certain lota of ground aUo ate in the Vint Ward, City of Allegheny aioxeaafcL aed numbered in the plan aforerald aa Kcs. 20,21 and 24, and each having a front an Bidgestreet of Id ;eet and d inches, and extending back to the 10 tot alley above mentioned. a . Team or Bali—Use* half of the porchaae money In caebron delivery of the deed, and the balance in twoeqoal annual iiutailmentt, with internet, secured by bond and mortgage. * ' HARAH W. BUDQLPH, Administratrix. , Vacant tom to leaeeln Ihe aame locality, on *i vautageooa terms. ’ ' Jeliuitd ORPHANS’ COURT C4ALHL—-By vir tue ol an order of the Orphan's Court oi ille* gheny county; I will expose to PUBLIC SALS, in the Bo tun da cf the OUUBT HOChB, Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pa., oa WADhBUDAV, the 4ih of February next, at 10 o’clock a. nu, the following property of Catharine Bud&lpb, dec’d: ' A lot of land situate fa the First 'Vrard of the City bf Allegheny, b;groning on Water Lane, at; the northeast corner cl Beneon’e lot; theaoe eaetwardly along aoutbeast side ol Water lane about 273. tot to tbe Lit now or lately owned by OdL David Campbell; tbanco tonthsaidiy aloig said lot 275 leaVto oboe* ’ maker'a alley; or Bim 'street; on the plan of lota laid out of said e»tete; thence eastward/ atoni lekLlet and tbe-north aide of him street about 185 tot to the east Un«of.lot 80. 27Stn theßeenrve tract; thence southwardly by the. east line of lot 80. 873 about 356 test to Bidge street; thenbeaestwardlyialong the do nb side cf Bldgs street about M7.eet to the comer of the tot of George Balpfa!a hair*; tbenoe aL>ng >ho same lot northwardly, parallel with Beibunl s ireet aboug sin net to theeooibw Ijf side of Benajn's lot, thenceeas,vrardlyalongthe, same aboutlitot to the souths \»i ' corner 'oi.Bebeoa’aLu; tbenc* northwaroty along the same abont VS feet, to-Water. Lane, the beginning, [excepting therefrom:, tots Boe.l, 8,11, as namtMueaJn tnapian aforesaid, and alto a (Ot occupied: by Joseph Ackerman 80. S.J jotse last tour low front oa Baboceaecrtet, andar* ea b tobe'tx*cpi*dOat cf the above boandarto. Ihftqtld properly Is divided ih.o totnof oonveplent lice Air budding nurpaeis, lroutmg 1 on; Be&tcce, nidge,. Water Lane ana ether etreeu, and {f no tnlß dent t»d is obtained tor it aa a while, smaller, por tions will be odared at aaid tale. There Mug glao a~ doQble fwp stoned b,Jtok..o.weiLi > g erected on one oi the lots fronting hebeo>a street, terms made known at sale. - jalialid JOdBt'iiBSOX, Bxeculor.Ac. OOPKRiOK BUiIiOIKG: LOTS FOB O tiALt—The iuidarakne4offor|:for/ieie/onree* »n*ble term*, eotnoof the 'cboldeatapota lor build* iuk porpeeee thet ve to be found tfountt Fitttburgh. Tbej err- ittueted'iHtbtn one hundred ferae of the unulnue oft*»oentre AveausHonoJuiJveyi and ; ere beeuttful fecetfoae- *r. prireta dwelling!. ’ The •penary end >rerything mutn them, extremelydo*, •treble for eny one tanking to loeetteuUide of the city Umlte,ead ettbeeemetithe *0 heer ere they thetoonununicetkrafcea bebed witbtbe half mile* from tb* .fiotoogh of Taxtntanu and t&rM«fou , ihadf a mU* from tfa* Al- haTtog a Bo(4n*fiirritf9ViAir from tbi rlvar (o' uld . J. L . VUU>UICK train* JuuifetUlL. Valuable KAttatoH sals.— Tue subscriber offeer UngUm w fctidgsater, eon 'untsx about ISO actes. alt under fete*. Thetm !onm£.MA«MiC*i»M lLm«. •tUt niaHjriew^eha^otrereßtlrttluioce;tuOacr«e * cleared and In a bjghjiuie of cultivation; balance :w«U tin.b«ftd. A large orchard of Apple, Pescb, ; Chart* and Ham treis. A QQmb * r °* p*ia tsillng -sntlsai of the purest witttc The form ,i« bewly all itmderlaldwltn rich dial beds—oae ln :. .... eT A to« feet thick, which fo now J i ~ v.*.«a«nd In goed order. .. Ihtt pnpug * |;eoe»L.i.wl/ W.tod. M.-|.» U DaMingicn, and 3 miles of tha P.,‘ t. W. AU, FLA. ALo wmdn ijfrto' * ■a variety of Churches, iiesnr:Grist and Saw Mills* . t'or inrtber particulars Inquire ol ,the subscriber, ioo?£. JOBS £uH,'Br:. K.«I. Botcl, ■ r.ibrt* sir. et, Pittsburgh. i '-• |: ua7«n«nd . WM. DOrV;Kl»mb>r. L>LAoT KUJbLNACK iVKOfJBK'i’X IN 0 Odio fOB BALK.—thii property U I(X »t*d »V O-nal -Dow, lueearmwee coonty, Oiilo, oo t6e xw* caruVM Biauch Ql iba VlaieU d4 * Pltabrogb Hath cLo oa the Ohio (tori; and will *gjd or i> cotMCtlos'irlth 100 AOBBS-MiH* Imrai. i.aSD,sUnatedca the aame tmliroadt ‘olllm from the itarnabe. " * 1 ; of etemlatortha.propert jcaa ap* Iply (e Air. UAU. LKAdLUBAJ', at Uanal Peter. Vor term* Ac* addraM'ot apply to - ‘ • . Oatwauqaa* *a4- - W.THKO; STCBGIB, ■ lUQ Well etreet, Kew York. ■ VALUABLE -i &TKAM FtOUBIMiJ mil enorskrt r«B 84jo«; the thriving Tillage 6i Colambfene, Ohio. Toe Util is of brick* iK story, 40x€9, with antngtos sod miller’s house erected one lot •A ground.am* uirUi, «/ of an acre. The' mill has threo iub-«1 •tones, turee french burrs, and ail the _*«*• J®* Droremenu nsoallj found in a first class mflL Kow i m fail operation, doing a good btulneesi and is offer- • «d at half tbs cost, as «» owner fe going W«tt. • Apply the offl.o ol B, MqLAfM S Mo.-10a [lToartn ttreeC ' ’’ V ' " :i ' lags- CWUNTKY BEAT FOB HALE, eitt*. i ted In FMbln uxnullp, hor BUM lrom tt» fxern Langhlln’s Btettoo. ;Ooa» t,lns 18 a~rt* in a high staie'of cultivation; alerge ■ [ portion of the land has a Beethere exposure, «rMehi owkea It valuable for th* culture of the grape.! *“f E buildings ootuiat of e two-a&ry frame swelling .end: kitchen; en orchard ol ® fruit treea ef the test vark etiee, in-a good neighborhood, is offered at a.low. I dunre and on easy terms. Apply to'‘ * f jag- -B; ttohAlM-A tXA,tfB.Xoorth street. ~ \TA2J3ABIj& farm fob sale.*— V The subscriber will Sell his MAh*£lOii FAUM ou the Moblestowa Flank BoaiT, three miles irom 30n6,‘ retry.' The farm eonteins 60aoree,aU clear ed; the Isad-lseeliimproied end lii good order, with good buildings, orihardi, springs, Ac. A val uable rein of coal under the land will : be told eepv- iate. Jfor pettlculart sppljr to the subscriber, lJb*s lulau* on *m«, AUtghooy Ci‘jr»»n»lun*rlj •iu ihe rwlaenoe 01 Umw ttytiineoo—one of tbeiu in the nowf—lnn 01 Ji A. lUstlhe, ibe other In theipue- MMMii ot Hik oke/j. . for unu,; «».» w jOUct QaX, Jr., kt Wen A Wiuon'e, ho. ertr itrtei, PUtebarKh, nhO 1* noihorued to rehu i B. uNt/«.ttV»W»», del?;3tawtd ijiuJbb I—rA Ounuu* table twostoiy Jj j#wsLLU>iG t ■“val**li ULSu, w l- ■ 10. Iff3 Liu*ti> L'AUAL *Oifc JUfiM’, lunbunuii «i^bt7 Jj twenty term oliftoe-t i*>aua»i*»ia—«»Ut .«lin tt b.uoa tweiutiJp, AUoi b **‘J *“** YVaUer’a i11 .w, ..1 Jit mile* ffuoi tt» dy. •Hagiovo' tttma, **o*l Oii-Aliw- Udttx+m* baiiditt**. sow ooCcpitd uj Jta** H. ApLl* to 1 itiAAO WA.AJSt^Jr., VtUu’t AIUiJ : or, HMiD * M*IZUAB, • So. t*9 Liberty loot; rltumrak. | 1 U U A Til X ' iUtt. HtttT,—Two , comioxtaUe dweUiß*» to Tilt luwaalup-on* h*Tin« an orchard of two *ctci,-Uu», oikttiut acwaipUoty of irniii i#4 tinpcit lb* [•mail place can b» } pa«hw on Kimnlnof WATT 4 WlLbOHi ;, ‘ i*u i*lbcn>.»tr«>U . i.hjk. HAfti—a Jatfeo well ugnted I* ruom ia tb* lUum Buildup foortb ttmtj apply 4i &* Coontluf Boom ot TAlfi UJfHUti mlttdtf 1 • .' - ~ ; KUiA'l—Uae two story iSHIOJk JJ DWSIibIBG fiOO&Jt»«UB*UHi oB •*««»» vltb seroo rooms, i’oaaewiion glren lit ot April. T JAM. UAIABLL A 808. . lals - 69 and TO Waff uraai. fc XOJUS ikUUM. i'U £42 Üb» I «rty iirat, mi bud ot Void, tn&i Uo lit ol Ap. UM xU : deM | Mo. 2*i and g**:l*ibrtj rtregt; IjHJK BAUB Uit KKM'Jr-rAn Oil Ko , ? torn. lirooi»pl®l* *nt«r. Apply to!-' 1 i jiob-a AKianaa, Att’y at Lag. N 0.136 ffoonh «U OM iOHS 'ru WX.— *me eaob OB lint uxd second fiber of Warehouse Ko«. 80 and 81 Wotertttsot. mJULZ PICKS* *GOi f illl imii j'lll liiiiiin -i -i-f-- --*- ®. ■ABMCB* IiiDSAY ABABBOUB, Ij ■ i : i T OA&£ OX Oil It, bAMPMAHOTAOTnEiaS, Ho, p HpOP BTBBET, . . TI7OODYILLB OIL BEFINERY. ’ " OEOBQa y. BOLDUHIP 4 OCKt BUBHIHQ OIL SHBLUBHIOATIHQ OIL, oosetintly on buitf *b* very beet'quality ot BUBHIHG LUBOIGATOB, rare WHITS BSHZOLE 4nd USB nhtiHE. . ••• , ..‘i ! MTAU orders left et Ho. 86 Jura fltust, Beak Block, second floor. wilTbo promptly attended to. oc6:dtf ‘' '; " f ' ;i '• •'• I IMJJSN'J! OUj WOKKB. * 00., Pima whits BironuMUABOH oiu. Offlo*. 80. s9l LMrty^ffcrWt, Mjfr.B»daJl frirtutrotf, tmtorgK!’*., or BBfIiIXD'OASBOV OIL aad M-ZOuA.; ''•! - ■•;•» ■; I| • Fxlom tonlaj pa fiafiaod CU: Byot1oW!.. I m;i.m.iii' ... 80oaato P«r gallon. ■■ • gguUton..M «• P : , ao ctorfte tor pookao.'- - .'p«c*pbwc4t& Mak*-'• -•■ "' -•- ! " ' "• “ jAßiib mw%= ! Maantootonr Of OIL Of TOBOL, ; i. . and . AQUA AHHOBUu . Orders lift aiWßHam'Holaua JtOo.'a Uffici, oar* nar of AUrkat k&4 flnt atmta,will ikoltoprompt attention." c- • : nap -; JJIAMUM> VlJjr WOUJiO. r. MATLOU4BUITB, Baton aaddealn la GABBOB OlL,oc*urpn*d bja&ylßthaaurket. . * - - Order* bit at the- bffioa if ChfldeA Oanost«&J*r the L Chert** ttoul« at the office ol Bxniih, Hr* * or at their work* la Lam*acetlUe» WB be .mOaauii r-sr> Bom af Grade OIL I UUUU&UU' WUKKt>. ! ... WILLLAK P. fFOOIALDQM, ■"*' . HUCTACTDEMi**■ ' OOXt; A»»rq*JlßOH OILB, ■ ■; -I t inditoatoln. ••. mMKfedlv. a -•’ v ~" ■'• -'J‘ ' ■ ■ - 'DSFIKfiO OiXi £Ofi fiXPOEX.—Tho pmndto aril tU tfcrt *y.*”rHߣi cl SSS-ri2SSSlor2tock to; PhitoMpbU, «■ * S2y*sJS?ffi*llook Potet; S*r WD) IKdldirlrtoti trm lOttto I«(H}Q barai* frM aboard SSfIFS&i lAdta; ttiagfmVftad lot* on UUJilWVVii'a iMJUNUXUN MUB- inrocallfccf a topply of «>>fi «n»aßKjlfcdJifnitmrd; pia op In Ijoaftor, half utd >Mi to*ay««.*r(* »?<%*»•<* at talall, atU« tunltrOlMaiJ6tow af.»l •?. !■■ •.- c :■ •- - : M ntlQHfaapUV^ ?, o*mr WmmmAJfr* «■»** - ■ -gi> ■ j ; g3Sv>- r s'f:w^^!s-- r gpii Cl LEVBjL *• ) prrTßßDbou itfi?H3tsgSs§nHßSsi WB K E LIK GHA It S< J a W I K T S H *“*• HONDA*, 111 fa, *m iXmIM- W»-J»*** tHpC'i' of thfuTbiriiytTanW 5 R*ifrvi*3, D» Pitt*- bjush, M faUfcjir*; j '. 'i. S PiUtbmrgk, Qetkmcm +*>a i _t*cri * f * ’' rifcaieavifc*. LenTtA -v.—-.1 l:fk a. su 1:10 p»*a* do I 4:20 * ; ! 'tM) ** do Sewarfc.; .i 11-88 “ Ifctt " db 1:06 p. mu UWQ a. nu ArriTt* 6i20 •» 6i4p. ** - do St. Lddia •» .-V-v KocL&tiko ot an Ih-iWoCq i'UMbargh a*Bzg,and ST»:a.a.fer;fisr®onkirh ■ kni/Bal»o [with .0. AJV lkl B for Tdu^petroil S‘Ohk«oiaidui«KortV , ? c #' - ; y<>Vikynit.My^r i T n T T * tf,m lru fee at 8:00 p. m. ietertau^ 1 tnias pfciTo. at 0;a)>. in., 4*lo a. m .&85.ina;na)Q»,.i%..^, KI . —T&xodgb 7?set4'ts;«ll pn>« upfrfi tba Wset or Soath-wast, itorih.or Jiorth-weat, can ha ETucttrod at tbq-£ribcrtr BtrrpT Depot,- PHtotmigh. 4 j ; L I For further Information, apply to : WILLIAM feTKyVABT, Agent, • "At (ha Comj>a4rV. Ufljiicj In. Freight Station* 7eou ti. BCfio , ;• l . -r .■•:■ •’ »• ■ ims™— '■ IXsw-tj?? 63 ■ tf&Alis. Io«*nrt H**- connections'*! :&r 'f&Htntorb add Waah* Ids tea, and *rBWTO»Ht V* TtVXBBODQH JnLPillcij SUaIJ leatca dctfp U idO run., ttocblmg OfllT e.l ynacfpidjrtattonvnialun* direct ehnhocMoh ev:B*Kfeta*£ Sftrißalttnoxs and . WauMscten. andfcr arn-Vork tia Altatttown rout*_ -ad Philadelphia. :,! • ' ■ • , ; - • fha FAI» iLlHEinrrer tiia Sty»Vj* daUr(except «fl»d*y,) teVUto v. iTc.% ft-jpp'usopiy itatlona. connecting at Hnrr’dtKirj fcr : Bnttlmcreand AtHPhUiaclAia :or Sew Tort, v*. A - lao dofah«tdfrn\Acco*°isoa>ttou ireia-iMvtc daily* (sxcept Snaday) otifclhp. W ttfpykS »tiul;***s!3ni and rnunlßg *f £ir'«j;UiiiemfcE&U- ; , Tralb tor Stilton leave* daily (dsKrtßtedOTj at Sided. ntu - lrwa-tocrWrii’r Station lacna dafiy (exoapttionCoy) at U:4G a. &. ThirdTSocomstiCaatioa Irtlu .lor WaJI • btattoa Itjatei dally (exoept Sandsylat £OO p; m. : . The Church Train Jeavea wiU'a.Statton every Sun day at a,m-; retoxnln*, lcavw PUUbtugh at Hi- i ’*'' ‘ “ i ; . . .1 '• ■ ~l>iurnl2r'Tntfaa arrive' inPlttjbthjn aa lcllowa; Baltimore Bxpmas*' W:45 p. to.; Philadelphia Ex pna, US pj 04 if«at hice, a. nu; tJahnetewa hkunsMdatloht :lc:89 a* ii. 1 f Imt Wall’a Station ; Acowambdaiion, &29 a. w.; bovaadWaU’a Station Accommodation, &a 5 a. u.; Third Wiili'r Station Accommodatl**," IUO p. 0.: Wall’e Station Aoccmm*iatk>a,fc6o p. ra; Baltimore Xaprett will arrive with Philadelphia Kxprwa at Uio p. m., on Monday*. Trnina : lor BlalarrUle and Indlanaacniwctatblalia rllle j Interaction with Mail and Ac* Conttnodattidt Caat and Went. ! ■ **■ The odhjlo.wtu Bw4 it jjrietly to their ; internt, ih tojt 6i Waat. to travel by the'PwinjyJTania - 1 nMtroad,ae iheehqph^nedatinai: now ottered nasndc tk attrpaaeedds any aiharaviHe.?*>Tfae *t*«»d if haUaated jeitn.atooei two iron* dnvt, W* VgediandoocUoirtlteaßMh. thifUoad-wlth ttiMr pitrottnav “:.;V'f ;/j ';;;; /.J .To’Mew-Totit——~hl2 80"To 'aidkniore,;,'.«... W ue to pbUfdtiph^- iU CuiTo 6«O to Jlartiabara •'-«O^li : ' 1 BAggage atoohad to all dtatiOM Oh the ju* ueaxrai ttaiiroaj,' and to PhUadalpbla, iicltljnore ‘juaUfc* ikik. . .! ,| ...I „ . : pcrooMtns ;Uok»u..>s oars *»GI o* charged ; an' .uce**, According to dietdnoe travolrd t ts addltldnl toj tW vUiioair»tesi except Srost -wh^th»Oo»paliiyha»n DOLLAK SAVINGS BAJiK, So. 65 \ Fovutb Strxkt. '. •".["■ ' \ 1 {• ] nWATtTEREP ra t88&. , |- > > Open dally from fr to 8 o'clock, also bn Wednesday and Baturday evenings, from May Ist to November lit, from 7 to. 9 o’clock, and froxa;Norember Ist to May Istfrcoa oto 8 O’clock. i Depcs&s ireodved of aU sums not lees than One i Dollar ,!ah6 a dividend of the prodts;declarod twice a V I year, tnUtme and December. Interest has been de- \ dind mml-annually, in Jane end'December, since | the" Bank ins organized, at the rate of six per cent. Upw.C •; ■■■-■-■•?■ f ; ■ ' Interest, !tf. not drawn out, U placed! to tha credit of the depositor ae'prindpal, and bears the same In tonat fromithe firstdays ol June and December, com pounding twice a year without troubling the deposl- \ [tor tocaUioreTentoprasent'htspasß.book. At this I rate, money will doable la. Ices then twelve yean, I in the aggregate szoht xxt> oss-saxs rn jomß.h'nfAJL 1 Books, the Oharter, jßy-Xatri, Boies, I and-Begulattbns;fiirni*hed gratis, on application at 1 ■ the office. J j, .■ I PakeioxHT—OBOBQE ALBBK3L I .... ]• 1 . Tie* ri*ax»£Jns;i I Johnß.;MiF«ddro, j j ,T*mo it P.nnock, I John Holmes, : I Marshall, I Alexander fipaer, * James B. I). Meeds, Btnl.L, Fahnestock, A. M. Foliock/M. - James Jfo&oley, i , HlUEurgwtn, I James Herdman, \ Wldiam J. Anderson. ! I-V ““j nmtukt .! ' I Alexander Bradliy, JamcsD. Kelley, I Jglu O. B*cko:«o, Pettr i. UMolre, I tieorießlaofc, John B. Major, 1 JohnßjCanfleld, Jamesßbidle, I Alonso A. Carrier, i hobert Bobb, I ObarueA. Ooiten, Walter F. Marshall, I William Douglas, , JolmOrt, I John Brans, -? ‘Henry L. BlngvraU, I Hopewell Hepbjirxi, John B. Shocnberger, j WllUani &-Ban>o, William S. Cchmeita, , I. Feitr H. Hooker, Alexander Tmdle, I. JKtchacd Bays, -v Imso Whittier, | William B. Barely, Christian Yeager. 1 ExcnrrixT A Taxiicnsa—CHAs. A. COLTON. 1 feitflewl . - • . .'j.'i MEtttC^fJL. rpAIKE NO ; MOB£ ’UNPLEASANT A'LAKDUHBAFK MNDIOINKS.—Tor unpleasant and'.'dangerous diseases, use- HELMBOLD’B JEX TBACT BUCHU r “whlch has received the endorse ment of the most prominent physicians In the United States.. Is now offered to an afflicted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symptoms ■■ nHgfn*nny from diseases tu abuse of the Urinary . or 'Sexual Organs : General Debility, -Mental and \ Physical Depression, Imbecility* Determination of <1 , Blood to the HmdvOenfused Ideas, Hysteria, Oer eral I IlnttaMMty, Beatlessncq and ttleeplesssea at Nlgb& Absence, of-Muscular Efficiency, Los* of Appetite, rDyspepsla,'emaciation,'Low-bpirits, Disorganisa tion or Paralysis of the Organs ol Generation, Palpi tation of the Heart, 1 and is ttwconcomitant* ef a nervous and debilitated state ol the system. I To insure this 'genuine,, cot this, out. Ask Co# Helmhotd’a. Tahe iw otha. I Beo advertisement In' another cotemn. •; apiO-.dkwy Svtck m w&bi&JjX b&'x-nakita'jgk > Htw ynpK'AMD LlYXßttiOl*, Uuß lnßus«abSfin«P«w^»‘^tCiloiu»to lwrk.. ral Phltadt}. ihW flfiianfiitprfVMiwg l»tand gaßß>tchi«i» tbetr Jnll.aomad tknn»4*****l4 fi** York* troa LiT«fpooli of llOO, SUO «»4 &° B Jr res famtd&nl Otrrj ■ «xp# ***d- bvsceoa. Ttmw ' Ztt -baO* in tad hin board.,; v ; .3 , t , Acoat, }.. •• • f • >i y BrowdiirblTSit lor>i -y<3318 THOMPWJB, A«nV ■Mftdtf . ■> iiom>*»tT:«tT»»t?yieubqr»h. iOttWßkli . ?*; e. foxtjs * cou ■' ; .... r .[ r .. kaocteotatirg o| ~ i tSUyILfiQAZ fIBA'RB, .O&ANK6* &ISTOX3 &OD» , .jrvw**w9& vir^Biss,fiuooaumTs * AAd-tflkiadMi>BMV7'Vorsmfl. ; : •‘«irfclrw»• * V’'* ■ Owiin, Pju P&IMK OLIVE OIL. iu boUc ud qtn i uulfU. sw tom. in Bto Jm by CmUri.'a Aaoi>KAwaaa,»* aa D »OraiUJJ.AC<^»WW*U*«*«i .assifr&j; s%